
Noun ev Pronoun ‡K wbw`©ó A_ev Awbw`©ó K‡i cÖKvk Kivi Rb¨ a, an, the †K Bs‡iwR‡Z Article e‡j| a Ges an -†K Ges Indefinite Article Ges the †K Definete Article e‡j| Kvh© I DrcwË Abyhvqx Giv Adjective wn‡m‡e MY¨|

Rule-1: k‡ãi cÖ_‡g Consonant _vK‡j Gi c~‡e© a Ges Vowel (a, e, i, o, u) _vK‡j an e‡m| †hgb-

This is a book. I saw an owl. This is an egg.

This is an umbrella. The crow is an ugly

Rule-2: k‡ãi cÖ_‡g Ôe’ ev Ôu’ _vK‡j Ges Gi D”PviY ÔAvÕ Gi gZ bv n‡q BD Gi gZ n‡j, Gi c~‡e© an bv e‡m a e‡m|


This is a unique opportunity. He is a European.

There is a university in Bangladesh. The cow is a useful animal.

Rule-3: k‡ãi cÖ_‡g ‘h’ _vK‡j Ges Zv D”PvwiZ bv n‡j Zvi c~‡e© a bv e‡m an e‡m | †hgb-

He is an honest man. Sixty minutes make an hour. He has an heir.

Rule-4: mswÿß k‡ãi (abbreviation) cÖ_‡g Consonant _vK‡j Ges Gi D”PviY Vowel Gi g‡Zv n‡j Gi c~‡e©

an e‡m| †hgb-

He is an M.A Mr. Hasan is an L.L.B. He is an F.R.C.S

wKQz mswÿß k‡ãi cÖ_g Aÿi Consonant Gig Z D”PvwiZ n‡j ‘a’ e‡m| †hgb-

He is a B.A Mr. Karim is a B.Sc.

Rule-5: k‡ãi cÖ_‡g ‘O’ _vK‡j Ges Gi D”PviY Iqvi gZ n‡j Gi c~‡e© a e‡m| †hgb-

I saw a one-eyed man. Give me a on-taka note.

Rule-6: KLbI KLbI Preparation iæ‡c a e¨envi n‡q _v‡K| †hgb-

He went a hunting (a=on)| †m wkKv‡i wM‡qwQj|

Rule-7: Common noun wn‡m‡e Abstract noun e¨eüZ n‡j Abstract noun wUi c~‡e© a/an e‡m| †hgb-

Nazma is a beauty. Kabir is an idle.

Rule-8: Many I such Gi c‡i Singular common noun e¨eüZ n‡j common noun wUi c~‡e© a/an e‡m| †hgb-

Many a man was present in the meeting. Such a person is the glory of the nation.

Rule-9: Exclamation (we¯§q) eySv‡Z What Gi ci a/an e‡m| ‡hgb-

What a pretty girl she is! What a long distance!

What an honest man he is!

Rule-10: Singular Common noun Gi c~‡e© quite, rather, but, not BZ¨vw` e¨eüZ n‡j †m noun Gi c~‡e© a/an

e‡m| ‡hgb-

Salma is quite a beautiful girl. You are rather a meritorious boy.

Not a man is found in the house.

Rule-11: Adjective Gi c~‡e© So, too BZ¨vw` _vK‡j Gi ci noun Gi c~‡e© a/an e‡m| ‡hgb-

Gold is so precious a metal. This is too serious a matter for him.

Rule-12: msL¨vevPK word ‡hgb- hundred, dozen, thousand, million, score, pair BZ¨vw`i c~‡e© a e‡m| ‡hgb-

Give me a hundred rupees. He earns a thousand taka a day.

I have bought a dozen of pencils. He has a pair of shoes.

Rule-13: Mr/Mrs/Miss BZ¨vw`i c~‡e© a e‡m| ‡hgb-

A Mr. Khan came to me yesterday. A Miss Saleha helped the man.

Rule-14: Zzjbv eySv‡Z `ywU noun hw` GKB e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡K wb‡`©k K‡i, Z‡e cÖ_g noun wUi c~‡e© a/an e‡m| ‡hgb-

Grammar is a better servant than master.

Rule-15: ‡Kvb Singular noun w`‡q hw` GKB RvZxq A‡bK e¨w³ ev e¯‘ eySvq Zv‡i Gi c~‡e© a/an e‡m| ‡hgb-

A child needs milk. An idle man cannot prosper in life.

Rule-16: `i, AbycvZ, MwZ‡eM BZ¨vw` cÖKvk Ki‡Z a/an e¨eüZ nq| ‡hgb-

Rice Sells five taka a seer. The car runs eighty kilometers an hour.

Rule-17: Exclamatory sentence G Singular countable noun (hv MYbv Kiv hvq) Gi c~‡e© a/an e‡m| ‡hgb-

Such a fine picture! How beautiful a bird!

Rule-18: Avnv‡ii bv‡gi Av‡M a/an e‡m bv wKš‘ Avnv‡ii Av‡M Adjective e¨eüZ n‡j Zvi Av‡M a/an e‡m| ‡hgb-

We have breakfast at nine. She gave them a good breakfast.

1. Plural noun Gi c~‡e© a/an e‡m bv| †hgb-

Cows are useful. Horses can run fast.

2. Abstract noun Gi c~‡e© a/an e‡m bv| wKš‘ hw` GwU common noun wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq, Z‡e Article e‡j|

The kindness of the boy is noun to all. Honesty is the best policy

Kindness is a great virtue. Poverty is a curse to the poor.

3. KZK¸‡jv Uncountable noun ‡hgb advice, information. news, baggage BZ¨vw`i c~‡e© © a/an e‡m bv| †hgb-

He gave me good advice. He gave me bad news.

The police could not provide correct information.

4. Water, milk, tea, oil, paper, rice, gold, iron BZ¨vw` Material noun Gi c~‡e© a/an e‡m bv| †hgb--

Milk is whit. Water has no colour of its own. Iron is very useful to us.

5. e³vi Avcb Father, mother wKsev baby BZ¨vw` eySv‡j G`‡i c~‡e© a/an e‡m bv| †hgb--

I love mother. Take care of your child.

6. ‡Ljvi bv‡gi c~‡e© a/an e‡m bv| †hgb--

Cricket is a favorite game. Football is played all over the world.

7. Ordinal number Gi c~‡e© a/an e‡m bv| †hgb--

I bought 10 pens.

8. Lvev‡ii mgq †hgb Breakfast, lunch, dinner BZ¨vw`i c~‡e©© a/an e‡m bv| †hgb--

Today I had my breakfast in their house. We have lunch at 2 p.m.

Rule-1: wbw`©ó K‡i †Kvb e¨w³ ev e¯‘ eySv‡Z Zvi c~‡e© The e‡m|

The know the man. The boys of this school are good.

Rule-2: ‡kÖwY ev RvwZ eySv‡Z Singular Common Noun Gi c~‡e© The e‡m|

The cow is a useful animal. The English are brave.

Rule-3: RvwZi c~‡e© The e‡m| wKš‘ fvlvi c~‡e© The e‡m| ‡hgb-

The English can speak English fluently.

wKš‘ fvlvi c‡i Language kãwU _vK‡j wKš‘ fvlvi c~‡e© The e‡m| ‡hgb-

The English language is very interesting.

Rule-4: m¤úª`vq eySv‡Z Adjective Gi c~‡e© The e‡m| ‡hgb-

The Viruous are happy. The rich are not always happy. The poor are born to suffer.

Rule-5: `ywU Proper Noun ‡K Zzjbv Ki‡Z Ges hvi mv‡_ Zzjbv Kiv nq, Zvi c~‡e© The e‡m| ‡hgb-

Narauyangonj is the Dundee of Bangladesh. Nazrul is the Byron of Bangladesh.

Rule-6: b`x, mvMi, gnvmvMi, n«` BZ¨vw` bv‡gi c~‡e© The e‡m| ‡hgb-

The Padma is a big river. The Pacific is the deepest ocean.

Rule-7: ce©Z †kÖwY,wØccyÄ BZ¨vw` bv‡gi c~‡e© The e‡m| ‡hgb-

The Himalayas are to the north of India. The Andaman’s are to the south of India.

wKš‘ GKwU gvÎ ce©Z ev Øx‡ci bv‡gi c~‡e© The e‡m| ‡hgb-

Everest is the highest peak in the world. Sicily is to the south of Italy.

Rule-8: KZK¸‡jv AwØZxq wRwbm †hgb P›`ª, m~h©, c„w_ex, AvKvk BZ¨vw` bv‡gi c~‡e© The e‡m| ‡hgb-

The earth is round. The sun rises in the East.

Rule-9: msev`cÎ, ag©MÖš’ Ges gnvKv‡e¨i c~‡e© The e‡m| ‡hgb-

I read the Ittefaq daily. The Quran is a holy book to the Muslim. The Bible is a holy book.

Rule-10: we‡kl A_©c~Y© †`k ev ¯’v‡bi bv‡gi c~‡e© The e‡m| ‡hgb-

The Panjab is a land of five rivers. He studies in the U.S.A/U.K.

Rule-11: wbw`©ó Zvwi‡Li c~‡e© The e‡m| ‡hgb-

The 16th December is a red letter day of Bangladesh.

Rule-12: cÖwm× ¯’vb ev cÖwZôvb, HwZ‡n¨i NUbv BZ¨vw` bv‡gi c~‡e© The e‡m| ‡hgb-

The Tajmahal stands on the Jamuna. The battle of Panipath

Rule-13: ‡Uªb I Rvnv‡Ri bv‡gi c~‡e© The e‡m| ‡hgb-

The Green Arrow touches at Bhairab.

The B.N.S Bangabandhu is the largest ship of Bangladesh.

Rule-14: ‡Kvb adjective ev adjective phrase ev adjective clasue Øviv †Kvb common noun †K wb‡`©k Kiv

n‡j Zvi c~‡e© The e‡m| ‡hgb-

The man who came with me was my father. The dog that bit him has been killed.

Rule-15: Majority, police, public BZ¨vw` collective noun mvaviYZ Plural wn‡m‡e MY¨ n‡j G¸‡jvi c~‡e© The

e‡m| ‡hgb-

The majority are known to me. I am supported by the public.

Rule-16: mvaviYZ Abstract Noun Ges Material Noun c~‡e© The e‡m| ‡hgb- wKš‘ wbw`©ó K‡i eySv‡j Zv‡`i c~‡e©

The e‡m| ‡hgb-

The kindness of Mohsin is praiseworthy. The gold of my ring is pure.

Rule-17: Common Noun hLb Abstract iæ‡g e¨eüZ nq, ZLb Gi c~‡e© The e‡m| ‡hgb-

The mother rose in her at the sight of the child.

Everybody should check the beast in him.

The boy found the mother in her.

Ruel-18: Possessive Adjective ‡hgb –my, your, his, her BZ¨vw`i c~‡e© the e‡m| ‡hgb-

He struck me on the head. (the=my) He caught me by the hand. (the=my)

I pulled him by the car. (the=his)

Rule-19: `ywU Comperative hw` Adverb wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq Z‡e Dfq comperative Gi c~‡e© the e‡m| ‡ÿ‡Î hZ

...... BZ¨vw` eySvq?

The sonner, the better. The more you read, the more you learn.

Rule-20: Superlative Degree-Gi Adjective Gi c~‡e© The e‡m| ‡hgb-

The Padma is the biggest river in our country.

He is the wisest man in the village.

Ruel-21: `yB‡qi g‡a¨ †_‡K †KwU‡K †e‡Q †bqvi A_© cÖKvk Ki‡j Comparative Degree Gi c~‡e© The e‡m| ‡hgb-

Nasima is the wiser of the two girls. This is the better of the tow pens.

Rahim is the taller of the two boys.

Rule-22: GKB e¨w³ `yB c`exi AwaKvix n‡j cÖ_gwUi c~‡e© The e‡m| ‡hgb-

The Headmaster and secretary is coming.

Rule-23: School, college, market, hospital, mosque, church cÖf…wZ noun hLb G‡`i cÖK…Z D‡Ïk¨ e¨eüZ nq,

ZLb G‡`i c~‡e© The e‡m bv| wKQz Ab¨ †Kvb D‡Ïk¨ G mKj ¯’vb cwi`k©b Ki‡j G‡`i c~‡e© The e‡m| ‡hgb-

He goes to school every day. He went to the school to see Headmaster.

Rule-24: ‡h kã †ckv ev e¨emvq eySvq Gi c~‡e© The e‡m| ‡hgb-

He joined the Bar in Calcutta.

Rule-25: iv¯Ív, GwfwbD cvK© BZ¨vw` bv‡gi c~‡e© The e‡m b | ‡hgb-

Manik Mia Avenue is the largest street of Dhaka.

wKš‘ iv¯Ívi bv‡ig mv‡_ Road _vK‡j The e‡m| ‡hgb-

The Nawabpur road is always busy.

Rule-26: Select, Elect, appoint, make, nominate, crown cÖf…wZ verb Gi complement c~‡e© The e‡m bv|

‡hgb- Why made him captain. We elected him chairman.

Rule-27: ‡Kvb Pronoun Gi Apposition iæ‡c hw` †Kvb rank c`gh©`v ev profession ‡ckv common noun e¨eüZ

Zvn‡j H common noun Gi c~‡e© The e‡m bv| †hgb-

Mr Zakir, Headmaster of our school, is a good man.

Rule-28: ‰bKU¨ ev cwiwPwZi Kvi‡Y †Kvb wKQz wbw`©óZv jvf Ki‡j Zvi c~‡e© The e‡m| †hgb-

He is the garden. She is in the kitchen.

Ruel-29: Proper noun Gi ci †Kvb ¸YevPK kã hy³ n‡j H ¸YevPK kãwUi c~‡e© The e‡m| †hgb-

Omar, the great, was a noble Caliph.

Rule-30: Avnv‡ii bv‡gi c~‡e© The e‡m bv| †hgb-

We have had breakfast at eight.

Rule- 31: GKwU Singular noun Gi c~‡e© `y Bev Z‡ZvwaK adjective _vK‡j G‡`i cÖ‡Z¨‡Ki c~‡e© the emv‡Z nq| †hgb-

I have seen the new and the ole house.

I have read the fifth and the sixth chapter of the book.

Rule-32: Original number first, second, third BZ¨vw`‡K hLb K_vq †jLv nq ZLb G‡`i c~‡e© the emv‡Z nq| †hgb-

Kamal is the first boy in the class. I am the second child of my parents.

Rule-33: Noun All, both, half+the+noun Gi c‡i Ges noun Gi c~‡e© the emv‡Z nq| †hgb-

Rima ate half the cake. I lended him all the money.

Ruel-34: cwiev‡ii bvg Plural A‡_© e¨eüZ n‡j Zvi c~‡e© the emv‡Z nq| †hgb-

The Khans, The Muslims, The Mughals, The Pathans BZ¨vw`|

Rule-35: Musical instruments Gi bv‡gi c~‡e© the emv‡Z nq| †hgb-

The piano is very expensive today. The violin is used in music.

Rule-36: ‡Kvb Noun Superlative Gi ¸iæZ¡ cÖKvk K‡i ZLb Zvi c~‡e© the emv‡Z nq| †hgb-

Shamsur Rahman is the poet of the day.

Rule-37: Proper noun Zvi c~‡e Adjective _vK‡j the emv‡Z nq| †hgb-

The great Omar was the Caliph of Islam. The notorious Hasan has been arrested.

Rule-38: msL¨v cÖKvkK †h word GKwU uunit wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq Zvi c~‡e© the e‡m| †hgb-

The Awami League. The Muslim League.

Rule-39: Singular designation (Dcvwa/c`ex) Gi c~‡e© the e‡m| †hgb-

The Principal, The President,

Rule-40: wKQz Collective Noun Gi c~‡e© the e‡m| †hgb-

The audience, The peasantry

Rule-41: KZK¸‡jv †iv‡Mi bv‡gi c~‡e© the e‡m| †hgb-

The gout, The measles BZ¨vw`|

Rule-42: ‡Kvb Awbw`©ó Noun wØZxq evi D‡jøwLZ n‡q wbw`©ó n‡q †M‡j Zvi c~‡e© the e‡m| †hgb-

There is a tree in the garden, the tree is very tall.

1. kix‡ii A½ cÖZ¨½ Ges †cvkvK-cwi”Q‡`i bv‡gi c~‡e© the e‡m bv| †hgb-

Raise your right hand. Put off your shirt.

2. mvaviYZ home Gi c~‡e© the e‡m| †hgb-

Nazma went home. He is at home.

3. e³vi wb‡Ri evev, gv, wKsev wkï BZ¨vw` eySv‡j Father, mother, baby BZ¨vw`i c~‡e© the e‡m bv| †hgb-

Every mother loves her child. He went to Dhaka with his father.

4. w`b ev gv‡mi bv‡gi c~‡e© the e‡m| †hgb-

January is the first month of the year. Sunday is the first day of the week.

5. FZz D?m‡ei bv‡gi c~‡e© the e‡m| †hgb-

We like to play football/cricket/hockey. We have breakfast/lunch/dinner as usual time.

Question No. 1: Use of Articles

1. Dhaka Board-16

Michael Madhusudan Dutt was (a) — popular 19th century Bengali poet and dramatist. He was born in (b) Sagardari on (c) — bank of (d) Kopotaksho river, (e) — village in Keshobpur Upazilla under Jessore district. From (0 early age, Dutt aspired to be (g) — Englishman in form and manner. Though he was born in (h) —sophisticated Hindu family, he took Christianity arousing (i) anger of his family. He contributed much to (j) —development of Bengali literature.

2. Rajshahi Board-16

Every student wants to do better in (a) — examination. But it is not (b) — easy work. (c) — student has to do something for this. From (d) — very beginning he must be serious. He should read (e) — texts again and again. He must not memorize (f) — answer without knowing the meaning. He must not make notes from (g) — common source. He should have a good (h)—command over English. By doing all these things (i)—student can hope to make a good (j) — result.

3. Dinajpur Board-16

(a) — morning walk is a good habit for all classes of people. It is (b) — simple exercise and good for health and (c) — mentality. In the morning (d) — air is fresh and free from any kind of noise and pollution. This pure (e) —environment makes an effect on (f) — walker's health and mind. When (g) — man enjoys (h) — beauties and solemnity of (i) — nature in (j) — morning.

4. Jessore Board-16

Literacy as (a) — skill was first institutionalized in Mesopotamia, Syria, Egypt and China soon after (b) — art of writing was invented. Education then was not for (c) — general people but (d) privilege for (e) — chosen (f) —few who took on strategic roles in (g) — running of (h) — state and in religion. In Greece, education became more widespread in about the 5th century BC. (i)— Greeks, however, sent only their (j) — male children to school.

5. Comilla Board-16

My mother is (a) — ideal housewife. She is (b) — affectionate lady. She manages (c) — family very nicely. She hopes to see me happy at (d) — cost of her own life. She does not enjoy (e) — wink of sleep if I fall sick. She is very kind to (f) — poor. She is also (g) — very religious lady. She advise us to follow (h) — path of truth and honesty. (i) — woman like her is very rare. She bears a good moral (j) — character.

6. Chittagong Board-16

There is a saying that sincerity is (a) — key to success. (b) — person can prosper in life by doing hard work. The man who does not follow (c) rules of sincerity can never go (d) — long way in (e) — world. Many (f) — man is not conscious of (g) — importance of (h) — sincerity for which they don't have (i) — benefit of (j) — success. However, we should be sincere to our work if we want to achieve anything notable.

7. Sylhet Board-16 '

Kamal is (a) — HSC examinee of this year. He is not (b) — attentive to his lessons. He is very weak in (c) —English. Moreover he is (d) — lazy. So his preparation in English is not good. (e) — month ago before his examination he managed (f) — short suggestion and learnt it. On (g) — day of examination he started for the examination hall (h)— bit earlier. He entered (i) — examination hall with (j) —trembling heart.

8. Barisal Board-16

Once there lived (a) — poor Cobbler. He had rich neighbour. (c) — neighbour possessed (d) — ill-health. So, he Was (e) — angry man. He was always (0 — unhappy man. Once he used to think (g)— richest men to be (h) — happiest men in (i) — world. But his (j)— idea was wrong.

9. Dahka Board-15

Industry is (a) — key to success. (b) — industrious can prosper in life. (c) — man who does not undertake (d) — hard-work can never go (e) long way in (f) — world. Many (g) — man is not conscious of (h) — importance of (i) — diligence for which they can't reap (j) — benefit of success.

10. Rajahahi Board-15 # Jessore Board-12

Long long ago, (a) — mirror was found in (b) — paddy field by (c) — farmer. Neither this farmer nor anybody else in (d) — area had ever seen (e) — mirror. So, when (f) — farmer looked into (g) — mirror, he was surprised to see (h) — man looking straight at him. Now, this farmer very much resembled his father who had died (i) — years ago. He thought that it was his father inside it and saluted him with (j) — love and respect.

11. Dinajpur Board -15

Ferdousi, (a) — great poet, began to write (b) — Shahnama and the Sultan promised him (c) — piece of gold for each (d)— verse. (e) — epic contained sixty thousands (f) — verses. But instead of gold coins he offered the poet only sixty thousands silver (g) — coins. So, the poet refused to accept the silver coins and left the court with (h) — broken heart. He was (i) — aggrieved man. Later on, the Sultan realized that he had made blunder.

12. Jessore Board-15

Mr. Bright is (a) — European. As he is (b) — Englishman, he knows (c) — English well. He is (d) — honorable to everyone though he is (e) — one-eyed man. One day having (f) — SOS, he went to (g) — USA. His brother Johnson living there joined (h) — Army last year. He is (i) ___ younger of the two brothers. When Bright met his brother, he could not but shed (j) — tears.

13. Comilla Board-15

(a) — discipline is seen even in (b) — nature. Every morning (c) — sun rises in (d) — east. Day follows (e) — night, birds sing and (f) — plants blossom. Everywhere in (g) — nature, there is (h) — harmony. If there was no discipline in (i) — nature, there would have been (j)—chaos everywhere.

14. Chittagong Board-15 b Hamidpur Al-Hera Degree College, Jessore-15

Television is (a) — part and parcel of modern life. At present we can enjoy various TV channels through satellite. Among these, (b) — Discovery Channel is my favorite one. This TV channel is very interesting and attractive. I think both (c) — young and (d) — old get pleasure from this channel. When I watch this TV channel, I forget (e) — everything of practical life. The introducer narrates everything in (f) — most appropriate way. He turns our attention to (g) — unknown and mysterious world of (h) — history and animals. (1) —sea-view is excellent. I think it attracts (j) — attention of all kinds of viewers.

15. Sylhet Board-15 # Lalmatia Mohila College, Dhaka-15 #Barguna Govt. College-15 # Govt. shaheed Bulbul College, pabna-15

Life is full of (a) — unfavorable circumstances. (b) — great men in (c) — world bravely faced (d) — adverse situations. These situations bring out (e) — man's latent qualities. (f) — people in such circumstances learn many virtues like fortitude and bravery. Only (g) — virtuous and brave men can conquer (h) — obstacles of life. (i) —adverse situations have glorified (j) — mind and character of great men.

16. Barisal Board-15 #Barisal Cadet College-15 #Jhalakati Govt. Women's College-15 #B.A.F. Shakeen College, Chittagong-15 # Saidpur Govt. Technical College, Nilphamari-15

The process of globalization obviously requires (a) — common language for international (b) — communication. For many different reasons, English has achieved (c) — prestige of being that (d) — language because it is (e) —international language. It is no longer (f) — unique possession of the British or the Americans or other native-speakers, but (g) — language that belongs to (h) — world's people. This phenomenon has led to (i) — bewildering variety of (j) — English around us.

17. Dhaka Board-14

Humayun Ahmed (1948-2012) was (a) — great novelist, screenwriter, playwright and film maker of Bangladesh. He went to many (b) — schools in Sylhet, Comilla, Chittagong, Dinajpur and Bogra as his father lived in many places upon official assignment. He passed (c) — S.S.C Examination as (d) — student of Bogra Zilla School in 1965. Later he was admitted to Dhaka College and passed (e) — H.S.C Examination in 1967. He initially planned to study (f) — Economics but suddenly changed his (g) — mind and got admitted into the University of Dhaka to study (h) — Chemistry. He passed both B.Sc (Honours) and M.Sc with First Class. Subsequently, he joined the University of Dhaka as (i) — Lecturer in Chemistry. Later, he went to (j) — United States to do his Ph.D.

18. Rajshahi Board-14 # Comilla Board-14 # Jessore Board-14 # Board-09 # Rajshahi Mode( School & College-15 # Khalilur Rahman College, Mollahat, Bagerhat-15 #comilla Govt. College-15

(a) — idle man and (b) — active man cannot be equal. We know (c) — story of (d) ant and (e) — grasshopper. (f) — ant was industrious. On the other hand, the grasshopper was really (g) — lazy. The ant knew that (h) — industrious shine. On (i) — contrary, (j) — lazy suffer in life.

19. Dinajpur Board-14 # comilla board-12. # Govt. H.S.S College, Magura # shamsul Hoque khan School & College, Dhaka-15 # Bangladesh Mohila somitee Girls’ school & College, chittagong-15- #Govt, suhrawardy college, pirojpur-15

The 16th December is (a) — red-letter day in the history of Bangladesh. On this day we achieved (b) — freedom through (c)— long, bloody battle. (d)— New nation named Bangladesh came into (e)--- being and made a place in (f)—world map as (g) — independent country. Every year this day is celebrated in (h) — enthusiastic atmosphere. We remember (i) — great sacrifice of our heroic sons who died for this country. We also pay (j)—great tribute to them.

20. Chittagong Board-14 #Adhyapak Abdul Majid College, Comilla-15

Poverty is (a) — acute problem in (b) — LDC like Bangladesh. Many people live below (c) — poverty line here. They regard (d) — poverty as (e) — great evil. It degrades (f) — dignity of (g) — individual as well as (h) — nation. But (i) — poverty alleviation is (j) mammoth task.

21. sylhet board-14 #Holy Cross College, Dhaka-15 #sherpur Govt. college-15 #Gaibandha Govt. college-15

Patriotism is a noble (a) —virtue. It inspires (b) — man to shed his blood for his (c) — country. (d)— man without Patriotism is no better than (e) — A true patriot is honoured by (f) — all. He thinks for (g) — welfare of his country. On (h) — other hand, (i) — unpatriotic man thinks only of his own interest. Those who died for (j) — country are true patriots.

22. Barisal Board-14

Recently a detective watched (a) — Well-dressed woman who always went into (b) — large store on Monday morning. One Monday, there were fewer people in the shop. So it was easier for (c) — detective to watch her the woman first bought (d) — few small articles. After (e) — little time, she chose one of the most expensive dresses in the shop and handed it to (f) — assistant. Who wrapped it up for her as quickly as possible? Then the woman simply took the parcel and walked out of the shop. When she was arrested, it was discovered that (g) — sales assistant was her (h) — daughter. The girl gave her (i) — expensive dress once (j) — Week.

23. Dhaka Board-13 # Rajshahi Board-10

Though newspaper is not always (a) — unmixed blessing, it is (b) — most useful thing in our life. We rarely think of (c) — day without reading (d) — newspaper. Reading newspaper is one of (e) — good habits of a man. We shall be like (f) — frog in a dark well if we neglect developing this habit. However, some people prefer (g) — electronic media to reading (h) — newspaper. But (i) — newspaper offers more to its readers than (j) — electronic media.

24. Rajshahi Board-13 0 Satkhira Ciovt. College-15

Mosquito menace is one of (a) — most talked topics. (b) — fear and nuisance of mosquito is called (c) — mosquito menace. For (d) — city dwellers it is (e) — constant nuisance. Particularly at (f) — night, it becomes more when thousands of mosquitoes start singing around (g) — us. Even during daytimes, we are not free from (h) — attack of mosquitoes. To prevent (i) — nuisance caused by mosquitoes, we have to be alert and work in (j) — assorted efforts.

25. Jessore Board-13, Dhaka Board-09

Adnan is a brilliant student. He is (a) — asset. One day he may be (b) — engineer or (c) — doctor. He makes (d) — best use of his time. He makes a proper division of his time and does his duties accordingly. He knows that youth is (e) — golden period of (f) — life. He has (g) — aim in life. He knows that life without (h) — aim is like (i) — ship without (j) — rudder.

26. Dinajpur Board-13, Chittagong Board-11

At present Bangladesh faces (a) — number of (b) — problems. Of all these problems (c) — population problem is (d) —most acute one Population is undoubtedly (e) — great asset of (f)— country. But when (g) — country fails to feed and provide them with (h) suitable jobs, they become (i) — burden. Similar is (j)—case with Bangladesh.

27. Comilla Board-13 # cantonment public School & College, Rangpur -15 #Chittagong cantonment public School & College-15 #satkhira Govt. women’s College-15

(a) — morning walk is (b) — good habit for all classes of (c) — people. It is (d) — simple exercise and good for health and (e) — mentality. in the morning, (f)— air is fresh and free from any kind of noise and pollution. This pure (g) — environment makes (h) — effect on nature in (j) — morning.

28. Chittagong Board-13 #Dhaka Residential Model College-15 # police lines school & College , Rangpur-15

A brilliant student is (a) — asset. One day he may be (b) — engineer or (c) — doctor. He makes (d) — best use of his times. He does his duties accordingly. He .knows that youth is (e) — golden period of (f) — life. He has (g) — aim in life. He knows that (h) — life without (i) — aim is like (j) ship without a rudder.

29. Sythet Board-13 Ullapara Science College Sirajgaanj -15

A library is (a) — part and parcel of (b) — educational institution. It is (c) — unique place where books of different subjects are kept for (d) — reading. It enables (e) — readers to read books of their choice that creates (f) — enthusiasm for learning. Students should pay (g) — visit to (h) — library regularly. They-can borrow books for (i) — certain period and return them after (j) — given time.

30. Barisal Board-13

Galib works in (a) — nationalized bank in Dhaka, (b) capital city of Bangladesh. Being (c) — sensitive young man and (d) ex-student of (e) — English literature, he takes the job as (f) — source of pleasure. As (g) — honest officer, he tries to give his best to (h) — clients. Everyday hundreds of people come to (i) — bank and Galib happens to come across many of them with (j) —smiling face.

31. Dhaka Board-12 #Chandpur Govt. College-15

Tea is a drink. It is also (a) — refreshing drink. The preparation of tea is a long but (b) interesting process. (c) —water is first boiled in (d) — kettle and (e) desired quantity of (f) — tea dust is put in it. After (g) —few minutes (h)—boiled leaves are separated from (i) — liquor, Then the liquor is poured into (j)—cup and some milk and sugar are mixed with it.

32. Rajshahi Board-12 # Rajshahi Govt. women’s College-15 # Sirajgaanj Govt. College, Sirajgaanj -15

Once upon (a) — time there was (b) — king. His palace was surrounded by (c) — beautiful gardens. One day he fell ill. He called in (d) — doctor. But (e) — doctor could not say what wrong was with him. More (f) — doctors were called. Finally they said that (g) — king could be healed if he wore (h) — shirt of (i) —happy man, (j) —messengers were sent everywhere, but no happy man could be found.

33. Dinajpur Board -12 #major General Mahmudul Hasan Adarsha College, Tangail -15 # Al-Hera Academy school & college, Pabna-15 #Chittagong Govt. women’s college-15

(a) — ant is (b) — industrious insect. Bees are also (c) — industrious insects. If we observe the life of (d) —successful man, we will find that he is also (e) — industrious. (f) — industrious are appreciated by all. On the other hand, (g) — idle are disliked by all. So, industry is (h) —must to prosper in (i) life. We all know that industry is the key to success and laziness leads us to (j) — misfortune.

34. Chittagong Board-12. Sreemongal Govt. College, Moulvibazar-15

Today women are playing (a)—important role in all spheres of (b) — life. They are no longer confined within (c)—four walls of the kitchens. They have come out of their cocoons and are working hand in hand with (d) — men. They are joining (e) — wide range of professions and making a great (f) —contribution to the economy. Now it has come to (g) — realization of all that it is not possible to develop the country keeping women, (h) —large section of (i) — population, in (j) — dark.

35. Sylhet Board-12 # Joypurhat Govt. College-15

Socrates believed that (a) — angry man was more of (b) — beast than a human being. He had a wife who used to lose her temper on (c) — slightest excuse. One day (d) — woman got more furious and began to insult him. He went out and sat on the doorstep of his (e) — house. He looked out on the public (f) — street. The wife found that he was paying (g) — least heed to her. So she began to pour hot water on (h) — head of Socrates. The passers-by were very amused at (i) — incident. They had not seen such (j) — incident before.

36. Barisal Board-12

Childhood or boyhood is (a) — man's formative period. During this period (b) — child receives training from its mother. (c) — mother's tender heart always looks to (d) — welfare and well-being of (e) — child. If during this period (f) — mother tries to bring (g) —child up carefully and according to her (h) — best ideas, (i) —child is sure to grow with its superiors, parents and teachers and love (j) — all irrespective of caste, creed and colour.

37. Dhaka Board-11 # Jessore Board-09

Banglad esh is (a) — world's most densely populated country. Our development efforts are frustrated because of (b) — great size of our population. (c) —population explosion is (d) — constant threat to our environment and (e) — society. Here population is growing at such (f) — high rate that (g) — environment may soon fail to supply (h) — people with their minimum necessities. It is indeed (i) — alarming situation. Something should be done to change (j) — situation.

38. Raishahi Board-11

There was (a) — idle man who inherited vast property from his father. He did not like physical labour. As (b) — result, he became very fat and could not move from one place to another. He called in (c) — European doctor. (d) — doctor was very intelligent. He did not prescribe any medicine for (e) — man. He advised him to buy (f) — heavy club and move it in (g) — air till he got (h) — tired. Following the advice of the doctor, he became (i) — thin from (j) — obese man.

39. Dinajpur Board-11 # collectorate school & College, Rangpur-15

You must have heard (a) — name of Kazi Nazrul Islam. He is our national poet. He is known as (b) — rebel poet. He was born in (c) — poor family. He passed his boyhood in great hardship. When (d) — First world war broke out, he joined (e) — army. After (f) — war, he began to write poems. He wrote specially for (g) —oppressed and downtrodden people. He is called (h) —Shelley of Bengali literature. His poems and songs inspired (i) — Bangalees in (j) — War of Liberation.

40. Jessore Board—11 # Sylhet Govt. women’s college-15

"Under the Greenwood Tree" is (a) — song derived from "As You like It," (b) —comedy by Shakespeare. in this song (c) —writer's love of nature has found (d) — eloquent expression, as has, as (e) — undertone, his deep concern for (f) limitations of (g) — human society. In the forest (h) —only enemy of man is bitter winter and rough weather. Nature has no particular enmity towards man and it treats all equally. The forest is the place for one who is content with (i) — small pleasures of life and has (j) — little ambition.

41. Comilla Board-11 Juranpur Adarsha University College, comilla-15

(a).— honest boy is he who never tells a lie. He carries out (b) — orders of his parents. He has (c) — aim in life. He develops (d) — attitude to serve his nation. He is (e) — active worker who 'upholds (f) — interest of his nation above everything. He thinks that he has (g) — role to play in all matters. We cordially expect such (h) — boy change (i) — selfish motive of (j) — people.

42. Sylhet Board -11

I live in (a) — jigatola near (b) —Rifles Square. When I was (c) — student of (d) —University of Dhaka, stayed at wari in (e) — old Dhaka. Actually, it was in (f) — Bonogram Lane that originates from (g) BCC Road which is a branch of (h) — Rankin street. (i) — Bangabhaban and (j) — Baldha Garden are adjacent to area.

43. Barisal Board-11 #Govt. Azizul Haque college, Bogra-15

We live on (a) — ground floor. of (b) — old house on (c) — river Kirtankhola. We are very much afraid of (d) — burglars and always lock up (e) — house very carefully before we go to (f) — bed. We also take (g) — precaution per of looking under (h) — bed to see if (i) — burglar is hiding there. We know modern burglars do not hide under is beds, but we go on looking just (j) — same.

44. Dinajpur Board-10 # Panchagarh Govt. Women’s College-15

We know (a) — man is (b) — rational creature. It is (c) — rationality in him which makes him (d) — different species. He can differentiate between (e) — right and (f) —.wrong. This is why, (g) — man is considered (h) — best creation of (i) — Creator of (j) — universe.

45. Jessore Board-10

Once you have completed (a) — initial diagnosis of your students, you are faced with selecting subject-matter appropriate to their (b) —interests, abilities, and personal-social adjustment as well as to your own teaching objectives. Frequently, (c) —.selection and planning of content are not seen as integral (d) — parts of, (e) — evaluation process. (f) — techniques you select to evaluate how well you and your students have achieved your objectives are inextricably bound to (g) — subject-matter used to teach these objectives. In (h) — sense, you must evaluate (i) — subject-matter itself to (j) — determine if it is appropriate for your objectives.

46. Conilla Board-10

It is (a) — known fact that English is (b) — international language. (c) — language used by international community is important. Statistics show that 350 million people speak English as (d) — first language and another 300 million use it as (e) — second language. it is (f) — official language in more than 60 countries of the world. Once it was also (g) —official language of our country. Most of (h) — books of science and technology are written in English. So (i)— importance of learning English beggars description. It is (j) — must.

47. Chittagong Board-10

James Norman Hall was (a) American writer. He wrote (b) — story about (c) wonderful piece of business that took place between him and a farmer. While in (d) — Tahiti, he was short of (e) — money and rented (f) one room house about 22 Kilometres from (g) — town. He was doing (h) — interesting writing there.' To save money he wanted to make (i) vegetable garden in front of his house. But (j) — land was full of ants and land-crabs. They foiled all his attempts.

48. Sylhet Board -10 #Dr. Mahbubur Rahman Mollah College, Dhaka-15

Providing enough energy to meet (a) — ever-increasing demand is one of (b) — gravest problems (c) — world is now facing. Energy is (d) — key to (e) — industrialized economy, which calls for (f) — doubling of electrical output every ten to twelve years. Meanwhile (g) — days of cheap abundant and environmentally acceptable power may be coming to (h) — end. Coal is plentiful but polluting natural gas is (i) — scarce, oil is not found everywhere. Nuclear power now appears (j) — costly and risky.

49. Barisal Board-10

Cellular radio telephone, also called cellular telephone or cell phone provides voice telephone and other services to (a) — mobile users. Cellular telephones primary operate like portable or cordless telephones. However, unlike conventional wire-based cordless phones, cell phones are completely portable and do not require (b) — jack to access (c) — wire-based networks operated by local telephone companies. (d) — new generation of services for cell phones include video conferencing and (e) — Internet access with (f) — ability to send e-mail. Cellular telephones have become very popular with (g) — professionals and (h) — consumers as (i) — way to communicate easily. It s been (j) — alternative to conventional wire-based services.

50. Rajshahi Board-09 # Mymensingh Girl’s cadet college-15

Bangladesh is a land of (a) — scenic beauty. (b) — land, (c) — rivers and the forests are (d) — sources of this beauty. Geographically Bangladesh can be divided into four regions. In many places there are a lot of amazing beautiful spots. There are many historical places also. For this reason, (e) — tourism business can flourish here. (f) —wild animals of (g) —Sundarbans are also (h) — great asset. Tourism can play (i) —vital role in national economy But it is still in its tender age. So, we have to cross (j) —long way


1. (a) a; (b) ×; (c) the; (e)a; (f) an; (g) an; (h) a; (i) an; (j) the

2. (a) the; (b) an; (c) a; (d) the; (e) the; (f) an; (g) a; (h)× (i) a; (j)×

3. (a) ×; (b) a; (c) × (d) ×; (e) ×; (f) the/a; (g) a; (h) the; (i) ×; (j) the;

4. (a) a; (b) the; (c) the; (d) a;(e) the; (f) ×; (g) a; (h) the; (i) the; (j) ×

5. (a) the; (b) A;. (c) the; (d) a; (e) the; (f) a; (g) the; (h) ×; (i) the; (j) ×.

6. (a) the; (b) a; (c) the (d) a; (e) the; (f) a; (g) the; (h) ×; (i) the; (j) ×.

7. (a) an; (b) ×; (c) ×; (d) ×; (e) A; (f) a; (g) the; (h) a; (i) the;. (j) a.

8. (a) a; (b) a; (c) The; (d) ×; (e) an; (f) an; (g) the; (h).the; (i) the; (j) ×.

9. (a) the; (b) The; (c) A; (d) ×; (e) a; (f) the; (g) a; (h) the; (i) ×; (j) the.

10. (a) a; (b) a; (c) a; (d) the; (e) a/the; (f) the; (g) the; (h) a; (i) ×/the, (j) ×.

11. (a) the/a; (b) the; (c) a; (d) ×; (e) The; (f) ×; (g) ×; (h) a; (i) an; (j) a

12. (a) a; (b) an; (c) ×; (d) ×; (e) a; (f) an; (g) the; (h) the; (i) ×; (j) ×.

13. (a) ×; (b) ×; (c) the; (d) the; (e) ×; (f) ×; (g) ×; (h) a/×; (i) ×; (j) a/×.

14. (a) ×; (b) the; (c) the; (d) the; (e) ×; (f) the; (g) the/an; (h) ×; (i) A (j) the.

15. (a) × (b) The; (c) the; (d) the; (e) a; (f) The; (g) the/an; (h) the; (i) The; (j) the.

16. (a) a; (b) ×; (c) the; (d) ×; (e) an; (0 a; (g) a/the; (h) the (i) the; (j) ×.

17. (a) a; (b) ×; (c) the; (d) a; (e) the; (f) ×; (g) ×; (h) ×; (i) a; (j) the.

18. (a) An; (b) an; (c) the; (d) an/the; (e) a/the; (1) The; (g) ×; (h) the; (I) the; (j) the.

19. (a) a; (b) ×; (c) a ; (d) ,A/The; (e) ×; (f) the; (g) an ; (h) an; (i) the; (j) ×.

20. (a) an; (b) the; (c) the; (d) ×; (e) a; (f) the; (g) an; (h) a; (i) ×; (j) a

21. (a) ×; (b) a; (c) ×; (d) A ; (e) a; (1) ×; (g) the; (h) the; (i)an (j) the

22. (a) a; (b) a; (c) the; (d) a; (e) a ; (f) an; (g) the; (h) ×; (i) an; (j) a

23. (a) an; (b) the; (c) a; (d) a/×., (e) the; (f) a; (g) ×; (h) ×; (i) ×/the; (j) ×/the

24. (a) the; (b) The; (c) ×/the; (d) the; (e) a; (f) × ; (g) × ; (h)the; (i)the (j) × /the.

25. (a) an; (b) an; (c) a; (d) the; (e) the; (f) ×; (g) an; (h) an; (i) a; (j) a

26. (a) a; (b) ×; (c) ×; (d) the; (e) (f) a; (g) a; (h) the/×; (i)a; (j) the.

27. (a) ×; (b) a; (c) ×; (d) a; (e) ×; (f) the; (g) ×; (h) an; (i) ×; (j) the.

28. (a) an; (b) an; (c) a; (d) the; (e) the; (f) ×; (g) an; (h) ×; (i) an; (j) the.

29. (a) ×; (b) an; (c) a; (d) ×; (e) the/×; (f) ,×/;an; (g) a; (h) a; (i) a; (j) the

30. (a) a; (b) the/×; (c) a; (d) an; (e) ×; (f) a; (g) an; (h) the/×; (i) the; (j) a.

31. (a) a; (b) an/×; (c) ×; (d) a; (e) the/a; (f) ×; (g) a; (h) the; (i) the; (j) a.

32. (a) a; (b) a; (c) ×; (d) a; (e) the; (f) ×; (g) the ; (h) the/a; (i) a; (j) ×.

33. (a) An/The; (b) an; (c) the; (d) a; (e) ×; (f) the; (g) the; (h) an; (i) a; (j) ×.

34. (a) an; (b) ×; (c) the; (d) ×; (e) a; (f) ×; (g) the; (h) a; (i) the/×; (j) the.

35. (a) an; (b) a; (c) the; (d) the; (e) ×; (f) ×; (g) the; (h) the; (i) the; (j) an.

36. (a) ×/a; (b) a; (c) ×/A; (d) the; (e) the; (f) a; (g) the; (h) ×; (i) the; (j) ×.

37. (a) the; (b) the; (c) ×; (d) a; (e) ×; (f) a; (g) the; (h) the/×; (i) an; (j) the.

38. (a) an; (b) a; (c) a; (d) The; (e) the ; (f) a; (g) the; (h) ×; (i) ×; (j) an.

39. (a) the; (b) a/the; (c) a; (d) the; (e) the; (f) the; (g) the; (h) the; (i) the; (j) the.

40. (a) a; (b) a; (c) the; (d) an/×; (e) an/×; (f) the ; (g) the; (h) the; (i) the; (j) a.

41. (a) An; (b) the; (c) an; (d) an; (e) an; (f) the; (g) a; (h) a; (i) the; (j) the.

42. (a) ×; (b) the; (c) a; (d) ×; (e) ×; (f) the; (g) the; (h) ×; (i) The; (j) the.

43. (a) the; (b) an; (c) the; (d) ×; (e) the; (f) ×; (g) a; (h) the; (i) a; (j) the.

44. (a) ×; (b) a; (c) the; (d) ×; (e) the; (f) the; (g) ×; (h) the; (i) the; (j) the.

45. (a) an/the; (b) ×; (c) ×/the; (d) ×; (e) the/an; (f) the; (g) the; (h) a; (i) the; (j) ×.

46. (a) a; (b) an; (c) The/A; (d) a; (e) a; (f) the; (g) the; (h) the; (i) the; (j) a.

47. (a) an ; (b) a ; (c) a ; (d) ×; (e) × ; (f) a ; (g) the ; (h) an; (i) a ; (j) the.

48. (a) an; (b) the; (c) the; (d) the; (e) the; (f) ×; (g) the; (h) an; (i) ×; (j) ×.

49. (a) the/×; (b) a; (c) the/×; (d) The; (e) ×; (f) an; (g) the; (h) the; (I) a; (j) an.

50. (a) ×; (b) The; (c) the ; (d) the; (e) ×; (f) The; (g) the; (h) a; (i) a; (j) a.


Pre- c~‡e©, position- Ae¯’vb| A_©vr ‡h mKj word mg~n noun / noun phrase A_ev pronoun Gi c~‡e© e‡m Ges ev‡K¨i Ab¨ word Gi mv‡_ m¤úK© ¯’vcb K‡i, Zv‡`i‡K preposition (c`vš^qx Ae¨q ev m¤^Üm~PK Ae¨q) e‡j|

Classification of Preposition

MVb I Kv‡Ri wfbœZv Abymv‡i Preposition-‡K Qq fv‡M fvM Kiv hvq|

1. Simple preposition: GKwU gvÎ word wb‡q ‡h preposition MwVZ nq Zv‡K Simple preposition e‡j| †hgb:

In at to for of out presentation

From up with by through over

(i) He lives in America.

(ii) She is angry with me.

(iii) They are annoyed at this.

2. Double preposition: `yBwU presposition-Gi mgš^‡q MwVZ preposition hw` GKwU gvÎ preposition-Gi g‡Zv e¨eüZ nq Z‡e Zv‡K Double preposition e‡j| †hgb:

Into (in + to) upon (up + on) within (with + in) without(with+out)

(i) He dived into the water.

(ii) She will come to meet you within five days.

3. Compound preposition preposition: Noun, Adjective ev Adverb-Gi c~‡e© simple preposition hy³ n‡q †h preposition MwVZ nq Zv‡K Compound preposition e‡j| †hgb:

Across (=on + cross) along (=on + long) amidst (= on + middle) behind (= by + hind)

Before (=by + fore) beneath (=by + neath) between (= by + twain)

(i) She sat beside me.

(ii) They appeared before the judge.

(iii) There is something confidential behind the event.

4. Phrase preposition: `y Bev Z‡ZvwaK k‡ãi mgš^‡q MwVZ †Kv‡bv phrase hw` GKwU gvÎ preposition-Gi g‡Zv KvR K‡I ZLb Zv‡K Phrase preposition e‡j| †hgb:

On account of by dint of in spite of in front of by means of

In front of with a view to instead of in lieu of with regard to

(i) He could not attend the meeting on account of illness.

(ii) She succeeded in life by dint of hard labour.

5. Participle preposition: Present participle Ges Past participle hLb preposition-Gi g‡Zv e¨eüZ nq ZLb Zv‡K Participle preposition e‡j| †hgb:

During notwithstanding considering pending owing to

Concerning regarding past except

(i) She is in the dark regarding the matter.

(ii) Do you know anything concerning the life history of William Shakespeare?

6. Disguised preposition: KLbI KLbI in , on, per, by I of-Gi cwie‡Z© a A_ev o e¨eüZ n‡q preposition-Gi KvR K‡i| Gme †ÿ‡Î Zv‡`i‡K Disguised preposition e‡j| †hgb:

O’clock (=of + clock) along (= on + long)

Beside (= by + side) a kg (=per + kg )

A week (= per + week) jack o’ Lantern (Jack + of + Lantern)

(i) The hunter went a hunting (on hunting)

(ii) Now it is four o‘clock (of clock).

Dc‡ii Preposition-¸‡jv QvovI Detached preposition bv‡g Av‡iK cÖKvi Preposition i‡q‡Q| A‡bK mgq Interrogative pronoun ev Relative pronoun-Gi mv‡_ m¤úK©hy³ Preposition G‡`I c~‡e© bv e‡m wew”Qbœ Ae¯’vq c‡I e‡m| G¸‡jv‡KB Detached preposition ejv nq| †hgb:

(i) What is Dhaka famous for? (for = for what)

(ii) Where have you from? (from = from where)

(iii) This is the school which I completed my primary education in (In = in which)

(iv) Here I have no parents who I can live with.

( Preposition e¨env‡ii we¯ÍvwiZ eY©bvt


To mvaviYZ ch©šÍ cwiYwZ, Abyhvqx, Zzjbv, D‡Ïk¨ cÖf…wZ A‡_© e¨eüZ nq|

i) w`K wb‡`©k Kiv eySv‡Z to e‡m| †hgb- He has gone to college.

[Note: Home, Here There, Abroad, Gi c~‡e© To e‡m bv| Z‡e Gi e¨w³µg t From here to there.]

ii) Kv‡Q ev wbK‡U eySv‡Z to e‡m| †hgb- He came to me.

iii) gy‡LvgywL A_© eySv‡Z to e‡m| †hgb- Talk to her face to face.

iv) D‡Ïk¨ A_© eySv‡Z to e‡m| †hgb- Send the book to shamim.

v) mgq evwK Av‡Q A_© eySv‡Z to e‡m| †hgb- It is ten minutes to ten.

vi) Abyhvqx A_© eySv‡Z to e‡m| †hgb- I found the place to my liking.

vii) cwiYvg eySv‡Z to e‡m| †hgb- He was sentenced to death.

viii) ch©šÍ eySv‡Z to e‡m| †hgb- They fought to the end of the battle.

ix) AbycvZ eySv‡Z to e‡m| †hgb- Four to one the will succeed.


i) Ae¯’vb A_© eySv‡Z At e‡m| †hgb- Shamim is at his office.

ii) Zzjbv g~jKfv‡e †QvU ¯’vb I wbw`©ó †Kvb w¯’iwe›`y †evSv‡Z at e‡m|

‡hgb- a) Ali lives at Shantibagh in Dhaka. b) Please open at page 20.

iii) wbw`©ó mg‡q eySv‡Z at e‡m| †hgb- Mamun will come here at 8 P.M.

iv) `ÿZv cÖKv‡ki †ÿ‡Î at e‡m| †hgb- Saiful is good at Physics.

v) we`ªæ‡ci †ÿ‡Î at e‡m| †hgb- Do not laugh at the poor.

vi) eqm eySv‡Z at e‡m| †hgb- He came to the orphanage at the age of four.

vii) ZvKv‡bv ev jÿ¨ Kivi †ÿ‡Î at e‡m| †hgb- Look at the moon.

viii) g~j¨ eySv‡Z at e¨eüZ nq| †hgb- Rice sells at 16 taka per kg.

ix) Pig Ae¯’v ev mxgv eySv‡Z at e‡m| †hgb- at first, at last.

x) gvÎv eySv‡Z at e‡m| †hgb- The car ran at 100 miles per hour.

xi) ¸wj Kiv A‡_© at e‡m| †hgb- The police fired at the mob.

xii) Time eySv‡Z at e‡m| †hgb- at midnight, Lunch time, Sunset, at 2.45, at 10 O’clock.


i) mvaviYZ Ôi/GiÕ A_© eySv‡Z of e‡m| †hgb- The English language course of Essential English Academy is very fine.

ii) Ôwe`¨gvbÕ Ae¯’v eySv‡j of e‡m| †hgb Bangladesh is a country of peace and happiness.

iii) aviY ÿgZvi c~Y©Zv eySv‡Z of e‡m| †hgb- Please give me a glass of milk.

iv) ‡iv‡Mi KviY eySv‡Z of e‡m| †hgb- He died of cholera.

v) AwaKvi eySv‡Z of e‡m| †hgb- This is a book of my sister.

vi) Relation ev source eySv‡Z of e‡m| ‡hgb- Md. Habibullah comes of a noble family.

vii) ‡Kvb wKQz w`‡q ˆZix eySv‡Z of e‡m| †hgb- The chair is made of wood.


i) ¯’vb eySv‡Z in e‡m| †hgb- Saiful lives in Australia.

ii) mgq eySv‡Z ev †Kvb mg‡qi g‡a¨ eySv‡Z| †hgb- He will come in an hour.

iii) Ae¯’v eySv‡Z in e‡m| †hgb- His health is in good condition.

iv) gv‡mi bvg ev mv‡ji bv‡gi c~‡e© in e‡m| †hgb- He will go in April. Bangladesh became independent in 1971.

v) ‡Kvb wel‡q ev fvmvq eySv‡Z in e‡m| †hgb- Wail reads in English.

vi) ‡cvkvK cwi”QbœMZ Ae¯’v eySv‡Z in e‡m| †hgb- He is not in uniform.

vii) gvbwmK Awfe¨w³ †hgb fq, m‡›`n, we®§q, Kvbœv, ivM cÖf…wZi c~‡e© in e‡m| †hgb- He cried out in fear.

Note: mvaviYZ in country/state/province/country/city nq| Avevi, in a corner/ a room/ a park/ a ship/ a boat/ a car.


i) msjMœ n‡q Dc‡i eySv‡Z on e‡m| ‡hgb- The book is on the table.

ii) mgq ev ZvwiL eyRv‡Z on e‡m| †hgb- Rubina will come to me on 10 January.

iii) wbf©ikxjZv eySv‡Z on e‡m| †hgb- The cow lives on grass.

iv) c‡ÿ KvR Kiv A‡_© on e‡m| †hgb- He is on the committee.

v) ‡Kvb Dcjÿ¨ eySv‡Z on e‡m| †hgb- I will present you on your birthday.

vi) Abymv‡i A_© eySv‡j on e‡m| †hgb- He acted on my advice.

vii) ciciB eySv‡Z on e‡m| †hgb- On receiving the news she burst into tears.

viii) ‡Kvb welq m¤^‡Ü eySv‡j on e‡m| †hgb- Write an essay on environment pollution.

ix) e¯‘evPK Ggb †ÿ‡Î ÔAe¯’vwU PjgvbÕ GB A‡_© on e‡m|

†hgb- (i) The house is on fir (ii) The house is on sale.

x) Day eySv‡Z on e‡m| †hgb- (i) He will go on Monday (ii) Jane was born on Friday.

Note: mvaviY on street/ street corner/ coast/river/ a ship/ a plane/ a train.


i) R‡b¨ A‡_© for e‡m| †hgb- What can I do for you?

ii) KviY eySv‡j for e‡m| †hgb- I could not go out for rain.

iii) Kv‡iv c‡ÿ eySv‡Z for e‡m| †hgb- Rasheda will fight for Jahid.

iv) mg‡qi e¨w³ eySv‡Z for e‡m| †hgb- It has been raining for two hours.

v) m‡Ë¡i A_© eySv‡j for e‡m| †hgb- For all his riches, he is unhappy.

vi) KviI cwie‡Z© wKQz Kiv eySv‡j for e‡m| †hgb- Natasha acted for Bipasha.

vii) wewbgq eySv‡Z for e‡m| †hgb- I have bought it for ten taka.

viii) ‡Kvb ¯’v‡bi D‡Ïk¨ eySv‡Z for e‡m| †hgb- Rubina starts for Rajshahi.


i) hvZvqZ ev Mgb †Kvb c‡_ eySv‡Z by nq| †hgb- I will go there by train/bus/boat/lunch e¨wZµgt On foot, on horse back, on bi-cycle nq|

ii) wbw`©ó mg‡qi Av‡MB eySv‡Z by nq| †hgb- I’ll come back by 5 P.M.

iii) cv‡k eySv‡Z by nq| †hgb- He sat by me.

iv) kc_ A_© eySv‡Z by nq| †hgb- He swore by Allah that he would not steal anymore.

v) wb‡R wb‡R A‡_© by nq| †hgb- She lives by herself.

vi) Abymv‡i ev Abyhvqx A‡_© by nq| †hgb- What is the time by your watch?

vii) avivevwnKZv eySv‡j by nq| †hgb- His health is improving day by day.

viii) cwigvc eySv‡Z by nq| †hgb- The house is 10 feet by 10 feet.

ix) ‰ewkó¨ ev Ae¯’vb eySv‡Z by e‡m| †hgb- He is a lawyer by profession.

x) ‡Kvb KvR hvi Øviv m¤úvw`Z nq, †mB e¨w³i c~‡e© by e‡m| †hgb- Hamlet is written by William Shakespeare.


i) cÖvq A_© eySv‡j about nq| †hgb Now it is about 10 P.M.

ii) ‡Kvb wel‡q m¤^‡Ü wKQz Kiv ev ejv eySv‡j about nq|

†hgb- a) He is telling me about his career; b) I know about him.

iii) Pvwiw`‡K A_© eySv‡j about e‡m|

‡hgb- a) There is a lake about the locality.


i) ‡Kvb e¨w³i mv‡_ eySv‡Z with e‡m| †hgb- Selim lives with me.

ii) Dci A‡_© with e‡m| †hgb- He is angry with me.

iii) ‡Kvb wKQz Øviv ev w`‡q A‡_© with e‡m| †hgb-

iv) m‡Ë¡i A‡_© with e‡m| †hgb With all his weakness, he is a leader.

v) Kv‡Ri wewfbœ fv‡ei Rb¨ with e‡m|

‡hgb- i) He read the book with much interest.

ii) He looked at the man with suspicion.


‡Kvb wKQzi Dc‡i ¯úk© †bB Ges Pjgvb Ggb †evSv‡j Above e‡m|

‡hgb- Karim Jumped over the wall.

1. The helicopter is hovering over the trees.

2. Many people in this country have no roof over their heads.

3. There is a bridge over the river.

4. He has no control over himself.

5. The father has no authority over his sons.


Kv‡iv Aax‡b eySv‡j under e‡m| †hgb-The man serves under me.

Awew”Qbœ fv‡e †Kvb wKQz wb‡P Av‡Q eySv‡j under nq| †hgb- The pen is under the book.

cÖwµqvaxb †evSv‡Z under e‡m| †hgb- My proposal is under consider.

Avq‡Z¡ Avmv eySv‡Z under e‡m| ‡hgb- The situation is now under control.


wew”Qbœ fv‡e wb‡P eySv‡j Below e‡m| †hgb- The cat is below the table.

‡Kvb ch©v‡qi bx‡P eySv‡j below nq| †hgb- They live below the middle class status.

wbw`©ó cwigvY ev msL¨vi Kg eySv‡j below nq| †hgb- Mamun got below 80% marks in English.


avivevwnK fv‡e eySv‡Z After e‡m| †hgb- They entered the room one after another.

‡Kvb wKQzi wcQz †QvUv A‡_© after e‡m| †hgb- We should not hanker after money.

cQ‡›`i †ÿ‡Î after e‡m| †hgb- You are the girl after my liking.

wcQz avIqv A‡_© after e‡m| †hgb- He ran after the thief.

Between, Among

mvaviYZ `ywU e¨w³ ev e¯‘i g‡a¨ eySv‡j between e‡m Ges `yB‡qi †ewk e¨w³ / e¯‘i †ÿ‡Î among e‡m|

Divide the money between two boys.

Divide the money among all boys.

Its is important to distinguish between compound interest and simple interest.

Our teacher told the monitor to hand out scripts among the class.


cvi¯úvwiK m¤úK©/ Ae¯’vb cÖKv‡k `yB‡qi Awa‡Ki †ÿ‡Î between e¨envi Kiv nq|

Swizerland lies between France, Germany, Italy and Austria.

Luembourg lies between Belgium, Germany and France.

( wKQz word Av‡Q hv‡`i mv‡_ †Kvb preposition e‡m bv| †hgb- Discuss, resign, resemble, recommend, investigate, meet, sign, reach, violate, pervade, marry, command, try, enter, pick, combat, order BZ¨vw`|

He will meet the girl.

The boy resigned his post.

Different Way of Introduction with Preposition

|in |g‡a¨ |To |cÖwZ/Kv‡Q/w`‡K |

|Towards |w`‡K |Along |j¤^vjw¤^fv‡e/eivei MwZ eySv‡Z |

|Across |AvovAvwofv‡e |Through |‡f` Kiv/ wfZi w`‡q |

|Into |MwZkxj n‡q cÖ‡ek eySv‡Z |Out |evwni |

|Out of |wfZi n‡Z evwn‡i |Upon |Dc‡i (¯úk© n‡q MwZkxj) |

|On |Dc‡i (¯úk© K‡i) |Before |c~‡e© |

|After |c‡i |Off |eÜ/wew”Qbœ |

|With |mv‡_ |Behind |wcQ‡b |

|Beside |cv‡k |Besides |AwaKš‘ |

|Between |`yB‡qi g‡a¨ |Among |A‡b‡Ki g‡a¨ |

|Around |Pvwiw`‡K |Inside |‡fZ‡i |

|Outside |evwn‡i |Upward |Dc‡ii w`‡K eySv‡Z |

|Inward |‡fZ‡ii w`‡K eySv‡Z |Outward |evwn‡ii w`‡K eySv‡Z |

|downward |wb‡Pi w`‡K eySv‡Z | | |

Practice of Prepositions

|In (Kx Ae¯’vq Ges †Kvb Ae¯’v‡b) + |

|Danger |wec‡` |Peace |kvwšÍ‡Z |

|Sorrow |`yt‡L |Well and woe |my‡L-`yt‡L |

|Joy and sorrow |my‡L-`yt‡L |Power |ÿgZvq |

|Hurry |e¨¯ÍZvq |The light |Av‡jv‡Z |

|The dark |AÜKv‡i |The morning |mKv‡j |

|The evening |mܨvq |The afternoon |we‡K‡j |

|The shade |Qvqvh |The moon |‡Rvr¯œvq |

|The sun |‡iv‡` |Bangladesh |evsjv‡`‡k |

|India |fvi‡Z |Dhaka |XvKvq |

| |

|Through+ |

|The corridor |Kwi‡Wv‡ii ga¨ w`‡q |The pipe |cvB‡ci ‡fZi w`‡q |

|Struggle |K‡ói ‡fZi w`‡q |The crowed |RbZvi ga¨ w`‡q |

| |

|At (wbw`©ó K‡i mgq eySv‡Z/ ¯’vb eySv‡Z) |

|Early morning |Lye mKv‡j |Morning |mKv‡j |

|Noon |`ycy‡i |Afternoon |weKv‡j |

|Evening |mܨvq |Night |iv‡Î |

|8 p.m/ 7 a.m |ivZ 8 Uvq |Midnight |ga¨iv‡Z |

|Dark night |AÜKvi iv‡Z |Deep night |Mfxi iv‡Z |

|Dead of night |‡kl iv‡Z |New moon |Agvem¨vq |

|Broad daylight |cÖKvk¨ w`ev‡jv‡K |Moon lit night |Puv`bx iv‡Z |

|This moment |GB gyû‡Z© |Present |eZ©gv‡b |

|The weekend |mßvnv‡šÍ |The bottom of the page |c„ôvi wb‡Pi w`‡K |

|The top of the page |c„ôvi Dc‡ii w`‡K |Hand |nv‡Zi Kv‡Q |

|Home |evwo‡Z |Office |Awd‡m |

|Farmgate |dvg©‡M‡U |Bus station |evm †÷k‡b |

|Coffee-inn |Kwd nvB‡m | | |

| |

|On (ZvwiL/ evi ) + |

|Monday |‡mvgevi |Sunday |Iweevi |

|Birthday |Rb¥w`‡b |12 January |Rvbyqvwi gv‡mi 12 ZvwiL |

|The 26th instant |eZ©gvb gv‡mi 26 ZvwiL |The 26th proximal |AvMvgx gv‡mi 26 ZvwiL |

|The 26th ultimo |MZ gv‡mi 26 ZvwiL |Page 50 |lvU c„ôvq |

| |

|On (jv‡Mvqv Ae¯’vq Dc‡i)+ |

|The table |‡Uwe‡ji Dc‡i |the roof |Qv‡`i Dc‡i |

|The grass |Nv‡mi Dc‡i |The wall |‡`qv‡j |

|The chair |‡Pqv‡ii Dc‡i |The self |‡mj‡di Dc‡i |

| |

|On (‡Kvb gva¨‡g)+ |

|T.V |‡Uwjwfk‡b |Radio |‡iwWI‡Z |

|Phone |‡dv‡b |Monitor |gwbU‡i |

| |

|By (mg‡qi g‡a¨/ gva¨‡g)+ |

|Bus/ train/ plane |ev‡m/‡Uª‡b/D‡ovRvnv‡R |Ari |AvKvkc‡_ |

|Land |¯’jc‡_ |Water |cvwb c‡_ |

|Saturday |kwbev‡ii g‡a¨ |2 pm |2 Uvi g‡a¨ |

| |

|For (Rb¨/ a‡i) + |

|A while |wKQzÿ‡Yi Rb¨ |The time being |mvgwqKfv‡e |

|5 minute |5 wgwb‡Ui Rb¨ |10 years |10 eQ‡ii Rb¨ |

|The whole day |w`bfi | | |

Some Important Usage of Appropriate Prepositions

* Abstain from (refrain- weiZ _vKv)- We should abstain from smoking.

* Abhorrent to (detestable to- N„Y¨)- Corrupted person is abhorrent to everyone.

* Abhorrence of (the act or state of abhorring- N„Y¨)- one of the changes in American society that remains a particular abhorrence of social conservatives.

* Abound with (full of- cwic~Y©)- Our river abound with fishes.

* Abound in (exist plentifully- cÖPzi cwigv‡Y _vKv)- Fishes abound in our river.

* Absent from (not present-Abycw¯’Z _vKv)- He was absent from school.

* Absolve of/from (to prove that an accused person is innocent of something-gyw³ cvIqv)- Bob attempted to absolve himself of the crime.

* Absorbed in (engrossed- wbgMœ)- I am always absorbed in deep thought.

* Accused of (convicted- Awfhy³)- The man was accused of theft.

* Accompanied by (wit- Kv‡iv m½x nIqv)- He went to Dhaka accompanied by his father.

* Access to (entrance- cÖ‡ekvwaKvi)- We have access to the office.

* According to (in harmony with)- Abymv‡i)- He worked according to my advice.

* Accede to (agree- m¤§Z nIqv)- I acceded to go with her.

* Acceptable to (satisfactory- MÖnY‡hvM¨)- What is happening in the politics Bangladesh is not acceptable to us.

* Accord with (to agree with or match up with something- Does this accord with what you heard?

* Acquiesce in (to comply or submit passively- Lvc LvIqv‡bv)- It is very difficult to adapt to new situations.

* Addicted to (habituate to evil things- Lvivc †Kvb wKQzi cÖwZ Avm³ _vKv)- Don’t be addicted to smoking.

* Adjacent to (near- wbK‡U)- My office is adjacent to my residence.

* Adhere to (stick to- ‡j‡M _AKv)- We must adhere to what we want.

* Adequate to (sufficient- ch©vß)- Water supply is not adequate to our needs.

