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Books in our life. 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 1 GREASYSPOONS  Greasy Spoons rarely appear in guidebooks, but they are the essential part of life in the United Kingdom, especially for people living in the big cities. In London, the capital city of the greasy spoon, there are hundreds of them, offering the population bacon, egg and sausage. Greasy spoon cafes are so called because any utensil that comes into contact with the food they offer is immediately coated with a sticky, greasy layer of lard. More calories can be found in a cup of tea in a good greasy spoon than in a whole meal at a normal restaurant. Greasy spoons are generally found slightly away from the main streets of most towns. They usually have large glass windows, a plastic sign with the name of the caf usually containing the name of the owner, for example Marios, Bobs Place, Ritas Caf and a huge menu. Inside they are generally clean and functional. Youll see old wooden seats, tables covered with cracked linoleum and plain walls. Each table has on it a bottle of brown sauce, tomato ketchup and vinegar and pots of salt and pepper. In typical greasy spoon you will find different people: poets, builders, hurrying businessmen, students lazing around with huge mugs of tea. Some read novels, some dream, and others catch up on the days news. At weekends there will always be large groups of friends. The meals here are dangerously unhealthy, and absolutely delicious. All kinds of fried food can be bought for incredibly low prices. The most popular is usually the traditional English breakfast. Although it is called a breakfast, you have to be really brave to eat it first thing in the morning, because it is huge. At least two pieces of bacon, two sausages, two fried eggs, fried mushrooms, baked beans and bread soaked in hot oil and fried. The English breakfast is full of meat and fat. If you want something less greasy, there is still a lot to choose from: bacon and egg sandwiches, vegetarian sausages and burgers. Greasy spoons have many devoted followers. Listen to the text and mark the statements True or False. You can always find Greasy Spoons in guidebooks. Greasy spoon cafes are so called because any utensil that comes into contact with the food is coated with a greasy layer of lard. Greasy spoons offer meals with many calories. Greasy spoons are found in the centre of the city or town. Inside greasy spoons are generally clean and functional. Greasy spoons usually have large plastic windows, a glass sign with the name of the caf. Youll see old wooden seats, tables covered with cracked linoleum and plain walls. People who come to greasy spoons dont only eat but read novels, dream and catch up on the days news. In greasy spoons all food is served mostly fried. Vegetarians can also have a meal in greasy spoons. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option. According to the article, greasy spoons are ___________. only found in London. advertised as a tourist attraction. important to many British people. The characteristic feature of greasy spoons is that they ________. use a special kind of utensils. offer a lot of dishes to choose from. are named after famous people. On each table there ________________. is a bottle of white sauce, vinegar and pots of salt and pepper. is a bottle of brown sauce, tomato ketchup and vinegar, pots of salt and pepper. are pots of pepper and salt, a bottle of brown sauce and a vase with flowers. People who come to greasy spoons _________. are always in a hurry. are of different professions. make friends there. At weekends _________________. a) only families with children come b) large groups of friends appear in a cafe c) lonely people make friends here The most popular meal in greasy spoons is _____________. a) breakfast b) lunch c) dinner The traditional British breakfast is ____________. not very tasty. served in huge portions. recommended for vegetarians. The meals in greasy spoons are _____________________. a) tasteless, and absolutely healthy b) dangerously delicious and absolutely unhealthy c) dangerously unhealthy and absolutely delicious Prices in greasy spoon cafes are ________________________. a) very low b) very high c) incredibly high The article is about ______________. an unhealthy diet. a very typical British caf. the way the British breakfast is prepared. 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 2 MEMORIES OF CHRISTMAS For me , Christmas always began in the middle of the cold but windy month of November. My sister Alison, and I sat down in front of the fire and wrote a letter to Father Christmas telling him about all presents we wanted. We solemnly addressed our letters to Father Christmas, the North Pole, before sending them up the chimney. With December our excitement grew each day as we opened the avert calendar, Christmas cards arrived in the post, the nativity play was performed at our school, Christmas lights appeared in the streets, the town carol service was arranged. And of course, snow was everywhere. There was enough snow to make snowmen, build igloos, and have glorious snowball fights in the school playground. On Christmas Eve, the whole family helped to decorate the house, put up the Christmas tree and the decorations and blow up the balloons. Then in the afternoon, when Aunt Kathleen and my two cousins arrived, everything was ready. Before we went to bed, we left some brandy and mince pies for Father Christmas and then put our stockings at the end of our beds. We tried to stay awake as long as possible to see Father Christmas, but the next thing we knew it was morning, Christmas morning! At the bottom of the bed was the stocking, now full of all kinds of small presents and sweets, and at the bottom a chocolate sixpence and a tangerine. Christmas morning was bright and sunny and, after church, my cousin David and I went out into the garden to play with our new presents. Lunch was always late, but what a lunch! Roast turkey with all vegetables followed by Christmas pudding. When we pulled the crackers, the dog barked; we took out the plastic toys, laughed at the jokes, put on the silly paper hats and laughed again. After lunch the adults lay on the sofas in front of the Queens speech on television while we all played cards. Then we had tea, with a huge Christmas cake covered with snowmen and polar bears. It didnt seem possible, but we carried on eating. By bedtime all the children were exhausted. As soon as we turned off the light, we all went into deep sleep. Listen to the text and mark the statements True or False. For the author Christmas always began in the middle of the last autumn month. The author had a sister and a brother. The children knew that Father Christmas lived in the North Pole. There was much snow in December. There was a nativity play at childrens school before Christmas. The streets were completely dark in winter months. All the family decorated the house before Christmas. They never forgot to leave some meals for Father Christmas and put their stockings at the ends of their beds before Christmas night. On Christmas morning they found stockings full of money. Both adults and children ate lots of tasty food at Christmas. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option. 1. In what way did the children send letters to Father Christmas? a) up the chimney b) by mail service c) by e-mail What do you think people do in a carol service? sing songs give presents watch a play What happened on Christmas Eve? The author stayed awake all night. Someone put presents in his stockings. The author saw Father Christmas. 4. Where did they go on Christmas morning? a) outside to play snowballs. b) to church. c) to authors Aunt Kathleen. 5. Why did they laugh? The dog barked at the crackers. The toys and hats were funny. The jokes and hats were funny. 6. What meals were there for Christmas lunch? a) roast turkey with all vegetables, Christmas pudding. b) roast vegetables and boiled turkey followed by pudding. c) Christmas pudding and Christmas cake. 7. Whose speech did the adults watch on TV? a) Prime-Ministers b) Presidents c) Monarchs 8. What did they do after lunch? The adults watched TV and the children played cards. The children made a snowman. Everybody had more to eat. 9. When did they eat Christmas cake? a) after Christmas night b) after Christmas lunch c) before Christmas lunch 10. Why did the children go asleep very quickly? a) They were very happy. b) They were very excited. c) They were very tired. 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 3 PEOPLE  THE GREAT COMMUNICATORS We can communicate with other people in many different ways. We can talk and write, and we can send messages with our hands and faces. There is also the phone (including the mobile), the fax, the e-mail. Television, film, painting and photography can also communicate ideas. Animals have ways of exchanging information, too. Bees dance and tell other bees where to find food. Elephants make sounds that humans cant hear. Whales sing songs. Monkeys use their faces to show anger and love. But this is nothing to what people can do. We have language - about 6000 languages, in fact. We can write poetry, tell jokes, make promises, explain, tell the truth, or tell lies. And we have a sense of past and future, not just present. Communication technologies were very important in the development of all the great ancient societies. Around 2900 BC, paper and hieroglyphics transformed Egyptian life. The ancient Greeks loved the spoken word. They were very good at public speaking, drama, and philosophy. The Romans developed a unique system of government that depended on the Roman alphabet. In the 14th century, the printing press helped to develop new ways of thinking through Europe. Radio and television have had a huge influence on society in the last hundred years. And now we have the Internet. But what is this doing to us? We can give and get a lot of information very quickly. But there is so much information that it is difficult to know what is important and what isnt. Modern communication is changing our world every minute of every day. Listen to the text and mark the statements True or False. People can send messages with the help of hands and faces. People can communicate ideas through television and phones only. Animals can tell the truth and lies. Animals dance, sing, make sounds, use their faces to communicate with each other. The communication technologies were very useful in the development of all the great ancient societies. Paper and hieroglyphicstransformed Egyptian life in 2900 BC. The ancient Greeks were good at printing. The Roman system of government depended on the Roman alphabet. The printing press influenced the way of thinking through Europe in the 14th century. Television is the most influential way of communication nowadays. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option. People can communicate with the help of ______________________. a) modern technologies b) modern technologies, their hands, faces and language c) language ________________________ dance and tell others where to find food. a) Bees b) Whales c) Monkeys ________________________make sounds that humans cant hear. a) Bees b) Whales c) Elephants ________________________ sing songs. a) Elephants b) Whales c) Monkeys ________________________ use their faces to show anger and love. a) Elephants b) Bees c) Monkeys People speak about _____________________ languages, in fact. a) 600 b) 6000 c) 60000 With the help of language people can ____________________________. a) write poetry, tell jokes, make promises, explain, tell the truth, or tell lies b) use modern technologies c) communicate with animals ___________________ have had a huge influence on society in the last hundred years. a) Internet, radio and television b) radio and Internet c) radio and television Due to Internet people can ____________________________. a) have a sense of past and future, not just present b) get and give a lot of information very quickly c) speak many languages at once. Modern _________________ changing our world every minute of every day. a) communication is b) technologies are c) languages are 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 4 THE MAGIC BASKET A Mother and her little son Johnny lived in a small house. They were very poor. The only treasure in their house was a grey goat. One day Mother said to Johnny:  We have got no money, we have got no bread. You must go and sell our goat. Johnny took the goat and went to the town. On his way he met a farmer with a large basket in his hand. The farmer said :Please, sell me your goat. What can you give me for it? asked Johnny. I can give you this basket, answered the farmer. What can I do with the basket? What good is it for me, asked the little boy. What can I put in it? We are a very poor family and we havent got anything to eat. We have got no bread, no butter, no eggs, no fruit and no vegetables. The matter is my little daughter is ill, said the farmer. She must drink some milk from the grey goat every day or she can die. Johnny was a very kind boy. He was sorry for the little girl. He gave his goat to the farmer. Then he took the basket and went home. When he came back home he showed the basket to his Mother and told her everything. His mother looked at the basket and said :What a silly boy you are, Johnny! What good is this basket for us, what can we put in it? Suddenly the basket said :Im a magic basket. I can help you with your troubles. Saying these words it jumped from the table and ran out of their house. When the basket came back to their house it was full of different tasty things. There were bread and butter, eggs, cakes, fruit and vegetables. Now the Mother and Johnny can have their dinner. Every morning the wonderful basket jumped from the table and ran out of their house. And every day it came back full of good things. You are a very clever boy, Johnny, said the Mother to her son. Since that time they were not hungry and had always their breakfast, dinner and supper. trouble  :;>?VB, BC@1>B0 treasure- A:0@1 Listen to the text and mark the statements True or False. 1. A Mother and her son were very poor. 2. A white goat was the only treasure in their house. 3. The Mother took the goat and went to the town to sell it. 4. The farmer asked Johnny to sell him the goat. 5. The farmers daughter was ill. 6. Johnny didnt give his goat to the farmer. 7. Johnny brought bread and money to his mother. 8. The basket was magic. 9. Johnny ran out of the house and came back with dinner. 10. The Mother thanked Johnny for the magic basket. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option. 1. A Mother lived with her son. . . a) in a village; b) in a small house; c) in a big house; d) in a town 2. The only treasure in their house was . . . a) a grey cow; b) a grey cat; c) a grey dog; d) a grey goat. 3. Johnny with the goat went a) to the farmer; b) to walk; c) to the town; d) to the farmers daughter 4. The farmer gave Johnny. . . a) the basket; b) some money; c) the dinner; d) some bread 5. Johnny was sorry for. . . a) the farmer; b) the mother; c) the goat; d) the little girl 6. Johnny took . . . and went home. a) his goat; b) bread; c) money; d) the basket 7. The Mother looked at the basket and said that Johnny was . . . a) a kind boy; b) a wonderful boy; c) a clever boy; d) a silly boy. 8. The basket said that it was . . . a) wonderful; b) good; c) magic; d) silly 9. Every morning the basket came back to the house full of . . . a) bread; b) tasty things; c) vegetables; d) money 10. Since that time the Mother and her son were . . . a) not hungry; b) not kind; c) not poor; d) not silly 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 5 THE ELEPHANT AND THE DOG Once upon a time there lived a Dog. One day he came to the King s Elephant. He was very hungry and wanted to eat very much. In some month the Elephant and the Dog became friends. The Elephant shared his food with the Dog and they ate together very often. When the Elephant slept, his friend slept too. When the Elephant wanted to play, the Dog played with him. They were very happy together. One day a farmer saw the Dog and asked the elephant-keeper: How much do you want for the dog? I want to buy him. He looks very clever. The elephant-keeper wanted much money. The farmer paid it. He took the dog with him to the village. When the time came for the Kings Elephant to eat, he did not eat. When the time came for him to bathe, he didnt bathe. He was very sad because there wasnt his friend with him. Many days he didnt want to eat, to bathe and to play. One day the King came to the elephant-keepers house and asked him: Why is the Elephant so sad? Where is his friend who ate and slept and played with him? The elephant-keeper answered that the farmer bought the Dog and took him away to the village. And nobody knew where the farmer lived. The King ordered his servants to find the farmer and asked him to turn the dog to the King. The farmer heard about the Kings order and gave him the dog. The Dog was very glad to meet the Kings Elephant again. And the Elephant was very happy to see the Dog. They played, slept and bathed together. And were the happiest friend in the world. To share (smth.) with (smb.)- 4V;8B8AO (G8<>AL) 7 (:8<>AL) Elephant-keeper -4>3;O40G 70 A;>=0<8 Listen to the text and mark the statements True or False. This tale is about the friendship between the King s Elephant and the Dog. The friends always ate and played together. The farmer and the elephant- keeper were happy together. The farmer saw the clever dog and wanted to buy it. The Kings Elephant became unhappy because he was hungry and tired. The elephant-keeper answered that the King bought the Dog and took him away to the village. The King ordered all the farmers to give him the dog. The farmer heard about the Kings order and gave him the Dog. The friends were very glad to meet each other. The happiest friends played, slept and bathed together again. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option. One day . . . came to the Kings Elephant. a) an elephant-keeper; b) a dog; c) an Elephant; d) a farmer The Kings Elephants friend was very. . . a) angry; b) hungry; c) tired; d) thirsty The Elephant shared his. . . with his friend. a) food; b) house; c) bed; d) toys 4. The farmer took the Dog away to. . . a) the city; b) the village; c) another country; d) the town 5. The Kings Elephant was very. . . without his friend. a) hungry; b) tired; c) sad; d) angry 6. Many days . . .didnt want to eat, to bathe and to play. a) the King; b) the Dog; c) the Elephant; d) the farmer 7. One day the. . . came to the elephant-keeper and asked about sad Elephant. a) the farmer; b) the Dog; c) friends; d) the King 8. The elephant-keeper answered that. . . a) the Dog ran away to the village; b) the Dog was in the forest; c) the farmer bought the Dog; d) the King bought the Dog 9. The farmer heard about the Kings order and. . . a) paid him much money; b) bought the Dog; c) gave him the Dog; d) took the Dog away 10. The. . . was very glad to meet the Kings Elephant. a) Dog; b) King; c) farmer; d) elephant-keeper 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 6 AN ARAB AND HIS SONS Far to the East there lived in old days an Arab who had three sons, whom he dearly loved. He had seventeen beautiful horses that he loved. One day the old man became very ill. Feeling that the end was near, he called his sons to give one - half of his horses, to the second son - one third, and to the youngest one ninth. The sons met to divide the horses but they didn't know how to divide them. "How can I take one half of seventeen horses?" said the eldest son. "I can't divide a living horse in two. "And how can I," asked the second, "take one third of seventeen horses? But this is what my father wanted me to do". "I also want to do what my father wanted us to. But what is one ninth of seventeen horses?" At that time an old man came riding on a horse. "May be he can tell us", they said hopefully. They told their story to him. The man began to think. Several minutes passed before he spoke. At last he said, "Take my horse and there will be eighteen". They did so. The elder son took one half of the horses. Then the second son called the horses, which he loved best, and the six animals came running to him. And the youngest son took two horses. The sons said lo the man: "You divided the horses wonderfully. Say what you want us to give you for it". "I shall take all the horses that are left", said the old man and he rode away with his own horse. One third- >4=0 B@5BO One ninth- >4=0 452 OB0 Listen to the text and mark the statements True or False. An Arab had four sons whom he dearly loved. He had seventeen beautiful horses whom he loved greatly. One day he called his youngest son to give him horses. An Arab gave half of horses to the eldest son. The second half of horses he gave to the second son. Only one horse was for the youngest son. The three young Arabs couldnt divide the horses. The brothers asked an old man to help them to divide the horses. The old man agreed to help the young Arabs because he wanted to get a few horses from them. The old man rode away with his own horse. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option. Far to the East lived an Arab who had whom he dearly loved? a) four sons; b) seven sons; c) three sons. He had beautiful horses whom he loved. fourteen; thirteen; Seventeen. One day an Arab became very ill; very old; very happy. Feeling that the end was near he called his youngest son; his second son; all his sons. The sons met tothe horses. divide horses; divide money; help their father. An Arab gave his elder son the horses he loved best; half of his horses; six animals. Three brothers asked the old man to help them to take the horses; choose the horses; divide the horses. The man began to . . . divide; think; speak. The youngest brother took a)one third of horses; b) two horses; c) all the horses are left; 10. The brothers thanked the old man with . . . a) one horse; b) two horses; c) his own horse. 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 7 A VISIT TO A DOCTOR  Medicines are not meant to live on , an English proverb says. There is no denying the fact that good health is better than the best medicine. And if your health is good, you are always in a good mood. Unfortunately sometimes we have problems with our health, even we keep it fine. Then you may call a doctor if you have caught a cold, you have got a sore throat and you are constantly coughing and sneezing, or you can go to see him. In this case first he will ask what the matter is with you, examine you and write out a prescription in which some pills, tablets, maybe injections will be to use. But if you don't use these remedies you will have some complications. For example, flue, pneumonia, tonsillitis and the like. If your eyes need attention, you go to the oculist, who will examine them, test your sight to see whether you are suffering from short-sight or long-sight, and will write out a prescription, which you take to the optician, who will then make the necessary glasses for you. If your teeth need attention, felling or extracting, or if you need false teeth, then you go to the dentist. Following the doctor's advices be sure you will recover soon. Listen to the text and mark the statements True or False. Medicines are not meant to live on, an English proverb says. If your health is good, you are always in a bad mood. Good health is worse than the best medicine. Sometimes we have problems with our health. We may not call the doctor, we can only go to him. If we are constantly coughing and sneezing we must go for a walk. The oculist can help us with our eyes. You can suffer from short-sight, middle-sight, long-sight. If your teeth need attention, felling or extracting, or if you need false teeth, then you go to the surgeon. Not following the doctor's advices be sure you will recover soon. Listen to the text and circle the correct option. What proverb is mentioned in the text: An apple a day keeps a doctor away; Health is above wealth; Medicines are not meant to live on There is no denying the fact that good health is better than the best ... treatment; medicine; care. Unfortunately sometimes we have problems with our . mood; eyesight; health. But if you don't use the you will have some complications. drugs; pills; remedies. When we are ill, we drink cold juice; use pills, tablets; call a doctor. If our eyes need attention, we go to the surgeon; the pediatrician; the oculist. What do we usually take to the optician? glasses; a prescription; tablets. If our teeth need attention, we go to the dentist; the surgeon; the pediatrician. We need when suffering from short-sight or long-sight. a) tablets; b) glasses. 10. If we have some complications, we go a) to a doctor; b) for a walk. 10. Following the doctor's .. be sure you will recover soon. a) prescriptions; b) advices; c) suggestions 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 8 BASEBALL Baseball is America s most popular sport. In a baseball game there are two teams of nine players. Players must hit a ball with a bat and then run around four bases. A player who goes around all the bases scores a run for his team. The team that finishes with more runs wins the game. Where did baseball come from? No one knows for sure. Many people believe that the idea came from a game played by children in England. Other people believe that a man named Abner Doubleday invented the game in Cooperstown, New York, in 1839. But the first real rules of baseball were written in 1845 by Alexander Cartwright. Two teams from New York played a game following Cartwrights rules. The rules worked well. Soon there were many teams. These early teams were not professional. They played only for fun, not for money. But baseball was very popular from the start. Businessmen saw that they could make money with professional baseball teams. The first professional team was started in 1869. This team was the Red Stockings of Cincinnati. Within a few years there were professional teams in other cities. In 1876 these teams came together in a league, or a group, called the National League. The teams in the National League played with one another. In 1901 a new league called the American League was formed. To create some excitement, in 1903 the two leagues decided to have their first-place teams playing with each other. This event was called the World Series. Each year since then the National League winner and the American League winner have been playing in the World Series. And, each year, millions of people look forward to this exciting sports event. Listen to the text and mark the statements True or False. Baseball is Americas most popular sport. In a baseball game there are two teams of nineteen players. Players must throw a ball and then run around four bases. The team that finishes with more runs wins the game. Many people believe that the idea of baseball came from a game played by children in England. Baseball was very popular from the start. The first professional team was started in 1989. The teams in the National League played with one another. In 1901 a new league called the British League was formed. Each year, millions of people look forward to this exciting sports event. Listen to the text and circle the correct option. Baseball is most popular sport. Americas British Ukrainian Players must hit a ball with and then run around four bases. a hand a cap a bat Some people believe that a man named invented the game in Cooperstown. Abner Doubleday John Smith David Doubleway Two teams from played a game following Cartwrights rules. London New York Los Angeles The early teams played for . money prizes fun saw that they could make money with professional baseball teams. businessmen sportsmen players In 1876 the teams came together in a league, or a group, called the . United League National League Baseball League In a new league called the American League was formed. 1901 1091 1910 In 1903 the two leagues decided to have their first-place teams playing with . other teams teams from other countries each other Each year the National League winner and the American League winner have been playing in the & . World Series American Series National Series 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B 7 :;0A 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 9 HEALTHY LIFESTYLE Different people have different life style and sometimes we don t care about what we eat , drink, how much we sleep, sit in front of the TV or computer monitor, rest and exercise. Our health depends on our lifestyle. The meal we eat should be healthy, balanced and home- made. You should eat less sugar and fat, but more fruit and vegetables, a lot of vitamins every day. All juices are good for health: tomato, apple, apricot and of course pine-apple juice. Vitamin "C" is good for our health. Garlic prevents us from cold. As you know: "An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away". Don't read or watch TV when you eat. Have only healthy snacks .Forget about junk and fast food, high-fat, high-calorie snacks: cookies, potato chips and soda. Make your own sandwiches with meat and vegetables. Drink a lot of water. Your body needs a lot of water. Don't eat after 7 p.m. Physical activity is very important for a healthy lifestyle. Another good advice is doing sport regularly. Do some exercise in the morning or in the afternoon every day: ride a bicycle, go swimming or jogging, wash the floors in your home or walk the dog. Dont be nervous. Avoid stressful situations and try to solve your problems quickly. Get positive emotions, smile and laugh as often as possible. Bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol, taking drugs) destroy our organism. They are very dangerous especially for teenagers. Stop and take care of yourself, because your health is the best riches in your life. Listen to the text and mark the statements True or False. Different people have different life style. Our health depends on our lifestyle. The meal we eat should be healthy and ready-made. You should eat less sugar and fat, but more fruit. Garlic prevents us from heart diseases. As you know: "An Orange a Day Keeps the Doctor Away". Forget about junk and fast food, high-fat, high-calorie snacks. Avoid positive situations and try to solve your problems slowly. Get positive emotions, smile and laugh as often as possible. Your profession is the best riches in your life. Listen to the text and circle the correct option. Sometimes people dont care about what they eat, drink and . how much they dream how much they sleep how much they communicate Our health depends on our . lifestyle profession country The meal we eat should be healthy, balanced and . ready-made low in proteins home- made. Don't when you eat. read or watch TV play computer games talk Forget about junk and fast food, high-fat, high-calorie snacks: cookies and . coffee water soda is very important for a healthy lifestyle. physical activity your doctor jogging Get positive emotions, smile and laugh as as possible. seldom often hard Bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol, taking drugs) & our organism. destroy help improve Bad habits are very dangerous especially for & . adults old people teenagers Your & is the best riches in your life. job health education 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 10 A BOY WHO CAME OUT FROM THE COLD A schoolboy who spent the night trapped in butcher s cold store after being locked in accidentally ran on the spot on the ten hours to stay alive. Peter Emerson, aged 15, was locked in the store in Stratford-upon-Avon butchers shop for 14 hours with the temperature around freezing point. Staff arriving for a work at the Wood Street shop found him yesterday morning with his teeth chattering and his face purple with cold. Steel freezing, Peter immediately telephoned his parents, who had reported his missing to the police. Peter, who lives in Bunberry Road, Stratford, said:I helped out at the shop after school and had gone into the cold store just before closing time. I was behind a big food shelf when the door locked behind me. At first I thought it was someone playing a joke but when I realized it wasnt and began shouting all the staff has gone home. I tried to kick the door open and to pick the lock but it was no good. I was wearing only a shirt, trousers, a thin pullover and a white butchers smock. It was bitterly cold and I realized that might die, so I ran on the spot for about ten of the14 hours. Listen to the text and mark the statements True or False. Peter Emerson didnt come back home because he went shopping. He ran on the spot for ten hours to stay alive. Peter Emerson was 17 years old. He was locked in the store in a Stratford-upon-Avon butchers shop. He was in a butchers cold store for 18 hours. Peters parents didnt report his missing to the police. Peter tried to pick the lock of the door. He was wearing warm clothes. The next morning the boy was found by the staff. He immediately telephoned his parents to calm them. Listen to the text and circle the correct option. Peter Emerson didnt come back that day because he went shopping had been locked worked at the butchers wanted to run for ten hours The boy has been trapped because someone played a joke the lock was not good nobody noticed him behind a shelf helped out at the shop Yesterday morning Peter was found at the Wood Street shop the Bunberry Road shop the Bunberry Street shop the Wood Street supermarket Peter was chattering his teeth because he was too frightened to go out he was nervous he was cold he was afraid of losing The boy ran on the spot for ten hours because he was fighting for his life someone asked him to do it he didnt want to catch a cold he liked doing exercises In the butchers store Peter tried to calm and sleep have a rest find something to eat kick the door open He immediately telephoned his parents because he wanted to calm them they were going to call the police decided to spent the night in the store his face became purple Peters parents knew where there sun was reported his missing to the police didnt worry about their son didnt know what to do Peter was wearing only trousers and butchers smock a warm coat a shirt, trousers, a thin pullover and a black butchers smock a shirt, trousers, a thin pullover and a white butchers smock The next morning the boy was found by the police by his parents by the staff by a butcher 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 11 We think of chewing gum as a modern American invention. But this is only partly true. For thousands of years people have chewed gum resin, a juice collected from the trees. In Mexico for example, Indians have long chewed chicle, the gum resin from the sapodilla tree. In 1850 Mexico and the USA fought a war over Texas. General Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana led the Mexican soldiers. When Mexico lost the war, Santa Ana had to leave his country. He went to live in New York and he took with him a large amount of chicle. An American inventor Thomas Adams, bought some chicle from Santa Ana. He wanted to make the chicle into a rubber but his plan failed. Adams then decided that chicle was better as something to chew. In 1871 he made and sold the first gum balls. Those gumballs were a great success. Then in 1890s, a man named Wrigley first made chewing gum as we know it today. William Wrigley had little education or money, but he had an idea. He made gum into a flat sticks and added special flavors. Today, the Wrigley's Spearmint Gum and Juicy Fruit gum are among the most popular chewing gums in America. How did modern chewing gum spread from the USA to other countries? During World War I and World War II the USA Army found that chewing gums kept soldiers from getting thirsty. So American soldiers were given chewing gums for each day. The soldiers who fought in Europe often gave gum to the people they met. Gum became as popular as it was in the US. Today, of course, chewing gums can be found around the world. Listen to the text and mark the statements True or False. 1. We think of chewing gum as a modern American invention. 2. In 1850 Mexico and the USA fought a war over Russia. 3. After the war Santa Ana went to live in New York and took with him a large amount of chicle. 4. An American inventor bought some wood from Santa Ana. 5. William Wrigley first made chewing gum as we know it today. 6. William Wrigley made gum into flat sticks and added special flavors. 7. Santa Ana decided that chicle was better as something to chew. 8. The USA Army found that chewing gums kept soldiers from getting hungry. 9. In 1871 Adams made and sold the first gum balls. 10. The soldiers gave gums to the people they met. Listen to the text and circle the correct option. 1. For thousands of years people __________gum resin. chewed; have chewed; chew 2. In 1850 France and the USA fought a war over Texas. Italy Germany Mexico 3. He went to live in New York and he took with him a large amount of_____ a) balls b) chicle c) books 4. He wants to make the chicle into__________ but his plan failed. a rubber a plastic a wood 5. Those gumballs were ___________ a) the worst plan b) a great success c) a good idea 6. A man named __________ first made chewing gum. Mr. Robinson Wrigley Dr. Space 7. Santa Ana___ leave his country. have to; had to; has to. 8. Today, the Wrigley's Spearmint Gum and Juicy Fruit gum_____ among the most popular chewing gums in America. wore; is; are. 9. So _________soldiers chewing gum for each day. Spanish French American 10. Today, of course chewing gum can be found_________. a) around the world b) in our country c) in America. 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 12 HISTORY JOKES His name was Fleming, and he was a poor Scottish farmer. One day, while trying to make a living for his family, he heard a cry for help coming from a nearby boy. He dropped his tools and ran to the boy. There, mired to his waist in black muck, was a terrified boy, screaming and struggling to free himself. Farmer Fleming saved the boy from what could have been a slow and terrifying death'. The next day, a fancy carriage pulled up to the Scotsman's place. An elegantly dressed nobleman stepped out and introduced himself as the father of the boy farmer Fleming had saved. "I want to repay you", said the nobleman. "You saved my son's life". "No I can't accept payment for what I did", the Scottish farmer replied, waving off the offer. At that moment, the farmer's own son came to the door of the family hovel "Is that your son?" the nobleman asked. "Yes", the farmer replied proudly. I"ll make you a deal. Let me take him and give him a good education. If the fellow is anything like his father, he'll grow to a man you can be proud of. And that he did. In time, farmer Fleming's son graduated from St. Mary's Hospital Medical School in London, and went onto become known throughout the world as the noted Sir Alexander Fleming, the discoverer of Penicillin. Years afterward, the nobleman's son was close to death from pneumonia. What saved him? Penicillin. The name of the nobleman? Lord Randolph Churchill. His son's name? Sir Winston Churchill Listen to the text and mark the statements True or False. 1. Fleming was a poor English farmer. 2. He heard a cry of joy of some boy. 3. He saw a boy struggling in mud. 4. The farmer helped the boy to get out. 5. The next day a nobleman came to the farmers place. 6. The nobleman wanted to pay for the farmers work. 7. The nobleman promised to help the farmers children. 8. The son of the farmer became a famous scientist. 9. The nobleman was a relative of Sir Winston Churchill. 10. The noblemans son was saved by the farmer and his son twice. Listen to the text and circle the correct option. 1. It may be inferred from the text that the Fleming family lived: a)in the south of Great Britain; b) in the north of Great Britain; c) in the centre of Great Britain; d) outside Great Britain. 2. The farmer must have been: a) kind and wealthy; b) noble and proud; c) hardly able to make ends meet; d) idle and suspicious. 3. One can make a conclusion that the saved boy's father was: a) a successful farmer; b) a good hunter; c) an aristocrat; d) a beggar. 4. The farmer's son must have been: a) worth pride; b) a wonder kid; c) a nobleman; d) from Ireland. 5. The nobleman's offer was: a) rather stupid; b)just and generous; c) not worth considering; d) never accepted. 6. After receiving his education, young Fleming was supposed to: a) work with customers; b) sell medicines; c) look for criminals; d) treat patients. 7.Alexander Fleming discovered: a) a penny ceiling; b) a pan sealing; c) penicillin; d) pennies while pealing. 8.Fleming's discovery made him: a) cruel and dangerous; b) famous worldwide; c) thrilling and exciting; d) quite boring. 9. The word "sir" before Fleming's name may mean that he: a)became as noble as Churchill; b)came from Syracuse; c)performed in a circle; d) was a sergeant in the British Army. 10. One can infer from the text that: a) the Flemings and the Churchills were close friends; b) Alexander Fleming may not necessarily have seen Winston Churchill the childhood accident; c)Winston Churchill almost died from the medicines given by Fleming; d) Alexander Fleming was Winston Churchill's personal doctor. 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 13 ALL ABOUT POTATOES A lot of potatoes are eaten in many parts of the world. The potato had been cultivated in America before it became important food in Europe, Africa and Asia. It was introduced to England in the time of Queen Elizabeth I in the 16th century. Nowadays it is such an important part of the English man's diet that it is difficult to imagine how he used to manage without it. Potatoes can be cooked in many different ways. The four main methods used in England are boiling, roasting, baking and frying. When potatoes are boiled, they are cut up and put in a saucepan with water and a little salt. When potatoes are baked, they are put in an oven for half an hour. They usually are not peeled. Baked potatoes with their skins on are called "potatoes in their jackets". Roasting is like baking because it is usually done in an oven. The main difference between baking and roasting is in the usage of fat. Fat is used while you are roasting, but it is not while you are baking. Frying is like roasting because fat or oil is used. There are two main ways of frying potatoes. They can be cut into slices and fried in a special shallow pan called frying pan. For this way of frying English people use animal or vegetable fat which is sold in packets or tins. The other way is called deep frying. The slices of potatoes are put into a deep pan or metal box full of oil. In Britain fried potatoes are called "chips". We must be careful not to get confused about the meaning of the word "chips". In America fried potatoes are mostly called "French fries" and the word "chips" is used in America and now also in Britain for potato crisps. Potato crisps are very thin slices of potato fried by a special factory method and sold in a plastic bag. It is this second and newer meaning of the word "chips", which has been borrowed by some other languages. One of the most popular dishes in Britain is fish and chips. Before the fish is fried it is dipped in a mixture of flour and water called batter. Both fish and chips are deep fried. In every town in Britain there are fish and chips shops where one can go and buy chips and fish for the whole family. Listen to the text and mark the statements True or False. A lot of potatoes are eaten in many parts of the world. The potato had been cultivated in America before it became important food in Africa. It was introduced to England in the time of Queen Elizabeth I in the 17th century. Potatoes can be cooked in many different ways. The three main methods used in England are boiling, roasting and frying. When potatoes are baked, they are put in an oven for an hour and a half. Baked potatoes with their skins on are called "potatoes in their jackets". In America fried potatoes are called "chips". Potato crisps are very thin slices of potato fried by a special factory method and sold in a plastic bag. One of the most popular dishes in Britain is fish and potato pie. Listen to the text and circle the correct option. A lot of potatoes are eaten . America and Africa America and Europe in many parts of the world The potato had been cultivated in America before it became important food in . Asia and Africa Europe, Africa and Asia. Europe and Asia Potato was introduced to England in the time of Queen Elizabeth I in the century. 