ࡱ> _ Zbjbj 3bbn||t^1j"0000000$46191T1r00,D0|@k$5.&0j101[.fF7@F7L0F70 111F7| : Sleep Lesson Lesson 19 This lesson is about identifying why we need sleep/children In particular need quality sleep. Task Teacher communicates what sleep Is/why humans need. How much sleep we need as children. Pupil-can you identify moments in your life where you have not slept well. What were the issues that came out of this during the day -issues at school -Irritability -relationship issues etc Group discussion/pupils relate their stories to class. Task 2 Is there somebody in your family who suffers from poor sleep? Does this cause issues? Group diuscussion Task 3 Come up with solutions to poor sleep. Teacher directs lesson to : Should you take medication? Foods/drinks to avoid Sleeping too much Task 4 Any other sleeping Issuessleepwalking/ restless leg syndrome!/nightmareswhat do we do about them (seek medical help!) Introduction Sleep is a natural state of bodily rest observed throughout the HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_kingdom"animal kingdom. It is common to all HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mammals"mammals and HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birds"birds, and is also seen in many HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reptiles"reptiles, HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amphibians"amphibians and HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fish"fish. In humans, other mammals, and a substantial majority of other animals which have been studied such as fish, birds, HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ants"ants, and HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drosophilidae"fruit-flies regular sleep is essential for survival. However its purposes are only partly clear and are the subject of intense research We don't usually need to think very much about our sleep - it's just a part of life that we take for granted. When we can't sleep, though, it can be a real problem. In fact, most of us will find it hard to sleep at some point in our lives. We have a word for it - insomnia. It's often just for a short time, perhaps when we're worried or excited. After a few days, things settle down and we get back to sleeping normally. However, we need sleep to keep our minds and bodies healthy. If we carry on sleeping badly, we start to notice the effects. What is sleep? Sleep is the regular period in every 24 hours when we are unconscious and unaware of our surroundings. There are two main types of sleep: Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep It comes and goes throughout the night, and makes up about one fifth of our sleep time. During REM sleep, our brain is very active, our muscles are very relaxed, our eyes move quickly from side to side and we dream. Non-REM sleep The brain is quiet, but the body may move around. Hormones are released into the bloodstream and our body repairs itself after the wear and tear of the day. There are 4 stages of non-REM sleep: The muscles relax, the heart beats slower and body temperature falls - "pre-sleep". Light sleep - we can still be woken easily without feeling confused. "Slow wave" sleep - our blood pressure falls, we may talk in our sleep or sleep walk. Deep "slow wave" sleep - we become very hard to wake. If we are woken, we feel confused. We move between REM and non-REM sleep about five times throughout the night, dreaming more as we get toward the morning. During a normal night, we will also have short periods of waking. These last 1 or 2 minutes and happen every 2 hours or so. We aren't usually aware of them. We are more likely to remember them if we feel anxious or there is something else going on - noises outside, our partner snoring etc. How much sleep do we need? This depends mainly on how old we are. Babies sleep for about 17 hours each day. Older children only need 9 or 10 hours a night. Most adults need around 7-8 hours sleep each night. Older people need the same amount of sleep, but will often only have one period of deep sleep during the night, usually in the first 3 or 4 hours, after which they wake more easily. We also tend to dream less as we get older. There are also differences between people of the same age. Most of us need 7-8 hours a night, but some (a few) people can get by with only 3 hours a night. It's not helpful to regularly sleep more than 7-8 hours each night. The short periods of being awake feel much longer than they really are. So it's easy to feel that we are not sleeping as much as we actually are. What if I don't sleep? It's easy to worry when you can't sleep. The occasional night without sleep will make you feel tired the next day, but it won't harm your physical or mental health. However, after several sleepless nights, you will start to find that: you are tired all the time you drop off during the day you find it difficult to concentrate you find it hard to make decisions you start to feel depressed. This can be very dangerous if you are driving or operating heavy machinery. Many deaths are caused each year by people falling asleep at the wheel while driving. Lack of sleep may also make us more vulnerable to high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes. Sleep problems in adult life Sleeping too little (Insomnia) You may feel that you aren't getting enough sleep or that, even if you do get the hours, you don't get a good night's rest. There are many everyday reasons for not sleeping well: the bedroom may be too noisy, too hot or too cold the bed may be uncomfortable or too small you partner may have a different pattern of sleep from yourself you may not have a regular routine, or may not be getting enough exercise eating