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We must also specifically review the use of social security numbers (SSNs) within systems and programs to identify instances where the collection or usage is not necessary and can be eliminated. 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this standard operating procedure (SOP) is to provide steps for implementing the NASA Plan for Reviewing and Reducing PII, assuring that NASA retains only the minimum PII holdings required for operations and administration. This SOP: Implements a procedure for eliminating the unnecessary use of PII Includes an explanation of roles and responsibilities. Presents the process for conducting an annual review of NASA PII holdings and progress toward reducing and eliminating unnecessary instances of PII. As defined in NASA Procedural Requirements (NPR) 1382.1, PII is any information about an individual maintained by an agency, including, but not limited to, education, financial transactions, medical, criminal or employment history and information which can be used to distinguish or trace an individual's identity, such as their name, social security number, date and place of birth, mother's maiden name, biometric records, etc., including information in identifiable form (IIF), personal health information (PHI), or any other personal information which is linked or linkable to an individual. For purposes of this procedure, PII is information, which when used either alone or combined with other information, can be used to trace and identify a specific person. 1.2 Scope This SOP applies to the NASA Privacy Program Manager, the Center Privacy Managers and all NASA PII holders (this includes PII holdings in the form of paper, electronic or any other media format). NASA conducted a survey in Fiscal Year (FY) 2006 that established a baseline inventory of systems and applications containing PII. This procedure was based off the Master Personally Identifiable Information List (MPIIL) which was updated by the Center Privacy Managers in 2008. During FY 2007, NASA refined and revalidated the inventory, identified opportunities and formulated plans for reducing those holdings. Beginning with the second quarter of each fiscal year NASA will conduct an annual review of all of its PII holdings in any form. As part of the annual review, NASA will validate or revalidate the need for its PII holdings. 1.3 Applicable Documents OMB M-06-16, Protection of Sensitive Agency Information OMB M-07-16, Safeguarding Against and Responding to the Breach of Personally Identifiable Information OMB M-07-19, FY 2007 Reporting Instructions for the Federal Information Security Management Act and Agency Privacy Policy NASA NPD 1382.17G, NASA Privacy Policy NASA NPR 1382.1, NASA Privacy Procedural Requirements NASA NPR 1600.1, NASA Security Program Procedural Requirements NASA ITS 1382.1, NASA Plan for Reviewing and Reducing Personally Identifiable Information and Eliminating Unnecessary Use of Social Security Numbers (SSNs) 1.4 Roles and Responsibilities The roles and responsibilities during the annual review and reduction of PII holdings are as follows. 1.4.1 The NASA Senior Agency Official for Privacy (SAOP) shall: Approve the annual NASA Plan for Reviewing and Reducing Personally Identifiable Information and Elimination of Unnecessary Use of Social Security Numbers (SSNs). Approve the annual NASA Report on Reviewing and Reducing PII and Eliminating Unnecessary Use of SSNs. 1.4.2 The NASA Privacy Program Manager shall: Establish the specific PII Review and Reduction reporting requirements and communicating them out to the Center Privacy Manager community. Consolidate all of the Center PII Review and Reduction reports and draft the annual NASA Report on Reviewing and Reducing PII and Eliminating Unnecessary Use of SSNs for inclusion in the annual Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) report as required. Provide follow-up actions to the appropriate Center Privacy Managers to ensure actions are completed for those areas where PII holdings can be reduced as indicated in the PII review and reduction report. Develop employee notices regarding the use of SSN and eliminating the unnecessary use in electronic and non-electronic form. 1.4.3 The Center Privacy Manager shall: Send tasking to their PII holders to review, revalidate, and report reduction progress for their current PII holdings, justifying any new holdings. Consolidate the reports from the PII holders Analyze the consolidated reports of PII holdings to find redundancies or questionable holdings, and methods of reducing them. Submit a report to the NASA Privacy Program Manager as required each fiscal year using Appendix A. Coordinate with the Center Forms Manager the review of new and existing Center forms that use SSN. 1.4.4 PII Holders shall Review and validate all PII holdings during the second quarter of each fiscal year, as directed by their Center Privacy Manager. Submit a report to the Center Privacy Manager with justification for any previously reported or new PII holdings, using Appendix B. 1.5 Process for Reviewing and Reducing PII Holdings 1.5.1 Second Quarter of each Fiscal year: The Center Privacy Managers will receive a Privacy Action item request from the NASA Privacy Program Manager (which is communicated and tracked through the Chief Information Officer (CIO) Action Tracking Registry) directing them to start the annual PII Review and Reduction exercise. The Center Privacy Manager will communicate and assign PII holders the task of reviewing, revalidating, and reducing their current PII holdings and justifying any new holdings. The Center Privacy Manager will provide the PII holder with the Privacy Action request, a soft copy of both the ITS SOP 0046 guide and the MPIIL reporting template spreadsheet that is to be used by the PII holder. The PII holders will review all PII holdings (electronic and physical) to find ways of reducing them and to justify those that remain. The PII holders will use the MPIIL reporting template spreadsheet to document their review findings. The report will contain proposals for reducing their PII holdings as well as justifications for PII holdings that remain, whether they are new or were previously reported. The Center Privacy Manager will work with PII holders to ensure the timeliness and completion of the following SSN reduction exercises from the previous years PII Review and Reduction Report: Verify whether those PII holdings that were candidates for consolidation were consolidated. Verify whether those PII holdings that were slated to be eliminated during the previous year actually were eliminated. Verify whether those PII holdings that are slated to be eliminated over the next two years are still on schedule for elimination. Verify whether those PII holdings that were slated to be replaced during the previous year were actually replaced. The Center Privacy Manager will develop a plan to work with their Center Forms Manager to conduct a review of all existing Center forms that use SSN (to be completed by second quarter of the following FY). The plan will include the following:: Timeline for conducting review of all existing forms with the Center Forms Manager to identify those forms that use SSN. Timeline for reviewing forms that use SSN with form owner to identify those forms were SSN can be truncated or masked or replaced by Universal Uniform Personal Identification Code (UUPIC). For those forms where the owner indicates SSN is no longer needed, ensure the owner communicates to Center personnel to no longer use SSN on the form until the form can be revised. Identify process and timeline to revise those forms where SSN can be truncated, masked, or replaced. Document justification for continued use of SSN on forms still requiring the use of SSN on the MPIIL. Timeline for implementing a process with the Forms Manager to review all new forms in development to ensure SSN is not used or there is justification for the use of SSN on the form. 1.5.2 Third Quarter of Each Fiscal Year: The Center Privacy Manager will consolidate and analyze the reports of PII holdings from the holders to find redundancies or questionable holdings, and identify methods of reducing them. The Center Privacy Manager will submit a comprehensive Center PII Review and Reduction report to the NASA Privacy Program Manager using the format in Appendix A. This comprehensive report will contain a consolidated report of the Centers PII holdings (MPIIL), a summary of the analysis, justification for PII holdings, and a plan to review and reduce the use of SSN on Center Forms. 1.5.3 Fourth Quarter of Each Fiscal Year: The Privacy Program Manager will consolidate and analyze the Center PII Review and Reduction reports submitted by the Center Privacy Managers. The Privacy Program Manager will compile and draft NASAs Report on Reviewing and Reducing PII and Eliminating Unnecessary use of SSNs and provide updates to the NASA SAOP for approval and inclusion in the annual FISMA report. The SAOP will review for approval the NASA Report on Reviewing and Reducing PII and Eliminating Unnecessary use of SSNs and ensure it is made publicly available. 1.6 Content of the Master PII Holdings Report 1.6.1 Information to be reported on the MPIIL includes (see Appendix B): NASA Center What is the center location of the system System Name Name of system, application, or form System Function What is the function of the system, application or form System Security Plan Number What is the system security plan number System Security Category (L,M,H) What is systems categorization level System Owner Who is the Agency Official responsible for the system Is this a Privacy Act (PA) System (Y/N) Does this system qualify as a PA system What is the published System of Record (SOR) Name What is the name of the SOR Notice System of Record (SOR) System Manager Who is the point of contact for the SOR What types of records are in the system- What types of PII data elements are in the system Does this system collect information on the public (Y/N) Does the system store personal information from the public How are the records physically stored Are the records stored in electronic, paper or on microfilm Has an OMB security checklist been completed - Provides specific actions to be taken by moderate or high systems that are either accessed remotely; or physically transported outside of the agencys secured, physical perimeter Is this system maintained or operated by a contractor (Y/N) Is the system maintained or operated by a non-civil servant What is the contract number which covers this system What is the contract number assigned by the Contracting Office Is the Privacy Act FAR Clause included in the contract (Y/N) Does the contract contain the specific language binding contractors Are the system of records being disposed of per the PA SOR notice in accordance with NASA Records Retention Schedules (NRRS) (Y/N) Are the SOR being disposed of properly Are the system of records being disclosed of per the PA SOR notice (Y/N) Are the SOR being disclosed of properly Does the system collect or maintain social security numbers (SSN) (Y/N) Does the system capture or retain SSNs Is this system a candidate for consolidation (Y/N) Can the PII holdings in this system be combined with another system Is this system scheduled to be replaced in FY09 (Y/N) Will this system be replaced during the current fiscal year Is this system scheduled to be decommissioned or eliminated in FY09 (Y/N) Will this system be decommissioned or eliminated during the current fiscal year Is this system scheduled to be decommissioned or eliminated in FY10 or FY11 (Y/N) Will this system be decommissioned or eliminated during the next fiscal year Remarks - For noting special considerations, schedule for reductions, or any other information that is pertinent 2.0 Approval _______________________________ ________________ Bobby L. German Date Chief Information Officer (Acting) Appendix A [Center] Privacy Act Managers Annual Review and Reduction of Holdings of Personally Identifiable Information as Required in OMB Memorandum M-07-16 Introduction [Example wording for introductory paragraph] In accordance with ITS-SOP-0046, Review and Reducing Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and ITS-Plan 1382-1, NASA Plan For Reviewing and Reducing Personally Identifiable information (PII) and Eliminating Unnecessary Use of Social Security Numbers (SSNs), a review was conducted in 2nd quarter FY09 of electronic applications containing PII as reported by the holders to find redundancies or questionable holdings, and methods of reducing them. Possible methods of reduction included elimination, consolidation or setting time limits on retention periods. Review and Reduction Analysis [Analysis of review] Using the data reported on the Master PII List (MPIIL), provide a narrative summary on the review of those applications containing PII and their status such as those decommissioned as a result of being consolidated into an agency-wide solution, those that can replace SSN with UUPIC or a government-wide alternate identifier, or if retaining PII is justifiable, what controls are in place (or are planned to be put in place) to protect the information (such as suppressing visibility of SSN on screens or in reports, encryption, etc.). See the discussion of the figures in ITS-PLAN 1382-1 for examples of how to write narrative summaries of data that are presented in a table. The results of this review are summarized in the following table: Number of Applications Reported Containing PIINumber of Applications Where Retaining PII JustifiedNumber of Applications that were candidates for decommission in FY09Number of Applications that were candidates for consolidation in FY09Number of Applications that are candidates for decommissioning or consolidation in FY10Number of CandidatesActual Number decomNumber of CandidatesActual Number decom Plan for Review of Center Forms using SSN [Detailed plan of how this is going to be accomplished in FY09] Giving specific dates, provide a timeline to contact the Center Forms Manager, develop a list of all forms currently using SSN, review all existing forms currently using SSN with the owner, if SSN can be eliminated from the form,the process and timeline for removing SSN from the form, and implement a process for reviewing all new forms that will require the use of SSN. The following format for timeline may be used: ActionStartFinishContact Center Forms ManagerReview all existing Forms for use of SSNUpdate MPIIL with all Forms that use SSNContact Owners of Forms to set up meeting to discuss use of SSN and possible eliminationDocument on MPIIL the continued use of SSN on forms still requiring it.Ensure communication is provided to Center personnel on eliminating the use of SSN on forms no longer requiring SSNIdentify process for eliminating SSN on form if no longer requiredIdentify timeline to eliminate SSN on those forms no longer requiring SSN.Implement process with the Forms Manager to review all new forms in development to ensure SSN is not used or there is justification for the use of SSN on the form.  