* Admit of (to allow something or make it possible- ¯^xKvi Kiv/‡g‡b †bIqv/cÖ‡ek Ki‡Z †`Iqv)- The present schedule does not admit of modification.

* Affectionate to (fond of- `iw`)- Teachers are affectionate to students.

* Affinity between (close connection- Mfxi m¤úK©)- There is a great affinity between economics and business administration, do you agree?

* Afflict with (to burden someone ith an annoying person or thing- weiw³Ki †Kvb e¨w³ eve ¯‘i mwbœK‡U _vKv)- I was foolish enough to afflict myself with my young cousin for the weekend.

* Afraid of (frightened- fxZ)- Everybody is afraid of snakes.

* Agree with, on (a matter or point to consent- Kv‡iv mv‡_ GKgZ nIqv)- I don’t agree with your opinion about war criminals.

* Aggravate by (to make angry or impatient- ‡µva evwo‡q †`Iqv)- She was aggravated by the constant questions.

* Aim at (shoot at-ZvK Kiv)- He aimed at the bird.

* Akin to (similar- mg RvZxq)- Your hand writing is akin to mine.

* Alive to (active- We should be alive to the supporters of war criminals.

* Allergic to (sensitive to- ‡Kvb wKQzi cÖwZ weiw³)- Some woman are very allergic to mixing with man at close contact.

* Alternative to (option- weKí)- There is no alternative to convict war criminals.

* Ambition for (strong desire- AvKv•Lv)- Almost everybody has ambition for fame.

* Amenable to (agreeable- ek¨)- Some people are not even amenable to capital punishment.

* Angry with (with a person- Kv‡iv cÖæwZ ivMvwš^Z nIqv)- He is angry with you.

* Angry at/about (about a thing- ‡Kvb wKQzi Rb¨ ivMvwš^Z nIqv)- She was angry at my proposal.

* Anxious for (worried-wPËvMÖš’)- Father is anxious for my result.

* Anxious about (nervous-DwØMœ)- I am anxcious about my examination.

* Answerable to (responsible- `vqe×)- A writer should not be asked to be answerable to anybody for his or her fictional writing.

* Antipathy to (aversion- weZ…òv)- I have strong antipathy7 to involving myself with any community.

* Apart from (besides- e¨ZxZ)- Apart from a few scratches, the car was undamaged.

* Apply to, for (ask for- Kv‡iv Kv‡Q ev †Kvb wKQzi Rb¨ Av‡e`b Kiv)- I applied to the headmaster for leave.

* Appetite for (special hunger for something- ÿzav)- Physical exercise increases appetite for food.

* Apology for (request for forgiveness for something doing wrong- Aciv‡ai Rb¨ ÿgv Kiv)- You will apology for your repeatedly misdoing.

* Apology to (request for forgiveness to someone- Kv‡iv Kv‡Q ÿgv cÖv_©bv Kiv)- You must apology to your teacher.

* Appointed to (allotted- wbhz³/wbhy³ Kiv))- My father appointed me to attending on my younger sister in the hospital.

* Appointment with (scheduled time))- I have an appointment with the president of USA at 10 pm.

* Aptitude for (capacity- ‡hvM¨)- I have no aptitude for playing guiter.

* Arrive at (‡cuŠQv‡bv))- I arrived at Dhaka one hour before I had been supposed to arrive.

* Ashamed of (feeling shame- jw¾Z)- I am ashamed of your conduct.

* Associated with (connected to))- Environmental burden of disease associated with inadequate housing.

* Attentive to (mindful-g‡bv‡hvMx)- You should be attentive to studies.

* Averse to/from (having a feeling of opposition, distaste, or aversion; strongly disinclined- weZ…òv)- Investors who are averse to taking risks.

* Aware of (conscious- mZK©)- We should be aware of our studies.

* Bad at (not skilled- A`ÿ )- He is bad at handling tools.

* Beneficial to (useful- DcKix)- Morning walk is beneficial to helth.

* Beware of (having caution))- Beware of pickpockets.

* Bask in (enjoy warmth and light)- They were basking in the sun.

* Believe in (to have faith-wek^vm _vKv)- She believes in spirits.

* Begin by doing something (to start out by painting first- ‡Kvb GKwU KvR K‡i ïiæ Kiv)- We will begin by painting the house.

* Blind of (having no power to see- `„wókw³nxb)- He is blind of one eye.

* Blind to (indifferent - D`vmxb)- The man is blind to his son’s fault.

* Boast of (feel proud- Mwe©Z)- He boasts of his reaches.

* Bored with or by (tired of-K¬vwšÍ/wei³)- I am bored of doing same thing everyday.

* Born of (come of- Rb¥MÖnY Kiv)- He is born of a middle class family.

* Bound for (ready to start- D‡Ï‡k¨)- The train is bound for Sylhet.

* Burst into (suddenly begin to cry- nVvr Kvbœvq †f‡½ cov)- Hearing the news, she burst into tears.

* Burst out (suddenly begin to cry- nVvr nvwm‡Z †d‡U cov)- The whole class burst our laughing.

* Beneficial to (good for- DcKvix)- walking is beneficial to health.

* Capable of (able to- ‡hvM¨)- I am capable of doing some good job with you.

* Care for (look after/provide for- hZœ †bIqv)- We should care for our duty.

* Catch at (grasp- AvK‡o aiv)- A drowning man catches at a straw.

* Cause of (reason- KviY)- What is the cause of your failure?

* Cause for (reason for a future event)- There is no cause for anxiety.

* Change into (alter-iæcvšÍi Kiv)- You have to know how to change the bad luck into good luck.

* Charge with (be accused- Awfhy³ nIqv)- The insane woman was charged with theft and beaten to death by mob.

* Chary of (cautious or careful- mZK© _vKv)- He was chary of investing in oil wells.

* Close to (near- KvQvKvwQ/wbK‡U)- My house is very close to our school.

* Cognizant of (having cognizance, aware- mZK© _vKv)- We were cognizant of the difficulty.

* Combination of (mixture- G‡Ki g‡a¨ A‡bK)- He is a combination of many talents.

* Compare to (to make comparison with a dissimilar things- wfbœ RvZxq e¯‘ ev wel‡qi g‡a¨ Zzjbv Kiv)- Anger is often compared to fire.

* Compatible with (well-matched- mvgÄm¨c~Y©)- Your dress is not compatible with the environment.

* Commit to memory (memorize-gyL¯’ Kiv)- Can you commit this long poem to memory.

* Complain against (protest- Awf‡hvM Kiv)- We complained against the high-handiness of the police.

* Complain to (bring charge to somebody- Kv‡iv Kv‡Q Awf‡hvM Kiv)- They complained to the headmaster.

* Competent for (fit for- ‡hvM¨)- You are competent for the post.

* Compensate for (make up the loss- ÿwZ c~iY †`Iqv)- Who will compensate for the loss.

* Comply with (keep to- K_v ivLv/‡g‡b Pjv)- You should comply with your teacher’s decision.

* Concerned for (worried-DwØMœ)- The people of Bangladesh are not very concerned for the social environment as much as they want to be concerned for the political environment.

* Congenial to (Conducive- Dc‡hvMx)- Polluted air is notcongenial to health.

* Convict of (declare guilty- Acivax wn‡m‡e mbv³ Kiv)- He was convicted of theft.

* Confide in (trust in- wek^vm KivLv)- I know I can fully confide in you.

* Confident of (sure- AvZ¥wek^vmx)- He is quite confident of his success.

* Confidence in (assurance- wbk^qZv)- I have confidence in my future plan.

* Conform to (be traditional- HwZn¨ AbyimiY Kiv)- A style of worship must conform to the practice.

* Congenial to (friendly- myLKi)- moring work is congenial to good health.

* Congratulate on (praise- Awfb›`b Rvbv‡bv)- I congratulated him on his success.

* Conscious of (aware- m‡PZb/mZK©)- I am fully conscious of my responsibilities.

* Contrary to (against- weiæ‡× )- Contrary to our expectations, the government raised the tax on petrol.

* Consist of (contain- MwVZ)- Our family consists of five members.

* Consolidate for (merge- GKxf~Z nIqv)- The two college consolidated for greater efficiency.

* Contemporary of (modern- mgmvgwqK)- C. Marlowe was a contemporary poet of Shakespeare.

* Contribution to (payment- Ae`vb)- He has a notable contribution to Bangla literature.

* Convinced of (persuaded- wbwðZ nIqv)- I need to get convinced of his confidence in doing ethnographic research.

* Cope with (deal with- ‡c‡i IVv)- I can’t cope with shrewed people.

* Credit to (deposit- Rgv Kiv)- Credit the amount to my account.

* Cure of (get rid of- gyw³ cvIqv)- He was cured of malaria.

* Cure for (remedy- cÖwZKvi/wPwKrmv)- There is still no cure for AIDS

* Debar from (veto- euvavcÖvß nIqv)- A portion of minority was debarred from voting.

* Deal in (do business- e¨emv Kiv)- His uncle deals in rice.

* Deal with (behave- m¤úK© ˆZwi Kiv)- He deals well with all.

* Deficient in (weak- `ye©j)- He is deficient in English.

* Deliver to (hand over- n¯ÍvšÍi Kiv)- The postman delivered the letter to me.

* Delegate to (representative- cÖwZwbwa)- Some good looking students will be appointed for welcoming the delegates to the conference.

* Depend on (rely- wbf©i Kiv)- we should not depend on oral confirmation about any serious matter.

* Deprived of (not allowed to enjoy rights- The poor are deprived to their rights.

* Derive from (develop- weKwkZ nIqv)- Morality derives from proper education.

* Desire for (longing- AvKv•Lv)- I have no desire for making money only.

* Desist from (abstain from- weiZ _vKv)- You must desist from doing anything uncertain without informing me.

* Destitute of (poor- `wi`ª)- We are destitute of money, more we are destitute of morality.;

* Detrimental to (harmful- ÿwZKi)- Smoking is detrimental to health.

* Devoid of (unII- wenxb)- Some people are devoid of sympathy.

* Die from (die because of harmful effect- nVvr †Kvb ÎæwUi Kvi‡Y gviv hvIqv)- The boy died from over eating.

* Die for (sacrifice- ‡Kvb wKQzi Rb¨ Rxeb †`Iqv (‡hgb- †`‡ki Rb¨)- Soldiers die for their country.

* Die by (die by own hand- AvZ¥nZ¨v Kiv)- The man died by suicide.

* Different from (not the same- wfbœ)- This book is different from yours.

* Differ from (be different- wfbœ wKQz ejv)- Don’t try to differ from everything.

* Differ with (disagree)- I differ with you on this point.

* Difference between (the state of being not the same)- Do you know the difference between a poet and a scientist.

* Difficulty in (trouble- mgm¨v)- I have no difficult in dealing with the delegates.

* Disappointed at (frustrated- nZvk)- I am disappointed at what I am doing now.

* Disqualified for (not enough qualified- A‡hvM¨)- Only a B.A. is disqualified for the post of Headmaster.

* Discourage from (dispirit- wbiærmvwnZ Kiv)- Her behavior discouraged me from being friendly to her.

* Dispense with (bestow- eivÏ Kiv)- We should have the heart to dispense with love.

* Distinguish between (differentiate- c„_K Kiv)- Nature never distinguish between rich and poor in approval or in grimace.

* Division among- we‡f`)- The divisions among the servicehold3er in a office are so sharpen that they hardly have any heart for one another.

* Dull at (not bright)- He is dull at all subjects.

* Dull of (unable- ewai)- The old bam is dull of hearing.

* Effect of (result- cÖfve)- We smoke though we know the effect of smoking.

* Eligible for (capable for- ‡hvM¨)- Lame man can be eligible for meritorious jobs.

* Enter into (go into- cÖ‡ek Kiv)- Don’t enter into the boss’s office without permission.

* Entitled to (allowed- `vwqZ¡cÖvß)- I am entitled to be the chairperson of the meeting.

* Envious of (jealous- Cl©vcivqb)- We should not envious of friends’ success.

* Equal to (fit for- ‡hvM¨)- A boy is equal to the task. Why are you searching an experienced person?

* Essential for (vital- cÖ‡qvRbxq)- Pure water is essential to good health.

* Exception to (exemption- e¨wZµg)- There is only one exception to the rules that you can seek mercy.

* Exclude form (keep out- ev` †`Iqv)- Some minority people have been excluded from the ut-to-date voter list.

* Exempt from (free- gy³ nIqv)- He was exempted from the charge of corruption.

* Expert in (skilled - `ÿ)- He is an expert in English.

* Experience in (knowledge - AwfÁ nIqv)- The lawyer is experienced in dealing war criminals.

* Fond of (favorite- wcÖq)- The cat is fond of milk. Forbid to do

* Faith in (belief- wek^vm)- We should have faith in human though they decive always.

* Faithful to (loyal- wek^vmx)- Only the dog in faithful to his master.

* Famous for (reputed- weL¨vZ)- Rajshahi is famous for mangoes.

* Feed on (live on- ‡L‡q euvPv)- The cow feeds on grass.

* Fit for (suitable- ‡hvM¨)- He is fit for this post.

* Fine for (penalize- kvw¯Í cvIqv/nIqv)- He was fine for misconduct.

* Fire at (shoot at- ¸wj Kiv)- The hunter fired at the bird.

* Free from (exempt/without- gy³ nIqv)- We are not free from diseases.

* Free of (without cost- webvg~‡j¨)- We had the books free of cost.

* Full of (filled with- cwic~Y©)- Every good looking fruit is not full of juice.

* Fondness for (love- fvjjvMv)- He has fondness only for games.

* Genius for (competent- `ÿ))- Some people are very genius for guiding their fellow partner.

* Grateful to/for (thankful- K…ZÁ nIqv)- We are grateful to you for your half.

* Guilty of (having guilt- Acivax)- He is guilty of theft.

* Hanker after (having a strong desire- ‡jvjyc nIqv)- Don’t hanker after evil money.

* Heart of (center- g~j welq)- Discuss on the heart of the matter. Don’t be roundabout.

* Hopeful of (having hope- Avkvev`x)- I am hopeful of your success.

* Identical to/with (the image of- GKB iKg)- This bid is identical with the one submitted by you.

* Ignorant of (unaware- AeMZ bv _vKv)- I was ignorant of your are coming.

* Inculcate upon someone (to implant by repeated statement or admonition; teach persistently and earnestly- wkÿv †`Iqv)- To inculcate virtue in the young.

* Inculcate with someone (to cause or influence to accept an ideas or feeling- Kv‡iv g‡a¨ †Kvb wel‡q AvMÖn ˆZwi Kiv)- Socrates insulated his pupils with the love of truth.

* Inculate with someone (to cause or influence to accept an idea or feeling- Kv‡iv g‡a¨ †Kvb wel‡q AvMÖn ˆZwi Kiv)- Socrates inculated his pupils with the love of truth.

* Independent of (irrespective of, regardless of- K_v ev` w`‡j)- Independent of ( of monetary considerations, it was a promising position.

* Impatient of (intolerant of things- A‰ah©)- Impatient of any interruptions.

* Impervious to (Incapable of being penetrated- A‡f`¨)- What is impervious to water?

* Imposed on (forced- Av‡ivwcZ)- I was imposed on some unnecessary jobs in my office by my boss.

* Incapable of (unable- Aÿg)- I am incapable of flattering people.

* Incentive to (enticement- ‡Uvc/Drmvn fvZv)- Bank job has some incentive to its employee.

* Indebted to (grateful- FYx)- Everyone is indebted to someone for their success.

* Independent of (sovereign- ¯^vaxb)- Some people are independent of other people.

* Indifferent to (uncaring- D`vmxb)- I was always indifferent to my physical fitness. Now I am seeing that it is very essential.

* Indulge in (spoil- wbgMœ _vKv)- Don’t indulge in woman only for physical interest. There is something more to enjoy.

* Inform of (give information- ‡Kvb welq m¤ú‡K© KvD‡K Rvbv‡bv)- Who informed you of the matter.

* Innocent of (blameless- wb‡`©vl)- Nobody is innocent of telling lie.

* Inquiry into (investigation- Z`šÍ Kiv)- The Police will inquiry into the matter.

* Insist on (be adamant- ‡R` Kiv)- My child insisted on me going outside.

* In spite of (despite- m‡Ë¡I)- In spite of giving hard labour our people can’t lead a polite life.

* Intent of (aim- msKí)- I am very intent on going abroad for further study.

* Interested in (having an interest- AvMÖnx)- He is interested in painting.

* Interest in (curiosity- AvMÖn _vKv)- I have much interest in doing journalism.

* Interfere with (get in the way- Ahv_v n¯Í‡ÿc Kiv)- You should not interfere with what not you matter.

* Introduce to (acquaint with- cwiwPZ Kiv‡bv)- He introduced me to the class.

* Irrespective of (Without consideration of regardless of- K_v ev` w`‡j)- It’s available to all. Irrespective of whether they can afford it.

* Jealous of (having ill feeling- Cl©vcivqb)- He is jealous of my prosperity.

* Jump into (skip- jvd †`Iqv)- I jumped into the running bus.

* Key to (mainly helpful- cÖavb Dcvq)- Industry is the key to success.

* Know about (be familiar with- Rvbv/cwiwPZ)- I know nothing about the country Sudan.

* Lame of (having lameness- ‡Lvov)- He is lame of one leg.

* Lead to (guide- cwiPvwjZ Kiv)- The customary method of education leads the student to an uncertain future.

* Learn about (get used to- ‡kLv Rvbv)- You have to know how to learn about things new.

* Liable to (legally responsible- `vqx)- If you failed, you will be liable to handing.

* Liberate from (free- gy³ nIqv)- Bangladesh was liberated from Pakistan in 1971.

* Liking for (taste- cQ›`)- I have strong liking for eating out.

* Lit with (enlightened- By this time many villages are lit with electricity.

* Make of (built- ‰Zwi)- This table is made of wood.

* Make up of (consist of- MwVZ)- A cricket team is made up of eleven players.

* Marry to (to be in marriage- weevn Kiv)- Mamtaz was married to Shajahan.

* Mindful of (attentive to- g‡bv‡hvMx)- Not only good but also reedy students are mindful of their studies for their personal gain.

* Monument to (memorial- ¯§„wZ ¯^iæc)- It is a monument to the martyrs died in the liberation war.

* Mourn for (grieve- wejvc Kiv)- There are some pro-Pakistani people mourning for war criminals’ prosecution.

* Necessity for (need- cÖ‡qvRbxqZv)- The primary necessity for living is food, water and shelter.

* Object to (challenge- evav †`Iqv)- I will object doing any unethical recruitment.

* Obliged to/for (indebted to/grateful to- evwaZ _vKv)- I am always obliged to you for your help in my bad time.

* Oblivious of (unaware- Am‡PZb)- sometimes I am oblivious of what is happening around.

* Originated from (produced- D™¢zZ)- The sort of behavior you are possessing is originated from the company you keep.

* Observant of (be observer- Zxÿè `„wó m¤úbœ)- Writers are observant of person’s

* Open to (allowing all- mevi Rb¨)- A school is open to all for education.

* In parallel (occurring at the same time and having some connection- mgvšÍiv‡j)- various elements of the booster station have been developed in parallel

* Part from (dissociate from- we`vq †bIqv)- She parted from us forever.

* Part with (give up- Z¨vM Kiv)- There are some books difficult to be parted with.

* Pass by (overlook- bv †`Lvi fvb K‡i cvk w`‡q hvIqv)- She passed by me as though she had not known me.

* Penalty for (punishment- kvw¯Í cvIqv/kvw¯Í †`Iqv)- The verdict has given penalty to the war criminals for their heinous crimes.

* Perfect for (suited- gvbvbmB)- The Shirt is perfect for you.

* Play with (fiddle with- gRv Kiv/‡Ljv Kiv)- You can’t always play with cards when I am suffering from concerning earning living.

* Point out (indicate- wPwýZ Kiv)- You should have pointed out the mistakes earlier.

* Ponder over (consider- wPšÍv Kiv)- Ponder over again. Then start handing.

* Popular with (loved by people- RbwcÖq)- He is popular with his work mates.

* Pray for (beg- cÖv_©bv Kiv)- They pray for forgiveness.

* Prefer one to the other (like- cQ›` Kiv)- I prefer writing to reading.

* Preside over (be the head of- mfvcwZZ¡ Kiv)- He is preparing for the exam.

* Pretext for (excuse- ARynvZ)- There is no pretext you are absenting continuously.

* Prepare for (get ready- ‡Kvb wKQzi Rb¨ cÖ¯‘Z _vKv)- Fater prevented me from going to cinema.

* Prevent from (forbid- ‡Kvb wKQz †_‡K weiZ ivLv)- Father prevented me from going to cinema.

* Pride in (conceit- Me©)- She takes pride in her achievement.

* Proud of (self-important- Mwe©Z)- Why should I not be proud of if I achieve something after long tiring.

* Prohibit from (forbid- wKQz Ki‡Z wb‡la Kiv)- Father prohibited me from going to cinema.

* Qualified for (fit for- ‡hvM¨)- He is qualified for the post of Principal.

* Quick at (fast- Zrci)- Some students are quick at conceiving.

* Rebel against (revolt- we‡`ªvn Kiv)- The supporter of war criminals have failed to rebel against government.

* Recover from (come round- Av‡ivM¨ jvf Kiv)- He has recovered from illness.

* Regard for (honor- m¤§vb)- We must have regard for our elders.

* Reliant on (dependent on- wbf©ikxj nIqv)- None should be reliant on none mentally or economically.

* Relieve from (help- Dckg Kiv)- She relieved me from being upset. Bring relief to suffering.

* Remind of (call to mind- g‡b Kwi‡q †`Iqv)- My friend always remind me of any important engagement.

* Repentant for (regretful- AbyZß)- Everyone must repentant for their misconducts.

* Reputation for (name- myL¨vwZ)- The people of Japan has reputation for telling less.

* Respect for (honour- kÖ×v)- I have respect for who work hard.

* Respond to (reply- mvov †`Iqv)- We should respond to love by one way or another.

* Responsible for (something- ‡Kvb wKQzi Rb¨ `vqx _vKv)- You will be responsible for the work undone.

* Responsible to (someone- Kv‡iv Kv‡Q `vqx _vKv)- Everyone should responsible to his/her boss.

* Return to (go back to- wd‡i hvIqv)- My father has returned to London.

* Road to (way- Dcvq)- There is no short-cut road to be successful.

* Sensitive to (responsive to- cÖwZwµqvkxj)- She is very sensitive to what comment.

* Solution to (way out- mgvavb)- Money is not the solution to every problem.

* Sorry for (sad- `ytwLZ)- You should sorry for your misconduct.

* Stake in (chance- m¤¢vebv)- You must have stake in future.

* Suffer from (undergo- ga¨ w`‡q hvIqv)- I have been suffering from over youth problem for twenty years.

* Sure of (having confidence- wbwðZ _vKv)- I am sure of my success.

* Superior to (better- DrK…ó)- You can’t be superior to your action.

* Susceptible to (vulnerable- SuzwK‡Z _vKv)- Children are more susceptible to cold.

* Sympathy for (compassion- mnvbyf~wZ)- Sympathy for every life is praiseworthy, but sympathy for only God is a big bluff.

* Taste for (interest in art, etc- AvMÖn)- By being received repeatedly she has lost all his taste for man.

* Taste of (taste of food, experience- AwfÁZv)- Some people have no taste of poverty.

* Thirst for/after (strong desire- AvMÖn _vKv)- Once I had thirst for knowledge.

* Trust in (believe in- wek^vm Kiv)- Trust in human more than you trust in god.

* Translate from/into (transform one language to another- Abyev` Kiv)- Translate this passage into English from Bangla.

* True to (factual- ‡h K_v †mB KvR)- There are very few man true to his words.

* Under trail (in judgment- wePvivaxb)- The prosecution is under trail.

* Unsure of (hesitant- AwbwðZ)- Everyone is unsure of their future, so that they believe in God instead of all lives on whom they depend.

* Urge upon (advise- mycvwik Kiv)- We urged the chairperson upon considering the matter again.

* Valid for (legal- ‰ea)- The ID card will be valid for one year.

* Wander about (roam- Gw`K †mw`K Ny‡i †eov‡bv)- Vagrant wander about for nothing.

* Wish for (desire- AvKv•Lv)- Every man has wish for better life.

* Worthy of (deserving- ‡hvM¨)- Your action is worthy of praise.

* Work for (assist- Kv‡iv Rb¨ KvR Kiv)- I am working for farmer.

* Work with (GKmv‡_ KvR Kiv)- I am working with my wife for making an orphanage.

* Yield to (accept- ek¨Zv ¯^xKvi Kiv)- We should not yield to the illegal enforcement.

Question No. 2: Preposition

1. Dhaka Board-16

A good stock (a) ___ words is necessary (b) ___ anybody who wants to use a language. Vocabulary is an essential components (c) ___ successful communication. It is an integral part (d) ___ reading skill. While grammar is important, a lack (e) ___ vocabulary may result (f) ___ complete failure to convey a message. Vocabulary includes conceptual knowledge (g) ___ words that go well (h) ___ an ordinary dictionary meaning. Students’ vocabulary knowledge is a building process that occurs (i) ___ time as they tend to make connections (j) ___ other words.

2. Rajshahi Board-16

Once an English and a Bengalee gentleman were traveling (a) ___ the same train and they were in the same compartment. The Englishman was very proud (b) ___ himself because he was an Englishman. He looked (c) ___ upon the Bengalee gentleman who, however, took no notice (d) ___ it and went to sleep (e) ___ peace. As soon as the Benalee gentleman was asleep, the Englishman picked (f) ___ the gentleman’s shoes and threw them (g) ___ the window and went to sleep. When the Bangalee gentleman woke up, he looked for his shoes and understood it. Then he took the Englishman’s long coat (h) the wall and threw it outside the window and returned (i) ___ bed laughingly. Next morning the Englishman became startled and shouted, ‘Where’s my coat gone?’ “your coat has gone to fetch my shoes,” said the gentleman (j) ___ a smile. The Bengalee gentleman was Sir Ashutosh Mukherjee.

3. Dinajpur Board-16

Greenhouse effect is the gradual warming (a) ___ the air surrounding the earth as a result of heat being trapped (b) ___ environment pollution. This is exemplified (c) ___ the destruction and burning (d) ___ of tropical rain forests, (e) ___traffic that clogs (f) ___ city streets, (g) ___ the rapid growth of industry, the use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). (h) ___ packaging and manufacturing commercial products, the use of detergents like washing (i) ___ liquids and so (j) ___.

4. Jessore Board-16

A teacher is an architect (a) ___ nation. He plays an important role(b) ___ building up an educated nation. He dispels the darkness (c) ___ ignorance (d) ___ the lot of a nation. He is an actor, so to speak. He has to suit his act according (e) ___ the need of his audience, which is his class. He is a clear speaker (f) ___ good, strong pleasing voice which is (g) ___ his control. He does not sit motionless (h) ___ his class. Everybody has something valuable (i) ___ him. A good teacher discovers the treasure hidden inside each student. He also wants the students happy and for this he keeps them busy. A good teacher never hankers (j) ___ money.

5. Comilla Board-16

A good student is never indifferent (a) ___ his studies. He always adheres (b) ___ his studies. He does not learn things (c) ___ rote. He does not hunt (d) ___ traditional guide books. Moreover he has great thirst (e) ___ knowledge. For this he does not confine himself (f) ___ the traditional studies. He is always aware (g) ___ the current affairs (h) ___ the world. He abides (i) ___ his teachers advice and jots (j) ___ their lectures.

6. Chittagong Board-16

Flowers are the excellent gift of nature. They have existed (a) ___ the earth (b) ___ prehistoric time. Since then they have been treated (c) ___ the symbol of beauty. It is an undeniable fact that flowers are used (d) ___ various spheres (e) ___ our life. It is used mostly (f) ___ decoration. People (g) ___ all walks of life use flowers usually (h) ___ national occasion and (i) ___ wedding. Everyone prefers flowers (j) ___ expressing their love and devotion.

7. Sylhet Board-16

The science fair held (a) ___ our college paved a new way for us to gather practical knowledge. Many of our friends took part (b) ___ the fair (c) ___ their projects. We showed genuine interest (d) ___ them. Most of the projects were made (e) ____ consistent (f) ___ the prevailing world situation. They were intended (g) ___ acquaint us (h) ___ the solutions (i) ___ some common problems we are facing specially in regard to the environment we live in. We were sanguine (j) ___ achieving success and we really achieved it.

8. Barishal Board-16

During holidays when my mother went to sleep (a) ___ noon, we went to the railway line. There, along with other children I watched how the trains passed (b) ___ innumerable unknown facts. My father got an appointment (c) ___ town school and he moved (d) ___ the town immediately with all the members of the family. I was admitted (e) ___ my father’s school. I felt that my school fellows had no feeling (f) ___ one another as we had in the village. However, I have gradually adjusted myself (g) ___ town life. I am happy with my new friends but my heart aches (h) ___ the happy childhood days. Childhood is free (i) ___worries and has infinite capacity (j) ___ enjoyment.

9. Maymensingh Girls’ Cadet College-15

The environment plays a vital role (a) ___ our life. (b) ___ short, what we have (b) ___ us including people, house, air, water etc. is called environment. These are the main elements (d) ___ our environment (e) ___ ensuring sound life, the balance (f) ___ the natural elements is very significant. Sometimes (g) ___ lack of knowledge, we don’t realize the importance (h) ___ it. As a result, we are polluting our environment unknowingly. Living (i) ___ a polluted environment is undoubtedly a matter (j) ___ great regret.

10. Mirzapur Cadet College-15

Natural disaster has occurred throughout the world (a) ___ recent years. The reson behind this is greenhouse effect or warming (b) ___ the air around the earth Global warming is melting the huge ice (c) ___Polar Regions and (d) ___ the peaks (e) ___ the mountains. Consequently, the level (f) ___ seawater has alarmingly increased. Cyclones and tidal bores are inundating and destroying the coastal regions (g) ___ a large extent. Climatologists believe that (h) ___ the last 185 years 99 cyclones visited the coastal areas and off shore islands (i) ___ our country causing irrecoverable loss (j) ___ life and properties.

11. Pabna Cadet College-15

I am glad to know that you have stood first (a) ___ order (b) ___ merit. I knew you would do well (c) the examination, as you worked hard. So it is rightly said that industry is the key (d) ___ success. Very few students can do well in the examinations. (e) ___ dint of merit, it is seen that those who become great (f) ___ this mundane world have become so (g) ___ hard labor. So you must workk hard (h) ___ order to do well in all the examinations. I pray (j) ___ God (j) ___ your success.

12. Joypurhat Girl’s Cadet College-15

Eying (a) ___ minimize income disparity of the citizens, (b) ___ 1.29 crore new jobs would be created. (c) the period of the new five-year plan, although 99 lakhs people are experienced (d) ___ join the work force during the period. Besides, the poverty rate is also targeted (e) ___ be reduced by 6.2 percent to 18.6 percent, maintaining (f) ___ an average 7.4 GDP growth each year, according to the Seventh Five Year Plan (SFYP). The plan starts (g) ___ fiscal 2015-16 and ends in fiscal 2019-2020. It has been formulated (h) ___ the theme “Accelerating Growth, Empowering Citizen”. The SFYP will be placed today (i) ___ National Economic Council (NEC), the country’s highest economic policymaking body, (j) ___ final approval.

13. Rangpur Cadet College-15

A fisherman earns his livelihood (a)___ catching and selling fish. He lives (b) ___ the rivers, big canals, and marshy lands, He does so (c) ___ professional advantages. A fisherman lives (d) ___ his family. He is always busy (e) ___ making his fishing nets. He takes care (f) ___ his fishing materials. Sometimes he goes (g) ___ the deep sea for fishing. So his family becomes anxious (h) ___ his safe return. He has no radio set. So he cannot listen (i) ___ the weather forecast. As a result, he cannot return (j) ___ the shore safely. He has hardly any nets and boats of his own.

14. Jhenidah Cadet College-15

Some people get pleasure (a) ___ reading books. Reading books is a good habit. The pleasure (b) ___ reading books is different (c) ___ the pleasure of hearing songs. Books are our best companion (d) ___ life. Reading books keeps us free (e) ___ tension and anxiety. It gives relief (f) ___a while (g) ___ our monotonous life. So, all (h) ____ us should develop the habit (i) reading books (j)___ pleasure.

15. Comilla Cadet Collegr-15

The ship sailed out (a) ___ the icy waters (b) ___ another sea. Day after day the sailors stayed (c) ___ that silent sea. It was like a painted ship (d) ___ a painted ocean. There was no cloud in the sky to guard them (e) ___ the burning sun. The other sailors were very angry (f) ___the old man. They blamed him (g) ___ their sufferings. So they hung the dead albatross (h) ___ his neck. They were filled (i) ___ fear and there was not a breath (j) ___ wind.

16. Feni Girl’s Cadet College-15

Unhealthy eating, especially (a) ___ a long term, can be a risk factor (b) ___ chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, obesity and heart disease. Some estimates say at least 30% of cancers are linked (c) ___ poor diet. Healthy eating and drinking is an important part of looking (d) ___ your heart. You’ll be surprised (e) ___ how easy it is to make some changes that can improve your health. A healthy lifestyle involves many choices. (f) ___ them, choosing a balanced diet or healthy eating plan is very important, a diet of fruit and vegetables, (g) ___ combination with exercise, extended life expectancy (h) ___ women in their 70s. Soft drinks can easily be replaced (i) ___ healthier and free, water. Why pay for expensive beauty products when you can improve your skin (j) ___ your diet?

17. Sylhet Cadet College-15

A sunset scene (a) ___ the side (b) ___ seashore or (c) ___ a river is very charming. (d) ___ the end (e) ___ the day the sun gradually goes down (f) ___ the western horizon. The western sky is coloured (g) ___ a red colour. The rays (h) ___ the sun are soft and soothing. The tops of the trees become red (i) ___ the rays (j) ___ the setting sun.

1. Complete the text with suitable prepositions. [RC]

A great part (a) ____ Arabia is desert. Here and there is nothing but sand and rock. The sand is so hot that you cannot walk (b) ____ it with bare feet (c)___ the day time. Here and there in the desert are springs (d) ___ water that come from (e) ___ the ground, so deep that the sun cannot dry them (f) ___. Wherever there is a spring, trees grow tall and graceful, making a cool green, shady place (g) ___ it. Such a place is called an oasis. Oases provide habitat (h) ___ animals and even humans if the area is big enough. The location (i) ____oases has been of critical importance (j) ___ trade and transportation routes in desert areas.

2. Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions. [NGDC]

Do you want (a) ___ enjoy sound health? Your answer will certainly be (b) ___ the affirmative. It is because health is the root (c) ___ all happiness. (d) ___ maintaining sound health you can become happy. (e) ___ this you need (f) ___ know what sound health is. When a person has both physical fitness and mental fitness, he/she can be said (g) ___ be enjoying sound health. (h) ___ having physical fitness and mental fitness none can enjoy life. So , we should find (i) ___ our physical problems and look (j) ___ our mental health as well.

3. Complete the text with suitable preposition. [RGCC-15]

During the last four years, several devastating cyclones swept (a) ___ Bangladesh and caused immense harm (b) ___ the people. A cyclone may occur any time and (c) any place. The cyclone of Bangladesh generally originates (d) ___ the Bay-of-Bangale, and blows (e) ___ that land. If is often accompanied (f) ___ thunders and heavy showers. Before a cyclone commences unbearable heat is felt (g) ___ a few days. Then suddenly one day the sky becomes terribly dark (h) ___ clouds and strong winds begin to blow with flashes (i) ___ lightning and the rumbling of thunders. It causes a great havoc. A lot of people and other animals die. Dwelling houses are blown (j) ___.

4. Complete the text with suitable preposition. [RGWC-15]

Do you have any idea (a) ___ a cyber cafe? It’s a place teeming (b) ___ information. It’s a network (c) ___ all networks. It’s a place (d) ___ computers (e) ___ which customers can use the internet and send emails, etc. A cyber cafe is closely associated (f) ___ internet communication system. A customer sitting (g) ___ the cafe can communicate (h) ___ people (i) ___ the world. In fact, a cyber cafe is not prejudicial (j) ___ our development.

5. Complete the text with suitable preposition. [RUSC-15]

Today people living (a) ___ towns and cities are well acquainted (b) ___ the term ‘mosquito menace’. Towns and cities are infested (c) ___ mosquitoes. Just after the sun set mosquitoes come (d) ___ in swarms like locusts and spread the biting claws (e) ___ human beings. They suck blood (f) ___ human bodies. People living in towns and cities are to draw mosquito curtain just after evening. Though people use various insecticides and mosquito coil they are of no use. They disturb sleep (g) ___ people (h) ___ their buzzing sound. Through their biting they cause various diseases like dengue fever, malaria, and elephantiasis. Sometimes dengue fever and malaria break (i) in an epidemic form and take (j) ___ heavy tolls of human life.

6. Complete the text with suitable prepositions. [GAHC-15]

Sincerity is a great medicine (a) ___ work. One can go a long way if one does anything (b) ___ sincerity. The rich people are sincere to their work and so they are capable (c) ___ making anything a success. The great men are also sincere because they know that sincerity is the key-stone (d) ___ success. Those who do not follow rule of sincerity can never go a long way in the world. The poor people are not sometimes sincere and so they lag (e) ___. If they can know the benefit of sincerity, they will make a good use of it. Sincerity is the tonic (f) ___ any work because it helps the work to be done properly. If any work is not done properly, one will never get good output (g) ___ it. So, we should be sincere (h) ___ every work of our life. Sincerity does not mean only (i) ___ do any work properly; it also means dutifulness, honestly, modesty and well-behavior. The people of our still aware (j) ___ the importance of sincerity.

7. Complete the text with suitable preposition. [BCPSC-15]

A teacher is an architect of nation. He plays an important role in building (a) ___ an educated nation. He dispels the darkness of ignorance (b) ___ the lot of a nation. He is an actor, so to speak. He has to suit his act according (c) ___ the need of his audience. He is able to hold the attention and interest (d) ___ his students. He is a clear speaker (e) ___ good, strong pleasing voice which is (f) his control. He does not sit motionless before his class. He makes lessons interesting (g) ___ the students. A good teacher discovers the treasure hidden (h) ___ each student. He also wants the students happy and (i) ___ this he keeps them busy. A good teacher never hankers (j) ___ money.

8. Complete the text with suitable preposition. [GMRWC-15]

I received (a) ___ you another e-mail saying that you will pass (b) ___ Dhaka this week. In your letter you wished that you would like (c) ___ have a chat (d) ___ me about your course of study. You also mentioned that your time is very limited and the only free day you have is (e) ___ the next Friday. You planned (f) ___ spend the morning at Banani and requested me (g) ___ have a little lunch on (h) ___ my residence (i) ___ noon. I agree (j) ___ your plan.

9. Complete the text with suitable preposition. [RDALSC-15)

Computer is part and parcel (a) ___ our everyday life. People of all ages use computer for many purposes. We can do many things (b) ___ a computer. We can virtually move (c) the world through internet. Some people even work or receive education (d) ___ computers. If we want to keep pace (e) ___ the advanced world we have to rely (f) ___ computer based technology heavily. In the 21st century, a person (g) ___ the knowledge of computer is (h) ___ a frog in the dark well. So it is important (i) ___ us to know a bit (j) ___ the computer.

10. Complete the text with suitable preposition. [PLSC-15]

Happy (a) ___ know that your brilliant success (b) ___ Medical profession. Always remember that man is the noblest creation (c) ___ Allah, and this greatness lies (d) ___ selfless service (e) ___ humanity as well as (f) ___ doing something great and noble (g) ___ human being irrespective (h) ___ cast, creed and colour. Waiting (i) ___ hear again (j) ___ you.

11. Complete the text with suitable preposition. [GSBC-Pabna- 15]

The Taj is the 7th wonder (a) ___ the world. It was three hundred years ago when Emperor Shahjahan built the Tajmahal. As he loved his wife Mumtaj very much, he built it (b) ___ her tomb. It is made (c) ___ fine white marble (d) ___ inlays of coloured marble. It rests (e) ___ a platform or terrace (f) ___ red sandstone. Four slender white towers rise (g) ___ the four corners (h) ___ the terrace. There is a long pool (i) ___ front (j) ___ the building.

12. Complete the text with suitable preposition. [AHASC-Pabna-15]

Most men long (a) ___ wealth. They are not contented (b) ___ what they have. For this, they are not truly happy because true happiness consists (c) ___ contentment. They think, wealth brings happiness. But often, wealth brings a great deal (d) ___ worry (e) ___ much happiness.

13. Complete the text with suitable preposition. [NGC- Naogaon-15]

The great ship, Titanic sailed (a) ___ New York (b) ___ Southampton (c) ___ April 10, 1912. The ship was carrying 1316passengers and a crew (d) ___ 891. At that time she was the largest ship and was regarded (e) ___ unsinkable. The tragic sinking (f) ___ this great ship will always be remembered because she went down (g) ___ her first voyage (h) ___ heavy loss (i) ___ life which was (j) ___ imagination.

14. Qadirabad Cantonment [QC]-15

Parents have desire (a) ___ bright future (b) ___ their children. They are ready to do anything which may be congenial (c) ___ the success (d) ___their children. Every success (e) ___ their children makes them happy, and they become sanguine (f) ___ their bright future. But then the children do not pay heed (g) ___ the suggestions (h) ___ their parents and fail to move forward as the parents want, all their hopes end (i) ___ smoke. So children must be cautious (j) ___ it.

15. Joypurhat Govt. Women College [JGWC]-2015

All the brilliant students are always attentive (a) ___ their studies. They concentrate (b) ___ their studies very much. They listen (c) ___ their teachers’ advice. They are respectful (d) ___ their superiors. They do not quarrel (e) ___ anyone. They behave well (f) ___ everyone. Nobody is annoyed (g) ___ their behavior. They are true (g) their words. They are dear (g) ___ all. Everybody prays (j) ___ them.

1. Rajuk Uttara Model College [RUMC]-15

My annual exam was going (a) ___. (b) ___ the exam date (c) ___ English 1st paper I got stuck (d) ___ a traffic jam. So, I reached the exam hall half an hour late. (e) ___ entering the exam hall I saw that all the examinees were busy (f) ___ writing. The invigilator gave me the answer script and the question paper. I got nervous. (g) ___ filling (h) ___ the answer script I looked (i) ___ the questions. All the questions were common (j) ___ me.

2. Viqarunnisa Noon College [VNC]-15

Akbar, the emperor (a) ___ Delhi, was a great Mughal emperor magnificently blazing (b) ___ the history of India in war, (c) ___ religion and in politics. (d) ___ be true and honest, emperor Babur’s dynasty would face a total fall, if this majestic royal figure were not born (e) ___ due time. He was not educated in consideration (f) ___ academic qualification but he had great respect for the for the learned. Ascending the throne he newly reorganized his courtiers many scholars and wise men. One day the emperor asked Birbal (h) ___ make a list of the fools living in the country. Birbal made the list putting the emperor’s name (j) ___ the top of the list. A week later, Birbal came to the court (j) ___ the list of the fools and submitted it fearlessly to the emperor what may be one of the reasons of his legendary success that we often fall of maintain.

3. Notre Dame College [NDC]-15

‘Are you (a) ___ some sort of trouble?’ ‘Yes. I’m in debt. It really gets (b) ___ my nerver. I have nightmares in my sleep.’ ‘Do you? I resolve my problems in my sleep. Before I go to sleep I turn the problem (c) ___ in my brain. Then in the morning the answer pops (d) ___! ‘You’re lucky I’m too worried to fall asleep. I can’t drop (e) ___ to sleep. Then I’m useless (f) ___ work the following day.’ ‘Why can’t you get it (g) ___ your head that worrying won’t help?’ ‘Yes. I know, I’m tired of worrying.’ ‘You could save money by not eating (h) ___ so much. You could save (i) ___ and pay (j) ___ your debts.’

4. Ideal School and College [ISC]-15

Emperor Shah Jahan (a) ___ Delhi built the Taj Mahal. It is a tomb (b) ___ his wife in Agra. The building is made fine white marble. It rests (d) ___ a platform. Four white towers rise (e) ___ the centre. There is an open corridor (g) ___ which visitors can look (h) ___ carved marble screens (i) ____ a central room. The Taj Mahal is surrounded (j) ___a beautiful garden. There is a long pool in front of the building.

5. Dhaka Residential Model College [DRMC]-15

A pious man is absorbed (a) ___ meditation. He has firm faith (b) ___ the Almighty. He abides (c) ___ the rules (d) ___ religion. He is also very simple (e) his ways of life. His clings (f) ___ his faith. He knows that man is accountable (g) ___ the Almighty (h) ___ his action. So, he leads his life according (i) ____ religion. He is not angry (j) ___ anybody.

6. Holly Cross College [HCC]-15

Preposition links all types (a) ___ words together and help them make better sense (b) ___ the reader. They help us understand the relationship (c) ___ objects. (d) ___example, the book and the table are (e) ___ the kitchen. This gives you a basic understanding. If we add another preposition, it makes it even clearer. The book is (f) ___ top of the table (g) ___ the kitchen. We have a clear picture (h) ___ our mind (i) ___ the relation of those two object and their relationship (j) each other.

7. Dhaka College [DC]-15

I have walked that long road (a) ___ freedom. I have tried not (b) ___ falter; I have made missteps (c) ___ the way. But I have discovered the secret (d) ___ climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills (e) ___ climb. I have taken a moment here (f) ___ rest, to look back (g) ___ the distance I have come. But I can rest only for a moment, (h) ___ (i) ___ freedom come responsibilities and I dare not linger (j) ___ my ling walk which is not yet ended.

8. Dhaka City College [DCC]-15

Mount Everest is (a) ___ the Himalayan Mountains. It is situated (b) ___ the north of India (c) ___ Tibet and Nepal. It is the highest mountain in the world. Its height is (d) ___ 29000 feet. It was named (e) ___ George Everest who first surveyed the Himalayas (f) ___ 1841. It is very difficult and dangerous to climb mountains (g) ___ the Himalayas. But mountaineers are always attracted (h) ___ the Everest. The dangers and difficulties cannot refrain them (i) ___ climbing the Everest. They are not afraid (j) ___ facing any challenge.

9. Dhaka commerce college [DCom]-15

As a peace loving and democratic country, the Government of Bangladesh has been undertaking welfare and development activities (a) ___ line (b) ___ the United Nations. Bangladesh has signed the UN Declaration (c) ___ the Second Decade (d) ___ the Disabled (e) ___ the Asia and the Pacific Region. Along (f) ___ other governments (g) ___ this region, Bangladesh is committed to implement the charter and declaration (h) ___ the United Nations. There is also provision (i) ___ the constitution of Bangladesh for ensuring health care, education of Bangladesh for ensuring health care, education and employment (j) ___ the disable.

10. Lalmatia Mahila College [LMC]-15

Vidyasagar came (a) ___ a very poor family. He could not collect the small amount (b) ___ money to buy oil (c) ___ his lamp. (d) ___ night he sat down (e) ___ a lamp post beside the road (f) ___ reading. As the economic condition (g) ___ his father was not sound, he had to acquire learning (h) great hardship. He is one (i) ___ the most blazing examples in scholarship and knowledge of the poor (j) ___ the society.

11. Milestone College [MC]-2015

Cricket is nowadays, popular all (a) ___ the world. It is played (b) ___ two teams. There are eleven players (c) ___ each team. Two players (d) ___ the batting team do batting and one (e) ___ the bowlers of the fielding team do bowling. The fans sitting (f) ___ the galleries enjoy the match. When the batsman hit the ball making it fly (g) ___ the boundary line, he scores six runs. (h) ___ the contrary, when the ball hits the stamps, gets caught (i) ___ the fielders or it hits the batter’s leg according (j) ___ the rules the batsman loses his wicket.

12. Begum Badrunnesa Govt Girls’ College [BBGGC]-15

You must have come across the name (a) ___Leo Tolstoy, a great writer (b) ___ world literature. No novelist stands parallel (c) ___ him. All his novels and short stories convey a message. His purpose (d) ___ writing was the purification (e) ___ human mind and soul (f) ___ all kinds of evils and misjudgments. His heroes suffer (g) ___ inner conflict, pass (h) ups and downs of life and struggle (i) ___ deprivation caused (j) ___ feudal and bourgeois society.

13. Motijheel Model School & College [MMSC]-15

Man is fond (a) ___ turning back from the present to the past again and again. Nothing is more pleasant (b) ___ him than memories of his childhood. Whenever I am sick of the present, I try to get relief (c) the past day of my childhood. A man cannot remember everything that happened in his childhood. But certain events are stored in the sub-conscious mind. They sometime peep (d) ___ mind’s eye. My playground was the bank of the mighty Teesta. In all the seasons this river had great attraction (e) ___ me. Whenever I was not (f) ___ home, I could be found (g) ___ its bank. There would be other children also (h) ___ me. We used to row on the river, Jump (i) ___ it and swim (j) ___ it.

14. Birshrestha Munshi Abdur Rouf Public College [BMARPC]-15

Books introduce us (a) the world. They revive our sense which has sink (b) ___ oblivion. When the thought of a book coincides (c) ___ our thought, we get much pleasure. Besides, they provide us (d) ___ knowledge and information. So, books are known to us as a source of infotainment and edutainment. But most of our young generations have aversion (e) ___ reading book which results (f) ___ making them unable to cope (g) ___ the advanced world. So, to enlighten an individual as well as to make us suited (h) ___ the hard times (i) ___ come, we must emphasize (j) ___ forming the habit of reading books from and early age.

15. Govt Bangla College [GBC]-15

The main duty (a) ___ the students is to study and earn knowledge to make themselves eligible (b) ___ future leadership. But (c) ___ Bangladesh present situation is far (d) ___ the ideal one. Students are now involved (e) ___ politics. Although they are few in number, they control the overall environment of the educational institutions. Other than academic routine students can contribute to building the society as a happy abode. Students can offer some social services (f) ___ community. Most (g) ___ the people of our country are illiterate. Students can open night schools to teach the illiterate people. Female students can teach the uneducated women how to keep their house neat and clean, how to bring (h) ___ children and look (i) ___ their health. They can also teach general people (j) ___ the basic rules of health and environment. During floods and cyclones and famines, they can raise funds, rescue people, feed the hungry, nurse the sick and clothe the naked. All these will help us to nation well in future.

16. BAF Shaheen College [BAFSC]-15

21st February is a red letter day (a) ___ the history of Bangladesh. (b) ___ this day in 1952 (c) ___ half a dozen young souls sacrificed their lives (d) ___ making Bangla one of the state languages (e) ___ Pakistan. But the blood spilt was not (f) ___ vain. In 1956 the first Constitution (g) ___ Pakistan recognized this demand. This day war observed, (h) ___ Shaheed Dibosh in Bangladesh (i) ___ 1999. But now (j) ___ many other international days, 21st February is observed worldwide as the International Mother Language Day.

17. BCIC College [BCICC]-15

King Midas, amazed (a) ___ his golden touch, went back quickly to the palace. As he entered it, his little daughter ran up (b) ___ him and he took her in his arms. Instantly she turned (c) gold. The king was struck (d) ___ horror. He put her down at once thinking that this would make her human again. But there was no change. The king stood staring (e) ___his daughter. The sight brought tears (f) ___ his eyes. He ran (g) ___ of the palace to bring her favorite flower but the same thing happened (h) ___ it. He grew hungry (i) ___ food but when he touched food and plate also changed. He ran to the river and took handful of water. But alas! Nothing could be saved (j) ___ his cursed touch.

18. Ideal College, Dhanmondi [IdalCD]-15

The ceremony began (a) ___ 10am. Our principal presided (b) ___ the function and the Deputy Commissioner was the chief guest. The function started (c) ___ the recitation from the holy Quran. One (d) ___ our senior teachers read (e) ___ the annual report. The honorable chief guest delivered a brief but encouraging speech (f) ___ education. He advised us (g) ___ be regular (h) ___ studies and take part (i) ___ the movement (j) ___illiteracy.

19. Govt Science College [GSC]-15

How safe will the buildings (a) ___ the city of Dhaka be in the event (b) ___ an earthquake? Experts give no straight answer (c) ___ this questions, but call (d) ___ taking adequate precautions to minimize losses. That Bangladesh lies (e) ___ the active earthquake zone is not unknown (f) ___Bangladeshis. Alarmed (g) ___ the recurrence (h) ___ quakes during recent years experts put emphasis (i) ___ the development (j) ___ an earthquake resistant building code that all buildings should follow as mandatory.

1. Cantt public school and college, BUSMS-15

Language plays a very important role (a) ___ the life of human beings. We use language (b) ___ the moment we wake (c) ___ in the morning till we go to bed (d) ___ night. We use language not only during our waking hours but also (e) ___ our dreams. We use language (f) ___ different purposes. We use language (g) ___ express what we feel. We use language to play what we like or dislike. If we do not like tea (h) ___ milk, you say, “I’ll take tea (i) ___ milk. We use language to express our strong feeling and emotions. If you are charmed (j) ___ the scenery of a place, you say, “what a lovely place”.

2. Rangpur Govt. College-15

I was there (a) ___ autumn. I wanted quite isolation to do some troublesome writing. I wanted mountain air to blow (b) ___ malaria. I was homesick too, (c) ___ the flaming (d) ___ maples and (e) ___ corn shocks, pumpkins and black walnut trees. I found them all living (f) ___ a cabin that belonged (g) ___ the orphanage. There I become acquainted (h) ___ a boy named Jerry. He was a boy (i) ___ 12 years old and had been (j) ___ the orphanage since he was four.

3. Police Lines School & College-15

Leadership is necessary (a) ___ every sphere of life. No instruction or organization, political party or government can function (b) ___ a leader. The activities of the followers are governed (c) ___ the leader to reach goal. It goes (d) ___ saying that good leader plays valuable role (e) ___ his organization. (f) ___ the qualities of leadership top importance may be given (g) ___ devotion to a cause. A leader believes (h) ___ a cause which is important (i) ___ the good of his institution or party. He inspires his followers to devote themselves to that cause and fight for it (j) ___ his leadership.

4. Kurigram Govt. College-15

Prepositions link all types (a) ___ words together and help them make better sense (b) ___ the reader. They help us understand the relationship (c) ___ objects. (d) ___ example, the book and the table are (e) ___ the kitchen. This gives you a basic understanding. If we added another preposition, it would make it even clearer. The book is (f) ___ top of the table (g) ___ kitchen. We have a clear picture (h) ___ our mind (i) ___ the relationship of those two objects and their relationship (j) ___ each another.

5. Thakurgaon Govt. College-15

Della finished her cry and attended (a) ___ her cheeks with the powder rag. She stood (b) ___ the window and looked (c) ___ dully at a gray cat walking (d) ___ a gray fence in a gray backyard. Tomorrow would be Christmas day and she had only $1.87 (e) ___ which to buy Jim a present. She had been saving every penny she could (f) ___ month with this result. Twenty dollars a week doesn’t go far. Expenses had been greater than she had calculated. They always are. Only 1.87 to buy a present (g) ___ Jim, Her Jim. Many a happy hours she had spent planning (h) ___ something nice for him. Something fine and rare and sterling – something just a little bit near to being worthy (i) ___ the honour of being owned (j) ___ Jim.

6. Lions School and College, Saidpur- 15

Once a street dog stole a piece of meat (a) ___ a shop. He was holding it (b) ___ his mouth. He ran (c) ___ the street. He came (d) ___ a narrow bridge which hang (e) ___ a stream. When he was crossing the bridge, he looked (f) ___. He saw the reflection (g) ___ his own shadow in the clear current below. He mistook the shadow (h) ___ another living dog with a piece of meat. He made up his mind snatch (i) ___ the piece of meat from that dog. At once he dropped down the piece of meat he had (j) ___ his teeth.

7. Saidpur Govt. Technical College-15

Dear Kajal,

I am very delighted (a) ___ receive a camera (b) ___ you. Thank you so much (c) ___ this birthday present. It is really wonderful. I’ve received some presents (d) ___ the happy occasion but I’ve liked it most. The camera is a beauty just the kind I desire (e) ___ a long time.

With love


8. Majida Khatun Govt. Women’s College-15

I shall be grateful (a) ___ you if you kindly publish the following write-up (b) ___ your newspaper. “Culture is the mirror and reflection (c) ___ life (d) ___ a society (e) ___ a country.” (f) ___ the beginning of cable TV, the Western as well as Indian culture is sweeping (g) ___ our culture. If we fail (h) ___ make our people interested (i)___ our own culture, the cultural invasion is a must. We should make all out efforts (j) ___ improve our cultural heritage.

1. Hamidpur Al-Hera Degree College-15

Our national poet Kazi Nazrul Islam was born (a) ___ 1306 B.S. (1899 A.D) at Churulia in Burdhwan. (b) ___ the age of eleven he showed his poetic genius. In 1914 when the First World War broke (c) ___ he wanted to join the army. (d) ___ last, at the age of 19 he joined the army as an ordinary soldier on the side (e) ___ the alliance. (f) ___ his return (g) ___ the battle field, he gave (h) ___ the sword (i) ___ the pen and began to write poems. He wrote a lot of poems, short stories, gajals, novels etc and entered all the branches of Bengali literature. His poems inspired our freedom fighters in the Liberation War of Bangladesh. His famous poem “Bidrohi” stirred the whole nation. In 1972 he was brought (j) ___ Bangladesh from Kolkata and was declared our national poet. But it is a matter of great regret that we had to lose him on 29 August 1976.

2. BAF Shaheen College-15

Investment in education (a) ___ girls increase the economic and social returns of development investments (b) ___ all other sectors. Education girls contributes (c) ___ creating wealth through its impact (d) ___ economic development. Educated women have a higher income potential than those who have had no schooling. Educated mothers are more likely to send both their boys and girls (e) ___ school. It is important to realize that success (f) ___ girls’ education generally results (g) ___ an integrated approach (h) ___ community development. Thus failing to educate girls results (i) ___ a tremendous waste (j) ___ potential human resources.

3. Cantonment Public School & College-15

Everyone has desires (a) ___ wealth. But a few attain it. Some people hanker (b) ___ riches. Some are content (c) ___ what they have. True happiness lies (d) ___ contentment. Discontent leads people (e) ___ dishonesty and the result (f) ___ dishonesty is terrible. Dishonesty results (g) ___ greed and greed results (h) ___ misery. The dishonest people sneer (i) ___ the honest. The dishonest are not sorry (j) ___ their dishonesty. It is high time we gave (k) ___ the habit of covetousness.

4. Khulna Govt. Girls College-15

“Under the Greenwood Tree” is a song derived (a) ___ “As you like it,” a comedy by Shakespeare. In this song, the writer’s love (b) ___ nature has been rooted out (c) ___ an eloquent expression. His deep concern (d) ___ the limitations (e) ___ human society. (f) the forest the only enemy (g) ___ man is bitter winter and rough weather. Nature has no particular enmity (h) ___ man and it treats all equally. The forest is the place (i) one who is content (j) ___ small pleasures of life and has little ambition.

5. Govt. Pioneer Girls College-15

If all the children (a) ___ Bangladesh went to school, the country would get rid (b) ___ the curse of illiteracy. To boost (c) ___ education, the government should spend more money. Subsidies must be given (d) ___ the education sector. Teachers are needed to be trained (e) ___ good teaching. The poor students can be brought (f) ___ ‘Food for Education’ programme. We should take care that no institution is closed down due (g) ___ political clashes. More co-curricular activities are to be included (h) ___ enable the students to develop their non-academic skills. It is our social responsibility to educate ourt children and the failure (i) ___ which will lead (j) a catastrophe.

6. Khulna Collegiate Girls’ School & KCC Women’s College-15

The man who is used (a) ___ hard work is sure (b) ___ success. He is not tired (c) ___ hard work. He sticks (d) ___ his principles. He does not submit (e) ___ his fate. He knows that industry is the key (f) ___ success. He does not rely (g) ___ other. He has respect (h) ___ the elders. Nothing can prevent him (i) ___ hard work. He is free (j) ___ greed.

1. Comilla Victoria Govt. College-15

We are grateful (a) ___ the young volunteers (b) ___ University (c) ___ Japan who have taken up matters (d) ___ their own hands (e) ___ cleaning up Dhaka. The project “Clean up Dhaka” is an innovative initiative and it sends a positive message (f) ___ all. We expect Bangladeshi Youngsters (g) ___ voluntarily sign up (h) ___ this initiative and work (i) ___ this foreigners (j) ___ make the city more liveable.

2. Ispahani Public School and College-15

We know that smoking is prejudicial (a) ___ health. It causes many fatal diseases. There is not remedy (b) ___ the diseases. People are aware (c) ___ the matter. Yet they stick (d) ___ this bad habit. Smoking is also injurious (e) ___ a passive smoker. Unfortunately the smokers don’t think (f) ___ these passive smokers. They become the victims (g) ___ their whims. In this respect, children are the most suffersers. (h) ___ some cases, they are made sufferers because (i) ___ their parents. (j) ___ them, all smokers should think once again.

3. Comilla Govt. College-15

A street hawker deals (a) ___ various things by hawking (b) ___ street to street. He carries his materials (c) ___ head. Sometimes he carries his goods in hand and sometimes in a small handicraft. Usually he buys his goods (d) ___ a cheaper rate and sells them (e) ___ a good profit. He brings goods for women and children. He sells them (f) ___ a fixed price. He sells things of domestic chores (g) ___ women. He speaks (h) ___ a different way to draw the attention of his customers. He does not come when the house masters are (i) ___ home. He knocks when women are free (j) ___ their household duties.

4. Comilla Commerce College-15

We should not run (a) ___ money. Those who always long (b) ___ money can never enjoy mental peace. Sometimes, it may lead one (c) ___ some unexpected troubles. The greed (d) ___ a man can also bring (e) ___ troubles (f) ___ himself. So it is a good idea to be contended (g) ___ what we have. We should concentrate (h) ___honesty and integrity. We must remember that those who are always running after money, have gone (i) ___ the dogs. So, we should restrain (j) ___ the greediness.

5. Comilla Shikkha Board Model College-15

Rasel is a student (a) ___ Chittagong University. He went (b) ___ the forest (c) ___ that place (d) ___ some (e) ___ his foreign friends (f) ___ vacation. They were spell-bound seeing the beauty of the forest abundant (g) ___ the Segun, Gorjon, Jarul trees. (h) ___ the way bak, Rashel took them (i) ___ the bank (j) ___ the main river of that region.

6. Sonar Bangla College-15

Some people get pleasure (a) ___reading books. Reading is a good habit. The pleasures (b) ___ reading are different (c) ___ the pleasures of hearing songs. Books are our best companion (d) ___ life. It keeps us free (e) ___ tension and anxieties. It gives us relief (f) ___ a while (g) ___ our monotonous life. So all (h) ___ us should develop the habit (i) ___ reading (j) ___ pleasure.

7. Mosharraf Hossain Khan Chowdhury University College-15

Plants and trees are important elements (a) ___ our environment. They are absolutely necessary (b) ___ our existence (c) ___ the earth. They are a great source (d) food and vitamins. We cannot think (e) ___ our surroundings (f) ___ trees. We use trees (g) ___ make furniture, windows, doors, etc. The trees save us (h) ___ environment pollution. No lives are possible (i) ___ them. So trees should be planted (j) ___ a huge number.

8. Brahmanbaria Govt. College-15

Bayazid’s mother was sleeping (a) ___ her bed. He was reading sitting (b) ___ her bed. Suddenly she woke (c) ___. She told him to give her a glass (d) ___ water. He stood (e) ___ from his seat. He went to the jar to fetch water. But there was no water in the jar. The whole locality was (f) ___ deep sleep. He went (g) ___ of the house and looked (h) ___ water but in vain. He remembered the fountain. The fountain was at the other side of the locality. He made (i) ___ his mind to go there. He went to the fountain with a jar. He filled the jar (j) ___ water and returned home. But he found his mother lost in deep sleep.

9. Brahmanbaria Govt. Women’s College-15

Man has made friendship (a) ___ trees. Trees plays an important role (b) ___ our life and economy. June and July are the best time (c) ___ tree plantation. Tree plantation should be expended (d) ___ the remote corner of the country. Attempt should be made to make the illiterate aware (e) ___ the importance of trees. They are a great source (f) food and vitamins. We use them for various purposes. We can not make our homes, houses, residences etc without trees. Trees bear a great impact (g) ___ the climate. If we destroy trees (h) ___ random, one day the country will turn (i) ___ a great desert. Trees save us (j) ___ food and money other natural calamities.

10. Nabinagar Govt. College-15

I shall be grateful (a) ___ you if you kindly publish the following write-up (b) your newspaper. “Culture is the mirror and reflection (c) ___ life (d) ___ a society, (e) ___ a country. (f) ___ the beginning of cable TV, the western as well as Indian culture is sweeping (g) ___ our culture. If we fail (h) ___ make our people interested (i) ___ our own culture, the cultural invasion is a must. We should make all out efforts (j) ___ improve our culture heritage.

11. Chandpur Govt. College-15

Dear Tina,

I am very glad (a) ___ receive your letter (b) ___ time. You have stood first (c) ___ the examination. I would like to offer congratulation (d) ___ your grand success (e) ___ the HSC level. We are really proud (f) ___ you. I hope you will continue (g) ___ be attentive (h) ___ your studies and will do better (i) ___ your future examinations. (j) ___ best wishes.

Your elder brother



1. [Dhaka Board-16] (a) of; (b) for; (c) for; (d) of; (e) of; (f) in; (g) an; (h) beyond; (i) over; (j) to/with.

2. [Rajshahi Board-16](a) by; (b) of; (c) down; (d) of; (e) in; (f) up; (g) off; (h) from; (i) to; (j) with.

3. [Dnajpur Board-16] (a) of; (b) by; (c) by; (d) down; (e) by; (f) up; (g) by; (h) in; (i) up; (j) on.

4. [Jessore Board-16] (a) of; (b) in; (c) of; (d) from; (e) to; (f) with; (g) under; (h) before/in; (i) in; (j) after.

5. [Comilla Board-16] (a) to; (b) to; (c) b; (d) for; (e) for; (f) to; (g) of; (h) of; (i) by; (j) down.

6. [Chittagong -16] (a) in; (b) from/since; (c) as; (d) in; (e) of; (f) for; (g) from; (h) on; (i) for/in; (j) for.

7. [Sylhet Board-16] (a) in/at; (b) in; (c) with; (d) for/to; (e) in; (f) with; (g) to; (h) with; (i) to; (j) about.

8. [Barishal Board-16] (a) at; (b) by; (c) at; (d) to; (e) into; (f) for; (g) to; (h) for; (i) from; (j) of.

K¨v‡WU K‡j‡Ri wbe©Pbx cixÿvi cÖ‡kœi mgvavbt

9. [Maymensing Girl’s-15] (a) in; (b)) in; (c) around; (d) of; (e) for; (f) among; (g) for; (h) of; (i) in; (j) of.

10. [Mirzapur Cadet 15] (a) in; (b) of; (c) in; (d) on; (e) of; (f) of; (g) to; (h) over; (i) in; (j) to.

11. [Pabna Cadet-15] (a) in; (b) of; (c) in; (d) to; (e) by; (f) in; (g) by; (h) in; (i) to; (j) for.

12. [Joypurhat Girls Cadet-15] (a) to; (b) about; (c) during; (d) to; (e) to; (f) ×; (g) in; (h) with; (i) at/before; (j) for.

13. [Rangpur Cadet-15] (a) by; (b) by; (c) for; (d) with; (e) in; (f) of; (g) to; (h) about; (i) to; (j) to.

14. [Jhenidah Cadet-15] (a) from; (b) of; (c) from; (d) in; (e) from; (f) for; (g) from; (h) of; (i) of; (j) for.

15. [Comilla Cadet-15] (a) through; (b) into; (c) in; (d) upon; (e) from; (f) with; (g) for; (h) around; (i) with; (j) of.

16. [Feni Girls’ College-15] (a) for; (b) for; (c) to; (d) after; (e) at; (f) among; (g) in; (h) of; (i) by; (j) with.