too much can make it difficult to get off to sleep going to bed hungry can make you wake too early cigarettes, alcohol and drinks containing caffeine, such as tea and coffee illness, pain or a high temperature. Some more serious causes include: emotional problems difficulties at work anxiety and worry depression - you may wake very early in the morning and not be able to get back to sleep thinking over and over about day to day problems. Can medication help? People have used sleeping tablets for many years, but we now know that they: don't work for very long. Leave you tired and irritable the next day. lose their effect quite quickly, so you have to take more and more to get the same effect. some people become addicted to them. The longer you take sleeping tablets, the more likely you are to become physically or psychologically dependent on them. there are some newer sleeping tablets (Zolpidem, Zalpelon and Zopiclone), but these seem to have many of the same drawbacks as the older drugs, such as Nitrazepam, Temazepam and Diazepam. Sleeping tablets should only be used for short periods (less than 2 weeks) - for instance if you are so distressed that you cannot sleep at all. If you have been on sleeping tablets for a long time, it is best to cut down the dose slowly after discussing it with your doctor. In some cases, antidepressant tablets may be helpful. Over the counter medication( You can buy several remedies at your chemist, without the need for a prescription. These products will often contain an anti-histamine, like you find in medicines for hay-fever, coughs and colds. These do work but they can make you sleepy well into the next morning. If you do use them, take the warnings seriously and don't drive or operate heavy machinery the next day. Another problem is tolerance - as your body gets used to the substance, you need to take more and more to get the same effect. It is best not to take anti-histamines for a long time. Herbal alternatives are usually based on a herb called Valerian. It probably works best if you take it nightly for 2-3 weeks or more. It doesn't seem to work so well if you take it occasionally. As with the anti-histamines, you need to be careful about the effects lasting into the following morning. If you are taking any medication for your blood pressure (or any other sleeping tablets or tranquillisers), have a chat with your doctor before using an over the counter remedy. Psychological Treatments A technique called cognitive behavioural therapy has been shown to be helpful. It involves looking at unhelpful ways of thinking that can make you more anxious, and so interfere with your sleep. Things to avoid Alcohol. Everybody knows that alcohol can help you to fall asleep. The problem is that you will usually wake up half-way through the night. If you drink alcohol regularly to help you sleep, you will find that you need to drink more and more to get the same effect. If you drink regularly and you stop drinking suddenly, you may find it hard to sleep for a week or two. Slimming tablets make it hard to sleep, as do street drugs like Ecstasy, cocaine and amphetamines. Helping yourself Here are some simple tips that many people have found helpful. Do's... Make sure that your bed and bedroom are comfortable - not too hot, not too cold, not too noisy. Make sure that your mattress supports you properly. It should not be so firm that your hips and shoulders are under pressure or so soft that your body sags. Generally, you should replace your mattress every 10 years to get the best support and comfort. Get some exercise. Don't overdo it, but try some regular swimming or walking. The best time to exercise is in the daytime - particularly late afternoon or early evening. Exercising later than this may disturb your sleep. Take some time to relax properly before going to bed. Some people find aromatherapy helpful. If something is troubling you, and there is nothing you can do about it right away, try writing it down before going to bed and then tell yourself to deal with it tomorrow. If you can't sleep, get up and do something you find relaxing. Read, watch television or listen to quiet music. After a while you should feel tired enough to go to bed again. Don'ts... Don't go without sleep for a long time - go to bed when you are tired and stick to a routine of getting up at the same time every day, whether you still feel tired or not. Caffeine hangs around in your body for many hours after your last drink of tea or coffee. Stop drinking tea or coffee by mid-afternoon. If you want a hot drink in the evening, try something milky or herbal (but check there's no caffeine in it). Don't drink a lot of alcohol. It may help you fall asleep, but you will almost certainly wake up during the night. Don't eat or drink a lot late at night. Try to have your supper early in the evening rather than late. If you've had a bad night, don't sleep in the next day - it will make it harder to get off to sleep the following night. If you try these tips and you still can't sleep, go and see your doctor. You can talk over any problems that may be stopping you from sleeping. Your doctor can make sure that your sleeplessness is not being caused by a physical illness, a prescribed medicine, or emotional problems. There is some evidence that cognitive behavioural therapy (see above), can be helpful if your sleeplessness has gone on for a long time. Sleeping at the wrong time - Shift Work and Parenthood You may have to work at night and to stay awake when you would normally be asleep. If you only have to do this from time to time, it's quite easy to adjust. It is much more difficult if you have to do this more often. Shift workers, doctors and nurses