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Current technology will be utilized to master course standards. Students are provided the opportunity to participate in a Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO). Standard 1: Body as a Whole (0716.S.1) Students will describe terms and concepts applicable to the human body as a whole. Body as a Whole Objectives Students will: 0716.1.1 Define anatomy and physiology. 0716.1.2 Name two subdivisions of anatomy. 0716.1.3 Identify the terms referring to location, direction, planes, and sections of the body. 0716.1.4 Define metabolism, anabolism, catabolism, and homeostasis. 0716.1.5 Explain the molecular structure and function of DNA and RNA. 0716.1.6 Describe acids and bases. 0716.1.7 Explain the process of neutralization. 0716.1.8 Define pH, including the pH scale. 0716.1.9 Give examples of the pH of various body fluids. 0716.1.10 Explain the significance of pH for body function. 0716.1.11 Define a buffer. 0716.1.12 Define and pronounce medical terminology applicable to body structures and functions. Standard 2: Cells (0716.S.2) Students will describe the structure of a typical cell and the function of each component. Cells Objectives Students will: 0716.2.1 Identify the structure of a typical cell. 0716.2.2 Describe the function of each structure of the cell. 0716.2.3 Define mitosis. 0716.2.4 Describe the five phases of mitosis. 0716.2.5 Define diffusion, tomosis, filtration, active transport, phagocytosis, and pinocytosis. 0716.2.6 Explain what is meant by cell specialization. 0716.2.7 Define tumor, benign, malignant, and metastases. Standard 3: Tissue, Organs and Organ Systems (0716.S.3) Students will describe tissues found within the human body and their relationship to organs and organ systems. Tissue, Organs and Organ Systems Objectives Students will: 0716.3.1 Name the four main types of tissue and describe their function and location. 0716.3.2 Define organ. 0716.3.3 Define organ system. 0716.3.4 Describe each system in the body in relationship to function and organs contained in each. 0716.3.5 Discuss the process by which tissue is repaired. 0716.3.6 Name the vitamins favorable to tissue repair. Standard 4: Integumentary System (0716.S.4) Students will describe the structures and functions of the Integumentary System including appendages and common diseases. Integumentary System Objectives Students will: 0716.4.1 Define integument. 0716.4.2 Describe the function of the skin. 0716.4.3 Define epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous including their structure, function, and location. 0716.4.4 List the appendages of the skin along with their structure, function and location. 0716.4.5 Explain how skin functions as a barrier to microorganisms. 0716.4.6 Describe the following disorders: acne vulgaris, athleteТs feet, dermatitis, eczema, impetigo contagiosa, psoriasis, ring worm, urticaria, furundes, carbuncles, shingles, herpes, skin cancer and bunions. 0716.4.7 Describe common types of skin lesions in relationship to their characteristics and size, including an example of each. Standard 5: Skeletal System (0716.S.5) Students will describe the structures and functions of the skeletal system and common disorders associated with this system. Skeletal System Objectives Students will: 0716.5.1 List the main functions of the skeletal system. 0716.5.2 Explain how bones are classified. 0716.5.3 Name and define types of joint movement. 0716.5.4 Describe the process by which bone is formed. 0716.5.5 Label the parts of the long bone and describe their structure and function. 