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Apply a sociological perspective to potential solutions to health-related issues. Required Readings Readings are drawn mostly from academic journal articles that can be accessed through Blackboard (or Purdue libraries). These should be read before the class period in which they are associated, and students should be prepared to engage in intellectual discussions about them during class. Assignments Critical Reviews (100 points): The requirements of the course include regular presentations of class materials that will require the leadership of some class discussions and the sharing of a critical review. Depending on class size, each student will lead 4 discussions and share their critical reviews in front of the class. Reviews will include ~2 page summaries of key aspects of the readings (theory, main ideas, findings), critiques and implications of the articles, and discussion questions to be shared with the class. Please pay particular attention in your critical reviews to implications of the article and discussion questions. Leading the discussions involves providing questions to get the class discussion going. Class Participation and Attendance (50 points): Regular participation in discussions in which one is not leading is expected. In general, up to three absences when one is not leading the discussion will be excused. Participation points are not automatically awarded. They must be earned. Exams (60 points each [120 points total]): You will take two in-class written exams in this course. Term Paper Prospectus (30 points): In order to prepare for your research paper, you will be required to submit a 2-3 double-spaced page prospectus that describes your research question, its significance, and some background on research done on the topic. You will also include a preliminary bibliography (not included in the page limit). Research Paper (100 points): Each student will write a sole-authored paper on a topic of their choosing related to the sociology of health and social behavior. The research paper should be a critique of the literature or involve an empirical analysis. The final document must conform to APA or ASA referencing format. Graduate student papers should not exceed 5,000 words of text (including references, tables, and figures). Undergraduate student papers should not exceed 3,000 words of text (including references, tables, and figures). Presentation of Research Paper (10 points): Each student will make a brief presentation (approximately 5 minutes) near the conclusion of the course regarding their research paper. Grading The percent of total points needed for letter grades is as follows: A+: 98-100, A: 94-97.9; A-: 90-93.9; B+: 87-89.9; B: 84-86.9; B-: 80-83.9; C+: 77-79.9, etc. Scores for late assignments will be reduced by a full letter grade for each day it is late. Grades are earned on the basis of performance in this course, not given on the basis of need or effort. During the semester if you have a grade dispute, you must wait 24 hours and then submit a written paragraph in person about why you believe that you deserve a higher grade. I will re-review it, and your grade can go up or down. Final grades are not negotiable. Classroom Responsibility & Courtesy I expect classroom discussion. We will discuss sensitive topics at times. In this course, each voice in the classroom has something of value to contribute. Please take care to respect the different experiences, beliefs and values expressed by students and staff involved in this course. We support Purdue's commitment to diversity and welcome individuals of all ages, backgrounds, citizenships, disabilities, sexes, education levels, ethnicities, family statuses, genders, gender identities and expressions, geographical locations, languages, military experiences, political views, races, religions, sexual orientations, socioeconomic statuses and work experiences. Behaviors that threaten, harass, discriminate or that are disrespectful of others will not be tolerated. Inappropriate behaviors will be addressed with disciplinary action, which may include being referred to the Office of the Dean of Students. Computers/tablets are not allowed (even for note-taking), except in circumstances discussed and agreed upon