working all night, or nursing mothers may all have this problem. They find themselves sleeping at times when they ought to be awake. This is similar to jet lag, where rapid travel between time zones means that you find yourself awake when everybody else is asleep. A good way to get back to normal is to make sure that you wake up quite early, at the same time every morning. It doesn't matter how late you fell asleep the night before. Use an alarm clock to help you. Make sure that you don't go to bed again before about 10 pm that night. If you do this for a few nights, you should soon start to fall asleep naturally at the right time. Sleeping too much You may find that you often fall asleep during the day at times when you want to stay awake. The commonest reason is not getting enough sleep at night. However, you may find that you are still falling asleep in the daytime even after a week or two of getting enough sleep at night. Sometimes, a physical illness can be responsible - diabetes, a viral infection, or a thyroid problem. There are other conditions which make people sleep too much: Narcolepsy (Daytime sleepiness) This is uncommon condition that has often not been recognised by doctors. There are two main symptoms: you feel sleepy in the daytime, with sudden uncontrollable attacks of sleepiness even when you are with other people you suddenly lose control of your muscles and collapse when you are angry, laughing or excited - this is called cataplexy. You may also find that you: can't speak or move when falling asleep or waking up - (Sleep Paralysis) hear odd sounds or see dream-like images (Hallucinations) "run on auto-pilot" - you have done things, but can't remember doing them, as if you had been asleep wake with hot flushes during the night. The cause for this has recently been found - a lack of a substance called orexin, or hypocretin. Treatment consists of taking regular exercise and having a regular night time routine. Depending on the pattern of your symptoms, medication may be helpful - an antidepressant or a drug which increases wakefulness, such as Modafinil. Sleep Apnoea (Interrupted Sleep) You snore loudly and stop breathing for short periods during the night. This happens because the upper part of your airway closes. Every time you stop breathing, you wake suddenly and your body or arms and legs may jerk. You are awake just for a short time before falling off to sleep again. This often happens several times during the night. So, you feel tired the next day, often with an irresistible urge to go to sleep. You may also have a dry mouth and a headache when you wake up in the morning. It is more common in: older people the overweight smokers those who drink a lot of alcohol. Sometimes, the problem is noticed more by their partner than by the sufferer. Treatment usually involves correcting the parts of your lifestyle that may be making the problem worse - cutting down smoking and drinking, losing weight, and sleeping in a different position. If your apnoea is very bad, it may be necessary to wear a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) mask. This fits over your nose and supplies high pressure air to keep your airway open. Other problems with sleeping At some point in their life, about 1 in 20 adults have night terrors, and 1 in 100 report that they sleep-walk. Both these conditions are more common in children. Sleepwalking If you sleepwalk, you will appear (to other people) to wake from a deep sleep. You will then get up and do things. These may be quite complicated, like walking around or going up and down stairs. This can land you in embarrassing (and occasionally dangerous) situations. Unless someone else wakes you up, you will remember nothing about it the next day. Sleepwalking may sometimes happen after a night terror (see below). A sleepwalker should be guided gently back to bed and should not be woken up. It may be necessary to take precautions to protect them or others from injury. You may need to lock doors and windows, or lock away sharp objects, like knives and tools. Night terrors can occur on their own, without leading to sleepwalking. Like a sleepwalker, a person with night terrors will appear to wake suddenly from a deep sleep. They look half-awake and very frightened, but will usually settle back down to sleep without waking up completely. All you can do is sit with them until they fall asleep again. Night terrors are different from vivid dreams or nightmares as people don't seem to remember anything about them the next morning. Nightmares Most of us have had frightening dreams or nightmares. They usually happen during the later part of the night, when we have our most vivid and memorable dreams. They do not normally cause problems unless they happen regularly, usually because of an emotional upset. Nightmares often follow a distressing or life-threatening event, such as a death, a disaster, an accident or a violent attack. Counselling may be helpful. Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) You feel you have to move your legs (but also, sometimes, other parts of the body ). You may have uncomfortable painful or burning feelings in your legs. These feelings only bother you when you are resting. They are generally worse at night. They are relieved by movement, such as walking or stretching, for as long as you carry on doing it. You may not be able to sit still in the daytime, making it difficult to work, and may be unable to sleep properly. Sufferers usually first seek help in middle age, although they may have had symptoms since childhood. It seems to run in families. RLS usually occurs on its own. It can occasionally be caused by a physical illness, such as iron and vitamin deficiencies, diabetes or kidney problems. It can also happen in pregnancy. If it is not caused by another physical illness, treatment depends on how bad it is. In mild RLS, the symptoms can usually be controlled by simple steps designed to help you sleep better (see section on 'HYPERLINK "http://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/mentalhealthinformation/mentalhealthproblems/sleepproblems/sleepingwell.aspx#your"Helping Yourself'). In more severe RLS, medications may help. These include medications used in Parkinson's disease, anti-epileptic medications, benzodiazepine tranquillisers and painkillers. The science of sleep We spend a third of our lives doing it. Napoleon, Florence Nightingale and Margaret Thatcher got by on four hours a night. Thomas Edison claimed it was waste of time. Why do we sleep? So why do we sleep? This is a question that has baffled scientists for centuries and the answer is, no one is really sure. Some believe that sleep gives the body a chance to recuperate from the day's activities but in reality, the amount of energy saved by sleeping for even eight hours is miniscule - about 50 kCal, the same amount of energy in a piece of toast. We have to sleep because it is essential to maintaining normal levels of cognitive skills such as speech, memory, innovative and flexible thinking. In other words, sleep plays a significant role in brain development. What would happen if we didn't sleep? A good way to understand the role of sleep is to look at what would happen if we didn't sleep. Lack of sleep has serious effects on our HYPERLINK "http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/body/factfiles/brain/brain.shtml"brain's ability to function. If you've ever pulled an all-nighter, you'll be familiar with the following after-effects: grumpiness, grogginess, irritability and forgetfulness. After just one night without sleep, concentration becomes more difficult and attention span shortens considerably. With continued lack of sufficient sleep, the part of the brain that controls language, HYPERLINK "http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/mind/interactives/intelligenceandmemory/memorytest/"memory, planning and sense of time is severely affected, practically shutting down. In fact, 17 hours of sustained wakefulness leads to a decrease in performance equivalent to a blood alcohol level of 0.05% (two glasses of wine). This is the legal drink driving limit in the UK. Research also shows that sleep-deprived individuals often have difficulty in responding to rapidly changing situations and making rational judgements. In real life situations, the consequences are grave and lack of sleep is said to have been be a contributory factor to a number of international disasters such as Exxon Valdez, Chernobyl, Three Mile Island and the Challenger shuttle explosion. Sleep deprivation not only has a major impact on cognitive functioning but also on emotional and physical health. HYPERLINK "http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/sleep/articles/sleepdisorders.shtml"Disorders such as sleep apnoea which result in excessive daytime sleepiness have been linked to stress and high blood pressure. Research has also suggested that sleep loss may increase the risk of obesity because chemicals and hormones that play a key role in controlling appetite and weight gain are released during sleep. What happens when we sleep? What happens every time we get a bit of shut eye? Sleep occurs in a recurring cycle of 90 to 110 minutes and is divided into two categories: non-REM (which is further split into four stages) and REM sleep. Non-REM sleep Stage one: Light Sleep During the first stage of sleep, we're half awake and half asleep. Our muscle activity slows down and slight twitching may occur. This is a period of light sleep, meaning we can be awakened easily at this stage. Stage two: True Sleep Within ten minutes of light sleep, we enter stage two, which lasts around 20 minutes. The breathing pattern and heart rate start to slow down. This period accounts for the largest part of human sleep. Stages three and four: Deep Sleep During stage three, the brain begins to produce delta waves, a type of wave that is large (high amplitude) and slow (low frequency). Breathing and heart rate are at their lowest levels. Stage four is characterised by rhythmic breathing and limited muscle activity. If we are awakened during deep sleep we do not adjust immediately and often feel groggy and disoriented for several minutes after waking up. Some children experience HYPERLINK "http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/conditions/bedwetting1.shtml"bed-wetting, HYPERLINK "http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/conditions/nightmare2.shtml"night terrors, or sleepwalking during this stage. REM sleep The first rapid eye movement (REM) period usually begins about 70 to 90 minutes after we fall asleep. We have around three to five REM episodes a night. Although we are not conscious, the brain is very active - often more so than when we are awake. This is the period when most dreams occur. Our eyes dart around (hence the name), our breathing rate and blood pressure rise. However, our bodies are effectively paralysed, said to be nature's way of preventing us from acting out our dreams. After REM sleep, the whole cycle begins again. How much sleep is required? There is no set amount of time that everyone needs to sleep, since it varies from person to person. Results from the HYPERLINK "http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/sleep/profiler"sleep profiler indicate that people like to sleep anywhere between 5 and 11 hours, with the average being 7.75 hours. Jim Horne from