8th Grade Language Arts

8th Grade Language Arts Course Syllabus2012-2013 Ms. Amy BrunsCourse Description: In Eighth Grade Language Arts, students continue to develop an appreciation of written and spoken language. As readers, eighth graders experience more sophisticated works of literature for study and analysis in the classroom. We will read ONE novel during quarters 1, 2, and 4. Students will also review all of the parts of speech and enhance vocabulary words. They will use media, and technology for expressive, informational, argumentative, critical and literary purposes. Students will use the stages of the writing process to write clear, coherent drafts and compositions throughout the school year.Technology has been integrated throughout this course with students using computers to access a variety of school programs, such as FCAT FOCUS, Study Island, and My Access. Each student must have access to a working computer, internet and fully functional printer. The school library is open after school for students suffering from technical difficulties at home. It is the student’s responsibility to plan ahead and meet the requirements of each assignment. Technical difficulties will not be accepted as a valid excuse for incomplete work. The content of this course includes, but is not limited to the following:Using the reading process to construct meaning from a wide range of literary, informational, and technical texts.Using the writing process to communicate information and ideas.Using listening, viewing, and speaking strategies.Understanding the power of language and using language in authentic contexts.Understanding the common features of a variety of literary forms.Responding critically to visual, oral, and written texts.Course Objectives: The course will prepare students to do the following:Compare and Contrast myths to dramaAnalyze the structure of non-fictionWrite to a promptRewrite a passage by changing the point-of-viewDeliver a persuasive speechConduct research using four sourcesDemonstrate study and test-taking skillsCourse Expectations:Come to class regularly and on time with materials ready and home learning plete class work and participate when asked to do so.Ask for help when need. Respect others and yourselves.Respect school and classroom propertyUse proper language and classroom etiquette.ALWAYS try your BEST!Knowing what is expected can help each student meet their responsibilities with a positive attitude.AttendanceTardies- Tardiness is defined as a student not being in the classroom when the class is scheduled to begin. UNEXCUSED TARDY POLICY TO CLASSStudents will not be allowed into any class without a tardy pass. The teacher will have the door locked even if it is right after the bell rings. If you are tardy, you must get a pass and you will then be allowed into class with the pass.Your tardy records will be kept by the school system. As soon as you have a tardy, the system will automatically contact the parent/guardian to inform them of the tardy. There will be consequences for tardiness that will be handled by the disciplinary specialist and the attendance committeeAbsences- All work is expected to be done on time. However, if your son/daughter misses school for any reason upon his or her return he or she will have to catch up on all missed work. Make-up work should be completed within two days of returning from absence. If the excused absence involves several days, schedules can be arranged to make up work. It is the student’s responsibility to look for the make-up work on my website. Unexcused Late Work- Unexcused late work will not be tolerated or expected from any student. It is imperative that all students exercise responsibility and turn in all assignments on the date that they are due.Home LearningHomework will be assigned frequently and is due the following class unless noted otherwise. If the work is one day late from the due date, a lower grade will be the consequence. Anything after a day late will not be accepted.Exception: With an excused absence you have 2 days to make up the work. (Student is responsible to ask me for make up work)Academic HonestyYou are expected to maintain the highest standards of academic conduct. When you cheat, you are robbing yourself of knowledge. Being that students will be sitting in very close proximity in our classroom, I will be holding you to high ethical standards to which you will be expected to maintain at all times. We will further discuss these expectations in class.You are guilty of cheating whenever you present work as your own and you did not do. You are also guilty of cheating if you help someone else to cheat. Any student(s) who is discovered cheating will receive a “0” for that assignment and have the work documented in their portfolio. Cheating also warrants immediate parent contact. A referral to Guidance may be issued based on the assignment. Classroom RulesCome prepared to class everyday with needed materials and homeworkRespect others and their property.Raise your hand to speak and wait to be called on.Use your class time wisely Use appropriate language at all times.No eating, drinking, or chewing gum in class. Consequences for Breaking Classroom RulesVerbal WarningParent Contact/Detention1 hour detention will be given to student by teacher. The teacher will be responsible for supervising the detention with the student. Please note that parent(s) of the offender must be informed 24 hours prior serving the detention. You must document the method of parent notification whether it was done via email, letter/detention form, or phone call on your parent contact log.Referral to AdministrationGrading SystemEffort Grading SystemA = 100-90% 4.00-3.511 = Outstanding EffortB = 89-80%3.50-2.512 = Satisfactory EffortC = 79-70%2.50-1.513 = Insufficient EffortD = 69-60%1.50-1.00F = 59%-LowerZ = 0 – Not turned in/No credit/Missing assignment. X = Student is excused from activity, does not affect the grade.Grading Scale:The class will be divided into four sections each with a specific percent for each section:Periods 1, 2, 3, 6, & 7 Periods 4 & 5 Test 35% Test 35%Quiz 20% Quiz 20%Class work 30% Class work 25%Homework 15% Homework 15% READ (Reading Enrichment Activity Daily) 5%Notebook/BinderThe student will be responsible for keeping and updating their binders as well as keeping a journal. The student will be responsible for bringing this to class every day and keeping it current and organized.Required NovelsStudents will be reading a total of 3 novels in my class this year. I have listed those novels, in the event that you would like to purchase them in advance, since it will be the students’ responsibility to have them in class daily. 1st Quarter – The Giver by Lois Lowry 2nd Quarter – A Mid Summer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare (Please purchase the No Fear Shakespeare version) 4th Quarter – Night by Eli Wiesel Supplies ListSpringBoard Consumable Textbook ($10 fee can be paid on-line)#2 pencilsPaper (College Ruled)Blue/black pensRed pens Colored pencils/markers1 folder with pockets1 composition notebook4 Different Color HighlightersIndex Cards (4x6 – lined)DictionaryThesaurusFlash Drive (may share with other classes) Please visit my website for our class wish list. Some of the items can be purchased and used as credit for some of the required volunteer hours that you must complete for this school year. If you were to purchase one of these items, you must turn them in at the front desk in the main office and they will inform you of the amount of hours that you have been credited.Ms. BrunsLanguage Arts Room 321 **Please sign and return this portion of the syllabus only.**______________________________________________________________________________I have been given and explained the student contract for my Language Arts Class by my teacher. I am expected to review these rules and procedures with my parent/guardian. I understand and agree to all the terms.Student Name: (please print) _____________________________________________________Student Signature: ________________________________ Period: ________ Date:____________________I (we) the parent/guardian have gone over this contract with my child and I (we) understand and agree on all terms.Parent Signature: __________________________________Print Name: ______________________________ Date:_____________________ Contact Number: ___________________________Email:____________________________________________________________________ ................

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