0716.5.6 Explain how bones grow. 0716.5.7 Name and locate the bones of the skeleton. 0716.5.8 Define four types of fractures. 0716.5.9 Define open reduction, closed reduction and traction. 0716.5.10 Identify common bone and joint disorders. Standard 6: Muscular System (0716.S.6) Students will describe the structure and functions of each muscle type, including common disorders of the muscular system. Muscular System Objectives Students will: 0716.6.1 Describe the function of muscle. 0716.6.2 Name, describe and give the location for each type of muscle. 0716.6.3 Define contractibility, extensibility, elasticity, and innitability as it relates to muscular function. 0716.6.4 Describe how muscles work as a pair. 0716.6.5 Explain origin and insertion of muscle. 0716.6.6 Define antagonist, flexor, extensor, levator, depressor and dilator. 0716.6.7 Explain energy and heat in relationship to muscle work. 0716.6.8 Explain muscle fatigue and muscle tone. 0716.6.9 Name, locate and describe the function of the main skeletal muscles. 0716.6.10 Explain how sports training affects muscles. 0716.6.11 Identify common muscular disorders. Standard 7: Circulatory System, the Heart, and Blood Vessels (0716.S.7) Students will describe the structures and functions of the circulatory system, including the heart and applicable diseases. Circulatory System, the Heart, and Blood Vessels Objectives Students will: 0716.7.1 Describe the function of the circulatory system. 0716.7.2 List and locate the components of the circulatory system. 0716.7.3 Discuss substances that are added and removed from the blood during circulation through body organs. 0716.7.4 Describe the structures of the heart and their functions. 0716.7.5 Trace the blood pathway through the cardiopulmonary circulation. 0716.7.6 Trace the conductive pathway of an electrical impulse by a heart contraction, describing the resulting function. 0716.7.7 Identify possible disorders of the heart. 0716.7.8 Name and describe the specialized circulatory systems. 0716.7.9 Trace the blood in fetal circulation. 0716.7.10 List and describe the types of blood vessels. 0716.7.11 Identify the principal arteries and veins of the body. 0716.7.12 Explain the process by which blood flows through the arteries and veins. 0716.7.13 Describe systolic and diastolic blood pressure. 0716.7.14 Describe various disorders of the blood vessels. Standard 8: Blood (0716.S.8) Students will describe the structures and functions of the blood, including blood types and various disorders. Blood Objectives Students will: 0716.8.1 List and describe the functions of important components of the blood. 0716.8.2 Name the three types of blood cells. 0716.8.3 Define hemoglobin, erythropoiesos, hemolysis, and coagulation. 0716.8.4 Describe the inflammation process. 0716.8.5 Describe the four types of blood. 0716.8.6 Discuss the signifance of the Rh antigen. 0716.8.7 Recognize normal blood vessels. 0716.8.8 Describe various disorders of the blood. Standard 9: The Lymphatic System and Immunity (0716.S.9) Students will describe the structures and functions of the lymphatic system, understanding its role in immunity. The Lymphatic System and Immunity Objectives Students will: 0716.9.1 Describe the lymphatic system and define its components. 0716.9.2 Define lymph nodes. 0716.9.3 Explain the role of the tonsils, spleen, and thymus gland to the lymphatic system. 0716.9.4 Define immunity and describe two types of immunity. 0716.9.5 Define immunization, antigen, immunoglobility and autoimmune disease. 0716.9.6 Explain the process of hypersensitivity or allergy development. 0716.9.7 Define anaphylaxis. 