ࡱ> :<)*+,-./0123456789'`  bjbjLULU | .?.?<^  4"444h 5=;@!b(bbbbr2jl֣8dffffff$hg) bbbb$,,,bbd,d,,,b@ :4Z,d<,5v^5,5,,ԱX;;;||;;;4"4 BG !**   TOC \o "1-1" \t "Heading1;1" 1 - J7>1=>2O20=5 =0 70A540=85B>  PAGEREF _Toc314664242 \h 15 2 - 4>1@O20=5 =0 ?@>B>:>;8 >B ?@548H=8 70A540=8O: 26. ?@>B>:>;0  PAGEREF _Toc314664243 \h 15 3 - 7O2;5=85 =0 ?@54A540B5;AB2>B>  PAGEREF _Toc314664244 \h 15 4 - !JAB02 =0 ?0@;0<5=B0 (@>B>:>; 70 87<5=5=85 =0 ?@>B>:>; 36): 26. ?@>B>:>;0  PAGEREF _Toc314664245 \h 16 5 - A:0=5 70 =5>B;>6=0 ?@>F54C@0: 26. ?@>B>:>;0  PAGEREF _Toc314664246 \h 17 6 - !JAB02 =0 0@;0<5=B0: 26. ?@>B>:>;0  PAGEREF _Toc314664247 \h 17 7 - >4?8A20=5 =0 0:B>25, ?@85B8 AJ3;0A=> >18:=>25=0B0 70:>=>40B5;=0 ?@>F54C@0: 26. ?@>B>:>;0  PAGEREF _Toc314664248 \h 18 8 - =0AO=5 =0 4>:C<5=B8: 26. ?@>B>:>;8  PAGEREF _Toc314664249 \h 19 9 - J?@>A8 A 8A:0=5 70 CAB5= >B3>2>@ (2=0AO=5): 26. ?@>B>:>;0  PAGEREF _Toc314664250 \h 19 10 - "@0=AD5@ =0 1N465B=8 A@54AB20  PAGEREF _Toc314664251 \h 19 11 - 5B8F88: 26. ?@>B>:>;8  PAGEREF _Toc314664252 \h 20 12 - 54 =0 @01>B0  PAGEREF _Toc314664253 \h 20 13 - !?>@07C<5=85 70 ?0@B=L>@AB2> 2 >1;0ABB0 =0 @810@AB2>B> <564C 2@>?59A:8O AJN7 8 @0;AB2> 0@>:> - J45I8OB ?@>B>:>; 70 >?@545;O=5 2J7<>6=>AB8B5 70 @81>;>2 8 D8=0=A>2>B> CG0AB85, ?@542845=8 2 !?>@07C<5=85B> 70 ?0@B=L>@AB2> 2 >1;0ABB0 =0 @810@AB2>B> <564C 2@>?59A:8O AJN7 8 @0;AB2> 0@>:> (@078A:20=5)  PAGEREF _Toc314664254 \h 21 14 - @5@073;5640=5 =0 <=>3>3>48H=0B0 D8=0=A>20 @0<:0 70 2007 2013 3. A >3;54 =0 =5>1E>48<>ABB0 >B 4>?J;=8B5;=> D8=0=A8@0=5 =0 ?@>5:B0  ITER (@078A:20=5)  PAGEREF _Toc314664255 \h 32 15 - 2@>?59A:0 70?>254 70 >A83C@O20=5 =0 70I8B0 (@078A:20=5)  PAGEREF _Toc314664256 \h 41 16 - 48==0 ?@>F54C@0 70 ?>4020=5 =0 70O2;5=85 70 @07@5H5=85 70 ?@5182020=5 8 @01>B0 (@078A:20=5)  PAGEREF _Toc314664257 \h 50 17 - @02> =0 8=D>@<0F8O 2 =0:070B5;=8B5 ?@>872>4AB20 (@078A:20=5)  PAGEREF _Toc314664258 \h 59 18 - 4=><8=CB=8 87:0720=8O ?> 2J?@>A8 A ?>;8B8G5A:0 7=0G8<>AB  PAGEREF _Toc314664259 \h 65 19 - 0@85@8 ?@54 BJ@3>28OB0 8 8=25AB8F88B5 (:@0B:> ?@54AB02O=5)  PAGEREF _Toc314664260 \h 70 20 - =525= @54 =0 A;5420I>B> 70A540=85: 26. ?@>B>:>;0  PAGEREF _Toc314664261 \h 73 21 - 0:@820=5 =0 70A540=85B>  PAGEREF _Toc314664262 \h 74  ES NDICE  TOC \o "1-1" \t "Heading2;1" 1 - Reanudacin del perodo de sesiones  PAGEREF _Toc314664263 \h 15 2 - Aprobacin de las Actas de las sesiones anteriores: vase el Acta  PAGEREF _Toc314664264 \h 15 3 - Declaraciones de la Presidencia  PAGEREF _Toc314664265 \h 15 4 - Composicin del Parlamento (Protocolo por el que se modifica el Protocolo (n 36)): vase el Acta  PAGEREF _Toc314664266 \h 16 5 - Solicitud de urgencia: vase el Acta  PAGEREF _Toc314664267 \h 17 6 - Composicin del Parlamento: vase el Acta  PAGEREF _Toc314664268 \h 18 7 - Firma de actos adoptados de conformidad con el procedimiento legislativo ordinario: vase el Acta  PAGEREF _Toc314664269 \h 18 8 - Presentacin de documentos: vase el Acta  PAGEREF _Toc314664270 \h 19 9 - Preguntas orales (presentacin): vase el Acta  PAGEREF _Toc314664271 \h 19 10 - Transferencias de crditos: vase el Acta  PAGEREF _Toc314664272 \h 19 11 - Peticiones: vase el Acta  PAGEREF _Toc314664273 \h 20 12 - Orden de los trabajos  PAGEREF _Toc314664274 \h 20 13 - Acuerdo de colaboracin UE-Marruecos en el sector pesquero - Futuro Protocolo por el que se fijan las posibilidades de pesca y la contrapartida financiera previstas en el Acuerdo de colaboracin UE-Marruecos en el sector pesquero (debate)  PAGEREF _Toc314664275 \h 21 14 - Revisin del Marco Financiero Plurianual para cubrir las nuevas necesidades de financiacin del proyecto ITER (debate)  PAGEREF _Toc314664276 \h 32 15 - Orden europea de proteccin (debate)  PAGEREF _Toc314664277 \h 41 16 - Procedimiento nico de solicitud de un permiso de residencia y trabajo (debate)  PAGEREF _Toc314664278 \h 50 17 - Derecho a la informacin en los procesos penales (debate)  PAGEREF _Toc314664279 \h 59 18 - Intervenciones de un minuto sobre asuntos de importancia poltica  PAGEREF _Toc314664280 \h 65 19 - Barreras al comercio y a la inversin (breve presentacin)  PAGEREF _Toc314664281 \h 70 20 - Orden del da de la prxima sesin : vase el Acta  PAGEREF _Toc314664282 \h 73 21 - Cierre de la sesin  PAGEREF _Toc314664283 \h 74  CS OBSAH  TOC \o "1-1" \t "Heading3;1" 1 - Pokra ovn zasedn  PAGEREF _Toc314664284 \h 15 2 - Schvlen zpiso z pYedchozch zasedn: viz zpis  PAGEREF _Toc314664285 \h 15 3 - Prohlaen pYedsednictv  PAGEREF _Toc314664286 \h 15 4 - Slo~en Parlamentu (protokol, kterm se mn protokol . 36): viz zpis  PAGEREF _Toc314664287 \h 16 5 - }dost o nalhav postup: viz zpis  PAGEREF _Toc314664288 \h 17 6 - Slo~en Parlamentu: viz zpis  PAGEREF _Toc314664289 \h 18 7 - Podepisovn akto pYijatch Ydnm legislativnm postupem: viz zpis  PAGEREF _Toc314664290 \h 18 8 - PYedlo~en dokumento: viz zpis  PAGEREF _Toc314664291 \h 19 9 - Otzky k stnmu zodpovzen (pYedlo~en): viz zpis  PAGEREF _Toc314664292 \h 19 10 - PYevody prostYedko: viz zpis  PAGEREF _Toc314664293 \h 19 11 - Petice: viz zpis  PAGEREF _Toc314664294 \h 20 12 - Pln prce  PAGEREF _Toc314664295 \h 20 13 - Dohoda mezi EU a Marokem o partnerstv v odvtv rybolovu  Budouc protokol o rybolovnch prvech a finan nm pYspvku stanovenm v Dohod o partnerstv v oblasti rybolovu mezi Evropskou uni a Marockm krlovstvm (rozprava)  PAGEREF _Toc314664296 \h 21 14 - Revize vceletho finan nho rmce s clem vyYeait dodate n potYeby financovn projektu ITER (rozprava)  PAGEREF _Toc314664297 \h 32 15 - Evropsk ochrann pYkaz (rozprava)  PAGEREF _Toc314664298 \h 41 16 - Jednotn postup vyYizovn ~dost o povolen k pobytu a prci (rozprava)  PAGEREF _Toc314664299 \h 50 17 - Prvo na informace v trestnm Yzen (rozprava)  PAGEREF _Toc314664300 \h 59 18 - Jednominutov projevy k dole~itm politickm otzkm  PAGEREF _Toc314664301 \h 65 19 - PYek~ky v oblasti obchodu a investic (krtk pYednesen)  PAGEREF _Toc314664302 \h 70 20 - PoYad jednn pYatho zasedn: viz zpis  PAGEREF _Toc314664303 \h 73 21 - Ukon en zasedn  PAGEREF _Toc314664304 \h 74  DA INDHOLD  TOC \o "1-1" \t "Heading4;1" 1 - Genoptagelse af sessionen  PAGEREF _Toc314664305 \h 15 2 - Godkendelse af protokollerne fra de foregende mder: se protokollen  PAGEREF _Toc314664306 \h 15 3 - Erklringer fra formanden  PAGEREF _Toc314664307 \h 15 4 - Parlamentets sammenstning (protokol om ndring af protokol nr. 36): se protokollen  PAGEREF _Toc314664308 \h 17 5 - Anmodning om uopsttelig forhandling: se protokollen  PAGEREF _Toc314664309 \h 17 6 - Parlamentets sammenstning: se protokollen  PAGEREF _Toc314664310 \h 18 7 - Undertegnelse af retsakter vedtaget i overensstemmelse med den almindelige lovgivningsprocedure: se protokollen  PAGEREF _Toc314664311 \h 18 8 - Modtagne dokumenter: se protokollen  PAGEREF _Toc314664312 \h 19 9 - Mundtlige foresprgsler (modtagne dokumenter): se protokollen  PAGEREF _Toc314664313 \h 19 10 - Bevillingsoverfrsler: se protokollen  PAGEREF _Toc314664314 \h 19 11 - Andragender (jf. protokollen)  PAGEREF _Toc314664315 \h 20 12 - Arbejdsplan  PAGEREF _Toc314664316 \h 20 13 - Fiskeripartnerskabsaftalen EU-Marokko - Fremtidig protokol om faststtelse af de fiskerimuligheder og den finansielle modydelse, der er omhandlet i fiskeripartnerskabsaftalen mellem Den Europiske Union og Kongeriget Marokko (forhandling)  PAGEREF _Toc314664317 \h 21 14 - Revision af den flerrige finansielle ramme med henblik p dkning af yderligere finansieringsbehov til ITER-projektet (forhandling)  PAGEREF _Toc314664318 \h 32 15 - Europisk beskyttelsesordre (forhandling)  PAGEREF _Toc314664319 \h 41 16 - Procedure for samlet ansgning om opholds- og arbejdstilladelse (forhandling)  PAGEREF _Toc314664320 \h 50 17 - Ret til information under straffesager (forhandling)  PAGEREF _Toc314664321 \h 59 18 - Indlg af et minuts varighed om politisk vigtige sager  PAGEREF _Toc314664322 \h 65 19 - Hindringer for handel og investering (kortfattet forelggelse)  PAGEREF _Toc314664323 \h 70 20 - Dagsorden for nste mde: se protokollen  PAGEREF _Toc314664324 \h 73 21 - Hvelse af mdet  PAGEREF _Toc314664325 \h 74  DE INHALT  TOC \o "1-1" \t "Heading5;1" 1 - Wiederaufnahme der Sitzungsperiode  PAGEREF _Toc314664326 \h 15 2 - Genehmigung der Protokolle der vorangegangenen Sitzungen: siehe Protokoll  PAGEREF _Toc314664327 \h 15 3 - Erklrungen des Prsidenten  PAGEREF _Toc314664328 \h 16 4 - Zusammensetzung des Parlaments (Protokoll zur nderung von Protokoll 36): siehe Protokoll  PAGEREF _Toc314664329 \h 17 5 - Dringlichkeitsantrag: siehe Protokoll  PAGEREF _Toc314664330 \h 17 6 - Zusammensetzung des Parlaments: siehe Protokoll  PAGEREF _Toc314664331 \h 18 7 - Unterzeichnung von gem dem ordentlichen Gesetzgebungsverfahren angenommenen Rechtsakten: siehe Protokoll  PAGEREF _Toc314664332 \h 18 8 - Vorlage von Dokumenten: siehe Protokoll  PAGEREF _Toc314664333 \h 19 9 - Anfragen zur mndlichen Beantwortung (Vorlage): siehe Protokoll  PAGEREF _Toc314664334 \h 19 10 - Mittelbertragungen: siehe Protokoll  PAGEREF _Toc314664335 \h 19 11 - Petitionen: siehe Protokoll  PAGEREF _Toc314664336 \h 20 12 - Arbeitsplan  PAGEREF _Toc314664337 \h 20 13 - Partnerschaftliches Fischereiabkommen EU-Marokko - Knftiges Protokoll zur Festlegung der Fangmglichkeiten und der finanziellen Gegenleistung nach dem partnerschaftlichen Fischereiabkommen zwischen der Europischen Union und dem Knigreich Marokko (Aussprache)  PAGEREF _Toc314664338 \h 21 14 - nderung des mehrjhrigen Finanzrahmens 2007-2013 im Hinblick auf die Deckung eines zustzlichen Finanzierungsbedarfs fr das ITER-Projekt (Aussprache)  PAGEREF _Toc314664339 \h 32 15 - Europische Schutzanordnung (Aussprache)  PAGEREF _Toc314664340 \h 41 16 - Einheitliches Verfahren zur Beantragung einer kombinierten Aufenthalts- und Arbeitserlaubnis (Aussprache)  PAGEREF _Toc314664341 \h 50 17 - Recht auf Belehrung in Strafverfahren (Aussprache)  PAGEREF _Toc314664342 \h 59 18 - Ausfhrungen von einer Minute zu wichtigen politischen Fragen  PAGEREF _Toc314664343 \h 65 19 - Handels- und Investitionshemmnisse (kurze Darstellung)  PAGEREF _Toc314664344 \h 70 20 - Tagesordnung der nchsten Sitzung: siehe Protokoll  PAGEREF _Toc314664345 \h 73 21 - Schluss der Sitzung  PAGEREF _Toc314664346 \h 74  ET SISUKORD  TOC \o "1-1" \t "Heading6;1" 1 - Istungjrgu jtkamine  PAGEREF _Toc314664347 \h 15 2 - Eelmiste istungite protokollide kinnitamine (vt protokoll)  PAGEREF _Toc314664348 \h 15 3 - Presidentuuri avaldused  PAGEREF _Toc314664349 \h 16 4 - Parlamendi koosseis (protokoll, millega muudetakse protokolli nr 36) (vt protokoll)  PAGEREF _Toc314664350 \h 17 5 - Kiirmenetluse taotlus (vt protokoll)  PAGEREF _Toc314664351 \h 17 6 - Parlamendi koosseis (vt protokoll)  PAGEREF _Toc314664352 \h 18 7 - Seadusandliku tavamenetluse kohaselt vastu vetud igusaktide allakirjutamine (vt protokoll)  PAGEREF _Toc314664353 \h 18 8 - Esitatud dokumendid (vt protokoll)  PAGEREF _Toc314664354 \h 19 9 - Suuliselt vastatavad ksimused (esitamine) (vt protokoll)  PAGEREF _Toc314664355 \h 19 10 - Assigneeringute mberpaigutamine (vt protokoll)  PAGEREF _Toc314664356 \h 20 11 - Petitsioonid (vt protokoll)  PAGEREF _Toc314664357 \h 20 12 - Tplaan  PAGEREF _Toc314664358 \h 20 13 - E ja Maroko vaheline kalandusalane partnerlusleping - Tulevane protokoll, millega mratakse kindlaks Euroopa Liidu ja Maroko Kuningriigi vahelise kalandussektori partnerluslepinguga ettenhtud kalapgivimalused ja rahaline toetus (arutelu)  PAGEREF _Toc314664359 \h 22 14 - Mitmeaastase finantsraamistiku lbivaatamine, et katta ITERi projekti lisarahastamisvajadused (arutelu)  PAGEREF _Toc314664360 \h 32 15 - Euroopa lhenemiskeeld (arutelu)  PAGEREF _Toc314664361 \h 41 16 - htne elamis- ja tloa taotlemise kord (arutelu)  PAGEREF _Toc314664362 \h 50 17 - igus saada kriminaalmenetluses teavet (arutelu)  PAGEREF _Toc314664363 \h 59 18 - heminutilised snavtud poliitiliselt olulistel teemadel  PAGEREF _Toc314664364 \h 65 19 - Kaubandus- ja investeerimistkked (lhiettekanne)  PAGEREF _Toc314664365 \h 70 20 - Jrgmise istungi pevakord (vt protokoll)  PAGEREF _Toc314664366 \h 74 21 - Istungi lpp  PAGEREF _Toc314664367 \h 74  EL   TOC \o "1-1" \t "Heading7;1" 1 -     PAGEREF _Toc314664368 \h 15 2 -       : .    PAGEREF _Toc314664369 \h 15 3 -     PAGEREF _Toc314664370 \h 16 4 -    (     36): .    PAGEREF _Toc314664371 \h 17 5 -   : .    PAGEREF _Toc314664372 \h 17 6 -   : .    PAGEREF _Toc314664373 \h 18 7 -        : .    PAGEREF _Toc314664374 \h 18 8 -  : .    PAGEREF _Toc314664375 \h 19 9 -   (): .    PAGEREF _Toc314664376 \h 19 10 -  : .    PAGEREF _Toc314664377 \h 20 11 - : .    PAGEREF _Toc314664378 \h 20 12 -     PAGEREF _Toc314664379 \h 20 13 -    - -                             ()  PAGEREF _Toc314664380 \h 22 14 -      2007-2013         ITER ()  PAGEREF _Toc314664381 \h 32 15 -    ()  PAGEREF _Toc314664382 \h 41 16 -         ()  PAGEREF _Toc314664383 \h 50 17 -       ()  PAGEREF _Toc314664384 \h 59 18 -         PAGEREF _Toc314664385 \h 65 19 -       ( )  PAGEREF _Toc314664386 \h 70 20 -     : .    PAGEREF _Toc314664387 \h 74 21 -     PAGEREF _Toc314664388 \h 74  EN CONTENTS  TOC \o "1-1" \t "Heading8;1" 1 - Resumption of the session  PAGEREF _Toc314664389 \h 15 2 - Approval of the minutes of the previous sittings : see Minutes  PAGEREF _Toc314664390 \h 15 3 - Statements by the President  PAGEREF _Toc314664391 \h 16 4 - Composition of Parliament (Protocol amending Protocol 36): see Minutes  PAGEREF _Toc314664392 \h 17 5 - Request for urgent procedure : see Minutes  PAGEREF _Toc314664393 \h 17 6 - Composition of Parliament : see Minutes  PAGEREF _Toc314664394 \h 18 7 - Signature of acts adopted under the ordinary legislative procedure: see Minutes  PAGEREF _Toc314664395 \h 18 8 - Documents received: see Minutes  PAGEREF _Toc314664396 \h 19 9 - Oral questions (tabling): see Minutes  PAGEREF _Toc314664397 \h 19 10 - Transfers of appropriations: see Minutes  PAGEREF _Toc314664398 \h 20 11 - Petitions: see Minutes  PAGEREF _Toc314664399 \h 20 12 - Order of business  PAGEREF _Toc314664400 \h 20 13 - EU-Morocco fisheries partnership agreement - Future protocol setting out the fishing opportunities and financial compensation provided for in the Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the European Union and the Kingdom of Morocco (debate)  PAGEREF _Toc314664401 \h 22 14 - Revision of the multiannual financial framework to address additional financing needs of the ITER project (debate)  PAGEREF _Toc314664402 \h 33 15 - European protection order (debate)  PAGEREF _Toc314664403 \h 41 16 - Single application procedure for residence and work (debate)  PAGEREF _Toc314664404 \h 50 17 - Right to information in criminal proceedings (debate)  PAGEREF _Toc314664405 \h 59 18 - One-minute speeches on matters of political importance  PAGEREF _Toc314664406 \h 65 19 - Trade and investment barriers (short presentation)  PAGEREF _Toc314664407 \h 70 20 - Agenda of the next sitting : see Minutes  PAGEREF _Toc314664408 \h 74 21 - (The sitting closed at 22.30)  PAGEREF _Toc314664409 \h 74  FR SOMMAIRE  TOC \o "1-1" \t "Heading9;1" 1 - Reprise de la session  PAGEREF _Toc314664410 \h 14 2 - Approbation des procs-verbaux des sances prcdentes : voir procs-verbal  PAGEREF _Toc314664411 \h 14 3 - Dclarations de la Prsidence  PAGEREF _Toc314664412 \h 15 4 - Composition du Parlement (Protocole modifiant le Protocole 36): voir procs-verbal  PAGEREF _Toc314664413 \h 16 5 - Demande d'urgence : voir procs-verbal  PAGEREF _Toc314664414 \h 16 6 - Composition du Parlement : voir procs-verbal  PAGEREF _Toc314664415 \h 17 7 - Signature d'actes adopts conformment la procdure lgislative ordinaire: voir procs-verbal  PAGEREF _Toc314664416 \h 17 8 - Dpt de documents: voir procs-verbal  PAGEREF _Toc314664417 \h 18 9 - Questions orales (dpt): voir procs-verbal  PAGEREF _Toc314664418 \h 18 10 - Virements de crdits: voir procs-verbal  PAGEREF _Toc314664419 \h 19 11 - Ptitions: voir procs-verbal  PAGEREF _Toc314664420 \h 19 12 - Ordre des travaux  PAGEREF _Toc314664421 \h 19 13 - Accord de partenariat UE-Maroc dans le secteur de la pche - Futur protocole fixant les possibilits de pche et la contrepartie financire prvues par l'accord de partenariat dans le secteur de la pche entre l'Union europenne et le Royaume du Maroc (dbat)  PAGEREF _Toc314664422 \h 21 14 - Rvision du cadre financier pluriannuel afin de rpondre aux besoins de financement complmentaire du projet ITER. (dbat)  PAGEREF _Toc314664423 \h 32 15 - Dcision de protection europenne (dbat)  PAGEREF _Toc314664424 \h 40 16 - Procdure de demande unique de permis de rsidence et de travail (dbat)  PAGEREF _Toc314664425 \h 49 17 - Droit l'information dans le cadre des procdures pnales (dbat)  PAGEREF _Toc314664426 \h 58 18 - Interventions d'une minute sur des questions politiques importantes  PAGEREF _Toc314664427 \h 64 19 - Barrires aux changes et aux investissements (brve prsentation)  PAGEREF _Toc314664428 \h 69 20 - Ordre du jour de la prochaine sance : voir procs-verbal  PAGEREF _Toc314664429 \h 73 21 - Leve de la sance  PAGEREF _Toc314664430 \h 73  IT INDICE  TOC \o "1-1" \t "Heading10;1" 1 - Ripresa della sessione  PAGEREF _Toc314664431 \h 14 2 - Approvazione dei processi verbali delle sedute precedenti: vedasi processo verbale  PAGEREF _Toc314664432 \h 14 3 - Dichiarazioni della Presidenza  PAGEREF _Toc314664433 \h 15 4 - Composizione del Parlamento (Protocollo che modifica il protocollo 36): vedasi processo verbale  PAGEREF _Toc314664434 \h 16 5 - Richiesta di applicare la procedura di urgenza: vedasi processo verbale  PAGEREF _Toc314664435 \h 16 6 - Composizione del Parlamento: vedasi processo verbale  PAGEREF _Toc314664436 \h 17 7 - Firma di atti adottati in conformit della procedura legislativa ordinaria: vedasi processo verbale  PAGEREF _Toc314664437 \h 17 8 - Presentazione di documenti: vedasi processo verbale  PAGEREF _Toc314664438 \h 18 9 - Interrogazioni orali (presentazione): vedasi processo verbale  PAGEREF _Toc314664439 \h 18 10 - Storni di stanziamenti: vedasi processo verbale  PAGEREF _Toc314664440 \h 19 11 - Petizioni: vedasi processo verbale  PAGEREF _Toc314664441 \h 19 12 - Ordine dei lavori  PAGEREF _Toc314664442 \h 19 13 - Accordo di partenariato nel settore della pesca UE-Marocco - Futuro protocollo che fissa le possibilit di pesca e la contropartita finanziaria previste dallaccordo di partenariato nel settore della pesca tra la Comunit europea e il Regno del Marocco (discussione)  PAGEREF _Toc314664443 \h 21 14 - Revisione del quadro finanziario pluriennale 2007-2013 per far fronte alle necessit di finanziamento aggiuntive del progetto ITER (discussione)  PAGEREF _Toc314664444 \h 32 15 - Ordine di protezione europeo (discussione)  PAGEREF _Toc314664445 \h 40 16 - Procedura unica di domanda di permesso di soggiorno e di lavoro (discussione)  PAGEREF _Toc314664446 \h 49 17 - Diritto all'informazione nei procedimenti penali (discussione)  PAGEREF _Toc314664447 \h 58 18 - Interventi di un minuto su questioni di rilevanza politica  PAGEREF _Toc314664448 \h 64 19 - Ostacoli agli scambi e agli investimenti (breve presentazione)  PAGEREF _Toc314664449 \h 69 20 - Ordine del giorno della prossima seduta: vedasi processo verbale  PAGEREF _Toc314664450 \h 73 21 - Chiusura della seduta  PAGEREF _Toc314664451 \h 73  LV SATURS  TOC \o "1-1" \t "Heading11;1" 1 - Sesijas atskaana  PAGEREF _Toc314664452 \h 14 2 - Iepriekajo s~u protokolu apstiprinaana (sk. protokolu)  PAGEREF _Toc314664453 \h 14 3 - Priekasdtja paziFojumi  PAGEREF _Toc314664454 \h 15 4 - Parlamenta sastvs (protokols, ar ko groza 36. protokolu) (sk. protokolu)  PAGEREF _Toc314664455 \h 16 5 - Piepras+jums piemrot steidzam+bas procedkru (sk. protokolu)  PAGEREF _Toc314664456 \h 16 6 - Parlamenta sastvs (sk. protokolu)  PAGEREF _Toc314664457 \h 17 7 - SaskaF ar parasto likumdoaanas procedkru pieFemto ties+bu aktu parakst+aana (sk. protokolu)  PAGEREF _Toc314664458 \h 17 8 - Dokumentu iesniegaana (sk. protokolu)  PAGEREF _Toc314664459 \h 18 9 - Mutiskie jautjumi (iesniegaana) (sk. protokolu)  PAGEREF _Toc314664460 \h 18 10 - Apropriciju prvietojumi (sk. protokolu)  PAGEREF _Toc314664461 \h 19 11 - Lkgumraksti (sk. protokolu)  PAGEREF _Toc314664462 \h 19 12 - Darba krt+ba  PAGEREF _Toc314664463 \h 19 13 - ES un Marokas partnerattiec+bu nol+gums zivsaimniec+bas nozar - Jaunais protokols, kur noteiktas Partnerattiec+bu nol+gum zivsaimniec+bas nozar starp Eiropas Kopienu un Marokas Karalisti paredzts zvejas iespjas un finansilais ieguld+jums (debates)  PAGEREF _Toc314664464 \h 21 14 - Daudzgadu finanau shmas prskat+aana, lai segtu ITER projekta papildu finanau vajadz+bas (debates)  PAGEREF _Toc314664465 \h 32 15 - Eiropas aizsardz+bas r+kojums (debates)  PAGEREF _Toc314664466 \h 40 16 - Vienota pieteikaans procedkra uzturaans un darba at<auju izsniegaanai (debates)  PAGEREF _Toc314664467 \h 49 17 - Ties+bas uz informciju kriminlproces (debates)  PAGEREF _Toc314664468 \h 58 18 - Vienas minktes runas par politiski svar+giem jautjumiem  PAGEREF _Toc314664469 \h 64 19 - `7ra<i tirdzniec+bai un ieguld+jumiem (+ss izklsts)  PAGEREF _Toc314664470 \h 69 20 - Nkams sdes darba krt+ba (sk. protokolu)  PAGEREF _Toc314664471 \h 73 21 - Sdes slgaana  PAGEREF _Toc314664472 \h 73  LT TURINYS  TOC \o "1-1" \t "Heading12;1" 1 - Sesijos atnaujinimas  PAGEREF _Toc314664473 \h 14 2 - Ankstesnis posd~is protokols tvirtinimas (~r. protokola)  PAGEREF _Toc314664474 \h 14 3 - Pirmininko pareiakimai  PAGEREF _Toc314664475 \h 15 4 - Parlamento sudtis (Protokolas, ia dalies kei iantis Protokol Nr. 36) (~r. protokola)  PAGEREF _Toc314664476 \h 16 5 - Praaymas taikyti skubos tvark (~r. protokola)  PAGEREF _Toc314664477 \h 16 6 - Parlamento sudtis (~r. protokola)  PAGEREF _Toc314664478 \h 17 7 - Pagal /prast teiskkros procedkr priimts teiss akts pasiraaymas (~r. protokola)  PAGEREF _Toc314664479 \h 17 8 - Pateikti dokumentai (~r.protokol)  PAGEREF _Toc314664480 \h 18 9 - }odiniai klausimai (gauti dokumentai) (~r. protokola)  PAGEREF _Toc314664481 \h 18 10 - Asignavims perklimas (~r. protokol)  PAGEREF _Toc314664482 \h 19 11 - Peticijos (~r. protokol)  PAGEREF _Toc314664483 \h 19 12 - Darbs programa  PAGEREF _Toc314664484 \h 19 13 - ES ir Maroko ~uvininkysts sektoriaus partnerysts susitarimas . Bksimas protokolas, kuriuo nustatomos Europos Sjungos ir Maroko Karalysts ~uvininkysts sektoriaus partnerysts susitarime numatytos ~vejybos galimybs ir finansinis /naaas (diskusijos)  PAGEREF _Toc314664485 \h 21 14 - Daugiamets finansins programos 2007 2013 m. per~ikra siekiant patenkinti papildomus ITER projekto finansavimo poreikius (diskusijos)  PAGEREF _Toc314664486 \h 32 15 - Europos apsaugos orderis (diskusijos)  PAGEREF _Toc314664487 \h 40 16 - Vienos paraiaks dl leidimo apsigyventi ir dirbti pateikimo procedkra (diskusijos)  PAGEREF _Toc314664488 \h 49 17 - Teis / informacij baud~iamajame procese (diskusijos)  PAGEREF _Toc314664489 \h 58 18 - Vienos minuts pasisakymai svarbiais politiniais klausimais  PAGEREF _Toc314664490 \h 64 19 - Kliktys prekybai ir investicijoms (trumpas pristatymas)  PAGEREF _Toc314664491 \h 69 20 - Kito posd~io darbotvark (~r. protokola)  PAGEREF _Toc314664492 \h 73 21 - Posd~io pabaiga  PAGEREF _Toc314664493 \h 73  HU TARTALOM  TOC \o "1-1" \t "Heading13;1" 1 - Az lsszak folytatsa  PAGEREF _Toc314664494 \h 14 2 - Az elQzQ lsek jegyzQknyveinek elfogadsa: lsd a jegyzoknyvet  PAGEREF _Toc314664495 \h 14 3 - Az elnksg nyilatkozatai  PAGEREF _Toc314664496 \h 15 4 - A Parlament sszettele (A 36. jegyzQknyv mdostsrl szl jegyzQknyv): lsd a jegyzoknyvet  PAGEREF _Toc314664497 \h 16 5 - SrgQssgi eljrsra irnyul krelem: lsd a jegyzoknyvet  PAGEREF _Toc314664498 \h 16 6 - A Parlament tagjai: lsd a jegyzoknyvet  PAGEREF _Toc314664499 \h 17 7 - A rendes jogalkotsi eljrs szerint elfogadott jogszablyok alrsa: lsd a jegyzoknyvet  PAGEREF _Toc314664500 \h 17 8 - Dokumentumok benyjtsa: lsd a jegyzQknyvet  PAGEREF _Toc314664501 \h 18 9 - Szbeli vlaszt ignylQ krdsek (benyjts): lsd a jegyzoknyvet  PAGEREF _Toc314664502 \h 18 10 - ElQirnyzatok tcsoportostsa: lsd a jegyzQknyvet  PAGEREF _Toc314664503 \h 19 11 - Petcik: lsd a jegyzQknyvet  PAGEREF _Toc314664504 \h 19 12 - gyrend  PAGEREF _Toc314664505 \h 19 13 - EU Marokk halszati partnersgi megllapods - Az Eurpai Kzssg s a Marokki Kirlysg kztt ltrejtt halszati partnersgi megllapodssal elQrt halszati lehetQsgek s pnzgyi hozzjruls megllaptsrl szl jvQbeli jegyzQknyv (vita)  PAGEREF _Toc314664506 \h 21 14 - A tbbves pnzgyi keret fellvizsglata az ITER-projekt ptllagos finanszrozsnak rdekben (vita)  PAGEREF _Toc314664507 \h 32 15 - Az eurpai vdelmi hatrozat (vita)  PAGEREF _Toc314664508 \h 40 16 - A tartzkodsi s munkavllalsi engedlyre irnyul egysges krelmekkel kapcsolatos eljrs (vita)  PAGEREF _Toc314664509 \h 49 17 - Tjkoztatshoz val jog a bntetQeljrs sorn (vita)  PAGEREF _Toc314664510 \h 58 18 - Egyperces felszlalsok fontos politikai krdsekben  PAGEREF _Toc314664511 \h 64 19 - Kereskedelmi s befektetsi akadlyok (rvid ismertets)  PAGEREF _Toc314664512 \h 69 20 - A kvetkezQ lsnap napirendje: lsd a jegyzoknyvet  PAGEREF _Toc314664513 \h 73 21 - Az ls berekesztse  PAGEREF _Toc314664514 \h 73  MT WERREJ  TOC \o "1-1" \t "Heading14;1" 1 - Tkomplija tas-sessjoni  PAGEREF _Toc314664515 \h 14 2 - Approvazzjoni tal-Minuti tas-seduti ta qabel: ara l-Minuti  PAGEREF _Toc314664516 \h 14 3 - Dikjarazzjonijiet mill-Presidenza  PAGEREF _Toc314664517 \h 15 4 - L-g'amla tal-Parlament (Protokoll li jemenda l-Protokoll 36): ara l-Minuti  PAGEREF _Toc314664518 \h 16 5 - Talba g'al pro edura ta' ur!enza: ara l-Minuti  PAGEREF _Toc314664519 \h 16 6 - Kompo|izzjoni tal-Parlament: ara l-Minuti  PAGEREF _Toc314664520 \h 17 7 - Iffirmar tal-atti adottati skont il-pro edura le!i|lattiva ordinarja: ara l-Minuti  PAGEREF _Toc314664521 \h 17 8 - Dokumenti mressqa: ara l-Minuti  PAGEREF _Toc314664522 \h 18 9 - Mistoqsijiet orali (tressiq): ara l-Minuti  PAGEREF _Toc314664523 \h 18 10 - Trasferiment ta' approprjazzjonijiet: ara l-Minuti  PAGEREF _Toc314664524 \h 19 11 - Petizzjonijiet: ara l-Minuti  PAGEREF _Toc314664525 \h 19 12 - Ordni tas-seduta  PAGEREF _Toc314664526 \h 19 13 - Ftehim ta' S'ubija dwar is-Sajd bejn l-UE u l-Marokk - Protokoll futur li jiddelinea l-opportunitajiet g'as-sajd u l-kumpens finanzjarju li hemm dispost g'alihom fil-Ftehim ta' S'ubija dwar is-Sajd bejn l-Unjoni Ewropea u r-Renju tal-Marokk (dibattitu)  PAGEREF _Toc314664527 \h 21 14 - Revi|joni tal-qafas finanzjarju multiannwali 2007-2013, biex tindirizza 'ti!ijiet ta' finanzjament addizzjonali tal-pro!ett ITER (dibattitu)  PAGEREF _Toc314664528 \h 32 15 - L-Ordni Ewropea ta' Protezzjoni (dibattitu)  PAGEREF _Toc314664529 \h 40 16 - Pro edura unika ta' applikazzjoni g'al permess ta' residenza u ta' xog'ol (dibattitu)  PAGEREF _Toc314664530 \h 49 17 - Id-dritt g'all-informazzjoni fi pro edimenti kriminali (dibattitu)  PAGEREF _Toc314664531 \h 58 18 - Interventi ta' minuta dwar affarijiet ta' importanza politika  PAGEREF _Toc314664532 \h 65 19 - Ostakli g'all-kummer  u l-investiment (pre|entazzjoni qasira)  PAGEREF _Toc314664533 \h 69 20 - L-a!enda tas-seduta li jmiss: ara l-Minuti  PAGEREF _Toc314664534 \h 73 21 - G'eluq tas-seduta  PAGEREF _Toc314664535 \h 73  NL INHOUD  TOC \o "1-1" \t "Heading15;1" 1 - Hervatting van de zitting  PAGEREF _Toc314664536 \h 14 2 - Goedkeuring van de notulen van de vorige vergaderingen: zie notulen  PAGEREF _Toc314664537 \h 14 3 - Verklaringen van het voorzitterschap  PAGEREF _Toc314664538 \h 15 4 - Samenstelling van het Parlement (protocol tot wijziging van protocol 36): zie notulen  PAGEREF _Toc314664539 \h 16 5 - Verzoek om urgentverklaring: zie notulen  PAGEREF _Toc314664540 \h 16 6 - Samenstelling Parlement: zie notulen  PAGEREF _Toc314664541 \h 17 7 - Ondertekening van volgens de gewone wetgevingsprocedure aangenomen besluiten: zie notulen  PAGEREF _Toc314664542 \h 17 8 - Ingekomen stukken: zie notulen  PAGEREF _Toc314664543 \h 18 9 - Mondelinge vragen (indiening): zie notulen  PAGEREF _Toc314664544 \h 18 10 - Kredietoverschrijvingen: zie notulen  PAGEREF _Toc314664545 \h 19 11 - Verzoekschriften: zie notulen  PAGEREF _Toc314664546 \h 19 12 - Regeling van de werkzaamheden  PAGEREF _Toc314664547 \h 19 13 - Partnerschapsovereenkomst inzake visserij EU-Marokko - Toekomstig protocol tot vaststelling van de vangstmogelijkheden en de financile tegenprestatie waarin is voorzien bij de partnerschapsovereenkomst inzake visserij tussen de Europese Unie en het Koninkrijk Marokko (debat)  PAGEREF _Toc314664548 \h 21 14 - Herziening van het meerjarig financieel kader om in de extra financieringsbehoeften van het ITER-project te voorzien (debat)  PAGEREF _Toc314664549 \h 32 15 - Europees beschermingsbevel (debat)  PAGEREF _Toc314664550 \h 40 16 - En enkele aanvraagprocedure voor een verblijfs- en werkvergunning (debat)  PAGEREF _Toc314664551 \h 49 17 - Recht op informatie in strafprocedures (debat)  PAGEREF _Toc314664552 \h 58 18 - Opmerkingen van n minuut over kwesties van politiek belang  PAGEREF _Toc314664553 \h 65 19 - Handels- en investeringsbelemmeringen (korte presentatie)  PAGEREF _Toc314664554 \h 69 20 - Agenda van de volgende vergadering: zie notulen  PAGEREF _Toc314664555 \h 73 21 - Sluiting van de vergadering  PAGEREF _Toc314664556 \h 73  PL SPIS TREZCI  TOC \o "1-1" \t "Heading16;1" 1 - Wznowienie sesji  PAGEREF _Toc314664557 \h 14 2 - Przyjcie protokoBw poprzednich posiedzeD: Patrz protokl  PAGEREF _Toc314664558 \h 14 3 - O[wiadczenia Przewodniczcego  PAGEREF _Toc314664559 \h 15 4 - SkBad Parlamentu (ProtokB zmieniajcy ProtokB nr 36): Patrz protokl  PAGEREF _Toc314664560 \h 16 5 - Wniosek o tryb pilny: Patrz protokl  PAGEREF _Toc314664561 \h 16 6 - SkBad Parlamentu: Patrz protokl  PAGEREF _Toc314664562 \h 17 7 - Podpisanie aktw prawnych przyjtych zgodnie ze zwykB procedur ustawodawcz: Patrz protokl  PAGEREF _Toc314664563 \h 17 8 - SkBadanie dokumentw: patrz protokB  PAGEREF _Toc314664564 \h 18 9 - Pytania ustne (skBadanie dokumentw): Patrz protokl  PAGEREF _Toc314664565 \h 18 10 - Przesunicie [rodkw: patrz protokB  PAGEREF _Toc314664566 \h 19 11 - Petycje: patrz protokB  PAGEREF _Toc314664567 \h 19 12 - Porzdek obrad  PAGEREF _Toc314664568 \h 19 13 - Porozumienie o partnerstwie w sektorze ryboBwstwa pomidzy UE i Marokiem - PrzyszBy protokB ustalajcy uprawnienia do poBoww i rekompensat finansow przewidziane w Porozumieniu o partnerstwie w sektorze ryboBwstwa pomidzy Uni Europejsk a Krlestwem Maroka (debata)  PAGEREF _Toc314664569 \h 21 14 - Przegld wieloletnich ram finansowych w celu zaspokojenia dodatkowych potrzeb finansowych projektu ITER (debata)  PAGEREF _Toc314664570 \h 32 15 - Europejski nakaz ochrony (debata)  PAGEREF _Toc314664571 \h 40 16 - Procedura jednego wniosku o zezwolenie na pobyt i prac (debata)  PAGEREF _Toc314664572 \h 49 17 - Prawo do informacji w postpowaniu karnym (debata)  PAGEREF _Toc314664573 \h 58 18 - Jednominutowe wypowiedzi w znaczcych kwestiach politycznych  PAGEREF _Toc314664574 \h 65 19 - Bariery w handlu i inwestycjach (krtka prezentacja)  PAGEREF _Toc314664575 \h 69 20 - Porzdek obrad nastpnego posiedzenia: Patrz protokl  PAGEREF _Toc314664576 \h 73 21 - Zamknicie posiedzenia  PAGEREF _Toc314664577 \h 73  PT INDICE  TOC \o "1-1" \t "Heading17;1" 1 - Reincio da sesso  PAGEREF _Toc314664578 \h 14 2 - Aprovao das actas das sesses anteriores: Ver Acta  PAGEREF _Toc314664579 \h 14 3 - Declaraes da Presidncia.  PAGEREF _Toc314664580 \h 15 4 - Composio do Parlamento (Protocolo que altera o Protocolo 36): Ver Acta  PAGEREF _Toc314664581 \h 16 5 - Pedido de aplicao do processo de urgncia: Ver Acta  PAGEREF _Toc314664582 \h 16 6 - Composio do Parlamento: Ver Acta  PAGEREF _Toc314664583 \h 17 7 - Assinatura dos actos adoptados em conformidade com o processo legislativo ordinrio: Ver Acta  PAGEREF _Toc314664584 \h 17 8 - Entrega de documentos: ver Acta  PAGEREF _Toc314664585 \h 18 9 - Perguntas orais (apresentao): Ver Acta  PAGEREF _Toc314664586 \h 18 10 - Transferncias de dotaes: ver Acta  PAGEREF _Toc314664587 \h 19 11 - Peties: ver acta  PAGEREF _Toc314664588 \h 19 12 - Ordem dos trabalhos  PAGEREF _Toc314664589 \h 19 13 - Acordo de Parceria no domnio da pesca entre a UE e Marrocos - Futuro protocolo que fixa as possibilidades de pesca e a contrapartida financeira previstas no Acordo de Parceria no domnio da pesca entre a Unio Europeia e o Reino de Marrocos (debate)  PAGEREF _Toc314664590 \h 21 14 - Reviso do quadro financeiro plurianual de modo a dar resposta s necessidades financeiras adicionais do projecto ITER (debate)  PAGEREF _Toc314664591 \h 32 15 - Deciso europeia de proteco (debate)  PAGEREF _Toc314664592 \h 40 16 - Procedimento de pedido nico de autorizao de residncia e de trabalho (debate)  PAGEREF _Toc314664593 \h 49 17 - Direito de informao nos processos penais (debate)  PAGEREF _Toc314664594 \h 58 18 - Intervenes de um minuto sobre questes polticas importantes  PAGEREF _Toc314664595 \h 65 19 - Barreiras ao comrcio e ao investimento (breve apresentao)  PAGEREF _Toc314664596 \h 69 20 - Ordem do dia da prxima sesso: Ver Acta  PAGEREF _Toc314664597 \h 73 21 - Encerramento da sesso  PAGEREF _Toc314664598 \h 73  RO CUPRINS  TOC \o "1-1" \t "Heading18;1" 1 - Reluarea sesiunii  PAGEREF _Toc314664599 \h 14 2 - Aprobarea proceselor-verbale ale _edincelor anterioare: consultaci procesul-verbal  PAGEREF _Toc314664600 \h 14 3 - Declaraciile Pre_edinciei  PAGEREF _Toc314664601 \h 15 4 - Componena Parlamentului (Protocolul de modificare a Protocolului 36): consultaci procesul-verbal  PAGEREF _Toc314664602 \h 16 5 - Cerere de urgenc: consultaci procesul-verbal  PAGEREF _Toc314664603 \h 16 6 - Componenca Parlamentului: consultaci procesul-verbal  PAGEREF _Toc314664604 \h 17 7 - Semnarea actelor adoptate n conformitate cu procedura legislativ ordinar: consultaci procesul-verbal  PAGEREF _Toc314664605 \h 17 8 - Depunerea documentelor: a se vedea procesul-verbal  PAGEREF _Toc314664606 \h 18 9 - ntrebri orale (depunere): consultaci procesul-verbal  PAGEREF _Toc314664607 \h 18 10 - Transferuri de credite: a se vedea procesul-verbal  PAGEREF _Toc314664608 \h 19 11 - Peticii: a se vedea procesul-verbal  PAGEREF _Toc314664609 \h 19 12 - Ordinea lucrrilor  PAGEREF _Toc314664610 \h 19 13 - Acordul de parteneriat n domeniul pescuitului UE-Maroc - Viitorul protocol de stabilire a posibilitilor de pescuit i a contribuiei financiare prevzute n Acordul de parteneriat n domeniul pescuitului ncheiat ntre Uniunea European i Regatul Maroc (dezbatere)  PAGEREF _Toc314664611 \h 21 14 - Revizuirea cadrului financiar multianual pentru a rspunde nevoilor de finanare suplimentare ale proiectului ITER (dezbatere)  PAGEREF _Toc314664612 \h 32 15 - Ordinul european de proteccie (dezbatere)  PAGEREF _Toc314664613 \h 40 16 - Procedura unic de solicitare a unui permis de edere i de munc (dezbatere)  PAGEREF _Toc314664614 \h 49 17 - Dreptul la informare n cadrul procedurilor penale (dezbatere)  PAGEREF _Toc314664615 \h 58 18 - Intervencii de un minut privind chestiuni politice importante  PAGEREF _Toc314664616 \h 65 19 - Obstacolele din calea comerului i a investiiilor (prezentare succint)  PAGEREF _Toc314664617 \h 69 20 - Ordinea de zi a urmtoarei _edince: consultaci procesul-verbal  PAGEREF _Toc314664618 \h 73 21 - Ridicarea _edincei  PAGEREF _Toc314664619 \h 73  SK OBSAH  TOC \o "1-1" \t "Heading19;1" 1 - Pokra ovanie preruaenho zasadania  PAGEREF _Toc314664620 \h 14 2 - Schvlenie zpisnc z predchdzajcich rokovan: pozri zpisnicu  PAGEREF _Toc314664621 \h 14 3 - Vyhlsenia predsednctva  PAGEREF _Toc314664622 \h 15 4 - Zlo~enie Parlamentu (Protokol, ktorm sa men a dop:Ha protokol . 36): pozri zpisnicu  PAGEREF _Toc314664623 \h 16 5 - }iadose o naliehav postup: pozri zpisnicu  PAGEREF _Toc314664624 \h 16 6 - Zlo~enie Parlamentu: pozri zpisnicu  PAGEREF _Toc314664625 \h 17 7 - Podpis aktov prijatch v slade s riadnym legislatvnym postupom: pozri zpisnicu  PAGEREF _Toc314664626 \h 17 8 - Predlo~en dokumenty: pozri zpisnicu  PAGEREF _Toc314664627 \h 18 9 - Otzky na stne zodpovedanie (predlo~en dokumenty): pozri zpisnicu  PAGEREF _Toc314664628 \h 18 10 - Presun rozpo tovch prostriedkov: pozri zpisnicu  PAGEREF _Toc314664629 \h 19 11 - Petcie: pozri zpisnicu  PAGEREF _Toc314664630 \h 19 12 - Program prce  PAGEREF _Toc314664631 \h 19 13 - Dohoda o partnerstve v sektore rybolovu medzi E a Marokom  Budci protokol, ktorm sa stanovuj rybolovn mo~nosti a finan n prspevok pod>a Dohody o partnerstve v sektore rybolovu medzi Eurpskym spolo enstvom a Marockm kr>ovstvom (rozprava)  PAGEREF _Toc314664632 \h 21 14 - Revzia viacro nho finan nho rmca s cie>om rieaie potreby dodato nho financovania projektu ITER (rozprava)  PAGEREF _Toc314664633 \h 32 15 - Eurpsky ochrann prkaz (rozprava)  PAGEREF _Toc314664634 \h 40 16 - Jednotn postup vybavovania ~iadost o povolenie na pobyt a zamestnanie (rozprava)  PAGEREF _Toc314664635 \h 49 17 - Prvo na informcie vtrestnom konan (rozprava)  PAGEREF _Toc314664636 \h 58 18 - Jednomintov vystpenia k otzkam politickho vznamu  PAGEREF _Toc314664637 \h 65 19 - Obchodn a investi n prek~ky (stru n prezentcia)  PAGEREF _Toc314664638 \h 70 20 - Program rokovania na nasledujci deH: pozri zpisnicu  PAGEREF _Toc314664639 \h 73 21 - Skon enie rokovania  PAGEREF _Toc314664640 \h 73  SL VSEBINA  TOC \o "1-1" \t "Heading20;1" 1 - Nadaljevanje zasedanja  PAGEREF _Toc314664641 \h 14 2 - Sprejetje zapisnikov predhodnik sej: gl. zapisnik  PAGEREF _Toc314664642 \h 14 3 - Izjave predsedstva  PAGEREF _Toc314664643 \h 15 4 - Sestava Parlamenta (Protokol o spremembi Protokola t. 36): gl. zapisnik  PAGEREF _Toc314664644 \h 16 5 - Zahteva za nujni postopek: gl. zapisnik  PAGEREF _Toc314664645 \h 16 6 - Sestava Parlamenta: gl. zapisnik  PAGEREF _Toc314664646 \h 17 7 - Podpis aktov, sprejetih v skladu z rednim zakonodajnim postopkom: gl. zapisnik  PAGEREF _Toc314664647 \h 17 8 - Predlo~itev dokumentov: glej zapisnik  PAGEREF _Toc314664648 \h 18 9 - Vpraaanja za ustni odgovor (predlo~itev): gl. zapisnik  PAGEREF _Toc314664649 \h 18 10 - Prerazporeditev sredstev: glej zapisnik  PAGEREF _Toc314664650 \h 19 11 - Peticije: glej zapisnik  PAGEREF _Toc314664651 \h 19 12 - Razpored dela  PAGEREF _Toc314664652 \h 19 13 - Sporazum o partnerstvu v ribiakem sektorju med EU in Kraljevino Maroko - Bodo i protokol o dolo itvi ribolovnih mo~nosti in finan nega nadomestila v skladu s sporazumom o partnerstvu v ribiakem sektorju med Evropsko unijo in Kraljevino Maroko (razprava)  PAGEREF _Toc314664653 \h 22 14 - Sprememba ve letnega finan nega okvira za reaitev dodatnih potreb po financiranju projekta ITER (razprava)  PAGEREF _Toc314664654 \h 32 15 - Evropska odredba o zaa iti (razprava)  PAGEREF _Toc314664655 \h 40 16 - Enoten postopek za pridobitev dovoljenja za bivanje in delo (razprava)  PAGEREF _Toc314664656 \h 49 17 - Pravica do obvea enosti v kazenskem postopku (razprava)  PAGEREF _Toc314664657 \h 58 18 - Enominutni govori o zadevah politi nega pomena  PAGEREF _Toc314664658 \h 65 19 - Trgovinske ovire in ovire za nalo~be (kratka predstavitev)  PAGEREF _Toc314664659 \h 70 20 - Dnevni red naslednje seje: gl. zapisnik  PAGEREF _Toc314664660 \h 73 21 - Zaklju ek seje  PAGEREF _Toc314664661 \h 73  FI SISLT  TOC \o "1-1" \t "Heading21;1" 1 - Istuntokauden uudelleen avaaminen  PAGEREF _Toc314664662 \h 14 2 - Edellisten istuntojen pytkirjojen hyvksyminen: ks. pytkirja  PAGEREF _Toc314664663 \h 14 3 - Puhemiehen julkilausumat  PAGEREF _Toc314664664 \h 15 4 - Parlamentin kokoonpano (pytkirjan N:o 36 muuttamisesta tehty pytkirja): ks. pytkirja  PAGEREF _Toc314664665 \h 16 5 - Kiireellist ksittely koskeva pyynt: ks. pytkirja  PAGEREF _Toc314664666 \h 16 6 - Parlamentin kokoonpano: ks. pytkirja  PAGEREF _Toc314664667 \h 17 7 - Tavallista lainstmisjrjestyst noudattaen annettujen sdsten allekirjoittaminen: ks. pytkirja  PAGEREF _Toc314664668 \h 18 8 - Vastaanotetut asiakirjat: ks. pytkirja  PAGEREF _Toc314664669 \h 18 9 - Suulliset kysymykset (vastaanotetut asiakirjat): ks. pytkirja  PAGEREF _Toc314664670 \h 18 10 - Mrrahojen siirrot: ks. pytkirja  PAGEREF _Toc314664671 \h 19 11 - Vetoomukset: ks. pytkirja  PAGEREF _Toc314664672 \h 19 12 - Ksittelyjrjestys  PAGEREF _Toc314664673 \h 19 13 - EU:n ja Marokon kalastuskumppanuussopimus - Pytkirja EU:n ja Marokon kalastuskumppanuussopimuksessa mrttyjen kalastusmahdollisuuksien ja taloudellisen korvauksen vahvistamisesta (keskustelu)  PAGEREF _Toc314664674 \h 22 14 - Vuosien 20072013 monivuotisen rahoituskehyksen tarkistaminen ITER-hankkeen lisrahoitustarpeiden tyttmiseksi (keskustelu)  PAGEREF _Toc314664675 \h 32 15 - Eurooppalainen suojelumrys (keskustelu)  PAGEREF _Toc314664676 \h 40 16 - Yhden hakemuksen menettely oleskelu- ja tyluvan saamiseksi (keskustelu)  PAGEREF _Toc314664677 \h 49 17 - Tiedonsaantioikeus rikosoikeudellisissa menettelyiss (keskustelu)  PAGEREF _Toc314664678 \h 58 18 - Minuutin puheenvuorot poliittisesti trkeist asioista  PAGEREF _Toc314664679 \h 65 19 - Kaupan ja investointien esteet (lyhyt esittely)  PAGEREF _Toc314664680 \h 70 20 - Seuraavan istunnon esityslista: ks. pytkirja  PAGEREF _Toc314664681 \h 73 21 - Istunnon pttminen  PAGEREF _Toc314664682 \h 73  SV INNEHLL  TOC \o "1-1" \t "Heading22;1" 1 - terupptagande av sessionen  PAGEREF _Toc314664683 \h 14 2 - Justering av protokoll frn fregende sammantrden: se protokollet  PAGEREF _Toc314664684 \h 14 3 - Uttalanden av talmannen  PAGEREF _Toc314664685 \h 15 4 - Parlamentets sammansttning (Protokoll om ndring av protokoll 36): se protokollet  PAGEREF _Toc314664686 \h 16 5 - Begran om brdskande frfarande: se protokollet  PAGEREF _Toc314664687 \h 16 6 - Parlamentets sammansttning: se protokollet  PAGEREF _Toc314664688 \h 17 7 - Undertecknande av rttsakter som antagits i enlighet med det ordinarie lagstiftningsfrfarandet: se protokollet  PAGEREF _Toc314664689 \h 18 8 - Inkomna dokument: se protokollet  PAGEREF _Toc314664690 \h 18 9 - Muntliga frgor (ingivande): se protokollet  PAGEREF _Toc314664691 \h 18 10 - Anslagsverfringar: se protokollet  PAGEREF _Toc314664692 \h 19 11 - Framstllningar: se protokollet  PAGEREF _Toc314664693 \h 19 12 - Arbetsplan  PAGEREF _Toc314664694 \h 19 14 - Revidering av den flerriga budgetramen fr att tillmtesg behovet av kompletterande finansiering av Iterprojektet (debatt)  PAGEREF _Toc314664695 \h 32 15 - Europeisk skyddsorder (debatt)  PAGEREF _Toc314664696 \h 40 16 - Ett enda anskningsfrfarande fr uppehlls- och arbetstillstnd (debatt)  PAGEREF _Toc314664697 \h 49 17 - Rtten till information i brottml (debatt)  PAGEREF _Toc314664698 \h 58 18 - Anfranden p en minut om frgor av politisk vikt  PAGEREF _Toc314664699 \h 65 19 - Hinder fr handel och investeringar (kortfattad redogrelse)  PAGEREF _Toc314664700 \h 70 20 - Fredragningslista fr nsta sammantrde: se protokollet  PAGEREF _Toc314664701 \h 73 21 - Avslutande av sammantrdet  PAGEREF _Toc314664702 \h 73  1-001 BG  12   2011 . ES LUNES 12 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2011 CS PONDL 12. PROSINCE 2011 DA MANDAG DEN 12. DECEMBER 2011 DE MONTAG, 12. DEZEMBER 2011 ET ESMASPEV, 12. DETSEMBER 2011 EL  12  2011 EN MONDAY, 12 DECEMBER 2011 FR LUNDI 12 DCEMBRE 2011 IT LUNEDI' 12 DICEMBRE 2011 LV PIRMDIENA, 2011. GADA 12. DECEMBRIS  LT 2011 M. GRUOD}IO 12 D., PIRMADIENIS HU 2011. DECEMBER 12., HTFP MT IT-TNEJN, 12 TA' DI EMBRU 2011 NL MAANDAG 12 DECEMBER 2011 PL PONIEDZIAAEK, 12 GRUDNIA 2011 PT SEGUNDA-FEIRA, 12 DE DEZEMBRO DE 2011 RO LUNI 12 DECEMBRIE 2011 SK PONDELOK 12. DECEMBRA 2011 SL PONEDELJEK, 12. DECEMBER 2011 FI MAANANTAI 12. JOULUKUUTA 2011 SV MNDAGEN DEN 12 DECEMBER 2011 1-002 PL PRZEWODNICZY: JERZY BUZEK Przewodniczcy (Posiedzenie zostaBo otwarte o godz.17.05) <BRK> 1-003 BG <hidden>1 - J7>1=>2O20=5 =0 70A540=85B></hidden> ES <hidden>1 - Reanudacin del perodo de sesiones</hidden> CS <hidden>1 - Pokra ovn zasedn</hidden> DA <hidden>1 - Genoptagelse af sessionen</hidden> DE <hidden>1 - Wiederaufnahme der Sitzungsperiode</hidden> ET <hidden>1 - Istungjrgu jtkamine</hidden> EL <hidden>1 -   </hidden> EN <hidden>1 - Resumption of the session</hidden> FR <hidden>1 - Reprise de la session</hidden> IT <hidden>1 - Ripresa della sessione</hidden> LV <hidden>1 - Sesijas atskaana</hidden> LT <hidden>1 - Sesijos atnaujinimas</hidden> HU <hidden>1 - Az lsszak folytatsa</hidden> MT <hidden>1 - Tkomplija tas-sessjoni</hidden> NL <hidden>1 - Hervatting van de zitting</hidden> PL 1 - Wznowienie sesji PT <hidden>1 - Reincio da sesso</hidden> RO <hidden>1 - Reluarea sesiunii</hidden> SK <hidden>1 - Pokra ovanie preruaenho zasadania</hidden> SL <hidden>1 - Nadaljevanje zasedanja</hidden> FI <hidden>1 - Istuntokauden uudelleen avaaminen</hidden> SV <hidden>1 - terupptagande av sessionen</hidden> 1-004 PL Przewodniczcy. ( OgBaszam wznowienie sesji Parlamentu Europejskiego przerwanej w czwartek, 1 grudnia 2011 r. <BRK> 1-005 BG <hidden>2 - 4>1@O20=5 =0 ?