17. [Sylhet Cadet-15] (a) by; (b) of; (c) of; (d) at; (e) of; (f) in; (g) with; (h) of; (i) with; (j) of.

ivRkvnx †ev‡W©i K‡j‡Ri wbe©vPbx cixÿvi cÖ‡kœi mgvavbt

1. [RC] (a) of; (b) on; (c) during; (d) of; (e) inside; (f) up; (g) around; (h) for; (i) of; (j) for.

2. [NGDC] (a) to; (b) in; (c) of; (d) by; (e) for; (f) to; (g) to; (h) without; (i) out; (j) after.

3. [RGCC] (a) over; (b) to; (c) at; (d) from; (e) towards; (f) by; (g) for; (h) with; (i) of; (j) away.

4. [RGWC] (a) of; (b) with; (c) of; (d) of; (e) by; (f) with; (g) in; (h) with; (i) throughout; (j) to.

5. [RUSC] (a) in; (b) with; (c) with; (d) up; (e) on; (f) from; (g) of; (h) by; (i) out; (j) away.

6. [GAHC] (a) to; (b) with; (c) of; (d) to; (e) behind; (f) for; (g) from; (h) in; (i) to; (j) of.

7. [BCPSC] (a) up; (b) from; (c) to; (d) of; (e) with; (f) under; (g) to; (h) inside; (i) for; (j) after.

8. [GMRWC] (a) from; (b) through; (c) to; (d) with; (e) on; (f) to; (g) to; (h) at; (i) at; (j) to.

9. [RDALSC] (a) of; (b) by; (c) across; (d) through; (e) with; (f) on; (g) without; (h) like; (i) for; (j) about.

10. [PLSC] (a) to; (b) in; (c) of; (d) in; (e) for; (f) in; (g) for; (h) of; (i) to; (j) from.

11. [GSBC] (a) of; (b) as; (c) of; (d) with; (e) on; (f) of; (g) from; (h) of; (i) in; (j) of.

12. [AHASC-Pabna] (a) for; (b) with; (c) in; (d) off; (e) with.

13. [NGC-Naogaon] (a) for; (b) from; (c) on; (d) of; (e) as; (f) of; (g) on; (h) with; (i) of; (j) beyond.

14. [QC] (a) for; (b) of; (e) to; (d) of; (e) of; (f)of; (g) to; (h) of; (i) in; (j) of/about.

15. [JGWC] (a) to; (b) on; (c) to; (d) to; (e) with; (f) with; (g) at; (h) to; (i) to; (j) for.

XvKv †ev‡W©i K‡j‡Ri wbe©vPbx cixÿvi cÖ‡kœi mgvavbt

1. [RUMC] (a) on; (b) on; (c) of; (d) n; (e) after; (f) in; (g) after; (h) in; (i) at; (j) to.

2. [VNC] (a) of; (b) in; (c) in; (d) to; (e) in; (f) of; (g) by; (h) to; (i) at; (j) with.

3. [NDC] (a) in; (b) on; (c) over; (d) up; (e) off; (f) at; (g) into; (h) into; (i) up; (j) off.

4. [ISC] (a) ×; (b) of; (c) of; (d) on; (e) from; (f) above; (g) from; (h) through; (i) into; (j) by.

5. [DRMC] (a) in; (b) in; (c) by; (d) of; (e) in; (f) to; (g) to; (h) for; (i) to; (j) with.

6. [HCC] (a) of; (b) to; (c) between/among (d) for; (e) in; (f) on; (g) in; (h) in; (i) about; (j) with.

7. [DC] (a) to; (b) to; (c) along; (d) after; (e) to; (f) to; (g) on; (h) for; (i) with; (j) for.

8. [DCC] (a) in; (b) to; (c) between; (d) about; (e) after; (f) in; (g) like; (h) to; (i) from; (j) of.

9. [DCom] (a) in; (b) with; (c) of; (d) for; (e) in; (f) with; (g) in; (h) of; (i) in; (j) for.

10. [LMC] (a) of; (b) of; (c) for; (d) at; (e) under; (f) for; (g) of; (h) through; (i) of; (j) in.

11. [MC] (a) over; (b) between; (c) in; (d) of; (e) of; (f) in; (g) over; (h) on; (i) by; (j) to.

12. [BBGGC] (a) of; (b) of; (c) to/with; (d) of; (e) of; (f) from; (g) from; (h) through; (i) against; (j) by.

13. [MMSC] (a) of; (b) to; (c) in; (d) at; (e) to; (f)at; (g) on; (h) with; (i) into; (j) in.

14. [BMARPC] (a) to; (b) into; (c) with; (d) with; (e) to; (f) in; (g) with; (h) to; (i) to; (j) on.

15. [GBC] (a) of; (b) for; (c) in; (d) beyond; (e) in; (f) to; (g) of; (h) up; (i) after; (j) about.

16. [BAFSC] (a) in; (b) on; (c) about; (d) for; (e) of; (f) in; (g) of; (h) as; (i) since; (j) beside.

17. [BCICC] (a) at; (b) to; (c) into; (d) with; (e) at; (f) in; (g) out; (h) to; (i) for; (j) from.

18. [IdealCD] (a) at; (b) over; (c) with; (d) of; (e) out; (f) on; (g) to; (h) in; (i) in; (j) against.

19. [GSC] (a) in; (b) of; (c) to; (d) for; (e) in; (f) to; (g) by; (h) of; (i) on; (j) of.

w`bvRcyi †ev‡W©i K‡j‡Ri wbe©vPbx cixÿvi cÖ‡kœi mgvavbt

1. [Cant Public] (a) in; (b) from; (c) up; (d) at; (e) in; (f) for; (g) to; (h) with/without (i) without/with (j) by.

2. [Rangpur Govt.] (a) in; (b) out; (c)for; (d) of; (e) for; (f) in; (g) to; (h) with; (i) of; (j) at.

3. [Police Line] (a) in; (b) without; (c) by; (d) without; (e) for; (f) among; (g) to; (h) in; (i) for; (j) under.

4. [Kurigram Govt.] (a) of; (b) to; (c) among; (d) for; (e) in; (f) on; (g) in; (h) in; (i) about; (j) between.

5. [Thakurgaon Govt.] (a) to; (b) by; (c) out; (d) by; (e) with; (f) for; (g) for; (h) for; (i) of; (j) by.

6. [Lion’s School] (a) from; (b) in; (c) on along; (d) to; (e) over; (f) down; (g) of; (h) for; (i) away; (j) in.

7. [Saidpur Govt. Technical College] (a) to; (b) from; (c) for; (d) on; (e) for.

8. [Majida Khatun] (a) to; (b) in; (c) of; (d) in; (e) of; (f) from; (g) over; (h) to; (i) in; (j) to.

h‡kvi †ev‡W©i K‡j‡Ri wbe©vPbx cixÿvi cÖ‡kœi mgvavbt

18. [Hamidpur Al-Hera] (a) in; (b) at; (c) out; (d) at; (e) of; (f) on; (g) from; (h) up; (i) for; (j) in.

19. [BAF Shaheen] (a) for; (b) in; (c) to; (d) on; (e) to; (f) in; (g) from; (h) to; (i) in; (j) of.

20. [Cantonment Public] (a) for; (b) after; (c) with; (d) in; (e) to; (f) of; (g) from; (h) in; (i) at; (j) for; (k) up.

21. [Khulna Govt. Girl’s] (a) from; (b) for; (c) in; (d) about; (e) of; (f) in; (g) to; (h) with; (i) for; (j) with.

22. [Govt. Pioneer] (a) in; (b) of; (c) up; (d) to; (e) in; (f) under; (g) to; (h) of; (j) to.

23. [Khulna Collegiate] (a) to; (b) of; (c) of; (d) to; (e) to; (f) to; (g) on; (h) for; (i) from; (j) from.

Kzwgjøv †ev‡W©i K‡j‡Ri wbe©vPbx cixÿvi cÖkœt

1. [Comilla Victoria] (a) to; (b) of; (c) of; (d) in; (e) for; (f) to; (g) to; (h) for; (i) with; (j) to.

2. [Ispahani Public] (a) to; (b) for; (c) of; (d) to; (e) to; (f) of; (g) to; (h) in; (i) of; (j) for.

3. [Comilla Govt.] (a) in; (b) from; (c) on; (d) at; (e) for; (f) at; (g) to; (h) in; (i) at; (j) from.

4. [Comilla Commerce] (a)after; (b) for; (c) to; (d) of; (e) about; (f) for; (g) with; (h) on; (i) to; (j) from.

5. [Comilla Shikha Board] (a) of; (b) to; (c) of; (d) with; (e) of; (f) during; (g) with; (h) on; (i) to; (j) of

6. [Sonar Bangla] (a) from; (b) of; (c) from; (d) in; (e) from; (f) for; (g) from; (h) of; (i) of; (j) for.

7. [Moharraf Hossain] (a) of; (b) for; (c) on; (d) of; (e) of; (f) without; (g) to; (h) if; (i) without; (j) in.

8. [Brahamanbaria Govt.] (a) in; (b) by; (c) up; (d) of; (e) up; (f) in; (g) out; (h) for; (i) up; (j) with.

9. [Brahamanbaria Govt. Women’s] (a) with; (b) in; (c) for; (d) to; (e) of; (f) of; (g) on; (h) at; (i) into; (j) from

10. [Nabinagar Govt.] (a) to; (b) in; (c) of; (d) of; (e) of; (f) with; (g) away; (h) to; (i) in; (j) to.

11. [Chandpur Govt.] (a) to; (b) in/on; (c) in; (d) on; (e) in; (f) of; (g) to; (h) to; (i) in; (j) with.

Special Uses

Gap Filling with clues by using some special phrases/words.

was born/ be born

mvaiYZ c„w_ex‡Z Rb¥MÖnY Kiv A‡_© be e¨envi Kiv nq| GwU passive form-e¨eüZ nq|

a) I was born in 1990.

b) Rima was born in 1998.

c) Shakespeare was born to be a famous dramatist

d) Michael Madhusudan Dutt was a popular Bengali poet. He was born in a sophisticated Hindu family. Moreover, he took Christianity when he was child.

e) Hundreds of children are born deaf every year.

Let Alone

`ywU Am¤¢e ev wPšÍv Kiv hvq bv, Giæc A_© cÖKvk Ki‡Z Let Alone e¨eüZ nq|

a) I cannot buy a bike let alone a car.

b) I can’t recharge 20tk let alone 50 tk.

c) I can’t drive a car, let alone a bus.

Have to/has to

Have to/ Has to A‡bKUv must Gi g‡Zv eva¨evaKZv Ges cÖ‡qvRbxqZv eySv‡Z e¨eüZ nq|

a) I have to do the work

b) English is an international language.

If you want to go abroad for higher study,

You have to learn English.

c) The girl has to buy an umbrella. Now it is the rainy season.

d) In England, most children have to wear a uniform. Is it the same in Bangladesh?

‡Kv‡bv wel‡q cy‡ivcywi wbwðZ (Certainty) nIqvi Ae¯’v eySv‡Z I Have to/has to

This answer has to be correct.

AZx‡Zi †Kvb eva¨evaKZv (Past obligation) ‡evSv‡Z had to Ges fwel¨Z/Kv‡ji eva¨evaKZv (future obligation) ‡evSv‡Z will have to e¨envi Kiv nq| †hgb-

a) Jony had to go to the dentist yesterday.

b) That wasn’t very good, we’ll have to do better next time

Have to, has to , had to Øviv †Kvb Interrogative Sentence ev Negative Sentence MVb Ki‡Z Auxiliary verb, do, does, did e¨envi nq|

a) Do you have to go there?

b) Doesn’t she have to buy an umbrella?

c) Did you have to pay your bill?

Have got to

Spoken English G Present tense Gi †ÿ‡Î have got to e‡m| G‡K gotta ejv n‡q _v‡K| Stress obligation Gi †ÿ‡Î GwU e¨envi Kiv hvq|

I have got to forget her. I gotta forget her.

Would rather

`ywU Kv‡Ri g‡a¨ GKwUi †P‡q Ab¨wU AwaK MÖnY‡hvM¨ cQ›`bxq-Giæc cÖKvk Kivi Rb¨ would rather e¨eüZ nq|

a) Sadia would rather die than give a speech.

b) I would rather die than beg.

c) I would rather take a taxi than walk home.

d) Robin would rather die than take bribe.

NB: (a) Would rather ‡K Defective Auxiliary verb ejv nq|

(b) would Gi contracted form (‘d) I would = I’d

Had better

civgk© `v‡b, Dc‡`k w`‡Z AwaKvsk mgq had better e‡m| should Gi ‡Rviv‡jv iƒc n‡jv had better.

a) Exam is knocking at the door. You had better study more.

b) You had better start working hard

c) Rana had better meet Raz.

* GKvšÍ Kvgbv I †jvKRb‡K mZK© Kivi †ÿ‡Î I had better e¨eüZ nq|

(a) Jibon had better reach here soon.

(b) You had better check your tongue in talking to me.

What if

‡Kvb wKQz NUvi fq cÖKvk Ki‡Z what if e¨eüZ nq|

(a) I am worried about my ensuing exam.

What If I fail in the exam?

(b) I don’t like to travel by this old car.

What if it disturbs on the way?

‡Kvb wel‡q cÖ¯Ív‡ei ci gZvgZ Rvbvi Rb¨ What if e¨eüZ nq|

a) This room is bigger and I like it.

What if we shift here

b) Rana: You have come just now. What if I am late?

Tuli: Sure you are right.

c) Himel: You have invited all of our close relatives in the party. What if I invite Surovi?

Mona: Why not. She is your close friend.

As soon as

As soon as Phrase wU GKwU NUbv NUvi mv‡_ Ab¨ GKwU NUbv NUv eyS‡Z e¨eüZ nq| A_©vr `ywU NUbvi GKwUi wVK c‡i Ab¨ GKwU NUbv NUvi †ÿ‡Î Giæc e¨eüZ nq|

a) As soon as the sun goes down, the temperature drops dramatically.

b) As soon as I went out, it started raining

c) We rushed to the Spot as soon as the accident took place.

d) I’ll inform you of the matter as soon as I know about it.

e) As soon as he passed M.A. he started a business.

What does.............. look like

‡Kvb e¨w³i †Pnvivi weeiY/ e¯‘i AvK…wZ ev KvVv‡gvi weeiY/A™¢zZ ev †Kvb wKQz †`L‡Z †Kgb-Giæc Awfe¨w³ cÖKv‡k What does .............. look like e¨eüZ nq|

a) What does the hero of the film look like?

b) What does the mobile look like?

c) What does a genie look like?


Avjv`v †Kvb wKQz Kivi Abyf~wZ †Kgb nq Zv Rvb‡Z what’s ---- it like phrase-wU e¨eüZ nq|

a) what’s it like giving in a boat? The river gypsies seem to be very happy leading a nomadic life.

b) What’s it like taking too much tea?

c) What’s it like eating fast food?

As, if/as though

as, if/as though ‡hb A‡_© e¨eüZ nq| †Kvb wKQz‡K Ggbfv‡e Dc¯’vcb Kiv †hb ‡mwU Ab¨ †Kvb A_© (meaning) enb K‡i|

Example: He speaks as if he knew everything.

He spoke as if he had known every-thing.

He behaves as if he were a mad.

* Present Ind+as if/as though+past Ind.

* Past Ind+as if/as though+past perf.

Used to

AZxZ Kv‡ji †Kv‡b Kv‡R Af¨¯Í/mvaviYfv‡e NUZ Ggb †ÿ‡Î Uses to e¨envi nq| Uses to Gi ci verb Gi base form e‡m|

a) Now I just watch football match. But once I used to play.

b) Masu used to smoke a lt but he gave it up.

No sooner had ----------- than

Scarcely had --------- when, Hardly had ------------- when

GKwU KvR n‡Z bv n‡ZB A_ev GKwU NUbv NU‡Z bv NU‡ZB AciwU N‡U †Mj, GgbwU eySv‡Z G¸‡jv e¨eüZ nq|

No sooner had the teacher entered the classroom than the student stood up.

No sooner the doctor came tan the patient died

Scarcely had I reached the station than the train left.

Would you mind

Webq I †mRb¨ Zvi mwnZ KvD‡K †Kvb wKQz Kivi Rb¨ Aby‡iva Ki‡Z cÖkœ‡evaK ev‡K¨ would you mind (wKQz g‡b Ki‡eb wK?) e¨envi Kiv nq|

Would you mind having a cup of cold tea?

Would you mind eating sea fish?

Would mind being accompanied by me on this journey?

But for

Qvov e¨ZxZ BZ¨vw` Awfe¨w³ cÖKvk Ki‡Z but for e¨eüZ nq|

It was not possible for me to publish the book but for Rehena’s courageous support.

But for your help, I could not have succeeded in that case.

What do you mean?

‡Kvb welq, NUbv ev cwiw¯’wZ m¤ú‡K© Kv‡iv g‡bvfve, gZvgZ mivmwi Rvb‡Z PvIqvi Rb¨ “what do you mean” Clause wU e¨eüZ nq|

a) I think Bangladesh will win the match. What do you mean?

b) What do you mean? Should I give up the hope to marry you only for your elder brother?


KviYhy³ ev kZ©hy³ Phrase ev Clause Gi c~‡e© Whenever e‡m|

a) Whenever you inform the fire brigade, they are ready to serve.

b) I frankly share the issue with my mother whenever I face any problem.

What’s the matter

‡Kvb cwiw¯’wZi A¯^vfvweKZv ev welbœZvi KviY m¤ú‡K© AeMZ Kivi †ÿ‡Î what’s the matter+with e¨eüZ nq|

Why are you behaving so rudely? What’s the matter with you?

What’s the matter with Rony? He has been gloomy for quite a long time.

As long as

hZÿb ev ZZÿb ch©Ší-A_© eyS‡Z As long as e¨envi Kiv nq|

I will love you as long as you love me.

One cannot expect other’s love as long as one is loveless.

The poor will continue to suffer as long as they as illiterate.

Introductory 'There'

Introductory A_© cwiwPwZg~jK ev myPbvevPK| Sentence-Gi ïiæ‡Z e¨eüZ there hLb ¯úóZ †Kvb wbR¯^ A_© cÖKvk K‡i bv Giƒc †ÿ‡Î There e¨eüZ nq| There Øviv ïiæ nIqv Sentence-G ¯úóZ †Kvb Subject _v‡K bv|

There is a bridge over the river.

There lived a king in our village.

Am¤¢eZ, Amva¨Zv (impossibility) cÖKv‡k 'There e¨eüZ nq|

There is no denying the fact that Nila was guilty for saying so.

Introductory 'It'

A‡bK †ÿ‡Î Introductory 'it'-‡K Introductory 'there'-Gi g‡ZvB e¨envi Kiv nq| Z‡e G‡ÿ‡Î `ywUi g‡a¨ my¯úó wKQz my² cv_©K¨I cwijwÿZ nq| mvaviYZ place ev ¯’vb wb‡`©kK sentence-G there Ges mgq cwiw¯’wZ BZ¨vw` wb‡`©kK sentence-G it e¨eüZ nIqv evÃbxq| †hgb-

1. It was raining cats and dogs.

2. It is five days I have left my village.

3. It so happens that he spends the whole night at his office.

4. It seems that the girl is innocent.

It is time / It is high time

GLbB mgq ev GLbB mwVK mgq ev GLbB Dchy³ mgq Gi †ÿ‡Î It is time / It is high time / It is proper time e‡m|

(i) It is time + Infinitive (to + verb). †hgb- It is time to change our bad habit.

(ii) It is time for + objective form + infinitive. †hgb- It is time for us to meet each other.

(iii) It is high time/It is time + subject + V2. †hgb- It is high time we changed our society.

(iv) It was high time/time + past perfect. . †hgb- It was high time we had changed our society.


`ywU e³‡e¨i g‡a¨ GKwU nIqvi m¤¢vebvi †ÿ‡Î Either....or e‡m|

The girl either danced or sang.

Either you will play with me or I will go home.

Rima will buy either a sari or a frock.


`ywUi †KvbwUI bq A_©vr GUvI bv IUvI bv G‡ÿ‡Î neither....nor e‡m|

Neither the girl will sing nor she will dance.

She is neither a singer nor a dancer.


hw` bv A‡_© Unless e¨eüZ nq|

Unless the man works hard, he will not succeed in life.

We would miss the train unless we started earlier.

Not only.....but also

GKwU e³‡e¨i ¯^xK…wZ w`‡q Avi GKwU e³e¨ †ck Kivi †ÿ‡Î Not only.......but also e‡m|

My grandfather has not only eight sons but also he has six daughters.

Question No. 3: Complete the sentence with suitable phrases/words given in the box

1. Dhaka Board-16

|Unless |Let alone |It |There |Would you mind |

|As if |Neither will |Had better |As fast as |The older ... the more |

a) When my brother was a child, he wouldn’t look at all like my father, ___ he gets, ___ he looks like him.

b) ___ are hundreds of languages spoken regularly by human beings. But everywhere of the world people speak English.

c) A: They won’t be enjoying a holiday this year.

B: ___we.

d) It is admitted by all that a deer can run fast. But it cannot run ____ a Cheetah.

e) He loves his garden very much. He does not allow his sons to pluck any flower, ___ other children.

f) I cannot carry the box on my back. ____ taking the box into the room?

g) ___ is very difficult to get good grade in Bengali and English.

h) It is getting dark. You ___ go home right now.

i) The man was seriously injured in an accident. He would have died ___ he had been taken to a nearby hospital.

j) The boy talks to much of himself. He talks ___ he knew everything.

2. Rajshahi Board-16

|had better |was born |would rather |as soon as |let alone |

|in order to |has to | as if |whenever |there |

a) The students were making a noise in the class. But ___ the teacher entered the class, they kept quiet.

b) It was a hot summer day. A crow felt very thirsty. So it was flying here and there ___ find water.

c) Panna was a criminal. So he was always on his toes. ___ he saw the police, he hid himself.

d) The man is so weak that he cannot walk. He cannot walk even a kilometer ___ five kilometers.

e) ___ is a nice kitchen garden just behind our house. So we can get fresh vegetables from there.

f) I am too tired to talk. I can no longer give you company. You ___ leave me and let me take rest.

g) Though I am poor, I hate begging. Begging is most disreputable. I ___ die than beg.

h) Michael Madhusudan Dutt was a popular Bengali poet. He ___ in a sophisticated Hidu family, but he took Christianity when he was young.

i) My friend Ratul talks ___ he were a millionaire. But he comes of an impoverished family. Moreover, he is good for nothing.

j) Rana is a meritorious student. He is the first boy in our class. He ___ study hard and work more to maintain his position in the class.

3. Comilla Board-16

|As if |Was born |As soon as |It |What does... look like |

|There |Have to |Let alone |Would rather |Had better |

a) Manners make a man. Students ___ practice good manners in everyday life.

b) Most students in our country are weak in English. They ___ follow the advice of their teachers for improvement.

c) He tries to show off his knowledge in English. He speaks English ___ he were an Englishman.

d) Cox’s Bazar is a popular tourist hub, ___ are many nice hotels there for tourists.

e) The other day I met an old-rickshaw puller. He told me that he ___ pull a rickshaw than beg.

f) A poor man struggles hard to survive in our country. He can hardly earn Tk. 200 a day, ___ Tk 2000.

g) I Dhaka city, traffic jam is very common. ___ many occur anywhere anytime.

h) Smoking is one of the major causes of heart attack and cancer. ___ a smoker stops smoking, he can avoid the risk of any danger.

i) Have you ever heard the name of William Shakespeare? He ___ on 23rd April, 1564 in England. He was one of the greatest of the world.

j) Son: Dad, ___ an alien ___?

Father: Well. Alien are believed to come from another planet by UFOs. Films and science fiction tell us about them. They are really awesome.

4. Dinajpur Board-16

|Had better |There |Have to |Would rather |Let alone |

|As if |It |What’s it like |Was born |As soon as |

a) Motin’s father is a low paid service holder. He has no ability to buy a bi-cycle for his son ___ a motor bike.

b) I’ve never traveled by air, __ in the sky?

c) Let’s go to the cinema, ___ is not worth waiting any longer.

d) I am tired. I ___ stay at home than go outside.

e) You look very anxious. And you cannot continue your study any longer. You ___ take rest.

f) I am surprised to hear his speeches. He speaks ___ knew the ins and outs of the incident.

g) Salam feels pain in his chest. He ___ go back to the hospital for a scan next week.

h) Tagore ___ in 1861. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1913.

i) ___ is no fish here. It is a swimming pool.

j) I went there to meet with him. ___ I saw him, I rushed to talk to him.

5. Jessore Board-16

|But for |Used to |Was born |No sooner had |Had better |

|As if |It |What do you mean |Has to |What’s the matter |

a) Shamsur Rahman ___ in Dhaka in 1929. He is famous both as a poet and a novelist.

b) ___ Diamond jumped upon the table than the lighted candle fell on the papers. It caused a great damage to Newton’s research works.

c) You ___ apply to the principal of your college for granting you a stipend. He will surely see on it.

d) Thomas Alva Edison was very inquisitive in his childhood. He ___ do many harmful activities. However, he made a lot of inventions.

e) One evening I returned home groaning with a bad headache. My mother asked me, “___ with you? Why do you look so pale?”

f) ___ your timely intervention, I would have been assaulted by them. I was just a victime of circumstances.

g) ___ ? how can rope bite a man? It is quite unbelievable.

h) He tells the matter ___ he knew it. Actually, he is quite ignorant of it.

i) ___ is good idea to walk in the morning. Morning walk is very healthful.

j) A good citizen ___ perform a lot of things. These things will enable him to become a true patriot.

6. Chittagong Board-16

|Was born |Would you mind |What does ... look like |there |would rather |

|As if |Let alone |Had better |Have to |As soon as |

a) He cannot tell my name __ my address. He is lying.

b) The Bangladeshi cricketers have done well in the World Cup. They ___ struggle more to win the World Cup.

c) ___ the earth ___? It’s not completely round.

d) I ___ walk than get on the bus. This time the bus is very crowded.

e) ___ I reached the station, the train left. Really I was lucky.

f) Dr. Muhammad Shahidullah was a great linguist. He ___ in 1885 A.D.

g) He acts ___ he were rich. So nobody likes him.

h) You look sick. You ___ go home immediately.

i) ___ was a boy at the door. He wanted to talk to me.

j) ___ eating sea fish? I think you will enjoy a lot.

7. Sylhet Board-16

|Was born |What’s... like |It |Had better |Let alone |

|There |Would rather |As soon as |As if |What is |

a) ___ your family ___? Our family is not so big. It’s comparatively small.

b) Today is a rainy day. You ___ not go to office today.

c) I have a bad headache. I ___ go to doctor.

d) ___ lived an old man in a village. He was very wise.

e) My sister is acting ___ she were all in all. She always acts like this way.

f) I’ll call you ___ I arrive. Then we will go to market.

g) Prabha can’t afford to buy a cell phone, ___ a laptop. Actually she is very poor.

h) Punctuality is the habit of doing things exactly in time. ___ is, of course, a good habit.

i) Tajuddin Ahmed, the first Prime Minister of Bangladesh, ___ in 1925. he was a wise man.

j) Rina: ___ we miss the buss? Mina: We will take a taxi then.

8. Barishal Board-16

|There |What if |Was born |Had better |As long as |

|Let alone |Have to |As if |It |As soon as |

a) ___ is really unfortunate for a boy like him to fail in the exam.

b) He cannot score a goal, ___ a hat trick.

c) His mother being sick, he needs to go home ___ possible.

d) The manager says alone. It seems ___ other had nothing to say.

e) No one is happy with her result; she ___ understand it.

f) ___ you lose your pen?

g) ___ lived a very clever fox in a jungle.

h) The poor will continue to suffer ___ they are illiterate.

i) Zahir Raihan ___ on 19 August, 1935 in Feni.

j) We ___ educate all and work hard to develop our country.

1. New Govt. Degree College-15

|what if |what’s it like |have to |let alone |

|had better |was born |as soon as |there |

|would rather |it | | |

a) ___ didn’t appear anyone on the street. People are scared to stay on the street in the political crisis.

b) He can’t afford to travel by an AC bus, ___ an aircraft. He leads a very poor life.

c) ___ seems that he is very sick. He can’t even talk to us.

d) We ___ start our journey early. In the morning there is no traffic jam.

e) Jamil is a brilliant student. He stands first in every examination in order of merit even though he ___ in an impoverished family.

f) ___ leading a aboriginal life? You seem to be very happy living in the jungle.

g) A: This bus is crowded. We’ll go by the next bus.

B: But, ___ the next bus comes too late?

h) We informed the police of the dead body ___ we saw it lying on the road. It was perhaps left here by some miscreants after committing murder.

i) The children ___ be in bed by nine. Their school begins very early.

j) We ___ inform the police of the matter than involve ourselves in a clash. We have to tackle the situation tactfully.

2. Rajshahi Govt. City College-15

|have to |what if |let alone |whats it like |

|there |would rather |had better |as if |

|as soon as |was born | | |

a) They are very brave. They ___ face any problem than sit idle.

b) He has taken an admission form. He will submit it ___ he fills it up.

c) ___ is very big library in our college. We can borrow books from the library.

d) A: We must reach the station by 4 o’clock.

B: ___ we can’t manage a taxi?

e) Today is my mother’s birthday. I ___ buy flowers for her.

f) She looked at the question paper again and again. It seemed ___ she had not known the answer of a single question.

g) Mr. Zaman is going to deliver a presentation in the college auditorium. We ___ not miss his presentation.

h) Rakib is very introvert. He does not even feel comfort in the telephone , ___ speak in public.

i) After breakfast Jamal took his friend to see a new foal that ___ during the night.

j) ___ flying in a plane above the could? I’ll feel over the moon if I get a chance.

3. Rajshahi Govt. Women College-15

|it |was born |as if |would better |

|what does....look like |has to |had better |as soon as |

|let alone |what’s it like | | |

a) Hanif: ___ his ___ home?

Saber” His home looks very beautiful. His father bought this house in 1980.

b) ___ participating in the competitive game. It is very challenging to win the match.

c) The boy cannot pass the examination, ___ get GPA-5. He does not pay attention to his study.

d) You___ study hard. You may fail in the examination. You are the last resort of your family.

e) She shows her attitude in such a way ___ she were a rich and wealthy woman. She does not help any body.

f) We started writing ___ the bell rang. We were silent in the exam hall.

g) The Headmaster was an honest and religious man. He was respected by all. He ___ in a very poor family.

h) You ___ surrender to your father. Otherwise, you will be deprived of the property.

i) ___ is very difficult to shoot a flying bird. But the man tries to shoot it down.

j) She take the mid-term exam. But she is too busy to look over the scripts.

4. Rajshahi University School & College-15

|let alone |was born |have to |as soon as |

|would rather |had better |what does... look like |what if |

|as if |there | | |

a) I can’t even think of cheating in the exam hall. I ___ fail.

b) The dog started barking ___ it smelt the intruder. It was always alert.

c) George can’t come out with us this evening. He___ work late. He has an important meeting tomorrow.

d) Baby: Mom, ___ a black box ___?

e) ___ getting a phone call from an unknown number at midnight? It must be annoying.

f) I ___ see a dentist soon. My teeth are causing troubles.

g) I can’t afford a gallon of gasoline, ___ a new car.

h) Tapash delivers speech flatly ___ he was reading out a book report in the class.

i) Once ___ lived two friends in a jungle.

j) Robert Bruce was the king of Scotland. He ___ in 1274. Once he lost his kingdom, but he regained it after trying several times.

5. Rajshahi College-15

|had better |as long as |was born |let alone |

|wish |lest |would rather |as soon as |

|as if |have to | | |

a) Mr. Aziz is an honest man. He ___ starve than take bribe.

b) Hello, I am from Bangladesh. I ___ in Dhaka.

c) Your mother is ill. So, I think you ___ go home early.

d) We have started late. Now you are walking slowly. Walk fast ___ you should miss the train.

e) I want to set up a hospital. But, I have not enough money. I ___ I were a millionaire to do that.

f) I helped him many a time. But, now he speaks in such a manner ___ he did not know me.

g) None can live without hope. In fact, there is hope___ there is life.

h) Rima was waiting for the reply. So, she went home ___ she got the telegram.

i) You don’t know how poor he is. He cannot buy a fan ___ an air conditioner.

j) There are some promising sectors in Bangladesh. So, we all ___work sincerely to flourish in those areas.

6. Govt. Azizul Haque College-15

|its high time |wish |let alone |would you mind |

|there |could you |it |what if |

|what’s the matter |as soon as | | |

a) We want to take tea. ___ we had coffee?

b) ___ giving me a bowl of rice? I am very hungry.

c) A lame man cannot even walk ___ run a race. It’s fun.

d) I am in a great difficulty to solve the problem. ___ helping me, please?

e) My mother was sick lying in bed. Suddenly she called me and said, “___ with you, my boy?”

f) ___ you should do something for your neighbors. They need your help.

g) ___ the mongoose saw the cobra, it began to move here and there to grab it. Finally it became successful.

h) ___ was in 1996 when Argentina won the World Cup. Still today she is one of the contenders of the World Cup.

i) The flood victims are suffering a lot for want of food, pure drinking water and medicine. I ___ we should extend our helping hands to them.

j) ___ are a number of reasons why the students in Bangladesh fail in English. Hence it stands in the way of our progress.

7. Bogra Cantt Public School & College-15

|has to |had better |would rather |there |

|as if |what’s it like |have to |let alone |

|as soon as |was born | | |

a) Time waits for none. We should do our work ___ possible.

b) Keats is a romantic poet. He ___ last of all and died first of all.

c) One ___ starve than beg. One must maintain ones prestige.

d) ___ sleeping in the class room while the teachers teach? Really it is a very bad habit.

e) We ___ develop a sense of patriotism among our students. It is because they will be our future leaders.

f) A library is called the store house of knowledge. ___ should be a public library in each union of the country.

g) Poor villagers can hardly manage the foods required only for their survival, ___ improved diet. Improved diet is something which they cannot even dream of.

h) Health is wealth, so we all ___ follow the rules of health in order to live a sound life.

i) Every human being ___ remember that he/she is accountable to Allah for every deed.

j) Everybody should behave according to what he/she is. No one should think ___ he or she were the most important person.

8. Govt. MR Women’s College-15

|a bone of contention |a dark horse |there |have to |

|maiden speech |has to |it |as soon as |

|a man of letters |had better | | |

a) ___ the thief saw the police, he ran away. People tried to catch him but failed.

b) ___ was a philosopher. He thought always that the universe would be destroyed.

c) The man ___ sleep now because he made a noise.

d) They ___ follow the rules and regulations of the schools.

e) The piece of land is ___ between the two brothers.

f) We can’t rely on ___ like you for this important task.

g) His ___ impressed us all. Above all, he is a good orator.

h) Professor Abdul Baqui is ____. He was the ex-chairman of Sylhet Education Board.

i) ___ was a terrible story. It was harmful for children.

j) He ____ follow his teacher’s advice. Otherwise, he will be a vagabond.

9. RDA Laboratory School & College-15

|had better |skim though |epoch making |from alpha to omega |

|unless |had to |by hook or by crook |no sooner had |

|as if |matters little | | |

a) Don’t worry; ___ we will get in to the airport on time.

b) It was difficult matter to solve. He spoke ___ he had solved it in no time.

c) The political situation is worsening day by day. I ___ keep silent.

d) They were waiting for me outside. I ___ go with them without my parents concern.

e) It ___ to me whether you come or not. I will not poke my nose on your personal matter.

f) ___ the police come than the thief ran away.

g) ___ the newspaper every day. It may turn into your daily habit.

h) I knew the matter ___. So, I decided to help my friend.

i) Landing on the moon is an ____.

j) ___ he pays heed to our suggestion, he must suffer in the long run.

10. Police Lines School & College-15

|had better |have to |let alone |as soon as |

| was born |what’s like | what does.... look like |would rather |

|as if |there | | |

a) When Jim stood before Jenny, she behaved ___ she had never seen him before.

b) I ___ join music class than listen to history lessons. History is not my type.

c) Do you want Tom’s phone number from me? I don’t even know where he lives, ___ his phone number.

d) Mushfiqur Rahim is the captain of Bangladesh National Cricket team. He ___ in 1988. In many occasions, he led the batting line up for Bangladesh.

e) He started dancing madly ___ the announcer told that he had won the lottery. Five million is really a big amount.

f) ___ teaching kids? You seem to be unhappy with your job.

g) Baby: Mom, ___ a cyclops___?

h) Once, ___ lived a king named Midas. He had great fascination for gold. Once he got the golden touch.

i) Jane works for a trabvel agency. She ___ travel a lot for her work.

j) Tareq received the phone bill four weeks ago. He hasn’t paid it yet. He ___ pay soon.

11. Govt. Shaheed Bulbul College-15

|let alone |as soon as |would rather |what’s it like |

|what ... look like |there |had better |have to |

|was born |as if | | |

a) Einstein was a great physicist. He ___ in Germany. He invented theory of atom bomb.

b) I ___ take rest than go to field. I am feeling very tired.

c) ___ have been a number of telephone calls today. The telephone bills will be high this month.

d) The boy speaks ___ he knew the matter. But he knows nothing.

e) I got on the train ___ it came. I was waiting for a long a time.

f) ___ traveling by a boat? It’s slow but interesting.

g) I ___ call him. I need to talk to him urgently.

h) The boy cannot lift 10kg. ___ 50kg. we need another one.

i) You have missed a lot of classes. You ___ study a lot.

j) ___ does you teacher ____? Is he very serious?

12. Al-Hera Academy School & College-15

|what if |was born |would rather |it hadn’t ... better |

|as if | there |as soon as |have to |

|let alone | | | |

a) He always wants to have the best food. He thinks ___ he were the only member in the family.

b) He is unable to invite his close relatives ___ all the people of the village.

c) Transport is available in this area. We don’t ___ face any problem to go anywhere.

d) ___ exists no difficulty now. So we can start our work.

e) She ___ resign the job than face gender discrimination in the work place.

f) A: ___ we made a raft?

B: Oh, yes. That’s be nice.

g) She___ into a very musical family. So, she could get an opportunity to practice music since her childhood.

h) The patient died ___ we took him to the hospital. We were late to reach the hospital.

i) You are getting bulky. ___ you avoid junk food?

j) ___ would appear that this was a major problem. We should have solved this problem first.

13. Naogaon Govt. College-15

|had better |there |what if |would rather |

|what does... look likek |was born |have to |what’s it like |

|as soon as |let alone | | |

a) to be successful in life you ___ be disciplined. Because without leading a disciplined life none can be great.

b) He has not the ability to buy a motorbike ___ a car. He is only a school teacher who is totally dependent on his salary.

c) Romesh ___ in Bangladesh but he was educated in India.

d) We ___ start for home now than wait for the rain getting stopped. It is going to be dark.

e) ___ is a mango tree in front of my room. It helps my room to remain cool.

f) Mr. Rahim is not so expert in English. ___ we go to Mr. Sobhan to learn English?

g) The rain has stopped. ___ going out for a work?

h) Shilpi! Father, ___ a tiger ___? Father, structurally it looks like a cat. But there is a great different in respect of size and nature between a tiger and a cat.

i) Fire brigade reached the spot___ the building caught fire. They controlled the fire within a very short time.

j) I ___ go home now than do the work in this scorching sun. working in this condition may make me ill.

14. Qadirabad Cantonment Sapper College-15

|as soon as | let alone |had to |as though |

|it |no sooner | supposed to |what if |

|there |it is time | | |

a) My mother has advised me to read Shakespeare’s works. I cannot understand the article of English newspapers, ___ Shakespeare.

b) The naughty boy committed a murder. He was arrested. But in the police custody, he behaved ___ he had done nothing wrong.

c) Ismail Hossain was killed in the battle field. The sand of the desert was tinted with his blood. ___ has never again happened such a pathetic incident probable.

d) The teacher was informed of his child’s sickness on mobile. He got panicked. He ___ go home instantly.

e) In the United States traffic rule is very strict. Once someone crossed a road ignoring the rule. ___ had she done that than the police came forward and fined her.

f) The class has been dismissed by the teacher as a punishment on the students. They were ___ do their homework as a must. But none of them did.

g) The country is now full of corrupt persons. Corruption must be checked. ___ we took necessary steps to reduce this vice.

h) The little girl was suddenly crossing the road. A bus was passing by. As it came near the girl, the driver halted it ___ he would not stop the vehicle.

i) The patient was indifferent to his disease. He talked to us in normal way. ___ was the sign of strong resilience.

j) The hunter was ready with his gun. He was waiting for the tiger. ___ it came out of its cave, he fired at it.

15. Joypurhat Govt. Women’s College-15

|It |Let alone |Used to |Would rather |

|As soon as |Was born |Had to |Unless |

| Had better |There | | |

a) Once ___ was a money lender mimed Shylock.

b) Her elder sister was married off. She ___ help her mother

c) The club is for members only. You cannot go and pass your time there ___ you are a member of it.

d) Abdullah Al Muti was an educationist. He ___ on 1 January 1930.

e) I am now not in a position to lend you one thousand taka ___ fifty thousand.

f) A: any comment abut my garden?

B: ___ is really a great pleasure to have such a beautiful garden.

g) She is seriously ill. She ___ see a doctor.

h) The students were locked in a clash with the police ___ they attacked them.

i) He has a self dignity. He ___ starve than beg.

j) Some 20 years ago, people ___ send letters for communication. Now they use mobile phone.

1. Rajuk Uttara Model College-15

|lest |hand better |there | let alone |

|as if | would rather |what if |had |

|cannot but |it | | |

a) She quarrels with me all time. It is impossible to tolerate her. I ___ live alone.

b) None is supporting you in the organization. You ___ resign the post.

c) Because of his wrong decision, the company is losing its credit. ___ I been in his position, I would not have made this terrible blunder.

d) He is so mean. He does not deserve to be my enemy, ____ my friend.

e) The man is looking at my wallet and pocket with greedy eyes time and again. ___ appears to me that he is a pickpocket.

f) Make hurry ___ we should miss the college bus. You know it leaves at 8 am.

g) Nowadays, many countries are making nuclear weapons. ___ the World War III breaks out?

h) “___ is no one so poor like a wealthy miser”. It is a very famous quotation.

i) I was so happy when I heard that I stood first in the examination. I felt ___ I had been in the dreamland.

j) It is six years since my father died I remember his love for me.

2. Viqarunnisa Noon School & College-15

|what if |let alone |have to |it |

|as if | what’s is like |had better |there |

|was born |as soon as | | |

a) The authorities ___ conform to the law because the PM earlier directed them to do so.

b) He speaks ___ he were the president of Bangladesh.

c) Albert Einstein, a German-born theoretical physicist and philosopher of science ___ in March 14, 1879, who developed the general theory of relativities, one of the two pillars of modern physics.

d) He was too tired to walk, ___ run fast.

e) ___ the robbers will be able to storm into their house at dead of night?

f) He is an honest man and ___ is known to all.

g) We ___ hospitalize him soon to save his life.

h) We were going to Chittagong by train. ___ we reached the station my uncle received us warmly.

i) ___ should be some special arrangements in the programme for the diplomats.

j) ___ going to clinical cinema? Perhaps you are fond of enjoying entertaining movie.

3. Natre Dame College-15

|It’s high time |Look down upon |As if |What it like |

|Adhere to |had better |Used to |Have to |

|What if |Beggar description | | |

a) Did you ___ smoke? Smoking is injurious to health.

b) Your father is looking for you. He will not accept you stay in the field playing so late ___ you left this place.

c) Bus service is a available here. We don’t ___ face any problem.

d) ___ riding roller coaster? I haven’t experienced it before.

e) A: ___ you lose your pen? B: You’ll lend me one.

f) A: No one is happy with her result. B: She ___ understand it.

g) The manager says everything by himself in a meeting. It seems ___ others had nothing to say.

h) The poor are ___ by the rich. It should not be done.

i) The suffering of the flood affected people in our area ___.

j) He always ___ work but never does well because he had some limitations.

4. Ideal School & College-15

|what if |As though |Have to |Would rather |

|Let alone |It |There |Was born |

|What’s it like |Had better | | |

a) Nelson Mandela was the former President of South Africa. This great leader ___ in 1918 in South Africa.

b) He ___ save up than spend all his money. He is honest and sincere.

c) You cannot wear shorts and a T-shirt to a job interview! You ___ change clothes before you go.

d) ___ playing in a local team? You seem to be bored playing with this team.

e) You seem to be very tired. ___ you went home and took rest?

f) Mira behaves roughly with all. She speaks ____ she were a queen.

g) I bought there are five people there, ____ one hundred.

h) This machine is not working well. I ___ buy a new one.

i) ___ are some grapes in the fridge. You may take them as you are hungry.

j) Right now ___ is May, and there are flowers every where. Lets’ go out for a walk.

5. Dhaka Residential Model College-15

|As soon as |As if |What’s it like |Would rather |

|Was born |Had better |What if |There |

|Let alone |Has to | | |

a) I have never walked five miles at a stretch ___ ten miles. The idea of walking so much distance frightens me.

b) I have never visited Cox’s Bazar. ___ visiting this place in the coming summer vacation?

c) I don’t like his way of life. He always spends money in a way ___ he had great riches.

d) The price of mango is high in our country. ___ we turn this land into a mango orchard?

e) He ran away ___ he saw the police. He was a notorious criminal.

f) Smoking is a bad habit. It tells upon the smoker’s health greatly. You ___ give up this habit.

g) Once ___ lived a farmer in a village. He lived a totally carefree life. He never thought for his future.

h) Shima ___ live in hostel than live in her relative’s home. She feels easy and comfortable in hostel.

i) Tipu is somewhat backward in his preparation for the coming HSC exam. He ___ study hard to get completely prepared before the exam.

j) Albert Einstein was a great scientist of Physics. He ___ in 1879 and breathed hi last in 1955.

6. Holy Cross College-15

|Let alone |As soon as |Had better | As though |

|Would rather |Have to |Would you mind |As long as |

| So that |What does ..... look like | | |

a) you want to come to our house. I’ll draw a map for you ___ you can easily find it.

b) She always commands others. She behaves ___ she were the doss of a corporate office.

c) The poor will continue to suffer ___ they will remain illiterate.

d) Daughter: Mom, ___ a chess board ___?

Mother: It looks like a battle field.

e) I’m not working tomorrow. So I don’t ___ get up very early in the morning.

f) All the students kept quiet ___ the teacher entered the classroom. The teacher thanked them all for this.

g) It is raining heavily, ___ closing the window please?

h) You will have to drive more than 500 km today. You ___ start now without further delay.

i) The educated people are not conscious in our country, ___ the common masses. Everybody violates rule here.

j) I ___ go home now than wait for him any more. Nobody knows when he will come.

7. Dhaka College=15

|What if | What’s ...... like |Have to |Let alone |

|Would rather | Had better |As much as |It |

|There |What does ... look like | | |

a) ___ was once a poor woman who had two daughters. The youngest used to cut wood and she had to go every day into the forest to fetch it.

b) A: My father won’t come today to take me home.

B: You ___ go with me.

c) A: ___ a river ___ from a plane?

B: it locks like a snake.

d) A: ___ you forget to bring me the book?

B: You have to wait for another day.

e) A: ___ is very difficult to get good grade in Bangla.

B: And also in English Literature.

f) A: __ the park ___?

B: It’s really great with its wonderful lakes.

g) She cannot tolerate him. She does not want to see his face ___ talk to him.

h) The load looks very heavy. You ___ take the help of others than rather carry it by yourself.

i) A: How can I enjoy the rides?

B: You ___ buy the tickets.

j) You can spend money ___ you wish for buying good books. They’ll be your asset in days to come.

8. Dhaka City College-15

|Have to |Had better |As soon as |Let alone |

|Was born |What does ... look like |As if | What’s it like |

|Would rather |there | | |

a) We have spent much time; now we should finish the work ___ possible.

b) The poor cannot somehow manage one meal a day, ___ a square meal. Managing a sqare meal is expensive.

c) They ___ pay the penalty. It has been proved that they broke the wall.

d) ___ are many rivers in Bangladesh. Bangladesh is called a riverine country.

e) We ___ stay here for sometimes. It is about to rain. If we start now, we may get wet.

f) Dirty food is very harmful for our health. We ___ starve than eat this dirty food.

g) He ___ with a silver spoon; now he leads a miserable life.

h) Zinia does not want to respect anybody. She behaves ___she were superior to others.

i) ___ living in the grave? Nobody knows it because no dead person ever comes back to tell us his experience of his life in the grave.

j) I have never experienced a stormy night. ____ a stormy night ___ really?

9. Dhaka Commerce College-15

|Was born |Had better |Have to |What does ... look like |

|Let alone |As if |Would rather | As soon as |

|What’s it like |What if | | |

a) There are chaotic situations outside. You ___ not go out.

b) He can’t afford to buy an electric fan ___ an air conditioner.

c) We got on the train ___ it touched the station.

d) ___ rowing boats in the river? You seem to be very excited dong it.

e) It’s my birthday. But you speak ___ you didn’t know.

f) He ___ with a silver spoon.

g) A: The farmers will repay the loan after they have harvested.

B: But ____ the crops fail?

h) Village people hardly find qualified doctors at the time of their ailments. So, most often they ___ depend on the quack.

i) I ___ stay at home tonight than go to the cinema.

j) A: ___ a fairy land ___?

B: Sorry, I have not idea. I’ve never been there.


11. Lalmatia Mahila College-15

|Had better |As soon as |Was born |Have to |

|As if |There |Would rather | What’s it like |

|Let alone |What does... look like | | |

a) ___ jumping from plane with a parachute? It must be thrilling.

b) Your father is ill. You___ take him to hospital.

c) The boy cannot remember my name, ___ my phone number. He saw me long ago.

d) ___ is a hue and cry on the road. Something must have happened.

e) Florence Nightingale ___ in a rich family. But she chose to be a nurse to serve the ill.

f) He ___ study English than Law. He has interest in literature.

g) I stopped ___ met my friend, Rafiq. It is many years since I saw him last.

h) ___ does the device ___? Is it easily portable?

i) The boy speaks ___ he did the work. Nobody likes him for this.

j) You ___ walk fast. Otherwise, you will miss the class.

12. Milesotne College-15

|Let alone |As if |What does ... look like |Was born |

|Would rather | There |As soon as |What’s like |

|Had better |Have to | | |

a) In England, most school children ___ wear a uniform. It is the same in Bangladesh.

b) I ___ take a taxi than walk home. It’s already too late.

c) We ___ take an umbrella. It may rain.

d) I can’t remember the title of the book ___ the details of the story. I read it many years ago.

e) I don’t like Tamim’s attitude. He speaks in such a way___ he knew everything. He should show respect to others.

f) The match resumed ___ the rain stopped. It was a relief for the spectators.

g) ___ living in Western style? You seem to be very happy with your life in the USA.

h) Baby: Mom, ___ a ghost ___?

Mom: Sorry dear, no idea. I had never been to any Ghost Island.

i) Long ago, ___ lived a mighty warrior, Kubla Khan. He won many battles against the innocents.

j) Socrates was a great philosopher. He ___ in Athens in 469 BC. He spoke against the traditional Greek beliefs, and so, he was sentenced to death by drinking hemlock, a strong poison.

13. Begum Badrunnesa Govt. Girl’s College-15

|As if |Was born |There | As soon as |

| Let alone |Had better |Would rather |Has to |

|What if |What is it like | | |

a) Aristotle is the great philosopher who had a vast knowledge in different disciplines. He ___ in Stagira in 384 BC.

b) ___ was a big tree in forest. But people cut it down for their settlement.

c) He is behaving ___ he were the king of the world. Actually he is a rogue.

d) ___ you had not passed in the exam? So study attentively.

e) ___ she finished her work, she called her father.

f) Mayna can not do it alone. She ___ wait for me.

g) Suvo cannot ride a bicycle ___ drive a car. I have never seen an inactive person like him.

h) ___ the summer ___ in Japan? I have heard that it is enjoyable and enchanting.

i) We have an important task with you. We ___ meet early.

j) I ___ speak the truth. Otherwise, the innocent boy may be punished.

14. Motijheel Model School & College-15

|As if |Had better |There |Used to |

|Had to |Was born |As soon as |Let alone |

|Unless |what if | | |

a) he became sick. He ___ take medicine.

b) You cannot buy the car ___ you are a rich man. It costs a lot of money.

c) Albert Einstein was one of the greatest scientists of the world. He ___ in Ulm, Germany on March 14, 1879.

d) I don’t like her at all. She speaks ____ she knew everything.

e) A: ___ the power goes out?

B: we have the back-up.

f) ___ happened an accident yesterday near the science Laboratory. Five persons were injured and they were taken to the hospital.

g) The student is weak in English. He ___ take the help of an English teacher.

h) the train was about to leave the station. He got into a compartment ___ the train whistled.

i) My village is beside a river. In my childhood I ___ swim in the river, catch fish and cross the river by boat.

j) I have been suffering from cold and cough. I can’t speak clearly, ___ sing.

15. Birshrestha Munshi Abdur Rouf Public College-15

|Provided that |Would be |What does..... look like |Had to |

|Takes after | Whether .... or |Above all |would you mind |

|As well |As well as | | |

a) I can’t understand the topic. ___ helping me to get it?

b) It is raining in torrents. I won’t go you ___ the rain stops.

c) He is now repenting for his failure. If he became a little bit serious, he ___ successful.

d) “___ a ghost ___? Said the boy to his father.

e) We have population, illiteracy, housing and, ___ corruption that are impeding our progress.

f) She is as beautiful as her mother. She exactly ___ her mother.

g) It is all the same to me ___ you come ___ not.

h) I was in a hurry. I ___ take taxi to reach the meeting in time.

i) He ___ his friends has committed the crime. They should be punished.

j) I don’t like coffee. She doesn’t like it ___.

16. Govt. Bangla College-15

|Had better |As soon as |it |Have to |

|As if |There |Would rather | What’s it like |

|Let alone |What does... look like | | |

a) ___ no trees in the premises of my house. All the trees have been uprooted by the cyclone Ayla.

b) We ___ stay at home today than go to college. It’s a stormy day.

c) A: ___ a dinosaur ___?

B: It’s a huge animal. But I’ve never seen it.

d) ___ living in a boat? The Bedeys seem to be very happy with their life in boats.

e) It is noon. But it is dark all around as the cloud has covered the sky. It looks ___ it were evening.

f) Cycling in the mountainous area is risky. So___ is not wise to hike inn the mountains by yourself.

g) He can’t write a simple poem, ___ a sonnet. He doesn’t have the least poetic genius.

h) The bomb exploded ___ we came out of the house. Thanks God, we could save ourselves.

i) You ___ not keep late hours for study. You may get sick.

j) Everyone is not involved in this matter. Why does everyone ___ sign?

17. BAF Shaheen College,-15

|There |What’s it like |Let alone |Was born |

|Have to |What does.... look like |Would rather |As if |

|Had better |As soon as | | |

a) When Jim stood before Jamy, she behaved ___ she had never seen him before.

b) I ___ join music class than listen to history lessons. History is not my type.

c) Do you want Tom’s phone number from me? I don’t even know where he lives,

d) Mushfiqur Rahim is the captain of Bangladesh National Cricket team. He ___ in 1998. in many occasions, he led the batting line up for Bangladesh.

e) He started dancing madly ___ the announcer told that he had won the lottery. Five millions is really a big amount.

f) ___ teaching kids? You seem to be unhappy with your job.

g) Baby: Mom, ___ a Cyclops ___?

Mom: Its’ a mythical creature. Nobody has seen it.

h) Once, ___ lived a king named Midas. He had great fascination for gold. Once he got the golden touch.

i) Jane works for a travel agency. She ___ travel a lot for her work.

j) Tareq received the phone bill four weeks ago. He hasn’t paid it yet. He ___ pay soon.

18. BCIC College-15

|As soon as |Had better |What if |Introductory ‘It’ |

|what does ... look like |Would rather | What’s it like |As though |

|Let alone |Introductory ‘there’ | | |

a) ___ should be some space for the opposition in the democratic system of a country. (b) The man is very wicked. He ___ be punished than give up cheating. (c) ___ Bangladesh has been developing fast in cricket. ___ one day Bangladesh wins Cricket World Cup? (d) ___ King kong ___? (e) He was late for college that day. ___ he got down the bus, the gate was closed. (f) ___ send for higher education. He lives hand to mouth. (g) ___ I never had sauna. ____ having it? (h) The girl talked to him the way ___ he had known her for long time. (i) I warned you to take care of your health. You didn’t listen. Now you’ve got ulcer in your stomach. You ___ consult a doctor ASAP. (j) Michael came out in boots and umbrella because ___ was snowing.

19. Ideal College-15

|Had better |As soon as |Was born |Have to |

|As if |There |Would rather | What’s it like |

|Let alone |What does... look like | | |

a) Health is wealth, so we all ___ follow the rules of health in order to live a sound life.

b) ___ was a king named Lear. He had three daughters whom he loved very cordially.

c) I cannot even remember his name, ___ his address.

d) ___ eating an unboiled egg? This must be injurious to health.

e) I ___ avoid him earlier. My parents repeatedly warned me about his misconduct.

f) We ___ help him than walk home. He really needed our help.

g) It may rain at any moment. We should start ___ we can.

h) The child was blind when he ___. Since then he has been a blind child.

i) Behave yourself. Don’t cross your limit and don’t pretend ___ you did not know anything about the incident.

j) ___ does a deer ___? Really it is very beautiful to look at.

20. Govt. Science College-15

|There |What does....look like |Let alone |As soon as |

|Was born |Have to |What’s it... like |Would rather |

|As if |Had better | | |

a) Helal never even reads a Bengali Novel, ___ an English novel.

b) Do you know the time when the man ___?

c) Sumon: I have seen a lady in the common room.

Healal: What ___ she___ ?

d) Belal: I have known the man since 1995.

Karim: What ___ he?

e) ___ lived an honest wood cutter in a certain village.

f) I am an honest man. I ___ die than steal.

g) Students ___ abide by the law of the college.

h) ___ he got the sad news of his father’s death, he left the room.

i) They started at me ___ I were crazy.

j) You ___ go home now before the rain starts.

1. Cantt Public School & College-15

|Had better |Would rather |Was born |What if |

|As if |There |Let alone |No sooner had |

|Lest |Have to |Dare | |

a) I ____ in 2001.

b) He said that he ___ go there

c) I ___ look after my parents.

d) He behaved ___ he were mad.

e) The boy ran fast ___ he should miss the train.

f) ___ I aimed at the bird than it flew the train.

g) I ___ die than beg.

h) The old farmer cannot visit a small town, ___ a big city.

i) I ___ go.

2. Ragpur Govt. College-15

|Neither-nor |While |As if |Used to |

|Was born |It is high time |Let alone |There |

|Had better |Have to | | |

a) My train will leave at 8 pm. I ___ leave now.

b) She is quite inexperienced. She can’t make a cup of tea, ___ a cake.

c) You know everything ___ in nothing much to tell.

d) Your father will not accept playing so late ___ you left this place.

e) You are getting late. You ___ go.

f) Their father died long ago. He left them ___ any money ___ any property.

g) The road is very busy all the time. We must he very careful ___ crossing the road.

h) Were you ___ smoking? Smoking is injurious to health.

i) Altaf Mahmud was a freedom fighter. He ___ on the 23rd March 1933.

j) Ratan is an orphan brought up by his uncle. His uncle treats him ___ he were his own son.

3. Police liones school and college-15

|Was born |Had better |Got accustomed to |Would rather |

|It |Let alone |Scarcely |As soon as |

| If it wasn’t |Wish | | |

a) A neighbour of ours has invited us to a wedding ceremony. I should have gone there ___ my day of examination, I certainly would attend the ceremony.

b) Scientists have very sharp imagination and ingenuity. They are devoted to discover the mysteries of nature. I like them very much. I ___ I were a scientist.

c) The audience of the cricket stadium were making high sound. The gallery was divided between the fans of both the teams. ___ had a player missed a catching opportunity when they began to shout in excitement.

d) Robindranath Tagore ___ at Jorashanko in Kolkata in the year 1861.He made great contribution to the affluence of Bangla literature.

e) I lived in Moscow for about seven years. I almost ___ the climate of Russia. Now I feel quite uneasy with the hot nature of Bangladesh.

f) We hoped Salam would win the chess tournament. But he made disappointment for us. He could not quality for the second round, ___ wining the trophy.

g) There lived a weaver named Gafur in a village. He had a cow. ___ was an object of affection for him and his daughter Amina.

h) Nawab Sirajuddaula of Bengal faced great rivalry, from the British East India Company. The British tried to overthrow him and even to make a pact with him. But he made no compromise with them. He___ die than surrender to them.

i) You do not like doing sums. So you should not have taken Mathematics. You ___ take biology in lieu of that.

j) Fatema had a dream of being educated further. But her parents planned to marry her off ___ she crossed the age of 18, her parents began to seek for a suitable groom for her.

4. Kurigram Govt. College-15

|What’s it like |Let alone |As soon as |Was born |

|Have to |What does.... look like |Would rather |Had better |

|As if |There | | |

a) Your interview will begin in 30 minutes. You ___ get yourself ready for that.

b) She can’t choose a pen for herself, ___ help you choose a car. You should look for someone else.

c) Last night, there was a storm. The wind blew the shed away ___ it had been made of paper.

d) He wrote an e-mail to me ___ he got the news. It was very important to me.

e) If you want to prosper in life, you ___ keep working hard patiently. There is no short cut way to succeed.

f) ___ having a shower after the day’s work? It must be very refreshing.

g) Raqib: Yesterday, I went to the zoo with my uncle. I saw many animals. Munir, It must be interesting. Did you see a hippo? ___ it ___?

h) Agnes does not express her emotions. She ___ keep them inside her than share with others.

i) Long ago, ___ lived a hare in a forest. Once he challenged a tortoise in a race. Surprisingly, he was defeated.

j) Florence Nightingale is known as the lady with the Lamp. She ___ in 1820. she volunteered herself to be a nurse during Crimean war.

5. Thakurgaon Govt College-15

|As if |let alone |What does..... look like |No sooner ......than |

|Had better |Was born | There |What’s it like |

|Would rather |What if | | |

a) ___ are few places in the world today that have not been spoiled by industrialization and population.

b) Some people in Bangladesh can’t afford three meals a day, ___ nutritious food.

c) Some people talk in such a way ___ they knew everything.

d) I have never been in an island. ___ living in the island?

e) Jahid: ___ the full moon___?

Rakib: It looks like a plate of silver.

f) Rana is working in a bank. ___ he does not get any other job.

g) ___ Bangladesh won the match ___ the audience flew into enthusiastic celebration.

h) Mr. Ahmed is a man of strong character. He ___ lead a very simple life than earn money in a dishonest way.

i) Kazi Nazrul Islam is our national poet. He ___ in 1899 in Asansole.

j) It’s already 10pm. Your mother is waiting for you. She might be anxious. You ___ go now.

6. Lions School & College-15

|as if |used to |as well as |had to |

|it'll |would rather |was born |lest |

|let alone |had better | | |

a) His is a patient. He ___ follow the advice of a doctor than follow the advice of a quack.

b) Abdul Ahad, a renowned music composer and direhctor, ___ in 1920 in Rajshahi district. His paternal home was Fukurhat in Bhagna Upzila, Faridpur.

c) The concert is getting dull. It ___ end soon.

d) A: What do you think about climbing the hill?

B: ___ be very difficult to reach the top of it.

e) He cannot write Bangla well, ___ English. He is an illiterate person.

f) He leads such a fashionable life ___ he belonged to a rich family.

g) Mr. Azad is a very skilled lawyer. I ___ work with him as a junior.

h) War is a curse to human civilization. It kills innocent people, injures soldiers ___ costs a lot of money.

i) The road was broken. They ___ repair it.

j) The people of this area are poor. He established a hospital ___ the poor people might suffer for want of treatment.

7. Majida Khatun Govt. Women’s College-15

|Had better |Would rather |As soon as |There |

|Let alone |Have to |What if |As if |

|It |What..... look like | | |

a) You are talking about him ___ he were an old man? He hasn’t crossed 40 yet.

b) A: ___ does a submarine ___?

B: It looks like a ship.

c) We have to walk a long distance to reach the hospital. ___ we take a rickshaw?

d) He ___ die than give in to the injustice.

e) He can’t buy a fan, ___ an air cooler. In fact, he is very insolvent.

f) ___ is a real pleasure to meet you at last.

g) The train will leave within a minute. We ___ get on it right now.

h) ___ appeared to have been a quarrel. A lot of people are shouting at a high voice.

i) The train left ___ we reached the station. We could avail the train if we came a little earlier.

j) We ___ go to bed earlier tonight. We have to get up at six tomorrow morning.

1. Hamidpur Al-Hera Degree College-15

|It |Would better |As though |As soon as |

|Even if |What’s if like |Was born |Have to |

|Had better |Let alone | | |

a) Most of the people of our country don’t pay tax to the government. ___they do, they often conceal their real income.

b) The weather is very rough today. You ___ not go to college today.

c) She acts ___ she were in charge of this farm. She should give up such attitude.

d) She of German parents. But she was brought by a Swedish woman.

e) ___ so happens that people living in the midst of plainly do not eat right kind of foods. They have no knowledge about healthy food.

f) ___ sliding in the mud? It seems you are greatly delighted by doing it when it rains.

g) I ___ leave the village than quarrel with the villagers. I want to lead a powerful life.

h) He can’t afford to buy a bicycle, ___ a car. He is undergoing a hardship now.

i) ___ we felt the trembling of an earthquake, we came out of the building. At that time a panic spread among us.

j) You can’t do whatever you like in the society. You ___ abide by the rules of the society.

2. BAF Shaheen College-15

|Hardly |What’s the matter |Had better |But for |

|Have/has to |Lest |Let alone |It is high time |

|Would rather |Supposed to | | |

a) Our friend, Shafiq is not regular in his classes. He leads a peculiar life nowadays ___ him?

b) They have never travelled outside their village. They have never seen a train ___ an airplane.

c) I have not gone to my village for a long time. I do not know of the condition there. In face, I ___ go there.

d) You helped me a lot before the exam. I am grateful to you. ___ you help, I would have failed really.

e) the condition of your studies is very bad. Your test exam is knocking at the door. ___ you studied hard.

f) I was surprised when i saw my father coming by a rickshaw. He was ___ to come by a car.

g) The sky is cloudy. It may rain soon. Let’s hurry up ___ we should get wet.

h) My friend used to live a care free life. Now he is in Canada but cannot adjust to the routine bound life there. He ___ stay in his own country.

i) My younger sister is a beauty loving girl. She is not fit for science. She ___ study in Humanities group.

j) Tanim had been ill for nearly a month. His study was hampered. Now he ___ work a lot to get a good result.

3. Cantonment College- Jessore- 15

|Had batter |As soon as |What if |It |

|There |What’s it like |Let alone |Would rather |

|Wasn’t born |has to | | |

a) The driver has disobeyed the rules. He ___ get punishment.

b) The baby gives a birth cry ___ it is born.

c) Once ___ was a famous man in America. His name was Rip Van Winkle.

d) The beggar can’t go even to a quack for treatment, ___ to a physician. He is very destitute.

e) ___ takes two to make a quarrel. Please, keep quite.

f) ___ playing football in the rain? It seems we will drive much pleasure from it.

g) An honest man ___ die than tell a lie. Telling a lie is a sin.

h) We ___ cancel the exam. The students may not come due to hartal.

i) ___ he failed in the exam? He actually passed in the exam.

j) Mahir ____ blind. He can do any kind of work.

4. Khuna Govt. Girl’s College-15

|Bad blood |It |Have to |What does ... look like |

|Out of date |As soon as |As if |Was born |

|Would rather |Let alone | | |

a) ___ is known that carbon di-oxide is primarily responsible for rise of temperature in atmosphere.

b) We ___ set up many industries to solve unemployment problem.

c) Aroj ali matubbar was a self-taught philosopher. He ___ on 17 December.

d) He talked ___ he had known everything.

e) This old fashion is ___ now. You should not wear it.

f) I go to market to buy a dress.

g) He knew that I was waiting for her phone. So ___ he heard the news, he phoned me.

h) They ___ eat fish than mutton. He suffers from a high blood pressure.

i) Priya : ___ the girl ___?

j) There exist ___ between two political leaders.

