2 Year Curriculum Objective Checklist

[Pages:1]2 Year Curriculum Objective Checklist

Directions: Use this checklist to see what your child previously knows or has recently learned. Do not approach this as a test or call it a test. Strictly use the information collected to know what areas of learning still need to be addressed. It may be best to complete this chart over several small units of time instead of in one sitting. Take your child's lead. Circle or mark the answers that are incorrect and skip any sections which the child is unable to do.

Information: _____ Child knows full name. _____ Child knows dad's name. _____ Child knows town/city.

_____ Child knows sibling(s)' name. _____ Child knows mom's name. _____ Child knows state.

Knowledge: Child can demonstrate knowledge of the following with little to no assistance.

______ # of Bible Stories

______ # of Fingerplays

______ # of Memory Verses

______ # of Songs

______ # Nursery Rhymes

______ Say or sing the ABC's

Shapes and Colors: Name the color and shape.

______ Count and point 1-10

Self-care: Child can the do the following skills at an age-appropriate level.

_____ Sit quietly

_____ Say "Please"

_____ Use fork and spoon

_____ Say "Excuse Me"

_____ Put dirty clothes in laundry

_____ Meet new people

_____ Pick up toys

_____ Undress self, name clothing

_____ Wash hands

_____ Wash body

_____ Brush hair

_____ Help clear off table

_____ Say "Thank You" _____ Say "You are Welcome" _____ Help set table _____ Dress self, name clothing _____ Brush teeth _____Help make bed

Motor Skills: Child exhibits appropriate skills in the following areas.

_____ Fine Motor Skills

_____ Gross Motor Skills

For more information check the Development Guides -

? JLM Media, LLC

For family use or with a License only


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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