For FY10, the following information will be requested as a result of reviewing forms for use of SSN according to the plan identified above: Number of Forms Using SSNNumber of Forms where Continued use of SSN on Form is JustifiedNumber of Forms where SSN can be eliminatedNumber of Forms that are candidates for removal of SSN in the next two yearsNumber of Forms that are candidates for decommissioningFY10FY11FY10FY11 Appendix B Report on Personally Identifiable Information (PII)  EMBED Excel.Sheet.8      PAGE   PAGE 10 ITS-SOP-0046A -- Review and Reduce PII and Eliminate Unnecessary use of SSN Reporting  PAGE i ITS-SOP-0046A -- Review and Reduce PII and Eliminate Unnecessary use of SSN Reporting  PAGE 11  /0Z% & 5 6 7 8 F H ^ _ ` f l { | ŵŭة||u|u| h%hW hWCJh=_&hWCJhWhWCJ$aJ$huYCJ$aJ$hWhuYCJ$aJ$h _hM hI=h5$he'h4h, h5Mh5$Rhh#/hz[h{h"h5$R hh5$R hh5$Rjh5$RUmHnHu.& 6 7 G L _ $Ifgd5$R'$a$gdW'gdW #$a$gd#/gd5$RIJJ_ ` f s { offf $Ifgd5$Rkd$$IfTl4F  e"W" 0.6    4 laf4ytWT{ | offf $Ifgd5$Rkd$$IfTl4F  e"W" 0.6    4 laf4ytWT offf $Ifgd5$Rkdv$$IfTl4F  e"W" 0.6    4 laf4ytWT # $ 5 6 Q V ] ^ N P xmeZmemQh=_&h:wCJh|Jh B*phh B*phh|Jh|JB*phhhhC CJOJQJ^JhhhREmCJOJQJ^Jhh6CJ]hhhh6CJ]hhhhCJhbdCJOJQJ^JhhhbdCJOJQJ^J h5$Rh;hhh{h _ hahaha h CJ hWCJ h%hW od________gda $gdbdo&kd1$$IfTl4F  e"W" 0.6    4 laf4ytWT $ 6 Q ^ N X  & Fgd:wgd6kb3dgd:gdh &dPgd=$gdbd !gda gdaoRFgdaP R Y n o eft,.<?Gjmejp23ºº²ª—ˆyºqiqih5:B*phh3ZB*phh5:h%CJOJQJ^Jh5:hbdCJOJQJ^Jh\B*phh|JhrqLB*phhrqLB*phh B*phh B*phh|Jh|JB*phh=_&h*CJh=_&h,-CJh=_&hZ)CJh=_&h6kbCJh=_&h:wCJ h CJ' fep45LM qH#Cgd|Jgd<gdad2dgd5:3dgd|J3dgd/1gd|J3dgdg &dPgd=2dgd & Fgd:w345Pa1BKLMTW WX q~Ž嚋vpg[Rh=_&h|JCJh5:h<6CJ]hlh<CJ hadCJh5:had6CJ]h=_&hadCJh5:h%CJOJQJ^Jh5:hbdCJOJQJ^Jh5:B*phh&jB*phhah/B*phh=B*phh4lB*phh3ZB*phhrqLB*phh|Jh|JB*ph h|Jh|Jh|JB*ph~#HY"#(C{¼{wnenen\SJ\Jhh4DCJhh CJhh@VCJhhA6CJhhCJh4Dh h|Jh|Jhhh%CJOJQJ^JhhhbdCJOJQJ^Jh'chK76CJ]h'chad6CJ] hYCJhhhad6CJ]h=_&hadCJhhhad6CJ]mHsHh~|hadCJmHsHh5:h|J6CJ]C$ 3s9SX & Fgd= & Fgd@V & Fgd# & Fgd\g & Fgd0 & Fgdg & Fgd4D & Fgd/ & Fgd0 & Fgd3dgd|JTY !"$%-.OSTU  *1Ypúʨʨʨʨʨhh9KCJhh F1CJhhmCJhh\CJhh|JCJ hhhh/CJhh CJhh$CJhhnCJhh4DCJhhCJ7 *03tyz|89@JKQSTZefgwxUVWXܸܸʋʝh@Vh8CJhh3CJhhwCJhh+KCJhhtGCJhh CJhhzCJhh#CJhh\gCJhhN9CJhh|JCJhh0CJhh9KCJhhgCJ/X]dos| $ & < H t ӻӬpgaXgOFaF=O=Ohi'hh\!CJhi'hK8"CJhi'h&uCJhi'hwCJ haXCJhi'hBSCJ&hhe5CJOJQJ\^JaJ&hhaX5CJOJQJ\^JaJ&hh05CJOJQJ\^JaJhJheOCJOJQJ^Jh>CJOJQJ^Jh$RCJOJQJ^JhJhCJOJQJ^JhJh2[CJOJQJ^JhJhJCJOJQJ^JX ![""G##$%% &}&r''(]))(** & FgdW0 & FgdSwx & FgdJ & FgdYgdSwx & Fgd{H?gdgd4{gd gdaXgdaX &dPgd=t ! 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Kim CarterEmployee training records (online and classroom) and profile information sent from the Federal Personnel Payroll System (FPPS)."Mynasa.nasa.gov/portal/site/mynasaNames and E-mail addresses Brian DunbarFilemaker Pro Databases#Alan Brown Alan.brown@dfrc.nasa.govMediaservices.nasa.govEauth.mynasa.nasa.gov Nitin NaikExchange Records on Individuals NASA 10XROIGeneral Personnel RecordsSJackie Scully, Workforce Planning Analyst, NASA/GSFC, Code 110, Greenbelt, MD 20771TKrista White, Employee Benefits Specialist, NASA/GSFC, Code 110, Greenbelt, MD 20771OA-005-L-GSF-7003OA-011-M-LRC-1007OA-802-M-JSC-0110 OA-999-M-JSC-0104SO-999-M-JSC-0103OA-501-M-JSC-0112SPCA-0011/ SO-999-M-JSC-0103)Capture and report C/S Workforce planningSEqual Employment Opportunity in the Federal Government Complaint and Appeal Records>Christina LaFountain, NASA/GSFC, Code 110, Greenbelt, MD 20771TSharon Wong, Special Assistant - Diversity, NASA/GSFC, Code 100, Greenbelt, MD 20771}Exchange employees membership and participation records on Exchange-sponsored activities which may include Spouses and GuestsOffice General CouncillAdministrative Office, Goddard Employee Welfare Association (GEWA) NASA/GSFC, Code 100, Greenbelt, MD 20771"Competency Management System (CMS)Workforce competency information by position and by employee. Employees can also enter personal competencies. (Access via employee #, UUPIC, search by employee name)'Cassini Home Page (saturn.jpl.nasa.gov)[Alice Wessen, Manager, Solar System and Technology Public Engagement, JPL Mail Stop 301-4207Practical Uses of Math and Science (pumas.jpl.nasa.gov)Participant list2Ralph Kahn, Staff Scientist, JPL Mail Stop 169-237NMulti-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) Home Page (www-misr.jpl.nasa.gov)lName or initials, hometown and email address for opt-in participants in "Where in The World?" geography quiz$C=Raytheon Technical Services/CONITSL7050C,N/Per CO Mike Stubbs, not in CONITS contract Robert StarrC=CONITS-N/Per CO, Mike Stubbs, not in CONITS contract&Occupational Health Records ManagementOccupational Health ManagerEmployee health records%Gregg Bendrick Center Flight Surgeon\No C&A package exists for this system. The system will be replaced within a years timeframeEmergency Personnel Application0User contact information for emergency personnel8Charles Lombard NASA/GSFC, Code 240, Greenbelt, MD 20771cscomplete EASY LOBBYMPamela Starling, Security Specialist,NASA/GSFC, Code 240, Greenbelt, MD 20771[none - required. All users are under formal NASA contractors, partnerships and/or grants. noneCNCCS (NASA Center for Computational Sciences) - interactive accessUser information is gathered voluntary to establish user accounts that enable distribution to the users, upon their request, data from NASA Center for Computational Sciences NASA/GSFC Code 614.1/NCCS Manager Goddard Space Flight Center, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Greenbelt, MD 20771SC-006-M-GSF-6001NCCS Administration Portal9NCCS internal help desk and systems administration staffNCCS PI Portal=PI, NCCS internal help desk and systems administration staffNCCS User Portal+NCCS users (respective owners of the data) OPM/Govt-1#Performance Award Calculation Tool;Assist Managers in determining employee performance award.Vickie Gage/Steve Van GandyJose Caraballo/Leslie Johnson\Michaeal Wilson, Manager, Protective Services Department, NAF&LaRC Kids Science News Network (KSNN)-Saturn Observation Campaign participant listPam Smith/EM02 OPM/GOVT-1UOGE Form 450, MSFC Form 507, IDP, EPCS 4282, MSFC Form 4284, and NASA Form 1727 EPCS MSFC-06-1952Neil Rodgers IS01IE-2035-M-MSF-0057 NASA 10IMF2Human Resources SystemIE-2035-M-MSF-1769 NASA 10IFM1Financial Management SystemOS01, Administrative Officer$OS01, Affirmative Employment Manager*OS01, Coordinator, Minority Education Pgrm NASA 10SPERGRC Co-op Web Application (CWA)?Name, birthdate, phone number, email address, education recordsOA-002-M-GRC-2203'OS01, Discrimination Complaints Manager('Steve Deutschendorf, MSFC Office of CIO MSFC-1637;Michaeal Wilson, Manager, Protective Services Department, Documents initial employment promotions, transfers, separations, disciplinary actions, and pay changes (maintained chronically) competitive Placement plan filesgrecord of internal vacancy announcements and related documentation (maintained by announcement numbers)outside employment filePerformance evaluation filesSurgeon Log Notes; BME Log Note; ISS Crew and Environmental Records; NOTE - all usage on this server is for temporary storage onlyDA9/Mary Wylie$Health Information Management System,Medical records on employees and contractors,Human Experimental and Research Data Records NNL07AA19CL70750C7Master Personally Identifiable Information List (MPIIL)9Does This System Collect Information on The Public? (Y/N)3Information about participants in research studies. MSFC-06-1981 MSFC-06-1945 MSFC-06-1953Mini MAXName, Driver License, address MSFC-1710 Vickie Gage Jane.V.Gage@nasa.govlWeb Time and Attendance Distribution System Feedback http://webtadspublic.larc.nasa.gov/feedback.cfm6performance evaluations (filed alphabetically by name)$Position descriptions (files by PD#0Email Address, Subject, Comment File Cabinet)Individual personnel on each person in EMmsfc-data1 (h:)Carl Lester, TL/EM40Official Personnel FoldersxCopies of personnel actions, benefits, security clearances, pay changes, etc. (maintained in alphabetical order by name)/Notification of Personnel Actions (std form 50)gListing of News Media Represeantatives containing last 6 of SSN, DL #, DOB, Phone Number, Company, etc.Alan Brown Pace OfficeBill Crews Security Office^Employee Security Clearance information such as Clearance Status, SSN, Home address, DOB, etc.Cleared Personnel Roster SystemJSC-SD2-TESTEMRJSC SYSTEST-SDB1JSC-SD2-CMISRX JSC ANTRIMJSC-SD2-CMISFTP JSC-SD6-SDB1 JSC-SD2-File1SPSA0032 Assistant ProDrug Testing Database Dan MangieriSSN's are required for NAAS to output FPPS. FPPS processes employee monetary and time-off awards. The SSN is imported from (NOPS).Dan Mangieri NSSC!JSC Family Support Office WebsiteYesKData warehouse for MOD provided astronaut training and proficiency records.DT/Debbie TrainorCMS maintains datasets on the competencies of individual employees and positions. Employee competencies are retrievable by name and SSN. Individuals (and their supervisors) can retrieve and update their own informationbChristopher Carlson, Management Systems Div, Office of Human Capital Management, NASA Headquarters Agency System*Complaints and applications for employment9Discrimination complaints and applications for employment!Manager, Equal Opportunity Office(records of grievances filed by employeesDanny R. HightowertEmployee online training records and user profile information sent from the Federal Personnel Payroll System (FPPS).[Craig Conlin, Management Systems Div, Office of Human Capital Management, NASA Headquarters$Ofc of Diversity & Equal Opportunity5Other Orgs/Functions Maintaining Personal Information NASA CenterYN?Personnel Attributes required in the processing of employee T&AOA-999-M-KSC-3986 Moderate%OPM/GOVT-1 NASA 1HIMS or OPM/GOVT-10Danny R. Hightower OPM/GOVT-3 OPM/GOVT-10 OGE/GOVT-1 EEOC/GOVT-1? EEO/GOVT-1dAll personal data, DOB, SSN, Address, Phone Number(s), Location, Salary, Grade, Minority, Race, etc.YChief Medical Officer, Office of education services, SMD, ARMD, ESMD, Office of EducationMark S. Nestler, NASA Research and Education Support Services, 500 E. Street SW, Suite 200, Washington, D.C. 20024-2760 202-479-9< 030 Ext. 215RNASA Solicitation and Proposal Integrated Review and Evaluation System - (NSPIRES) NNH05CC05DSolicitation information, (inet/scope of solicitation, proposal submission instructions, etc). Notices of intent, or proposals in response to the solicitation, review panel, individual or panel evaluations, and proposal selection information HQ Requested Clearences - (HPSS)%Management System for HQ Clearences. #Antoinette Ford-Miller 202-358-0194UnknownPrivacy Act System.Agencywide Data Optical Storage System (ADOSS)SSN"Randy Sparkman/IS70, Rod Hyde/IS30 MSFC-1706NASA Account Management SystemHave to researchSharon Ing/IS70 MSFC-1653 PIV Workflow#Personal Identification InformationMSF-1654ICommon Badging and Access Control System - Personal Identity Verification.UUPIC, name, Social Security Number (SSN), DOBTim Baldridge/IS70MSF-1974%Signup for amateur astronomy programBFeedback form; event log for "Nightsky" amateur astronomy programYzAdministrative Investigation Files (paper) Criminal Investigation Files (paper) Civil Investigation Files (paper) MSFC-1557 MSFC-1785FSSN, Name, Address, Phone Number, Geographic Location, Account Records'Steve Deutschendorf, MSFC Office of CIO MSFC-17133(From MSFC) Management Information Warehouse (MIW)+From MSFC Individual Development Plan (IDP)'From MSFC Needs Assessment Report (NAR)In above WebTADS fileBill Brewster, HQ/LE030MSFC-94 MSFC-1587IM999-M-GRC0001IM-999-M-GRC0001SP999-L-GRC0016$Pamela Starling, Security SpecialistECapture and report on leave donations/ leave receipt by C/S employees6Capture and report on diversity data for C/S employeesN GSFC Employee Relations Database0GSFC Diversity Council Team Tracking ApplicationNAOA-601-M-NHQ-0001N Hard Copy provided UNSIGNEDOA-011-L-LRC-1007Financial Reports of MSFC employees who are required to file a Form 450 in lieu of their job responsibilities and/or grade level. Legal Office retains original paper copy for 6 years. U.S. Office of Government Ethics[Performance Appraisal Records on individuals staff members of OS01 including annual ratingsNASA Special Employment Program Files Minority University Education Program-Applications, correspondence, and related documentation for summer employees. NASA 10NPPS EEOC/GOVT-1 NASA 10ACMQ NASA 10BRPA NASA 10EEOR NASA 1010GMVP NASA 10HIMS 9Chief, Aerospace Medicine and Occupational Health Branch )HR, Director, Agency Training and Dev Div Chief Health and Medical OfficerProvided in HC, no signatureOA-999-M-SSC-0020JSC Dell PC (CML  SK)&Electronic Word Copy provided UNSIGNEDSecurity and Program ProtectionHuman Capital Management/Integrated Enterprise Management Program (IEMP)Office of the General CouncilPublic AffairsOffice of Education!Infrastructure and Administration9Refer to OSPP input to this action for MEDIS information.N/ASSN, Org, Name&Lou Nosenzo, MSFC Human Capital Office MSFC-1566 MSFC-1854,MSFC Staffing Plan Management System (MSPMS),Marshall Personnel Information System (MPIS)CD-999-L-GRC-2181/NASA Explorer Schools Project Application (NES)NASA -Equal Opportunity RecordsHard Copy provided Brecord of disciplinary and adverse actions taken against employees James R. HydesFirst Name, Last Name, Title, Organization Name, Address 1, Address 2, City, State, Zip, Country, Phone, Fax, EmailBIRCHMEIER, ERIN K, IS80)PASSER, STEVE L/IS70 Kathy Shockley/IS608Jim Dowdy/ED03 (alternate POC: Carolyn McMillian/ED03)First Name, Last Name, Title, Station Type, Call Letter, Station Name, Address 1, Address 2, City, State, Region, Zip, Country, Phone, Fax, Email, Confirm Email, Audience Size, Adjusted Size, Program Language, Tape Format, Password, Confirm PasswordGRCoEmail Address, First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name, Phone Number, Password, Confirm Password, Select ProjectsThe system does not currently use two-factor authentication. A new electronic medical records system is being considered to replace the current system. At this time there is no plan to implement two factor as the system will be replced within a year. ThiExchange employees' personnel and payroll records, including injury claims, unemployment claims, biographical data, performance evaluations, annual and sick leave records, membership and participation records on Exchange-sponsored activities, and all othe(1)Records of qualification, experience, and currency, e.g., flight hours day, night, and instrument), types of approaches and landings, crew position, type of aircraft, flight check ratings and related examination results, training performed, and flight Current biographical information about the individuals with a recent photograph when available. Data items are those generally required by NASA or the news media in preparing news or feature stories about the individual and/or the individual's activity wiGeneral medical records of first aid, emergency treatment, examinations, exposures, and consultations. Information resulting