16th 18th 17th The main methods of cooking are used in England. three five four The main difference between baking and roasting is in the usage of fat. water fat milk In fried potatoes are called "chips". America Scotland Britain In fried potatoes are mostly called "French fries". America Britain Ukraine Potato crisps are very thin slices of potato fried by a special factory method and sold in . a paper box a paper bag a plastic bag One of the most popular dishes in Britain is . potato pudding fish and chips fish and potato pie In every town & there are fish and chips shops where one can go and buy chips and fish for the whole family. in America in Great Britain in the world 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 14 A STORY One day some Americans were having dinner at a hotel in London, when fish was put on the table one of them, a young man, said: "Let's examine the fish carefully, perhaps we'll find a diamond in it." Everybody began to laugh, but an old man said quietly: "Yes, I'm sure we have all heard stories like that. Let me tell you what happened to me once." "When I was a young man,' he began, "I worked for a big company in New York; and I was sent to England to do some work there. I was in love with a beautiful girl, and before I left for England, we decided that we would get married when I returned home. I stayed in England for two months. I sent letters and postcards to the girl almost every day, but after the first two weeks I didn't receive any answers. But I didn't think anything was the matter, and before I left for home, I bought a beautiful diamond ring for her. On the ship one morning, a telegram was brought to me. It was from a friend in New York, who told me that the girl had changed her mind and was going to get married to another man. I was so angry that I threw the diamond ring into the sea. My friend came to the port to meet me, and he invited me to dinner. While we were sitting down at the table and I was eating fish, I suddenly felt something hard in my mouth. What do you think it was?" "The diamond!" all the Americans cried. "No", the old man answered, "It was the fish bone." Listen to the text and mark the statements True or False. One day some Americans were having dinner at a hotel in Paris. Fish was put on the table. A gentleman said: "Let's examine the fish carefully, perhaps we'll find a diamond in it." A man worked for a big company in New York. He was sent to Wales to do some work there. He was in love with a beautiful girl, and before he left for England, they decided that they would get married when he returned home. He stayed in England for four months. On the ship one morning, a letter was brought to him. His friend came to the port to meet him, and he invited him to lunch. It was the diamond in the fish. Listen to the text and circle the correct option. 1. Where were the Americans having dinner one day? a) on board a ship b) at the hotel c) at a party d) in a caf 2. What did the young man hope to find in the fish? a) a watch b) a ring c) some money d) diamond 3. Where was the young man sent to work? a) to England b) to London c) to New York d) to Canada 4. When had the young people decided to marry? a) when he returned home b) during the journey c) before he left home d) on the way back home 5. What did the young man buy for his girl? a) a beautiful dress b) a fur coat c) a gold watch d) a diamond ring 6. Why didn't the girl answer his letters? a) She was very ill b) She wanted to join him c) She wanted to marry another man d) She was angry with him 7. How did the young man react to his friend's news? a) He was very happy b) He was very lonely c) He was very angry d) He was very unhappy 8. What did the young man do with the present? a) He gave it to another girl b) He threw it into the sea c) He sold it d) He lost it in the street 9. What did the friends have for dinner when they met again? a) They had soup b) They had pudding c) They had meat d) They had fish 10. What did the young man feel hard in his mouth? a) a fruit stone b) a fish bone c) an egg shell d) a diamond ring 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 15  THE ANT AND THE GRASSHOPPER (from Aesop's Fables) While a grasshopper was taking it easy in the shade of a willow tree one hot summer's day, an ant struggled in the sun with a grain of rice that he was carrying out to his nest. "Hey, Mister Ant", the grasshopper said. "Why don't you take it easy, like me? You can work tomorrow". The ant paused. "I'm saving up food now for the cold winter ahead, and I know what's good for you, you'll do the same", he said. The grasshopper looked at the ant and laughed. "Cold winter ? But Mr. Ant, it is sunny and hot right now. It won't be winter for a long time. There is always tint, to gather food, there's no need to spend your time in this beautiful weather doing work. Come sit down with me and have some lemonade". But the ant refused and spent the rest of the day gathering food and storing it in his nest. As the days went by the ant continued to collect food, while the grasshopper continued to rest underneath the shade of the willow tree. Three or four months later, winter came and it was very cold. While the ant was snug in his nest, the starving grasshopper shivered under a pile of dead leaves and wished that he'd paid attention to the ant's advice. Listen to the text and mark the statements True or False. The grasshopper wasn't working because he had hurt his back. The ant gathered food all summer. The ant invited the grasshopper to come live with him during the winter. The grasshopper was a hard worker. The ant took a rest with the grasshopper underneath the willow tree. The ant was comfortable during the winter. It was easy for the ant to carry food back to his nest. The moral of the story is working hard will benefit you more than being lazy. The grasshopper was drinking lemonade underneath the willow tree. The grasshopper had plenty of food to eat during the winter. Listen to the text and circle the correct option. A grasshopper was taking it easy in the shade of a one hot summer's day. fir tree; willow tree; oak; pine tree. 2. A grasshopper was carrying out a grain of rice to his a) nest; b) stable; c) hole; d) cave. 3. The grasshopper proposed to a) work together the next day; b) work harder; c) take it easy; d) have some rest. 4. The ant advised the grasshopper to a) save up food for the cold winter; b) make a pause; c) think about food later; d) lie in the sun. 5. The ant the grasshoppers advice. a) was really excited to follow; b) could not hear; c) refused; d) paid attention to. 6. The grasshopper seemed to a) be very patient; b) be very pleased; c) be hard-working; d) be irresponsible. 7. As the days went by the grasshopper continued to rest the tree. a) on; b) underneath the shade of; c) near the shade of; d) in front of. 8. When winter came the ant .in his nest. a) was beat; b) frozen; c) was snug; d) tired. 9. In winter the grasshopper under a pile of dead leaves. a) shivered; b) took it easy; c) was hungry; d) felt exhausted. 10. Choose the best proverb according to the fable: a) Actions speak louder than words; b) After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile; c) All things are difficult before they are easy; d) Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow. 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 16 SWIFT AND HIS SERVANT Jonathan Swift, a famous English writer, was one day travelling on horseback with a servant. The weather was bad; it was raining and the roads were muddy. In the evening the two men came to an inn. Before going to bed, Swift told his servant to clean his boots as they were dirty. But the servant was very lazy and did not do what his master had said. The next morning when Swift saw the dirty boots, he asked the servant why he had not executed the order. The roads are muddy. What is the use of cleaning the boots now? They will soon be dirty again, the servant answered. Swift didnt say anything and soon told the servant to get ready because they would start at once. But the servant looked very displeased and said that he had not eaten his breakfast yet. Swift answered that they would go without any breakfast. What is the use of eating now? You will be hungry again, he said. Listen to the text and mark the statements True or False. Jonathan Swift was a famous American writer. The roads were muddy because of the rain. Jonathans boots were dirty. The servant followed the masters order. In the morning Swift noticed that his servant had not executed the order. The servant was a really hard-working man. Jonathans friend noticed that the boots would be dirty again. The next morning Swift wanted to continue their travelling. The servant was angry because he had not eaten his dinner yet. Swift taught his servant a lesson. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option The writer and his servant were most likely travelling somewhere.... A. in the wood B. in the countryside C. in the city D. in the space The servant seemed to dislike ... A. his master B. work C. cleaning shoes D. bad weather Swift seemed to ... A. be very angry B. be quite indifferent C. be pleased D. be relaxed The travel was to resume ... A. shortly B. after breakfast C. after the rain stopped D. after the shoes had been polished The servant was possibly very ... A. happy B. quiet C. hungry D. cheerful Swift was not going to _____. have his shoes cleaned keep the servant any longer have any meal leave the inn that day Jonathan Swift was one day travelling on horseback on foot by train by plane In the evening the two men came to the restaurant the inn the hotel the cafe Swift answered that they would go without any lunch dinner supper breakfast The writer was a really man. attentive careless kind wise 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 17 THE TRICK THAT FAILED Twin brothers Freddie and Felix often played tricks at school. One day they decided to try to cheat on a French exam. Freddie was very good at learning languages and was always the best student in both Spanish and French. Felix, however, excelled in mathematics. He was not interested in languages at all. When Felix discovered that he had to take an exam in French, he asked his brother for help. The day of Felixs test, they met in the boys restroom during lunch and switched clothes. Freddie went to his brothers French class and took the test for him. Meanwhile, Felix followed Freddies timetable. After school, the twins laughed about their trick and headed home. As they entered the house, their mother called them into the kitchen. She was furious! She had received a phone call from the school principal. The French teacher found out about the trick! How did he know? cried Felix. Easily, replied his mother. Everyone at school knows that one obvious difference between you and your brother is that you are right-handed and Freddie is left-handed. While the French teacher was grading the tests, he noticed that the check marks on the test were done by a left-handed person. Felix and Freddie got into a lot of trouble that day, but they learned a valuable lesson and they never cheated again. Listen to the text and mark the statements True or False. Two cousins often played tricks at school. They decided to trick a teacher of French. Freddie was the best student in English and French. Felix was good at Physics. Felix asked his brother to help him to write a test in French. When Freddie went to his brothers French class, Felix went home. When the brothers came home, their mother called them to have a meal. Their mother was very angry. The headmaster phoned their mother. Nobody noticed that the test was written by a left-handed person. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option: Twins often played. at school. chess games tricks Freddie was very good at. Spanish and French Spanish and English French and German Felix asked his brother .. to take a test for him to solve a problem to translate a text for him During lunch the twins met in . the school canteen the library the boys restroom After school the twins laughed and went. to the caf home to the cinema When they entered the house, their .called them into the kitchen. father mother grandma The mother was very serious tired furious Their mother received a phone call from.. the French teacher the school principal the librarian found out about the trick. classmates the class teacher the French teacher Felix and Freddie & & & .that day and they learned a good lesson. got into a lot of trouble were very glad felt annoyed 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 18 THE DAY I CAME FACE TO FACE WITH A TIGER My name is Tony Russel. Last year I went to Nepal for three month to work in a hospital. It was situated high in the mountains. I liked the place very much. The air was always fresh and there was a small lake which was not very deep not far from the hospital. I used to swim there early in the morning. I think its important to see as much of a foreign country as you can, but its difficult and sometimes dangerous to travel around Nepal. Once I had a few days holiday from the hospital, so I decided to go into the jungle with my friend Kamal Rai who knew a lot about his own country and was fond of traveling among the wildlife. We started preparing for the trip at six in the morning and left our camp with two elephants. It was hot, but we were wearing shoes and trousers to protect us from snakes. In the jungle there were a lot of mountains, but we were trying to find big cats, especially tigers. We got onto the elephants backs but Kamal said it was unusual to find tigers in the middle of the day because they liked to sleep in the daytime, hiding in the grass. Then suddenly we saw a tiger rather far and Kamal told me to be quiet. We came nearer and saw a dead sheep in the grass. This was the tigers lunch! We heard the tiger a second before we saw it. The animal noticed us I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: 1. Tony Russel went to Nepal for four months to work in a hospital. 2. Tony Russel liked that place very much. 3. There was a small river not far from the hospital. 4. Once he decided to go into the jungle alone. 5. They started preparing for the trip at seven in the evening. 6. In the jungle there was a lot of wildlife. 7. They got onto camels backs. 8. It was unusual to find tigers in the middle of the day. 9. Then suddenly we saw a snake rather far. 10. The animal noticed Tony and Kamal. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option 1. The hospital was situated in_________. a) the forest b) the mountains c) the town 2. Tony Russel used to swim early ____________. a) at night b) in the evening c) in the morning 3. When Tony Russel had a few days holiday he decided to go into________. a) the jungle b) the forest c) mountains 4. Tony Russel and Kamal Rai left their camp with two______________. a) tigers b) dogs c) elephants 5. Tigers liked to ____ in the daytime. a) hunt b) sleep c) have a rest 6. They saw a dead sheep in the ___________. a) grass b) water c) flowers 7. The sheep was the tigers___________. a) breakfast b) supper c) lunch 8. There was a small____________ which was not very deep. a) river b) lake c) pool 9. Kamal Rai was fond of travelling among the _________ a) mountains b) forest c) wildlife 10. We were wearing shoes and trousers to protect us from a) mosquitoes b) snakes d) spiders 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 19 Marco Polo is famous for his journeys across Asia. He was one of the first Europeans to travel in Mongolia and China. He wrote a famous book called 'The Travels'. He was born in Venice, Italy in 1254. In 1272, when he was only 17 years old, he travelled to Asia with his father and uncle. The journey was very long. They visited a lot of places and saw wonderful things: eye glasses, ice-cream, spaghetti and the riches of Asia. After three years they entered China through the Great Wall. In 1275 Kublai Khon, the Emperor of China, met the visitors at his Summer Palace in the capital of China at Xanadu. The palace was very beautiful. There were a lot of gold things and silk curtains. The Emperor gave a big banquet. There were more than a thousand people in the palace. On the emperor's birthday 5,000 soldiers rode through the city to the palace on elephants. Marco Polo visited some huge markets, where merchants from all over the world bought and sold all kinds of things. He was happy to see one of the greatest cities of the thirteenth century and spent 18 years in China. When he returned to Italy in 1295, he became a popular storyteller. People came to his home to hear stories about his journeys in the East. Many of them did not believe him. When he died, he said: 'I haven't told half of what I saw, because no one can believe it.' I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: 1. Marco Polo wrote a famous book called The Journeys. 2. When he was only 17 years old he started to travel. 3. Marco Polo travelled with his brother and aunt. 4. They visited a lot of places and saw wonderful things: eye glasses, ice-cream, spaghetti and the riches of Asia. 5. Summer Palace was very beautiful. 6. Soldiers rode through the city to the palace on camels. 7. Merchants from all over the world bought and sold all kinds of things. 8. He was happy to see one of the greatest cities of the thirteenth century and spent 19 years in Japan. 9. When he came back to his native town he became a popular scientist. 10. When he died, he said: 'I haven't told half of what I saw, because no one can believe it.' II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option 1. Marco Polo is famous for his journeys across a) Australia b) Asia c) Alaska 2. He was born in , in 1254. a) Paris, London b) London, Great Britain c) Venice, Italy 3.After years they entered China through the Great Wall a) three b) four c) five 4. In Summer Palace there were a lot of things. a) platinum b) silver c) gold 5. The gave a big banquet. a) king b) president c) emperor 6. On the birthday soldiers rode through the city. a) 5,000 b) 4,000 c) 6,000 7. Marco Polo visited some markets, where were merchants from all over the world. a) small b) huge c) middle 8.When Marco Polo returned to . a) France b) Great Britain c) Italy 9. People came to his home to hear the stories about his journeys in the a) North b) East c) West 10. of them did not believe him. a) many b) some c) few 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 20 SHAW WROTE A PLAY Once a poor flower-girl, quite by chance, overheard a conversation between two gentlemen. One of the gentlemen was a professor of phonetics. He was saying to the other that he could teach an uneducated person to speak good English. The girl was very much interested in what they were talking about. She tried to hear every word. The fact was that she had for a long time been thinking of learning to speak correctly, and now she saw an excellent chance for herself. If she improved her manner of speaking the owners of the big flower shop would give her a job. She asked the two gentlemen to buy a few flowers from her and tried to speak to them but they didn't listen to her and soon went away. The next day the girl came to the professor's house and asked him to give her lessons. The professor was very much surprised. At first he refused to teach her, saying that it was no use even trying, but then he agreed. The results of the first lesson were poor. She couldn't produce proper English sounds and was tired of endless exercises. But soon the professor discovered that she was a clever girl. She took a great interest in her lessons and never missed a chance of practicing the sounds. As a result, her English became so good that the people who met her thought that she was a real lady. The story of the girl can be found in one of Bernard Shaw's most popular plays. by chance 28?04:>2> no use even trying - =5<0T A5=AC =02VBL =0<030B8AO I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: 1) A poor girl wanted to get money from the two gentlemen. 2) The flower-girl learnt where the two gentlemen lived. 3) The other gentleman took phonetics lessons. 4) The professor of phonetics gave lessons. 5) The flower-girl was going to get a good job. 6) She wanted to find a rich husband. 7) The professor could teach anyone to speak good English. 8) The owner of the big flower shop refused to give her a job. 9) The professor wanted to get money from the girl. 10) She decided to get a job in the professors house. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option 1) The girl was selling a) fruits b) flowers c) books 2) The girl wanted to improve her a) phonetics b) linguistics c) cooking-skills 3) Two gentlemen a) did not listen to her and went away b) bought the flowers c) had a conversation with the flower-girl 4) The girl went to a) the bank b) the professors house c) the owner of the big flower shop 5) The gentleman .. a) refused to give her lessons at any price b) agreed to give her lessons at once c) first refused but then agreed to give her lesson 6) She never missed an opportunity of practicing a) the grammar b )the sounds c) the words 7) The results of the girl were .. a) bad all the time b) very good from the beginning c) first bad but then became very good 8) As a result people thought the girl was a) uneducated b) a lady c) just a flower-girl 9) Soon the girl a) got married b) taught uneducated persons to speak good English. c) could speak English properly 10) Bernard Shaw is the name of & .. a) the professor b) the other gentleman c) the famous writer 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 21 The class teacher thought that hobbies were very important for every child. She encouraged all her pupils to have one, and sometimes arranged for their parents to come and see the work they had done as a result. One Friday morning the teacher told the class that those of them who had a hobby could have a holiday that afternoon to get the things they had made as parts of their hobbies ready for their parents to see the following afternoon. So on Friday afternoon, while those of the pupils who had nothing to show did their usual lessons, the lucky ones who had made something were allowed to go home, on condition that they returned before five o'clock to bring what they were going to show, and to arrange it. When the afternoon lessons began, the teacher was surprised to see that Tommy was not there. He was the laziest boy in the class, and the teacher found it difficult to believe that he had a hobby. However, at a quarter to five, Tommy arrived with a beautiful collection of butterflies in glass cases. After his teacher had admired them and helped him to arrange them on a table in the classroom, she was surprised to see Tommy pick them up again and begin to leave. What are you doing, Tommy? she asked. Those things must remain here until tomorrow afternoon. That's when the parents are coming to see them. I know they are coming then, answered Tommy, and I will bring them back tomorrow; but my big brother doesn't want them to be out of our house at night in case they are stolen. But what has it got to do with your big brother? asked the teacher. Aren't the butterflies yours?' No, answered Tommy. They belong to him. But Tommy, you are supposed to show your own hobby here, not somebody else's! said the teacher. I know that, answered Tommy. My hobby is watching my brother's collection of butterflies. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: 1. The class teacher thought that sport was very important for every child. 2. One Friday the teacher advised the students to have a holiday that afternoon. 3. On Friday afternoon the lucky students were allowed to go home to bring what they were going to show. 4. The teacher was surprised to see that one boy was not there. 5. The teacher didnt believe that Tommy had a hobby. 6. In the afternoon Tommy arrived with a beautiful collection of butterflies. 7. After this teacher had counted them and helped him to arrange them on a table. 8. The teacher said that those things had to remain there until the next day. 9. Tommy had an older brother. 10. Tommys hobby was collecting butterflies. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option 1. The class teacher thought that hobbies were___________________ useful for every parent very important for every child not very important for everybody 2. She encouraged all her pupils to _____________ to play a musical instrument to have a hobby to read much 3. On Friday morning the teacher told the class_________________ to bring their parents to school to come to school earlier to get the thing ready for their parents to see 4. Those who had a hobby could _______________ have a holiday that afternoon not come to school today have a little rest in class 5. Those who had nothing to show had to stay at home did their usual lesson had to begin their work 6. The lucky ones who had made something were allowed ______________ to go to the cinema to go for a walk to go home 7. They were allowed to bring what they were going to show and _________________ a) to arrange it b) to display it A) to export it 8. Tommy was __________ pupil in class. the brightest the worst the laziest 9 The teacher was ____________ to see that Tommy was not there a) glad b) pleased A) surprised 10.Tommy answered: My hobby is watching______________ a) cartoons b) butterflies 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 22 In 1608 an Englishman whose name was Thomas Coryate visited Italy. He liked the country and noted down every interesting thing he found. But there was one thing which he found more interesting than the others. In his diary Thomas wrote, When the Italians eat meat, they use small forks. They dont eat with hands because, as they say, do not always have clean hands. Before leaving for England, Thomas Coryate bought a few forks. At home Thomas gave a dinner party to show the invention to his friends. When the servant brought the steak, he took out a fork and began to eat like they did in Italy. Everybody looked at him in surprise. When he told his friends what it was, they all wanted to take a good look at the strange thing. All his friends said that the Italians were very strange people because the fork was very inconvenient. Thomas Coryate tried to prove the opposite. He said it was not nice to eat with ones fingers because they were not always clean. Everybody got angry at that. Did Mr. Coryate think that people in England always had dirty hands? And werent the ten fingers they had enough for them? Thomas Coryate wanted to show that it was very easy to use the fork. But the first piece of meat he took with the fork fell to the floor. His friends began to laugh and he had to take the fork away. Only fifty years later people in England began to use forks. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: 1. In 1608 an Englishman whose name was Thomas Coryate visited Italy. 2. He liked his country and noted down every interesting thing he found. 3. When the Italians eat meat, they use small forks. 4. They dont eat with hands because they always have dirty hands. 5. Before leaving for England, Thomas Coryate bought a big present for his friends. 6. At home Thomas gave a dinner party to show the invention to his friends. 7. When the servant brought the cereal, he took out a fork and began to eat like they did in Italy. 8. Everybody looked at him in surprise. 9. Thomas Coryate wanted to show that it was very easy to use the fork. 10. Only fifteen years later people in England began to use forks. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option 1. In 1608 an Englishman whose name was Thomas Coryate visited a) the USA b) Italy c) England 2. He liked the country and noted down every he found. a) different song b) interesting fact c) interesting thing 3. When the Italians eat meat, they use . a) small knives b) small forks c) small spoons 4. They dont eat with hands because, as they say a) they like to eat with forks b) do not always have clean hands c) always use small forks 5. At home Thomas gave a dinner party to show the to his friends. a) invention b) presents c) discoveries 6. When the servant brought the steak, he took out a fork and began like they did in Italy. a) to show b) to eat c) to invent 7. All his friends said that the Italians were very strange people because the fork was very a) convenient b) small c) inconvenient 8. He said to eat with ones fingers because they were not always clean. a) it was not nice b) it was not convenient c) it was nice 9. Thomas Coryate wanted to show . a) that it was very funny to use the fork b) that it was very difficult to use the fork c) that it was very easy to use the fork 10. Only later people in England began to use forks. a) fifty years b) fifteen years c) five years 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 23 London is the capital of Great Britain. London is a very old town. London is two thousand years old. Many years ago London was a small town on the Thames. There were a lot of villages round it. After many years London and three hundred villages grew into a very large city. Some of the names of those villages are the names of the streets in modern London-Kensington, Westminster. Now London is a beautiful city with large squares and parks. The city of London is the business centre. The East End includes the poor districts. The area to the West of London is called the West End where rich people live. Trafalgar Square is in the centre of the West End of London. In the centre of Trafalgar Square there is a column made of granite. On the top of the column there is a 17-feet-tall statue of Admiral Nelson who defeated the French at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1809. The total height of the monument is 184 feet (44 meters).On the pedestal there is a bronze relief cast from a captured French cannon, representing Nelsons victory. On the north side of Trafalgar Square is the National Gallery. The National Gallery has one of the finest collections of pictures in the world. Trafalgar Square is one of the busiest places in London, where people go to and from work, it is hard to cross the street. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: 1. London is the capital of Great Britain. 2. London is three thousand years old. 3. Many years ago London was a small town on the Thames. 4. There were a lot of rivers round it. 5. After some years London and three hundred villages grew into a very large city. 6. Some of the names of those villages are the names of the streets in modern London-Kensington, Westminster. 7. The West End is a part of city where poor people live. 8. Trafalgar Square is in the centre of the West End of London. 9. The total height of the monument is 814 feet. 10. Trafalgar Square is one of the busiest places in London, where people go to and from work, it is very easy to cross the street. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option 1. London is thousand years old. a) two b) three c) one 2. Many years ago London was on the Thames. a) a big town b) a small village c) a small town 3. There were round London. a) a lot of villages b) a lot of rivers c) a lot of woods 4. Some of the names of those villages are the names of in modern London-Kensington, Westminster. a) the museums b) the streets c) the universities 5. The city of London . a) includes poor districts b) is the business centre c) place where rich people live 6. Trafalgar Square is in the centre of of London. a) the West End b) the East End c) the City 7. In the centre of Trafalgar Square there is . a) a museum b) a column made of granite c) a square 8. On the top of the column there is a 17-feet-tall statue of Admiral Nelson who defeated the at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1809. a) French b) German c) Italian 9.The National Gallery is . a) on the west side of Trafalgar Square b) on the south side of Trafalgar Square c) on the north side of Trafalgar Square 10. The National Gallery has one of & in the world. a) the finest collections of statues b) the finest collections of pictures c) the finest collections of frescos 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 24 ELEMENTARY, MY DEAR WATSON! Detective stories are the most popular type of stories in the world. But who is the most famous fictional detective? Without a doubt, it is Sherlock Holmes. The author of the Sherlock Holmes stories was Arthur Conan Doyle. He was born in Scotland in 1859 and studied medicine at Edinburgh university. After leaving the university he moved to the south of England and worked as a doctor, but in his spare time he started to write detective stories. The hero of the stories is a private detective called Sherlock Holmes, who lives at 221b Baker Street in London. There is now a museum at this address. Holmes is tall and thin, with a long, sharp face. He usually wears a deerstalker hat, smokes a pipe or cigarettes, and carries a magnifying glass. He is an extremely intelligent man who always thinks logically about the crimes he is trying to solve. He is also a brilliant violinist. However, he has a dark side to his character: he is a lovely and rather sad man who is easily bored with everyday life. He often gets depressed and sometimes spends all day in bed. He is not married and says that he doesn`t understand women. Holmes lives with his assistant and the only friend, Dr Watson. Watson describes him in one of the stories as a brain without a heart and more a machine that a man. In 1895, after Conan Doyle had written 25 stories about Holmes, he got bored with his detective and decided that Holmes would die in the next story. At the end of the story called The Final Problem, Holmes fights Professor Moriarty, his greatest enemy, by a huge waterfall in Switzerland. They both die when they fall into the waterfall. But the Holmes stories were already incredibly popular and his fans were very upset. Conan Doyle had to bring his character back to life. He continued to write Sherlock Holmes stories for other 25 years. In the end, he wrote four novels and 56 short stories about the great detective. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: 1. Sherlock Holmes is the most famous fictional detective. 2. Arthur Conan Doyle was Scottish. 3. After leaving the university he moved to the south of Scotland and worked as a doctor. 4. The hero of the stories is a private lawyer called Sherlock Holmes. 5. There is a museum at 221b Baker Street in London. 6. By 1895 Conan Doyle had written all his Sherlock Holmes stories in Scotland. 7. Conan Doyle wrote the Sherlock Holmes stories in Scotland. 8. Holmes died at the end of story named The Final Problem. 9. Conan Doyle started to write about Holmes again because his fans were very unhappy. 10. In total, Conan Doyle wrote 25 stories and four novels about Holmes. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option 1. The most popular type of stories in the world are a) historic novels b) adventure stories c) detective stories 2) Conan Doyle was born in a) Scotland b) Wales c) England 3) He moved to the south of England and worked as a a) doctor b) writer c) journalist 4) There is a at that address. a) school b) museum c) post office 5) Holmes is a) tall and thin, with a long, sharp face b) tall and thin, with a short, sharp face c) tall and thin, with a long, oval face 6) He was an extremely a) cheerful man b) patient man c) intelligent man 7) He is also a brilliant a) doctor b) violinist c) writer 8) He has a dark side to his character a) he is a lonely and rather sad man b) he is a cheerful man and full of fun c) he is a lonely and rather serious man 9) Sherlock Holmes often gets depressed and sometimes spends all day a) at home b) in the park c) in bed 10) Which one of the descriptions of Holmes is not completely accurate? a) A very intelligent man who didn`t have many friends and didn`t understand women. b) A brilliant logical thinker who lived with his assistant Dr Watson and never got married. c) An intelligent, funny, friendly man who smoked a pipe and played the violin brilliantly. 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 25 RACING DRIVER MISSING John Strange, the racing driver with the Springfield cars racing team, is 35 years old. His wife Claire is 25. She is a housewife. They live in London. John is a successful racing driver. He won many races. Springfields last race with cars was on the 22-nd of June. And their next race is in five days. But just before that race John had suddenly disappeared. Neither Mike Steel, Springfields manager, nor Claire knew where he was. We are very worried, - Steel said, - John always comes to work early in the morning and he never leaves before seven or half past. Yesterday we were all at the track as usual waiting for John to get there, but he didnt arrive. He wasnt at home and nobody has seen him since he said good bye to his wife, Claire, on Monday morning. The police questioned a woman who lived next to Stranges house, 18 East Road. She saw three men get into a car yesterday morning. One of them was John Strange. On Tuesday afternoon John was found on a cliff face. In a dramatic rescue the racing driver was lifted to safety by a crew from the Air- Sea Rescue Service and taken to Alexandra Hospital. When found, Strange was suffering from cuts, bruises and severe shock. Mike Steel said today, -We are thrilled that John is safe and we hope he is going to drive in the race tomorrow. If he cant drive because of his injuries, then Norman Fisher will take his place. Norman Fisher is a mechanic with Springfield cars. He lives in London with his three children. Some years ago he was a great success as a driver with Springfield Cars. But after his wifes death Fisher drove badly and had three major accidents. Fisher hasn t driven since that time. But he doesn t like his job as a mechanic. He once said he would  do anything to get onto the track. Now, can you guess who had kidnapped John Strange? Vocabulary: Rescue- ?>@OBC=>: , @OBC20B8 Crew - 5:V?06 To be thrilled - 1CB8 AE28;L>20=8< To kidnap  28:@040B8 (;N459) I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: John Strange is a racing driver. He failed many races. Springfield s last race with cars was on the 22-nd of July. Just before the next race John had suddenly disappeared. The police questioned a man who lived next to Stranges house. He said he had seen four men get onto a car; one of them was John Strange. On Tuesday morning John was found on a rock. John had got some injuries and was taken to Alexandra hospital. Norman Fisher had two accidents with Springfield cars. Fisher wants to get back onto the track. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option 1. Springfield manager is . a) John Strange, b) Mike Steel, c) Norman Fisher 2. Springfields next race is in days. a) three b) four, c) five 3. John Strange never leaves before . a) six, b) five, c) seven 4. Johns house is in East Road. a) sixteen, b) seventeen, c) eighteen 5. Nobody has seen John since . a) Sunday, b) Monday, c) Tuesday 6. John Strange was found on a cliff face on Tuesday . a) morning, b) afternoon, c) evening 7. When found, John was suffering from . a) cuts , bruises and a bad cold, b) cuts, bruises, and severe shock c) cuts, bruises and a rash 8. Norman Fisher had major accidents. a) four, b) five, c) three 9. Norman Fisher had children. a) two, b) three, c) four 10. If john Strange cant drive then will take his place. a) Mike Steel, b) Claire, c) Norman Fisher. 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 26 HOLLYWOOD. Hollywood, the most famous town in America, got name in 1886 when a retired couple moved to California and built a ranch. The movies hadnt yet been born and the couple chose the location because they liked the wide open spaces around the small but bustling city of Los Angeles. Three years later moving pictures were invented in London when William Fries-Green gave the first demonstration before a paying audience in 1895. Ironically, they thought movies had no commercial use. The first narrative film that used actors was called The Great Train Robbery. People went to see the film in their thousands. Each person paid five cents for admissions: this is why the first cinemas were called Nickel Odeons. The popularity of movie boomed and the film companies joined together in order to get patent rights as a way of protecting their product. But pirate companies began to make films or their own outside the law. To avoid prosecution these film makers packed up and moved across country. They settled in a small town called Hollywood. By 1914 this town had become the biggest film factory in the world. Other companies moved there because the sunny climate was conducive to shooting outdoors. The surrounding environment was also perfect for making westerns, the first and most popular American film genre. The early Hollywood 0Ators were regarded with disrespect by many people.. Vocabulary a retired couple  AV<59=0 ?0@0 ?5=AV>=5@V2 a bustling city  <5BCH;825 <VAB> admission - 4>?CA: to be conducive  A?@8OB8 G><CAL prosecution  28:>=0==O, 2545==O I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: 1. A retired couple moved to Florida in 1886. 2. They liked the wide open spaces around the city of Los Angeles. 3. That couple built a ranch. 4. Moving pictures were invented in London. 5. The Lumiere brothers gave the first free public demonstration. 6. The first narrative film was called The Great Train Robbery. 