ࡱ> ; 6.bjbj%% 7|GdGd%7cccccwww8{lwR"R"R"$stcR"!R"R"R"cc)))R"Rcc)R"))tLgz"~~0>Vz#.cfR"R")R"R"R"R"R"T&R"R"R"R"R"R"R"R"R"R"R"R"R"R"R"R" ): Cost-Benefit Analysis Economics is about Thinking at the Margin to make the best decision Marginal means one more additional unit of a good or service If MB > MC then do it! If MB < MC then its probably not the best choice to make Financial Institutions and Investments Financial Institutions receive deposits of money, extend credit, and provide loans. How do banks make money? Banks offer checking and savings accounts, take deposits, and serve as creditors by loaning out money to debtors with INTEREST Interest charged: interest the bank charges them to borrow money. Fractional Reserve Banking is when banks hold only a small portion of deposits to cover potential withdrawals and then loans the rest of the money out. (Banks make a profit from Interest) If we all went to the bank to withdrawal money at the same time what would happen? BANK RUN Federal Reserve (Fed) is the U.S. central bank, which serves to (1) Regulate the Nations Money Supply and (2) Oversee all Financial Institutions The Fed is continuously fighting against inflation (general rise of all prices) Long periods of unanticipated inflation favor Debtors over Creditors and has the most negative impact on retirees living on a fixed income Banks can literally make money appear out of thin air! using the money multiplier  1_________ Reserve Requirement (RR) Reserve Requirement is a tool of the Federal Reserve (U.S. central bank) that requires banks to hold a certain percentage of money in the vault for customer withdrawals Example: If you deposit $10,000 into the bank, and the Reserve Requirement is 10%, then the bank must hold $1,000 (10,000 x .1) and can loan out the other $9,000 1__ = 10 (money multiplier) .1 $9,000 x 10 = $90,000 So youre $10,000 original deposit just turned into $90,000 total! Credit unions: are cooperative financial associations that serve only their members. Interest rates on loans are usually less at a credit union than at commercial banks, but you must be a member of that credit union (annual fee) Why should you invest? Retirement Short term purchases: car, down payment for house, etc. So your money is making an income due to interest Interest earned: interest the bank pays them for the use of their money. Risk and Return is a direct relationship The riskier the investment, the higher the rate of return possible. However, the investor assumes a greater risk that a portion of or all of the money invested could be lost. Stocks are risky but returns can be high while CDs are low risk but yield low return Investments from Riskiest to Least Risky Stocks shares in a company that an individual/organization purchases, giving that person /entity part ownership Bonds loans to either a company or the govt with interest Bonds are like I.O.U.s with interest Mutual Funds pool money from a number of investors to buy a range of investments: stocks, bonds, short-term money-market instruments, or other securities (diversified portfolio) Certificates of Deposit (CDs) timed savings account that pays higher interest rates than savings but invokes penalties for early withdrawal before the CD matures (usually 3 months interest) Savings Account Income that is not spent on consumption but is put aside (very low interest rate; more of a holding account than anything) Investment Pyramid  High Risk Stocks  Bonds  