from physical examinations, laboratory and other tests, and medical history forms; treatment records; screening examination resulFirst name, Last name, position, e-mail address, emergency phone no., cell phone no., NASA Center and Org Code, Business Address, Office Phone no., Fax no., Airline preference, Frequent Flyer no., Preferred Rental Car Company, Preferred Hotel, Gov Credit Case files including: fraud against the Government; theft of Government property; bribery; lost or stolen lunar samples; misuse of Government property; conflict of interest; waiver of claim for overpayment of pay; leaks of Source Evaluation Board informatApplications are delivered to students by their school. Students (over the age of 13) fill out the applications and mail to the center. Program officials on site receive the information and enter it into an electronic database. This database is archiveApplications are partially filled out online and the other portion is downloaded, filled out, and sent in through the mail. Once information is collected, it is enter into a secure server where the program managers can use the information to run their prContains confidential medical information. Flight Crew Medical Data, JSC Employee Medical Data, Operational Medical Data. To include: Performing medical clinical analysis and generating data for testing of shuttle crewmembers, diagnostics exams of astronaFirst Name, Last Name, Title, Station Type, Call Letter, Station Name, Address 1, Address 2, City, State, Region, Zip, County, Phone, Fax, Email, Confirm Email, Program, Audience Size, Adjusted Size, Program Language, Tape Request, Tape Format, Comments, ID cards for NASA civil service employees, contractors and foreign nationals who have a completed background check; data include social security number, home and business addresses, badging photo, signature images; emergency contacts for civil service empRelease/Consent Forms for Pictures (Name and Phone) Registration Forms for Astro Camp (Childrens Data) Registration Forms for Take Our Children to Work Day Teacher Workshop Registration Forms Summer High School Apprenticeship Research Program (SID cards for personnel who do not yet have a completed background check; data include social security number, home and business addresses, badging photo, signature images. Visitor badges for non-foreign nationals. Note: This system is in a state of transSuperviosr's Personnel Files containing information on OS01 staff such as correspondence, requests for personnel action, records on individual employees duplicated in or not appropriate for the OPF.^U.S. Teachers and School Administrator's basic contact information and educational background.wEducator name, School name, Address, Telephone number, E-mail address, Largest city near you, Grade, Number of StudentsThomas PinellitDocumentation about the experience of working with, and training about radiation given to employees and contractors.< uA broad spectrum of personnel information regarding applicants and employees of NASA, and other government agencies. Director, Human Resources OfficeLaRC system that provides the organizational title for managers, leads, assistant branch heads, and other supervisory positions. (Search by organization, name, access via employee number)LaRC OCIO: Annabelle DurandOPM/GOVT-2 or 3OPM/GOVT-2 or 3 ??7Why is this not on the 57 FISMA list? Need to follow up7Why is this not on the FISMA 57 list? Need to follow up1MSFC Electronic File Inside Marshall (MS Victor2)MSFC Tec TracsLicensing Royalties, Patent Information, New Technology Reporting, Partnerships [information that is pulled up is associated with the technology not a person] MSFC 3050KSC Equal Opportunity RecordsMSFC Grievance appeals0HQ CI Travel Travelers Profile for Trip Manager5KSC Government Motor Vehicle Operators Permit Records@KSC Aircraft Crewmembers' Qualifications and Performance Records+KSC Biographical Records for Public Affairs&JSC DXA  (Biomedical Laboratory  SK)=JSC Data analysis, (Environmental Physiology Laboratory  SK),GSFC Employee Health and Medical InformationJSC 4D database, (HSL  SK)5NSSC Site for On-line Learning and Resources (SATERN).KSC Standards of Conduct Counseling Case Files MSFC 3300KSC Special Personnel Records#KSC Exchange Records on IndividualsGSFC Personnel ProfilesGSFC Leave Transfer/Leave Donor%GSFC WIT - Workforce Information Tool MSFC 3290HQ Executive Employment Records7MSFC Marshall Employee Data Information Service (MEDIS)@MSFC MSFC Repository Electronic Documentation Mgt. System (EDMS)HQ Financial Disclosure Reports MSFC 3100MSFC Adverse Action files!HQ NASA Clearance Tracking SystemBKSC Kennedy Space Center Radiation Training and Experience Summary"(NAAS) NASA Automated Award SystemBrecord of outside vacancy announcements and related documentation+Position description filesNo need to report LaRC Organizational Title System3JPL Deep Impact Home Page (deepimpact.jpl.nasa.gov)JPL Mars Program Home Page(JPL Spaceplace (spaceplace.jpl.nasa.gov)9Are The System of Records Being Managed as Records? (Y/N)=Are The System of Records Being Disclosed of Per The PA SORN?4JPL PlanetQuest Home Page (planetquest.jpl.nasa.gov)$LaRC NASA Events Registration System8LaRC Nonconformance Failure Reporting and Anomaly SystemGRC Equal Opportunity RecordsJTrack and report on grievance, discipline, and other labor related cases.Special reports - reports on specific EEO programs, such as the status of women and minority groups. Employment numbers relating to race and sex.@GRC Aircraft Crewmembers' Qualifications and Performance Records+GRC Biographical Records for Public AffairsoEEO Complaint File (paper) EEO Investigation File (paper) Disability Reasonable Accommodations (paper)zPrivacy Act Information: Contains confidential medical information that is password protected. Contains bone density data?JSC Data Acquisition (Environmental Physiology Laboratory  SK)Privacy Act Information: Individuals are identified only with a code number.Contains confidential medical information that is password protected. Contains data relative to immunological function. 'Retired Marshall Employee System (RMES) Name, Address4Lou Nosenzo/HS01, 256.544.7401, Lou.Nosenzo@nasa.gov7MSFC-06-1953 (ODIN MSFC Server - Low Security Category)dCurrently behind the MSFC Private firewall. Currently requires VPN with token for remote connection.RMES is used primarily for notifying retirees of the Retirement Banquet. Only a programmer can extract data by request which serves as the audit. This system has only 2 users..JSC Lab-1 (Radiation Biophysics Laboratory-SK)Privacy Act Information: Individuals are identified only with a code number.Contains confidential medical information that is password protected. Contains radiation exposure data./JSC Lab-3 (Radiation Biophysics Laboratory -SK)0JSC Lab -4 (Radiation Biophysics Laboratory -SK)/JSC MK-PC (Radiation Biophysics Laboratory -SK)Privacy Act Information:Individuals are identified only with a code number.Contains confidential medical information that is password protected. Contains radiation exposure data./JSC MK-LP (Radiation Biophysics Laboratory -SK)/JSC DB-PC (Radiation Biophysics Laboratory -SK)/JSC KG-PC (Radiation Biophysics Laboratory -SK)2JSC General Lab Computer (Exercise Laboratory -SK)Privacy Act Information: Contains confidential medical information that is password protected. Contains exercise prescription, performance, and physiology data. System Name;Is This System Maintained or Operated by a Contractor (Y/N)<Is The Privacy Act FAR Clause Included in The Contract (Y/N)System FunctionSystem Security Plan Number(Is This a Privacy Act (PA) System? (Y/N)JDoes This System Collect or Maintain Social Security Numbers (SSNs)? (Y/N)4Is This Systems a Candidate For Consolidation? (Y/N)6Is This System Scheduled To Be Replaced in FY09? (Y/N)JIs This System Scheduled To Be Decommissioned or Eliminated in FY09? (Y/N)FIs This System Scheduled To Be Decommissioned or Eliminated in FY10 orSystem Information(What Type of Records Are in This System?4What Is The Published System of Record (SOR) Number?2What Is The Published System of Record (SOR) Name?Privacy Act InformationOMB InformationRemarksKHow Are The Records Physically Stored? (Electronically, Paper or Microfilm)*HQ Employee Health and Medical InformationJSC-SD2-REMR2JSC JSC-SD2-CMISRXFlight Crew Medical Data and Research, Medical Image Analysis Data; Research in the protection of various exposures associated with flight to the Flight Crew. Individuals are identified only with a code number.#MSFC Business Warehouse (BW) (IFM)SSN, Name, Address MSFC e-Payroll (IFM)-SSN, Name, Address, Bank Routing InformationY #HQ NASA Foreign National Management JSC Volunteer Management SystemHQ Agency Honor Awards AdminSTARwBonnie Acoveno, Director, Agency Training and Dev Div, Office of Human Capital Management, NASA Headquarters OPM/GOVT-1OA-000-L-KSC-3704 GPES OA-999-L-KSC-3713 AWD2 (to be replaced by NAAS by Aug 18) OA-999-L-KSC--3706 NDC (Legacy NACC applications: PM50 certificate training records (will be moved to SATERN); PM93KSC NASA personnelMJanelle Holt Mail Code AE2 2101 Nasa Parkway Houston, TX 77058 NASA 10SPER ?Travel Credit Card Applications Payment Schedules Traveler Bankcards Small Purchases Credit Cards Applications/Docum-Procurement,Common Badging Access Control System (CBACS)KMSFC OGE Form 450 Executive Branch Confidential Financial Disclosure Report2HQ Workforce Information Management Systems (WIMS)WIMS contains employment history for NASA civil service employees, past and present. Information about individuals and their personnel transactions are retrievable by name and SSN. %HQ Competency Management System (CMS)\All personal data, DOB, POB, Height, Weight, Eye Color, SSN, Address, Phone Number(s), etc.7HQ NASA s Staffing and Recruitment System (NASA STARS)DFRC News Media Personal DatacDr. Frank Carpenter Location: Building: 37, Room 106 Phone: 281-244-6425 NASA 10HIMS or OPM/GOVT10JSC Electronic Guest Operations+LaRC Career Talk Register to LaRC Volunteer LaRC NASA Connect Mentor Request.LaRC Destination Tomorrow Station Registration<LaRC Learning Web Site Station Information (Search and Add);LaRC Learning Web Site Station Information (Search and Add)lNames of members of public engraved on microchip flown on spacecraft; email addresses for project newsletterIMaura Rountree-Brown, Deep Impact Outreach Manager, JPL Mail Stop 264-850zAddresses of teachers requesting classroom materials; signup list for educators to receive "Imagine Mars" e< mail newsletterFMichelle Viotti, Mars Public Engagement Manager, JPL Mail Stop 301-345:Nancy Leon, Spaceplace Site Manager, JPL Mail Stop 606-100;Randal Jackson, PlanetQuest Outreach, JPL Mail Stop 301-451Who you are, First Name, Last Name, Title, Organization Type, Organization Name, Address 1, Address 2, City, State, Region, Zip, Country, Phone, Fax, Email, Confirm Email, Audience Size, Adjusted Size, Password, Confirm Password0Name, Address, Phone Number, Geographic LocationCathy Angotti, Director, Occupational Health, Office of Chief Health and Medical Office, BPrivacy Act Information: Contains confidential medical information Todd SchlegelDr. Frank CarpenterKathleen McMonigal Judy HayesMichael Gernhardt Clarence SamsNSSN, Government Credit Card Number(s), Name, Address, Bank Routing InformationSSN, Name, AddressOA-801-M-NHQ-0001Office of Public AffairsMargaret P. Smith and Acting Deputy Assistant Administrator Stephen McConnell. FileMaker Pro there are numerous systems managers within public affairs.The type of personal information maintained in the database includes name, home address, telephone numbers, social security numbers, and personal e-mail addresses.Security Records System ,Working with OSPP to cover with NASA 10SECR>Pete Ambrose, Office of Security Management, NASA HeadquartersIG-001-M-NHQ-00012700-0085 and 2700-0087`Personnel Information on Exchange employees. Membership information on members of the ExchangeChairperson, Exchange CouncilDIdentification records for operators of government vehicles overseas$Chief, Logistics and Services Branch@Documentation of radiation exposure to employees and contractors KSC Radiation Protection OfficerFrancis CucinottaBCapture and track C/S employment history, training, and award dataSchool Name, School Address, School POC, POC Phone, Date, Time, Volunteer Name, Volunteer Phone, School to Volunteer, Date, Time Randy ManningW-10,237NNH05CC95D, The ESP Group, LLC NNH06 CC 93B0Part of Saturn System hosted and managed at MSFC%MEDSYS Diagnosis & Services (desktop) NASA10 SPEREqual Opportunity Records&AJT & Associates,Contract # NAS8-03079(SAIC), NNM04AA02C/N These are Sr. Mgmt bios posted on Inside MSFC"NAS 10-99001 Space Gateway SupportpKennedy Space Center Occupational External Radiation Exposure History for Nuclear Regulatory Commission LicensesMedical information on employees including date of birth, allergies, etc. Used by the LaRC Occupational Health Clinic to schedule employees for health examinations (Search by SSN/employee name)OLaRC Occupational Health Office. System POC: Donna Freet, RN. COTR: Randy Cone5SSN, Name, Address, Phone Number, Geographic LocationiExperience resumes, position descriptions, and performance evaluations of SES, ST, SL, and NEX employees.oJohn Pennington, Senior Executive Advisor, Agency HR Div, Office of Human Capital Management, NASA Headquarters`Public Financial Disclosure Report (SF 278) filed by SES, ST, SL, NEX, and Schedule C employees.`Applicant employment data (Social Security Numbers, Diversity Data, Education Information, etc.)bVicki Sensiba, HR Specialist, Agency HR Div, Office of Human Capital Management, NASA HeadquartersCOffice of Diversity and Equal Opportunity AA00 Stennis Space Center'Biographical Records for Public Affairs!Senior Staff Biographical RecordsKManager, Office of External Affairs and Education IA00 Stennis Space CenterMailing List Spreadsheets9Space Flight Awareness Launch Guest List Astro CampEducation Office Files - Paper NASA10 IGIC+Inspector General Investigation Case Files3Office of Inspector General IG Stennis Space CenterDatabase that collects names, dates of birth, SSN#s, Training information, awards data, personnel actions on employees in the Office of External Relations.Procurement Files - paperEProcurement Officer - Office of Procurement DA00 Stennis Space Center Jacobs Technology Inc NNS07AB21CACFO - Office of Chief Financial Officer BA00 Stennis Space Center(Public Affairs Officer POC Lori RachulKChief, Flight Operations Office POC Vicky Anzalone@Treasurer, NASA Exchange POC Sally SaltzmanPOC Lynda Glover*Medical Director POC Tony ChristianREqual Opportunity Officer POC Eduardo Santos, Cindy Watson=NASA Explorer Schools Technology Coordinator POC Rob LaSalviaDELETED this row. TRANSFERRED TO NSSC[Pat Shephard, Program Support Specialist, Resources Mgt. Div., Office of External RelationsSpecial Personnel Records OPM/GOVT-1 OPM/GOVT-2 OPM/GOVT-5&NASA 10NPPS? OPM/GOVT-1? NASA 10SPER? GSA/GOVT-4NAS9-02078, Wyle1JSC SF (Anthropometry and Biomechanics Facility)Sudhakar RajuluNAS9-01121, SAIC<Aircraft Crewmembers' Qualifications and Performance RecordsCS'NNJ05JB02A, NNJ04JA52C (San Jac, JIMMS) NNC06CB70CDevelopment  INDUS Corporation NAS5 02038 Operation GSFC- SECTEK, Inc.  