7. Each person paid six cents for admission. 8. The first cinemas were called Nickel Odeon`s. 9. The pirate companies settled in a small town called Los Angeles. 10. The first and the most popular American film genre was western. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option The retired couple chose the location for their ranch because Los Angeles was a small and bustling town. they liked to live near Hollywood, they liked the environment. Hollywood got its name in 1886 1886 1984 In 1886 Hollywood was only a small remote ranch, the most famous city in America. surrounded by wide open spaces. The Lumiere brothers were the first to give a demonstration of moving pictures. to get money for the demonstration of a film. To believe that movies had commercial use. The First film was called The Great Train Journey The Great Coach Robbery The Great Train Robbery Pirate film companies made their films illegally wanted to work within the law. joined together to project their products According to the text, other film companies moved to Hollywood because they wanted to make movies outside the law. the weather conditions allowed them to make films outside. The weather was sunny most of the time. According to the text The Great Train Robbery was a huge success. people were not enthusiastic about The Great Train Robbery. each person gave a thousand dollars for The Great Train Robbery. According to the text in the 1920s many people in America respected actors very much. thought badly of Hollywood artists were not interested in movies and actors at all. By Hollywood had became the biggest film factory in the world 1916 1914 1915 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 27 THE MYSTERY OF THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE The Bermuda triangle lies in the Atlantic ocean off the coast of Florida . The legend of the Bermuda triangle began more than two hundred years ago. In 1781, a united states navy ship sailed into the triangle and was never seen again. Over the next thirty years, three more U.S navy ships disappeared mysteriously in the same area. In 1840, according to legend, a French ship drifted out of the triangle in perfect condition but without a single living person aboard! After that, many ships were reported missing in the area. As airplanes began to fly over the Bermuda triangle, some of the vanished, too! For a time, the disappearance of so many ships and planes over the Bermuda triangle was quite a mystery. Then people began to investigate. They discovered some very surprising things. Many of the ships that reportedly vanished in the triangle actually went down in storms thousands of miles away. Many of the ships that reportedly disappeared in good weather were in fact caught in fact caught in storms. The investigators even found that many stories of mysterious happenings in the triangle were made up ! Today these stories are almost forgotten. People learned that the mystery of the Bermuda triangle was really no mystery at all. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: The Bermuda Triangle lies in the Pacific Ocean . The legend of the Bermuda Triangle began more than two hundred years ago. In 1781, a United States Navy ship sailed into the Triangle and was never seen again Over the next thirty years, three more U.S Navy ships disappeared mysteriously in the same area. In 1840, according to legend , a French ship drifted out of the Triangle in perfect condition but without a single living person aboard As airplanes began to fly over the Bermuda Triangle, many of the vanished, too The disappearance of so many ships and planes over the Bermuda Triangle was quite a mystery. People began to investigate. They did not discover some very surprising things. 10. Many of the ships that reportedly disappeared in good weather were in fact caught in storms. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option 1. The Bermuda Triangle lies in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast a) Texas b)Florida c) California 2.The legend of the Bermuda Triangle began more than years ago a) two hundred b) three hundred c) four hundred 3. Over the next thirty years, more U.S Navy ships disappeared mysteriously in the same are. a) two b) three c) four 4.After that ships were reported missing in the area. a) little b) few c) many 5. The disappearance of so many ships and planes over the Bermuda Triangle was quite a . a) discovery b) mystery c) even 6. Then people began to . a) open b) find c) investigate 7. They discovered .. surprising things. a) some b) many c) a lot of 8. Many of the ships that reportedly vanished in the Triangle actually went down in .. thousands of miles away. a) rains b) storms c) earthquakes 9. Many of the ships that reportedly disappeared in weather were in fact caught in storms. a)good b) bed c) fine 10.The investigators even found that many .of mysterious happenings in the Triangle were made up ! a) songs b) poems c) stories 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 28 THE HAMBURGER The hamburger has no connection to ham. It got its name from the German town of Hamburg, which was famous for its ground steak. German immigrant to the United States introduced the "hamburger steak". At the St. Lois World's Fair in 1904, hamburger steaks were served on buns for the first time. Hamburgers on buns were convenient and tasted good. This became the usual way of eating hamburgers. How did the hamburgers become the most popular, most typical American food? The introduction of the bun is an important part of the answer. Another important part is McDonald's, the fast-food restaurant. The first McDonald's was opened in San Bernadino, California, in 1949. Hamburgers were the main item on its menu. People liked the restaurants fast-service. By the 1960's there were many McDonald's restaurants. McDonald's was a part of nearly every community in the United States. There were also other fast-food restaurants that sold hamburgers. McDonald's alone sold millions of hamburgers a year. Today, of course, there are McDonald's restaurants around the world. The food they serve is considered typically American. And, although McDonald's has expanded its menu, the main item on that menu is - as always - the hamburgers. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: The hamburger has no connection to ham. At the St. Lois World's Fair in 1914, hamburger steaks were served on buns for the first time. Unfortunately it was not very convenient to eat hamburgers on buns. The first hamburgers were tasteless. The first McDonald's was opened in Milan, Italy. Millions of hamburgers are sold every year. Hamburgers are always in the menu of the American McDonald's restaurants around the world. The hamburger got its name from the American town of Hamburg. Hamburg was famous for its ground steak. McDonald's is the fast-food restaurant. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option 1. The hamburgers was. steak imported from Hamburg; a ground steak introduced by immigrants; a convenient bun. 2. The American hamburger was different because . it had nothing to do with ham; it was convenient; it was served on a bun. 3. McDonald's restaurants were mainly responsible for every community in the United States; the introduction of the bun; the hamburger's popularity. 4. German immigrant to the United States introduced the.. steaks on the buns; hamburger steak; German sausages. 5. Hamburger steaks were served on buns for the first time in . 1914; 1924; 1904. 6. The first McDonald's was opened in ... Milan, Italy; San Bernadino, California; New York. 7. The hamburger has no connection to.. Hamburg; ham; McDonald's. 8. The first McDonald's was opened in 1949; 1904; 1960. 9. Hamburgers are the main item on the menu of. the St. Lois World's Fair in 1904; McDonald's restaurants; all the restaurants in the world. 10. The main item on the menu of fast-food restaurants is ... fish and chips; hamburgers; buns. 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 29 ENGLISH TEA Tea in England is a suitable occasion for social intercourse, when people often come in for over their cup of tea. There are two kinds of tea, "afternoon tea" and "high tea". "Afternoon tea" takes place between three-thirty and four-thirty and consists of tea, bread, butter and jam, followed by cakes and biscuits. "High tea", however, is a substantial meal and eaten between five-thirty and six- thirty by families which do not usually have a late dinner. In a well-to-do family it will consist of ham or tongue and tomatoes and salad, or a kipper, tinned salmon, with strong tea, bread and butter, followed by stewed fruit, or tinned pears, apricots or pine-apple with cream or custard and cake. Tea making in England is an art. The hostess first of all rinses the teapot with boiling water (this is called "warming the pot") before adding four or five teaspoonfuls of tea. The amount of tea varies, of course, according to the number of people present. The pot is then filled with boiling and covered by a tea-cosy to allow the tea to infuse for five minutes. English people seldom put lemon juice or rum in their tea, usually they have it with milk. Britons are the world's greatest tea drinkers. They drink a quarter of all the tea grown in the world each year. Many of them drink it at least eight different occasions during the day. They drink it between meals and at meals. They drink it early-morning tea in bed. Some early-morning tea-drinkers have automatic tea-making machines connected to their alarm clocks. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: Tea in England is a suitable occasion for social communication. There are three kinds of tea. Afternoon tea consists of soup, sausage and bacon. "High tea" is a substantial meal and is eaten between six-thirty and seven-thirty. Tea making in England is art. The British are the world's greatest tea drinkers. In a well-to-do family high tea will consist of ham or tongue and tomatoes and salad. English people seldom put lemon juice or rum in their tea. The English never drink tea with milk. Tea making in England is an art. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option 1. How many teaspoonfuls of tea are to be put into the pot? The amount of tea varies according to the number of people present; Two or three; Three or four. 2. There are ________ kinds of tea. three; four; two. 3. They have high tea______. in the morning; in the afternoon; in the evening. 4. Automatic tea-making machines are connected to_______. their beds; the control panel; their alarm clocks. 5. The English like to drink tea _______. without milk; with lemon; without rum. 6. Usually English people have their tea with_______. milk; lemon juice; rum. 7. A well-to-do family is a ______. poor family; rich family; family without children. 8. How much tea do the British drink every year? They drink a quarter of all the tea grown in the world each year. They drink two quarters of all the tea grown in the world each year. They drink a quarter of all the tea grown in China each year. 9. How many times a day do they drink their tea? at least three times; at least six times; at least eight times. 10. Tea-cosy is ________. a) a table-cloth; b) a cover fora teapot, traditionally made of cloth; c) a napkin, the pot is usually put on. 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 30 ABOUT AMERICAN'S FOOD American food is part British, part Italian, part German, part Mexican, part Chinese, part Ukrainian... When people from other countries came to live the USA, they brought different cooking traditions. Some of then opened restaurants and food stores, and today Americans enjoy food all over the words. The USA is famous for "fast food". The first food restaurants served hamburgers, but now they serve other kinds of food as well. Many fast food restaurants have a drive-in section. Here you can order and pick up your food without even getting out of your car! Inside there is a "salad bar", where you can help yourself to as much salad as you want. Americans eat out a lot, and when they go to a restaurant, they don't expect to be hungry afterwards. Most restaurants will put a lot of food on your plate - sometimes it can too much. But if you can't finish it all, don't worry: the waiter will bring you a "doggy bag" and you can take it home with you. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: Americans enjoy food from all over the world. Fast food restaurants in the USA served only hamburgers. Americans eat out a lot. Americans like ordinary restaurants, too. You can take out a "doggy bag", if you can't finish eating your food in the restaurant. The USA is famous for "fast food". Many fast food restaurants have a drive-in section, where your children can play a little. Americans dont eat out a lot. American food is part British, part Italian, part German, part Mexican. If you cant finish your food, it is forbidden to take it home with you. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option 1. This text is about_______. Mexican food; American food; Chinese food. 2. A "doggy bag" is a _______. bag for you dog; bag for food you couldnt eat during the meal; bag for leavings. 3. American food is ________. very special; mixture of all the kitchens; salty and spicy. 4. Who will bring you a "doggy bag"? a policeman; a waiter; a driver. 5. What can you do in a drive-in section? you can learn to drive a car; you can eat salads; you can order and pick up your food without even getting out of your car. 6. You can order salads in a_______. drive-in section; salad bar; pub. 7. What kind of food is the USA famous for? healthy food; junk food; fast food. 8. Eating out means________. having dinner at home; having dinner at restaurant; being on diet. 9. Most restaurants _________. will put a lot of food on your plate; dont serve food as well; expect you to be hungry afterwards. 10. Hamburger is a traditional _______. a) Ukrainian food; b) Italian food; c) American food. 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 31 TREKKERS LOST IN ANDES FOUND ALIVE An Uruguayan man who disappeared before the start of winter in the Andes Mountains has been found alive and well. Raul Fernando Gomez, 58, got lost in a blizzard while trying to cross the Andes range from Chile to Argentina. The start of his ordeal began when his motorbike broke down in the middle of nowhere. Mr. Gomez told reporters he had no choice but to walk in the hope of finding a town nearby. He became disoriented in the heavy snowfall and could not find his way back to the road. He found a mountain shelter 2,840 meters above sea level and holed himself up there hoping to survive the long, freezing winter. A local governor said: "The truth is that this is a miracle. We still can't believe it." Mr. Gomez was found and rescued by a team of Argentine meteorological officials who had helicoptered to the shelter to record snowfall levels. He had survived by catching rats and eating leftover supplies he found in the shelter. Doctors expressed surprise at how well he had fared. He was very thin and had lost 20kg in weight. A doctor said he was surprised by Mr. Gomez's resilience, saying: "He's a patient with high blood pressure, a history of smoking and signs of undernourishment, butin a few days we're going to discharge him." Members of an Uruguayan rugby team famously survived sub-zero temperatures in the Andes for 72 days in 1972 by eating the bodies of fellow plane-crash victims. resilience - ABV9:VABL victims - 65@B28 I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: 1. The man got lost in a sandstorm. 2. He got into trouble after his motorbike broke down. 3. He built a shelter 2,840 meters above sea level. 4. The article said a country's president called this story a miracle. 5. The man was found by people who were testing the depth of the snow. 6. The man ate rats in order to survive. 7. The man had never smoked before. 8. When he was rescued, he weighed just 20kg. 9. Members of an Uruguayan football team famously survived sub-zero temperatures in the Andes for 72 days in 1972. 10. People survived in the Andes for 72 days after their plane crashed. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option 1. When did Mr. Gomez disappear? a) on his 58th birthday b) in January c) at the start of winter d) in the middle of the night 2. How did the snowfall recorders get to the shelter? a) on snowmobiles b) by helicopter c) on foot d) by bus 3. Where was Mr. Gomez going? a) Argentina b) Uruguay c) Chile d) Brazil 4. What did he find at the shelter? a) a radio b) dead bodies c) another hiker d) leftover supplies 5. How did his nightmare begin? a) he took a wrong turn b) there was an avalanche c) he crashed into a valley d) his motorbike broke down 6. How much weight did he lose? a) 30kg b) 20kg c) 28kg d) 32kg 7. What did he find high in the mountains? a) a town b) a shelter c) lots of snow d) ancient ruins 8. How long will he stay in hospital? a) a few days b) 24 hours c) until his blood pressure goes down d) a week or two 9. What did a local governor call Mr. Gomez's survival? a) an inspiration b) an ordeal c) a miracle d) a nightmare 10. For how long did airplane passengers last in the Andes? a) 72 weeks b) 4 months c) a whole winter d) Just over 10 weeks 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 32 SCIENTISTS FIND GENE THAT ERASES MEMORIES Researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have found the gene that could help people forget traumatic experiences. They say the research could benefit people with painful memories. Soldiers, crime victims and people who survived natural disasters are some of the people this research could help. Many of these people suffer from very bad stress because of their memories. It is an illness called post-traumatic stress disorder. The scientists found the memory gene in mice. They hope that one day they can erase painful memories in humans. They think they can replace upsetting memories with more positive thoughts and feelings. This would help millions of people who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder. The head researcher, Li-Huei Tsai, did many tests to make mice forget their fear. Scientists put the mice into a cage and gave them a small electric shock. After many shocks, the mice became afraid of the cage. They were stressed when they saw it. Once the mice had "cage shock," the scientists put the mice in the cage again but didn't give them an electric shock. After a period of time, the mice no longer feared the cage. Positive feelings replaced their stress and fear. The scientists looked at the brain activity when the mice were afraid and when they were not afraid. They were surprised to find the gene that replaced old memories with new ones. They will now try to find this gene in humans. erase  28B8@0B8 gene  35= I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: 1. Scientists have found the gene in human brains to erase memories. 2. Scientists say their research could help people who are very stressed. 3. Many people suffer from an illness called post-traumatic stress disorder. 4. Scientists think they can replace bad memories with good ones. 5. Researchers gave mice electric shocks to make them afraid. 6. Mice became stressed about and afraid of a cage. 7. The mice never lost their fear of the cage. 8. Scientists said they would never find the gene in human brains. 9. Mice were the only animals the scientists looked at. 10. Positive feelings replaced their stress and fright. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option 1. Which institute of technology found the gene? a) Massachusetts b) Minnesota c) Kalamazoo d) Timbuktu 2. What victims could the research help? a) innocent victims b) unsuspecting c) crime victims d) fashion victims 3. What's the missing word: post-traumatic _________ disorder? a) stressful b) stresses c) stressed d) stress 4. When do scientists think they can erase painful memories in humans? a) within a generation or two b) one day c) before 2020 d) next year 5. How many people suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder? a) millions b) hundreds of millions c) a billion or so d) countless 6. How many tests did the scientists do on the mice? a) 5 a day for 6 months b) a few c) 649 d) many 7. What did the scientists give the mice? a) a shower b) their favorite food c) electric shocks d) a friend 8. What replaced stress and fear in the mice? a) anxiety and terror b) positive feelings c) happiness and joy d) numbness and emptiness 9. What did scientists look at in the mice? a) heart rate b) pulse c) brain activity d) blood pressure 10. What do scientists now want to find? a) new jobs b) the gene in humans c) the secret of immortality d) more mice 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 33 JAPANESE FOOD IS GOING TO GET A UNESCO STATUS The United Nations is going to put traditional Japanese food on its list of important world cuisines. It will be the fifth time for UNESCO to give a country's or region's food its cultural heritage status. French, Mediterranean, Mexican and Turkish food are already on the list. Traditional Japanese food is called 'Washoku'. It is very famous for its variety. It ranges from sushi (raw fish on rice) to ramen noodles, tempura and sukiyaki. Japan's Agency for Cultural Affairs said it wants to put all of its food on the list, not just one or two famous dishes. The agency said Japanese food is special because of its artistic presentation. It also uses unique ingredients. Many dishes are important because they celebrate the four seasons. 'Washoku' is very healthy and has a good balance of minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates and protein. It is one of the reasons why Japanese people live for so long. It also helps to keep obesity levels low. The cuisine is also important as different meals throughout the year help to bring families and communities together. Food plays an important role in many ceremonies that mark seasonal traditions. The menu for New Year's celebrations, rice-planting events and harvest festivals are all very different. Japan's government said food helps Japanese people keep a strong sense of culture. It also said 'Washoku' is closely "associated with an essential spirit of respect for nature." cuisine - :CE=O carbohydrates- 2C3;52>48 protein - 1V;>: obesity  >68@V==O essential->A=>2=89 I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: 1. The United Nations will give modern Japanese food a special prize. 2. Five other cuisines are already on the UNESCO list. 3. Japan doesn't want only sushi and sukiyakito be on the United Nations list. 4. A cultural agency said Japanese food is presented in an artistic way. 5. The Japanese diet is well balanced and good for a long life. 6. Japanese cuisine helps keep communities apart. 7. Rice-planting food and New Year's food are the same in Japan. 8. 'Washoku' is connected with a respect for nature. 9. The cuisine makes family relations stronger. 10. The menu for different holidays is not similar. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option 1. What list will traditional Japanese food be on? a) a shopping list b) the top ten rice-using list c) a to-do list d) important world cuisines 2.What does 'Washoku' have a good balance of? a) color and texture b) rice and potatoes c) minerals and vitamins d) bowls and bento boxes 3.How many countries/regions are already on the list? a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d) 6 4. What is low because of Japanese cuisine? a) obesity levels b) rice prices c) the height of doors d) tables 5. What is 'Washoku' famous for? a) its low price b) its fruit c) colorful rice d) its variety 6. What festivals were mentioned in the article? a) music festivals b) shopping festivals c) harvest festivals d) summer festivals 7. How many dishes does Japan want to put on the list? a) 72 b) one or two c) all of them d) just the porcelain ones 8. What does food help Japanese people keep? a) money b) a strong sense of culture c) a lot of rice d) warm 9. What did the article say was unique about Japanese food? a) miso soup b) bento c) chopsticks d) the ingredients 10. What spirit is 'Washoku' connected with? a) nature b) the sun c) Tokyo d) sumo 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 34 THE BRIDGE Peter's parents died when he was a child of 5. He was brought up by his grandmother who took great care of the child and did her best to make him happy. But the boy was very shy and timid. One day he took his bicycle and went for a ride. Suddenly he saw another cyclist in the distance. Soon he could see that the cyclist was a young girl. As soon as the girl noticed Peter she increased her speed as she didn't want Peter to catch up with her. Suddenly Peter remembered that a few yards ahead of them there was no road as the bridge across the river was under repairs. Peter realized that the girl would run a terrible risk if she tried to cross the bridge. He cried out to her to stop, but it was too late. The girl had reached the bridge and at once Peter saw her lose balance and fall into the water together with her bicycle. When Peter rode up he saw the girl holding on to a board standing in the water. Without a moment's hesitation he jumped into the water as he wanted to help the girl. The current under the bridge was very strong and Peter had to swim against it. At last he swam up to the board and saw the girl's frightened eyes looking at him with hope. Can you swim? asked Peter but the girl shook her head. Peter ordered the girl to hold on to his neck and they both started for the bank. It was very difficult for Peter to swim with such a burden and at moments it seemed to him that he could not stand the strain and that they both would be drowned. When they reached the bank, Peter was so tired that he could hardly breathe. When he came to himself he saw the girl looking at him with admiration. You are a real hero, she said. You are the bravest boy I've ever met, and she smiled. And it was at that moment that Peter felt a great confidence in himself. He was afraid of nothing now; he was able to overcome any difficulty. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: 1. Peter's parents died when he was ten. 2. He was brought up by his aunt. 3. The boy was very shy and timid. 4. One day he took his horse and went for a ride. 5. Suddenly he saw another car in the distance. 6. Soon he could see that the cyclist was a young girl. 7. Peter hesitated a little and jumped into the water. 8. It was very difficult for the boy to swim. 9. Peter saw the girl lose her balance. 10. The girl said that he was a real sportsman. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option 1.Why did the girl increase her speed? a) She didnt want Peter to see her; b) She didnt want Peter to follow her; c) She didnt want Peter to catch up with her. 2.What did Peter suddenly remember? a) that the bridge was under the repair; b) there was no bridge; c) the bridge was broken. 3.What would happen to the girl? a) She would run a terrible risk; b) She would be in danger; c) She would be in trouble. 4.What did Peter cry out? a) to stop; b) to listen; c) to speak. 5.What did the girl reach? a) the bridge; b) the forest; c) the road. 6. He saw the girl holding on to a board standing in a) the water; b) the hole; c) the mud. 7. Without hesitation he jumped a) into the water; b) into the mud; c) into the snow. 8.He wanted to a) help the girl; b) see the girl; c) catch the girl. 9.The current under the bridge was a) very strong; b) very quiet; c) very quick. 10. Peter had to swim a) along the current; b) against the current; c) with the current. 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 35 A FAIRY-TALE PRINCESS It was like a fairy-tale when the beautiful young girl married the Prince and became the Princess of Wales. Unlike a fairy tale, the happiness soon ended, but Diana is still The Peoples Princess. Diana Frances Spencer was born on 1st July, 1961, in Norfolk, England. Her father was Earl Spencer. She had two older sisters and a younger brother. Her parents died when she was a young girl. As a child Diana studied in a boarding school in Kent. She completed her education in Switzerland. When she returned to England she worked as a nanny. Diana married Prince Charles in July, 1981, at St. Pauls Cathedral in London. People all around the world watched her wedding on television. Diana and Charles had two sons, William and Harry. Diana was very popular. The British loved her for her kindness and beauty. They called her The Peoples Princess because she cared so much about sick and poor people all over the world. She once said: I see myself as a princess for the whole world, not the Princess of Wales. Reporters were always around her. She was their favourite person. But Dianas life was not as happy as it appeared. She and Charles had problems with their marriage. They finally divorced in August, 1996. Diana continued to travel round the world and helped those in need. But her life was short. She died in a car accident on 31st August, 1997, in Paris. She was only thirty-six. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: The young girl became the Princess of Scotland. Diana was born in Wales. Diana studied in London. Her father had two sisters and a brother. Diana completed her education in Sweden. She worked as a nanny. Diana had three children. Diana cared about sick and poor people. Her life was always happy. Diana and her husband divorced in 1990. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option Diana became the Princess of Wales Scotland Northern Ireland Diana was born in Scotland England Wales She studied in a boarding school in London Liverpool Kent Diana completed her education in Netherlands Switzerland Sweden Her father had two sisters and two brothers a brother three brothers Diana worked as a nurse nanny doctor Diana had one child two children three children She cared about people. rich and successful poor and sick sporty and healthy Her life was happy boring not always happy Diana and her husband divorced in 1997 1996 1990 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 36 ANIMALS ARE PARENTS TOO I want to let you know about an event that changed my life many years ago. It is a memory that periodically comes and goes, but it is one of the most precious memories that me and my wife share. I am thankful that we can remember it together. It's a reminder that things are not what they seem and that angels come in many packages. We live in College Station, Texas and we were on our way home from Houston, Texas around the Weston Lakes area one Saturday or Sunday morning. And when I say morning, I'm talking 1:00 to 2:00 in the morning. We were on our way home and decided to stop at a local gas station to get coffee and something to snack on since it was a good hour and a half before we got home. When we were done, we got back into our car and before I started it, we noticed a man standing outside in front of the building. You could tell that he was a homeless man. His clothes were tattered and worn and it looked like he had gone in and got him some coffee or something warm to drink since it was cold this time of the year. He must have not had enough money to get something to eat. That is not something I remember too well, because that is not what "moved" me. The next thing I remember is a dog that walked up to the front of the building. Being a dog lover, I noticed that she was a part wolf and probably a part German shepherd. I could tell she was a she, because you could tell that she had been feeding puppies. She was terribly in need of something to eat and I felt so bad for her. I knew if she didn't eat soon, she and her puppies would not make it. Me and my wife sat there and looked at her. We noticed that people walked by and didn't even pet her, like most people do when they walk by an animal in front of a store. She might not have been as pretty and clean as most, but she still deserved better. But we still did not do anything. But someone did. The homeless man, who I thought did not buy himself anything to eat, went back into the store. And what he did brought tears to me and my wife. He had gone into the store and with what money he may have had, bought a can of dog food and fed that dog. I know that this story isn't as inspirational as most stories, but it plays a great part in our lives. You see, that was Mother's Day weekend. And a lot of people forget that some animals are parents too. And animals as well as we are God's creations too. It would be a better story if I could remember all the details, but even without the details, I believe it still gets the message across. It took a homeless man, to show me what I should have done. He made me a better man that day. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: The writer of the story was a woman. The writer of the story thinks that angels may come only in one package. The event of the story happened at the weekend. The couple was driving home at night. They stopped at the caf to get some snack. The couple saw a man who was very cold because he was not wearing a coat. The writer of the story remembers every detail of that evening. People were not very sorry for the dog. The homeless man was kind-hearted. Many people forget that some animals are parents too. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option The memory of the event mentioned always reminds the writer of the homeless man; sometimes reminds the writer that we should think of those around us; is very unpleasant for the writer; makes the writer cry. According to the story things may be different from what they seem; we can judge people by their appearance; homeless people are very cruel; angels never help us. The writer of the story remembered exactly the day it had happened; was not sure on what day the story had happened; remembered the date when the story had happened; doesnt mention the day. The couple decided to stop to get something to eat; because they had run out of petrol; to help the homeless man; because they were tired of driving. The homeless man was asking people for some money; was wearing warm but torn clothes; got himself something warm to drink because he was cold; was eating something. The writer of the story was a dog lover so he. could easily tell its breed; could probably guess the breed of the dog; could tell the age of the dog; had no idea about the breed of the dog. Usually people . when they see them in front of a store. dont pay any attention to the animals; pet animals; give animals something to eat; play with animals. We must remember that on holidays we should take care of animals; God loves all his creations and so should we; we should love God on Mothers Day; animals arent like people and they have no feelings. This story made the writer realize why he was so cruel; how terrible the animals are; why animals come to the stores; what he should have done to help that dog. The general idea of the text is: Homeless people always help animals. Hungry animals always stand in front of stores and wait for people to feed them. We should always help homeless people. We should be more attentive and compassionate to those around us. 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B 7 :;0A 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 37 Two days before our cruise started I had already packed my suitcase. I could hardly sleep the night before, but at last the morning came. Just before I left the house, I received the card from my cousin wishing me a good trip. Then I took my suitcase and went, with my mother, to the school where we had to meet the rest of our party. The coaches which were to take us to the sea port were already waiting at the school. The teachers who were coming with us were checking our names on lists and handing out lab5ls for our luggage. When we got to our ship, steamship Devon, everyone looked at her with excitement, we couldn t wait to get on board. After the ship s officers had checked our passports, we were shown to our cabins. There were 15 bunks (beds) in each of them. The bunks were in threes. I slept in the top one. We unpacked our things and went on deck to watch the ship sailing away from the port. The first day on the ship was very interesting. Everyone wanted to explore the ship. It was quite big and had a marvelous swimming pool. Later we were allowed to go on the captains bridge. Every morning we had the lectures or films about the next port we were to call at. Then we wrote down what we had done on the previous day in a diary. There was a prize for the best one at the end of a trip. We also had two lessons in the morning (History and Geography) and in the afternoon we played games or went swimming. Nearly every night there was dancing. We had to go to bed at 10 and get up at 8. There were many shore excursions at the four ports which the ship visited. What I liked about Stockholm were its modern roads. Three days were spent in Petersburg. Russian children had been invited to come on board the ship and we were impressed by how good their English was. The next port of call was Helsinki. I loved the cobbled streets and the fish market, where they were selling fish straight from the fishing boats. We took hundreds of photographs of different places. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: 1 The children got a lot of useful information. 2 They liked St. Petersburgs roads. 3 Every night there was singing. 4 The children had a lot of trips. 5 The pupils neednt any documents to get on the ship. 6 Ships officers were polite. 7 The best one will be awarded a prize at the end of the trip. 8 The children got up late. 9 The travellers visited only big cities. 10 The pupils met children of different nationalities. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option 1 What was started two days before the author had packed his suitcase? travelling c) voyage cruise d) trip 2 What did the author receive from his cousin? letter c) article card d) story 3 What did the author take to school? luggage c) bag coat d) suitcase 4 How did the children get to the sea port? by cars c) by coaches by buses d) by trams 5 What were the teachers doing when the children gathered together? checking listening writing speaking 6 What feelings did the children experience looking at the ship? delightful hate excitement fear 7 What were the children done after the ships officers had checked passports? run to their cabins thrown to their cabins gone to their cabins shown to their cabins 8 What were in threes? bunks tables chairs sofas 9 Where did they go to watch the ship sailing away from the port? bunk cabin street deck 10 Where were the children allowed to go on? bridge luggage car port 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 38 HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY A woodman was once working on the bank of a deep river. Suddenly his axe slipped out from his hand and dropped into the water.  Oh, I ve lost my axe , he cried.  What am I to do? The water is deep and Im afraid to dive into it. What am I to do? Who can help me? Mercury heard the poor mans cries and appeared before him. What is the matter, poor man? he asked. Why are you so sad and unhappy? Mercury listened to the mans story and said, Perhaps I can help you. He dived into the river and brought up a golden axe. Is this yours? he asked. No, that is not mine, was the answer. Mercury dived a second time and this time brought a silver axe. Is this yours? he asked. Again the answer was No. So Mercury dived a third time and this time brought up the very axe that the woodman had lost. That is my axe, cried the man. Yes, that is my own good axe. Mercury was so pleased with the fellows honesty that he at once made a present of the other two axes and disappeared before the fellow could even say Thank you. The woodman went home very pleased with his good luck. He told his friends all about it and one of them decided to try his luck. So he went to the same place, dropped his axe into the river. Again Mercury brought up a golden axe. Is this yours? he asked. Yes, it is mine, said the second man. Its not the truth, said Mercury. Thats why youll neither have this axe nor the one that you so foolishly dropped into the water. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: 1 The woodman was as busy as a bee. 2 The woodman was thankful to Mercury for help. 3 The woodman was a very honest man. 4 Mercury was angry with woodmans friend. 5 The woodman wasnt upset when he had dropped the axe into the river. 6 A kind woman helped the woodman to get back his axe. 7 Mercury didnt present the woodman with money. 8 The woodman had an opportunity to tell lies mercury. 9 The woodman was a very courageous man. 10 The main idea of the story is friendship. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option 1 Where did a poor woodman go once? He went to a big city.He went to the wood.He went to visit his relatives.He went to a deep lake.2 Where did his axe fall into? It fell to Earth.It fell into the grass.It fell into the water.It fell into the lake.3 Who heard the poor mans cries? Mercury.His friend.His wife.His son4 What did Mercury bring up at first? He brought up the woodmans axe. He brought up a lot of money. He brought up a golden axe. He brought up a hummer. 5 What did Mercury bring for the second time? A golden axe. A silver axe. A broom. Silver coins 6 Why was Mercury pleased? With the woodmans honesty. With his work. With his cries. With his life. 7 What did Mercury present the woodman with? Money. A new house. New clothes. All axes. 8 Who else decided to try his luck? His greedy wife. One of his friends. His elder son. His neighbour. 9 What did the man answer Mercury? He said it was his axe. He said it was his mothers axe. He said he wanted much money. He said he wanted two axes. 10 What was Mercurys decision? Mercury gave him nothing. Mercury gave him only his axe. Mercury gave him a golden axe. Mercury gave him two axes. 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 39 Thomas Sean Connery, named Thomas after his grandfather, was born in HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fountainbridge" \o "Fountainbridge"Fountainbridge, HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edinburgh" \o "Edinburgh"Edinburgh. His mother, Euphemia McBain "Effie" (ne McLean), was a cleaning woman, and his father, Joseph Connery, was a factory worker and HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorry" \o "Lorry"lorry driver. Connery claims he was called Sean, his middle name, long before becoming an actor, explaining that when he was young he had an Irish friend named Seamus and that those who knew them both had decided to call Connery by his middle name whenever both were present. HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sean_Connery" \l "cite_note-9"[ When he was 9, during World War II, he earned money as a milk boy (early in the morning before going to school). On Saturdays he went to the cinema. He never finished his school, and when he was 16, he joined the Navy. Connery began HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bodybuilding" \o "Bodybuilding"bodybuilding at the age of 18 and from 1951 time trained heavily with Ellington, a former gym instructor in the British army. Connery was later HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_discharge" \o "Military discharge"discharged from the navy on medical grounds. At 19 he went to live in London. He became a furniture polisher and a printer. But he decided to become an actor. To become an educated person, he went to a library and read every day for one year. He read aloud into a tape-recorder to develop his acting voice. After that, he got small parts in films. Sean Connery made film after film and played all kinds of roles. He was the most famous and popular James Bond. His life has given him the experience he needed to play so many different kinds of people. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: Sean Connery is considered to be the most famous and popular James Bond. He didnt have any experience to play different roles. When he was nine, he earned money every morning before going to school. He had an English friend when he was young. When he was 16 he finished his school. Sean Connery served in the British Navy. He decided to become an actor after he had come to London. Sean Connery developed his acting voice with reading aloud into tape-recorder. He was an educated person. He was born in the Scottish family. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option 1.Thomas Connery named Thomas after his? Grand grandfather Grandfather Grandmother What capital of one of the part of Great Britain was he born in? Edinburgh Cardiff Belfast 3. Who were his parents? a) simple workers b) rich people c) medical workers 4. From what country did he have a friend when he was young? a) from Ireland b) Sweden c) France 5. When Connery began to work? a) when he was 10 years b) Before going to school c) when he was 8 6. What did Connery decide to do when he was 16? a) joined the Drama club b) joined the Civic Army c) joined the Navy 7. What occupation did Connery choose when he was 18? a) body art b) bodybuilding c) identifying body language 8. What field of profession was Connery interested in? a) cinema and theatre b) medicine c) teaching 9. Why did Connery read aloud? a) he wanted to develop his acting voice b) he was proud of his voice c) he wanted everyone to hear him 10. What goal did Connery achieve? a) he became a producer b) he became an artist c) he became an actor 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 40 ETON Eton is one of the oldest and best-known public schools for boys, in the town of Eton on the river Thames. Its students are largely from aristocratic and upper class families. The school was founded in 1440. Boys usually stay at Eton for five years (between the ages 13 and 18). Eton gives good knowledge in science, languages, computing and design. There are two major libraries, College Library and School Library, but also a lot of subject libraries in Eton. Sport plays a very important part in the life of Eton. The most popular games are rugby, football and cricket. Athletics, swimming, golf, tennis, fencing, judo and karate are all very popular. Boys can attend art, sculpture, woodwork, metalwork and silverwork clubs in their free time. Besides, almost any musical instrument can be learned. There are also fifty clubs run by the boys themselves. Many famous people of Britain studied at Eton, among them twenty of Britain's Prime Ministers. There were future writers among the students of Eton. Among them Thomas Gray, Percy Bysshe Shelley and Henry Fielding. Vocabulary: public school  ?@820B=0 H:>;0; upper class families  AV<'W 25@EV2 ACA?V;LAB20; to found  70A=C20B8; major  3>;>2=89; to attend 2V42V4C20B8; the clubs run by the boys themselves  :;C18, O:8<8 :5@CNBL A0<V E;>?FV. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: Eton is a school for boys and girls. The town stands on the river Thames. Only rich pupils study at Eton. The school was built in the 15-th century. The children study there for ten years. They go to study to Eton at the age of seven. 7) Musical instruments cannot be learned at this school. 8) Many famous politicians studied at Eton. 9) A lot of well-known sportsmen were the students of this school. 10) Eton school gives good knowledge. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option 1) Eton is the school for ... . a) girls; b) boys; c) boys and girls. 2) The town stands on the river .... a) Avon; b) Severn; c) Thames. 3) The pupils usually go to this school when they are ... . seven years old; thirteen years old; seventeen years old. 4) Eton gives good knowledge .... only in foreign languages, only in computing and design; in science, languages, computing and design. 5) Students can visit ... libraries at Eton. a) one; b) two; c) many. 6) Among the most popular sport games at Eton is ... . a) football; b) hockey; c) basketball. 7) Students go in for ... . a) wrestling; b) fencing; c) cycling. 8) There are ... clubs run by the students. a) five; b) fifteen; c) fifty. 9) ... British Prime Ministers studied at Eton. a) Two; b) Twenty; c) Twelve. 10) Among the future writers ... studied at Eton. William Shakespeare; Robert Burns; c) Percy Bysshe Shelley 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 41 O. HENRY O. Henry was the pen  name of William Sidney Porter. He was the American writer who first developed the short story into a recognized kind of literature. The stories by O. Henry are well known for their surprise endings. William Sidney Porter was born in 1862 in North California. His mother died when he was 8 years old. He left school at the age of 15 to work in his uncles drugstore. Five years later he moved to Texas. There he got married, worked in a local bank and bought a weekly newspaper. Then he was accused of stealing money from the bank where he had worked in 1897. Porter was sentenced to prison. He started to write when he was in prison. His first story was published in a National Magazine in 1898. He was released from prison in 1901. Porter went to New York City. He published his stories under the pen name O. Henry. No one knows where he got that name. O. Henry published about 600 stories during his life. He wrote so quickly that he could produce one story a week. Porter tried to forget his past but could not. He didnt have good friends. He began to drink too much alcohol. His second marriage failed. He died of tuberculosis in 1910. He was 48 years old. Vocabulary: a drugstore - 0?B5:0 to be accused - 1CB8 728=C20G5=8< a stealing - :@04V6:0 to be sentenced - 1CB8 70AC465=8< to be released - 1CB8 72V;L=5=8< tuberculosis  BC15@:C;L>7 I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: Henry was the pen - name of Walter Scott. He was the American writer. The stories by O. Henry are well - known. William Sidney Porter was born in 1862 in South California. His mother died when he was 16 years old. He left school at the age of 15. He got married in Texas. He was accused of killing people. Porter was sentenced to prison. He was released from prison in 1901. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option O. Henry was the pen name of Charles Dickens c) Arthur Conan Doyle William Sidney Porter d) Walter Scott Ha was the writer. a) German b) French c) English d) American 3. William Sidney Porter was born in a) 1962 b) 1862 c) 1762 d) 1764 4. He was born in a) Canada b) France c) England d) North California 5. His mother died when he was a) 8 years old b) 10 years old c) 16 years old d) 7 years old 6. He left school at the age of a) 10 b) 14 c) 15 d) 13 7. William worked at his drugstore. a) fathers b) uncles c) grandfathers d) brothers 8. He got married in a) Rome b) Los Angeles c) Texas d) California 9. O. Henry started to write when he was & a) travelling b) 50 c) a boy d) in prison 10. Porter didn t have good& a) friends b) shoes c) relatives d) education 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 42 WAYS TO MAKE A FRIEND  I have 72 children in the house, Mrs. Ruben said to her new neighbour.  How do you take care of them all? asked the neighbour. Oh, theyre no trouble at all, said Mrs. Ruben. Theyre all dolls. Drop by my yard this afternoon, and youll see them. The neighbour did not know what Mrs. Ruben was talking about. But that afternoon she stopped by Mrs. Rubens house and found out. There were 72 dolls. They were the same size as children. Some of the dolls were riding tricycles. Some sat in wagons and toy cars. These are my kids, said Mrs. Ruben. Every nice day I bring them all outside. The neighbour looked closely at each doll. She said, Mrs. Ruben, your dolls are beautiful. How did you get an idea like this? I am an American Indian, said Mrs. Ruben. Several years ago, I saw some Indian dolls sitting by a little girls house. It made me think about when I was a little girl. I decided I wanted to have some dolls again. Mrs. Ruben picked up a little girl doll. She said, So I bought this doll and named her Debbie. Then I bought a few more dolls and gave them names. Before I knew it, I had such a big group that I stopped giving out names. I could never remember 72 names! The neighbour picked up one of the dolls. The dolls are dressed so nicely, she said. Then Mrs. Ruben talked about the dolls clothes. On sunny days, I put sunglasses on the dolls. When it is chilly, I put on their sweaters. All the dolls wear childrens clothes. I buy some of the clothes. Sometimes people who have seen my dolls send me shirts. Others send dresses and shoes. Some people even send bikes and wagons. But, Mrs. Ruben, the neighbour said, it takes a lot of time to dress all the dolls and bring them outside every day. Why do you do it? First of all, I like dolls, said Mrs. Ruben. But theres a more important reason - friends! Ive made a bundle of friends since I had the dolls. It is sometimes hard for older people to make friends. But not for me. Every sunny day somebody stops by my yard to chat about the dolls. Why, if it hadnt been for the dolls, you and I might not have met. The neighbour smiled.  Yes, Mrs. Ruben. You have just made a friend. Vocabury: Drop by  ?@>94VBL ?>27 Bundle  6<CB>:, ?0G:0, :CG0 I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: 72 children were Mrs. Ruben s grandsons and granddaughters. Mrs. Ruben is an elderly woman. Mrs. Rubens dolls are much smaller than children. When Mrs. Ruben was a child she saw a beautiful doll house with Indian doll inside and she liked them. Mrs. Ruben named her first doll Debbie. All the dolls have their names. Sometimes she sews clothes for her dolls herself. Sometimes people who have heard about the dolls from their friends help Mrs. Ruben by sending clothes, shoes and even bikes and wagons for her dolls. You can come to the conclusion that perhaps Mrs. Ruben had felt lonely before she had the collection of dolls. It is always easy for any person to make friends. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option Mrs .Ruben takes her ______ out every day when the weather is fine. grandchildren; dolls; children. Mrs. Ruben comes from ________. the USA; the UK; India. Mrs. Ruben dresses her dolls in accordance with ___________. the weather; her mood; their hobbies. The dolls were ______ as children. bigger; smaller; the same size. When it is cool, Mrs. Ruben put on the _______ on her dolls. a) jackets; b) coats; c) sweaters. 6. Mrs. Ruben can buy clothes for her dolls in the ________. supermarket; childrens shop; department store. Mrs. Ruben often feels _______ living by herself. happily; sadly; lonely. One of the reasons Mrs. Ruben brings her dolls outside is _________. to play with them; to attract peoples attention; to entertain. Every sunny day people stop by Mrs. Rubens yard _______at the dolls. to look; to mock; to laugh. 10. Mrs. Ruben has made ________ since she had the dolls. a friend; few friends; many friends. 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 43 HINEMOA Hinemoa was the beautiful daughter of a Maori chief who lived on the shore of a great lake. One day Hinemoas father gave a great feast at which all young men were present. Each young man tried to dance as well as he could because each hoped to win the heart and hand of the young lady. Hinemoa liked one of them most of all. He was a young man from a small island of the lake, and he loved Hinemoa very dearly. But when Hinemoa told her father that she loved him, the old chief got very angry and said that the young man wasnt noble. Noble or not, answered Hinemoa,he is the man I love! This made a chief still more angry. He said, If he comes to the shore again, I will kill him. Every night Hinemoa went to the shore of the lake but she never found a canoe there which could take her over the water. Hinemoas father had told his men to take canoes away every night and hide them. However, Hinemoa didnt lose hope. She decided to swim to the island. One night she started on her long dangerous swim. The night was dark and she couldnt see the island. She was a strong swimmer but after many hours she became weak. Just then the moon came out and she saw that the island was quite near. A few minutes more and she felt the stones under her feet. At the place where she came ashore there was a hot spring. She entered the warm water, rested and warmed her cold body. Then she found the young man. They became husband and wife. They lived happily for many years. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: 1 Hinemoa was the beautiful daughter of a Maori chief who lived on the shore of a great river. 2 In spring Hinemoas father gave a great feast at which all the young men were present. 3 Each young man tried to sing and dance as well as he could. 4 Hinemoa liked a young man from a small island of the lake. 5 The old chief was very glad because young man was noble. 6 The chief promised to kill that young man. 7 Every night Hinemoa went to the shore of the sea. 8 Hinemoa decided to swim to the island. 9 At the place where Hinemoa came ashore there was a cold spring. 10 The cool winter that gave Hinemoa life and strength is known even now as Hinemoas Bath. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option 1 Why were the young men present at the feast ? a) All the young men came here to dance as well as they could. b) They hoped to win the heart and hand of the girl. c) They wanted to see a Maori chief. d) They wanted to meet a young man from a small island on the lake. 2 The chief was very angry when Hinemoa told him that she loved a man because this man a) was ugly. b) was weak. c) was poor. d) was not noble. 3 Hinemoa went to the shore of the lake every night because a) she wanted to find a canoe. b) the girls father hid canoes. c) the chief was angry and she decided to swim to the island. d) she wanted to swim. 4 Hinemoa loved a young man from a small island. A young man from another country an old man from the sea. a young man from the wood. 5 Hinemoa went to the shore a) every morning. b) every night. c) every evening. d) every day. 6 How did Hinemoa reach the island? a) she found the canoe which took her over the water. b) one night she started on her long swim and after many hours she reached the island. c) she found her father and he helped her. d) she decided to swim to the island. 7 In what way Hinemoa become warm and strong? the moon came out and she saw the island. she drank some tea. she felt the stones under the feet. she entered the warm water. 8 What happened to Hinemoa? a) she returned home. b) she stayed on the island. c) she fell ill d) she went to the forest. 9 What happened to the young couple? a) they died. b) they got married and lived in the forest. c) they parted forever. d) they got married and lived for many years. 10 The young man became Hinemoas a) friend. b) son. c) husband. d) boyfriend 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 44 NATIONAL TRADITIONS, HABITS AND CUSTOMS OF GREAT BRITAIN Every nation and every country has its own customs and traditions. In Britain traditions play a more important part in the life of the people than in other countries. Englishmen are proud of their traditions and carefully keep them up. Foreigners coming to England are surprised by a number of customs in English life. Some ceremonies are rather formal, such as the Changing the Guard at Buckingham Palace. The Guards wear red uniforms and their special duty is to guard the king or the queen of Great Britain and very important quests of the country. An English family prefers a house with a fireplace and a garden to a flat in a modern house with central heating. Most English love gardens. Foreigners often laugh at English people. They say, In England you get chips with everything! But even the British dont eat chips with their breakfast. However, the traditional English breakfast is a big meal. Visitors to Britain often think that breakfast is the best meal of the day. A traditional English breakfast consists of bacon and sausage with eggs and tomatoes, milk, corn flakes, toast, tea, marmalade and butter. It is so big that you can easily go without lunch. Holidays are especially rich in old traditions and are different in Scotland, Ireland, Wales and England. Christmas is a great English national holiday and in Scotland it is not observed at all. But six days later, on New Years Eve the Scots begin to enjoy themselves. All the shops and factories are closed on New Years Day. People invite friends to their homes. Greetings and presents are offered. A new tradition has been born in Britain. Every year a large number of ancient motor cars drive from London to Brighton. Some of these veteran cars look very funny. This run from London to Brighton is a colourful demonstration. People are dressed in the clothes of those times. It is not a race, and most of the cars come to Brighton, which is sixty miles from London, only in the evening. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: Every nation has its own customs and traditions. The Changing the Guard at Buckingham Palace is a formal ceremony. English families prefer a modern flat with central heating to a house with a fireplace. Most English love gardens. The British people eat chips with their breakfast. Holidays are the same in Scotland, Ireland, Wales and England. Christmas is a great English national holiday and in Scotland it is not observed at all. All the shops and factories are closed on New Years Day. Every year a large number of ancient motor cars drive from Brighton to London. Brighton is fifty miles from London. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option 1. In traditions play an important part in the life of the people. a) Britain b) Scotland c) Wales 2. Some are rather formal. a) traditions b) customs c) ceremonies 3. The Guards duty is to guard the . a) Queen b) President c) Prime-Minister 4. Visitors to Britain often think that is the best meal of the day. a) breakfast b) dinner c) supper 5. A traditional English breakfast consists of bacon and sausage with eggs and _________, milk, corn flakes, toast, tea, marmalade and butter. a) beans b) onions c) tomatoes 6. is a great English national holiday. a) New Years Day b) Christmas c) Easter 7. People invite friends to _________ . a) restaurants b) their homes c) pubs 8. Every year ancient motor cars drive from London to . a) Edinburgh b) Brighton c) Oxford 9. Some of these veteran cars look very ______________. a) strange b) nice c) funny 10. Most of the cars come to Brighton ___________________ . a) in an hour b) in the evening c) in the afternoon 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 45 THE LONDON MARATHON In March 1981, the first London Marathon took place. 7,747 people were accepted out over 20,000 applicants. The full track is 26 miles long (41,84 kilometers). The concept of the marathon comes from Ancient Greece. An Athenian Soldier ran 26 miles to give the news of the defeat of the invading Persian army at the battle of marathon. The London Marathon is an international competition, charity event and a street festival, all in one. Runners from all over the world, both professional and amateur, have to apply a year in advance in order to take part in the Marathon. The selection is very strict. To qualify, candidates either need to be strong professional runners or to raise a substantial amount of money for charity on their choice. Runners who support charities are called fun runners. Instead of competing against the clock they try to impress the public with silly costumes. In 2002, one of the runners ran in a full deep-sea diving costume! As the costume was very heavy, he had to be accompanied by a doctor to make sure that the runner didnt have a heart attack! Professional runners take a different approach and start serious training at least a year in advance to be able to achieve the necessary level of fitness. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: The first London Marathon took place in summer. There were 20,000 participants then. The full track is more than 41 kilometers long. The concept of the marathon comes from Ancient Egypt. An Athenian Soldier ran 26 miles to give the news of the defeat of the invading Persian army at the battle of marathon. The London Marathon is an international competition. Only professional sportsmen can take part in this competition. The selection is very strict. If sportsmen want to take part in the Marathon they should apply a year in advance. If you are not very good at running you can amuse yourself visiting the pub. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option The first London Marathon took place in a) 1981 b) 1891 c) 1681 2. people were accepted out over 20,000 applicants. a) 7,774 b) 7,747 c) 77,47 3. The full track is miles long. a) 62 b) 26 c) 226 4. The London Marathon is , and, a) a charity event b) a street festival c) an international competition, charity event and a street festival, all in one. 5. runners from all over the world take part in the Marathon. a) Both professional and amateur b) Only professional c) Only amateur 6. Runners have to apply in advance in order to take part in the Marathon. a) two years b) a year c) half a year 7. Runners who support charities are called . runners. a) strong b) happy c) fun 8. Instead of competing against the clock they try to impress the public with .. a) silly costumes. b) funny hats. c) happy songs. 9. Professional runners take a different approach and start serious training at least. a) two years in advance b) a year in advance c) some years before 10. They want to be able to achieve the necessary level of & .. a) strength b) experience c) fitness 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 46 LOVE TO LANGUAGES Bernard Berg, Professor of Linguistics, started as an English language teacher. He was always good at languages at school, so he decided to take his degree in French and German first. When he finished his university studies in Oxford he began teaching in a secondary school in England. Two years later, however, he met someone by chance who offered him a job teaching English to foreign students during the long summer holidays. His students were adults and he enjoyed the work greatly. He soon found he was interested in languages of different countries. Since then he has specialized in this work. First he went to Africa for two years and then he spent a year in Spain. After that he went to Italy where he worked for three years. He hasnt been to South America yet but he plans to go there next. He has taught men and women of all ages and of all nationalities. He has also learnt to get on with people of all walks of life. Now he is a writer but his interest in foreign languages never lessens. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: Bernard Berg, Professor of Linguistics, started as an English language teacher. After school he decided to take his degree in English and French. After university studies he began teaching in a secondary school in England. Two years later he was offered to teach foreign students during the summer holidays. Bernard Berg taught children there. He enjoyed the work greatly. He found he was interested in languages of different countries. First he went to Spain for two years and then he spent a year in Africa. He hasnt been to South America yet but he plans to go there next. Now he is a writer. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option Bernard Berg is . . a) a teacher b) a professor c) a student At school he was good at . a) languages b) mathematics c) biology 3. He decided to take his degree in first. a) English and French b) French and German c) English and German Bernard Berg studied in . a) Cambridge b) Oxford c) Eton He was offered to work as a teacher . a) two years later b) three years later c) four years later He was offered to work during . a) autumn holidays b) winter holidays c) summer holidays 7. His students were.. a) children b) adults c) children and adults 8. He went to Italy where he worked for . a) two years b) three years c) four years 9.Bernard Berg specialized in teaching . geography of different countries economy of different countries languages of different countries 10. Now he is . a traveler a writer a teacher 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 47 BEDTIME STORY Are you ready, David? Right: The Lost coin.  One afternoon just before Christmas an old gentleman was wandering through the city centre. The gaily-illuminated shops were packed with good things and crowded with cheerful shoppers. The children were gazing in wonder at all the toys on display in the windows, and the oldman was surveying the happy scene indulgently. Suddenly in the middle of the throng he spotted a dirty little boy sitting on the pavement, weeping bitterly. When the kind old man asked him why he was crying, the little boy told him that he had lost a tenpenny piece that his uncle had given him. Thrusting his hand into his pocket, the old man pulled out a handful of coins. He picked out a shiny, new tenpenny piece and handed in to the child. "Thank you very much," said the little boy, and, drying his eyes, he cheered up at once. An hour or so later the old man was making his way back home by the same route. To his astonishment he saw the same dirty little boy in precisely the same spot, crying just as bitterly as before. He went up to the boy and asked him if he had lost the ten pence he had given him as well. The little boy told him that actually he had not lost the second coin, but he still could not find his first tenpence. "If I could find my own ten pence,'' he said tearfully, "I'd have twenty pence now." `Did you like that?... Janet, he's asleep! I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: One afternoon just after Christmas an old gentleman was wandering through the city center. The gaily illuminated shops were crowded with cheerful shoppers. The children were buying the toys on display in the windows. The old gentleman spotted a dirty little boy in the shop, crying bitterly. The old gentleman asked the boy why he was weeping. The boy told him he had lost a ten penny piece that his aunt had given him. The old man handed a new ten penny piece to the child. The boy thanked the old man and cheered up at once. An hour later the old man saw the same dirty little boy crying just as bitterly as before. The little boy lost the ten pence that the gentleman had given him. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option What was an old gentleman doing one the afternoon just before Christmas? He was shopping in the city centre. He was gazing at the things displayed in the shop windows. He was wandering through the city centre. What were the children gazing at in wonder? At all the toys on display in the windows. At the cheerful shoppers. At the old gentleman. Where did the old gentleman spot a dirty little boy and what was the boy doing? He was sitting in the shop, weeping bitterly. He was sitting on the pavement, weeping bitterly. He was sitting on the pavement, laughing heartily. What did the old man ask the boy? Why are you crying? Why are you laughing? What are you buying? What did the boy lose? A twopenny piece his uncle had given him. A tenpenny piece his aunt had given him. A tenpenny piece his uncle had given him. What did the old man pull out of his pocket? A handful of coins. A handful of candies. A handful of tenpenny pieces. What did the boy do after he thanked the old man and dried his eyes? He laughed heartily. He smiled happily. He cheered up at once. What was the old man doing an hour later? He was making his way to the city centre. He was making his way home by a new route. He was making his way by the same route. Why was the boy crying just as bitterly as before? He had lost the tenpenny piece the old man had given him. He wanted to have twenty pence. He had lost the first and the second coins. When is this story told? In the morning. In the afternoon. At night. 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 48 COCA-COLA In 1886 John Pemberton, a druggist in Atlanta, Georgia, made a brown syrup by mixing coca leaves and cola nuts. Pemberton sold the syrup in his drugstore as a medicine to cure all kinds of problems. Pemberton called his all-purpose medicine Coca-Cola. When few people bought Coca-Cola, Pemberton sold the recipe to another druggist, Asa Candler. Candler decided to sell Coca-Cola as a soda-fountain drink instead of a medicine. At soda fountains in drugstores, the syrup was mixed with soda water to make the drink Coca-Cola. Candler advertised a lot and sold his syrup to many drugstores. Soon everyone was going to soda fountain and asking for Coca-Cola. Candler saw no reason for putting Coca-Cola into bottles. But two businessmen thought this would be a good idea. They got permission from Candler, and before long they became millionaires. As of 1903, coca leaves were no longer used in Coca-Cola. The exact ingredients used and their quantities are not known  the Coca-Cola company keeps its recipe a secret. World War I helped make Coca-Cola popular outside the United States. The Coca-Cola Company sent free bottles of the drink to U.S. soldiers fighting in Europe. Coca-Cola became very popular with the soldiers  so popular that the U.S. Army asked the company to start ten factories in Europe. After the war, these factories continued to make Coca-Cola. Today, there are Coca-Cola factories around the world. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: Coca-Cola was first used as a medicine. The brown syrup called Coca-Cola was a mixed of coconuts and coffee. People mixed Coca-Cola syrup with milk. Before Coca-Cola was in bottles, people went to drugstores to drink it with soda water. World War II made Coca-Cola popular outside the United States. The Coca-Cola Company sent free bottles of Coca-Cola to soldiers fighting in Europe. Asa Candler decided to put Coca-Cola into bottles. Coca leaves are still used to make Coca-Cola. Nobody knows exactly how to make Coca-Cola except the Coca-Cola Company. Coca-Cola is only made in America. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option A person who sells medicines is a druggist. millionaire. businessman. addict. 2. is sweet, heavy liquid that tasted good. Syrup Cola Soda Milk 3. Pemberton sold Coca-Cola to make people well and their problems. keep find out about mix cure A medicine that cures many things is A. popular. B. all-purpose. C. free. D. aspirin. The different things that are mixed together to make Coca-Cola are its ingredients. ideas. sodas. liquids. The of ingredients is the amount you put in. factory color permission quantity Not many people knew about Pembertons syrup bought it. a lot few all most The way Coca-Colas ingredients are put together is its ingredients. soda fountain. recipe. bottle. People find out about things to buy by looking at recipes. advertisements. articles. the monitor. People drink soda from a bottle instead of going to a soda fountain store to drink it because it tastes better. They collect bottles. Its the law. Its easier to do. 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 49 THE HOTDOG In its home country of Germany, the hot dog was called the Frankfurter. It was named after Frankfurt, a German city. Frankfurters were first sold in the United States in the 1860`s. Americans called frankfurters dachshund sausages. A dachshund is a dog from Germany with a very long body and short legs.Dachshund sausage seemed like a good name for the frankfurter. Dachshund sausages first became popular in New York, especially at baseball games. At games they were sold by men who kept them warm in hot-water tanks. As the men walked up and down the rows of people, they yelled, Get your dachshund sausages! Get your hot dachshund sausages! People got the sausages on buns, a special bread. One day in 1906 a newspaper cartoonist named Tad Dorgan went to a baseball game. When he saw the men with the dachshund sausages, he got an idea for a cartoon. The next day at the newspaper office he drew a bun with a dachshund inside-not a dachshund sausage, but a dachshund. Dorgan didnt know how to spell dachshund. Under the cartoon, he wrote Get your hot dogs! The cartoon was a sensation, and so was the new name. If you go to a baseball game today, you still see sellers walking around with hot-water tanks. As they walk up and the rows they yell, Get your hot dogs here! Get your hot dogs! I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: Frankfurt is a city in America. Frankfurters were first sold in the United States in the 1906`s. A dachshund is a dog with a long body and short legs. People like to eat hot dogs especially during basketball games. At baseball games today you cannot see sellers walking around with hot-water tanks. Buns are a special kind of bread. Tad Dorgan got an idea for a cartoon in his office. Tad Dorgan drew a bun with a sausage inside. The words under Tad Dorgan's cartoon were "Get your hot dogs!" Hot dog sellers walk up and down rows selling hot dogs at baseball games. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option 1. The special bread used for a hot dog is a sausage. bun. dachshund. frankfurter. 2. Another word for to shout is to name. game. yell. whisper. 3. A line of people or objects is a row. game. cartoon. angle. 4. When something is a cause of excitement it is an idea. a sensation. a hot dog. a game. 5. Large containers for water or other liquids, sometimes made of metal, are called tanks . sellers . cartoonists. buns. 6. A funny drawing is a cartoonists. frankfurter. cartoon. graph. 7. In Germany a hot dog is called a hot dog. a dachshund sausage. a frankfurter. pasta. 8. A dachshund is a dog from & America. New York. Germany. Dorgan. 9. A professional who usually draws funny pictures with funny stories is & a writer. an author. a cartoonist. a painter. 10. A dachshund is ... a sausage. a hot dog. a dog. a frankfurter. 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 50 LUNCH FOR A TREE Do you believe that a tree could eat a person? Long ago, many people thought such frightening trees grew in unexplored parts of the world. One of the first stories about people-eating trees was published in 1783. A doctor wrote a magazine article about stories he had heard in Southeast Asia, in what is now the country of Malaysia. The stories told about ordinary-looking trees that grew in the Malaysian jungles. The branches of these trees could reach out and seize people who walked too close to them! The doctor wrote that the people living in this area worshiped some of these trees as gods. After that many stories were told about people-eating trees in remote parts of Asia, Africa, and South America. Could some trees eat humans? Some people believed the stories, but others did not. As recently as the 1930s some newspapers printed stories about trees that eat people. These trees were supposed to be in a jungle area of Paraguay, in South America. They had sweet-smelling flowers to attract people. The trees huge leaves would wrap themselves around people who got too close to them. As time passed, most of the worlds jungles and swamps were explored. No one ever found any people-eating trees. Today we no longer hear stories about such things. But some people will always believe that magical things live in wild, faraway places things such as monsters and even trees that eat people. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: 1. One of the first stories about people-eating trees was published in 1783. 2. A doctor wrote a magazine article about stories he had heard in the county of Malaysia. 3. The stories told about ordinary-looking flowers that grew in the Malaysia jungles. 4. Many stories were told about people-eating trees in remote parts of Australia, India, China. 5. In 1950,s, some newspapers printed stories about trees that ate people. 6. These trees had sweet-smelling flowers to attract people. 7. The trees, huge leaves would wrap themselves around people who touch them. 8. As time passed, most of the worlds jungles and swamps were explored. 9. No one ever found any sweet-smelling flowers. 10. Today we no longer hear stories about people-eating trees. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option Long ago, many people thought such frightening trees grew.. In unexplored parts of the world On another planet In the wild forest 2. One of the firstabout these kind of trees was published in 1783 a) poems b) novels c) stories 3. The branches of these trees could reach out and seize people. a) who touched them b) who looked at them c) who walked too close to them 4. One doctor wrote a magazine article about stories he had heard .. a) In Africa b) In China c) In Southeast Asia 5. Many stories were told about people-eating trees in remote parts of a) Australia, Antarctic Continent b) Asia, Africa and South America c) North America, Great Britain, Africa 6. As recently as , some newspapers printed stories about trees that eat people. a) the 1930s b) the 1940s c) the 1950s 7. These trees had sweet-smelling flowers a) to attract mosquitoes b) to attract people c) to attract animals 8. These trees were supposed to be in a jungles area of. a) Mexico b) Peru c) Paraguay 9. As time passed, no one ever found any a) people-eating trees b) sweet-smelling flowers c) huge-leaves plants 10. Today we no longer hear& & ..about such kind of trees a) songs b) stories c) carols 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 51 Tom s uncle was very rich. He was a strange old man, he lived alone, he had no wife or friends. One day a week before he died, he sent for Tom. This was the time he saw Tom. Toms uncle didnt like Toms mother and never spoke to her or to Tom. When Tom came to see his uncle, he was in bad because he was ill. Toms uncle said to him:Im very rich and Im leaving all my money to you. You will find the money in the box. But before you open the box, read the letter. The letter is on the box. This letter will be very interesting for you. You thought that was very strange but he knew his uncle was a very strange old man. He thought: Im rich now. When his uncle died, Tom found the box. Before he began to open it he had read the letter which was on the box. Here is what it said:Dear Tom! There is a lot of money in the box. I give the money to you because I want you remember your uncle. I know you will remember your uncle because there is also some dynamite in the box which you are going to open now. If you dont believe me, open the box and youll see. And now I hope you will not forget me. Your Uncle Tom thought for a week but he couldnt open the box. He was afraid of the dynamite which was in the box. From that time Tom could think only about the box and the dynamite in the box. He asked everybody to tell him what to do, but nobody could help him. Such is Toms problem. He is rich at the same time he is poor. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: 1. Toms uncle had a lot of money. 2. Toms uncle had a big family. 3. One day, some days before he died, he sent for Tom. 4. This wasnt the first time he saw Tom. 5. Toms uncle never spoke to Tom and his mother. 6. When Tom came his uncle was in bed. 7. He left Tom the money in the box. 8. He told Tom to read the letter before opening the box. 9. The letter said that it was some dynamite in the box. 10. Tom wasnt afraid of the dynamite which was in the box. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option 1. Who lived with Toms uncle? a) his family b) nobody c) his children 2. What had Toms uncle done a week before he died? a) had written will b) had spoken to his sister c) had sent for Tom 3. Whom did Toms uncle leave all his money? a) his son b) his nephew c) his sister 4. How often did Toms uncle see him? a) many times b) for the first time c) only on weekdays 5. What should Tom do before open the box? a) say spell words b) read the letter c) read the note 6. What did Tom find when his uncle died? a) a box b) a letter. c) a box and a letter 7. What was in the box? a) some money b) some toys c) some sweets 8. Why didnt Tom open the box? a) he was afraid of his mother b) he was afraid of his uncle c) he was afraid of the dynamite 9. Who helped Tom in his problem? a) his mother b) his friends c) nobody 10. Why did Tom s uncle left him money? a) he could pay for his education b) he wanted Tom always remember him c) he could buy a house 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 52 HALLOWEEN Halloween was first celebrated many centuries ago in Ireland and Scotland by Celtic priests called Druids. They observed the end of autumn and the beginning of winter. The Druids thought that Halloween was the night when the witches came out. As they were afraid of the witches, they put on different clothes and painted their faces to deceive the evil spirits. They also placed food and small gifts near the doors of their houses for the witches. This was, as they say now, the beginning of the expression trick or treat (meaning give me something or Ill play a trick on you). It is considered that Halloween was brought to America by the immigrants from Ireland and Scotland. In the 19th century they celebrated Halloween according to their old traditions (the integral part of the festival was a lantern made of a pumpkin with holes in the form of eyes, a nose and a mouth, and people believed that during the celebration all pumpkins were leaving their vegetable gardens to dance in the streets). As time went by, grown-up people lost interest in Halloween, and it was celebrated almost entirely by children. Dressed very strangely, children held festivals. During their carnival and after it, groups of children visited nearby houses and asked for candies. Trick or treat! Trick or treat! was heard everywhere. In recent years, grown-up people have begun taking part in Halloween. In New York, for example, young and old take part in parades together. On the 31st of October, long before the time when the carnival procession begins to move, a great number of people get together in one of the streets. They get dressed as witches, demons, and other evil spirits. There are hundreds of large orange pumpkins in their hands. After the parade the festival lasts almost till early morning. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: 1. Halloween was first celebrated many years ago. 2. The Druids were afraid of the evil spirits. 3. Halloween was brought to Ireland from Scotland. 4. In the 19th century the Americans celebrated Halloween according to new rules. 5. A pumpkin was the integral part of the festival. 6. Dressed very strangely, children visited the houses and asked for pumpkins. 7. At present grown-up people dont take part in Halloween. 8. On the 31st of October people are dressed as witches. 9. People get together in one of the streets and bring hundreds of orange pumpkins. 10. Young and old take part together. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option Halloween was first celebrated by a) the Druids, b) the Irish people, c) the Americans They thought that Halloween was the night when a) the priests came out, b) the pumpkins came out, c) the witches came out They put on different clothes and painted their faces to dance outdoors, to deceive the evil spirits, to play tricks The Druids observed a) the end of summer, b) the end of autumn, c) the end of winter They placed food and small gifts near the doors for the children, for the witches, for other people In the 19th century in America people celebrated Halloween according to their old traditions, their new traditions, their new rules People believed that during the celebration all pumpkins were leaving the streets, were leaving the gardens, were leaving the festivals As time went by, Halloween was celebrated almost entirely by a) by grown-ups, b) by evil spirits, c) by children People come to the carnival with hundreds of a) candies, b) pumpkins, c) flags After the parade the festival lasts till early morning, late night, the next day 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 53 CHRISTMAS TRADITIONS Christmas season is the most festive time of the year in Britain and the United States. Students at schools and colleges usually have 2 weeks' vacation, beginning before Christmas and ending soon after New Year. There are a lot of parties to celebrate the birth of Christ and the arrival of the New Year. Although no one knows exactly when Jesus was born, Christians everywhere in the world celebrate his birthday on December 25. This day was a festival long before Christianity because ancient people believed this was the time when the sun god started his journey back to earth and it was a custom to give presents to each other. Now children are told that Santa Claus or Father Christmas in a red suit, red hat and a long white beard puts presents for them into their stockings by the fireplace. The winter traditions of decorating homes with evergreens began in ancient times too. Branches of fir were thought to bring good luck and guarantee the return of spring. The Germans were the first to use the Christmas tree in their celebrations. In the 19th century, the decorated fir tree became popular in Europe and the USA. Carol singers begin to go from house to house in groups singing traditional Christmas songs and asking for charity. Today many people also send Christmas cards to each other. The most popular wishes in these holiday cards are Merry Christmas, Peace on Earth. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: Christmas is the most widely celebrated festival in Britain. The 25th of December was celebrated after Christmas. Students have a month's winter vacation. Ancient people gave each other presents at this time. Father Christmas puts children's presents into stockings by the fireplace. It is a modern tradition to decorate the house with a fir tree. Branches of fir were thought to bring good luck. Traditional Christmas songs are sung only at home. Greeting cards are not sent at Christmas. On this holiday people wish each other Peace on Earth. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option Christmas season is .. of the year. the longest time the most interesting time the most festive time the coldest time 2. Students at schools and colleges usually have a) 2 weeks' vacation b) 3 weeks' vacation c) 2 days vacation d) 2 months vacation 3. Santa Claus or Father Christmas has a) a blue suit, a red hat and a long white beard. b) a red suit, a red hat and a long white beard. c) a red suit, a white hat and a long white beard. d) a white suit, a red hat and a short white beard. 4. Santa Claus puts presents for children. a) under their beds. b) into their wardrobes. c) into their stockings by the fireplace d) into their stockings by the window. 5. Branches of fir were thought to bring a) good weather. b) delicious food. c) a lot of presents. d) good luck and guarantee the return of spring. 6. The decorated fir tree became popular in Europe and the USA a) in the 19th century b) these days c) in the 20th century d) in the 21st century 7. Carol singers begin to go from house to house in groups a) giving presents b) singing Christmas songs and asking for charity c) telling funny stories d) giving money 8. Today many people also send ..to each other. a) fir trees b) letters c) food d) Christmas cards 9. .were the first to use the Christmas tree in their celebrations. a) The Russians b) The Germans c) The Ukrainians d) The English 10. The most popular wishes in these holiday cards are . a) Best wishes b) Happy birthday c) Good health d) Merry Christmas, Peace on Earth. 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 54 A STORY One day some Americans were having dinner at a hotel in London, when fish was put on the table one of them, a young man, said: "Let's examine the fish carefully, perhaps we'll find a diamond in it." Everybody began to laugh, but an old man said quietly: "Yes, I'm sure we have all heard stories like that. Let me tell you what happened to me once." "When I was a young man,' he began, "I worked for a big company in New York; and I was sent to England to do some work there. I was in love with a beautiful girl, and before I left for England, we decided that we would get married when I returned home. I stayed in England for two months. I sent letters and postcards to the girl almost every day, but after the first two weeks I didn't receive any answers. But I didn't think anything was the matter, and before I left for home, I bought a beautiful diamond ring for her. On the ship one morning, a telegram was brought to me. It was from a friend in New York, who told me that the girl had changed her mind and was going to get married to another man. I was so angry that I threw the diamond ring into the sea. My friend came to the port to meet me, and he invited me to dinner. While we were sitting down at the table and I was eating fish, I suddenly felt something hard in my mouth. What do you think it was?" "The diamond!" all the Americans cried. "No", the old man answered, "It was the fish bone." I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: 1. One day some Americans were having dinner at a hotel in London. 2. They were going to eat some meat. 3. One of the men told the fairy-tale. 4. The man stayed in England for two months. 5. He sent letters and postcards to the girl. 6. He received a lot of answers. 7. He bought a beautiful gold chain for her. 8. The man was so angry that I threw the diamond ring into the sea. 9. His friend invited him to dinner. 10. While he was eating fish, he suddenly found the diamond. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option 1) Where were the Americans having dinner one day? A. on board a ship B. at the hotel C. at a party D. in a caf 2) What did the young man hope to find in the fish? A. a watch B. a ring C. some money D. Diamond 3) Where was the young man sent to work? A. to England B. to London C. to New York D. to Canada 4) When had the young people decided to marry? A. when he returned home B. During the journey C. Before he left home D. On the way back home 5) What did the young man buy for his girl? A. A beautiful dress B. A fur coat C. A gold watch D. A diamond ring 6) Why didn't the girl answer his letters? A. She was very ill B. She wanted to join him C. She wanted to marry another man D. She was angry with him 7) How did the young man react to his friend's news? A. He was very happy B. He was very lonely C. He was very angry D. He was very unhappy 8) What did the young man do with the present? A. He gave it to another girl B. He threw it into the sea C. He sold it D. He lost it in the street 9) What did the friends have for dinner when they met again? A. They had soup B. They had pudding C. They had meat D. They had fish 10) What did the young man feel hard in his mouth? A. A fruit stone B. A fish bone C. An egg shell D. A diamond ring 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 55 A STRANGE TALE OF RIP VAN WINKLE Once upon a time there was a farmer called Rip van Winkle. He lived in a village in the mountains with his wife and two young children, a daughter and a son. Rip was a very happy and kind man and he got on very well with all the children in the village. They loved him because he played games with them and often told them stories. He spent a lot of time in the village inn because he was, in fact, a very lazy man. Instead of working on his farm, he would go fishing and hunting or sit in the village inn talking to his friends. His family was very poor and he always argued with his wife. One day after a big argument Rip went to the forest and came to a beautiful valley, high in the mountains. Suddenly he heard a strange voice calling his name. An old man, dressed in old fashioned clothes, was trying to carry a barrel and asked Rip to help him. Rip agreed. They took the barrel to a cave, where there were more people dressed in the same strange clothes. After that the old man gave Rip a drink from the barrel. Rip immediately fell into a deep sleep. Some time later he woke up under a tree in the same valley. He was alone. He was worried about his dog and he knew he was going to get into more trouble with his wife. Then he noticed a curious thing hair was over his shoulders and his beard was over a foot long! Rip couldn't understand what had happened. He decided to get back to the village. As soon as he got there, he realized that everything was different, and there were lots of new houses. The people in the village stared at him with his long hair and beard and old clothes. When he got to his house, he saw that it was old and abandoned. He went to the center of the village and everything there had changed completely. The old inn was now called the Union Hotel. Before he went in, he listened at the window. The people were talking about things he hadn't heard of the elections, the president, the war. Rip went in and described his wife, family and asked people where they were. It turned out that his wife had died two years ago. But his children were still there! They pointed to a young man sleeping under a tree. Rip realized it was his son! Then a young woman carrying a baby came up to him. It was his daughter! In the end, Rip went to live with his daughter. He still didn't do much work. He spent the time as before, fishing, hunting and telling stories to children outside the village inn. He told stories about life before the war, how he had met some strange people in the mountains and how he had gone to sleep for twenty years! I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: Rip was a farmer. Rip was a worker. The man lived in the village. Rip Van Winkle worked very hard. Rip Van Winkle liked fishing and hunting. One day Rip Van Winkle met an old man in the field. Rip Van Winkle helped the man to carry the barrel. Rip Van Winkle had slept for 20 years. Nobody in the village recognized the man. There was nobody from his family in the village. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option What was Rip Van Winkle? he was a worker he was a teacher he was a cook he was a farmer Why did the children of the village like Rip Van Winkle? because he played games with them because he gave them sweets because he went fishing with them because he read them interesting books Where did Rip Van Winkle spend a lot of time? in the inn in the field at home in the wood Whom did Rip Van Winkle meet in the wood? a young man dressed in fashioned clothes an old man dressed in fashioned clothes an old man dressed in old fashioned clothes a young man dressed in old fashioned clothes What did the old man ask Rip for? he asked him to tell him an interesting story he asked him to help him to carry his bag he asked him to help him to carry his barrel he asked him to listen to him What did Rip Van Winkle see in the cave? he saw many people with barrels he saw many people in strange clothes he saw many strange animals he saw one more old man How many years was Rip sleeping? five ten fifteen twenty What did Rip Van Winkle notice when he awoke? he noticed that his dog was sleeping too he noticed that he had long hair and beard he noticed that he was lying at home he noticed that there were many strange people around him Whom did Rip Van Winkle see sleeping under a tree? he saw his daughter he saw his son he saw his wife he saw his old friends Who did Rip Vann Winkle go to live with? he went to live with his daughter he went to live with his son he went to live with his wife he went to live with strange people 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 56 BANK ROBBERY It was 80 degrees in the shade. A man wearing a heavy army jacket, a pullover wool cap, and dark sunglasses walked into the First American Bank at the corner of Maple and Main streets in downtown Short Beach. The man walked up to the teller and held up a hand grenade for all to see. He said, "Give me all your money, all the money in this bank, right now!" Everyone in the lobby screamed and started running, even the security guard. Nervously, the young female teller handed the man three big bags loaded with cash. He walked out the door. A second later, one of the money bags exploded, covering him with red dye. He yelled in pain and surprise, and started pacing around in circles because he couldn't see where he was going. He couldn't see, but he could hear. He heard the police siren get closer. Then he heard the police tell him to get down on his stomach on the sidewalk and put his hands behind his back. They handcuffed him and placed him in the back of the police car. Seeing the hand grenade on the sidewalk, the police told everyone to get back. They sealed off the whole block and called the bomb squad. The bomb squad came and examined the hand grenade. Then they laughed. They told the police it was a fake. The hand grenade was actually a harmless dummy, something a 12-year-old might play with. The police chuckled. The bank employees returned to work. The bank customers returned to their lines. The bank robber, hopefully, would never return. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: It was a hot day. Being in the shade is cooler than being in the sun. The man was dressed for hot weather. The First American Bank is at an intersection. The First American Bank Is near a body of water. The man showed everyone a hand grenade. The man demanded money from the customers. The teller screamed and started running. The man received three bags of cash. The explosion ruined the man's hearing. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option How hot was it? It was 18 degrees in the shade. It was almost 80 degrees in the shade. It was 80 degrees in the shade. What kind of cap was the man wearing? The man was wearing a pullover wool hat. The man was wearing a pullover wool cap. The man was wearing an army wool cap. Whom did the man walk up to? The man walked up to the bank. The man walked up to the teller. The man walked up to the employee. What did the man say? The man said, Give me all your money! The man said, Give me all your bags with money! The man said, Give me all your cash! What did the man want? The man wanted all the cash in the bank. The man wanted all the money in the bank. The man wanted three bags with money. What exploded? A hand grenade exploded. One of the bags exploded. All three bags exploded. When did one of the bags explode? One of the bags exploded a few seconds later. One of the bags exploded two seconds later. One of the bags exploded a second later. Why did the man start pacing around in circles? Because the man couldn't hear what was going on. Because the man couldn't see where he was going. Because the man couldn't hear the police siren. What did the police tell the man? The police told the man to get down on the sidewalk. The police told the man to get down on his back. The police told the man to get down on his stomach. Who called the bomb squad? The bank customers called the bomb squad. The bank employees called the bomb squad. The police called the bomb squad. 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 57 THE PARK THAT WENT TO THE DOGS When Winnie and Arnold bought their house at the end of a cul-de-sac in 1980, they thought they had died and gone to heaven. There were only four houses on the street. Between their house and their neighbor's house was a dirt pathway. The path led to a city-owned dog park, where dog owners could let their dogs run free. But there was no parking lot for dog owners' cars. Dog owners had to park on the street, and then walk their dogs to the leash-free park. In 1980 no one seemed to know about the park. The only people who used it were the people who lived in the neighborhood. The neighbors used to joke that they had their own private dog park. Those were the good old days. Things have changed. The park has become like California in the Gold Rush days. Everyone knows about it. A dog may be man's best friend, but 1,000 dogs certainly are not. Over the years, the neighborhood association, consisting of about 70 houses nearest to the park, has begged the city council to reduce park hours. It is open from 7:00 to 7:00 seven days a week. But some dog owners actually arrive at 6:00, saying that they needed to beat the rush. To save walking distance, others park in neighborhood driveways. Others bring boom boxes and play music loudly in the park. Others knock on neighborhood doors and ask to use the bathroom. Weekends are even worse than weekdays. Whole families spend the day with their dogs. People, dogs, noise, and trash are everywhere. "We're stuck here," said Arnold. "I've been trying to sell my place for five years. But when buyers see all this dog traffic, they take off running. What a joke. This place was heaven when we first moved here. Now it's hell." The city council has ignored the neighborhood association's pleas for help. A council member said, "We have to meet the public demand. This no-leash park is very popular. I'm sorry, but if the homeowners don't like it, they can always move. This is a free country, you know." I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: Winnie and Arnold live together. They rent an apartment. Their house is on a busy street. They bought their house in 1980. They died and went to heaven. There were many houses on the street. It was a dirt pathway. The pathway was between two houses. The path led to a park. Winnie and Arnold owned the park. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option When did they buy their house? They bought it at the end of 1980. They bought it in 1980. They bought it in the Gold Rush days. What did they think when they bought it? They had died and gone to heaven. There was no parking lot for their car. That place was heaven. How many houses were on the street? There were only four houses on the street. There were only forty houses on the street. There was only their house on the street. Where was the dirt pathway? Between their neighbors houses. Between their neighbor's house and the park. Between their house and their neighbor's house. Where did the path lead? It led to a city park. It led to a private park. It led to a dog park. Who/What owned the dog park? Dog owners owned the park The city owned the dog park. People of the city owned the dog park. What could dog owners do at the dog park? Let their dogs run free. Play music loudly in the park. Spend the day with their dogs. Where did dog owners have to park? They had to park near neighbors houses. They had to park on the parking lot. They had to park on the street. Who seemed to know about the park in 1980? People who lived in the neighborhood No one seemed to know. Dog owners seemed to know about the park. Who were the only people who used the park? The people who lived in the neighborhood. Dog owners were the only people who used the park. Winnie and Arnold were the only people who used the park. 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 58 DON'T GO SWIMMING ON AN EMPTY STOMACH Pete had lived in Florida for 20 years. A boring 20 years, he often thought. His house was only a 10-minute walk from the Gulf. He walked to the sandy white beach almost every day. Bob's Liquors was at the corner, halfway to the beach. It was the only store within a mile. It sold cold beer and cigarettes, which were the only two things that interested Pete today. The owner of Bob's was Bill. Bill had bought the store from Bob, but never renamed the store. "'Bob's' has a nice ring to it," he told curious customers. Also, of course, keeping the old name saved him money, time, and trouble. When the water was unsafe, the lifeguards would put red flags all up and down the beach to warn swimmers to stay out of the water. Today was a red flag day. Fierce riptides and lots of jellyfish were predicted for the next 48 hours. Although windy and completely overcast, it was a warm September day. Pete stopped at Bob's. Bill said hello and told Pete to be careful because of the riptide reports. He asked, "What'll it be today, Pete?" Pete ordered the usuala pack of cigarettes and beer. Bill put the six-pack into a double paper bag because that helped keep the beer cold longer. Pete paid him and said goodbye. He walked out the door and crossed the two-lane street, not bothering to look in either direction. The flags were flapping loudly. Small waves were splashing onto the beach. Sea gulls were walking at water's edge. Low thunder rumbled occasionally in the distance. An irregular line showed where wet sand met dry sand. Pete sat down on the dry sand. He opened a can of beer and lit a cigarette. There was no one else at the beach, except a woman walking away from him, stopping frequently to examine seashells. Pete watched a pelican dive into the water. Far away on the horizon, a stationary ship floated. Pete was a strong swimmer. He had learned to swim when he was four years old. In grade school and high school, he won numerous swimming and diving tournaments. His parents had high hopes that he would compete in the Olympics. Pete opened the fifth beer and lit yet another cigarette. The woman collecting seashells had disappeared from sight. He got up and walked into the water. When the water was almost thigh-high, he felt the current tugging at him. A jellyfish stung him behind his right knee. He took a final drag on his cigarette and flicked it into the water. He finished the beer, filled the empty can with sea water, and threw it back onto the beach. He looked at the ship. Then he dove in and started swimming. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: Pete lived in Florida. He had lived there for 20 months. He often thought it was a boring 20 years. His house was 10 minutes from the Gulf. It was a 10-minute drive. He walked to the beach every day. It was a rocky brown beach. Bob's Liquors was in the middle of the block. It was the only nearby store. It sold beer and cigarettes. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option Who had lived in Florida for 20 years? Bill had. Pete had. Bob had. What kind of years did he often think they were? He often thought they were exciting. He often thought they were boring. He often thought they were dangerous. Where was his house? It was 10 minutes from Bob's Liquors It was a 10-minute drive from the Gulf. It was a 10-minute walk from the Gulf. How often did he walk to the beach? He walked to the beach almost every week. He walked to the beach every day. He walked to the beach almost every day. What store was halfway to the beach? Petes store was halfway to the beach. Bill's Liquors was halfway to the beach. Bob's Liquors was halfway to the beach. How many other stores were nearby? Bob's was the only store within a mile. Bill's was the only store within a mile. No others were nearby. What interested Pete today? Swimming in the Gulf interested him today. Cold beer and cigarettes interested him. Seashells interested him. Who owned Bob's Liquors? Bob owned Bob's Liquors. Bill owned Bob's Liquors. Pete owned Bob's Liquors. What had the owner of the store never done? Bob had never renamed Bob's Liquors. Bill had never put red flags all up and down the beach. He'd never renamed the store. Who was there at the beach? Bob and Pete were at the beach. There was no one else at the beach. Pete and a woman were at the beach. 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 59 THE STRONGER MAN Many, many years ago there was a man in England who was very strong. Everyone knew him. He often said:  If I ever meet anyone who is stronger than I am, Im going to give him all the money in my purse. One day as he was riding somewhere, his horse lost a shoe. When the man came to the nearest town, he asked for someone who could shoe his horse. The smith in that town was very strong, too. The man told the smith to bring him some of the best horseshoes he had. When the smith brought him some horseshoes, the strong man looked at them, took one of them and said: This is a bad shoe. Its no good for my horse. Havent you got anything better? Look! and he took it in his strong hands and broke it easily. The smith looked at him, but said nothing. Then he brought another horseshoe. The man took it and broke it as easily as the first one. The smith brought him a third one. The strong man broke it too and then said: I see that you havent got any good horseshoes. Dont you see that I need something really good for my horse? Bring me one more and I will go. The smith brought a fourth shoe and the strong man gave him some coins. The smith looked at the coins, took one and said: This is a bad coin. Havent you got anything better? Look! He took the coin between his fingers and broke it into two. It was now the strong mans turn to be surprised. He didnt say anything, but gave the smith another coin. The smith broke it, too. The man gave him a third coin. The smith broke it like the first two and said: I see that you havent got any good coins. Dont you see that I need some really good ones? So give me one more and well be quits. The strong man looked at him and said: Ive promised to give my purse to anyone I meet, who is stronger than I am. Here it is. Take it! Its yours now. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: 1. One day the man was riding a bus. 2. When he came to the nearest town he asked for someone to shoe his horse. 3. The smith in the town was not very strong. 4. The man asked the smith to bring him some nice horseshoes. 5. The man took all the horseshoes and broke them. 6. The smith took the coin between his toes and broke it. 7. The strong man was very surprised. 8. The man gave the smith his purse. 9. Now the two men were quits. 10. Many years ago there lived a very strong man. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option 1. As the strong man was riding somewhere one day, A ) he lost his shoe. B ) he lost his shoes. C ) his horse lost a shoe. D ) his horse lost his shoes. 2. When the strong man looked at the horseshoes the smith brought him, A ) he took one of them and threw it away. B ) he took one of them and asked the smith to shoe his horse. C ) he took one of them and broke it. D ) he took one of them and gave it back to the smith. 3. When the strong man broke the shoe, A ) the smith got angry. B ) the smith began to laugh. C ) the smith said nothing. D ) the smith started fighting with the man. 4. The strong man broke A ) all the shoes the smith brought. B ) two shoes. C ) three shoes. D ) four shoes. 5. When the man gave the smith a coin, A ) the smith was glad to get it. B ) the smith asked for another one. C ) the smith threw it away. D ) the smith was upset. 6. The smith A ) didnt break any coins. B ) broke more coins then the man had broken horseshoes. C ) broke fewer coins than the man had broken horseshoes. D )broke as many coins as the man had broken horseshoes. 7. When the man saw that the smith had broken his coin, A ) he was angry. B ) he was surprised. C ) he was happy. D ) he was glad. 8. How much money did the man promise to give? A ) a lot of money. B ) all the money. C ) no money. D ) a little money. 9. The man lived in A ) Italy. B ) France. C ) Greece. D ) England. 10. Where did the man keep his money? A ) in a pocket. B ) in a purse. C ) in a bag. D ) in a bank. 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 60 THE EMBROIDERED TOWEL The towel on the wall& It s our ancient custom. There was not a single Ukrainian house, which would not be decorated with towels. A house without a towel was compared with a family without children. A towel symbolized not only aesthetic taste, it was a face of a house and of a hostess. The towel proved that the hostess was tidy and hard-working. A newly-born child was handed with the towel, guests were met with bread and getting married the newly-formed family was standing on a towel too. Bread and salt on an embroidered towel were a symbol of hospitality of the Ukrainian people. To take the towel, to kiss bread symbolized unity, peace, love, understanding among people. This custom has become a good tradition in our country. Towels were used in different ceremonies and in everyday life as well: for wiping a face and hands, for drying dishes, for decorating the houses, for presenting dear people. The ornaments and colours of towels were different in different regions. A lot of songs about the embroidered towel have been created in Ukraine. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: 1. There was not a single Ukrainian house, which would not be decorated with portraits of relatives. 2. A house without a towel was compared with a family without children. 3. The towels proved that the hostess liked to decorate the house. 4. Guests were met with bread and bacon on the towel. 5. While getting married the new-formed family was standing on a carpet. 6. Bread and salt on an embroidered towel symbolized the hospitality of the Ukrainians. 7. Towels were used for wiping a face and hands, for drying dishes, for decorating the houses, for presenting dear people. 8. The ornaments and colours of towels were the same in all the regions. 9. A lot of songs about the embroidered towel have been created in Ukraine. 10. The towel on the wall is our ancient tradition. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option 1. There was not a single Ukrainian house, which wouldnt be decorated with a) flowers; b) portraits of relatives; c) a towel 2. A newly-born child a) was wiped with the towel; b) was wrapped with the towel; c) was handed with the towel. 3. While getting married, the newly-formed family was standing on a) a porch; b) a carpet; c) a towel. 4. The towels in the house proved a) the hostess liked to decorate the house; b) the hostess was hard-working; c) the hostess was tidy and hard-working. 5. A house without a towel was compared with a) a garden without flowers; b) a family without children; c) fields without wheat. 6. The ornaments and colours of towels were a) different in the same regions; b) the same in different regions; c) different in different regions. 7. The houses decorated with towels and they a) were put on the windows; b) were hung on the walls; c) were put on tables and benches. 8. An embroidered towel proved a) the hostess was tidy; b) the hostess had a good taste; c) the hostess was handy. 9. While meeting guests with bread and salt on the towel the hostess a) showed her sympathy for guests; b) showed her hospitality for guests; c) showed she could afford to receive guests. 10. symbolized unity, peace, love, understanding among people. a) To bow and to kiss bread; b) To bring a towel, to kiss a hostess; c) To take a towel, to kiss bread 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 61 The football star Cristiano Ronaldo was born on February 5, 1985 on the island of Madeira, which is a few hundred miles south-west of Portugal. He grew up in a small house in the city of Funchal and began playing football for a youth team in Madeira, were his dad was the teams equipment manager. Cristiano Ronaldo was a huge football star on the Island but he moved 600 miles to Lisbon when he was just 12 years old to play for Sporting Lisbons youth team. The move was a difficult one for Cristiano, since he was away from family and many of his teammates made fun of his Madeira accent. While some kids chose to tease Cristiano about his accent, no one was teasing him about his football skills. His dazzling footwork and goal-scoring touch made him a teenage star. He played his first game for Sporting Lisbon in the Portuguese Super League when he was 17 and quickly became known as one of the most exiting young football players in the world. Cristiano Ronaldos talent caught the eye of Manchester United manager, Alex Ferguson, who bought him from Sporting Lisbon for $20 million US. Cristiano has had success playing for both Manchester United and for Portuguese national team. He became the most expensive footballer in history upon his 2009 move from Manchester United to Real Madrid in a transfer worth $87 million. He was awarded the European Golden Shoe in both 2008 and 2011. His fabulous footwork and good looks have now made Cristiano Ronaldo one of the most popular players in Europe. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: The football star Cristiano Ronaldo was born on the island of Madagascar. His fathers job was to sell equipment in the shop. The move to Lisbon was difficult to Cristiano, since he was away from family. Everyone was teasing him about his football skills. His dazzling footwork and goal-scoring touch made him a teenage star. Ronaldo is known as one of the most exiting young football players in the world. Cristiano has had success playing for Spanish national team. He became the most expensive footballer in history. Real Madrid paid $87 million US for Cristiano. Cristiano Ronaldo is a good-looking man that makes him very popular in Europe. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option The star Cristiano Ronaldo was born on February 5, 1985. volleyball; football; hockey. The island he was born is a few hundred miles south-west of . Portugal; Spain; England. He grew up in a house in the city of Funchal. rich; small; comfortable. He moved to Lisbon when he was just years old. 12; 13; 14. Boys from his team teased him about . his football skills; his study skills; his accent. His first team in the Portuguese Super League was . Manchester United; Real Madrid; Sporting. He played his first game for Portuguese Super League when he was years old. 17; 16; 19. Alex Ferguson was Manchester United . coach; manager; goalkeeper. Ronaldo was awarded the European Golden Shoe . more in once; only in 2011; four times. He is one of the most popular players in Europe because of . his footwork; his shoes; his accent. 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 62 POTATOES In the reign of Queen Elizabeth two plants were brought to England for the first time by Sir Walter Raleign the tobacco-plant and the potato. Sir Walter had sailed across the seas to America in search of new lands; and he brought back both these plants with him. At first people did not like the potato at all. Nobody wished to eat it. Yet Sir Walter told them how useful it would be. He said that when the corn-harvest was not good, people did not need to starve if they had a lot of potatoes. Queen Elizabeth listened to what Sir Walter said, and had potatoes served up at her own table. The people who dined with her majesty were obliged to eat them. But they said that the potato was poisonous, because it belongs to many other poisonous plants. So nobody wanted to eat potatoes, and they were left for the pigs. The people did not find out their mistake till many years afterwards. The poor potato was forgotten till the reign of the French king Louis XVI, when there lived a Frenchman who grew plants for food. He was sure that he could make the potato a great help to the country. People laughed at him at first and did not want to take any notice of what he said. But he went on growing the potato till it was very good. Even then no one wanted to taste it till the king said that potatoes were good to eat. The king had large pieces of ground planted with potatoes, and he went about with the flower of the potato in his button-hole. Soon people began to find out how good and wholesome potatoes were, and they liked them more and more. Now there is hardly any vegetable that is more loved by people. WalterRaleigh  0;LB5@ >;V, 0=3;V9AL:89 <>@5?;025FL (1552-1618) reign  ?@02;V==O, F0@N20==O corn-harvest  2@>609 75@=>28E starve  AB@0640B8 2V4 3>;>4C wereobliged  1C;8 7<CH5=V poisonous  >B@C9=89 totakeanynotice  725@B0B8 C203C =0 I>AL G8 :>3>AL button-hole  ?5B;8FO wholesome  :>@8A=89 4;O 74>@>2 O I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: In the reign of Queen Elizabeth two plants were brought to France. Sir Walter had sailed across the seas to America in search of new lands. At first people did not like the potato at all. Everybody wanted to eat it. The people who dined with her majesty were obliged to eat potatoes. Nobody wanted to eat potatoes. There lived a Frenchman who grew plants for food. He went on growing the potato till it was very good. The king had large pieces of ground planted with potatoes. Now there is hardly any vegetable that is more loved by pigs. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option In the reign of Queen Elizabeth two plants were brought to France; England; Ireland. Sir Walter had sailed across the seas to America in search of new friends; new lands; new plants. At first people did not like the at all. tobacco-plant; avocado; potato. The people who dined with her majesty to eat potatoes. were obliged; enjoyed; were pleased. The people did not find out their mistake . for twenty years; till many years afterwards; for a short period of time. There lived who grew plants for food. an Englishman; a Frenchman; an American. People at him at first and did not want to take any notice of what he said. shouted; smiled; laughed. had large pieces of ground planted with potatoes. The king; The queen A Frenchman. He went about with the flower of the in his button-hole. tobacco-plant; avocado; potato. Soon people began to find out how potatoes were. wholesome; tasty; poisonous. 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 63 IS IT DIFFICULT TO BECOME A DOCTOR? Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in 1821, and immigrated to New York City when he was ten years old. One day she decided that she wanted to become a doctor. That was nearly impossible for a woman in the middle of the 19th century. After writing many letters seeking admission to medical schools she was finally accepted by a doctor in Philadelphia. So determined was she, that she gave music lessons to earn money for her studying. In 1849 after graduating from medical school, she decided to continue her education in Paris. She wanted to be a surgeon, but a serious eye infection forced her to give up the idea. After returning to the United States, she found it difficult to start her own practice because she was a woman. By 1857 Elizabeth and her sister, also a doctor, along with another female doctor managed to open a new hospital, the first one for women and children. Besides being the first female physician and founding her own hospital, she also established the first medical school for women. seek 4>1820B8AO admission  ?@89=OBBO determined  =5?>E8B=89, @VHCG89 force  7<CHC20B8 along with  @07>< 7 female  6V=:0, 6V=>G0 AB0BL I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: Elizabeth Blackwell lived in the 19th century. She dreamt about medicine from her childhood. It was nearly impossible to become a doctor for a woman at that time. It was easy for her to enter the medical school. She was accepted to the medical school by a doctor in Philadelphia. In 1849 after graduating from medical school, she decided to continue her education in New York. Elizabeth Blackwell couldnt to start her own practice because she was a woman. She managed to open her own hospital only with the help of a male doctor. She was the first female surgeon. Elizabeth Blackwell was a teacher in a medical hospital. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option Elizabeth Blackwell was born in . England; New York; Paris. She immigrated to another country when she was years old. 12; 11; 10. To enter the medical school she read a lot of medical books; worked as a nurse in hospital; wrote many letters. She was a very person. determined; responsible; hard-working. She gave music lessons . to earn money for her studying; to earn money for her living; because she was a very good teacher. She wanted to be . a physician; a music teacher; a surgeon. Her sister was a . manager; doctor; pianist. Her new hospital was for . women; children; both. She also established the first . musical school; medical school; private school. Her school was . for women; for men; for both. 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 64 LOUISE S OLYMPIC DREAM Louise Crandal has been named European Champion twice and has won the Womens Word cup on two occasions. In 1998, she was awarded her first international championship gold medal in Argentina, beating all the men to do so. The reason lies in her chosen sport: paragliding. She first discovered the sport in 1992 when she was working in Switzerland as a waitress. Three years later she entered her first competition. Paragliding first became popular in the 1970s. The first world paragliding championships were held in 1979. Paragliders say that they do their sport simply for the love of flying to get the sport accepted as an Olympic sport. To be accepted as an Olympic event, a sport must be played in at least 75 countries on at least four continents. There is reason to hope that paragliding will be added to the Olympic list soon because this sport is becoming popular at present. When this happens, Louise will finally become a household name at least in her native Denmark. But now she can enjoy watching the Olympics only on TV. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: Louise Crandal has been named World Champion twice. She has won the Mens World Cup. In 1998 she was awarded her first international gold medal in Argentina. She first discovered paragliding in 1993. She worked in Switzerland as a stewardess. Paragliding first became popular in the 1970s. Paragliders do their sport simply for the love of flying. Paragliding is an Olympic sport. To be accepted as an Olympic event, a sport must be played in 75 countries. This sport is becoming popular at present. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option Louise Crandal has been named Champion twice. a) World b) European c) Asian 2. She has won the world . a) prize b) award c) cup 3. In 1998, she was awarded her first medal. a) gold b) bronze c) silver 4. She first the sport in 1992. a) has discovered b) is discovered c) discovered 5. She worked in as a waitress. a) England b) Finland c) Switzerland 6. Three years later she her first competition. a) was entered b) entered c) had entered 7. Paragliding became in the 1970s. a) well-known b) popular c) famous 8. The first world paragliding championships were held in . a) 1975 b) 1977 c) 1979 9. Paragliders do their sport for . a) the love of flying b) money c) fame 10. To be accepted as an Olympic event, a sport must be played on at least & . a) four continents b) five continents c) three continents 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 65 THE SEVEN SISTERS ( A Greek Myth ) Many years ago there lived a beautiful Moon-goddess, called Diana. She liked to hunt and every night she went through the wood on her white horse. Her dog ran after her and seven girl-friends in beautiful white dresses followed her. They were the seven daughters of King Atlas, and they ran like the wind. One night a giant whose name was Orion hunted in the wood. When he saw the seven sisters running there, he wanted to catch one of them and ran after the girls. When the sisters saw that a giant followed them, they were frightened and ran very quickly. They ran through the wood and over the mountains and saw that the giant was still very near. They called Diana and asked her to help them. Diana changed them into birds and suddenly Orion saw seven beautiful birds which rose into the sky. They flew higher and higher and at last became seven bright stars in the sky. The Greek people called them the Pleiades or the Seven Sisters. The myth says that Orion could not forget the beautiful white birds and looked for them all his life. People say that only at the end of his life Orion found them in the sky. At night when there are no clouds in the sky, you can see the Pleiades. They are a small group of stars very near one another. The seven sisters are always running away from Orion and he will never catch them. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: In 2901 a beautiful Moon-Goddess lived. Moon- Goddess was called Diana. She liked to play with her dog every evening. Diana went through the wood on her black horse. Her dog ran after Diana every morning. Six girl-friends in beautiful white dresses followed her. The girls were daughters of King Atlas. One night Orion hunted in the wood. The giant wanted to catch one of the girls and ran after them. Diana changed her girl-friends into birds.. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option 1. There were daughters of King Atlas. a) the two b) the four c) the seven 2. Diana liked every night. a) to sleep b) to hunt c) to read books 3. The girl-friends ran like . a) the wind b) their dogs c) their white horses 4. When the sisters saw that a giant followed them, they . a) were very happy b) were frightened c) were angry 5.The girls called Diana and asked her . a) to play with them b) to wait for them c) to help them 6. Diana changed the girls-friends into the . a) red foxes b) black rats c) birds 7. They flew higher and higher in the sky and at last they . a) disappeared over the mountains b) became seven bright stars in the sky c) saw the big giant 8. You can see the Pleiades in the sky . a) all day long b) at night when there are no clouds c) in the afternoon 9. The myth says that Orion . a) could not forget the beautiful white birds b) didnt look for the birds all his life c) was very strong 10) People say that . a) it was an interesting myth b) that only at the end of the life Orion found the beautiful white birds in the sky c) the stars were very bright 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 66 THE GREAT MUSICIAN AND HIS KIND HEART Music helps us to have good relaxation. We can listen to music everywhere: in the concert halls, at home, in the forest, when we walk and hear the birds' singing. Even in the streets we can enjoy music. Every day in one of the streets of Vienna people could see a blind man playing the violin. His dog sat near him with a cap in his mouth. People, who were passing them, dropped coins into the cap. One day, when the weather was very cold, the man was playing for a long time, but nobody wanted to give him anything. The poor man thought that he would have to go to bed without supper. He was so tired and so weak that he stopped playing At that moment a young man came up to him and asked him why he had stopped playing. The blind man said he had played for two hours but nobody had given him anything. "Give me your violin. I shall help- said the man . And with these words he began to play. He played so well that people began to gather and soon there was a big crowd. Everybody was eager to listen to the fine music and to thank the young man for the pleasure. Soon the cap was full of money. "I don't know how to thank you said the blind man. "Who are you? Ill always remember your kind heart... I am Paganini "- was the answer. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: 1. People can live without music. 2. Music can help us to have good relaxation. 3. We can listen to music only in the concert halls. 4. In one of the streets of Vienna people could see many tourists. 5. The dog with the cap in his mouth sat near a blind man. 6. When the weather was hot the man was playing the violin. 7. For two hours nobody had given the blind man anything. 8. "Go away ", said the blind man to a young man. 9. The young man played so well that people began to gather. 10 Soon the cap was full of money. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option 1) Music can help us a) have good relaxation b) gather a big crowd c) make new friends 2. In one of the streets of Vienna a) The dog sat near a blind man. b) Paganini often played the violin c) Musicians gathered big crowds 3. The blind man was a) very poor b) rather rich c) Paganinis friend 4. The young man played very well, so.. a) people began to gather b) the blind man asked him to stop playing. c) people could see many tourists 5. Everybody thanked the young man a) for the pleasure b) for the cap full of money c) for having good relaxation. 6. The blind man had played for two hours and a) nobody had given him anything. b) everybody was eager to listen to his music c) Soon the cap was full of money. 7. Paganini a) was asked to help b) offered his help himself c) very often helped poor people 8. The blind man stopped playing because a) He was so tired and so weak b) the weather was hot c) the cap was full of money 9. People, who were passing by a) dropped coins into the cap b) asked the blind man to stop playing c) listened to music 10. The poor man thought that .. a) he would have a good dinner b) he would have to go to bed without supper c) the weather would change. 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 67 Catherine was five years old. She often went to the shops with her mother. She liked toys very much, and she often stopped and looked at them in the shops, but her mother usually said, Dont stop and look at the toys today, Catherine. Its late. Catherines mother did not usually go to the shops on Saturdays, because she always had a lot of work at home on that day, but last Friday evening her husband said, Some of my friends are going to visit us on Sunday, and she didnt have much food in the house. She took Catherine at 10 oclock on Saturday morning, and they went to the shops together. Catherines mother said to her, Stay near me, Catherine, and dont stop and look at the toys today. Catherine said, Yes, Mummy, and she held her mothers hand. But then her mother had a lot of parcels, and Catherine stopped holding her hand. They came to the best shop in the town. There were quite a lot of men in front of it. There was a beautiful toy bear in one of the windows, and Catherine stopped for a few seconds and looked at it. Then she looked for her mother, but she was not there. There were only men round Catherine, and they were all much taller than she was. Catherine was very young, but she was a clever girl. She did not cry. There was a policeman in the middle of the street near the shop. Catherine waited at the side of the road for a minute, and then the policeman stopped the cars and the buses. Catherine went to him and said, Good morning. Have you seen any ladies in this street this morning? Yes, I have, the policeman said. A lot of ladies have passed me this morning. And has one passed you without a small girl? Catherine said. Yes, the policeman said. Catherine said happily, Im the small girl. Wheres the lady? I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: Catherine usually goes shopping with her mother on Saturdays. Catherine likes toys very much and she often stops and looks at them in the shops. Catherine went shopping in the evening after school Catherine suddenly stopped in front of the best shop in town because she saw a beautiful toy bear. She entered the shop because she decided to buy it. Catherine has lost her mother. Catherine began to cry. Catherine came up to the policeman in the street and asked him if he had seen her mother. The policeman asked her where she lived. Suddenly Catherine saw her mother buying a beautiful toy for her. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option Catherine often went to the shops with... her mother her father her friends The mother took Catherine at ... shopping. 11 oclock 9 oclock 10 oclock The girl stopped and looked at ... the windows of the shop the toys the people Fathers friends were going to visit him ... on Friday on Saturday on Sunday In one of the windows Catherine saw... a beautiful toy bear a beautiful doll a lot of sweets Mother had ... and the girl stopped holding her hand. a lot of money a lot of parcels a lot of toys Catherine lost ... her mother her toy nothing The girl was very young and ... girl stupid clever lazy In the middle of the street there was ... a policeman a fireman her mother Catherine asked the policeman...  Have you seen my mother?  What is your name?  Have you seen any ladies in this street this morning? 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 68 AT A BORDER STATION One man was going to France on a business trip. He went to the booking office to book a seat for the train to Paris. There were trains daily and the man booked a seat for the morning train. Next morning the train arrived at the station and got into train. Soon the train was off. It ran according to the timetable and some hours later stopped at a French border station. The man together with the other passengers who were going abroad, went out as he had to register his ticket and passport. Then he filled in the declaration and gave it to the customs officer. Some minutes later the customs officer allowed the passengers to take their seats in a train and said that he would inspecct their luggage. The man went into his compartment, opened his suitcases, took many boxes of cigarettes out of them and started putting all of them in his pockets. But there were too many boxes. When al his pckets were full of cigarette boxes, he turned to another passenger who was sitting at the window at the same compartment. Wil you please take some of these boxes and put them into your pockets? he asked him. Why dont you leave them in your suitcases? asked the man. Because I dont want to pau duty on them. All right, said the passenger at the window. Give them to me. But i must tell you that I wont return them to you. Why? Because Im a French customs officer. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: One man was going from France on a business trip. He wanted to book a seat for the train. The trains for Paris were at the timetable every day. Next morning the man arrived at the station but missed the train. The train stopped at a border station and the man went out to register his ticket and passport. He came back to his cmpartment to hide the boxes of cigarettes. He tried to put the boxes of cigarettes in the packets. The man didnt want to pay duty on the cigarettes. The passenger at the window helped him to hide the boxes of cigarettes. The passenger at the window was an English customs officer. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option One man was going to France on a business ... trip tour travel. There were trains ... daily weekly yearly .... the train arrived at the station. Next Tuesday Next week Next morning The man filled in ... and gave it to the customs officer. the declaration the letter application The train stopped at ... the Enflish border station. the Paris border station the French border station. The man went into his ... office compartment carriage The man put the boxes of cigarettes... in his suitcase in his pockets in his packets. He asked another passenger to ... go out of the compartment call the customs officer hide the boxes The passenger said I will hide them and then ... I will return them to you I will take them I won t return them to you The customs officer was ... French English American 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 69 WHO MADE THE FIRST VIOLIN? Do you know that a symphony orchestra can consist of more than one hundred musicians and more than thirty of them play the violins?! Due to the beautiful tune of this wonderful instrument the violin is considered to be the most splendid of all musical instruments. It took the violin several centuries to become the one people know nowadays. The history of the violin began in India. It was there that the idea of laying the stringed instrument with the help of a bow was born. In Europe in the Middle Ages musicians used a bow to play many musical instruments. One of those instruments was a viol. It appeared in Europe in the 10th century. The viol was pressed to the musicians shoulder during the play. Later the viol changed. It was much influenced by an Arabian musical instrument called rebek. Only in the 16th century the violin as we know it acquired its shape. Nobody knows who invented this shape. The best violin appeared in the 17th and the 18th centuries in Italy. Italian masters kept their secrets and handed them down to their sons. The Amatie family of masters who lived in Cramon made violins which were notable for their exceptionally rare, mild and sweet tune. For a long time people considered that nobody would be able to create a violin better than Amaties one. But an extremely talented apprentice worked and studied at Amaties workshop. His name was Antonio Stradivari. It was he whom people later called master of masters when he managed to make a new type of violin bigger than the previous ones, with more expressive tune. They say that Stradivari made 1116 violins, and only 540 of them are known today. Each of them is considered to be a work of art and costs an enormous amount of money. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: Italy is the home of the violin. Viol and rebek influenced violins form. The violin as we know it appeared in the 16th century. We dont know exactly who invented the shape of modern violin. The best violins were made by Indian masters. The Amatie family were the best violin masters. Nobody could make violins better than the Amaties. Antonio Stradivari worked and learned at Amaties workshop. Stradivari was an extremely talented pupil. Each of his violins is a work of art and costs a lot of money. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option The symphony orchestra consists of more than musicians. one hundred one thousand two hundred It took the violin several to become the one people know nowadays. years weeks centuries The history of the violin began in Italy England India In Europe musicians used a bow to play many musical instruments. in the Middle Ages in 16th century in 10th century The viol appeared in Europe in the. .. century. 10th 11th 16th The best violins appeared in . Italy India America The family made best violins. Amatie Antic Aspen The Amatie family lived in Cramon Paris England Stradivari made violins. 1115 116 1116 Stradivaris violins cost a lot of money dont cost anything cost a little 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 70 Once upon a time a poor old man was cutting in the forest when he found a spring of cold water. He drank a little water from it as it was a hot day and was thirsty. Then he saw his face in the water and was surprised to find that he had suddenly grown young. In great joy the man ran home to tell the news to his wife. When he ran into his little cottage, his wife couldnt recognize him. He told her that he was really her husband. She began to cry, because she was afraid that such a handsome young man would not love an old woman. But you must drink this wonderful water too, he cried. Well both be young. I can show you the spring. Go there at once, while I remain to guard the cottage. An hour passed, two hours passed, a long time, but the woman did not return. What is the matter with her? he thought. The man went to her. He found the spring, but his wife wasnt there. He loudly called her name, but there was no answer. Suddenly he heard pitiful yells from under a bush. He looked there and saw a baby girl crying bitterly. The poor woman had drunk too much water. a spring AB@C<>: to grow AB020B8 to recognize 2?V7=020B8 pitiful yells 60;V1=V :@8:8 to remain 70;8H0B8AO to guard 70E8I0B8 I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: A man was cutting in the forest. He found a cool river. The man was thirsty. The water was warm in the spring. When the man drank, he grew young. The man lived in a big house. The man had changed himself without any help. The man lived alone. His wife recognized him at once. His wife was glad that her husband had grown young. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option The man was ___________. young middle-aged old The man __________ in the forest. was walking was cutting was sleeping When he saw his face in the water, he ________. was surprised was glad was angry The man had changed _________. at once in ten minutes in an hour When his wife saw him changed she _________. was glad cried was angry His wife was afraid her young husband wouldnt _________. love her live with her help her The man decided _______. to remain at home to sleep to go with her wife to the forest to remain to guard the cottage In a long time the woman ________. didnt return return home young return home old The man found his wife ________. under a bush at the spring in the spring The wife had changed into _______. a young girl a baby girl a pretty woman 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 71 Three men came to New York for a holiday. They came to a very large hotel and look a room there. Their room was on the forty-fifth floor. In the evening the three men went to the theatre and came back to the hotel very late. I am very sorry, said the hotel clerk, but our lifts are not working. If you do not want to walk up to your room, you will have to sleep in the hall. No, no, said one of the three men, no, thank you. We do not want to sleep I the hall. Well walk to our room. Then he turned to his two friends and said: It is not easy to walk up to the forty-fifth floor, but I think I know how to make it easier. Ill tell you some jokes; then you, Andy, will sing us some songs; then you, Peter, will tell us some interesting stories. That will pass the time. So they began to walk up to their room. Tom told them many jokes; Andy sang some songs. At last they came to the thirty-fourth floor. They were very tired. Well, said Tom, now it is your turn, Peter. Tell us a long and interesting story with a sad ending. Ill tell you a story, said Peter. It is not long, but it is sad enough: we left the key to our room in the hall. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: Four men came to New York for a holiday. Their room was on the forty-fifth floor. In the evening they went to the theatre and came back very early. The lift was wrong. They dont want to sleep in the hall. The will not walk up to their room. One of the men said that it was very easy to walk up to the forty-fifth floor. Tom told them some jokes. Andy sang songs. At the end of their way they heard some sad news. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option 1 . men came to New York. Two Three Four 2. Those men came to New York a) for a journey b) on business c) for a holiday 3. They came to a hotel. a) rich b) large c) popular 4. They wasnt able to get their room, because a) they had lost the key b) they forgot the number of the floor c) the lift was not working 5. They decided to a) walk up to their room b) to sleep in the hall c) to go another hotel 6. In one mans opinion, it was to walk up to the forty-fifth floor. a) difficult b) easy c) sad 7. When they came to the thirty-fourth floor, they a) very tired b) were joking c) were sad 8. Peter told them a) a long story b) an interesting story c) a sad story 9. Peter told them that they a) had left the key in the hall b) had lost the key c) had left the key in the room 10. They stopped on the a) thirtieth floor b) thirty- fourth floor c) thirty fifth floor 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 72 A VISIT TO A SICK FRIEND Everybody can fall ill with any disease. Fortunately, only cold and flu are quite frequent in our city among infectious illnesses. They are rather easy for modern medicine and various pills can help you a lot in overcoming this trouble. But, of course, being sick isnt a pleasant way of spending your time. In such a situation a friends participation in this trouble can encourage you, give you moral support and even can make you feel better. Thats why you should always visit your sick friends. You must remember that tomorrow this illness may happen to you. I always try to follow this rule. Fortunately, my friends dont fall ill frequently. But I remember such a case that happened about 12 months ago. One of my best school friends fell ill with a hard form of flu. Soon I went to his place to see him. I took some things that, as I was expecting, were interesting for him. Among them I brought a videotape with the best game moments of National Basketball Association. He was very happy about this present and soon we were both enjoying the outstanding games of the strongest basketball league in the world. Then I told him all the latest school news and everything about the material we had passed when he was absent. Then we tried to entertain ourselves and started to solve crosswords in the newspapers, watch TV, so we began doing all the things that everybody does when they don't know what to do. To my surprise, I lost the feeling of time and it was late in the evening, when I understood, that it was time to go home. When I was leaving, my friend promised that he would be all right soon and he kept his word. Two days later he came to school and started to study various subjects with new energy. Sometimes a short break is useful for a person. Modern medicine helps us a lot in treating illnesses. It also gives us a lot of advice how not to fall ill. Please follow the doctors recommendations, and dont be sick. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: Cold and flu are rare in our city. You should never visit your sick friends. One of my friends fell ill 2 months ago. My best school friend had flu. I brought a videotape of National Baseball Association for my friend. I told my friend the latest fashion news of the world. We also solved crosswords in the magazines. I lost the feeling of time at my friends place. Two weeks later my friend came back to school. Modern medicine helps us in treating illnesses. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option Cold and flue are very ... in our city. fluent; frequent; familiar. Modern medicine and ... can help you. pills; bills; meals. Your helping friend can make you feel ... . proud; happy; better. We ... always visit our sick friends. would; should; could. My friend fell ill ... . 12 years ago; 12 days ago; 12 months ago. What sport was the videotape about? basketball; badminton; baseball. The friends tried to solve ... . problems; puzzles; crosswords. A sick friend promised to be ... . thankful; better; all right. The boy came to school ... later. 2 weeks; 2 days; 2 hours. People must follow ... recommendations. doctors ; friends ; parents . 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 73 TRAVELLING IN THE PAST In the past people travelled round the world by sea. Since Magellans time people travelled round the world on foot and by different forms of transport. Some rode bicycles or horses. Other tried to travel by train. In the 16th century Magellans men took three years to travel round the world. The travellers of the past were brave people. The means of transport were not as safe and comfortable as in present days. The travelling in the past was often dangerous and troublesome. But some people liked travelling and found it interesting. Would you like to wake up in the past and ride, for example, a dragon? Of course, you couldnt ride a real dragon. Long ago people called the Vikings ships dragon ships. These ships were long and light. They could move fast. The front of a Viking ship was made in a shape of a dragon head. This is how the ship got its name. A dragon ship was twenty-four metres long. It could carry about one hundred men. They worked together to move the ship. The Vikings were skilful sailors. They came from what are now the countries of Norway, Sweden and Denmark. They travelled all around the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. They discovered Iceland and Greenland more than a thousand years ago. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: Since Michelangelos time people travelled round the world. In the 16th century people travelled by sea, on foot or even by train. The travellers of the past were courageous people. The travelling in the past was enjoyable and safe. People could ride dragons. Dragons moved very slowly. A Viking ship got its name because of the colour. The Vikings were sailors. Their ship could carry about 1000 men. The Vikings discovered Norway, Sweden and Denmark. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option People in the past travelled around the world by ... . train; horses; sea. Since Magellans time people travelled by different forms of ... . traffic; transport; bikes. The means of transport in the past were ... . very safe; not safe; not as safe as now. The travelling in the past was ... dangerous. always; not; often. People called the Vikings ships ... . dragon ships; dragon flies; fast dragons. The Vikings ships moved ... . fast; slowly; easily. The front of a Viking ship was made in a form of ... . beast head; pharaoh head; dragon head. A Vikings ship was ... metres long. 42; 24; 124. The Vikings were ... sailors. skilful; intelligent; hard-working. They discovered ... more then a thousand years ago. Ireland; Island; Iceland. 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 74 BE MY VALENTINE Alice is the girl I cant stop thinking of. We are not in the same class. Every break I rush out of the classroom, hoping to see her in the corridors. Sometimes we meet in the canteen or in the playground. We dont talk much, just a few words, but thats enough for me to feel good. Everybody likes Alice. Shes a good athlete, a good pupil and she has a very nice personality. Once I had to stay after school for my science project. She saw me in the classroom and stopped by. I told her what I was doing. She stayed with me and helped me with the project. St Valentines Day was coming. I wanted her to be my Valentine. I wrote a nice card. All I had to do was put it in her locker. On my way to Maths class, I walked past her locker and slipped the card in. I was so excited that I wasnt looking where I was going. I tripped and fell on the stairs. What bad luck. I broke my leg and ended up in hospital. Jill and Jeremy visited me, bringing all the news. I enjoyed listening to what they told me. Then Jeremy said something horrible. I was shocked. Alice has a boyfriend! I have no chance. I cant compete with Clive. Nobody can. Then I remembered. What about my Valentine card? Shell find it and laugh at me. They will both laugh at me. I pulled the cover over my face. I didnt want anyone to see me. Hello, someone said, Im looking for Danny. The nurses sent me here. I recognized the voice. I pulled the cover down. Alice was in my room. Yes, this is Dannys room. I mumbled. What are doing here? I heard about your accident and came to see you. I brought you a book. I think youll like it. Youre interested in science, arent you? I didnt know what to say. I must go now, she said. Dont go, I whispered, but she was already out. Then I saw the book. I opened it. A card slipped onto my bed. I opened the card. From your Valentine, it said. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: The boy and Alice are classmates. The children talk much every day. Nobody likes Alice. He was doing a maths project. He wanted to put his Valentines card into Alices bag. The boy broke his leg. Alice had a boyfriend. Alice came to see the boy in hospital. Alice brought a notebook for the boy. There was a card in Alices present. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option The boy cant stop thinking of ... . Amice; Anne; Alice. The children talk ... sometimes. much; little; big. ... likes the girl. nobody; someone; everybody. She helped him with his ... project. science; school; maths. The boy wanted to put his Valentine card in her ... . book; bag; locker. The boy ... on stairs. jumped; fell; ran. ... and ... visited the boy. James, Jessica; John, Jacob; Jill, Jeremy. The boy was shocked, because his Valentine had ... . a girlfriend; a boyfriend; a Valentine. The girl came to see Danny ... . at home; in the classroom; in hospital. There was a ... in the book. card; present; gift. 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 75 BEATRIX POTTER Many years ago there lived a small girl in a large house in London. Her name was Beatrix. Her parents did not ask other boys and girls to come and play with their daughter. Beatrix had only animals for her friends. She had dogs, cats, frogs, and a rabbit. Beatrix played with her animals and talked to them. The animals understood the girl and loved her very much. Beatrix wrote stories about animal friends and told those stories to her little brother, her parents and their friends. She drew pictures for her stories too. Time went on. Beatrix was not a little girl, but she still wrote stories about animals and drew pictures for those stories. She knew her animals so well that they were like people to her. In 1900 Beatrix published her first book. The title of the book was The Tale of Peter Rabbit. Then she wrote a lot of little books and made pictures for them. Children read Beatrix Potters books and liked them very much. So the hobby of a small girl helped her to find an interesting profession. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: Beatrix Potter was an American writer. She lived many years ago. Her parents liked to ask other children to come and play with Beatrix. Beatrix had a lot of friends. The animals understood the girl and loved her. Beatrix wrote stories about her animal friends. Great painters drew pictures for her stories. In 1900 B. Potter published her second book of tales. Children liked Beatrix Potters books. B. Potters hobby helped her to find an interesting profession. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option Beatrix lived in ______________________ A) Paris B) Madrid C) London 2. Beatrix was a little ____________________ A) frog B) girl C) dog 3. Beatrix had_____________________ for her friends. A) animals B) girls C) boys 4. Beatrix _______________________to her animals. A) talked B) sang C) listened 5. Beatrix wrote stories about her ______________________ . A) friends B) parents C) animals 6. Her first story was published in _____________________ . A) 1800 B) 1900 C) 1700 7. The title of the story was ______________________ . A) The Tale of Peter Rabbit B) The Tale of Peter Frog C) The Tale of Brother Rabbit 8. Beatrix wrote _____________________ books. A) few B) several C) a lot of 9. The hobby of Beatrix helped her to find ____________________ . A) a useful profession B) an interesting profession C) an interesting work 10. The full name of Beatrix was _______________________ . A) Beatrix Potter B) Beatrix Otter C) Beatrix Rabbit 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 76 HE WAS CALM It was a dark night. Suddenly a fire broke out in a big house. All the people who lived there ran out into the street. They were standing in the street very much excited. Suddenly a man came up to them and said, Why are you so excited? Look at me, I am not excited. I am calm. When the fire broke out, I was sleeping. I got up, put on my shirt and a tie. Then I looked in the looking-glass. I saw that the tie was not good. I took it off and put on another tie. Then I put on my jacket and a hat. Only then I calmly went out of the room. Look at me! I was not excited then and I am not excited now. One of the men who was listening to him looked at him and said, Well. But where are your shoes? All the people around them began to laugh. The man had neither shoes nor trousers on. Now it was his turn to get excited. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: It was a dark night. A fire broke out in a big office. All the people who lived there ran out into the street. All the people were very much excited. When the fire broke out one man, who also lived in this house, was reading. The man got up and put on his shirt, trousers, and a tie. When he looked in the looking glass, he saw that his tie was not good. The man took the tie off and ran out. When the other people saw him, they began to laugh. The man had neither trousers nor socks on. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option It happened __________________________ . In the morning at night in the afternoon A fire broke out ________________ . in a big office in a small house in a big house All the people ran out into ______________________ . the yard the street the park The people were ______________________ . a) very much excited b) afraid c) happy 5. A ________________ came up to them. a) woman b) boy c) man 6. He was __________________________ . a) calm b) excited c) scared 7. He was ___________________ when the fire broke out. a) reading b) watching TV c) sleeping 8. The man had no _____________________ on. a) shoes b) socks c) sandals 9. The man was wearing ____________________ . a) a shirt, a tie, a hat, a coat b) a jacket, a tie, a hat c) a jacket, a tie, and shoes 10. All the people around them began to __________________ . a) laugh b) cry c) shout 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 77 MY NAUGHTY LITTLE SISTER. One autumn when I was a little girl and my sister was a very little girl too, the weather was rainy. It was October. It was very cold and it rained every day. When we went out, we put on our raincoats. But my little sister liked to walk in the water. One day she walked in the water, and her feet got wet. So she caught a bad cold, and she had red eyes. You cant go out, said my mother. You must stay at home and be a good girl. But my sister did not like that. I want to go out in the rain! I want to go out! Look at the pictures in your book, said my mother. I dont want to! I want to go out in the rain! My little sister was very naughty. Then my mother gave her some old books and the scissors, and my little sister began to cut out pictures. She cut out a dog and a cat, a brown bear and a red fox. She cut out some flowers and many other pictures. Then she saw a big box on a chair. She opened the box and saw a beautiful dress with pretty blue flowers on it. My naughty little sister wanted to cut out only one flower. She did so. She liked it and began to cut out many flowers. Suddenly my mother came in. She got very angry. You are a bad girl, she said. That was my best dress. I will not give you the scissors again. And she didnt. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: 1. My little sister liked to walk in the water. 2. One day her feet got wet. 3. She caught a bad cold. 4. Mother ordered her to go to bed. 5. My sister was a very naughty child. 6. Mother gave her pencils and an album. 7. My sister cut out different pictures from old books. 8. She cut out one flower in her mothers best dress. 9. We got angry. 10. Mother didnt give my sister the scissors any more. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option 1. It was ____________________ . a) winter b) summer c) autumn 2. It rained every ___________________ . a) day b) night c) week 3. When we went out, we put on our__________________ . a) coats b) raincoats c) fur-coats 4. My little sister caught ___________________ . a) a common cold b) flue c) a bad cold 5. She had red ___________________ . a) face b)eyes c) ears 6. My mother gave her ______________________ . a) some paper and pencils b) some textbooks and the scissors c) the scissors and some old books 7. My sister cut out _____________________ . a) a dog and a cat, a bear and a fox, flowers and other pictures b) a dog and a cat, an awl and a lark c) birds, houses and other pictures 8. She cut out the flowers in the ____________________ . a) mothers blouse b) sisters dress c) mothers dress 9. My mother was very _____________________ . a) angry b) happy c) annoyed 10. My mother didnt give my sister ____________________ any more. a) books b) paper c) scissors 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 78 BIKER AT THE BANK Joe is a very lucky man  he loves motorbikes and he loves his job. He's lucky because he rides a motorbike in his job in London. He takes letters and important papers from one office to another. There are a lot of cars and buses in London but Joe can ride quickly from one place to the next on his motorbike. One morning a man telephoned Joe and said, 'Please, come to my office now!' Joe rode as fast as he could it took only about ten minutes to get there. He ran up to the office on the fourth floor. The man gave him a small envelope and a big bag. 'Take this envelope and the bag to the National Bank on Oxford Street and give them to the cashier. Then bring the bag back to my office as soon as possible. Go on quickly!' he said. Joe left the office and rode to the National Bank. He parked his motorbike outside the bank and went in. He gave the man's bag and the envelope to one of the cashiers. The woman opened the envelope and read the letter she looked carefully at Joe and read it again. 'Please wait a minute,' she said. 'I must talk to my boss.' The cashier went away and Joe waited. Five minutes later a lot of policemen ran into the bank. 'That's him!' one of the policemen said. They took Joe by his arms and pushed him into the police car. 'What did I do?' he asked. 'What's happening?' The policemen didn't answer. Later at the police station one of the men gave the letter to Joe. 'Here look at this!' he said. Joe took the letter and read it slowly: 'Put all your money in the bag. I have a gun and I'll use it.' I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: Joe is a very lucky man He takes letters and important papers from one office to another. Joe wanted to robe the National Bank. Joe was taken to the prison. Joe loves motorbikes and he loves his job. Joe can ride slowly from one place to the next on his motorbike. One morning a man telephoned Joe and said, 'Please, come to my office now!' The man gave him a lot of money in a big bag. He gave the man's bag and the envelope to the boss of the bank. He parked his motorbike outside the bank. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option Joe. his job a) loves b)hates c) looks for One day the man asked him to go to the . a) British Opera b) National Bank. c) Art Gallery The cashier looked ..at Joe when she had read a letter . a) quickly b) carefully c) amazingly The policemen took Joe by his arms and pushed him a) to the window b) to the door c) into the police car. Joe is a very ..man a) happy b) lucky c) diligent He takes .. from one office to another. a) newspapers b) money c) letters and important papers Joe had to go to . a) school b) the National Bank c) hospital One .. a man telephoned Joe and said, 'Please, come to my office now!' a) morning b) day c)Monday The man gave him a small envelope and a big a) sack b)bag c) box The .. opened the envelope and read the letter . a) man b) boss c) woman 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 79 JOHN LOGIE BAIRD (1888-1946) John Logie Baird was one of the television's inventors. He was born in Scotland during the reign of Queen Victoria and studied electrical engineering in Glasgow. Early in his career, Baird made money by cleaning shoes and selling razor-blades. He called his first TV a 'televisor'. It was a very simple machine inside a large wooden box. In October 1925 Baird put a doll called Stooky Bill in front of his cameras and filmed it. The black and white image appeared on a small screen (10 cm x 5 cm) at the other end of his flat. TV was born! The first person on TV was a teenage boy called William Taynton. Baird paid him to stand absolutely still in front of his TV cameras. In 1926 Baird invited a group of important scientists to his home in the Soho district of London. He showed them his new invention and they were amazed. After that, the Scotsman received more money to help with his work. In 1927 he sent TV pictures from London to Glasgow a distance of 650 kilometres. The following year he sent pictures from Britain to Hartsdale, New York State. This was the first transatlantic broadcast. In 1938 Baird demonstrated the first colour TV pictures. They were watched by an audience of 3,000 on a large screen (4x3 metres) at a London theatre. As well as television, Baird also helped to develop several other inventions. These included radar and a system for seeing at night called 'noctovision'. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: 1. John Logie Baird was born in Scotland in the nineteenth century. 2. The first television he invented was not simple. 3. The first image on television was a teenage boy. 4. Americans first saw television pictures sent from Britain in 1927. 5. Baird paid William Taynton to run in front of the cameras as he filmed. 6. Three thousand people watched the first colour television broad-cast. 7. Baird worked on other projects as well as television. 