Mutual Funds   CDs Low Risk Savings Debt is money owed (usually with interest) once credit has been extended and assumed Credit an agreement under which a buyer receives goods and services at the present time in exchange for a promise to pay for them at a future time Principal the amount of money that has been borrowed original amount of debt Interest the amount of money that a lender charges a borrower in exchange for the use of their money The cost of credit is INTREST! Interest is how loaning institutions make their money and how borrowers can get themselves into serious financial trouble! Credit Cards v. Debit Cards When you use a credit card, you are borrowing money from the credit issuers as a loan that you will pay back with interest APR is the annual percentage rate that shows the total cost of the loan, including compounding and other fees. When you use a debit card, you are using your own money from your banking account, so there is no interest But remember that you must have the money in your bank account, or you could be penalized with bank fines Simple v. Compound Interest Simple Interest is a rate that is applied only to the value of the principal Simple interest grows slowly Interest = Principal x Rate x Term (I = P x R x T) Compound Interest interest applied to both the principal and the interest You pay interest on interest; so compound interest grows faster and can double after so many years Compound Interest is great for you as an investor, but terrible if youre the debtor What are some factors that affect Credit Worthiness? Credit History Debt is the amount of money that you owe a lender from borrowing Credit score is a number based on your history as a borrower; bad debt damages your credit score Credit worthiness is when a lender uses your credit score to determine what type of loan you can receive If your credit score is high, lenders will loan you money at a lower interest rate (740-850) If your credit score is low, lenders will loan you money at a higher interest rate (Below 600) Just because you have a low credit score doesnt mean you cannot get a loan; it only means that youll pay a much higher interest rate and it will cost you much more in the long run Job/Income How much money you make determines loan amount maximum Must be able to prove that you have the ability to pay back the loan (collateral) Debt-to-Income Ratio total monthly debt obligations / amount of total monthly income Lower the number the better; it should never exceed 33 (33% of your monthly income goes to pay off debt) Age Loans are harder to get if youre very young (little credit history) or very old (might not live long enough to pay back loan) Education Higher your education level, the more credit lenders make available to you because youve prove that you are reliable and can finish what you start (human capital is so important!!!) Sometimes the lender may require collateral from the debtor before extending a loan Collateral is something of value which the bank will receive if the loan is not repaid Fiscal Policy Govt use of (1) Taxing and (2) Spending Taxes and Types of Tax Structures Progressive Tax % of income paid in taxes increases as income increases More you make, more they take, so wealthy bear the burden Federal Income Tax is Progressive Proportional Tax % of income taxes remains the same for all income levels (some like to call it a Flat tax) Everyone pays the same %, so no one bears the