NAS5 03011 Operations WFF  The CUBE Corporation - NAS5 01080INDUS Corporation NAS5 - 02038^Procurement Certification (paper) Contractor Company Officers and Key Personnel (paper) NASA10 IMF1OA-302-L-SSC-0001'Integrated Financial Management ProgramY(From MSFC) NASA Personnel & Payroll System, NASA Personnel/Payroll System (Core) (NPPS)- 2Kenny King, MSFC Office of CFO Marisa Wofford/IS50 *MSFC BankCard (IFM), IEM Bankcard (IEM BC) #Neil Rodgers IS01, Jane Maples/IS603MSFC Core Financial (IFM), Core Financial (IEM CF) Dominic A. Amatore CS20NMSFC Resume Manager (STaRS) (IFM), IEM Staffing and Resume System (IEM STARS)" %Neil Rodgers IS01, Keaven Moreau/IS708MSFC Travel Manager (IFM), IEM Travel Manager (IEM TM) MMSFC WebTads, IEM Web Based Time Attendance and Distribution System (WebTADS) $Neil Rodgers IS01, Nikki Miller/IS60>Integrated Enterprise Management Program Support Files - paperCSC NNS04AB54T9Chief, Aerospace Medicine and Occupational Health Branch KJames M. Duncan Line Manager Building: 37, Room 114B 281 483-2432 CompliantSO-999-M-JSC-0105OS-999-M-KSC-3722OA-999-M-KSC-3723OA--501-M-JSC-0112SO-999-M-JSC-0017Center Security Officer RA03 Stennis Space Center Hosted external to Headquarters at a contractor facility. Detail to be reported by OSPP.John Piasecky, Director of Security Management, NASA Headquarters Building. Hosted external to Headquarters at a contractor facility. Details to be reported by OSPP.Clinton Green, NASA Headquarters Transportation Officer, Hosted at contractor facility (CI Travel). COTR for Agency is Carolyn Lott(Education and Training Cooperative (ETC) NASA 10FNMS NASA 10HERD"Foreign National Management System KSC 76XRAD OPM/GOVT-?&Network of Educator Astronaut TeachersTeacher Names, Addresses, Phone Numbers, E-mail Address, Employment status, Center Locations, School Name, School State, and Photography. GSFC 51EUI7Observation System Data and Information System (EOSDIS)User information is gathered voluntary to establish user accounts that enable distribution to the users, upon their request, data from Goddard Space Flight Center or one of the eight (8) Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs) across the United StatesSystem Manager: 423/Science Operations Office Manager, ESDIS Project, Goddard Space Flight Center, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Greenbelt, MD 20771SC-001-M-GSF-4120IFrancis Cucinotta Location: Building: 37, Room 1100G Phone: 281-483-0968qKennedy Space Center Occupational External Radiation Exposure History for Nuclear Regulatory Commission Licenses KSC 76RTES?Kennedy Space Center Radiation Training and Experience Summary ILongitudinal Study of Astronaut Health (LSAH) Database JSC-SD2-LSD01ILongitudinal Study of Astronaut Health (LSAH) Database JSC-SD2-LSD10< 8Logician Electronic Medical Record (EMR) JSC-SD2-REMR1'JSC Laboratory Information System (LIS):Manager, Office of Human Capital LA00 Stennis Space CenterSuccession Planning Database"Center career development planning 52.224-2 Privacy ActChief Security OfficerUSIMS System collects Name, Address, Birthdate, SSN for civil servants and contractorsKSystem Owner (Name and Title of Agency Official Responsible for the System)%System of Record (SOR) System Manager2System Security Category (L=Low, M=Medium, H=High)MLCHas An OMB Security Checklist Been Completed For This System? (Y/N)5What Is The Contract Number Which Covers This System?Electronically}Are The System of Records Being Disposed of Per The PA SORN in Accordance With NASA Records Retention Schedules (NRRS)? (Y/N)&Director, Security Management DivisionBOccupational Health Contracting Officers Technical RepresentativesInstitutional Support OfficeSystem Manager,n - changed to N because of note in column HSecurity OfficerChief Financial Officer"NASA Personnel and Payroll SystemsTreasurer, NASA Exchange!Chief, Aircraft Operations OfficePublic Affairs OfficerDirector of Personnel]Head, Administrative Management Branch, and Treasurer Wallops Exchange and Morale AssociationC.2.8.9, M C.3.3.2, L9Associate Administrator for Human Resources and Education.Assistant Inspector General for InvestigationsDirector of Human ResourcesChief, Space Medicine Division Scientist Human Research Program!Chief, Protective Services Office#Chief, Aircraft Operations Division1Government Motor Vehicle Operators Permit Records*Standards of Conduct Counseling Case FilesHHuman Resources officerEqual Opportunity OfficerManager, NASA Exchange%Special and Resident Agents in ChargeChief Security DivisiontVelocity System collects Name, Address, Birthdate, SSN for civil servants, contractors. Visitor's name and address. JSC Texas Aerospace ScholarsSan Jacinto College8JSC Reduced Gravity Student Flight Opportunities ProgramDouglas GoforthACareer Exploration Program (formerlyJSC Office Education Program)`Armando Lopez, Chief Safety and Environmental Division, NASA/GSFC, Code 250, Greenbelt, MD 20771OA-850-M-GSF-7016#Human Adaptation and Coutermeasures4David Francisco, Line Manager, NASA 10HIMS Compliant Linda LoerchCrew Surgeon Sign Off"Names, Private Medical Information%Bioastronautics Consolicated ContractElectronic Medical Record0Orchard Laboratory Information Management System!Name, Private medical informationPrivate Medical ConferenceContractor Universities Space Resesarch Association (USRA) owns the database. Applications are completed on-line by students (over the age of 13). Selected student names and emergency contact numbers are shared with JSC.&Linda Smith JSC Program Manager & COTRNCC9-98, USRA NNJ06JG14A DLinda K. Smith - mail code AE2 - 2101 NASA Parkway, Houston TX 77058 NNX07AU68G YSSN, Name, Address, Phone Number, Geographic Location, Account ID No Longer contains PIIB C I(From MSFC) MSFC Unified Account Management (UAMS) Being retired 09 2008  PAdministrative System for Training and Reporting (AdminSTAR) Retired 2008-03-18= > 4Employee Data Verification (EDV) Retired 08-05-2008" IFrom MSFC Centerwide Logging & Tracking System (CLTS) Retired 2007-10-125 7 SSN, Org, Name No PII <From MSFC Personnel Awards System (PAS) Retired 2007-10-12( * <Senior Manager Biographies PUBLIC PII, NOT PROTECTED PII8NASA-MSFC Retiree Medical Records No longer contains PII!"Name, Org No PII Daily log of patients; general medical records of first aid, emergency treatment, examinations, exposures, and consultations; also basis for clinic contractor billing.Security/ Badging and personnel identification - Name (Last, First, MI), DOB, city of birth, country of birth, driver's license (number and state), and employment history.JS/Alan MatherJASP0006, JASP0009, JASP00105NAS9-01055, Diamond Group, NNJ04NA52C JIMMS Contract ;NASA Foreign National Management System (NFNMS) - HQ system2Personal identifiers for foreign national visitors NNH05097012R, The ESP Group, LLC-JSC Master Assessment & Qualification HistoryJSC Flight Records & CurrencyCC/Noreen McLeroyCB/Sonia VasquezNNJO7JF16C, SAICBPrivacy Act Information: Names, Telephone Numbers, email addressesKName, Home Address, Home Phone Number, SSN, and Private medical informationKathy Johnson-Throop.Name, Home Address, Home Phone Number, and SSNDName, gender, age at the time of test along with anthropometric data*Name and DSO code and biomedical test dataFlight Crew research data: test subject data (e.g. age, gender, weight), metabolic data (e.g. VO2, VCO2, metabolic rate), blood chemistry, doppler images Personnel Medical File (paper)*Vaccination Status- Electronic SpreadsheetImmunization records NASA10 SECR1Center Security Officer RA03 Stennis Space CenterParagon NS7790 CSC NNS04AB54TStennis Badging SystemJJohn Piasecky, Director of Security Management, NASA Headquarters Building8Shuttle launch and landing guest attendance information.C&NAS3-03063, Knight Protective Services4Medical and Health Records; Physical Fitness RecordsCherie Zieschang, Headquarters Occupational Manager, Human Resources Management Division, 4N39A, 300 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 20546 NASA 10SCCF NASA 10SECRSecurity System of RecordsSecurity Records System Common Access and Badging System NASA 10IGIC+Health Information Management System (HIMS) GSFC 51LISTS8LISTS - Locator and Information Services Tracking System0Locator and Information Services Tracking System OPM/GOVT-1 NASA 10SPERHuman Capital Management 7Chief, Institutional Division RA30 Stennis Space Center_Qualifications and performance information about the crews of fixed and rotating wing aircraft.Aircraft Manager$Resident Agent in Charge, Location 8LBiographies about NASA employees who might be of interest to the news media.Director, External Relations Chief Counsel>Employment, financial and personal information about employeesCPersonnel security, criminal matter, and traffic management records0Chief, Protective Services and Safeguards OfficeEmployee/Contractor/Tenant/Visitor data, including personal, home and business addresses, badging photo, and signature images for C/S employees. <Personal identifiers for employees, visitors and contractorslOfficial Discrimination Complaints Case files containing complaints, reports, decisions, hearing notes, etc.8Personal identifiers for visitors and contract employees2Personal identifiers for employees and contractorsApplications and proposals are submitted online. Information resides in a database run by our office and is archive internally from year to year. Information gathered: name, address, email, phone, university, faculty members, proposal, date of birthRequests are submitted online and information is archived in electronic format internally. Information gathered: name, event location contact number, event location address, number of students, topics requested Ed Pritchard0Pilot and astronaut flight currency information.YIdentifies Agency employees and nonemployees who are awarded an Agency-level honor award.xJim Tingwald, Chief, Performance Culture Team, Agency HR Division, Office of Human Capital Management, NASA HeadquartersGSFCHQLaRCMSFCSSCJSCKSCDFRCNSSCJPL NASA Employee Benefits Statement&Summary of Employees Personnel Records Distribution Listing\Contains FAX Numbers and E-mail Address of Media Contacts for Distribution of News ReleasesMedia Contact List+List of Names and Address of Media Contacts*Inspector General Investigation Case FilesYWhy is this here and not on 57 list for FISMA? Sent question to GRC PAM for clarificationy7Graham Bothwell, Staf<ff Scientist, JPL Mail Stop 169-315'Space Medicine and Health Care Systems \\Jsc-mas-is1ERRMIS- L/0H1| 4A526 8J z: ; Q==%?I@BBvCLyD[FF%G,9JmK~LcNsP/PQiSyT".U>KW[ X (Y8 Z [ R]bdlo{qr2t&UuIvHx< { ~wth&Ӆ6*]Q!!I W'̠Xv0j:s"\ Z ٶ! " K dտ*kb?9mY -   dMbP?_*+%M2L19 HP LaserJet 8150 PCL 6dXXLetter.HP LaserJet 8150 PCL 62xeQNTA="Ɲ PCDDW3 1jf ܸ3_0v}'LLũ>*է0"Ϛ=-8u;OAbGqN36u/;rr:I鼋Wgα iP.0..;vkVi{KŃd)B_vU%/s K `A*O~^~B;'d'+7t3e4j HsyeEFvSW)/ 8:wtJ j1K|H&| #VS]O~\ɏ{cp~δygɅVUB8Mgf[7ra߰ v cg##t\\\V)sZ ll,"-XX??U}  5} I}  6}  I}  5}  5}  8}  9}  :}  `@ @ u@  @ @} @ @} @ @  @  @  @ ; ; o>;  | }}}}}}~~~~~~ | |  _ _| _y _} _F `D a~ _ _  _E  _  _p  a  _I bz _J _{ bZ _L x[ a _ _ _ `@WWWWW]GWWWWWFWWWWWyGWWW]@43?z34{@43?z34{@43?z34@43?z34@43?z34@ 43?Az34@ 43?z34@ 43?)z34@ 43<?z><<<@@ 43<?z><<<@ VPpDDDDDDDDDD`<H(  < < Bi  XPP?-]4@i g {!F[w  #<$Previously labeled "System Manager"< #H < Bi  XPP?]4@i S. B\Kݶt <This checklist provides specific actions to be taken by federal agencies for the protection of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) categorized in accordance with FIPS 199 as moderate or high impact that is either: " Accessed remotely; or " Physically transported outside of the agency s secured, physical perimeter (this includes information transported on removable media and on portable/mobile devices such as laptop computers and/or personal digital assistants). <[   Kevin L. Johnsont Kevin L. Johnsont>@'2     7 -   dMbP?_*+%M 2L18-XE3545 C odXXLetterDINU"8tr!8SMTJ(Xerox WorkCentre Pro C3545InputBinOption1RESDLLUniresDLLXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_600CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_800CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_6CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_FINISH_400CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_FINISH_400CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_FINISH_400CBXRX_WM_INITCBXRX_WM_DRAW_STARTCBXRX_WM_DRAW_ENDCBXRXbeginXRXbeginXRXendXRXendEnterPCLEnterPCLColorMode24bppColorCorrectionAutoOrientationPORTRAITPaperSizeLETTERResolutiondpi600x600DuplexNONECollateONStaplingNoneGraphicsModeHPGL2MODETrueTypeFormatTTF_OPTION_19XRXMOCX>o xlewijopqrfo o 8z@dz|} 300>>>>>>"-XX??U}  5} I}  6}  5}  5}  8}  9}  :} `@ @ W;  @ @} @ @} @ @  @  @  @ ; ; o<;  |}}}}}}~~~~~ | |  ^ _| _y _} _F `D a~ _ _  _E  _  _p  a  _I bz _J _{ bZ `L a _ _ _ `; V V- V.W X1 Y0 Z VVW  V/  V  ZK VW[[\GWWW]      4 3       3    434{    G 4 3    R      BK     434{    G 4 3       BK     434    4 3       3    434   4 3  T  S      3  434> 43?A434> 43?434> 43?)434> 43<?4><<<@> 43<?4><<<@ , NbBBBB` @H(  @ @ Bdi  XPP?-]4@di L CΉLUi #<$Previously labeled "System Manager"< #H @ B@ei  XPP?]4@@ei Ez{@     7 -   dMbP?_*+%M 2L18-XE3545 C odXXLetterDINU"8tr!8SMTJ(Xerox WorkCentre Pro C3545InputBinOption1RESDLLUniresDLLXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_600CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_800CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_6CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_FINISH_400CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_FINISH_400CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_FINISH_400CBXRX_WM_INITCBXRX_WM_DRAW_STARTCBXRX_WM_DRAW_ENDCBXRXbeginXRXbeginXRXendXRXendEnterPCLEnterPCLColorMode24bppColorCorrectionAutoOrientationPORTRAITPaperSizeLETTERResolutiondpi600x600DuplexNONECollateONStaplingNoneGraphicsModeHPGL2MODETrueTypeFormatTTF_OPTION_19XRXMOCX>o xlewijopqrfo o 8z@dz|} 300>>>>>>"-XX??U}  5} I}  6}  5}  5}  8}  9}  :} `@ @ H@  @ @} @ @} @ @  @  @  @   aaa o<;  |}}}}}}~~~~~ | |  _ _| _y _} _F `D a~ _ _  _E  _  _p  a  _I bz _J _{ bZ `L a _ _ _ ` WW W WW ] G W W  WY  W  W  GWW W W W ]GWWW]    q G 4 3          3K       434{   @  4p 3  j  N    & 3434{    q G 4 3     `    3K       434   H (q G M K          KK       M34   G q G 4 3          3K       434   I q G 4 3       3K       4 34     G 4 3   O   3K       4 34   2 5 G 44 3 1  P 3  3K     4 34 $ $ $2 $5 $ C4 B $ $  < $3 $ 3K $ $6 %%%N><<<@ $ $ *7 $5 $ C8 L $ $ O $ & 3K $ $6 %%%N><<<@ $ $ *; &5 $> C= L &9 &: <  $<  &Q  3K  $ $6 %%%N><<<=89: $ $ *? &5 $> C= L &9 &: <  *@  &Q  3K  $ $6 %%%N><<<=89: $ $ *A &5 $> C= L &9 &: <  *B  &Q  3K  $ $6%%%N><<<= $ $ *C &5 $> C= L &9 &: <  *D  &Q  L  $ $6%%%N><<<= $ $ *F '5 'q C L &E &D  *G  &  3K  $ $6%%%NJDDDH*hNb"`0`H(  ` ` B(*i  XPP?