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Complete the table and then graph the line for the equation y = x 4. xx - 4y  (x,y)Choose a value for xSubstitute the value of xFind the value of yCreate an ordered pair Figure 1 Complete the table and draw the graph of the equation y = -x 3.. x - x 3y f(x) (x,y)  3. Construct and complete a table, then graph the equation of y = 7 2x.  EMBED Word.Picture.8  Using a graphing calculator, graph the equation y = 1/2x + 1. Use the window (xmin = -10, xmax = 10, xscl = 1, ymin = -10, ymax = 10, yscl -= 1, xres = 1). Enter the equation into y= (upper left corner) and then graph (upper right corner). Sketch your findings below. What are the slopes for problems 1, 2, 3, 4? What correlation do you see between these slopes and their respective equations? Are the slopes for problems 1, 2, 3, 4 positive or negative? What correlation do you see between the signs of the slopes and their respective equations? What are the y-intercepts for problems 1, 2, 3, 4? What correlation do you see between their y-intercepts and their respective equations? Graph the equations y = 2x, y = 2x + 1, y = 2x + 2, y = 2x + 10, and y = 2x 3. 9. What do you notice about the change in the graphs in relation to their respective equations? Graph the equations y = x + 3, y = 2x + 3, y = 3x + 3, y = 10x + 3, and Y = -2x + 3. What can you conclude about the relationship between the graphs and their respective equations? Given this graph, what is its slope? What is its y-intercept?  Given this graph, what is its slope? What is its y-intercept?  Given this graph, what is its slope? What is its y-intercept?  Given this graph, what is its slope? What is its y-intercept?  What are the equations for problems 11, 12, 13, 14? How do you know these equations correctly match their graphs? Scatter plots show the relationship between two sets of data. The two sets of data are graphed as ordered pairs on a coordinate system. When real-life data are collected, the points graphed usually do not form a straight line, but may approximate a linear relationship. Scatter plots can be used to spot trends, draw conclusions, and make predictions about the data. The relationships between the two sets of data can show a positive relationship where y increases as x increases. The plots can show a negative relationship where y decreases as x increases. There can also be no relationship if that data reveals no obvious relationship. A best-fit line is used with a scatter plot to approximate a linear relationship. A best-fit line is a line that is very close to most of the data points. Use the table to make a scatter plot and draw a best-fit line. Use the best-fit line to predict the average hourly wage of construction workers in 2010. YearAverage Hourly Earnings ($)19809.94198512.32199013.77199515.09200017.13   Use the table to make a scatter plot and draw a best-fit line. Then write an equation for the best-fit line and use it to predict the number of persons employed in mining in 2010. YearEmployees (thousands)198010271985927199070919955812000535 b 19. What concepts have you learned?     Project AMP Dr. Antonio R. Quesada, Director Project AMP PAGE  PAGE 1 >?DH8 : = > F G J K    (  9 : @ ˎ~qhCJH*OJPJQJj hH*OJPJQJUjhH*OJPJQJUh4`OJPJQJh4`H*OJPJQJh>*H*OJPJQJh>*OJPJQJhH*OJPJQJhw"CJPJh4`CJPJhOJPJQJhCJPJhCJ PJ'"0=>   ' ( * 0 6 = $Ifh^h & F$a$'= > S m keeee$Ifkd$$Ifl\D ,"064 lah keeee$Ifkd$$Ifl\D ,"064 lah keeee$Ifkd\$$Ifl\D ,"064 lah keeee$Ifkd $$Ifl\D ,"064 lah keeee$Ifkd$$Ifl\D ,"064 lah ke_$Ifh^hkdf$$Ifl\D ,"064 lah A;;;h^h]kd$$IflFT` 064 lah$If[kds$$IflT` 064 lah      ! 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