@>B>:>;8 >B ?@548H=8 70A540=8O: 26. ?@>B>:>;0</hidden> ES <hidden>2 - Aprobacin de las Actas de las sesiones anteriores: vase el Acta</hidden> CS <hidden>2 - Schvlen zpiso z pYedchozch zasedn: viz zpis</hidden> DA <hidden>2 - Godkendelse af protokollerne fra de foregende mder: se protokollen</hidden> DE <hidden>2 - Genehmigung der Protokolle der vorangegangenen Sitzungen: siehe Protokoll</hidden> ET <hidden>2 - Eelmiste istungite protokollide kinnitamine (vt protokoll) </hidden> EL <hidden>2 -       : .  </hidden> EN <hidden>2 - Approval of the minutes of the previous sittings : see Minutes</hidden> FR <hidden>2 - Approbation des procs-verbaux des sances prcdentes : voir procs-verbal</hidden> IT <hidden>2 - Approvazione dei processi verbali delle sedute precedenti: vedasi processo verbale</hidden> LV <hidden>2 - Iepriekajo s~u protokolu apstiprinaana (sk. protokolu) </hidden> LT <hidden>2 - Ankstesnis posd~is protokols tvirtinimas (~r. protokola) </hidden> HU <hidden>2 - Az elQzQ lsek jegyzQknyveinek elfogadsa: lsd a jegyzoknyvet</hidden> MT <hidden>2 - Approvazzjoni tal-Minuti tas-seduti ta qabel: ara l-Minuti</hidden> NL <hidden>2 - Goedkeuring van de notulen van de vorige vergaderingen: zie notulen</hidden> PL 2 - Przyjcie protokoBw poprzednich posiedzeD: Patrz protokl PT <hidden>2 - Aprovao das actas das sesses anteriores: Ver Acta</hidden> RO <hidden>2 - Aprobarea proceselor-verbale ale _edincelor anterioare: consultaci procesul-verbal</hidden> SK <hidden>2 - Schvlenie zpisnc z predchdzajcich rokovan: pozri zpisnicu SL 2 - Sprejetje zapisnikov predhodnik sej: gl. zapisnik FI 2 - Edellisten istuntojen pytkirjojen hyvksyminen: ks. pytkirja SV 2 - Justering av protokoll frn fregende sammantrden: se protokollet 1-006 BG 3 - 7O2;5=85 =0 ?@54A540B5;AB2>B></hidden> ES <hidden>3 - Declaraciones de la Presidencia</hidden> CS <hidden>3 - Prohlaen pYedsednictv</hidden> DA <hidden>3 - Erklringer fra formanden</hidden> DE <hidden>3 - Erklrungen des Prsidenten</hidden> ET <hidden>3 - Presidentuuri avaldused</hidden> EL <hidden>3 -   </hidden> EN <hidden>3 - Statements by the President</hidden> FR <hidden>3 - Dclarations de la Prsidence</hidden> IT <hidden>3 - Dichiarazioni della Presidenza</hidden> LV <hidden>3 - Priekasdtja paziFojumi</hidden> LT <hidden>3 - Pirmininko pareiakimai</hidden> HU <hidden>3 - Az elnksg nyilatkozatai</hidden> MT <hidden>3 - Dikjarazzjonijiet mill-Presidenza</hidden> NL <hidden>3 - Verklaringen van het voorzitterschap</hidden> PL 3 - O[wiadczenia Przewodniczcego PT <hidden>3 - Declaraes da Presidncia. </hidden> RO <hidden>3 - Declaraciile Pre_edinciei</hidden> SK <hidden>3 - Vyhlsenia predsednctva</hidden> SL <hidden>3 - Izjave predsedstva</hidden> FI <hidden>3 - Puhemiehen julkilausumat</hidden> SV <hidden>3 - Uttalanden av talmannen</hidden> 1-007 PL Przewodniczcy. ( Prosz PaDstwa, uwagi, ktre chciaBem PaDstwu poda na pocztek naszej sesji: chciaBem zwrci PaDstwu uwag na debat priorytetow w dniu jutrzejszym. Bdzie to sprawozdanie przewodniczcego Rady Europejskiej Hermana Van Rompuy'a z ostatniego szczytu Rady Europejskiej. Debata jest przewidziana jako najdBu|sza z mo|liwych, a wic niemal trzygodzinna. Bardzo PaDstwa zachcam do wzicia udziaBu w tej kluczowej dla Unii Europejskiej debacie. Sprawa ta jest dla nas kluczowa. Druga informacja: dotarBy do nas wie[ci o wypracowaniu porozumienia na konferencji klimatycznej w Durbanie. Oczywi[cie nie jest ono zadowalajce, bo nie okre[la |adnych szczegBw tego, co ma nastpi w przyszBo[ci. Ale pragn podkre[li, |e Unia Europejska i delegaci Parlamentu Europejskiego odgrywaj bardzo wa|n rol  obecnych tam byBo 15 naszych kolegw  i tym razem wydaje si, |e delegacja Unii Europejskiej mwiBa na konferencji jednym gBosem. To bardzo wa|ne. (Oklaski) Kolejna informacja: w tym roku mija 60 lat od podpisania Konwencji Dotyczcej Statusu Uchodzcw. To fundament naszych unijnych przepisw azylowych. Definiuje rwnie| midzynarodowe pojcie  uchodzcy . Parlament Europejski, jak PaDstwo wiecie, aktywnie dziaBa, anga|uje si w sprawy zwizane z uchodzcami. Brali[my tak|e udziaB w negocjacjach dotyczcych Wsplnego Europejskiego Systemu Azylowego. Wzywamy do jego peBnego wprowadzenia w |ycie w roku 2012. Jeszcze pozwol sobie przypomnie, |e na terenie Tunezji znajduje si obz Szusza  to s uciekinierzy z Libii, ale mieszkaDcy niemal wszystkich krajw afrykaDskich. To s ludzie, ktrzy nie mog wrci do swojej ojczyzny. Unia Europejska, a przede wszystkim paDstwa czBonkowskie, powinny podj decyzj w tej sprawie. Stany Zjednoczone zadeklarowaBy przyjcie 800 uciekinierw, Norwegia - 400, Unia Europejska, jak na razie  wszystkie kraje czBonkowskie  150. Tych uciekinierw jest 3800. Nie maj powrotu do swoich ojczyzn i dzisiaj zajmuj si nimi wBadze tunezyjskie. Mieszkaj na otwartej pustyni pod namiotami. I jeszcze ostatnia informacja: chciaBbym wspomnie o wa|nej rocznicy. Jutro mija 30 lat od czasu wprowadzenia przez komunistyczne wBadze Polski stanu wojennego. UsiBowano w ten sposb zdBawi ruch Solidarno[ci. Wiele osb rwnie| poniosBo [mier  osb, ktre broniBy prawa do swobodnego wyra|ania si, do wolno[ci. Aresztowano i prze[ladowano wiele osb. Je[li porwnamy, jak wyglda Europa, szczeglnie Europa Zrodkowo-Wschodnia trzydzie[ci lat pzniej, to widzimy jak wielki sukces uzyskali[my wsplnie. Dlatego, |e bez pomocy zachodnich demokracji prawa czBowieka i demokracja w krajach Europy Zrodkowo-Wschodniej nie mogByby si tak rozwija, jak si rozwijaBy. To te| nakazuje nam, by dzisiaj pomc w taki sam sposb paDstwom pBnocnej Afryki, paDstwom le|cym na wschd od Unii czy te| w Zachodnich BaBkanach. (Oklaski) Prosz PaDstwa, mam jeszcze nastpujce bie|ce komunikaty. Jeden komunikat bardzo dla nas przyjemny  od razu mwi. W zwizku z wej[ciem w |ycie protokoBu nr 36 w sprawie przepisw przej[ciowych w odniesieniu do skBadu Parlamentu Europejskiego do koDca kadencji 2009-2014, poczwszy od 1 grudnia  a wic ju| od kilku dni  Parlament posiada 17 dodatkowych mandatw. Mamy ju| 17 nowych kolegw. Osiemnasty kolega  z Holandii  doBczy w najbli|szym czasie. Pozwol sobie teraz wyczyta nazwiska naszych 17 nowych kolegw, a po wyczytaniu bardzo prosz, aby nowi koledzy wstali  bo s oni z nami na sali  poniewa| chcieliby[my ich powita. <BRK> 1-008 BG <hidden>4 - !JAB02 =0 ?0@;0<5=B0 (@>B>:>; 70 87<5=5=85 =0 ?@>B>:>; 36): 26. ?@>B>:>;0</hidden> ES <hidden>4 - Composicin del Parlamento (Protocolo por el que se modifica el Protocolo (n 36)): vase el Acta</hidden> CS <hidden>4 - Slo~en Parlamentu (protokol, kterm se mn protokol . 36): viz zpis</hidden> DA <hidden>4 - Parlamentets sammenstning (protokol om ndring af protokol nr. 36): se protokollen</hidden> DE <hidden>4 - Zusammensetzung des Parlaments (Protokoll zur nderung von Protokoll 36): siehe Protokoll</hidden> ET <hidden>4 - Parlamendi koosseis (protokoll, millega muudetakse protokolli nr 36) (vt protokoll) </hidden> EL <hidden>4 -    (     36): .  </hidden> EN <hidden>4 - Composition of Parliament (Protocol amending Protocol 36): see Minutes</hidden> FR <hidden>4 - Composition du Parlement (Protocole modifiant le Protocole 36): voir procs-verbal</hidden> IT <hidden>4 - Composizione del Parlamento (Protocollo che modifica il protocollo 36): vedasi processo verbale</hidden> LV <hidden>4 - Parlamenta sastvs (protokols, ar ko groza 36. protokolu) (sk. protokolu) </hidden> LT <hidden>4 - Parlamento sudtis (Protokolas, ia dalies kei iantis Protokol Nr. 36) (~r. protokola) </hidden> HU <hidden>4 - A Parlament sszettele (A 36. jegyzQknyv mdostsrl szl jegyzQknyv): lsd a jegyzoknyvet</hidden> MT <hidden>4 - L-g'amla tal-Parlament (Protokoll li jemenda l-Protokoll 36): ara l-Minuti</hidden> NL <hidden>4 - Samenstelling van het Parlement (protocol tot wijziging van protocol 36): zie notulen</hidden> PL 4 - SkBad Parlamentu (ProtokB zmieniajcy ProtokB nr 36): Patrz protokl PT <hidden>4 - Composio do Parlamento (Protocolo que altera o Protocolo 36): Ver Acta</hidden> RO <hidden>4 - Componena Parlamentului (Protocolul de modificare a Protocolului 36): consultaci procesul-verbal</hidden> SK <hidden>4 - Zlo~enie Parlamentu (Protokol, ktorm sa men a dop:Ha protokol . 36): pozri zpisnicu</hidden> SL <hidden>4 - Sestava Parlamenta (Protokol o spremembi Protokola at. 36): gl. zapisnik</hidden> FI <hidden>4 - Parlamentin kokoonpano (pytkirjan N:o 36 muuttamisesta tehty pytkirja): ks. pytkirja</hidden> SV <hidden>4 - Parlamentets sammansttning (Protokoll om ndring av protokoll 36): se protokollet</hidden> 1-009 BG <hidden>5 - A:0=5 70 =5>B;>6=0 ?@>F54C@0: 26. ?@>B>:>;0</hidden> ES <hidden>5 - Solicitud de urgencia: vase el Acta</hidden> CS <hidden>5 - }dost o nalhav postup: viz zpis</hidden> DA <hidden>5 - Anmodning om uopsttelig forhandling: se protokollen</hidden> DE <hidden>5 - Dringlichkeitsantrag: siehe Protokoll</hidden> ET <hidden>5 - Kiirmenetluse taotlus (vt protokoll) </hidden> EL <hidden>5 -   : .  </hidden> EN <hidden>5 - Request for urgent procedure : see Minutes</hidden> FR <hidden>5 - Demande d'urgence : voir procs-verbal</hidden> IT <hidden>5 - Richiesta di applicare la procedura di urgenza: vedasi processo verbale</hidden> LV <hidden>5 - Piepras+jums piemrot steidzam+bas procedkru (sk. protokolu) </hidden> LT <hidden>5 - Praaymas taikyti skubos tvark (~r. protokola) </hidden> HU <hidden>5 - SrgQssgi eljrsra irnyul krelem: lsd a jegyzoknyvet</hidden> MT <hidden>5 - Talba g'al pro edura ta' ur!enza: ara l-Minuti</hidden> NL <hidden>5 - Verzoek om urgentverklaring: zie notulen</hidden> PL 5 - Wniosek o tryb pilny: Patrz protokl PT <hidden>5 - Pedido de aplicao do processo de urgncia: Ver Acta</hidden> RO <hidden>5 - Cerere de urgenc: consultaci procesul-verbal</hidden> SK <hidden>5 - }iadose o naliehav postup: pozri zpisnicu</hidden> SL <hidden>5 - Zahteva za nujni postopek: gl. zapisnik</hidden> FI <hidden>5 - Kiireellist ksittely koskeva pyynt: ks. pytkirja</hidden> SV <hidden>5 - Begran om brdskande frfarande: se protokollet</hidden> 1-010 BG <hidden>6 - !JAB02 =0 0@;0<5=B0: 26. ?@>B>:>;0</hidden> ES <hidden>6 - Composicin del Parlamento: vase el Acta</hidden> CS <hidden>6 - Slo~en Parlamentu: viz zpis</hidden> DA <hidden>6 - Parlamentets sammenstning: se protokollen</hidden> DE <hidden>6 - Zusammensetzung des Parlaments: siehe Protokoll</hidden> ET <hidden>6 - Parlamendi koosseis (vt protokoll) </hidden> EL <hidden>6 -   : .  </hidden> EN <hidden>6 - Composition of Parliament : see Minutes</hidden> FR <hidden>6 - Composition du Parlement : voir procs-verbal</hidden> IT <hidden>6 - Composizione del Parlamento: vedasi processo verbale</hidden> LV <hidden>6 - Parlamenta sastvs (sk. protokolu) </hidden> LT <hidden>6 - Parlamento sudtis (~r. protokola) </hidden> HU <hidden>6 - A Parlament tagjai: lsd a jegyzoknyvet</hidden> MT <hidden>6 - Kompo|izzjoni tal-Parlament: ara l-Minuti</hidden> NL <hidden>6 - Samenstelling Parlement: zie notulen</hidden> PL 6 - SkBad Parlamentu: Patrz protokl PT <hidden>6 - Composio do Parlamento: Ver Acta</hidden> RO <hidden>6 - Componenca Parlamentului: consultaci procesul-verbal</hidden> SK <hidden>6 - Zlo~enie Parlamentu: pozri zpisnicu</hidden> SL <hidden>6 - Sestava Parlamenta: gl. zapisnik</hidden> FI <hidden>6 - Parlamentin kokoonpano: ks. pytkirja</hidden> SV <hidden>6 - Parlamentets sammansttning: se protokollet</hidden> 1-011 BG <hidden>7 - >4?8A20=5 =0 0:B>25, ?@85B8 AJ3;0A=> >18:=>25=0B0 70:>=>40B5;=0 ?@>F54C@0: 26. ?@>B>:>;0</hidden> ES <hidden>7 - Firma de actos adoptados de conformidad con el procedimiento legislativo ordinario: vase el Acta</hidden> CS <hidden>7 - Podepisovn akto pYijatch Ydnm legislativnm postupem: viz zpis</hidden> DA <hidden>7 - Undertegnelse af retsakter vedtaget i overensstemmelse med den almindelige lovgivningsprocedure: se protokollen</hidden> DE <hidden>7 - Unterzeichnung von gem dem ordentlichen Gesetzgebungsverfahren angenommenen Rechtsakten: siehe Protokoll</hidden> ET <hidden>7 - Seadusandliku tavamenetluse kohaselt vastu vetud igusaktide allakirjutamine (vt protokoll) </hidden> EL <hidden>7 -        : .  </hidden> EN <hidden>7 - Signature of acts adopted under the ordinary legislative procedure: see Minutes</hidden> FR <hidden>7 - Signature d'actes adopts conformment la procdure lgislative ordinaire: voir procs-verbal</hidden> IT <hidden>7 - Firma di atti adottati in conformit della procedura legislativa ordinaria: vedasi processo verbale</hidden> LV <hidden>7 - SaskaF ar parasto likumdoaanas procedkru pieFemto ties+bu aktu parakst+aana (sk. protokolu) </hidden> LT <hidden>7 - Pagal /prast teiskkros procedkr priimts teiss akts pasiraaymas (~r. protokola) </hidden> HU <hidden>7 - A rendes jogalkotsi eljrs szerint elfogadott jogszablyok alrsa: lsd a jegyzoknyvet</hidden> MT <hidden>7 - Iffirmar tal-atti adottati skont il-pro edura le!i|lattiva ordinarja: ara l-Minuti</hidden> NL <hidden>7 - Ondertekening van volgens de gewone wetgevingsprocedure aangenomen besluiten: zie notulen</hidden> PL 7 - Podpisanie aktw prawnych przyjtych zgodnie ze zwykB procedur ustawodawcz: Patrz protokl PT <hidden>7 - Assinatura dos actos adoptados em conformidade com o processo legislativo ordinrio: Ver Acta</hidden> RO <hidden>7 - Semnarea actelor adoptate n conformitate cu procedura legislativ ordinar: consultaci procesul-verbal SK 7 - Podpis aktov prijatch v slade s riadnym legislatvnym postupom: pozri zpisnicu SL 7 - Podpis aktov, sprejetih v skladu z rednim zakonodajnim postopkom: gl. zapisnik FI 7 - Tavallista lainstmisjrjestyst noudattaen annettujen sdsten allekirjoittaminen: ks. pytkirja SV 7 - Undertecknande av rttsakter som antagits i enlighet med det ordinarie lagstiftningsfrfarandet: se protokollet 1-012 BG 8 - =0AO=5 =0 4>:C<5=B8: 26. ?@>B>:>;8</hidden> ES <hidden>8 - Presentacin de documentos: vase el Acta</hidden> CS <hidden>8 - PYedlo~en dokumento: viz zpis</hidden> DA <hidden>8 - Modtagne dokumenter: se protokollen</hidden> DE <hidden>8 - Vorlage von Dokumenten: siehe Protokoll</hidden> ET <hidden>8 - Esitatud dokumendid (vt protokoll) </hidden> EL <hidden>8 -  : .  </hidden> EN <hidden>8 - Documents received: see Minutes</hidden> FR <hidden>8 - Dpt de documents: voir procs-verbal</hidden> IT <hidden>8 - Presentazione di documenti: vedasi processo verbale</hidden> LV <hidden>8 - Dokumentu iesniegaana (sk. protokolu) </hidden> LT <hidden>8 - Pateikti dokumentai (~r.protokol) </hidden> HU <hidden>8 - Dokumentumok benyjtsa: lsd a jegyzQknyvet</hidden> MT <hidden>8 - Dokumenti mressqa: ara l-Minuti</hidden> NL <hidden>8 - Ingekomen stukken: zie notulen</hidden> PL 8 - SkBadanie dokumentw: patrz protokB PT <hidden>8 - Entrega de documentos: ver Acta</hidden> RO <hidden>8 - Depunerea documentelor: a se vedea procesul-verbal</hidden> SK <hidden>8 - Predlo~en dokumenty: pozri zpisnicu</hidden> SL <hidden>8 - Predlo~itev dokumentov: glej zapisnik</hidden> FI <hidden>8 - Vastaanotetut asiakirjat: ks. pytkirja</hidden> SV <hidden>8 - Inkomna dokument: se protokollet</hidden> 1-013 BG <hidden>9 - J?@>A8 A 8A:0=5 70 CAB5= >B3>2>@ (2=0AO=5): 26. ?@>B>:>;0</hidden> ES <hidden>9 - Preguntas orales (presentacin): vase el Acta</hidden> CS <hidden>9 - Otzky k stnmu zodpovzen (pYedlo~en): viz zpis</hidden> DA <hidden>9 - Mundtlige foresprgsler (modtagne dokumenter): se protokollen</hidden> DE <hidden>9 - Anfragen zur mndlichen Beantwortung (Vorlage): siehe Protokoll</hidden> ET <hidden>9 - Suuliselt vastatavad ksimused (esitamine) (vt protokoll) </hidden> EL <hidden>9 -   (): .  </hidden> EN <hidden>9 - Oral questions (tabling): see Minutes</hidden> FR <hidden>9 - Questions orales (dpt): voir procs-verbal</hidden> IT <hidden>9 - Interrogazioni orali (presentazione): vedasi processo verbale</hidden> LV <hidden>9 - Mutiskie jautjumi (iesniegaana) (sk. protokolu) </hidden> LT <hidden>9 - }odiniai klausimai (gauti dokumentai) (~r. protokola) </hidden> HU <hidden>9 - Szbeli vlaszt ignylQ krdsek (benyjts): lsd a jegyzoknyvet</hidden> MT <hidden>9 - Mistoqsijiet orali (tressiq): ara l-Minuti</hidden> NL <hidden>9 - Mondelinge vragen (indiening): zie notulen</hidden> PL 9 - Pytania ustne (skBadanie dokumentw): Patrz protokl PT <hidden>9 - Perguntas orais (apresentao): Ver Acta</hidden> RO <hidden>9 - ntrebri orale (depunere): consultaci procesul-verbal</hidden> SK <hidden>9 - Otzky na stne zodpovedanie (predlo~en dokumenty): pozri zpisnicu</hidden> SL <hidden>9 - Vpraaanja za ustni odgovor (predlo~itev): gl. zapisnik</hidden> FI <hidden>9 - Suulliset kysymykset (vastaanotetut asiakirjat): ks. pytkirja</hidden> SV <hidden>9 - Muntliga frgor (ingivande): se protokollet</hidden> 1-014 BG <hidden>10 - "@0=AD5@ =0 1N465B=8 A@54AB20</hidden> ES <hidden>10 - Transferencias de crditos: vase el Acta</hidden> CS <hidden>10 - PYevody prostYedko: viz zpis</hidden> DA <hidden>10 - Bevillingsoverfrsler: se protokollen</hidden> DE <hidden>10 - Mittelbertragungen: siehe Protokoll</hidden> ET <hidden>10 - Assigneeringute mberpaigutamine (vt protokoll) </hidden> EL <hidden>10 -  : .  </hidden> EN <hidden>10 - Transfers of appropriations: see Minutes</hidden> FR <hidden>10 - Virements de crdits: voir procs-verbal</hidden> IT <hidden>10 - Storni di stanziamenti: vedasi processo verbale</hidden> LV <hidden>10 - Apropriciju prvietojumi (sk. protokolu) </hidden> LT <hidden>10 - Asignavims perklimas (~r. protokol) </hidden> HU <hidden>10 - ElQirnyzatok tcsoportostsa: lsd a jegyzQknyvet</hidden> MT <hidden>10 - Trasferiment ta' approprjazzjonijiet: ara l-Minuti</hidden> NL <hidden>10 - Kredietoverschrijvingen: zie notulen</hidden> PL 10 - Przesunicie [rodkw: patrz protokB PT <hidden>10 - Transferncias de dotaes: ver Acta</hidden> RO <hidden>10 - Transferuri de credite: a se vedea procesul-verbal</hidden> SK <hidden>10 - Presun rozpo tovch prostriedkov: pozri zpisnicu</hidden> SL <hidden>10 - Prerazporeditev sredstev: glej zapisnik</hidden> FI <hidden>10 - Mrrahojen siirrot: ks. pytkirja</hidden> SV <hidden>10 - Anslagsverfringar: se protokollet</hidden> 1-015 BG <hidden>11 - 5B8F88: 26. ?@>B>:>;8</hidden> ES <hidden>11 - Peticiones: vase el Acta</hidden> CS <hidden>11 - Petice: viz zpis</hidden> DA <hidden>11 - Andragender (jf. protokollen) </hidden> DE <hidden>11 - Petitionen: siehe Protokoll</hidden> ET <hidden>11 - Petitsioonid (vt protokoll) </hidden> EL <hidden>11 - : .  </hidden> EN <hidden>11 - Petitions: see Minutes</hidden> FR <hidden>11 - Ptitions: voir procs-verbal</hidden> IT <hidden>11 - Petizioni: vedasi processo verbale</hidden> LV <hidden>11 - Lkgumraksti (sk. protokolu) </hidden> LT <hidden>11 - Peticijos (~r. protokol) </hidden> HU <hidden>11 - Petcik: lsd a jegyzQknyvet</hidden> MT <hidden>11 - Petizzjonijiet: ara l-Minuti</hidden> NL <hidden>11 - Verzoekschriften: zie notulen</hidden> PL 11 - Petycje: patrz protokB PT <hidden>11 - Peties: ver acta</hidden> RO <hidden>11 - Peticii: a se vedea procesul-verbal</hidden> SK <hidden>11 - Petcie: pozri zpisnicu</hidden> SL <hidden>11 - Peticije: glej zapisnik</hidden> FI <hidden>11 - Vetoomukset: ks. pytkirja</hidden> SV <hidden>11 - Framstllningar: se protokollet</hidden> 1-016 BG <hidden>12 - 54 =0 @01>B0</hidden> ES <hidden>12 - Orden de los trabajos</hidden> CS <hidden>12 - Pln prce</hidden> DA <hidden>12 - Arbejdsplan</hidden> DE <hidden>12 - Arbeitsplan</hidden> ET <hidden>12 - Tplaan</hidden> EL <hidden>12 -   </hidden> EN <hidden>12 - Order of business</hidden> FR <hidden>12 - Ordre des travaux</hidden> IT <hidden>12 - Ordine dei lavori</hidden> LV <hidden>12 - Darba krt+ba</hidden> LT <hidden>12 - Darbs programa</hidden> HU <hidden>12 - gyrend</hidden> MT <hidden>12 - Ordni tas-seduta</hidden> NL <hidden>12 - Regeling van de werkzaamheden</hidden> PL 12 - Porzdek obrad PT <hidden>12 - Ordem dos trabalhos</hidden> RO <hidden>12 - Ordinea lucrrilor</hidden> SK <hidden>12 - Program prce</hidden> SL <hidden>12 - Razpored dela</hidden> FI <hidden>12 - Ksittelyjrjestys</hidden> SV <hidden>12 - Arbetsplan</hidden> 1-017 PL Przewodniczcy. ( Rozdany zostaB koDcowy projekt porzdku dziennego sporzdzony zgodnie z art. 137 Regulaminu przez Konferencj Przewodniczcych. Zaproponowano nastpujce zmiany: [wtorek]: Stosownie do ustaleD z grupami politycznymi debata na temat sprawozdania Mria Davida i Marka Siwca dotyczca Europejskiej Polityki Ssiedztwa zostanie umieszczona w porzdku dziennym jako ostatni punkt popoludniowego posiedzenia po debacie po[wiconej sytuacji w Syrii. Celem tej zmiany jest zgrupowanie wszystkich debat, w ktrych bdzie uczestniczy baronessa Ashton, czyli zgodnie z decyzj grup politycznych sprawozdanie David/Siwiec zostanie omwione pod koniec popoBudniowego posiedzenia. Bdzie na nim obecna pani Ashton. <BRK> 1-018 EN Ioannis Kasoulides (PPE).  Mr President, concerning the item  Statement by the Vice-President/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy on the EU-Russia summit, I would like to request, on behalf of the EPP Group, that we ask her whether she can extend her statement and comment on recent developments as regards the elections in Russia, as this event took place after the decision by the Conference of Presidents. (Applause) 1-019 EN President. ( Dear colleague, we can raise this point during the discussion with Baroness Ashton because it is now too late to change anything on our agenda. 1-020 EN Hannes Swoboda (S&D). Mr President, I think it is self-evident that it can be discussed. If your staff can informally inform the services then it can be well prepared without changing the title. 1-021 EN President. ( I will inform Baroness Ashton about this issue. It is quite obvious that we should discuss such an important point because Baroness Ashton will be with us for longer this time, so there will be time for that. I will inform Baroness Ashton about that. 1-022 PL [[roda]: Grupa PPE zwrciBa si o dodanie do porzdku dziennego pytania ustnego do Komisji dotyczcego swobodnego przepBywu pracownikw w Unii Europejskiej. <BRK> 1-023 EN Traian Ungureanu (PPE).  Mr President, I think this is indeed a matter of utmost importance and fully deserves to be debated during this plenary session. As you already told us, it regards the free movement of workers on the European labour market, which of course should be regarded as a right and not as a favour to be bestowed discretionally on Romanian or Bulgarian workers. Can I remind this House that the recent report from the Commission decriminalised the Romanian and Bulgarian workforce, so to say, by proving statistically that their contribution to both the EUs and the destination countries GDP was I repeat, statistically speaking strictly positive. Moreover, time is of the essence regarding this matter, as the deadline for imposing or extending barriers against Romanian and Bulgarian workers is 31December 2011. Consequently I am sure this House will wisely acknowledge the importance of this matter and show its support for it. 1-024 EN Hannes Swoboda (S&D). Mr President, I think it is a justified request that we add this item to the agenda this week. Our group has also introduced a resolution in that direction, so they could be treated together immediately. I think we should work for a common joint resolution. I do not know if you mentioned that, but I think we should negotiate even if time is short a joint resolution of this House on this issue. 1-025 PL (Parlament przyjB wniosek) (Ustalony zostaB porzdek prac) <BRK> 1-026 BG <hidden>13 - !?>@07C<5=85 70 ?0@B=L>@AB2> 2 >1;0ABB0 =0 @810@AB2>B> <564C 2@>?59A:8O AJN7 8 @0;AB2> 0@>:> - J45I8OB ?@>B>:>; 70 >?@545;O=5 2J7<>6=>AB8B5 70 @81>;>2 8 D8=0=A>2>B> CG0AB85, ?@542845=8 2 !?>@07C<5=85B> 70 ?0@B=L>@AB2> 2 >1;0ABB0 =0 @810@AB2>B> <564C 2@>?59A:8O AJN7 8 @0;AB2> 0@>:> (@078A:20=5) </hidden> ES <hidden>13 - Acuerdo de colaboracin UE-Marruecos en el sector pesquero - Futuro Protocolo por el que se fijan las posibilidades de pesca y la contrapartida financiera previstas en el Acuerdo de colaboracin UE-Marruecos en el sector pesquero (debate) </hidden> CS <hidden>13 - Dohoda mezi EU a Marokem o partnerstv v odvtv rybolovu  Budouc protokol o rybolovnch prvech a finan nm pYspvku stanovenm v Dohod o partnerstv v oblasti rybolovu mezi Evropskou uni a Marockm krlovstvm (rozprava) </hidden> DA <hidden>13 - Fiskeripartnerskabsaftalen EU-Marokko - Fremtidig protokol om faststtelse af de fiskerimuligheder og den finansielle modydelse, der er omhandlet i fiskeripartnerskabsaftalen mellem Den Europiske Union og Kongeriget Marokko (forhandling) DE 13 - Partnerschaftliches Fischereiabkommen EU-Marokko - Knftiges Protokoll zur Festlegung der Fangmglichkeiten und der finanziellen Gegenleistung nach dem partnerschaftlichen Fischereiabkommen zwischen der Europischen Union und dem Knigreich Marokko (Aussprache) ET 13 - E ja Maroko vaheline kalandusalane partnerlusleping - Tulevane protokoll, millega mratakse kindlaks Euroopa Liidu ja Maroko Kuningriigi vahelise kalandussektori partnerluslepinguga ettenhtud kalapgivimalused ja rahaline toetus (arutelu) </hidden> EL <hidden>13 -    - -                             () </hidden> EN 13 - EU-Morocco fisheries partnership agreement - Future protocol setting out the fishing opportunities and financial compensation provided for in the Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the European Union and the Kingdom of Morocco (debate) FR 13 - Accord de partenariat UE-Maroc dans le secteur de la pche - Futur protocole fixant les possibilits de pche et la contrepartie financire prvues par l'accord de partenariat dans le secteur de la pche entre l'Union europenne et le Royaume du Maroc (dbat) IT 13 - Accordo di partenariato nel settore della pesca UE-Marocco - Futuro protocollo che fissa le possibilit di pesca e la contropartita finanziaria previste dallaccordo di partenariato nel settore della pesca tra la Comunit europea e il Regno del Marocco (discussione) LV 13 - ES un Marokas partnerattiec+bu nol+gums zivsaimniec+bas nozar - Jaunais protokols, kur noteiktas Partnerattiec+bu nol+gum zivsaimniec+bas nozar starp Eiropas Kopienu un Marokas Karalisti paredzts zvejas iespjas un finansilais ieguld+jums (debates) </hidden> LT <hidden>13 - ES ir Maroko ~uvininkysts sektoriaus partnerysts susitarimas . Bksimas protokolas, kuriuo nustatomos Europos Sjungos ir Maroko Karalysts ~uvininkysts sektoriaus partnerysts susitarime numatytos ~vejybos galimybs ir finansinis /naaas (diskusijos) </hidden> HU <hidden>13 - EU Marokk halszati partnersgi megllapods - Az Eurpai Kzssg s a Marokki Kirlysg kztt ltrejtt halszati partnersgi megllapodssal elQrt halszati lehetQsgek s pnzgyi hozzjruls megllaptsrl szl jvQbeli jegyzQknyv (vita) </hidden> MT <hidden>13 - Ftehim ta' S'ubija dwar is-Sajd bejn l-UE u l-Marokk - Protokoll futur li jiddelinea l-opportunitajiet g'as-sajd u l-kumpens finanzjarju li hemm dispost g'alihom fil-Ftehim ta' S'ubija dwar is-Sajd bejn l-Unjoni Ewropea u r-Renju tal-Marokk (dibattitu) NL 13 - Partnerschapsovereenkomst inzake visserij EU-Marokko - Toekomstig protocol tot vaststelling van de vangstmogelijkheden en de financile tegenprestatie waarin is voorzien bij de partnerschapsovereenkomst inzake visserij tussen de Europese Unie en het Koninkrijk Marokko (debat) PL <hidden>13 - Porozumienie o partnerstwie w sektorze ryboBwstwa pomidzy UE i Marokiem - PrzyszBy protokB ustalajcy uprawnienia do poBoww i rekompensat finansow przewidziane w Porozumieniu o partnerstwie w sektorze ryboBwstwa pomidzy Uni Europejsk a Krlestwem Maroka (debata) PT 13 - Acordo de Parceria no domnio da pesca entre a UE e Marrocos - Futuro protocolo que fixa as possibilidades de pesca e a contrapartida financeira previstas no Acordo de Parceria no domnio da pesca entre a Unio Europeia e o Reino de Marrocos (debate) RO 13 - Acordul de parteneriat n domeniul pescuitului UE-Maroc - Viitorul protocol de stabilire a posibilitilor de pescuit i a contribuiei financiare prevzute n Acordul de parteneriat n domeniul pescuitului ncheiat ntre Uniunea European i Regatul Maroc (dezbatere) </hidden> SK <hidden>13 - Dohoda o partnerstve v sektore rybolovu medzi E a Marokom  Budci protokol, ktorm sa stanovuj rybolovn mo~nosti a finan n prspevok pod>a Dohody o partnerstve v sektore rybolovu medzi Eurpskym spolo enstvom a Marockm kr>ovstvom (rozprava) </hidden> SL <hidden>13 - Sporazum o partnerstvu v ribiakem sektorju med EU in Kraljevino Maroko - Bodo i protokol o dolo itvi ribolovnih mo~nosti in finan nega nadomestila v skladu s sporazumom o partnerstvu v ribiakem sektorju med Evropsko unijo in Kraljevino Maroko (razprava) </hidden> FI 13 - EU:n ja Marokon kalastuskumppanuussopimus - Pytkirja EU:n ja Marokon kalastuskumppanuussopimuksessa mrttyjen kalastusmahdollisuuksien ja taloudellisen korvauksen vahvistamisesta (keskustelu) SV 13 - Fiskepartnerskap EGMarocko *** - Det framtida protokollet om faststllande av de fiskemjligheter och den ekonomiska ersttning som freskrivs i partnerskapsavtalet om fiske mellan Europeiska unionen och Konungariket Marocko (debatt) 1-027 PL Przewodniczcy. ( Kolejnym punktem porzdku dziennego jest wsplna debata nad: - sprawozdaniem sporzdzonym przez Carla Haglunda w imieniu Komisji RyboBwstwa dotyczcym zalecenia w sprawie projektu decyzji Rady w sprawie zawarcia ProtokoBu midzy Uni Europejsk a Krlestwem Maroka ustalajcego uprawnienia do poBoww i rekompensat finansow przewidziane w Porozumieniu o partnerstwie w sektorze ryboBwstwa pomidzy Wsplnot Europejsk a Krlestwem Maroka (11226/2011 - C7-0201/2011 - 2011/0139(NLE)) (A7-0394/2011), - pytaniem ustnym do Komisji dotyczcym przyszBego protokoBu ustalajcego uprawnienia do poBoww i rekompensat finansow przewidziane w Porozumieniu o partnerstwie w sektorze ryboBwstwa pomidzy Uni Europejsk a Krlestwem Maroka, ktre to pytanie zadali Carl Haglund w imieniu grupy ALDE i Carmen Fraga Estvez w imieniu grupy PPE (O-000319/2011 - B7-0671/2011). 1-028 EN Carl Haglund, rapporteur. ( Mr President, I will take the opportunity to present both issues at the same time as you proposed. Allow me to start with the resolution that my dear colleague Carmen Fraga Estvez and I have drafted together. It concerns a resolution on the current arrangement with Morocco, something that has been debated several times in this House especially over the past year. I am happy that we have come to a point in time where we have been able to agree among many groups on the content of this resolution. I know there are some alternative resolutions, but the main message remains: that Parliament wants to see a better agreement with Morocco in the future, and I am happy that, together, we have been able to identify that the current arrangements with Morocco are desirable. However, they need to be economically and ecologically far more sustainable than they are today. So I am happy with the resolution. I am sure that there will be a broad majority in support of the resolution. My colleague Carmen Fraga Estvez will probably get back on this. Concerning my report on the same issue: we have been dealing with this topic in the Committee on Fisheries for a long period of time and in light of the resolution, which clearly states that the current arrangements are not very good I would like to explain why we need to vote against this report. When I say against, I think it is important to note at this point in time that my initial recommendation for the Committee on Fisheries was not to consent to this agreement. The reasons are very well outlined in the brief resolution. A fisheries partnership agreement and I say a partnership agreement should be viewed as a fisheries partnership agreement, something which benefits both parties. Unfortunately, as we can see from the very good ex-post evaluation report, we have an agreement in front of us that is economically far from sustainable. The evaluation report states very clearly that, of all the fisheries partnership agreements, this places the heaviest burden on European taxpayers. Practically speaking, the return on the agreement is negative. Many agreements have a positive return with about a 40% positive return, while this one has a negative return with only 65 cents return on every euro invested. This is a very bad deal for European taxpayers. On top of this, of course, there are the ecological aspects and I actually find them far more troubling. The basic principle of fisheries partnership agreements is that we fish the surplus; in other words fish which is there to be fished and not over-fished. Therefore it is disturbing to note that out of the eleven fish stocks covered by the agreement we have only been able to assess nine of the eleven as two of them lack data nine fish stocks are over-fished. In other words, we are not fishing the surplus; we are fishing more than the surplus, which is ecologically unsustainable and goes against the basic principle behind these EU agreements which we have laid out in the common fisheries policy. This is also a reason why we need change. With these things explained, I think it is quite clear that we need to pass the resolution to show our Commissioner who is sitting right there that she has our backing for a new agreement, but at the same time a better agreement which takes into account all the problems outlined in the ex-post evaluation report. I also want to take the opportunity to say that from Parliaments point of view, working on this dossier has not been the easiest because of timing and because of the new arrangement where Parliament is obliged to consent to these agreements. This is an arrangement which came with the Lisbon Treaty; it is both an obligation and a responsibility for us as Members of this House to actually examine these agreements. In light of what I have done and in light of what the two committees who took the opportunity to give an opinion on this agreement have done, it is clear that we should not accept the current arrangements. That is why we should vote no. I can tell you that the Committee on Development and the Committee on Budgets both gave opinions on my report; both recommended for us not to consent to the current arrangements. I think that is a very strong signal from both the Committee on Development and the Committee on Budgets. In the Committee on Fisheries we had a very tight vote which ended up in favour of the report, and I am sure we will have a tight vote also on Wednesday when we vote on the actual issue. But I urge all colleagues to take the responsibility which the Lisbon Treaty gives us, and examine the current arrangements very thoroughly and at the same time note the fact that we are calling for a future agreement with the Moroccans. This should not be seen as a hostile move towards our partners; it should rather be seen as us taking ourselves seriously on a very important issue. Finally, I would like to thank all my colleagues for their good cooperation on this issue. I am aware that all of us do not share the same approach, but I want to thank colleagues for a constructive dialogue so far and I am sure we can handle this issue in a constructive manner despite certain differences. I will end my speech here. 1-029 ES Carmen Fraga Estvez, Autora. ( Seor Presidente, si estamos hoy en esta situacin de prrroga del Acuerdo de pesca con Marruecos es solo porque la Comisin no cumpli en su da con su obligacin de pedir un mandato de negociacin o bien de denunciar el Acuerdo con la debida antelacin, si es que se estaba incumpliendo. La flota pesquera nada tiene que ver con esto; no es responsable ni tiene por qu pagar las consecuencias. As pues, soy firme partidaria de solucionar esta situacin dando la aprobacin. No estoy de acuerdo con los que se oponen, bien por la cuestin poltica del Shara, bien por los resultados negativos del informe de evaluacin pesquera. Al respecto, me gustara recordar que ya en el ao 2006, con motivo de mi informe sobre el Acuerdo de pesca Unin Europea-Marruecos, esta Cmara fue muy firme tanto respecto a los beneficios que deban recaer en las poblaciones del Shara como denunciando una negociacin nefasta cuyos vacos son los que han provocado los malos resultados. Pero insisto no creo que ninguno de estos problemas se vaya a resolver ahora enviando la flota a casa. Por el contrario, creo que debemos mirar al futuro de nuestras relaciones pesqueras con Marruecos. Y, seora Comisaria, nuevamente nos encontramos en una situacin en la que, a menos de tres meses de la finalizacin de la prrroga, seguimos sin tener un mandato de negociacin. Nuevamente el sector se encuentra sumido en la incertidumbre, pero, esta vez, nos ha tomado la delantera y ha actuado responsablemente junto con el sector pesquero marroqu y, con la aquiescencia de sus respectivas administraciones, ambos han elaborado un plan de accin para el futuro, que, la semana pasada, le entregaron a usted en Bruselas. Esta es la razn por la que el seor Haglund, en nombre del Grupo ALDE, y yo, en nombre de mi Grupo, hemos presentado una pregunta oral y una propuesta de resolucin que miran al futuro, un futuro asentado sobre nuevas bases que intentan paliar los errores cometidos y que cuentan con el acuerdo de todas las partes interesadas. Solo pido que la Comisin est... (El Presidente interrumpe a la oradora) 1-030 DE VORSITZ: RAINER WIELAND Vizeprsident 1-031 EN Maria Damanaki, Member of the Commission. ( Mr President, honourable Members, I welcome the opportunity to share with you my assessment referring to the current situation and my views on the future of our fisheries agreement with Morocco. Let me start first with the interim protocol. You are now going to decide whether or not this protocol can be concluded. The lead committee has adopted a positive recommendation, but I know that many of you are not convinced, so let me explain our position. As you know, this one-year protocol an interim protocol was agreed with Morocco in February this year, just before the previous one expired. I am convinced that this decision was right. I believe even now that we have done the right thing. Why? Because the interim protocol provided us with the time to address those legal and political issues which are related to fishing in the waters of the Western Sahara. We have pressed Morocco to provide us with reliable information that the local population benefits from the exploitation of these waters, as is required by international law. These efforts have given some potentially positive results. For the first time, the current protocol includes a formal requirement for Morocco to report on benefits and their geographic distribution, and in so doing it sets an important precedent for any future protocol. With regard to economic and environmental issues, the mandate to extend the previous protocol did not leave us much room for manoeuvre during the last round of negotiations. In other words, we really did not have the possibility to go for a better agreement referring to economic and environmental issues. However, it is clear that any future negotiations will have to result in a better deal. After all, this interim protocol made it possible for fishing activities to continue without interruption. I know that a lot of you are not convinced about this, but I would just like to remind you that this is really important for some hundreds of European vessels fishing there, most of which are smallscale vessels. On the basis of a decision taken by the Council in July, the protocol is now being applied provisionally. Indeed, there is less than three months left before it expires at the end of February next year. So I can understand that your rapporteur, Mr Haglund, and Ms Fraga Estvez and others are not happy that Parliament is able to express itself only now. But this is not our fault. We have done everything possible to speed things up. In any event I am glad that Parliament has proceeded to this plenary vote without further delay. I can assure you that the outcome is of great importance to all of us. In any case, we are going to respect Parliaments vote. That is something I would like to make absolutely clear. Your vote next Wednesday will be respected by us. Let me also assure you that we are taking very seriously the comments made in Mr Haglunds report, as well as the issues he raises and the issues raised in your motion for a resolution arrived at today. So in the case of any agreement, we have to significantly improve the text with regard to environmental, economic and legal/political aspects. Let me say here a few words on recent developments in Morocco and on the state of relations between the European Union and Morocco, against which your decision today should also be judged. The winds of change that have affected the Southern Mediterranean and some countries beyond have touched Morocco too. So what is the Commissions assessment of this? The Commission assessment is that, in Morocco, the authorities have launched a significant process of reform with the elaboration of a new constitution, increasing democratic accountability and respect for human rights as well as the successful holding of parliamentary elections which have brought new forces to power. The European Union, at all levels, has welcomed these changes. This House has also called for the EU to support the process of democratic reform in Morocco. That is the framework we have to bear in mind when making our decisions. As I said in the Committee on Fisheries last month, the Commission is in the process of preparing a proposal to the Council for a new negotiating mandate. At first we thought of waiting for your vote on Wednesday, but then we understood that it would be too late for our preparations and too late for you to vote on the substance. That is why we have already worked towards taking this initiative, in order to be ready in case this House gives us a positive signal to go forward on Wednesday. So we have done the preparations. If you give your consent to the interim protocol, we are ready to go forward. What are the main parameters of this better deal with Morocco that we should be aiming at? First, on economic profitability. We are definitely seeking value for money. It is imperative that any new protocol should ensure a better utilisation of available fishing possibilities as well as an overall financial envelope that clearly reflects market value, as other committees of this House are asking for. Second, on environmental sustainability. This means that we will be defining fishing possibilities based on best available scientific advice and also that we will be targeting only the surplus. Third, on international legality. With regard to the issue of the waters off Western Sahara, we will fully respect international law. There are a number of options on how to achieve this. We are working on all of them. If we were to follow the option of including the waters off Western Sahara, then we would need to demonstrate, through a strict and rigorous reporting mechanism, that there are economic benefits for the regions and local populations concerned. This would become a condition in the new protocol. On all these issues, we will draw on the conclusions from the implementation of the present protocol as well as from the debates in this House. The Committee on Fisheries last month recommended that Parliament consent to the conclusion of the protocol. If that approach is followed by this House, then we will very soon be ready to move ahead towards a better protocol to this agreement. 