-]4@(*i NXMI #<$Previously labeled "System Manager"< #H ` B*i  XPP?]4@*i  z/vH@Y٠ <This checklist provides specific actions to be taken by federal agencies for the protection of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) categorized in accordance with FIPS 199 as moderate or high impact that is either: " Accessed remotely; or " Physically transported outside of the agency s secured, physical perimeter (this includes information transported on removable media and on portable/mobile devices such as laptop computers and/or personal digital assistants). <G   Kevin L. Johnsont Kevin L. Johnsont>@     7 -   dMbP?_*+%M 2L18-XE3545 C odXXLetterDINU"8tr!8SMTJ(Xerox WorkCentre Pro C3545InputBinOption1RESDLLUniresDLLXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_600CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_800CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_6CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_FINISH_400CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_FINISH_400CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_FINISH_400CBXRX_WM_INITCBXRX_WM_DRAW_STARTCBXRX_WM_DRAW_ENDCBXRXbeginXRXbeginXRXendXRXendEnterPCLEnterPCLColorMode24bppColorCorrectionAutoOrientationPORTRAITPaperSizeLETTERResolutiondpi600x600DuplexNONECollateONStaplingNoneGraphicsModeHPGL2MODETrueTypeFormatTTF_OPTION_19XRXMOCX>o xlewijopqrfo o 8z@dz|} 300>>>>>>"-XX??U}  5} I}  6}  5}  5}  8}  9}  :} `@ @ @  @ @} @ @} @ @  @  @  @   o<;  |}}}}}}~~~~~ | |  ^ _| _y _} _F `D a~ _ _  _E  _  _p  a  _I bz _J _{ bZ `L a _ _ _ ` WW W WW ] G W W  WU  W  W  F W W W W W ]GWWW]     b  G 4 3    V      ?       434   c  H 4 3    W      ?       434   \ ^ G 4 3 [   X  ]    ?     434     _  G 4 3         ?       434   j G 4 3  j  N      ?        434       G 4 3    (  ?   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Johnsont>@     7 -   dMbP?_*+%M 2L18-XE3545 C odXXLetterDINU"8tr!8SMTJ(Xerox WorkCentre Pro C3545InputBinOption1RESDLLUniresDLLXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_600CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_800CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_6CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_FINISH_400CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_FINISH_400CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_FINISH_400CBXRX_WM_INITCBXRX_WM_DRAW_STARTCBXRX_WM_DRAW_ENDCBXRXbeginXRXbeginXRXendXRXendEnterPCLEnterPCLColorMode24bppColorCorrectionAutoOrientationPORTRAITPaperSizeLETTERResolutiondpi600x600DuplexNONECollateONStaplingNoneGraphicsModeHPGL2MODETrueTypeFormatTTF_OPTION_19XRXMOCX>o xlewijopqrfo o 8z@dz|} 300>>>>>>"-XX??U}  5} 5}  6}  5}  5}  8}  9}  :} `@ @  @  @ @} @ @} @ @  @  @  @ a uu :b o<;  |}}}}}}~~~~~ | |  ^ _| _y _} _F `D a~ _ _  _E  _  `p  a  _I bz _J _{ bZ `L a _ _ _ ` W W W WW ] G W W  W[  W  ]  W WWWWWWGWWW] 2      4 3    M    4  K  "34     4 3     4  K 34 3 3 3     G 4 3    [    4& 34     G 4 3    [  ( 434     4 3     4  K   34     4 3   [  4 K       34   :  4( 3    4 K       34     Z 4 3    4 K      34     G 4 3  j O  4       ><<<@   K  G 4 3  <  4      ><<<@   N  G 4 3  <    4      ><<<=   Q  G 4 3   <    4  K        ><<<=     4' 3 * ,  M    4  K      ><<<=     4 3  <    4  K" ><<<=     G 4 3 <    4  K    ><<<=     G 4 3  <    4  K       ><<<=     G 4 3    P\    4        ><<<=     4 3 <    4  K" ><<<=     4 3 <    4  K" ><<<=    G 4 3 <    4  K       ><<<=4Nb "`P\H(  \ \ Bi  XPP?.]4@i T Np s@wD:{ #<$Previously labeled "System Manager"< #H \ Bxi  XPP?]4@xi 2^fC] <This checklist provides specific actions to be taken by federal agencies for the protection of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) categorized in accordance with FIPS 199 as moderate or high impact that is either: " Accessed remotely; or " Physically transported outside of the agency s secured, physical perimeter (this includes information transported on removable media and on portable/mobile devices such as laptop computers and/or personal digital assistants). <G   Kevin L. Johnsont Kevin L. Johnsont>@     7 -   dMbP?_*+%M 2L18-XE3545 C odXXLetterDINU"8tr!8SMTJ(Xerox WorkCentre Pro C3545InputBinOption1RESDLLUniresDLLXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_600CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_800CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_6CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_FINISH_400CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_FINISH_400CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_FINISH_400CBXRX_WM_INITCBXRX_WM_DRAW_STARTCBXRX_WM_DRAW_ENDCBXRXbeginXRXbeginXRXendXRXendEnterPCLEnterPCLColorMode24bppColorCorrectionAutoOrientationPORTRAITPaperSizeLETTERResolutiondpi600x600DuplexNONECollateONStaplingNoneGraphicsModeHPGL2MODETrueTypeFormatTTF_OPTION_19XRXMOCX>o xlewijopqrfo o 8z@dz|} 300>>>>>>"-XX??U}  5} 5}  6}  5}  5}  8}  9}  :} `@ @ @  @ @} @ @} @ @  @  @  @ ; ; o<;  |}}}}}}~~~~~ | |  ^ _| _y _} _F `D a~ _ _  _E  _  `p  a  _I bz _J _{ bZ `L a _ _ _ ` WW W WW ]!GWWW  WM  W& EWWWWW]GWWW]   W  43    & 7434{   X  43    & 7434{   \  43    & 7434   Y  43    & 7434  %  43  &  & 7434   "  4$ 3 # & 7A434> 437434> 437)434> 43<74><<<@> 43<74><<<@ NbBBB``HH(  H H Bi  XPP?.]4@i JkJx #<$Previously labeled "System Manager"< #H H B i  XPP?]4@ i e_K#ig <This checklist provides specific actions to be taken by federal agencies for the protection of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) categorized in accordance with FIPS 199 as moderate or high impact that is either: " Accessed remotely; or " Physically transported outside of the agency s secured, physical perimeter (this includes information transported on removable media and on portable/mobile devices such as laptop computers and/or personal digital assistants). <G   Kevin L. Johnsont Kevin L. Johnsont>@     7 -   dMbP?_*+%M 2L18-XE3545 C odXXLetterDINU"8tr!8SMTJ(Xerox WorkCentre Pro C3545InputBinOption1RESDLLUniresDLLXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_600CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_800CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_6CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_FINISH_400CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_FINISH_400CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_FINISH_400CBXRX_WM_INITCBXRX_WM_DRAW_STARTCBXRX_WM_DRAW_ENDCBXRXbeginXRXbeginXRXendXRXendEnterPCLEnterPCLColorMode24bppColorCorrectionAutoOrientationPORTRAITPaperSizeLETTERResolutiondpi600x600DuplexNONECollateONStaplingNoneGraphicsModeHPGL2MODETrueTypeFormatTTF_OPTION_19XRXMOCX>o xlewijopqrfo o 8z@dz|} 300>>>>>>"-XX??U}  5} ;}  6}  5}  5}  9}  :} `4@ @  @  @ @} @ @} @ @  @  @  @ a bMu a     o<;  |}}}}}}~~~~~ | |  ^ _| _y _} _F `D a~ _ _  _E  _  _p  a  _I bz _J _{ bZ `L a _ _ _ ` dd d dd gi e ddW  dh  i& eWddddgGWWW]   o  4} 3    ]  |  #  3  ~   434{  )  M K    ]     j  KK$ M34{  j  M K  j  ^  k  j& KM34   r ! 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Johnsont>@700112233--..//**++,,&&''(())""##$$%% !!     7 -   dMbP?_*+%M 2L18-XE3545 C odXXLetterDINU"8tr!8SMTJ(Xerox WorkCentre Pro C3545InputBinOption1RESDLLUniresDLLXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_600CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_800CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_6CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_FINISH_400CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_FINISH_400CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_FINISH_400CBXRX_WM_INITCBXRX_WM_DRAW_STARTCBXRX_WM_DRAW_ENDCBXRXbeginXRXbeginXRXendXRXendEnterPCLEnterPCLColorMode24bppColorCorrectionAutoOrientationPORTRAITPaperSizeLETTERResolutiondpi600x600DuplexNONECollateONStaplingNoneGraphicsModeHPGL2MODETrueTypeFormatTTF_OPTION_19XRXMOCX>o xlewijopqrfo o 8z@dz|} 300>>>>>>"-XX??U}  5} I}  6}  5}  5}  8}  9}  :} `@ @ @  @ @} @ @} @ @  @  @  @    o<;  |}}}}}}~~~~~ | |  ^ _| _y _} _F `D a~ _ _  _E  _  _p  a  _I bz _J _{ bZ `L a _ _ _ `   j # G 4 3  j  WN  k    3K W     4GWWW]    G 4 3 - 7       3     434{   < G 4 3    a      3     434{   = G 4 3    W      3K   434   8 G 4 3        3K   434   F G 4 3          3 K   434   ;  G M K  b    K  M 34   R  G 4 3 8 9  +  3     4 34   E  G 4- 3   X ,  3K      4 34   C  G 4 3  c    3  4 ><<<@    " G 4 3   `   3K      4 ><<<@ Nb""`hH(  h h Bi  XPP?.]4@i \ RZI%k #<$Previously labeled "System Manager"< #H h B8i  XPP?]4@8i J]K 3 vi <This checklist provides specific actions to be taken by federal agencies for the protection of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) categorized in accordance with FIPS 199 as moderate or high impact that is either: " Accessed remotely; or " Physically transported outside of the agency s secured, physical perimeter (this includes information transported on removable media and on portable/mobile devices such as laptop computers and/or personal digital assistants). <[   Kevin L. Johnsont Kevin L. Johnsont>@     7 -   dMbP?_*+%M 2L18-XE3545 C odXXLetterDINU"8tr!8SMTJ(Xerox WorkCentre Pro C3545InputBinOption1RESDLLUniresDLLXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_600CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_800CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_6CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_FINISH_400CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_FINISH_400CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_FINISH_400CBXRX_WM_INITCBXRX_WM_DRAW_STARTCBXRX_WM_DRAW_ENDCBXRXbeginXRXbeginXRXendXRXendEnterPCLEnterPCLColorMode24bppColorCorrectionAutoOrientationPORTRAITPaperSizeLETTERResolutiondpi600x600DuplexNONECollateONStaplingNoneGraphicsModeHPGL2MODETrueTypeFormatTTF_OPTION_19XRXMOCX>o xlewijopqrfo o 8z@dz|} 300>>>>>>"-XX??U}  5} I}  6}  5}  5}  8}  9}  :} `@ @  @  @ @} @ @} @ @  @  @  @ u uMQ @ o<;  |}}}}}}~~~~~ | |  R R| Ry R} RF SD T~ R R  RE  R  cp  T  RI Uz RJ R{ bZ SL T R R R S    M K      & KM34{  } H 4N 3   ~  & 3434{   j H 4 3  j  WN      3K   m   434{     G MK      KK  ' ( )  M34     G M*K      KK  + ( )  M34   L  G M*K      KK  + ( )  M34     G M* K #  KK  + ( )  M 34     G M* K #  KK  + ( )  M 34     G M* K )  KK  + ( )  M 34   ]  G 4H 3<   3K   n   4 ><<<@   ^  H 4I 3<   3K   n   4 ><<<@   V  M/ K <  .    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Johnsont>@     7 -   dMbP?_*+%M 2L18-XE3545 C odXXLetterDINU"8tr!8SMTJ(Xerox WorkCentre Pro C3545InputBinOption1RESDLLUniresDLLXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_600CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_800CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_6CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_FINISH_400CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_FINISH_400CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_FINISH_400CBXRX_WM_INITCBXRX_WM_DRAW_STARTCBXRX_WM_DRAW_ENDCBXRXbeginXRXbeginXRXendXRXendEnterPCLEnterPCLColorMode24bppColorCorrectionAutoOrientationPORTRAITPaperSizeLETTERResolutiondpi600x600DuplexNONECollateONStaplingNoneGraphicsModeHPGL2MODETrueTypeFormatTTF_OPTION_19XRXMOCX>o xlewijopqrfo o 8z@dz|} 300>>>>>>"-XX??U}  5} I}  6}  5}  5}  8}  9}  :} `.@ @ @  @ @} @ @} @ @  @  @  @   bb N :&  b  ': o<;  |}}}}}}~~~~~ | |  R R| Ry R} RF SD T~ R R  RE  R  Rp  T  RI Uz RJ R{ bZ SL T R R R S - h k H rj 3   i  3  3K  l+ m,v34{     G s K       K      M34{    a G t` 3      3K    " " w34{     H s 3          " " w34     H M K         K      M34  . . /G up . .  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'. '.G 'u 'q '..< ' . ' . ' 3K' 0 ' ' ' ' '4'><<<< ( ( ( ( (4 (3 ( (< ( c ( $( 4><<<< ) ) ) ) )4 )3 ) )< )  ) $) 4><<<< * * *f * *4 *3 * *< * T * $* 4><<<< + + +g + +4 +3 + +< + z + $+ 4><<<< ,, ,. ,. ,/d ,u ,q ,22< , . , . , 3K, 0 , , , , ,4,><<<< - - -U - -4 -3 -< - { - $- 4><<<<   \ PD(  Pv P <A' ?AA@?]P`  & q @ Acrobat Document~v P <A' ?AA@?]P`  & Tq  Acrobat Document P Bq  XPP?.]4@q S 3OHȔ #<$Previously labeled "System Manager"< #H P Br  XPP?]4@r l /"G_M 3h6 <This checklist provides specific actions to be taken by federal agencies for the protection of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) categorized in accordance with FIPS 199 as moderate or high impact that is either: " Accessed remotely; or " Physically transported outside of the agency s secured, physical perimeter (this includes information transported on removable media and on portable/mobile devices such as laptop computers and/or personal digital assistants). <G   Kevin L. Johnsont Kevin L. Johnsont>@1**++,,--&&''(())""##$$%% !!     7 -   dMbP?_*+%M 2L18-XE3545 C odXXLetterDINU"8tr!8SMTJ(Xerox WorkCentre Pro C3545InputBinOption1RESDLLUniresDLLXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_600CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_800CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_6CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_FINISH_400CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_FINISH_400CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_FINISH_400CBXRX_WM_INITCBXRX_WM_DRAW_STARTCBXRX_WM_DRAW_ENDCBXRXbeginXRXbeginXRXendXRXendEnterPCLEnterPCLColorMode24bppColorCorrectionAutoOrientationPORTRAITPaperSizeLETTERResolutiondpi600x600DuplexNONECollateONStaplingNoneGraphicsModeHPGL2MODETrueTypeFormatTTF_OPTION_19XRXMOCX>o xlewijopqrfo o 8z@dz|} 300>>>>>>"-XX??U}  5} 5}  6}  5}  5}  8}  9}  :} `@ @  @  @ @} @ @} @ @  @  @  @ ; ; o<;  |}}}}}}~~~~~ | |  R R| Ry R} RF SD T~ R R  RE  R  Sp  T  RI Uz RJ R{ bZ SL T R R R S   S G 4 3       7K$ 434{    G 4 3       7K$ 434{   B G 4 3        7K   434{>437434>437434>437434> 437A434> 437434> 437)434> 43<74><<<@> 43<74><<<@ NbBBBBBBB`XH(  X X B`{  XPP?.]4@`{ d MX^L,d #<$Previously labeled "System Manager"< #H X B{  XPP?]4@{ ij '.sIҽ?w <This checklist provides specific actions to be taken by federal agencies for the protection of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) categorized in accordance with FIPS 199 as moderate or high impact that is either: " Accessed remotely; or " Physically transported outside of the agency s secured, physical perimeter (this includes information transported on removable media and on portable/mobile devices such as laptop computers and/or personal digital assistants). <G   Kevin L. Johnsont Kevin L. Johnsont>@     7 -   dMbP?_*+%M 2L18-XE3545 C odXXLetterDINU"8tr!8SMTJ(Xerox WorkCentre Pro C3545InputBinOption1RESDLLUniresDLLXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_600CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_800CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_6CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_FINISH_400CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_FINISH_400CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_FINISH_400CBXRX_WM_INITCBXRX_WM_DRAW_STARTCBXRX_WM_DRAW_ENDCBXRXbeginXRXbeginXRXendXRXendEnterPCLEnterPCLColorMode24bppColorCorrectionAutoOrientationPORTRAITPaperSizeLETTERResolutiondpi600x600DuplexNONECollateONStaplingNoneGraphicsModeHPGL2MODETrueTypeFormatTTF_OPTION_19XRXMOCX>o xlewijopqrfo o 8z@dz|} 300>>>>>>"-XX??U}  5} 5}  6}  5}  5}  8}  9}  :} `@ @  @  @ @} @ @} @ @  @  @  @    o<;  |}}}}}}~~~~~ | |  R R| Ry R} RF SD T~ R R  RE  R  Sp  T  RI Uz RJ R{ bZ SL T R R R S     G 4     R  $  4  3K      434{     H 4     e  %  4  3K   !   434{     4     f  d  4 3  434{     G m     g    4  3  434     4     h    4 3  434     m        4  3    434     H 4    e  4 3K  !   4 34     G 4   j WN  4 3K   !   