0716.9.8 List the symptoms of AIDS. 0716.9.9 Describe how AIDS is transmitted and measures to prevent its transmission. 0716.9.10 Describe standard precautions. Standard 10: Respiratory System (0716.S.10) Students will describe the structures and function of the respiratory system. Respiratory System Objectives Students will: 0716.10.1 Describe the function of the respiratory system. 0716.10.2 Describe the structures and functions of the components of the respiratory system. 0716.10.3 Define mediastinum. 0716.10.4 Explain the breathing process. 0716.10.5 Describe the nervous and chemical factors necessary for the control of breathing. 0716.10.6 Name and describe four types of lung capacity volumes. 0716.10.7 Describe and recognize the following symptoms: apnea, dyspnea, eypnea, hyperpnia, orthopnea, and tachypnea. 0716.10.8 Discuss infections and noninfectious disorders of the respiratory system. Standard 11: Digestive System (0716.S.11) Students will describe the structures and functions of the digestive system, including common disorders. Digestive System Objectives Students will: 0716.11.1 Describe the structures and functions of the digestive system. 0716.11.2 Trace the digestion of food from the oral cavity until it leaves the alimentary canal, including the mechanical and chemical digestion. 0716.11.3 Describe the action of the enzymes on carbohydrates, fats, and protein. 0716.11.4 Discuss common disorders of the digestive system. Standard 12: Urinary System (0716.S.12) Students will describe structures and functions of the organs of the urinary system, including common disorders. Urinary System Objectives Students will: 0716.12.1 Describe the structures and functions of the organs of the urinary system. 0716.12.2 Explain how urine is found in the Nephron. 0716.12.3 Describe the chemical and nervous system control of urine secretion. 0716.12.4 Describe common disorders of the urinary system. Standard 13: Endocrine System (0716.S.13) Students will describe the function of the glands of the endocrine system including disorders common to the system. Endocrine System Objectives Students will: 0716.13.1 List the glands of the endocrine system and describe their functional location. 0716.13.2 Explain how the negative feedback system controls the secretion of hormones. 0716.13.3 Discuss prostaglandins. 0716.13.4 List the causative factors for endocrine gland disorders. 0716.13.5 Describe common disorders of the endocrine system. Standard 14: Nervous System (0716.S.14) Students will describe the structures and functions of the nervous system, including disorders of the brain and spinal cord. Nervous System Objectives Students will: 0716.14.1 Describe the functions of the nervous system. 0716.14.2 List and describe main divisions of the nervous system. 0716.14.3 Label the parts of the neuron and explain their function. 0716.14.4 Identify the parts of the brain and describe the function of each part. 0716.14.5 Describe the structure of the brain and spinal cord. 0716.14.6 Define cerebrospinal fluid and explain its circulation. 0716.14.7 Describe the functions of the spinal cord. 0716.14.8 Describe disorders of the brain and spinal cord. 0716.14.9 Describe a mixed nerve. 0716.14.10 Describe the functions of the cranial and spinal nerves. 0716.14.11 Explain the functions of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. 0716.14.12 Explain the simple reflex arc. 0716.14.13 Describe various disorders of the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system. Standard 15: The Eye and The Ear (0716.S.15) Students will describe the structures and functions of the eye and ear and discuss common disorders of each. The Eye and The Ear Objectives Students will: 0716.15.1 Describe the functions of sensory receptors. 