5. Govt. Pioneer Girl’s College-15

|Was born |Have to |What if |Had better |

|It |Would rather |As if |As soon as |

|Let alone |There | | |

a) The neighbours are complaining. We ___ turn the music down.

b) ___ seem to be a lot of unanswered questions. Surely he will obtain a poor marks in this paper.

c) We rushed to the spot ___ we heard the news of his accident.

d) This procedure seems to be inconvenient. We ___ find a better way to do this.

e) ___ appears that rain will come soon.

f) She can’t do any hard work. She ___ with a weak heart.

g) I’m a college student. But he treats me ___ I were a child.

h) Cows should be kept in chain. ___ you kept the cows unchained.

i) He is unable to buy a simple dress, ___ a party dress.

j) We ___ boycott the goods of the company than accept child labour.

6. Khulna collegiate Girl’s School and College-15

|Let alone |Used to |Was born |There |

|As is |It is high time |Probided |No sooner had |

|Unless |Lest | | |

a) The news that she failed in the exam shocked her. ___ she heard the sad news than she burst into tears.

b) Yesterday he stumbled down on the road. Today he is walking very carefully ___ he should fall down again.

c) Ripon is not a strong man. He cannot walk one mile at a stretch, ___ three miles.

d) Please remember that I can’t do the work alone. I will do every work ___ you assist me.

e) ___ goes the proverb, “United we stand, divided we fall.” Unless we are united, we cannot succeed.

f) He ___ work in a ship. Now he works in a bank.

g) He is a very weak student, but he never realizes it. He speak___ he were a brilliant student.

h) It is very cold today. You will be sick ___ you put on warm clothes.

i) William Wordsworth was the second of his father’s five sons. He ___ at Cumberland on April 1554.

j) We are destroying our rivers by throwing different kinds of waste materials and polluting their water. ___ we stopped throwing waste materials directly into the river.

1. Comilla Victoria Govt. College-15

|The unwise act |Have been increasing |Had better |Should be |

|Bought out |Let alone |These |Founding anniversary |

|This year |causes | | |

a) ___ billboards are damaging the beauty of Dhaka city.

b) Child marriage is a retrograde step and ___ prevented.

c) ___ badly affects drainage system.

d) It ___ water logging during heavy rainfall.

e) You ___ call me over phone.

f) He cannot walk, ___ run.

g) University celebrates its 12th ___ today.

h) The prices of vegetables___ over the last few days.

i) Wearing black badges, they ___ a silent procession.

j) ___, the situation is really bad.

2. Ispahani Public Schooll & College-15

|Would you mind |Would rather |as fast as |What if |

|There |Need not |Was born |Has to |

|Wish |In case | | |

a) I ___ walk than take a taxi. There is traffic jam.

b) ___ you do not get enough time to write.

c) ___ buying a ticket for me?

d) I bought a lottery ticket, I ___ were a millionaire.

e) We started very late. We walked ___ we could but could not get the bus.

f) You are going to London by plane. Write your name and address on your bag ___ you lost it.

g) Nelson Mandela ___ in Transkei, South Africa.

h) He is well. He ___ go to a doctor.

i) His father has died. He ___ look after his father’s business.

j) __ was an old goat that had seven little kids, and she loved them all.

3. Comilla Govt. College-15

|As well as |Have to |It is high time |In case |

|There |Was born |What’s ... like |Until |

|Lest |Unfortunately | | |

a) I knew___ would not be any examination. So, I did not study seriously.

b) Floods, cyclones ___ tomadoes visit Bangladesh every year. They cause a great damage to our economy.

c) The bridge grew old. The villagers repaired it ___ it might break down.

d) We want to celebrate together. So, please wait ___ I entered the kitchen while she was cooking some delicious food.

e) Hazrat Ali (R) ___ on 20 September 60 AD in Makkah. He was the cousin and son in-law of the Prophet of Islam.

f) It is raining outside. You ___ carry an umbrella.

g) Bangladesh batted very well against India, but ___ lost the match in the last over.

h) We must learn English because it is an international language ___ we adopted proper steps for learning English.

i) It’s not could now but take your coat with you ___ it gets cold later. It will keep you warm.

j) A ___ your father ___?

4. Comilla Commerce College-15

|There |What’s it like |Let alone |As soon as |

|Was born |Have to |As if |Would rather |

| |Had rather |What does ... look like | |

a) ___ becoming FIFA World Cup champion? It’s really wonderful.

b) I am late for my project. So I ___ work day and night.

c) You are a good swimmer. You ___ join the national swimming team.

d) Rabindranath Tagore reshaped Bengali literature and music in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He became the first non-European to win the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913. He ___ on 7 may 1861 in an educated family.

e) Baby: Dad, a gorilla ___?

Father: A gorilla looks like an ape with a large head and short neck. It is found in the forest of central Africa.

f) Robin cannot ride a bicycle, ___ drive a motorbike.

g) The airplanes were so close together. It looked ___ they had been going to crash!

h) Road accident has become daily occurrence in our country. ___ were many7 accidents last year.

i) I am on the way to my house. I will do my homework ___ I get back home.

j) I ___ go to the manager. He may help me.

5. Comilla Shikkha Board Model College-15

|As if |What does ... look like |Have to |Let alone |

|There |Was born |What’s it like |As soon as |

|Would rather |Had better | | |

a) Health is wealth. So we all ___ follow the rules of health.

b) ___ was a king named Lear. He had three daughters.

c) I cannot even remember his name, ___ his address.

d) ___ eating an unboiled egg? This must be injurious to health.

e) I ___ apply for the job. Unemployed life now seems very boring.

f) He needed our help. We ___ help him than walk home.

g) We spent much time. We should now conclude ___ possible.

h) He ___ with a silver spoon. But now he leads a very miserable life.

i) Kashem comes of a poor family. But his activities are such ___he were born in a very rich family.

j) Teacher: ___ your sister ___, Jeny?

6. Sonar Bangla College-15

|As if |What if |What’s like |have to |

|Had bether |There |It | As soon as |

|Was born |Would rather | | |

a) Chandni came to see me ___ she heard of my illness. She is one of my best friends.

b) To gain admission into a public university is very difficult now. You ___ compete with at least 50 students to do so.

c) I ___ be a teacher than be a poet. A teacher can play an important role in building the nation.

d) He boasts ___ he were the strongest man in the village. In fact there are many people in the village who are stronger than he.

e) ___ comes Sohel. He can help us lift the load into the truck.

f) ___ is going to rain. Let’s go to the shop.

g) You are a son of poor parents. You ___ give up politics and be attentive to your study.

h) The sky is getting cloudy. There is no place around to take shelter. ___ it begins to rain now?

i) We have been invited to marriage ceremony of Luna. ___ giving her a gold ring?

j) Alexander pope was an English poet and satirist. He ___ in 1988 in England.

7. Mosharraf Hossain Khan Chowdhury University College-15

|There |Was born |As if |What’ like |

|Let alone |What if |As soon as |Had better |

|Have to |Would rather | | |

a) ___ you would become the most powerful person in the world?

b) John Milton was a great epic poet. He ___ on the 9th December, 1608.

c) Once ___ lived two women in villages. One of them had a baby.

d) ___ he starts walking, we’ll have t watch him more closely.

e) I can’t stand spending time with John. He always acts ___ he were smarter than everyone.

f) You are getting fatty day by day. You ___ take physical exercise regularly.

g) Nadim is a well-known person. We ___ not miss the start of his presentation.

h) He hasn’t seen rivers, ___ an ocean.

i) All the books are sold. You ___ come tomorrow.

j) Mina: ___ the peacock ___?

Rina: A large male bird with long blue and green tail feathers that can spread out like a fan.

8. Brahmanbaria Govt. College-15

|Let alone |Used to |was born |There |

|As if |It is high time |Provided |No sooner had |

|Unless |Lest | | |

a) The news that she failed in the exam shocked her. ___ she heard the sad news than she burst into tears.

b) Yesterday he stumbled down on the road. Today he is walking very carefully ___ he should fall down again.

c) Ripon is not a strong man. He cannot walk one mile at a stretch ___ three miles.

d) Please remember that I can’t do the work alone. I will do every work __ you assist me.

e) ___ goes the proverb, “United we stand, divided we fall”. Unless we are united, we cannot succeed.

f) She ___ work in a ship. Now she works in a bank.

g) He is very weak student, but he never realizes it. He speaks ___ he \were a brilliant students.

h) It is a very cold today. You will be sick ___ you put on warm clothes.

i) William Wordsworth was the second of his father’s five sons. He ___ at Cumberland on April 4, 1770.

j) We are destroying our rivers by throwing different kinds of waste materials and polluting their water. ___ we stopped throwing waste materials directly into the river.

9. Brahmanbaria Govt. Women’s College-15

|It |Was born |Above all |As soon as |

|Have to |Adhere to |Beggar description |As if |

|Let alone |There | | |

a) I can’t remember the central character of the book ___ the details of the story.

b) ___ he saw the police, he ran away.

c) The sufferings of the flood affected people in our area ___.

d) ___ he is an honest man. Everybody respects him.

e) He always ___ work but never does well.

f) Symaiya ___ in a poor family.

g) Murad acts ___ he knew everything.

h) ___was a terrible story.

i) ___ was a famous astrologer.

j) The western governments ___ maintain their rules.

10. Nabinagar Govt. College-15

|Learnt .... by |Was born |Look down upon |Make up |

|Let alone |Would rather |Null and void |As if |

|Had better |Look after | | |

a) The law has been declared ___. But everybody has to obey the law of the court.

b) Air, water, soil, etc ___ our environment. So we should keep our environment clean and danger free.

c) The poor are ___ by the rich. It should not be done by them. Because one day they may be poor.

d) My mother ___ our family. Father is unemployed.

e) Have you ___ the lesson ___ heart?

f) Riad ___ in Jamalgonj. He is studying in Jamalgonj High School.

g) He ___ take a cycle than walk home. It’s already too late.

h) He behaves ___ he were a mad.

i) Masrafee ___ leave the field. He had a severe injury.

j) I can’t remember his face ___ his name. I saw him many days ago.

11. Chandpur Govt. College-15

|As if |Had better |Was born |What does…look like |

|Let alone |Would rather |What’s it like |As soon as |

|There |Are to | | |

a) You had been to African countries for a long time and must have seen zebra. Please tell me ___ a zebra___?

b) You have been in a desert country for a long time. ___ living in a desert?

c) I never behave ___ I knew everything.

d) He ___ come to me than go to Afjal. Afjal had never been his friend.

e) I ___ stay at home. My physical condition is still very weak.

f) I do not know the year exactly when he ___, possibly in 1981.

g) Pack up ___ possible. We have only one hour to reach the station.

h) The patient can not drink the juice, ___ solid food.

i) We ___ remember that we are all mortal.

j) ___ was a time when village life was very peaceful.

Answer of the Question No 3:

1. [Dhaka Board-16] (a) the older…. The more; (b) there; (c) neither will; (d) as fast as; (e) let alone; (f) would you mind; (g) it; (h) had better; (i) unless; (j) as if.

2. [Rajshahi Board-16] (a) as soon as; (b) in order to; (c) whenever; (d) let alone; (e) there; (f) had better; (g) would rather; (h) was born; (i) as if; (j) has to.

3. [Comilla Board-16] (a) have to; (b) had better; (c) as if; (d) there; (e) would rather; (f) let alone; (g) it; (h) as soon as (i) was born; (j) what does…look like.

4. [Dinajpur Board-17] (a) let alone; (b) what’s it like; (c) it; (d) would rather; (e) had better; (f) as if; (g) has to; (h) was born; (i) there; (j) as soon as.

5. [Jessore Board-16] (a) was born; (b) no sooner had; (c) had better; (d) used to; (e) what’s the matter; (f) but for; (g) what do you mean?; (h) as if; (i) it; (j) has to.

6. [Chittagong Board-16] (a) let alone; (b) have to; (c) what does look like; (d) would rather; (e) as soon as; (f) was born; (g) as if; (h) had better; (i) there; (j) would you mind.

7. [Sylhet Board-16] (a) What’s …like; (b) had better; (c) would rather; (d) There; (e) as if; (f) as soon as; (g) let alone; (h) it; (i) was born; (j) What if.

8. [Barishal Board-16] (a) It; (b) let alone; (c) as soon as; (d) as if; (e) had better; (f) What if; (g) There; (h) as long as; (i) was born; (j) have to.

ivRkvnx †ev‡W©i wbe©vPbx cixÿvi cÖ‡kœi mgvavbt

1. [New Govt. Degree College] (a) There; (b) let alone; (c) It; (d) had better; (e) was born; (f) What’s it like; (g) What if; (h) as soon as; (i) have to; (j) would rather.

2. [Rajshahi Govt. City College] (a) would rather; (b) as soon as; (c) There; (d) What if; (e) have to; (f) as if; (g) had better; (h) let alone; (i) was born; (j) What’s it like.

3. [Rajshahi Govt. Women’s College] (a) What does… look like; (b) What’s it like; (c) let alone; (d) would better; (e) as if; (f) as soon as; (g) was born; (h) had better; (i) It; (j) has to.

4. [Rajshahi University School & College] (a) would rather; (b) as soon as; (c) has to; (d) What does… look like; (e) What’s it like; (f) had better; (g) let alone; (h) as if; (i) there; (j) was born.

5. [Rajshahi College] (a) would rather; (b) was born; (c) had better; (d) lest; (e) wish; (f) as if; (g) as long as; (h) as soon as; (i) let alone; (j) have to.

6. [Govt. Azizul Haque College] (What if; (b) What’s it like; (c) let alone; (d) would you mind; (e) What’s the matter; (f) It’s high time; (g) As soon as; (h) It; (i) wish; (j) There.

7. [Bogra Cant public] (a) as soon as; (b) was born; (c) would rather; (d) What’s it like; (e) had better; (f) There; (g) let alone; (h) have to; (i) has to; (j) as if.

8. [Govt. MR Women’s College] (a) As soon as; (b) There;’ (c) had better; (d) have to; (e) a bone of contention; (f) a dark horse; (g) maiden speech; (h) a man of letters; (i) It; (j) has to.

9. [RDA Laboratory] (a) by hook or by crook; (b) as if; (c) had better; (d) had to; (e) matters little; (f) No sooner had; (g) Skim through; (h) from alpha to omega (i) epoch making; (j) Unless.

10. [Police Line School & College] (a) as if; (b) would rather; (c) let alone; (d) was born; (e) as soon as; (f) What’s it like; (g) What does….. look like; (h) there; (i) has to; (j) had better.

11. [Govt. Shaheed Bulbul] (a) was born; (b) would rather; (c) There; (d) as if; (e) as soon as; (f) What’s it like; (g) had better; (h) let alone; (i) have to; (j) What… look like.

12. [Al-Hera Academy] (a) as if; (b) let alone; (c) have to; (d) There; (e) would rather; (f) What if; (g) was born; (h) as soon as; (i) What if; (j) It.

13. [Naogaon Govt. College] (a) have to; (b) let alone; (c) was born; (d) had better; (e) There; (f) what if; (g) What’s it like; (h) what dose …. Look like; (i) as soon as; (j) would rather.

14. [Qadirabad Cantonment] (a) as alone; (b) as if; (c) There; (d) had to; (e) No sooner; (f) supposed to; (g) It is high time; (h) as though; (i) It; (j) As soon as.

15. [Joypurhat Govt. College] (a) there; (b) used to; (c) unless; (d) was born; (e) let alone; (f) It; (g) had better; (h) as soon as; (i) would rather; (j) had to.

XvKv †ev‡W©i wbe©vPbx cixÿvi cÖ‡kœi mvgvavbt

1. [Rajuk Uttara Model] (a) would rather; (b) had better; (c) Had; (d) let alone; (e) If; (f) lest; (g) what if; (h) There; (i) as if; (j) cannot but.

2. [Viqarunnisa Noon] (a) have to; (b) as if; (c) was born; (d) let alone; (e) what if; (f) if; (g) had better; (h) As soon as; (i) There; (j) what’s it like.

3. [Notre Dame] (a) used to; (b) It’s high time; (c) have to; (d) What’s it like?; (e) What if; (f) had better; (g) as if; (h) looked down upon; (i) beggars description; (j) adheres to.

4. [Ideal School & College] (a) was born; (b) would rather; (c) have to; (d) What’s it like; (e) What if; (f) as if; (g) let alone; (h) had better; (i) There; (j) it.

5. [Dhaka Residential] (a) let alone; (b) What’s it like; (c) as if; (d) What if; (e) as soon as; (f) had better; (g) there; (h) would rather; (i) has to; (j) was born.

6. [Holy Cross] (a) so that; (b) as though; (c) as long as; (d) what does ….look like; (e) have to; (f) as soon as; (g) would you mind; (h) had better; (i) let alone; (j) would rather.

7. [Dhaka College] (a) There; (b) had better; (c) what does…. Look like; (d) What if; (e) It; (f) What’s …like; (g) let alone; (h) would rather; (i) have to; (j) as much as.

8. [Dhaka City College] (a) as soon as; (b) let alone; (c) have to; (d) There; (e) had better; (f) would rather; (g) was born; (h) as if; (i) What’s it like; (j) What does …. look like

9. [Dhaka Commerce College] (a) had better; (b) let alone; (c) as soon as; (d) What’s it like; (e) as if; (f) was born; (g) what if; (h) have to; (i) would rather; (j) What does…. look like.

10. [Lalmatia Mahila College] (a) What’s it like; (b) had better; (c) let alone; (d) There; (e) was born; (f) would rather; (g) as soon as; (h) What….look like; (i) as if; (j) have to.

11. [Milestone College] (a) have to; (b) would rather; (c) had better; (d) let alone; (e) as if; (f) as soon as; (g) What’s it like; (h) what does….look like; (i) there; (j) was born.

12. [Begum Badrunnesa Govt.] (a) was born; (b) There; (c) as if; (d) What if; (e) As soon as; (f) had better; (g) let alone; (h) What is …. like; (i) have to; (j) would rather.

13. [Motijheel Model] (a) had to; (b) unless; (c) was born; (d) as if; (e) What if; (f) there; (g) had better; (h) as soon as; (i) used to; (j) let alone.

14. [Birshrestha Munshi Abdur Rouf] (a) Would you mind; (b) provided that; (c) would be; (d) What does…look like; (e) above all; (f) takes after; (g) whether…or not; (h) had to; (i) as well as; (j) as well.

15. [Govt. Bangla College] (a) There; (b) would rather; (c) What does….look like; (d) What’s it like; (e) as if; (f) it; (g) let alone; (h) as soon as; (i) had better; (j) have to.

16. [BAF Shaheen College] (a) as if; (b) would rather; (c) let alone; (d) was born; (e) as soon as; (f) What’s it like; (g) What does…look like?; (h) there; (i) has to; (j) had better.

17. [BCIC College] (a) There; (b) would rather; (c) What if; (d) What does…look like; (e) As soon as; (f) Let alone; (g) What’s it like; (h) as though; (i) had better.

18. [Idea College-Dhanmondi] (a) have to; (b) There; (c) let alone; (d) What’s it like; (e) had better; (f) would rather; (g) as soon as; (h) was born; (i) as if; (j) What does….look like.

19. [Govt. Science College] (a) let alone; (b) was born; (c) what does…look like; (d) What’s he like; (e) There; (f) would rather; (g) have to; (h) As soon as; (i) as if; (j) had better.

w`bvRcyi ‡ev‡W©i wbe©vPbx cixÿvi cÖ‡kœi mvgvavbt

1. [Cantt Public School & College] (a) was born; (b) dare; (c) have to; (d) as if; (e) lest; (f) No sooner had; (g) would rather; (h) let alone; (i) what if; (j) had better.

2. [Rangpur Govt College] (a) have to; (b) let alone; (c) There; (d) It is high time; (e) had better; (f) nether…nor; (g) while; (h) used to; (i) was born; (j) as if.

3. [Police Lions School & College] (a) If it wasn’t ; (b) wish; (c) Scarcely; (d) was born; (e) got accustomed to; (f) let alone; (g) It; (h) would rather; (i) had better; (j) as soon as.

4. [Kurigram Govt. College] (a) had better; (b) let alone; (c) as if; (d) as soon as; (e) have to; (f) What’s it like; (g) What does it look like; (h) would rather; (i) there; (j) was born.

5. [Thakurgaon Govt. College] (a) There; (b) let alone; (c) as if; (d) What’s it like; (e) what does…look like; (f) What if; (g) No sooner had…than; (h) would rather; (i) was born; (j) had better.

6. [Lion’s School & College] (a) would rather; (b) was born; (c) had better; (d) It’ll; (e) let alone; (f) as if; (g) used to; (h) as well as; (i) had to; (j) lest.

7. [Majida Khatun Govt.] (a) as if; (b) What does…look like?; (c) What if; (d) would rather; (e) let alone; (f) It; (g) have to; (h) There; (i) as soon as; (j) had better.

h‡kvi †ev‡W©i wbe©vPbx cixÿvi cÖ‡kœi mgvavbt

1. [Hamidpur Al-Hera Degree] (a) Even if; (b) had better; (c) as though; (d) was born; (e) It; (f) What’s it like; (g) Would rather; (h) let alone; (i) As soon as (j) have to.

2. [BAF Shaheen College] (a) What’s the matter; (b) let alone; (c) hardly; (d) But for; (e) It is high time; (f) supposed to; (g) lest; (h) would rather; (i) would rather; (j) to.

3. [Cantonment College-Jessore] (a) just after; (b) in a foolish manner; (c) would you mind; (d) was assassinated; (e) such things as; (f) But for; (g) nothing but; (h) provided that; (i) No matter; (j) has to.

4. [Khulna Govt. Girl’s] (a) It; (b) have to;(c) was born; (d) as if; (e) out of date; (f) have to; (g) as soon as; (h) would rather; (i) What does…look like; (j) bad blood.

5. [Govt. Pioneer Girls] (a) have to; (b) There; (c) as soon as; (d) had better; (e) It; (f) was born; (g) as if; (h) What if; (i) let alone; (j) would rather.

6. [Khulna Collegiate Girl’s] (a) No sooner had; (b) lest; (c) let alone; (d) provided; (e) There; (f) used to; (g) as if; (h) unless; (i) was born; (j) It is high time.

Kzwgjøv †ev‡W©i wbe©vPbx cixÿvi cÖ‡kœi DËit

1. [Comilla Victoria Govt.] (a) These; (b) should be; (c) The unwise act; (d) causes; (e) had better; (f) let alone; (g) founding anniversary; (h) have been increasing; (i) brought out; (j) This year.

2. [Ispahani Public School &] (a) would rather; (b) What if; (c) Would you mind; (d) wish; (e) as fast as; (f) in case; (g) was born; (h) need not; (i) has to; (j) There.

3. [Comilla Govt. College] (a) there; (b) as well as; (c) lest; (d) until; (e) was born; (f) have to; (g) unfortunately; (h) It is high time; (i) in case; (j) what’s…like.

4. [Comilla Commerce College] (a) What’s it like; (b) have to; (c) had better; (d) was born; (e) what does…look like; (f) let alone; (g) as if; (h) There; (i) as soon as; (j) would rather.

5. [Comilla Shikkha Board Model] (a) have to; (b) There; (c) let alone; (d) What’s it like; (e) had better; (f) would rather; (g) as soon as; (h) was born; (i) as if; (j) What does…look like.

6. [Sonar Bangla College] (a) as soon as; (b) have to; (c) would rather; (d) as if; (e) There; (f) It; (g) had better; (h) What if; (i) What’s it like; (j) was born.

7. [Mosharraf Hossain Khan] (a) What if; (b) was born; (c) there; (d) As soon as; (e) as if; (f) had better; (g) would rather; (h) let alone; (i) have to; (j) What does…look like.

8. [Brahamanbaria Govt.] (a) No sooner had; (b) lest; (c) let alone; (d) provided; (e) There;(f) used to; (g) as if; (h) unless;(i) was born; (j) It is high time.

9. [Brahmanbaria Govt. Girl’s] (a) let alone; (b) As soon as; (c) beggar description; (d) Above all; (e) adheres to; (f) was born; (g) as if; (h) It; (i) There; (j) have to.

10. [Nabinagar Govt. College] (a) null and void; (b) make up; (c) looked down upon; (d) looks after; (e) learnt, by; (f) was born; (g) would rather; (h) as if; (i) had better; (j) let alone.

11. [Chandpur Govt. College] (a) what does…look like; (b) What’s it like; (c) as if; (d) would rather; (e) had better; (f) was born; (g) as soon as; (h) let alone; (i) are to; (j) There.

Complete the sentence using suitable clauses/phrases

Rule-1 : Who, which, that, whose, whom BZ¨vw` Relative pronoun Øviv †Kvb Incomplete sentence-Gi clause ïiæ n‡j G¸‡jvi c~‡e©i Antecedent (hvi cwie‡Z© who, which BZ¨vw` e‡m) Abyhvqx verb-Gi iƒc ewm‡q Sentence-wU Complete Ki‡Z nq| †hgb-

Incom : It is I who.....................

Com : I is I who am to blame.

Incom : I know the man who................

Com : I know the man who came here yesterday.

Rule-2 : ‡Kvb Incomplete sentence-G so that _vK‡j Gi ci Present tense G †ÿ‡Î may/can Ges past tense Gi †ÿ‡Î might / could ewm‡q Sentence wU Complete Ki‡Z nq| G‡ÿ‡Î wb‡Pi Structure Abyhvqx Sentence MVb Ki‡Z n‡e|

Sub +.............+ so that + sub + can / may / could / might + verb +.............. †hgb-

Incom : Rahman read more so that......................

Com : Rahman reads more so that he can get GPA-5.

Incom : He works hard so that............................

Comp : He works hard so that he may pass in the examination.

Rule-3 : Sentence-G so that Gi g‡ZvB in order that e¨eüZ nq| G‡ÿ‡Î Abyiƒcfv‡e in order that Gi ci cÖ_g subject e‡m| Gi ci may / can wKsev might / could + verb +...............emv‡Z nq| †hgb-

Incom : Raka works hard in order that........................

Com : Raka works hard in order that she can prosper in life.

Incom : The boy ran quickly in order that.....................

Com : The boy ran quickly in order that he might get in first prize.

Rule-4 : Unless Øviv †Kvb clause ïiæ n‡j Incomplete sentence ‡K complete Kivi mgq cÖ`Ë Incomplete sentence wUi mv‡_ GKwU m½wZc~Y© c~Y© sentence ‡hvM Ki‡Z nq| g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e, Unless Øviv †Kvb clause ïiæ n‡j †m clause-G ‘not’ e¨eüZ nq bv| †hgb-

Incom : Unless you obey him...........................

Com : Unless you obey him, you cannot succeed in life.

Incom : Unless you work hard..........................

Com : Unless you work hard, you will not shine.

Rule-5 : ‡Kvb Sentence-G ‘Until / Till’ _vK‡j cieZ©x sentence wU Aek¨B Affirmative n‡e| G‡ÿ‡Î Till-Gi c~‡e©i evK¨wU Past Tense n‡j Until / Till-hy³ evK¨wUI Abyiƒcfv‡e past Tense-G n‡e| †hgb-

Incom : Just wait till.............

Com : Just wait till he comes.

Rule-6 : In case-hy³ evK¨wU g~jZt Principal clause-Gi KviY wb‡`©k K‡i| G‡ÿ‡Î Principal clause-wU Present Indefinite ev Future Indefinite n‡j, In case hy³ evK¨wU Present indefinite tense nq| Abyiƒcfv‡e Principal clause wU past indefinite n‡j, cieZ©x AskI Past Indefinite n‡e| ‡hgb-

Incom : I want to do the sum in case....................

Com : I want to do the sum in case the teacher permits.

Incom : I will take my umbrella in case.................

Com : I will take my umbrella in case it rains.

Rule-7 : Lest Øviv †Kvb clause ïiæ n‡j lest Gi ci should / might w`‡q sentence wU complete Ki‡Z nq| g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e lest hy³ †Kvb sentence-G no / not e‡m bv| †hgb-

Incom : Walk fast lest................

Com : Walk fast lest you should miss the train.

Rule-8 : Is the time when / is the day when / is the year when BZ¨vw` hy³ Incomplete sentence ‡K Complete Ki‡Z When Gi ci subject ewm‡q verb-Gi present form e¨envi Ki‡Z nq| wKš‘ AZx‡Z N‡U hvIqv †Kvb NUbv ev HwZnvwmK NUbv n‡j verb Gi past form n‡e| †hgb-

Incom : 7 A.M. is the time when.................

Com : 7 A.M. is the time when Ruba goes to school.

Incom : Saturday is the day when................................

Com : Saturday is the day when the week starts.

Rule-9 : As if / As though’ Øviv g~jZ t Unreal past A_© cÖKvk Kiv ‘As if / As though’ Gi cÖ_g Ask present indefinite tense n‡j c‡ii AskwU past Indefinite tense n‡e| Avevi cÖ_g AskwU past Indefinite tense n‡j c‡ii AskwU past perfect tense n‡e| †hgb-

Incom : He talks as if..............

Com : He talks as if he knew everything.

Incom : He talked as if.............

Com : He talked as if as if he had known everything.

Rule-10 : No sooner had....... than, Hardly had........ when, Scarcely had........ when G RvZxq structure hy³ sentence-G than I when Gi c~‡e©i Ask Past Perfect tense Ges c‡ii Ask Past Indefinite tense nq| †hgb-

Incom : No sooner had the doctor gone........................

Com : No sooner had the doctor gone than the patient died.

Incom : Hardly had I reached the college......................

Com : Hardly had I reached the college when the examination began.

Rule-11 : ‘As long as’ w`‡q GKwU wbw`©ó mgq eySvq| G‡ÿ‡Î, As long as-Gi c~‡e©i clause-Gi Tense Abyhvqx cieZ©x clause-Gi Tense nq| †hgb-

Incom : We learn as long as...............

Com : We learn as long as we live.

Incom : He did the work as long as...........

Com : He did the work as long as he could.

Rule-12 : The place.........where-G RvZxq Incomplete sentence ¯’vb wb‡`©k K‡i| G‡ÿ‡Î Incomplete sentence Gi †k‡l where + subj + verb ewm‡q complete Ki‡Z n‡e| †hgb-

Incom : A railway stations is the place...............

Com : A railway stations is the place, where trains stop.

Incom : The Hague (‡nM) is the city.................

Com : The Hague (‡nM) is the city, where the International Court of Justice is located.

Rule-13 : Would rather / Would sooner hy³ sentence-G than e¨envi K‡i complete Ki‡Z nq| †hgb-

Incom : I would rather die....................

Com : I would rather die than beg.

Incom : He would rather drink milk..................

Com : He would rather drink milk than tea.

1. (i) Present Ind./Present Perfect + since + Past Indefinite. (ii) Past Indefinite + since + past perfect ‡hgb-

i) It is many years since we first met in Rajshahi.

ii) Five years passed since I had met you.

2. Lest + subject + should/might + V1. ‡hgb-

I told him everything lest he should misunderstand me.

3. (i) It is time + Infinitive (to + verb). †hgb- It is time to start our Journey.

(ii) It is time for + objective form + infinitive. †hgb- It is time for us to study the lesson.

(iii) It is high time/It is time + subject + V2. †hgb- It is high time we studied a lot.

(iv) It was high time/time + past perfect.. †hgb- It was high time we had studied a lot.

4. (a) No sooner had + sub + v3 + Ext., than + past Ind.

‡hgb- No sooner had we reached in the station than the train left.

b) No sooner did+ sub + v1+Ext, than + past Ind.

‡hgb- No sooner did we reach in the station than the train left.

(c) Scarcely/Hardly had + sub + V3 + Ext, when + past Ind.

‡hgb- Hardly/scarcely had he reached the college when the examination began


i) Zero conditional:

If + present Ind. (Science), Present Ind. ‡hgb-

If you heat the ice, it melts.

ii) 1st conditional:

If + present Ind., Future Ind. (Sub. + will / can / may + Vl). ‡hgb-

If you come here, I will go there.

If you love me, I will love you.

iii) 2nd Conditional:

If + past Ind. Sub + would/could/might + V1. ‡hgb-

If I were a king, I would help the poor.

iv) 3rd Conditional:

a) If + past perfect, sub + would have/could have/might have + V3. ‡hgb-

If I had read more, I would have obtained A+.

b) Had + sub. + V3, Sub. + would have/could have/might have + V3. ‡hgb-

Had I been a king, I would have set up a hospital.

Question No. 4: Complete the sentence using suitable clauses/phrases.

1. Dhaka Board - 16

(a) Physics exercise keeps us healthy and strong. If you take regular physical exercises,___.

(b) They came to you with a view to____, but you scolded them without any reason.

(c) Please wait here until____. I have a serious matter to discuss with you.

(d) I was not hungry at all. If I had been hungry.

(e) Trees are essential for our existence. So, we should plant _____.

(f) There goes a proverb that____. So, we must make proper use of time.

(g) We should drink pure water. Since the water of this bottle is not pure,___.

(h) The two brothers are not on good terms. Yesterday when we went to their house, ____.

(i) Air is polluted in may ways. It is high time_____.

(j) The martyrs laid down their lives in 1971. They did it so that_____.

2. Rajshahi Board – 16

(a) Industry is the key to success. If you work hard, ____.

(b) Corruption is the main hindrance to development. It is high time____.

(c) Abdul is an H.S.C candidate. He is studying hard lest _____.

(d) There are a good number of reasons why ____. That English is a foreign language is the

main reason.

(e) Birds fly in the sky. I wish____.

(f) No sooner had we reached there than____. Unless we went there earlier, we would miss the

beginning of the programme.

(g) It is not good ____. A man is known by the company he keeps.

(h) Dulal Sheikh is a quack. He behaves as if____.

(i) It is very cold outside. You had better____.

(j) My childhood was full of joys and happiness. Would that_____.

3. Dinajpur Board – 16

(a) I think you are not punctual in studies. Be punctual lest____.

(b) I’ve missed the 8 O’clock train. Do you know when____?

(c) The thief stole my watch and I saw it. As soon as I saw him____.

(d) Though he was late,______.

(e) As he is unwilling to work, he cannot get rid of poverty. He must work if____.

(f) I usually avoid____. It is boring to drive now.

(g) As it is difficult task,____. He is very skilled in doing such work.

(h) Whenever i go to visit the factory, I ____. He must account for his absence.

(i) There are many obstacles in our way to success. We must work hard so that____.

4. Jessore Board – 16

(a) Geometry is very much confusing to Zillur. He practices geometry a lot so that____.

(b) I could not recognize you at first. It was five years since we____.

(c) Sanjida was writing quite well in the exam when suddenly she____. As a result, she could

not finish the exam with satisfaction.

(d) Don’t worry. I ____ after I have finished my study.

(e) Fateen was really in a great danger. He came to you with a view to ___ from you, but you

Disappointed him.

(f) Sujon was very weak, but he had to carry a big box. The box was too heavy for____.

(g) The farmers of our country are very poor, but they can work hard. If the bank gives them

loan on easy term, they____.

(h) Load-shedding occurs because we cannot produce adequate electricity. It is high time we__.

(i) I requested him to join me in playing cricket. He joined me____.

(j) He tried his best to get the job but he could not get it. Had he get the job, he would____.

5. Comilla Board - 16

(a)16th December is observed as victory day every year in Bangladesh. It is really a red letter day in our history, because on this day ---------

(b) A proverb goes that ------.So, we must try to lead an honest life.

(c) Courtesy means --------.courtesy costs nothing but brings a lot.

(d) Bangladesh is an agricultural country. As her economy depends on agriculture,-----

(e) Time is very important in our life. You cannot prosper in life unless----

(f) Bangladesh is our motherland. It is a small but beautiful country. Though it is a small country,---

(g )Early rising gives a man enough free time. Since i am an early riser ------

(h) You must have confidence in your ability. If you ----you will be successful.

(i) My final examination is going on. I studied hard lest i---.

(j) His father has no ability to bear his educational expenses .So, the son takes up a part time job so that ------.


(a) Garments industry in Bangladesh is one the major sources-----.But this sector is afflicted with many problems.

(b) Once Taimur attacked the province of a powerful prince. When the prince heard the news------

(c) Mr. Karim is a hardworking man.--------he cannot turn the wheels of his fortune.

(d) Success does not come to a man automatically. When a man works in systematic way----

(e) Female education is crying need for our country. It is a good sign that nowadays----

(f) Motherland is like a heaven. It is our sacred duty-----our motherland.

(g)Life should not be considered ---------.It is full of sufferings.

(h) When you----- work, you will go home.

(i) He is an honest worker. Despite his honest work-------

(j) Rina.--------we miss the bus?


Dhaka Board-16

(a) you will be healthy and strong.

(b) having a talk

(c) I return

(d) I would have taken my meal.

(e) more and more trees.

(f) time and tide wait for none.

(g) we must not drink it.

(h) we found them quarrelling with each other.

(i) we prevented air pollution.

(j) we could live in an Independent country.

Rajshahi Board – 16

(a) you will succeed.

(b) we stood against corruption.

(c) he should fail in the exam.

(d) the students in Bangladesh fail in English.

(e) I were a bird.

(f) the program began.

(g) to be with bad company.

(h) he were a good doctor.

(i) stay inside.

(j) I were a child again!

Dinajpur Board – 16

(a) you should fail in the examination.

(b) the next train is scheduled?

(c) I went after him.

(d) he worked seriously.

(e) he wants to change his lot.

(f) driving.

(g) the company relies on him for doing the task.

(h) I find him absent.

(i) please write down a review.

(j) we can overcome them.

Jessore Board – 16

(a) he can do better in geometry.

(b) had met last.

(c) she felt a bad headache.

(d) I will help you.

(e) getting some help from you.

(f) him to carry.

(g) they can produce good crops.

(h) stopped misuse of electricity.

(i) after he had finished his homework.

(j) have been very happy.

Comilla Board - 16

(a) Bangladesh emerged as an independent country / we became indepedent.

(b) honesty is the best policy.

(c) showing of politeness in one's attitude and behaviour towards others.

(d) she needs to put emphasis on it.

(e) you are punctual.

(f) over populated.

(g) I get enough time to do my work.

(h) are confident.

(i) I should fail in the examination.

(j) he can continue his study.


(a) of earning foreign exchanges.

(b) he decided to fight back.

(c) unfortunately.

(d) he becomes successful.

(e) female education is being encouraged.

(f) to serve.

(g) a bed of roses.

(h) finish your.

(i) he should be.

(j) he is dishonoured.

Right Form of Verb

5. To Gi c‡i verb Gi base form/root form e‡m| ‡hgb-

English helps a man to get (gets) a good job and better salary.

I am unable to help (helps) you.

6. wKQz wKQz Phrasal to †hgb- addicted to, devoted to, look forward to, with a view to, get used to, be used to, accustomed to, object to, confess to, prefer to, refer to BZ¨vw`i c‡i verb Gi mv‡_ ing hy³ Ki‡Z nq| ‡hgb-

I went to the library with a view to reading (read)

The boy is devoted to writing (write)

7. Subject hw` 3rd person singular number n‡j verb Gi mv‡_ s ev es hy³ Ki‡Z nq| ‡hgb-

overcomes (overcome) the race

Bread and butter is (be) a delicious food.

The p.m. and m.p agrees (agree) on this point

wait (wait) for none.

The p.m. and the m.p agree (agree) on this point.

8. ‡Kvb sentence Gi g‡a¨ always, daily, regularly, normally, often, seldom, hardly, occasionally, now and then, rarely, sometimes, everybody, everyone, every (RW), Nobody, No one, whenever BZ¨vw` _vK‡j Present Indefinite Tense nq| ‡hgb-

1. The population of Rajshahi increases(increase) daily.

2. Everybody wishes (wish) to be happy.

9. ‡Kvb sentence Gi g‡a¨ hw` now, at this moment, this moment, day by day, year by year this year, this season, gradually, all the while, continually, again and again, still BZ¨vw` _vK‡j present continuous tense nq| ‡hgb-

The population of Bangladesh is increasing (increase) day by day.

The boy is still doing (do) in his business.

10. State verb: ‡hgb: love, see, feel, believe depend, forget, know, remember, hear, smell taste, understand, except, prefer, promise consider, appear, think BZ¨vw`i continuous Tense nq bv| ‡hgb-

He believes (believe) me now.

I see (see) a bird now.

11. Just, Just now, already, ever , never , lately , of late, recently , yet (neg.), till now, so far, up to now, up to the present BZ¨vw` Adverb ¸‡jv _vK‡j, †mwU present perfect Tense nq| ‡hgb-

1. I have finished (finish) the work just now.

2. Raz has solved (solve) five problems up to now. 3. He has so far solved five problems.

12. When, after, as soon as, until Øviv hy³ complex sentence Gi Principal Clause wU future tense _vK‡j, sub ordinate clause wU Aek¨B Present Perfect Ki‡Z n‡e| ‡hgb-

1. I shall go to college when I have learnt (learn) my lesson.

2. I shall see you after I have returned (return) from Nawabgonj.

3. The boy will marry the girl after he has got / has gotten (get) a job.

13. ‡Kvb Sentence Gi g‡a¨ since, for , from _vK‡j Ges mg‡qi D‡jøL _vK‡j †mwU present perfect continuous tense nq| ‡hgb-

Aroni has been reading (read) a story book since Friday.

We have been playing (play) cricket for two hours.

14. ‡Kvb Sentence Gi g‡a¨ since, for, from Ges mg‡qi D‡jøL _vK‡jI state verb Gi †ÿ‡Î †mwU present perfect continuous tense bv K‡i †mwU‡K Present perfect tense Ki‡Z nq| ‡hgb-

We have known (know) each – other since 2010.

I have loved (love) him / her for many years.

15. ‡Kvb sentence Gi g‡a¨ yesterday, long long ago, long ago, last, once, long since, the day, before BZ¨vw` _vK‡j past Indefinite nq| ‡hgb-

They swam(swim) across the river last year.

I received (receive) your e-mail yesterday.

16. ‡Kvb sentence Gi g‡a¨ hw` at that moment, that moment, at that time, that time, then _v‡K Z‡e †mwU past continuous Tense nq| ‡hgb-

Mon was playing (play) football at that moment.

17. sub +had+[pic]+-----+before +past Indefinite

*** Past indefinite+after+sub+had+[pic] +------

The students had stood up before the teacher came.

The students stood up after the teacher had come.

18. Past perfect continuous +before+ past Indefinite. ‡hgb-

I had been reading (read) the book for two hours before he came.

19. ‡Kvb sentence Gi g‡a¨ tomorrow, next, next (RW), ensuing, years to come, days to come, the day after tomorrow BZ¨vw` _vK‡j Future Indefinite tense nq| ‡hgb-

I shall go (go) to Dhaka next month.

20. (i) Adverb of time A_©vr by this time, by (year/month/time), by the time, by(RW) _vK‡j future perfect nq|

†hgb- I shall have set (set) up in hospital by 2030

(ii) Future perfect + before+ future Indefinite/ present Indefinite

†hgb- I shall have done (do) the work before he comes.

21. Future perfect continuous tense+ before + present Indefinite/ Future Indefinite.

†hgb- I shall have been reading (read) a book for two hours before he comes.

22. To e¨wZZ mKj preposition Gi c‡i verb Gi mv‡_ ing A_ev verb wUi Noun form Ki‡Z nq|

†hgb- Education aims at enlightening/enlightenment (enlighten) our mind.

23. The Gi c‡i verb Gi mv‡_ ing/verb Gi Noun form Ki‡Z nq|

†hgb- The developing/development (develop) of our country depends on education.

24. Modal verb (can, could, shall, should, will, would, may, might, ought to, dare not, must, am going to, is going to, are going to BZ¨vw`) Gi c‡i verb Gi root form/base form e‡m|

†hgb- He should follow (follows) the rules of hygiene.

25. Modal verb + be = V3 A_©vr Verb Gi Past Participle form A_©vr Can be/could be Gi c‡i verb Gi Past Participle form e‡m|

†hgb- Our Government should be taken (take) proper steps to solve the problem.

26. B”Qvm~PK ev‡K¨ be verb _vK‡j were e‡m wKš‘ be verb Qvov Ab¨ †Kvb verb _vK‡j Zvi past form e‡m| †hgb-

I wish I were (be) a child again.

I wish I sang (sing) a song in a stage.

27. Would that + sub + could + V1 (verb Gi root form). †hgb-

Would that I could fly (fly) in the sky.

28. (i) present Indefinite + as if/as though + Past Indefinite. (ii) Past Indefinite + as if/as though + past perfect. †hgb-

He speaks as if he knew (know) everything.

He spoke as though he had known (know) everything.

29. (i) Present Ind./Present Perfect + since + Past Indefinite. (ii) Past Indefinite + since + past perfect ‡hgb-

i) It is many years since we first met (meet) in Rajshahi.

ii) Five years passed since I had met (meet) you.

30. One of, Each of, Either of, Each one of, None of, Neither of Gi c‡i Plural noun/ pronoun em‡jI singular verb e‡m|

One of the students follows (follow) me.

Each of the works has done (do) his job.

31. Lest + subject + should/might + V1. ‡hgb-

I told him everything lest he should misunderstand (misunderstand) me.

32. Relative pronoun Gi antecedent Gi number I person Abyhvqx verb e‡m| A_©vr Relative pronoun Gi c~‡e© †h subject _v‡K, †mwU Abyhvqx verb e‡m| ‡hgb-

It is I who am (be) responsible for it.

It is She who is (be) your sister.

33. As well as, along with, together with, with, accompany by, in addition to, rather than, no less than, more than, like, but, except, including, excluding, besides BZ¨vw` Øviv hw` `ywU subject hy³ nq, Z‡e cÖ_g subject Abyhvqx verb e‡m| ‡hgb-

He as well as I is (be) guilty.

He together with his friends is (be) present.

34. Either......... or, Neither........ nor, Not only........but also Øviv `ywU subject hy³ n‡j wØZxq subject Abyhvqx verb e‡m| ‡hgb-

Not only Rana, but also his friends are/were (be) admitted.

35. No Gi c‡i noun wKš‘ not Gi c‡i verb, adverb, adjective e‡m| ‡hgb-

He has no education (educate)

He is not interested (interest) in politics.

36. Having, being, have, has, had, to be BZ¨vw`i c‡i verb Gi Past participle form nq| ‡hgb-

Having finished (finish) the work, I would go.

37. While hy³ `ywU Clause Gi Subject hw` GKB nq, Z‡e while hy³ clause wUi verb Gi mv‡_ ing hy³ Ki‡Z nq wKš‘ subject hw` wfbœ nq, Z‡e present tense Gi †¶‡Î while hy³ clause †K present Indefinite/present Continuous Tense Ki‡Z nq Ges Past Tense Gi †¶‡Î while hy³ clause †K past Continuous Tense Ki‡Z nq| †hgb-

White I walking (walk) by the river, I saw a snake.

While I walk/am walking (walk) by the river, a snake bites me.

While I was walking (walk) by the river, a snake bit me.

38. Let + objective form + V1. ‡hgb-

Let me do (does) the work.

39. mKj Passive G verb Gi past participle form nq|

English is spoken (speak) all over the world.

40. Head word Abyhvqx verb e‡m|

The colour of her eyes is (be) blue.

The players in the field are (be) taking rest.

N:B: Preposition Gi c~‡e© †hwU _v‡K †mwU Headword.

41. Arithmetical Statements (‡hvM, we‡qvM, ¸b, fvM), Gi †¶‡Î verb Singular nq| ‡hgb-

Two and two makes (make) four.

42. (i) It is time + Infinitive (to + verb). †hgb- It is time to start our Journey.

(ii) It is time for + objective form + infinitive. †hgb- It is time for us to study the lesson.

(iii) It is high time/It is time + subject + V2. †hgb- It is high time we studied a lot.

(iv) It was high time/time + past perfect. . †hgb- It was high time we had studied a lot.

43. Abstract noun Ges Uncountable noun me©`v singular wnmv‡e we‡ewPZ nq| ‡hgb-

Honesty is (be) the best policy. Rice sells (sell) cheap.

44. Infinitive, gerund, verbal noun, clause, phrase, subject wnmv‡e e¨eüZ n‡i, GwU‡K singular wnmv‡e we‡ewPZ nq| ‡hgb-

To walk is (be) a good exercise

Telling lies is (be) a great sin.

45. (a) No sooner had + sub + v3 + Ext., than + past Ind.

‡hgb- No sooner had we reached in the station, than the train left.

b) No sooner did+ sub + v1+Ext, Than + past Ind.

‡hgb- No sooner did we reach in the station than the train left.

(c) Scarcely/Hardly had + sub + V3 + Ext, when + past Ind.

‡hgb- Hardly/scarcely had he reached the college when the examination began (begin)

46. Everybody, Every (RW), Anybody, Any (RW), Each, Either, Neither, Nobody, No one, Nothing, Somebody, Some (RW) Whatever, whichever BZ¨vw` subject wnmv‡e _vK‡j singular nq| †hgb-

Everybody wants (want) to be happy.

47. GKwU Sentence Gi g‡a¨ `ywU Verb _vK‡j, cÖ_g Verb wU hw` †Kvb noun †K wb‡`©k K‡i, Z‡e 2q verb wUi mv‡_ ing †hvM Ki‡Z nq| ‡hgb-

I saw a bird sitting (sit) on the tree.

48. Had better, had rather, would rather, bare infinitive (let, make, need, dare, bid, feel, see, used to, cannot but) G¸‡jvi c‡i mvaviYZ root form/base form e‡m| ‡hgb-

i) You had better study (study) harder.

ii) The speaker failed to make the audience listen (listen) to him patiently.

49. (a) One of the + plural noun + singular verb

†hgb- One of my friends is (be) an engineer.

b) One of the + plural noun + WH + plural verb + ext.

†hgb- Rana is one of the friends who have (has) helped me.

c) The only one of the + plural noun + WH + singular V. + Ext.

†hgb- Rana is the only one of the students who has (have) helped me.

46. eB‡qi bvg, †`‡ki bvg, msev`c‡Îi bvg, bvU‡Ki bvg BZ¨vw` singular nq| ‡hgb-

The United States of America is (be) a rich country.

47. a) wbgœwjwLZ noun ¸‡jv Plural Ges G¸‡jvi c‡i Plural verb e‡m| Scissors (KuvwP), Trousers (c¨v›U), Tongs (wPgUv), Pants (c¨v›U), Pliers (‡QvU muvovwk), Tweezers (mbœv), Pyjamas (cvqRvgv), Scales (`uvwocvjøv), Sacks (MuvUvwi), tights (AvuUmvuU †cvkvK), Trunks (‡PvMv), Bellows (nvci), Glasses (Pkgv), Breeches (cvRvgv we‡kl), Binoculars (`~iexÿY), Pincers (muvovwk), Sunglasses (mvbMøvm), Headphones, Nuptials, Spectacles, Alms, Vegetables, Customs BZ¨vw`|

The scissors are (be) on the table.

b) Pair of + Dc‡iv‡jøwLZ Plural noun + Singular verb

A pair of pants is in the drawer.

48. GKB cwigvb ˆ`N©¨, cÖ¯’, D”PZv eySv‡j verb wU singular nq| ‡hgb-

Twenty miles is (be) a long.

Ten mounds is (be) a heavy weight.

49. a) One-third of/two-thirds of/Rest of/Majority of/ All of/Most of/Part of/Half of/40% of + G¸‡jvi c‡i Singular noun _vK‡j, Singular verb e‡m| ‡hgb-

One-third of the answer is (be) correct.

Two-thirds of his answer is (be) correct.

Two-thirds of the work has been finished (finish).

Three-fourths of the earth’s surface is covered (cover) by water.

b) One-third of/two-thirds of/Rest of/Majority of/ All of/Most of/Part of/Half of + G¸‡jvi c‡i Plural noun _vK‡j, Plural verb e‡m| ‡hgb-

One-third of the answers are (be) correct.

Two-thirds of his answers are (be) correct.

Two-thirds of the works have been finished (finish).

50. Gerund `‡ji QvÎiv Complete, Enjoy, Avoid I Deny (m¤ú~Y©, Avb›`, Z¨vM I A¯^xKvi) K‡i Rxe‡bi Risk (SyuwK) wb‡q †`k‡K ¯^vaxb K‡i‡Q| wKš‘ AZ¨šÍ Regret (`ytL) Gi welq GLb `jxq †bZv‡`i suggest I Recommend (civgk© I wb‡`©kbv) Abyhvqx Ny‡li wewbgq Ki‡Z wM‡q Miss, Understand (fzj, †evSv‡evwS) I e¨w³MZ AvwacZ¨ Keep (ivLv) wb‡q †Kv›`‡ji Kvi‡Y Postpone (¯’wMZ) n‡”Q K¬vm| ZvB eZ©gv‡b QvÎ ivRbxwZ‡K Resent (Acgvb RbK KvR) wn‡m‡e Consider (we‡ePbv) Kiv nq, Ges GLb Remember (g‡b Kiv) nq QvÎiv †bvsiv ivRbxwZi Practice, Mention (PP©v,DÌvcb) Ki‡Q, ZvB Avi Tolerate (mn¨) bv K‡i Bnv dislike quit & stop (Z¨vM I eÜ) Ki‡Z n‡e cÖ‡qvR‡b Finish (wbwðý) KivB RvwZi Rb¨ prefer (g½j/cQ›`bxq)| ‡hgb-

Stop writing (write)

Raz has finished reading (read) the book.

51. It is no use, it is nice, it was crazy, waste of time, It is no good, worth, can not bear, can not help BZ¨vw`i c‡i verb Gi mv‡_ ing hy³ Ki‡Z nq| ‡hgb-

It is waste of time gossiping (gossip).

52. GKwU ev‡K¨ `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK clause _vK‡j, clause ¸‡jv GKwU present Tense n‡j, Ab¨wU present Tense nq| Avevi, hw` GKwU past tense nq, Z‡e AciwUI past Tense G Ki‡Z nq| ‡hgb-

and .

53. Conditional sentence g~jZ Pvi cÖKvi| h_vt

i) Zero Conditional

ii) 1st Conditional

iii) 2nd Conditional

iv) 3rd Conditional

i) Zero conditional:

If + present Ind. (Science), Present Ind. ‡hgb-

If you heat the ice, it melts (melt)

ii) 1st conditional:

If + present Ind., Future Ind. (Sub. + will + Vl). ‡hgb-

If you come here, I will go (go) there.

iii) 2nd Conditional:

If + past Ind. Sub + would/could/might + V1. ‡hgb-

If I were a king, I would help (help) the poor.

iv) 3rd Conditional:

a) If + past perfect, sub + would have/could have/might have + V3. ‡hgb-

If I had read more, I would have obtained (obtain) A+.

b) Had + sub. + V3, Sub. + would have/could have/might have + V3. ‡hgb-

Had I been a king, I would have set (set) up a hospital.

54. (i) A number of + PN + PV, (ii) The number of +P.N+SV. ‡hgb-

A number of students are (be) absent. The number of students is (be) present.

55. (i) Subject + would rather that + past ind.

†hgb- You would rather that you changed (change) your habit.

(ii) Sub. + would rather that + past perfect + yesterday/last month.

†hgb- I would rather that you had done (do) the work yesterday.

56. Many, Both, Few, Fewer, Some, Several, Other, Others BZ¨vw`i c‡i g~jZ Noun I verb DfqB Plural nq|

Both of my friends were (be) present in the last meeting.

57. wb¤œwjwLZ word ¸‡jvi c‡i mvaviYZ Infinitive (to + verb) nq|

Agree, advise, aim, afford, appear, ask, arrange, claim, care, choose, consent, decide, deserve, desire, dare, decline, demand deserve, expect, fail, guarantee, happen, hope, know, learn, intend, manage, need, offer, promise, pretend, plan, prepare, promise, pledge, resolve, refuse, seem, swear, threaten, try, tend, wait, wish, want BZ¨vw`| †hgb-

He promised to help (help) me.

58. Subject + Subjunctive word+that+V1 (verb Gi base form). ‡hgb-

Subjunctive word (g‡bi fve/cwiKíbv cÖKvkK kã)t

Marup said on subjunctive Word:

Mandatory, move, advise, ask, require, recommend, request, urge, prefer, suggest, stipulate, insist, imperative, important, demand, order, obligatory, necessary/essential.

i) My doctor suggested that I get (get) some exercise.

ii) The boss prefers that she meet (meet) the head of the Department.

59. ‡h Transitive verb Gi KvR object Øviv m¤úvw`Z nq, Zv‡K causative verb e‡j| ‡hgb-

Mother feeds the child.

Uses of Causative verb:

i) Let + e¨w³/e¯‘evPK object + V1 (verb Gi base form). ‡hgb-

The trainer let the lion go (go) safely.

(ii) Make + e¨w³/e¯‘evPK object + V1 (verb Gi base form). ‡hgb-

My mother makes me take (take) the medicine.

(iii) a. Subject +get + e¯‘evPK object+V3. ‡hgb-

It costs about sixty dollars to have a tooth filled (fill).

b. Sub + get (got/gotten) + obj. (e¨w³/cÖvYx) + infinitive (to+V1). ‡hgb-

I'll get an electrician to mend (mend) the heating.

(iv) a. Sub + have (has/had) + e¨w³evPK obj + V1. ‡hgb-

Jony had Rony clean (clean) the floor.

General Grant had General Lee meet (meet) him at Appomattox to sing the official Surrender of the confederate forces.

b. Sub + have (has/had) + e¯‘evPK obj + V3. ‡hgb-

Dev had a car repaired (repair)

(v) Sub + help/helped + obj. (e¨w³/e¯‘) + V1/to+V1. ‡hgb-

Priya helps Raz prepare / to prepare (prepare) the note.

60. wb¤œwjwLZ Noun ‡`L‡Z plural g‡b n‡jI G¸‡jvi ci singular verb e‡m| News (msev`), Mathematics (MwYZ), Economics (A_©bxwZ), Physics (c`v_© we`¨v), Dynamics (MwZweÁvb), Politics (ivóªweÁvb), Eithics (bxwZkv¯¿), Mumps (KY©g~jcÖ`vn), Statics (w¯’wZwe`¨v), Statistics (cwimsL¨vb), Measles (nvg), Electronics (B‡jKUªbwe`¨v), Gallows (duvwm KvV), Tennis (‡Uwbm †Ljv), Gymnastics (kixi PP©v), Innings (Bwbsm), Athletics (gjøµxov), Wages (gRyix), Whereabouts (‡Kvb RvqMvi Kv‡Q), Civics (‡cŠibxwZ), Comics (nvm¨im), Alms (wfÿv), Magnetics (Pz¤^KZ¡), Metaphysics (Awawe`¨v), Tactics (‡KŠkj), Poetics (Kve¨kv¯¿), Rickets (nv‡oi †ivM), Hydraulics (Rjkw³weÁvb), Pneumatics (evqyweÁvb), Phonics (aŸwbZË¡), Optics (Av‡jvK weÁvb), Linguistics (fvlvZË¡), Bellows (nvci), Means (Dcvq), Analytics (we‡kølYwe`¨v), Aeronautics (wegvbPvjbv we`¨v) BZ¨vw`|

Ill news runs (run) apace.

Physics is (be) my favorite subject.

61. wb¤œwjwLZ noun ¸‡jv †`L‡Z singular n‡jI Giv plural Ges G‡`i c‡i plural verb e‡m| Aristocracy, Cattle, Clergy, Folk, Gentry, People, Peasantry, Poultry, Vermin BZ¨vw`|

The peasantry of Bangladesh are (be) poor.


The word “Tense” has been derived from a Latin word “Tempus”. (Tempus= Time)

mwVK fv‡e Bs‡iRx †kLvi cÖ_g I cÖavb kZ© nj fvjfv‡e Tense Rvbv| Kvib Tense Gi h_v_© Ávb Qvov ï× Bs‡iRx ejv I †jLv †hgb Am¤¢e wVK †Zgwb Gi mwVK A_© eySvI KóKi| cÖvq me cixÿvq Tense Gi Dci cÖkœ _vK‡jI Avgiv evievi fzj K‡i _vwK ïaygvÎ Tense m¤ú‡K© clear and conscious concept Gi Afv‡e| GQvovI mbvZb c×wZ‡Z Tense ‡kLvi Kvi‡b| ZvB Tense m¤ú‡K© ¸iæZ¡c~Y© Z_¨¸‡jv wb‡P Zz‡j aiv n‡jv|

Definition: Tense is the form of a verb which denotes the time of an event, action or the state.

The present Indefinite Tense expresses the time of simple actions in the present time. [ eZ©gvb Kv‡ji mvavib KvR mg~nB n‡”Q present Indefinite Tense]

Structure: i. Sub+g~j verb Gi base form/Root form/mother form.

ii. Subject hw` 3rd person singular number nq, Z‡e verb Gi mv‡_ s ev es hy³ Ki‡Z nq|

Example: i) We obey our parents.

ii) I make a garden.

iii) Raz draws a picture.

iv) Priya helps the poor.

Uses of s ev es :

g~j Verb Gi ‡k‡l ch, sh, ss, o I x _vK‡j es ‡hvM Ki‡Z nq|

1. Azmul teaches us English

2. He possesses a good character.

Important uses of present Indefinite Tense

N.B.1. Subject hw` 3rd person singular number n‡j verb Gi mv‡_ s ev es hy³ Ki‡Z nq|

Example: overcomes (overcome) the race

Bread and butter is (be) a delicious food.

The p.m. and m.p agrees (agree) on this point

wait (wait) for none.

The p.m. and the m.p agree (agree) on this point.

N.B. 2. ‡Kvb sentence Gi g‡a¨ always, daily, regularly, normally, often, seldom, hardly, occasionally, now and then, rarely, sometimes, everybody, everyone, every(RW), Nobody, No one, whenever BZ¨vw` _vK‡j Present Indefinite Tense nq|

1. The population of Rajshahi increases(increase) daily.

2. Everybody wishes (wish) to be happy.

N.B 3: Universal Truth (wPimZ¨) , Habitual facts(Af¨vm), Historical event(HwZnvwmK NUbv), Near future(wbKUZg fwel¨r), Newspaper headlines(msev`c‡Îi wk‡ivbvg), writer speech (†jL‡Ki e³e¨) BZ¨vw` _vK‡j Present Indefinite Tense nq|

1. The sun rises (rise) in the East and sets (set) in the west.

2. He takes (take) tea every morning .

3. Bangladesh achieves (achieve) freedom in 1971.

4. The tournament starts (start) today at 4 p.m

5. Our p.m meets (meet) a foreign delegate.

6. Goldsmith said “Handsome is that handsome does”.

N.B 4: ‡h †Kvb wb‡`©kbv (instruction, direction) †Kvb bvUK, A‡civ wKsev †Ljvi aviv weeibx‡Z (commentaries on games) Present Indefinite Tense e¨eüZ nq|

(i) Go straight and turn left to the airport.

(ii) Learn English and overcome the world.

(iii) Desdimona sees Othello; she falls in love with him and finally marries him.

(iv) Rodriguez passes the ball to Bengzema; he crosses to Ronaldo; he shoots and it’s a goal.

(v) Kevin Pietersen hits the ball and it is a boundary.


*** Always Øviv every time ‡eSv‡j present Indefinite Tense nq| wKš‘ always Øviv hw` very often ev too often ‡evSvq, Zvn‡j present continuous tense e¨eüZ nq|

You are always making silly mistakes in the exam.

*** Here ev there Øviv exclamatory sentence MV‡b present indefinite tense e¨eüZ nq|

Here comes (come) the boys!

There goes (go) the criminal!

Here she comes (come)! (pronoun Gi c‡i verb e‡m|)

The present continuous Tense denotes the time of an action which continues in the present A_©vr eZ©gvb Kv‡j †Kvb KvR Pj‡Q ev Pwj‡Z‡Q eySv‡j, Zv‡K present continuous tense e‡j|


Subject +am/is/are+v(ing)

N.B: 1. ‡Kvb sentence Gi g‡a¨ hw` now, at this moment, this moment, day by day, year by year this year, this season, gradually, all the while, continually, again and again, still BZ¨vw` _vK‡j present continuous tense nq|

The population of Bangladesh is increasing (increase) day by day.

The boy is still doing (do) in his business.

N.B. 2. wbKU fwel¨‡Zi KvR, fwel¨r m¤¢vebv, cwieZ©bkxj Ae¯’v, weiw³ Ges Kíbv eySv‡Z present continuous Tense nq|

I am sitting (sit) for the exam this year.

They are going (go) to set up a school soon.

The climate of Bangladesh is changing (change).

The man is always disturbing (disturb) me.

I think, mother is getting well soon.

N.B. 3. state verb: ‡hgb: love, see, feel, believe depend, forget, know, remember, hear, smell taste, understand, except, prefer, promise consider, appear, think BZ¨vw`i continuous Tense nq bv|

He believes (believe) me now.

I see (see) a bird now.

N.B.4. see Øviv mvÿvr Kiv (meet), ‡LuvR Kiv (search) feel Øviv touch ‡evSv‡j present continuous tense e¨eüZ nq| †hgb-

The boy is seeing (see) a job at this moment.

The doctor is feeling (feel) my pulse.

N.B.5. Think, Hear Gi †ÿ‡Î ZvrÿwbK AwfÁZv eySv‡j present continuous nq wKš‘ `xN© AwfÁZv eySv‡j Present Indefinite Tense nq|

He is thinking (think) now (‡m GLb wPšÍv Ki‡Q) [ZvrÿwbK]

He thinks. (†m wPšÍv K‡i) [`xN© AwfÁZv]

N.B.6. ‡h gyû‡Z© Avgiv K_v ejwQ, †m gyû‡Z©i ev Zvi Av‡Mi I c‡ii †Kvb NUbv e¨v³ Ki‡Z Present continuous e¨eüZ nq|

a. Hurry Up! They are all waiting for you.

b. I am tired and so I am going to bed.

c. What are you doing ?

N.B.7. Kvwe¨K K_vi D‡jøL _vK‡j state verb Gi continuous tense nq|

‡hgb- I am seeing and seeing (Avwg †`LwQ †Zv †`LwQB)

The action has been completed but the result has not been published yet, is called present perfect tense. A_©vr eZ©gvb Kv‡j †Kvb KvR †kl n‡q‡Q wKš‘ Gi djvdj we`¨gvb i‡q‡Q, Giƒc eySv‡j, Zv‡K Present perfect Tense e‡j|


Subject + have/has +[pic] (verb Gi past participle form)

N.B . 1 : Just, Just now, already , ever , never , lately , of late, recently , yet (neg.), till now, so far, up to now, up to the present BZ¨vw` Adverb ¸‡jv _vK‡j, †mwU present perfect Tense nq|

1. I have finished (finish) the work just now.

2. Raz has solved (solve) five problems up to now. 3. He has so far solved five problems.

N.B. 2 : This is the first time, this is the second time, it is the first time, it is the second time BZ¨vw`i c‡i present perfect tense e¨eüZ nq|

This is the first time that I have driven (drive) a car.

It is the second time that he has visited (visit) the zoo.

N.B.3 : When , after , as soon as, until Øviv hy³ complex sentence Gi Principal Clause wU future tense _vK‡j, sub ordinate clause wU Aek¨B Present Perfect Ki‡Z n‡e|

1. I shall go the college when I have learnt (learn) my lesson.

2. I shall see you after I have returned (return) from Nawabgonj.

3. I shall marry the girl after I have got / gotten (get) a job.

N:B : 4 : mg‡qi D‡jøL ev mgq wbw`©ó bq Ggb †Kvb AZxZ aviYv NUbv eY©bv Ki‡Z present perfect tense e¨eüZ nq|

I have read Hamlet but I have forgotten most of it.

I have seen her to be angry.

N:B:5: AZx‡Zi †Kvb KvR ev NUbv eZ©gv‡bi mv‡_ †hvMm~Î i‡h‡Q Giƒc †ÿ‡Î Present Perfect Tense e¨eüZ nq|

I have had a cup of hot tea after I have had my breakfast.