1-032 EN Isabella Lvin, rapporteur for the opinion of the Committee on Development. ( Mr President, in the middle of the Sahara, Morocco has built a 2700kilometrelong wall which is the longest wall in the world after the Great Wall of China and is guarded by 120000 soldiers and millions of landmines. It will also become the worlds longest conveyor belt, transporting phosphate resources out of the territory. Morocco took the country of Western Sahara in 1975 using napalm and phosphorus bombs. That was an attack on a people abandoned by their Spanish colonisers and was a contravention of international law. The fisheries agreement between the EU and Morocco, including the waters of the Western Sahara, is in fact illegal. This has been established by the legal services of this House in a recent opinion, which overrules the previous legal opinion of the Commission, which was written before it was possible to establish two things firstly, if the EU was actually fishing in Western Sahara and, secondly, whether or not the financial payment was to the benefit of Western Sahara and if the fishing had the consent of the people of that territory. There are now two answers to those questions 74% of the EU fleet capacity does operate in the waters of Western Sahara, and the people of this region have not been consulted on the matter. I have seen the answers to these questions, which Morocco gave to the Commission one year ago. They make it one hundred percent clear that Morocco is not going to recognise there is even such a thing as Western Sahara. They do not even mention Western Sahara. This makes one other thing very clear namely that Morocco does not need this agreement. Morocco has a domestic fleet that is bigger than that of Spain. They have the national fisheries policy objective of tripling fisheries contribution to GNP, doubling domestic employment and increasing domestic consumption of fish. In 1999, Morocco terminated the EU fisheries agreement for those very reasons, and because of the EU overfishing that is now also taking place. It is extremely clear that Morocco only wants to keep the fisheries agreement with the EU for one reason: to legitimise Moroccos illegal occupation of Western Sahara by making the EU an accomplice in this criminal act. It would be shameful to this House and to the entire European Union if we, as a proponent of human rights and defenders of international justice and democracy, gave our consent to this shameful agreement. 1-033 FR Franois Alfonsi, rapporteur pour avis de la commission des budgets. ( Monsieur le Prsident, la commission des budgets a souhait que le Parlement refuse d'approuver l'accord de pche entre l'Union europenne et le Royaume du Maroc. Je tiens prciser que ce refus serait, en ralit, sans incidence pratique, car cet accord est intervenu en fvrier 2011; il expire donc dans un mois. La commission des budgets a d'ailleurs rejet une proposition qui visait supprimer l'engagement budgtaire li cet accord pour l'anne venir. Cependant, par cet avis ngatif, la commission des budgets a voulu lancer un message d'alerte. Cet accord entrane des consquences ngatives au plan environnemental, car ces zones de pche sont notoirement surpches, et au plan de la rgularit juridique de la dpense, dans la mesure o la question de la dcolonisation du Sahara occidental est toujours bloque par l'tat marocain, alors que la zone de pche concerne est, pour les trois quarts, lie ce littoral. Le refus d'approbation de ce protocole si le Parlement suit le vote de la commission des budgets serait un message fort lanc la Commission en vue des futurs accords ngocier et un message fort lanc au gouvernement marocain pour que, au moment o toute la rive sud de la Mditerrane s'veille la dmocratie, il s'engage son tour sur la voie des rformes et de la dmocratie, notamment vis--vis du peuple sahraoui. 1-034 FR Alain Cadec, au nom du groupe PPE. Monsieur le Prsident, Madame la Commissaire, chers collgues, je vais d'abord m'exprimer sur le protocole provisoire. En tant que rapporteur fictif de mon groupe, je voudrais adresser un message au rapporteur: j'espre que, sur le rapport relatif au financement des affaires maritimes et de la pche, dont je suis le rapporteur et dont M. Haglund est rapporteur fictif, nous pourrons discuter plus rgulirement que sur le prsent rapport. Je lui rappelle et je lui redis que je suis et que j'ai toujours t ouvert la discussion sur tous les sujets sur lesquels nous avons travaill et travaillerons encore ensemble, je l'espre. L'accord de pche actuellement en vigueur entre l'Union europenne et le Maroc est une prorogation nous l'avons dj dit d'un an de l'accord prcdent, propose par la Commission europenne. Cet accord prendra fin je vous le rappelle le 27fvrier prochain, c'est--dire dans deux mois. Monsieur Alfonsi vient de le dire. Il permet dix tats membres de l'Union europenne de pcher dans les eaux marocaines et profite, qu'on le veuille ou non, aux populations locales. L'aide sectorielle verse par l'Union europenne permet le dveloppement de la politique de la pche sur tout le territoire marocain. J'appelle mes collgues voter en faveur de cet accord car il est mutuellement bnfique. Son approbation permettra l'ouverture des ngociations sur un nouvel accord de pche, assorti de nouveaux critres. En revanche, un refus de cet accord serait un signal trs ngatif pour toute cette rgion, en priode de dmocratisation. Le Maroc est un partenaire indispensable de l'Union europenne. Le soutien de l'Union europenne passe non seulement par des dclarations il y en a beaucoup ici mais aussi par des accords et des actions concrtes. Avec la rsolution de notre groupe et du groupe ALDE sur le futur accord, nous donnons un signal fort la Commission pour ngocier un accord qui soit rentable et cologiquement viable, et qui permette une bonne utilisation des possibilits de pche pour l'Union europenne. Mais auparavant, je vous le rappelle, nous devons voter l'accord provisoire. 1-035 DE Ulrike Rodust, im Namen der S&D-Fraktion. Herr Prsident, sehr geehrte Frau Kommissarin, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Das Fischereiabkommen zwischen der Europischen Union und Marokko beschftigt dieses Haus nun schon seit mehr als einem Jahr. Ich bin mir sicher, dass dies auch nach der morgigen Abstimmung so sein wird. Dieses Abkommen hat sich zu einem sehr emotionalen Thema entwickelt. Das ganze Parlament spricht ber dieses Abkommen, alle Fraktionen haben intern in den letzten Tagen und Wochen das Abkommen kontrovers diskutiert. Es handelt sich um ein Fischereiabkommen, das genau analysiert werden muss. Wie lautet diese Analyse? Wir im Fischereiausschuss sind uns einig darber, dass dieses Abkommen kologisch nicht nachhaltig ist, denn es trgt zur berfischung bei. Das ist in der bisherigen Debatte leider untergegangen, aber es ist ein ganz zentraler Punkt. Angesichts des katastrophalen Zustandes der Weltmeere darf die Europische Union nicht ihre eigenen und erst recht nicht fremde Gewsser berfischen. Auch konomisch ist dieses Protokoll nicht interessant. Es gibt auf keinen Fall eine Win-win-Situation fr uns. Darber hinaus gibt es noch die Westsahara-Frage. Ich bin mir sicher, dass wir uns auch hier einig sind: Das Abkommen muss im Einklang mit dem Vlkerrecht stehen. All dies ist in dem derzeit laufenden Protokoll, ber das wir abstimmen werden, nicht gegeben. Deshalb kann man eigentlich nicht zustimmen. Nun werden wir damit getrstet, dass sich in Zukunft alles ndern soll. Darauf hoffe ich auch, und wir helfen mit unserer Entschlieung dem Rat und der Kommission gerne dabei, bei den Verhandlungen mit Marokko nichts verkehrt zu machen. Der einzige berzeugende Grund zuzustimmen ist, dass wir kurz vor dem Auslaufen des Protokolls sind und die Kommission uns gebeten hat, keine Unterbrechung herbeizufhren, um die neuen Verhandlungen nicht zu belasten. Sie versicherte uns, dass alle unsere Forderungen in das neue Protokoll Eingang finden werden. Das erwarte ich nicht nur, sondern wir verlassen uns auch darauf. 1-036 EN Chris Davies, on behalf of the ALDE Group. Mr President, the Commissioner must excuse us if some of us feel outrage at the existing agreement. You only have to look at the evaluation study to recognise its faults. The study makes absolutely clear that this is the least successful of all the bilateral fisheries agreements agreed by the European Union. It is one under which our taxpayers are paying EUR36million a year for what? Very little. The fish we land does not even end up in the European Union: it goes down to Africa or gets sold on to the Asian market. The ship-owners there are 80 ships, more or less, on a constant basis there are paying just EUR2million. That is a subsidy of extraordinary proportions. Not surprisingly, when we look at the issue of sustainability and we recognise that these fishermen are fishing in waters which are described as fully-exploited or over-exploited, there are questions here about the whole sustainability aspect. I think we can have confidence that the Commissioner will do her very best to negotiate a new arrangement which meets the criteria of sustainability and the social requirements referred to in the declaration. She can also have a smile on her face, as she was not responsible for negotiating the appalling arrangement we have in place at the moment. 1-037 ES Ral Romeva i Rueda, en nombre del Grupo Verts/ALE. Seor Presidente, obviamente yo me opongo no solamente a la extensin del Acuerdo actual, sino a un nuevo acuerdo, y las razones se han mencionado ya; son de tres tipos: de carcter jurdico, econmico y ecolgico. Jurdicamente la cuestin es simple. Marruecos negocia con unos recursos que no le pertenecen, y a partir de aqu hay dos opciones: o bien se excluyen las aguas de los territorios saharauis de la negociacin lo cual no se ha hecho hasta ahora, o bien se respeta la ley internacional exigiendo que este Acuerdo respete los beneficios para la poblacin local, pero tambin los deseos, seora Comisaria, los deseos de la poblacin local, a la que nadie todava se ha referido. Desde el punto de vista econmico, tambin es evidente que es un desastre como acuerdo porque no supone, en ningn caso, un beneficio, y adems es un despilfarro econmico, y ms en situaciones como en las que estamos, pero ecolgicamente es todava ms grave. Estamos en una situacin donde los acuerdos deberan respetar una mxima: solo explotar niveles de sobrepesca o de excedente. En el caso de las aguas marroques, estamos en una situacin de sobrepesca ya con la pesca local, a la cual aadimos esta sobrepesca a la que contribuimos parte de los europeos. Por lo tanto, tres elementos para votar en contra de la ampliacin y de un nuevo acuerdo, que son elementos jurdicos, econmicos y ecolgicos. Y, por una vez, creo que sera bueno que este Parlamento no se arrodillara ante las presiones y los chantajes del Gobierno marroqu y que actuara en consecuencia con responsabilidad y, sobre todo, para garantizar su credibilidad. 1-038 PT Joo Ferreira, em nome do Grupo GUE/NGL. Com a proposta de prorrogao deste acordo a Comisso apanhada na curva apertada das suas prprias incoerncias e contradies. A Comisso encomendou e pagou a uma empresa de consultoria externa uma avaliao ex post dos quatro anos de vigncia do acordo. A avaliao realizada manifestamente negativa, seja do ponto de vista econmico, tendo em conta a utilidade do acordo para as frotas dos Estados-Membros, seja do ponto de vista ecolgico, tendo em conta o periclitante estado de conservao de diversos stocks, seja do ponto de vista do impacto positivo no sector pesqueiro marroquino, como noutros casos, extremamente reduzido ou nulo. Perante o resultado desta avaliao veio a Comisso dizer que o relatrio no veicula necessariamente a posio da Comisso. Mas no contraps, como se exigia, a anlise que ali feita, os dados objectivos que a permitam desmentir. Mas a questo mais grave deste acordo, que justificou que estivssemos contra ele em 2005 e que, da mesma da forma, justifica que estejamos hoje tambm contra ele que se trata de um acordo ilegal luz do direito internacional. Com efeito, o acordo assinado com Marrocos prev a explorao de um recurso natural sobre o qual Marrocos no tem soberania luz do direito internacional. Desde 1975, com o parecer do Tribunal Internacional de justia, at hoje, nunca a soberania de Marrocos sobre o territrio do Sara Ocidental foi reconhecida. Ao incluir as guas do Sara Ocidental, este acordo desrespeita todas as resolues relevantes da Assembleia Geral das Naes Unidas, em especial a Resoluo de 2009 relativa s actividades econmicas e outras que afectem os interesses dos povos dos territrios no autnomos. Saliente-se que os legtimos representantes do povo sarau nunca foram ouvidos sobre este acordo, foram completamente ignorados neste processo, tal como a sua vontade. E esta uma obrigao decorrente, ao contrrio do que disse a Senhora Comissria, esta uma obrigao decorrente do direito internacional, e no apenas contentarmonos com as afirmaes de Marrocos que dizem que h benefcio para as populaes do Sara Ocidental com este acordo. Devo dizer que no temos uma posio de princpio contra os acordos de pesca com pases terceiros. Pelo contrrio, temos apoiado, apesar das mltiplas limitaes e insuficincias, vrios deles. Mas estes acordos devem resultar da livre expresso da vontade soberana dos pases e dos povos envolvidos e no dar cobertura ao saque de recursos naturais como aqui sucede. Saque com o qual, lamentavelmente, a Unio Europeia assim se torna cmplice. A nica soluo neste cenrio, quanto a ns, ser a excluso das guas do Sara Ocidental deste acordo e o incio de um processo de dilogo com os legtimos representantes do povo sarau... (O Presidente retira a palavra ao orador.) 1-039 EN John Stuart Agnew, on behalf of the EFD Group. Mr President, Morocco has occupied Western Sahara since the 1970s. If this fisheries deal goes ahead, the EU will be in breach of international law. We know it, the UN knows it, and even Parliaments legal services know it. The financial contribution to Morocco will be EUR36million every year for EU boats to plunder overfished stocks. The Commission has provided no assurances that the Western Saharan people will benefit from this deal, and I have no doubt that the money will be hoovered up by the Moroccan authorities. Despite all this, the Commission does not care and wants its deal. UK boats that operate in the area go to great lengths to make sure local people benefit, so it would be a shame for them to be disrupted. This all demonstrates the failure of EU control over UK fisheries and trade. I am appalled that the Liberal Democrat political group tried to cancel this public debate and submitted a resolution that urges the Commission to close the deal as quickly as possible. This whole issue shows just how little the EU cares for democracy and human rights around the world. (The speaker agreed to take a blue-card question under Rule 149(8)) 1-040 EN Chris Davies (ALDE), Blue-card question. Mr President, I would just like to ask the Honourable Gentleman what evidence he has that the Liberal Democrat Group, under the leadership of our rapporteur Carl Haglund, tried to cancel this debate? I believe that is not true. 1-041 EN John Stuart Agnew (EFD), Blue-card answer. Mr President, I understand that the coordinators wanted to go straight to the Chair and have no vote, which seems a funny way of going about democracy. 1-042 PT Maria do Cu Patro Neves (PPE). A dimenso externa da PCP em geral, e os Acordos de Parceria com os pases terceiros em particular, constituem uma vertente imprescindvel da PCP. E o acordo UE-Marrocos um dos mais importantes para a frota europeia do Sul, surgindo numa ocasio poltica em que importante no fechar portas. Com efeito, os acordos de parceria viabilizam a presena da frota comunitria em pesqueiros externos, tradicionalmente frequentados pela Unio Europeia e indispensveis para a obteno de importantes produtos da pesca que contribuem para assegurar o abastecimento alimentar da Europa. Simultaneamente, desempenham tambm um papel preponderante nas economias dos pases terceiros e no seu respectivo desenvolvimento social. Exige-se, entretanto, que a aco da Unio Europeia, ao nvel internacional, seja coerente com os princpios e objectivos da PCP, nomeadamente a sustentabilidade e a preservao dos ecossistemas marinhos. Neste contexto, o novo acordo de pesca sustentvel entre a Unio Europeia e Marrocos dever ser orientado por uma gesto sustentvel dos recursos haliuticos atravs de uma clusula de transparncia que assegure que a explorao dos recursos efectuada por navios comunitrios em guas de pases terceiros se circunscreva apenas aos recursos que estes no podem, ou no pretendem, capturar. Assim sendo, o novo acordo UE-Marrocos dever dispor de uma base cientfica credvel e de um mtodo eficaz de acompanhamento e vigilncia da sua aplicao, salvaguardando o interesse da frota comunitria, dos ecossistemas e das populaes locais que o acordo dever tambm beneficiar. Neste plano, e em termos gerais, no posso deixar de lamentar que os elevados padres de actuao da Unio Europeia, a que se prope, de respeito pelas populaes locais e de salvaguarda do seu patrimnio haliutico no sejam comuns a outras frotas que por vezes fainam nessas mesmas guas, o que, alis, acontecer de forma selvagem se a frota europeia se retirar. 1-043 IT Guido Milana (S&D). Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, pessimo accordo, pessima proroga e pessimo risultato della gestione di questi anni: queste sono le parole chiave di questo dibattito! Ebbene, dobbiamo archiviare questa fase. Se La Commissione o per meglio dire, la Commissaria che non ha trattato questo accordo ci invita ad approvare l'accordo, dobbiamo lasciarci alle spalle questa fase e soprattutto pensare al nuovo, a ci che accadr nei prossimi anni! Non so se convenga a uno come me che difende la causa Sarawi da molti anni non avere pi nessun rapporto con il Marocco. Non possiamo sostituire l'accordo, la cui assenza non ci porterebbe a risolvere il conflitto che va avanti da oltre trent'anni. Sono musica per le mie orecchie le parole della collega Lvin, con la quale concordo pienamente, anche se non ritengo l'accordo di pesca il mezzo attraverso il quale risolvere la questione. Non riusciremo certo noi a trovare una soluzione dove l'ONU da trent'anni mantiene una missione che non risolve per nulla tutte le questioni di carattere umanitario. Allora diciamo s alla risoluzione, s alla proroga di questo accordo, perch la risoluzione deve dar forza alla Commissione e spingerla a trattare in maniera dura, per fare in modo che il nuovo accordo risponda davvero a queste esigenze e perch questo sia anche un segnale alla politica estera dell'Unione. Non pi possibile che la Baronessa Ashton non si occupi della questione Sarawi! 1-044 SL Ivo Vajgl (ALDE).  V eraj sem se vrnil iz Tindufa, kjer sem videl, kakane koristi ima prebivalstvo Zahodne Sahare od naae politike in od vseh, ki trdijo, da sprejemajo sporazume v korist tega prebivalstva. Ta sporazum je treba zavrniti in odlo no plediram na to, da ga zavrnemo z moralnimi, politi nimi, eti nimi in mednarodnopravnimi razlogi. Ta sporazum ni obi ajni ribiaki sporazum. To je sporazum, v katerega mre~e se bo ujelo mednarodno pravo in pravi nost. To je sporazum, ki ~ali dostojanstvo tega naroda Zahodne Sahare, ki trpi pod maroako okupacijo. Zato se ne moremo pogovarjati o njem kot o nekem rutinskem sporazumu o ribah. To je sporazum o politiki in mi bomo na napa ni strani, e bomo glasovali za njega. <BRK> 1-045 PT Rui Tavares (Verts/ALE).  Caros Colegas, vamos votar um acordo muito especial porque parte do seu objecto um territrio ilegalmente ocupado, tal como as Naes Unidas j o determinaram. Isto quer dizer que no estamos a falar dos recursos naturais s de Marrocos, que so objecto deste acordo, mas dos recursos naturais de um povo que no tem direito ou que no tem tido direito sua autodeterminao. Enquanto deputado portugus este caso no pode deixar de me fazer lembrar o caso de Timor-Leste em que a Unio Europeia, repetidamente, censurou a Austrlia por estar a negociar com a Indonsia os recursos naturais de um pas que estava ilegalmente ocupado. Nenhum deputado que aqui defendeu, nesta casa, a causa timorense pode votar com a conscincia tranquila um acordo deste gnero, que faria da Unio Europeia a receptadora de recursos que no so seus e que no so do pas com quem negoceia e que faria de ns cmplices de um roubo que at agora ainda no foi ressarcido, que at agora ainda no foi corrigido. No pode haver nenhum tipo de acordo sobre recursos naturais de um povo que no teve direito sua autodeterminao enquanto esse povo no puder falar acerca dos seus recursos. 1-046 ES Gabriel Mato Adrover (PPE). Seor Presidente, seora Comisaria, es evidente que algo falla cuando hoy, en el mes de diciembre, debatimos una prrroga que finaliza en apenas dos meses. Pese a ello, estamos hablando de un Acuerdo que es importante para la Unin Europea y especialmente para Espaa, un Acuerdo que no puede servir de disculpa para reivindicaciones distintas de las estrictamente pesqueras y con cuya prrroga yo estoy de acuerdo a pesar de que el Acuerdo es insatisfactorio en muchos aspectos. Siempre he defendido los acuerdos con terceros pases, y mucho ms con pases de nuestro entorno y tan importantes como es el Reino de Marruecos, y, precisamente por ello, espero que se ratifique la prrroga y que se negocie un nuevo acuerdo equilibrado, justo y beneficioso para todos los firmantes y que permita a nuestra flota seguir faenando. Confo en que llegue este acuerdo y en que, adems, sea viable econmicamente y no solo garantice la sostenibilidad y la preservacin de los recursos, sino que tenga consecuencias positivas desde el punto de vista social y laboral para los firmantes. Ahora bien, tambin defiendo con contundencia que los acuerdos se deben respetar y cumplir en su integridad y, por eso, con coherencia, cuestion el acuerdo con Marruecos en el mbito agrario y lo apoyo decididamente en el pesquero. No tenemos nada contra Marruecos, bien al contrario, pero eso no obsta a que exijamos el respeto a los acuerdos que los ciudadanos a los que representamos merecen. Desde este Parlamento debe llegar un mensaje claro y difano a la Comisin para que negocie y negocie bien, sin dilaciones y con transparencia. Recuerden que malas negociaciones siempre traen malas consecuencias. Ejemplos tenemos muchos. (El orador acepta responder a una pregunta formulada con arreglo al procedimiento de la tarjeta azul (artculo 149, apartado 8, del Reglamento)) 1-047 EN Lucas Hartong (NI), Blue-card question. Mr President, I would like to ask my esteemed colleague: who would profit more? All the Member States of the EU, or Spain only? 1-048 ES Gabriel Mato Adrover (PPE), respuesta a una pregunta de tarjeta azul. Seor Presidente, en todo caso yo creo que cuando un Estado miembro se beneficia, todos los miembros de esta Unin Europea nos beneficiamos. 1-049 ES Josefa Andrs Barea (S&D). Seor Presidente, desde el Grupo Socialista consideramos importante aprobar esta prrroga porque va a ser la piedra angular que nos permita hacer un mejor acuerdo. Este acuerdo, que finaliza el 27 de febrero de 2012 (quedan apenas tres meses, como deca la Comisaria), se ha valorado de forma negativa desde el punto de vista econmico. Sin embargo, no se ha valorado la importancia que tiene que 11 pases de la Unin Europea lo digo por la pregunta que se acaba de formular se beneficien de este acuerdo y que 800 trabajadores de la Unin Europea tengan un puesto de trabajo gracias al mismo, as como que haya creado miles de puestos de trabajo en Marruecos, e incluso en el Shara. La sostenibilidad como parte importante. Se ha hablado del informe ex-post. Nosotros pedimos datos cientficos para el prximo acuerdo que determinen la capacidad pesquera, porque la Unin Europea, segn ese informe ex-post, solo pesca el 10 % de lo que se pesca. Segn el informe, tiene un impacto inapreciable. Se necesita un nuevo acuerdo, seora Comisaria, un nuevo acuerdo mejorado, un nuevo acuerdo bajo el Tratado de Lisboa, un nuevo acuerdo como ha dicho usted con ese requisito adicional de un informe detallado acerca de cmo se aplica el acuerdo y cul es la poblacin beneficiada, acerca del cumplimiento del Derecho internacional. Pero, adems, el acuerdo tiene que ser beneficioso para ambas partes. La arquitectura global: es necesario que la Unin Europea d preponderancia al Acuerdo de asociacin entre la Unin Europea y Marruecos; una dimensin econmica y social de los acuerdos internacionales; la solidaridad y el sector estratgico. Europa no puede quedarse atrs en la escena internacional. Son importantes la aprobacin de esta prrroga y el prximo acuerdo. 1-050 EN Thijs Berman (S&D). Mr President, I am speaking on behalf of my colleague, sa Westlund, whose plane is late. The European Parliaments Legal Service has concluded that the Fisheries Agreement is against international law, since the UN has never recognised Moroccos claim over the Western Sahara. Nothing shows that the wishes of the people of the Western Sahara are being respected or that this agreement benefits them. The Community should therefore envisage either the suspension of the agreement or should apply the agreement in such a way that EUflagged vessels are excluded from the exploitation of the waters off Western Sahara. There are additional arguments for the European Parliament not to give its consent: the current protocol has had the lowest costbenefit ratio of any EU bilateral agreement, and it has fostered the fishing of many depleted stocks and failed to contribute to the development of the fisheries sector in Morocco. Given these facts, the EU (The President cut off the speaker) 1-051 DE Der Prsident. ( Vielen Dank, Herr Kollege Berman. Sie htten noch viel Zeit gehabt. Wenn Sie etwas langsamer gelesen htten, wre es besser gewesen. Wir sollten ein bisschen Rcksicht auf die Dolmetscher nehmen, weil es sonst in anderen Sprachen nicht mehr verstndlich ist, was Sie dem Haus mitteilen mchten. 1-052 EN Thijs Berman (S&D). Mr President, I am deeply sorry for the interpreters, whom I like so much. 1-053 DE Der Prsident. ( Ich mchte es als einen Hinweis an alle Kolleginnen und Kollegen nutzen: Wenn Sie Texte haben, lesen Sie sie bitte so, dass es in allen Amtssprachen der Europischen Union verstndlich ist. ("Catch the eye"-Verfahren) 1-054 RO Rare_-Lucian Niculescu (PPE).  Acordul de pescuit cu Marocul nu este nicidecum un acord de parteneriat, a_a cum au remarcat toci ceilalci colegi. Nu este nici corect pentru Uniunea European, nici nu cine cont de proteccia rezervelor de pe_te; voi vota, deci, mpotriv. Trebuie ns s spun, de asemenea, c nu este o situacie unic. Ar fi nevoie _i chiar este urgent intensificarea dialogului cu vecinii no_tri de la Marea Neagr - mai ales cu Turcia - pe acelea_i considerente, eventual ntr-un cadru institucional special, dup modelul Comisiei pentru pescuitul n Marea Mediteran. <BRK> 1-055 DE Evelyn Regner (S&D).  Herr Prsident! Ich komme aus sterreich, einem Binnenland, und betrachte das Partnerschaftliche Fischereiabkommen der Europischen Union mit Marokko daher nicht durch einen Nebel aus Eigeninteressen, sondern im Gegenteil: Ich bin an nachhaltiger, gerechter Fischerei interessiert und nicht am gierigen, schnellen Leerfischen der Meere. Ein Ja zum Protokoll wrde Unrecht einzementieren. Es wre ein Ja fr eine vlkerrechtswidrige, unkologische Geldverschwendung. ber 36Millionen Euro werden jhrlich fr den EU-Zugang zu marokkanischen Fischereigewssern gezahlt. Das steht in keiner Relation zu den dadurch in der Europischen Union gesicherten Arbeitspltzen. Dieses Geld knnte intelligenter fr beschftigungspolitische Manahmen ausgegeben werden. Erst wenn gesichert ist, dass die Westsaharauis den gerechten Anteil an der Fischerei vor ihrer Kste bekommen und dass das Meer nicht berfischt wird, halten wir im Europischen Parlament uns selbst an unsere Werte und Grundstze. 1-056 ES Antoln Snchez Presedo (S&D). Seor Presidente, el Acuerdo de pesca con Marruecos est vigente porque se ha renovado automticamente al no haber recibido ningn tipo de objecin. Lo que ha expirado es el Protocolo que establece las oportunidades de pesca y las compensaciones. Despus de recibir las informaciones, se ha prorrogado provisionalmente y ahora el Parlamento debe dar su aprobacin, de acuerdo con las normas del Tratado de Lisboa. El Grupo Socialista y yo personalmente estamos totalmente a favor por tres razones fundamentales: primero, por la naturaleza de nuestras relaciones con Marruecos, la pesca no puede ser una excepcin; en segundo lugar, por el impacto que podra ocasionar una interrupcin de las actividades en todas las partes, especialmente en la flota artesanal que es la ms afectada y los trabajadores; y, en tercer lugar, porque queremos enviar una seal positiva a Marruecos y conseguir un nuevo protocolo que sea justo y equilibrado, que est a favor del desarrollo de la pesca sostenible, y que preserve los derechos de las partes y sea mutuamente beneficioso. 1-057 EN Maria Damanaki, Member of the Commission. ( Mr President, I think that I must clarify some points. I would like to underline that the Commission is here to defend the common European interest. Our common fisheries policy is about the common European interest, so I cannot accept arguments that, in the case of this agreement, only this or that Member State fishes there. There will be other agreements whereby other Member States will fish there. Also, we are all European citizens and all of us consume fish, which is a very important part of our diet. We are the worlds leading consumers of fish and we need to have good relations with all the nations across the Mediterranean and other areas. So, please, while I understand that we are going through a very difficult time, a very difficult situation, this separatist narrative is not really fruitful. The second point I should clarify is that the Commission does indeed care about the rights of the people. We are not saying that we do not care about the rights of the people of Western Sahara. That is why we have gone for an interim protocol; that is why we have pressed the Moroccan Government to give us data on how the local population will benefit from this agreement or other agreements. That is why we have come to you with an interim protocol. That is why we are trying to negotiate a new agreement, under all the circumstances of which you are already aware. What we are trying to ensure, I can assure you, is that any new agreement including the Western Sahara will be introduced only on condition that we are sure that the local population will benefit from it. We do care, but please be aware that it is not easy to solve the international problem through this agreement, and the Commission cannot accept that idea. Let us be clear on this point. I am here to explain everything to you and to say very clearly that the Commission is going to respect your vote. I would like to have a clear answer: do you want a new agreement? I can promise you that I will do my best to obtain a better agreement. A better agreement means one that is economically profitable, environmentally friendly, and in accordance with international law. It is not as easy as it would appear from some speeches here to interpret international law. So, please, I would like to have a clear answer on this. I can see that there are different opinions. I can see that some people are against the fisheries agreements in general; others are against this agreement in any event. Some others think that we need a better agreement; yes, but after all we need a clear line. What I can say to finish, as I have used up a lot of time, is that the Commission is already preparing a negotiating mandate for the next agreement. I can assure you that, if we negotiate another agreement, it will be better than the previous one, but we need the consent of Parliament to do so. Let us be honest and face facts: if Parliament says no to the agreement, then we can have no agreement. I would like a clear line on this. Referring to the past, I agree with you that the agreements we had were not economically profitable or environmentally friendly, and that is why we are going to change them. That is why we are reforming the common fisheries policy, and I hope you are going to support us in order to get this reform through the Council and its decision-making process. We need this agreement, however. That is my opinion. We need to have good agreements, but we do need agreements, as otherwise we are going to be isolated from all these areas. 1-058 EN Carl Haglund, rapporteur. ( Mr President, I should like to thank my colleagues for a constructive debate. Let me say to the Commissioner that I am very happy, and I think all of us are very happy, that you are striving to have a good agreement in the future. There is no doubt, based on the debate, that this is something that we all want. I cannot, however, at all agree with the conclusion that we need to vote in favour of a terrible agreement that almost everyone seems to think is bad, just to give you a good agreement in the future. That reasoning does not work. Our responsibility, according to the Lisbon Treaty, is to take a stance on the current protocol. We are not voting on a future protocol now; we are voting on the current protocol and the current protocol is bad. I will vote in favour of a good protocol next year if you deliver one. I promise. There has been mention that this protocol delivers EU jobs. Let me tell you that every EU job created by this protocol is subsidised by EUR45000. Is that good economic policy and good spending of taxpayers money? No. Let me also tell you that only 15% of the sectoral support from Morocco has been used. Fifteen per cent, which means that 85% was unused. Keep that in mind. I am very happy about the debate, which focuses on the future. I also want to do that. Our partnership with Morocco is important; we have the neighbourhood policy through which it has been concluded. I think everyone has stated very clearly despite a few voices that they want a good agreement in the future. That is what I have been telling the Moroccans all the time. I am happy the Commissioner is saying that. Let us focus on that. But, before that, we need to take a clear stance, live up to our responsibilities and vote on my report which is not on a future protocol, it is on the current protocol. Concerning the Western Sahara, I am happy that the Commissioner is looking for different arrangements, because it is clear that there are so many colleagues in this House that find the current arrangements very problematic. Let me also say that there are many countries in the Council who are critical: the Austrians, the Swedes, and lately the Bundestag, the Dutch, the Finns, the Cypriots, etc. are critical. So we also have a very tough debate with the Council, which is not unanimous on this. I am looking forward to a no vote on Wednesday. 1-059 DE Der Prsident. ( Die gem Artikel 115 Absatz 5 GO einzureichenden Entschlieungsantrgeg werden zu einem spteren Zeitpunkt angekndigt. Die gemeinsame Aussprache ist geschlossen. Die Abstimmung findet nicht morgen statt, sondern am Donnerstag, 15.Dezember, um 11.30Uhr. Schriftliche Erklrungen (Artikel 149) 1-059-250 DE Andreas Mlzer (NI), schriftlich. Die Kommission will also das fr kologisch schdlich befundene Fischereiabkommen mit Marokko verlngern, das mit gut 36 Millionen Euro jhrlich nicht nur eines der teuersten Abkommen ist, sondern von dem weder der europische Steuerzahler noch die heimische Bevlkerung profitiert. Und dann sag noch einer, die EU wird nicht von Grolobbyisten diktiert! Eine Verlngerung des Fischereiabkommens ist nicht zu rechtfertigen. Zumal beide Vertragspartner das Abkommen so auslegen, dass die fischreichen Gewsser der besetzten Westsahara einberechnet werden, denen mittlerweile berfischung droht. Gerade vor dem Hintergrund der Wirtschaftskrise muss die EU derartige Steuerverschwendungen abstellen, die zugunsten maritimer Grokonzerne den Kleinfischern die Lebensgrundlage rauben. Wenn die EU wegsieht, zchten wir in der Westsahara gleich die nchste Generation an Piraten la Somalia heran. Das Abkommen widerspricht UN-Seerechtsbereinkommen und Vlkerrecht. Gerade die EU, die sich gern mit dem Mntelchen von Demokratie, Menschen- und Vlkerrecht deckt, tut gut daran, diese endlich selbst zu achten egal ob bei CIA-Aktionen, im Kosovo oder in der Westsahara. Die vlkerrechtswidrige legalisierte Plnderung der See vor der besetzten Westsahara durch die EU muss ein Ende haben. 1-059-500 PL JarosBaw Leszek WaBsa (PPE), na pi[mie.  Kwestia porozumienia o partnerstwie w sektorze ryboBwstwa midzy UE a Marokiem wzbudza w Parlamencie Europejskim wiele emocji. Apeluj jednak do PaDstwa o rzeczow debat na ten temat. Zgadzam si, |e najbardziej kontrowersyjna jest niejasna specyfikacja terytorialna. Jednak|e nie powinna ona dominowa debaty i by w niewBa[ciwy sposb wykorzystywana w celu zablokowania porozumienia. Uwa|am, |e dopki kwestia statusu Sahary Zachodniej nie zostanie formalnie rozstrzygnita na forum ONZ, porozumienie powinno by kontynuowane w obecnym zakresie. ChciaBbym tylko krtko przypomnie, |e umowa jest zgodna z prawem midzynarodowym i w |aden sposb nie narusza jego przepisw. Ponadto jest opBacalna i ekologicznie odpowiedzialna. Przynosi zyski i korzy[ci zarwno dla 11 paDstw czBonkowskich UE, jak i dla ludno[ci Maroka: okoBo 800 miejsc pracy dla europejskich rybakw, podtrzymanie tysicy miejsc pracy w przemy[le przetwrczym i przybrze|nym w Maroku, a tak|e, jak podkre[la Komisja Europejska, na terenach Sahary Zachodniej. Porozumienie jest politycznie i gospodarczo potrzebne i, je|eli jego przedBu|enie zostanie odrzucone, w obliczu "arabskiej wiosny ludw" bdzie to stanowiBo bardzo zBy sygnaB do wBadz Maroka, ktre rozpoczBy ju| przecie| proces demokratyzacji. <BRK> 1-060 BG <hidden>14 - @5@073;5640=5 =0 <=>3>3>48H=0B0 D8=0=A>20 @0<:0 70 2007 2013 3. A >3;54 =0 =5>1E>48<>ABB0 >B 4>?J;=8B5;=> D8=0=A8@0=5 =0 ?@>5:B0  ITER (@078A:20=5) </hidden> ES <hidden>14 - Revisin del Marco Financiero Plurianual para cubrir las nuevas necesidades de financiacin del proyecto ITER (debate) </hidden> CS <hidden>14 - Revize vceletho finan nho rmce s clem vyYeait dodate n potYeby financovn projektu ITER (rozprava) </hidden> DA <hidden>14 - Revision af den flerrige finansielle ramme med henblik p dkning af yderligere finansieringsbehov til ITER-projektet (forhandling) DE 14 - nderung des mehrjhrigen Finanzrahmens 2007-2013 im Hinblick auf die Deckung eines zustzlichen Finanzierungsbedarfs fr das ITER-Projekt (Aussprache) ET 14 - Mitmeaastase finantsraamistiku lbivaatamine, et katta ITERi projekti lisarahastamisvajadused (arutelu) EL 14 -      2007-2013         ITER () </hidden> EN <hidden>14 - Revision of the multiannual financial framework to address additional financing needs of the ITER project (debate) FR 14 - Rvision du cadre financier pluriannuel afin de rpondre aux besoins de financement complmentaire du projet ITER. (dbat) IT 14 - Revisione del quadro finanziario pluriennale 2007-2013 per far fronte alle necessit di finanziamento aggiuntive del progetto ITER (discussione) LV 14 - Daudzgadu finanau shmas prskat+aana, lai segtu ITER projekta papildu finanau vajadz+bas (debates) </hidden> LT <hidden>14 - Daugiamets finansins programos 2007 2013 m. per~ikra siekiant patenkinti papildomus ITER projekto finansavimo poreikius (diskusijos) </hidden> HU <hidden>14 - A tbbves pnzgyi keret fellvizsglata az ITER-projekt ptllagos finanszrozsnak rdekben (vita) </hidden> MT <hidden>14 - Revi|joni tal-qafas finanzjarju multiannwali 2007-2013, biex tindirizza 'ti!ijiet ta' finanzjament addizzjonali tal-pro!ett ITER (dibattitu) </hidden> NL <hidden>14 - Herziening van het meerjarig financieel kader om in de extra financieringsbehoeften van het ITER-project te voorzien (debat) </hidden> PL <hidden>14 - Przegld wieloletnich ram finansowych w celu zaspokojenia dodatkowych potrzeb finansowych projektu ITER (debata) PT 14 - Reviso do quadro financeiro plurianual de modo a dar resposta s necessidades financeiras adicionais do projecto ITER (debate) RO 14 - Revizuirea cadrului financiar multianual pentru a rspunde nevoilor de finanare suplimentare ale proiectului ITER (dezbatere) </hidden> SK <hidden>14 - Revzia viacro nho finan nho rmca s cie>om rieaie potreby dodato nho financovania projektu ITER (rozprava) </hidden> SL <hidden>14 - Sprememba ve letnega finan nega okvira za reaitev dodatnih potreb po financiranju projekta ITER (razprava) </hidden> FI <hidden>14 - Vuosien 2007 2013 monivuotisen rahoituskehyksen tarkistaminen ITER-hankkeen lisrahoitustarpeiden tyttmiseksi (keskustelu) SV 14 - Revidering av den flerriga budgetramen fr att tillmtesg behovet av kompletterande finansiering av Iterprojektet (debatt) 1-061 DE Der Prsident. ( Als nchster Punkt folgt der Bericht von Reimer Bge im Namen des Haushaltsausschusses ber den Vorschlag fr einen Beschluss des Europischen Parlaments und des Rates zur nderung der Interinstitutionellen Vereinbarung vom 17.Mai 2006 ber die Haushaltsdisziplin und die wirtschaftliche Haushaltsfhrung, insbesondere des mehrjhrigen Finanzrahmens, im Hinblick auf die Deckung eines zustzlichen Finanzierungsbedarfs fr das ITER-Projekt [KOM(2011)0226 C7-0108/2011 2011/2080(ACI)](A7-0433/2011). 