4 34     4&    R  4 3K      4 34     d 4   j WN  4 3 !   4 ><<<@     n    e  43    4 ><<<@    H 4     W    4  3K <  4><<<=     G 4     R  &  4  3K  <    4><<<=   ? H 4>    e  @ 43<  4><<<=    G 4   j  WN    4  3K  < !   o><<<=(TNb"`TH(  T T Bi  XPP?.]4@i r  r7F+L #<$Previously labeled "System Manager"< #H T Bdi  XPP?]4@di \s  JB՝CB <This checklist provides specific actions to be taken by federal agencies for the protection of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) categorized in accordance with FIPS 199 as moderate or high impact that is either: " Accessed remotely; or " Physically transported outside of the agency s secured, physical perimeter (this includes information transported on removable media and on portable/mobile devices such as laptop computers and/or personal digital assistants). <G   Kevin L. Johnsont Kevin L. Johnsont>@     7 8SMTJ(Xerox WorkCentre Pro C3545InputBinOption1RESDLLUniresDLLXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_600CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_800CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_6CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_FINISH_400CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_FINISH_400CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_FINISH_400CBXRX_WM_INITCBXRX_WM_DRAW_STARTCBXRX_WM_DRAW_ENDCBXRXbeginXRXbeginXRXendXRXendEnterPCLEnterPCLColorMode24bppColorCorrectionAutoOrientationPORTRAITPaperSizeLETTERResolutiondpi600x600DuplexNONECollateONStaplingNoneGraphicsModeHPGL2MODETrueTypeFormatTTF_OPTION_19XRXMOCX>o xlewijopqrfo o 8z@dz|} 300>>>>>>"-XX??U}  5} I}  6}  5}  5}  8}  9}  :} `@ @ @  @ @} @ @} @ @  @  @  @   @7Master Personally Identifiable Information List (MPIIL)<;System Information{ Privacy Act InformationOMB InformationRemarks ^ NASA Center_System Function_ System Name$_System Security Plan Number;_2System Security Category (L=Low, M=Medium, H=High)T`KSystem Owner (Name and Title of Agency Official Responsible for the System)1a(Is This a Privacy Act (PA) System? (Y/N)=_4What Is The Published System of Record (SOR) Number?;_2What Is The Published System of Record (SOR) Name?. _%System of Record (SOR) System Manager1 _(What Type of Records Are in This System?B _9Does This System Collect Information on The Public? (Y/N)T aKHow Are The Records Physically Stored? (Electronically, Paper or Microfilm)L _CHas An OMB Security Checklist Been Completed For This System? (Y/N)Db;Is This System Maintained or Operated by a Contractor (Y/N)>_5What Is The Contract Number Which Covers This System?E_<Is The Privacy Act FAR Clause Included in The Contract (Y/N)Bb9Are The System of Records Being Managed as Records? (Y/N)`}Are The System of Records Being Disposed of Per The PA SORN in Accordance With NASA Records Retention Schedules (NRRS)? (Y/N)SaJDoes This System Collect or Maintain Social Security Numbers (SSNs)? (Y/N)=_4Is This Systems a Candidate For Consolidation? (Y/N)?_6Is This System Scheduled To Be Replaced in FY09? (Y/N)S_JIs This System Scheduled To Be Decommissioned or Eliminated in FY09? (Y/N)O`FIs This System Scheduled To Be Decommissioned or Eliminated in FY10 or KSC) Chief Health and Medical Officer-$Health Information Management SystemOA-999-M-KSC-3723 MB49Chief, Aerospace Medicine and Occupational Health Branch  3Y NASA 10HIMS -$Health Information Management SystemK WBOccupational Health Contracting Officers Technical Representatives5 ,Medical records on employees and contractors  N 3Electronically W Y+"NAS 10-99001 Space Gateway Support Y Y 4YGWWW] KSC*!Infrastructure and AdministrationypKennedy Space Center Occupational External Radiation Exposure History for Nuclear Regulatory Commission Licenses M)4 KSC Radiation Protection Officer 3Y KSC 76XRADzqKennedy Space Center Occupational External Radiation Exposure History for Nuclear Regulatory Commission Licenses  I @Documentation of radiation exposure to employees and contractors  N  3  Y+"NAS 10-99001 Space Gateway Support Y Y 4Y34| KSC*!Infrastructure and AdministrationI@KSC Aircraft Crewmembers' Qualifications and Performance Records M4Aircraft Manager 3Y NASA 10ACMQE<Aircraft Crewmembers' Qualifications and Performance Records, #Chief, Aircraft Operations Divisionh _Qualifications and performance information about the crews of fixed and rotating wing aircraft.  N  3  Y+"NAS 10-99001 Space Gateway Support Y Y 4N34| KSCPublic Affairs4+KSC Biographical Records for Public Affairs M%4Director, External Relations 3Y NASA 10BRPA0'Biographical Records for Public Affairs Public Affairs OfficerU LBiographies about NASA employees who might be of interest to the news media.  N 3Electronically  Y 4N34 KSC-$Ofc of Diversity & Equal Opportunity&KSC Equal Opportunity Records M*4!Manager, Equal Opportunity Office 3Y EEOC/GOVT-1  B 9Discrimination complaints and applications for employment  Y 3Electronically  Y 4Y34|}~ KSC>5Other Orgs/Functions Maintaining Personal Information,#KSC Exchange Records on Individuals M&4Chairperson, Exchange Council 3Y NASA 10XROI(Exchange Records on Individuals& Chairperson, Exchange Councili `Personnel Information on Exchange employees. Membership information on members of the Exchange  Y  3  NAF  Y 4Y34 KSC* !Infrastructure and Administration> 5KSC Government Motor Vehicle Operators Permit Records  M- M$Chief, Logistics and Services Branch KY  NASA 1010GMVP: 1Government Motor Vehicle Operators Permit Records M DIdentification records for operators of government vehicles overseas N K Y MY 34|}~ KSC* !Infrastructure and AdministrationK BKSC Kennedy Space Center Radiation Training and Experience Summary  M) 4 KSC Radiation Protection Officer 3Y  KSC 76RTESH ?Kennedy Space Center Radiation Training and Experience Summary  } tDocumentation about the experience of working with, and training about radiation given to employees and contractors. N 3  Y+ "NAS 10-99001 Space Gateway Support Y Y 4Y 34 KSC! Human Capital Management& KSC Special Personnel Records OA-000-L-KSC-3704 GPES OA-999-L-KSC-3713 AWD2 (to be replaced by NAAS by Aug 18) OA-999-L-KSC--3706 NDC (Legacy NACC applications: PM50 certificate training records (will be moved to SATERN); PM93KSC NASA personnel M) 4 Director, Human Resources Office 3Y  NASA 10SPER" Special Personnel Records Director of Personnel~ uA broad spectrum of personnel information regarding applicants and employees of NASA, and other government agencies. Y 3Electronically  Y+ "NAS 10-99001 Space Gateway Support Y Y 4Y 34 KSC& Office of the General Council7 .KSC Standards of Conduct Counseling Case Files  M 4 Chief Counsel 3Y  NASA 10SCCF3 *Standards of Conduct Counseling Case Files  Chief CounselG >Employment, financial and personal information about employees N 3 Y 4Y ><<<@|}~ KSC( Security and Program Protection Security Records System OS-999-M-KSC-3722 M9 40Chief, Protective Services and Safeguards Office 3Y  NASA 10SECR Security Records System* !Chief, Protective Services OfficeL CPersonnel security, criminal matter, and traffic management records Y 3Electronically  Y+ "NAS 10-99001 Space Gateway Support Y Y 4Y ><<<@|}~ [!Ovjm'`hH(  h h BX1  XPP?.]4@X1 G RZI%k #<$Previously labeled "System Manager"< #H h B1  XPP?]4@1 TH J]K 3 vi <This checklist provides specific actions to be taken by federal agencies for the protection of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) categorized in accordance with FIPS 199 as moderate or high impact that is either: " Accessed remotely; or " Physically transported outside of the agency s secured, physical perimeter (this includes information transported on removable media and on portable/mobile devices such as laptop computers and/or personal digital assistants). <[   Kevin L. Johnsont Kevin L. Johnsont>@     7 - ـ  dMbP?_*+%M 2L18-XE3545 C odXXLetterDINU"8tr!8SMTJ(Xerox WorkCentre Pro C3545InputBinOption1RESDLLUniresDLLXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_600CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_800CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_6CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_FINISH_400CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_FINISH_400CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_FINISH_400CBXRX_WM_INITCBXRX_WM_DRAW_STARTCBXRX_WM_DRAW_ENDCBXRXbeginXRXbeginXRXendXRXendEnterPCLEnterPCLColorMode24bppColorCorrectionAutoOrientationPORTRAITPaperSizeLETTERResolutiondpi600x600DuplexNONECollateONStaplingNoneGraphicsModeHPGL2MODETrueTypeFormatTTF_OPTION_19XRXMOCX>o xlewijopqrfo o 8z@dz|} 300>>>>>>"-XX??U}  5} I}  6}  5}  5}  8}  9}  :} `@ @  @  @ @} @ @} @ @  @  @  @ u uMQ @@7Master Personally Identifiable Information List (MPIIL)<;System Information{ Privacy Act InformationOMB InformationRemarks R NASA CenterRSystem FunctionR System Name$RSystem Security Plan Number;R2System Security Category (L=Low, M=Medium, H=High)TSKSystem Owner (Name and Title of Agency Official Responsible for the System)1T(Is This a Privacy Act (PA) System? (Y/N)=R4What Is The Published System of Record (SOR) Number?;R2What Is The Published System of Record (SOR) Name?. R%System of Record (SOR) System Manager1 R(What Type of Records Are in This System?B c9Does This System Collect Information on The Public? (Y/N)T TKHow Are The Records Physically Stored? (Electronically, Paper or Microfilm)L RCHas An OMB Security Checklist Been Completed For This System? (Y/N)DU;Is This System Maintained or Operated by a Contractor (Y/N)>R5What Is The Contract Number Which Covers This System?ER<Is The Privacy Act FAR Clause Included in The Contract (Y/N)Bb9Are The System of Records Being Managed as Records? (Y/N)S}Are The System of Records Being Disposed of Per The PA SORN in Accordance With NASA Records Retention Schedules (NRRS)? (Y/N)STJDoes This System Collect or Maintain Social Security Numbers (SSNs)? (Y/N)=R4Is This Systems a Candidate For Consolidation? (Y/N)?R6Is This System Scheduled To Be Replaced in FY09? (Y/N)SRJIs This System Scheduled To Be Decommissioned or Eliminated in FY09? (Y/N)OSFIs This System Scheduled To Be Decommissioned or Eliminated in FY10 or LaRC+"Competency Management System (CMS) M Agency System KY OPM/GOVT-1   Workforce competency information by position and by employee. Employees can also enter personal competencies. (Access via employee #, UUPIC, search by employee name)  N& KM34| LaRC File Cabinet L"4Pam Smith/EM02 OPM/GOVT-1 3N  2 )Individual personnel on each person in EM  N& 3434| LaRC) Chief Health and Medical Officer-$Health Information Management System LX4OLaRC Occupational Health Office. System POC: Donna Freet, RN. COTR: Randy Cone 3Y NASA 10HIMS -$Health Information Management SystemK WBOccupational Health Contracting Officers Technical Representatives Medical information on employees including date of birth, allergies, etc. Used by the LaRC Occupational Health Clinic to schedule employees for health examinations (Search by SSN/employee name)  N 3Electronically  Y NNL07AA19C Y Y 4Y34| LaRCOffice of Education4+LaRC Career Talk Register to LaRC VolunteerOA-011-M-LRC-1007 MM Randy ManningK  School Name, School Address, School POC, POC Phone, Date, Time, Volunteer Name, Volunteer Phone, School to Volunteer, Date, Time  Y KElectronically -$C=Raytheon Technical Services/CONITSL7050C5,N/Per CO Mike Stubbs, not in CONITS contract Y MY34 LaRCOffice of Education7.LaRC Destination Tomorrow Station RegistrationOA-011-M-LRC-1007 MM Robert StarrK  First Name, Last Name, Title, Station Type, Call Letter, Station Name, Address 1, Address 2, City, State, Region, Zip, Country, Phone, Fax, Email, Confirm Email, Audience Size, Adjusted Size, Program Language, Tape Format, Password, Confirm Password  Y KElectronically C=CONITSL7050C5,N/Per CO Mike Stubbs, not in CONITS contract N MN34|}~ LaRCOffice of EducationU&LaRC Kids Science News Network (KSNN)OA-011-M-LRC-1007 MMThomas PinelliK  Who you are, First Name, Last Name, Title, Organization Type, Organization Name, Address 1, Address 2, City, State, Region, Zip, Country, Phone, Fax, Email, Confirm Email, Audience Size, Adjusted Size, Password, Confirm Password  Y KElectronically C=CONITSL7050C5,N/Per CO Mike Stubbs, not in CONITS contract N MN34 LaRC Office of EducationE <LaRC Learning Web Site Station Information (Search and Add) OA-011-M-LRC-1007 M M Robert Starr K  First Name, Last Name, Title, Station Type, Call Letter, Station Name, Address 1, Address 2, City, State, Region, Zip, County, Phone, Fax, Email, Confirm Email, Program, Audience Size, Adjusted Size, Program Language, Tape Request, Tape Format, Comments,  Y KElectronically  C=CONITS L7050C5 ,N/Per CO Mike Stubbs, not in CONITS contract N MN 34|}~ LaRC Office of EducationD ;LaRC Learning Web Site Station Information (Search and Add) OA-011-M-LRC-1007 M MThomas Pinelli K  First Name, Last Name, Title, Station Type, Call Letter, Station Name, Address 1, Address 2, City, State, Region, Zip, County, Phone, Fax, Email, Confirm Email, Program, Audience Size, Adjusted Size, Program Language, Tape Request, Tape Format, Comments,  Y KElectronically  C=CONITS L7050C5 ,N/Per CO Mike Stubbs, not in CONITS contract N MN 34 LaRC Office of Education)  LaRC NASA Connect Mentor Request OA-011-M-LRC-1007 M M Robert Starr K  wEducator name, School name, Address, Telephone number, E-mail address, Largest city near you, Grade, Number of Students Y KElectronically  C=CONITS L7050C5 ,N/Per CO Mike Stubbs, not in CONITS contract N MN 34 LaRC> 5Other Orgs/Functions Maintaining Personal Information- $LaRC NASA Events Registration System OA-011-M-LRC-1007 M$ 4Vickie Gage/Steve Van Gandy 3< | sFirst Name, Last Name, Title, Organization Name, Address 1, Address 2, City, State, Zip, Country, Phone, Fax, Email Y 3Electronically  Y L70750C Y Y 4Y ><<<@|}~ LaRC> 5Other Orgs/Functions Maintaining Personal InformationA 8LaRC Nonconformance Failure Reporting and Anomaly System OA-011-L-LRC-1007 L& 4Jose Caraballo/Leslie Johnson 3< x oEmail Address, First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name, Phone Number, Password, Confirm Password, Select Projects Y 3Electronically  Y L70750C Y Y 4Y ><<<@|}~ LaRC>5Other Orgs/Functions Maintaining Personal Information) LaRC Organizational Title System $MLaRC OCIO: Annabelle Durand KN <  LaRC system that provides the organizational title for managers, leads, assistant branch heads, and other supervisory positions. (Search by organization, name, access via employee number)  N  KN/A <C=CONITSL7050C6-N/Per CO, Mike Stubbs, not in CONITS contract N  MN ><<<= LaRCmsfc-data1 (h:) 4Carl Lester, TL/EM403< ^ UOGE Form 450, MSFC Form 507, IDP, EPCS 4282, MSFC Form 4284, and NASA Form 1727 EPCS( 3<4><<<=|}~ LaRCulWeb Time and Attendance Distribution System Feedback http://webtadspublic.larc.nasa.gov/feedback.cfm )M Vickie Gage Jane.V.Gage@nasa.govK< ( Email Address, Subject, Comment  Y$ K<M><<<=|}~&&@O6a`LH(  L L BtN  XPP?.]4@tN LL %XڑIh #<$Previously labeled "System Manager"< #H L BN  XPP?]4@N L Nff]N 3q <This checklist provides specific actions to be taken by federal agencies for the protection of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) categorized in accordance with FIPS 199 as moderate or high impact that is either: " Accessed remotely; or " Physically transported outside of the agency s secured, physical perimeter (this includes information transported on removable media and on portable/mobile devices such as laptop computers and/or personal digital assistants). <[   Kevin L. Johnsont Kevin L. Johnsont>@     7 - ـ  dMbP?