(mKv‡j bv¯Ív Kivi c‡i Avwg GK Kvc Mig Pv cvb K‡iwQ)

N:B:7: hw` come , go , rise, arrive BZ¨vw` intransitive verb Øviv MwZkxjZv ev cwieZ©bkxjZv (motion or change) †evSvq Zvn‡j Present perfect tense Gi have / has cwiewZ©Z n‡q am, is , are e¨eüZ nq|

(a) Those days are gone (b) The sun is risen (c) She is arrived (d) The girls are come

( G ai‡bi e¨envi‡K Alternative perfect tense e‡j|)

The present perfect continuous tense expresses the time of an action that has been going on for some time. [ eZ©gvb Kv‡j †Kvb KvR wKQz mgq a‡i Pj‡Q ev Pwj‡Z‡Q eySv‡j, Zv‡K Present perfect continuous Tense e‡j|]


Sub + have been / has been + v (ing) + other words + since/ for / from + time.

Since = wbw`©ó w`b, ZvwiL , gvm, eQi, eySv‡Z e‡m|

For = Awbw`©ó mgq eySv‡Z|

From = Nwoi KuvUvi mgq eySv‡Z|

We have been living in Rajshahi since 2004.

Priya has been sleeping for three hours.

|Point of time since ; period of time for |

N.B.1 : ‡Kvb Sentence Gi g‡a¨ since, for , from _vK‡j Ges mg‡qi D‡jøL _vK‡j †mwU present perfect continuous tense nq|

Aroni has been reading (read) a story book since Friday.

We have been playing (play) cricket for two hours.

N:B:2 :

‡Kvb Sentence Gi g‡a¨ since, for, from Ges mg‡qi D‡jøL _vK‡jI state verb Gi †ÿ‡Î †mwU present perfect continuous tense bv K‡i †mwU‡K Present perfect tense Ki‡Z nq|

We have known (know) each – other since 2010.

I have loved (love) him / her for many years.

N:B:3 : How long w`‡q cÖkœ Ki‡Z AwaKvsk mgqB present perfect continuous Tense Gi e¨envi nq|

How long have you been waiting for me?

How long has she been standing outside the door?

N:B:4: All morning, all day, all evening, all years, all my life BZ¨vw` Adverbial Phrases of time ev Adverbs of time Gi mv‡_ for e¨eüZ nq bv Ges mvaviYZ present perfect continuous tense e¨eüZ nq|

I have been trying (try) all year to succeed.

Anika has been walking (walk) all morning.

The tense which denotes the action that happened in the past is called past Indefinite Tense. (AZxZ Kv‡ji mvavib KvRmg~n‡K Past Indefinite Tense e‡j|


Sub+[pic] (verb Gi past form) +ext.

I did the work properly.

The students made a noise .

N.B.1. ‡Kvb sentence Gi g‡a¨ hw` yesterday, long long ago, long ago, last, once, long since, the day, before BZ¨vw` _vK‡j past Indefinite nq|

They swam(swim) across the river last year.

I received (receive) your e-mail yesterday.

N.B.2. AZxZ Kv‡ji Af¨vmMZ Kg© †evSv‡Z verb Gi past form e¨eüZ nq| Z‡e AZx‡Zi wbqwgZ Af¨vm †evSv‡Z used to Ges AwbqwgZ Af¨vm †evSv‡Z would e¨eüZ nq|

a) Mother used to read the holy Quran every morning.

b) He would take tea very often.

c) She would often sing a song.

N.B.2. ‡Kvb mg‡qi D‡jøL bv _vKv m‡Ë¡I GKwU wbw`©ó mg‡qi †Kvb KvR m¤úbœ nIqv wKsev bv nIqv †evSv‡Z Past Indefinite tense e¨eüZ nq|

a) I could not complete the work in time.

b) He was ten minutes late in the class.

N.B.3. f`ªZvc~Y© Aby‡iva eySv‡Z past Indefinite tense G‡ÿ‡Î can cwie‡Z© could Ges will cwie‡Z© would e‡m|

a) would you mind taking a cup of milk?

b) could you please tell me the time?

N.B.4. AZx‡Zi wKQz NUbv eY©bv Ki‡Z past Indefinite Gi passive voice nq|

a) The boy was beaten mercilessly.

b) Shakespeare was born in England.

The tense which expresses an action happening for sometime in the past is called past progressive Tense. [A_©vr AZxZ Kv‡j †Kvb KvR Pj‡ZwQj eySv‡Z Past continuous Tense nq|]

Structure: sub+was/were+v(ing)+------

I was driving a car.

I was reading a book.

N.B.1. ‡Kvb sentence Gi g‡a¨ hw` at that moment, that moment, at that time, that time, then _vK‡j †mwU past continuous Tense. nq|

Mon was playing (play) football at that moment.

N.B.2. AZxZKv‡j GKwU KvR PjvKvjxb Av‡iKwU KvR msNwUZ n‡j, Pjgvb KvRwU Past continuous tense G ewY©Z nq Ges Ab¨wU past Indefinite nq| G‡ÿ‡Î KvR `ywU as/when/while Øviv hy³ nq|

Rima burnt her hand when she was cooking (cook).

A man was run over by a speeding bus while he was crossing (cross) the road.

N.B.3. AZxZKv‡ji `ywU KvR GKB mv‡_ Pj‡ZwQj eySv‡j †m‡ÿ‡Î `ywU clause B past continuous tense. nq|

I was talking over phone while you were cooking.

Between two finished/ completed/ actions in the past. The first action is in the past perfect tense and the later action is past Indefinite tense. [AZx‡Zi `ywU Kv‡Ri g‡a¨ †h KvRwU c~‡e© N‡U, †mwU‡K past perfect tense e‡j|]


sub +had+[pic]+-----

A_v©r sub +had+[pic]+-----+before +past Indefinite

***Past indefinite+after+sub+had+[pic] +------

The students had stood up before the teacher came.

The students stood up after the teacher had come.

N.B. 1. AZx‡Z `ywU NUbv NU‡j †KvbwU Av‡M N‡U‡Q †mUv †`Lv‡ZB past perfect e¨eüZ nq|

He thanked me for what I had done.

That Øviv AZx‡Z m¤§vw`Z `ywU KvR hy³ n‡j cye©eZx© KvRwU That Gi c‡i e‡m Ges †mwU past perfect tense nq|

a) When I got home last night. I found that somebody had entered(enter) the flat

b) He denied that he had written (write) the letter.

N.B.3. No sooner----than, scarcely---when, Hardly had---when, hardly---before Øviv `ywU clause hy³ n‡j cÖ_g clause wU past perfect tense nq Ges wØZxqwU past Indefinite tense nq|

No sooner had he heard the news than he wept aloud.

An action that continued for sometime in the past before the happening of something else is called past perfect continuous Tense.

Structure: Sub+had been+ v(ing)+----

a. It had been raining before it was evening.

b. I had been waiting for you since morning.

N.B. 1. Past perfect continuous +before+ past Indefinite.

I had been reading read) the book for two hours before he came.

An action ev an event that will happen in future time, is called future Indefinite tense. (fwel¨r Kv‡j †Kvb KvR msNwUZ n‡e eySv‡Z future Indefinite tense nq|)


sub+ shall/ will+ [pic] +----

He will appear at H.S.C examination

N.B.1. ‡Kvb sentence Gi g‡a¨ tomorrow, next, next(RW), ensuing, years to come, days to come, the day after tomorrow BZ¨vw` _vK‡j Future Indefinite tense nq|

I shall go (go) to Dhaka next month.

N.B.2. hv fwel¨‡Z msNwUZ n‡e eySv‡Z Future Indefinite tense nq|

Spring will come again, Birds will build nests.

N.B.2. cÖK…wZ RM‡Zi ¯^vfvweK/¯^qswµq Af¨vmRwbZ cybive„wËi †ÿ‡Î Future Indefinite tense nq| nq|

a. The moon will shine again b. The cuckoo will sing in spring c. the winter will come again.

An action ev an event that will be going on in future, is called future continuous Tense. (fwel¨r) Kv‡j PA‡Z _vK‡e eySv‡j future continuous Tense nq|


sub+ shall be/ will be + v(ing)+---

I will be reading all morning.

The children will be dancing with the music.

N.B.1. wbw`©ó Kg©m~Px wKsev cwiKíbv Abyhvqx fwel¨‡Z †Kvb KvR Pj‡Z _vK‡e †evSv‡Z future continuous Tense nq|

Don’t phone me at 6 a.m. I shall be sleeping then.

N.B.2. fwel¨‡Zi †Kvb KvR wbw`©ó/e¨vcK mg‡qi c~‡e© Avi¤¢ n‡q c‡iI Pj‡Z _vK‡e Giæc †evSv‡Z future continuous Tense nq|

a. The prime minister will be arriving in a few hours.

b. Within ten minutes they will be starting for Dhaka.

The Future perfect tense expresses an action or an event that will be finished before another action or event.

(fwel¨r Kv‡j GKwU Kv‡Ri c~‡e© Aci GKwU KvR m¤§bœ n‡e eySv‡Z Future perfect tense nq A_ev, fwel¨r Kv‡j †Kvb KvR †kl nBqv _vwK‡e eySv‡j, Future perfect tense nq|)


Sub + shall have/ will have + [pic] + --

N.B. 1. Adverb of time A_©vr by this time, by(year/month/time), by the time, by(RW) _vK‡j future perfect nq|

N.B.2. Future perfect + before+ future Indefinite/ present Indefinite

I shall have done (do) the work before he comes.

The future perfect continuous tense indicates an action that will have been going on for a period of time.

[fwel¨r Kv‡j †Kvb KvR wKQz mgq a‡i Pj‡Z _vK‡e eySv‡j, Zv‡K Future perfect continuous tense. e‡j|


sub+ shall have been/ will have been + v( ing) +---

I shall have been doing the sum for two hours before he comes.

N.B. Future perfect continuous tense+ before + present Indefinite/ Future Indefinite .

I shall have been reading (read) a book for two hours before he comes.

Question No. 5: Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs

1. Dhaka Board-16

Football is a favourite game in our country. It (a) ___ (arrange) between two teams (b) ___ (contain) eleven players each. The captains of both team (c) ___ (lead) their groups. This is the most exciting and enjoyable game ever (d) ___ (play) across the world. It (e) ___ (run) for an hour and a half with an interval after half of the time (f) ___ (be) over. Any football tournament (g) ____ (arrange) between two strong teams can be exciting. The result (h) ___ (remain) almost unpredictable till the end because any team might win the other team (i) ___ (score) a goal within seconds. The referee is to see whether rules and order (j) ___ (maintain) by the players.

2. Rajshahi Board-16

Once there (a) ___ (live) an idle king. He (b) ___ (not undergo) physical labour. As a result, he (c) ___ (get) bulky and could not move from one place to another. He (d)---(call) in a doctor. The doctor (e) ___ (be) clever and wise. He did not (d) ___ (prescribe) any medicine for the king. He asked the king to buy a club and (g) ___ (move) it in the air till his hands (h) ___ (get) moistened. The king started (i) ___ (follow) the prescription. Thus, the king (j) ___ (relieve) of his problem.

3. Comilla Board-16

Parents (a) ___ (be) blessings of God to us. When a child (b) ___ (bear), their joys (c) ___ (know) no bounds. They (d) ___ (start) (e) ___ (think) of (f) ___ (nurse) and (g) ____ (bring) up their children. They (h) ___ (remain) safe under the custody of their parents since birth. Parents never mind (i) ___ (take) pains for the upbringing of their off-spring. We (j) ___ never (offend) our parents.

4. Dinajpur Board-16

May events of great importance (a) (take) place during the last century. Significant advances (b) (make) in the field of science and technology. Many European colonies (c) (gain) independence. The movement for democracy (d) (become) prominent in may parts of the world. Two World Wars (e) (break) out in this century. It also (f) (witness) the misuse of atomic energy. Two cities of Japan were completely (g) (destroy) as a result of the dropping of atom bombs. However, the emergence of Bangladesh as an independent nation (h) (become) a momentous event. After a bloody war of nine months Bangladesh (i) (bear). Now we (j) (hold) our heads high in the community of nation.

5. Jessor Board-16

Idle brain is devil’s workshop. If we (a) ___ (waste) our time in idleness, all sorts of evil thoughts will crowd our brain. Idle persons who (b) ___ (kill) their time are burdens of society. They (c) ___ (sit) idle and cherish no high ideal and lofty ambition in life. They (d) ___ (not support) themselves. They (e) ___ (lead) an unhappy life and (f) ___ (suffer) in the long run. There should be time for reading, for office or other work, time for physical exercise, time for recreation and time for prayer. This (g) ___ (indicate) that we should do everything at the right moment. We (h) ___ (lead) a healthy and prosperous life only when we (i) ___ (follow) the routine which we (j) ___ (make) for our guidance.

6. Chittagong Board-16

To err is human. If a man commits crime anytime and repents truly for his misdeed, he may (a) ___ (forgive). But the man who (b) ___ (not, give up) the wrong, (c) ___ (suffer) surely. In the long run, he (d) ___ (will take) to the land of death. The old sailor (e) ___ (be) a wrong-doer in his long journey. He committed a crime (f) ___ (kill) a sea bird (g) ___ (call) Albatross. That crime ultimately (h) ___ (bring) bad luck to them. The ship (i) ___ (leave) in the ice sea. The sun shone over their head. The wind (j) ___ (drop) down. It was a great disaster.

7. Sylhet Board-16

One night the entire village was sleeping. The boy Bayazid Bustami was busy in study. His mother (a) __ (sleep). Suddenly she woke up and (b) ___ (feel) thirsty. (c) ___ (call) her son, she told her son to give her a glass of water and (d) ___ (fall) asleep again. When Bayazid went to the pitcher, he (e) ___(find) it empty. So, he went out with pitcher in search of water. After a while he (f) ___ (come) back home with water and found his mother (g) ___ (sleep). Then he waited (h) ___ (stand) by her bed with a glass of water. He did not make any sound lest she (i) ___ (wake) up. Suddenly his mother woke up and saw him with the glass of water. At once she (j) ___ (understand) what was the matter.

8. Barisal Board-16

There are many people who (a) ___ (not take) physical exercise. They can hardly (b) ___ (realize) that they themselves (c) ___ (ruin) their health. They (d) ___ (fall) victim to many diseases. Life (e) ___ (become) dull to them. They (f) ___ (remain) always ill tempered. We (g) ___ (build) good health and sound mind through physical exercise. Physical exercise (h) ___ (make) our body active and the muscles strong. It also (i) ____ (improve) our power of digestion and blood circulation. It (j) ___ (give) strength to our brain.

1. New Govt. Degree College-15

A few days ago I (a) ___ an interesting football match. It was Friday. It (b) ___ between the top two teams of our country Abahani and Mohammedan. The match (c) ___ me much joy. On the day of the match I (d) ___ to the Dhaka Stadium quite early. I (e) ___ in the line for a long time and (f) ___ a ticket. The game was timed to begin at 4:30 pm. The referees and the players (g) ___ the field in time. The spectators (h) ___ the players from all corners of the field. The captains of the two teams came up, shook hands and tossed the coin. Soon the referee (i) ___ off his whistle and the game started. Both the teams (j) ___ equally strong.

2. Rajshahi Govt. City College-15

After Humayun (a) ___(die) he (b) __ (succeed) by his eldest son, Akhbar. He (c) ___ (be) then fourteen years old, and he (d) ___ (have) a very difficult position to face. But he (e) ___(overcome) the problems one after another with the assistance and advice of Bairan Khan, his guardian. He (f) ___(march) boldly to meet Hemu at Panipath the same year of his ascending the throne. In the battle Hemu (g) ___ (wound), taken prisoner and (h) ___ (kill). After the battle Delhi (i) ___ (capture). The next year Sikander (j) ___(make) his submission.

3. Rahshahi Govt. Women’s College-15

Since the dawn of civilization man (a) ___ (relate) with trees they help us in maintaining the ecological balance which (b) ___ (be) essential for the preservation of life on earth. The importance of trees (c) ___ (increase) significantly and worldwide change of (d) ___(rise) temperature, climate change and environment degradation. Trees and forests (c) ___ (be) gradually diminishing due to unplanned industrialization, urbanized construction of roads and so on. As a result, natural balance (f) ___ (hamper). So (g) ___ (save) mankind, we (h) ___ (plant) more and more plants. Deforestation (i) ___ (discourage) and awareness about the importance of trees (j) ___ (develop) among mass people.

4. Rajshahi University School & College-15

Long long ago there (a)___(live) a widow in a certain village of Bustam. She (b) ___ (have) a son. He was nine years old. She (c) ___ (love) him dearly. The boy also loved and (d) ___ (obey) her very much. One night when the entire village was in sleep, the boy was awake and busy in studies. His beloved mother also (e) ___ (sleep). All on a sudden, she (f) ___ (wake) up and (g) ___(feel) very thirsty. She then (h) ___ (tell) her son with dozing eyes to give her a glass of water and (i) ___ (fall) asleep again. The boy responding to his mother went to the pitcher in the room and (j) ___ (find) it empty.

5. Rajshahi College-15

My 17 birthday ceremony (a) ___ (hold) yesterday. On the occasion the whole house (b) ___ (decorate) very nicely. All the rooms (c) ___ (clean). A dining table (d) ___ (set) in the middle of dining room. Various delicious items of food (e) ___ (cock) by my mother. An order (f) ___ (give) for a birthday cake. The guests who (g) ___ (invite) started to come. They (h) ___ (welcome) by my parents. They (i) ___ (tell) to sit in the drawing room. The cake (j) ___ ( bring) in time.

6. Govt. Azizul Haque College-15

Patriotism is a noble virtue. It (a) ___ (be) an inherent instinct in human nature. A Muslim (b) ___ (regard) it as a part of his faith. It (c) ___ (inspire) a man to shed every drop of blood to (d) ___ (defend) the liberty and honour of his country. A man who (e) ___ (not love) his country is a brute. A true patriot (f) ___ (work) day and night for the progress of his country. Narrow patriotism, however, (g) ___ (be) bad. A man like Hitler (h) ___ (have) such narrow patriotism did a lot of harm to mankind. So patriotism is not enough. We (i) ___ (have) no hatred of malice towards anyone. A true patriot (j) ___ (value) the freedom of others as of his own.

7. Bogra Cantt Public School & College-15

Nature has (a) ___ (give) her wealth to us more generously than to many other countries of the world. Out land (b) ___ (be) soft and fertile. Our farmers who (c) ___ (to have) only simple hand-made tools, can easily dig and (d) ___ (plough) the soil with them. Whereas the soil which (e) ___(be) hard and rocky cannot be so easily (f) ___ (dig) and prepared. We have a great natural advantage too. We can (g) ___ (cultivate) most of our land. Many countries in the world cannot. They have big mountains, many big cities, deserts and waters which have (h) ___ (occupy) much of their cultivable land. But we do not have them. Furthermore ours (i) ___ (be) a tropical country. As a result, our soil (j) ___ (get) enough) sun, ari and water which make it grow better crops.

8. Govt. MR Women’s College-15

I (a) ___ (reach) Dhaka three years ago and (b) ___ (live) with my cousin at Tongi. My cousin (c) ___ (serve) in a govt. office but at the moment he (d) ___ (get) a three year’s training leave. When we last (e) ___ (meet) him, he (f) ___ (work) for his grandfather’s organization. Now he (g) ___ (conduct) a special English course because he (h) ___ (wish) to go to Canada to study. We (i) ___ (go) to enjoy a cricket match together this afternoon. I am (j) ___ (wait) for your reply.

9. RDA Laboratory School & College-15

Atom bomb was first (a) ___ (drop) on Hiroshima and Nagashika in World War II. When the first bomb (b) ___ (fall), the world (c) ___ (know) for the first time that man had, at long last, (d) ___ (be) in possession of a force terrible in all respects. The super human energy had (e) ___ (use) against mankind. One single bomb (f) ___(wipe) out the beautiful town of Hiroshima and another bomb destroyed Nagasaki. There had been many children, women and patients not (g) ___ (concern) in it. Yet they (i) ___ (carry) on their existence anyhow. But one bomb (j) ___ (end) their existence in a second.

10. Police Lines School & College-15

I (a) ___ (reach) Dhaka three years ago and (b) ___ (live) with my cousin at Tongi. My cousin (c) ___ (serve) in a govt. office but at the moment he (d) ___ (get) a three year’s training leave. When we last (e) ___ (meet) him, he (f) ___ (work) for his grandfather’s organization. Now he (g) ___ (conduct) a special English course because he (h) ___ (wish) to go to Canada to study. We (i) ___ (go) to enjoy a cricket match together this afternoon. I am (j) ___ (wait) for your reply.

11. Govt Shaheed Bulbul College-15

Yesterday the result of the HSC Examination (a) ___(publish). I (b) ___ (be) greatly shocked when I did not find your roll number in the newspaper. Had I known it before, I (c)___(not, go) through the result sheet. What is lotted (d) __ (blot). You (e) ___ (not, dishearten) at your failure. Your long illness before your examination (f) ___ (trouble) your studies. Moreover, your mother was sick and you (g) ___ (have) to look after all the household affairs. All these (h) ___ (be) responsible for your failure. You (i) ___ (do) brilliant results in the previous examinations. If you start to work hard from now, next year you (j) ___ (make) again a brilliant result.

12. Al-Hera Academy School & College-15

Students are the future leaders of a country. Besides (a) ___ (be) regular students, they can (b) ___ (take) part in a lot of welfare work for the development of ca country. Particularly in developing countries students have to (c) ___ (render) a great service. Students are, no doubt, conscious citizens and it (d) ___ (be) their foremost duty (e) ___ (make) the people conscious. Student politics (d) ___ (be) very common in the education institutes. Very often they go for mass meetings chant slogans in the national interest. Since the student are very handy, the main political parties (g) ___ (use) them as their tools. So, sometimes students politics (h) ___ (bring) about unexpected consequences. Many students (i) ___ (be) influenced by the evil motive of the political leaders (j) ___ (destroy) their life. They cannot fulfill their main objectives.

13. Naogaon Govt. College-15

Asad (a) ___ (be) a little school boy. One afternoon, he (b) ___ (return) home alone along the road (c) ___ (build) on the dam. At a place on the dam, a sound (d) ___(come) to his ear. He (e) ___ (follow) the sound. He found that it was the sound (f) ___ (make) by water which (g) ___ ( flow) out through a small hole in the dam. He (h) ___ (look) around. There was nobody else. He though that the small hole (f) ___ (grow) bigger, if the water flow (j) ___ (continue).

14. Qadirabad Cantonment Sapper College-15

King Solomon (a) ___ (be) famous for his wisdom. He (b) ___ (bless) with extra-ordinary knowledge and it (c) ___ (be) really beyond people’s imagination. One day the queen of Sheba (d) ___ (want) to test how wise he (e) ___ (be). Solomon (f) ___ (give) two kinds of flowers. One was natural and the other was artificial. As he (g) ___ (have) a close association with nature, he (h) ____ (be) successful (i) ___ (differentiate) between them in this way, his reputation on multidimensional knowledge (j) ___ (spread) all over the world.

1. Rajuk Uttara Model College-15

The prices of essential commodities (a) ___ (go) up by leaps and bounds. All previous records of high prices (b) ___ (break). Rice, fish, meat, chicken, kerosene oil, edible oils and vegetables (c) ___ (sell) at unusual high prices which hit the low-income groups most. Though the price of rice and vegetable (d) ___(go) down recently due to season’s new rice and vegetables, one kilo of soyabean oil, sold at taka 106 one month back, is now (e) ___ (sell) at 125 taka. Similarly, the price of kerosene oil now (f) ___ (bring) sufferings to the villagers. The hoarders are responsible for this. Strict measures (g) ___ (take) by the government to curb the hoarders’ ill-motive which (h) ___ (create) artificial crisis of essential commodities. Government already (i) ___ (make) open sale arrangement of rice to check the price hike of rice and as such it is now under control. But the price of sugar, washing soap, onion, garlic and other spices are beyond the capacity of common people. The authorities concerned (j) ___ (look) into the matter and take strict measures so that the prices of essential commodities remain within the reach of common men.

2. Viqarunnisa Noonn School & College-15

It is high time we (a) ___ (use) or brain about the cause of dowry. The issues of dowry (b) ___ (have) be considered in view of country’s socio economic, cultural, political circumstances. United efforts (c) ___ (require) to put an end to violence against women. A specific framework must be (d) ___ (draw) up to be (e) ___ (implement). Anyway, we can hope that dowry (f) ___ (come) to an end in the time to come. We dare to (g) ___ (hope) so because our girls are being (h) ___ (educate) day by day. Parents mentality (i) ___ (change) gradually. People (j) ___ (be) more conscious.

3. Notre Dame College-15

Today either Rahim or one of his close aides (a) ___ (prefer) not to have the leader seated at the head table where he will be conspicuous. But the leader ignores their recommendation that he (b) ___ (stop) sitting there. His father, who was killed in the line of duty, became a hero to fellow railroad workers and (c) ___ (immortalize) by his father not to sit back in any deed. Rahim fails to make the leader (e) ___ (listen) to him and objects to (f) ___ (sit) there. The leader replies that his father had him (g) ___ (sit) forword always. ‘does he (h) ___ (has) a common sense? I wish I (i) ___ (meet) him last night. I do not usually digest this kind of behavior but I (j) ___ (get) used to it’ says Rahim to his aides.

4. Ideal School & College-15

People welcome the rainy season heartily. The sun (a) ___ (shine) hotly in the summer. Ponds, lakes and canals get (b) ___ (dry). There is scarcity of water. People have a sigh of relief. In the rainy season. The sky (c) ___ (remain) cloudy. The earth and the roads (d) ___ (be) wet and muddy. People (e) ___ (move) easily. Bangladesh is mainly an agricultural country. If there is sufficient rains, the joy of the farmers (f) ___ (know) no bounds. They plough their lands and sow seeds in time. Our farmers (g) ___ (reap) a good harvest if there is insufficient rain or if it (h) ___ (rain) in time. Without rain water jute and paddy cannot grow. The late autumn (i) ___ (follow) by winter. Winter (j) ___ (look) gloomy and foggy.

5. Dhaka Residential Model College-15

Patriotism is a very noble virtue. It (a) ___ (inspire) a man to do everything just and fair for the well being and betterment of the country. It (b) ___ (be) the quality that impels a man to sacrifice his own interest, comfort, pleasure and even his life for the sake of his country. Patriotic zeal (c) ___ (make) a man dutiful, energetic and enthusiastic. He (d) ___ (obey) the laws, pays taxes and (e) ___ (think) for the country. Patriotism (f) ___ (teach) a man fellow feeling, fratemity and love and sympathy for the countrymen. A patriot is also (g) ___ (praise) and (h) ___ (honor) by his countrymen. An unpatriotic man, on the other hand, is an ignoble person. He is self-centered. He (i) ___ (engage) all his time in achieving his mean end. He (j) ___ (cause) harm to the country by his unyielding and reckless activities.

6. Holy Cross College-15

Doctor Gulliver always loved adventure. When he (a) ___ (offer) the position of ship’s doctor, he (b) ___ (accept) it. In May 1699, the young doctor boarded the sailing ship “Antelope”. For many weeks all went well. But one day a terrible storm arose. The “Antelope” (c) ___ (catch) in the waves and sank. What (d) ___ (happen) to his shipmasters, he never knew. But he himself managed to swim to an island. He dragged himself up on the shore and (e) ___ (fall) into a deep sleep. He slept for a long time. He woke up and (f) ___ (try) to stand up. But he (g) ___ (move). He discovered that his hands and feet (h) ___ (fasten) down. Then he (i) ___ (horrify) to feel some small creatures (j) ___ (creep) on his left leg up to his chest.

7. Dhaka College-15

It was twenty years ago and I (a) ___ (live) in Paris. I had a tiny apartment in the Latin quarters (b) ___ (overlook) a cemetery, and I (c) ___ (earn) barely enough money (d) ___ (keep) body and soul together. She had read a book of mine and (e) ___ (write) to me about it. I answered (f) ___ (thank) her, and presently I (g) ___ (receive) from her another letter (h) ___ (say) that she (i) ___(pass) through Paris and (j) ___ (like) to have a chat with me.

8. Dhaka City College-15

Most of the garment factories (a) ___ (situate) in Dhaka city. Currently 8000 workers (b) ___ (employ) in these factories and 90% of the workers are women. But no attempt (c) ___ (make) so far to provide shelters to the women garments workers. Rooms (d) ___ (rent) by small groups of four to eight persons and a hgh amount of money is spent for the purpose. Serious trouble in (e) ___ (find) our shelter is faced by a single garment worker. Her miseries can (f) ___ (not, describe) in words. Recently a step (g) ___ (take) to solve this proble to some extent. Some hostels for women garment workers (h) ___ (establish) by the ‘Nari Uddog Kendra’. Safe housing and furnished accommodation (i) ____ (provide) by these hostels. If the government and private sectors come forward, the acute shelter problem of women garment workers in Dhaka city (j) ___ (solve) to a great extent.

9. Dhaka Commerce College-15

The destruction of forest and other habitats (a) ___ (be) causing the extinction of various plants and animals everyday. These losses are particularly severe in the areas of tropical forest (b) ___ (cover) only 7% of the surface of the globe. Many wild animals and birds are (c) ___ (face) with the threat of extinction today. Their decline (d) __ (accelerate) by the destruction of their feeding and nesting places and above all, by the widespread use of chemical and pesticides which (e) ___ (enter) their food chains (f) ___ (lead) to sterility and mass deaths. Hunting of birds and animals (g) ___ (be) another cause of their extinction whale hunting has also drastically (h) ___ (reduce) the number of blue whales in the Atlantic ocean. We know that all species are important for (i) ___ (maintain) ecological balance. If one is lost, the whole natural environment (j) ___ (change).

10. Lalmatia Mohila College-15

By the year 2016 we (a) ___ (take) our final board exam. Day by day our tension (b) ___ (grow) higher and higher as the exam is approaching. It is high time we (c) ___ (prepare) ourselves for the final test. Had we been a bit careful, we (d) ___ (finish) our syllabus fairly well. However, when our parents want to (e) ___ (know) how our preparation is we answered as though we (f) ___ (learn) all the chapters of all books just to convince them. Now, time (g) ___ (come) to give up our bad habits. We will awake, raise and not stop until we get (h) ___ (admit) into a university, a good result is (i) ___ (achieve) and our success is not (j) ___ (accomplish).

11. Milestone College-15

In 2002 Milestone college (a) ___ (establish). Since then it (b) ___ (play) an important role in education. The institute has a campus in Diabari in Uttara which (c) ___ (look) very beautiful. There (d) ___ (be) many buildings where the students (e) ___ (attend) classes. Many students (f) ___ (live) in the hostels. The college management (g) ___ (maintain) the campus very nicely. The metro rail project (h) ___ (be) under way. When the project will start (i) ___ (function) the students (j) ___ (enjoy) a great opportunity of movement.

12. Begum Badrunnesa Govt. Girls College-15

Florence Nightinangle (a) ___ (not like) easy and pleasant occupation of society. Instead of going out to parties, she (b) ___ (visit) London hospitals and studied how sick people (c) ___ (nurse) back to health and strength. She (d) ___ (shock) at the roughness and stupidity of those hospitals. She went to Germany and France. She learned there everything about nursing. She (e) ___ (return) to England. Just then the Crimean War broke out, English soldiers (f) ____ (go) out singing to death. But dreadful stories came home of wounded men being left to die. Everybody felt that something heroic must be (g) ___ (do) to put a stop to the sufferings of the brave soldiers. That was (h) ___ (do) by Florence Nightinangle. She went to Crimea with 40 nurses. In a few months she (i) ___ (bring) order and comfort into what (j) ___ (have) utter chaos and unspeakable misery.

13. Motijheel School & College-15

My 17th birthday ceremony (a) ___ (hold) yesterday. On the occasion the whole house (b) ___ (decorate) very nicely. All the rooms (c) ____ (clean). A dinning table (d) ___ (set) in the middle of the dinning room. Various delicious items of food (e) ___ (cook) by my mother. An order (f) ___ (give) for a birthday cake. The guests who (g) ___ (invite) started to come. They (h) ___ (welcome) by my parents. They (i) ___ (take) to sit in the drawing room. The cake (j) ___ (bring) in time and kept on the dinning table.

14. Birshrestha Munshi Abdur Rouf Public College-15

English (a) ___ (consider) as a ‘lingua franca’ all over the world. So, without (b) ___ (have) a hood command over it, we will lag behind. The language (c) ___ (use) as official or semi-official language in more than 60 countries. Consequently, with a view to (d) ___ (keep) pace with the advanced world, we can’t help (e) ___ (learn) English effectively. But, to learn it effectively some drastic steps (f) ___ (materialize. For example, firstly, we had better (g) ____ (ensure) a sound English environment both at home and in class. Secondly, we must (h) ___ (emphasize) on creating skilled and qualified teachers (i) ___ (provide) proper training. Besides the teaching materials needed for effective English class should be ensured. It is time we (j) ___ (try) hard to meet up the requirement to teach and learn English effectively.

15. Govt Bangla College-15

‘Pahela Boishak’ (a) ___ (be) the first day of Bangla new year. The day is a public holiday. This day (b) ___ (have) a special significance for us as it (c) ___ (form) a part of Banglaee culture and tradition. People from all walks of life, irrespective of their ethnic identity or religious beliefs, (d) ___ (celebrate) the day with traditional festivities. On this day, the whole of Bangladesh is in a festival mood. The day (e) ___ (inspire) people to start life with renewed hopes and inspirations. Every year the day is celebrated traditionally. People (f) ___ (wake) up early in the morning, have a bath and (g) ___ (wear) their traditional clothes. Yong women wear white saris with red borders and (h) ___ (adorn) themselves with colourful churis and flowers, while men (i) ___ (dress) themselves with pajamas and panjabis. It is a day when people (j) ___ (love) eating traditional food.

16. BAF Shaheen College-15

Dowry (a) ___ (regard) as a great curse in our society. It may (b) ___ (compare) to cancer that is (c) ___ (increase) in our society at a great speed. The fathers of the brides (d) ___ (victimize) for dowry. If steps (e) ___ (take) against those greedy people, it (f) ___ (grasp) our society. It is mainly (g) ___ (see) in the rich and educated society who (h) ___ (take) dowry as their right. So we have to (i) ___ (develop) morality. The culprits should (j) ___ (punish) to control it. Otherwise it will be a society of torture and exploitation.

17. BCIC College-15

Co-operation means (a) ___ (to work) together for the benefit of all. Without co-operation modern society (b) ___ (exit). Co-operation (c) ___ (see) at its best among farmers in the dry regions of some parts of Australia and America. The fields (d) ___ (irrigate) in these regions. Crops cannot be groun without water. Water (e) ___ (bring) to the fields without streams being tapped higher up. For this purpose canals and dams (f) ___ (build). The canals have been cut through the fields of more than one farmer. Those who (g) ___ (live) higher up the valley than the others (h) ___(allow) to build canals through their land in order to carry water to the fields of farmers lower down. In times of drought all (i) ___ (be) able to share the water. Instead of taking all water for themselves the farmers on the higher land leave enough for their neighbours down the valley. Farming in dry areas (j) ___ (make) possible by such co-operation. By co-operation farmers have learned to make even the desert produce crops.

18. Ideal College, Dhanmondi-15

Patriotism (a) ___ (be) a noble virtue. It (b) ___ (refer) to those qualities which (c) ___ (make) a man great. Patriots (d) ___ (devote) their lives for the well being of their country. On the contrary, those who (e) ___ (be) devoid of patriotic zeal (f) ____ (be) self-centered ones. They are the vile person who (g) ___ (feel) no scruples to plot against the country. They should be (h) __ (mark) well for they can cause any harm to the country. An unpatriotic person never (i) ___ (hesitate) to exchange the interest on the country for his own interest. But the true patriots are always ready to (j) ___ (dedicate) their lives for the sake of their country.

19. Govt. Science College-15

When I (a) ___ (enter) the restaurant, I found that it (b) ___ (be) quite crowded. I took a seat and (c) ___ (order) my meal. While I (d) ___ (wait) for my rice and fish to arrive, I looked around to see if there (e) ___ (be) anyone in the restaurant whom I (f) ___ (know). Then I noticed a man (g) ____ (sit) at a corner table near the door. He kept (h) ___ (glance) in my direction as if he knew me. But I was sure I had never (i) ___ (see) him. He was pretending to read it, but actually he was keeping an eye on me all the time.

1. Cantt Public School & College, BUSMS-15

My 17th birthday ceremony (a) ___ (hold) yesterday. On the occasion the whole house (b) ___ (become) very nicely. All the rooms (c) ___ (clean). A dining table (d) ___(set) in the middle of the dinning room. Various delicious items of food (e) ___ (cook) by my mother. An order (f) ___ (give) for a birthday cake. The gust who (g) ___ (invite) started to come. They (h) ___ (welcome) by my parents. They (i) ___ (tell) to sit in the drawing room. The cake (j) ___ (bring) in time and kept on the dinning table.

2. Rangpur Govt. College-15

An Emperor (a) ___ (tell) that some of his subjects in a distant province (b) ___ (revolt) against him. “Come then,” (c) ___ (say) he, “(d) ___ (follow) me and I (e) ___ (destroy) the enemies.” He (f) ___ (march) against the enemies but they (g) ___ (submit) to the emperor on his arrival. All now (h) ___(expect) that the emperor would punish them severely. But instead of (i) ___ (do) so, the emperor (j) ___ (treat) the subjects with mildness and humanity.

3. Police Lines School & College-15

Many events of great importance (a) ___ (take) place during the last century. Significant advances were (b) ___ (make) in the field of science and technology. Many European colonies (c) ___ (gain) independence. The movement for democracy (d) ___ (become) prominent in many parts of the world. Two world wars (e) ___ (break) out in this century. It also (f) ___ witness) the misuse of atomic energy. Two cities of Japan were completely (g) ___ (destroy) as a result of the dropping of atom bombs. However, the emergence of Bangladesh as an independent nation (h) ___ (be) a momentous event. After a bloody war of nine month Bangladesh (i) ___ (bear). Now, we (j) ___ (hold) our heads high in the community of nations.

4. Thakurgaon Govt. College-15

Most of the people who (a) ___ (appear) most often and most gloriously in the pages of history (b) ___ (be) great conquerors and generals and soldiers, whereas the people who (c) ___ (help) civilization forward are often never (d) ___ (mention) at all. We do not know who first (e) ___ (set) a broken leg, or launched a sea worthy boat or (f) __ (calculate) the length of a year, but we (g) ___ (know) all about the killers and destroyers. People think a great deal of them. So much so that on all the highest pillars in the great cities of the world you (h) ___ (fine) figures of conqueror or general or a soldier. And I think that most people (i) ___ (believe) that the greatest countries are those that (j) ___ (beat) in the battle the greatest number of countries and ruled over them as conquerors.

5. Lions School & College, Saidpur-15

Rangamati (a) ___ (be) one of the ideal places for holiday makers. It is a districts (b) ___ (endow) with a lot of natural and scenic beauties. As soon as a traveler (c) ___ (cross) the outskirts of Chittagong districts and (d) ___ (start) upwards the north of the city, he or she (e) ___ (surround) by a number of lush green hills. Rangamati (f) ___ (consider) a major holiday destination for visitors from home and abroad. People usually (g) ___ (go) to Chittagong, Cox’s Bazar and other places in Bangladesh but Rangamati (h) ___ (be) still almost (i) ___ (untouched) and (j) ___ (unexplored).

6. Saidpur Govt Technical College-15

Within the last century, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (a) ___ (increase) dramatically because people (b) ___ (burn) vast amounts of fossils, coal and petroleum. Averge global temperature (c) ___ (to have) also increased by about 0.6 degree Celsius within the past century. Scientists (d) ___ (find) that human activities (e) ___ (be) responsible for at least half of the temperature increase. They (f) ___ (predict) that unless drastic action (g) ___ (take), global temperature (h) ___ (continue) to rise by 1.45 to 0.8 degree Celsius over the next century. This rise in atmospheric temperature will make the polar caps (i) ___ (melt). If it happens, the low lands of many countries including Bangladesh will be (j) ___ (submerge).

7. Majida Khatun Govt. Women’s College-15

Discipline (a) ___ (mean) obedience to some sorts of rules and regulations. It (b) ___ (aim) at the (c) ___ (maintain) of rules and regulations, accommodation, harmony, order and like. From the very beginning of man’s life on earth, man (d) ___ (feel) the need of maintaining an order and ultimately (e) ___ (evolve) human society. Discipline (f) ___(see) in nature. Every morning the sun rises in the east, day (g) ___ (follow) night, birds sing and the plants (h) ___ (blossom). If there (i) ___ (be) no discipline in nature, there (j) ___ (be) a chaos everywhere.

1. Hamidpur AL-Hera Degree College-15

Aloevera (a) ___ (be) a tropical plant with thick leaves. Its thick leaves (b) ___ (fill) with a liquid which (c) ___ (use) to make medicine, cosmetics etc. Medicines, cosmetics and other things (d) ___ (make) from alovera extracts have rejuvenating, healing and soothing properties. Aloevera (e) ___ (be) effective at (f) ___ (reduce) the pain of cancer sores and (g) ___ (help) them to go away faster. Aloevera gel (h) ___ (have) anti-obesity effects. One (i) ___ (become) slim and slender by using aloevera gel. Aloevera (j) ___ (provide) relief to persons experiencing symptoms of burring mouth syndrome.

2. BAF Shaheen College-15

In Latin America the handshake (a) ___ (think) of as an impersonal greeting or farewell. It (b) ___ ( consider) cold and unfriendly for two men only (c) ___ (shake) hands if they (d) __ (be) good friends. A somewhat more friendly gesture (e) ___ (be) the left hand (f) ___(place) on another man’s shoulder during a handshake. An intimate and warm greeting (g) ___ (mean) the double abrazo, in which two men (h) ___ (embrace) by (i) ___ (place) their arms around each other’s shoulders. During conversation a Latin American man frequently (f) ___ (hold) the other person’s arm with his hands.

3. Cantonment Public School & College-15

|Perform |Study |Know |Be |

|Remove |Misuse |Lessen |Return |

|Train |Develop |Make |Render |

Students (a) ___ the future leaders and makers of the nation. Study is the main pursuit of the students, to be sure, but they (b) ___ themselves in (c) ___ the duties and responsibilities to be imposed on them just after their (d) ___ from the educational institutions. While (e) ___ , they should also render some social services. It (f) ___ their dormant qualities, foster their capabilities and help them (g) ___ egoism, narrowness, bigotry and widen their outlook. For example: In times of natural disasters, many people (h) ___ homeless. Then their sufferings (i) ___ no bounds. Students main pursuit then should be to stand by them and try their utmost (j) ___ their miseries.

4. Khulna Govt. Girl’s College-15

Human life (a) ___ (be) not static but dynamic. A man (b) ___ (reach) the highest peak of success if he (c) ___ (participate) in extra co-curricular activities. Traveling (d) ___ (be) also an important part of co-curricular activities. It (c) ___ (be) traveling which (f) ___ (enrich) our knowledge and (g) ___ (promote) our attitudes. Therefore, traveling (h) ___ (provide) knowledge and practical experience. It can be clearly (i) ___ (say) that our knowledge can be(j) __ (mobilize) by traveling the different corners of the vast globe.

5. Govt. Pioneer Girl’s College-15

Books (a) ___ (possess) an essence of immortality. They (b) ___ (be) the most precious products of human efforts. Temples crumble into ashes. Pictures and statues decay; but books (c) ___ (survive). Time is of no account for great thoughts which are as fresh today as they (d) ___ (be) when came through the author’s minds ages ago. What (e) ___ (be) then thought or said still (f) ___ (speak) to us. Books (g) ___ (introduce) us to the best society; they bring us into the presence of the noblest minds that have every (h) ___ (live). We wear what they (i) ___ (think) or said. We see them as if they (j ___ (be) really alive.

6. Khulna Collegiate Girl’s School & College-15

During the last autumn vacation I (a) ___ (get) such an opportunity to visit Bagerhat, a great historical place. There I (b) ___ (see) the Mazar of Khan Jahan Ali. It is a fine one storied building. It has a beautiful dome. Hazrat Khan Jahan Ali (c) ___ (bury) there. The tomb (d) ___ (make) of cut of stones. It can not be accurately (e) ___ (say) where from these stones (f) ___ (bring). On the tomb there (g) ___ (be) inscriptions in Arabic. An inscription (h) ___ (say) that he (i) ___ (die) on 25th October, 1459. There is a small mosque nearby. A close associate of Khan Jahan Ali. (j) ___ (bury) outside the tomb.

1. Comilla Victoria Govt. College-15

Early in his life, Kazi Nazrul Islam, the most notable Muslim poet of modern Bengal, (a) ___ (edit) and (b) ___ (publish) a weekly Bengali journal (c) ___ (name) “Dhumketu”, the comet. The name (d) ___(be) symbolical of his whole career. He (e) ___ (make) his first appearance on the firmament of Bengali literature like a comet and at once (f) ___ (capture) the admiration of all lovers of poet, and after a brilliant but short cut career as a poet made his exit, also like a comet. His poems (g) ___ (bear) the stamp of a distinct and vigorous personality and he sounded a note not (h) ___ (hear) before in the long history of Bengali literature. He (i) ___ (hail) by Hindus and Muslims alike. He (j) ___ (be) in the memory of every Bengali forever.

2. Ispahani Public School & College-15

Nowadays women (a) ___ a lot to the national economy. In the past, the society (b) ___ them to come out of doors. They (c) ___ confined within the four walls of the house. At present they (d) ___ part in various sectors. Many women (e) ___ in teaching and administration. They (f) ___ with their male partners. As they (g) ___ almost half of our total population, they cannot be (h) ___ anyway. Nowadays they are being (i) ___ through many incentives. It is undoubtedly a very good sign that can (j) ___ by all.

3. Comilla Govt. College-15

There are many people who (a) ___ (not, take) physical exercise. They can hardly (b) ___ (realize) that they themselves (c) ___ (ruin) their health. They (d) ___ (fail) victim to many diseases. Life (e) ___ (become) dull to them. They (f) ___ (be) ill tempered. It needs no telling the importance of physical exercise. We (g) ___ (build) good health and sound mind through physical exercise. Physical exercise (h) ___ (make) our body active and the muscles strong. It also (i) ___ (improve) or power of digestion and blood circulation. It (j) ___ (give) strength to our brain.

4. Comilla Commerce College-15

Truthfulness is one of the greatest virtues which (a) ___ (make) a man really great. A man (b) ___ (trust) by others if he (c) ___ (cultivate) the habit of (d) ___ (speak) the truth. A man who (e) ___(trust) by anybody can (f) ___ (gain) any position. A man can (g) ___ (achieve) his ends once or twice by (h) ___ (tell) lies but no permanent gain (i) ___ (come) out of such success. It must come to light sooner or later. Then the real character of the liar gets (j) ___ (expose) and nobody trusts him anymore.

5. Comilla Shikkha Board Model College-15

A proverb goes that time and tide wait for none. None (a) __ (call) it back. A man (b) ___ (get) back his lost money and health but cannot get back his lost time. Time once lost (c) ___ (lose) forever. So we (d) ___ (make) the best use of our time. We (e) ___ (do) our work in time. If we put off our work for tomorrow, we may not get time to do it at all. There are some people who waste time for nothing. They cannot prosper in life. They (f) ___ (depend) on others. If we read the biography of the great men, we (g) ___ (realize) it. They (h)____(not waste) a single moment uselessly. They (i) ___ (be) very industrious from their childhood. We can prosper in life only by (j) ___ (follow) their life.

6. Sonar Bangla College-15

Michael Jackson (a) ___ (pass) away on 25th June, 2009. the death news (b) ___ (spread) like wild fire. Jackson (c) ___ (show) his musical talent early in his life (d) ___ (perform) in over the world. He (i) ___ (inspire) the youngsters all over the world. He (f) ___ (release) albums with a view to (g) ___ (establish) a new image. His glittering career (h) ___ (had) him to be the king of pop. Thousands of fans (i) ___ (pay) him respect arriving at staple centre in Los Angles. He was (j) ___ (bid) an emotional farewall by millions of fans.

7. Mosharraf Hossain Khan Chowdhury University College-15

Dowry (a) ___ (regard) as a great curse in our society. It may (b) ___ (compare) to cancer that is (c) ___ (increasing) in our society at a great speed. The fathers of the brides (d) ___ (victimize) for dowry. If steps (e) ___ (be) not taken against those greedy people, it (f) ___ (grasp) our society. It is mainly (g) ___ (see) in the rich and educated society who (h) ___ (take) dowry as their right. So we have to (i) ___ (develop) morality. The culprits should (j) ___ (punish) to control it.

8. Brahmanbaria Govt College-15

Time and tide (a) ___ (wait) for none. It (b) ___ (go) on and on. It not (c) ___ (take) any rest. It is never constant. Time once gone for ever. Lost health may be (d) ___ (regain) by medicine and proper caring and nursing, lost wealth by dint of hard labour but lost time cannot be (e) ___(recover) by any means because nobody (f) ___ (stop) the ceaseless onward march of time. Success in life (g) ___ (depend) on the best use of time. If we (h) ____ (make) a proper division of our time and (i) ___ (do) our duties accordingly, we are sure that we would be able to march in life and (j) ___ (reach) the cherished goal of our life.

9. Brahmanbaria Govt women’s College-15

One day some sacks of wheat were being (a) ____ (take) to a mill by a farmer. On the way the horse stumbled and one of the sacks fell to the ground. It (b) ___ (not lift) by the farmer. He was looking for a man by whom he might be (c) ___ (help). Suddenly a man (d) ____ (see) coming towards him. He thought that he might not (e) ____ (help) by the man. When the man came nearer, he hound that the man very (f) ___ (be)known to him. The helpless condition of the farmer (g) ___ (understand) by the man. So, he got down from the horse. Both of them hold the sack and thus the sack (h) ___ (lift) and it (i) ___ (place) on the horse back. The farmer (j) ___ (be) pleased with the man.

10. Nabinagar Govt. College-15

The government has (a) ___ (decide) to introduce creative question method in the HSC and equivalent exams from 2012. the method (b) ___ (apply) in the SSC Examination this year. A circular (c) ___ (issue) by the education ministry said that the examination of Bangla 1st will be (d) ___ (hold) under the new method. According to the creative question method, each question in the narrative section (e) ___ (have) four segments of a particular topic. Textbooks (f) ___ (contain) any sample question about the segments and students who have thoroughly (g) ___ (study) the books (h) ___ (answer) those questions. Around 4,500 Bangla teachers at the colleges across the country will be (i) ___ (train) on the new method by next month, the circular (j) ___ (say).

11. Chandpur Govt. College-15

Today, we (a) ___ (be) a free nation. We (b) ___ (have) to take great pains to take freedom. Our War of Liberation (c) ___ (take) place in 1971. People of all walks of life (d) ___ (come) forward and got (e) ___ (involve) in the war directly or indirectly. Many a man (f) ___ (kill) in the battle field. They (g) ___ (flee) from the battle field (h) ____ (show) their backs. Rather all of them (i) ____ (contribute) much to (j) ___ (achieve) independence.


1. [Dhaka Board-16] (a) is arranged; (b) containing; (c) lead; (d) played; (e) runs; (f) is; (g) arranged; (h) remains; (i) scoring; (j) are maintained.

2. [Rajshahi Board-16] (a) lived; (b) did not undergo; (c) got; (d) called; (e) was; (f) prescribe; (g) move; (h) got; (i) following/to follow; (j) was relieved.

3. [Comilla Board] (a) are; (b) is born; (c) know; (d) start; (e) to think/thinking; (f) nursing; (g) bringing; (h) remain; (i) taking; (j) should offend.

4. [Dinajpur Board-16] (took; (b) were made; (c) gained; (d) became; (e) brook; (f) witnessed; (g) destroyed; (h) became; (i) was born; (j) can hold/hold.

5. [Jessore Board-16] (a) waste; (b) kill; (c) sit; (d) cannot support; (e) lead; (f) suffer; (g) indicated; (h) can lead; (i) follow; (j) make.

6. [Chittagong Board-16] (a) be forgiven; (b) does not give up; (c) suffers/will; (d) will be taken; (e) was; (f) killing; (g) called; (h) brought; (i) was left; (j) dropped.

7. [Sylhet Board-16] (a) was sleeping; (b) felt; (c) Calling; (d) fell; (e) found; (f) came; (g) sleeping; (h) standing; (i) should wake up; (j) understood.

8. [Barisal Board-16] (a) do not take; (b) realize; (c) are ruining/ruin; (d) fall; (e) becomes; (f) remain; (g) can build; (h)makes; (i) improves; (j) gives.

ivRkvnx †ev‡W©i wbe©vPbx cixÿvi cÖ‡kœi mgvavbt

1. [New Govt. Degree] (a) enjoye/experienced/saw; (b) was played; (c) gave; (d) went; (e) stood; (f) bought/got; (g) entered; (h) encouraged; (i) blew; (j) were.

2. [Rajshahi Govt. City] (a) had died; (b) was succeeded; (c) was; (d) had; (e) overcame; (f) marched; (g) was wounded;(h) was killed; (i) was captured; (j) made.

3. [Rashahi Govt. Women’s] (a) are related; (b) is; (c) has increased; (d) rising; (e) are; (f) is hampered; (g) to save; (h) should plant; (i) should be discouraged; (j) should be developed.

4. [Rajshahi University School & College] (a) lived; (b) had; (c) loved; (d) obeyed; (e) was sleeping; (f) woke; (g) felt; (h) told; (i) fell; (j) found.

5. [Rajshahi College] a) was held; b) was decorated; c) were cleaned; d) was set’ e) were cooked; f) was given; g) were invited; h) were welcomed; i) were told; j) was brought.

6. [Govt. Azizul Haque] (a) is; (b) regards; (c) inspires; (d) defend; (e) does not love; (f) works; (g) is; (h) having; (i) should have; (j) values.

7. [Bogra Cantt public] (a) given; (b) is; (c) have; (d) plough; (e) is; (f) dug; (g) cultivate; (h) occupied; (i) is; (j) gets.

8. [Govt. MR Women] (a) reached; (b) have been living; (c) serves;(d) has got; (e) met; (f) was working; (g) is conduction; (h) wishes; (i) will go; (j) waiting.

9. [RDA Laboratory] (a) dropped; (b) fell; (c) knew; (d) been; (e) been used; (f) wiped; (g) concerned; (h) been caught; (i) carried; (j) ended.

10. [Police Line] (a) reached; (b) have been living; (c) serves; (d) has got; (e) met; (f) was working; (g) is conducting; (h) wishes; (i) will go; (j) waiting.

11. [Govt. Shaheed Bulbul] (a) was published; (b) was; (c) would not have gone; (d) cannot be blotted; (e) should not get disheartened; (f) troubled;(g)had; (h) are; (i) did; (j) will make.

12. [Al-Hera Academy] (a) being; (b) take; (c) render; (d) is; (e) to make; (f) is; (g) use; (h) brings; (i) being; (j) destroy.

13. [Naogaon Govt.] (a) is; (b) was returning; (c) built; (d) came; (e) followed; (f) made; (g) flowed; (h) looked; (i) would grow; (j) continued.

14. [Qadirabad Cantonment Sapper] (a) was; (b) was blessed; (c) was; (d) wanted; (e) was; (f) was given; (g) had; (h) was; (i) to differentiate/in differentiating; (j) spread.

XvKv †ev‡W©i wbe©vPbx cixÿvi cÖ‡kœi mgvavbt

1. [Rajuk Uttara] (a) are going; (b) have been broken; (c) are being sold/are sold; (d) has gone; (e) being sold; (f) is bringing; (g) should be taken; (h) creates; (i) has made; (j) should look.

2. [Viqarunneisa Noon] (a) used; (b) have to; (c) are required; (d) drawn; (e) implemented; (f) will come; (g) hope; (h) educated; (i) is changing; (j) are being/getting.

3. [Notre Dame] (a) prefers; (b) will stop/would stop; (c) was immortalized; (d) is encouraged; (e) listen; (f) sitting; (g) sat; (h) have; (i) could meet; (j) am getting.

4. [Ideal School & College] (a) shines; (b) dried; (c) remains; (d) are; (e) cannot move; (f) knows; (g) cannot reap; (h) does not rain; (i) is followed; (j) looks.

5. [Dhaka Residential Model] (a) inspires; (b) is; (c) makes; (d) obeys; (e) thins; (f) teaches; (g) praised; (h) honored; (i) engages; (j) causes.

6. [Holy Cross] (a) was offered; (b) accepted; (c) was caught; (d) happened; (e) fell; (f) tried; (g) could not move; (h) were fastened; (i) was horrified; (j) creeping.

7. [Dhaka College] (was living; (b) overlooking; (c) was earning; (d) to keep; (e) had written; (f) thanking; (g) received; (h) saying; (i) was passing; (j) would like.

8. [Dhaka City College] (a) are situated; (b) are employed; (c) has been made; (d) are rented; (e) finding; (f) not be described; (g) has been taken; (h) have been established; (i) are provided; (j) can be solved.

9. [Dhaka Commerce] (a) is; (b) covering; (c) faced; (d) has been accelerated; (e) enter; (f) leading; (g) is; (h) reduced; (i) maintaining; (j) changes will be changed.

10. [Lalmatia Mohila] (a) will have taken; (b) is growing; (c) prepared; (d) could have finished; (e) know; (f) had learnt; (g) has come; (h) admitted; (i) achieved; (j) accomplished.

11. [Milestone College] (a) was established; (b) has been playing; (c) looks; (d) are; (e) attend; (f) live; (f) maintains; (h) is; (i) functioning; (j) will enjoy.

12. [Begum Badrunnesa] (a) did not like; (b) used to visit; (c) were nursed; (d) was shocked; (e) returned; (f) went; (g) done; (g) done; (i) brought; (j) had.

13. [[Motijheel Model] (a) was held; (b) was decorated; (c) were; (d) was set; (e) were cooked; (f) was given; (g) were invited; (h) were welcomed; (i) were taken; (j) was brought.

14. [Birshrestha Munshi] (a) is considered; (b) having; (c) is used;(d) keeping; (e) learning; (f) need to be materialized/should be materialized; (g) ensure; (h) emphasize; (i) providing; (j) tried.

15. [Govt. Bangla College] (a) is, (b) has, (c) forms, (d) celebrate, (e) inspires, (f) wake, (g) wear, (h) adorn, (i) dress, (j) love.

16. [BAF Shaheen College] (a) is regarded, (b) be compared, (c) increasing, (d) are victimized, (e) are not taken, (f) will grasp, (g) seen, (h) take, (i) develop, (j) be punished.

17. [BCIC College] (a) working, (b) cannot exist,(c) is seen, (d) are irrigated, (e) is brought, (f) have been built, (g) live, (h) are allowed, (i) are, (j) is made.

18. [Ideal College-Dhanmondi] (a) is, (b) refers, (c) make, (d) devote, (e) are, (f) are, (g) feel, (h) marked, (i) hesitates, (j) dedicate.

19. [Govt. Science College] (a) entered, (b) was, (c) ordered, (d) was waiting, (e) was, (f) knew, (g) sitting, (h) glancing, (i) seen, (j) had.

w`bvRcyi †ev‡W©i K‡j‡Ri wbe©vPbx cixÿvi cÖkœt

1. [Cannt Public] (a) was held, (b) was decorated, (c) were cleaned, (d) was set, (e) were cooked, (f) was given, (g) were invited, (h) were welcomed, (i) were told, (j) was brought.

2. [Rangpur Govt.] (a) was told, (b) had revolted, (c) said, (d) Follow, (e) will destroy, (f) marched, (g) did not submit, (h) expected,(i) doing, (j) treated.

3. [Police Line] (a) took, (b) made, (c) gained, (d) became, (e) broke, (f) witnessed,(g) destroyed, (h) was, (i) was born, (j) hold.

4. [Thakurgaon Govt.] (a) appear, (b) are, (c) helped, (d) mentioned, (e) set, (f) calculated,(g) know, (h) find, (i) believe, (j) have beaten.

5. [Lion’s School & College] (a) is, (b) endowed, (c) crosses, (d) starts, (e) is surrounded, (f) is considered,(g) go, (h) is, (i) untouched, (j) unexplored.

6. [Saidpur Govt. Tech] (a) increased, (b) burnt, (c) has, (d) have found, (e) are, (f) predict, (g) is taken, (h) will continue, (i) melt, (j) submerged.

7. [Majuda Khatun Govt.] (a) means, (b) aims, (c) maintaining, (d) felt, (e) evolved, (f) is seen, (g) follows, (h) blossom, (i) was, (j) would be.

h‡kvi †ev‡W©i K‡j‡Ri wbe©vPbx cixÿvi cÖkœt

1. [Hamidpur Al-Hera] (a) is, (b) are filled, (c) is used, (d) made, (e) is, (f) reducing, (g) helps, (h) has, (i) can become, (j) provide.

2. [BAF Shaheen College] (a) is thought, (b) is considered, (c) to shake, (d) are,(e) is, (f) placed, (g) means, (h) embrace, (i) placing, (j) holds.

3. [Cantonment Public S&C] (a) are, (b) should train, (c) rendering, (d) returning, (e) studying, (f) develops, (g) remove, (h) become, (i) know, (j) to lessen.

4. [Khulna Govt. Girl’s] (a) is, (b) can reach, (c) participates, (d) is, (e) is, (f) enriches, (promotes, (h) provides, (i) said, (j) mobilized.

5. [Govt. Pioneer Girl’s] (a) possess, (b) are, (c) survive, (d)were, (e) was, (f) is spoken, (g) introduce, (h) lived, (i) thought, (j) were.

6. [Khulna Collegiate Girl’s] (a) got, (b) saw, (c) is buried, (d) was made,(e) said, (f) were brought, (g) are, (h) says, (i) died, (j) is buried.

Kzwgjøv †ev‡W©i K‡j‡Ri wbe©vPbx cixÿvi cÖkœt

1. [Comilla Victoria] (a) edited; (b) published; (c) named; (d) is; (e) made; (f) captured; (g) bear; (h) heard;(i) was hailed; (j) will be.

2. [Ispahani Public] (a) contribute; (b) did not allow; (c) were;(d) are taking; (e) are engaged; (f) are working; (g) constitute; (h) ignored/neglected; (i)motivated/encouraged; (j) be appreciated.

3. [Comilla Govt. College] (a) do not take;(b) realize; (c) are ruining; (d) fall; (e) becomes; (f) are; (g) can build; (h) makes; (i) improves; (j) gives.

4. [Comilla Commerce College] (a) makes; (b) is trusted;(c) cultivates; (d) speaking; (e) is not trusted; (f) not gain; (g) achieve; (h) telling; (i) comes; (j) exposed.

5. [Comilla Shikkha Board Model] (a) can call; (b) can get; (c) is lost;(d) should make; (e) must do; (f) depend; (g) can; (h) did not waste; (i) were; (j) following.

6. [Sonar Bangla] (a) passed; (b) spread; (c) showed; (d) performing; (e) inspired; (f) released; (g) establishing; (h) led; (i) paid; (j) bid.

7. [Mosharraf Hossain Khan] (a) is regarded; (b) be compared; (c) increasing; (d) are victimized; (e) are; (f) will grasp; (g) seen; (h) take; (i) develop; (j) be punished.

8. [Brahmanbaria Govt.] (a) wait; (b) goes; (c) does not take; (d) regained; (e) recovered; (f) can stop; (g) depends; (h) make; (i) do; (j) reach.

9. [Brahmanbaria Govt. Women’s] (a) taken; (b) could not be lifted; (c) helped; (d) was seen; (e) be helped; (f) was; (g) was understood; (h) was lifted; (i) was placed; (j) was.

10. [Nabinagar Govt.] (a) decided; (b) will be applied; (c) issued; (d) held; (e) will have; (f) do not contain; (g) studied; (h) can answer; (i) trained; (j) said.

11. [Chandpur Govt.] (a) are; (b) had; (c) took; (d) came; (e) involved; (f) was killed; (g) didn’t flee; (h) showing; (i) contributed; (j) achieving.

Changing Sentences / Transformation of Sentences

Affirmative into Negative

1. Affirmative sentence G must, have to, has to, need _vK‡j negative Kivi mgq can’t but + verb Gi base form/ can’t help+ verb (ing) ‡hvM Ki‡Z nq|


A: We must obey our parents.

N: We can’t but obey our parents.

A: We have to abide by the rules of our college.

N: We can’t but abide by the rules of our college.

A: We have to follow the rules of health.

N: We cannot help following the rules of helth.

2. Affirmative sentence G had to, needed to _vK‡j negative Kivi mgq couldn’t but + verb Gi base form /couldn’t help + verb (ing) nq|


A: We had to help the affected people.

N: We couldn’t but help the affected people.

A: We had to join the study tour.

N: We couldn’t but join the study tour.

or, We couldn’t help joining the study tour.

3. Affirmative sentence ‡_‡K Negative Kivi mgq only (e¨w³) = none but, alone (e¨w³)= non but, only (e¯‘) = nothing but/ no other than, only (msL¨v) = not more then/ not less then e¨eüZ nq|


A: Only Allah can save us.

N: None but Allah can save us.

A: Only the moon shines brightly at night.

N: Nothing but the moon shines brightly at night.

or, No other than the moon shines brightly at night.

A: Surovi is only nine years old.

N: Surovi is not more than nine years old.

or, Surovi is not less than nine years old.

4. Affirmative sentence ‡_‡K Negative G cwieZ©b Kivi †ÿ‡Î many (msL¨v) = not a few (msL¨v), a few (msL¨v) = not many (msL¨v), a little (cwigvY)= not much (cwigvY), much (cwigvY) = not a little (cwigvY), few (msL¨v) = not a single (GKwUI b‡n), little (cwigvY)= not a least (we›`ygvÎ) e¨eüZ nq|


A: The boy has many kites.

N: The boy doesn’t have a few kites.

A: Saimon had many pens.

N: Saimon didn’t have a few pens.

A: The baby needs a little mikl.

N: The baby does not need much milk.

A: The boy has few books.

N: The boy doesn’t have a single book.

A: There is little water in the glass.

N: There is not a least water in the glass.

5. Affirmative sentence G as soon as…., scarcely ….. when, hardly ….. when/before _vK‡j Negative Kivi mgq no sonner … than + past Indefinite G cwiewZ©Z nq|


A: As soon as we saw her, she fled away.

N: No sooner had we seen her than she

fled away.

A: Hardly had the bird seen the hunter before it

flew away.

N: No sooner had the bird seen the hunter than it

flew away.

6. Affirmative sentence ‡_‡K Negative G cwieZ©b Kivi mgq Every + noun = no + noun, all= non/ nobody, a/an/all+ noun = no + noun, ‘to be’ verb = wecixZ adjective/ adverb Ges Ab¨vb¨ verb Gi †ÿ‡Î wecixZ verb e¨eüZ nq|


A: All students are polite.

N: No students are polite.

A: All men are mortal.

N: No man is immortal. (wecixZ adj.)

A: Every mother is kind.

N: No mother is unkind.

A: Everybody is happy here.

N: Nobody is unhappy here.

7. Affirmative sentence Gi wecixZ verb e¨envi K‡i Negative Kiv nq|

NB: hLb subject- Gi Av‡M all, every, any, a BZ¨vw` _v‡K bv|


A: He loves his parents.

N: He does not hate his parents.

A: He honours his elders.

N: He doesn’t dishonour his elders.

A: He agreed with us.

N: He did not disagree with us.

8. Affirmative sentence-G every _vK‡j Negative Kivi mgq there is no+ noun + but+ verb e‡m| A_ev There is no + noun + who + ……e‡m|


A: Every mother loves her child.

N: There is no mother but loves her child.

or, There is no mother who doesn’t love her child.

A: Every boy respects his parents.

N: There is no boy but respect his parents.

or, There is no boy who doesn’t respect his parents.

9. Affirmative sentence ‡_‡K Negative Kivi mgq as……as = not less…. than, less ….. than = not as….. as e‡m|


A: Jim and Della were as wise as the Magi.

N: Jim and Della were not less wise than the Magi.

A: The girl is less beautiful than my sister.

N: The girl is not as beautiful as my sister.

10. Affirmative ‡_‡K Negative Kivi mgq both …. and Gi cwie‡Z© not only ….but also e‡m|


A: He is both honest and laborious.

N: He is not only honest but also laborious.

A: He both reads and writes regularly.

N: He not only reads but also writes regularly.