1-062 DE Reimer Bge, Berichterstatter. ( Herr Prsident, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Die Mehrheit dieses Hauses will dem internationalen Kernfusionsprojekt ITER eine Chance geben ein internationales Projekt unter Fhrerschaft der Europischen Union, nach Beschlusslage des Rates mit 6,5MilliardenEUR bis 2020 als EU-Anteil ausgestattet, was 45% der Gesamtmittel ausmacht. Diese 6,5Milliarden beziehen eine notwendige Nachfinanzierung von 1,3Milliarden ein, um die es im Moment geht. Ich stelle fest, dass ITER hoffentlich jetzt auf der Basis eines verbesserten Projektmanagements stattfinden wird. Aber gleichzeitig besteht dieses Haus auch darauf, dass andere Prioritten von Forschung und Innovation durch die Nachfinanzierung von ITER finanziell nicht unter die Rder kommen. Wir haben es im letzten Jahr nicht geschafft, eine Lsung, einen Kompromiss zur Nachfinanzierung zu finden. Wir haben richtigerweise das Haushaltsverfahren 2012 von der Lsung der ITER-Frage abgekoppelt. Im zweiten Anlauf hat es ein Trilogergebnis gegeben, nmlich einmal 100MillionenEUR aus den Haushaltslinien fr ITER aus dem Haushaltsjahr 2012, zweitens eine Revision durch Anhebung der Obergrenze der Rubrik 1a um insgesamt 840Millionen in den Jahren 2012 und 2013 und im Gegenzug eine Absenkung der Rubriken 2 und 5 um den entsprechenden Betrag. Dies ist relativ unstrittig. Wir haben uns dann nach schwerem Ringen auf folgende Formulierung verstndigt: dass 360 Millionen als dritte Tranche aus Umschichtungen kommen sollen, die im Haushalt 2013 innerhalb der Obergrenzen des Finanzrahmens bereitzustellen sind. Wrtlich heit es im Trilogergebnis: Hierzu sind alle Mglichkeiten erlaubt, die die Haushaltsordnung und die Interinstitutionelle Vereinbarung bieten, ohne eine Revision in Anspruch zu nehmen. So weit, so gut. Der Haushaltausschuss hat mit groer Mehrheit dem Trilogergebnis zugestimmt. Ich muss leider zur Kenntnis nehmen, dass in der Beschlussfassung des AStV gestern sechs Mitgliedstaaten, nmlich sterreich, Frankreich, Deutschland, die Niederlande, Schweden und das Vereinigte Knigreich, ergnzt haben, dass sie bedauern, dass nicht przisiert ist, wo die Mittel 2013 herkommen sollen. Ich zitiere auf Englisch: 1-063 EN Reimer Bge, rapporteur. ( With regard to the draft budget 2013, the Commission is therefore asked to determine the required appropriations for ITER without using the negative reserve, the flexibility instrument or margins. 1-064 DE Reimer Bge, Berichterstatter. ( Dieser Text ist eine Provokation! Dieser Text ist nicht intelligent, er ist politisch dumm und dreist. Es ist de facto nichts anderes als eine vorauswirkende blockierende Minderheit im Rat, die Geist und Inhalt des getroffenen Kompromisses bereits in der ersten Sekunde bricht und zerstrt. So haben wir nicht gewettet! Wir werden gleich nach der Debatte im Haushaltsausschuss darber noch zu sprechen haben. Ich werde den Fraktionen dieses Hauses empfehlen, dass wir dem Bericht zur Revision zustimmen, dass wir zu dem Abkommen stehen. Aber ich werde gleichzeitig sagen, dass wir nur in der Lage sind, die 360Millionen fr 2013 zu garantieren, sofern die Kommission sich beim Haushaltsentwurf 2013 strikt auf der Grundlage des Trilogergebnisses verhlt und nicht im vorauseilenden Gehorsam dieser blockierenden Minderheit des Rates hinterherluft. Wir knnen nur dann die 360Millionen garantieren, wenn der Rat willens und in der Lage ist, auf der Grundlage des Trilogergebnisses by using all means of the Financial Regulation and the IIA zu verhandeln. Hier muss das Parlament deutlich Flagge zeigen. Die Art und Weise, wie Teile des Rates mit dem Parlament umgehen und nicht bereit sind, inhaltliche und haushalterische Diskussionen zu fhren, muss definitiv ein Ende haben. In dem Sinne sollte dann das Parlament morgen seine Position beziehen. (Beifall) 1-065 EN Maria Damanaki, Member of the Commission. ( Mr President, dear Members of Parliament, after more than eighteen months of discussions, the Commission welcomes the political agreement finally reached by the European Parliament and the Council on the financing of the experimental reactor ITER in the years 2012 and 2013. This is the second piece of good news in the last few weeks as far as the EU budget is concerned. On 1 December, Parliament adopted the 2012 budget, including part of the additional amount required by ITER. This week Parliament is asked to agree on almost a billion euro increase in the expenditure ceiling of Heading1a, under which ITER is financed. The proposed revision of the current multiannual financial framework will provide the fresh money necessary to cover most of the additional financing needs of ITER in 2012 and 2013. The fact that Parliament and Council are able to take such important decisions, despite the current difficulties in national public finances, is a sign that Europe can and does work. So let us focus on this, let us move forward even in difficult times to promote projects that are expected to have a significant impact for the future of next generations. I hope that we can stick to the agreement found on the financing of ITER, which takes into account the concerns of both arms of the budgetary authority and strikes the right balance between fresh money and funds available within the existing expenditure ceilings. The decision to revise the current multiannual financial framework provides certainty to the funding of ITER and enhances the credibility of the Union vis--vis its international partners participating in the ITER project. I would also like to say that the Commission will take on board the statement made by the rapporteur. We have to reflect on that and I think we can come up with a fruitful proposal relating to the upcoming 2013 financial prospects of this project. I would like also to say that we understand the concerns of some Member States, but we have to stick to this agreement now and see what will happen in the future. In this regard, I would like to thank in particular the rapporteur, Mr Bge, Mr Lamassoure as Chair of the Committee on Budgets, as well as the Polish Presidency for all their efforts to achieve an acceptable compromise. Let us stick to this compromise in the name of the EUs general interest and in the spirit of loyal interinstitutional cooperation. I am confident that this House will give the deserved support to the resolution proposed by your rapporteur. 1-066 IT Amalia Sartori, relatrice per parere della commissione per l'industria, la ricerca e l'energia. ( Signor Presidente, a nome della commissione ITRE, esprimo anch'io soddisfazione per l'accordo raggiunto. In sede di commissione questo parere stato approvato a grande maggioranza; mi auguro quindi che anche domani in Aula ci sar una risposta ugualmente il pi ampia possibile sugli accordi raggiunti. Credo che la questione posta con forza all'interno della commissione, e cio di non toccare i fondi per il VII programma quadro e per la ricerca, sia stato un accordo di tutela per tutti noi. Contemporaneamente, l'Unione europea in questo modo non perde fiducia e credibilit e continuer ad essere anche un partner internazionale valorizzando gli investimenti gi fatti. Per il mondo della ricerca e per il mondo dell'energia, la fusione nucleare rappresenta una grande sfida e l'Europa in questa sfida continuer ad esserci. 1-067 DE Monika Hohlmeier, im Namen der PPE-Fraktion. Herr Prsident, Frau Kommissarin, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Zunchst einmal haben der Haushaltsausschuss und der Haushaltskontrollausschuss beide sehr darauf geachtet, dass in Zukunft ein gutes Management beim ITER-Projekt mageblich ist, dass die Finanzen kontrolliert werden, dass wir eine ordnungsgeme berprfung der finanziellen Mittel haben und auch dass der Fortschritt sich finanziell in einem entsprechenden Rahmen hlt. Allerdings halte ich es fr auerordentlich problematisch, dass dann, wenn wir ein gemeinsam definiertes Projekt der Mitgliedstaaten haben, das die Mitgliedstaaten im Rat beschlossen haben, der Rat im selben Atemzug beschlossen hat, dass er die Forschungsmittel erhhen und die finanzielle Ausstattung der Forschung erweitern mchte, wodurch die Problematik entsteht, dass tatschlich der siebte Forschungsrahmenplan gekrzt werden soll zugunsten des ITER. Das war nicht das, was eigentlich vonseiten der Mitgliedstaaten ursprnglich beschlossen worden ist. Man hatte im Trilog eine gemeinsame Einigung erreicht, und ich bewundere unseren Berichterstatter, der mit einer Engelsgeduld versucht hat, diese Verhandlungen voranzutreiben. Ich stelle mir die Frage, wie wir weltweit an Ansehen von europischer Seite gewinnen sollen, wenn wir bei einem groen, weltweiten, internationalen Projekt ein derartiges Bild der Zerstrittenheit, des Sich-nicht-einigen-Knnens hinterlassen. Wegen 360Millionen dann eine solche Protokollnotiz, die einen gemeinsamen Kompromiss im Trilog im Nachhinein wieder in Frage stellt das ist eine Art und Weise, sich darzustellen in dieser Welt, die uns schlicht und einfach blamiert. Entweder wir betrachten ITER wirklich als wichtiges Projekt, und das Parlament ist willens dazu. Aber dann sollten die Mitgliedstaaten auch zu dem, was sie selbst beschlossen haben, eigene Vorschlge fr eine sinnvolle Finanzierung machen, ohne dass dabei die Forschung wieder beeintrchtigt wird. 1-068 DE VORSITZ: DAGMAR ROTH-BEHRENDT Vizeprsidentin 1-069 BG 209;> 0;D8=, >B 8<5B> =0 3@C?0B0 S&D.  -6> @54A540B5;, 18E 8A:0; 40 :060, G5 A?>@07C<5=85B> 70 >A83C@O20=5 =0 4>?J;=8B5;=8 A@54AB20 70  ITER 70 A;5420I8B5 425 3>48=8 15H5 87:;NG8B5;=> B@C4=> @5H5=85. 7 8A:0< 40 ?>74@02O 8 4>:;04G8:0 3-= Bge, 8 ?>;A:>B> ?@54A540B5;AB2> 70 B>20, G5 A?><>3=0E0 40 ?>AB83=5< B>20 (>I5 548= ?JB I5 :060 <=>3> B@C4=> 8 A 4>AB0 :><?@><8A8 ?>AB83=0B>) A?>@07C<5=85. =0<, G5 8<0 @07;8G=8 <=5=8O 2 0@;0<5=B0 ?> >B=>H5=85 =0 B>78 ?@>5:B 8 =0 =53>2>B> 1J45I5. > B>20 5 548= >B 3>;5<8B5 8 ?5@A?5:B82=8 =0CG=8 ?@>5:B8, :>9B> <>65 40 4>2545 4> ?@>182 2 =0C:0B0 8 ?>-A?5F80;=> 2 5=5@35B8:0B0, ?> :>9B> 2@>?59A:8OB AJN7 25G5 5 ?>5; 0=3068<5=B. "@O120 40 A8 :065< >B:@>25=>: =5 <>65 40 A5 D8=0=A8@0 ?>4>15= 3>;O< =0CG5= ?@>5:B, 157 2@>?59A:8OB AJN7 40 8<0 B2J@4, 4J;3>A@>G5= D8=0=A>2 0=3068<5=B. 85 =0<5@8E<5 A?@0254;82>, ?@85<;82> AJ3;0A85 ?> =O:>;:> 5;5<5=B0: =5>1E>48<>ABB0 >B 4>?J;=8B5;=8 <8;80@4 8 B@8AB0 <8;8>=0 52@>; D8=0=A8@0=5 >B 940 <8;8>=0 ?@57 2012 3>48=0. > >AB020 40 A5 CB>G=OB A@54AB20B0 >B 360 <8;8>=0 ?@57 A;5420I0B0 2013 3>48=0.  07 8A:0< <=>3> OA=> 40 :060, G5 =85 I5 4J@68< =0 B>20, :>5B> A<5 A5 AJ3;0A8;8 AJA !J25B0 ?@8 CA;>28OB0, :>8B> A0 4>3>2>@5=8 2 AJ2<5AB=8O B5:AB. 5 ?@85<0< B>20, :>5B> 5 70;>65=> 2 54=>AB@0==0B0 45:;0@0F8O =0 H5AB AB@0=8 G;5=:8, 40 A5 >A83C@OB B578 A@54AB20 548=AB25=> >B ?@5@07?@545;5=85 =0 A@54AB20 70 :>=:C@5=B>A?>A>1=>AB. B A530 8A:0< 40 :060 =0 ><8A8OB0, G5 0:> ?@54;>68 B0:J2 1N465B 70 2013 3>48=0, I5 A1J@:0 8 B>9 =O<0 40 1J45 ?@85B. <BRK> 1-070 DE VORSITZ: RAINER WIELAND Vizeprsident 1-071 EN Carl Haglund, on behalf of the ALDE Group. Mr President, I want to start out by thanking our excellent rapporteur, who has worked persistently on this complicated dossier. The outcome is as good as it can be at this stage. Let me say very clearly also, in the light of what has been said already concerning some voices within the Council, that, if there are those in the Council who find this agreement reached in the trialogue some weeks back unsatisfactory, there are also many in Parliament who find this solution very unsatisfactory. I am one of those who feel that this is the best solution that could be found, but it does not make the outcome in any way satisfactory, because we are still going to start redeploying money from Heading 1a, and mainly from the framework programme for research to the ITER project. This is something that Parliament has stated very clearly is not its desire, both in its report on the ITER issue itself, only two partsessions ago, and also in the Committee on Budgets, in my opinion on the Euratom Treaty, which addressed the issue. So this should be taken into account by the Council. A compromise is a compromise and this is a fair deal reached in a difficult economic situation. The Polish Presidency has done a good job, together with our rapporteur and others, in negotiating to find an agreement that is reasonable. We should stick to it. There are no other options. If this deal does not hold, then we are going to have a very hard time finding a deal that will be feasible. Also, in the light of the fact that the framework programme for research is a programme that is implemented to almost 100%, with huge requests for funding under Heading 1a, and this is also the sector of the budget that is actually driving growth in Europe, we should use all the money available under Heading la for the initial priorities foreseen in the initial MFF, where ITER was not foreseen. This is why we cannot redeploy more than this deal foresees and why we should stick to it. 1-072 DE Helga Trpel, im Namen der Verts/ALE-Fraktion. Herr Prsident, Frau Kommissarin, meine Damen und Herren! Wir, die Fraktion der Grnen hier im Haus, haben zwei Grnde, warum wir nicht fr die zustzlichen Mittel fr den Kernfusionsreaktor ITER stimmen. Er ist fr uns eine Risikotechnologie, weil man, um den Fusionsprozess anzuheizen, radioaktives Tritium braucht. Wir finden gerade im Jahr von Fukushima, dass die Europische Union alles daransetzen sollte, diese Art von Risikotechnologien abzubauen und nicht weiter aufzubauen. Wir maen uns allerdings nicht an, den Erfolg des Projektes beurteilen zu knnen. Der Erfolg ist in der Tat offen. Aber es gibt natrlich begrndete Zweifel, ob es so erfolgreich sein wird, wie alle Mehrheitsbefrworter hier immer sagen. Aber wir haben vor allem ein Haushaltsproblem mit der zustzlichen Finanzierung. Wir haben eben schon gehrt: Allein 100Millionen EUR im Haushalt 2012 werden aus dem Forschungsrahmenprogramm weggenommen, also von anderen wesentlichen Forschungsinvestitionen abgezogen. Und fr das Jahr 2013 ist die Finanzierung jetzt wieder ganz offen. Der Rat hat sich auf eine Art und Weise verhalten da kann ich Herrn Bge nur Recht geben , die berhaupt nichts mit fairem Verhalten zu tun hat, sondern dies macht die grundstzliche Haltung von sechs Mitgliedstaaten deutlich, die nur noch Interesse an einer Umverteilung im europischen Haushalt haben und offensichtlich berhaupt nicht mehr gewillt sind zu sehen, wie wichtig die Strategie Europa 2020 fr die Europische Union ist, um Geld in die Hand zu nehmen und wirklich in neue Wettbewerbsfhigkeit zu investieren. Gerade jetzt, nach dem Ergebnis der Konferenz in Durban, muss es doch klar sein, dass wir in Technologien investieren mssen, die kohlenstoffarm sind und in ein paar Jahren Kohlenstoffemissionen vermeiden knnen, die auf erneuerbare Energien setzen und wirklich in der Lage sind, die europische Wirtschaft in dieser Hinsicht voranzutreiben. Mit dem Fusionsreaktor ITER tut man aber gerade das nicht, sondern man trgt dazu bei, dringend bentigtes Geld aus dem Bereich neue Wettbewerbsfhigkeit abzuziehen, um es in diesen Fusionsreaktor zu stecken, obwohl keiner wei, ob dieses Projekt jemals erfolgreich sein wird. Das ist aus grner Sicht eine falsche Priorittensetzung. Deswegen werden wir dagegen stimmen. 1-073 NL Lucas Hartong (NI). Voorzitter, vandaag staat voor de zoveelste keer het project ITER ter discussie. Laat duidelijk zijn dat de PVV niet tegen nucleair onderzoek is. Bovendien is het ITER-project nuttig voor het internationale bedrijfsleven en profiteren ook Nederlandse bedrijven hiervan; een goede zaak. Een project als ITER kan ook moeilijk door een enkele lidstaat worden gefinancierd en daarom staan we in principe positief tegenover de wereldwijde financiering van dit project. Wat ons wel zorgen baart, is de voortschrijdende kostenoverschrijding bij ITER. Voor de komende twee jaar maar liefst 1,3 miljard extra. Daarvoor moest het huidige meerjarig financieel kader worden herzien - een zogenaamde revisie. De PVV vindt het een bijzonder opmerkelijke gang van zaken, omdat voor goedkeuring van deze revisie unanimiteit in de Raad is vereist. Er is al uitgebreid gesproken over de nadere voorwaarden voor aanvullende financiering van het ITER-project, maar de vraag of deze ingrijpende aanvullende financiering door lidstaat Nederland geaccepteerd zal worden, staat wat ons betreft nog wagenwijd open. Wat de PVV betreft is ITER best wat waard. Maar een dergelijk gigantisch bedrag, zonder vooruitzicht op harde afspraken dat de ITER-financiering binnen de perken blijft, doet ons tegen het verslag-Bge stemmen en tegen de oplopende kosten bij ITER. En, collega Bge, de Raad heeft het soevereine laatste woord hierin. Gelukkig maar! 1-074 ES Salvador Garriga Polledo (PPE). Seor Presidente, a veces se nos olvida en los debates que somos todos europeos, todos los miembros del Consejo y los representantes del Parlamento Europeo; todos buscamos lo mismo. Se supone que buscamos lo mismo, que es el progreso de la Unin Europea y, en este caso, la persecucin de un proyecto de tan largo alcance y tanta importancia como es la financiacin de un reactor experimental de fusin que puede cambiar completamente el panorama energtico en Europa. Ahora les hablo como el que fue ponente del informe del Parlamento Europeo sobre las prximas perspectivas financieras. Nosotros, en este informe, ya pedamos que aquellos grandes proyectos como ITER, por ejemplo, tuvieran su particular contabilidad dentro de la estructura de las prximas perspectivas financieras, para evitar los problemas que estamos teniendo hoy con ITER. Con la propuesta del Parlamento Europeo, esta discusin y estas declaraciones unilaterales por parte del Consejo no se hubieran producido. Yo puedo entender perfectamente cules son las restricciones financieras con las que cuentan los Estados miembros cmo no las vamos a entender, si somos parte de los Estados miembros?, pero vivimos en las instituciones europeas y, en las instituciones europeas, los acuerdos estn para cumplirlos, y nosotros hemos salido de un trlogo en el cual ha quedado claro que la financiacin en el ao 2013 de ITER no se puede hacer solamente por el redespliegue en la categora que corresponde a la investigacin y al desarrollo, sino que hay que utilizar el resto de las armas presupuestarias que da el Acuerdo Interinstitucional. No prejuzgamos cmo son, ni cules deben ser, ni en qu cantidad, lo que queremos es mantener abierto ese debate y cualquier tipo de declaracin unilateral, como la que ha hecho el Consejo, va completamente en contra de lo que ya ha hecho el Parlamento en el presupuesto para 2012, es decir ser razonables, abiertos y estar sobre todo abiertos al dilogo con el resto de las instituciones. 1-075 HU Edit Herczog (S&D). Elnk r! Tisztelt KpviselQtrsaim! Szeretnk gratullni a jelentstvQnek, s szeretnk gratullni a parlamenti kpviselQcsoportok tbbsgnek, hogy egyttesen sikerlt ezt a kompromisszumot a Tanccsal keresztlvinni. Nagyon fontos elQrelps ez a tavalyi vhez kpest. A Parlament egyrtelmqen a tudsalap gazdasg, az innovcis uni mellett tette le a vokst mindig is, s ez a megolds mindenkppen ezen az ton halad. Neknk nagyon fontos, hogy egy projekt, amely egyszerre a tudsalap gazdasgot, egyszerre egy j tpus energiagazdasgot s egyszerre egy szn-dioxid-cskkentQ megoldst tmogat, vgre a sajt helyn kerl kezelsre. Nagyon fontosnak tartjuk, hogy a kvetkezQ kltsgvetsi keretben is folytassuk ezt az irnyt. A tuds fontosabb kell legyen, mint a megszorts! A mindenron val megszorts nmagban soha nem vezet az Eurpai Uni sikerhez. n magam is sajnlom, hogy hat orszg klnvlemnyt fogalmazott meg. Pszintn remlem, hogy a kvetkezQ kltsgvetsi vben nem a versenykpessgi fejezetbQl vesszk el a forrsokat. (A felszlal vllalja, hogy vlaszol egy  kkkrtys krdsre (az eljrsi szablyzat 149. cikknek (8) bekezdse).) <BRK> 1-076 FR Michle Rivasi (Verts/ALE), Question "carton bleu".  Monsieur le Prsident, je voudrais quand mme informer nos collgues, puisque nous tions ensemble avec Mme Herzog Cadarache, que le projet ITER n'est pas assur. Comme on veut encadrer le budget d'ITER, deux fois j'ai pos la question et on m'a dit: "Mais il n'est pas ... (Le Prsident invite l'oratrice poser sa question) Est-ce que vous pouvez m'expliquer pourquoi le projet ITER n'est pas assur? S'il y a un accident, qui va payer? Est-ce que c'est la France seule qui paie? Comme c'est un projet international, j'aurais aim que tous les tats participent. 1-077 HU Edit Herczog (S&D), Kkkrtys vlasz. A Parlament vlemnye ebben a krdsben teljesen vilgos: mi a kzssgi mdot tmogatjuk a kutats-fejlesztsben. A kzssgi mdszert tmogatjuk itt is, nem a kormnykzi megllapodsokat. Ez is zenet innen a Tancsnak: kzssgi mdszer, Eurpai Parlamenti dntssel. 1-078 PT Maria Da Graa Carvalho (PPE). Em primeiro lugar gostaria de felicitar o nosso Colega Bge pelo enorme esforo desenvolvido e pelos resultados alcanados ao fim de um processo complexo para a continuidade do projecto ITER. O ITER o maior projecto de cooperao internacional de investigao cientfica que envolve centros de investigao, universidades, e com uma importncia muito grande para o desenvolvimento da cincia. Congratulo-me com o acordo que se alcanou relativamente s necessidades de financiamento do ITER. No entanto, sublinho as preocupaes manifestadas pela Comisso da Indstria, Energia e Investigao e pelo Parlamento em geral, relativamente origem do financiamento, ou seja, financiar o ITER mas sem prejudicar o financiamento atribudo ao Programa-Quadro de Cincia e Inovao do Stimo Programa-Quadro. Por outro lado, chamo tambm a ateno para os vrios erros cometidos no passado em termos de gesto do projecto ITER. necessrio assegurar uma gesto cuidadosa e responsvel no futuro. Apelo, por isso, a que seja implementado um sistema de governao eficiente que garanta o cumprimento de todos os requisitos que so necessrios para a execuo eficiente do projecto ITER. 1-079 ES Eider Gardiazbal Rubial (S&D). Seor Presidente, ITER es uno de los proyectos de mayor envergadura que tiene la Unin Europea, no solo por su importancia cientfica, sino tambin por su volumen de inversin necesaria. Y el Parlamento Europeo ha mostrado, en muchas ocasiones, cmo hemos apoyado este proyecto; siempre hemos estado a disposicin tanto del Consejo como de la Comisin para buscar las mejores soluciones para ese problema de financiacin que se nos ha puesto encima de la mesa, y hemos tenido varios desencuentros con el Consejo, pero parece que, por fin, hemos encontrado un acuerdo. Con mucha voluntad y, sobre todo, con mucha ingeniera contable, en negociaciones del presupuesto de 2012 y en ese trlogo del pasado 1 de diciembre, hemos encontrado la manera de financiar esos 1300 millones de euros extra para que ITER pueda seguir adelante. Pero parece que hay seis pases que quieren dar una vuelta de tuerca ms a este acuerdo y que han firmado una declaracin unilateral para que esos 360 millones de 2013 sean financiados con recortes de otros programas. Primero queran recortar el Sptimo Programa Marco y el Parlamento lo impidi porque estaba en clara relacin con esa estrategia de la Europa 2020. Se acuerdan de esa estrategia? Porque a veces, cuando hablamos de dinero, parece que se les olvida que existe esa estrategia. Y, ahora, quieren volver a proponer recortes o, ms bien, a exigirlos. Y de dnde vamos a recortar? Da igual el programa? Parece que al Consejo s que le da igual. El caso es que su estrategia es no poner ni un euro ms: esa es la nica estrategia que sabe defender el Consejo. Y nosotros la nica que vamos a defender es que no se puede recortar ningn programa para financiar ITER. 1-080 IT Barbara Matera (PPE). Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, il progetto ITER riveste un'importanza strategica a livello internazionale per l'Unione europea, impegnata come leader nell'ambito di un enorme progetto di ricerca per l'approvvigionamento energetico futuro con altri paesi, quali Stati Uniti e Russia. L'accordo finale su questo importante progetto rappresenta un successo che mira ad assicurare continuit a ITER per il suo finanziamento legato al periodo 2012-2013. Dopo una serie di complesse negoziazioni in sede di trilogo, il Parlamento ha ottenuto un importante successo imponendo un accordo che prevede il finanziamento di ITER tramite soldi freschi ottenuti con una revisione del quadro finanziario finalizzata all'aumento della rubrica 1A, pari a 840 milioni di euro, mentre i rimanenti 360 milioni verranno resi disponibili all'interno del bilancio 2013. L'importanza di questo accordo risiede nell'aver scongiurato un finanziamento di ITER tramite riassegnazione del Settimo programma quadro o dalla rubrica 1A, capitoli di bilancio chiave per il rilancio di un'economia europea in crisi, che non potevano in nessun modo essere compromessi. Auspico quindi che domani i colleghi voteranno tutti compatti a sostegno di questo progetto importantissimo per l'Unione europea tutta. 1-081 FR Estelle Grelier (S&D). Monsieur le Prsident, mes chers collgues, il est difficile de se rjouir d'avoir trouv un accord avec le Conseil pour le financement du surcot d'ITER. En effet, l'enjeu de ces dbats qui ont d'ailleurs pollu les ngociations budgtaires n'tait pas simplement de trouver une solution pour ITER: il s'agissait surtout de faire face au problme structurel qu'est devenu le sous-financement du budget europen, qui fait qu'aujourd'hui, nous en sommes nous poser la question de la capacit de l'Union europenne honorer ses engagements internationaux. Or, le dossier ITER dmontre, une fois encore, que le budget de l'Union n'est pas la hauteur de ses ambitions et n'est pas la hauteur de nos stratgies. Si ITER est devenu un des points de crispation majeurs et rcurrents entre le Parlement et le Conseil ce qui va continuer, c'est parce que les tats en demandent toujours plus l'Union europenne sans vouloir en assumer les consquences financires. En proposant du bricolage et des solutions court terme pour la prise en charge des grands projets de plus en plus coteux, les tats membres hypothquent la possibilit pour l'Union d'assumer d'une manire efficace et viable ses comptences partir de 2013. Pour 2014 2020, en dcidant de sortir du prochain cadre financier ITER et GMS deux projets de recherche et de dveloppement identifis comme tels par une majorit頖, la Commission europenne avoue son incapacit relle assurer l'adquation entre comptences et moyens financiers. C'est un constat d'chec et d'impuissance grave. L'Union n'a pas les moyens de respecter ses engagements internationaux; et pourtant la recherche, l'innovation, l'nergie font partie des grands enjeux de la stratgie 2020, tout comme l'emploi, le dveloppement durable et la croissance, et ce n'est pas en mettant en concurrence ces diffrentes priorits... (Le Prsident retire la parole l'oratrice) 1-082 RO Silvia-Adriana bicu (S&D).  Propunerea privind modificarea Acordului interinstitucional din 2006 pentru a rspunde nevoilor de financare suplimentare ale proiectului ITER este n concordanc cu decizia Consiliului privind programul-cadru al Comunitcii europene a energiei atomice pentru cercetare _i formare n domeniul nuclear 2012-2013, votat de noi n sesiunea plenar precedent. n cadrul trilogului, Parlamentul, Comisia _i Consiliul au agreat s suporte costul suplimentar de 1300 de milioane de EUR pentru proiectul ITER n perioada 2012-2013, astfel: 100 de milioane EUR deja incluse n bugetul pe 2012, 360 de milioane EUR un credit de angajament pentru 2013, iar plafoanele pentru creditele de angajament de la rubrica 1a vor fi majorate cu 840 de milioane EUR. Astfel, pe baza Bazei de cuno_tince furnizate de ntreprinderea comun european pentru ITER _i dezvoltarea energiei de fuziune, reactorul experimental de fuziune nuclear ITER care se construie_te la Cadarache n Franca, poate pregti viitoarea generacie de reactoare de fuziune experimentale, iar Europa poate deveni un lider mondial n construccia de reactoare de fuziune experimentale. <BRK> 1-083 DE Christian Ehler (PPE).  Herr Prsident, meine Damen und Herren! Zunchst mchte ich noch einmal im Namen des ITRE-Ausschusses Reimer Bge ausdrcklich fr die fast zweijhrigen Versuche danken, einen Kompromiss in der ITER-Finanzierung herzustellen. Auch selbst angesichts der irrationalen Handlungen des Rates ist der Vorschlag, den er uns jetzt fr den morgigen Tag gemacht hat, immer noch der Versuch, eine Lsung zu finden. Ich mchte aber auf zwei Dinge hinweisen: Zum einen war ich selber Teil des Trilogs. Die Argumentation des Rates im Trilog auf die damalige Argumentation des Parlaments, die Haushaltslinie fr ITER reiche nicht aus, war die verzweifelte Bitte, einen Kompromiss im FP7 zu dem Thema zu finden. Wir haben damals im Trilog ausdrcklich festgehalten, dass berschssige Kosten nicht aus der Sule1 kommen knnten. Der Rat ist also sehenden Auges in die Problematik hineingegangen. Das kann fr uns in der Konsequenz nur bedeuten: Fr Horizont2020 bedarf es einer eigenen Haushaltslinie fr die europischen Groforschungsprojekte fr ITER, fr Galileo, aber auch fr GMES. Die Kommission ist jetzt aufgerufen, nicht nur sozusagen als Teilnehmer der Auseinandersetzung zwischen Rat und Kommission zu agieren, sondern selber fr die Zukunft ttig zu werden. 1-084 FR Michle Rivasi (Verts/ALE). Monsieur le Prsident, je voudrais soulever deux points qui me semblent importants. Quand on parle de fabrication d'lectricit grce ce racteur de fusion et non de fission, c'est l'horizon2100. Donc, ce n'est vraiment pas la priorit du moment. Deuxime chose: on parlait d'encadrer le budget, et je suis tout fait d'accord, sauf qu'en 2006, il tait de 5milliards d'euros, alors qu'en 2011, il est de 15milliards d'euros, soit trois fois plus. En outre, cause de Fukushima, les Japonais disent maintenant: "On ne pourra pas rpondre d'ici deux ans". Donc ITER va encore prendre un retard de deux ans. Un troisime lment que j'ai voqu tout l'heure, c'est que c'est la premire fois qu'une installation comme ITER, qui comporte des risques, notamment de disruptions je vous encourage lire les thses qui ont t faites l-dessus n'est pas assure. Pourquoi les Indiens, les Chinois, les Russes ne l'assurent-ils pas? Parce que l'on ne veut pas encore augmenter le budget d'ITER. Donc, c'est vraiment une fuite en avant, qu'il vaut mieux arrter maintenant, plutt que de mettre des milliards dans un projet qui fonctionnerait en 2100. C'est pour cela qu'il est temps d'arrter ITER. 1-085 SK Jaroslav Paka (EFD). Eurpska komisia ns po~iadala o zmenu medziinatitucilnej dohody, pokia> ide viacro n finan n rmec, s cie>om poskytne dodato n viazan rozpo tov prostriedky v objeme 1,3 miliardy EUR z rozpo tu Eurpskej nie pre potreby projektu ITER v rokoch 2012 a~ 2013. Pod>a predlo~ench dokumentov m se o rozpo tovo neutrlnu pravu presunu finan nch prostriedkov medzi jednotlivmi okruhmi rozpo tov nie v obdob rokov 2012 a~ 2013. Ja nechcem spochybHovae projekt ITER, ani jeho prnos pre rozvoj poznvania inovci, ale presun takhoto ve>kho objemu peHaz hovor bu onedobrom plnovan tohto projektu jeho hlavnmi mana~rmi, alebo opovrchnej prci radnkov Komisie pri prprave prsluanch rozpo tovch rmcov nie. Mo~no v odvodnen vo vnimo nom prpade sa d takto transfer zdrojov akceptovae. Nemalo by sa a~ stvae astejam vyu~vanm rutinnm konanm rozvracajcim rozpo tov stabilitu Eurpskej nie. <BRK> 1-086 BG 8<8BJ@ !B>O=>2 (NI).  -= @54A540B5;N, ?@548 =O:>;:> A5A88 >1AJ640E<5, G5 ?@57 2013 3>48=0 ?@>3@0<0B0 70 @074020=5 =0 157?;0B=0 E@0=0 I5 >AB0=5 157 D8=0=A8@0=5. !@54AB20B0, :>8B> A5 3>B28< 40 4045< A530 70  ITER , <>30B 40 D8=0=A8@0B AJI0B0 B078 ?@>3@0<0, >B :>OB> 7028AOB 45A5B:8 <8;8>=8 ?5=A8>=5@8 8 4@C38 A>F80;=> A;018 52@>?59F8 70 ?5B 3>48=8 =0?@54. 0, ?@>5:BJB  ITER 5 2065=. > 8A:0< 40 =01;53=0 =0 =5I>, :>5B> 3-60 ><8A0@OB :070, G5 B>78 ?@>5:B 5 5:A?5@8<5=B0;5=. ">20 >7=0G020, G5 2 <><5=B0 =0;820<5 <8;80@48 8 <8;80@48 2 =53>, :>8B> 2 :@09=0 A<5B:0 <>30B 40 4>2540B 8 4> 01A>;NB=> =C;52 @57C;B0B, 40 =O<0 01A>;NB=> =8:0:20 ?>;70 >B B>78 ?@>5:B. 0B>20 A<OB0<, G5 A B>20 =>2> ?@54;>65=85 A5 48A10;0=A8@0B A>F80;=8B5 8 8=4CAB@80;=8B5 459=>AB8 =0 !JN70, :>5B> 5 3@5H=> 8 =5 B@O120 40 A5 ?@028. !JI> B0:0 8A:0< 40 ?@87>20 =0CG=0B0 >1I=>AB 2 B578 2@5<5=0 =0 :@870, :>30B> 2A8G:8 ?@028< >3@0=8G5=8O, 24830<5 ?5=A8>==0B0 2J7@0AB, =0<0;O20<5 A>F80;=8B5 ?@84>182:8, 40 A5 >3@0=8G020B 8 B5 8 40 A5 2<5ABOB 2 A2>8B5 1N465B8. <BRK> 1-087 RO Elena Bsescu (PPE).  Trebuie identificate modalitci pentru producerea energiei nepoluante pe scar larg, rspunznd astfel necesitcilor n cre_tere la nivel mondial. Fuziunea termonuclear reprezint o solucie, fiind o surs de energie practic inepuizabil, sigur _i fr emisii de carbon. Proiectul ITER mizeaz pe aceast tehnologie a viitorului, constituind, totodat, un model remarcabil de cooperare internacional. El trebuie s fie continuat n condicii optime, inclusiv prin alocarea resurselor financiare necesare. Salut faptul c s-a ajuns la un acord interinstitucional pentru a acoperi suma de 1300 de milioane EUR pentru urmtorii 2 ani. Totodat, consider c disciplina bugetar trebuie respectat, iar identificarea fondurilor necesare nu trebuie s fie n detrimentul altor domenii _i proiecte de anvergur pentru Uniunea European. <BRK> 1-088 EN Maria Damanaki, Member of the Commission. ( Mr President, I would like to underline again that the Commission welcomes the compromise reached after very difficult discussions. I would like to congratulate the rapporteur for his excellent work, because this was really something very difficult to achieve. This is an experimental scientific project, but we need to finance it since it is a major project and a major scientific challenge with great prospects. It is also a commitment an international commitment by the European Union, and we have to show that we can fulfil our commitments and, in spite of the difficult circumstances, the difficult financial situation, we cannot postpone the very important scientific commitments we have already made. Referring to the objections, we have heard about the commitment of the Japanese Government, referring to the Fukushima accident. Well, of course, the Fukushima accident may have had an influence on their position, but what I would like to make absolutely clear is that in midNovember the Japanese Government came to the ITER Council and committed themselves to fulfilling their obligations. So your argument about the Japanese Government is groundless. On nuclear liability, which is a great problem and which we understand is a legal problem that is very difficult to solve and very complex, as you have underlined, the ITER organisation and the governments around the table are trying to find a solution. We have to seek a positive way forward, and since we have reached an agreement we have to support it. One last remark, on the COREPER meeting today. I think that we have to stick to the fact that the compromise was adopted there, despite the different options and different opinions and the statement by some of the Member States. What I can say on behalf of the Commission is that the Commission is sticking to its right of initiative and will come forward next year with a good proposal to Parliament and the Council on the 2013 funding for this project. 1-089 EN IN THE CHAIR: DIANA WALLIS Vice-President 1-090 DE Reimer Bge, Berichterstatter. ( Frau Prsidentin! Ich greife gleich das auf, was Frau Kommissarin Damanaki zum Schluss gesagt hat diplomatisch vorsichtig formuliert, aber das Bekenntnis zu dem Trilogergebnis. Genau das erwarten wir von der Kommission, denn wer sein Initiativrecht nicht korrekt im Sinne der Vereinbarung nutzt, verliert seine Privilegien. Deswegen gehe ich davon aus, dass Sie dieses Initiativrecht der Kommission so nutzen werden: voll auf der Grundlage von Geist und Inhalt des Trilogergebnisses, und dass nicht einige Mitgliedstaaten versuchen, dann Druck auszuben, und das gesamte Gebilde mglicherweise wieder zerstren, das eigentlich nur in den drei Etappen vereinbart werden konnte, wie wir es verhandelt haben. Wir haben auch in der Debatte im Haushaltsausschuss versucht, die Managementprobleme, die der Kollege Paka angesprochen hat, intensiv zu diskutieren. Wir hoffen, dass das in Zukunft besser wird. Da hat es in der Tat Versumnisse und Fehler gegeben. Und auch eine Warnung an Kommission und Rat: Bevor internationale Zusagen gemacht werden, wie auch der Rat sie gegenber der internationalen Forschungsgemeinschaft zu ITER gemacht hat mit den 6,5Milliarden EUR einschlielich der 1,3Milliarden EUR Nachfinanzierung, sollte man das Parlament als Teil der Haushaltsbehrde kontaktieren. Ich will daran erinnern, dass Kommissarin Ferrero-Waldner dies in Fragen der Auenpolitik in der Vergangenheit immer sehr positiv und konstruktiv mit dem Ausschuss fr auswrtige Angelegenheiten und mit dem Haushaltsausschuss praktiziert hat. Damit war ein Teil der Konfliktlinien von vornherein durch ein vernnftiges Gesprch begradigt worden. Zum Schluss, Frau Vizeprsidentin, das, was Kollege Ehler angesprochen hat, wenn wir die langfristige Perspektive sehen: Es muss klargestellt sein: Wenn wir groe Projekte wollen sei es ITER oder Galileo, was auch immer , dann muss klar sein, fr welche Laufzeiten welche Finanzierungen bereitstehen, damit wir nicht permanent in diese Problematik der Nachfinanzierung hineinkommen. Auch diese Projekte gehren in den europischen Haushalt, aber ausgestattet mit einer angemessenen Finanzierung, damit wir uns dieses Tohuwabohu der letzten zwei Jahre nicht bei diesen notwendigen Groprojekten immer wieder leisten mssen. In dem Sinne bitte ich die Kollegen, morgen mit den entsprechenden Kommentierungen, die wir vorlegen werden, dem Bericht zuzustimmen, aber klarzumachen, wie wir an den Haushalt 2013 zur Lsung der anstehenden 360Millionen EUR herangehen werden. 1-091 EN President. ( The debate is closed. The vote will take place tomorrow (Tuesday, 13 December 2011). Written statements (Rule 149) 1-092 PT Antnio Fernando Correia De Campos (S&D), por escrito. inegvel o apoio que damos ao projecto ITER em face dos compromissos internacionais assumidos, a importncia que o ITER tem para a futura sustentabilidade energtica e o seu contributo para o desenvolvimento tecnolgico europeu. Mas tambm inegvel que um projeto desta natureza comporta significativos riscos tecnolgicos, alis comuns em projetos de natureza cientfico-tecnolgica. Acrescem riscos de planeamento e gesto inerentes a um projeto altamente complexo. A gesto inadequada de tais riscos conduziu, no passado recente, falncia oramental do projeto. H que reparar os erros cometidos. H que deles retirar ensinamentos. H que tomar medidas que impeam a sua repetio no futuro. Se se aceita e compreende o recurso a verbas sobrantes para a agricultura e a administrao, lamentvel que, para as restantes necessidades financeiras do projeto ITER, se procure insistir no recurso aos fundos do Stimo Programa-Quadro, sendo este um instrumento vital da poltica oramental para atingir os objetivos da UE 2020: o crescimento econmico, a criao de emprego, a competitividade. H que manter claras as prioridades estratgicas da Unio. deplorvel que estas sucumbam em cada oportunidade s condicionantes de contexto e ao status quo oramental instalado, procurando-se esvaziar de alcance os instrumentos que visam o relanamento da competitividade europeia. 1-093 HU Alajos Mszros (PPE), rsban. Az egyre fokozd energiavlsg megakadlyozshoz Eurpnak be kell biztostania a hossz tv s fenntarthat energiaellts feltteleit. A magfzis energia fenntarthat mdon nyjthat megoldst Eurpa s a vilg energiaproblmjra is. A folyamat nem termel veghzhats gzokat, vagy hossz lettartam radioaktv hulladkot, ezrt fenntarthat fejlQdst biztost, nagy lptkq, lland alap-energiaforrs lehet. Az ITER bemutatja s tkletesti azokat a kulcsfontossg technolgikat, melyek a fzi mint biztonsgos s krnyezetbart energiaforrs fejlesztshez szksgesek, mely kutatsnak tern az elmlt 50 vben Eurpa vezetQ szerepet jtszott. Mindannyian tisztban vagyunk vele, hogy megptse rendkvl nagy kihvst jelent, s most nemcsak az anyagi, de a mqszaki oldalra is gondolok. Az EU szmra ebben a tmban a politikai presztzs krdse sem elhanyagolhat. Az elkvetkezQ idQszakban a megvalstshoz tovbbi 1300 milli eur sszegq ktelezettsgvllalsra lesz szksgnk, melybQl mr 100 milli eur jelenleg is szerepel a 2012-es kltsgvetsben. Az Eurpai Parlamentnek a Tanccsal s a Bizottsggal egytt mihamarabb javaslatot kell kidolgoznia a maradk sszegek biztostsrl. gy vlem, hogy az ITER meghozza az grt forradalmi ttrst, mely hossz tvon gykeres megoldst jelenthet energiaproblmink orvoslsra. 1-094 DE Franz Obermayr (NI), schriftlich. Whrend die Freisetzung von Energie bei herkmmlichen AKWs durch KERNSPALTUNG erfolgt, zielt ITER auf Energie durch KERNFUSION ab. Hier liegt der entscheidende Unterschied zur jetzigen Atomkraft: Durch Kernspaltung werden langfristig "strahlende", hochgiftige Stoffe freigesetzt, welche eine dauerhafte Gefahr fr Mensch und Umwelt sind. Dagegen bleiben bei der Kernfusion Reste mit weitaus geringerer Radioaktivitt ber. ITER knnte daher den Weg zu einer nachhaltigen Energiequelle ebnen, auch wenn die Nutzung zur Stromerzeugung noch in weiter Ferne liegt. Deshalb sollte man ITER mit ausreichenden Mitteln ausstatten. Europa muss dranbleiben und zukunftsorientierte Forschung frdern. Allerdings braucht es dabei mehr Transparenz und eine bessere Kostenschtzung: berschreitungen von ber 300% zum ursprnglichen Plan sind nicht akzeptabel! Und eine stetige Erhhung der Mittel darf nicht zur Norm werden! 1-095 CS Vladimr Remek (GUE/NGL), psemn.  V~en kolegov, v nkterch pYpadech pYijmme rozhodnut, kter mohou nst  ovoce pro ob any Unie a~ za destky let. asto na postoj ovlivn ~ivot a~ naaich dt, kde~to my u~ si nkdy ani nebudeme moci ovYit, zda jsme hlasovali pro smyslupln projekt. A prv projekt ITER paY mezi takov. Perspektiva spchu jadern fze je nicmn velmi lkav a popravd Ye eno, nemme po ruce mnoho vchodisek ze situace, kdy nm dojdou zdroje energie. Proto jsem pYesvd en o potYeb podporovat projekt ITER. Ano, je nkladn, ano, vsledek nen stoprocentn jasn, ale aance tu je. Bez odv~nch rozhodnut by se lidstvo nerozvjelo a neposouvalo dl. Financovat tak ambicizn programy, jako reaktor pro jadernou fzi, bychom proto mli. Jsem rd, ~e se pYi vaech problmech nakonec Yeaen nachz, a doufm, ~e se najde i pYes dajn nejnovja obstrukce nkterch lenskch zem. A Evropa tak nebude pro partnery, ktermi jsou Spojen stty, Rusko, Japonsko, Indie a dala zem, spole nkem nedovryhodnm. Nevm, jestli je zcela pYesn tvrzen, ~e sou asn nklady na ITER pYedstavuj pouh 3 % rozpo tu USA na armdu v minulm roce. Jen to ale ukazuje, ~e zase a~ tak nesmysln vynalo~en penze, jak se nkteY sna~ tvrdit, to pro ns nejsou. <BRK> 1-096 BG <hidden>15 - 2@>?59A:0 70?>254 70 >A83C@O20=5 =0 70I8B0 (@078A:20=5) </hidden> ES <hidden>15 - Orden europea de proteccin (debate) </hidden> CS <hidden>15 - Evropsk ochrann pYkaz (rozprava) </hidden> DA <hidden>15 - Europisk beskyttelsesordre (forhandling) </hidden> DE <hidden>15 - Europische Schutzanordnung (Aussprache) </hidden> ET <hidden>15 - Euroopa lhenemiskeeld (arutelu) </hidden> EL <hidden>15 -    () </hidden> EN 15 - European protection order (debate) FR <hidden>15 - Dcision de protection europenne (dbat) </hidden> IT <hidden>15 - Ordine di protezione europeo (discussione) </hidden> LV <hidden>15 - Eiropas aizsardz+bas r+kojums (debates) </hidden> LT <hidden>15 - Europos apsaugos orderis (diskusijos) </hidden> HU <hidden>15 - Az eurpai vdelmi hatrozat (vita) MT 15 - L-Ordni Ewropea ta' Protezzjoni (dibattitu) NL 15 - Europees beschermingsbevel (debat) PL 15 - Europejski nakaz ochrony (debata) PT 15 - Deciso europeia de proteco (debate) RO 15 - Ordinul european de proteccie (dezbatere) </hidden> SK <hidden>15 - Eurpsky ochrann prkaz (rozprava) </hidden> SL <hidden>15 - Evropska odredba o zaa iti (razprava) </hidden> FI <hidden>15 - Eurooppalainen suojelumrys (keskustelu) </hidden> SV <hidden>15 - Europeisk skyddsorder (debatt) 1-097 EN President. ( The next item is the recommendation for second reading from the Committee on Womens Rights and Gender Equality and the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs on the Council position at first reading with a view to the adoption of a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European protection order (15571/1/2011 C70452/2011 2010/0802(COD)) (Rapporteurs: Teresa Jimnez-Becerril Barrio, Carmen Romero Lpez) (A70435/2011). 