ࡱ> ;=:M  bjbj== "2WW lnnnnnnn  l +++$ n+ "+++Mnn sMMM+"n n M+MJMnn )g M0MMnnnnA Geometry WebQuest  The WebQuest you are about to undertake will require you to research a variety of different geometric topics. One of the most important aspects of geometry is an in-depth understanding of the terminology. Another crucial aspect of geometry in to be able to find and apply specific formulas. These two goals will be enhanced by completing the following tasks using the World Wide Web. Task One The following is a list of some of the geometric concepts we will discuss in class. Your job is to find the formal/mathematical definition of each term. Once a definition has been found, it is your job to copy down the definition on your own paper and cite in parenthesis from what website the definition came. I suggest you use at least two different websites to obtain your definitions. Note: This is not an exercise on how to cut and paste from a website. I expect the definitions to be typed on a word document. If the print is in different formats or sizes you will lose points. Here is the list of terms. Terms List pointlineline segmentrayplaneparallelperpendicularangleangle bisectorobtuse angleacute angleright anglesupplementary anglescomplementary angleslinear angle pairvertical anglescorresponding anglesalternate interior anglesarcsectorradiusalternate exterior anglesdiametercircumferenceperimeterareasurface areapolygonpolyhedronapothem Task Two Your second task consists of searching for and recording formulas that will be used during this class. You will need to find a formula for each of the geometric items in the following list. Type the formula in your document and also record in parentheses where you located the information. Area Formulas squarerectangleparallelogramrhombustrapezoidtriangleequilateral trianglehexagoncircle Other Formulas circumferenceperimeterPythagorean TheoremsinecosinetangentEulers TheoremHerrons Formula Resources The following tables contains different possible locations to search for information. Math Sites http://www.math.com/http://mathforum.org/http://www.math2.org/index.xmlhttp://www.aplusmath.com/http://www.mathgoodies.com/http://www.geom.umn.edu/http://math.rice.edu/~lanius/Geom/http://www.usiouxfalls.edu/~apeter/high_school_resources.htmhttp://www.teachers.k12.sd.us/ef004/mathematics.htm General Search Sites http://www.yahoo.com/http://www.google.comhttp://infoseek.go.com/http://www.lycos.com/ +/  !-/2389ACPQVWegst      6 7 ? @ M O X Y ] ^ j l s t ~  P ^ 5\ 5\aJaJ5B*CJ(\ph5B*CJ0\phCJ4jCJUmHnHu5B*\phN  !.$$&`#$/Ifa$$`a$` ./39BCQWfgtuPcccucccucc$$&`#$/Ifa$$$IflF6 z"   6`0"6    4 la   cccL$$IflF6 z"   6`0"6    4 la$$&`#$/Ifa$     7 @ N c$$IflF6 z"   6`0"6    4 la$$&`#$/Ifa$N O Y ^ k utcPc$&`#$/If`$$&`#$/Ifa$$$IflkF6 z"   6`0"6    4 lak l t  upccc$$&`#$/Ifa$$$IflF6 z"   6`0"6    4 la ulllfffffff`$`a$$$IflF6 z"   6`0"6    4 la    ip~$$IflF D*XXX06    4 la $$Ifa$$`a$`  ! 6 > E F G N P _ m w xxrrri$`a$`~$$IflF D*XXX06    4 la $$Ifa$ w xTx~$$IflF D*XXX06    4 la $$Ifa$ ^ + 6 K L b c 6 7 k q CJCJ B*ph5B*CJ0\phCJ4% ) * + 6 K }tnnnhb$If^`$`a$$$IflCF D*XXX06    4 laK L b c 6 7 k l o \lth`$IfX$$IflP 064 lao p \d\X$$Ifll h064 la $If^` 1h/ =!"# $ % i8@8 NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH <A@< Default Paragraph Font(>@( Title$a$CJ4.U@. Hyperlink >*B*ph*B@* Body TextCJ>V@!> FollowedHyperlink >*B* ph 2  !./39BCQWfgt  7@NOY^klt  !6>EFGNP_mw)*+6KLbc6 7 k l o p 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000^ . N k  w K o  8@*(  t 0 3 3"B  EFQUVW? 0*`T`T`T0*@`0*`T`T`T.H?xPPyr1"9 B  EFQ&UVW? =`T`T`T@`=`T`T`T=lRPyr2" B  EFQ&UVW}? E`T`T`T@`E`T`T`T?lRPyr3"] B  EFQ&UVW?  vI`T`T`T @` vI`T`T`T ClRPyr4"X 0B S  ? @ .t Computer Center!E:\Edu534\A Geometry WebQuest.docComputer Center!E:\Edu534\A Geometry WebQuest.docComputer Center!E:\Edu534\A Geometry WebQuest.docComputer Center!E:\Edu534\A Geometry WebQuest.docComputer Center!E:\Edu534\A Geometry WebQuest.docComputer CenterOE:\NSupport\AppData\Microsoft\Word\AutoRecovery save of A Geometry WebQuest.asdComputer Center!E:\Edu534\A Geometry WebQuest.docComputer Center!E:\Edu534\A Geometry WebQuest.docComputer Center!E:\Edu534\A Geometry WebQuest.docComputer Center!E:\Edu534\A Geometry WebQuest.doc!./39BCQWfgt  7@NOY^klt  !6>EF_mw6KLbc6 7 k l @d `@UnknownG:Times New Roman5Symbol3& :Arial"qhdf ef Nn)$ 0d 22E:\NSupport\AppData\Microsoft\Templates\Normal.dotA Geometry WebQuestComputer CenterComputer Center Oh+'0 ( D P \hpxA Geometry WebQuest GeComputer Centerompomp Normal.dotnComputer Center9mpMicrosoft Word 9.0@T @Tw@:4gn) ՜.+,0 hp  University of Sioux Fallss  A Geometry WebQuest Title  !"#$%&'()+,-./013456789<Root Entry F )g>1TableWordDocument"2SummaryInformation(*DocumentSummaryInformation82CompObjjObjectPool )g )g  FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q