11. Affirmative G superlative degree _vK‡j Negative G No other + ….+ so/as positive as + …., Avevi, Affirmative G Comparative degree _vK‡j Negative G ...... not + as positive as …. nq|


A: My father is the wisest man in our village.

N: No other man is so (as) wise as my father in our village.

A: She is more intelligent than he.

N: He is not as intelligent as she.

12. wPišÍb mZ¨ (Universal truth) sentence ‡K negative Ki‡Z n‡j Negative Interrogative Ki‡Z nq|


A: Knowledge is power.

N: Isn’t knowledge power?

A: Health is wealth.

N: Isn’t health wealth.

A: The sun rises in the East.

N: Doesn’t the sun rise in the East?

A: Allah can save us.

N: Can’t Allah save us?

13. Affirmative G for the last time, for ever, for good BZ¨vw` _vK‡j Negative G cwieZ©b Kivi mgq never ….. again e¨eüZ nq|


A: He came here for the last time.

N: He never came here again.

A: The man left the village for ever.

N: The man will never return to the village again.

A: He has given up smoking for good.

N: He will never smoke again.

Assertive to Interrogative

Rule-1: A‡_©i cwieZ©b bv NwU‡q mvnvh¨Kvix Verb hy³ Assertive Sentence ‡K Interrogative-Gi iƒcvšÍi Kivi mgq w` Sentence wU Affirmative nq Zvn‡j bx‡Pi wbqgwU e¨envi Ki‡Z nqt

Structure : Auxiliary Verb/Be verb + n't + Subject + evKx Ask e‡m + cÖkœ‡evaK wPý e‡m|

|i) Asser : He can do the work. |Int: Can't he do the work? |

|ii) Asser: He is present in the class. |Int: Isn't he present in the class? |

|iii) Asser: Smoking is a bad habit. |Int: Isn't smoking a bad habit? |

Rule-2: Negative A_©‡evaK Assertive Sentence ‡K Interrogative Kivi mgq Negative kãwU D‡V hvq Ges mvnvh¨Kvix Verb wU cÖ_‡g e‡m|

|i) Asser : I shall never forget you |Int: Shall I ever forget you? |

|ii) Asser: Emon was not irresponsible. |Int: Was Emon irresponsible? |

|iii) Asser: I have never seen him before. |Int: Have I ever seen him before? |

Rule-3: mvnvh¨Kvix Verb wenxb Present Indefinite Tense Gi ‡ÿ‡Î Don't / Doesn't + Subject + g~j Verb Gi Base form + evKx Ask + cÖkœ‡evaK wPý Ges Past Indefinite Tense Gi †ÿ‡Î Didn't + Subject + g~j Verb Gi Base form + evKx Ask + cÖkœ‡evaK wPý|

|i) Asser : I drink tea. |Int: Don't I drink tea? |

|ii) Asser: Robin sings song. |Int: Doesn't Robin sing song? |

|iii) Asser: The girl liked him. |Int: Didn't the girl like him? |

|iv) Asser: I never drink wine. |Int: Do I ever drink wine? |

Rule-4: Ôn¨uv †evaKÕ Assertive sentence-G Subject wn‡m‡e hw` everyday, everyone ev all _v‡K †m‡ÿ‡Î G‡`i cwie‡Z© 'who' e‡m Ges Sentence wU Negative-interrogative-G cwiewZ©Z nq|

|i) Asser : Everybody loves his child. |Int: Who does not love his child? |

|ii) Asser: Everyone wishes to be happy. |Int: Who does not wish to be happy? |

Rule-5: Assertive sentence-G (every) ev all hw` adjective wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq, †m‡ÿ‡Î Interrogative sentence G every Ges will Gi ¯’‡j Is there any e¨eüZ nq|

|i) Asser : Every mother loves her child. |Int: Who does not love his child? |

|ii) Asser: Every man whishes to be happy. |Int: Who does not wish to be happy? |

Rule-6: Assertive sentence-G Subject wn‡m‡e hw` Nobody/None ev No-one e¨eüZ nq †m‡ÿ‡Î Nobody/None ev No one-Gi ¯’‡j Sentence Gi cÖ_‡g Who e‡m| Aewkó evK¨vsk AcwiewZ©Z _v‡K|

A_ev No body, None I No-one-Gi ¯’‡j Affirmative word e¨eüZ nq Ges Assertive sentence wU Interrogative sentence G cwiewZ©Z nq|

N.B: wb‡¤œ KZ¸‡jv Negative word-Gi Affirmative iƒc †`qv nj:-

|i) Asser : None can do this. |Int: Who can do this? |

|ii) Asser: Nobody dislikes folowers. |Int: Who dislikes flowers? |

Rule-7: Nothing hw` †Kvb Sentence Gi gv‡S Object ev Complement wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq, †m‡ÿ‡Î Interrogative sentence G Nothing Gi cwie‡Z© Anything e‡m| wKš‘ Nothing hw` Subject wn‡m‡e Sentence-Gi cÖ_‡g e‡m †m‡ÿ‡Î Nothing D‡V wM‡q Z`¯’‡j What e‡m|

|i) Asser : There is nothing in the box. |Int: Is there anything in the box? |

|ii) Asser: He knows nothing about it. |Int: Does he know anything about it? |

|iii) Asser: Nothing can stop me from doing this. |Int: What can stop me from doing this? |

Rule-8: 'There is + no/ nobody/ none' Giƒc structure Abyhvqx MwVZ Sentence ‡K Interrogative sentence-G cwieZ©b Kivi †ÿ‡Î there-Gi cwie‡Z© Sentence-Gi cÖ_‡g who ev what e‡m| AZtci Sentence wU‡K Affirmative-interrogative-Gi cwieZ©b Kiv nq|

|i) Asser : There is no use of it. |Int: What is the use of it? |

|ii) Asser: There is no hope for me. |Int: What is the hope for me? |

|iii) Asser: There is nobody happier than Raju. |Int: Who is happier than Raju? |

Rule-9: Nothing but ‡hv‡M MwVZ Negative sentence ‡K Interrogative sentence-G cwieZ©‡bi mgq Nothing D‡V hvq Ges Sentence Gi cÖ_‡g what e‡m|

|i) Asser : Our life is nothing but a struggle. |Int: What is our life but a struggle? |

|ii) Asser: Our life is nothing but a walking shadow. |Int: What is our life but a walking shadow? |

Exclamatory to Assertive

Rule-1 : Exclamatory Sentence-‡K Assertive Ki‡Z n‡j cÖ_‡g Subject e‡m + verb e‡m + cÖ‡hvR¨ †ÿ‡Î very/great e‡m + evwK Ask e‡m| †hgb-

Excl : How fine the scenery is!

Asser : The scenery is very fine.

Excl : How beautiful the girl is!

Asser : The girl is very beautiful.

Excl : What a talented by he is!

Asser : He is very talented boy.

Rule-2 : (i) Hurrah hy³ Exclamatory Sentence-‡K Assertive Ki‡Z n‡j Hurrah-Gi cwie‡Z© It is a matter of joy that e‡m + evwK Ask e‡m| †hgb

Excl : Hurrah! We have won the match.

Asser : It is a matter of joy that we have won the match.

(ii) Exclamatory Sentence-wU Alas Øviv ïiæ n‡j Assertive Kivi mgq Alas-Gi cwie‡Z© It is a matter of sorrow that + Alas-Gi c‡ii Ask e‡m| †hgb-

Excl : Alas! He is undone.

Asser : It is a matter of sorrow that he is undone.

Rule-3 : (i) If Øviv Exclamatory Sentence ïiæ n‡j cÖ_‡g subject wn‡m‡e I wish e‡m + wish e‡m + if-Gi c‡ii Ask e‡m| †hgb-

Excl : If were a bird!

Asser : I wish I were a bird.

(ii) Exclamatory Sentence-wU had Øviv ïiæ n‡j cÖ_‡g Subject e‡m + wish e‡m + cybivq subject e‡m + had e‡m + evwK Ask e‡m| †hgb-

Excl : Had I the wings of a bird!

Asser : I wish I had the wings of a bird.

Excl : Had I been a king!

Asser : I wish I had been a king.

Rule-4 : If ev Would that w`‡q Exclamatory Sentence ïiæ n‡j cÖ_‡g cÖ`Ë Subject (I) e‡m + wish + would that-Gi c‡ii Ask e‡m| †hgb-

Excl : Would that I could be a child again!

Asser : I wish I could be a child again.

Miscellaneous Examples:

|Exclamatory |Assertive |

|If I knew this before! |I wish I knew this before. |

|What a misery is in store for me! |Great misery is in store for me. |

|How charming! |It (the scenery/ view) is very charming. |

|Woe to the traitor to this country! |Let woe befall the traitor to this country. |

|Hurrah! My friend has come. |I rejoice that my friend has come. |

|Had I but a friend to support me! |I wish I had a friend to support me. |

|What a dangerous thing a little learning is! |A little learning is a very dangerous thing. |

|“Capital hit!” Cried out the spectators. |Spectators cried out that it was a capital hit. |

Assertive to Exclamatory

Rule-1 : cÖ_‡g what (a/an) how e‡m + Adjective e‡m + Subject e‡m + Verb e‡m + evwK Ask (hw` _v‡K) e‡m + note of exclamation (we¯§qm~PK wPý (!) e‡m)|

D‡jøL : Adjective Gi c~‡e© a/an _vK‡j What a/an e‡m Ges Adjective Gi c~‡e© a/an bv _vK‡j How e‡m|

Asser : I is a good news.

Excl : What a good news!

Asser : The place is very enchanting.

Excl : How enchanting the place is!

Rule-2 : Wish + were hy³ Assertive sentence-‡K Exclamatory Kivi mgq cÖ_g †_‡K wish ch©šÍ ev hvq + I e‡m + evwK Ask e‡m + we¯§qm~PK wPý (!) e‡m|

Asser : I wish I were millionaire.

Excl : If I were a millionaire!

Rule-3 : Wish + had hy³ Assertive sentence-‡K Exclamatory Kivi mgq cÖ_g †_‡K wish ch©šÍ ev` hvq + cÖ`Ë had ev‡K¨i ïiæ‡Z e‡m + evwK Ask AcwiewZ©Z _v‡K + we¯§qm~PK wPý (!) e‡m| †hgb-

Asser : I wish I had been a magician.

Excl : Had I been a magician!

Rule-4 : Wish + could hy³, Assertive sentence ‡K Exclamatory Kivi mgq cÖ_g †_‡K wish ch©šÍ ev` hvq + D³ ev‡K¨i ïiæ‡Z would that/if e‡m + evwK Ask AcwiewZ©Z _v‡K + we¯§qm~PK wPý (!) e‡m| †hgb-

Asser : We wish we could be champion.

Excl : Would that we could be champion!

Assertive to Imperative

Rule-1 : Assertive sentence-wU n¨uv †evaK n‡j wb‡Pi wbqgwU e¨eüZ nq-

Structure : cÖ`Ë Sentence-Gi gyj verb Gi present form + cÖ`Ë verb-Gi c‡ii Ask|

Asser : You should do the work.

Imp. : Do the work.

Asser : You speak the truth.

Imp. : Speak the truth.

Asser : You read the book.

Imp. : Please, read the book.

Or, Read the book, please.

Note : wkóZv/f`ªZv cÖKv‡ki Rb¨ Imperative sentence-Gi cÖ_‡g ev †k‡l please ev kindly e‡m|

Rule-2 : Assertive sentence-wU bv-‡evaK n‡j Imperative-G iƒcvšÍi wbqg-

Structure : Do not/Don’t + cÖ`Ë sentence-Gi g~j Verb Gi Present form + cÖ`Ë verb-Gi c‡ii Ask|

Asser : You do not run in the sun.

Imp. : Do not/Don’t run in the sun.

Asser : You should not go out.

Imp. : Do not/Don’t go out.

Rule-3 : Assertive sentence-wU never hy³ n‡j wb‡Pi wbqgwU e¨eüZ nq-

Structure : cÖ`Ë Never + cÖ`Ë g~j verb-Gi present form + verb Gi c‡ii Ask|

Asser : You should never speak ill of others.

Imp. : Never speak ill of others.

Rule-4 : Assertive sentence-Gi Subject hw` First person ev Third person nq Z‡e Zv‡K wb‡Pi wbq‡g Imperative Ki‡Z nq|

Structure : Let + cÖ`Ë Subject-wUi Objective form + cÖ`Ë sentence-Gi g~j verb ‡_‡K †kl ch©šÍ|

Asser : He plays cricket.

Imp. : Let him play cricket.

Asser : We should go out.

Imp. : Let us go out.

Asser : Mamun sings a song.

Imp. : Let Mamun sing a song.

Rule-5 : First person ev Third person hy³ Assertive Sentence-G not _vK‡j Imperative Kivi wbqg-

Structure : Let cÖ`Ë subject-wUi Objective form + not + cÖ`Ë verb ‡_‡K †kl ch©šÍ|

Asser : We do not hate the poor.

Imp. : Let us not hate the poor.

Asser : Romeo does not tell a lie.

Imp. : Let not Romeo tell a lie.


Voice: Verb-Gi †h AvKvi Subject A_ev Object Gi Dci gyL¨fv‡e KvR K‡i, Zv‡K Voice (evP¨) e‡j|

voice `yB cÖKvi h_v:-

1. Active Voice

2. Passive Voice

1. Active Voice: Subject wb‡R mwµq ev Active n‡q †Kvb KvR m¤úbœ K‡i eySv‡j Verb Gi Active Voice nq|

†hgb: I like mangoes.

2. Passive Voice: Subject wb‡R †Kvb KvR m¤úbœ bv K‡i wbw¯Œq ev Passive Ae¯’vq †_‡K Ab¨‡K w`‡q m¤úbœ K‡i Gi dj †fvM K‡i eySv‡j, Verb Gi Passive Voice nq| †hgb:

Mangoes are liked by me.

mvaviYZ Transitive Verb (mKg©K wµqv)-Gi Voice nq| A_©vr †h wµqvi Object (Kg©v) _v‡K ZviB †Kej Voice nq| Intransitive Verb (AKg©K wµqv) Gi †Kvb Voice nq bv| Z‡e Intransitive Verb Transitive-Gi b¨vq AvPiY Ki‡j Zvi Voice nq| Go, Laugh, Run, Fight, Fly G¸‡jv Intransitive Verb|

Object wPbvi Dcvq:

ev‡K¨i Principal Verb (cÖavb wµqv)-‡K ÔwKÕ ev ÔKv‡KÕ w`‡q cÖkœ Kiv n‡j †h DËi cvIqv hv, ZvB Object (Kg©)| †hgb:

He gave me a book.

GLv‡b Gave (w`‡qwQj) wµqv‡K ÔwKÕ ev ÔKv‡KÕ w`‡q cÖkœ Ki‡j A book Ges me G `yÕwU Subject cvIqv hvq|

Voice Change:

Voice Change `yB fv‡e n‡q _v‡K| †hgb:

1. Active Voice n‡Z Passive Voice Ges

2. Passive Voice n‡Z Active Voice

mvaviYZ wb¤œwjwLZ Sentence ¸‡jvi Voice Change n‡q _v‡K|

1. Assertive Sentence.

2. Imperative Sentence.

3. Interrogative Sentence.

4. Optative Sentence


Present Indefinite Tense/Simple present

Active : Sub+Verb (i)/Verb(s ev es) + object.

Passive : Object+am/is/are+V3 + preposition+subject.

1. Active: Raz plucks flowers.

Passive: Flowers are plucked by Raz.

2. Active: Newspaper contains a daily news.

Passive: A daily is contained in newspaper.

3. Active: My teacher embodies all the good qualities.

Passive: All the good qualities are embodied in my teacher.

4. Active: I know him.

Passive: He is known to me.

Past Indefinite

Active: Sub+v2+objcect

passive: Object+was/were+v3+preposition+subject.

Active: He did the work.

Passive: The work was done by him.

Active: The boy sang a song.

Passive: A song was sung by the boy.

Active: He wrote a letter.

Passive: A letter was written by him.

Future Indefinite Tense

Active: Sub+shall/will+v1+obj.

Passive: Obj+shall be/will be+v3+preposition+sub.

Active: He will sing a song.

Passive: A song will be sung by him

Active: Father will call me.

Passive: I shall be called by father.

Active: Raz will pluck flowers.

Passive: Flowers will be plucked by Raz.

Present continuous Tense

Active: Sub+am/is/are+v(ing)+obj.

Passive: obj+am being/is being/are being +v3+preposition+sub.

Active: I am teaching them.

Passive : They are being taught by me.

Active: Mother is cooking food.

Passive: Food is being cooked by mother.

Past continuous Tense

Active: Sub+was/were+v(ing)+object.

Passive: Object+was+being/were being+v3+preposiotn+sub.

Active: I was reading a book.

Psssive: A book was being read by me.

Active: Emon was drawing a picture.

Passive: A picture was being drawn by Emon.

Future continuous Tense

Active: sub+shall be/will be+v(ing)+obj.

Passive: obj+shall be being/will be being/v3+preposition

Active: You will be playing football.

Passive: Football will be being played by you

Active: Will be calling her.

Passive: She will be being called by him.

Present Perfect Tense

Active: sub+have/has+v3+obj.

Passive: obj_have been/has been/v3+preposition+sub.

Active: You have broken the glass.

Passive: The glass has been broken by you.

Active: He has bought a car.

Passive: A car has been bought by him.

Past perfect Tense

Active: sub+had+v3+obj.

Passive: obj+had been+v3+preposition+sub.

Active: He had finished the lesson.

Passive: The lesson had been finished by him.

Active: Jerry had pleased the authoress.

Passive: The authoress had been pleased with Jerry.

Future perfect Tense

Active: Sub+shall have/will have+v3+obj.

Passive: obj+shall have been/will have been/v3+preposition+sub.

Active: I shall have done the work.

Passive: The work will have been done by me

Active: He will have played football.

Passive: Football will have been played by him.

Present perfect continuous Tense Gi †ÿ‡Î passive Kivi Rb¨ aus.v-have been being/has been being.

← `y‡Uv Object hy³ Sentence-Gi †h †Kvb GKwU Object- †K Subject wn‡m‡e MÖnY K‡i passive voice Ki‡Z nq| Avi Aci Object-wU‡K Object iæ‡cB ivL‡Z nq|

Note: Passive Voice-G †h Object-wU Object iæ‡c †_‡K hvq, Dnv Retained Object wn‡m‡e MY¨|


Active : Mother teaches me Bangla.

Passive: I am taught Bangla by mother.

Active : Father gave me a shirt

Passive: I was given a shirt by father.

• Passive Voice of Reflexive Verb: Passive form: Subject (cÖ`Ë subject)+Tense Abyhvqx be verb-Gi iæc+Vt-Gi P.P. + by + Reflexive Pronoun.


Active : The old woman hurt herself.

Passive: The old woman was hurt by herself.

Active : The woman fans herself.

Passive: The woman is fanned by herself.

• Passive Voice of Factitive Verb:-

Note: Factitive Verb-Gi Dcvwam~PK Ojbect-wU Passive-G KLbI subject nq bv|

Passive form: Subject+Auxiliary Verb+V- Gi P.P+object+by+object.

Factitive verb n‡”Q: Name, make, elect, select, call, make, appoint, employ BZ¨vw`|


Active : We selected Motiur Rahman captain.

Passive : Motiur Rahman was selected captain by us.

Active : People elected him chairman.

Passive : He was elected chairman.

• Passive Voice of Cognate Verb: -Passive form: Subject+am/is/are/was/were+Vt- Gi P.P+by+object.


Active :I dreamt a good dream.

Passive : A good dream was dreamt by me.

Active : He swam a good swim.

Passive : A good swim was swum by him.

• Quasi-Passive Verbs with complements.

(i) Subject+to be verb+Adjective+when|it/they+’to be’ Vt- Gi P.P.

(ii) Subject+’to be’ verb+ Vt- Gi P.P.+Adjective.


Active : Honey tastes sweet.

Passive : Honey is sweet when it is tasted.

Active : Stones feel hard.

Passive : Stones are hard when they are felt.

Active : The rose smells sweet.

Passive : The rose is sweet when it is smelt.

Active : The moon looks lovely.

Passive : The moon is lovely when it is looked.

• Quasi-passive verbs without complements MVb: subject+’to be’ verb( is, are, was, were) +being + Transitive Verb- Gi P.P.


Active : The cow is milking.

Passive : The cow is being milked.

Active : The road is being repaired.

Passive : The house is being built.

Active : The flowers are smiling.

Passive : The flowers are being smiled.

• Object e¨ZxZ Sentence:-

Note: A‡bK mgq ev‡K¨ Object _v‡K bv| ZLb it ‡K subject wn‡m‡e MY¨ Ki‡Z n‡e|


Active : People say.

Passive : It is said.

Active : People Knew.

Passive : It is known to people.

Active : He knows.

Passive : It is known to him.

• Present participle (read+ing=Reading)-Gi c~e©eZ©x evK¨vs‡ki passive voice nq|


Active : I saw the boys drawing pictures.

Passive : The boys were seen drawing pictures.

Active : We found him opening the door.

Passive : He was found opening the door.

• There+’to be’ verb+NP+to+Verb

Structure: 1. There is+noun+to be+ Transitive Verb-Gi p.p.

2. There are+Noun+to be+Transitive Verb-Gi p.p.

3. It is time+to be + Transitive Verb-Gi p.p.


Active : There is a dangerous problem to solve.

Passive : There is a dangerous problem to be solved.

Active : There are a lot of works to do.

Passive : There are a lot of problems to solve.

• “One Should” Passive Kivi wbqg:-

Note: One should/one must/one ought to/one is to/one has to/one had to-hy³ sentence-‡K passive Kivi wbqg-

Structure: Active form-Gi Object+should be+Tranitive Verb-Gi p.p.

ev, subject (hvnv Act. obj) + should be+ Transitive Verb-Gi p.p.


Active : One should obey one’s elders.

Passive : Elders should be obeyed.

Active : One should spend one’s time properly.

Passive : Time should be spent properly.

• Arrange, demand, decide, determine, agree, promise+To+Verb+Object hy³ Active form evK¨wU passive Kivi wbgq:-

Structure: Infinitive-Gi c~e© Ask+that+infinitive-Gi c‡ii Ask+should be+Infinitive- Gi p.p.


Active : We decided to start tree plantation.

Passive : We decided that tree plantation should be started.

Active : We promised to improve our lot.

Passive : We promised that our lot should be improved.

• Think, consider, believe, understand, suppose, say, find, consider BZ¨vw` verb ¸‡jvi to be verb ev` w`‡qI passive voice Kiv nq|


Active : People think that he is wise.

Passive : It is thought that he is wise.

Active : People believe that he is innocent.

Passive : He is believed to be innocent.

Active : People consider that she is laborious.

Passive : It is considered that she is laborious.

• Interrogative Sentence:

a) Do you want a book?

b) Does he want a book?

Note: Interrogative Sentence-G Auxiliary Verb wn‡m‡e do, does did _vK‡j Passive-Gi MVb wb¤œiæc nq:

(i) Do, does _vK‡j:- passive form: Am/is/are+subject+Vt-Gi past participle+ by/to/at/with+ object,

(ii) ‘Did’ _vK‡j:- Passive form: Were/was+Subject+Vt--Gi past participle+by/to/at/to+object.


Active : Do you want a book?

Passive : Is a book wanted by you?

Active : Does he want a book?

Passive : Is a book wanted by him.

• Interrogative Sentence hw` what, which, why, when, where, how” BZ¨vw` A_©vr ‘WH word w`‡q ïiæ nq Z‡e passive n‡e wb¤œiæc:-

1 bs: WH word+Auxiliary Verb+Vt-Gi P.P+by/to/at/with+object?


Active : What does he want?

Passive : What is wanted by him?

Active : What did he want?

Passive : What was wanted by him?

2 bs: WH word+Auxiliary Verb+Subject+Vt-Gi P.P+by+object


Active : Why do you call me?

Passive : Why am I called by you?

Active : When will you call us?

Passive : When will we be called by you?

• Interrogative Sentences:

Active form-G whom _vK‡j Passive form-G who nq|


Active: Whom will they help?

Passive: Who will be helped by them?

Active : Whom do you see?

Passive : Who is seen by you?

• Imperative Sentence:-

Passive form: Let+object+be+ Vt-Gi past participle


Active : Pen through the lines.

Passive : Let the lines be penned through.

Active : Chop the wood.

Passive : Let the wood be chopped.

• Imperative Sentence “Do not” w`‡q ïiæ n‡j Passive n‡e wb¤œiæc:

Passive form: Let not+Object+be+Transtive Verb- Gi past participle


Active : Don’t make a noise.

Passive : Let not a noise be made.

Active : Don’t touch it.

Passive : Let it not be touched.

• Imperative Sentence “Let” w`‡q ïiæ n‡j Passive n‡e wb¤œiæc:

Passive form: Let+ Verb- Gi Object+be+ Vt-Gi P.P+by+object


Active : Let the boys play football.

Passive : Let football be played by the boys.

Active : Let me solve the problem.

Passive : Let the problem be solved by me.

Active : Let her take tea.

Passive : Let tea be taken by her.

• Imperative Sentence-G Dative of Interest eySv‡j A_©vr `y‡Uv Object-Gi g‡a¨ 1wU cÖvYxevPK Object _vK‡j Passive n‡e wb¤œiæc:

Passive form: Let+ Object+be+ Vt-Gi P.P+by+for/to+object


Active : Buy me a shirt.

Passive : Let a shirt be brought for me.

Active : Pluck my sister a flower.

Passive : Let a flower be plucked for my sister.

• Imperative Sentence-G please ev kindly _vK‡j Passive form n‡e wb¤œiæc:

Passive Form: You are requested to+Verb- Gi Base form+evKx Ask|


Active : Please do the work.

Passive : You are requested to do the work.

Active : Kindly help me.

Passive : You are requested to help me.

• Intransitive Verb-‡K You are requested to e¨envi K‡i passive form Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i|


Active : Go there.

Passive : You are requested to go there.

Active : Wait here.

Passive : You are requested to wait here.

Active : Sit down here.

Passive : You are requested to sit down here.

• Imperative Sentence ‘Never’ w`‡q ïiæ n‡j `yÕfv‡e Passive Voice Kiv hvq| wb‡Pi D`vniY¸‡jv‡Z Zv jÿ¨ Ki:-


Active : Never laugh at the deaf.

Passive : Let the deaf never be laughed at.

Active : Never mock at the dumb.

Passive : Let the dumb never be mocked at.

Active : Never look down upon the one-eyed man.

Passive : Let the one-eyed man never be looked down upon.

• KZ¸‡jv Imperative Sentence Gi Passive form `y fv‡e Kiv hvq| wb‡Pi D`vniY¸‡jv‡Z Zv jÿ¨ Ki:-


Active : Keep your promise.

Passive : Your promise should be kept.

Active : Obey your elders.

Passive : Your elders should be obeyed.

Active : Love your native land.

Passive : Your native land should be loved.

• Optative Sentence:

Passive Form: May+subject+be+transitive verb-Gi p.p+by+active voice-Gi subject-‡K object wn‡m‡e e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡e|


Active : May Allah bless you.

Passive : May you be blessed by Allah.

Active : May Allah save Bangladesh.

Passive : May Bangladesh be saved by Allah.

Passive voice-G verb-Gi ci By e¨ZxZ Av‡iv wKQz preposition-Gi e¨envi:-

|Active form |Passive form |Active form |Passive |

|Please |at (AvPi‡Y/K‡g©) |please |with (e¨w³) |

|Displease |at (AvPi‡Y/K‡g©) |displease |with (e¨w³) |

|Satisfy |at (AvPi‡Y/K‡g©) |satisfy |with (e¨w³) |

|Dissatisfy |at (AvPi‡Y/K‡g©) |dissatisfy |with (e¨w³) |

|Annoy |at (AvPi‡Y/K‡g©) |annoy |with (e¨w³) |

|Surpirse |at (AvPi‡Y/K‡g©) |surpirse |with (e¨w³) |

|Vex |at (AvPi‡Y/K‡g©) |Vex |with (e¨w³) |

|Stun/stunned |at (AvPi‡Y/K‡g©) |stun/stunned |with (e¨w³) |

|Charm |at (AvPi‡Y/K‡g©) |charm |with (e¨w³) |

|Marvel |at (‡Kvb wKQz‡Z) |marvel |with (e¨w³) |

|Shock |at (‡Kvb wKQz‡Z) |shock |with (e¨w³) |

|Interest |in (wKQzi g‡a¨) |fill |with (c~Y© Kivi cÖwZ) |

|Contain |in (wKQzi g‡a¨) |size |with (cwigv‡ci cÖwZ) |

|know |to (wKQzi cÖwZ) | | |


Active : The students pleased the teacher.

Passive : The teacher was pleased with the students.

Active : Their behavior pleased the teachers.

Passive : The teachers were pleased at their behavior.

Active : The naughty boy annoyed the teacher.

Passive : The teacher was annoyed with the naughty boy.

Active : Their good manners satisfied the teachers.

Passive : The teachers were satisfied at their good manners.

Some Important Examples.

1. They wash the car.

- The car is washed by them.

2. They are washing the car

-The car is being washed by them.

3. We are digging a canal.

- A canal is being dug by us.

4. He has done the work.

- The work has been by him.

5. I have eaten rice.

- Rice has been eaten by me.

6. God loves us all.

- We are all loved by God.

7. Blacksmiths make spades.

- Spades are made by blacksmiths.

8. Mr. Rahman teaches us English.

- We are taught English by Mr. Rahman.

9. I am going to post the letter into the letter box.

- The letter is going to be posted into the letter box by me.

10. The teacher was telling a story to the students.

- A story was being told to the students by the teacher.

11. He has read the book.

-The book has been read by him.

12. A scientist invented penicillin in 1928.

- Penicillin was invented in 1928.

13. Someone built this school in 1990.

- This school was built in 1990.

14. Sumita will sing a song.

- A song will be sung by Sumita.

15. Palash is drawing a picture.,

- A picture is being drawn by palash.

16. The girl was plucking a flower.

- A flower was being plucked by the girl.

17. Spring has forgotten the garden.

- The garden has been forgotten by spring.

18. He will give me a taka.

A taka will be given me by him.

19. The headmaster will punish the boy.

- The boy will be punished by the headmaster.

20. They fought a good fight.

- A good fight was fought by them.

21. The thief had stolen his bag.

- A bag had been stolen by the thief.

22. He is going to set up a school.

- A school is going to be set up by him.

23. Mother looked after the children well.

- The children were looked after well by mother.

24. You should obey your parents.

- Your parents should be obeyed by you.

25. We must listen to his words.

- His words must be listened to.

26. He showed me the greatest respect.

- I was shown the greatest respect by him.

27. The rich hate the poor.

- The poor are hated by the rich.

28. All the boys competed for the prize.

- The prize was competed for by all the boys.

29. This did not surprise Rahim.

- Rahim was not surprised at this.

30. They elected him captain.

- He was elected captain by them.

31. He may sell the car.

- The car may be sold by him.

32. Who has done this?

- By whom has this been done?

33. Did you point out any defect?

- Was any defect pointed out by you?

34. Can I ever forget you?

- Can you ever be forgotten by me?

35. Who is doing the work?

- By whom is the work being done?

36. Didn’t Lucy sing a song?

- Wasn’t a song sung by Lucy?

37. Who has broken the glass?

- BY whom has the glass been broken?

38. Do you know them?

- Are they known to you?

39. Did the idea interest you?

- Were you interested in the idea?

40. Whom did you give the book?

- Who was given the book by you?

41. Who is calling me?

- By whom am I being called?

42. Whom did you see on the road?

- Who was seen by you on the road?

43. What do you want?

- What is wanted by you?

44. What has he done?

- What has been done by him?

45. Have you seen them before?

- Have they been before by you?

46. Did he keep it clean and tidy?

- Was it kept clean and tidy by him?

47. Does he speak English well?

- Is English spoken well by him?

48. Who can do it?

- By whom can it be done?

49. How can you do this?

- How can this be done by you?

50. Is he eating fruit?

- Is fruit being eaten by him?

51. How many guests did you invite?

- How many guests were invited by you?

52. Tell him to go.

- Let him be told to go.

53. Let them call in a doctor.

- Let a doctor be called in by them.

54. Give the order.

- Let the order be given.

55. Do not make a noise.

- Let not a noise be made.

56. Don’t look down upon the poor.

- Let no the poor be looked down upon.

57. Please help me.

- You are requested to help me.

58. Do not insult the weak.

- Le not the weak be insulted.

59. Pluck me a flower.

- Let a flower be plucked for me.

60. Speak to him.

- Let him be spoken to.

61. Do not ask me the question.

- Let no the question be asked me.

62. Be seated please.

- You are requested to be seated.

63. Do away with it.

- Let it be done away with.

64. Inform the police of the matter.

- Let the police be informed of the matter.

65. Open the window.

- Let the window be opened.

66. Always speak the truth.

- Let the truth be spoken always.

67. Pen through the word.

- Let the word be penned through.

68. Do not laugh at the poor.

- Let not the poor be laughed at.

69. My mother looks after me.

- I am looked after by my mother.

70. I saw him playing cricket.

- He was seen playing cricket by me.

71. The cow gives us milk.

- Milk is given us by the cow.

72. The people in Asia mainly eat rice.

- Rice is mainly eaten is Asia.

73. The storm damaged the banyan tree.

- The banyan tree was damaged by the storm.

74. The motor car ran over the dog.

- The dog was run over by the motor car.

75. I know that the work in hard.

- It is known to me that the work is hard.

76. The Prince pleased us.

- We were pleased with the Prince.

77. He made his wife to do it.

- His wife was made to do it.

78. People think him to be a poet.

- He is thought to be a poet.

79. Fortune favors the brave.

- The brave are favored by fortune.

80. Mustafa kept us waiting.

- We were kept waiting by Mustafa.

81. You should have done the sums.

- The sums should have been done by you.

82. The Lilliputians made Gulliver prisoner.

- Gulliver was made prisoner by the Lilliputians.

83. You should keep your promise.

- Your promise should be kept.

84. We ought to obey our parents.

- Our parents ought to be obeyed by us.

85. His behavior annoys me.

- I am annoyed at his behavior.

86. We shall not admit children under ten.

- Children under ten will not be admitted by us.

87. Nobody knows him here.

- He is not known here.

88. I have lost my pen.

- My pen has been lost.

89. One should keep one’s promises.

- Promises should be kept.

90. Someone has stolen my purse.

- My purse has been stolen.

91. Circumstances obliged me to go.

- I was obliged to go.

92. We can gain nothing without labour.

- Nothing can be gained without labour.

93. Why did they refuse him admittance?

- Why was he refused admittance?

94. The manager urged the supervisor to reduce the rates.

- The supervisor was urged to reduce the rates.

95. Mother looked after the boy.

- The boy was looked after by mother.

96. He suggested giving up smoking.

- He suggested that smoking should be given up.

97. The beauty of the girl marveled him.

- He was marveled at the beauty of the girl.

98. He considers me honest.

- I am considered honest by him.

99. His performance satisfied the teacher.

- The teacher was satisfied with his performance.

100. He likes people to obey him.

- He likes to be obeyed by people.


1. Positive Form-Gi evK¨wU mvaviYZ ¸Y, †`vl ev cwigvY cÖKvk Ki‡j wb¤œwjwLZ MVb Abymv‡i Comparative Ki‡Z nq|

Structure: Sub+verb+adjective Gi Comparative form+than any other+singular noun.

Positive : Truthfulness is a great virtue.

Comparative : Truthfulness is greater than any other virtue.

Positive : TO tell a lie is a great sin.

Comparative : To tell a lie is greater than any other sin.

2. Positive form-Gi evK¨wU No other Øviv ïiæ n‡j wb¤œwjwLZ MVb Abymv‡i Comparative Ki‡Z nq|

Structure: ‡k‡li sub+verb+adjective-Gi Comparative form+no other-Gi cwie‡Z© than any other+no other cieZ©x Ask †_‡K verb-Gi c~e© ch©šÍ Ask|

Positive : No other man in the village is as brave as he.

Comparative : He is braver than any other man in the village.

Positive : No other boy is as meritorious as Nazrul.

Comparative : Nazrul is braver than any other boy.

3. Positive Form-Gi evK¨wU hw` very few Øviv ïiæ nq Z‡e wb¤œwjwLZ MVb AbymiY Ki‡Z nq|

Structure: ‡k‡li subwU hw` Av‡M e‡m + verb +adjective- Gi Comparative form+than most other/than few other (very few-Gi cwie‡Z©+very few Gi ci †_‡K verb c~e© Ask|

Positive : Very few kings of India were as great as Akbar.

Comparative : Akbar was greater than most other kings of India.

Positive : Very few boys are as good as Raz.

Comparative : Raz is better than most other boys..

4. As+adjective+as hy³ Positive Degree ‡K Comparative Ki‡Z n‡j wb¤œwjwLZ MVb Abymv‡I Ki‡Z nq|

Structure: ‡k‡li subwU Av‡M verb+not (Sentence-wU Affirmative n‡j not e‡m wKš‘ Sentence wU Negative n‡j bU D‡V hvq|)+ Adjective-Gi Comparative form+than+cÖ`Ë ev‡K¨I 1g subject|

Positive : He is as tall as a palm tree.

Comparative : A palm tree is not taller than he.

Positive : Your brother is not as fair as your sister.

Comparative : Your sister is fairer than your brother.

5. Positive evK¨wU soon as Øviv MwVZ n‡j Comparative Kivi mgq as soon as ¯’v‡b No sooner had+subject+P.v.-Gi Past participle Ges 2q caluse- Gi Subject- Gi c~‡e© than e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡e|

Positive : As soon as the mother came, the baby stopped crying.

Comparative : No sooner had the mother come than the baby stopped crying.

Positive : As soon as the teacher entered the classroom the students stood up.

Comparative : No sooner had the teacher entered the classroom than the students stood up.

Superlative to Comparative

1. ¯^vfvweK Superlative form hy³ evK¨ wKsev of all hy³ superlative evK¨‡K Comparative Ki‡Z n‡j wb¤œwjwLZ MVb Abymv‡i Ki‡Z n‡e|

Structure: Sub+verb+the D‡V hv‡e+ superlative -Gi Comparative form+than any other/than all other (hw` ev‡K¨ of all _v‡K)-e‡K¨I evKx Ask|

Superlative : He is wisest man in the village.

Comparative : He is wiser than any other man in the village.

Superlative : Wordsworth is the most favourite of all poets to me.

Comparative : Wordsworth is more favorite than all other poets to me.

2. One of the hy³ Superlative Degree-‡K Comparative Ki‡Z n‡j wb¤œwjwLZ MVb Abymv‡i Ki‡Z n‡e|

Structure: Sub+verb+one of the D‡V hv‡e Ges Superlative Degree-Gi Comparative form em‡e+than most other + cÖ`Ë ev‡K¨I evwK Ask|

Superlative : She is one of the most active workers I the garments.

Comparative : She is more active than most other workers in the garments.

Superlative : Rabeya is one of the best girls in our village.

Comparative : Rbeuya is better than most other girls in our village.

Comparative to Positive

1. mvaiYZ than+noun/Pronoun hy³ Comparative form-‡K Positive Ki‡Z n‡j wb¤œwjwLZ MVb Abymv‡i Ki‡Z n‡e|

Structure: Than-Gi c‡ii Ask + verb+not (hw` Sentence-wU Affirmative nq, wKš‘Sentence-wU Negative n‡j not D‡V hvq) +so/as+adjective-Gi Positive form+as+cÖ`Ë ev‡K¨I 1g subject |

Comparative : Jamil is wiser than Prodip.

Positive : Prodip is not so wise as Jamil.

Comparative : He is not clever than me.

Positive : I am as clever as him/he.

2. ‡hme ev‡K¨ than any other/all other ‡mme evK¨‡K Positive Ki‡Z n‡j wb‡¤œi MVb AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e|

Structure: No other+than any other/than all other-Gi c‡ii Ask+verb+so/as+adjective-Gi Positive form + as +cÖ`Ë ev‡K¨ subject |

Comparative : Hasan is more intelligent than any other boy.

Positive : No other boy is as intelligent as Hasan.

Comparative : Labiba is more beautiful than all other girls.

Positive : No other girl is so beautiful as Labiba.

3. Than most other/than few other hy³ Comparative form-‡K Positive Ki‡Z n‡j wb‡¤œi MVb AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e|

Structure: Very few+than most other/ than few other-Gi c‡ii Ask+verb-Gi Plural form+soas+adjective-Gi Positive form+as+ cÖ`Ë ev‡K¨ subject |

Comparative : Iron is more useful than most other metals.

Positive : Very few metals are as useful as Iron.

Comparative : Gold is more valuable than most other metals.

Positive : Other metals are not so valuable as gold.

4. Less/no less/not less------- than hy³ comparative ‡K Positive Ki‡Z n‡j wb‡¤œi MVb AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e|

Structure: Sub + Verb + no less/ not less-Gi cwie‡Z© as Ges less=Gi cwie‡Z© not-as + adjective-Gi Positive form + than Gi cwie‡Z© as+than Gi c‡ii Ask|

Comparative : is not less strong than you.

Positive : He is as strong as you.

Comparative : She is less beautiful than you said.

Positive : She is not as beautiful as you said.

5. No sooner had ---------- than hy³ comparative ‡K Positive Ki‡Z n‡j wb‡¤œi MVb AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e|

Structure: No sooner had ¯’v‡b as soon as +sub+g~j verbGi past form + than-Gi c~e© ch©šÍ Ask+than ¯’v‡b Comma (,) +than cieZ©x Ask|

Comparative : No sooner had the thief seen the police than he ran away.

Positive : As soon as the thief saw the police, he ran away.

Comparative : NO sooner had he reached the station than the train left.

Positive : As soon as he reached the station, the train left.

Superlative to Positive

1. mvaviY Superlative ‡_‡K Positive Ki‡Z n‡j wb‡¤œi MVb AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e|

Structure: No other superlative adjective-Gi c‡ii Ask+verb+so/as+superlative-Gi Positive form + as + cÖ`Ë ev‡K¨i cÖ_g subject.

Superlative : Asia is the largest continent in the world.

Positive : No other continent in the world is so large as Asia.

N.B Positive form-iæcvšÍ‡ii mgq of all/ of any D‡V hv‡e|

Superlative : Shakespeare is the greatest of all dramatists.

Positive : No other dramatist is as great as Shakespeare.

2. One of the hy³ Superlative form-‡K Positive form-Gi iæcvšÍi Ki‡Z n‡j wb¤œwjwLZ MVb AbymiY Ki‡Z nq|

Structure: Very few+superlative form-Gi c‡ii Ask + verb + so/as + superlative-Gi positive form + as + cÖ`Ë ev‡K¨I cÖ_g Subject.

Superlative : Nazrul is one of the best poets in Bangla.

Positive : Very few pets in Bangla are so good as Nazrul.

Note: very few-Gi c‡ii noun I verb plural nq|

Positive to Superlative

1. No other hy³ Positive-‡K Superlative Ki‡Z n‡j wb¤œwjwLZ MVbcÖYvjx Abymv‡i Ki‡Z nq|

Structure: ev‡K¨i †k‡li sub+verb+the+positive-Gi Superlative form + no other D‡V hvq Ges Gi ci †_‡K verb-Gi ce© ch©šÍ Ask e‡m|

Positive : No other girl in the class is so tall as Katerina.

Sup erlative : Katerina is the tallest girl in the class.

Positive : No other student of our class is so meritorious as Aziz.

Superlative : Aziz is the most meritorious boy of our class.

2. Very few hy³ positive-‡K Superlative Ki‡Z n‡j wb¤œwjwLZ MVbcÖYvjx Abymv‡i Ki‡Z nq|

Structure: ev‡K¨i †k‡li sub+verb+one of the +positive-Gi Superlative form + very few D‡V hvq Ges Gi ci †_‡K verb-Gi ce© ch©šÍ Ask e‡m|

Positive : Very few poets are as great as Nazrul.

Superlative : Nazrul is one of the greatest poets.

Comparative to Superlative

1. Than any other/than all other hy³ comparative-‡K superlative Ki‡Z n‡j wb¤œwjwLZ MVbcÖYvjx Abymv‡i Ki‡Z nq|

Structure: Sub + verb + the + comparative-Gi superlative form+than any other/than all other-Gi c‡ii Ask|

Comparative : He is better than any other boy in the class.

Superlative : He is the best boy in the class.

Comparative : He is stronger than all other boys.

Superlative : He is the strongest of all boys.

2. Than most/few other hy³ comparative-‡K superlative Ki‡Z n‡j wb¤œwjwLZ MVbcÖYvjx Abymv‡i Ki‡Z nq|

Structure: Sub + verb + one of the + comparative-Gi Superlative form + most other / many other few other D‡V hvq Gi c‡ii Ask|

Comparative : Dhaka is bigger than most other cities of Bangladesh.

Superlative : Dhaka is one of the biggest cities of Bangladesh.

Comparative : Bangladeshi is richer than many other countries of the world.

Superlative : Bangladesh is one of the richest countries of the world.

|Positive |Comparative |Superlative |

|1. Plain positive: sub + verb + a/an + adj|1. Sub + verb + adj (comp) + than any other + noun|1. Sub + verb + article the + adj (sup) |

|+noun/pronoun |(singular) |You are the worst boy |

| |You are worse than any other boy. | |

|2. No other + noun + verb + as adj + as + |2. Sub (2nd) + verb + adj (comp) + than + any |2. Sub (2nd) + verb+ the + adj (sup) + |

|other word |other + noun. |noun. |

|No other boy is as brilliant as sohle |Sohel is more brilliant than any other boy. |Sohel is the most brilliant boy. |

|3. Very few + noun (plural) + verb + as + |Sub (2nd) + verb+ not +adj than + most + other + |3. Sub + verb + one of the | adj (sup) + |

|adj + as + other word very few metals are |noun (plural) Gold is costlier than most other |noun (plural) |

|as costly as gold. |matals. |Gold is one of the costliest metals. |

|4. Sub+verb+as+adj+as+noun |3. Sub (2nd) + verb+ no + adj (comp) / less (adj)+|4. No superlative |

|He is as tall as his brother. |than + sub (1st) His brother is not taller than | |

| |he. | |

|5. Sub+verb+not+as+adj+as + noun. |5. Sub (2nd) + verb + adj (comp)/less (adj) | than|5. No superlative |

|You are not as fat as Asim. || sub (1st) Asim is fatter than you. | |

|6. As soon as …………….. |6. No sooner had ………. than |6. No superlative. |

|As soon as he reached the station, the |No sooner had he reached the | |

|train started. |Station than the train started. | |

Rules of Comparison of Adjective

i) ‡h mg¯Í Adjective-G evK¨wU gvÎ Syllable _v‡K Zv‡`i †k‡l er ‡hv‡M Comparative Ges est ‡hv‡M Superlative Ki‡Z nq|

|Positive |Comparative |Superlative |

|Cheap |Cheaper |Cheapest |

|Close |Closer |Closest |

|Deep |Deeper |Deepest |

|Fine |Finer |Finest |

|Great |Greater |Greatest |

|Hard |Harder |Hardest |

|Light |Lighter |Lightest |

|Low |Lower |Lowest |

|Rich |Richer |Richest |

|Short |Shorter |Shortest |

|Soft |Softer |Softest |

|Small |Smaller |Smallest |

|Strong |Stronger |Strongest |

|Tall |Taller |Tallest |

|Weak |Weaker |Weakest |

|Young |Younger |Youngest |

ii) wKš‘ †h mg¯Í Adjective-Gi ‡k‡l ‘e’ _v‡K Zv‡`i †k‡l ‘r’ ‡hv‡M comparative Ges ‘st’ ‡hv‡M Superlative Ki‡Z nq|

|Positive |Comparative |Superlative |

|able |abler |ablest |

|blue |bluer |Bluest |

|Brave |Braver |Bravest |

|Close |Closer |Closest |

|Fine |Finer |Finest |

|Large ` |Larger |Largest |

|Noble |Nobler |Noblest |

|Wise |Wiser |Wisest |

iii) Adjective-Gi †k‡li Aÿi hw` Constant nq Ges Zvi c~‡e© hw` Single vowel _v‡K Zvn‡j Constant-wU ‰ØË¡ ev double n‡e Ges comparative I superlative-Gi †ÿÎ ch©vqµ‡g er I rest hy³ n‡e|

| Positive |Comparative |Superlative |

|Big |Bigger |Biggest |

|Fit |Fitter |Fittest |

|Fat |Fatter |Fattest |

|Red |Redder |Reddest |

|Sad |Sadder |Saddest |

|Thin |Thinner |Thinnest |

iv) Adjective-Gi †k‡l ‘y _vK‡j Ges ‘y’ Gi c~‡e© Consonant _vK‡j ‘y’ Gi ¯’‡j ‘I’ Ges Zrci ch©vqµ‡g ‘er’ I est hy³ K‡i Comparative I Superlative degree MVb Kiv nq|

| Positive |Comparative |Superlative |

|Busy |Busier |Busiest |

|Dry |Drier |Driest |

|Easy |Easier |Easiest |

|Happy |Happier |Happiest |

|Heavy |Heavier |Heaviest |

|Hungry |Hungrier |Hungriest |

|Lazy |Lazier |Laziest |

|Lovely |Lovelier |Loveliest |

|Ugly |Uglier |Ugliest |

|Wealthy |Wealthier |Wealthiest |

v) wKš‘ ‘y’ Gi c~‡e© hw` Vowel _v‡K †m †ÿ‡Î y-Gi c‡i ch©vqµ‡g ïaygvÎ er I rest hy³ nq|

| Positive |Comparative |Superlative |

|Gay |Gayer |Gayest |

|Grey |Greyer |Greyest |

vi) `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK Syllable-wewkó Positive degree-Gi Adjective-Gi c~‡e© mvaviYZ more ewm‡q Comparative Ges most ewm‡q superlative degree MVb Kiv nq|

| Positive |Comparative |Superlative |

|Active |More active |Most active |

|Attentive |More attentive |Most attentive |

|Beautiful |More beautiful |Most beautiful |

|Comfortable |More comfortable |Most comfortable |

|Difficult |More difficult |Most difficult |

|Dutiful |More dutiful |Most dutiful |

|Diligent |More diligent |Most diligent |

|Important |More important |Most important |

|Intelligent |More intelligent |Most intelligent |

|Learned |More learned |Most learned |

|Useful |More useful |Most useful |

vii) wb¤œwjwLZ Adjective-¸‡jvi Comparative I Superlative –Gi iæc Irregular fv‡e MwVZ Kiv nq|

| Positive |Comparative |Superlative |

|Bad/evil/ill |Worse |Worst |

|Far |Farther |Farthest |

|Fore |Former |Foremost |

|Good/well |Better |Best |

|Little |Less |Least |

|Many |More |Most |

|Many |More |Most |

|Much |More |Most |

|Out |Ourter |Outmost |

|Up |Upper |Uppermost |

Question No. 6: Read the text and change the sentences as directed

1. Dhaka Board-16

a) Pohela Baishakh is undoubtedly the most celebrated festival in Bangladesh. (Complex)

b) It is the first day of the Bengali year when the city roads get so jam packed. (Simple)

c) Almost everyone enjoys the day in his own way. (Passive)

d) Although I do not like gathering, I enjoy the activities of the day. (Compound)

e) It is one of the most interesting days of the year. (Positive)

2. Rajshahi Board-16

a) Cricket is a very exciting game. (Make it exclamatory)

b) People of all ages enjoy this game. (Make it passive)

c) At present cricket is the most popular game in our country. (Make it comparative)

d) Though cricket is a costly game, people of all classes enjoy playing it. (Make it simple)

e) Bangladesh is a test playing country but its standard is not high. (Make it complex)

3. Comilla Board-16

We are very much proud of our freedom fighters. (a) They fought for the country with a patriotic zeal (make it compound). (b) They are the most courageous sons of our nation (make it positive). (c) Everybody admires and respects them greatly (make it passive). (d) Nobody denies their contribution to their motherland (make it affirmative).

4. Dinajpur Board-16

a) Anger is nothing but a vice. (Interrogative)

b) It is compared to flame. It begets only the worst. (Negative)

c) So we should control it for our sake. (Passive)

d) He who is taken by anger causes a lot of troubles. (Simple)

e) Realising it we should try to be emotionally balanced.

5. Jessore Board-16

a) Helal refused the money. (Negative)

b) Nasir earnestly desires to see her once. (Exclamatory)

c) The house which I live in at present is comfortable. (Simple)

d) He delivered a speech and everybody admired it. (Simple)

e) It disturbed him but he did not know the reason. (Complex)

6. Chittagong Board-16

No person can be happy without friends. So, (a) everybody wants friends. (Make it negative without changing the meaning) (b) The heart is formed for love and cannot be happy without the opportunity of giving and receiving love. (Complex) (c) But you cannot find others to love you unless you love them. (Simple) (d) You cannot be happy without it. (Make it interrogative without changing the meaning) So (e) as love is divine, everybody wants to love. (Compound)

7. Sylhet Board-16

The Tajmahal, the unique tomb, is the 7th wonder of the world. (a) It was three hundred years ago since emperor Shah Jahan built the Taj. (Make it simple) (b) As he loved his wife Mumtaj very much, he built it as a tomb of his dear wife. (Make it compound) (c) The building was made with fine white marbles. (Make it active) (d) It rests on a platform of red stone, therefore it looks very nice. (Make it complex) (e) The Tajmamhal is one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. (Make it positive). Many tourists come here to enjoy the scenery of the Taj.

8. Barisal Board-16

a) The Chinese put a lot of emphasis on the unity. (make it passive)

b) The parks are crowded. (negative without changing meaning)

c) There are lots of clean parks in the cities. (Compound)

d) In the evening many families watch television and spend their free time. (Simple)

e) Life becomes dull without recreation. (Complex)

15. Rajshahi College-15

(a) Day to day life in Dhaka is expensive. (Negative) (b) People livingbelow the poverty line lead a miserable life. (complex) (c) Price hike is one of the biggest problems for them. (positive) (d) The government has taken necessary measures to keep the price hike under control. (passive) (e) The people who are greedy are responsible for price spiral. (simple)

16. New Govt. Degree College-15

Adulteration is the act of making any commodity impure by admixture of other or inferior ingredients. (a) this admixture may corrupt the nature of the original commodity. (make it passive). (b) the value or the effectiveness of the finished product is destroyed by adulteration (Make it complex). (c) Adulterated foods and beverages cause a serious health hazard. (c) we have laws and laws enforcing agencies to stop the dishonest businessmen (Make it interrogative). (d) their effort has been proved ineffective since adulteration of foods and other commodities is on the increase (Make it compound). (e) it is strong public awareness which is essential for the fight against adulteration (Make it simple).

17. Rajshahi Govt. City College-15

(a) Haven’t you heard the name of the poet Kazi Nazrul Islam? (Assertive) (b) Very few poets in Bangali literature are as famous as Kazi Nazrul. (Superlative) Nazrul’s writings were full of hope and aspiration. (c) His writing awakened the sleeping people of this subcontinent. (Passive) (c) He helped the people to fight for independence. (Complex) (d) Would that I were a poet like Nazrul! (Assertive)

18. Rajshahi Govt. Women’s College-15

(a) Education is much more than getting certificates (Negative). (b) We have to acquire an enlightened mind enriched with the ability of free thinking and rationality (Complex). (c) If we are not blind to our feelings, our mental horizon will be broadened (Simple). (d) We should achieve the capability to think from other’s perspective and have an unbiased and balanced opinion (Complex). (e) Along with this, our mind should always be equipped with rationality that gives us a stand leading to better understanding of other’s and co-existence (Active).

19. Rajshahi University School & College-15

(a) Poverty is the greatest problem in our country. (make it positive) We hardly realize that this miserable condition is our own creation. (b) Many people do not try to better their conditions by hard labour. (make it compound) (c) They only curse their fate. (make it passive) But this is not reality. (d) it is man who is the maker of his own fortune. (make it simple) So, they should work hard to improve their lot. (e) By working hard, they can remove their poverty. (make it negative).

20. Govt. Azizul Haque College-15

(a) The Royal Bengal Tigers of the Sundarbans are the most famous in the world (Make in a question). (b) All know it for its ferocity (Make it passive). (c) Now, the number of the Royal Bengal Tigers is not increasing (Make it a affirmative sentence). (d) The Royal Bengal Tiger are the target of the illegal poachers (Make it a complex sentence). (e) We ought to preserve this precious wildlife from the extinction by any means (Make it passive). (f) We should save tigers to save our Sundarbans (Make it a complex sentence). (g) Let us not be cruel to them (Make it a statement). (h) Tigers maintain a balance in the Sunderbans (Make it passive). (i) We should punish those who poach tigers illegally (Make it a simple sentence). (j) We should be determined to save tigers (Make it a question).

21. Bogra Cantt Public School & Cllege-15

(a) There is no college without a library. (Affirmative) (b) We must read many books other than textbooks to widen our knowledge. (complex) (c) A college helps us in this respect. (passive) (d) Moreover, we are provided with joy. (active) (e) They are the best of all friends. (comparative)

22. Govt. MR Women’s College-15

(a) Once upon a time there lived a maiden named Cinderella (Make it compound). (b) Her mother was dead and she had work very hard in the kitchen (make it simple). (c) She had two cousins, but they were unkind to her (make it complex). (d) They made her do all the works in the house (make it passive) (e) Sometimes, to keep herself warm she crept in among the cinders (make it Complex).

23. RDA Laboratory School & College-15

a. The old sailor shot the Ablatross (Passive).

b. At this the sailors were very angry with him. (Negative)

c. Their throats were dry and they could not speak. (Complex)

d. Since the old sailor killed the bird, he brought bad luck to the sailors. (Simple)

e. It was a very unlucky day. (Exclamatory)

24. Police Lines School & College-15

(a) Charles Karoro, a banker draws a good salary (compplex). He lices in small apartment in Nairobi. (b) His wife loves gardening (Passive). (c) But the apartment is so small that it does not have a garden (simple). (d) Nairobi is one of the most expensive towns in Africa. (positive degree). Karoro’s relatives often visit his house and stay there for long time. (e) This is real problem for Karoro. (Interrogative)

25. Govt. Shaheed Bulbul College-15

(a) Everybody lives in society (Negative. (b) We should not disturb social order (Affirmative). (c) If we maintain it, we shall be able to lead a peaceful life (simple). (d) Who doesn’t like peace? (Assertive). (e) it is so much required. (Active).

26. Al-Hera Academy School & College-15

a. Cricket is a very exciting game. (Complex)

b. People all over the world enjoy this game very much. (Passive)

c. At present cricket is one of the most popular game in our country. (Comparative)

d. Though it is a very costly game, young men and children get a great deal of delight playing it. (Compound)

e. It is a matter of sorrow that the performance of Bangladesh Cricket Team is not up to the mark. (Exclamatory)

27. Naogaon Govt. College-15

An interview board is important for every candidate. (a) It is important what you perform in an interview board (simple). (b) Some people regard interview as a poor predictor of future performance. (passive) (c) The candidates having a good command on subjectivity can get the benefits. (Complex) (d) To be succeeded, certainly you have to show confidence and enthusiasm. (compound) (e) Interview is one of the best ways to judge a suitable candidate.

28. Qadirabad Cantonment Sapper College-15

1. Rangamati, Khagrachari and Bandarban are the three hilly districts where nature has opened her wings of beauty. (Simple)

2. One day the farmer saw that the fence round the garden was broken. (Passive)

3. The broken fence was not repaired by the farmer. (Compound)

4. The presence of tribal people there makes this place more splendid. (Complex)

5. What cannot be cured must be endured. (Active)

29. Jaypurhat Govt. Women’s College-15

a. Bangladesh is one of the poorest countries in the world. (Positive). (b) But it is not as poor as Ethiopia. (Comparative) (c) The poor people lead a miserable life. (Complex) (d) They cannot sent their children to schools because they are poor. (Simple) (e) It is a great pity. (Exclamatory)

20. Rajuk Uttara Model College-15

a. Observe a good teacher and you will not see him motionless. (Complex)

b. He walks about the class when he feels it necessary. (Compound)

c. He speaks as he thinks and feels. (Simple)

d. He is not chained to fixed rules. (Active)

e. The class becomes communicative and lively. (Negative)

21. Viqarunnisa Noon School & College-15

There is a popularsaying that health is wealth. (a) Health is the greatest wealth of a man. (Positive). (b) In order to be healthy we have to take a balanced diet everyday (Complex) (c) A balanced diet is a food that contains something from each of the three main groups of food (Simple). There groups are: Protein, carbohydrate and fat. Protein is the most important for building our bodies. (d) They help us to build new cells as old ones die (Simple). (e) Carbohydrate and fat provide the root of our existence named energy (Complex).

22. Notre Dame College-15

(a) Education is much more than getting certificates. (Negative) (b) If we fail to open up our mind to a broad horizon, our education remains incomplete. (Simple) (c) Along with this, our mind should always be equipped with rationality that gives us a stand leading to better understanding of and with others and co-existence. (Active) In this case, books can help us understand other people. (d) A books is the record of what one does and thinks. (Simple) (e) Wherever you go, the teaching of book will follow you. (Simple)

23. Ideal School & College-15

(a) Though an efficient banking system is important for economic growth, it is often unable to lend money to the poor. (Simple) (b) Grameen Bank is one of the best examples of micro credit programmes. (Positive) (c) Grameen Bank provides loan to the poor rural women. (Complex) (d) It provides loan to the rural women so that it can develop their living standard. (Compound) (e) Grameen Bank got prestigious Nobel Prize in 2006. (Passive)

24. Dhaka Residential Model College-15

a. New Zealand Cricket Team is one of the strongest cricket team in the world. (Positive)

b. Everyone knows it. (negative)

c. Naturally they should have defeated Bangladesh in the one-day series. (complex)

d. However, people of Bangladesh watched a breath taking victory of Bangladesh Tigers over New Zealand. (Compound)

e. We must be proud of our cricketers. (Negative)

25. Holly Cross College-15

(a) Jerry was a small boy who lived in the orphanage. (Simple) (b) He was the strongest of all the boys. (Positive) He used to cut wood for the writer. (c) He also did some unnecessary things for her.(Passive) (d) His mother visited him at the orphanage in autumn. (Complex) (e) One morning the writer was awakened by the sound of his tapping on the door. (Active) She did not say anything though she was disturbed.

26. Dhaka College-15

(a) English is more used than any other language. (Positive) (b) Organizations frequently need employees who have a good command over English. (Simple) (c) There are many companies and they provide English language training for their staff. (Complex) (d) Many believe that English helps people to get good jobs and better salaries. (Passive) (e) English is spoken all over the world. (Active)

27. Dhaka City College-15

(a) E-mail is a computer based messaging system. (Complex) It is a speedy mode of communication. (b) It eliminates the time spent in establishing phone calls (Interrogative). (c) It is cheaper than telephone calls (Positive). It permits communication between two parties without the parties actually being present simultaneously. (d) It takes only a few seconds to transmit a message from one country to another (Negative). It has, however, not reached everyone, especially in developing countries like ours. (e) But even here people use commercially operated e-mail facilities for important purposes. (passive)

28. Dhaka Commerce College-15

(a) The birds that come to our country in winter are called migratory birds. (Make it simple) (b) In winter the weather is too cold for them to live in the north. (Make it complex) (c) They find a better shelter in Bangladesh. (Make it passive) (d) We must protect them (Make it negative) (e) Migratory birds fly faster than the dove. (Make it positive)

29. Lalmatia Mahila College-15

(a) English is more used than any other language (make positive). (b) Organizations need employees who have a good command over English. (simple). (c) An English knowing man can earn better salary (positive). (d) English is spoken all over the world (Active). (e) We should learn English to make a room for us in the competitive world (Complex).

30. Milestone College-15

(a) Milestone College is now regarded as one of the best colleges in Bangladesh (Comparative). (b) The teacher of this college are very sincere and active (Negative). (c) They always try to make their students prepared for the examinations (complex). (d) Now people all over the country know this (Passive). (e) The acceptability of this college is rising very rapidly (Exclamatory).

31. Begum Badrunnesa Govt. Girl’s College-15

(a) Truthfulness is the greatest of all the virtue (make positive). (b) The virtue makes a man really great (make it complex). (c) It we do not cultivate the habit of speaking the truth, we can not command the confidence of others (make it simple. The man whom nobody believes can never be famous in life. It may be that we may succeed once or twice by telling a lie, but never brings about a good result. (d) A lie never lies hidden (make it affirmative). Nobody believes a liar. (e) All hate him (make it negative).

32. Matijheel Model School & College-15

a. I went back to work, closing the door. (compound)

b. At first the sound of the boy dragging brush annoyed me. He began to chop. (Passive)

c. The blows that he made were rythmic tan a constant rain. (Simple)

d. The sound of his blows were more rythmic than a constant rain. (Positive)

e. Having forgotten the boy I went back to sleep. (Complex)

33. Birshreshtha Munshi Abdur Rouf Public College-15

a. Jim and Della sacrificed their dearest possessions in order to buy Christmas presents for each other. (Compound)

b. Della had an ardent desire to give her husband a worthy gift. (Complex)

c. Jim also thought so that he could give his wife a nice gift. (Simple)

d. Della saved a scanty amount of money for this. (Passive)

e. Jim was one of the sincerest husbands that we have ever known. (Positive)

34. Govt. Bangla College-15

(a) Child labour is one of the biggest curses of the 21st century (Positive). It is a complete violation of human rights. (b) Unfortunately this has become accepted in our society (Complex). (c) Only poverty is responsible for this have to send some of their kids to work so that they can fill their empty stomachs (Simple). (e) Though these poor and helpless children have to do bone-breaking work all day, in return they are rewarded with all kinds of abuse (Compound).

35. BAF Shaheen College-15

(a) But at last God took pity on him. (Make it negative without changing the meaning), (b) One day the old sailor was watching the water snakes swimming around the ship. (Make it passive), Their colours were very beautiful and (c) he was filled with a strange wonder. (make it active) Then he felt a great love for them and blessed them from his heart. (d) At once the dead albatross fell from his neck into the sea, and the old man fell into a deep sleep. (make it complex) (e) When he woke up, it was raining (Make it simple)

36. BCIC College-15

(a) There are a good number of reasons why students fail in English. (Simple) (b) Because of foreign language the students fail in English in great number. (Complex) Very few students are earnest in learning English. (c) Students seek the chance to cross barriers of examinations. (Compound) (d) English is the most fearful subject for them. (Positive) (e) We must develop the student of English. (Negative)

37. Ideal College-15

(a) Bangladesh is a small country but has a vast population. (Simple) (b) Very few countries in the world are as population as it (Superlative). Most of the people here live in the village and they are farmers. (c) The farmers work hard to support themselves (Complex). (d) They are honest and kind (negative without changing the meaning). (e) They should be taken care of (Active).

38. Govt. Science College-15

(a) Long Long ago there was a king who was very wise (simple). (b) People called him wise Solomon (Passive). (c) Actually at the time he was the wisest of all (Comparative). (d) He felt very helpless (Interrogative without change of meaning). (e) There was another ruler also named the Queen of Sheba (Complex). She tested Solomon’s wisdom.

1. Cantt Public School & College-15

a) Health is wealth. (Interrogative)

b) There are many students in the class. (Negative)

c) It I were a king! (Assertive)

d) It is a very fine bird. (Exclamatory)

e) Never tell a lie. (Passive)

2. Rangpur Govt. College-15

Sadia, a Bangladeshi girl, is going to finish school. (a) She has no hopes of going to college (complex). (b) Sadia’s parents think that educating a girl is a waste of time and money (Simple). They have decided that they will marry her off. (c) They use their scarce ‘resources for son’s education (passive). She wants to be a doctor. (d) she used to be happy being a girl, she now wishes to be a boy (Compound). (e) Sadia is not so happy as her brother (Comparative).