1-098 ES Teresa Jimnez-Becerril Barrio, Ponente. ( Seora Presidenta, es para m una satisfaccin saber que la orden europea de proteccin ser votada y, con toda seguridad, aprobada por una amplsima mayora maana en este Hemiciclo. Y lo digo de corazn, porque desde que vine a este Parlamento he sido fiel a mi compromiso con las vctimas en defensa de sus derechos, y uno de los derechos fundamentales de cualquier vctima es el de estar debidamente protegida. Mi compromiso se extiende a todos los ciudadanos, porque todos somos vctimas potenciales de delitos y tenemos la necesidad de poder vivir en un mundo y en un espacio europeo de libertad, justicia y seguridad. Con nuestros votos a favor estaremos legislando para facilitar la vida de las vctimas, quienes en adelante se sentirn igualmente protegidas en cualquier pas de la Unin y sin necesidad de iniciar un nuevo procedimiento judicial en cada desplazamiento. En resumen, facilitaremos el movimiento de las vctimas y frenaremos el de sus agresores, lo que considero un gran paso adelante que estoy orgullosa de haber dado siendo ponente de este informe. Ya es hora de dejar de permitir que el crimen traspase fronteras poniendo en peligro nuestras vidas. Tenemos el derecho y el deber de protegernos y este instrumento servir para ello. A pesar de las dificultades y del camino, no siempre de rosas, que hemos recorrido en estos dos aos de tratativas, quiero dar las gracias hoy a la Presidencia polaca por haber hbilmente impulsado las negociaciones y tambin a la Comisin, que gracias a la visin de la seora Reding al presentar el paquete legislativo relativo a las vctimas y un Reglamento adicional en materia civil, ha conseguido que finalmente el Consejo no dudase de la conveniencia de apoyar la orden europea de proteccin, a la vez que ha abierto las puertas a una legislacin ms amplia sobre los derechos de todas las vctimas de delitos y el apoyo a las mismas, en la que ya estoy trabajando con mucha esperanza. Quera dar las gracias a mi coponente, la seora Romero, y tambin a la Secretara. Cuando volvamos a nuestros pases y los ciudadanos nos pregunten qu hacis all en Europa? porque ven nuestro trabajo lejano e incomprensible, esta vez yo podr decirles que por lo menos hemos creado un instrumento, que hemos aprobado en esta sesin parlamentaria, que proteger a tantas personas que sufren violencia. Brindo esta futura ley a tantas mujeres asesinadas por la violencia machista, a tantos inocentes que sufren el trfico de seres humanos sin posibilidad de escapar de sus agresores, a tantos menores indefensos, a vctimas del terrorismo que viven con el terror en sus huesos y a quienes huyen del crimen organizado, y a tantos que no saben dnde ir por miedo a ser perseguidos. Hoy hemos dado un gran paso ms en la defensa y proteccin de quienes ms lo merecen. Y me gustara terminar mi intervencin con tres palabras que son el faro de mi trabajo y de mi vida: libertad, justicia y dignidad. 1-099 ES Carmen Romero Lpez, Ponente. ( Seora Presidenta, seora Comisaria, seor representante del Consejo, Seoras, hoy estamos ante el fin de una etapa y el comienzo de otra con la Directiva sobre la orden europea de proteccin para las vctimas de violencia. Tambin yo quiero dar las gracias a la Presidencia polaca y a todos los que nos han ayudado para que al final vea la luz. Sabamos de su dificultad cuando la Presidencia espaola, junto con otros once Estados miembros, present la iniciativa en enero de 2010. Dos aos nos ha costado. Sabamos que la violencia contra las mujeres especialmente, aunque tambin contra todos los dbiles, es una violencia que todava se considera tab, de la que no conocemos cifras europeas oficiales y de la que, por tanto, era difcil demostrar su necesidad y su urgencia: ignorados los datos, ignorado el crimen y su prevencin. Ha ocurrido igual con la Directiva sobre el trfico de mujeres, sobre pedofilia. No hay cifras oficiales: hay datos que los gobiernos se niegan a poner sobre la mesa, pero nadie duda de que hay trfico de personas y de que hay pedofilia. Por esta razn, se pidi al mismo tiempo a la Comisin y al Consejo la creacin de un Observatorio que podra radicar en el Instituto Europeo de la Igualdad de Gnero o en la Agencia de los Derechos Fundamentales de la Unin Europea. Hasta este momento no tenemos ms que una encuesta cuyos resultados no se conocern hasta 2013. No es suficiente, seora Reding. Los datos que tenemos no son oficiales, pero si se habla de un 25% de mujeres que sufren violencia en Europa, hablamos de un problema grave; si hablamos de 2500 mujeres asesinadas, hablamos de un problema grave. Podremos saber cuntas mujeres denuncian en Europa? Cuntas tienen acceso a una orden de proteccin? Cuntas son asesinadas? Podremos saber cuntos seres humanos, cuntos menores son vctimas de la violencia que se produce en el terror del hogar? Es tan difcil convencer a los Estados miembros, pero al menos esta Directiva la tenemos hoy aqu. La ratificamos todos despus de un largo proceso donde se han vencido muchas resistencias. Si estuviramos en el mbito mercantil y no en el mbito civil y penal, sin duda las soluciones habran sido rpidas, pero es importante que sea la primera directiva que se hace en la lnea de una justicia preventiva y reparadora, y que est destinada mayoritariamente a las mujeres vctimas de la violencia. Miles de mujeres europeas hoy ven con esperanza esta Directiva: las asociaciones de mujeres que han luchado por ella y las que sufren el acoso y los malos tratos y esperan mucho de nosotros. Y es una directiva que protege la libre circulacin de las vctimas, para que no haya un calvario de victimizaciones dobles, procedimientos dobles e interrogatorios dobles. La proteccin, por fin, ser sin fronteras. Ahora estamos en el comienzo de otra etapa. Esperamos que los Estados miembros la transpongan con prontitud. Pero tan importante como la transposicin es el seguimiento al que la Directiva obliga, la evaluacin de su aplicacin para que conozcamos el alcance de la primera etapa de esta Directiva. Pero con esto no hacemos ms que empezar a luchar contra la violencia. Ahora es preciso, seora Comisaria, que las mujeres denuncien en Europa, que pierdan el miedo, que defiendan su dignidad, que puedan llegar a ser ciudadanas. Ni siquiera la Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales de la Unin Europea recoge esta tortura, este asesinato en la intimidad; no est en la Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales esta posibilidad. Est la posibilidad de la tortura por parte de las instituciones estatales, pero no por parte de alguien a quien se le da afecto. Y es que esto es lo terrible de estos asesinatos que se producen en lo ms oscuro del hogar. Por eso, este es el verdadero mensaje que lanzamos: el maltrato no quedar impune, los crmenes se pueden evitar. Tendremos cifras de agresores y miles de mujeres que podrn respirar en paz. 1-100 EN Viviane Reding, Vice-President of the Commission. ( Madam President, protecting victims, wherever they find themselves across the Union, is and must remain a crucial element of our action, because exercising ones freedom of movement and residence should not result in a loss of that protection. If improving procedural rights is crucial to developing a fair justice system, it is equally important to improve the rights of victims. As we raise those standards, we have to embark on balancing: on one side the rights of the accused and, on the other side, the rights of the victims in the administration of justice. This is why the Commission has always supported the objectives of this proposal and why we have completed this Member State initiative by legislation allowing victims to benefit from the speediest means available for civil law protection measures as well. I wish to thank both rapporteurs, Ms Jimnez-Becerril Barrio and Ms Romero Lpez, for their determination and flexibility and for being so helpful in finding a good solution in this dossier. I would like to stress that the contribution from the European Parliament was also very valuable in raising the general level of ambition for this proposal. That was essential. Ensuring that no gaps remain in the protection of victims is equally important. That is why the legislation on a Civil European Protection Order (EPO) should be discussed and negotiated as a priority. Protection for women when they travel and go abroad is either covered under criminal law or under civil law for administrative reasons, depending on the system of the Member State. It is important to have both so that no woman will be left behind. I know this is a top priority here in this House. I discussed it last week with the incoming Danish Presidency to ensure that it will also be a priority for them. I really hope that at the beginning of next year we can add to the criminal EPO the civil EPO, in order to have this needless distinction removed. You are absolutely right that this will be very important for all the victims because it will be a signal to show them that Europe cares for them, that they are not left behind and that this awful crime, which often takes place in hiding, will come out into the open. That is also why I very much look forward to our fruitful cooperation on my proposal for a horizontal directive on victims rights, which will complete what we have now started to do on the EPO. Concerning data, I absolutely agree with the rapporteur that we do not have the necessary data in order to have precise figures as precise as possible because very often it is a family affair that is hidden in the household. That is why I have asked the Vilnius Institute to gather and collect data on gender-based violence. The Vilnius Institute is working on this. I will come back to Parliament as soon as there are results. 1-101 RO Monica Luisa Macovei, n numele grupului PPE. Aproximativ 8000 de romni au beneficiat anul trecut n Spania, ca victime, de ordine de proteccie. Ace_tia sunt protejaci numai n Spania _i ar trebui s beneficieze de proteccie _i cnd cltoresc n Romnia sau n alte state membre. Datele statistice arat c aproximativ 15% dintre europeni sunt victimele unor infracciuni, iar consecincele fizice, emocionale _i financiare pentru victime _i pentru familiile lor nu pot fi comensurabile _i nu pot fi vzute n date statistice. n Europa, numrul ordinelor de proteccie este estimat la 100 000, dar acestea sunt valabile numai pentru statul membru care le-a emis. Ordinul de proteccie european va schimba dimensiunea limitat, teritorial a msurilor de proteccie, luate pe baza dreptului penal. Directiva va permite ca ordinul de proteccie emis ntr-un stat membru s fie recunoscut n alt stat membru n care cltore_te victima. Ca raportor din umbr al PPE n Comisia LIBE, mulcumesc raportoarei Teresa Jimnez pentru dedicacia cu care a lucrat _i angajamentul su pentru proteccia victimelor. Mulcumesc Consiliului pentru iniciativa sa legislativ _i Comisiei europene pentru propunerile legislative care completeaz aceast directiv n vederea recunoa_terii msurilor de proteccie emise n baza dreptului civil _i administrativ. Toate victimele trebuie tratate cu respect _i demnitate _i trebuie s primeasc proteccie n paralel cu libertatea de a se mi_ca liber n Uniune, ca spaciu real de libertate, securitate _i justicie. <BRK> 1-102 IT Silvia Costa, a nome del gruppo S&D.  Signora Presidente, uno dei fondamentali diritti che l'Unione europea deve garantire ai suoi cittadini e residenti l'effettiva libert di circolazione fra i 27 Stati membri in condizioni di sicurezza. Questo oggi non garantito a quelle persone prevalentemente donne, ma non solo che, pur avendo ottenute misure di protezione nel loro paese, spesso con molte difficolt a seguito di forme persecutorie, di stalking, di reiterate minacce anche di morte da parte di una persona conosciuta un congiunto spesso, come affermato anche dalla Commissaria Reding, o un ex marito o un fidanzato, o comunque persona conosciuta non sono pi protette quando si spostano in un altro Stato membro. Con la presente direttiva, il Parlamento e il Consiglio, in collaborazione con la Commissione, hanno voluto colmare questo vuoto legislativo. Vorrei ricordare che abbiamo applicato per la prima volta la procedura di codecisione, su iniziativa della Presidenza spagnola, insieme ad altri 12 Stati membri, tra cui l'Italia, e con il forte sostegno della Presidenza polacca, che ringrazio. Si tratta del primo strumento giuridico di efficace prevenzione e protezione delle vittime effettive o potenziali dei reati contro la persona, anche reati di natura morale in ambito comunitario, che potr essere adottato da autorit nazionali sia civili che penali con misure uguali o equivalenti a quelle dello Stato di emissione. Come relatore ombra della commissione FEMM del gruppo S&D, desidero sottolineare l'ottima collaborazione che si creata con le due relatrici e il prezioso contributo di Ezio Perillo dell'Ufficio legislativo del Parlamento, oggi alla Corte di Lussemburgo. Desidero anche esprimere soddisfazione per i punti qualificanti della nostra proposta: l'ampliamento della protezione anche all'integrit fisica e psichica, alla dignit e libert personale e all'integrit sessuale, i diritti all'informazione, le garanzie d'informazione anche per l'autore delle minacce sulle conseguenze della violazione dell'OPE, l'obbligo degli Stati membri di elaborare statistiche comparabili. Mi attendo naturalmente che il Parlamento si esprima anche sul pacchetto "Vittime", gi annunciato dalla Commissaria Reding, per rendere davvero trasversale questa centralit della tutela delle vittime. 1-103 FR Nathalie Griesbeck, au nom du groupe ALDE. Madame la Prsidente, Madame la Commissaire, mes chers collgues, le chemin a t long. J'en veux pour preuve le dbat que nous avons eu, il y a dj un peu plus d'un an, sur ce dossier trs important. Je voudrais profiter du temps qui m'est accord pour saluer le magnifique travail, associ la magnifique dtermination, de nos deux corapporteurs sur ce dossier trs important qui va comme l'ont rappel les collgues engranger demain un accord. Aprs des blocages, voire des disputes ou des discussions juridiques trs fines, nous voil presque arrivs. Je dirais deux choses: c'est un jour important, bien sr et je m'associe tout ce qui a t dit pour toutes les victimes en Europe qui sont parfois, et injustement, les grandes oublies, puisqu'on parle beaucoup plus souvent des droits des prvenus que des droits des victimes. C'est donc aujourd'hui un grand jour pour les victimes. Mais c'est aussi un grand pas pour l'Union europenne puisque nous avons non seulement innov dans la procdure, avec les deux commissions en lien et en dialogue constants avec Mme la commissaire, mais que nous avons aussi cr un outil juridique. L'Union europenne va ainsi disposer la fois de plus de champ d'application et de plus d'expression de la libert de circulation avec cet outil juridique tout fait intressant qui sonne effectivement pour nous aujourd'hui comme une vidence, comme un prolongement presque logique, naturel, juridique dans la construction toujours plus pousse de l'Union europenne. Si le chemin a t long, nous sommes aujourd'hui, ensemble, tmoins et acteurs d'une grande avance en matire de coopration pnale et de prvention. Pour que cette prvention soit aussi efficace et qu'au fond, on ait le moins souvent possible utiliser cet outil juridique au-del des frontires, aprs cet accord de demain, il nous faudra faire un important travail d'information, de communication et de sensibilisation. Non seulement l'gard des victimes potentielles, mais aussi l'gard de toutes les autorits qui ont mettre en uvre cet lment. Puis demain, comme vous l'avez dit, Madame la Commissaire vous direz que nous ne sommes jamais satisfaits, nous allons nous atteler ce texte sur la protection en matire civile. 1-104 ES Ral Romeva i Rueda, en nombre del Grupo Verts/ALE. Seora Presidenta, la orden europea de proteccin es, sin duda, un texto largamente esperado, muy trabajado y, a la vez, finalmente listo para ser votado. No ha sido fcil llegar hasta aqu; ha sido demasiado complicado. Pero quiero celebrar primero la iniciativa de la Presidencia espaola para lanzar este proceso, despus el trabajo que han hecho mis colegas Jimnez-Becerril y Romero de forma conjunta desde la Comisin de Derechos de la Mujer e Igualdad de Gnero y desde la Comisin de Libertades Civiles, Justicia y Asuntos de Interior, demostrando que la coordinacin con arreglo al artculo 51 es fructfera espero que tambin sea as en el caso del paquete relativo a las vctimas, y tambin, por ltimo, celebrar no solamente el trabajo que tenemos ante nosotros, sino tambin el reto para demostrar que este es un paso ms, pero, como deca la diputada Romero, solamente un paso ms: en absoluto el definitivo. Quedan muchsimos ms, porque no es de recibo que hoy en da sean las vctimas quienes tengan que sufrir y pagar todava ms para tener derecho a poder ser reconocidas en toda la Unin Europea. <BRK> 1-105 CS Andrea eakov, za skupinu ECR.  V~en pan pYedsedajc, nejprve chci podkovat samozYejm zpravodajkm i ostatnm kolegom, kteY se na vzniku tto nesmrn dole~it smrnice podleli. Ochrana obt nesm bt limitovna hranic sttu, obti se toti~ asto sthuj, aby unikly nsil. V naaem spole nm prostoru bez vnitYnch hranic je proto nezbytn nutn, aby bylo mo~n pou~t ochrann opatYen i v jinm lenskm stt, a to ani~ by se po pYesthovn muselo zahjit nov prvn Yzen za elem znovuposkytnut ochrannho opatYen. Pln podporuji cl tto smrnice a vtm, ~e se v rmci spolurozhodovacho procesu povedlo provst nkolik zsadnch zmn a ~e skupina Evropskch konzervativco a reformisto nyn mo~e tuto kone nou podobu podpoYit. Zmny, kter mm na mysli, se tkaj hlavn oblasti posobnosti evropskho ochrannho pYkazu a tak prvnho zkladu pro vydvn evropskho ochrannho pYkazu. Vtm, ~e sou asn znn zajiaeuje dostate nou mru flexibility pYi spoluprci mezi lenskmi zemmi, a to pYi zajiaeovn ochrannch opatYen obtem vaech trestnch ino. Jsem nesmrn rda, ~e mo~eme dky tto smrnici poskytnout ochranu obtem vaech trestnch ino i bez ukldn povinnosti zmnit vnitrosttn systmy lenskch stto a ~e tato smrnice bere ohled na rozdln prvn tradice jednotlivch lenskch stto. Byla by toti~ vce ne~ akoda, kdyby tato dole~it problematika, a tm mm na mysli celoevropskou ochranu vaech obt trestnch ino, byla zpochybnna dala nadbyte nou harmonizac v rmci Evropsk unie. <BRK> 1-106 SV Mikael Gustafsson, fr GUE/NGL-gruppen.  Fru talman! Jag r mycket glad ver de olika EU-institutionernas hngivenhet i denna frga. Tack vare breda politiska och institutionella insatser frn alla parter har vi p ett konstruktivt stt lyckats f fram ett bra direktiv. Jag vill be att f tacka alla inblandade parter fr det arbete som ni har lagt ner. Inom ramen fr europeiska skyddsordern kommer offer som beviljats skydd i en EU-medlemsstat nu kunna f liknande skydd nr de flyttat till ett annat medlemsland. Det hr r viktigt. Skyddet omfattar t.ex. offer fr knsrelaterat vld, trakasserier, bortfrande, frfljelse eller mordfrsk. Jag tror att detta direktiv r ett nrmare steg mot ett skrare Europa fr alla medborgare, men srskilt gller det kvinnor som utgr en stor majoritet av brottsoffren. Jag talar allts om mns vld mot kvinnor. Direktivet antas endast glla skyddstgrder som vidtas i brottsml, men utifrn medlemsstaternas olika rttssystem kan en person f liknande typer av skydd ven med andra tgrder. Det r viktigt att sga att brottsoffret garanteras ett jmfrbart skydd. Ur ett jmstlldhetsperspektiv s r europeiska skyddsordern i frsta hand till fr att ta itu med symptomen p knsrelaterat vld. Det r min uppfattning att europeiska skyddsordern r ett av flera steg fr att hantera och bekmpa grundorsaken till mns vld mot kvinnor. Fr att ta ytterligare ett steg krvs det nu en vergripande EU-strategi om mns vld mot kvinnor, en strategi som gr det lttare att sedan finna konkreta lsningar fr att komma till rtta med dessa avskyvrda knsrelaterade vldsbrott. <BRK> 1-107 HU Csand Szegedi (NI).  Tisztelt KpviselQtrsaim! Olyan idQket lnk, amikor vek ta az Eurpai Uni felesleges szablyokat prbl roktrojlni a tagllamokra. Olyan idQket lnk, amikor az Eurpai Uni folyamatosan prblja csorbtani a nemzetek szuverenitst. ppen ezrt ebben a nehz idQszakban nagyon j, hogy ilyen tmk is szba jnnek, mint az eurpai vdelmi hatrozat. Azonban mindenkit figyelmeztetnk arra, hogy az remnek mindig kt oldala van, ez is egy ktlq fegyver. Ugyanis termszetesen j clokra is fel lehet hasznlni: az uzsors bqncselekmnyek ldozatai esetben, vagy ppen a nQfuttats esetben. Ugyanakkor ne csak a csnya, gonosz, hmsovinisztkrl beszljnk, hanem beszljnk azokrl az esetekrQl is, ahol adott esetben bizonyos csaldi konfliktusok helyzetben a hlgyek visszalhetnek majd ezzel a lehetQsggel. Ezrt arra krek mindenkit, hogy gondoljuk t, hogyan lehet leszablyozni annak a lehetQsgt, hogy visszals ne trtnhessen. Ugyanis a csald szent s srthetetlen. A csald psge, egysge mindennl fontosabb, de a vdelmet termszetesen biztostani kell. Ugyanakkor nagyon rlk, hogy a gyermekek vdelmt megemltette valamelyik kpviselQtrsam& Engedjk meg, hogy leszgezzem, hogy nagyon fontos a gyermekek vdelme s a pedofilok mlt megbntetse, a legbrutlisabb eszkzkkel is! Ksznm szpen, hogy meghallgattak. (A felszlal vllalja, hogy vlaszol egy kkkrtys krdsre (az eljrsi szablyzat 149. cikknek (8) bekezdse).) 1-108 FR Marc Tarabella (S&D), Question "carton bleu". Madame la Prsidente, je suis simplement trs tonn du discours de M. Szegedi. Si j'ai bien compris, tout le monde ici est d'accord pour saluer ce texte, qui est une avance considrable dans la protection des victimes. Je voudrais lui demander clairement, au-del de son discours, s'il va voter contre cette avance. C'est tout ce que je veux savoir. <BRK> 1-109 HU Csand Szegedi (NI), Kkkrtys vlasz.  Valsznqleg flrerthette tisztelt kpviselQtrsam az elmondottakat. Termszetesen ez nem a tolmcsoknak a hibja, hiszen rendkvl j munkt vgeznek. Meg fogjuk szavazni! Igennel fogok szavazni! Igen, elQrelps! Ugyanakkor annak az agglyomnak adtam hangot, hogy klnbzQ kibvkat, kiskapukat tartalmazhat ez. s annak a fontossgt emeltem ki, hogy fontos lenne leszablyozni annak a lehetQsgt, hogy ezeket a kiskapukat ne hasznljk ki csaldi konfliktusok esetben  pont az ldozatok vdelmben s a csaldok psge rdekben. De meg fogjuk szavazni! <BRK> 1-110 HU Edit Bauer (PPE).  Szeretnm megksznni Jimnez s Romero kollgk munkjt. De ugyanakkor elismerssel adzom a Bizottsgnak is, amely a spanyol kezdemnyezsbQl megvalsthat javaslatot formlt. gy gondolom, hogy a mai vita egy jabb fontos lps az ldozatok vdelme rdekben. Igaz, hogy nem tudjuk elQre felmrni, hny eurpai polgrt fog rinteni ez az intzkeds, hny ldozatnak vagy potencilis ldozatnak az lett teszi lhetQbb. Mgis fontos zenetet hordoz magban, az Eurpai Parlament, az eurpai intzmnyek vilgos llsfoglalst az ldozatok jogainak vdelmben. Az ldozatok vdelmt clz csomag elsQ darabja kerl jvhagysra a kzeljvQben  ahogy azt a biztos asszony is emltette  egy irnyelv, illetve egy rendelet kveti majd. Vilgos az zenet, hogy az intzmnyeink az ldozatok oldaln llnak, elutastva az erQszak minden formjt. Ugyanakkor tiszteletben tartva a vdlottak emberi jogait a brsgi eljrsok sorn. Fontos, hogy megakadlyozzuk, hogy az ldozatot az elkvetQ orszgrl-orszgra ldzhesse, lve az unin belli szabad mozgs lehetQsgvel. Fontosnak tartjuk tovbb, hogy a javaslatot gy fogadhassuk el, hogy a vdelmi hatrozatnak a legegyszerqbb adminisztrcival lehessen rvnyt szerezni a msik orszgban. 1-111 ES Izaskun Bilbao Barandica (ALDE). Seora Presidenta, las vctimas nunca estn de enhorabuena pero algunos das, al menos, reciben noticias que las reconfortan. Hoy es uno de ellos porque aprobamos definitivamente la primera parte de la orden europea de proteccin, la que se refiere a las cuestiones vinculadas con los asuntos penales. La declaracin expresa del Consejo por la que declara prioritarios la negociacin, el acuerdo y la aprobacin de la propuesta de Directiva que va a extender la aplicacin de la orden a los mbitos civiles, presentada por la Comisin el pasado 18 de mayo, completa el instrumento jurdico que hoy aprobamos. Primero, porque supera el principal obstculo con que se ha tropezado esta iniciativa durante su tramitacin, pero sobre todo porque el riesgo que corren las vctimas en toda Europa y las medidas que se arbitran para protegerlas se adaptan al espacio sin fronteras en el que nos movemos, que es lo que importa. Los victimarios, quienes amenazan y agreden, no entienden de sutilezas jurdicas y nuestro trabajo es evitarlas para conseguir que Europa sea para todas y todos un espacio de libertad, seguridad y democracia. Ese es el mensaje que hoy lanzamos a la ciudadana europea. Esta orden habla de seguridad, de individuos, de personas. Ha sido escrupulosa al extremo con el ordenamiento jurdico, tanto que solventar los problemas legales y no rebajar los estndares de libertad ha sido el principal obstculo para poder poner en marcha esta orden. Por ltimo, felicito a las ponentes por su tesn y por su empeo y me alegro de que este instrumento, ideado en principio para algunos tipos de violencia particularmente graves, como la violencia contra las mujeres, vaya a dar cobertura a los problemas de proteccin que padecen todo tipo de vctimas, especialmente tambin las amenazadas por el terrorismo y la delincuencia organizada. Espero, finalmente, que ningn Estado agote el tiempo de que disponemos para la entrada en vigor de esta norma. 1-112 IT Roberta Angelilli (PPE). Signora Presidente, con l'approvazione di questa direttiva si conclude un lungo, positivo percorso legislativo che parte dal Consiglio europeo del dicembre 2009, un percorso che ha visto all'inizio 12 Stati membri, tra cui l'Italia, in prima linea per un approccio europeo per la tutela e la protezione delle vittime, tra cui innanzitutto le vittime di violenza di genere le donne compresa la violenza domestica e lo stalking, oltre ad altre categorie di vittime molto vulnerabili, tra cui i minori e le persone diversamente abili. L'Ordine di protezione europeo uno strumento basato sul reciproco riconoscimento nell'ambito della cooperazione giudiziaria penale, nonch un sistema utile ad allontanare e punire gli aggressori, vietando a questi l'accesso ai luoghi dove la persona protetta risiede e applicando restrizioni riguardanti il contatto o l'avvicinamento alla vittima. Si tratta, a mio avviso, di un passo concreto verso la realizzazione di uno Spazio europeo di libert e giustizia, un passo in avanti in termini di cooperazione tra gli Stati membri per un'affermazione concreta dei diritti fondamentali dei cittadini europei e delle cittadine europee. Sono provvedimenti come questo che rafforzano la fiducia dei nostri cittadini nell'autorevolezza delle istituzioni europee e, proprio per questo, concludo congratulandomi con tutti coloro che hanno lavorato a questo importante dossier, innanzitutto le onorevoli Jimnez-Becerril Barrio e Romero Lpez. Ringrazio anche la Commissaria Reding per la sua proverbiale sensibilit su questi temi e soprattutto per il suo impegno concreto a difesa delle vittime. <BRK> 1-113 SK Monika Flaakov BeHov (S&D).  Cie>om smernice je u>ah ie a posilnie ochranu obet trestnch inov, predse pchaniu novch trestnch inov a tie~ zmiernie nsledky predchdzajcich trestnch inov. Iniciatvu na ochranu obet nsilia vtame a treba ju jednozna ne z prvneho h>adiska dotiahnue do konca. Ochrann opatrenia prijat v jednom lenskom atte musia bye uznvan, spravovan a vymo~ite>n. Vaka tomuto systmu sa chrnen osoba bude mce vyhne sbe~nm konaniam v jednotlivch lenskch attoch. Mali by tie~ existovae vhodn mechanizmy na predchdzanie opakovanho pchania rovnakho trestnho inu alebo inho mo~no zva~nejaieho trestnho inu. Opakovan pchanie trestnch inov je ast v prpade rodovo motivovanho nsilia, hoci sa vyskytuje aj v inch podobch trestnej innosti, ako naprklad v obchodovan s >umi alebo sexulnom zneu~van maloletch. Pchatelia trestnch inov sa m~u na zem Eurpskej nie vo>ne pohybovae. Preto treba umo~nie, aby bol rozsah psobnosti ochrannch opatren prijatch v jednom lenskom atte rozaren s cie>om chrnie obee trestnho inu, ktor si ~el uplatnie prvo vo>nho pohybu. V opa nom prpade bud obete trestnch inov postaven pred ea~k rozhodnutie medzi zrieknutm sa prva ob ana nie na vo>n pohyb a zrieknutm sa prva na ochranu. To je, samozrejme, neprijate>n. <BRK> 1-114 PL Joanna Katarzyna Skrzydlewska (PPE).  Pani Przewodniczca! Po dwch latach intensywnej pracy Parlamentu Europejskiego, Komisji i Rady przyjmiemy jutro europejski nakaz ochrony. Uwa|am, |e naturaln konsekwencj zacie[niajcej si wspBpracy midzy paDstwami czBonkowskimi w zwalczaniu przestpczo[ci jest rozszerzenie ochrony ofiar tych przestpstw na skal europejsk. Wsplna podstawa prawna, ktr stanowi europejski nakaz ochrony, ma na celu przede wszystkim ochron ofiar przemocy domowej. O tym, jak wiele osb czeka na ten dokument, [wiadcz statystyki. W moim kraju, w Polsce, w zeszBym roku odnotowano ponad 100 tysicy przypadkw przemocy domowej, a z pewno[ci nie jest to peBna skala problemu. Wiele ofiar nie ujawnia swojej tragedii ze wzgldu na strach przed oprawc i prze[wiadczenie o nieskuteczno[ci ochrony, jak mgBby zapewni im wymiar sprawiedliwo[ci. Dlatego aspekt ochrony na poziomie europejskim jest tak wa|ny. Dziki dyrektywie ofiary przemocy domowej uzyskaj ochron prawn poza krajem swojego dotychczasowego zamieszkania. Takie [rodki ochronne jak zakaz zbli|ania si do pokrzywdzonego czy nakaz opuszczania domu, ktre wydane zostaBy w jednym kraju, bd obowizywa z tak sam moc na terenie innego paDstwa, ktre zobowizaBy si do ochrony ofiar w ramach europejskiego nakazu ochrony. Mam nadziej, |e szeroka ochrona, jak gwarantuje ta dyrektywa, efektywnie i skutecznie przyczyni si do poprawy sytuacji ofiar przemocy i stanie si dla nich szans na nowe |ycie. <BRK> 1-115 FR Marc Tarabella (S&D).  Madame la Prsidente, Madame la Commissaire, chers collgues, cette dcision de protection europenne, la Prsidence espagnole l'a voulue il y a deux ans. Nous l'avons fait. Certes, elle ne concerne que douze tats membres pour le moment. Certes, elle ne s'applique encore qu'au droit pnal. Mais nous avons ouvert la voie. Nous allons permettre des milliers de victimes de profiter pleinement de la libert de circulation dans l'Union europenne. Elles pourront enfin exercer ce droit fondamental reconnu dans la dclaration universelle des droits de l'homme. Plus aucune barrire n'empchera ces personnes de dmnager ou tout simplement de partir en vacances dans un autre pays de l'Union europenne. Elles seront protges de la mme manire qu'elles le sont actuellement dans leur pays de rsidence. Cette dcision de protection europenne proclame que l'Union europenne protge tous ses citoyens, au-del de leur territoire national. Je flicite les rapporteurs, le Conseil et Mme la commissaire pour leur travail et leur dtermination. J'attends avec impatience l'adoption de la dcision de protection europenne applique au droit civil et l'largissement de cette dcision tous les tats membres de l'Union europenne. 1-116 DE Evelyn Regner (S&D). Frau Prsidentin, sehr geehrte Frau Kommissarin! Ich mchte mich zunchst einmal bei den beiden Berichterstatterinnen fr ihre ausgezeichnete Arbeit bedanken. Das Europische Parlament setzt sich ja nun seit vielen Jahren sehr glaubwrdig fr die Bekmpfung von Gewalt, insbesondere Gewalt gegen Frauen, ein. Insofern stt bzw. stie die Initiative der seinerzeitigen spanischen Ratsprsidentschaft fr eine Europische Schutzanordnung auf offene Ohren. Allein circa 100000Frauen befinden sich derzeit verstreut ber die Lnder der Europischen Union in Opferschutzprogrammen. Und diese Opfer ziehen nun manchmal auch um, beispielsweise in ein anderes EU-Land. Jetzt sind wir dabei, einen europischen Rechtsraum, ein Europa der Freiheit, der Sicherheit und des Rechts als einen europischen Mehrwert zu schaffen. Und die Europische Schutzanordnung als ein System der gegenseitigen Anerkennung ist ein wichtiger Teil davon. Es geht darum, gegenseitiges Vertrauen in die nationalen europischen Rechtsordnungen zu schaffen, aber vor allem natrlich darum, Opfer von Stalking Gewalt der Ex-Partner beispielsweise grenzbergreifend zu schtzen. 1-117 RO Elena Bsescu (PPE).  Consider binevenit iniciativa adoptrii unei directive europene pentru proteccia victimelor infracciunilor. Ea consolideaz principiul recunoa_terii reciproce automate n Uniune, fiind complementar fac de mandatul de arestare european. Aceast Directiv propune o diminuare considerabil a birocraciei necesare aplicrii transfrontaliere a msurilor de siguranc. n majoritatea cazurilor unde este nevoie de asemenea intervencii, timpul de reaccie este crucial. Atrag astfel atencia asupra amendamentului 10. Noul text propune o clauz de flexibilitate. Astfel, este prevzut un mecanism pentru adaptarea ordinului european de proteccie la legislacia fiecrui stat membru. Totodat, este important coordonarea dintre state n privinca monitorizrii respectrii msurilor de siguranc. n ipoteza nclcrii lor, se pot nlocui sau suplimenta n conformitate cu ncelegerea dintre cara executant _i cea care a emis ordinul. <BRK> 1-118 EN Phil Prendergast (S&D).  Madam President, much work has been done to ensure protection for women, but the fact remains that one in four women is a victim of violence during her lifetime and domestic violence has a higher rate of repeat victimisation than any other type of crime. If a woman is a victim of violence, she should not fear that she will be deprived of the legal protection extended to her in her own country once she crosses national boundaries in the EU. I regret to note that, as this directive only concerns protection orders where they are a matter of criminal law, as such orders are unfortunately a matter of civil law in Ireland, our country will not be opting into this directive. I hope sincerely that a further agreement can be reached quickly on the Commissioners proposed regulation on mutual recognition of protection orders in civil matters. 1-119 RO Vasilica Viorica Dncil (S&D).  Prin adoptarea _i promovarea de acte normative, Parlamentul European a sprijinit _i sprijin orice msur care vine n ajutorul celor care lupt contra violencelor mpotriva femeilor. Salut raportul celor dou colege, care propune extinderea domeniului de aplicare a directivei n vigoare, astfel nct s existe posibilitatea protejrii att a femeilor care au fost victime ale diferitelor forme de violenc cu autor identificat, dar _i a copiilor sau a altor adulci din anturajul victimelor. Consider benefic _i faptul c raportul propune ca ordinul european de proteccie s poat fi aplicat tuturor victimelor criminalitcii, dar _i martorilor, victimelor terorismului _i crimei organizate, indiferent de vrsta sau sexul lor, cnd exist un agresor identificat. Nu n ultimul rnd, consider c autoritcile competente trebuie s cin cont de nevoile victimelor, n special n cazul n care este vorba de persoane vulnerabile, cum ar fi minorii sau persoanele cu dizabilitci. <BRK> 1-120 PT Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL). positivo que haja uma maior proteco das pessoas vtimas de violncia, de acordo com o princpio da aplicao do reconhecimento mtuo. Sabemos que as mulheres so as maiores vtimas da perseguio, do assdio, da violncia, pelo que se impem intervenes a diferentes nveis para proteger as mulheres, mas tambm para proteger todas e todos aqueles que so vtimas do trfico de seres humanos. Sabemos que h aqui um passo importante, mas no ainda tudo aquilo que gostaramos que fosse decidido neste campo. um desafio que fica, mas tambm um aspecto positivo na visibilidade que d a esta situao e, digamos, na tentativa de reunir vontades para protegermos as mulheres vtimas de violncia e todos aqueles e aquelas que estejam nesta situao. 1-121 SK Jaroslav Paka (EFD). Zabezpe enie ochrany osobm ohrozovanm pchate>mi trestnch inov pri ich pohybe na zem Eurpskej nie nar~a na odlian prvne prostredie a tradcie jednotlivch lenskch attov. Preto zavedenie eurpskeho ochrannho prkazu vyvolva potrebu vykonae aj rozsiahlu komparciu ochrannch opatren v ob ianskych veciach v jednotlivch lenskch attoch s cie>om dosiahnue rovnak kvalitu ochrany osb zaattench ochrannm prkazom Eurpskej nie. Som rd, ~e Eurpska rada v slade s uznesenm o plne na posilnenie prva ochrany obet v trestnom konan podporila previazanose nariadenia o vzjomnom uznvan ochrannch opatren v ob ianskych veciach s obsahom smernice o eurpskom ochrannom prkaze. Ve osoby opakovane ohrozovan pchate>mi trestnch inov si naozaj zasl~ia mae dobr, inn a komplexn systm ochrany na celom zem Eurpskej nie. <BRK> 1-122 DE Franz Obermayr (NI).  Frau Prsidentin! Oft ndern Opfer von Gewalt ihr Umfeld, um sich von den dramatischen Ereignissen zu distanzieren. Es darf aber nicht sein, dass Tter die Unterschiede in den Rechtssystemen ausntzen und dem Opfer in einen anderen Mitgliedstaat folgen, um es dort weiter zu bedrngen. Der Opferschutz muss im Mittelpunkt stehen, ob es sich nun um sexuelle bergriffe, Stalking oder Gewalt gegen Minderjhrige handelt. Eine Rechtsharmonisierung wrde allerdings der Subsidiaritt widersprechen und ist angesichts der unterschiedlichen Rechtssysteme in diesem sensiblen Bereich abzulehnen. Es mssen daher Schutzmanahmen nach dem jeweiligen nationalen Recht erlassen werden, um Opfer grenzberschreitend zu schtzen. Das gilt vor allem fr jene Mitgliedstaaten, die glauben, sie mssten die Scharia anwenden. Husliche Gewalt kann weder kulturell noch religis gerechtfertigt werden, und dieses Prinzip sollte sich auch europaweit durchsetzen. 1-123 EN Viviane Reding, Vice-President of the Commission. ( Madam President, I am a happy Commissioner today because we have finally made it. We have broken through with a text which is legally sound and which is a great help to women in those 11 Member States where the protection order is dealt with under criminal law. Now it is very important that we get the other half of the work done and to complete this directive with the legislative instrument I have introduced for civil and administrative proceedings. It is also very important that we do not start giving out information to women before we have completed our work, because there is the danger that some women will think they are protected when they travel abroad when they are not. So let us complete all our work. The moment we have the necessary coverage for all women who are in danger when they go outside their Member States then we should, together with the Member States, launch an information campaign, which I think will be very important. It is also one of those elements which can, I think, very usefully go into the European Year of Citizens, where we can explain to the female citizens who are suffering what we have done in order to protect them when they utilise their right to free movement. I agree with Mr Gustafsson, Chair of the Committee on Womens Rights and Gender Equality, that it is not enough to stop now at the protection order. We have to go a step further. That is also one of the reasons why I put the comprehensive victims package on the table, setting basic rights for victims in criminal proceedings. Here I have put emphasis on the special position of women in this procedure for instance the right to be heard by a female police officer or the right not to meet the accused in court. Because that is the case it would also be very good if the Committee on Womens Rights and Gender Equality could invest time in working on this victims package. Another element which is going to come up during next year and this is something we have already been speaking about for some time because it is a despicable crime is female genital mutilation (FGM). Although we know it happens, we do not have the real figures. At the moment the Vilnius Institute is collecting data on how many women and girls there are in Europe we are speaking about our territory here in Europe who are victims of FGM or who could become victims of FGM. That will come up in the spring and then we should draw together the conclusions for possible action. This is only the beginning of the work which we have to do in order to make Europe a safe place for women and to reduce the number of victims. 1-124 ES Teresa Jimnez-Becerril Barrio, Ponente. ( Seora Presidenta, creo que es muy importante seguir de cerca la aplicacin de la orden europea de proteccin. Hablamos de denunciar, pero es que a estas denuncias debe seguir una proteccin real. Necesitamos efectivos: podemos aprobar buenas leyes, pero si no dotamos a los pases de los medios adecuados, las vctimas no confiarn y seguirn callando por miedo a ser agredidas de nuevo. Por tanto, es necesario que jueces y policas cuenten con la formacin y con los medios para hacer bien su trabajo. Esa es la verdadera justicia. Tantas vctimas se quejan de una aplicacin de la ley que no se corresponde con lo que ellas necesitan. Es, por tanto, necesario que unamos esfuerzos, que insistamos en las estadsticas para ver cmo funciona este instrumento, que yo creo verdaderamente necesario. Pido a los Estados que se esfuercen en entender y en aplicar esta orden porque para ello hemos trabajado, y creemos que la hemos hecho clara. Creo que, a partir de ahora, las puertas europeas de los derechos de las vctimas estn abiertas de par en par, que las mujeres y los hombres podrn contar con este y con otros instrumentos que harn que las vctimas salgan a la luz y frenen a quienes las atemorizan. Hoy con nuestras voces aqu y maana con nuestros votos, les diremos a las vctimas que en el Parlamento Europeo nunca nos olvidaremos de sus derechos, del apoyo que la sociedad les debe y de lo ms importante, que es la justicia. Porque les digo que es la justicia lo que mantiene vivas a todas las vctimas, y no importa el delito que se haya cometido contra ellas. 1-125 ES Carmen Romero Lpez, Ponente. ( Seora Presidenta, yo quisiera en este ltimo turno de intervencin hacerle un ruego a la seora Comisaria para que no se conforme con las medidas legislativas que estamos impulsando. Es muy importante el paquete legislativo relativo a las vctimas que ha presentado, y son muy importantes los derechos de las vctimas, pero necesitamos tambin una accin comn contra este terrorismo privado y contra esta violencia que se da en todos los pases europeos. As que primero necesitamos los datos. Por lo tanto, agilice no solamente la encuesta, sino tambin la posibilidad de que los Estados miembros den sus datos y podamos tener en Eurostat por fin las cifras oficiales de la violencia en Europa, e impulse una accin comn, impulse un plan de accin comn, no solamente para jueces y policas, y para la formacin de este personal, que es muy importante, sino para tantas acciones preventivas que algunos Estados miembros estn poniendo en marcha con xito. A ver si es posible que con ese plan de accin comn creemos de verdad una Europa que no tenga violencia, donde haya tolerancia cero para la violencia y donde podamos decir que hay una proteccin sin fronteras y una Europa diferente. 1-126 EN President. ( The debate is closed. The vote will take place tomorrow (Tuesday, 13 December 2011). Written statements (Rule 149) 1-127 LT Vilija Blinkevi ikt (S&D), raatu.  