8. Baird put a doll in front of his cameras and filmed if. 9. Bird invited a group of scientists to his home in Glasgow. 10. In 1938 Baird demonstrated the first colour TV pictures. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option 1.He studied in a) Glasgow b) Oxford c) London 2. He was born in Scotland during the reign of a) King Henry b) Queen Victoria c) Queen Elizabeth 3. Baird made money by.. a) working in a bank b) cleaning shoes and selling rasor blades c) selling newspapers 4. He transmit the first colour pictures after the birth of the TV image in a) 2 years b) 13 years c) 30 years 5. The first person on TV was a) London b) a teenage boy c) a doll called Stooky Bill 6) When the scientists saw television they were a) amazed b) disappointed c) upset 7. In 1927 he sent TV pictures from a) from London to Edinburgh b) from London to New York c) from London to Glasgow 8. The first colour pictures were watched by audience at a a) London theatre b) Edinburgh theatre c) Covent Garden 9. Baird also helped to develop other inventions a) radar b) telephone c) computer 10. The first transatlantic broadcast was from Britain to a) Australia b) Hartsdale, New York State c) Canada 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O `  " 80 ROBIN HOOD Robin Hood is a legendary hero who lived in Sherwood Forest, in Nottingham, with his band of followers. Stories about him and his adventures began to appear in the fourteenth century, but the facts behind the legend are uncertain. One writer thinks Robin was born in 1160, at a time when there were many robbers living in the woods, stealing from the rich but only killing in self-defence. Everyone knows that Robin Hood robbed the rich to give to the poor. He chose to be an outlaw, that is, someone who lives 'outside the law', but he had his own ideas of right and wrong. He fought against injustice, and tried to give ordinary people a share of the riches owned by people in authority and the Church. He had many qualities he was a great sportsman, a brave fighter, and was very good with his bow and arrow. He dressed in green, lived in the forest with his wife, Maid Marion, and his men, among them Friar Tuck, Allen a Dale, Will Scarlet and Little John. For food they killed the king's deer, and many days were spent eating, drinking and playing games. He robbed the rich by capturing them as they travelled though the forest and inviting them to it with him. During the supper, someone looked in their bags to see how much money they had. When it was finished, Robin asked them to pay for meal, and course, he knew how much to ask for! His main enemy was the Sheriff of Nottingham, who was always trying to capture Robin but never managed to do it. Some stories say that he killed Robin by poisoning him. In his dying moments, he shot a final arrow from his famous bow, and asked Little John to bury him where the arrow landed. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: 1. Robin Hood lived in Sherwood Forest in Leods. 2. Stories about him and his adventures began to appear in the fourteenth century. 3. Robin Hood was a great sportsman and brave fighter. 4. He lived in a forest with his parents. 5. Robin was not very good with his bow and arrow. 6. He fought for happiness of pour people. 7. Nobody knows that Robin Hood robbed the rich to give to the pour people. 8. Sometimes for food, they killed the kings deer. 9. He has only one enemy the Sheriff of Nottingham 10.He was buried in a Forest. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option Robin Hood lived in Sherwood Forest with relatives parents band of followers One writer thinks Robin was born in 1260 1160 1100 Everyone knows that Robin Hood robbed the poor the rich the Sheriff of Nottingham He fought against.. enemies injustice the Church He was brave sneak rude For food they killed the kings cow the kings deer the king poultry When the supper was finished Robin asked the travelers to pay for meal to give food the poor to take some food with them His main enemy was the Sheriff of Lecuts the Sheriff of Nottingham the Church He dressed in black green brown In his dying moment he asked to bury him& Sherwood forest native village where the arrow landed 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 81 THE SECRET ICE CREAM Ancient manuscripts tell that the Greek commander Alexander Makedonsky used to have different fruits and juices mixed with ice and snow for dessert. In Russia for holidays people used to put a dish with frozen little pieces of sweet milk next to the dish with pancakes. In old times in some countries the recipes of cold dainties were kept in secret, for their divulgence the court cooks could be sentenced to death. Besides, it wasn't easy to cook ice cream, especially in summer. Ice and snow were delivered to Alexander Makedonsky's palace from the mountains. Later people began to sell ice. The ships with huge blocks of ice would hurry to the shores of the hot countries. That lasted till the first ice-making machines appeared. They were called refrigerators. That happened about one hundred years ago. Now ice cream is sold everywhere and of any kinds: fruit and berry, milk and chocolate. And it is available to everybody. By the way, if you have a sweet tooth you can make ice cream yourself. It's quite easy for those who can cook. The recipe is not a secret: eggs, sugar, milk, sour cream are mixed together, boiled for one or two minutes, cooled and frozen in the refrigerator. Add some nuts or jam and enjoy this delicious product. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: 1. The Greek commander Alexander Makedonsky used to have fruits and juices mixed with ice and snow for supper. 2. Ukrainian people usually ate frozen pieces of sweet juice with pan-cakes for holidays. 3. In old times the cook who had told somebody the recipe of ice cream could be sentenced to death. The recipes of ice cream were available to everybody. 5 Ice and snow were made at the court of Makedonsky, there were no problems with it. 6 People used to sell ice. 7. The ships with huge blocks of ice would bring ice from the shores of the hot countries. 8. Eggs, sugar, milk, sour cream are mixed together, boiled for an hour. 9. Not everybody can buy ice cream. 10. Its impossible to make ice cream yourself. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option 1 The . . . commander used to have different fruit and juices mixed with ice and snow. a) Greek b) Italian c) British 2.People used to put a dish with frozen . . . next to the dish with pancakes. a) sweet water b) juice c) sweet milk 3. In old times in some countries the recipes were . . . a) available b) kept in secret c) known 4. It was . . . to cook ice cream . a) difficult b) easy c) not difficult 5They brought ice and snow to Alexander Makedonsky's palace . .. a) from the mountains b) from Alaska c) from the north 6. Blocks of ice were carried by . . . a) camels b) horses c) ships 7. Blocks of ice were brought . . . countries. a) to the hot b) to the cold c) from the hot 8. Refrigerators appeared . . . years ago. a) hundred b) two hundred c) three hundred 9. If you have . . . you can make ice cream yourself. a) a sweet tongue b) a sweet tooth c) a sweet heart 10. This product is . . . a) disgusting b) very tasty c) awful 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 82 Atlantis was an island that existed many thousands of years ago but no one knows where it was or even if it really existed. Many people believe that Atlantis was the start of all civilizations, because the founders of Atlantis were half god and half human. Those people were clever and had a great culture. They created an advanced civilization and became a great naval power. The island contained gold, silver, and other precious metals. Numerous exotic plants and animals lived there. Atlantis was first described by the Greek philosopher Plato in about 400 BC. He believed that it was destroyed over 9000 years before by a volcano and it was buried under the sea. Many people since Plato have argued that some of the people who lived on Atlantis escaped and went west and there founded some of the great civilizations of South America, such as the Mayas and the Incas. There have been many guesses about the location of Atlantis. Some say it was in the Atlantic ocean, where the Azores Islands are now, and that these islands are the mountain tops of the old Atlantis. Others say it was the island of Santorini in the Mediterranean, which was destroyed by a volcano in 1400 BC. More recently, divers have discovered buildings under the sea near the Bahamas, which they believe were made by people. No one has solved the mystery of Atlantis, and we probably never will solve it. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: Many people believe that Atlantis was the end of all civilizations. The scientists are not sure Atlantis was a real island. The people of Atlantis were probably intelligent. They were good sailors. Atlantis was first described by the Italian philosopher Plato. Plato wrote about Atlantis 9000 years ago. Some people from Atlantis could reach South America. Some people believe that Santorini was a mountain top of Atlantis. It is exactly known the location of Atlantis. Divers have found human bones under the sea near the Bahamas. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option 1 Atlantis was an island that existed . . . of years ago. A many thousands B hundreds C five thousands 2. The people of Atlantis probably were A half dog and half human. B half bird and half human. C half god and half human. 3. According to the text the people of Atlantis A built their own well-developed civilization. B represented space civilizations. C communicated with other civilizations. 4. The island was very rich because of A the international trade. B the natural resources. C the high technologies. 5. What fact was NOT mentioned in the text? A The island was home for rare wildlife. B They had an advanced art and culture. C There was a great capital city on the central island. 6. Plato believed Atlantis had been destroyed by A an earthquake. B a volcano. C a hurricane. 7. Those who escaped from Atlantis probably started civilizations of A Mayas and the Incas. B Greeks and Romans. C Babylon and Schumer. 8. The Island of Santorini was A in the Atlantic. B in the Mediterranean. C in the Arctic. 9.What have been found . . . under the sea near the Bahamas? A human bones B buildings C precious metals 10. The mystery of Atlantis A will soon be discovered by scientists. B is only a beautiful legend. C can never 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 83 Fifteen-year-old Sam Stern is the most famous teenage chef in the UK. He learned how to cook when he was very young. At the age of three he could roll dough and by the age of nine he could make a roast chicken with herbs. His cooking career, however, began only a few years ago .His brother Tom started texting him from university to ask for family recipes. Sam sent his brother the family recipes . He also created his own. In fact, his own recipes were so good that his mother encouraged him to write a book. This led to his best-selling book Cooking Up a Storm. In the summer of 2006, Sam travelled to the US. That time he appeared on famous TV shows such as the Today Show and the Martha Stewart Show. He also signed a book contract with a US publishing house and plans to return to the US later in the year for his own TV show. His next book Real Food, Real Fast will be published in October 2006. Sam is currently working on his third book which is for young people leaving home to study. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: 1. Sam is from the United States. 2. Sams brother, Tom, asked for family recipes while he was at university. 3. Sams father wanted him to write a book. 4. Sams mother wrote Cooking Up a Storm. 5. Sam appeared on British television. 6. Sam signed a contract with an American publishing house. 7. Sams second book will be published in October, 2006. 8. Sams third book is already out in the US. 9. Sam is writing a book for young people leaving home to study. 10. He is going to take part in a famous Today Show soon. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option 1.The age of the most famous teenage chef is . . . A seventeen years B nine year C fifteen years 2 . Sam learned how to cook when he was . . . A twelve B very young C nine 3. His cooking career started only . . . A. a few years ago B at the age of nine C at the age of five 4 . By the age of nine he could . . . A make a roast chicken with herbs B roll dough C bake cakes 5 His . . .encouraged him to write a book. A brother B mother C father 6 In 2006, Sam travelled to . . . A Italy B the UK C America 7 . He took part in famous TV shows for the first time in . . . A summer B autumn C spring 8. The teenage chef signed a contract with . . . A a restaurant B a cafe C a publishing house 9.His first book was . . . A Cooking Up a Storm B Real Food, Real Fast C Real Cooking 10. His third book is for . . . people . A young B old C lazy 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 84 Catherine was five years old. She often went to the shops with her mother. She liked toys very much, and she often stopped and looked at them in the shops, but her mother usually said, Dont stop and look at the toys today, Catherine. Its late. Catherines mother did not usually go to the shops on Saturdays, because she always had a lot of work at home on that day, but last Friday evening her husband said, Some of my friends are going to visit us on Sunday, and she didnt have much food in the house. She took Catherine at 10 oclock on Saturday morning, and they went to the shops together. Catherines mother said to her, Stay near me, Catherine, and dont stop and look at the toys today. Catherine said, Yes, Mummy, and she held her mothers hand. But then her mother had a lot of parcels, and Catherine stopped holding her hand. They came to the best shop in the town. There were quite a lot of men in front of it. There was a beautiful toy bear in one of the windows, and Catherine stopped for a few seconds and looked at it. Then she looked for her mother, but she was not there. There were only men round Catherine, and they were all much taller than she was. Catherine was very young, but she was a clever girl. She did not cry. There was a policeman in the middle of the street near the shop. Catherine waited at the side of the road for a minute, and then the policeman stopped the cars and the buses. Catherine went to him and said, Good morning. Have you seen any ladies in this street this morning? Yes, I have, the policeman said. A lot of ladies have passed me this morning. And has one passed you without a small girl? Catherine said. Yes, the policeman said. Catherine said happily, Im the small girl. Wheres the lady? I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: Catherine usually goes shopping with her mother on Saturdays. Catherine likes toys very much and she often stops and looks at them in the shops. Catherine went shopping in the evening after school Catherine suddenly stopped in front of the best shop in town because she saw a beautiful toy bear. She entered the shop because she decided to buy it. Catherine has lost her mother. Catherine began to cry. Catherine came up to the policeman in the street and asked him if he had seen her mother. The policeman asked her where she lived. Suddenly Catherine saw her mother buying a beautiful toy for her. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option Catherine often went to the shops with... her mother her father her friends The mother took Catherine at ... shopping. 11 oclock 9 oclock 10 oclock The girl stopped and looked at ... the windows of the shop the toys the people Fathers friends were going to visit him ... on Friday on Saturday on Sunday In one of the windows Catherine saw... a beautiful toy bear a beautiful doll a lot of sweets Mother had ... and the girl stopped holding her hand. a lot of money a lot of parcels a lot of toys Catherine lost ... her mother her toy nothing The girl was very young and ... girl stupid clever lazy In the middle of the street there was ... a policeman a fireman her mother Catherine asked the policeman...  Have you seen my mother?  What is your name?  Have you seen any ladies in this street this morning? 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 85 ROBINSON CRUSOE Robinson Crusoe lived in the city of York. When he was a small boy, he wanted to go to the sea. But he could do it only when he was eighteen. He had a friend whose father was the captain of a ship. The captain took the two boys on his ship when it went to London. That was Robinsons first voyage. After that Crusoe made three or four voyages over the sea. Now he was a sailor and liked his work very much. One day when the ship was at the sea, a great storm came on them. The ship broke and the crew moved forward in a small boat. The high waves picked their boat up and threw it on large stones. All the people were drowned. Robinson could swim well, so he stayed in the water for a long time. The waves carried him to the shore. It turned out that he was on an island. It was not large. Robinson went along the shore. He wanted to see somebody from the ship. But there were no people there. It was evening already and Robinson wanted to sleep. He was afraid to sleep in the open place, so he got on a tree and slept there. When he woke up, it was morning. The storm was over. The sea was low and Robinson saw the ship. One part of it was over the water. It was not very far from the shore. Robinson swam to the ship and got on it. He saw many useful things there. Robinson found some wood and some tools and began to make a raft. When the raft was ready, Robinson put it on the water. Then he took two large boxes and put things, which he found on the ship into them. There were tools, guns, powder and a lot of other things. He put the boxes on the raft and sailed to the shore. Now he had guns and powder and could get some food. With the tools he could make a house. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: 1. Robinson Crusoe lived in the city of London. 2. He went to the sea when he was seventeen. 3. Crusoe didnt like his work. 4. All the people except Robinson were drowned. 5. Robinson couldnt swim well. 6. Robinson got on a tree and slept there. 7. The broken ship wasnt far from the shore. 8. Robinson got on a ship and saw many useful things there. 9. He began to make a boat. 10. Crusoe put the boxes on the raft and sailed to the shore. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option 1. Robinson wanted to go to the sea a) since childhood; b) when he was 18; c) when he lived in the city; d) when the ship went to London. 2. was the captain of the ship. a) His fathers friend; b) His father; c) His friends father; d) His friend.3. The captain took on his ship when it went to London. a) only Crusoe; b) Crusoe and his friend; c) Crusoe and his father; d) nobody . 4. Robinson went along the shore because a) he wanted to meet some people; b) he was not alone; c) he was drowned; d) a great storm came.5. What is wrong? When he woke up a) he saw his ship; b) it was not night; c) all the ship was over the water; d) the sea was quiet. 6. For getting food Robinson needed a) tools; b) guns and powder; c) some wood; d) two large boxes. 7. To make a house Robinson needed a) guns; b) tools; c) some food; d) powder. 8. When Robinson went to the sea for the first time he was a) 18 years old; b) a small boy; c) 8 years old; d) 28 years old. 9. Robinson got on the island during his voyage. a) first; b) second; c) fifth; d) tenth. 10. On the island Robinson & a) saw some other people; b) saw the crew; c) saw some people from the ship; c) was alone. 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 86 ADDICTED TO THE MALL What do you do for recreation? Do you swim, dance, play cards, garden, or read? Many people today prefer to spend their free time shopping. These people are called recreational shoppers. Recreational shoppers do not always buy something. They really enjoy the shopping experience. Of course, many people like going to indoor malls. However, for recreational shoppers, the mall is more than stores. For them, the mall represents happiness and fulfillment. For these people, a visit to the mall is an adventure. In fact, for many recreational shoppers the art of looking for and buying something is more fun than own shoppers. Then they compared recreational shoppers with ordinary shoppers. The psychologists discovered that the two groups were different. Recreational shoppers were usually younger, less self-confident, and more often female. In addition, they were more interested in material things and had less self-control. The recreational shoppers also went shopping when they felt worried, angry, or depressed. Ordinary shoppers didn't. Most of the recreational shoppers said buying something helped them feel better-it made them happy. Their negative feelings went away. Many recreational shoppers also did something unusual while they were shopping. They pretended that they were different people with different lives. Of course, shopping is an important part of our contemporary consumer society. We spend a lot of time in malls. In a recent study, people spent most of their time at home, at work, and in school. Shopping malls ranked fourth. However, in the future, will we think of recreational shopping as an addiction like smoking or drinking? I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: 1. All people who shop are recreational shoppers. 2. Recreational shoppers go shopping for fun. 3. Recreational shoppers love to own things. 4. Most shoppers dislike shopping. 5. Psychologists compared ordinary shoppers and recreational shoppers. 6. Recreational shoppers go shopping when they are sad. 7. Most recreational shoppers are men. 8. People spend more time in shopping malls than they do at work. 9. Shopping is an important part of our society. 10. We dont usually spend much time doing shopping. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option 1. Many people today prefer to spend their free time .. In malls ; Reading; Watching TV; 2 .Recreational shoppers Always buy something; sometimes do window-shopping; visit the malls to entertain 3. Recently, a group of psychologists studied recreational shopping and conducted A survey; some testing; shopping contest; 4 It was discovered that there.. Different shoppers; two types of shoppers; were different people with different lives. Recreational shoppers were People suffering some diseases; people lacking self-confidence; poor and jobless people; Ordinary shoppers didn't Usually go shopping if they fell depressed; like to go shopping; show that they like shopping; Many recreational shoppers also . while they were shopping. Try to shoplift; pretend they are different people; do some ordinary things; 8. Shopping malls among the everyday activities. comes first; take the third place; follow the work, school, home; 9. For most recreational shoppers malls : help to avoid negative feelings; are just entertaining centres; make them feel important; 10. It is believed that in future the love to go shopping... will be treated as an illness; will help people to give up smoking; will become a serious problem for the society; 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 87 THEATRE GHOST English people believe in ghosts. They think that the British capital London is full of ghosts. Some ghosts are very famous and a lot of people have already met them. Many people have seen a ghost at the Royal Theatre. This ghost always wears the same clothes. He wears a grey coat, a hat and high boots, in fact, he wears the clothes of an Englishman of about 1750. And he usually does the same things. He comes out through the wall in the balcony. Then he stands up, walks slowly across the theatre and goes into the wall again. He has his usual time between 10 in the morning and 6 in the evening. Usually the actors and actresses see him when they are rehearsing a new play, or when they doing the afternoon performance. At one afternoon performance in 1950, the British actor Morgan Davies saw the ghost. "I was acting in "Carousel'" on a Saturday afternoon, w one part of the play I was on the stage for twenty four minutes.  looked up into the theatre, and saw an empty box. When I looked up again, there was a man in a grey coat in the box. He was standing up. But I could see through him. Then he went through the wall. Another time, when actors were rehearsing a new play, thTV& ( 4 6 n T V  & ( 4 6 휈xxdP<'h{zhV5CJOJQJaJmH sH 'h{zhF5CJOJQJaJmH sH 'h{zhq5CJOJQJaJmH sH h{zhV5CJOJQJaJ'h{zhV5CJOJQJaJmH"sH"h{zh 5CJOJQJaJ'h{zh 5CJOJQJaJmH"sH" hmhmCJOJQJmH sH h/hm5CJOJQJhmhm5CJOJQJ#hmhm5CJOJQJmH"sH"V V X n  7 K k  4 \ t dgdm$d-DM a$gdm $da$gdm V V l n  dgd{z $da$gd{z$d`a$gd{z$d-DM a$gd{z $da$gdm $da$gd{z 1g `*?cq#{wwdThVCJOJQJaJmH sH $h{zhFCJOJQJaJmH sH 'h{zh 5CJOJQJaJmH sH 'h{zhV5CJOJQJaJmH sH 'h{zhV5CJOJQJaJmH sH 'h{zh!X5CJOJQJaJmH sH $h{zh-CJOJQJaJmH sH $h{zh CJOJQJaJmH sH $h{zhVCJOJQJaJmH sH  ?*cwNO$ & Fda$gd{z$ & Fda$gd{zhd-DM ^hgd{z$hd^ha$gdm$ & Fda$gd{z & FWd^`Wgd{zNOepgðwbM:$h{zhE6CJOJQJaJmH sH (h{zhE6CJOJPJQJaJmH sH (h{zh CJOJPJQJaJmH sH $h{zh CJOJQJaJmH sH $h{zh-CJOJQJaJmH sH $h{zh CJOJQJaJmH sH $h{zhVCJOJQJaJmH sH 'h{zh 5CJOJQJaJmH sH *h{zh 5CJOJQJ\aJmH sH $h{zhmCJOJQJaJmH sH Oe5Tz Z$ & F Sd^S`a$gd{z$ & Fhd`ha$gd{z$ & F d`a$gd{z$ & Fda$gd{z$ & F  Sd^S`a$gd{zCg$ & Fda$gd{z$d^a$gdm$d^a$gd{z  & 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The ghost did his usual walk, from a seat in the upper circle into the wall, and seventy of the actors saw him. And there is the theatre cat: The cat goes to all parts of the theatre but it will not go into the upper circle! The theatre ghost does not try to talk to people, and he doesnt hear people who talk to him. But actors think that he is friendly. "We like to see the ghost at our theatre", one actor said. "If we meet him before the first night of a new play, people are going to enjoy the performance very much. A lot of people will come to see it. But nobody sees him before an unsuccessful play. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: Londoners are sure there a lot of ghosts in London. A ghost at the Royal Theatre wearing the clothes of an English woman of about 1750 was seen by plenty of people. The ghost always comes out through the theatre curtain. Actors and actresses usually see the ghost before the evening performance. Morgan Davies was acting in Carousel on a Saturday afternoon. The ghost watched Morgan Davies in the empty box for ten minutes. The theatre cat has never gone into the upper circle. It means success when the ghost appears before the new play. The ghost does nothing to scare anyone at the theatre. The Theatre Royal ghost always remains silent. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option What do English people think about London? Its full of evil spirits. Its full of ghosts. Its full of famous people. What clothes does the theatre ghost usually wear? He wears a white coat, a cap and high boots. He wears a brown coat, a hat and black high boots. He wears a grey coat, a coat and high boots. How does the ghost appear at the theatre? The ghost always comes out through the small window. The ghost always comes out theatre curtain. The ghost always comes out through the wall in the balcony. When do actors and actresses usually see the ghost? Actors and actresses usually see the ghost at the evening performance or before the rehearse. Actors and actresses see him when they are rehearsing a new play, or when they are doing an afternoon performance. Actors and actresses usually see him when their performance is over. How many minutes was Morgan Davies on the stage in one part of the play Carousel? Twenty-five minutes Thirty-five minutes Twenty minutes Where did Morgan Davies see the ghost? In the stalls In the box In the dress-circle What was the ghosts usual walk? From the seat in the stalls to the box From the seat in the balcony to the stalls From a seat in the upper circle into the wall What part of the theatre does a theatre cat avoid? The upper circle The stage The stalls How does the theatre ghost behave himself? The ghost sometimes tries to talk to people but everybody is afraid of him. The ghost sometimes tries to hear people who talk to him. The ghost does not try to talk to people, and doesnt hear people who talk to him. Why do actors think that the ghost is friendly? If the actors meet him before the first night of a new play, people will burst into applause many times. If actors meet him before the first night of a new play, people are going to enjoy the performance very much. If actors meet him before the first night of a new play, many famous people will come to enjoy the performance. 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 88 Henry works in an office in town. He wants to live to be a hundred, so health is very important to him. He gets up at five o'clock in the morning and does exercises for 30 minutes. For breakfast, he eats salad and a raw egg with garlic and chili pepper. It tastes disgusting but he thinks it's good for him. Then he runs for an hour in the park even if the weather is bad. He never goes to work by bus or by train and he thinks that cars are very dangerous. At the office, he washes his hands 10 times a day. His lunch is 15 sunflower seeds and one onion. He is sure that the lunch which the firm gives isn't good for him. After work, he hurries home to water the plants. He has tens of plants because they clean the air. In the evening, he never watches television because it's bad for his eyes. On Monday, he goes to a yoga class and on Thursday he goes to a vegetarian cookery class. He rarely goes to the cinema or to the theatre there are too many germs. In summer, he sleeps in a tent in the garden. At the weekend, he goes camping in the country. But he never sits in the sun. On the first day of every month, he goes to the doctor's just to make sure that he isn't ill. After all, he doesn't want to find himself in hospital. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: 1. Henry usually watches TV in the evening. 2. He doesnt wash his hands. 3. On the first day of every month Henry goes to the cinema. 4. He eats salad and a raw egg with garlic and chili pepper in the morning. 5. He goes to a yoga class on Monday. 6. Henry goes to work on foot. 7. On Monday he goes to a vegetarian cookery class. 8. Henry sleeps in a tent in the garden in summer. 9. Henry runs for an hour in the park every morning. 10. He usually eats a piece of a cake with tea or coffee in the evening. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option 1. The best heading to the text is: a) A hospital b) Healthy Henry c) My best friend 2. Henry has many because they clean the air. a) trees b) plants c) flowers 3. He eats and one onion for lunch. a)15 sunflower seeds b) 15 pumpkin seeds c) nuts 4. Henry runs for in the park. a) two hours b) three hours c) an hour 5. He never to work by bus. a) goes b) went c) go 6. Henry eats salad and a raw egg with garlic and chili pepper a) for lunch b) for dinner c) for breakfast 7. He goes to the doctor's just to make sure that he . a) isnt ill b) is ill c) is smart 8. Henry does exercises for a) 30 minutes b) 40 minutes c) 20 minutes 9. After work, he hurries home to a) water the plants b) watch TV c) read last news 10. Health is very & for Henry. a) useful b) important c) interesting 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 89 Once upon a time there was a chief who had a beautiful daughter. Many young men wanted to marry her, but the chief thought: "They are not very good for my daughter . Fire and Rain wanted to marry her, too. Rain came to the chiefs daughter and said, "Will you marry me, oh daughter of the Chief?" "Yes, I will," said the girl. At the same time Fire came to the chief and said, "I want to marry your daughter. Will you give her to me for my wife?" The chief said, "Yes, I will." Then the chief sent for his daughter and said to her, "My dear daughter, you will marry Fire. I gave him my promise." "Oh, Father," said the girl, "I cannot marry Fire, I must marry Rain. I gave my promise to him." "What shall we do?" cried the chief. "You can't marry both Fire and Rain." Then Fire and Rain came to the chief and his daughter. The chief said to them: "Tomorrow will be the day of my daughter's marriage." "To me?" asked Fire. "To me?" asked Rain. "To the winner of a race. To him I will give my daughter." On the day of the race many people came to the town. They all wanted to see the race. Some of them said, "Fire will win." Others said, "Rain will win." But the chiefs daughter thought: "I want to marry Rain." The day of the race came. When it was time to begin, the drummers beat the drums. The race began. The wind helped Fire to run very quickly. But where was Rain? Nobody saw him. The people cried: "Look, Fire is quite near the finish!" But then Rain began to fall from the sky and put out Fire. So Fire could not finish the race. The people cried: "Rain, Rain is the first!" So the chief gave his daughter to Rain, and they were very happy. And from that day on Fire and Rain are enemies. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: There lived the chief who had two beautiful daughters. Nobody wanted to marry the chiefs daughter. The chiefs daughter could not marry the Fire. The chief said that the winner of the race would marry his daughter. Many people took part in the race. The water helped the Fire to run. The Fire began to fall from the sky and put out the Rain. The Fire could not finish the race. From that day on the Fire and the Rain are enemies. The text is about the wise chief who found the way to solve the problem. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option Once upon a time there was a ... who had a beautiful daughter. the Sky the chief the man wanted to marry the chiefs daughter. the Fire and the Rain many rich men many young men came to the chiefs daughter and asked her to marry him. the Rain the Fire the Sky The chiefs daughter couldn't marry the Fire because she gave her promise to the Sky. she gave her promise to the Rain. the Fire didn't want to marry her. The Fire and The Rain decided to have the race the tournament meeting helped the Fire to run very quickly. the Wind the Water the chief The Fire couldn't finish the race because he was tired. the Rain put out the Fire. the chief stopped the race. The chiefs daughter thoughts were about The Rain a young man The Fire The Fire and the Rain became close friends relatives enemies The young girl will marriage to the of the race. loser winner contestant 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 90 Walt Disney was one of the most famous people ever to have lived. He has touched the lives of millions of children and adults. He holds the record for winning themost Academy Awards (26) and was an innovative film producer and animator. He created some of the most successful characters, movies and theme parks of the 20th Century. Disney was born in 1901 in Chicago. He developed a great love of drawing as a youngster. When he was ten, he discovered the world of theatre and cinema and fell in love with it. He became the cartoonist for his high school newspaper. In 1920, he set up his own animation company and his Laugh-O-Gram cartoons became very popular. Disney wanted more and so he moved to Hollywood. He developed a character based on a pet mouse he once had. He gave the mouse his own voice and personality. Disneys wife named him Mickey. Disney put Mickey in his first movie with sound, Steamboat Willie. By 1930, Mickey Mouse was the worlds most popular cartoon character and Walt Disney was a household name. Following on from Mickeys success, Disney created characters such as Donald Duck, Goofy, and Pluto. He then produced an animated feature-length version of Snow White, which was the most successful movie of 1938. Dozens more movies followed, including Fantasia and Bambi. Disney built up a global entertainment empire, including his Disneyland theme park. He died of cancer in 1966. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: Walt Disney was a famous person. He created a lot of new programmers. Disney was born in the USA. He discovered the world of theatre and cinema, when he was ten. In 1920, he set up his own animation school. Disney moved to Hollywood because he wanted more. He developed a character based on a pet mouse he once gave his wife. Disneys wife named him Mickey. Disney created characters such as Donald Duck, Goofy and Pinocchio. Disney built up a global entertainment empire, including his Disneyland theme park. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option Disney has touched of millions of children and adults. the families the lives the world He was an producer and animator. innovative imaginative famous Disney was born in in Chicago. 1901 1900 1919 Disneys Laugh-O-Gram became very popular. films programmers cartoons He gave the mouse his own and personality. strength voice behavior Mickey was put in Disneys movie with sound. first second last Disney then produced an animated feature-length version of Cinderella Fantasia Snow White Disney built up a global empire. entertainment powerful famous He died of & in 1966. cough cancer flue He created some of the most successful characters, movies and theme parks of the & 20th century 19th century 21st century 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 91 THANKSGIVING. On the fourth Thursday in November, in houses around the United States, families get together for a feast, or a large meal. Almost all families eat turkey and cranberry sauce for this meal, and have pumpkin pie for dessert. This feast is part of a very special day, the holiday of Thanksgiving. In 1620 the Pilgrims made a difficult trip across the ocean from England. They landed in what is now Massachusetts. In England the pilgrims had not been allowed to practice their religion. So they went to the New World in search of religious freedom. Their first winter was very hard. Almost half the group died of cold, hunger, and disease. But the Native Americans taught them to plant corn, to hunt, and to fish. When the next autumn came, the Pilgrims had plenty of food. They were thankful and had a feast to give thanks. They invited the Native Americans to join them. This was the first Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving became a national holiday many years later because of the woman named Sarah Hale. For forty years she wrote to each president and asked for a holiday of Thanksgiving. At last she was successful. In 1863 President Lincoln declared Thanksgiving a holiday. How much is Thanksgiving today like the Pilgrims Thanksgiving? Historians think that the Pilgrims ate deer, not turkey. The idea of thanksgiving, though, is very much the same: Thanksgiving is a day on which we celebrate and give thanks. Word List feast  A2OB> cranberry  6C@02;8=0 religion  @5;V3VO in search of  2 ?>HC:0E to declare  ?@>3>;>HC20B8 I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: On the fourth Thursday in November, in houses around the United States, families get together for a feast. People eat turkey and cranberry sauce for this meal, and have apple pie for dessert. This feast is the holiday of Thanksgiving. In 1520 the Pilgrims made a difficult trip across the ocean from England. In England the pilgrims had not been allowed to sing their songs. They went to America in search of religious freedom. The Native Americans taught the Pilgrims to plant potato, to hunt, and to fish. The first Thanksgiving was in 1625. For four years Sarah Hale wrote to the president and asked for a holiday of Thanksgiving. In 1873 President Lincoln declared Thanksgiving a holiday. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option On the fourth Thursday in , in houses around the United States, families get together for a feast. October December November In the Pilgrims made a difficult trip across the ocean from England. 1620 1720 1520 The last part of a meal is called the . breakfast dessert lunch When a boat has arrived from somewhere we say it has . feasted joined landed People who travel from one place to another for religious reasons are . pilgrims families Native Americans When you are sick, you may have a . hunger feast disease When you look for animals to kill for food, you . plant hunt eat When you have more than you need, you have . much half plenty When the government of a country decides to celebrate a special day, it a holiday. declares asks for invites People who write history are called & . religious historians pilgrims 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 92 FUNNY PICNIC This weekend my cousins are staying with us, so today we are going for a picnic at our favourite picnic place. My mother is a good cook. She is packing everyone s favourite food in a big box. There are other boxes and bags, too. There are picnic things, swimming things, towels, knives, cups, glasses, drinks, sunshades, mats and a big box full of rubbish. I throw the box into the big rubbish bin in the street and we put everything else in our car. We drive for about an hour along the big road and come to a small road and then to a track over dry rocky ground. It is a long and hot drive, but finally we see the river. It is beautiful and full of clean water from the mountains. There are a lot of places for swimming. We jump from the rocks into the cool water and we are very happy. Then everyone is hungry. We unpack the car and put up the sunshades. But the food isnt there! There is a box of rubbish, but no food, except for some bread and biscuits. Everyone looks at me. I say, I think the wrong box is in the rubbish bin now. Sorry. You can imagine what everyone is saying at the moment! So, we have nothing else to do but eat the biscuits. Im not the most popular person today! I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: The food in the food box is very tasty. His mother is packing everyones favourite food in a big bag. There is only one big box. The storyteller throws away the box of rubbish. It is a short and cool drive, but finally they see the river. There are a lot of places for swimming. They jump from the rocks into the warm water and they are very happy. Everybody laughs when they find out that the box with food is in the rubbish bin now. They are eating biscuits for lunch now. The storyteller is the most popular person this day. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option Today they are going for.. a walk a picnic a cinema The storyteller and his family plan to take food on the way to buy food on the way to go to the restaurant When they pack the car, both the food and the rubbish are in a bag in boxes in a suitcase Before they leave the storyteller throws. in the bin. a box some bags some newspapers The picnic place is just somewhere close to the house a long way from the house in the forest It is beautiful and full of from the mountains ice clean water dirty water They jump from. into the cool water. the rocks a floating bridge the motorboat When they unpack the car and the food is not there in the bag in the case You can imagine what everyone ..at the moment. is thinking is doing is saying They eat .. some bread the biscuits the sandwiches 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 93 TEA-LEAVES Many, many years ago tea was unknown in European countries. Many people didnt even know the word tea, though drinking tea was very popular in the East. Once a young sailor came back from India. He was the only son of an old woman and every time he returned to Great Britain from a far-away country he brought his mother a gift. Of course, he tried to bring her something unusual, that she could show to her friends. This time he brought her a box of tea. The old woman didnt know anything about tea, but she liked the smell, and invited all her friends to come and try it. When her guests arrived, she invited them to the dining table. The old woman treated them to cakes, fruit and tea-leaves. When the sailor entered the room and saw a big plate filled with the tea-leaves, he understood everything. He smiled when he saw his mothers friends eating tea-leaves with butter and salt. They pretended they liked it, but it was clear they didnt enjoy eating the leaves. Where is the tea, mother? - the sailor asked. His mother pointed to the plate in the middle of the table. No, this is only the leaves of the tea, the sailor said. I threw the water away, of course. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: 1.Tea was well-known in European countries many years ago. 2. Eating tea-leaves was very popular in the East. 3. An old woman had two sons. 4. A sailor brought a box of tea from Japan. 5. A young sailor always brought her mother a present from a far away country. 6. The sailors mother knew that tea was a drink. 7. The old woman liked the smell of the tea-leaves. 8.The old woman treated her guests to fruit, cakes and a new drink. 9. The womans friends enjoyed eating tea-leaves. 10.The sailor smiled when he saw his mothers mistake. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option 1. Tea was known in a. Europe b. the East c. America 2.Tea is a a. dish b. vegetable c. drink 3.In Europe tea was a. popular b. unknown c. famous 4.A young sailor came back from a. India b. China c. Japan 5. The sailors mother lived in a. Ireland b. Britain c. France 6. The mother enjoyed the of the tea-leaves. a. smell b. taste c. look 7. The guests wanted to show that they the dish. a. enjoyed b. hated c. didnt like 8. The mother threw the water out into away 9.The mother made a mistake fortune surprise 10. The young man smiled was angry was disappointed 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 94 THREE BLACK UMBRELLAS Sally had been studying at an art college for a year and, like most students, she did not have much money. It was going to be her mother's birthday soon, and she wondered what she could buy her as a present that could be nice and useful but not too expensive. At lunch time one day, a week before her mother's birthday, she decided to have a quick sandwich and a cup of coffee instead of her usual meal in the college hall, and then go shopping near her college to try and find a nice present for her mother. Half an hour later, she came across a shop that was selling umbrellas cheap, and decided that one of those would solve her problem, since her mother had lost hers. She chose a black umbrella because you can carry that with clothes of any colour. On her way home she felt hungry and went to the buffet leaving her umbrella behind in the compartment of the train. When she came back it had gone. Sally burst into tears when she saw that the umbrella was no longer there. The other three passengers felt sorry for her when she explained what had happened. They asked for her mother's address to send it to her in case someone had taken it by mistake and brought it back after Sally had got out of the train. The next week, Sally heard from her mother. Her letter said, 'Thank you very much for your lovely presents, but why did you send me three black umbrellas?' I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: 1) Sally didnt have much money. 2) It was going to be her birthday soon. 3) She decided to have a quick sandwich and a cup of tee instead of her usual meal in the college 4) Sally thought that one of the umbrellas would solve her problem. 5) Sally went to the buffet on her way when she felt dizzy. 6) The passengers felt sorry for her because she left the umbrella. 7) She was very excited and happy. 8) The passengers asked for her mother's address. 9) The next day, Sally heard from her mother. 10). Sallys mother got three umbrellas from the three passengers. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option 1. Sally had been studying at an art college a) within twenty years; b) within ten years; c) for a year. 2. Like most students, she . a) dont have much money; b) had a lot of money; c) didnt have much money. 3. It was going to be . a) her mothers birthday.. b) a New Year party; c) a Christmas holiday. 4. She wanted to buy.. nice and useful but not too expensive. a) someone; b) anyone; c) something. 5. .. one day, a week before her mother's birthday, she decided to have a quick sandwich a) in the morning; b) at lunch time; c) yesterday. 6. Sally decided to.. a) have gone shopping; b) is going shopping; c) go shopping. 7. She came across a shop that was selling a) umbrellas; b) greeting cards; c) fruits. 8. She a black umbrella a) have chosen; b) had chosen; c) chose. 9. Sally left her umbrella..in the compartment of the train. a) behind; b) beneath; c) under. 10. Sallys mother wrote: Why did you send me a) five red apples; b) three black umbrellas; c) one big balloon. 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 95 TOM S FIRST ROYAL DINNER At about one o clock Tom was dressed for dinner. Then he was taken to a large room, where a table for one person was ready. The room was full of people. All of them knew that the Prince was mad and that they didnt have to show any surprise if he did anything strange. Poor Tom ate with fingers, but no one smiled. He looked at his napkin with great interest and then said: Take it away, please, Im afraid it will become dirty. The napkin was taken away without a word of protest. When he finished his dessert he filled his pockets with nuts but nobody paid any attention to that either. Suddenly his nose began to itch. He looked first at one then at the other of the lords near him. They ran up to him and asked what the matter was. Tom said with the tears in his eyes: My nose is itching terribly. What shall I do? Nobody smiled, nobody knew how to help him. Tears began to run down his cheeks; at last he begged pardon of the people standing around him and scratched his nose himself. Nobody smiled but all were sorry for the Prince. At last our small friend was led to his cabinet and left alone. Then he remembered the nuts. He took them out of his pockets and soon was cracking them and feeling almost happy for the first time since he became a Prince. When the nuts were eaten up, he found some books in the bookcase, among them one about the etiquette of the English court. He lay down upon the sofa and began to read it. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: 1. Tom was dressed for dinner at about two oclock. 2. The room was full of people. 3. Tom ate with his fingers and everybody smiled. 4. The napkin was taken away. 5. Tom filled the pockets with apples. 6. Toms arm began to itch. 7. Tears began to run down his cheeks. 8. At last Tom was led to his cabinet. 9. Tom remembered about the nuts. 10. Tom read the book about animals. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option 1) At about oclock Tom was dressed for dinner. a) five; b) two; c) one; d) ten. 2) In a large dining room a table for was ready. a) everybody; b) one person; c) many persons; d) the royal family. 3) The room was full of a) pupils; b) people; c) tables; d) animals. 4) Tom ate with a) a knife and a fork; b) a spoon; c) his fingers; d) a fork. 5) When nobody advised him what to do with his itching nose, Tom began to a) cry; b) laugh; c) run away; d) sleep. 6) Tom filled his pockets with a) forks; b) stones; c) nuts; d) apples. 7) In his cabinet Tom ate that he had taken from the dining room. a) oranges; b) nuts; c) apples; d) sweets. 8) knew how to help him. a) nobody; b) everybody; c) somebody; d) everything. 9) In his cabinet Tom felt for the first time he became a Prince. a) happy; b) angry; c) hungry; d) pleased. 10) At last Tom started to read a book about & a) adventures; b) royal history; c) making toy; d) good and bad manners. 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 96 A REAL FRIEND Many years ago a rich man named Llewellyn lived in the mountains of Wales. He had a little son two years old, whom he loved very dearly. Gelert, a large hound, was always near the boy. He was ready to protect him at any moment. One morning, as Llewellyn prepared to go hunting, Gelert could not be found, and Llewellyn had to go without him. That day the hunt was not good because his favorite hound was absent. When Llewellyn came back home late in the afternoon, Gelert came running to meet him. There was blood on his muzzle and head. Llewellyn hurried to the room where the child slept. The child could not be seen in the room. The bed, chairs and tables were overturned. Here and there he could see blood on the floor. Llewellyn turned to Gelert and said, You have killed my child! So he killed the dog. But a few minutes later he found his son in his overturned bed. He was all right. Then he saw the body of a large grey wolf lying in a dark corner of the room. Then Llewellyn understood everything. Gelert had killed the wolf before it attacked the child. Llewellyn laid a great stone in his yard as a monument to his hound Gelert. hound <8A;82AL:89 A>10:0 muzzle  <>@40 (A>10:8) I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: Many years ago a poor man named Llewellyn lived in the mountains of Wales. He had a little son two years old. Gelert, a large hound, was always near the boy. One morning Llewellyn prepared to go working. That day the hunt was not good because he wasnt well. Llewellyn came back home late in the afternoon. His little son came running to meet him. Llewellyn hurried to the garden where the child slept. Here and there he could see blood on the floor. Then he saw the body of a large grey wolf lying in a dark corner of the room. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option Many years ago a rich man named Llewellyn lived . . in the mountains of Wales; in the mountains of England; in the center of Wales; He had a little .. two years old. daughter; dog; son; Gelert, , was always near the boy. a large hound; a large cat; a little horse; One morning, as Llewellyn prepared to go hunting, could not be found. his son; his goat; Gelert; That day the .. was not good. hunt; weather; work; Llewellyn came back home .. . late at night; late in the afternoon; early in the morning; There was blood on .. . the door; Gelerts muzzle; Gelerts bone; He the dog. killed; feed; sold; Then he saw the body of a large grey wolf lying in . the garden; a dark cupboard; a dark corner of the room; Llewellyn laid a great stone in his yard as a monument to . his little son; his hound Gelert; his favorite horse; 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 97 BETTER TO HAVE STONES There was an old man who had a lot of money, but he did not like to spend it. He always said, I dont buy meat and fruit because I can eat bread and drink water. I dont buy new clothes because I can wear my old trousers and my old shirt. If I spend my money, I shall have no more. If I hide the money, I shall always have it. So he put his money in a box in the ground under a big tree. Every Sunday he went to the tree, opened the box and looked at his money. He did the same thing for many years; he never spent his money but always put some more into the box. One day he came to the tree, but he box was not there. Oh, my money! My money! he shouted. Where is my box of money? Somebody has taken my money! What shall I do without it? The people heard him and they began to ask him questions, and the old man told them his story. It was a bad man who took your money, said a woman, and we shall try to find him. But what shall I do without my money if you do not find the man? asked the old man. What did you do with your money when you had it? said the woman. Nothing. So get some stones, put them in a box, hide the box and go there everyday to look at them. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: There was an old man who had a lot of stones. The man bought a lot of meat and fruit. He always wore new modern clothes. He put his money in a jar under a big tree. Every Sunday he looked at his money. One day somebody stole his money. The man was very happy. The people tried to calm the man. The man didnt know what to do without his money. The people advised the man to hide gold. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option 1. There was a /an ___________ man. a) young b) middle-aged c) old 2. The man had ___________ money. a) a lot of b) a little c) very little 3. The man hid his money under _____________ a) a big stone b) a big tree c) a big box 4. The man came to the place where he held his money ____________ a) every Saturday b) every day c) every Sunday 5. The man did the same thing for ____________________ a) many months b) a few years c) many years 6. It was a ______________ man who took the money. a) bad b) generous c) good 7. The man _____________ what to do without his money. a) knew b) didnt know 8. The people were going __________________ a) to give him some money b) to try to find his money 9. The people told the man to hide some _____________ a) some money b) some beautiful stones c) some gold 10. The people told the man to come to the tree _______________ a) every week b) every year c) every day 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 98 HE WAS AFRAID A nervous man who lived in one of the suburbs of London was on his way home from the railway station. The road was dark and lonely. He heard footsteps behind him and had a uncomfortable feeling that he was being followed. He increased his speed. The footstep quickened accordingly. The man became frightened and darted down a lane. The footsteps still pursued him. In desperation he vaulted over a fence and, rushing into a churchyard threw himself panting on one of the graves. If he follows me here, he thought fearfully, there can be no doubt as to his intentions. That one behind was following, he was already scrambling over the fence. Visions of highwaymen, maniacs and the like flashed through the frightened mans brain. Quivering with fear he arose and faced his pursuer. What do you w-w-want? he demanded, wh-wh-why are you following me?" I say," asked the stranger, mopping his brow, do you always go home like this? Or are you giving yourself a special treat tonight? Im going up to Mr. Browns, and the man at the station told me to follow you, as you lived next door. Excuse my asking you, but is there much more to do before we get there? I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: A nervous man lived in England The road was unclear and empty He misheard someone's steps The footsteps became faster and faster The man became scared The man jumped through the fence The man saw ghosts and maniacs The man wasn't afraid at all The stranger wanted to know where Mr Brown lives 10. Mr. Brown lives in the neighbourhood near the man II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option Where did the nervous man live? in the country near London near railway station in London far from London What was the road? uncrowded noisy and dark full of people What did the man hear behind him? someone running behind him something unusual behind him someone going quickly behind him How did the man feel after having heard the footsteps? he was afraid of it he felt worrying he didn't frightened 5. What were the mans actions after getting frightened he darted to the place where were many graves he rushed into a church chapel he run to the church 6. How did the man feel when he faced the pursuer? quivering with excitement trembling with fear quivering with worrying What visions did the man see? ghosts and highwaymen maniacs and monsters different dangerous people What did a stranger ask a man about? about way to the station about road to his place of living about special treating towards him Why did a stranger pursue a man? because he wanted to go to Mr. Browns station because he wanted to know whether Mr. Brown is his neighbor because he wanted to get to Mr. Brown's house Say which of the following proverbs make the best ending of the story He laughs best who laughs last There is no smoke without fire All is well that ends well 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 99 Embroidery is an old Ukrainian tradition. It is a creative work. The Ukrainian women are very good at it. There are different variants of ornaments, clothes and house decorations. There is a legend about the black embroidered blouses. When the Turks attacked Ukraine near the river Zbruch they killed all the men. There were only girls in the villages. They couldn't marry. It was a great sorrow. They embroidered blouses in black threads and wore them. After that the seven generations of the girls dressed black embroidered blouses. They even married in them. Ukrainians like to embroider towels and put them on the wall. It is an old custom. In the past all houses were decorated with towels. A house without a towel was like a family without children. A towel was a face of a house and of a hostess. It was used in everyday life: when the child was born, when the guests came, when somebody left home or got married. Bread and salt on the Ukrainian towel showed great hospitality of the Ukrainian people. Towels were used for decorating the houses. The ornaments and colours of towels were differen# $ > ? ` c ' Y Z [ ڲvcvR>.hgCJOJQJaJmH sH 'h{zhgCJOJQJ]aJmH sH !hslCJOJQJ]aJmH sH $h{zhslCJOJQJaJmH sH 'h{zhslCJOJQJ]aJmH sH 'h{zh4"<5CJOJQJaJmH sH 'h{zhsl5CJOJQJaJmH sH $h{zh4"<CJOJQJaJmH"sH"(h{zhsl@ CJOJQJaJmH sH $h{zhslCJOJQJaJmH sH $h{zhslCJOJQJaJmH"sH" + Z [ < mmmm# & Fd-D1$7$8$H$M ]^gd<# & Fd-D1$7$8$H$M ]^gd< dgd{zd-D1$7$8$H$M ]gdg# & Fd-D1$7$8$H$M ]^gd< < i ( T " . ooo# & Fd-D1$7$8$H$M ]^gd<# & Fd-D1$7$8$H$M ]^gd<# & Fd-D1$7$8$H$M ]^gd<# & Fd-D1$7$8$H$M ]^gd< . / C W f g # & Fd-D1$7$8$H$M ]^gd<# & Fd-D1$7$8$H$M ]^gd<# & Fd-D1$7$8$H$M ]^gd<  0 ^ . h ooo# & Fd-D1$7$8$H$M ]^gd<# & Fd-D1$7$8$H$M ]^gd<# & Fd-D1$7$8$H$M ]^gd<# & Fd-D1$7$8$H$M ]^gd< T 3 4 V V l n ~$7d`7a$gd{z$hd-DM ^ha$gd{z$d-DM a$gdg $da$gdg$hd^ha$gd{z# & Fd-D1$7$8$H$M ]^gd< 1 3 T V  & ( 4 6 l ~ ƵkWkD$h{zhslCJOJQJaJmH sH 'h{zh4"<5CJOJQJaJmH sH 'h{zh4"<5CJOJQJaJmH"sH"#hmhg5CJOJQJmH"sH"h{zhg5CJOJQJaJ'h{zhg5CJOJQJaJmH"sH"!hg5CJOJQJaJmH"sH"'hghsl5CJOJQJaJmH sH $hghslCJOJQJaJmH sH $h{zhslCJOJQJaJmH sH   " _ $ W / = N `   % $d-DM a$gd{z dgd{z / l F ~jVC/'h{zhg5CJOJQJaJmH"sH"$hghslCJOJQJaJmH sH 'h{zhsl5CJOJQJaJmH"sH"'h{zhslCJOJQJ\aJmH sH -h{zhslB*CJOJQJaJmH phsH -h{zhgB*CJOJQJaJmH phsH 'hslB*CJOJQJaJmH phsH -h{zhslB*CJOJQJaJmH phsH 'h{zh4"<5CJOJQJaJmH sH 'h{zhsl5CJOJQJaJmH sH  % F T g r  - f s } $ @ d $d-DM a$gd{z H ~  H ^ ` v x < $7d`7a$gd{z$hd^ha$gd{z$hd-DM ^ha$gd{z$d-DM a$gdg $da$gdg$d-DM a$gdgF H ~     & ( ^ p v x     N ŵ׵׵סzfzVC$h{zhgCJOJQJaJmH sH hslCJOJQJaJmH sH 'h{zhsl5CJOJQJaJmH sH $h{zhslCJOJQJaJmH sH 'h{zh4"<5CJOJQJaJmH sH 'h{zh4"<5CJOJQJaJmH"sH"h{zhg5CJOJQJaJ#hmhg5CJOJQJmH"sH"'h{zhg5CJOJQJaJmH"sH"'h/hg5CJOJQJaJmH sH  & Q l  V  < v  $ & Fnd^na$gd< dgd{z$7d`7a$gd{z  N  : ~~"$ & F md-D1$7$8$H$M a$gd<"$ & F md-D1$7$8$H$M a$gd<$ & F da$gd<$ & Fda$gd< dgd{z$nd^na$gdg N    ' ( B C K L S T 6 e f o p y z     & ' / qqqqq(h{zhd@CJOJQJaJmH sH (h{zhd@CJOJQJaJmH sH (h{zhd@CJOJQJaJmH sH $h{zhdCJOJQJaJmH"sH"(h{zhd@CJOJQJaJmH sH (h{zhd@CJOJQJaJmH sH $h{zhdCJOJQJaJmH sH ,: C L T sPP"$ & F  d-D1$7$8$H$M a$gd<"$ & F  d-D1$7$8$H$M a$gd<"$ & F rd-D1$7$8$H$M a$gd<"$ & F  rd-D1$7$8$H$M a$gd<"$ & F  rd-D1$7$8$H$M a$gd<   . 6 ] f p z cc"$ & F  {d-D1$7$8$H$M a$gd<"$ & F  {d-D1$7$8$H$M a$gd<$ & Fda$gd<"$ & F d-D1$7$8$H$M a$gd<"$ & F d-D1$7$8$H$M a$gd<   ' 0 N O sssP"$ & F d-D1$7$8$H$M a$gd<"$ & F  d-D1$7$8$H$M a$gd<"$ & F d-D1$7$8$H$M a$gd<"$ & F d-D1$7$8$H$M a$gd<"$ & F d-D1$7$8$H$M a$gd< O ] g o p V V $,d^,a$gdg"$ & F d-D1$7$8$H$M a$gd<$$ & F  d-D1$7$8$H$M a$gd<"$ & F d-D1$7$8$H$M a$gd< T V  & ( 4 6 l ~ G I ô~jVBV'h{zhd5CJOJQJaJmH sH 'h{zh4"<5CJOJQJaJmH sH 'h{zh4"<5CJOJQJaJmH"sH"#hghg5CJOJQJmH"sH"hghg5CJOJQJaJ'hghg5CJOJQJaJmH"sH"h{zhdCJOJQJaJ(h{zhd@CJOJQJaJmH sH (h{zhd@CJOJQJaJmH sH $h{zhdCJOJQJaJmH sH V l n  [ G I * W $ & F da$gd< dgd{z$7d`7a$gd{z$hd^ha$gd{z$hd-DM ^ha$gd{z$,d-DM ^,a$gdg ) * V W 1 2    8 9 C W w x | }   D E J W  痃'h{zhdCJOJQJ\aJmH sH *h{zhd5CJOJQJ\aJmH sH 'h{zh4"<5CJOJQJaJmH sH $h{zh{zCJOJQJaJmH sH $h{zhdCJOJQJaJmH sH 0h{zhdCJOJPJQJaJmH nHsH tH3 2   9 D P W x } $ & Fda$gd<$ & Fda$gd<$ & Fda$gd<$ & Fda$gd< dgd{z$ da$gd{z$ & F da$gd<    E K R W      $ & Fda$gd<$ & Fda$gd<$ & Fda$gd<$ & Fda$gd<$ & Fda$gd<$ & Fda$gd<       :          , .    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A lot of songs about a towel have been composed in Ukraine. creative  B2>@G89; sorrow  3>@5, A<CB>:; thread  =8B:0; generation  ?>:>;V==O; custom  728G09; hostess  E07O9:0; hospitality  3>AB8==VABL. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: Embroidery is a custom that is widely spread all over the world. It is used as the house decoration. All people in Ukraine are good at embroidering. The old legend tells about the times of the Turkish invasion. Many people were killed in the struggle for free life. It was a great sorrow for everyone. According to the legend the Ukrainian women embroidered blouses only in black threads. The seven generations of the girls wore black embroidered blouses because they could not marry. In the past all houses in Ukraine were decorated with embroideries. The embroidered towel was a mirror of the beauty of the hostess in the house. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option 1. Embroidery is ...Ukrainian tradition. a) a new; b) a modern; c) an old. 2. The Ukrainian ... are good at it. a) men; b) women; c) children. 3. There is a legend about the embroidered ... a) blouses; b) dresses; c) towels. 4. These embroideries were made in ... threads. a) red; b) black; c) grey. The legend tells about the attacks of... on the Ukrainian villages. a) the Poles; b) the Turks; c) the Tatars. Once many men were killed in the village near the river ... a) Dnipro; b) Zbruch; c) Buh. After that the girls in that village couldn't.... a) work in the fields; b) embroider c) get married. 8. The .... generations of the girls embroidered in black threads after that. a) six; b) seven; c) nine. 9. In the past all Ukrainians houses were decorated with ... a) embroidered dresses; b) embroidered towels; c) embroidered blouses. 10.... on the towel showed hospitality of the Ukrainian people. a) Bread and sugar; b) Salt and pepper; c) Bread and salt. 5?0@B0<5=B >A2VB8 V==8FL:>W <VAL:>W @048 VAL:89 <5B>48G=89 :01V=5B VAL:0 0;LB5@=0B82=0 >;V<?V040 7 0=3;V9AL:>W <>28 4;O CG=V2 7  E :;0AV2 2013  2014 =02G0;L=89 @V: C4VN20==O  " 100 You can learn a foreign language. This is a true statement. It is true because you know your mother tongue. And if you have been able to learn it, you can learn any language provided you really want to. If you want to speak a language, you must hear it spoken. The luckiest students have a teacher who speaks fluently and never uses a word of his mother tongue in class. This makes it possible to learn a new language the natural way as babies do by imitating. When there is no teacher to do the speaking a record or a tape recording can be a great help. If you are mainly interested in reading a language, you do not need to hear it spoken. Many people learn languages without the help of any teacher. Actually there is no magic formula to follow. But there are general guides that you will find helpful if you want first to speak and then later to read a new language. They are: listen to native speakers, records and tapes, then imitate as closely as you can the exact intonations you hear native speakers use. Study carefully grammar rules. Practise reading foreign language newspapers and magazines, children's books and detective stories. The more you read, the sooner you will get to feel the language. As you practise your new language, force yourself from the very beginning to think in that language too. provided  70 C<>28, I>; fluently  2V;L=>; exact  B>G=89; force  ?@8<CHC20B8. I. Listen to the text and mark these statements True or False: It's easier to learn a language if you have a desire to do this. If you want to read and write a language you must hear it every day. It is difficult to learn a language by imitating it. If you have a good teacher it's much easier to learn a new language. Speaking is of great help if you study a language. All people study languages with the help of teachers. There are no good rules in learning foreign languages. Every student must learn grammar rules. The more you write, the sooner you will understand the language. One can try to think in the language as soon as he starts learning it. II. Listen to the text and circle the correct option 1. One can learn a foreign language because ... a) it's as easy as ABC; b) he has a wish to do that; c) he has been forced to do that. 2. If someone wants to speak a language, he must... a) read it; b) listen to it spoken; c) write it. 3. The students are very lucky if their teacher can ... a) read very quickly;  N p       * l    5 Y D & FH d1$]gd/@$ & FH d1$a$gd/D & FH d1$gd/$hd^ha$gd{z dgd{z ?1$^gd/ ?1$^gd/ ?1$^gd/     *            D ŴxfQ::,h/h/0JA@CJaJmH nH sH tH (h/h/0JACJaJmHnH sHtH #h/h4"<5OJQJaJmH sH $h/h/0JECJmH nH sH tH (h/h/0JACJaJmH nH sH tH 'h{zh4"<5CJOJQJaJmH sH !h/5CJOJQJaJmH sH 'h{zh4"<5CJOJQJaJmH"sH"'h/h4"<5CJOJQJaJmH sH $h{zh4"<CJOJQJaJmH"sH"Y   U       $ I Q [ ss@$ d1$`a$gd/@$ d1$`a$gd/ F d1$gd/ dgd{z$hd^ha$gd{zC & FH d1$gd/@$ & FH d1$a$gd/@ & FH d1$gd/ [ h         I W e t   F d1$gd/F & FI d1$gd/G d1$gd/ F d1$gd/G d1$gd/@$ d1$`a$gd/@$ d1$`a$gd/     $ 4       B ! :! >! ! $da$gdgG d1$gd/ F d1$gd/ G d1$gd/F & FI d1$gd/F d1$gd/D F N :! >! ! ! ! \" ^" d" f" r" t" " " " " $ $ % % '% )% & ±{gSg>>>(h/h/0JACJaJmH"nH sH"tH 'h{zh4"<5CJOJQJaJmH sH 'h{zh4"<5CJOJQJaJmH"sH"#hmhg5CJOJQJmH"sH"h{zhg5CJOJQJaJ'h{zhg5CJOJQJaJmH"sH"!h/5CJOJQJaJmH"sH"(h/h/0JACJaJmH nH sH tH ,h/h/0JA@CJaJmH nH sH tH "h/0JACJaJmH nH sH tH ! ! 0" ^" " " " " " 0$ )& & ) N) t) | ?1$^gd/ ?1$^gd/ @d1$gd/ @d1$`gd/ @d1$`gd/$hd^ha$gd{z$hd-DM ^ha$gd{z$d-DM a$gdg $da$gdg& ) N) `) t) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) "* u, , - D G G s_J_JHJ6#h/h4"<5OJQJaJmH sH U(h/h/0JACJaJmH nH sH tH 'h{zh4"<5CJOJQJaJmH sH !h/5CJOJQJaJmH sH 'h{zh4"<5CJOJQJaJmH"sH"'h/h4"<5CJOJQJaJmH sH (h/h/0JBCJaJmH"nH sH"tH (h/h/0JBCJaJmH nH sH tH (h/h/0JBCJaJmH nH sH tH (h/h/0JACJaJmH nH sH tH t) ) ) ) ) ) "* c* * * #+ V+ + + + ~~~G & FJ 7;d1$^`;gd/C & FJ 7;d1$^`;gd/C$ & FJ 7;d1$^`;a$gd/ dgd{z$hd^ha$gd{z ?1$^gd/ ?1$^gd/+ ., u, v, , , , - 7- k- x- - - - D *D Gd1$gd/F d1$]gd/ G 6 d1$gd/ Gd1$]gd/ F d1$gd/ dgd{z$hd^ha$gd{zC$ & FJ 7;d1$^`;a$gd/b) speak very quickly; c) speak fluently. 4. It's very good when the teacher never ... helps his students; says something in his mother tongue; imitates his students. 5. If the teacher speaks fluently, you are ... student then. a) the happiest; b) the most intelligent; c) the worst. 6. The natural way of learning languages is by ... a) imitating the sounds; b) memorizing the words; c) describing the pictures. 7. Actually there is no magic ... to follow in learning foreign languages. a) book; b) advice; c) formula. 8. But there are ... helpful guides if you want to learn speaking and reading a language. a) no; b) some; c) many. 9. When you start learning a language the first thing you should do is ... a) to read different texts; b) to listen to the records; c) to imitate intonations. 10. The next step in the process of learning is ... a) to study grammar rules; b) to imitate intonations; c) to read different texts.     *D WD kD D D D D E E RE oE E E E E F F kF sF }F G  d1$gd/I d1$`gd/ Gd1$]gd/ G  d1$gd/F & FK d1$gd/ F d1$gd/}F F F G &G ZG vG G G G G G G G G G G G G 4 dgdk=$hd^ha$gd/ Gd1$]gd/ F d1$gd/ Gd1$gd/ F d1$gd/G  d1$gd/G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G #h/h4"<5OJQJaJmH sH hqhN>xjhN>xUG G G G G G G G G G G G G G $hd^ha$gd/64 21h:p{z. A!7"7#7$7% 5 01h:p{z. A!7"7#7$7% 5 01h:p{z. A!7"7#7$7% 5 01h:p{z. A!7"7#7$7% 5 01h:p{z. A!7"7#7$7% 5 01h:pm. A!7"7#7$7% 5 01h:p{z. A!7"7#7$7% 5 01h:pm. A!7"7#7$7% 5 01h:p{z. A!7"7#7$7% 5 01h:p{z. A!7"7#7$7% 5 01h:p{z. A!7"7#7$7% 5 01h:pm. A!7"7#7$7% 5 01h:p{z. A!7"7#7$7% 5 01h:p{z. A!7"7#7$7% 5 01h:p{z. A!7"7#7$7% 5 01h:pm. A!7"7#7$7% 9 01h:p{z. A!7"7#7$7% P 5 01h:pm. A!7"7#7$7% 5 01h:p{z. A!7"7#7$7% 5 01h:pm. A!7"7#7$7% 5 01h:p{z. A!7"7#7$7% 9 01h:p{z. A!7"7#7$7% P 5 01h:p{z. A!7"7#7$7% 9 01h:p{z. A!7"7#7$7% P 5 01h:p{z. 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L^ `L.^`.^`.L^`L.O^O`.^`.L^`L.8^8`o()^`. L^ `L. ^ `.x^x`.HL^H`L.^`.^`.L^`L.h^h`o(8^8`.L^`L. ^ `. ^ `.xL^x`L.H^H`.^`.L^`L.^`)^`.pp^p`.@ @ ^@ `.^`.^`.^`.^`.PP^P`.^`o()^`.pLp^p`L.@ @ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PLP^P`L.1^1`OJPJQJ^Jo(-^`.pp^p`.@ @ ^@ `.^`.^`.^`.^`.PP^P`.hh^h`o()88^8`.L^`L.  ^ `.  ^ `.xLx^x`L.HH^H`.^`.L^`L.^`o()^`.pLp^p`L.@ @ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PLP^P`L.^`o()^`.pL^p`L.@ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PL^P`L.^`o(.^`.pL^p`L.@ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PL^P`L.h^h`)8^8`.L^`L. ^ `. ^ `.xL^x`L.H^H`.^`.L^`L.^`)^`.pp^p`.@ @ ^@ `.^`.^`.^`.^`.PP^P`.z^z`o()J^J`. L^ `L. ^ `.^`.L^`L.Z^Z`.*^*`.L^`L.^`o()a^a`.1 L^1 `L.^`.^`.L^`L.q^q`.A^A`.L^`L.^`.p^p`.@ L^@ `L.^`.^`.L^`L.^`.P^P`. L^ `L.I567:>*@B*CJEHOJPJ QJRHd\]^JaJo(phsH )I567:>*@B*CJEHOJPJ QJRHd\]^JaJo(phsH .8^8`o()^`. L^ `L. ^ `.x^x`.HL^H`L.^`.^`.L^`L.@hOJQJ^Jo(.8^8`o()^`. 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L^ `L. ^ `.x^x`.HL^H`L.^`.^`.L^`L. ^ `. ^ `.xL^x`L.H^H`.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.X L^X `L.^`o()^`.pLp^p`L.@ @ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PLP^P`L.^`o()^`.pL^p`L.@ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PL^P`L.^`o() ^ `. L^ `L.x^x`.H^H`.L^`L.^`.^`.L^`L.^`o(.^`.` L^` `L.0 ^0 `.^`.L^`L.^`.p^p`.@L^@`L.^`o()^`.L^`L.| | ^| `.LL^L`.L^`L.^`.^`.L^`L.^`5.p^p`.@ L^@ `L.^`.^`.L^`L.^`.P^P`. L^ `L.^`o() ^ `.w L^w `L.G^G`.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.WL^W`L.hh^h`.88^8`.L^`L.  ^ `.  ^ `.xLx^x`L.HH^H`.^`.L^`L.^`o() ^ `. L^ `L.x^x`.H^H`.L^`L.^`.^`.L^`L. 8^8`B*o(ph)^`. L^ `L. ^ `.x^x`.HL^H`L.^`.^`.L^`L.^`o(.^`.pL^p`L.@ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PL^P`L.8^8`o()^`. L^ `L. ^ `.x^x`.HL^H`L.^`.^`.L^`L.8^8`o(.^`. L^ `L. ^ `.x^x`.HL^H`L.^`.^`.L^`L.^`5o(.^`.L^`L.P P ^P `.  ^ `.L^`L.^`.^`.`L`^``L.h^h`. ^ `o(.L^`L.^`.T^T`.$L^$`L.^`.^`.L^`L.8^8`o()^`. L^ `L. ^ `.x^x`.HL^H`L.^`.^`.L^`L.^`o()^`OJ QJ ^J o(o pp^p`OJ QJ o( @ @ ^@ `OJQJo(^`OJ QJ ^J o(o ^`OJ QJ o( ^`OJQJo(^`OJ QJ ^J o(o PP^P`OJ QJ o(^`5.p^p`.@ L^@ `L.^`.^`.L^`L.^`.P^P`. L^ `L.h^h`. ^ `o(.L^`L.^`.T^T`.$L^$`L.^`.^`.L^`L.8^8`^Jo()^`^J. L^ `L^J. ^ `^J.x^x`^J.HL^H`L^J.^`^J.^`^J.L^`L^J.I567:>*@B*CJEHOJPJ QJRHd\]^JaJo(phsH )^`.^`.pL^p`L.@ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PL^P`L.^`.^`.pL^p`L.@ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PL^P`L.L^L`)^`.L^`L. ^ `.^`.\L^\`L.,^,`.^`.L^`L.^`o(.TT^T`.$ L$ ^$ `L.  ^ `.^`.L^`L.dd^d`.44^4`.L^`L.8^8`o()^`. L^ `L. ^ `.x^x`.HL^H`L.^`.^`.L^`L.^`o()^`.RL^R`L." ^" `. ^ `.L^`L.^`.b^b`.2L^2`L.^`5.p^p`.@ L^@ `L.^`.^`.L^`L.^`.P^P`. L^ `L. ^ `. ^ `.xL^x`L.H^H`.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.X L^X `L.8^8`o()^`. L^ `L. ^ `.x^x`.HL^H`L.^`.^`.L^`L. 8^8`B*o(ph)^`. L^ `L. ^ `.x^x`.HL^H`L.^`.^`.L^`L.8^8`o(.^`. L^ `L. ^ `.x^x`.HL^H`L.^`.^`.L^`L.^`^Jo()R^R`^J." L^" `L^J. ^ `^J.^`^J.L^`L^J.b^b`^J.2^2`^J.L^`L^J.^`)^`.pp^p`.@ @ ^@ `.^`.^`.^`.^`.PP^P`.^`o()^`.pLp^p`L.@ @ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PLP^P`L.^`o()^`.pL^p`L.@ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PL^P`L.^`o()^`o(.pLp^p`L.@ @ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PLP^P`L.^`o() ^ `.w L^w `L.G^G`.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.WL^W`L.^`o(.^`.pLp^p`L.@ @ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PLP^P`L.^`5.p^p`.@ L^@ `L.^`.^`.L^`L.^`.P^P`. L^ `L.^`o(.^`.L^`L. ^ `.R^R`."L^"`L.^`.^`.L^`L. 8^8`B*o(ph)^`. L^ `L. ^ `.x^x`.HL^H`L.^`.^`.L^`L.8^8`^Jo()^`^J. L^ `L^J. ^ `^J.x^x`^J.HL^H`L^J.^`^J.^`^J.L^`L^J.^`^Jo(.^`^J.pL^p`L^J.@ ^@ `^J.^`^J.L^`L^J.^`^J.^`^J.PL^P`L^J.^`.T^T`.$L^$`L. ^ `. ^ `.L^`L.d^d`.4^4`.L^`L.^`o(.^`.pL^p`L.@ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PL^P`L.8^8`o()^`. L^ `L. ^ `.x^x`.HL^H`L.^`.^`.L^`L.z^z`o()J^J`. L^ `L. ^ `.^`.L^`L.Z^Z`.*^*`.L^`L.^`o(.^`.RL^R`L." ^" `. ^ `.L^`L.^`.b^b`.2L^2`L.@^`OJQJ^Jo(.^`.^`. $ ^$ `o(.@ ^@ `o()^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PL^P`L.^`5.p^p`.@ L^@ `L.^`.^`.L^`L.^`.P^P`. L^ `L.^`o(.^`.pL^p`L.@ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PL^P`L.,^,`OJPJQJ^J.^`. L^ `L. ^ `.l^l`.<L^<`L. ^ `.^`.L^`L.h^h`o(.8^8`.L^`L. ^ `. ^ `.xL^x`L.H^H`.^`.L^`L.@vOJQJ^Jo()^`o()^`.[L^[`L.+ ^+ `. ^ `.L^`L.^`.k^k`.;L^;`L.^`o(.^`.pL^p`L.@ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PL^P`L.8^8`^Jo()^`^J. L^ `L^J. ^ `^J.x^x`^J.HL^H`L^J.^`^J.^`^J.L^`L^J.L^L`o()^`.L^`L. ^ `.^`.\L^\`L.,^,`.^`.L^`L.8^8`o(.^`. L^ `L. ^ `.x^x`.HL^H`L.^`.^`.L^`L.8^8`^Jo()^`^J. L^ `L^J. ^ `^J.x^x`^J.HL^H`L^J.^`^J.^`^J.L^`L^J.I567:>*@B*CJEHOJPJ QJRHd\]^JaJo(phsH .^`o()^`.pL^p`L.@ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PL^P`L.8^8`^Jo()^`^J. L^ `L^J. ^ `^J.x^x`^J.HL^H`L^J.^`^J.^`^J.L^`L^J.h^h`. ^ `o(.L^`L.^`.T^T`.$L^$`L.^`.^`.L^`L.8^8`o()^`. L^ `L. ^ `.x^x`.HL^H`L.^`.^`.L^`L.^`.p^p`.@ L^@ `L.^`.^`.L^`L.^`.P^P`. L^ `L.8^8`o()^`. L^ `L. ^ `.x^x`.HL^H`L.^`.^`.L^`L.^`o()d^d`.4 L^4 `L.^`.^`.L^`L.t^t`.D^D`.L^`L. h^h`5^Jo()8^8`.L^`L. ^ `. ^ `.xL^x`L.H^H`.^`.L^`L.8^8`o(.^`. L^ `L. ^ `.x^x`.HL^H`L.^`.^`.L^`L.h^h`5)8^8`.L^`L. ^ `. ^ `.xL^x`L.H^H`.^`.L^`L.88^8`)^`.  ^ `.  ^ `.xx^x`.HH^H`.^`.^`.^`.h^h`.8^8`.L^`L. ^ `. ^ `.xL^x`L.H^H`.^`.L^`L.>^>`. ^ `. ^ `o()^`.~^~`.NL^N`L.^`.^`.L^`L.@qOJQJ^Jo()^`o() ^ `. L^ `L.x^x`.H^H`.L^`L.^`.^`.L^`L.^`o()^`.pL^p`L.@ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PL^P`L.^`o(.0^`0o(.pLp^p`L.@ @ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PLP^P`L.^`o()^`.pL^p`L.@ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PL^P`L.^`.^`.pLp^p`L.@ @ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PLP^P`L.^`o() ^ `. L^ `L.x^x`.H^H`.L^`L.^`.^`.L^`L.^`o(.^`.pL^p`L.@ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PL^P`L.,,^,`.dd^d`OJPJQJ^J.4 4 ^4 `.^`.^`.^`.tt^t`.DD^D`.^`.h^h`.8^8`.L^`L. ^ `. ^ `.xL^x`L.H^H`.^`.L^`L.^`o()^`.pLp^p`L.@ @ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PLP^P`L.8^8`o(.^`. L^ `L. ^ `.x^x`.HL^H`L.^`.^`.L^`L.8^8`o()^`. L^ `L. ^ `.x^x`.HL^H`L.^`.^`.L^`L.h^h`)8^8`.L^`L. ^ `. ^ `.xL^x`L.H^H`.^`.L^`L. 8^8`B*o(ph)^`. L^ `L. ^ `.x^x`.HL^H`L.^`.^`.L^`L.^`o() ^ `.w L^w `L.G^G`.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.WL^W`L.@vOJQJ^Jo()^`^Jo()R^R`^J." L^" `L^J. ^ `^J.^`^J.L^`L^J.b^b`^J.2^2`^J.L^`L^J.^`o()^`.pL^p`L.@ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PL^P`L. ^ `. ^ `.xL^x`L.H^H`.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.X L^X `L.  ^ `o()^`5CJOJQJ^JaJo()L^`L.| | ^| `.LL^L`.L^`L.^`.^`.L^`L.^`o()TT^T`.$ L$ ^$ `L.  ^ `.^`.L^`L.dd^d`.44^4`.L^`L.^`o()^`.RL^R`L." ^" `. ^ `.L^`L.^`.b^b`.2L^2`L.^`o(.^`.pLp^p`L.@ @ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PLP^P`L.@ OJQJ^Jo()z^z`o()J^J`. L^ `L. ^ `.^`.L^`L.Z^Z`.*^*`.L^`L.^`)^`.pp^p`.@ @ ^@ `.^`.^`.^`.^`.PP^P`.8^8`o(.^`. L^ `L. ^ `.x^x`.HL^H`L.^`.^`.L^`L.^`o()^`.pL^p`L.@ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PL^P`L. ^`5^Jo()^`.pL^p`L.@ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PL^P`L.@rOJQJ^Jo()^`o()^`.pLp^p`L.@ @ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PLP^P`L.h^h`o(.8^8`.L^`L. ^ `. ^ `.xL^x`L.H^H`.^`.L^`L.^`5.p^p`.@ L^@ `L.^`.^`.L^`L.^`.P^P`. L^ `L.8^8`o(.^`. L^ `L. ^ `.x^x`.HL^H`L.^`.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.pL^p`L.@ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PL^P`L.8^8`^Jo()^`^J. L^ `L^J. ^ `^J.x^x`^J.HL^H`L^J.^`^J.^`^J.L^`L^J.8^8`o(.^`. L^ `L. ^ `.x^x`.HL^H`L.^`.^`.L^`L.^`5.p^p`.@ L^@ `L.^`.^`.L^`L.^`.P^P`. L^ `L.nn^n`o(.ff^f`o(.L^`L.^`.^`.~L~^~`L.NN^N`.^`.L^`L.^`o() ^ `. L^ `L.x^x`.H^H`.L^`L.^`.^`.L^`L.8^8`^Jo()^`^J. L^ `L^J. ^ `^J.x^x`^J.HL^H`L^J.^`^J.^`^J.L^`L^J.^`.^`.pL^p`L.@ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PL^P`L.^`o()^`.RL^R`L." ^" `. ^ `.L^`L.^`.b^b`.2L^2`L.^`)^`.pp^p`.@ @ ^@ `.^`.^`.^`.^`.PP^P`.8^8`o()^`. L^ `L. ^ `.x^x`.HL^H`L.^`.^`.L^`L.^`o(.^`.pL^p`L.@ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PL^P`L.8^8`o(.^`. L^ `L. ^ `.x^x`.HL^H`L.^`.^`.L^`L.^`^Jo()^`^J.O L^O `L^J.^`^J.^`^J.L^`L^J.^`^J._^_`^J./L^/`L^J.^`^Jo(.^`^J. L^ `L^J. ^ `^J.Z^Z`^J.*L^*`L^J.^`^J.^`^J.L^`L^J.^`5.p^p`.@ L^@ `L.^`.^`.L^`L.^`.P^P`. L^ `L.^`o() ^ `.w L^w `L.G^G`.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.WL^W`L.^`o()^`.L^`L.^ ^^ `..^.`.L^`L.^`.^`.nL^n`L.hh^h`^Jo(.88^8`^J.L^`L^J.  ^ `^J.  ^ `^J.xLx^x`L^J.HH^H`^J.^`^J.L^`L^J.8^8`o(.^`. L^ `L. ^ `.x^x`.HL^H`L.^`.^`.L^`L.^`o(.^`.pL^p`L.@ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PL^P`L.hh^h`.88^8`.L^`L.  ^ `.  ^ `.xLx^x`L.HH^H`.^`.L^`L.^`o()^`.pLp^p`L.@ @ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PLP^P`L.^`)^`.pp^p`.@ @ ^@ `.^`.^`.^`.^`.PP^P`. ^ `. ^ `.xL^x`L.H^H`.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.X L^X `L.8^8`o()^`. L^ `L. ^ `.x^x`.HL^H`L.^`.^`.L^`L.^`^Jo()^`^J.O L^O `L^J.^`^J.^`^J.L^`L^J.^`^J._^_`^J./L^/`L^J.8^8`^Jo()^`^J. L^ `L^J. ^ `^J.x^x`^J.HL^H`L^J.^`^J.^`^J.L^`L^J. ^ `. ^ `.xL^x`L.H^H`.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.X L^X `L.^`o() ^ `.w L^w `L.G^G`.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.WL^W`L.^`o()^`.pL^p`L.@ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PL^P`L.^`.p^p`.@ L^@ `L.^`.^`.L^`L.^`.P^P`. L^ `L.8^8`o()^`. L^ `L. ^ `.x^x`.HL^H`L.^`.^`.L^`L.^`o()^`.L^`L.m ^m `.=^=`. L^ `L.^`.^`.}L^}`L.8^8`o(.^`. L^ `L. ^ `.x^x`.HL^H`L.^`.^`.L^`L.^`5.p^p`.@ L^@ `L.^`.^`.L^`L.^`.P^P`. L^ `L.^`o()^`.` L` ^` `L.0 0 ^0 `.^`.L^`L.^`.pp^p`.@L@^@`L.8^8`^Jo()^`^J. L^ `L^J. ^ `^J.x^x`^J.HL^H`L^J.^`^J.^`^J.L^`L^J.8^8`CJOJPJQJo()^`. L^ `L. ^ `.x^x`.HL^H`L.^`.^`.L^`L.^`5o(.^`.pL^p`L.@ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PL^P`L.^`)^`. L^ `L.n ^n `.>^>`.L^`L.^`.^`.~L^~`L.^`o() ^ `. L^ `L.x^x`.H^H`.L^`L.^`.^`.L^`L.8^8`o(.^`. L^ `L. ^ `.x^x`.HL^H`L.^`.^`.L^`L.^`o()^`.pLp^p`L.@ @ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PLP^P`L.8^8`^Jo()^`^J. L^ `L^J. ^ `^J.x^x`^J.HL^H`L^J.^`^J.^`^J.L^`L^J.^`^Jo()R^R`^J." L^" `L^J. ^ `^J.^`^J.L^`L^J.b^b`^J.2^2`^J.L^`L^J.I567:>*@B*CJEHOJPJ QJRHd\]^JaJo(phsH )@wOJQJ^Jo()^`o() ^ `. L^ `L.x^x`.H^H`.L^`L.^`.^`.L^`L. ^ `. ^ `.xL^x`L.H^H`.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.X L^X `L.^`5.p^p`.@ L^@ `L.^`.^`.L^`L.^`.P^P`. L^ `L.8^8`^Jo()^`^J. L^ `L^J. ^ `^J.x^x`^J.HL^H`L^J.^`^J.^`^J.L^`L^J.^`o()^`.L^`L.^ ^^ `..^.`.L^`L.^`.^`.nL^n`L.h^h`. ^ `o(.L^`L.^`.T^T`.$L^$`L.^`.^`.L^`L.h^h`.^`.pp^p`.@ @ ^@ `.^`.^`.^`.^`.PP^P`.8^8`.^`.pp^p`.@ @ ^@ `.^`.^`.^`.^`.PP^P`.^`^Jo()^`^J.O L^O `L^J.^`^J.^`^J.L^`L^J.^`^J._^_`^J./L^/`L^J.^`^Jo()^`^J.O L^O `L^J.^`^J.^`^J.L^`L^J.^`^J._^_`^J./L^/`L^J.@^`56>*CJOJQJ^Jo() ^`o()^`o(.pLp^p`L.@ @ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PLP^P`L.^`^Jo(.^`^J.pL^p`L^J.@ ^@ `^J.^`^J.L^`L^J.^`^J.^`^J.PL^P`L^J.^`o()^`.pLp^p`L.@ @ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PLP^P`L.8^8`o()^`. L^ `L. ^ `.x^x`.HL^H`L.^`.^`.L^`L.h^h`)8^8`.L^`L. ^ `. ^ `.xL^x`L.H^H`.^`.L^`L.^`)^`.pp^p`.@ @ ^@ `.^`.^`.^`.^`.PP^P`.h^h`)8^8`.L^`L. ^ `. ^ `.xL^x`L.H^H`.^`.L^`L.^`o()^`.pL^p`L.@ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PL^P`L.>567:>*@B*CJEHOJQJRHd\]^JaJph)>567:>*@B*CJEHOJQJRHd\]^JaJph)>567:>*@B*CJEHOJQJRHd\]^JaJph)>567:>*@B*CJEHOJQJRHd\]^JaJph)>567:>*@B*CJEHOJQJRHd\]^JaJph)>567:>*@B*CJEHOJQJRHd\]^JaJph)>567:>*@B*CJEHOJQJRHd\]^JaJph)>567:>*@B*CJEHOJQJRHd\]^JaJph)>567:>*@B*CJEHOJQJRHd\]^JaJph)z^z`o()J^J`. L^ `L. ^ `.^`.L^`L.Z^Z`.*^*`.L^`L.g^g`o()7^7`.L^`L. ^ `. ^ `.wL^w`L.G^G`.^`.L^`L.^`o(.^ ^ ^^ `o(..L.^.`L.^`.^`.L^`L.nn^n`.>>^>`.L^`L.^`5.p^p`.@ L^@ `L.^`.^`.L^`L.^`.P^P`. L^ `L.^`o()^`.pL^p`L.@ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PL^P`L.8^8`o(.^`. L^ `L. ^ `.x^x`.HL^H`L.^`.^`.L^`L.,,^,`o(.  ^ `o(.  ^ `o(.  ^ `o(.ll^l`.<L<^<`L.  ^ `.^`.L^`L.^`)^`.pp^p`.@ @ ^@ `.^`.^`.^`.^`.PP^P`.^`5.p^p`.@ L^@ `L.^`.^`.L^`L.^`.P^P`. L^ `L.^`.^`.pL^p`L.@ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PL^P`L.8^8`o()^`. L^ `L. ^ `.x^x`.HL^H`L.^`.^`.L^`L.^`o(.^`.pL^p`L.@ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PL^P`L.8^8`^Jo()^`^J. L^ `L^J. ^ `^J.x^x`^J.HL^H`L^J.^`^J.^`^J.L^`L^J.z^z`o()J^J`. L^ `L. ^ `.^`.L^`L.Z^Z`.*^*`.L^`L.^`o()^`o()pLp^p`L.@ @ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PLP^P`L.^`.^`.pL^p`L.@ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PL^P`L.h^h`)8^8`.L^`L. ^ `. ^ `.xL^x`L.H^H`.^`.L^`L.8^8`^Jo()^`^J. L^ `L^J. ^ `^J.x^x`^J.HL^H`L^J.^`^J.^`^J.L^`L^J. 8^8`B*o(ph)^`. L^ `L. ^ `.x^x`.HL^H`L.^`.^`.L^`L.^`o(.p^p`.@ L^@ `L.^`.^`.L^`L.^`.P^P`. L^ `L.^`5)^`.pL^p`L.@ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PL^P`L.^`o()^`.pLp^p`L.@ @ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PLP^P`L.BB^B`5o(.  ^ `. L ^ `L.^`.^`.RLR^R`L.""^"`.^`.L^`L.^`o()^`.RL^R`L." ^" `. ^ `.L^`L.^`.b^b`.2L^2`L.^`.^`.pL^p`L.@ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PL^P`L. ^`5^Jo()^`.pL^p`L.@ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PL^P`L.8^8`o()^`. L^ `L. ^ `.x^x`.HL^H`L.^`.^`.L^`L.^`o() ^ `.w L^w `L.G^G`.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.WL^W`L.z^z`o()J^J`. 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L^ `L^J. ^ `^J.x^x`^J.HL^H`L^J.^`^J.^`^J.L^`L^J.^`o()^`.pL^p`L.@ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PL^P`L.^`o() ^ `. L^ `L.x^x`.H^H`.L^`L.^`.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.pp^p`.@ @ ^@ `.^`.^`.^`.^`.PP^P`.^`5.p^p`.@ L^@ `L.^`.^`.L^`L.^`.P^P`. L^ `L.8^8`o()^`. L^ `L. ^ `.x^x`.HL^H`L.^`.^`.L^`L.hh^h`.88^8`.L^`L.  ^ `.  ^ `.xLx^x`L.HH^H`.^`.L^`L.**^*`o()66^6`. L ^ `L.  ^ `.^`.vLv^v`L.FF^F`.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.pp^p`.@ @ ^@ `.^`.^`.^`.^`.PP^P`.^`o()^`.pL^p`L.@ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PL^P`L.z^z`o()J^J`. L^ `L. ^ `.^`.L^`L.Z^Z`.*^*`.L^`L.^`5.p^p`.@ L^@ `L.^`.^`.L^`L.^`.P^P`. L^ `L.^`o(.^`.pL^p`L.@ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PL^P`L.h^h`)8^8`.L^`L. ^ `. ^ `.xL^x`L.H^H`.^`.L^`L.8^8`^Jo()^`^J. L^ `L^J. ^ `^J.x^x`^J.HL^H`L^J.^`^J.^`^J.L^`L^J.^`o(.^`.` L^` `L.0 ^0 `.^`.L^`L.^`.p^p`.@L^@`L.^`.^`. L^ `L.[ ^[ `.+^+`.L^`L.^`.^`.kL^k`L.8^8`^Jo()^`^J. 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