_*+%M 2L18-XE3545 C odXXLetterDINU"8tr!8SMTJ(Xerox WorkCentre Pro C3545InputBinOption1RESDLLUniresDLLXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_600CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_800CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_6CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_FINISH_400CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_FINISH_400CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_FINISH_400CBXRX_WM_INITCBXRX_WM_DRAW_STARTCBXRX_WM_DRAW_ENDCBXRXbeginXRXbeginXRXendXRXendEnterPCLEnterPCLColorMode24bppColorCorrectionAutoOrientationPORTRAITPaperSizeLETTERResolutiondpi600x600DuplexNONECollateONStaplingNoneGraphicsModeHPGL2MODETrueTypeFormatTTF_OPTION_19XRXMOCX>o xlewijopqrfo o 8z@dz|} 300>>>>>>"-XX??U}  5} I}  6}  5}  5}  8}  9}  :} `.@ @ @  @ @} @ @} @ @  @  @  @   bb N :&  b  ':@7Master Personally Identifiable Information List (MPIIL)<;System Information{ Privacy Act InformationOMB InformationRemarks R NASA CenterRSystem FunctionR System Name$RSystem Security Plan Number;R2System Security Category (L=Low, M=Medium, H=High)TSKSystem Owner (Name and Title of Agency Official Responsible for the System)1T(Is This a Privacy Act (PA) System? (Y/N)=R4What Is The Published System of Record (SOR) Number?;R2What Is The Published System of Record (SOR) Name?. R%System of Record (SOR) System Manager1 R(What Type of Records Are in This System?B R9Does This System Collect Information on The Public? (Y/N)T TKHow Are The Records Physically Stored? (Electronically, Paper or Microfilm)L RCHas An OMB Security Checklist Been Completed For This System? (Y/N)DU;Is This System Maintained or Operated by a Contractor (Y/N)>R5What Is The Contract Number Which Covers This System?ER<Is The Privacy Act FAR Clause Included in The Contract (Y/N)Bb9Are The System of Records Being Managed as Records? (Y/N)S}Are The System of Records Being Disposed of Per The PA SORN in Accordance With NASA Records Retention Schedules (NRRS)? (Y/N)STJDoes This System Collect or Maintain Social Security Numbers (SSNs)? (Y/N)=R4Is This Systems a Candidate For Consolidation? (Y/N)?R6Is This System Scheduled To Be Replaced in FY09? (Y/N)SRJIs This System Scheduled To Be Decommissioned or Eliminated in FY09? (Y/N)OSFIs This System Scheduled To Be Decommissioned or Eliminated in FY10 or MSFC-0'Retired Marshall Employee System (RMES)@7MSFC-06-1953 (ODIN MSFC Server - Low Security Category) L=r4Lou Nosenzo/HS01, 256.544.7401, Lou.Nosenzo@nasa.gov 3N    Name, Address  3N 3Electronicallym dCurrently behind the MSFC Private firewall. Currently requires VPN with token for remote connection.+RMES is used primarily for notifying retirees of the Retirement Banquet. Only a programmer can extract data by request which serves as the audit. This system has only 2 users.,v34| MSFC>5Other Orgs/Functions Maintaining Personal Information<3(From MSFC) Management Information Warehouse (MIW) MSFC-1713 M0s'Steve Deutschendorf, MSFC Office of CIO KY  l YSSN, Name, Address, Phone Number, Geographic Location, Account ID No Longer contains PIIB C   N Electronically  Y(SAIC), NNM04AA02C Y Y MY34| MSFC>5Other Orgs/Functions Maintaining Personal Information\I(From MSFC) MSFC Unified Account Management (UAMS) Being retired 09 2008   MSFC-1637 M1t('Steve Deutschendorf, MSFC Office of CIO 3Y  O FSSN, Name, Address, Phone Number, Geographic Location, Account Records  N 3Electronically  Y(SAIC), NNM04AA02C "Y "Y wY34| MSFC>5Other Orgs/Functions Maintaining Personal InformationhY(From MSFC) NASA Personnel & Payroll System, NASA Personnel/Payroll System (Core) (NPPS)-  MSFC-1785 LAs2Kenny King, MSFC Office of CFO Marisa Wofford/IS50  3Y  > 5SSN, Name, Address, Phone Number, Geographic Location  N    Y(SAIC), NNM04AA02C "Y "Y wY34 MSFC>5Other Orgs/Functions Maintaining Personal InformationcPAdministrative System for Training and Reporting (AdminSTAR) Retired 2008-03-18= > MSFC-94 L MBill Brewster, HQ/LE030 KY OPM/GOVT-1"Special Personnel Records > 5SSN, Name, Address, Phone Number, Geographic Location  N Electronically  Y(SAIC), NNM04AA02C Y Y MY34|}~ MSFC7..Agencywide Data Optical Storage System (ADOSS). MSFC-1706 /M+u"Randy Sparkman/IS70, Rod Hyde/IS30p. NASA 10NPPS.Privacy Act System  Chief Financial Officer  /SSN  /N  /0  Y(SAIC), NNM04AA02C Y Y 4Y34 MSFC R .ICommon Badging and Access Control System - Personal Identity Verification .MSF-1974 .H uTim Baldridge/IS70 qY .. 7 ..UUPIC, name, Social Security Number (SSN), DOB .N .0  Y (SAIC), NNM04AA02C Y Y 4Y 34|}~ MSFC! Human Capital Management)  competitive Placement plan files  4Danny R. Hightower  3Y  OPM/GOVT-5  p grecord of internal vacancy announcements and related documentation (maintained by announcement numbers) N& 434 MSFC! Human Capital ManagementC 4Employee Data Verification (EDV) Retired 08-05-2008"   MSFC-06-1953 L/ M&Lou Nosenzo, MSFC Human Capital Office KY OPM/GOVT-2 or 3 ??   SSN, Org, Name N Electronically  Y (SAIC), NNM04AA02C Y Y MY 34 MSFC! Human Capital Management\ IFrom MSFC Centerwide Logging & Tracking System (CLTS) Retired 2007-10-125 7   MSFC-1854 L/ M&Lou Nosenzo, MSFC Human Capital Office KY <  SSN, Org, Name N Electronically  Y (SAIC), NNM04AA02C Y Y MY ><<<@|}~ MSFC! Human Capital Management4 +From MSFC Individual Development Plan (IDP)  MSFC-06-1953 L/ M&Lou Nosenzo, MSFC Human Capital Office KY OPM/GOVT-2 or 3 < & SSN, Org, Name No PII  N Electronically  Y (SAIC), NNM04AA02C Y Y MY ><<<@|}~ MSFC!Human Capital Management0'From MSFC Needs Assessment Report (NAR) MSFC-1566 L/M&Lou Nosenzo, MSFC Human Capital Office KY < & SSN, Org, Name No PII   N Electronically  Y(SAIC), NNM04AA02C Y Y MY><<<< MSFC!Human Capital ManagementO<From MSFC Personnel Awards System (PAS) Retired 2007-10-12( *  MSFC-1566 L/M&Lou Nosenzo, MSFC Human Capital Office KY OPM/GOVT-? <  SSN, Org, Name  N Electronically  Y(SAIC), NNM04AA02C Y Y MY><<<<|}~ MSFC) Chief Health and Medical Officer4+Health Information Management System (HIMS) MSFC-06-1981 M4Cathy Angotti, Director, Occupational Health, Office of Chief Health and Medical Office,  3Y NASA 10HIMS -$Health Information Management SystemK WBOccupational Health Contracting Officers Technical Representatives> 5SSN, Name, Address, Phone Number, Geographic Location  N 3Electronically  Y/&AJT & Associates,Contract # NAS8-03079 Y Y 4Y><<<<|}~ MSFC!Human Capital Management5,Marshall Personnel Information System (MPIS) MSFC-06-1953 L/4&Lou Nosenzo, MSFC Human Capital Office 3YOPM/GOVT-2 or 3 < m dAll personal data, DOB, SSN, Address, Phone Number(s), Location, Salary, Grade, Minority, Race, etc.  N 3Electronically  Y(SAIC), NNM04AA02C "Y "Y wY><<<< MSFC(Security and Program ProtectionMini MAX MSFC-1710 MD4;Michaeal Wilson, Manager, Protective Services Department,  3Y NASA 10SECR Chief Security Division <& Name, Driver License, address  Y 3Electronically  Y(SAIC), NNM04AA02C "Y "Y wY><<<<| MSFC-$Ofc of Diversity & Equal Opportunity MSFC 3050 M-4$OS01, Affirmative Employment Manager 3Y EEOC/GOVT-1? <  Special reports - reports on specific EEO programs, such as the status of women and minority groups. Employment numbers relating to race and sex.  N   NA NA Y 4Y><<<<| MSFC-$Ofc of Diversity & Equal Opportunity MSFC 3050 H04'OS01, Discrimination Complaints Manager 3Y EEO/GOVT-1 < u lOfficial Discrimination Complaints Case files containing complaints, reports, decisions, hearing notes, etc.  N   NA NA Y 4Y><<<<| MSFC!Human Capital Management MSFC 3100 M%4OS01, Administrative Officer 3Y OPM/GOVT-2 < d erformance Appraisal Records on individuals staff members of OS01 including annual ratings  N$ 4><<<< MSFC!Human Capital Management MSFC 3290 M%4OS01, Administrative Officer 3Y OPM/GOVT-1 <  Superviosr's Personnel Files containing information on OS01 staff such as correspondence, requests for personnel action, records on individual employees duplicated in or not appropriate for the OPF.  N$ 4><<<<|}~ MSFC-$Ofc of Diversity & Equal Opportunity MSFC 3300 M34*OS01, Coordinator, Minority Education Pgrm 3Y NASA 10SPER <  NASA Special Employment Program Files Minority University Education Program-Applications, correspondence, and related documentation for summer employees.  N$ 4><<<< MSFC!Human Capital Management"MSFC Adverse Action files 4Danny R. Hightower 3Y OPM/GOVT-3 < K Brecord of disciplinary and adverse actions taken against employees  N$ 4><<<<|}~ MSFC8/Integrated Enterprise Management Program (IEMP)9*MSFC BankCard (IFM), IEM Bankcard (IEM BC) IE-2035-M-MSF-0057 M,4#Neil Rodgers IS01, Jane Maples/IS60 3Y NASA 10IFM1$Financial Management System <W NSSN, Government Credit Card Number(s), Name, Address, Bank Routing Information  N 3Electronically In above WebTADS file Y(SAIC), NNM04AA02C "Y "Y wY><<<< MSFC8/Integrated Enterprise Management Program (IEMP),#MSFC Business Warehouse (BW) (IFM)IE-2035-M-MSF-0057 M!4BIRCHMEIER, ERIN K, IS80 3Y NASA 10IFM1$Financial Management System < SSN, Name, Address   N 3Electronically In above WebTADS file Y(SAIC), NNM04AA02C "Y "Y wY><<<< MSFC8/Integrated Enterprise Management Program (IEMP)B3MSFC Core Financial (IFM), Core Financial (IEM CF) IE-2035-M-MSF-0057 M24)PASSER, STEVE L/IS70 Kathy Shockley/IS60 3Y NASA 10IFM1$Financial Management System <W NSSN, Government Credit Card Number(s), Name, Address, Bank Routing Information  N 3Electronically In above WebTADS file Y(SAIC), NNM04AA02C "Y "Y wY><<<<|}~ MSFC>5Other Orgs/Functions Maintaining Personal Information:1MSFC Electronic File Inside Marshall (MS Victor2) MSFC-1587 L MDominic A. Amatore CS20 KY NASA 10BRPA < K <Senior Manager Biographies PUBLIC PII, NOT PROTECTED PII  N Electronically   NA NA8/N These are Sr. Mgmt bios posted on Inside MSFC MY><<<<|}~ MSFC8/Integrated Enterprise Management Program (IEMP)MSFC e-Payroll (IFM)IE-2035-M-MSF-0057 M4Neil Rodgers IS01 3Y NASA 10IMF2Human Resources System <6 -SSN, Name, Address, Bank Routing Information  N 3Electronically In above WebTADS file Y(SAIC), NNM04AA02C "Y "Y wY><<<< MSFC-$Ofc of Diversity & Equal OpportunityMSFC Grievance appeals L4Danny R. Hightower 3Y EEOC/GOVT-1 < 1 (records of grievances filed by employees  N   NA "NA "Y wY><<<<|}~ MSFC(Security and Program Protection@7MSFC Marshall Employee Data Information Service (MEDIS) MSFC-06-1952 Me4\Michaeal Wilson, Manager, Protective Services Department,  3Y.%OPM/GOVT-1 NASA 1HIMS or OPM/GOVT-10 < e \All personal data, DOB, POB, Height, Weight, Eye Color, SSN, Address, Phone Number(s), etc.  NB 9Refer to OSPP input to this action for MEDIS information.  Y(SAIC), NNM04AA02C "Y "Y wY><<<<DBlO $>p^AXfw  !"#$a% & ''():* +,'-' MSFC)  Chief Health and Medical OfficerI @MSFC MSFC Repository Electronic Documentation Mgt. System (EDMS)  MSFC-06-1945 M M James R. Hyde KY  OPM/GOVT-10 < K 18NASA-MSFC Retiree Medical Records No longer contains PII!" N Electronically  Y (SAIC), NNM04AA02C Y Y MY ><<<< !MSFC&!Office of the General CouncilT!KMSFC OGE Form 450 Executive Branch Confidential Financial Disclosure Report! !L)!4 U.S. Office of Government Ethics !3Y! OGE/GOVT-1 !< ! Financial Reports of MSFC employees who are required to file a Form 450 in lieu of their job responsibilities and/or grade level. Legal Office retains original paper copy for 6 years. ! N !  !NA !NA !Y !4Y!><<<<|}~ "MSFC8"/Integrated Enterprise Management Program (IEMP)]"NMSFC Resume Manager (STaRS) (IFM), IEM Staffing and Resume System (IEM STARS)" "IE-2035-M-MSF-1769 "M."4%Neil Rodgers IS01, Keaven Moreau/IS70 "3Y" NASA 10IMF2"Human Resources System" <9" 0Name, Address, Phone Number, Geographic Location " Y" 3Electronically" In above WebTADS file "Y"(SAIC), NNM04AA02C ""Y ""Y "wY"><<<<|}~ #MSFC!#Human Capital Management5#,MSFC Staffing Plan Management System (MSPMS)# MSFC-06-1953 #L/#M&Lou Nosenzo, MSFC Human Capital Office #KY#OPM/GOVT-2 or 3 #< &# Name, Org No PII  # N# Electronically#  #Y#(SAIC), NNM04AA02C #Y #Y #MY#><<<< $MSFC>$5Other Orgs/Functions Maintaining Personal Information$MSFC Tec Tracs$ MSFC-1557 $LA$48Jim Dowdy/ED03 (alternate POC: Carolyn McMillian/ED03) $3N $< $ Licensing Royalties, Patent Information, New Technology Reporting, Partnerships [information that is pulled up is associated with the technology not a person] $ N$ 3Electronically $ $Unknown$"Unknown$"Unknown$wUnknown$><<<<|}~ %MSFC8%/Integrated Enterprise Management Program (IEMP)G%8MSFC Travel Manager (IFM), IEM Travel Manager (IEM TM) %IE-2035-M-MSF-1769 %M.%4%Neil Rodgers IS01, Keaven Moreau/IS70 %3Y% NASA 10IMF2%Human Resources System% <% SSN, Name, Address % N% 3Electronically% In above WebTADS file %Y%(SAIC), NNM04AA02C %"Y %"Y %wY%><<<<|}~ &MSFC8&/Integrated Enterprise Management Program (IEMP)\&MMSFC WebTads, IEM Web Based Time Attendance and Distribution System (WebTADS) &IE-2035-M-MSF-0057 &M-&4$Neil Rodgers IS01, Nikki Miller/IS60 &3Y& NASA 10NPPS &< H& ?Personnel Attributes required in the processing of employee T&A & N& 3Electronically&  &Y&(SAIC), NNM04AA02C &"Y &"Y &wY&><<<< 'MSFC'''.NASA Account Management System'. MSFC-1653 '.M'uSharon Ing/IS70 'qN '..< ' .Have to research ' .N' 3Electronically' 0 'Y'(SAIC), NNM04AA02C 'Y 'Y '4Y'><<<< (MSFC!(Human Capital Management8(/Notification of Personnel Actions (std form 50) ((4Danny R. Hightower  (3Y( OPM/GOVT-1 (< ( Documents initial employment promotions, transfers, separations, disciplinary actions, and pay changes (maintained chronically) ( N$( 4><<<<|}~ )MSFC!)Human Capital Management#)Official Personnel Folders ))4Danny R. Hightower  )3Y) OPM/GOVT-1 )< ) xCopies of personnel actions, benefits, security clearances, pay changes, etc. (maintained in alphabetical order by name) ) N$) 4><<<<|}~ *MSFC!*Human Capital Management *outside employment file **4Danny R. Hightower *3N* OPM/GOVT-1 *< K* Brecord of outside vacancy announcements and related documentation * N$* 4><<<< +MSFC!+Human Capital Management&+Performance evaluation files ++4Danny R. Hightower  +3N+ OPM/GOVT-2 +< ?+ 6performance evaluations (filed alphabetically by name) + N$+ 4><<<<|}~ ,MSFC,,. PIV Workflow,.MSF-1654 ,/H,uSharon Ing/IS70 ,qY ,22< ,, .#Personal Identification Information , .N, 3Electronically, 0 ,Y,(SAIC), NNM04AA02C ,Y ,Y ,4Y,><<<< -MSFC!-Human Capital Management4-+Position description filesNo need to report --4Danny R. Hightower -3N -< -- $Position descriptions (files by PD#0 - N$- 4><<<<|}~ BZA&0fy?:f\ PD(  Pv P <A' ?AA@?]P`P  & l dB Acrobat Document~v P <A3 ?AA@?]P`Q  & Dl C Acrobat Document P Bl  XPP?.]4@l R S 3OHȔ #<$Previously labeled "System Manager"< #H P B m  XPP?]4@ m S /"G_M 3h6 <This checklist provides specific actions to be taken by federal agencies for the protection of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) categorized in accordance with FIPS 199 as moderate or high impact that is either: " Accessed remotely; or " Physically transported outside of the agency s secured, physical perimeter (this includes information transported on removable media and on portable/mobile devices such as laptop computers and/or personal digital assistants). <G   Kevin L. Johnsont Kevin L. Johnsont>@1      !!""