Labai d~iaugiuosi aiuo dokumentu bei sveikinu praneajas, atlikusias tok/ didel/ ir svarbs Europos Sjungos pilie iams darb. Europos apsaugos orderis yra didelis ~ingsnis / priek/ kuriant efektyvi teissaugos institucijs bendradarbiavimo sistem baud~iamosiose bylose. Ir tai yra labai svarbus instrumentas, nes lie ia labai jautri srit/ ( nusikaltims priea asmens sveikat, gyvyb bei psichologin/ ir seksualin/ nelie iamum prevencij, o taip pat ir jau nusikaltimo aukomis tapusis ~monis apsaug. Visada pasisakau u~ saugs ir tinkam asmens laisvo judjimo skatinim Europos Sjungoje, nes, suteikus ES pilie iams teis laisvai judti ir dirbti bet kurioje valstybje narje, kartu turime u~tikrinti ir js saugum bei kits susijusis teisis apsaug. Bktent todl efektyviai asmens apsaugai reikalingos teisins sistemos sukkrimas yra labai svarbus u~davinys mums, ES /statyms leidjams, ir d~iaugiuosi matydama, kad atlikdami ai u~duot/ spar iai judame / priek/. Ir bktent todl ia, Europos Parlamente, greitu laiku lauksime Komisijos pasiklymo dl apsaugos priemonis abipusio pripa~inimo baud~iamosiose bylose, kur/ galtume svarstyti ir kuris yra bktinas efektyviam Europos apsaugos orderio veikimui. <BRK> 1-128 HU Kinga Gl (PPE), rsban.  A gazdasgi vlsggal kszkdQ vilgunkban egyre nagyobb szmban szedi ldozatait az erQszak is, amely nem ll meg a hatrainknl. Az elmlt vben megugrott a szm: ha csak a 18 s 34 v kzttiek szmt tekintjk, akkor 14%-uk esett ldozatul csaldon belli erQszaknak, bntalmazsnak. Ezrt is olyan fontos, hogy annak ellenre, hogy olyan klnbzQek az egyes orszgok jogi hagyomnyai az igazsgszolgltats terletn, egyre tbb terleten tudjunk kzssgi szinten fellpni az ldozatok hatron tnyl vdelmrt, legyen sz akr nQkrQl vagy ppen gyerekekrQl. Nagy siker s fontos pillanat teht a holnapi szavazs, az irnyelv vgsQ jvhagysa. Kifejezett rmmre szolgl, hogy Lengyelorszg mellett a magyar elnksg is rszese lehet ennek a sikernek. Csak remlni tudom, hogy a tagorszgok haladktalanul megkezdik majd az irnyelv nemzeti jogszablyokba val tltetst. 1-129 EN Zita Gurmai (S&D), in writing. We are about two weeks after the international day for the elimination of violence against women. It was a symbolic day to remind us about the ugly face of abuse and the terrifying numbers got more attention than usual: more women between the age of 16 and 44 die because of violence than because of cancer or traffic accidents. Every third woman is a victim of violence during her life. We have said many times before and I will say again: it is our responsibility to protect these victims! The European Protection Order is a very important step in this direction. Furthermore, victims (not only women) of all kinds of violence will enjoy the same protection in every Member State which can contribute via inspiring European criminal law towards realising a European area of justice. I think the day when the regulation on the EPO is applicable (in three years) will be an important day. It may not be an international day of anything but, more importantly, it will give victims a real chance for protection throughout Europe, an equal treatment of protection, no matter which Member State they choose to live in. This is why we are here. 1-130 BG 16 - 48==0 ?@>F54C@0 70 ?>4020=5 =0 70O2;5=85 70 @07@5H5=85 70 ?@5182020=5 8 @01>B0 (@078A:20=5) </hidden> ES <hidden>16 - Procedimiento nico de solicitud de un permiso de residencia y trabajo (debate) </hidden> CS <hidden>16 - Jednotn postup vyYizovn ~dost o povolen k pobytu a prci (rozprava) DA 16 - Procedure for samlet ansgning om opholds- og arbejdstilladelse (forhandling) DE 16 - Einheitliches Verfahren zur Beantragung einer kombinierten Aufenthalts- und Arbeitserlaubnis (Aussprache) ET 16 - htne elamis- ja tloa taotlemise kord (arutelu) EL 16 -         () </hidden> EN 16 - Single application procedure for residence and work (debate) FR <hidden>16 - Procdure de demande unique de permis de rsidence et de travail (dbat) </hidden> IT <hidden>16 - Procedura unica di domanda di permesso di soggiorno e di lavoro (discussione) </hidden> LV <hidden>16 - Vienota pieteikaans procedkra uzturaans un darba at<auju izsniegaanai (debates) </hidden> LT <hidden>16 - Vienos paraiaks dl leidimo apsigyventi ir dirbti pateikimo procedkra (diskusijos) </hidden> HU <hidden>16 - A tartzkodsi s munkavllalsi engedlyre irnyul egysges krelmekkel kapcsolatos eljrs (vita) </hidden> MT <hidden>16 - Pro edura unika ta' applikazzjoni g'al permess ta' residenza u ta' xog'ol (dibattitu) </hidden> NL <hidden>16 - En enkele aanvraagprocedure voor een verblijfs- en werkvergunning (debat) </hidden> PL <hidden>16 - Procedura jednego wniosku o zezwolenie na pobyt i prac (debata) </hidden> PT <hidden>16 - Procedimento de pedido nico de autorizao de residncia e de trabalho (debate) </hidden> RO <hidden>16 - Procedura unic de solicitare a unui permis de edere i de munc (dezbatere) </hidden> SK <hidden>16 - Jednotn postup vybavovania ~iadost o povolenie na pobyt a zamestnanie (rozprava) SL 16 - Enoten postopek za pridobitev dovoljenja za bivanje in delo (razprava) FI 16 - Yhden hakemuksen menettely oleskelu- ja tyluvan saamiseksi (keskustelu) SV 16 - Ett enda anskningsfrfarande fr uppehlls- och arbetstillstnd (debatt) 1-131 EN President. ( The next item is the recommendation for second reading from the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs on the Council position at first reading with a view to the adoption of a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on a single application procedure for a single permit for third-country nationals to reside and work in the territory of a Member State and on a common set of rights for third-country workers legally residing in a Member State (13036/3/2011 C70451/2011 2007/0229(COD)) (Rapporteur: Vronique Mathieu) (A70434/2011). 1-132 FR Vronique Mathieu, rapporteure. ( Madame la Prsidente, Madame la Commissaire, chers collgues, l'Europe est confronte l'heure actuelle une mutation importante: la fois conomique, montaire, sociale, dmographique et migratoire. Les changements qui traversent et secouent l'Europe sont considrables et nous appellent reconsidrer les politiques europennes. L'Europe se trouve un tournant et il est de notre responsabilit de relever ces dfis. Un des enjeux majeurs auxquels nous serons confronts dans les annes venir est la pnurie de main-d'uvre. Notre faible dynamisme dmographique est le talon d'Achille europen. D'ici 2050, un citoyen europen sur trois aura plus de 65ans et vingt millions d'emplois qualifis ne seront pas pourvus. Il faudrait 3,2millions d'immigrs par an d'ici 2050 pour maintenir la pyramide des ges telle qu'elle est actuellement. Ce dficit dmographique justifie et rend ncessaire un recours l'immigration. Il est temps d'accepter cet tat de choses, de prendre la mesure de ces changements et enfin d'agir dans ce sens. Consciente de ce problme, la Commission europenne a propos un ensemble de mesures: la directive carte bleue en 2009, la directive sur le permis unique, la directive sur les travailleurs saisonniers ou encore les transferts intragroupes cherchent rpondre ces enjeux. Il s'agit dsormais de saisir cette opportunit. La directive "permis unique" permet de rpondre en partie cette crise de main-d'uvre qui se profile l'horizon europen. Elle rend galement possible le contrle de la main-d'uvre. Encadrer et simplifier la migration lgale, c'est mieux contrler toutes les formes de migration et dfaire les tentations de fraude et de migration illgale. La directive "permis unique" permet aux travailleurs en provenance de pays tiers de venir travailler en Europe sur des bases harmonises et encadres. Elle protge les travailleurs des pays tiers des passeurs et autres rseaux mafieux qui profitaient et abusaient de leur fragilit. Les procdures de demande de permis sont grandement simplifies. Un permis unique de rsidence et de travail peut tre obtenu en quatre mois maximum. Les demandes peuvent tre la fois introduites par l'employeur, en Europe, ou par le travailleur, dans le pays tiers dans lequel il se trouve. De plus, un droit de recours existe dans la procdure des tats membres dans lesquels les personnes en font la demande. De mme, les renseignements figurant sur le permis unique sont uniformiss et clarifis pour toute l'Union europenne. Ce sont les mmes que ceux figurant sur le permis de travail. Des informations additionnelles peuvent tre demandes. Elles restent optionnelles et leur contenu est trs encadr. Le permis unique, en plus de simplifier considrablement les procdures de permis de rsidence et de travail, permet d'attribuer un socle commun de droits aux travailleurs des pays tiers et aux travailleurs de l'Union europenne. Jusqu' prsent, une relle disparit existait entre les tats membres, et nous ne pouvions nous en satisfaire. Il tait anormal de ne pas reconnatre des droits aux travailleurs trangers qui apportent tant nos conomies. Cette avance est juste et ncessaire. L'galit de traitement des travailleurs est au cur de cette directive qui place sur un pied d'galit les travailleurs des pays tiers et les travailleurs europens. Les travailleurs des pays tiers bnficient des mmes droits que les travailleurs europens en ce qui concerne leurs salaires et conditions de licenciement. Les mmes rgles s'appliquent galement pour la reconnaissance des diplmes, la libert d'association et d'adhsion une organisation professionnelle, la scurit sociale, les avantages fiscaux et l'accs aux biens et aux services publics. De plus, les personnes qui ont un emploi bnficieront de l'galit de traitement en matire d'accs l'ducation et l'emploi. Les services de l'emploi seront aussi accessibles aux chmeurs et, par consquent, aux personnes qui en ont le plus besoin. L'exportation des pensions ne sera plus conditionne l'existence d'accords bilatraux entre les tats membres et les pays tiers. L'galit de traitement sera l aussi la rgle. C'est une avance qui nous permet de reconnatre la valeur du travail des citoyens en provenance de pays tiers et de la prendre en compte en leur assurant des droits la retraite. En tant que membre du groupe du parti populaire europen, je suis trs fire d'avoir particip ces longues ngociations. Je souhaite remercier la Commission europenne, et tout particulirement Cecilia Malmstrm et ses services, qui ont permis la directive de voir le jour. Je remercie galement les prsidences successives, espagnole, belge, hongroise et polonaise, pour leur engagement. Je remercie mes collgues parlementaires pour leurs propositions pertinentes et leur soutien dans les ngociations. Nous pouvons nous rjouir aujourd'hui du rsultat de nos efforts. C'est une avance dont nous pouvons nous fliciter et qui reflte l'image d'une Europe digne et juste, qui respecte chaque travailleur contribuant l'essor europen. 1-133 EN IN THE CHAIR: EDWARD McMILLAN-SCOTT Vice-President 1-134 EN Viviane Reding, Vice-President of the Commission. ( Mr President, first of all a great thank you to the rapporteur Ms Mathieu, and also to the rapporteur for the opinion Mr Cercas, and to all the Members of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs and the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, for their excellent work on this proposal. Thank you also, Ms Mathieu, for the nice words you said about Cecilia Malmstrm. I will certainly convey these words to her. As you are aware, the Commission presented this proposal back in 2007, which seems like another century because since then we have arrived at the Lisbon Treaty, but at that time our aim was and still is to simplify procedures by introducing one permit for residence and work, while protecting migrant workers by guaranteeing them employment-related rights on an equal footing with nationals. This proposal is one of the main building blocks of the European Unions labour migration policy. It is a complex proposal as it addresses both immigration and employment issues. If adopted by Parliament and the Council, this directive will confirm the important contribution third-country workers make to our economies and to our societies. The Commission has already confirmed that the text agreed upon is in line with the original objectives. If the text is endorsed by Parliament, this directive will be the first one on legal migration under the ordinary legislative procedure introduced in this area by the Lisbon Treaty. Indeed, Parliaments involvement as a fully fledged legislator has made it possible because there is a substantial contribution by Parliament to achieving a more rights-based instrument, ensuring, for example, social security rights for registered unemployed workers who have earned them through previous contributions. Finally I would like to raise an institutional point. The Commission is very pleased that the last pending issue, the reporting mechanism on implementation, was also solved in a satisfactory manner. In line with that interinstitutional agreement, the Commission decided to propose in this specific case that Member States provide explanatory documents when putting these EU rules into national law. Given the wide scope and the wide range of rights and policy areas involved social security, education, labour law this was a very important issue and we are pleased that the Council accepted this proposal. Let me hope, Ms Mathieu, that Parliament will endorse the agreement and thereby adopt the directive, which will facilitate matters for potential employers and guarantee legal security for non-EU workers throughout the European Union. <BRK> 1-135 MT Simon Busuttil, f'isem il-grupp PPE.  Nixtieq nibda billi nifra' 'afna lir-rapporteur, Veronique Mathieu, g'ax-xog'ol kbir li g'amlet fuq su!!ett li huwa delikat u sensittiv 'afna, u d-diffikult tieg'u probabbilment turi wkoll l-importanza ta' dan id-dossier. Din hija l-ewwel darba, kif g'adu kif intqal, li a'na qeg'din ng'addu li!i b'kode i|joni dwar il-possibilit illi ittadini ta' pajji|i terzi jkunu jistg'u ji!u ja'dmu b'mod legali f'pajji|i tal-Unjoni Ewropea. Din il-li!i tag'ti erti vanta!!i: il-vanta!! lil min huwa ittadin ta' pajji| terz li jixtieq ji!i ja'dem fl-Unjoni Ewropea, g'aliex g'all-ewwel darba tag'tih mezz legali ta' kif jista' jag'mel dan, tag'ti vanta!! lill-pajji|i tal-Unjoni Ewropea billi tag'tihom il-fakulta' illi ja  ettaw b'formola legali lill-'addiema minn pajji|i terzi, filwaqt li ma tne''ilhom xejn mid-deskrizzjoni tag'hom li jidde iedu huma stess kemm il-permess tax-xog'ol ikunu jistg'u jag'tu; u hija vanta!! ukoll g'aliex il-possibilit ta' xog'ol legali taqta' wkoll il-possibilit - jew tattakka wkoll il-possibilit - ta' immigrazzjoni illegali. U allura din il-li!i hija minnha nnifisha mezz ta' kif wie'ed jista' ji!!ieled l-immigrazzjoni illegali. Hija ironija li meta !ejna biex nivvutaw fuq din il-li!i fil-Kumitat, sfortunatament il-Grupp So jalista astjena, meta wie'ed kien jistenna li jappo!!ja li!i b'al din, li g'all-ewwel darba qeg'da tifta' dan id-dritt li - ittadini ta' pajji|i terzi - dritt li jag'tihom ukoll erti garanziji ta' drittijiet. Na'seb din l-astensjoni turi li hawn min g'adu jippreferi, donnu, il-li!i tal-!ungla, milli jkollna li!i li tag'ti sett ta' standards ari lill-'addiema li ji!u ja'dmu f'pajji|na. <BRK> 1-136 ES Alejandro Cercas, en nombre del Grupo S&D.  Seor Presidente, como ponente alternativo y como miembro del Grupo Socialista, quiero expresar, en primer lugar, que no podemos votar en contra de una directiva que obviamente significa un pequeo paso adelante, adems de que hemos ganado dos batallas que en la Comisin de Empleo y Asuntos Sociales perseguamos, como era el tema de la exportacin de pensiones y la formacin profesional de los emigrantes. No podemos votar en contra, por tanto. Pero esta no es la directiva que habamos prometido en Tampere y que habamos prometido durante diez aos en el Libro Verde; esta no es la directiva de la igualdad de derechos: sigue habiendo exclusiones muy importantes; sigue habiendo excepciones muy importantes a derechos del trabajo y de la seguridad social; siguen quedando en manos de los Estados miembros decisiones que son decisiones que no deberan ser discrecionales, sino que deberan ser regladas. Por tanto, es un paso adelante pero es insuficiente; est muy lejos de la ambicin que deberamos tener como europeos. Hemos visto demasiado la mirada cortoplacista del contable, la mirada egosta del burcrata, la mirada de quien ve el corto plazo y no el largo plazo de la gran oportunidad que hemos tenido de arreglar para siempre una directiva marco y no dejar fuera a nadie ni dejar fuera ningn derecho. Otra vez ser y otra vez haremos una ley justa. 1-137 EN Renate Weber, on behalf of the ALDE Group. Mr President, in 2008 this House voted in the Return Directive, which immediately became one of the most criticised EU laws. A large number of countries outside the European Union and a huge number of NGOs from within and outside the EU expressed their disappointment and frustration. We promised at the time that measures to send home people who came and stayed irregularly in the EU would be accompanied by genuine legislation dealing with legal migration, making it more coherent and human. This task has become one of the main priorities of the Commission, whose ambition is to see the entire package on migration adopted by the end of 2012. I hope Parliament shares this ambition. The single application procedure for residence is the first one to be adopted; it was discussed at length and negotiated not only with the Council but also among political groups in this Parliament. I want to congratulate Vronique Mathieu for her determination during the entire process; it was not easy at all. I am convinced we did the right thing and I regret that our Socialist colleagues abstained during the last vote. Certainly the single permit in its actual wording is not the best it could be. However it is much better when compared to the situation in many Member States. I dare to say that it is an honest attempt to provide people who want to come and study and work within the European Union with a better mechanism to do so, and also maybe to protect them from the humiliation they have to suffer in various Member States at present. I cannot imagine the European Union asking to be taken seriously and claiming to be an international actor without minimum standards on migration and asylum. 1-138 EN Jean Lambert, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. Mr President, I think it is clear that for all of us the legislation that we are talking about this evening maybe is not the most perfect that we would have hoped for. However I think many of us see it as a positive step forward, and certainly analysis of it that has been done says that it may be positive in terms of integration for the many thousands of people affected by the legislation. It is a simplification in terms of putting together the residence and work permit as a single piece of paperwork. That, we know, was controversial, as well in the way in which it was discussed. But it should be a simplification and, as has been pointed out, there is a due requirement of time so that these applications should not be left sitting on desks as they so often are in many of our Member States. In terms of the rights section of it which the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs was largely dealing with I think we have made some progress there. The most important part of it is that we are looking at equality of treatment with Member State nationals in a large number of places, not least in terms of pay, rights of freedom of association and the right to educational/vocational training so that people are actually able to improve their skills base, which is for their own benefit and for the benefit of the company with which they work. The social security dimension is also important and I think that the changes that Parliament managed to make on pensions is one which we should be proud of. 1-139 DE Cornelia Ernst, im Namen der GUE/NGL-Fraktion. Herr Prsident, meine Damen und Herren! Die kombinierte Erlaubnis von Arbeit und Aufenthalt fr Drittstaatsangehrige in der EU wurde de facto als Tiger gestartet und ist wie es in einem Sprichwort heit als Bettvorleger gelandet. Mitnichten wird damit das Tor fr eine wirklich vereinfachte Regelung fr Drittstaatsangehrige, die in der EU ttig sein mchten, geffnet. Auch deshalb nicht, weil mehr und mehr jedweder Aufenthalt an Arbeit gekoppelt wird. Das mag ja in vielen Fllen gut sein, aber es gibt nur noch diesen Fokus, und das halten wir fr schwierig. Mehr noch aber ist die Richtlinie unserer Meinung nach deshalb kein Schritt in die richtige Richtung, weil erstens der Geltungsbereich kleinlich ist. Er ist kleinlich und provinziell geregelt. Nicht nur, dass die Regelung nur fr den ausstellenden Mitgliedstaat gltig sein soll und nicht fr die EU als Ganzes, aber davon redet ja schon gar keiner mehr. Auerdem soll die Regelung nicht fr Familienangehrige von Unionsbrgern gelten, wenn sie Drittstaatler sind, nicht fr Saisonarbeiter, konzerninterne Entsendung, Menschen, die unter internationalem oder zeitweiligem Schutz stehen. berall entstehen einzelne Richtlinien, und damit entstehen unterschiedliche Kasten von Drittstaatsangehrigen mit unterschiedlichen Rechten. Das Zweite ist: Es gibt doch keine wirkliche Erleichterung und rechtliche Harmonisierung, und zwar schon deshalb nicht, weil die Mitgliedstaaten in allen Fragen tatschlich das Sagen haben, z.B. wer den Antrag auf Erlaubnis zu stellen hat, Arbeitgeber oder Arbeitnehmer. Macht das der Arbeitgeber, kommt der Antrag beim potenziellen Arbeitnehmer gar nicht an, wenn er z.B. abgelehnt wird. Er hat berhaupt keine Mglichkeit, sich rechtlich in irgendeiner Form zu uern. Auerdem kritisieren wir, dass ein Antrag dann fr unzulssig erklrt werden kann, wenn der Mitgliedstaat Kontingente fr den Arbeitsmarkt festlegt. Drittens ist positiv das halte ich auch der Berichterstatterin zugute , dass Rentenansprche anerkannt werden. Aber es ist doch vllig inakzeptabel, dass es keine vllige Gleichbehandlung mit den einheimischen Arbeitnehmern gibt. Erhebliche Einschrnkungen soll es nmlich geben und zwar je nach Kaste bei beruflicher Bildung, bei sozialen Leistungen, z.B. fr Familienangehrige, und beim Zugang zu ffentlichem Wohnraum. Das kann man wirklich nicht akzeptieren. Wenn man das zur grundlegenden Richtlinie macht, ist das ein Fehler, und man kann das nicht untersttzen. Deswegen lehnen wir das auch ab. 1-140 NL Frank Vanhecke, namens de EFD-Fractie. Voorzitter, het blijft mij eigenlijk ontstellend verbazen hoe in dit Parlement, waarin de volkeren van Europa toch heten vertegenwoordigd te zijn, de immigratie op zo weinig kritische zin stoot. Immigratie, die de afgelopen decennia uiteindelijk toch zoveel vervreemding, zoveel ontworteling, en ook zoveel criminaliteit met zich mee heeft gebracht, waarvan de rele kostprijs in de meeste van onze Europese landen gigantisch moet worden genoemd voor onze samenleving. Nu ga ik uiteraard niet zo dwaas zijn om een zogenaamde "blauwe kaart" voor hoog opgeleiden zomaar te gaan vergelijken met de massale niet-Europese immigratie van de voorbije decennia. Maar toch sta ik, en blijf ik met het grootste wantrouwen staan tegenover de officile Europese politiek die hier vandaag nog eens wordt bevestigd. En die nog steeds, ondanks bijvoorbeeld de realiteit, ondanks de dramatische werkloosheidscijfers en tegen elk gezond verstand in een ideologische keuze voor massale immigratie blijft. En wat die zogenaamde legale immigratie betreft, zelfs die van hoog opgeleiden: wat gebeurt er met de legale en semilegale immigratie in het kielzog van de immigratie van die zogenaamd hoog opgeleiden? Wie garandeert dat die mensen ook vertrekken, wanneer de hoog opgeleide desgewenst vertrekt? Ik blijf het heel moeilijk hebben met een economisch beleid dat zich op immigratie terugplooit, dat problemen blijft vragen. Dat is in het verleden compleet nefast gebleken en we zullen daaruit lessen moeten trekken. 1-141 NL Philip Claeys (NI). Voorzitter, het gemeenschappelijk Europees asiel- en immigratiebeleid wordt geconfronteerd met een architecturaal probleem. De fundering van het hele systeem, namelijk het wegvallen van de grenscontroles aan de interne grenzen, gekoppeld aan het controleren van de buitengrenzen, is gebarsten. Zoals we allemaal weten worden de buitengrenzen niet daadwerkelijk en efficint gecontroleerd. In plaats van de fundering van het systeem in orde te brengen, is de Europese Unie bezig het systeem altijd maar verder uit te breiden en logger te maken. De invoering van n enkele vergunning voor onderdanen van derde landen om te verblijven en te werken op het grondgebied van een lidstaat, is een nieuwe stap in de richting van een immigratiebeleid dat volledig door de Europese Unie geconcipieerd en georganiseerd wordt, zonder dat de lidstaten nog het recht hebben om een eigen beleid te voeren, om eigen accenten te leggen in hun beleid, om in te spelen op hun eigen problemen in overeenstemming met de wensen van hun kiezers. Het gaat hier om een verregaande maatregel die een essentieel onderdeel van de democratie van de lidstaten ondermijnt, te weten het recht om zelf te beslissen wie op hun grondgebied komt en onder welke voorwaarden. Het spreekt dan ook voor zich dat ik tegen dat voorstel zal stemmen. 1-142 EL   (PPE).   ,                       .                     .                      .           ,     ,    ,               ,      . Mathieu,         ,                              LIBE.         :  ,      ,      ,     ,          ,         .        .             ,  ,  ,                    .               ,     ,                       . <BRK> 1-143 LT Vilija Blinkevi ikt (S&D).  Ia tiess po ilgs diskusijs ir derybs tiek pa iame Europos Parlamente, tiek ir su Taryba bandome rasti sprendim dl direktyvos dl vieno leidimo apsigyventi ir dirbti. Derybos truko ilgai, nes bandme surasti kuo geresn/ sprendim, kuris bkts priimtinas visiems tre isjs aalis darbuotojams, kurie teistai gyvena ir teistai dirba mkss Europos Sjungos aalyse. Nors nepavyko susitarti dl viss dalyks, ta iau vertinu, kad galutiniame susitarime dl aios direktyvos pavyko /tvirtinti nuostat dl pensijs perkeliamumo. Tai jau yra sveikintina. Ta iau gaila, kad neradome bendro sprendimo pa iame Europos Parlamente dl atskirs darbuotojs kategorijs /traukimo / aios direktyvos turin/. Turiu omenyje sezoninius darbuotojus, bendrovs viduje perkeliamus darbuotojus ar prieglobs io praaytojus. Deja, bet ai direktyva nevisiakai /tvirtina teisins lygybs princip viss tre isjs aalis darbuotojs at~vilgiu. Aiaku, sveikinu ir dkoju Komisijai (kadangi ia yra Komisijos nar) dl to, kad Komisija pateik siklymus ir dl sezoninis darbuotojs, ir dl bendrovse perkeliams darbuotojs, ir aiuo metu vyksta intensyvios diskusijos Parlamente. Tikiuosi, kad rasime tinkam sprendim ir priimsime bendr sprendim. Taigi, noriu palinkti, kad ateityje sprsdami migracijos politikos klausimus suvoktume, jog tre isjs aalis darbuotojai turi turti tokias pa ias teises kaip Europos Sjungos pilie iai, jeigu jie teistai gyvena ir jeigu jie teistai dirba, nes js indlis / mkss aalis ekonomikos augim, / mkss socialins gerovs augim yra neiavengiamas. Todl labai sikly iau ait suvokti ir ait suprasti ir vis tiek baigdama noriu padkoti praneajai V. Mathieu, nes tikrai stengsi /dti labai daug darbo ir daug pastangs, kad rastume bendr sprendim. <BRK> 1-144 SV Cecilia Wikstrm (ALDE). Herr talman! Jag vill brja med att tacka Vronique Mathieu fr ett vl utfrt arbete. Vi ska vara glada ver att tredjelandsmedborgare vill komma till Europeiska unionen och vra medlemslnder fr att arbeta. Vi behver dem eftersom vi saknar arbetskraft inom mnga omrden och dessutom har en ldrande befolkning. Fr mig r det sjlvklart att vi mste gra det s enkelt och smidigt som mjligt fr dessa mnniskor att bo och arbeta i EU. Drfr vlkomnar jag detta betnkande om att skapa ett enda anskningsfrfarande fr tredjelandsmedborgare. Den som kommer hit och arbetar vill rimligen ocks bo och leva sitt liv hr. Det br vi kunna erbjuda med s lite byrkrati som mjligt. Det gynnar alla inblandade, och det stadkommer vi genom detta. Jag vlkomnar att vi nu ntligen fr detta direktiv p plats. Det kommer att gynna mnga som bidrar till att upprtthlla vlfrden i vra medlemslnder och fra EU till vlstnd bortom dessa krisens dagar dr vi nu befinner oss. 1-145 IT Mara Bizzotto (EFD). Signor Presidente, la relazione di cui discutiamo propone di fatto un'equiparazione totale fra i diritti di cui godono i lavoratori migranti e i cittadini europei, vero pilastro delle nostre economie e dei nostri sistemi sociali. In certi casi, le misure contenute in questa relazione aprirebbero addirittura una corsia preferenziale per i lavoratori provenienti da paesi terzi e soggiornanti in uno Stato membro, quali benefici fiscali e forme di assistenza ad hoc per muoversi nel mercato del lavoro. Credo in tutta franchezza che soprattutto in un momento di crisi economica e sociale come questa le Istituzioni europee e quelle nazionali dovrebbero innanzitutto sostenere i nostri cittadini. Ampliare la gamma dei diritti dei lavoratori provenienti dai paesi terzi significa oggi ignorare la gravit delle condizioni in cui versano decine di milioni di famiglie dei nostri paesi e voltare le spalle alle nostre categorie deboli, come i giovani, le donne e i disoccupati europei. I dati sulla povert in Europa illustrano un quadro drammatico: pi di 60 milioni di cittadini a rischio povert, col 15 percento della popolazione che deve accontentarsi di redditi inferiori al 60 percento della media nazionale. Una persona su otto vive in famiglie in cui nessuno ha un lavoro e un bambino su cinque a rischio povert. Di fronte a questo quadro, l'eurobuonismo pensa a come sistemare i lavoratori dei paesi terzi, ma in realt non sappiamo nemmeno come garantire standard di vita dignitosi ai nostri lavoratori. 1-146 DE Franz Obermayr (NI). Herr Prsident! Die Kommission glaubt, dass ihre Plne helfen werden, knftig den Bedarf an Arbeitskrften zu decken. Grozgig sollen Aufenthalt und Arbeitserlaubnis in einem ausgestellt werden. Dabei wre es doch besser, den Aufenthalt an konkrete Einsatzmglichkeiten am Arbeitsmarkt zu koppeln. Migration in Bausch und Bogen kann doch wohl nicht die Lsung sein. Zudem soll ein Bndel an Rechten Migranten Inlndern gleichstellen, das heit also gleiche Arbeitsbedingungen, Anerkennung von beruflicher Ausbildung, Steuervergnstigung, gewerkschaftliche Rechte und gleiche Sozialleistungen. Nun, meine Damen und Herren, wer soll das bezahlen? Unsere verschuldeten Euro-Staaten? Jedenfalls nicht die Migranten, da ihr Einkommen um circa 30% niedriger ist als das eines durchschnittlichen EU-Brgers. Dementsprechend werden natrlich auch weniger Steuer gezahlt werden. Darber hinaus sind Migranten weit mehr von Arbeitslosigkeit betroffen und schlechter qualifiziert. Die Inanspruchnahme von Sozialleistungen wrde nach diesem System hauptschlich Migranten zugute kommen, also jener Bevlkerungsgruppe, die eine besonders niedrige Erwerbsquote aufweist und in einem hheren Ausma von Armut betroffen ist. Damit werden Migranten in den Systemen der sozialen Sicherheit berreprsentiert sein. Das hilft unseren Arbeitsmrkten mit Sicherheit nicht. 1-147 HU Kinga Gncz (S&D). Az Eurpai Uni idQsdQ trsadalmainak nagy szksge van a szablyozottan rkezQ migrnsokra, munkavllalkra, akik hozzjrulnak az Uni versenykpessghez, a szocilis biztonsgi rendszernk fenntartshoz. A kvetkezQ vekben kb. 700 ezer munkavllal fog hinyozni az informatikai szektorbl, kzel 2 milli munkavllal az egszsggybQl. Eurpa egyre kevsb vonz a jl kpzett, harmadik orszgbeli munkavllalk szmra. Kevsb, mint az Amerikai Egyeslt llamok, mint Kanada, mint Ausztrlia vagy mint Svjc. Ahhoz, hogy vonzbbak legynk, fontos a kzs migrcis politika kialaktsa, s ebben nagy lps a mostani elQterjeszts, a  Single Permit direktva. Hossz trgyalsok utn alakult ki a politikai kompromisszum a direktva hatkrrQl. Az egyenlQ bnsmddal kapcsolatban szintn nagy vitk voltak. rlnk, hogy a nyugdjak hordozhatsga, a szakmai tovbbkpzshez val jog belekerlt vgl  mondanm EPP-s kollgimnak, hogy a tartzkodsunk azt jelentette, azt fejezte ki, hogy szerettnk volna tbbet elrni a trgyalsok sorn. Tbb terleten is folytatnunk kell ezt a munkt, hogy valban legyen kzs eurpai migrcis politika. Egyrszt az elfogadott direktvk tltetsnl, alkalmazsnl vannak elmaradsok a kk krtyban. De elQrehalads kell a vllalaton belli thelyezsre s az idnymunksokra vonatkoz direktva terletn is. Azt szeretnm mg mondani zrskppen, hogyha valban versenykpes akar lenni Eurpa, akkor ki kell nyitnia a munkaerQpiact az j tagllamok munkavllali szmra is. Most a napokban fogunk Romnirl, Bulgrirl beszlni, rszben az idnymunkkban, rszben a magas kpzettsget ignylQ munkban szksgnk van rjuk is. <BRK> 1-148 EN Gerard Batten (EFD).  Mr President, this directive calls for common rights for third-party migrants working in the EU. If adopted it would remove what little rights remain or are still left to Member States to determine their own immigration policy. It wants third-party migrants to enjoy comparable rights to those of EU nationals, including working conditions, social security and access to public services. But of course not all Member States have the same level of social security and public services, and of course a citizen of a state, by definition, enjoys the benefits of that citizenship, or should enjoy the benefits of that citizenship that non-citizens do not. If citizens do not have exclusive rights, then the concept of citizenship itself is meaningless. What this will mean is that third-party migrants will flood to those states that have the highest levels of public housing, social security and public services. No prizes for guessing that Britain will be top of their list as a destination. Equally unsurprisingly, I can tell you that UK Independence Party MEPs will vote against this directive. (The speaker agreed to take a blue-card question under Rule 149(8)) 1-149 EN Jean Lambert (Verts/ALE), Blue-card question. Mr Batten, my understanding is that the UK is not actually signing up to this, so I do not quite understand what you said. Why do you assume that people are going to be flooding to a country which is not actually covered by this directive? 1-150 EN Gerard Batten (EFD), Blue-card answer. I know that may be technically true, but we seem to get saddled with these directives in time anyway. I am sure that we will not be able to wriggle out of it for very long, in the same way as we get all kinds of people turning up in our country and taking benefits in the social security and housing system, although they have got no rights to them. We know that for a fact. So while I hope that you are right and there will be a way of avoiding this, I think that in practice we will not. 1-151 DE Hubert Pirker (PPE). Herr Prsident, Frau Kommissarin! Wir wissen alle, dass vielen Mitgliedstaaten in Hinkunft ein Arbeitskrftemangel droht, insbesondere ein Facharbeitermangel. Ich glaube, dass wir es mit dieser Richtlinie schaffen, auf der einen Seite bestimmte Anreize zu schaffen, dass diejenigen kommen, die in den Mitgliedstaaten tatschlich bentigt werden und daher auch Arbeit werden finden knnen, und dass auf der anderen Seite eine Kontrolle stattfindet und damit auch der legale Zugang gesteuert wird. Ich erachte es als besonders wichtig, dass eine Regelung eingebaut ist, die feststellt, dass es selbstverstndlich den Mitgliedstaaten anheimgestellt bleibt, Quoten festzulegen, und dass dann, wenn Quoten da sind und wenn Kontingente ausgeschpft werden und ausgeschpft sind, ein Bescheid ber Unzulssigkeit ausgestellt werden kann, das heit, dass der Mitgliedstaat dann den Zuzug verweigern kann. Das sind Regelungen, die letzten Endes dazu fhren sollten, dass innerhalb von vier Monaten eine klare Entscheidung getroffen wird, ob eine drittstaatenangehrige Person in die Union, in eine bestimmte Stadt zuwandern darf oder nicht. Damit fngt man zwei Fliegen auf einen Schlag: Arbeitskrfte werden gesucht, und wir erhalten sie auf legalem Weg, und Illegalitt wird bekmpft. <BRK> 1-152 SK Monika Flaakov BeHov (S&D).  Ja v istch prpadoch akceptujem pragmatick prstup k politike, na druhej strane by som ocenila viac humnneho a >udsko-prvneho dvodenia v prijmanch dokumentoch. asto zlo~it administratvne kroky pri prijman hospodrskych migrantov treba zjednoduaie, lebo v s asnosti existuj zna n rozdiely medzi jednotlivmi lenskmi attmi. Na smernici vtam, ~e ponka mo~nose bojovae proti vykoriseovaniu a diskrimincii, ktorm s pracujci imigranti ve>mi asto vystaven. Nvrh stanovuje rovnak zaobchdzanie na zklade spolo nho sboru prv v oblastiach spojench s trhom prce. Vhodou je tie~ zabezpe enie lepaej ochrany, ne~ ak tmto pracovnkom v s asnosti prislcha, na zklade platnch medzinrodnch dohovorov, ktor ratifikovali len niektor lensk atty. Ke~e hospodrski imigranti sa podie>aj na ekonomickej innosti svojej hostite>skej krajiny, musia mae ochraHujce prvne postavenie, ktor ich ochrni pred vyl enm a diskriminciou. Toto postavenie umo~n bojovae proti nekalej hospodrskej sea~i, ktor asto vyplva z neexistujceho prvneho postavenia. <BRK> 1-153 RO Ioan Enciu (S&D).  n primul rnd, doresc s o felicit pe doamna raportor pentru hotrrea _i inteligenca de care a dat dovad n a duce la bun sfr_it acest raport. Acordul negociat cu Consiliul nu este n totalitate unul satisfctor, ns poate fi considerat un pas nainte. Permisul unic se va aplica n realitate numai unei categorii limitate de lucrtori, ceea ce este contrar cu nsu_i principiul de procedur unic pe care aceast directiv _i propunea s o introduc la nceput. n acela_i timp, este injust faptul c att condiciile de munc, ct _i beneficiile derivate nu vor fi n totalitate echivalente celor aplicabile cetcenilor UE. 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 W]`<r~bnt:gdG$a$gdGŅƅDždfp~"seXeXVXIhGhGmHnHsHUhGh?$mHnHsHhGh?$5mHnHsHhGh?$0J3mHnHsHhGhGmHnHsHhGh?$mHnHsHhGh?$5mHnHsHhGh?$0J3mHnHsH hGh?$hGhG0J3hGhGmHnHsHhGh?$mHnHsHhGh?$5mHnHsHhGh?$0J3mHnHsHnu pot spune c acest lucru este o surpriz, avnd n vedere c romnii _i bulgarii, cetceni europeni fiind, sunt _i ei n continuare trataci n mod discriminatoriu pe piaca muncii din anumite state membre. Cred c erorile _i neajunsurile din aceast directiv pot fi ndreptate prin noile directive privind muncitorii sezonieri _i transferurile intracorporative. <BRK> 1-154 SK Jaroslav Paaka (EFD).  V~im si silie Eurpskej rady pripravie a schvlie v spoluprci s Eurpskym parlamentom smernicu o jednotnom postupe vybavovania ~iadost a jednotn povolenie na pobyt a zamestnanie na zem lenskho attu pre prsluankov z tretch krajn a o spolo nom sbore prv pracovnkov z tretch krajn s oprvnenm pobytom v lenskom atte. Najm silie o definovanie spolo nho sboru prv pracovnkov z tretch krajn nm, myslm si, pripomenie, ~e naai eurpski ob ania, ako aj zamestnanci, i pracovnci v inej lenskej krajine nie v~dy m~u po tae s rovnakm sborom prv. Ve naai priatelia z Rumunska i Bulharska prcu v niektorch lenskch attoch nie leglnym spsobom ani nedostan a sksenosti brigdnikov vykonvajcich po>nohospodrske seznne prce v ju~nch lenskch attoch asto hovoria o katastroflnych pracovnch podmienkach. Mo~no by sme teda v tejto svislosti nemali hovorie len o pracovnch prvach pracovnkov z tretch krajn, ale radaej o pracovnch prvach Eurpskej nie vaeobecne, rovnakch pre vaetkch pracujcich. <BRK> 1-155 EN Andrew Henry William Brons (NI).  Mr President, the rapporteur has said that legal migration will increase the EU s competiveness, but she is just a little bit coy about explaining how. Let me help her out. Flood the market with any commodity  and of course labour is seen as a commodity by globalists  and the price will be driven down. As I have said repeatedly, the only way in which an unprotected developed world can compete with the Third World and emerging economies is by pushing the wage rates of our workers down to their levels. We need protection for our industries and workers and not competitiveness built on the back of our workers. The rapporteur goes on to seek to justify immigration by reference to demographic change in Europe, falling birth rates and ageing population. However, birth rates fall in response to economic demands in the home and can be reversed by imaginative social policies. Furthermore, if you bring Third World immigrants to Europe, they do not become substitute Europeans. They bring the Third World with them. <BRK> 1-156 RO Elena Bsescu (PPE).  Consider c, pentru a asigura competitivitatea _i cre_terea economic, Uniunea European are nevoie de o forc de munc tnr, mobil _i foarte bine calificat. Ea poate proveni fie din statele membre, fie din afara Uniunii. n ambele cazuri continu s existe bariere privind mobilitatea, recrutarea _i instalarea lucrtorilor, precum _i bariere privind recunoa_terea calificrilor profesionale. Ele trebuie desfiincate pentru a spori bunstarea Europei _i a atrage forc de munc nalt calificat. Introducerea unei proceduri unice de solicitare a permisului de _edere _i munc va avea o contribucie important. Ea va permite reducerea birocraciei, simplificnd procedurile, crescnd transparenca _i diminund termenii de examinare a cererii. Reamintesc dificultcile cu care se confrunt lucrtorii romni _i bulgari n obcinerea permiselor de munc n statele membre care nc impun restriccii. <BRK> 1-157 RO Silvia-Adriana bicu (S&D).  Instituirea unei proceduri unice de solicitare, care s conduc la emiterea n cadrul unui act administrativ unic a unui titlu combinat care s includ att permisul de _edere ct _i pe cel de munc, va contribui la simplificarea _i armonizarea normelor care se aplic n prezent n statele membre. Suscin egalitatea de tratament ntre resortisancii crilor terce care se afl n mod legal pe teritoriul UE _i cetcenii statului membru gazd n ceea ce prive_te accesul la locuince sociale _i la educacie, dreptul la pensie _i la serviciile sociale. Apreciez eficienca SOLVIT care, spre exemplu, n opt sptmni, a facilitat unui cetcean turc s se alture sociei sale daneze ce era nsrcinat _i locuia n Germania. n 2010, 23% din totalul cazurilor primite de SOLVIT priveau drepturile de _edere pentru cetcenii non-UE. Consider ns c statele membre trebuie s acorde ntietate la angajare resortisancilor crilor membre _i, de aceea, solicit _i cu aceast ocazie ridicarea barierelor privind libera circulacie a lucrtorilor romni _i bulgari. <BRK> 1-158 HU Csand Szegedi (NI).  Tisztelt KpviselQtrsaim! rlk, hogy Reding asszony a bevndorlst s a harmadik orszgbl bejvQ munkavllalk krdskrt egyben kezeli, ugyanis ez hrom problematikt vet fel. Az elsQ az, hogy a harmadik orszgbl rkezQ munkaerQt nem lehet mskpp kezelni, legalbbis n nem tudom mskpp kezelni, mint egy sztrjkban a sztrjktrQket. Hiszen Eurpa beltja, hogy nem tud a sajt munkavllalival, a munkanlklisggel mit kezdeni, ezrt a knnyebb megoldst vlasztja: ht hozzunk Eurpn kvli munkavllalkat, olcsn, olcs munkabrrt, s az eurpai emberek gondjai pedig nem rdekli. Csak felhvnm a tisztelt kpviselQtrsaim figyelmt, hogy azrt lnek itt az Eurpai Parlamentben, hogy elsQsorban az eurpai emberek problmival foglalkozzanak. Neknk elsQsorban az eurpai munkanlklisget kell visszaszortani s nem az afrikai munkanlklisget adott esetben. A msodik problma pedig, amire felhvnm a tisztelt figyelmket, a fizetsbeli klnbsgek. Ht oldjk meg elQszr azt, hogy egy magyar munkavllal annyit keressen, mint mondjuk egy nmet, francia vagy egy olasz munkavllal. A harmadik pedig maga a bevndorls tmakre. A bevndorlst Eurpban azonnal le kell fkezni, hiszen ltjk, hogy mi trtnt Londonban, Madridban vagy Berlinben. Ez fog bekvetkezni azokban a tagorszgokban is, ahol hasonl kritikus trsadalmi feszltsg van. Ksznm szpen a figyelmket! <BRK> 1-159 DE Andreas Mlzer (NI).  