3. Police Lines School & College-15

(a) Cox’ Bazar sea beach is the largest sea-beach in the world (Make it a complex sentence). (b) It is one of the most beautiful sea-beaches in the world. (Make it positive degree) (c) It is called pleasure seeker’s paradise (Make it active). (d) The visitors go there to enjoy natural beauties. (Make it a question). (e) Those who become tired may go to relax there. (Make it simple sentence)

4. Thakurgaon Govt College-15

(a) It was twenty years ago and, as a young writer, I was living in Paris (Make it simple). I had a tiny apartment in the Latin Quarters overlooking a cemetery. (b) I was earning barely enough money to keep body and soul together. (Make it complex) (c) One of my lady admirers having read a book of mine, had written to me about it. (Make it Compound) She wished to have a chat with me and have a little luncheon at Foyot’s. (d) Foyot’s is a very expensive restaurant where usually the French Sentators eat. (Make it question). (e) But as I was flattered, I agreed to give her a modest luncheon. (Make it active)

5. Lions School & College-15

a) The old sailor shot the albatross. (Passive)

b) At this the sailors were very angry with him. (Negative)

c) Their throats were dry and they couldn’t speak. (Complex)

d) Since the old sailor killed the bird, he brought bad luck to the sailors. (Simple)

e) It was a very unlucky day. (Exclamatory)

6. Saidpur Govt. Technical College-15

(a) Books are the best companions of man (Positive). (b) Nowadays books are published in huge quantity (Active). (c) People read books for pleasure (Compound). (d) A book is great treasure (Exclamatory). (e) We should develop the habit of buying books (Interrogative).

7. Majida Khatun Govt. Women’s College-15

Once a cook roasted a duck for his master. (a) The roasted duck looked very delicious (Make it Exclamatory). (b) The cook could not resist his temptation and ate up one of the drumsticks. (Make it Complex). (c) When the master sat to eat he noticed the missing leg. (make it Compound) The Master said asked the cook what happened to the other leg. The cook replied that it was a one-legged duck. (d) The master was not a fool. (Make it affirmative) He said that there was no such thing as a one-legged duck. (e) But the cook insisted that the duck had only one leg (Make it simple)

1. Hamidpur Al-Hera Degree College-15

(a) Eve-teasing is one of the serious problems. (Positive) (b) It is an inhuman and barbarous act. (Negative) (c) The problem cannot be solved overnight. (Active) (d) We should create public awareness to solve this problem. (Complex) (e) It is quite impossible to convene anybody with an implausible answer. (Exclamatory)

2. Cantonment College- Jessore -15

I was extremely tired. (a) I lay down on the grass which was very soft and short. (Compound) (b) When I woke up, it was day-light (Simple). (c) I attempted to move but could not (Simple). (d) I was strongly fastened to the ground (Active voice). I could only look upwards. I could see nothing but the sky. (e) The sun grew hot and its bright light hurt my eyes (Complex)

3. Cantonment Public School & College-15

Raju is a good boy. (a) I do not know his father’s name (Complex). (b) But I know the place where he was born (Simple). He is an active man (c) Though he is poor, he is honest (Compound). (d) He is the best player (Negative). (e) What a simple life he leads! (Assertive).

4. Khulna Govt. Girl’s College-15

Mrs. Sharif, a housewife lives in the capital city of Bangladesh. (a) She lived in Dhaka when she was a child. (Simple) She is now forty five years of age. (b) She has watched many ups and downs of the city. (Make it passive) She told some important aspect of the way of life of Dhaka city. (c) (Make it passive) She told some important aspect of the way of life of Dhaka city. (c) The life which is very difficult now was easy in the past. (Compound) (d) The houses are very close to each other and so many people live in multi-storied flats. (Complex) She told to be careful in using water, gas and electricity. (e) She is one of the most frugal housewives. (Positive)

5. Govt. Pioneer Girl’s College-15

(a) I do not know his father’s name (Complex) (b) But I know the place where he was born (Simple) (c) Though he is poor, he is honest (Compound). (d) He is the best player (Negative). (e) What a simple life he leads! (Assertive)

6. Khulna Collegiate Girl’s School &KCC Women’s College-15

a) A fisherman earns his livelihood by catching fish. (Make it compound)

b) He works hard all day and night. (Make it interrogative)

c) He has no radio and cannot listen to the weather warning. (Make it complex)

d) A fisherman leads a very poor life. (Make it exclamatory)

e) He is not less important than any other person in the society.

1. Comilla Victoria Govt. College-15

(a) Autumn is when ponds and lakes in Bangladesh are blanketed with water lilies (simple). (b) People collect water lilies (passive). (c) The stems of water lilies are edible (complex). (d) People sell them in the market to earn money (compound). (e) Water lily is our national flower (Interrogative).

2. Ispahani Public School & College-15

Success will not come to one’s life automatically. (a) Do you know it (Passive)? (b) An industrious boy will shine in life (Complex). (c) A life wit an assignment is an actual life (Negative without changing the meaning). (d) None can receive any reward unless he works hard (Simple). (e) It is evident that industry is one of the greatest virtues (Positive).

3. Comilla Govt. College-15

(a) January is the coldest month in Bangladesh (comparative). (b) The poor people suffer much (complex). (c) They make fire and warm themselves (simple) (d) During winter vegetables are cheap (complex). (e) Date juice during winter is very sweet (exclamatory).

4. Comilla Commerce College-15

(a) A farmer had a wonderful goose (complex). She laid a golden egg everyday. The farmer was very excited to see the golden egg. (b) He sold the eggs in the market (passive). He becomes greedier to have all the eggs in a day. (c) Though he cut open the belly of the goose, he found no egg inside it (compound). He said to himself. (d) She was one of the most wonderful geese of the world (Positive). (e) I have lost my fortune by killing it (Interrogative).

5. Comilla Shikkha Board Model College-15

(a) A good teacher is one of the most important people in any country (Comparative). (b) He plays a significant role to educate the nation (Negative). (c) The good teacher discovers the treasure hidden inside each student (Complex). (d) He keeps his students busy so that he can make them happy (Simple). (e) Bangladesh is in need of good teachers (Interrogative).

6. Sonar Bangla College-15

(a) Julius Caesar is one of the greatest tragedies of Shakespeare (Positive). (b) It is one of the Roman Tragedies. (b) It depicts one of the most catastrophic events of the murder of Caesar (Passive). (c) The day opens with the workmen of Rome celebrating the victory of Caesar (Complex). (d) When Caesar returned to Rome, he was received with flowers (Simple). (e) Though everybody suspected the murder of Caesar. Caesar did not believe it (Compound)

7. Mosharraf Hossain Khan CHowdhury University College-15

a) Shylock was a cruel man who lived in Venice. (Simple)

b) He used to lend money on high interest to get more profit. (Complex)

c) People of Venice did not like him. (Affirmative)

d) He was well-known for his generosity. (Active)

e) In fact, he was nobler than most other people of Venice. (Positive)

8. Brahmanbaria Govt. College-15

a) Bangladesh is one of the poorest countries in the world. (Positive)

b) But it is not as poor as Ethiopia. (Comparative)

c) The poor people lead a miserable life. (Complex)

d) They cannot send their children to school because they are poor. (Simple)

e) It’s a great pity. (Exclamatory)

9. Brahmanbaria Govt. Women’s College-15

a) Health is the greatest wealth of a man. (Positive)

b) In order to be healthy, we have to take balanced diet. (Complex)

c) A balanced diet is a food that contains something from each of the three main groups of food. (Simple)

d) They help us to build new cells as old ones die. (Compound)

e) Carbohydrate and fat provide us with the root of our existence named energy. (Passive)

10. Nabinagar Govt College-15

There was an old man, named Ibn Rushad. (a) He lived in Spain which is a very green and beautiful country. (Make it Simple) (b)Despite a man of seventy, he read sixteen hours a day (Make it Complex) (c) He read so many books that he could hardly count it (Make it Compound). His belief about birth is to work. There is no scope to idle away time. (d) He began his study with a recitation of the Holy Quran (Make it Passive). (e) Rabindranath is one of the greatest poets in the world. (Make it superlative)

11. Chandpur Govt. College-15

(a) Anika wrote a letter to her mother yesterday (passive). (b) She told her mother to sent tk 1000 t buy some books (Complex). (c) In the letter she told her that she should not worry about her studies (Simple). (d) Her mother often writes to her (Interrogative). (e) She feels that her mother is better than all other mothers in the world (Superlative).


1. [Dhaka Board-16]

a) There ia no doubt that Pohela Baishakh is the most celebrated festival in Bangladesh.

b) On the first day of the Bengali year, the city roads get so jam packed.

c) The day is enjoyed by almost everyone in his own way.

d) I do not like gathering, but I enjoy the activities of this day.

e) Very few days of the year are as interesting as it.

2. [Rajshahi Board-16]

a) What an exciting game cricket is!

b) This game is enjoyed by people of all ages.

c) At present cricket is more popular than all other game in our country.

d) In spite of its being a costly game, people of all classes enjoy playing cricket.

e) Though Bangladesh is a test playing country, its standard is not high.

3. [Comilla Board-16]

a) They had patriotic zeal and fought for the country.

b) No other sons of our nation are as courageous as they.

c) They are admired and respected greatly.

d) Who denies their contribution to their motherland?

e) They will always be remembered by their countrymen to the end.

4. [Dinajpur Board-16]

a) Is anger anything but a vice?

b) It not only is compared to flame but also begets the worst.

c) So it should be controlled for our sake.

d) He being taken by anger causes a lot of troubles.

e) We should realize it and try to be emotionally balanced.

5. [Jessore Board-16]

a) Helal did not take/accept the money.

b) Would that Nasir could see her once!

c) At present I live in a comfortable house.

d) Everybody admired his speech.

e) Though it disturbed him, he did not know the reason.

6. [Chittagong Board-16]

a) Nobody wants enemy.

b) As the heart is formed for love, it cannot be happy without the opportunity of giving and receiving love.

c) But you cannot find others to love you without loving them.

d) Can you be happy without it?

e) Love is divine and everybody wants to love.

7. [Sylhet Board-16]

a) Emperor Shah Jahan built the Taj three hundred years ago.

b) He loved his wife Mamtaj very much, and so, he built it as a tomb of his dear wife.

c) He made the building with fine white marbles.

d) As it rests on a platform of red stone, it looks very nice.

e) Very few buildings in the world are as beautiful as the Tajmahal.

8. [Barishal Board-16]

a) A lot of emphasis is put on the unity by the Chinese.

b) The parks are not empty.

c) There are lots of parks in the cities and they are clean.

d) In the evening many families spend their free time watching television.

e) Life becomes dull if there is no recreation.

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1. [Rajshahi College]

a) Day to day life in Dhaka is not chap.

b) People who live below the poverty line lead a miserable life.

c) Very few problems are as big as price hike for them.

d) Necessary measures have been taken by the government to keep price hike under control.

e) The greedy people are responsible for price spiral.

2. [Rajshahi New Govt.

a) The nature of the original commodity may be corrupted by this admixture.

b) It is adulteration which destroys the value or the effectiveness of the finish product.

c) Don’t we have laws and law enforcing agencies to stop the dishonest businessmen?

d) Adulteration of foods and other commodities is on the increase and so their effort has been proved ineffective.

e) Strong public awareness is essential for the fight against adulteration.

3. [Rajshahi Govt. City]

a) You have heard the name of the poet Kazi Nazrul Islam.

b) Kazi Nazrul Islam is one of the most famous poets in Bengali literature.

c) The sleeping people of this subcontinent were awakened by his writings.

d) He helped the people so that they could fight for independence.

e) I wish I were a poet like Nazrul.

4. [Rajshahi Govt. Women’s]

a) Getting certificates is not as much as education.

b) We have to acquire an enlightened mind which is enriched with the ability of free thinking and rationality.

c) Without being not blind to our feelings, our horizon will be broadened.

d) We should achieve the capability to think from others’ perspective so that we can have an undiased and balanced opinion.

e) Along with this, rationality that gives us a stand leading to better understanding of others and co-existence should equip our mind.

5. [Rajshahi University]

a) No other problem in the country is as great as poverty.

b) Many people don’t labour hard and try to better their condition.

c) Fate is only cursed by them.

d) Man is the maker of his own fortune.

e) Without working hard, they cannot remove their poverty.

6. [Govt. Azizul Haque College]

a) Aren’t the Royal Bengal Tigers of the Sundarbans the most famous in the world?

b) It is known to all for its ferocity.

c) Now, the number of the Royal Bengal Tigers is decreasing.

d) It is the illegal poachers, who target the Royal Bengal Tigers.

e) This precious wildlife ought to be preserved from the extinction by any means by us.

f) We should save tigers so that we can save our Sundarbans.

g) We should not be cruel to them.

h) A balance in the Sundarbans is maintained by tigers.

i) We should punish the illegal poachers.

j) Shouldn’t we be determined to save tigers?

7. [Bogra Cantt. Public]

a) Every college has a library.

b) We must read many books other than textbooks so that we can widen our knowledge.

c) We are helped by a college in this respect.

d) Moreover, books provide us with joy.

e) They are better than all other friends.

8. [Govt. MR Women’s]

a) Once upon a time there lived a maiden and her name was Cinderella.

b) She had to work very hard in the kitchen after the death of her mother.

c) Though she had two cousins, they were unkind to her.

d) She was made to do all the works in the house by them.

e) Sometimes she crept in among the cinders so that she could keep herself warm.

9. [RDA Laboratory School & College]

a) The albatross was shot by the old sailor.

b) At this the sailors were not pleased with him at all.

c) As their throats were dry, they could not speak.

d) Killing the bird the old sailor brought bad luck to the sailors.

e) What an unlucky day it was!

10. [Police Line School & College]

a) Charles Karoro who is a banker draws a good salary.

b) Gardening is loved by his wife.

c) The apartment is too small to have a garden.

d) Very few towns in Africa are as expensive as Nairobi.

e) Isn’t this real problem for Karoro?

11. [Govt. Shaheed Bulbul]

a) Nobody lives alone.

b) We should maintain social order.

c) We shall be able a peaceful life by maintain it.

d) Everybody likes peace.

e) We require it so much.

12. [Al-Hera Academy]

a) Cricket is a game which is very exciting.

b) This game is enjoyed very much by people all over the world.

c) At present, cricket is more popular than most other games in our country.

d) It is a very costly game but young men and children get a great delight playing it.

e) Alas! The performance of Bangladesh Cricket Team is not up to the mark.

13. [Naogaon Govt. College]

a) Your performance is an interview board is important.

b) Interview is regarded as a poor predictor of future performance by some people.

c) The candidates who have a good command on subjectivity can get the benefits.

d) You have to show confidence and enthusiasm certainly and thus you can succeed.

e) Very few ways are as good as interview to judge a suitable candidate.

14. Qadirabad Cantonment Sappar]

a) Nature has opened her wings of beauty in the three hilly districts- Rangamati, Khagrachari and Bandarban.

b) That the fence round the garden was broken was seen by the farmer one day.

c) The fence was broken and it was not repaired by the farmer.

d) The presence of people who are tribal there makes this place more splendid.

e) What we cannot cure, we must endure it.

15. [Joypurhat Govt. Women’s]

a) Very few countries of the world are as poor as Bangladesh.

b) But Ethiopia is poorer than it.

c) The people who are poor lead a miserable life. They cannot send their children to schools because of their poverty.

d) They cannot send their children to schools because of their poverty.

e) What a pity it is!

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1. [Rajuk Uttara Model College]

a) If you observe a good teacher, you will not see him motionless.

b) He feels it necessary and walks about the class.

c) He speaks according to his thinking and feeling.

d) Fixed rules do not chain him.

e) The class does not become uncommunicative and boring.

2. [Viqarunnisa Noon School & College]

a) No other wealth of a man is as great as health.

b) We have to take a balanced diet so that we can be healthy.

c) A balanced diet is a food containing something from each of the three main groups of food.

d) They help us to build new cells after the death of the old ones.

e) Carbohydrate and fat provide the root of our existence which is named energy.

3. [Notre Dame]

a) Education is not only getting certificates.

b) In case of our failing to open up our mind to a broad horizon our education remains incomplete.

c) Along with this, rationality that gives us a stand leading to better understanding of and with others and co-existence should always equip our mind.

d) A book is the record of one’s doings and thoughts.

e) The teaching of book will follow you everywhere.

4. [Ideal School & College]

a) An efficient banking system is often unable to lend money to the poor despite its being important for economic growth.

b) Very few examples of microcredit programmes are as good as Grameen Bank.

c) Grammen Bank provides loan to the poor women who live in the rural areas.

d) It wants to develop the living standard of the rural women and so provides loan to them.

e) Prestigious Nobel Prize was got by Grameen Bank in 2006.

5. [Dhaka Residential Model]

a) Vry few cricket teams in the world are as strong as New Zealand Cricket Team.

b) There is no one but knows it. There is no one who does not know it.

c) It is natural that they should have defeated Bangladesh in the one-day series.

d) However people of Bangladesh watched a breath-taking victory of Bangladesh Tigers and it was over New Zealand.

e) We cannot but be proud of our cricketers.

6. [Holy Cross College]

a) Jerry was a small boy living in the orphanage.

b) No other boy was as strong as he.

c) Some unnecessary things were also done by him for her.

d) When it was autumn, his mother visited him.

e) One morning the sound of his tapping on the door awakened the writer.

7. [Dhaka College]

a) No other language is as used as English.

b) Organization frequently need employees having a good command over English.

c) They are many companies which provide English language training for their staff.

d) That English helps people to get good jobs and better salaries is believed by many. or, It is believed that people are helped to get good jobs and better salaries by English.

e) People all over the world speak English.

8. [Dhaka City College]

a) E-mail is a messaging system which is computer based.

b) Doesn’t it eliminate the time spent in establishing phone calls?

c) Telephone calls are not so cheap as it.

d) It does not take more than a few seconds to transmit a message from one country to another.

e) But even here commercially operated e-mail facilities are used by people for important purposes.

9. [Dhaka Commerce College]

a) The birds coming to our country in winter are called migratory birds.

b) In winter the weather is so cold that they cannot live in the north.

c) A better shelter in Bangladesh is found by them./ A better shelter is found in Bangladesh by them.

d) We cannot but protect them.

e) The dove cannot fly as fast as migratory birs.

10. [Lalmatia Mahila College]

a) No other language is so used as English.

b) Organizations need employees having a good command over English.

c) Better salary can be earned by an English knowing man.

d) People speak English all over the world.

e) We should learn English so that we can make a room for us in the competitive world.

11. [Milestone College]

a) Milestone college is now regarded better than most other colleges in Bangladesh.

b) The teachers of this college are not insincere and inactive at all.

c) It is they who always try to make their students prepared for the examinations.

d) Now this is known to people all over the country.

e) How rapidly the acceptability of this college is rising!

12. [Begum Badrunnesa Govt. Girl’s]

a) No other virtue is so great as truthfulness.

b) It is the virtue that makes a man really great.

c) We cannot command the confidence of others without cultivating the habit of speaking the truth.

d) A lie always gets revealed.

e) Nobody loves him.

13. [Motijheel Model]

a) I closed the door and went back to work.

b) At first I was annoyed at the sound of the boy dragging brush.

c) He made rhythmic and steady blows.

d) A constant rain was not so rhythmic as the sound of his blows.

e) As had forgot the boy, I went back to sleep.

14. [Birshrestha Munshi Abdur Rouf]

a) Jim and Della sacrificed their dearest possessions and bought nice Christmas presents for each other.

b) Della had an ardent desire that was to give her husband a worthy gift. /Della had a desire which was ardent to give her husband a worthy gift.

c) Jim also thought to give his wife a nice gift.

d) A scanty amount of money was saved by Della for this.

e) Very few husbands that we have ever known were as sincere as Jim.

15. [Govt. Bangla College]

a) Very few curses of the 21st century are as big as child labour.

b) It is unfortunate that this has become accepted in our society.

c) Nothing but poverty is responsible for this.

d) In a family of five or six children, the parents have to send some of their kids to work to fill their empty stomachs.

e) These poor and helpless children have to do bone breaking work all day but in return they are rewarded with all kinds of abuse.

16. [BAF Shaheen College]

a) But at last God could not but take pity on him.

b) One day the water smakes swimming around the shi were being watched by the old sailor.

c) A strange wonder filled him.

d) When the dead albatross fell from the neck of the old sailor into the sea he fell into deep sleep.

e) At the time of his waking up it was raining.

17. [BCIC College]

a) The students fail in English in great number because of a good number of reasons.

b) The students fail in English in great number because English is a foreign language.

c) Students want to cross the barriers of examinations and so they seek the chance.

d) No other subject for them is so fearful as English.

e) We cannot but develop the student of English.

18. [Ideal College-Dhanmondi]

a) Bangladesh has a vast population despite its being a small country.

b) It is one of the most populous countries in the world.

c) The farmers work hard so that they can support themselves.

d) They are not dishonest and unkind.

e) We should take care of them.

19. [Govt. Science College]

a) Long long ago, there was a wise king.

b) He was called wise Solomon.

c) Actually, at that time, he has wiser than all other men.

d) Didn’t he feel very helpless?

e) There was another ruler whose name was the queen of Sheba.

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1. [Cantt Public School & College]

a) Isn’t health wealth?

b) There are not a few students in the class.

c) I wish I were a king.

d) What a fine bird it is!

e) Let a lie never be told.

2. [Rangpur Govt. College]

a) Though she wants to go to college, she has no hope in this regard.

b) According to Sadia’s parents, educating a girl is a waste of time and money.

c) Their scarce resource are used by them for son’s educations. S

d) She used to be happy being a girl but now she wishes to be a boy.

e) Sadia’s brother is happier than her.

3. [Police Lions School &]

a) Cox’s Bazar which is a sea beach is the longest in the world.

b) Very few sea beaches in the world are as beautiful as if.

c) People call it pleasure seeker’s paradise.

d) Don’t the visitors go there to enjoy natural beauties?

e) The tried may go to relax there.

4. [Thakurgaon Govt. College]

a) I, as a young writer, was living in Paris twenty years ago.

b) I was earning barely enough money so that I could keep body and soul together.

c) One of my lady enough money so that I could keep body and soul together.

d) Isn’t Foyot’s a very expensive restaurant where usually the French Senators eat?

e) But she flattered me. I agreed to give her a modest luncheon.

5. [Lion’s School & College]

a) The albatross was shot by the old sailor.

b) At this the sailors were not at all happy with him

c) As their throats were dry, they couldn’t speak.

d) Killing the bird, the old sailor brought bad luck to the sailors.

e) What an unlucky day it was!

6. [Saidpur Govt. Technical]

a) No other companion of man is as good as books.

b) Nowadays the publishers publish books in huge quantity.

c) People read books and get pleasure.

d) What a treasure a book is!

e) Shouldn’t we develop the habit of buying books?

7. [Majida Khatun Govt. Women]

a) How delicious the roasted duck looked!

b) Since the cook could not resist his temptation, he ate up one of the drumsticks.

c) The master sat down to eat and noticed the missing leg.

d) The master was intelligent.

e) But the cook insisted on the duck’s having only one leg.

h‡kvi †ev‡W©i wbe©vPbx cixÿvi cÖ‡kœi mgvavbt

1. [Hamidpur Al-Hera Degree College]

a) Very few problem are as serious as eve-teasing.

b) It is not a human and kind act.

c) We cannot solve the problem overnight.

d) We should create public awareness so that we can solve the problem.

e) How impossible it is to convene anybody with an implausible answer!

2. [Cantonment College-Jessore]

a) I lay down on the grass and it was very soft and short.

b) It was day-light at the time of my waking up. On my waking up, it was day-light.

c) In spite of my attempt I could not move out.

d) As the sun grew hot, its bright light hurt my eyes.

3. [Cantonment Public School & College]

a) I do not know what his father’s name is.

b) But I know his birth place.

c) He is poor but honest.

d) No other player is as good as he.

e) He leads a very simple life.

4. [Khulna Govt. Girls’ College]

a) She lived in Dhaka during her childhood.

b) Many ups and downs of the city have been watched by her.

c) Life is very difficult now but it was easy in the past.

d) As the houses are so close to each other many people live in multi-storied flats.

e) Very few housewives are so frugal as she.

5. [Govt. Pioneer Girls College]

a) I do not know what his father’s name is.

b) But I know his birth place.

c) He is poor but honest.

d) No other player is as good as he.

e) He leads a very simple life.

6. [Khulna Collegiate Girls’ School & KCC Women’s]

a) A fisherman catches fish and thus, he earns his livelihood.

b) Doesn’t he work hard all day and night?

c) As he has no radio, he cannot listen to the weather warning.

d) What a poor life a fisherman leads!

e) He is as important as any other person in the society.

Kzwgjøv †ev‡W©i wbe©vPbx cixÿvi cÖ‡kœi mgvavbt

1. [Comilla Victoria Govt. College]

a) Ponds and lakes in Bangladesh are blanketed with water lilies in autumn.

b) Water lilies are collected by people.

c) Water lilies have stems which are edible.

d) People sell them in the market and earn money.

e) Isn’t water lily our national flower?

2. [Ispahani Public]

a) Is it known to you?

b) A boy who is industrious will shine in life.

c) A life without an assignment is not an actual life.

d) Without working hard, none can receive any reward.

e) It is evident that very few virtues are as great as industry.

3. [Comilla Govt. College]

a) January is colder than any other month in Bangladesh.

b) The people who are poor suffer much.

c) By making fire, they warm themselves.

d) When it is winter, vegetables are cheap.

e) How sweet date juice during winter is!

4. [Comilla Commerce College]

a) A farmer had a goose which was wonderful.

b) The eggs were sold in the market by him.

c) He cut open the belly of the goose but he found no egg inside it.

d) Very few geese of the world were as wonderful as she.

e) Haven’t I lost my fortune by killing it?

5. [Comilla Shikkha Board Model]

a) A good teacher is more important than most other people in any country.

b) A significant role is played to educate the nation by him.

c) The good teacher discovers the treasure which is hidden inside each student.

d) He keeps his students busy to make them happy.

e) Isn’t Bangladesh in need of good teachers?

6. [Sonar Bangla College]

a) Very few tragedies of Shakespeare are as great as Julius Caesar.

b) One of the most catastrophic events of the murder of Caesar is depicted in it.

c) The day opens when the work-men of Rome were celebrating the victory of Caesar.

d) At his return to Rome, Caesar was received with flowers.

e) Everybody suspected the murder of Caesar but Caesar did not believe it.

7. [Mosharraf Hossain Khan]

a) Shylock, a cruel man lived in Venice.

b) He used to lend money on high interest so that he could get more profit.

c) People of Venice disliked him.

d) People knew him well for his generosity.

e) In fact, very few people of Venice were so noble as he.

8. [Brahamanbaria Govt. College]

a) Very few countries in the world are as poor as Bangladesh.

b) But Ethiopia poorer than it.

c) The poor people lead a life which is miserable.

d) They cannot send their children to school because of poverty.

e) What a pity it is!

9. [Brahmanbaria Govt. Women’s]

a) No other wealth of a man is as great as health.

b) If we want to be healthy, we have to take a balanced diet.

c) A balanced diet is a food containing something from each of the three main groups of food.

d) They help us to build new cells and thus old ones die.

e) We are provided with the root of our existence named energy by carbohydrate and fat.

10. [Nabinagar Govt. College]

a) He lived in a green and beautiful country named Spain.

b) Though he was a man of seventy, he read sixteen hours a day.

c) He read many books and he could hardly count them.

d) His study was began with a recitation of the Holy Quran.

e) Rabindranath is one of the greatest poets in the world.

11. [Chandpur Govt. College]

a) A letter was written by Anika to her mother yesterday.

b) She told her mother that she should send tk 1000 to buy some books.

or, She told her mother to send tk 1000 so that she could buy some books.

c) In the letter she told her not to worry about her studies.

d) Doesn’t her mother often write to her?

e) She feels that her mother is the best of all mother’s in the world.

Changing Narrative Style / Changing Speech

Narration kãwUi A_© Dw³ ev eY©bv | Narrate-kãwU †_‡K Bnvi DrcwË|

Narration-`yB cÖKvi | h_v:

i) Direct (ii) Indirect

Direct (cÖZ¨ÿ Dw³): e³vi K_v ûeû A‡b¨i wbKU eY©bv Kiv n‡j Zv‡K Direct Narration e‡j|

Raz said,” I am well

ii) Indirect: e³vi K_v c‡ivÿfv‡e A‡b¨i wbKU eY©bv Kiv n‡j, Zv‡K Indirect narration e‡j|

Raz said that he was well .

❑ Direct Narration Gi Inverted comma ( ( ( ) Gi †fZ‡ii AskwU‡K Reported speech Ges evB‡ii As‡ki Finite verb- wU‡K Reporting verb e‡j|

Narration of Assertive sentences

Rule-1: Reporting verb hw` Present ev Future Tense G _v‡K Z‡e Reported Speech Gi Tense MZ †Kvb cwieZ©b Ki‡Z nq bv| kyaygvÎ Person Gi cwieZ©b nq Ges person Abyhvqx verb e‡m| Inverted comma ( ( ( ) D‡V wM‡q conjunction that e‡m|

Direct: He say. ( I am well(

Indirect: He says that he is well.

Direct: He says. ( I cat rice (

Indirect: He Says That he cats rice .

Direct: The boy will say,( I like mangoes .(

Ind: The boy will say that he likes mangoes.

Dir: Raz says. ( I shall buy a smart phone.(

Ind: Raz Says that he will buy Smart phone.

R-2: Reported Speech hw` Universal truth (wPimZ¨), habitual facts (Af¨mMZ Kg©) near fulare (wbKUZg fwel¨r), historical event (HwZnvwmK NUbv), Newspaper Headlines, writer Speech (‡jL‡Ki e³e¨) BZ¨vw` _vK‡j Tense MZ †Kvb cwieZ©b nq bv| ïaygvÎ person Gi cwieZ©b nq Ges person Abyhvqx verb e‡m| Inverted comma Gi cwie‡Z© That e‡m|

The Teacher said, ( The earth is pound

( The teacher said that he earth is pound.

Rabindranath Tagore said. ( Truth is beauty.(

( Rabindranath Tagore said that truth is beauty

Rule-3: Reporting Verb hw` past tense- G _v‡K, Z‡e wb¤œwjwLZfv‡e Tense Gi cwieZ©b nq|

Direct ( Indirect

Present Indefinite = Past Indefinite

Rima said,( I write a letter ; = Rima said that she wrote a letter.

Present continuous = past continuous

Raz said; I am drawing a picture = Raz said that he was drawing a picture

present perfect = past perfect

He said to me, ( I have enjoyed the party = He told me that he had enjoyed the party.

Present perfect continuous = past perfect continuous

He said to me, ( I have been learning = He told me that he had been

English for many years( learning English for many years.

Past Indefinite = past perfect

He said; I ate mangoes( = He said that he had eaten mangoes.

Past continuous Past perfect continuous

He said, ( I was writing a letter” = He said that he had been writing a letter.

Past perfect = Past perfect

He said, ( I had finished it” = He said hat he had finished it.

Past perfect continuous = past perfect continuous

He said, ( I had been singing song for five minutes,(

He said he had been singing song for five minutes.

Reported Speech- G modal verb Gi cwieZ©b:

Will = Would, Can = Could, Shall = Should, May = Might,

Direct : He said, ( I can teach English, (

Indirect: He said that he could teach English.

Rule 4: Said to Gi c‡i hw` e¨vw³ evPK object _v‡K, Z‡e Gi cwie‡Z© told e‡m|

Direct : He said to me, ( I am ill”

Indirect : He told me that he was ill.

Narration of Interrogative Sentences

• Auxiliary verb Ges WH Question-GB `yB fv‡M Question Kiv hvq|

• Interrogative Sentence Gi †ÿ‡Î Reporting verb wU ‘ask’ enquire of; want to know; demand BZÕ¨vw`‡Z cwiewZZ nq|

Interrogative (with Auxiliary verb)


Subject +ask/enquire of/ want to know + obj + if/ whether + Reported speech (Sub + verb + Exl)

Dir: The old man said to the woman, ( will you give me some food? (

Ind: The old man asked the woman if she would give him some food.

Dir: Rehena said to Raz, ( Have you completed your lesson? (

Ind: Rehena asked Raz if he had completed his lesson.

Dir: Raz said to Emon, ( Do you like to read poetry

Ind: Raz asked Emon if he (E) liked to read poetry.

Interrogative (with WH question)


Subject + ask / enquire of/want to know +obj +WH question + Reported speech (Sub+verb+Exl.)

Dir: The old man said to me, ( Where do you live in?”

Ind: The old man asked me where I lived in

Dir: He said to me, ( what are you eating?”

Ind: He asked me what I was eating.

Narration of Imperative Sentences

Av‡`k (order), D‡c‡`k (advise), Aby‡iva (request), wb‡la (forbid), cÖ¯Íve (propose), civgk© (suggest), `qv cÖv_©bv (beg) ‡evSv‡Z, †h mKj sentence e¨eüZ nq, Zv‡`i‡K Imperative sentence e‡j|

← Imperative sentence Gi narration cwieZ©‡bi †ÿ‡Î A_©vr Direct ‡_‡K Indirect G cwiYZ Kivi mgq Reported speech Gi Dci wfwË K‡i Reporting verb-G order, advise, request, forbid, beg, propose, suggest e¨eüZ nq| Z‡e fzj Gov‡bvi Rb¨ "tell" me©‡ÿ‡Î e¨envi Kiv hvq|

← Imperative sentence-G Reporting verb-Gi c‡i base form e‡m|

Imperative sentence g~jZ `yB fv‡e MwVZ nq|

(i) Verb w`‡q; (ii) Let w`‡q|

Rule-1 : Verb w`‡q MwVZ Imperative sentence ‡K Direct into Indirect Kivi †ÿ‡Î-

Structure: Sub + ORA + obj + to + reported speech


Dir : Father said to me, "Go home at once"

Ind : Father ordered me to go home at once.

Dir : Mother said to her daughter, "Read attentively"

Ind : Mother advised her daughter to read attentively.

Dir : The boy said to the man, "Please, help me"

Ind : The boy requested the man to help him.

[ORA = order, Request, Advise]

Rule-2: Negative Imperative sentence Gi †ÿ‡Î `yBfv‡e Indirect narration Kiv hvq|

Structure: sub + said to Gi cwie‡Z© advised + obj + not to + verb or, sub + RV Gi cwie‡Z© for bide / for bade + obj + v

Dir : The teacher said to the student "Don't make a noise"

Ind : The teacher advised the student not to make a noise.

Or, The teacher for bade the student to make a noise.

Dir : Mother said to me, "Don't make smoke"

Ind : Mother advised me not to make smoke.

Or, Mother for bade me to make smoke.

Rule-3 : Emphatic imperative sentence Gi c~‡e© e¨eüZ "do" indirect narration-G D‡V hvq|

Dir : I said to Raz, "Do have a cup of tea"

Ind : I requested Raz to have a cup of tea.

Dir : I said to hen, "Do come tomorrow"

Ind : I asked her to come next day.

Rule-4 : Defective Auxiliary verb: had better/better Gi †ÿ‡Î

Structure: sub + advise + obj + to + verb

Dir : The man said, "You had better see a doctor.

Ind : The man advised me to see a doctor.

Let hy³ Imperative sentence-‡K Direct to Indirect Kivi wbqg-

Rule-1: Let w`‡q hw` Proposal/suggestion eySv‡bv nq Z‡e-

Structure: sub + propose/ suggest + obj + that + RS (sub + should + verb Gi base form)

Dir : Raz said to his friends, "Let us go to picnic"

Ind : Raz proposed to his friends that they should go to picnic.

Dir : Mother said to her daughter, "Let us go home"

Ind : Mother suggested her daughter that we should go home.

Rule-2: Let hw` permission/ wish/order eySvq-

Structure: sub + requested/ordered + ob + RS (sub + might/might be allowed to + verb Gi base form)

Dir : The boy said to the old man, "Let me do the work"

Ind : The boy requested the old man that he might do.

Dir : The man said, "Let them do whatever they like"

Ind : The man requested that they might do whatever they liked.

Dir : The officer said, "Let the police fire"

Ind : The officer ordered that the police might fire.

Narration of Optative Sentences

Reported speech Gi A_© I fvevbymv‡i Indirect narration-G Reporting verb- pray/wish e‡m|

Structure : sub + pray / wish + obj + RS (sub + may Gi cwie‡Z© might + verb + ext.)

Dir : The teacher said, "May Allah bless you"

Ind : The teacher prayed that Allah might bless me.

Dir : Mother said, "May you prosper in life"

Ind : Mother wished that I might prosper in life.

Narration of Exclamatory Sentences

i) Reported speech Gi A_© I fvevbymv‡i Indirect narration-G Reporting verb- exclaim in/with grief, exclaim in/with joy, exclaim with sorrow, exclaim in delight, exclaim with regret, exclaim in wonder, cry out in delight, cry out in sorrow, swear, applaud, exclaim with anger/surprise/contempt BZ¨vw`‡Z cwiewZ©Z nq|

ii) Av‡e‡Mi ZxeªZv eySv‡Z Exclamatory sentence wU hw` what ev how w`‡q m~wPZ nq, †m‡ÿ‡Î Zv‡`i cwie‡Z© noun Gi c~‡e© great Ges adjective Gi c~‡e© very ev greatly e‡m|

Structure: sub + exclaim with joy/sorrow/surprise + that + RS Gi Tense Abyhvqx cwieZ©b|

Direct : Shafiq said, "What a fool I am!"

Indirect : Shafiq exclaimed with sorrow that he was a great fool.

Direct : He said, "How sweetly she sings!"

Indirect : He exclaimed with joy that she sang very sweetly.

Direct : Salma said, "What a nice bird it is!"

Indirect : Salma cried out in joy that it was very nice bird.

|Direct Speech |Reported Speech |

|This (GwU/G/GB) |That (‡mwU/H) |

|These (G¸‡jv) |Those (‡m¸‡jv) |

|Thus (Gfv‡e) |So (‡mfv‡e) |

|Now (GLb) |Then (ZLb) |

|Here (GLv‡b) |There (‡mLv‡b) |

|Hence (G Kvi‡Y) |Thence (‡m Kvi‡Y) |

|Come (Avmv)* |Go/Arrive (hvIqv, †cŠuQv‡bv) |

|Must (Aek¨B) |Had to (Aek¨B) |

|Today (AvR) |That day (‡m w`b) |

|Tomorrow (AvMvgxKvj) |The next day/the following day (c‡ii w`b) |

|Yesterday (MZKvj) |The previous day/the day before (c~‡e©i w`b) |

|Last night (MZ iv‡Z) |The previous night (c~‡e©i iv‡Z) |

|Last week |The previous week |

|Last month |The previous month |

|Sir (Rbve) |Politely/respectfully/with respect |

|Sorry (`ytwLZ |Apologize (d) |

( Reported speech Gi KwZcq kã ev phrase wb¤œwjwLZfv‡e cwiewZ©Z n‡q _v‡K|

This I These-Gi e¨envi:

This hLb mgq wb‡`©k K‡i ZLb this cwiewZ©Z n‡q that nq:

Direct : Rima said, “I am leaving Bogra this month.”

Indirect : Rima said that she was leaving Bogra that month.

wKš‘ This/these/that hLb adjective wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq ZLb this Ges that mvaviYZ the ‡Z iƒcvšÍwiZ nq:

Direct : Robin said, “I gave him this private computer on his birthday.

Indirect : Robin said that he had given him the private computer on his birthday.

Direct : I said to him, “I bought a shirt for you. I would like to

present this on your birthday.”

Indirect : I told him that I had bought a shirt for him and I would like to present it on his birthday.

Here Ges There-Gi e¨envi:

Direct speech-G ¯’v‡bi K_v D‡jøL Kiv nq Zv ¯úóZ †evSv †M‡j here-cwiewZ©Z n‡q there nq:

Direct : Rony said to Salma, “I shall meet you here at T.S.C. tomorrow.

Indirect : Rony told Salma that he (R) would meet her (S) there at T.S.C the next day.

mvaviYZ here A_© Abyhvqx wewfbœ phrase-G iƒcvšÍwiZ nq:

Direct : Rana said to me, “You may stay here.”

Indirect : Rana told me that I might stay with him.

N.B: Indirect speech-G It AcwiewZ©Z _v‡K:

Direct : He said, “I shall do it.”

Indirect : He said that he would do it.

This/these pronoun wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ n‡j Indirect speech G this/these cwiewZ©Z n‡q it/they nq:

Passage Narration

( Rule-1: Direct speech-G ïaygvÎ Yes/No _vK‡i, Yes-Gi †ÿ‡Î subject + replied in the affirmative Ges No-Gi subject + replied in the negative n‡e|

Direct : Father said, “Have you finished your home work?” “Yes”, said I.

Indirect : Father asked me if I had finished my homework. I replied in the affirmative.

( Rule-2: Reporting verb Gi subject hw` Aby‡jøvwLZ _v‡K †m‡ÿ‡Î Subject wn‡m‡e the speaker Ges object Aby‡jøvwLZ _vK‡j object wn‡m‡e †m‡ÿ‡Î the person spoken to e¨eüZ nq|

Direct : "Give me the book"

Indirect : The speaker told the person spoken to give him the book

( Rule-3: Interrogative sentence Gi DËi direct speech G mswÿß iƒ‡c †`qv _vK‡jI Indirect speech-G Dnv c~Y© Sentence-G wjL‡Z n‡e|

Direct : The girl said to the boy, "What are you eating?" The boy said, "Nothing"

Indirect : The asked the boy what he was eating. The boy replied that he was eating nothing.

( Rule-4: hLb GKwU Passage G cici GKvwaK Assertive sentence _v‡K Ges GKB e³vi e³e¨ †ck Kiv nq, †m‡ÿ‡Î cieZ©x Sentence-wU †K and/added that/also added that/ also said that/ again ev wØZxq Sentence wU‡K Avjv`vfv‡eI D‡jøL Kiv hvq|

Direct : "I am hungry. I haven't eat anything yet." said Kamal.

Indirect : Kamal said that he was hungry and also added that he hadn't eaten anything yet.

Or, Kamal said that he was hungry. He also said that he hadn't eaten anything yet.

( Rule-5: Avevi GKvwaK Interrogative sentence Gi †ÿ‡Î hw` GKB speaker ev e³v _v‡K| †m‡ÿ‡Î cieZ©x Sentence ¸‡jv again asked/ also asked/ further asked Øviv hy³ Kiv nq|

Direct : The man said to the boy, "Why do you disturb me? Have you done your home work?"

Indirect : The man asked the boy why he (boy) disturbed him. He (the man) again asked the boy if he

had done his home work.

( Rule-6: Avevi hLb GKB Sentence-G cici GKvwaK Imperative sentence Gi GKB speaker ev e³v _v‡K, †m‡ÿ‡Î cÖ_g Sentence Gi cieZ©x Sentence wU and Øviv hy³ nq|

Direct : The teacher said to the boy, "Please don't disturb me. Go out from her."

Indirect : The teacher told the boy not to disturb him and ordered him to go out from here.

( Rule-7: Direct speech-G ‘Sir’ _vK‡j Indirect speech-G Subject + respectfully/politely + reporting verb A_ev subject + reporting verb + respectfully/politely n‡e|

Direct : The man said to me, “where is the hospital, sir?”

Indirect : The man politely asked me where the hospital was.

Or, The man asked me politely where the hospital was.

( Rule-8: Direct speech-G ‘sorry’ A_ev ‘I am sorry’ _vK‡j Indirect speech-G subject + expressed his/here regret e‡m|

Direct : He said, “Sorry, I cannot go.”

Indirect : He expressed his regret and said that he could not go.

( Rule-9: Direct speech-G hw` ‘Thank you’ wKsevÕ “Congratulation” _v‡K, Z‡e Indirect speech-G Reporting verb-Gi subject + thanked/ congratulated + reporting verb-Gi object em‡e|

Direct : Kamal said to Mina, “Thank you.”

Indirect : Kamal thanked Mina.

Direct : Kaml said to Mina, “Congratulation”

Indirect : Kamal congratulated Mina.

Direct : Kamal said, “Congratulation” Thank you,” said Mina.

Indirect : Kamal congratulated Mina. Mina thanked him.

( Rule-10: Direct speech-G hw` Good morning/Good afternoon/Good evening _v‡K, Z‡e Indirect speech-G Speaker (e³v) + wished + listener (†kÖvZv) + Good morning/good afternoon/good evening n‡e|

A_ev, Speaker (e³v) + wished + listener (†kÖvZv) + Good morning/good afternoon/good evening + to + Listener (‡kÖvZv) n‡e|

Direct : Kamal said to Rakib, “Good morning.”

Indirect : Kamal wished Rakib good morning.

( Rule-11: Direct speech-G ‘Good night’, ‘Good bye’, ‘Farewell’ BZ¨vw` _vK‡j Indirect speech wU wb¤œiƒc n‡e- Speaker (e³v) + bade + listener (‡kÖvZv) + good night/good bye/farewell.

Direct : Liza said to Riaz, “Farewell.”

Indirect : Liza bade Riaz farewell.

( Rule-12: Direct speech-G hw` KvD‡K m‡¤œab Kiv nq, Z‡e Indirect speech-G wb¤œiƒc n‡e- Addressing him/her/me/them as + m‡¤^vab‡evaK kã +comma (,) + subject + reporting verb

Direct : Kamal said, “Friend, please help me.”

Indirect : Addressing him/her as friend, Kamal requested him/ her to help him.

( Rule-13: ‘Excuse me’, ‘Listen’, ‘Hello’ BZ¨vw` Øviv mvaviYZ †kÖvZvi `„wó AvKl©Y Kiv nq| Direct speech-G Giv _vK‡j, Indirect speech-G Zv wb¤œiƒc n‡e- Speaker (e³v) + drew his/her/my/their+ attention and + Reporting verb +......

Direct : He said to her, “Excuse me, what is the time by your watch?”

Indirect : He drew her attention and asked her what the time was by her watch.

( Rule-14: Direct speech-G hw` By Allah/By Jove/By God BZ¨vw` _v‡K Z‡e, Indirect speech-wU wb¤œiƒc n‡e- Swearing by Allah/God/Jove+comma (,) + subject + verb.....

A_ev, Subject + swore + by Allah/God/Jove + and + verb ......

Direct : He said, “By Allah, I will never disobey you.”

Indirect : Swearing by Allah, he said that he would never disobey me.

Or, He swore by Allah and said that he would never disobey me.

( Rule-15: Passage narration G A‡bK mgq Sentence Gi cÖ_‡g so ev but _v‡K| G‡ÿ‡Î Indirect Kivi mgq mvaviYZ So Gi cwie‡Z© that is why Ges But Gi cwie‡Z© Express dissatisfaction e¨eüZ nq|

Direct : Rina said to me, "I am unwell. So I shall not go to school."

Indirect : Rina told me that she was unwell and that is why she would not go to school.

Direct : The woman said, "How nice the picture is! I wish I could buy it." "But it is not durable

and will break down in about a month," said her husband.

Indirect : The woman exclaimed with surprise that the picture was very nice and wished to by it. Her husband expressed his dissatisfaction and said that it was not durable and would break down in about a month.

Question No. 7: Change the Narration

1. Dhaka Board-16

“Where do you come from?” I asked him. “From San Carlos,” he said, and smiled. “I was taking care of animals.” “Oh,” I said, not quite understanding. “Yes,” he said, “I stayed, you see, taking care of animals. I was the last one to leave the town of San Carlos.

2. Rajshahi Board-16

“Have you cut your nails short?” The teacher said to Maruf. “No, I’ve forgotten, Sir,: said Maruf. “That’s very bad. You must be more careful about neatness and cleanliness. By doing so, you can prevent diarrohoea and some other diseases too,” said the teacher.

3. Comilla Board-16

One day Hazrat Omar (R) become shocked to see the sufferings of a woman and said, “Where do you live?” The woman said, “I live in a poor hut south end to this town. I’m hungry but there is no food in my house. Will you give me something to eat?” Hazrat Omar (R) said, “Go back home. I’m coming with food and money for you.”

4. Dinajpur Board-16

“Have you saved something for future?” said the rich man. “No” said the cobbler. “I am happy with the present and think little about tomorrow.” “No, that would not do,” said the rich man. “I like to see you above want. Have this money and kept it.”

5. Jessore Board-16

I told the rickshaw puller that he had carried me a long way. Then I asked him how much I should pay him. I further asked him if fifty taka would do. He replied that anything was all right.

6. Chittagong Board-16

“Why are your children crying, my daughter?” said the Caliph.

“They have been starving,” said the woman. “Have you none else in the world?” “My husband died some months ago. He left them neither money nor any property. So, they are in great distress. They have to starve sometimes.” “Oh! Let me see, how I can help you.” said the Caliph.

7. Sylhet Board-16

Once I asked a little girl what her mother’s name was. She replied that she could remember her mother’s name but she would not tell me that. She added that she did not tell her mother’s name to anyone whom she did not know. I exclaimed with admiration that she was a very cleaver girl.

8. Barisal Board-16

“Do you know Bangladesh Open University offers an English self-learning course?” Sejan said to Shawan. “Yes, I have heard it from my father who works as a tutor of the course. It is a six-month course known as CELP,” said Shawan.

30. Rajshahi College-15

Alexander said to Porus, “How do you desire to be treated?” “Like a king”, replied Porus.” And you have nothing else to request?” said Alexander, “No”.

31. New Govt. Degree College-15

Judge : What is your situation in life?

Witness : A labourer, my lord, nothing but a day labourer.

Judge : How long have you known the prisoner?

Witness : How long as I have known anything. We were playmates, have lived in the same parish. I

have known all my life.

32. Rajshahi Govt. City College-15

The king’s minister asked the fool why he was digging holes on the side of the road. He added that people passing by would put their feet in them and fall down. He also asked if he had not thought of that. The fool wanted to know why they would fall in. he said that he had not dug in the middle of the road. He also commented that only those who left the straight road and came off the path would fall into pit.

33. Rajshahi Govt. Women’s College-15

Neelima said to Akash, “Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the library? Is it too far?” Akash said, “The library is just behind the building over there. I am also going there. So, let’s go together.”

34. Rajshahi University School & College-15

“How can you do the work in two hours?” None agreed to do it in less than five,” I said to the labourer. “I am confident that I shall finish it as I have told you.” Replied he.

35. Govt. Azizul Haque College-15

Looking at me angrily, my father asked me where I had been so long and why I was wasting my time. After a moment he asked me if I would not appear at the final examination. I said that I had gone to my friend’s house to borrow an essential book but he had not been at home. I added that I had to wait for him for that reason.

36. Bogra Cantt Public School & College-15

“Have you cut your nails short?” the teacher said to Rokan. “No I’ve forgotten sir,” said Rokan. “That’s very bad. You must be more careful abut neatness and cleanliness. By doing so you can prevent diarrhoea and some other diseases too,” said the teacher.

37. Govt. MR Women’s College-15

“Do you always go to your office wearing trousers and carrying an umbrella?” inquired Alam. “No,” I answered. “Then what do you do?” said Alam. I said, “I usually wear trousers but do not carry and umbrella”

38. RDA Laboratory School & College-15

The writer said to Jerry, “your roller-skates look very nice.

Who has bought them for you?”

“My mother”

“Is she alive?”

“Yes, she lives in Manville”.

39. Police Lines School & College-15

The lade guest said that I was in the habit of eating a heavy luncheon. She asked me why I did not follow her example and just eat one thing. The lady guest added that she was sure I would feel ever so much better for it. As the waiter came again with the bill of fare, I said that I was going to eat only one thing.

40. Govt. Shaheed Bulbul College-15

“Will you come to my house tomorrow,” I asked the boy. “We will discuss terms and conditions then.” “I shall be very happy to meet you at your home. Thank you so much,” he replied.

41. Al-Hera Academy School & College-15

Neelima said to akash, “Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the library? Is it too far?” Akash said, “The library is just behind the building over there. I am also going there. So, let’s go together.”

42. Naogaon Govt. College-15

“How are you?” George asked.” “I’m not in a hilarious spirit”. Symon answered. “Is it Tom again?” said George. “Yes, it’s Tom again”, Symon sighed. “Why don’t you chuck him? You’ve done everything in the world for him. You must know by now that he’s quite hopeless”, said George.

43. Quadirabad Cantonment Sapper College-15

“Where are you going?” said the merchant. “I was coming to see you.” What do you want?” “To earn my bread with the labour of my hands.” “Do you really want work?” said the merchant/ “Yes, if you have any”. The follow me and carry a box from a shop to my house.” “I do not see how I can do that,” said the youth.

44. Joypurhat Govt. Women’s College-15

The traveler said to the peasant, “Can you tell me the way to the nearest inn?” The peasant said, “Yes, I can. Do you want one in which you can spend the night?” “I don’t wish to stay there but I only want a meal.”

39. Rajuk Uttara Model College-15

“Please, let me have the coffin,” he cried, “I will pay you well for it,” “We would not sell it for the world,: one of the dwarfs said, “But I can’t stay without Snow White” sighed the prince. So, the dwarfs took pity on the prince and said, “Take Snow White.”

40. Viqarunnisa Non School & College-15

I asked Nisa, “What’s your mother’s name? “I know my mother’s name but I won’t tell you that. I don’t tell my mother’s name to anybody whom I don’t know” said she. I said, “What a clever girl you are!”

41. Notre Dame College-15

“I have won a lottery and got 40 lacs taka,” said Samir. “Congratulations!” I said, “What do you intend to do with the large amount of money?” “I want to serve my poor village people. So I have made up my mind to establish a hospital in our rural area”, Samir replied. “Thank you” said I, “I shall also help you in this respect”.

42. Ideal School & College-15

My father looked at me angrily and wanted to know where I had been so long and why I was wasting time. After a moment he asked me if I would not appear at the final exam. I replied that I had gone to my friend’s house to borrow an essential book but he had not been at home and so I had to wait for him.

43. Dhaka Residential Model College-15

He told me that he had gone there the previous day from his village. I asked him why he had come. He replied that his mother had sent him to me with that letter. I also asked him how his mother was. I added that I had not seen her for a long time. I also added that I hoped she was quite well.

44. Holy Cross College-15

Napolean said to the English boy. “Why are you making such a small boat?” The boy said, “I did not see my mother for a long time. I will go to my country by this boat to see her.” “Where does she live?” “In the country on the other side of the sea. Please let me go there.”

45. Dhaka College-15

“You look a little bit like my mother” he said. “But you were only four. Jerry, when you came here. Do you remember her face all these years?” “My mother lives in Mannville”. “Have you seen her lately?” I said.

46. Dhaka City College-15

“Have you ever been to Cox’s Bazar?” asked Shakil. “No, I have never been there,” replied Labib. “But, I long for visiting the place.” “I had an opportunity to visit the sea beach last year,” said Shakil. “Let us go thee this week”, said Labib. “What an excellent idea!”, said Shakil. “But let me convince my dad first”, said Labib.

47. Dhaka Commerce College-15

A hawker asked Sushmita if she would buy any paper and said that he had all types of newspapers and magazines and requested to take one from him. Then Susmita said that she bought books but then she needed a weekly. She asked the hawker if he did not have any weekly magazine.

48. Lalmatia Mahila College-15

“Will you come to my house tomorrow?” I asked they boy. “We can discuss terms and conditions then,” I said. “I shall be very happy to meet you at your house. Thank you so much,” he replied.

49. Milestone College-15

The teacher asked, “Mijan, can you tell me what I am teaching?” “I am sorry, Sir. I cannot follow.” “You cannot because you are not attentive. Follow me,” said the teacher.

50. Begum Badrunnesa Govt Girl’s College-15

The old man requested the mistress of the house that he might be allowed to take some rest and added that he would go when rain would stop. Then the mistress of the house asked him where he had come from and where he would go. In reply he told her that he had no permanent address and he did not know his goal. Then she exclaimed with wonder that it was very strange. After that, the mistress asked him whether he was a vagabond. In reply he told her that she might call him as she liked.

51. Motijheel Model School & College-15

Zaman said to me, “Have you finished reading the book I gave you yesterday?” “Yes, I have finished reading the book.” I replied. “What an interesting book it is!” I said, “Will you return the book to me today?” he asked.

52. Birshrestha Munshi Abdur Rouf Public College-15

“Why are your children crying, my daughter?” said the Caliph. “They have been starving,” said the women. “Have you none else in the world?”

“My husband died some months ago. He left them neither any money nor any property. So, they are in great distress. They have to starve whenever I fail to get anything for them to eat.”

53. Govt. Bangla College-15

“When will your start for Dhaka and why?” said father. “Tomorrow, to buy some essential books,” said Ratan. “What do your require? Only money?” “Yes, father,” “Don’t go alone. Now a time is not going well. Take Tapan with you and come back soon.” “Ok, father. We will come back before noon.”

54. BAF Shaheen College-15

“Good Morning, Sir,: said the student, “May I come in?” the class teacher said, “Good Morning. Why are you late today? You are a very punctual student, after all. “I am sorry for being late, sir. While coming to college, I experienced an incident of accident. That’s why I got late.” The teacher said, “Oh no! Are you hurt, my dear?” the student said, “No, no, it was not with me. It happened with a passer by. I helped him reach the nearby hospital.” “What a great job you have done!”

55. BCIC College-15

Miranda exclaimed with sorrow and requested Ferdinand not to work so hard. Miranda said that her father was at his studies and he was safe for those three hours. Miranda requested Ferdinand to rest himself. Addressing Miranda as dear lady, Ferdinand said that he dared not. Ferdinand added that he had to finish his task before he took his rest.

56. Ideal College-Dhanmondi-15

The ticket-seller asked the stranger respectfully where he liked to go. The stranger replied that he wanted to go to Chittagong. The ticket-seller again asked the stranger how many tickets he(s) needed. The stranger again replied that he(s) needed five tickets. The ticket-seller then told that there where the tickets and also added that they would cost two thousand taka.

57. Govt. Science College-15

He said, “I can chop some wood today.” I said, “But I have a boy coming from the orphanage,” “I am the boy,” “You? But you’re small.” “Size doesn’t matter chopping wood,” he said.

8. Cantt Public School & College-15

The traveler said to the peasant, “Can you tell me the way to the nearest inn?” The peasant said, “Yes, I can. Do you want one in which you can spend the night?” “I don’t wish to stay there but I only want a meal.”

9. Rangpur Govt. College-15

The teacher said to Rita, “Why are you talking in the class? You should behave yourself.” Rita said, “I am sorry, sir.” The teacher said, “Be attentive and listen to my lecture. May Allah bless you.”

10. Police Line School & College-15

The teacher asked the boy if the thought that honesty is the best policy. Replying positively the boy said that he thought so. Then the teacher advised him to be honest from his very childhood. The boy thanked the teacher with respect. The teacher prayed that Allah might grant him a long life.

11. Kurigram Govt. College-15

He said that he could chop some wood that day. At this, I told that I had a boy coming from the orphanage. Then he told me that he was the boy. I counted if it was he and said that he was very small. At this, he told that size didn’t matter shopping wood and added that he had been chopping wood at the orphanage for along time.

12. Thakurgaon Govt. College-15

Alexander attacked the kingdom of Puru and defeated him. Puru was arrested. Next morning Alexander ordered his men to bring Puru before him. When they brought Puru before Alexander, he asked him how he liked to be treated. Puru replied boldly that he was a king and he liked to be treated like a king.

13. Lions School & College-15

“What are you studying?” said the officer. “I’m doing a Bachelor of Computing.” Said Marium, “How have you fond the course?” said the officer. “Actually the main difficulty for me is getting time on the computers in the computer room. It’s always busy and this makes it very hard to do my practical work,” said Marium.

14. Saidpur Govt. Technical College-15

“I never drink anything for luncheon”. She said. “Neighbor do I”, I answered promptly. “Except white wine” she proceeded as though I had not spoken. “these French white wines are so light. They are wonderful for the digestion.” “What would you like? I asked hospitably still but not exactly effusive.

15. Majida Khatun Govt. Women’s College-15

“Porter, you may go.” Said the mistress of the house laughing. “You have gained your freedom.” “By Allah,” he replied, “I will not leave the house till I have heard the stories of my companions.”

7. Hamidpur Al-Hera Degree College-15

Zayed asked Robi if he (r) had any dream. He further asked him what his (r) dream was Robi admitted having a dream. He added that (r) liked to have a plate full of rice. At this Zayed got surprised. Then with an affection note inn his voice he told him (r) that he (z) would make his (r) dream come true.

8. BAF Shaheen College-15

My father forbade me to mix with bad boys. He also advised me that I should read attentively as my examination was knocking at the door. I disagreed with him and said that I didn’t keep any bad company. I replied that I had just asked him if he knew the date of examination.

9. Jessore Cantonment College-15

Mother asked Sabina when she had had her supper and also how it had been. Sabiha replied that she had had her supper at 9.30. She also exclaimed with wonder that she (M) had cooked a very delicious dish. Addressing Sabina as darling, mother thanked her and wished that her tongue be blessed.

10. Cantonment Public School & College-15

“My sons” said he, “A great treasure lies hidden in the estate. I am about to leave you.” “Where is it hidden?” said the sons. “I am about to tell you” said the old man. “But you must dig for it.”

11. Khulna Govt. Girl’s College-15

Addressing the king as her Lord, the women requested him not to kill her child. She said that she might have him (the child). The king said everything was clear to him (king) then. Pointing to the woman he ordered the servant to give her the child and said that she was the mother of the child.

12. Govt. Pioneer Girls’ School & College-15

“Where is my son?” said the grocer. “A crow carried your son away” said the fruit seller. “You liar. How can a crow carry away such a big boy?” “Just the same way as mice can eat away the balance and weights”.

13. Khulna Collegiate Girl’s School & College-15

The bank officer told Monjur to use that book to put money into his account and to withdraw money. Monjur asked what withdraw meant. The officer replied that it meant taking out. Then Munjur thanked the officer.

1. Comilla Victoria Govt College-15

“How can I help you?” said the librarian.

“I want to have a library card,” said Rubel.

“Do you have your identity card?”

“Yes, here it is”.

“How many books can I borrow at a time?”

“You can borrow three books at a time”.

2. Ispahani Public School & College-15

The teacher said to the boy, “Do you think honesty is the best policy?” The boy said, “Yes, sir. I think so.” “Then learn to be honest from your boyhood,: said the teacher. “Thank you, sir,” said the boy. “May Allah Grant you a long life,” said the teacher to the boy.

3. Comilla Govt. College-15

‘Good morning. Swapna,’ said Ripon, ‘How much preparation have you taken for Test Exam’

‘A great preparation,’ replied she, ‘ I can stand first.’

‘Wah, what a lucky girl!’ sid Ripon, ‘But my preparation is not very nice.’

4. Comilla Commerce College-15

Once I said to a sweet girl, “What is your mother’s name?” She replied Cleverly, “I know my moter’s name but I wont tell you that.” “I said, “What a clever girl you are!” “I don’t tell my mother’s name to anybody whom I don’t know”, she spoke with an air of confidence.

5. Comilla Shikkha Board Model College-15

“Why are your children crying, my daughter?” said the Caliph. “They have been Starving,” said the woman. “Have you none else in the world?” “My husband died some months ago. He left them neither any money nor any property. So they are in great distress. They have to starve whenever I fail to get anything for them to eat”. “Oh! Let me see, how I can help you,” said the Caliph. “Do something for us, please,” said the woman crying.

6. Sonar Bangla College-15

The poor man said to a wise man, can I improve my condition?” “By working hard and by being educated.” “But I am not educated/” “Educate your child and ensure better future for the next generation.

7. Moshrraf Hossain Khan Chowdhury University College-15

“Great king of the genies “said the monster, “I will never disobey you.” Hearing those words, the fisherman became very brave and said, “Tell me why you were locked up in the vase?” The giant looked at the fisherman and said, “Speak to me more politely or I shall kill you,” “Why should you kill me?” asked the fisherman.

8. Brahmanbaria Govt. College-15

The teacher said to the boy, “Why did you make a noise in the class” You are not attentive to your lessons.” “Sorry, sir” said the boy. “I was asking for a pen to my friend”. The teacher said, “Be attentive and listen to me carefully.”

9. Brahmanbaria Govt. Women’s College-15

My friend said to me, “ Why are you sitting alone in your room at this hour? Don’t you see the rain has stopped and the sky is clear? Let us go for a walk in the open field.” I said angrily, “Leave me alone.” He said, “Okay.”

10. Nabinagar Govt. College-15

“What are you doing?” asked the officer in surprise, “Why are you counting the dogs?”

“I want to know the time. That is why I am counting the dogs.” This answer surprised the officer even more. He shook his head sadly. “What a strange man!” he said, “He must be either foolish or quite mad.”

11. Chandpur Govt. College-15

“Oh, my lord, please do not kill the child,” said the woman. “Let her have him”, the king said. “Now everything is clear to me”, pointing to the woman, he said to the servant. “Give her the child. She is the mother of the baby”.


1. [Dhaka Board-16] I asked him where he came from. He replied that he came from San Carlos and smiled. He added that he had been taking care of animals. I exclaimed without quite understanding. He said again that he had stayed taking care of animals. He also said that he had been the last one to leave the town of San Carlos.

2. [Rajshahi Board-16] The teacher asked Maruf if he (M) had cut his (M) nails short. Maruf replied in the negative and respectfully said that he (M) had forgotten. The teacher said that was very bad. He (T) told him (M) that he (M) had to be more careful about neatness and cleanliness. He (T) added that by doing so, he (M) could prevent diarrhea and some diseases too.

3. [Comilla Board- 16] One day Hazrat Omar (R) beame shocked to see the sufferings of a woman and asked where she lived. The woman replied that she lived in a poor hut south end to that town. She added that she was hungry but there was no food in her house. She also asked if he would give her something to eat. Hazrat Omar (R) told her to go back home. He added that he was coming with food and money for her.

4. [Dinajpur Board- 16] The rich man aksed the cobbler if he (c) had saved something for future. The cobbler replied in the negative that he was happy with the present and thought little about the next day. The rich man said in the negative that it would not do. He (r) added that he (r) liked to see him (c) above want. He (r) also said to have that money and keep it.

5. [Jessore Board- 16] I said to the rickshaw puller, “You have carried me a long way. How much should I pay you? Will fifty taka do?” He replied, “Anything is all right.”

6. [Chittagong Board-16] Addressing the woman as his daughter the Caliph asked why her children were crying. The woman replied that they had been starving. The Caliph again asked if she had none else in the world. The woman replied that her husband had died some month ago. She added that he (H) had left them neither money nor any property. Se, they were in great distress. She also said that they had to starve sometimes. The Caliph exclaimed with sorrow and said that he might be allowed to see, ho he could help them.

7. [Sylhet Board- 16] Once I said to a little girl, “What is your mother’s name?” She said, “I can remember my mother’s name, but I will not tell you that. I do not tell my mother’s name to anyone whom I do not know.” I said, “What a clever girl you are!”

8. [Barishal Board- 16] Sejan asked Shawan If he knew Bangladesh Open University offered an English self-learning course. Shawan replied in the affirmative that he had heard it from his father who worked as a tutor of the course. He added that it was a six-month course known as CELP.

ivRkvnx †ev‡W©i wbe©vPbx cixÿvi cÖ‡kœi mgvavbt

1. [Rajshahi College] Alexander asked Porus how he desired to be treated. Porus replied that he desired to be treated like a king. Then Alexander asked him if he had anything else to request. Finally Porus replied in the negative.

2. [New Govt. Degree] The judge asked the witness what his situation in life was labourer and added that he was nothing but a day labourer. Then the judge asked him how long he had known the prisoner. Then the witness replied that as long as he had known anything. He added that they were playmates and had lived in the same parish. He further said that he had known all his life.

3. [Rajshahi Govt. City] the king’s minister said to the fool, “Why are you digging holes on the side of the road?” People passing by will put their feet in them and fall down. Haven’t you thought of this?” “Why will they fall in? I have not dug in the middle of the road. Only those who leave the straight road and come off the path, will fall into pit,” the fool said.

4. [Rajshahi Women’s College] Drawing his attention, Nilema asked Akash if he could tell her the way to the library. In reply, Akash said that it was not too far and added that the library was just behind the building over there. He also said that he was also going there and proposed that they should go together.

5. [Rajshahi University School & College] I asked the labourer how he (L) could do the work in two hours, and added that none had agreed to do it in less them five. In reply, he (L) said that he (L) was confident that he (L) would finish it as he (L) had told me.