Loughborough University's Sleep Research Centre has a simple answer though: "The amount of sleep we require is what we need not to be sleepy in the daytime." Even animals require varied amounts of sleep: SpeciesAverage total sleep time per dayPython18 hrsTiger15.8 hrsCat12.1 hrsChimpanzee9.7 hrsSheep3.8 hrsAfrican elephant3.3 hrsGiraffe1.9 hrThe current world record for the longest period without sleep is 11 days, set by Randy Gardner in 1965. Four days into the research, he began hallucinating. This was followed by a delusion where he thought he was a famous footballer. Surprisingly, Randy was actually functioning quite well at the end of his research and he could still beat the scientist at pinball. Sleep Advice Do you like to have a weekend lie-in or a nightcap before going to bed? These habits could actually be harming your sleep. Relax your mind Simple HYPERLINK "http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/complementary/tip_breathing.shtml"breathing exercises can help. Breathe, using your abdomen not your chest, through your nose for three seconds, then breathe out for three seconds. Pause for three seconds before breathing in again. Practise this for ten minutes at night (five minutes is better than nothing). Some people find that lavender oil, valerian or other herbs help them to sleep. If you still have problems, you could try HYPERLINK "http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/complementary/therapies_massage.shtml"massage, HYPERLINK "http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/complementary/therapies_aromatherapy.shtml"aromatherapy, or even HYPERLINK "http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/complementary/therapies_acupuncture.shtml"acupuncture. If you still find yourself tossing and turning, abandon the bedroom and find something enjoyable and absorbing to do. Jigsaws are perfect. Don't go back to bed until you begin to feel sleepy. Exercise regularly Regular HYPERLINK "http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/healthy_living/fitness/active_index.shtml"exercise is a great way to improve your sleep. Just be careful not to do it close to bed time as exercise produces stimulants that stop the brain from relaxing quickly. This being the case, exercising in the morning is an excellent way to wake up the body. Going for a run or doing some aerobics releases stimulants into the body, which perks you up. If you are injured or disabled, you can still benefit from exercise. Check out HYPERLINK "http://www.bbc.co.uk/ouch/closeup/fatnation/"disability exercise tips. Create a calm bedroom environment Your HYPERLINK "http://www.bbc.co.uk/homes/design/space_bedrooms.shtml"bedroom should be for sleep only. Avoid turning it into an entertainment centre with televisions, computers and stereos. Two thirds of British children have a computer, games machine or TV in their bedroom and could be losing out on sleep as a result. Avoid alcohol It's fine to have a nightcap, but too much alcohol can make you restless. HYPERLINK "http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/hottopics/alcohol/index.shtml"Alcohol is also a diuretic, which means it encourages you to urinate (never welcomed during the night). Drinking is also more likely to lead to HYPERLINK "http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/sleep/articles/sleepdisorders.shtml"snoring, which can restrict airflow into the lungs. This reduces oxygen in your blood which disturbs your sleep and contributes to your hangover. Avoid caffeine HYPERLINK "http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/healthy_living/nutrition/drinks_caff.shtml"Caffeine is a stimulant which can stay in your system for many hours. So avoid sources of caffeine such as coffee, chocolate, cola drinks and non-herbal teas. Watch what you eat Eating a large heavy meal too close to bedtime will interfere with your sleep. Spicy or fatty foods may cause HYPERLINK "http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/conditions/heartburn1.shtml"heartburn, which leads to difficulty in falling asleep and discomfort throughout the night. Foods containing tyramine (bacon, cheese, ham, aubergines, pepperoni, raspberries avocado, nuts, soy sauce, red wine) might keep you awake at night. Tyramine causes the release of norepinephrine, a brain stimulant. If you get the munchies close to bedtime, eat something that triggers the hormone serotonin, which makes you sleepy. Carbohydrates such as bread or cereal will do the trick. Set a regular bedtime and wake up time Create a habit of going to bed and waking up at the same time each day, even on weekends. This helps anchor your body clock to these times. Resisting the urge for a lie-in can pay dividends in alertness. If you feel you haven't slept well, resist the urge to sleep in longer than normal; getting up on schedule keeps your body in its normal wake-up routine. Remember, even after only four hours, the HYPERLINK "http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/body/factfiles/brain/brain.shtml"brain has gained many of the important benefits of sleep. It's only natural Most of us have a natural dip in alertness between 2 - 4pm. A 15 minute nap when you're tired can be a very effective way of staying alert throughout the day. Avoid napping for longer than 20 minutes, after which you will enter deep sleep and feel even worse when you wake up. See a doctor if your problem continues If you have trouble falling asleep night after night, or if you always feel tired the next day, you might have a HYPERLINK "http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/sleep/articles/sleepdisorders.shtml"sleep disorder. 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