0716.15.2 Identify the parts of the eye and describe their functions. 0716.15.3 Trace a pathway of light from outside to the brain. 0716.15.4 Identify the parts of the ear and describe their function. 0716.15.5 Trace the pathway of sound from entrance into the ear and the brain. 0716.15.6 Describe common disorders of the eye and the ear. Standard 16: Reproductive System (0716.S.16) Students will describe the structures and functions of the reproductive system, including common disorders. Reproductive System Objectives Students will: 0716.16.1 Explain meiosis. 0716.16.2 Explain the process of fertilization. 0716.16.3 Identify the organs of the female reproductive system and explain their function. 0716.16.4 Describe the structure and function of the breast. 0716.16.5 Identify the organs of the male reproductive system and explain their function. 0716.16.6 Describe the stages of the menstrual cycle. 0716.16.7 Define zygotes, embryo and fetus. 0716.16.8 Explain menopause and the changes which occur during this time. 0716.16.9 Discuss infertility, artificial insemination, and in-vitro fertilization. 0716.16.10 List common disorders of the reproductive system. Standard 17: Genetics (0716.S.17) Students will define genetics and human genetic disorders. Genetics Objectives Students will: 0716.17.1 Define genetics and human genetic disorders. 0716.17.2 Discuss the two main types of mutation. 0716.17.3 Describe various genetic disorders. 0716.17.4 Discuss genetics counseling and genetic engineering. 6.8Лж╡▌hмЄEqкц a ~ ┘ ъ ∙ , j Г ▒  I ¤√∙ўїєєєєєєєєєєєєє∙ўїєєєєєєє66■■I Г ╗ * V e ╗ ╥ Ё T О ┼ ё kЛЪ╢тIещ╛>eт■ Fq¤√∙ў¤¤¤¤¤¤¤√∙ў¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤√∙ў¤¤¤qг┌/PДнь G┬▌ь]╬№-{╝э;rащeб░ъ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤√∙ў¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤√∙ў¤¤ъ-Ы▐(в╒D|╜JЕв"1АоЎ"MАй█Е▓¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤√∙ў¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤√∙ў▓┴ | ╣ !Q!n!Т!ц!";"Й"з"╢"ё"N#l#Х#ё#2$и$№$&%П%л%║%&¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤√∙ў¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤√∙ў¤¤&Х&ч&#'K'╝'╓'х':(o(╛(∙(#)Ч)│)┬)*s*Х*┘*+>+╗+╒+ф+,^,в,Ї,¤¤¤√∙ў¤¤¤¤¤√∙ў¤¤¤¤¤¤√∙ў¤¤¤¤¤Ї,3-u-к-х-.K.г.═.0/]/╩/щ/°//0u0│0°0G1Г1░12;2J2e2Х2ё2.3И3¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤√∙ў¤¤¤¤¤¤¤√∙ў¤¤¤¤¤¤И3╛3ъ344И4┼4ч4"565E5|5о5▄5666¤¤¤¤¤√∙ў¤¤¤¤¤∙¤ 1Рh░╨/ ░р=!░а"░а#Ра$Ра%░ i8@ё 8 NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH l@Єl Heading 1.$$ ╞Ё#Д─ д╥1$7$8$@&H$]Д─ a$5БCJOJQJ\Б^JaJ*@* єHeading 2,Heading 2 Char1,Heading 2 Char Char,Heading 2 Char1 Char Char4,Heading 2 Char Char Char Char1,Heading 2 Char1 Char Char4 Char Char,Heading 2 Char Char Char Char1 Char1 Char,Heading 2 Char5 Char Char Char Char Char Char,Heading 2 Char$д╥д╥1$7$8$@&H$5БCJOJQJ\Б^Jb@b Heading 3$$ ╞ЁдЁд<1$7$8$@&H$5БCJOJQJ\Б^JaJ<A@Є б< Default Paragraph FontN■"N description ╞Ё1$7$8$H$5БCJOJQJV■V outline* ╞8Д8Д╚√1$7$8$H$WDф¤^Д8`Д╚√ CJOJQJT■O"T description144 ╞Ё1$7$8$H$5БCJOJQJ\■O"\ outline145* ╞8Д8Д╚√1$7$8$H$WDф¤^Д8`Д╚√ CJOJQJ2L    .8Лж╡▌hмЄEqкцa~┘ъ∙,jГ▒IГ╗*Ve╗╥ЁT О ┼ ё k Л Ъ ╢ т I е щ ╛ > e т ■ Fqг┌/PДнь G┬▌ь]╬№-{╝э;rащeб░ъ-Ы▐(в╒D|╜JЕв"1АоЎ"MАй█Е▓┴ |╣QnТц;Йз╢ёNlХё2 и № &!П!л!║!"Х"ч"##K#╝#╓#х#:$o$╛$∙$#%Ч%│%┬%&s&Х&┘&'>'╗'╒'ф'(^(в(Ї(3)u)к)х)*K*г*═*0+]+╩+щ+°+/,u,│,°,G-Г-░-.;.J.e.Х.ё../И/╛/ъ/40И0┼0ч0"161E1|1о1▄12 @0ААЪ@╙2Аz @0Аz Ъ@0АЛ *@0АЛ Ъ@╘2А Ъ@╘2А Ъ@╘2А Ъ@╘2А Ъ@╘2А Ъ@╘2А Ъ@╘2А Ъ@╘2А Ъ@╘2А Ъ@╘2А Ъ@╘2А Ъ@╘2А Ъ@╘2А @0Аz Ъ@0А█ *@0А█ Ъ@╘2АS! 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