Herr Prsident! Was unter dem Vorwand von Verfahrensvereinfachung und besserer Steuerung von Zuwanderung geschaffen werden soll, ist einmal mehr eine Ausweitung der Rechte von Drittstaatenangehrigen. Wenn in Zeiten steigender Arbeitslosigkeit die Zuwanderung stark bleibt, dann kommt es ganz klar zu einer Verdrngung heimischer Beschftigter. Seltsam auch, dass die angeblich so hochqualifizierten Arbeitnehmer, die den angeblichen Fachkrftemangel innerhalb der EU stillen sollen, sich nur allzu oft in den bildungsfernen Branchen  also in der Landwirtschaft, im Bau- und im Gastgewerbe  wiederfinden, also genau in jenen Bereichen, in denen Arbeitskrfte schneller arbeitslos werden als qualifizierte Arbeitskrfte. Damit steigt ja auch die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass das soziale Netz herhalten muss. Anstatt nun ber die EU-Hintertr Drittstaatenarbeitnehmern leichtfertig den Zugang zu sozialer Absicherung zu erffnen, muss endlich seris untersucht werden, welche Branchen Einwanderer rekrutieren, welchen Bildungsstand sie haben und welche Kosten dadurch fr die Allgemeinheit verursacht werden. EU-Migrationspolitik darf nicht zu ungebremster Massenzuwanderung und konzerngesteuertem Verdrngungswettbewerb fhren! <BRK> 1-160 DE Monika Hohlmeier (PPE).  Herr Prsident, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Ich habe mir gerade mit einer gewissen Fassungslosigkeit vom Kollegen anhren mssen, dass wir mit dieser Richtlinie angeblich eine ungebremste Massenzuwanderung befrdern wrden. Die Realitten sind schlichtweg das Gegenteil. Es geht hier um diejenigen, die eine ordnungsgeme Arbeits- und Aufenthaltserlaubnis haben, und diese sollen dann, wenn sie dieselbe Arbeit wie ein EU-Brger leisten, innerhalb der Europischen Union auch entsprechende Sozialleistungen normaler Art, wie sie jeder andere bezieht, erhalten. Das ist eine Absicherung fr diejenigen, die ordentlich und sauber arbeiten, und kein Tor, das geffnet wird. Ich finde es auch sehr amsant, dass die einen beklagen, dass zu wenige Gruppen hineinfallen, und die anderen beklagen, dass angeblich eine Massenzuwanderung stattfindet. Ich gratuliere der Berichterstatterin. Sie scheint den goldenen Mittelweg gefunden zu haben, nmlich zwischen dem, dass man eine notwendige, individuelle Unterscheidung zwischen den Mitgliedstaaten in bestimmten Entscheidungsbereichen hat und dem, dass man auf der anderen Seite schon eine gewisse Garantie fr soziale Absicherung fr diejenigen, die ordnungsgem arbeiten, erreichen kann. Dass dabei Familienleistungen auch von der Dauer des Aufenthalts abhngen, dass aber jemand, der seine Renten erworben hat, diese auch mitnehmen darf, wenn er ordnungsgem gearbeitet hat, sollte auch normal sein. Aus dem Grund halte ich es fr etwas seltsam, hier wieder die Bevlkerungsngste zu schren, dass ein allgemeiner Verdrngungswettbewerb auf dem Arbeitsmarkt stattfinden wird. Mit dieser Richtlinie hat das nichts zu tun. <BRK> 1-161 EN Viviane Reding, Vice-President of the Commission. ( Mr President, I am certainly not going to intervene in the polemics which have started in this House. I think this is a question to be solved by the House itself. Regarding the numbers of migrant workers, I would like to say that this proposal gives the freedom to each Member State to decide for itself how many migrant workers it wishes to accept. Let me also underline that those migrant workers pay taxes and social security contributions when working legally, as well as contributing to the cultural richness of our societies. To those who suggest that the equal treatment provisions allow for too many limitations  I agree that the rapporteur seems to be right in the middle because there are opinions on both sides, to one extreme and to the other  I would like to underline that the primary aim of the Commission was to ensure workers rights as regards employment-related rights and those earned through contribution. This means, for example, the need to ensure work-related vocational training but not necessarily completely equal treatment as regards education in general. Secondly, one of the objectives of this directive is to establish a level playing field for migrant workers from day one without any minimum employment period. Let me also point out that the outcome of the political agreement resulted in provisions which are even more inclusive than the original Commission proposal as regards access to social security for unemployed migrants and freedom of association. Some restrictions are introduced on access to education and housing, but the work-related rights in vocational training are kept, which in the Commission s opinion results in a balanced approach. Here of course I am also speaking for the relevant Commissioner, my colleague Cecilia Malmstrm. At the end of this long but fruitful negotiation process on a highly important proposal in the area of legal migration, I sincerely hope that Parliament will come to an agreement and adopt a directive that will ensure the equal treatment of legally residing migrant workers so that they can benefit fully from employment-related rights. Such a directive should be seen as a first, and an important, step to be completed later on by other instruments, such as the ones dealing with seasonal workers and intra-corporate transferees. <BRK> 1-162 FR Vronique Mathieu, rapporteure. ( Monsieur le Prsident, vous l'avez dit, Madame la Commissaire, effectivement: les avis ont beaucoup diverg d'un ct l'autre de l'hmicycle et il ne nous faudra pas polmiquer. Je crois que l'heure ne sera plus la polmique lorsque nous adopterons demain cette recommandation dans l'hmicycle. Cette directive sur le permis unique est grand progrs, pour les institutions europennes, pour l'Union europenne, pour les travailleurs des pays tiers et galement pour les employeurs de l'Union europenne et pour notre march du travail terme, car  comme nous l'avons dit, comme un certain nombre d'entre vous l'ont dit , nous aurons besoin de main-d'Suvre dans les annes venir et nous compterons sur les travailleurs des pays tiers. Je serai donc particulirement heureuse lorsque le Parlement adoptera cette recommandation pour le permis unique et cette proposition de directive que la Commission nous propose depuis 2007. Nous avons eu de nombreux dbats ce sujet depuis quatre ans. Je regrette toutefois qu'un certain nombre de membres du parti socialiste n'aient pas voulu voter cette proposition la semaine dernire en commission LIBE. Je regrette aussi les propos que M.Cercas a tenus tout l'heure, et je regrette qu'il ne soit pas l. Je lui en parlerai et, en tous les cas, ses propos m'ont fait de la peine au sujet des petits fonctionnaires ronds-de-cuir  dont je souhaite dire qu'ils ont toujours t nos cts l'occasion des trilogues ou des runions de rapporteurs fictifs , qu'ils appartiennent aux groupes politiques, au Conseil, la Commission ou au Parlement. Je peux vous dire que cela a t fort agrable et fort instructif; heureusement, nous les avons eus nos cts, ce qui n'a pas toujours t le cas de M.Cercas parce que, ces derniers temps, nous ne l'avons pas beaucoup vu l'occasion du trilogue. Heureusement donc, et je les remercie beaucoup pour leur soutien. <BRK> 1-163 EN President. ( The debate is closed. The vote will take place tomorrow (13 December 2011). <BRK> 1-164 BG <hidden>17 - @02> =0 8=D>@<0F8O 2 =0:070B5;=8B5 ?@>872>4AB20 (@078A:20=5) </hidden> ES <hidden>17 - Derecho a la informacin en los procesos penales (debate) </hidden> CS <hidden>17 - Prvo na informace v trestnm Yzen (rozprava) </hidden> DA <hidden>17 - Ret til information under straffesager (forhandling) </hidden> DE <hidden>17 - Recht auf Belehrung in Strafverfahren (Aussprache) </hidden> ET <hidden>17 - igus saada kriminaalmenetluses teavet (arutelu) </hidden> EL <hidden>17 -       () </hidden> EN 17 - Right to information in criminal proceedings (debate) FR <hidden>17 - Droit l'information dans le cadre des procdures pnales (dbat) </hidden> IT <hidden>17 - Diritto all'informazione nei procedimenti penali (discussione) </hidden> LV <hidden>17 - Ties+bas uz informciju kriminlproces (debates) </hidden> LT <hidden>17 - Teis / informacij baud~iamajame procese (diskusijos) </hidden> HU <hidden>17 - Tjkoztatshoz val jog a bntetQeljrs sorn (vita) </hidden> MT <hidden>17 - Id-dritt g'all-informazzjoni fi pro edimenti kriminali (dibattitu) </hidden> NL <hidden>17 - Recht op informatie in strafprocedures (debat) </hidden> PL <hidden>17 - Prawo do informacji w postpowaniu karnym (debata) </hidden> PT <hidden>17 - Direito de informao nos processos penais (debate) </hidden> RO <hidden>17 - Dreptul la informare n cadrul procedurilor penale (dezbatere) </hidden> SK <hidden>17 - Prvo na informcie vtrestnom konan (rozprava) </hidden> SL <hidden>17 - Pravica do obvea enosti v kazenskem postopku (razprava) </hidden> FI <hidden>17 - Tiedonsaantioikeus rikosoikeudellisissa menettelyiss (keskustelu) </hidden> SV <hidden>17 - Rtten till information i brottml (debatt) </hidden> 1-165 EN President. ( The next item is the report by Birgit Sippel, on behalf of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the right to information in criminal proceedings (COM(2010)0392  C70189/2010  2010/0215(COD)) (A70408/2011). <BRK> 1-166 DE Birgit Sippel, Berichterstatterin. ( Herr Prsident, Frau Kommissarin Reding, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Es ist gerade in diesen Wochen und Monaten wichtig, immer wieder darauf hinzuweisen, dass die Europische Union mehr ist als ein Markt. Sie ist eine Wertegemeinschaft, und sie muss sich gerade in schwierigen Zeiten als eine starke Wertegemeinschaft in allen Politikbereichen beweisen. Die EU und ihre Mitgliedstaaten basieren auf den gemeinsamen Prinzipien von Freiheit, Demokratie und Rechtsstaatlichkeit. Ein unverzichtbares Element von Rechtsstaatlichkeit im Zusammenhang mit Strafverfahren ist die Unschuldsvermutung, gesttzt auf klare und umfassende Verfahrensrechte fr die Beschuldigten. Nach der Richtlinie ber Verdolmetschung und bersetzung ist die neue Richtlinie zum Recht auf Belehrung in Strafverfahren ein weiterer wichtiger Baustein, um sicherzustellen, dass Verdchtigten und Beschuldigten EU-weit ein faires Verfahren gewhrt wird. Durch die Entwicklung gleichwertiger Standards fr Verfahrensrechte in Strafverfahren wird das Vertrauen unserer Brgerinnen und Brger in die Rechtssysteme der Mitgliedstaaten gestrkt. Auch die gegenseitige Anerkennung von gerichtlichen Entscheidungen wird hierdurch gefrdert. Der Einzelne kann seine Verfahrensrechte nur dann umfassend ausben, wenn er sie kennt. Fr ein faires Verfahren ist es entscheidend, dass man sich seiner Rechte bewusst ist, dass man wei, wie der Tatvorwurf lautet. Wenn Behrden diese Verfahrensrechte missachten, gefhrden sie die Fairness des Verfahrens und riskieren Fehlurteile. Der bestehende EU-Rechtsrahmen im Bereich Justiz fokussiert sich auf eine bessere Zusammenarbeit der Justizbehrden. Die neue Richtlinie hingegen konzentriert sich auf unsere Brger und die Rechte, die sie im Strafverfahren genieen. Sie sieht vor, dass Polizeibeamte und Staatsanwlte festgenommene Personen in einer ihnen verstndlichen, einfachen Sprache ber ihre Rechte schriftlich belehren mssen. Diese umfassen neben Dolmetsch- und bersetzungsleistungen insbesondere eine Belehrung ber den Tatvorwurf, Rechtsbeistand und das Recht, nach der Festnahme unverzglich einem Richter vorgefhrt zu werden. Zudem konnte das Parlament eine Ausweitung der konkreten Rechte durchsetzen, ber die der Verdchtigte belehrt werden soll. So konnten wir das Recht auf medizinische Versorgung, Kontaktaufnahme zu Angehrigen und Aussageverweigerung erfolgreich in die Richtlinie integrieren. Niemand wei im Voraus, wie lange ein Verdchtigter in Untersuchungshaft bleibt, ihm seine Freiheit entzogen wird. Deshalb ist es wichtig, frhzeitig ber seine Rechte informiert zu werden und auch Zugang zum be- und entlastenden Beweismaterial zu erhalten. Der Beschuldigte darf nicht zum Objekt des Strafverfahrens werden, sondern muss aktiv am Verfahren mitwirken knnen. Die Mitgliedstaaten mssen die Richtlinie nun mglichst schnell annehmen und umsetzen. Abschlieend mchte ich mich auch hier bei den Diensten des Parlaments und der Kommission bedanken, und mein ganz besonderer Dank gilt den Schattenberichterstattern, die diesen Bericht mit Beharrlichkeit und wirklich hervorragender Zusammenarbeit ermglicht haben. Es ist nun wichtig, dass Rat und Kommission die Folgemanahmen dieser Richtlinie gemeinsam mit dem Europischen Parlament schnell zum Abschluss bringen und damit EU-weit einheitliche Standards und faire Verfahren schaffen. <BRK> 1-167 EN Viviane Reding, Vice-President of the Commission. ( Mr President, I would first like to thank the rapporteur for the very solid work done and for the efficient way the negotiations on this dossier were concluded, which has permitted a first reading agreement. I would also like to praise the role of MrAlbrecht, the rapporteur for the opinion of the Committee on Legal Affairs, as well as the important role played by all the shadow rapporteurs. I would like to thank the European Parliament in general because it has contributed to maintaining the level of ambition of the Commission s proposal. One thing in particular which I believe is very important for our citizens, the letter of rights, has been maintained in the final text as well as the actual list of rights and the moment when the rights apply. I also welcome the fact that additional rights were added to the list of rights, notably the right to remain silent, which shows again that it is very good that Parliament has codecision possibilities because Parliament preserves the rights of the individual. The measure on the right of information in criminal proceedings, as you know, is part of the Procedural Rights Roadmap and the implementation of this roadmap is one of my top priorities. The letter of rights and right to information is now the second measure adopted; with the right to interpretation and translation having already been adopted. So we are progressing quickly on this issue and I think that is good for the Europe of the citizens and of rights. In some Member States I am asked the question: why do you do this  are those rights not the usual rights that everybody has? Unfortunately it still happens in some Member States that someone can be brought to trial and not know that he has a right to a lawyer or to an interpreter. We have even heard of cases where people have been tried in court and did not know or did not understand what the accusation against them was. With this measure, accused persons will receive a Letter of Rights, in a language they understand, and will be guaranteed to receive adequate information about the charges they face. This is important in today s Europe in which millions of people exercise their right to free movement and travel to other EU Member States, be it to work, for study or for retirement. They need to know, if they find themselves caught up in criminal proceedings, that their rights are protected and that Parliament has helped to do this. In addition, this measure will also play a vital part in promoting mutual trust between justice systems in the EU, which in turn is necessary to enhance judicial cooperation, because without trust this cooperation cannot function. Here, together with those instruments of mutual recognition, we are creating a continent of justice, rights and security for European citizens, and I thank the parliamentarians who make this possible. <BRK> 1-168 ES PRESIDE: MIGUEL NGEL MARTNEZ MARTNEZ Vicepresidente<BRK> 1-169 DE Jan Philipp Albrecht, Verfasser der Stellungnahme des mitberatenden Rechtsausschusses. ( Herr Prsident! Als Berichterstatter des Rechtsausschusses mchte ich auch zunchst meinen Dank an die Berichterstatterin im LIBE-Ausschuss richten  ich glaube, dass wir wirklich eine sehr gute Zusammenarbeit hier im Europischen Parlament hatten, wo wir auch als Rechtsausschuss die Mglichkeit hatten, unsere Vorschlge in das Verfahren mit einzubringen  und natrlich auch an die Kollegen der anderen Fraktionen im LIBE-Ausschuss. Meine Gratulation geht natrlich auch an die Kommissarin fr Justiz und Grundrechte, dass hier jetzt ein neuer Baustein dieses Fahrplans zur Schaffung gemeinsamer Standards im Strafverfahren erreicht wurde. Da sind wir uns, glaube ich, einig, dass das ein sehr wichtiger Schritt auf dem Weg zu diesen gemeinsamen Standards ist. Und es ist ein wichtiger Schritt fr die Brger, denn nur informierte Brger, nur Brger und Brgerinnen, die ihre Rechte kennen, knnen diese Rechte auch wahrnehmen. Deswegen bin ich nun sehr gespannt darauf, welche Rechte wir in Zukunft als europische Brgerinnen und Brger wahrnehmen knnen. Deswegen schaue ich bereits nach vorne und htte gerne, dass wir baldmglichst auch die weiteren Verfahrensschritte, etwa zum Recht auf Zugang zu einem Anwalt, vervollstndigen knnen, wo ich auch als Berichterstatter des Rechtsausschusses und als Schattenberichterstatter im LIBE-Ausschuss dabei sein werde. Ich glaube, das ist extrem wichtig. Ich rufe nochmals auch die Mitgliedstaaten wieder auf, den Widerstand gegenber einzelnen Bestimmungen aufzugeben und sich auf den gemeinsamen Weg zur Schaffung dieser Standards zu begeben. Das ist enorm wichtig. Wir als Parlament stehen da bereit. <BRK> 1-170 RO Elena Oana Antonescu, n numele grupului PPE.  Accesul la informacie al persoanelor suspectate _i nvinuite reprezint un factor cheie n asigurarea unor proceduri penale echitabile. Furnizarea de informacii cu privire la drepturi reprezint platforma de acces la toate drepturile. Pentru a-_i pregti aprarea, o persoan trebuie s cunoasc n detaliu cauza n care este parte incriminat, precum _i dovezile existente. Persoanele suspectate sau nvinuite nu primesc ntotdeauna aceste informacii. Legislacia _i practica judiciar difer considerabil de la un stat membru la altul. n cazul n care persoanele suspectate nu sunt informate n mod corespunztor, procedurile penale pot fi inechitabile, ceea ce poate determina costuri inutile din cauza tergiversrii procedurilor, costuri legate de exercitarea cilor de atac _i de e_uarea cercetrilor penale. Nu exist norme la un nivel suficient, iar cele existente nu sunt puse n aplicare n mod corespunztor. Nici normele minime stabilite n Convencia european pentru aprarea drepturilor omului _i a libertcilor fundamentale, nici Convencia _i nici mecanismul de aplicare al acesteia nu ofer n toate cazurile o proteccie suficient n ceea ce prive_te furnizarea de informacii adecvate privind drepturile _i, n special, nvinuirile. Modul n care statele reflect aceste drepturi n practica nacional nu este uniform. Aceasta ntre_te nevoia de acciune la nivel comunitar. Instrumentele Uniunii, care faciliteaz cooperarea judiciar ntre statele membre, se ntemeiaz pe principiul recunoa_terii reciproce a hotrrilor judectore_ti, iar aceast recunoa_tere semi-automat necesit existenca ncrederii reciproce ntre judectori _i ntre instance. Datele disponibile arat c problema informrii insuficiente este acut, _i nu se limiteaz la anumite state membre. De aceea, prin adoptarea acestei directive, facem nc un pas, deosebit de important, ctre o mai bun proteccie a drepturilor fundamentale n Uniunea European. n ncheiere, doresc s mulcumesc raportoarei _i raportorilor din umbr pentru excelenta colaborare la acest dosar, _i doamnei comisar pentru angajarea dumneaei n adoptarea reglementrilor care mbuntcesc drepturile procesuale ale inculpacilor n procesele penale. <BRK> 1-171 SK Monika Flaakov BeHov, za skupinu S&D.  Eurpsky dohovor o >udskch prvach a Charta zkladnch prv Eurpskej nie ustanovuje aj zkladn prva na obhajobu. Je to naprklad prvo spojie sa s advoktom, prvo na tlmo nka a preklad, prvo bye informovan o obvineniach, i prvo na pravideln prehodnotenie vzby alebo prvo bye predveden pred sd. Aktulny nvrh sa zameriava na zlepaenie prv podozrivch alebo obvinench osb, najm v oblasti informovania o prvach a obvineniach. ZahUHa aj situcie, ke je osoba zatknut na zklade eurpskeho zatkacieho rozkazu na ely trestnho sthania alebo vkonu trestu. Existencia spolo nch minimlnych noriem tkajcich sa tchto prv by mala u>ah ie uplatHovanie zsady vzjomnho uznvania, m by sa zlepailo fungovanie justi nej spoluprce medzi lenskmi attmi Eurpskej nie. Shlasm so stanoviskom Vboru pre prvne veci, pod>a ktorho sa v plne na posilnenie procesnch prv zvolil fragmentlny prstup. Prvo na informcie sa prezentuje ako druh opatrenie tohto plnu, o vedie k nvrhu Komisie, ktor obsahuje polovicu listiny prv a iasto ne vylu uje ostatn prva. Tie sa tkaj prvneho poradenstva a prvnej pomoci, komunikcie s prbuznmi, zamestnvate>mi a konzulrnymi orgnmi, ako aj prva podozrivch i obvinench osb patriacich do kategrie zranite>nch osb. Myslm si, ~e prvo na informcie by sa malo doplnie prve spomenutmi ostatnmi prvami. akujem ve>mi pekne, pani komisrka, za pozornose a dfam, ~e tieto naae nvrhy aj zoh>adnte vo svojej sprve. <BRK> 1-172 EN Sarah Ludford, on behalf of the ALDE Group.  Mr President, I congratulate Ms Sippel as rapporteur for leading us to a successful conclusion and I, as always, welcome the full support and backing of Vice-President Reding. It is clear that a person who is arrested or questioned is in a vulnerable position and deserves to know their rights and how to apply them, but the quality of information provided is often poor. People often do not understand what rights they have, and this ignorance is exacerbated by being a foreigner and not speaking the local language. A particular need, given that we know that there is discrimination in granting of bail, is to know how to contest pre-trial detention. EU laws are needed, backed by enforcement powers, to make concrete the rights theoretically available under the European Convention on Human Rights. Parliament rightly fought for information to be provided as soon as possible, as soon as someone is informed they are a suspect. No one should be left for hours in a police cell to stew without knowing what is happening to them or being able to contact a lawyer or consular help. We also rightly insisted on the accused person or their lawyer having access to all material possessed by police or prosecutors that will be used as evidence, and at an early enough stage for a proper defence to be mounted. Like Vice-President Reding, I believe MEPs success in inserting a right to silence is very important. I am glad that my own country, the UK, has opted into this measure, whatever else it is doing elsewhere, as it did with the first one on the procedural rights road map on the right to interpretation and translation. I am hopeful that the UK will also take part in the third measure on access to legal assistance and advice. The UK has a good record in the field of defence rights, so in this area my country needs to be fully engaged. Of course, we are many years overdue in matching the strengthened cross-border powers of prosecutors with stronger rights for accused persons. I hope that we have put one more brick in the foundations of fair trials across the EU so that miscarriages of justice over measures like the European Arrest Warrants will become a thing of the past. <BRK> 1-173 PL Janusz Wojciechowski, w imieniu grupy ECR.  Panie Przewodniczcy! Rozmawiamy o bardzo potrzebnej dyrektywie. Rzetelny proces wymaga respektowania prawa do obrony, a prawo do obrony mo|e by realizowane tylko wtedy, gdy osoba z niego korzystajca ma peBn informacj na temat tego, jakie prawa w ogle jej przysBuguj. Osoba aresztowana ma utrudnion obron, a jeszcze dodatkowo utrudnion, je[li jest aresztowana w kraju innym ni| jej kraj ojczysty. W zwizku z czym ta peBna informacja powinna by tutaj przedmiotem szczeglnej troski organw [cigania. Akceptujc wszystkie rozwizania dyrektywy, wyra|am tylko obaw, czy z egzekucj bdzie rzeczywi[cie w ka|dym przypadku dobrze, bo dotykamy materii trudnej i delikatnej  niezawisBo[ci wymiaru sprawiedliwo[ci. Mog powsta problemy z rzeczywistym funkcjonowaniem tej dyrektywy w praktyce. Powinien istnie odpowiedni system rozpatrywania skarg na nadu|ycia w stosunku do uprawnieD zawartych w tej dyrektywie. <BRK> 1-174 EN Gerard Batten, on behalf of the EFD Group.  Mr President, this directive includes the right to information for persons facing a European arrest warrant. In the case of an EAW, it will have to be a short letter. Subjects of EAWs effectively have no meaningful rights. Provided that the form has been correctly completed, the court has no power to refuse extradition. The court cannot base its decision on the prima facie evidence  or the lack of it  against the accused person. What is worse is that some people are being extradited, not after being charged, but to face investigation. One of my constituents in London, Dr Miguel-ngel Meizoso, is facing extradition to Spain, not for something that he is alleged to have done, but for something he is accused of that he might possibly do in the future. If you do not believe me, I can give you the case papers. An English court would reject his extradition if it had any power to do so. Giving Dr Meizoso a nice letter will not protect him and will be small consolation. <BRK> 1-175 IT Raffaele Baldassarre (PPE).  Signor Presidente, gentile Commissaria, onorevoli colleghe e colleghi, nonostante tutti gli Stati membri dell'Unione europea debbano rispettare il diritto dei cittadini a un processo equo, le procedure nazionali in materia d'informazione durante i procedimenti penali variano considerevolmente da paese a paese. Alcuni Stati prevedono che gli imputati ricevano solo informazioni orali sui propri diritti processuali, altri forniscono informazioni  soprattutto se tecniche  solo per iscritto o su richiesta dell'accusato. Se consideriamo che nell'Unione europea ogni anno vengono avviati pi di otto milioni di procedimenti penali, semplice constatare l'insufficienza di un sistema d'informazione ancora cos vario ed eterogeneo. Condivido quindi il contenuto e gli obiettivi di questa direttiva. Mi riferisco soprattutto alla regola generale che prevede l'obbligo di fornire informazioni all'imputato sui propri diritti processuali prima dell'inizio del procedimento, con particolare riferimento al diritto di essere assistito da un avvocato e di poter usufruire di traduzioni ufficiali se di altra lingua. Per quanto riguarda la fase successiva all'avvio del procedimento, concordo con i due diritti specifici prescelti: il diritto dell'imputato all'informazione completa sulle accuse a lui rivolte e il suo diritto di accesso al fascicolo della pubblica accusa. Si tratta, infatti, di due condizioni imprescindibili per valutare e contrastare la liceit dell'arresto o della detenzione e per consentire di predisporre la migliore linea difensiva. Mi congratulo quindi con la Commissaria, con la relatrice e i relatori ombra per il lavoro svolto durante i triloghi informali che hanno portato all'approvazione di misure che permetteranno la diffusione e lo sviluppo omogenei dei diritti fondamentali, quali il diritto alla difesa e il diritto a un processo equo. <BRK> 1-177 LT Vilija Blinkevi ikt (S&D).  Pirmiausia sveikinu praneaj u~ puikiai parengt praneaim, kadangi ai direktyva tai tikrai yra did~iulis ~ingsnis / priek/, /tvirtinant teises / informacij baud~iamajame procese, bendrus standartus visoje Europos Sjungoje. Ia tiess neu~tenka tik ~inoti savo teises, labai svarbu, kad jos bkts gerbiamos ir kad jomis bkts galima pasinaudoti realioje situacijoje. Procesinis teisis negerbimas gali labai pakenkti baud~iamojo proceso s~iningumui ir gali atsirasti teisminis klaids. Taigi aia direktyva siekiama, jog bkts u~tikrintas s~iningas bylos nagrinjimas asmens kilms aalyje ar kitoje Europos Sjungos valstybje narje. Be to, bktina laikytis pagrindinis procesinis teisis, pvz., teiss konsultuotis su advokatu arba teiss prireikus naudotis vertimo ~od~iu ar raatu paslaugomis. Siekiant u~tikrinti teising baud~iamj/ proces ir veiksming naudojimsi teise / gynyb, svarbu, kad valstybs nars u~tikrints, jog ir /tariamajam, ir kaltinamajam bkts pateikta pakankamai informacijos apie jo kaltinimus, kaltinimo pobkd/ ir prie~astis. Ypa  svarbu, kad aioje direktyvoje teis / informacij apimts ne vien tik teises, susijusias su teisine konsultacija ar teisine pagalba, ta iau taip pat suteikts teises susisiekti su artimaisiais, giminai iais, darbdaviais ar konsulinmis tarnybomis. <BRK> 1-178 DE Axel Voss (PPE).  Herr Prsident, Frau Kommissarin Reding! Zunchst einmal mchte ich anmerken, dass ich das Ergebnis der Arbeit von Birgit Sippel  auch gemeinsam mit den Berichterstattern  sehr begre. Mit dem Vorschlag werden erfolgreich gemeinsame Mindestnormen fr das Recht auf Belehrung und in Strafverfahren innerhalb der Europischen Union festgelegt. Ich fand von Anfang an, dass die Kommission einen sehr guten Vorschlag gemacht hat. Daher mchte ich insbesondere auch der Kommissarin Reding meine Glckwnsche aussprechen. Ein besonderes Anliegen war mir in diesem Verfahren immer, dass die Rechte des Verdchtigen  insbesondere hinsichtlich des Schweigerechtes  keine negativen Folgen haben, wie das in einzelnen mitgliedstaatlichen Rechten eigentlich so vorgesehen war. Das ist heute gewhrleistet. Darber freue ich mich auch. Im Laufe der Diskussionen zu diesem Bericht wurde es offensichtlich, dass es in vielen Mitgliedstaaten keine gesetzliche Verpflichtung, einen Verdchtigen von seinem Recht auf Rechtsbeistand in Kenntnis zu setzen, gibt und dass auch nur in zehn Mitgliedstaaten ein Verdchtiger in Form einer schriftlichen Mitteilung ber seine Rechte informiert wurde und dass es sogar in drei Mitgliedstaaten die Mglichkeit der Akteneinsicht berhaupt nicht gab. Wenn man dann noch nach Frankreich schaut und die dortige Praxis bezglich der garde vue betrachtet, bei der der Anwalt in der ersten Zeit der Haft gar nicht die Mglichkeit hat vorzudringen, so sieht man, dass wir auf europischer Ebene einiges angleichen mssen und dies auch noch in nchster Zeit leisten sollten. Denn nur so stellen wir nachher das Vertrauen in andersstaatliche Rechtssysteme her und stellen sicher, dass wir dann auch die gegenseitige Anerkennung darauf aufbauen knnen. Ohne dass wir hier ein adquates Level erreicht haben, knnen wir Manahmen wie beispielsweise die europische Ermittlungsanordnung nicht vorantreiben. Mit diesem Bericht haben wir einen groen Schritt in die richtige Richtung getan. Ich beglckwnsche smtliche Beteiligten hierzu. <BRK> 1-179 ES Carmen Romero Lpez (S&D).  Seor Presidente, quiero en primer lugar reconocer a la Comisaria Reding y a la Comisin el esfuerzo que han hecho para que este paquete de garantas procesales se agilice, puesto que llevaba estancado desde hace mucho tiempo y, hasta que la Presidencia sueca no estableci la hoja de ruta, no se ha podido poner en marcha. Evidentemente, un pas demuestra su grado de civilizacin por cmo trata a los sospechosos. Por eso creemos que es muy importante justamente esta propuesta que hoy estamos discutiendo aqu, y quisiera agradecer a Birgit Sippel el esfuerzo que ha hecho por introducir en esta propuesta de Directiva unos elementos que son sustanciales para el sospechoso, para la carta de derechos, es decir, saber de qu se acusa a un sospechoso y establecer, por lo tanto, el derecho al silencio y el derecho a conocer los elementos sustanciales de que se le acusa, adems de, por supuesto, la asistencia mdica, etc. Pero lo que sobre todo me interesa destacar en esta intervencin es el nacimiento de ese derecho, porque ese fue el debate en el derecho a la interpretacin y la traduccin, y ese va a ser el debate en la asistencia letrada a un sospechoso. Cundo nace ese derecho? Cuando la persona sospecha que est acusada de algo, y es muy importante que ese derecho se respete y que el nacimiento del derecho surja en el mismo momento en que la persona tiene conocimiento de que es sospechosa. <BRK> 1-180 RO Ioan Enciu (S&D).  n primul rnd, doresc _i eu s o felicit pe doamna raportoare Sippel pentru munca depus _i pentru excelentul raport _i pe doamna comisar _i vicepre_edint Reding pentru faptul c a propus aceast directiv. Aceast nou directiv rspunde unei probleme reale a cetcenilor romni _i europeni care, cu toate c beneficiaz de libertatea de mi_care n interiorul Uniunii Europene, trebuie s se supun regulilor a 27 de sisteme judiciare. Este nevoie de mai mult armonizare ntre sistemele judiciare att civile, ct _i penale din statele membre, iar primul pas n aceast direccie este stabilirea unor standarde comune n ceea ce prive_te informarea acuzacilor. De mult ori, persoanele acuzate nu cunosc nici limba _i nici drepturile conferite de legislacia nacional a statelor membre, iar acest lucru poate conduce la abuzuri. Un exemplu elocvent este cel al cetcenilor romi din Romnia _i Bulgaria expulzaci din Franca fr ca ei s _tie ce acuzacii li se aduc sau ce drepturi au. Dreptul la interpretare _i la traducere, precum _i cel de a fi informat cu privire la drepturi _i obligacii sunt fundamentale _i ele trebuie s constituie standarde minime obligatorii n toate statele membre. <BRK> 1-181 PL Zbigniew Ziobro (ECR).  Panie Przewodniczcy! Prawo do informacji w postpowaniu karnym dla podejrzanych i oskar|onych nale|y do fundamentw, ktre powinny gwarantowa standardy ka|dego cywilizowanego paDstwa. W zwizku z tym z satysfakcj nale|y odnotowa prac nad niniejszym dokumentem tutaj w Wysokiej Izbie. Jednak wyra|amy satysfakcj, |e tego rodzaju regulacje w zakresie pewnych praw podstawowych s tutaj objte regulacj. Trzeba te| pamita o stronie, ktra nie zostaBa tutaj uwzgldniona, a te| zasBuguje na uwag, mianowicie o sytuacji osb pokrzywdzonych, ktre niejednokrotnie rwnie| znajduj si w podobnej, niezwykle trudnej dla nich sytuacji i nie uzyskuj stosownych informacji, mimo |e staj si ofiarami czasami nawet okrutnych przestpstw. Zdarza si, |e ofiarami takich przestpstw padaj w paDstwach, w ktrych s go[mi, turystami, w ktrych nie s w stanie porusza si i broni swoich racji i praw ze wzgldu na barier jzykow. My nie mo|emy o nich zapomina, nie mo|emy doprowadzi do pewnych dysproporcji pomidzy prawami pokrzywdzonego, a oskar|onego. Pamitajmy o tym, |e osoby pokrzywdzone czsto s pzniej pokrzywdzone powtrnie (mwi si o tym w nauce jako o  wiktymizacji powtrnej ) na skutek bezduszno[ci dziaBania organw wymiaru sprawiedliwo[ci, ktre nie szanuj ich praw do informacji, praw do tego, by roztoczy nad nimi opiek, bo one powinny by na pierwszym planie. Bywa, |e przestpca, czsto dziaBajcy w ramach grupy zorganizowanej z peBn premedytacj i [wiadomo[ci tego co czyni, w niektrych systemach prawnych ma wiksze prawa ni| jego ofiara. My musimy si gBo[no upomina w tej Izbie o prawa ofiary. Zwracam si do pani komisarz, by zechciaBa si tak|e zaanga|owa w proces na rzecz ofiar, na rzecz tych wszystkich, ktrzy padaj wBa[nie ofiar ci|kich przestpstw, a pzniej aparat paDstwa ich caBkowicie lekcewa|y, rwnie| w Europie. To zobowizuje nas do zmiany, pani komisarz. Zrbmy co[ z tym. <BRK> 1-182 RO Elena Bsescu (PPE).  Legislacia n materie penal din statele membre trebuie s ia n considerare totalitatea drepturilor care decurg din cetcenia european. n acest context, atrag atencia asupra amendamentului 4, care specific dreptul la traducere _i interpretare. Este o aplicare a principiului multilingvismului prevzut n tratatele fondatoare care guverneaz toate domeniile de activitate ale Uniunii. Dreptul la un aprtor din oficiu, enuncat prin aceea_i modificare, reprezint codificarea european a unui principiu care garanteaz accesul la justicie. Este nevoie de armonizarea legislaciilor din statele membre pentru a asigura financarea necesar acestei msuri. Suscin furnizarea unui exemplar al listei de drepturi fiecrei persoane recinute sau arestate. Consider c, n acest moment, aceast categorie nu beneficiaz de nivelul minim de informare pentru a avea un proces echitabil. <BRK> 1-183 EN Phil Prendergast (S&D).  Mr President, judicial cooperation in the EU means that, just as criminals must not find ways of exploiting differences in the judicial systems of Member States, we must also ensure that people who are arrested or charged with a crime in another Member State do not suffer because of the differences in the legal systems. This directive will reinforce mutual trust between Member States and will contribute to ensuring that, whenever someone is arrested or detained in Europe, they will be guaranteed a uniform level of information about proceedings. Member States must ensure that those arrested or detained in their territories are given prompt, detailed information about their rights. Even though all Member States are signatories of the European Convention on Human Rights, human rights abuses still unfortunately occur within our territories. By passing this directive we are strengthening our trust in one another s legal systems and helping to protect our citizens wherever they may be in Europe. <BRK> 1-184 SK Jaroslav Paaka (EFD).  Ak sa ob an v inej krajine Eurpskej nie dostane do situcie, ~e je obvinen z trestnej innosti, asto dnes nem ani elementrne predstavy o tom, s m bude v trestnom konan konfrontovan. Preto smernica Eurpskeho parlamentu a Rady, ktor definuje popri vaeobecnom prve astnka bye informovan o procesnch prvach, dva aj dva osobitn druhy prv. Prvo bye informovan o obvineniach a prvo na prstup k procesnmu spisu je vraznm krokom k tomu, aby trestn konanie vo vzeahu k obvinenmu prebiehalo v rmci krajn Eurpskej nie aspoH v zkladnch rtch pod>a prbuznch pravidiel. Dodr~iavanie spolo nch minimlnych noriem v svislosti s prvom na informcie v trestnom konan tie~ umo~n verejnm orgnom vyhne sa pochybeniam, ktor by neskr mohli ohrozie dveru, korektnose a zkonnose trestnho konania. Predlo~en smernica o prve na informcie v trestnom konan iste prispeje k vraznmu zlepaeniu prv ob anov Eurpskej nie v trestnom konan. <BRK> 1-185 DE Andreas Mlzer (NI).  Herr Prsident! Eigentlich sollte man annehmen, dass in einer Europischen Union, in der das Recht auf ein faires Verfahren und auf Verteidigung doppelt  nmlich in der Grundrechtecharta und in der Europischen Menschenrechtskonvention  verankert ist, die Belehrung ber Rechte im Strafverfahren problemlos funktioniert. Allein die Brokratie konnte bei europaweit acht Millionen Strafverfahren jhrlich wohl nicht mit der Mobilisierung Schritt halten. Seitdem die Kommission auf das Problem aufmerksam wurde, dass EU-Brger in einem anderen Mitgliedstaat nicht in einer ihnen verstndlichen Sprache ber elementare Grundrechte aufgeklrt werden, hat sich die Situation allerdings erheblich verbessert. Allein in manchen Staaten erfolgt die Belehrung nur mndlich, in anderen schriftlich in einer derart komplizierten Sprache  Amtsdeutsch wrde man bei uns sagen , dass man selbst in der Muttersprache ohne juristische Vorkenntnisse kaum etwas versteht. Es ist also zu begren, wenn die Rechtsbelehrung nun in den EU-Sprachen in schriftlicher Form und in verstndlicher Formulierung ausgehndigt wird  nicht allein dass damit Dolmetscherkosten gespart werden, sondern diese einfache Manahme kann wohl auch dazu verhelfen, Justizirrtmer zu vermeiden, und das ist gut so. <BRK> 1-186 EN Nicole Sinclaire (NI).  Mr President, many of my constituents will be amazed to learn that a right to a lawyer or a phone call needs a directive in the European Union. We are fortunate in the UK to have comprehensive legal rights. My constituents may well just ask themselves what type of Union their country is part of. Where they actually see the EU fall down  and this has terribly been mentioned by some of my colleagues this evening  is the European Arrest Warrant, where British citizens are brought before British courts who are powerless to take any action to stop what they can clearly see is unfair treatment by other EU countries. The need for this directive shows that their legal systems are not up to scratch. When are we going to protect ourselves and leave the European Union? <BRK> 1-187 EN Viviane Reding, Vice-President of the Commission. ( Mr President, it is very rare that in this House all political groups from the right to the left and the centre agree upon a measure. This seems to be the case on this one so I am very glad that tomorrow it looks like an overwhelming majority will endorse the decision, as was the case in the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs. The sooner this directive is adopted and comes into force, the better it will be. Of course its full transposition in all Member States also needs to be done in a very quick way and it will be a strong message, a message that Europe is serious about protecting citizens rights. I know that most of you who have spoken today are already working on the third measure of the procedural rights road map, the access to a lawyer, and on the right to communicate upon detention. I am confident that the Parliament will help the Commission on this subject because there are some Member States who are objecting to the presence of a lawyer. I am counting on the help of the European Parliament in order to strike a fair balance in this proposal between the rights of the defence and the need to conduct criminal investigations effectively. I think that this is in the text. If it has to be improved, then I am in the hands of Parliament in order to make a better text, but a text there should be. So thank you for endorsing this one, thank you in advance for voting in favour of it tomorrow, and thank you for helping me with the next steps. <BRK> 1-188 DE Birgit Sippel, Berichterstatterin. ( Herr Prsident! Ich glaube, Frau Reding hat es schon gesagt, die Diskussion heute hat nochmal das unterstrichen, was der einstimmige Beschluss im LIBE-Ausschuss deutlich gemacht hat, dass nmlich die Strkung der Verfahrensrechte ein gemeinsames fraktions- und gewissermaen grenzberschreitendes Anliegen ist. Deshalb hoffe ich  und bin da sehr zuversichtlich  , dass wir auch bei der nchsten Manahme, beim Recht auf Zugang zu einem Anwalt, gemeinsam eine gute Vorlage von der Kommission bekommen, diese Vorlage noch weiter verbessern und in der Auseinandersetzung mit dem Rat dann wiederum eine sehr gute Richtlinie erreichen knnen. Hierfr wnsche ich der Berichterstatterin, Frau Antonescu, alles Gute, und ich glaube, sie kann sich auf die Untersttzung hier im Hause verlassen. <BRK> 1-189 ES El Presidente. ( Se cierra el debate. La votacin tendr lugar maana martes a las 12.00 horas. <BRK> 1-190 BG <hidden>18 - 4=><8=CB=8 87:0720=8O ?> 2J?@>A8 A ?>;8B8G5A:0 7=0G8<>AB</hidden> ES 18 - Intervenciones de un minuto sobre asuntos de importancia poltica CS <hidden>18 - Jednominutov projevy k dole~itm politickm otzkm</hidden> DA <hidden>18 - Indlg af et minuts varighed om politisk vigtige sager</hidden> DE <hidden>18 - Ausfhrungen von einer Minute zu wichtigen politischen Fragen</hidden> ET <hidden>18 - heminutilised snavtud poliitiliselt olulistel teemadel</hidden> EL <hidden>18 -       </hidden> EN <hidden>18 - One-minute speeches on matters of political importance</hidden> FR <hidden>18 - Interventions d'une minute sur des questions politiques importantes</hidden> IT <hidden>18 - Interventi di un minuto su questioni di rilevanza politica</hidden> LV <hidden>18 - Vienas minktes runas par politiski svar+giem jautjumiem</hidden> LT <hidden>18 - Vienos minuts pasisakymai svarbiais politiniais klausimais</hidden> HU <hidden>18 - Egyperces felszlalsok fontos politikai krdsekben</hidden> MT <hidden>18 - Interventi ta' minuta dwar affarijiet ta' importanza politika</hidden> NL <hidden>18 - Opmerkingen van n minuut over kwesties van politiek belang</hidden> PL <hidden>18 - Jednominutowe wypowiedzi w znaczcych kwestiach politycznych</hidden> PT <hidden>18 - Intervenes de um minuto sobre questes polticas importantes</hidden> RO <hidden>18 - Intervencii de un minut privind chestiuni politice importante</hidden> SK <hidden>18 - Jednomintov vystpenia k otzkam politickho vznamu</hidden> SL <hidden>18 - Enominutni govori o zadevah politi nega pomena</hidden> FI <hidden>18 - Minuutin puheenvuorot poliittisesti trkeist asioista</hidden> SV <hidden>18 - Anfranden p en minut om frgor av politisk vikt</hidden> 1-191 ES El Presidente. ( El siguiente punto son las intervenciones de un minuto sobre asuntos de importancia poltica (artculo 150 del Reglamento). <BRK> 1-192 GA Sen Kelly (PPE).  