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Here are some guidelines to help you describe what is distinctive about your text. Approachthe way in which topics are developed, a certain methodology you use, or themes you integrate throughout the text. Contentwhat your book will offer in terms of new or unique coverage, how difficult subjects are explained, or new theories on standard material. Pedagogythe features that will make your book a better teaching or learning tool (e.g., better examples, questions, art). TrendsHow does your book address new ideas taking place in the subject area? ChallengesWhat difficulties do students face in learning this subject and how will your text help them? b. Provide a succinct, one-sentence description of your book. FORMTEXT       c. Please list 3 or 4 key selling points.  FORMTEXT       4. Review Copies a. Review copies will be sent to: 1. Baker and Taylor 2. CHOICE Magazine 3. H-Net 4. Midwest Library Service 5. YBP Library Services 6. New Books Network b. 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Marketing a. Instructors in which fields would be interested in buying your book? FORMTEXT       b. Which specific courses might use the book for collateral reading? FORMTEXT       c. List any conferences where it might be appropriate to exhibit your book. Please indicate those you regularly attend with an asterisk. Each request will be considered individually and on recommendations from both editorial and marketing staff. FORMTEXT       d. List up to two awards or prizes for which your book might be eligible. The Press will consider making up to two submissions for each title, and will send the required number of copies of books for up to two (including any submissions you make yourself). Please note the name of the prize and the award-granting organization. In those cases where membership is required by the award-granting organization, please confirm that you are a current member. 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FORMTEXT       Thank you for your prompt cooperation.     www.sunypress.edu / PAGE 4 hhhii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiij jjjjjjj*knkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkklllnmtm^p`pְ h7hH? h7hhjhE=UmHnHuj-"hfUhE=jhE=Uh` hh`j!h{0Uhq?h h{0jh{0UmHnHujh{0UjA!h{0U4`pzp|pppppppppppppppZrrrrrrr sss$s&s(s2s4s8sHsLs\s^s`stsϽ{Ϭtlhh2Mjh2MU h2Mh2M jh7h2MUmHnHuj #h7h2MUjh7h2MU h7h2M h7h7 h{0\ hpUe\ h7\h75OJQJ\^Jh7jh{0UmHnHuj"h{0Ujh{0Uh{0h`hE=&ppprr6s8sssssRtTt~ttvvvVyXyyyyyyyygdq+gd>Vgd7tsvsxsssssssssssssss tt(t*t,t@tBtDtNtPtTtXtZt|t~ttu,uڛ}ld`Xh7hq?5hq? *hq?5\! *h>Vhq?5OJQJ\^Jh7hq+5OJQJ^Jh7h>V5OJQJ\^Jh7hq?5OJQJ\^Jjo$h2MUj#h2MUh2M h2Mh2M h7h2M h7h7h7jh2MUmHnHujh2MUj#h2MU",uVuuuvvvvvvvvv v.v:vvPvbvvvvvv|wwwwx^xx.y0yDy̾xpejh7hq?Uh7h|;6 h7hb# h7hH? h7h|; h7h ' h7hq? h7hq+h7hq?5OJQJ^Jh7h>V5OJQJ^Jh7hq+5OJQJ^J *hq?5\jhq?UmHnHuj$hq?Ujhq?Uhq? h 'hq?"DyFyHyRyTyVyXyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyzzzùjhp40JU*hb0JmHnHu* hp40Jjhp40JUhp4hUjhUUhq+h{05\ h{05\ hq?5\hq? jh7hq?UmHnHujh7hq?Uj[%h7hq?Uyyyyyzzz$a$6P1h/ =!8"8#$% DpDyK yK zhttp://www.sunypress.edu/PDF/Marketing Guide.pdfyX;H,]ą'cvDText13vDText29vDText10tDText2tDText1vDText11tDeCheck1vDText12vDText12tDText3tDeCheck1tDText3tDeCheck1vDText10tDText1vDText10tDText1tDText3vDText10tDeCheck1hDetDeCheck1$$If!vh#v #v@ #v :V l t#65 5@ 5 apyt:UMtDeCheck1tDeCheck1tDeCheck1$$If!vh#v #v@ #v :V l t#65 5@ 5 apyt:UMtDeCheck1tDeCheck1tDeCheck1$$If!vh#v #v@ #v :V l t#65 5@ 5 apyt:UMtDeCheck1tDeCheck1tDeCheck1$$If!vh#v #v@ #v :V l t#65 5@ 5 apyt:UMtDeCheck1tDeCheck1tDeCheck1$$If!vh#v #v@ #v :V l t#65 5@ 5 apyt:UMtDeCheck1tDeCheck1tDeCheck1$$If!vh#v #v@ #v :V l t#65 5@ 5 apyt:UMtDeCheck1tDeCheck1tDeCheck1$$If!vh#v #v@ #v :V l t#65 5@ 5 apyt:UMtDeCheck1tDeCheck1tDeCheck1$$If!vh#v #v@ #v :V l t#65 5@ 5 apyt:UMtDeCheck1tDeCheck1tDeCheck1$$If!vh#v #v@ #v :V l t#65 5@ 5 apyt:UMhDehDetDeCheck1$$If!vh#v #v@ #v :V l t#65 5@ 5 apyt:UMhDetDeCheck1$$If!vh#v #v@ #v :V l t#65 5@ 5 apyt:UMhDetDeCheck1$$If!vh#v #v@ #v :V l t#65 5@ 5 apyt:UMtDText3vDText18vDText18vDText21vDText21vDText22vDText23jDvDText24vDText24vDText24vDText24vDText24vDText20vDText18s2 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@_HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA`D Default Paragraph FontVi@V  Table Normal :V 44 la (k (No List 4 @4 Footer  !.)@. 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