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How did the people of Suma (Sumerians) 4000 years BC represent 1? 6. What did the inventions of tokens allow the Sumerians to do with numbers? 7. What is unique about one group of Australian aboriginals and their use of numbers? 8. How do they represent the boundaries of their land? 9. Why did the Sumerians invent math? 10. How was writing born in Suma? 11. How did the Egyptians define the cubit (the first ruler)? 12. What did the Egyptians build with the cubit? 13. What did Pythagoras say about odd and even numbers (2500 years ago)? 14. What did Pythagoras say everything was made of? 15. What did Pythagoras discover about whole numbers and music? 16. What shape proved impossible to build with 1 and ruined Pythagoras’ theory? 17. Who was the greatest Greek mathematician of ancient times? 18. What happened to Archimedes in 212 BC when the Romans invaded his city of Syracuse? 19. Where does the words century come from? 20. If a Roman army suffered a defeat in battle how many soldiers were killed? 21. How long would it take to write one billion in Roman numerals? 22. How many Roman mathematicians are celebrated today? 23. Roman numerals dominated the world for how many years? 24. Who devised a number system that could cope with very large numbers? 25. Where and how long ago did Arabic numbers (the numbers we use today!) begin? 26. What number did the Indians invent that was as revolutionary as the invention of math by the Sumerians? 27. What could the Indians do with 9 digits and the number 0? 28. What science did Indians excel at compared to the Christian world? 29. What did Indian scientists know about the Earth 1000 years before Copernicus? 30. How close did Indian scientists get to actually calculating the diameter of the Earth? 31. What challenge did Iraqi mathematicians encounter since they could only count on their fingers? 32. What did Muslim scholars do with the new Indian (Arabic) numbers? How did it benefit Islamic science? 33. When Fibonacci brought Indian (Arabic) numbers to Europe how were they accepted at first? 34. What did bankers do in medieval European cities? What oath did they have to swear? 35. Where does the word for secret code “cipher” come from? 36. What is usury? 37. Why did capitalism prefer Indian numbers? 38. What did Leibniz invent in 1679? 39. How do you write the number 9 in binary? 40. What machines use binary numbers? 41. How did Colossus represent 1 and 0? 42. What did Colossus do for the Allies in WW I? 43. Today all our data is represented in computers by only what 2 numbers? 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