A Uachtarin, go raibh maith agat as ucht an seans a thabhairt dom cpla focal a r faoi iompar na mbanc in irinn. <BRK> 1-193 EN Sen Kelly (PPE).  As everybody knows, the banks were primarily responsible for many of the woes, particularly in my own country. They have been bailed out, but they have shown no such interest in bailing out many of their clients who are now in an unfortunate position because of the recession, which the banks were instrumental in causing. Particularly I want to highlight the activities of those who have been put into receivership and how they are being treated by the receivers. At the weekend I was contacted by four different people about the behaviour of these receivers who go into people s yards  particularly agricultural contractors and farmers who live in isolated areas  frighten the living daylights out of them, ignore all protocol, take machinery etc., turn out the lights, and do enormous damage and a great deal of threatening, both in language and indeed in physical activity. It is not good enough and I want to highlight it. <BRK> 1-194 ES Andrs Perell Rodrguez (S&D).  Seor Presidente, mientras la Unin Europea anuncia que va a dedicar 80000 millones de euros a la investigacin, el Gobierno de la Comunidad Valenciana en Espaa le retira la financiacin, hasta dejarlo extenuado, al Centro Prncipe Felipe de investigacin biomdica, un centro que fue posible gracias a los Fondos Estructurales de la Unin Europea. Esto lo denuncio aqu porque se convierte en una paradoja indecente, porque mientras no hay cinco millones para este centro de investigacin, para sus programas de investigacin sobre el cncer, sobre el alzhimer, sobre el prkinson, hay quince millones para la Frmula1 y tres millones y medio para un campeonato de golf. Quiz este Parlamento tendra que indicar a los Estados que la crisis no vale para justificar todo, an menos acciones de gobierno inhumanas, y que, desde luego, la austeridad no tiene que ser la puerta que permita a los polticos cometer indecencias. Esas paradojas son las que no podemos soportar, y la Unin Europea tendra que hacerse eco de ellas para que este tipo de cuestiones, en algunos Estados y en algunas comunidades, no pasen. <BRK> 1-195 EN Graham Watson (ALDE).  Mr President, the European Food Safety Authority is investigating health claims on food products, the so-called Article13 claims. This is very important for citizens. Their NDA Panel which does this work has rejected, however, 95% of claims for plant-based foods  maybe in many cases with good reason  but among the claims rejected is the claim that prunes have a laxative effect. Now according to the NDA there is no cause and effect between eating prunes and normal bowel function. I have asked the Commission if it is satisfied with the criteria and the methodology used for testing such claims because I know that prunes contain two substances, sorbitol and dihydrophenylisatin, which have laxative effects. But most of our constituents do not require a scientific test. So I would ask you, Mr VicePresident, if you would, on our behalf, challenge Commissioner Dalli to a pruneeating contest so that he can see for himself. <BRK> 1-196 ES El Presidente. ( S, seor Watson, pero me figuro que no quiere usted que ni yo ni usted entremos en la pugna con el Comisario Dalli. En todo caso, le pediremos que se someta l al test, pero sin entrar en una competicin con los parlamentarios. <BRK> 1-197 LT Valdemar Tomaaevski (ECR).  Nor iau atkreipti dmes/ / savivaldybis teisis apribojimus, kuriuos jos patyr Lietuv valdant dabartinei konservatoris ir liberals koalicijai. Dl sunkme io ir vyriausybs neveiklumo kai kurios savivaldybs stengiasi savarankiakai suteikti savo gyventojams finansin param. Deja, praeit savait vyriausybs atstovas pareikalavo, kad Vilniaus rajono savivaldyb ataaukts 2009m. sprendim, pagal kur/ subsidijuojamos aildymo ialaidos gyventojams. Tai yra vyriausybs kiaimasis / savivaldybis kompetencij ir aiurkatus Europos savivaldybis chartijos pa~eidimas. Deja, ne pirmas. Iki aiol mano aalyje savivaldybs negali savarankiakai disponuoti finansais ir ~eme. Net ma~iausio ~ems sklypo panaudojimas savivaldos tikslais reikalauja atskiro vyriausybs leidimo. Naudodamasis Europarlamentaro tribkna, praaau Europos regions komitet, savivaldos organizacijas apginti savivaldybis teises, kuris nepais dabartin Lietuvos vyriausyb. <BRK> 1-198 EL   (EFD).   ,   2011       ,    ,         .                    .                       .             .      ,               .    ,            :   ,   ,      ! <BRK> 1-199 RO Corneliu Vadim Tudor (NI).  Economi_tii sunt acei oameni care ne nvac ce s facem cu banii pe care nu i avem. Toat lumea vorbe_te despre criz de parc ea ar fi o fatalitate. Exist unii care chiar a_a spun - alternativa la criz este rzboiul: alegeci! Ei bine, nu este chiar a_a. Poate c acest racionament era valabil pn n 1945, ntr-o perioad cnd dezechilibrele se rezolvau brutal, prin forc, n sensul c un scandal mare se acoper printr-un scandal _i mai mare. ntre timp, ns, a aprut Uniunea European, adic acea form de organizare care are datoria s evite rzboiul _i s previn ori s limiteze drastic criza. Totu_i, ceea ce n-au luat n calcul princii fondatori ai Uniunii Europene este lcomia uman. Dac acum 60 de ani averea ntregului clan Kennedy era de 400 de milioane de dolari, astzi ntlnim bogcii fabuloase. Pe planet triesc circa 1500 de miliardari n dolari. nchei cu o meditacie a Sfntului Augustin: bogacii vor ajunge n rai cnd i vor introduce acolo sracii. <BRK> 1-200 EL   (PPE).   ,                    .             .     ,        9    .       '               . :          .        ,     ,       .          .  .              ,      .  !      ;    ,  ,  ,  ,     ,         .        ,       . <BRK> 1-201 LV Alexander Mirsky (S&D).  Godtais priekasdtj, godtie kol#i! Pirms ned<as es biju atgriezies no Krievijas, kur pats redzju, k notika Parlamenta vlaanas. K<kdas un prkpumi nevarja kardinli ietekmt rezulttu, tomr aodien Krievij notiek demonstrcijas un Eiropas Parlament tiek gatavota rezolkcija. Pirms pieFemt lmumu, ir jzina, ka demonstrcijas Krievij ir organizjuai divi bijuaie premjerministri, un viFu mr7is nav demokrtija, bet tikai vara. Bet viFi jau bija pie varas un k<uva par <oti bagtiem cilvkiem. Mums nevajag iejaukties Krievijas iekajs liets. Tas ir mu<7+gi, un mums ir jmekl cits ce<a. Paldies par uzman+bu! <BRK> 1-202 SK Sergej Kozlk (ALDE).  Maarsko v minulom roku bez dohody so susednmi krajinami jednostranne prijalo neatandardn pravu attneho ob ianstva, ktor je pride>ovan na etnickom zklade bez skuto nej vzby ob ana s tmto attom. Ke~e Maarsko odmietlo a naalej odklad komunikciu v tejto zle~itosti, prijala Slovensk republika patri n pravu tkajcu sa ob ianstva. Tto zahUHa princp zniku attneho ob ianstva Slovenskej republiky dobrovo>nm nadobudnutm ob ianstva inho attu. Tento princp nie je v rozpore s eurpskymi normami, naopak je obsiahnut v Eurpskom dohovore o ob ianstve a obsahuje ho aj legislatva viacerch lenskch attov Eurpskej nie. Odpor am preto maarskm kolegom v Eurpskom parlamente, aby namiesto hysterickch nacionalistickch vstupov radaej zatla ili na vldu v Budapeati s cie>om zapo ae korektn rokovania v tejto otzke so susednmi attmi. <BRK> 1-203 EN Charles Tannock (ECR).  Mr President, I wish to express my concern about two important elections which took place this week. In the Democratic Republic of Congo, there have been serious concerns about the activities of the CENI, the electoral commission, with accusations of widespread fraud in favour of the incumbent, President Joseph Kabila, and a lot of serious violence has broken out. International observers on the ground are demanding more transparency and the publication of the results at local level, and the High Representative must insist on this if the EU is to unequivocally recognise the results. Similarly in Russia  parliamentary elections  there have been widespread protests at the allegations of massive fraud, again carried out in favour of Putin s United Russia party. The scale is so large that there are grounds to believe, a bit like in Ukraine in 2005, that the outcome of the election would have been completely different. So there is also reason to demand now a re-run of these parliamentary elections in Russia, otherwise the presidential election next year will be a total farce. <BRK> 1-204 DE Andreas Mlzer (NI).  Herr Prsident! Erst vor wenigen Wochen hat ja die EU-Kommission die Baltisch-Adriatische Achse auf die Liste der in den nchsten Jahren zu frdernden Groprojekte gesetzt. Diese Nord-Sd-Achse mit nahezu 2000km Gesamtlnge verbindet fast 50Millionen Menschen in zehn EU-Staaten. Sie umfasst 85Ballungsrume und Wirtschaftszentren, 138See- und Binnenhfen sowie 28Grenzbergnge zu Drittlndern und zhlt mit rund 24Mio.t Gteraufkommen pro Jahr zu den wichtigsten Alpenquerungen. Diese Fakten veranschaulichen sehr gut, welch positiven Effekt die Baltisch-Adriatische Achse fr die daran beteiligen Lnder haben wird. Sie wird die stlichen EU-Mitgliedstaaten nher an das Zentrum Europas heranfhren und sie besser anbinden, und dies fhrt nicht nur zu einem Wirtschaftswachstum in den Anrainerstaaten, sondern auch zur Strkung des Binnenmarkts. Neben einer weiteren Chance zur Verlagerung des Gterverkehrs von der Strae auf die Schiene wird sie vor allem auch fr den Personenverkehr die Reisezeiten drastisch verkrzen. Dies erffnet neue Perspektiven fr den Tourismus und bietet fr uns alle somit eine verbesserte Mglichkeit des gegenseitigen Kennenlernens. <BRK> 1-205 PL Danuta JazBowiecka (PPE).  Panie Przewodniczcy! 11 pazdziernika 2011 r. byBa premier Ukrainy Julia Tymoszenko zostaBa uznana za winn i skazana na siedem lat pozbawienia wolno[ci. Ponadto sd orzekB o zakazie zajmowania stanowisk publicznych na okres trzech lat oraz zobowizaB j do wpBacenia odszkodowania na rzecz Naftohazu. Od tego czasu byBa premier przebywa w wizieniu czekajc na kolejne procesy. 1 grudnia 2011 r. sd apelacyjny odrzuciB odwoBanie Tymoszenko, a tak|e nie zgodziB si na jej wypuszczenie z wizienia ze wzgldu na stan zdrowia. Kolejne orzeczenia sdw [wiadcz o tym, |e w otoczeniu prezydenta Ukrainy podjto decyzj, aby nie reagowa na propozycje skBadane przez Uni Europejsk, midzy innymi zmiany prawa karnego i umorzenia sprawy Tymoszenko lub te| uznania jej apelacji. Wyrok skazujcy przewidujcy utrzymanie aresztu wskazuje, |e dla Partii Regionw wa|niejsze s kwestie polityki wewntrznej. Przetrzymywanie byBej premier w wizieniu oznacza faktyczn izolacj Ukrainy na Zachodzie. Jednak odmowa zmiany kodeksu karnego przez kontrolowany przez Janukowycza Parlament, kolejne wytaczane procesy oraz odrzucanie apelacji wskazuj, i| obz wBadzy nie ma zamiaru uwolni byBej premier, ktra przetrzymywana jest w wizieniu w skandalicznych warunkach, a dostp do niej jest ograniczony. Zarwno Komisja Europejska, jak i Parlament Europejski nie powinny zapomnie o sprawie, a z Brukseli i Strasburga... (Przewodniczcy odebraB posBance gBos) <BRK> 1-206 EN Kriton Arsenis (S&D).  Mr President, just yesterday morning in Durban a decision was made in the climate negotiations for a second commitment period for the Kyoto Protocol. The developed countries  the Annex I countries  have now to commit to the new commitments for emission reductions by May 2012. We have to bridge a big emission gap. The developing countries have delivered. We asked them for a road map for a legally binding global agreement. They delivered this road map. By 2015 there will be an agreement, but now it is up to us, the developed countries. Now it is up to the EU to deliver as well. We have to commit to a 30% reduction of our greenhouse emissions by 2012. This will allow us to create jobs and to stay globally competitive. <BRK> 1-207 EN Kristiina Ojuland (ALDE).  Mr President, the Kremlin deceived the people of Russia in a number of ways at the State Duma elections a week ago. Firstly, the people were not granted free elections as provided for in the constitution, because Putin s government refused to register a number of political parties that wished to participate in the elections. Secondly, the counting of the votes on the election day was fraudulent. There are reports which say that United Russia received much less than 49.54% of the votes. International organisations of which Russia is a member cannot approve that. The people of Russia are entitled to demand their constitutional rights, namely that the government adheres to the principles of democracy, which ought to be a cornerstone for every member of the Council of Europe and the OSCE, including Russia. Therefore the results of the State Duma elections in Russia should be deemed null and void. <BRK> 1-208 HU Csand Szegedi (NI).  Tisztelt KpviselQtrsaim! Engedjk meg, hogy felszlalsomban Kozlk kpviselQtrsam provokatv felszlalsra is vlaszoljak. n mr itt Strasbourgban, ebben a teremben kezdemnyeztem a szlovk nyelvtrvny ltrehozsa utn, illetve a Benea-dekrtumok letben tartsa utn azt, hogy Szlovkit rszestse az Eurpai Uni valamilyen szankciban. Mrmost Szlovkia, mivel nem rszeslt szankciban, folytatja az mokfutst. s mondjuk ki, hogy Szlovkinak, a szlovk kormnynak az a clja, hogy a tbb mint flmillis felvidki magyarsgot leradrozza Felvidk trkprQl. Ennek rdekben mg azt is megteszik, hogy sorra vonjk meg a szlovk llampolgrsgot felvidki magyar emberektQl. A szlovk kormny embertelensgt az is mutatja, hogy az elmlt hten egy 100 ves magyar tantnQtQl vontk meg a szlovk llampolgrsgot. s mindaddig folytatni fogja ezt a sovn, magyarellenes, rasszista hozzllst Szlovkia, amg vagy pnzbntetsben, vagy valamilyen szankciban nem rszesti az Eurpai Uni. Akr legyen ez az Eurpai Uni tagsgbl val ideiglenes felfggesztse is. Ksznm szpen a figyelmket! <BRK> 1-209 SK Anna Zborsk (PPE).  Dlhov krza je krzou dvery. Investori na finan nch trhoch sa boja po~i ae alaie peniaze vldam, ktor nezodpovedne zvyaovali svoje vdavky. Nerealizovanm reforiem zvyaovali zadl~enose verejnho sektora. Ke~e ekonomiky lenskch attov E s prepojen, je potrebn njse sprvnu rovnovhu medzi zodpovednoseou attov za hospodrenie a solidaritou, ke hroz ekonomickmu a socilnemu poriadku rozvrat v niektorom z lenskch attov. Masvne intervencie Eurpskej centrlnej banky sa vaak nesm stae atandardnm opatrenm, ktor bud atty vyu~vae v~dy, ke sa dostan do problmov v dsledku zlej hospodrskej politiky. Malo by to katastroflne dsledky nielen pre Eurpu, ale pre cel svet. Je potrebn vyu~ie existujci prvny rmec zalo~en na Lisabonskej zmluve. Zvolanie novho konventu a sria rokovan vy~aduje omnoho viac asu, ne~ m dnes Eurpa k dispozcii. <BRK> 1-210 RO Vasilica Viorica Dncil (S&D).  Partidul aflat la guvernare n Romnia a luat decizia, prin asumarea rspunderii de ctre guvernul de la Bucure_ti, fr nici o alt consultare cu celelalte partide sau o dezbatere pe aceast tem, de a comasa alegerile locale cu cele parlamentare. Acest proiect de lege este ilegal _i abuziv deoarece amnarea alegerilor locale ncalc mai multe prevederi legale n vigoare conform crora prelungirea datei alegerilor locale se poate face doar n caz de rzboi sau catastrof, iar Romnia nu este n niciuna din aceste dou situacii. Amnarea alegerilor locale are _i un profund caracter antidemocratic, deoarece standardele n materie electoral elaborate la nivel european resping amnarea alegerilor la termen, conform Convenciei pentru standardele, drepturile _i libertcile electorale de la Venecia din 2010. Consider c aceast situacie fr precedent iese din tiparele democraciei, este un atac asupra valorilor europene _i trebuie s determine reaccii att din partea societcii civile din Romnia, dar _i a Uniunii Europene _i a altor organisme internacionale care cred n libertate _i democracie. <BRK> 1-211 EN Mairead McGuinness (PPE).  Mr President, tomorrow we will debate the outcome of the summit of Thursday and Friday, but in advance of that could I suggest that we need to change the public narrative around solving our current difficulties, because I believe that this will not happen in one step or one meeting, which is what is portrayed in the general public debate, but rather by incremental change, which is what has been happening over time. I think we need to say that very openly to our citizens, rather than believing that each meeting will be the final solution to a crisis which has taken ten years to make and therefore will take a lengthy time to actually be resolved. So let me say to the media commentators and the market analysts who in a headline or in 500words declare that this must be solved this week: it will not happen. It will happen slowly and we will have to do it working together. Europe united can and will come to a solution. <BRK> 1-212 EN Ivailo Kalfin (S&D).  Mr President, the decisions of the European Council last week did not reassure the financial markets. This is not surprising, given the slow speed with which the right decisions are presented and the lack of political courage and vision of the European leaders. The very concept of how to tackle the issue of financial stability is going in the wrong direction. Confidence and stability suggest quick action. There is no time to create new institutions and unclear procedures and even less to change the European Union Treaty. The right approach is not to restrict the circle of countries who endeavour to stabilise the euro, but the opposite, to expand that circle. Countries like the United States, Japan, China and Brazil, which really have an interest in the stability of the euro currency, should be involved in this effort. The IMF is able to provide a platform for such an intervention. It should be allowed to conclude agreements to finance the countries with balance of payments problems. In parallel, the restricted use of Eurobonds, the European Stability Mechanism and the activity of the European Central Bank can provide the necessary robust financial resource which is needed. <BRK> 1-213 IT Gianni Vattimo (ALDE).  Signor Presidente, desidero ancora una volta attirare l'attenzione del Parlamento sulla sempre pi grave situazione della ferrovia Torino-Lione e dei lavori che si svolgono in Valle di Susa. I fondi europei  come ho spesso segnalato  sono stati concessi al governo italiano, quale contributo europeo, in base a informazioni del tutto false. Si detto che le comunit locali erano state debitamente consultate, e non vero; si detto che i lavori erano cominciati, e non vero. L'unica cosa che stata fatta stato militarizzare la Valle di Susa, dichiarata di recente zona d'interesse strategico quasi come un'occupazione militare. Molti cittadini della valle hanno presentato numerose petizioni, invitando il Parlamento europeo a smettere di fidarsi delle informazioni della Commissione esecutiva e del Consiglio perch sono complici del governo italiano in tutta questa manovra. La popolazione locale non vuole  giustamente  questa ferrovia per una molteplicit di ragioni, esposte in importantissimi studi di esperti. Bisogna ora che il Parlamento mandi una commissione in Valle di Susa affinch prenda visione della situazione cos come . <BRK> 1-214 RO Claudiu Ciprian Tnsescu (S&D).  Am fost neplcut surprins de scandalul produselor bio false _i mai ales de amploarea filierei care comercializa produsele respective n ntreaga Europ. Este un semnal de alarm nu numai pentru Romnia _i Italia, cri din care s-a achizicionat materia prim, dar _i pentru ntreaga Uniune European. n contextul n care se vehiculeaz c aproximativ 700 de mii de tone de produse fals etichetate ca fiind ecologice au fost vndute pe teritoriul Europei, m tem de impactul acestor fapte asupra consumatorilor _i, mai ales, m ngrijoreaz amprenta acestui incident asupra unui ntreg sector alimentar. Mereu militm pentru informarea corect _i complet a consumatorilor ns, de data aceasta, msurile pe care le vom lua vor trebui s reasigure consumatorii c astfel de lucruri nu se vor mai produce. Este necesar un control mai riguros, o monitorizare mai strict a tranzacciilor cu produse ecologice n cadrul Uniunii Europene. n plus, de acum ncolo trebuie s fim mult mai atenci pentru ca astfel de incidente s nu apar _i n alte sectoare. <BRK> 1-215 RO Rovana Plumb (S&D).  Doresc s v atrag atencia asupra faptului c astzi guvernul Romniei a decis s legifereze comasarea alegerilor locale _i parlamentare n anul 2012 prin angajarea rspunderii, fr dezbatere n Parlament _i prin prelungirea nejustificat a mandatelor ale_ilor locali. Organizarea la aceea_i dat a alegerilor locale _i parlamentare contravine spiritului recomandrilor europene. Mai mult dect att, caracterul nedemocratic al acestei acciuni de comasare rezult _i din convenciile europene _i m refer la Comisia de la Venecia care spune clar c nu se poate legifera o schimbare nainte cu un an de data cnd au loc alegerile. n contextul n care n Europa avem attea probleme, trebuie s gsim solucii de ie_ire din criz, n care contextul internacional este att de volatil, avem nevoie de sprijinul dumneavoastr _i de monitorizarea atent a evenimentelor din Romnia, _tiind _i con_tienci fiind de faptul c suntem interesaci s avem legitimitatea guvernelor din Uniunea European. <BRK> 1-216 ES Luis Yez-Barnuevo Garca (S&D).  Seor Presidente, el Gobierno portugus acaba de introducir el peaje obligatorio en la autova que une la regin lusa del Algarve con la regin espaola de Andaluca, lo que ha provocado un unnime malestar y rechazo, tanto del lado portugus como del lado espaol, ya que se trata de una va muy transitada por europeos de ambas naciones y de terceros pases, que utilizan esa zona de privilegiada naturaleza y clima como lugar de residencia habitual o de vacaciones. La medida ha producido sorpresa porque la construccin de dicha autova se financi con fondos europeos, y tambin un efecto muy negativo en el transporte, en el comercio, en el turismo, razn por la cual el Presidente de la Junta de Andaluca, Jos Antonio Grin, ha expresado su malestar y su protesta. Instamos desde aqu a la Comisin Europea, as como al nuevo Gobierno espaol y al Gobierno portugus, ambos del PPE, a que revoquen dicha medida o a que, por lo menos, emprendan acciones de compensacin para las pequeas y medianas empresas y los trabajadores afectados. <BRK> 1-217 BG <hidden>19 - 0@85@8 ?@54 BJ@3>28OB0 8 8=25AB8F88B5 (:@0B:> ?@54AB02O=5) </hidden> ES 19 - Barreras al comercio y a la inversin (breve presentacin) CS <hidden>19 - PYek~ky v oblasti obchodu a investic (krtk pYednesen) </hidden> DA <hidden>19 - Hindringer for handel og investering (kortfattet forelggelse) </hidden> DE <hidden>19 - Handels- und Investitionshemmnisse (kurze Darstellung) </hidden> ET <hidden>19 - Kaubandus- ja investeerimistkked (lhiettekanne) </hidden> EL <hidden>19 -       ( ) </hidden> EN <hidden>19 - Trade and investment barriers (short presentation) </hidden> FR <hidden>19 - Barrires aux changes et aux investissements (brve prsentation) </hidden> IT <hidden>19 - Ostacoli agli scambi e agli investimenti (breve presentazione) </hidden> LV <hidden>19 - `7ra<i tirdzniec+bai un ieguld+jumiem (+ss izklsts) </hidden> LT <hidden>19 - Kliktys prekybai ir investicijoms (trumpas pristatymas) </hidden> HU <hidden>19 - Kereskedelmi s befektetsi akadlyok (rvid ismertets) </hidden> MT <hidden>19 - Ostakli g'all-kummer  u l-investiment (pre|entazzjoni qasira) </hidden> NL <hidden>19 - Handels- en investeringsbelemmeringen (korte presentatie) </hidden> PL <hidden>19 - Bariery w handlu i inwestycjach (krtka prezentacja) </hidden> PT <hidden>19 - Barreiras ao comrcio e ao investimento (breve apresentao) </hidden> RO <hidden>19 - Obstacolele din calea comerului i a investiiilor (prezentare succint) </hidden> SK <hidden>19 - Obchodn a investi n prek~ky (stru n prezentcia) </hidden> SL <hidden>19 - Trgovinske ovire in ovire za nalo~be (kratka predstavitev) </hidden> FI <hidden>19 - Kaupan ja investointien esteet (lyhyt esittely) </hidden> SV <hidden>19 - Hinder fr handel och investeringar (kortfattad redogrelse) </hidden> 1-218 ES El Presidente. ( El siguiente punto es la breve presentacin del informe de Robert Sturdy, en nombre de la Comisin de Comercio Internacional, sobre las barreras al comercio y a la inversin [2011/2115(INI)] (A7-0365/2011). <BRK> 1-219 EN Robert Sturdy, rapporteur. ( Mr President, in February of this year, the European Commission published its trade and investment barriers report which highlighted its priorities for action on breaking down barriers to trade. The report itself provided a comprehensive overview of the challenges the EU faces as a result of the vast array of non-tariff barriers (NTBs). Despite real efforts to free up trade, our policy strategy has focused primarily on the dismantling of tariffs. But the persistence of these costly and burdensome barriers is ever present and more worrying. There is evidence to suggest that countries are resorting more and more to these kinds of protectionist tools. Only last month the trade commissioner himself warned our committee of the new wave of protectionism by our strategic partners. Our Europe2020 trade policy strategy can only fully be realised if we systematically and constructively deal with these trade barriers. This report symbolises a shared commitment to move forward with a proactive and progressive trade agenda. I would like to see the Commission act proactively to remove or at the very least reduce the restrictive impact of NTBs on the capacity of European businesses accessing foreign markets. The Commission should raise the question of NTBs with all EU trading partners. The EU should also carefully review its own trade measures in order to lift all illegitimate hindrances to open and free markets and become a true forerunner in the anti-NTB fight. It is good to see Mrs Reding, the Commissioner from Luxembourg here today. I have a personal question to do with the problem of tariffs on fuel travelling across borders. We do have problems of tariffs within the European Union and therefore it is important that these should be sorted out. The Commission should address the NTB problem as part of its WTO agenda, within reassessment of existing WTO agreements on technical barriers to trade (TBT) and the TBT agreement. With regard to free trade agreements, it is vital that these agreements provide sufficient reciprocity and market access and mutual benefits to both parties, in order to increase both the general awareness about NTBs and motivate business and public authorities into fighting against them. The Commission should also gather information on the WTO and OECD and any other international organisation that is relevant to work done or ongoing about a possible correlation between the existence of NTBs and the resulting loss of potential market share. I would also like to see the Commission examine the possibility of developing and establishing an early warning mechanism to detect NTBs. The report suggests the increased use of regulatory dialogue with key strategic partners and working more closely with the international institutions to address the use of unjustified NTBs. We have been giving special consideration to LDCs and SIDs, recognising the sensitivity that exists in these markets, including a distinction between developing economies and emerging industrial economies, such as the BRIC countries. Seeing my chairman and other people here, I would like to take the opportunity to thank all my colleagues in the Committee on International Trade, my shadow rapporteurs and all members for a combined effort in making this report so important. We hope that the Commission will support the recommendation of this House. <BRK> 1-220 DE Daniel Caspary (PPE).  Herr Prsident, geschtzte Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Ich mchte Robert Sturdy ausdrcklich fr seinen Bericht danken, in dem er einen sehr guten berblick ber all die Schwierigkeiten gegeben hat, die wir im Handel immer noch haben. Geschtzte Frau Kommissarin, ich mchte ein Thema herausgreifen, das mich besonders umtreibt. Wir hatten im Europischen Parlament eine Debatte auf der Mini-Plenartagung in Brssel vor dem US-EU-Gipfel und eine Extra-Debatte ber das Thema Buy American Clause im American Job Act, der im Moment im US-Kongress in der Beratung ist. Das war etwas ungeschickt, weil der zustndige Kommissar nicht da sein konnte, und genau mitten in der Debatte musste dann auch noch der Kommissionsvertreter wechseln. Wir hatten schon in der Debatte die Sorge geuert, dass deswegen der Inhalt unserer Debatte gar nicht bei der Kommission ankommt. Ich war jetzt sehr verwundert, als uns in der letztwchigen Auenhandelsausschusssitzung der Kommissionsvertreter gesagt hat, dass die Kommission dieses Thema gar nicht angesprochen hat. Ich denke, dass dies ein wunderbares Beispiel fr ein sehr schlechtes Handelshemmnis ist. Ich wre Ihnen sehr dankbar, Frau Kommissarin, wenn Sie dieses Thema in der Kommission noch einmal ansprechen knnten und wir wirklich alles daransetzen, dass die Kommission Forderungen des Parlaments auch ernst nimmt. <BRK> 1-221 RO Silvia-Adriana bicu (S&D).  Raportul Comisiei privind obstacolele n calea comercului _i a investiciilor arat c, pn n 2015, 90% din cre_terea mondial va fi generat n afara Europei. Competitivitatea UE _i politica industrial a sa depind de accesibilitatea materiilor prime _i a pmnturilor rare. Iniciativa pentru transparenc n industriile extractive ar trebui s fie un instrument eficient, care s garanteze transparenca _i s combat speculaciile de pe piecele de materii prime. Subliniez importanca relaciilor comerciale ale Uniunii Europene cu regiunea Mercosur _i cu India. De_i investiciile Uniunii Europene n India au crescut de mai mult de patru ori din 2003, politica de investicii a Indiei continu s pun obstacole n calea investiciilor strine. De_i Brazilia _i Argentina sunt parteneri comerciali importanci pentru Uniunea European, aceste cri adopt constant msuri tarifare _i netarifare care defavorizeaz ntreprinderile europene, de_i aceste dou cri particip la negocierea unui acord de liber schimb cu Uniunea European. O preocupare pentru ntreprinderile europene o constituie _i restricciile n domeniul transportului maritim. <BRK> 1-222 SK Jaroslav Paaka (EFD).  Shlasm s autorom predlo~enej sprvy pnom Sturdym, ~e airok akla necolnch opatren vyu~vanch v medzinrodnom obchode komplikuje vzeahy medzi jednotlivmi krajinami a ekonomickmi zoskupeniami. Som vaak presved en, ~e korektn a spravodliv rieaenie je potrebn h>adae najm na globlnej rovni, preto~e tak, ako autor sprvy sprvne uvdza, mnoh z tchto opatren, ako naprklad technick normy i certifikcie tkajce sa ochrany zdravia, maj legitmny charakter. Popritom sa vaak asto vyu~vaj aj opatrenia, ktor maj jednozna n charakter protekcionizmu, a tie by sme mali spolo ne odstrnie. Je to vaak zujmom vaetkch relevantnch ekonomk, a preto spolo n platforma na vmenu nzorov a h>adanie rieaen m najlepa predpoklad na spean postup. <BRK> 1-223 HU Csand Szegedi (NI).  Tisztelt KpviselQtrsaim! ElQszr is szeretnk Sturdy rnak gratullni a jelentse elksztshez, de sem politikailag, sem gazdasgilag nem tudok jelenleg egyetrteni vele. Hiszen a nem tarifa jellegq korltozsok nmagukban rthetQek, hiszen gazdasgi vlsg van, s az orszgok prbljk vdeni sajt nemzetgazdasgukat. Ht a nyitott kereskeds juttatta oda a nemzetgazdasgokat, hogy elszegnyedjenek abban a tekintetben, hogy a sajt orszgukban lvQ munkanlklisget nem tudtk cskkenteni. Ezrt nem a nyitott gazdasg tovbbi generlsra van szksg, hanem nemzeti nrendelkezsre, lelmiszer-nrendelkezsre van szksg. Patrita gazdasgokra, amelyek erQs gazdasgknt egyttmqkdnek gazdasgi szvetsgben. s a nyitott piacot megtartva, de a helyi gazdasgra, a helyi piacokra sszpontostva hozni ltre azt az j fundamentumot, amelyen Eurpa gazdasga jraplhet. <BRK> 1-224 GA Sen Kelly (PPE).  A Uachtarin, ba mhaith liom mle buochas a ghabhil leis an Uasal Sturdy as ucht an t-bhar seo a chur os r gcomhair agus na molta a ghabhann leis. <BRK> 1-225 EN Sen Kelly (PPE).  Certainly we are in a difficult position in the European Union right now. We have our own problems in the eurozone. Our future in terms of competing against the rest of the world and keeping up our economic situation is certainly at risk. For that reason, we have to try and ensure that everything in relation to trade is done fairly and across the board and that we are not disadvantaged. Certainly the point about the non-tariff barriers needs to be dealt with on a global level. In essence it is protectionism and that is not what is required in the modern era. We also we have to ensure that any FTAs we engage in are worthwhile and beneficial to European competitiveness and companies, and that they are both sensible and practical. I believe that many of them in the past were not like that. <BRK> 1-226 PT Joo Ferreira (GUE/NGL).  Senhor Presidente, estamos perante mais um hino ao livre comrcio, um hino daqueles que so frequentes nesta casa. Aqueles que o entoam habitualmente querem convencer-nos de que so os entraves ao livre comrcio, as barreiras ao livre comrcio, que fazem com que o progresso e a prosperidade no reinem sobre a Terra. A realidade bem diversa e a verdade que a liberalizao e a desregulao do comrcio mundial tm conduzido a fenmenos de dumping social, de dumping ambiental, que no podemos aqui ignorar, seja por pr em concorrncia foras de trabalho de provenincias distintas, baixando, forando uma desvalorizao da fora de trabalho, seja pelos fluxos insustentveis de energia e de matria que, necessariamente, traz associados a si. Ora, neste caso, no af de suprimir toda e qualquer barreira, quer-se mesmo pr em causa medidas que so do domnio do interesse pblico, dando a esse interesse pblico uma concepo, uma viso restritiva. Eu penso que se esta crise, que estamos a enfrentar, demonstra alguma coisa, , precisamente, que temos que questionar o papel hoje atribudo ao livre comrcio e orientar o comrcio internacional essencialmente para a complementaridade e no para a competio entre pases, produes e produtores. <BRK> 1-227 PT Vital Moreira (S&D).  Senhor Presidente, Senhora Comissria, caros Colegas, comeo por felicitar o relator, Robert Sturdy, por este importante, oportuno e certeiro relatrio que, a meu ver, merece um forte apoio deste Parlamento. Efectivamente, a Unio Europeia deve conferir elevada prioridade reduo das barreiras no tarifrias, injustificadas ou excessivas ao comrcio internacional e ao investimento estrangeiro. Primeiro, porque se trata de uma directriz constitucional, visto que o artigo 206. do Tratado sobre o Funcionamento da Unio Europeia refere explicitamente a eliminao progressiva das restries ao comrcio internacional e ao investimento estrangeiro, incluindo a diminuio das barreiras no aduaneiras. Segundo, porque tal do nosso interesse visto que alguns dos nossos parceiros comerciais mais importantes, como o Japo, a China, a Rssia, entre outros, mantm em vigor um elevado nmero de barreiras no tarifrias, que limitam as possibilidades das nossas empresas nesses mercados. Elas esperam o nosso apoio em prol do crescimento e do emprego na Unio. <BRK> 1-228 RO Elena Bsescu (PPE).  Obstacolele non-tarifare care mpiedic accesul productorilor _i exportatorilor europeni pe piecele externe trebuie s fie eliminate. Este important ca normele comerciale multilaterale s fie aplicate corect. Reciprocitatea n ceea ce prive_te accesul pe piecele ambelor prci n cadrul acordurilor bilaterale de liber schimb este esencial. Sprijin promovarea codurilor de conduit n domeniul achiziciilor publice. ntreprinderile europene ar trebui s poat participa la procedurile de achizicii publice din crile terce n condicii de concurenc loial _i echitabil. Totodat, trebuie creat un mediu stabil _i atractiv pentru investitorii europeni n strintate. Subliniez nevoia eliminrii restricciilor care afecteaz sectoarele europene de servicii, avnd n vedere pozicia Uniunii ca cel mai mare exportator mondial de servicii. <BRK> 1-229 EN Viviane Reding, Vice-President of the Commission. ( Mr President, first I would like to thank the Committee on International Trade and most of all the rapporteur Robert Sturdy for taking up the paramount issue of trade barriers, especially non-tariff barriers, which European companies encounter on third-country markets. You are very well aware that the Commission has highlighted this in its first annual trade and investment barrier report in March this year and this report goes right to the heart of the enforcement agenda of our trade policy. Your report contributed to increasing the political dimension of this matter and we thank you for this. We have taken good note of your suggestions, and when I say  we , I speak on behalf of my colleague Karel De Gucht, of course, who is the Commissioner responsible for this file. I can assure you that the Commission will continue to pursue the removal of unjustified non-tariff barriers through regulatory cooperation with, in particular but not solely, our strategic partners. As the report rightly points out we will of course fully respect the right of our partners to establish their own levels of public policy protection in the areas of health, safety and the environment. I will mention just one example of regulatory cooperation, of which the Commission informed Parliament at the last meeting, on 29 November 2011. I am speaking about the Transatlantic Economic Council in Washington where the United States and the European Union agreed on strengthening cooperation in a number of regulatory areas; those include e-vehicles, nanotechnology, and information and computer technology. On the question of the American Jobs Act, the Commission is following this very closely and you will certainly be aware that some of the most worrying elements fortunately did not pass the US legislative process. We are also using our free trade agreements to address regulatory barriers. The agreement with Korea is a very good example of this approach because it contains extensive rules on sectoral regulatory issues: cars, electronics and medical devices. In the recent meeting of the Trade Committee established under the agreement, the Korean Minister and our Commissioner could achieve important progress on some of the outstanding regulatory issues related to cars. The importance of regulatory issues and the interplay between internal and external market opening will also be one of the subjects discussed at a high-level conference which the Commission is organising on 20 January in Brussels. We have taken good note of your suggestions on government procurement, investment and export restrictions, all of which are very important building sites for a 21st century trade policy for the European Union. As you know very well the removal of trade barriers is and remains a top priority for our trade policy. The Commission s next trade and investment barriers report will come out in March 2012 and it will build on the recommendations set out in your report, so the fact that this report is now on the table, Mr Sturdy, is very important. It will be an inspiration and a support for the collective work of the Commission, the Member States and Parliament. <BRK> 1-230 ES El Presidente. ( Con esto se cierra este punto. La votacin tendr lugar maana martes a las 12.00 horas. <BRK> 1-231 BG <hidden>20 - =525= @54 =0 A;5420I>B> 70A540=85: 26. ?@>B>:>;0</hidden> ES 20 - Orden del da de la prxima sesin : vase el Acta CS <hidden>20 - PoYad jednn pYatho zasedn: viz zpis</hidden> DA <hidden>20 - Dagsorden for nste mde: se protokollen</hidden> DE <hidden>20 - Tagesordnung der nchsten Sitzung: siehe Protokoll</hidden> ET <hidden>20 - Jrgmise istungi pevakord (vt protokoll) </hidden> EL <hidden>20 -     : .  </hidden> EN <hidden>20 - Agenda of the next sitting : see Minutes</hidden> FR <hidden>20 - Ordre du jour de la prochaine sance : voir procs-verbal</hidden> IT <hidden>20 - Ordine del giorno della prossima seduta: vedasi processo verbale</hidden> LV <hidden>20 - Nkams sdes darba krt+ba (sk. protokolu) </hidden> LT <hidden>20 - Kito posd~io darbotvark (~r. protokola) </hidden> HU <hidden>20 - A kvetkezQ lsnap napirendje: lsd a jegyzoknyvet</hidden> MT <hidden>20 - L-a!enda tas-seduta li jmiss: ara l-Minuti</hidden> NL <hidden>20 - Agenda van de volgende vergadering: zie notulen</hidden> PL <hidden>20 - Porzdek obrad nastpnego posiedzenia: Patrz protokl</hidden> PT <hidden>20 - Ordem do dia da prxima sesso: Ver Acta</hidden> RO <hidden>20 - Ordinea de zi a urmtoarei _edince: consultaci procesul-verbal</hidden> SK <hidden>20 - Program rokovania na nasledujci deH: pozri zpisnicu</hidden> SL <hidden>20 - Dnevni red naslednje seje: gl. zapisnik</hidden> FI <hidden>20 - Seuraavan istunnon esityslista: ks. pytkirja</hidden> SV <hidden>20 - Fredragningslista fr nsta sammantrde: se protokollet</hidden> 1-232 BG <hidden>21 - 0:@820=5 =0 70A540=85B></hidden> ES 21 - Cierre de la sesin CS <hidden>21 - Ukon en zasedn</hidden> DA <hidden>21 - Hvelse af mdet</hidden> DE <hidden>21 - Schluss der Sitzung</hidden> ET <hidden>21 - Istungi lpp</hidden> EL <hidden>21 -   </hidden> EN <hidden>21 - (The sitting closed at 22.30) </hidden> FR <hidden>21 - Leve de la sance</hidden> IT <hidden>21 - Chiusura della seduta</hidden> LV <hidden>21 - Sdes slgaana</hidden> LT <hidden>21 - Posd~io pabaiga</hidden> HU <hidden>21 - Az ls berekesztse</hidden> MT <hidden>21 - G'eluq tas-seduta</hidden> NL <hidden>21 - Sluiting van de vergadering</hidden> PL <hidden>21 - Zamknicie posiedzenia</hidden> PT <hidden>21 - Encerramento da sesso</hidden> RO <hidden>21 - Ridicarea _edincei</hidden> SK <hidden>21 - Skon enie rokovania</hidden> SL <hidden>21 - Zaklju ek seje</hidden> FI <hidden>21 - Istunnon pttminen</hidden> SV <hidden>21 - Avslutande av sammantrdet</hidden> 1-233 ES (Se levanta la sesin a las 22.30 horas) <BRK>  Inne zmiany wprowadzone do porzadku prac: patrz ProtokB      PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 10 12-12-2011 12-12-2011  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 9 "$&TV`nt            $*`bdȿȷȰȡyyȡyyj\hGh?$5mHnHsHhGh?$0J3mHnHsHhGhGmHnHsHhGh?$mHnHsHhGh?$5mHnHsHhGh?$0J3mHnHsH hGhGhGh?$5hGh?$0J3 hGh?$hGhG0J3hGhGmHnHsHhGh?$5mHnHsHhGh?$mHnHsH$     $*$%%~++...b4:gdG$a$gdG$$$%%.%0%2%4%.....///,<.<8<F<L<j<l<<<<<NNNNȹȹyqiq^W hGhG j-hGh?$5hGh?$6hGh?$5hGh?$0J3hGhGmHnHsHhGh?$aJmHnHsHhGh?$mHnHsHhGh?$5mHnHsHhGh?$0J3mHnHsH hGh?$hGhG0J3hGhGmHnHsHhGh?$5mHnHsHhGh?$mHnHsH"b4d4:<F<L<==@@4E6EJJNNNQQWW<^H^N^^^__ _gdG:gdG$a$gdGNNOO.O0O2O4OWW.^0^:^H^N^d^f^__ __ ____ַ֪֪~whXHXhGhG0J5<mHnHsHhGh?$0J5<mHnHsHhGh?$0J3mHnHsH hGhG j-hGh?$5hGh?$5hGh?$0J3 hGh?$hGhG0J3hGhGmHnHsH ! 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