burden Sales Tax Regressive Tax % of income paid in taxes decreases as income increases More you make, less they take, so poor bear the burden Sales Tax & Sin Taxes (Alcohol, Tobacco, Lottery) Sales Tax a general state or city tax levied on a product at the time of sale Everyone pays the same percentage of a sales tax but not everyone has the same income, so its both a proportional and regressive tax because it hurts the lower income earners more than middle and upper class Types of Insurance Insurance money paid to an insurance company for assurance that, if what they value is lost or damaged, the insurance company will pay for their loss Insurance companies are able to pay their policy holders even if they havent had it for very long because they share the risk with so many other customers Automobile covers cars (vehicles) Costs-determined by the type of car, color, drivers age & experience, city of residence, mileage driven, drivers education/grades Paid monthly, quarterly, every six months, or yearly Different prices can be quoted by different car insurance companies, so shop around! Health covers doctor visits, prescriptions, and other medical costs Costs-determined by the health coverage you pay for and choose Different prices determined by different plans for different services/copays/coverage Premiums: monthly payment for insurance Deductibles: dollar amount of expenses that must be paid out of pocket before an insurer will pay any expenses for loss or liability High premium = low deductible Low premium = high deductible (Inverse Relationship) Life covers someones life Costs-determined by the age of the insured and amount to be paid at death Paid premium monthly More life insurance is better for younger couples, especially if children are dependent on parents and less important as you retire and get older, minus funereal expenses Disability covers income if you are unable to work Costs determined by salary, and benefit if you are out of work Paid monthly premium Property covers property, land, homes Costs-determined by how much the property is worth, credit score, and location Importance of Human Capital Investing in education, training, and skill development typically leads to earning higher income If you possess a skill no one else does you will be able to command more money for that skill, will be in high demand, and have great job security Investment in human capital not only increases ones job security and earnings, but also is linked with an overall higher quality of life! Wages are high when the supply of labor is low and the demand for labor is high. (unskilled v. skilled labor)     Economics Unit 2: Personal Finance Notes  + g h һһҬvg[L[<h~hiK5CJaJnH tH h~h4CJaJnH tH hx0bCJaJnH tH h~hx0bCJaJnH tH )h~hlXB*CJKHaJnH phtH h~hiKCJaJnH tH "h~hlX5>*CJaJnH tH h~hlXCJaJnH tH ,h~hiK5B*CJKHaJnH phtH )h~hiKB*CJKHaJnH phtH /h~hiK5>*B*CJKHaJnH phtH \ h B \ > ? $*$a$gdem$$ & F *$^a$gdem$$ & F*$a$gdem$ $d*$a$gdem$d*$^gd&m$$ & Fd*$a$gdem$$a$gde A B ] R [ \ k q  " > ? m qqqqbqRqRh~hM:5CJaJnH tH h~hM:CJaJnH tH h~hiD5CJaJnH tH "h~hiD5>*CJaJnH tH h~h(CJ\aJnH tH h~hiDCJaJnH tH h~h(CJaJnH tH "h~h(5CJ\aJnH tH h~hiKCJaJnH tH h~h&CJaJnH tH h~hdCJaJnH tH  E i j 8$ & F*$^a$gde h*$^hgdum$ h*$^hgdiKm$$h*$^ha$gdem$*$^`gdj_m$$ & F*$^a$gdem$$*$^`a$gdem$    + E J h i j ~ 78E࢓ttettU=/h~hlX5B*CJKH\aJnH phtH h~hu5CJaJnH tH h~hdCJaJnH tH h~hK`CJaJnH tH h~hK`5CJaJnH tH h~h(CJaJnH tH h~h :CJaJnH tH h~h1sCJaJnH tH h~hiK>*CJaJnH tH h~hiK5CJaJnH tH h~hiKCJaJnH tH h~hiK6CJaJnH tH EWa5?