in advance by the professor. This is a discussion-based course. Pay attention to your classmates and involve yourself in discussion; please take notes by hand. Cell phones and other electronic devices should be turned off or placed on vibrate before class begins. These devices can be distracting to your instructor and fellow students. Students who do not comply with this request may be asked to shut off devices, leave the class for the day, and/or lose participation points. Recording of lectures is prohibited except in circumstances discussed and agreed upon in advance by the professor. Academic Integrity Students are expected to understand what constitutes plagiarism and to refrain from engaging in it (for a resource, see:  HYPERLINK "http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/589/02/" http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/589/02/). In all work, I expect that students will abide by Purdue Universitys policy regarding academic honesty ( HYPERLINK "http://www.purdue.edu/odos/osrr/academicintegritybrochure.php" http://www.purdue.edu/odos/osrr/academicintegritybrochure.php). Accommodations If you are a student with a disability or ongoing medical condition, please discuss with me appropriate academic accommodations that you may require (for a resource, see:  HYPERLINK "http://www.purdue.edu/odos/drc/" http://www.purdue.edu/odos/drc/). Financial and basic needs: Any student who faces challenges securing their food or housing and believes this may affect their performance in the course is urged to contact the Dean of Students for support. Furthermore, please notify the professor if you are comfortable in doing so. Note that the Dean of Students has various resources, including no-interest loans, which may be useful for unexpected expenses or other needs. Managing Stress, etc.: College can be a stressful time. Purdue offers a range of services (many free) though Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS).  HYPERLINK "https://www.purdue.edu/caps/" https://www.purdue.edu/caps/ Title IX Title IX makes it clear that violence and harassment based on sex and gender are Civil Rights offenses subject to the same kinds of accountability and the same kinds of support applied to offenses against other protected categories such as race, national origin, etc. If you or someone you know has been harassed or assaulted, you can find appropriate resources here:  HYPERLINK "http://www.purdue.edu/titleix/" http://www.purdue.edu/titleix/ and  HYPERLINK "https://www.notalone.gov/resources/" https://www.notalone.gov/resources/ Name and Pronoun Usage We will honor the names and pronouns you provide, and your request at any point to address you by your correct name and/or gender pronoun. Please advise us of how you would like to be referred to in class. We also expect class members to honor the names and pronouns peers provide. If you would like more information about gender- and sexual- identity, gender-neutral and inclusive language, or the role gender plays in our culture, please visit these resources: Gender Spectrum  HYPERLINK "https://www.genderspectrum.org/quick-links/understanding-gender/" \t "_blank" Understanding Gender Purdue LGBTQ Center - HYPERLINK "https://www.purdue.edu/lgbtq/" \t "_blank" https://www.purdue.edu/lgbtq/ Emergency Preparedness In general, if you hear a fire alarm inside, proceed outside. If you hear a siren outside, proceed inside. For more information, see:  HYPERLINK "http://www.purdue.edu/emergency_preparedness" http://www.purdue.edu/emergency_preparedness [Syllabus and course schedule are subject to change] COURSE SCHEDULE Jan 10: Need volunteers for Jan 12th readings. I. Theoretical Orientations Jan 12: Social Construction of Health and Illness Conrad & Barker: The Social Construction of Illness NY Times article: Calling an Ordinary Health Problem a Disease [Recommended but not required, Brown: Naming and Framing] Jan 17: Medicalization Conrad: Medicalization and Social Control Barker: Electronic Support Groups Short blog post:  HYPERLINK "http://herviewfromhome.com/a-day-in-my-life-living-with-chronic-pain/" http://herviewfromhome.com/a-day-in-my-life-living-with-chronic-pain/ Jan 19: Social Conditions as Fundamental Causes of Disease Phelan et al.: Social Conditions as