Spelling Activities (Year Long Master List)

Spelling Activities (Year Long Master List)

Parents: Please have your child complete 3 activities each week using the weekly spelling list. These activities do not need to be turned in, but please initial the box showing that your child completed their chosen activities. Keep this list in a safe place all year long to refer to each week. GO GREEN!

|Grade Level |Challenge |

|Write your words five times each. Use your neatest handwriting |Write a story using as many spelling words as you can. Bring |

|as you write. |your story in to share with the class! |

|Write your words in ABC order. |Look up each spelling word in the dictionary. |

|Make word pyramids with your words. |For as many words as possible, write a word that means the same|

|Ex. For the word paint, |(synonym) and a word that means the opposite (antonym). |

|p | |

|pa | |

|pai | |

|pain | |

|paint | |

|Write a sentence for each word, or use two words in each |Write each word and its part of speech. |

|sentence. | |

|Write the spelling word and a word that rhymes with it. |Write a short poem using as many of the words as you can. |

|Write the spelling words that belong to the same word family in a|Write a Word Sum for each word (where A=1, B=2, C=3, and so on)|

|group. For “ride”, you could write “slide, tide, bride, bide, |Ex: bug |

|hide, side, wide”. |2+21+7 = 30 |

|Scramble your spelling words. Ask a friend or family member to |Make a spelling rap to teach the class |

|solve them. Check if they were correct! | |

|Make a word search puzzle with your spelling words. Ask a friend|Choose 10 spelling words and look in a thesaurus to find 3 |

|or family member to solve it! |words that mean the same thing as each word. |


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