##$$%%&&''(())**++,,--7 - ـ  dMbP?_*+%M 2L18-XE3545 C odXXLetterDINU"8tr!8SMTJ(Xerox WorkCentre Pro C3545InputBinOption1RESDLLUniresDLLXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_600CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_800CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_6CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_FINISH_400CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_FINISH_400CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_FINISH_400CBXRX_WM_INITCBXRX_WM_DRAW_STARTCBXRX_WM_DRAW_ENDCBXRXbeginXRXbeginXRXendXRXendEnterPCLEnterPCLColorMode24bppColorCorrectionAutoOrientationPORTRAITPaperSizeLETTERResolutiondpi600x600DuplexNONECollateONStaplingNoneGraphicsModeHPGL2MODETrueTypeFormatTTF_OPTION_19XRXMOCX>o xlewijopqrfo o 8z@dz|} 300>>>>>>"-XX??U}  5} 5}  6}  5}  5}  8}  9}  :} `@ @  @  @ @} @ @} @ @  @  @  @ ; ;@7Master Personally Identifiable Information List (MPIIL)<;System Information{ Privacy Act InformationOMB InformationRemarks R NASA CenterRSystem FunctionR System Name$RSystem Security Plan Number;R2System Security Category (L=Low, M=Medium, H=High)TSKSystem Owner (Name and Title of Agency Official Responsible for the System)1T(Is This a Privacy Act (PA) System? (Y/N)=R4What Is The Published System of Record (SOR) Number?;R2What Is The Published System of Record (SOR) Name?. R%System of Record (SOR) System Manager1 R(What Type of Records Are in This System?B S9Does This System Collect Information on The Public? (Y/N)T TKHow Are The Records Physically Stored? (Electronically, Paper or Microfilm)L RCHas An OMB Security Checklist Been Completed For This System? (Y/N)DU;Is This System Maintained or Operated by a Contractor (Y/N)>R5What Is The Contract Number Which Covers This System?ER<Is The Privacy Act FAR Clause Included in The Contract (Y/N)Bb9Are The System of Records Being Managed as Records? (Y/N)S}Are The System of Records Being Disposed of Per The PA SORN in Accordance With NASA Records Retention Schedules (NRRS)? (Y/N)STJDoes This System Collect or Maintain Social Security Numbers (SSNs)? (Y/N)=R4Is This Systems a Candidate For Consolidation? (Y/N)?R6Is This System Scheduled To Be Replaced in FY09? (Y/N)SRJIs This System Scheduled To Be Decommissioned or Eliminated in FY09? (Y/N)OSFIs This System Scheduled To Be Decommissioned or Eliminated in FY10 or NSSC>5Other Orgs/Functions Maintaining Personal Information+"(NAAS) NASA Automated Award System M4Dan Mangieri NSSC 3Y   SSN's are required for NAAS to output FPPS. FPPS processes employee monetary and time-off awards. The SSN is imported from (NOPS).  N 7Electronically$ 434| NSSC!Human Capital Management Assistant Pro M4 Dan Mangieri 3Y   Drug Testing Database  Y 7Electronically$ 434| NSSC!Human Capital Management>5NSSC Site for On-line Learning and Resources (SATERN) M24)HR, Director, Agency Training and Dev Div 3Y/&NASA 10NPPS? OPM/GOVT-1? NASA 10SPER?  } tEmployee online training records and user profile information sent from the Federal Personnel Payroll System (FPPS).  N 7Electronically  Y 434|>437434>437434|}~>437434> 437A434|}~> 437434> 437)434> 43<74><<<@|}~> 43<74><<<@|}~ OBBBBBBB`XH(  X X BL  XPP?.]4@L X MX^L,d #<$Previously labeled "System Manager"< #H X B  XPP?]4@ pX '.sIҽ?w <This checklist provides specific actions to be taken by federal agencies for the protection of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) categorized in accordance with FIPS 199 as moderate or high impact that is either: " Accessed remotely; or " Physically transported outside of the agency s secured, physical perimeter (this includes information transported on removable media and on portable/mobile devices such as laptop computers and/or personal digital assistants). <G   Kevin L. Johnsont Kevin L. Johnsont>@     7 - ـ  dMbP?_*+%M 2L18-XE3545 C odXXLetterDINU"8tr!8SMTJ(Xerox WorkCentre Pro C3545InputBinOption1RESDLLUniresDLLXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_600CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_SETUP_800CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_6CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_SETUP_200CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_SETUP_400CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_JOB_FINISH_400CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_DOC_FINISH_400CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_FINISH_200CBXUGPD_CB_PAGE_FINISH_400CBXRX_WM_INITCBXRX_WM_DRAW_STARTCBXRX_WM_DRAW_ENDCBXRXbeginXRXbeginXRXendXRXendEnterPCLEnterPCLColorMode24bppColorCorrectionAutoOrientationPORTRAITPaperSizeLETTERResolutiondpi600x600DuplexNONECollateONStaplingNoneGraphicsModeHPGL2MODETrueTypeFormatTTF_OPTION_19XRXMOCX>o xlewijopqrfo o 8z@dz|} 300>>>>>>"-XX??U}  5} 5}  6}  5}  5}  8}  9}  :} `@ @  @  @ @} @ @} @ @  @  @  @   @7Master Personally Identifiable Information List (MPIIL)<;System Information{ Privacy Act InformationOMB InformationRemarks R NASA CenterRSystem FunctionR System Name$RSystem Security Plan Number;R2System Security Category (L=Low, M=Medium, H=High)TSKSystem Owner (Name and Title of Agency Official Responsible for the System)1T(Is This a Privacy Act (PA) System? (Y/N)=R4What Is The Published System of Record (SOR) Number?;R2What Is The Published System of Record (SOR) Name?. R%System of Record (SOR) System Manager1 R(What Type of Records Are in This System?B S9Does This System Collect Information on The Public? (Y/N)T TKHow Are The Records Physically Stored? (Electronically, Paper or Microfilm)L RCHas An OMB Security Checklist Been Completed For This System? (Y/N)DU;Is This System Maintained or Operated by a Contractor (Y/N)>R5What Is The Contract Number Which Covers This System?ER<Is The Privacy Act FAR Clause Included in The Contract (Y/N)Bb9Are The System of Records Being Managed as Records? (Y/N)S}Are The System of Records Being Disposed of Per The PA SORN in Accordance With NASA Records Retention Schedules (NRRS)? (Y/N)STJDoes This System Collect or Maintain Social Security Numbers (SSNs)? (Y/N)=R4Is This Systems a Candidate For Consolidation? (Y/N)?R6Is This System Scheduled To Be Replaced in FY09? (Y/N)SRJIs This System Scheduled To Be Decommissioned or Eliminated in FY09? (Y/N)OSFIs This System Scheduled To Be Decommissioned or Eliminated in FY10 or SSC(Security and Program Protection5,Common Badging Access Control System (CBACS)OA-999-M-SSC-0020 M:41Center Security Officer RA03 Stennis Space Center Y NASA10 SECR Security Records System Security Officer ID cards for NASA civil service employees, contractors and foreign nationals who have a completed background check; data include social security number, home and business addresses, badging photo, signature images; emergency contacts for civil service emp  4Y 3Electronically  'Paragon NS7790 CSC NNS04AB54T Y Y 4Y34| SSCOffice of Education'Education Office Files - PaperOA-302-L-SSC-0001 LT4KManager, Office of External Affairs and Education IA00 Stennis Space Center Y NASA10 SPER"Special Personnel Records  Human Resources officer Release/Consent Forms for Pictures (Name and Phone) Registration Forms for Astro Camp (Childrens Data) Registration Forms for Take Our Children to Work Day Teacher Workshop Registration Forms Summer High School Apprenticeship Research Program (S  4Y 3Electronically  Y)! Jacobs Technology Inc NNS07AB21C Y Y 4Y34| SSC-$Ofc of Diversity & Equal Opportunity"Equal Opportunity Records L4COffice of Diversity and Equal Opportunity AA00 Stennis Space Center Y NASA 10EEOR "Equal Opportunity Records" Equal Opportunity Officerx oEEO Complaint File (paper) EEO Investigation File (paper) Disability Reasonable Accommodations (paper)  4N 3 Y 4Y34| SSC>5Other Orgs/Functions Maintaining Personal Information(Exchange Records on Individuals MJmACFO - Office of Chief Financial Officer BA00 Stennis Space Center Y NASA 10XROI(Exchange Records on Individuals Manager, NASA Exchangei `Personnel Information on Exchange employees. Membership information on members of the Exchange  4Y  3  Y 434 SSC>5Other Orgs/Functions Maintaining Personal Information4+Inspector General Investigation Case Files <43Office of Inspector General IG Stennis Space Center Y NASA10 IGIC4+Inspector General Investigation Case Files. %Special and Resident Agents in Charge zAdministrative Investigation Files (paper) Criminal Investigation Files (paper) Civil Investigation Files (paper)  4Y 3 Y 4Y34|}~ SSC8/Integrated Enterprise Management Program (IEMP)G>Integrated Enterprise Management Program Support Files - paper JmACFO - Office of Chief Financial Officer BA00 Stennis Space Center Y NASA10 IMF10'Integrated Financial Management Program  Travel Credit Card Applications Payment Schedules Traveler Bankcards Small Purchases Credit Cards Applications/Docum-Procurement  4N  3CSC NNS04AB54T Y Y 4Y34 SSC Office of Education" Mailing List Spreadsheets OA-302-L-SSC-0001 LT 4KManager, Office of External Affairs and Education IA00 Stennis Space Center Y  NASA10 SPER" Special Personnel Records Human Resources officerB 9Space Flight Awareness Launch Guest List Astro Camp 4Y 3Electronically ) ! Jacobs Technology Inc NNS07AB21C Y Y 4Y 34|}~ SSC)  Chief Health and Medical Officer. %MEDSYS Diagnosis & Services (desktop)  M@ 47Chief, Institutional Division RA30 Stennis Space Center Y  NASA 10HIMS - $Health Information Management SystemK WBOccupational Health Contracting Officers Technical Representatives Daily log of patients; general medical records of first aid, emergency treatment, examinations, exposures, and consultations; also basis for clinic contractor billing. 4N 3Electronically  Y) ! Jacobs Technology Inc NNS07AB21C Y Y 4Y 34 SSC( Security and Program ProtectionD ;NASA Foreign National Management System (NFNMS) - HQ system  4Center Security Officer RA03 Stennis Space Center Hosted external to Headquarters at a contractor facility. Detail to be reported by OSPP. Y  NASA10 SECR Security Records System Security Officer; 2Personal identifiers for foreign national visitors 4N 3Electronically  Y)  NNH05097012R, The ESP Group, LLC Y Y 4Y 34 SSC)  Chief Health and Medical Officer' Personnel Medical File (paper)  H@ 47Chief, Institutional Division RA30 Stennis Space Center Y  NASA 10HIMS - $Health Information Management SystemK WBOccupational Health Contracting Officers Technical Representatives General medical records of first aid, emergency treatment, examinations, exposures, and consultations. Information resulting from physical examinations, laboratory and other tests, and medical history forms; treatment records; screening examination resul 4N 3) ! Jacobs Technology Inc NNS07AB21C Y Y 4Y ><<<@|}~ SSC! Human Capital Management" Procurement Files - paper N nEProcurement Officer - Office of Procurement DA00 Stennis Space Center   NASA10 SPER" Special Personnel Records Human Resources officerg ^Procurement Certification (paper) Contractor Company Officers and Key Personnel (paper) 43  Y  Y 4Y ><<<@|}~ SSCPublic Affairs*!Senior Staff Biographical Records LT4KManager, Office of External Affairs and Education IA00 Stennis Space Center Y NASA 10BRPA0'Biographical Records for Public Affairs Public Affairs Officer Current biographical information about the individuals with a recent photograph when available. Data items are those generally required by NASA or the news media in preparing news or feature stories about the individual and/or the individual's activity wi  4Y 3Electronically < Y 4><<<=|}~ SSC(Security and Program ProtectionStennis Badging SystemOA-999-M-SSC-0020 M:41Center Security Officer RA03 Stennis Space Center Y NASA10 SECR Security Records System Security Officer ID cards for personnel who do not yet have a completed background check; data include social security number, home and business addresses, badging photo, signature images. Visitor badges for non-foreign nationals. Note: This system is in a state of trans  4Y 3Electronically  <'Paragon NS7790 CSC NNS04AB54T Y Y 4Y><<<= SSC!Human Capital Management%Succession Planning Database LC4:Manager, Office of Human Capital LA00 Stennis Space Center NASA10 SPER"Special Personnel Records  Human Resources officer+ "Center career development planning 43< Y 4Y><<<= SSC) Chief Health and Medical Officer3*Vaccination Status- Electronic Spreadsheet M@47Chief, Institutional Division RA30 Stennis Space Center Y NASA 10HIMS -$Health Information Management SystemK WBOccupational Health Contracting Officers Technical Representatives Immunization records  4N 3Electronically  <)! Jacobs Technology Inc NNS07AB21C Y Y oY><<<=|}~(-TOIi:`TH(  T T Bh  XPP?.]4@h h\  r7F+L #<$Previously labeled "System Manager"< #H T B̪  XPP?]4@̪ \  JB՝CB <This checklist provides specific actions to be taken by federal agencies for the protection of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) categorized in accordance with FIPS 199 as moderate or high impact that is either: " Accessed remotely; or " Physically transported outside of the agency s secured, physical perimeter (this includes information transported on removable media and on portable/mobile devices such as laptop computers and/or personal digital assistants). <G   Kevin L. Johnsont Kevin L. Johnsont>@     7 CompObj ]CONTENTSC^MBD000EC785eDEST`e`eOle _P%PDF-1.5 % 12 0 obj<> endobj xref 12 8 0000000016 00000 n 0000000592 00000 n 0000000456 00000 n 0000000653 00000 n 0000001032 00000 n 0000001193 00000 n 0000023090 00000 n 0000026135 00000 n trailer <<8b66d1510d703743b24eb83cd1058e9b>]>> startxref 0 %%EOF 14 0 obj<>stream xb```a``be`d`k`g@aNTXa!?[  endstream endobj 13 0 obj<> endobj 15 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/ImageB]>>/PieceInfo<>>>>>/LastModified(D:20060727125402-05'00')>> endobj 16 0 obj<>stream H< DT BP6@ /"#fy 8_`>]@ͨmDLjs:QqȘQ^iG5~Ul׍{ endstream endobj 17 0 obj<>stream UJ((U῝*!E vD'N3l|"%?F`WKMAJ;IAcܲǕ EڙEz2EvX,S)-`ɻ24kC߳#h.<̼y BSf(BJbX>iV뷱'0{\/\0N7sS \!ZeWh pQw3# 蹧J;DI3FU+`խ[f9"`QcOu(X쬭~/=3ŊNS~SJgMJ ;;mԤePwiQ&1QISˆ]H|Np|`pgOR #CVUIDԉ({}G\s <2By~w zS=#)a1!ļj`Gm,ԒHlU66͜Y grwHOǨț~ N.GxfF*p# ۻ-}%QsyйGa0(`l[lu<7+Gm1F8^U]Ԋ ?4_\I9tߍI3btvhbQ)&~3@HaS]֔8Fd$3m550V ѧ֫@CsA6<@9b6 eL7g$ (sU^r}W4"aaGQ=|$uC(gJلexA t2%bNܶg;jQ-F3L^[7;d4pg9lBZ(M0 *| jхuվ, XMb VmJs 93Ek]qz}e} 0S_qrU謊]'c=[q0dSc <ϳ+* k,eC4!t˓ZU) ZRZ64Dx oB`]fY;QDB1!j7p 9aft${^Gɷ?_%uQ+"-nkqM0Ǖ_;Hf(di"d\q8r!luO?-"5__±:qnT'Bm랈2^{R1 o:XX$]BX;7ղ;$nktɬN-I`r B<=+Z!;*~;:VW>VK(=Ӑ@XleڥƀXxue:1n|A;>_ztct-Vӯo`@?AU,U7ZOyqN==uXhކ} ʟ!BK;R5 ʶ[JwtɅwf]ӥk@l# W!ԫB _Ay-)_@~Z:$\ꎈ(B/*: IN%8 =qx(I!!ؾ!οTYǠ$,c ?Z|8>̹eʮdUI#'F[$-5L*675Q Cm*AI>`7JZEj@ -A]}M ?c3ꛀb{MP^܋\\vCQ;pv;6|IQi( j)~!~{s>vr.CFOIv@=xⒿEDk*eV VذشGS{i]}06Ib8`Uf'#J]t&Ib3]!(94 |eUcL7b(XLjTO`3Z9l H eؗ<199_5ڣV ֢ԨM8%̓/ $dj ۵0ZJ Z(1YAES8)50{+9T/RX$yK=|aZAq,,ڵ2m XrMƤJޘaR' Q=wߐ x6 LB+'޺ |!X}ԇ7 *uGSXD]C{Մ,Jw4''[ m۔X>7 /ïm^'@B~td!?r3S(JĬne ʥ -zWlzKnB%pX4)xNA!Y RP%>lw&Ronp۵Lǿ)O .4 gR?3!i:[h1MS{':iπ˘+2*Ց^7`-r}t! ĉvtt:,0c P1r;] Q-lP}( )QU!q`%s+fy>=BiRHp PdEw]?K  lߦ3Ď~ǟEXVw[x0Bg +-[OeIȈ25gvnj+ệߎ4oiFrǮK7g.*F*gUJz({-wZg@)Z 7=tӀd3gΣ@|؃m2k rt7,@ܰ[lby(p5- 0l^Vkl@wծԍd8ęgA0 h1! 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