Time Management Strategies 1. Consider the most important ...

Time Management Strategies

1. Consider the most important things going on in life (i.e., big picture goals).

? Align all activities around goals. ? Eliminate activities that do not tie to those goals.

2. Determine the actions needed to lead to achieving goals.

? Manage daily tasks with goals in mind.

3. Consider how you divide your time. (There are 168 hours per week.)

? Document what you do with your time. ? Delegate insignificant tasks to others.

4. Consider these other pointers for academic time management.

? Set regular study days and times. ? Ask friends/family to support your academic efforts (e.g., be patient). ? Create a dedicated study space. ? Always carry work with you. ? Set a goal and pursue it no matter what. ? Design your schedule around your number one goal. ? Focus only on a few big-picture goals; put the rest on hold. ? Always maintain your health.

5. Consider these other pointers for professional time management

? Check e-mail less frequently. (Consider twice daily.) ? Multitask less. ? Make daily to-do lists. ? Set expectations that meetings end on time. ? Use pre-printed lists of supplies/groceries. ? Use templates for mundane tasks. ? Get highest priority items done by noon. ? Do what you dread first. ? Set strict time limits for tasks. (Work expands to the time allotted to it.) ? Use the good enough standard. (Perfection slows progress.)

6. Use Organizing Strategies for Your Brain Type

? Innovating Style: Intuitive, visionary; thinks outside of the box o Time management strategies: Don't over-schedule and set up reminders.

? Harmonizing Style: In the moment; peaceful; drops everything to help others o Time management strategies: Schedule study time when you are most energetic and write down to-do items.

? Prioritizing Style: Adept at time management; logical o Time management strategies: Delegate tasks and write down to-do items

? Maintaining Style: Organized, detail-oriented; prefers routines; always on time; doesn't like interruptions o Time management strategies: Create schedules using an electronic calendar (PDA or smartphone) and have your whole schedule in front of you at one time.


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