@yz«kVkA-V&h~h*5CJaJmHnHtH u)h~h*B*CJKHaJnH phtH )h~h&B*CJKHaJnH phtH &h~h&5CJaJmHnHtH u(h~hlX5B*CJaJnH phtH ,h~h&L5B*CJKHaJnH phtH ,h~hlX5B*CJKHaJnH phtH %h~hlXB*CJaJnH phtH )h~hiKB*CJKHaJnH phtH )h~hlXB*CJKHaJnH phtH 5@z"()R$ & F d*$a$gdem$ $d*$a$gdem$$d*$^a$gdem$$ & Fd*$a$gdem$$ & F*$a$gdem$ $ & Fa$gde$a$gde$ & Fd*$^a$gdem$ !"'(İpӄ[F3%h~hB*CJaJnH phtH )h~hiDB*CJKHaJnH phtH )h~hdB*CJKHaJnH phtH &h~h :5CJaJmHnHtH u)h~h&B*CJKHaJnH phtH ,h~h&5B*CJKHaJnH phtH &h~h_85CJaJmHnHtH uh~h :CJaJnH tH &h~h&5CJaJmHnHtH u/h~h&5B*CJKH\aJnH phtH  ()WX*6Akl ԽԨԨԨiT=TԨ,h~hu5B*CJKHaJnH phtH )h~huB*CJKHaJnH phtH ,h~hG5B*CJKHaJnH phtH )h~h :B*CJKHaJnH phtH %h~h :B*CJaJnH phtH )h~hGB*CJKHaJnH phtH ,h~hG>*B*CJKHaJnH phtH /h~hG5>*B*CJKHaJnH phtH %h~hM:B*CJaJnH phtH *,-.AHactv ^`gdj_ @ ^@ `gdj_gdj_$a$gd&L ^`gdegd : $d*$a$gdem$$ & F d*$a$gdem$$ & F d*$^a$gdem$  +,-.ABVY`ap\H6$#h~hGCJaJmHnHtH u#h~hj_CJaJmHnHtH u&h~hj_5CJaJmHnHtH u&h~h :5CJaJmHnHtH u/jh~hj_5CJUaJmHnHtH u)heh :5>*CJaJmHnHtH uheB*CJaJnH phtH %h~huB*CJaJnH phtH %h~h :B*CJaJnH phtH ,h~hd5B*CJKHaJnH phtH )h~hdB*CJKHaJnH phtH  abcostuųųųyhT@y&h~h :5CJaJmHnHtH u&h~hM:5CJaJmHnHtH u h~5CJaJmHnHtH u&h~hj_5CJaJmHnHtH uh~CJaJmHnHtH u,jh~hj_CJUaJmHnHtH u#h~h :CJaJmHnHtH u#h~hj_CJaJmHnHtH u#h~h,CJaJmHnHtH u,jh~h~CJUaJmHnHtH u%& s * $d*$a$gdem$$ & Fd*$a$gdem$$ & Fd*$a$gdem$$ & F d*$a$gdem$ $d*$a$gdem$ d*$gddm$gdf.9gdj_&,ѵiV:#-h~hB*CJKHPJaJnH phtH 6h~h5>*B*CJKHPJ\aJnH phtH %h~hf.9B*CJaJnH phtH -h~hf.9B*CJKHPJaJnH phtH 6h~hf.95>*B*CJKHPJ\aJnH phtH 0h~h2B*CJKHPJ\aJnH phtH 6h~h25>*B*CJKHPJ\aJnH phtH 6h~h*5>*B*CJKHPJ\aJnH phtH #h~hf.9CJaJmHnHtH u  rs  )*йpp]G2(h~hZ55B*CJaJnH phtH +h~hZ55>*B*CJaJnH phtH %h~hK`B*CJaJnH phtH 8h~hB*CJKHOJPJQJ\aJnH phtH 0h~hB*CJKHPJ\aJnH phtH %h~hf.9B*CJaJnH phtH -h~hf.9B*CJKHPJaJnH phtH 6h~hf.95>*B*CJKHPJ\aJnH phtH %h~hB*CJaJnH phtH  *9DN%/9gl껦wdQ9QQ.h~h*Y5>*B*CJ\aJnH phtH %h~h*YB*CJaJnH phtH %h~he B*CJaJnH phtH )h~he B*CJKHaJnH phtH 2h~h*Y5>*B*CJKH\aJnH phtH (h~h*Y5B*CJaJnH phtH ,h~h*Y5B*CJKHaJnH phtH /h~h*Y5B*CJKH\aJnH phtH )h~h*YB*CJKHaJnH phtH Xu o $ & F d*$a$gdem$$d*$^a$gdem$$ & Fd*$a$gdem$ $d*$a$gdem$$ & Fd*$a$gdem$ $d*$a$gdem$$hd*$^ha$gdem$l,VW֪zcN7")h~hB*CJKHaJnH phtH ,h~h5B*CJKHaJnH phtH )h~hB*CJKHaJnH phtH ,h~h>*B*CJKHaJnH phtH 2h~h5>*B*CJKH\aJnH phtH +h~h5>*B*CJaJnH phtH 0h~he >*B*CJOJQJaJnH phtH %h~h*YB*CJaJnH phtH %h~hziB*CJaJnH phtH +h~h*Y5B*CJ\aJnH phtH  WXtu    )Hnoį쀯iךׯR=(h~hU65B*CJaJnH phtH ,h~hU65B*CJKHaJnH phtH ,h~h5B*CJKHaJnH phtH 2h~h5>*B*CJKH\aJnH phtH )h~hB*CJKHaJnH phtH )h~hU6B*CJKHaJnH phtH %h~hB*CJaJnH phtH )h~hB*CJKHaJnH phtH %h~hB*CJaJnH phtH   JKX-3PipqrҺyfyfyfyyQ:yfy,h~hB5B*CJKHaJnH phtH )h~hBB*CJKHaJnH phtH %h~hU6B*CJaJnH phtH )h~hB*CJKHaJnH phtH (h~h5B*CJaJnH phtH ,h~h5B*CJKHaJnH phtH /h~hU65B*CJKH\aJnH phtH /h~h5B*CJKH\aJnH phtH )h~5B*CJKH\aJnH phtH  Kruc $ & Fd*$^a$gdem$$ & Fd*$^a$gdem$$ & Fd*$^a$gdem$$ & F d*$a$gdem$$ & F 8d*$^8a$gdem$$ & F d*$^a$gdem$ ҽғ~kT=(~~k(h~h5B*CJaJnH phtH ,h~hX5B*CJKHaJnH phtH ,h~h5B*CJKHaJnH phtH %h~hU6B*CJaJnH phtH )h~hU6B*CJKHaJnH phtH %h~hB*CJaJnH phtH ,h~hB5B*CJKHaJnH phtH )h~hBB*CJKHaJnH phtH )h~hB*CJKHaJnH phtH /h~h5B*CJKH\aJnH phtH 5tu3 b c d m n !$!­ršš[F[/,h~hU65B*CJKHaJnH phtH (h~h5B*CJaJnH phtH ,h~h5B*CJKHaJnH phtH (h~hU65B*CJaJnH phtH %h~h{^B*CJaJnH phtH %h~hXB*CJaJnH phtH (h~hX5B*CJaJnH phtH %h~hU6B*CJaJnH phtH )h~hU6B*CJKHaJnH phtH )h~hB*CJKHaJnH phtH c d n %!&!z!!! 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