Fundamental Causes Korda et al.: Socioeconomic Inequalities in Diffusion of Health Technology Jan 24: The Stress Paradigm Pearlin et al.: The Stress Process Pearlin et al.: The Forms and Mechanisms of Stress Proliferation Jan 26: Life Course Perspective on Health and Aging Daaleman & Elder: Family Medicine and the Life Course Paradigm Schafer & Ferraro: Childhood Misfortune Jan 31: Cumulative Advantage/Disadvantage and Health Pampel & Rogers: Socioeconomic Status, Smoking, and Health ORand & Hamil-Luker: Processes of Cumulative Adversity II. Social Structure, Social Status, and Health Feb 2: Education and Health Liu & Hummer: Educational Differences in U.S. Self-Rated Health Increasing? Goldman & Smith: The Increasing Value of Education Feb 7: Race and Health Williams & Sternthal: Understanding Racial-ethnic Disparities in Health Roberts: Medical Stereotyping Feb 9: NO CLASS Study for Exam Feb 14: EXAM #1 (bring blue book) Feb 16: Gender and Health Gorman & Read: Gender Disparities in Adult Health Rogers et al.: Sex Differences in Mortality Male contraception (short news article) Feb 21: Demographic Trends Cai & Lubitz: Was There Compression of Disability South & Trent: Imbalanced Sex Ratios in China Feb 23: DUE: TERM-PAPER PROSPECTUS Neighborhood, Race, and Health Cagney et al.: Racial Disparities in Self-Rated Health Kirby & Kaneda: Access to Health Care: Does Residential Instability Matter? Jogging While Black (2-page news article) Feb 28: Intersectionality and Health Beauboeuf-Lafontant: You Have to Show Strength Warner & Brown: An Intersectionality Approach March 2: Research Paper Development III. Stress, Social Relationships, and Health March 7: Family Structure and Stress Exposure Avison et al.: Family Structure, Stress, and Psychological Distress Turney: Stress Proliferation Across Generations? March 9: Support, Caregiving, and Well-Being Amirkhanyan & Wolf: Parent Care and the Stress Process Thomas: Is It Better to Give or to Receive? March 12-17: SPRING BREAK March 21: Social Ties and Health Thoits: Mechanisms Linking Social Ties and Health Reczek et al.: Diet and Exercise in Parenthood Lessons from Grandma Ruth (blog post) March 23: When Social Support Isnt Supportive Umberson et al.: You Make Me Sick Birditt and Antonucci: Life Sustaining Irritations IV. Health Care March 28: Access to Health Care Browne: Pathways to Kidney Transplant Parity Gionfriddo: How I Helped Create a Flawed Mental Health System Thats Failed MillionsAnd My Son March 30: The Final Encounter with Medical Care Kaufman: Intensive Care, Old Age, and the Problem of Death Mooallem: One Mans Quest to Change the Way We Die April 4: NO CLASS study for exam April 6: EXAM #2 (bring blue book) April 11: Research paper development April 13: Research paper development April 18: DUE: Presentations of Research Papers April 20: DUE: Presentations of Research Papers April 25: DUE: Presentations of Research Papers April 27: DUE: FINAL RESEARCH PAPER Submit via Blackboard     PAGE  PAGE 1  !'()QRefgnouwxy C I ƿumb[TMTF h9h`G h9hR h9hL h9h.h9hCJaJh0X$CJaJh9h6,CJaJh9hFlCJaJh9hCJaJ h9hWD=h9h~@0J h9h~@jh9h~@U h9h^S h9hGe9 h9hh9h5@CJaJh9h{R;5@CJaJh#5@CJaJhe5@CJaJ(gxy  ) ; ^gd2 & Fgdngd@gdez & Fgdpngd@`gdLgdGe9$a$gdd$a$gdAM$a$gdGe9I Y ` k l    )    û}umh9h25h9hyG5 h9hezh9hez6 h9hk h9hbh`0h?V h9hM/hz h9h@ h9hRh9hez5h9hZ5h9hL5 hpnhpn h@5hez h9hL h9hmhja h9h`GhY(  , ,.Yfp}'6PQ'(лشش¥‘y»¥h9hAM5h9h[ 5h9h25h9h5 h9h' hX>*h9hAM>* h9hf h9hT h9h2 h9hAM h9h1kh9h,6 h9h,h9hk5h9ht5h9h6B5h9h,5-/0STUV^^_gdgdggd `gdrgdsO^gd4I & Fgdezgd&k & F gd#^gd1kgdw & Fgd1k^gd,-.04EHQRSpy/7wpipeph+` h9h' h9h$h9h 5 h9h:p h9h' h9hAM h9hFi h9h1k h9hkh9hk5h9ht5h9hFi5h9h1k5 h*5h0X$ h9hCS h9h; h9hwh9hw5h9h35h9hN~5']l~R]=BRSTUV^ɿɿɷ|tog_XQ h9h;Z; h9hW[sh9hsO5h9h 5 hsO5h4Ih4I5h4IhyG5h9V h9h&kh9h35h9hk5h9hFi5h9h6B5h9h&k5h9h#5h9h#6] h9h# h9h/`h$. h9hZhZ h9h$h9h$6]h9h$]$B[]^_»xng h9h3h9hX7A>*]h9hg5>*]h9hX7A5>*]h9hg]h9hX7A]h9h3]h[h35]h?Vh3>*\] h9hZh9hZ5h9hq15h9h5 h[5h9hsO5 h9hW[s h9h;Z; h9h"vh](7@B{vn{d{d]Uh[h[->* h9h[-h9h;Z;5\h[h[\ h[\ h[5\ h!'h[h!'h[\h!'h[5>*\h[5>*\h[h[5>*\!h9h;Z;B*OJQJ^Jphh9h;Z;B*ph h/[h/[ h9h;Z;h/[ h hh h5\ h9h h9h hgFGZD E U R!S!""###&&&' 7$8$H$`gd4w? 7$8$H$gd4w? 7$8$H$gddgdd 7$8$H$gd#wgd#w 7$8$H$gdZ`gd;'S`gdZgdez`gd;Z;DEFGYZs}GHIJ  > ? 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