6. [Govt. Azizul Haque] My father looked at me angrily and said, “Where have you been so long and why are you wasting your time?” After a moment he said, “Will you not appear at the final examination?” I said, “I have gone to my friend’s house to borrow an essential book but he has not been at home. So I have to wait for him for that reason.”

7. [Bogra Cantt Public] the teacher asked Rokan it he ® had cut his ® nails short. Replying negatively Rokan said that he had forgotten. The teacher said that was very bad and he ® had to be more careful about neatness and cleanliness. He added that by doing so he ® could prevent diarrhea and some other diseases too.

8. [Govt. MR Women’s College] Alam aksed me if I always went to my office wearing trousers and carrying an umbrella. I replied in the negative. He again asked me what I did then. I told him that I usually wore trousers but did not carry an umbrella.

9. [RDA Laboratory] The writer told Jerry that his roller-skates looked very nice. She also asked Jerry who had bought them for him. Jerry replied that his mother had bought. Then the writer asked him if she was alive. Jerry replied in the affirmative saying that she lived in Manville.

10. [Police Lines] The lady guest said, “You’re in the habit of eating a heavy luncheon. H don’t you follow my example and just eat one thing?” I’m sure you’ll feel ever so much better for it.” As the waiter came again with the bill of fare. I said, “I’m going to eat only one thing.”

11. [Govt. Shaheed Bulbul] I asked the boy weather he would go to my house the next day. I also added that we would discuss teams and condition them. The boy told me that he would be very happy to meet me at my home. He also thanked me so much.

12. [Al-hera Academy] Drawing his attention Neelima asked Akash if he could tell her way to the library and again asked him whether it was too far. Akash replied that the library was just behind the building over there and added that he was also going there. So he proposed that they should go together.

13. [Naogaon Govt. College] George asked Symon how he (S) was. Symon replied that he was not in a hilarious spirit. Then George asked him (S) if it was Tom again. He sighed and replied in the affirmative that if was Tom again. Then George asked him (S) why he did not chuck him (T). he also added that he (S) had done everything in the world for him (T) and to do group work, the class has to be divided into groups.

14. [Qadirabad Cantonment] the merchant asked the youth where he (Y) has going. The youth replied that he had been going to see him (M). The merchant asked him (Y) what he (Y) wanted. The youth replied that he wanted to earn his bread with the labour of his (Y) hands. The merchant asked him (Y) if he said that if he (M) had any. Then the merchant told him (Y) follow him (M) and carry a box from shop to his (M) house. The youth replied that he (Y) did not see how he (Y) could do that.

15. [Joypurhat Govt. College] Sadia said that she had got GPA 5 in the HSC examination. Then I congratulated her and asked her what she intended to do then. Sadia replied that she wanted to study medicine. She further said that she would try to get admission into a government medical college. Then I exclaimed that it was excellent and wished her all success. Finally she thanked me.

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1. [Rajuk Uttara Model] the prince cried out and requested the dwarfs to let him for it. At this, one of the dwarfs said that they would ot sell it for the world. Then the prince said that he (P) could not stay without Snow White. Hearing this, the dwarfs took pity on the prince and told him (P) to take Snow White.

2. [Viqarunnisa Noon] I asked Nisa what her mother’s name was. Nisa replied that she knew her mother’s name but she would not tell me that. She added that she did not tell her mother’s name to anybody whom she didn’t know. At this, I exclaimed with wonder that she was a very cleaver girl.

3. [Notre Dame] Samir told me that he had won a lottery and gotten 40 lacs taka. I congratulated him. Then I asked him what he intended to do with the large amount of money. Samir replied that he wanted to serve his poor village people and so he had made up his mind to establish a hospital in his rural area. I thanked him and said that I would also help him in that respect.

4. [Ideal School & College] Looking at me angrily my father said, “Where have you been so long? Why are you wasting your time?” After a moment he said, “Will you not appear at the final exam?” “I went to my friend’s house to borrow an essential book but he was not at home. So I must wait for him.” I said.

5. [Dhaka Residential Model] “I have come here yesterday from my village,” he said. “Why did you come?” I asked. “My mother sent me to you with this letter.” “How is your mother? I have not seen her for a long time. I hope she is quite well.”

6. [Holy Cross College] Napoleon asked the English boy why he was making such a small boat. The boy replied that he had not sent his mother for a long time. He added that he would go to his country by that boat to see her. Then Napoleon asked that boy where she lived. The English boy replied that she lived in the country on the other side of the sea. He also requested Napoleon to let him go there.

7. [Dhaka College] Jerry told me that I looked a little bit like his mother at this, I told him that he had been only four when he had come here and then asked him if he remembered her face all those years. In reply, Jerry said that his mother lived in Manville. Then I asked him if he had seen her lately.

8. [Dhaka City College] Shakil Asked Labib whether he had ever been to Cox’s Bazar. Labib replied in the negative that he had never been there. He also added that he longed for visiting the place. Shakil told that he had an opportunity to visit the sea beach the previous year. Labib proposed that they should go there that week. Shakil exclaimed with joy that it was a very excellent idea. Then Labib told shakil that he should be allowed to convince his dad first.

9. [Dhaka Commerce College] A hawker said to Sushmita, “Will you buy any paper? I have all types of newspapers and magazines. Please take one from me.” Sushmita said, “I buy books but now I need a weekly. Don’t you have any weekly magazine?”

10. [Lalmatia Mahila College] I asked the boy whether he would come to my house the next day. I added that we could discuss terms and conditions then. He told me that he would be very happy to meet me at my house. He also thanked me very much.

11. [[Milestone College] The teacher asked Mijan if he (M) could tell him (T) what he (T) was teaching. In reply, Mijan told him respectfully that he (M) was sorry and added that he (M) could not follow. Then the teacher told Mijan that he (M) couldn’t because he (M) was not attentive. He (T) also told him (M) to follow him (T)

12. [Begum Badrunnesa Govt. Girls] The old man sid to the mistress of the house, “Let me take some rest. I’ll go when the rain stops.” The mistress of the house said, “Where you come from have and where you go?” the old man said, “I have no permanent address and I don’t know my goal. The mistress said, “How strange! Are you a vagabond?” “You may call me as you like,” said the old man.

13. [Motijheel Model] Zaman asked me if I had finished reading the book he had given me the previous day. I replied in the affirmative that I had finished reading the book. I also exclaimed with surprise that it was a very interesting book. Zaman again asked me whether I would return the book to him that day.

14. [Birshrestha Munshi Abdur Rouf] Addressing the woman as my daughter the Caliph affectionately asked why her children were crying. The woman replied that they had been starving. The Caliph asked if she had none else in the world. The women replied that her husband had died some months before and left them neither any money nor any property. She added that so they were in great distress and they had to starve whenever she failed to get anything for them to eat.

15. [Govt. Bangla College] father asked Ratan when he (R) would start for Dhaka and why (would he (R) go there). Ratan replied that he would go to Dhaka the next day to buy some essential books. Father asked Ratan what he (R) required and if he (R) required only money. Rattan replied in the affirmative. Father told rattan not to go alone and then a time go alone and then a time go was not going well. He also told him (R) to take Tapan with him (R) and come back soon. Ratan agreed and said that they would come back before noon.

16. [BAF Shaheen College] the student wishesh good morning to the teacher with respect. Then he (S) asked the teacher if he (S) might go in. the teacher wished good morning to the student in return and asked why he (S) was late that day. The teacher added that he(S) was very punctual student after all. The student respectfully said that he (S) was sorry for being late and added that while coming to college, he (S) experienced an incident of accident. He (S) also said that he had got late for the season. The teacher affectionately asked him (S) if he (S) was hurt replying negatively the student said that it had been not with him (S) and it had happened with a pssar-by. He added that he had helped him (P) reach the nearby hospital. The teacher exclaimed with joy that he (S) had done a great job.

17. [BCIC College] “Fardinand, how sad! Please, don’t work so hard.” Miranda said, “My father is at his studies and he is safe for three hours. Take rest, please.” “Dear lady, I dare not.” Ferdinand said. “I have to finish my task before I take my rest.”

18. [Ideal College-Dhanmondi] The ticket-seller said to the stranger. “Sir, where do you like to go?” the stranger said. “I want to go to Chittagong.” The ticket-seller said to the strangers, “How many tickets do you need?” the stranger replied,” I need five tickets.” The ticket-seller said, “There are the tickets. They will cost two thousand taka.”

19. [Govt. Science College] He told me that he could chop some wood that day. At this, I told him that I had a boy coming from the orphanage. In reply, he said that he was the boy. Then I asked him if it was he and added that he was small. At this, he told me that size didn’t matter chopping wood.

w`bvRcyi ‡ev‡W©i wbe©vPbx cixÿvi cÖ‡kœi mgvavbt

1. [Cantt Public School & College] The traveler asked the peasant if he (P) could tell him (T) the way to the nearest inn. The peasant replied in the affirmative and said that he could. The peasant then asked the traveler if he (I) wanted one in which the (T) could spend the night. The traveler replied in the negative and said that he (T) only wanted a meal.

2. [Rangpur Govt College] The teacher asked Rita why she was talking in the class. He added that she should behave herself. Then Rita apologized to her teacher. The teacher then advised her to be attentive and listen to his lecture. He also prayed that Allah might bless her.

3. [Police Lions] The teacher said the boy, “Do you think that honesty is the best policy?” The boy said, “Yes, I think so.” The teacher said, “Then learn to be honest from you very childhood.” The boy said, “Thank you, sir.” The teacher said, “May Allah grant you a long life.”

4. [Kurigram Govt. College] He said, “I can chop some wood today.” “But I have a boy coming from the orphanage.” Said I. “I’m the boy,” he said. “But you are very small.” “Size doesn’t matter chopping wood. I have been chopping wood at the orphanage for a long time,” said he.

5. [Thakurgaon Govt. College] Alexander attacked the kingdom of Puru and defeated him. Puru was arrested. Next morning Alexander said to hi men, “Bring Puru before me. “When they brought Puru before Alexander, he said, “How do you like to be treated?” “I am a king and I like to be treated like a king” Puru boldly said.

6. [Lion’s School & College] the officer asked Marium what she was studying. She replied that she was doing a Bachelor of Computing. The officer again asked her how she had found the course. Marium replied that actually the main difficulty for her was getting time on the computers in the computer room. She added that it was always busy and that made it very hard to do her practical work.

7. [Saidpur Govt. Technical] She said that she drank anything for luncheon. I answered promptly that I did neither. She proceeded as though I had not spoken and said that she drank nothing except white wine. She added that those French white wines were so light and they were wonderful for digestion. I asked hospitably still but not exactly effusive what she would like.

8. [Majuda Khatun Govt. Women’s] The mistress of the house laughed and told the porter that he might go. She added that he had gained his freedom. Swearing by Allah, he replied that he would not leave the house till he had heard the stories of his companion.

h‡kvi †ev‡W©i wbe©vPbx cixÿvi cÖ‡kœi mgvavbt

1. [Hamidpur Al-Hera Degree] Zayed said toRobi, “Do you have any dream? Hat is you dream?” “Yes, I have. I like to have a plate full of rice” “Really! Then I will make your dream come true.” Said Zayed with an affection note in his voice.

2. [BAF Shaheen College] My father said, “Don’t mix with bad boys. You should read attentively as your examination is knocking at the door.” “But I do not keep any bad company. I have just asked him if he knows the date of examination,” said I.

3. [Jessore Cantonment College] “When did you have your supper and how was it?” Mother said to Sabina. “I had my supper at 9:30. What a delicious dish you have cooked!” Sabina replied. “Thank you, darling. May your tongue be blessed,” mother said.

4. [ Cantonment Public] The old man called his sons and said o hem that he was about to leave them a great treasure lying hidden in the estate. The sons wanted to know where it was hidden. The old man replied that he was about to tell them. He also added that they had to dig for it.

5. [Khulna Govt. College] the women said to the king. “My lord, please don’t kill my child. Let her have him.” The king said, “Everything is clear to me now.” Pointing to the woman he said to the servant, “Give her the child. She is the mother of the child.”

6. [Govt. Pioneer Girl’s] the grocer asked the fruit seller where his (G) son was. He (F) replied that a crow had carried his (G) son away. The grocer shouted and called him (F) a liar. He (G) asked the fruit seller how a crow could carry away such a big boy. The fruit seller replied that his (G) son had been carried away just the same way as nice could eat away the balance and weights.

7. [Khulna Collegiate Girl’s] the bank officer said to Monjur, “Use this book to put money into your account and to withdraw money.” Monjur said, “What does withdraw mean?” The officer replied, “It means taking out.” “Thank you,” said Monjur to the officer.

Kzwgjøv †ev‡W©i wbe©vPbx cixÿvi cÖ‡kœi mgvavbt

1. [Comilla Victoria Govt.] the librarian asked Rubel how he could help him. Rubel replied that he wanted to have a library card. Then the librarian asked him if he had his identity card. Rubel replied in the affirmative and gave it to him. He also asked the librarian how many books he could borrow at a time. In reply, the librarian said that he could borrow three books at a time.

2. [Ispahani Pulic] the teacher asked the boy if he (B) thought that honesty is the best policy. The boy respectfully replied that he (B) thought so. Then the teacher advised him (B) to learn to be honest from his (B) boyhood. The boy respectfully thanked him (T). Finally the teacher prayed that Allah might grant him (B) a long time.

3. [Comilla Govt. College] Ripon wished Swapna good morning. He asked her how much preparation she had taken for the Test Exam. Swapna replied that she had taken a great preparation. She added that she could stand first. Ripon exclaimed with surprise that she was a very lucky girl. But he added that his preparation was not very nice.

4. [Comilla Commerce College] Once I asked a sweet girl what her mother’s name was. She replied cleverly that she knew her mother’s name but she would not tell me that. I exclaimed with wonder that she was a very clever girl. Then she spoke with an air of confidence that she did not tell her mother name to anybody whom she did not know.

5. [Comilla Shikkha Board Model] Addressing the woman as his daughter, the Caliph asked her why her children were crying. In reply the woman said that they had been starving. Then the Caliph asked her if she had none else in the world. She replied that her husband had died some months before. She added that he had left them neither any money nor any property. So, they starve whenever she failed to get anything for them to eat. Hearing this, the Caliph expressed sorrow told her to let him see how he could help her. The woman cried and requested him to do something for them.

6. [Sonar Bangla] the poor man asked to the wise man how he (P) could improve his (P) condition. The wise man replied that by working hard and by being educated, he (P) could do so. But he (P) said that he (P) was not educated. Next, the wise man suggested him (P) to educate his (P) child and to ensure better future for the next generation.

7. [Mosharraf Hossain Khan] the monster addressed the fisherman as the great king of genies and said that he (M) would never disobey him (F). Hearing those words, the fishermen became very brave and told the monster to tell him (F) why he (M) had been locked up in the vase. The giant looked at the fisherman and told him to speak to him more politely or he would kill him (F). the fisherman asked him (M) why he (M) would kill him (F)

8. [Brahmanbaria Govt. College] The teacher asked the boy he (B) had made a noise in the class and added that he (B) was not attentive to his lessons. The boy apologized at this and added that he (B) had been asking for a pen to his friend. Then the teacher advised him to be attentive and listen to him (T) carefully.

9. [Brahmanbaria Govt. Women’s] my friend asked me why I was sitting alone in my room at that hour. He further asked me if I didn’t see the rain had stopped and the sky was clear. He then proposed that we should go for a walk in the open field. I angrily told him to leave me alone. He agreed to it.

10. [Nabinagar Govt.] The officer asked the man what he was doing and why he wanted to know the time and that was why he was counting the dogs. This answer surprised the officer even more. He shook his head sadly and exclaimed that he was a very strange man. He also thought that he must be either foolish or quite mad.

11. [Chandpur Govt. College] Addressing the king as her lord the woman requested him not to kill the child. Pointing to the woman the king told the servant to let her have him (ch) as everything was clear to him (k) then. Then the king told him (s) to give her the child because she was the mother of the baby.

‘Pro’ means acting as a substitute for. It is a word used as a substitute for a noun or a noun equivalent. (Pro A_© weKíiæ‡c Kvi Kiv| †h word ev kãwU noun ev noun RvZxq k‡ãi weKí wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq ZvB Pronoun (me©bvg)|

Kinds of Pronouns (Pronouns Gi cÖKvi‡f`):

There are eight kinds of pronouns (Pronouns AvU cÖKvi):

1. Personal Pronoun (e¨w³evPK me©bvg)

2. Interrogative Pronoun (cÖkœ‡evaK me©bvg)

3. Distribute Pronoun (¯^vZš¿evPK me©bvg)

4. Demonstrative pronoun (wb‡`©kK me©bvg)

5. Reflexive and Emphatic pronoun (AvZ¡NwUZ I †SuvKcÖeY me©bvg)

6. Reciprocal pronoun (cvi¯úvwiK m¤úK©evPK me©bvg)

7. Indefinite pronoun (Awbw`©óZvÁvcK me©bvg)

1. Personal Pronoun (e¨w³evPK me©bvg)

I, we, he, you, she, it, they G¸‡jv n‡jv personal pronoun. G¸‡jv †Kv‡bv e¨w³ ev e¯‘i cwie‡Z© e¨en„Z nq|

I am a student. You can do everything. He is my brother. I can do it. It is my work.

➢ Personal Pronoun Avevi wZb cÖKvi:

a) First person (DËg cyiæl): The first person refers to the person speaking or writing. (whwb e‡jb ev ‡j‡Lb wZwbB First person ev DËg cyiæl)| †hgb- I, me, my, mine, we, us, our, ours etc.

b) Second person (ga¨g cyiæl): The second person refers to the person addressed. (‡h e¨w³‡K m‡¤^vab Kiv nq wZwbB Second person ev ga¨g cyiæl| †hgb-you, your, yours.

c) Third person (bvg cyiæl): The third person refers to the person spoken or written about. (hvi m¤ú‡K© ejv nq ev †jLv nq wZwbB Third person ev bvg cyiæl| †hgb- he, she, him, his, they, them, their, theirs, it, its.

➢ Character tics of Pronoun:

Number (ePb), person (cyiæl), case (KviK)- Gi cwieZ©‡bi mv‡_ mv‡_ personal pronoun cwiewZ©Z nq| G wel‡h wb‡P GKwU QK †`Iqv nj|

|Person |Number |Subject |Object |Possessive |

|First Person |Singular |I |me |my, mine |

| |Plural |we |us |our, ours |

|Second person |Singular |you |you |your, yours |

| |Plural |you |you |your, yours |

|Third person |Singular |he, she, it |him, her, it |his, her, its |

| |Plural |they |them |their, theirs |

Personal pronouns- Gi my, our, your, his, her, their, its determine wn‡m‡e noun Gi c~‡e© e‡m adjective- Gi g‡Zv KvR K‡i _v‡K| G Rb¨ G¸‡jv‡K pronominal adjective ev possessive adjective- ejv n‡q _v‡K| Aci c‡ÿ, mine, ours, yours, his, hers, theirs-G¸‡jv noun Gi c~‡e© e¨eüZ bv n‡q ev‡K¨ predicate Gi g‡Zv e¨eüZ nq| G Rb¨ G¸‡jv‡K Double possessive-I ejv n‡q _v‡K|

This is my room. (Determiner), This book is mine. (Predicate)

2. Interrogative Pronoun (cÖkœ‡evaK me©bvg)

Interrogative pronoun wn‡m‡e mvaviYZ who, which, what- GB wZbwU e¨eüZ nq| G‡`i g‡a¨ case (KviK) ‡f‡` ïay who- Gi iæ‡ci cwieZ©b nq| †hgb-

➢ The use of Interrogative pronouns:

a) Who: Person ev e¨w³ ‡evSv‡Z who (‡K/Kviv) subject wn‡m‡e, whom (Kv‡K/Kv‡`i) object wn‡m‡e Ges whose (Kvi/Kv‡`i) possessive wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq| †hgb-

Who are you? (Zzwg †K?)

Whom do you like? / Who do you like? (Zzwg Kv‡K PvI?)

Whose is this book? / Whose book is this? (GB eBwU Kvi?)

NB: AvaywbK Bs‡iwR‡Z object wn‡m‡e whom Gi cwie‡Z© who e¨eüZ nq| Avevi, possessive wn‡m‡e whose Avjv`v bv ewm‡q noun- Gi c~‡e© adjective wn‡m‡e †ewk e¨eüZ nq|

b) Which: A‡bK e¨w³ ev e¯‘i ga¨ †_‡K GK ev GKvwaK e¨w³ ev e¯‘ †e‡Q †bIqvi †ÿ‡Î which (‡KvbwU/‡KvbRb) e¨eüZ nq| †hgb-

Which is your book? (‡KvbwU †Zvgvi eB?) Which is your friend? (‡KvbwU †Zvgvi eÜz?)

c) What: Kv‡iv †ckv ev †KvbwKQz m¤ú‡K© Rvbvi Rb¨ what (Kx) e¨envi Kiv nq| †hgb-

What is he? (Zvi †ckv Kx?), What will you eat? (Zzwg Kx Lv‡e?)

NB: Which and What interrogative ev‡K© adjective wn‡m‡eI e¨eüZ nq| G‡ÿ‡Î which & what noun-Gi c~‡e© attributive wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq| †hgb-

Which pen do you want? (‡Kvb KjgwU Zzwg PvI?)

What factors should be considered? (Kx Kx welq we‡ePbv Kiv DwPZ?)

3. Distributive Pronoun (¯^vZšÍ¨evPK me©bvg)

Distribute gv‡b fvM Kiv ev e›Ub K‡i ‡`Iqv| GKRvZxq e¨w³ ev e¯‘i g‡a¨ cÖ‡Z¨KwU‡K c„_Kfv‡e †evSv‡Z distributive pronouns e¨eüZ nq| G¸‡jvi ci me©`vB singular number e¨eüZ nq| Each, either, neither G¸‡jv n‡jv distributive pronoun| †hgb-

Either of the roads leads to the market. (cÖwZwU iv¯ÍvB evRv‡i wM‡q‡Q|)

Neither of the girls was late. (‡Kv‡bv evwjKvB †`wi K‡i Av‡mwb|)

➢ The Use of Distributive Pronoun:

a) Each: Each gv‡b cÖ‡Z¨K (cÖwZ+GK)| GwU GK ev GKRb GKRb K‡i mKj‡K ev mewKQz‡K †evSvq| GwU `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡K †evSv‡Z e¨eüZ nq| †hgb-

Each of you should attend the function. (‡Zvgv‡`i cÖ‡Z¨‡Ki Abyôv‡b Dcw¯’Z nIqv DwPZ)

Pronoun wn‡m‡e each mvaviYZ wZbfv‡e e¨eüZ nq| †hgb-

i) Each of+ subject. ‡hgb-

Each of the boys received a prize. (cÖ‡Z¨K evjKB cyi®‹vi †c‡qwQj|)

ii) Subject I verb Gi gvSLv‡b| †hgb-

The boy each received a prize. (cÖ‡Z¨KwU evjKB cyi®‹vi †c‡qwQj|)

They each had been told. (Zv‡`i cÖ‡Z¨K‡K ejv n‡qwQj|)

iii) msL¨v evPK k‡ãi c‡i| †hgb-

These boys received Tk. 100 each (cÖ‡Z¨KwU evjK 100 UvKv K‡i †c‡qwQj|)

b) Either: `yB e¨w³ ev e¯‘i g‡a¨ Ô‡h †Kvb GKwU ev GKRb‡KÕ †evSv‡Z either e¨eüZ nq| †hgb-

Either of the two boys is talent. (`yRb evj‡Ki †h‡Kvb GKRb †gavex)

There are two pens; neither is good. (`ywU Kjg Av‡Q; Zv‡`i ‡h †Kv‡bv GKwU fvj|)

c) `yB e¨w³ ev e¯‘i g‡a¨ Ô‡KvbwUB bqÕ A‡_© neither e¨eüZ nq| †hgb-

Neither of the boys is punctual. (evjK `yBwUi g‡a¨ †KDB mgqwbô bq|)

There are two pens; neither is good. (`ywU Kjg Av‡Q; G‡`i ‡KvbwUB fv‡jv bq|)

NB: Each, either, neither- Gi ci of e¨eüZ bv n‡q mivmwi noun e¨eüZ n‡j G¸‡jv adjective wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i| Avevi, either/neither Gi c‡i or/nor e¨eüZ n‡j Zv conjunction wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i| †hgb-

Each boy got a prize. (cÖ‡Z¨KwU evjK cyi¯‹vi †c‡qwQj|) [Adjective]

There are trees on either side of the roads. (iv¯Ívi `yB cv‡k MvQcvjv Av‡Q|) [Adjective]

Either this pen or that pen was bought from China. (GB KjvgwU bv bq IB KjvgwU Pxb †_‡K †Kbv n‡qwQj| [Conjunction]

4. Demonstrative Pronoun (wb‡`©kK me©bvg)

wbKUZg ev `~‡ii †Kv‡bv e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡K wb‡`©g Ki‡Z Demonstrative pronoun e¨eüZ nq| This (GwU/GUv), these (GB¸‡jv), that (HUv/IUv), those (IB¸‡jv/I¸‡jv) BZ¨vw` n‡jv Demonstrative Pronoun| †hgb-

This is our new house. (GUv Avgv‡`i bZzb evwo)

That is his new car. (IUv Zvi bZzb Mvwo)

❖ The use of Demonstrative Pronoune

a) wbKUeZ©x †Kv‡bvwKQz ev KvD‡K †evSv‡Z this I those Ges `~ieZ©x †Kv‡bv wKQz ev KvD‡K †evSv‡Z that I those e¨eüZ nq| †hgb-

This is your book. (GUv †Zvgvi eB|) These are my books. (G¸‡jv Avgvi eB|)

That is his new car. (IUv Zvi bZzb Mvwo|) Those are his new friends. (I¸‡jv Zvi bZzb eÜz|)

b) eZ©gv‡b wKQz Pj‡Q ev ïiæ n‡Z hv‡”Q Ggb †evSv‡Z this e¨eüZ nq| Aci c‡ÿ, †Kv‡bv wKQz AZx‡Z ev GBgvÎ †kl n‡q‡Q Giƒc eySv‡Z that e¨eüZ nq| †hgb-

I like this music. (Pjgvb msMxZ) Listen to this. (Pjgvb msMxZ)

That was nice. (‡kl n‡q‡Q Ggb wKQz) Who said that? (‡kl n‡q‡Q Ggb wKQz)

c) c~e©eZ©x clause ev sentence- G `ywU noun _vK‡j Ges cieZ©x sentence G Zv‡`i wb‡`©k Ki‡Z PvB‡j cÖ_gwUi Rb¨ this Ges c‡iiwUi Rb¨ that e¨eüZ nq| †hgb-

Man and money are both needed; this (man) gives us strength and that (money) gives us wealth.

d) c~‡e©i †Kv‡bv noun ev clause -‡K wb‡`©k Kivi Rb¨ this/that e¨eüZ nq| †hgb-

He went to the market on foot and this/that (=his going to market) made him tired.

e) Speaker (e³v) †Uwj‡dv‡b ev †gvevB‡j wb‡Ri cwiPq w`‡Z this Ges †kÖvZvi (hearer) cwiPq Rvb‡Z that (British) ev this (American) e¨eüZ nq| †hgb-

Hellow! This is Lina. Is that Raj? (n¨v‡jv! Avwg wjbv| Avcwb ivR ej‡Qb?)

Who is this? (Avcwb †K ej‡Qb?)

f) GKwU noun- ‡K evievi D‡jøL bv Ki‡Z DwjøwLZ noun wU singular n‡j that I plural n‡j those e¨eüZ nq| ‡hgb-

The rice of Barisal is finer than that (rice) of Khulna. (ewikv‡ji Pvj Lyjbvi Pv‡ji †P‡q wgwn|)

The mangoes of Rajshahi are sweeter than those of Dinajpur. (ivRkvnxi Avg w`bvRcy‡ii Av‡gi †P‡q wgwó|)

The station of Gaibandha is not as big as that of Rajshahi. (MvBevÜv †÷kb ivRkvnx †÷k‡bi gZ eo bq|)

5. Relative Pronoun (m¤^Üm~PK me©bvg)

‡h pronoun c~‡e© DwjøwLZ †Kv‡bv noun ev pronoun (antecedents)-‡K wb‡`©kc~e©K `ywU clause ‡K hy³ K‡i Zv‡K Relative Pronoun e‡j| Who, whom, whose, which, that, what- G¸‡jv †Kv‡bv ev‡K¨ Relative Pronoun wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq|

❖ Who (‡K/Kviv): GwU subject wn‡m‡e e¨w³i cwie‡Z© e¨eüZ nq| †hgbÑ

I know the man who is honest. (‡h †jvKwU mr Zv‡K Avwg wPwb|)

❖ Whom (hv‡K/hv‡`i): GwU who Gi objective form. GwU object wn‡m‡e e¨w³i cwie‡Z© e¨eüZ nq| †hgb-

This is the boy whom I am looking for. (GB †mB evjK hv‡K Avwg LyuRwQ|)

❖ Whose (hvi/hv‡`i): GwU who Gi possessive form. GwU e¨w³, e¯‘ Df‡qi gvwjKvbv ev AwaKvi †evSv‡Z e¨eüZ nq| †hgb-

This is the man whose pocket was picked yesterday. (GB †mB e¨w³, MZKvj hvi c‡KU gviv wM‡qwQj|)

❖ Which (‡hUv): GwU subject I object wn‡m‡e BZi cÖvYx, A‡PZb e¯‘ I wkïi cwie‡Z© e¨eüZ nq| †hgb-

This is the house which my father built. (GB evwowUB Avgvi evev ˆZix K‡iwQ‡jb|)

They have a cow which gave them much milk. (Zv‡`i GKUv Mvfx Av‡Q †hUv Zv‡`i A‡bK `ya †`q|)

This is the baby which cried for its mother. (GB wkïwUB Zvi gv‡qi Rb¨ Kvbœv KiwQj|)

❖ That (‡h/‡hUv/whwb): GwU subject I object wn‡m‡e e¨w³, e¯‘, I cÖvYxi cwie‡Z© e¨eüZ nq| †hgb-

He that is content is rich. (‡h mš‘ó †m abx)

A dog that barks seldom bits. (‡h KzKzi †ND †ND K‡i †m Kvgovq bv)

Take anything that you like. (‡h wRwbmUv †Zvgvi cQ›` nq wb‡q bvI|)

❖ What (‡hUv/hv): Relative pronoun wn‡m‡e what e¯‘i cwie‡Z© that which- Gi mvgwóK A‡_© e¨eüZ nq| What- Gi c~‡e© †Kv‡bv antecedent (hv‡K wb‡`©k K‡i) _v‡K bv| †hgb-

I understood what he said. (‡m hv e‡jwQj Avwg Zv ey‡SwQjvg|)

NB: Relative pronoun ev‡K¨i cÖ_‡g ev gv‡S †h †Kv‡bv ¯’v‡b em‡Z cv‡i| Z‡e ev‡K¨i cÖ_‡g e¨eüZ n‡j Zvi c~‡e© †Kv‡bv antecedent e¨eüZ nq bv| AviI D‡jøL¨ †h Relative pronoun object wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ n‡j Zv mvaviYZ Dn¨ _v‡K| †hgb-

What cannot be cured must be endured. (hv Dckg Kiv hvq bv Zv mn¨ Ki‡ZB n‡e|)

Whom the gods love, die young. (‡`eZviv hv‡K fvjev‡mb, †m hyeK eq‡m g„Zz¨eiY K‡i|)

The man (whom) I invited is my friend. (‡h ‡jvKwU‡K Avwg `vIqvZ K‡iwQjvg, †m Avgvi eÜz|)

6. Reflexive and Emphatic Pronouns (AvZ¥NwUZ I †SuvKcÖeY me©bvg)

Reflexive ev emphatic pronoun n‡jv pronoun Gi objective form-Gi mv‡_ self(singular) ev selves (plural) hy³ pronoun hv †Kv‡bv ev‡K¨ e¨eüZ n‡q subject ev object- GiB cÖwZdjb NUvq ev subject-‡KB ‡Rviv‡jvfv‡e wb‡`©k K‡i| †hgb-

She blamed herself. (‡m wb‡R‡KB †`vlv‡ivc K‡iwQj|) [Reflexive Pronoun]

They themselves admitted their guilt. (ZvivB Zv‡`i ‡`vl ¯^xKvi K‡iwQj|) [Emphatic Pronoun]

7. Reciprocal Pronoun (cvi¯úvwiK m¤úK©evPK me©bvg)

cvi¯úvwiK m¤úK© †evSv‡Z reciprocal pronoun e¨eüZ nq| Each other, one another n‡jv reciprocal pronoun. G¸‡jv †Kv‡bv ev‡K¨ verb I preposition Gi object wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq| †hgb-

The two brothers helped each other. (`yB fvB G‡K Aci‡K mnvqZv K‡iwQj|)

The ten students love one another. (`kRb wkÿv_©x G‡K Ab¨‡K fv‡jvev‡m|)

NB: Each other, one another e¨env‡ii †ÿ‡Î we‡kl †Kv‡bv cv_©K¨ bv _vK‡jI `yB e¨w³ ev e¯‘i †ÿ‡Î each other Ges `y‡qi AwaK e¨w³ ev e¯‘i †ÿ‡Î one another e¨eüZ n‡q _v‡K|

8. Indefinite Pronouns (Awbw`©óZvÁvcK me©bvg)

we‡kl †Kv‡bv e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡K bv eywS‡q Awbw`©ó e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡K †evSv‡Z pronoun e¨eüZ nq Zv‡K Indefinite Pronouns e‡j| One, none, other, another, few, many, some, they, all, several, my, both BZ¨vw` indefinite pronoun wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq| †hgb-

One/all should love one’s/their mother. (mK‡j gv‡K kÖ×v Kiv DwPZ|)

Many saw the accident. (A‡b‡KB `yN©UbvwU †`‡LwQj|)

They believe man becomes ghost after death. (Zviv wek¦vm K‡i gvbyl g„Zz¨i c‡i f‚Z nq|)

← The Use of some indefinite pronouns

a) One:

i) ‡Kv‡bv ev‡K¨ Awbw`©ófv‡e KvD‡K †evSv‡Z subject I object wn‡m‡e one; possessive wn‡m‡e one’s, reflexive pronoun wn‡m‡e oneself e¨eüZ nq| †hgb-

One cannot learn a language in six weeks. (Qq mßv‡n †KD GKwU fvlv wkL‡Z cv‡i bv|) [subject wn‡m‡e]

I like one who is friendly. (‡h eÜzZ¡civqY Zv‡KB Avwg cQ›` Kwi|) [object wn‡m‡e]

One should loves one’s country. (cÖ‡Z¨‡Ki †`k‡K fvjevmv DwPr|) [Possessive wn‡m‡e]

One should keep oneself clean. (wb‡R‡K cwi®‹vi ivLv DwPr) [Reflexive pronoun wn‡m‡e]

ii) c~e©eZ©x †Kv‡bv noun Gi cybive„wË Gov‡bvi Rb¨ singular noun Gi ‡ÿ‡Î one Ges plural Gi †ÿ‡Î ones e¨eüZ nq| †hgb-

This pen is not good; I want a good one. (GB KjgwU fv‡jv bq; Avwg fv‡jv GKwU PvB|)

These mangoes are sour; those are sweet ones. (GB Avg¸‡jv UK; I¸‡jv wgwó|)

iii) One of Gi ci noun/pronoun-wU plural nq Ges verb wU singular nq| Gi ci possessive e¨eüZ n‡j one’s bv n‡q his, her nq| †hgb-

One of the boys has done his homework. (evjK‡`i GKRb evwoi KvR K‡i‡Q|)

b) None: Not+one Gi mswÿß i~c none. ‡Kv‡bv Awbw`©ó e¨w³ ev e¯‘i †Kv‡bvwUB bv †evSv‡Z none e¨eüZ nq| None countable noun/pronoun-‡K wb‡`©k Ki‡j ‘verb’ singular ev plural n‡Z cv‡i| wKš‘ none uncountable noun/pronoun-‡K wb‡`©k Ki‡j verb me©`vB singular nq| D‡jøL¨ †h, none of Gici plural noun ev pronoun e¨eüZ nq| †hgb-

None is/are happy in this world. (GB c„w_ex‡Z †KD myLx bq|) [Countable]

:Is there any water in this pot? (cv‡Î wK †Kv‡bv cvwb Av‡Q?)

:No, there is none. (bv, †KD †bB|) [Uncountable]

None of the girls is/are beautiful. (evwjKv¸‡jvi g‡a¨ †KDB my›`ix bq|)

c) Some: Awbw`©ó †Kv‡bv e¨w³ ev e¯‘i wKQz msL¨v ev cwigvY †evSv‡Z some e¨eüZ nq| Some me©`vB plural noun ev pronoun-‡K wb‡`©k K‡i Ges Gi ci plural verb e¨eüZ nq| †hgb-

There are many students here; some are from class eight and the rest of them are from class nine. (GLv‡b A‡bK wkÿv_©©©©©©©©x Av‡Q; wKQz wkÿv_©x Aóg †kÖYxi Avi evwK wkÿ_©x beg †kÖYxi|)

There are many tables here; some are old and some are new. (GLv‡b A‡bK ‡Uwej Av‡Q; wKQz cy‡iv‡bv Avi wKQz bZzb|)

Some of my friends are illiterate. (Avgvi wKQz eÜz AwkwÿZ|)

NB: Some me©`vB affirmative ev‡K¨ e¨eüZ nq| Z‡e offers (cÖ¯Íve) ev requests (Aby‡iva) †evSv‡Z ‘yes’ Dˇi interrogative ev‡K¨I e¨eüZ n‡Z cv‡i| †hgb-

Would you give me some more meat? (Av‡iv wKQz gvsm wb‡e?) [offers (cÖ¯Íve)]

Could you give me some rice, please? (`qv K‡I, Avgv‡K wKQz fvZ w`‡Z cv‡ib?) [requests (Aby‡iva)]

d) Any: Indefinite pronoun wn‡m‡e any e¨w³ ev e¯‘ Df‡qi cwie‡Z© singular ev plural Dfq number G e¨eüZ n‡q _v‡K| Bnv negative I interrogative ev‡K¨ e¨eüZ n‡q _v‡K| †hgb-

A. Have you solved the problems? (Zzwg wK mgm¨v¸‡jv mgvavb K‡iQ?)

B. No, I haven’t solved any. (bv, Avwg GKUvI mgvavb Kwiwb|)

A. Do you have any grammar book? (‡Zvgvi wK †Kv‡bv e¨vKiY eB Av‡Q?)

B. No, I haven’t any. (bv, Avgvi †bB|)

Pronoun reference Gi ‡ÿ‡Î mvaviYZ †hme pronoun Gi AwaKZi e¨envi n‡q _v‡K Zv‡`i wewfbœ aib I e¨envi m¤ú‡K© mswÿß Av‡jvPbv †`Iqv n‡jv:

1. I/me/my/mine/myself

e³v ev †jLK Zvi wb‡R‡K †evSv‡bvi Rb¨ subject wn‡m‡e I; object wn‡m‡e me; possessive wn‡m‡e my/mine Ges reflexive pronoun wn‡m‡e myself e¨envi K‡i _v‡K|

a) I think I’d better go now. (subject)

b) Don’t disturb me. (object)

c) This is my pen. (possessive)

d) This pen is mine. (possessive)

e) I myself did the work. (reflexive)

2. we/us/our/ours/ourselves

i) e³v ev †kÖvZv Zvi wb‡R‡Kmn Ab¨‡`i‡K †evSv‡bvi Rb¨ subject wn‡m‡e we, object object wn‡m‡e us; possessive wn‡m‡e our/ours Ges reflexive pronoun wn‡m‡e ourselves e¨envi K‡i _v‡K|

a) We’ve moved to Australia. (Subject)

b) We will take the dog with us. (object)

c) Our staple food is rice. (Possessive)

d) Their house is very similar to ours. (Possessive)

e) We shouldn’t blame ourselves for what happened. (reflexive)

ii) mvaviYfv‡e †jvKRb‡K †evSv‡bvi Rb¨I we e¨eüZ nq|

a) We should take care of our historic buildings. (people in general)

b) We live on a complex planet. (people in general)

3. you/your/your’s/yourself

i) ‡kÖvZv ev ‡kÖvZvi group ev `j‡K †evSv‡bvi Rb¨ subject I object wn‡m‡e you; possessive wn‡m‡e you/yours Ges reflexive pronoun wn‡m‡e yourself/yourselves e¨eüZ nq|

a) You are a good girl. (Subject)

b) I think she told you the matter. (Object)

c) This is your pen. (Possessive)

d) This pen is yours. (Possessive)

e) You have done the mistake yourself. (Reflexive)

ii) mvaviYfv‡e †jvKRb‡K †evSv‡bvi Rb¨I we e¨eüZ nq|

a) You learn a language better if you visit the country. (people in general)

b) You can never be sure what I am thinking. (People in general)

c) You have to be over 20 to buy alcohol in Florida. (People in general)

4. He/him/his/himself

i) c~‡e© DwjøwLZ †Kv‡bv cyiæl e¨w³ ev cÖvYx‡K †evSv‡bvi Rb¨ subject wn‡m‡e he I object wn‡m‡e him; possessive wn‡m‡e his Ges reflexive pronoun wn‡m‡e himself e¨eüZ nq|

a) Everyone liked my father. He was a school teacher. (subject)

b) This is Karim. I like him very much. (object)

c) I love his sense of humour, don’t you? (possessive)

d) In despair, the young boy had hanged himself. (reflexive)

ii) ‡Kv‡bv e¨w³ ev cÖvYx cyiæl bv gwnjv Zv Rvbv bv _vK‡j he e¨eüZ nq|

a) Every child needs to know that he is loved. (cyiæl bv gwnjv, wbwðZ bq)

b) He who hesitates is lost. (cyiæl bv gwnjv, wbwðZ bq)

c) Everyone should do what he considers best. (cyiæl bv gwnjv, wbwðZ bq)

5. She/her/hers/herself

¯¿xevPK e¨w³ ev cÖvYx‡K †evSv‡bvi Rb¨ Subject wn‡m‡e she, object wn‡m‡e her, possessive wn‡m‡e her/hers Ges reflexive wn‡m‡e herself e¨eüZ nq|

a) This is Trisha. She is my younger sister. (subject)

b) Do you know the girl? I like her. (object)

c) Sharmin is a beautiful girl. Her eyes are black. (Possessive)

d) The choice was hers. (Possessive)

e) She must be very proud of herself. (reflexive)

6. It/its/itself

‡Kv‡bv e¯‘ (thing), cÖvYx (animal), Ae¯’v (situation), aviYv (idea) BZ¨vw` †evSv‡bvi Rb¨ subject I object wn‡m‡e it; possessive wn‡m‡e its Ges reflexive wn‡m‡e itself e¨eüZ nq| ‡hgb-

a) Where’s your office? It is on the third floor. (subject)

b) Is this your pen? Give it to me, please. (object)

c) The hotel has its own pool. (possessive)

d) The machine switches itself off when the process is complete. (reflexive)

7. They/them/their/theirs/themselves

a) `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK e¨w³, e¯‘, ev cÖvYx †evSv‡Z subject wn‡m‡e they, object wn‡m‡e them, possessive wn‡m‡e their/theirs Ges reflexive pronoun wn‡m‡e themselves e¨eüZ nq|

i) Where are John and Liza? They went for a walk. (subject)

ii) What are you doing with those matches? Give them to me. (object)

iii) Which is their house? (possessive)

iv) Theirs are the children with very fair hair. (reflexive)

b) ‡Kv‡bv e¨w³ ev cÖvYx cyiæl bv gwnjv Zv †evSv bv †M‡j he/she Gi cwie‡Z© they e‡m|

i) If anyone arrives late, they’ll have to wait outside. (he or she)

ii) Does anyone here consider themselves a good cook? (himself or herself)

c) mvaviYfv‡e †jvKRb, KZ©„cÿ ev we‡klÁ‡`i †evSv‡Z they e¨eüZ nq|

i) They cut off my water line. (authority)

ii) They now say that red wine is good for health. (experts)

8. One/ones/one’s/oneself

a) c~‡e© DwjøwLZ ev cwiwPZ †Kv‡bv e¨w³‡K †evSv‡Z singular wn‡m‡e one Ges plural wn‡m‡e ones e¨eüZ nq| Aciw`‡K, one-Gi possessive wn‡m‡e one’s Ges reflexive pronoun wn‡m‡e oneself e¨eüZ nq|

i) Moyna was wearing her new dress, the red one. (new dress)

ii) The only jokes I tell are the ones that I hear from you. (that jokes)

iii) One should love one’s country. (possessive)

iv) One likes to do it oneself. (reflexive)

b) e³vi mv‡_ mvaviY RbM‡Yi D‡jøL †evSv‡Z we A‡_© one e¨eüZ nq|

(i) One should love one’s parents. (speaker +people in general)

9. This/these

a) wbKUeZ©x †Kvb e¨w³, e¯‘, cÖvYx, ¯’vb, Ae¯’v ev Ae¯’vb †evSv‡Z singular wn‡m‡e this Ges plural wn‡m‡e these e¨eüZ nq|

i) This is your shirt, isn’t it?

ii) This is my sister, Trisha.

iii) These are books that you want.

b) GBgvÎ DwjøwLZ †Kvb e¨w³, e¯‘, ¯’vb, cÖvYx, Ae¯’v ev NUbv m¤ú‡K© D‡jøL Ki‡ZI This/these e¨eüZ nq|

i) We must make sure this does not happen again. (accident that has happened now)

ii) These will be solved step by step. (present problems)

iii) These are the best man. (the people present here)

10. That/those

a) `~ieZ©x †Kv‡bv e¨w³, e¯‘, cÖvYx, ¯’vb, Ae¯’v, Ae¯’vb ev NUbv †evSv‡Z singular wn‡m‡e that Ges plural wn‡m‡e those e¨eüZ nq|

i) Is that my pen you’ve got there?

ii) Our tomatoes never get as big as those.

b) c~‡e© DwjøwLZ ev c~e©cwiwPZ †Kv‡bv e¨w³, e¯‘ ev NUbv‡K †evSv‡ZI that/those e¨eüZ nq|

i) Do you remember when we went to Chittagong? That was a nice trip.

ii) You never cared about me. That’s not true. (that matter)

iii) In my childhood, I played with my school friends. Those were my best friends.

c) Relative pronoun wn‡m‡e e¨w³, e¯‘ Df‡qi cwie‡Z© that e¨eüZ nq|

i) There are lots of things that I need to buy now. (after objects)

ii) The people that live next door friendly. (after person)

11. Which

‡Kv‡bv e¯‘i cwie‡Z© which e¨eüZ nq|

i) Which are the most important crops? (for important crops)

ii) Did you see the letter which came today? (

12. Who/whom/whose

‡Kv‡bv e¨w³i (singular or plural) cwie‡Z© subject wn‡m‡e who, object wn‡m‡e whom I possessive wn‡m‡e e¨w³, e¯‘ I Df‡qi cwie‡Z© whose e¨eüZ nq|

i) Do you know the people who live over the road? (subject)

ii) I know this person whom I met two days ago. (object)

iii) That’s the man whose house has burned down. (after person as possessive)

iv) Solar energy is an idea whose time has come. (after object as possessive)

13. When

mg‡qi cwie‡Z© when e¨eüZ nq|

i) Tamalika was nine when her father died.

ii) When he was child, he was a bad boy. (childhood time)

14. Where

‡Kv‡bv ¯’v‡bi cwie‡Z© where e¨eüZ nq|

i) Where have you come from? (which place)

ii) This is the place where I hid they key.

a) `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK singular subject ‘and’ w`‡q hy³ n‡j Zv‡`i cwie‡Z© e¨eüZ pronoun-wU plural nq|

i) He and his friend will do their home tasks together. (Not his)

ii) Karim and Rahim help them each other in danger. (not him)

b) And Øviv hy³ singular subject-¸‡jvi cÖ_gwUi c~‡e© the e¨eüZ n‡j Zv GKB e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡K †evSvq Ges G‡ÿ‡Î c‡i e¨eüZ verb I pronoun -wU singular nq|

i) The secretary and adviser is walking to his office. (GKB e¨w³, not their)

ii) The Principle and chairman of our college is in his room. (GKB e¨w³, not their)

c) And Øviv hy³ singular subject-¸‡jvi cÖ‡Z¨KwUi c~‡e© the e¨eüZ n‡j Zv Avjv`v Avjv`v e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡K †evSvq Ges G‡ÿ‡Î c‡i e¨eüZ verb I pronoun wU plural nq|

i) The secretary and the lawyer are going to their offices. (`yRb e¨w³ Avjv`v, not his)

ii) The manager and the coordinator are working in their respective rooms. (Avjv`v e¨w³, not him)

d) And Øviv hy³ singular subject-¸‡jvi c~‡e© each/every _vK‡j c‡i e¨eüZ pronoun-wU singular nq| G‡ÿ‡Î subject-¸‡jvi gender (wj½) Avjv`v Avjv`v n‡j c‡i e¨eüZ pronoun wU plural nq|

i) Every student and every teacher should do his/her duties properly. (not their)

ii) Each boy and each girl was given their prize. (not his/her)

e) Either….or, Neither….nor, not only….but also Øviv `ywU subject hy³ _vK‡j wØZxq subject Abyhvqx verb I pronoun e‡m|

i) Neither Surovi nor Tuly has done her duty. (not their)

ii) Not only Mina but also her cousins will bring their camera. (not her)

f) As, well as, along with, together with, with, besides, including, excluding BZ¨vw` Øviv `ywU subject hy³ _vK‡j cÖ_g subject Abyhvqx verb Ges pronoun e‡m|

i) Rima along with four children and her husband is staying Khulna for her relax.

g) ‡Kv‡bv ev‡K¨ first person, second person I third person-GKB mv‡_ e¨eüZ n‡j cÖ_‡g second person (2) Zvici third person (3) Ges †k‡l first person (1) ev 231 order e¨eüZ nq| Ges cieZ©x‡Z pronoun e¨eüZ n‡j Zv first person plural nq|

(i) You, he and I went there for our work.

(ii) You, Sabbir and I were present there in our meeting.

wKš‘ †`vl ¯^xKvi Kiv †evSv‡j Gi wecixZ order 132 ev cÖ_‡g first person (1) Zvici third person (3) Ges †k‡l second person (2) e¨eüZ nq|

(i) I, he and you are guilty for our misdeeds.

(ii) I, he and you are to blame for our dishonesty.

h) ‡Kv‡bv ev‡K¨ first person –Gi mv‡_ Ab¨ †Kv‡bv person ‘and’ Øviv hy³ _vK‡j Zvi cieZ©x pronoun- wU first person plural nq|

(i) You and I have prepared our home task.

(ii) You and I should discuss our problems.

i) ‡Kv‡bv ev‡K¨ second person-Gi mv‡_ third person ‘and’ Øviv hy³ _vK‡j c‡i e¨eüZ pronoun-wU second person plural nq|

(i) Salman and you perform your duty.

(ii) Both Sadia and you make your brilliant result.

j) Collective noun (mgwóevPK we‡kl¨)-Gi cwie‡Z© e¨eüZ pronoun-wU singular number I neuter gender (its) nq| Collective noun-wU noun of multitude wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ n‡j Gi cwie‡Z© e¨eüZ pronoun-wU third person plural nq|

i) The jury is strict in its opinion. (undivided whole)

ii) The jury are divided in their opinion. (Noun of multitude)

1. Dhaka Board-16

A cook once roasted a duck for its master. He looked so delicious that he could not resist the temptation and ate up one of the drumsticks. When he sat down to eat the meal, he quickly noticed the missing leg. He asked him what had happened to the other leg. The cooked told him that it had one leg only. The master said that there was no such thing as a one-legged duck but the cook insisted that every duck had only one leg.

2. Rajshahi Board-16

Salam and Salma are siblings. They read in a local primary school. Salam is in class five whereas her sister, Salma, reads in class three. They go to school together. Sometimes they take rickshaw because it is five kilometers away from his home. Today, she is going to school with her father because her brother, Salam is sick. He is taking medicine and bed rest.

3. Dinajpur Board-16

Travelling is apart of education. These means going from place to place. One can enhance knowledge by going from place to place. Thus gives one the opportunity to see the unseen and know the unknown. Some people are averse to travelling. This limits his vision. However, by travelling different parts of the world, my knowledge may be enriched.

4. Jessore Board-16

On a summer day, becoming very thirsty, a lion and a boar came at the same moment to a small well to drink. Those fiercely quarrelled which of them should drink first, and were soon engaged in a mortal fighting. On his stopping on a sudden to take breath for renewal of the fighting. It saw some vultures waiting in the distance to feast on the one which should fall first. They at once stopped the quarrel, saying, "That is better for us to make friends than to become the food of crows or vultures, as will certainly happen it ourselves are disabled."

5. Comilla Board-16# Barisal Board-16 # Dhaka College-15, Jhalakati Govt. Women's College-15

Women are nowadays as important as men in society. She constitutes nearly half of our total population. No nation can make real progress keeping half of it darkness. Without the uplift of women, it is not at all possible. Again without education, women cannot be uplifted. So proper education should be given to her so that they can work hand in hand with them in all development programmes.

6. Chittagong Board-16

Life is full of struggles. These are quite normal in any one's life as it is not a bed of roses. Certainly, it has ups and downs. A man has to face innumerable barriers in his life. Sometimes he can overcome those but sometimes he fails to combat them. He may be born with silver spoon without any trouble. But even then he has to overcome a lot of such to be successful in life. In other words, life is full of challenges. If he cannot fight them successfully, his life becomes full of sorrows. Though the scholars differ in giving the definition of life, they are unanimous that obstacles are the ways of life. Infact, a man has to undergo many in his life.

7. Sylhet Board-16

A stormy night is fearful and horrible. They causes untold suffering to the people. In a stormy night the whole sky is totally overcast with dark cloud. Only the roaring of violent wind can be heard. The wind begins to blow with fearful sound from no directions. People get frightened with sound of storm. In addition to it, there is thundering and lightning. The frequent thundering and lightning causes much terror and fear in the mind of the people whom always think that this night may be the end of our lives and the terrible and destructive storm will never come to an end. Storm causes harm to them. The house roofs are blown away. Many trees are uprooted. A large number of house and shelters are damaged within a very short time. Standing crops are badly damaged. They is thus a dreadful night to the people.

8. Mymensingh Girls Cadet College-15 # Barisal Cadet College-15

In our country, people have different views about women. The majority cannot still consider men and women of equal terms. They are treated either with a feeling of compassion or they are deprived of their rights. Ignorance and very frequently illiteracy, among us are the main reasons behind this type of attitude. It is true that as a general rule, girls, whether from poor or rich families, are much loved and cared for by the father and brothers. We also need to remember that these are often denied by another woman. We first have to make them aware of the great harm they doing. In the matter of attitude, they need to face menfolk with the expectation of being treated rightly as a woman!

9. Mirzapur Cadet College, Tangail-15

The sun is getting hotter. It is also very old. It is about 4,500 million years old. The earth's climate has been changing for all those. But the climate is heating up much faster now. Humans and their machines are responsible for this. Almost all machines use fuels such as oil, gas, coal. All produce pollution. Much of this pollution contains a gas called carbon dioxide. This gas is responsible for the pollution of the atmosphere. To prevent such we should plant trees which produce oxygen in the atmosphere.

10. Rajshahi Cadet College-15

Once upon a time there was a mother who had three daughters, the eldest of which was rude and wicked, the second much better but the youngest was a pious and good child. She was very strange because she loved the eldest daughter only and she could not bear the youngest. So, she often sent her out into the great forest in order to get rid of her. She thought that she would lose herself and never come back again. Once she could not find her way out of the forest and she walked on constantly until evening came and then she saw a tiny light burning in the distance and ran up to it at once.

11. Pabna Cade College-15

Politicians always give high hopes to the common people. They also give them the assurances that they will solve all the problems if they are elected. They raise a storm over a tea cup about those problems and their solutions. They are habituated in giving false commitments. But when they come to power, they forget these to they people. Common people are puppets in the hand of them. Most of them play tricks with the people. But they should sincerely do something for the people who have elected them. They should work for the sake of them because they have a lot of expectations from them.

12. Rangpur Cadet College-15

Mr. Ahmed always takes his children with him when he goes to any place of historical interest. The children are all teenagers. The behave well in the beginning and become curious in any object they see. But after some time, boredom begins to affect themselves. Twelve years old, Dripto likes to move alone and wanders away. If anybody tells her "Are you lost, little boy?" he pretends that he hears none and keeps walking away. Then years old Diana takes off its shoes and leaves it anywhere. Mr. Ahmed always realizes that he won't have any son and his daughter won't have any shoes. Without worrying what everybody will think, he always calls out loudly, "Babies, get back here right now!"

13. Jhenidah Cadet College-15

Trees are our best friends. Our existence on earth will be at stake without it. We inhale oxygen which trees produce. Again, we exhale carbon dioxide which it absorbs. Besides, we get foods from trees and fire wood to cook it. But some unconscious people cut down trees indiscriminately. They should be brought to book. Furthermore, one should take keen interest to plant more trees so that we can live comfortably on earth.

14. Comilla Cadet College-15

The patriotic feeling of the Bangalee people was always strong. They always tried to make different movements and it was possible for them because of that. The British were compelled to postpone the annual meeting about the division of Bengal in the face of such. At this stage, many young persons became inclined towards armed revolution. The British rulers took stern action against those. But they could not stop them from making continuous movements. The British colonial rule came to an end due to these. The Indian subcontinent became independent in 1947 and as such India and Pakistan came into being.

15. Feni Girls' Cadet College-15

Sense of humour is a very good quality of successful teacher. This works wonders in teaching. Any boring class can be turned into an interesting one by creating it. Mr. Ahmed can make his students laugh in the class in different ways. It increases respect of them towards him. My presentation skill is different than other. His boy language is his main aid and he keeps it positive at all times. It is certainly a very fascinating quality. I am sure this will greatly help him become a successful teacher.

16. Sylhet Cadet College-15

I am Dorothy. I am a student of class XII of Mymensing Girls' High School. I like it very much. I listen to music in my free time. I like folk song but my father does not like these. My father likes classical song very much. He never watches pop musical programmes in TV. He says he hates those. He also says our children are going to astray watching those because they don't appeal to emotions. I also like gardening. I have planted many flowers in my garden. When these are in full bloom, I have to watch them. I am very happy about the flowers that I grow. I just adore them.

17. Rajuk Uttara Model College, Dhaka-15

Bashundara City is undoubtedly a very pompous shopping mall in Dhaka City. This Bashundhara City is called a city within a city. But once it was set on fire by an accident. The reason of that was unknown. Many people became victims of that accident. These were mostly the employees of the shopping mall. As soon as the fire broke out, people were running to and from to save themselves. But the irony of fate was that, many of those people had to die. Fire brigade and some other government and non-government organization came to extinguish the fire. Some people came out safe and sound but many of those people could not escape the death from that accident. We should be careful so that such accident may not occur in any circumstance.

18. Notre Dame College, Dhaka-15

Read the newspaper carefully, Everyday one will find in the newspaper many examples of human joy and human tragedy which can give you ideas for articles, essays or short stories. Keep a notebook in which to put down the information you notice, or ideas that come to you when you are out walking. When you are reading a book or magazine, or at an other time. Some people get the ideas in the bath, or when they are awake during the night. Unless the write it down at once they often forget them.

19. Rajshahi University School & College-15

He who loves him country is a patriot. A patriot loves their country more than his own life. Bangladesh needs patriots more in number. They are honoured by everyone. They are remembered even after his death. They should love the country in order to be patriots.

20. Rajshahi College-15 # Isphani Public School & College, Comilla-15

Once a king ordered his cook to prepare a delicious duck roast. When it was cooked, he could not resist his temptation and ate one of the legs of roasted duck. When he sat to eat, he found one of the legs of it was missing and so, he asked him about it. But the cook said that it had only one leg. At this, he got furious and said that there was no such thing as a one-legged duck.


1. Dhaka Board-16

A cook once roasted a duck for its master. It/The roast looked so delicious that the cook could not resist the temptation and ate up one of the drumsticks. When the master sat down to eat the meal, he quickly noticed the missing leg. He asked the cook what had happened to the other leg. The cooked told him that it had one leg only. The master said that there was no such thing as a one-legged duck but the cook insisted that this duck had only one leg.

2. Rajshahi Board-16

Salam and Salma are siblings. They read in a local primary school. Salam is in class five whereas her sister, Salma, reads in class three. They go to school together. Sometimes they take rickshaw, because the school/their school is five kilometers away from their home. Today, Salma is going to school with her father because her brother, Salam is sick. Salam is taking medicine and bed rest.

3. Dinajpur Board-16

Travelling is apart of education. It means going from place to place. One can enhance knowledge by going from place to place. Travelling gives one the opportunity to see the unseen and know the unknown. Some people are averse to travelling. This aversion limits their vision. However, by travelling different parts of the world, one's/our knowledge may be enriched.

4. Jessore Board-16

On a summer day, becoming very thirsty, a lion and a boar came at the same moment to a small well to drink. They fiercely quarrelled which of them should drink first, and were soon engaged in a mortal fighting. On their stopping on a sudden to take breath for renewal of the fighting. They saw some vultures waiting in the distance to feast on the one which should fall first. They at once stopped the quarrel, saying, "It/This is better for us to make friends than to become the food of crows or vultures, as will certainly happen we are disabled."

5. Comilla Board-16# Barisal Board-16 # Dhaka College-15

Women are nowadays as important as men in society. They constitute nearly half of our total population. No nation can make real progress keeping half of its population in darkness. Without the uplift of women, development/real progress is not at all possible. Again without education, women cannot be uplifted. So proper education should be given to women so that they can work hand in hand with men in all development programmes.

6. Chittagong Board-16

Life is full of struggles. Struggles are quite normal in any one's life as it is not a bed of roses. Certainly, life has ups and downs. A man has to face innumerable barriers in his life. Sometimes he can overcome barriers but sometimes he fails to combat barriers. He may be born with silver spoon without any trouble. But even then he has to overcome a lot of troubles to be successful in life. In other words, life is full of challenges. If he cannot fight challenges successfully, his life becomes full of sorrows. Though the scholars differ in giving the definition of life, scholars are unanimous that obstacles are the ways of life. Infact, a man has to undergo obstacles in his life.

7. Sylhet Board-16

A stormy night is fearful and horrible. It causes untold suffering to the people. In a stormy night the whole sky is totally overcast with dark cloud. Only the roaring of violent wind can be heard. The wind begins to blow with fearful sound from no directions. People get frightened with sound of storm. In addition to it, there is thundering and lightning. The frequent thundering and lightning causes much terror and fear in the mind of the people who always think that this night may be the end of their lives and the terrible and destructive storm will never come to an end. It causes harm to them. The house roofs are blown away. Many trees are uprooted. A large number of house and shelters are damaged within a very short time. Standing crops are badly damaged. They is thus a dreadful night to the people.

8. Mymensingh Girls Cadet College-15 # Barisal Cadet College-15

In our country, people have different views about women. The majority cannot still consider men and women of equal terms. Women are treated either with a feeling of compassion or they are deprived of their rights. Ignorance and very frequently illiteracy, among them are the main reasons behind this type of attitude. It is true that as a general rule, girls, whether from poor or rich families, are much loved and cared for by the father and brothers. We also need to remember that the rules are often denied by another woman. We first have to make women aware of the great harm they doing. In the matter of attitude, women need to face menfolk with the expectation of being treated rightly as a woman!

9. Mirzapur Cadet College, Tangail-15

The sun is getting hotter. It is also very old. It is about 4,500 million years old. The earth's climate has been changing for all those years. But the climate is heating up much faster now. Humans and their machines are responsible for this heating. Almost all machines use fuels such as oil, gas, coal. These fuels produce pollution. Much of this pollution contains a gas called carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is responsible for the pollution of the atmosphere. To prevent carbon dioxide we should plant trees which produce oxygen in the atmosphere.

10. Rajshahi Cadet College-15

Once upon a time there was a mother who had three daughters, the eldest of whom was rude and wicked, the second much better but the youngest was a pious and good child. The mother was very strange because she loved the eldest daughter only and she could not bear the youngest. So, she often sent her youngest daughter out into the great forest in order to get rid of her. The youngest daughter thought that she would lose herself and never come back again. Once the youngest child/daughter could not find her way out of the forest and she walked on constantly until evening came and then she saw a tiny light burning in the distance and ran up to it at once.

11. Pabna Cadet College-15

Politicians always give high hopes to the common people. The politicians also give them the assurances that the politicians will solve all the problems if they are elected. They raise a storm over a tea cup about those problems and their solutions. They are habituated in giving false commitments. But when they come to power, they forget the commitments to they people. Common people are puppets in the hand of the politicians. Most of them play tricks with the people. But they should sincerely do something for the people who have elected them. They should work for the sake of the people because they have a lot of expectations from them.

12. Rangpur Cadet College-15

Mr. Ahmed always takes his children with him when he goes to any place of historical interest. The children are all teenagers. The Children behave well in the beginning and become curious in any object they see. But after some time, boredom begins to affect the children. Twelve years old, Dripto likes to move alone and wanders away. If anybody tells him "Are you lost, little boy?" he pretends that he hears none and keeps walking away. Then years old Diana takes off her shoes and leaves it anywhere. Mr. Ahmed always realizes that he won't have any son and his daughter won't have any shoes. Without worrying what everybody will think, Mr. Ahmed always calls out loudly, "Babies, get back here right now!"

13. Jhenidah Cadet College-15

Trees are our best friends. Our existence on earth will be at stake without trees. We inhale oxygen which trees produce. Again, we exhale carbon dioxide which a tree absorbs. Besides, we get foods from trees and fire wood to cook food. But some unconscious people cut down trees indiscriminately. The culprits should be brought to book. Furthermore, we should take keen interest to plant more trees so that we can live comfortably on earth.

14. Comilla Cadet College-15

The patriotic feeling of the Bangalee people was always strong. The Bangalee people always tried to make different movements and it was possible for the Bangalee people because of that. The British were compelled to postpone the annual meeting about the division of Bengal in the face of such patriotic feelings. At this stage, many young persons became inclined towards armed revolution. The British rulers took stern action against the young people. But the British could not stop them from making continuous movements. The British colonial rule came to an end due to these. The Indian subcontinent became independent in 1947 and as such India and Pakistan came into being.

15. Feni Girls' Cadet College-15

Sense of humour is a very good quality of successful teacher. This quality works wonders in teaching. Any boring class can be turned into an interesting one by creating humour. Mr. Ahmed can make his students laugh in the class in different ways. It increases respect of the students towards him. My presentation skill is different than that of other teachers. His boy language is his main aid and he keeps his body language positive at all times. It is certainly a very fascinating quality. I am sure this fascinating quality will greatly help him become a successful teacher.

16. Sylhet Cadet College-15

I am Dorothy. I am a student of class XII of Mymensing Girls' High School. I like the school very much. I listen to music in my free time. I like folk song but my father does not like these folk songs. My father likes classical song very much. He never watches pop musical programmes in TV. He says he hates those. He also says our children are going to astray watching those because pop musical programmes don't appeal to emotions. I also like gardening. I have planted many flowers in my garden. When the flowers are in full bloom, I have to watch them. I am very happy about the flowers that I grow. I just adore flowers.

17. Rajuk Uttara Model College, Dhaka-15

Bashundara City is undoubtedly a very pompous shopping mall in Dhaka City. It Bashundhara City is called a city within a city. But once it was set on fire by an accident. The reason of that accident was unknown. Many people became victims of that accident. These victims were mostly the employees of the shopping mall. As soon as the fire broke out, people were running to and from to save themselves. But the irony of fate was that, many of those had to die. Fire brigade and some other government and non-government organization came to extinguish the fire. Some people came out safe and sound but many could not escape the death from that accident. We should be careful so that such accident may not occur in any circumstance.

18. Notre Dame College, Dhaka-15

Read the newspaper carefully, Everyday you will find there many examples of human joy and human tragedy which can give you ideas for articles, essays or short stories. Keep a notebook in which to put down that you notice, or ideas that come to you when you are out walking. When you are reading a book or magazine, or at an other time. Some people get the ideas in the bath, or when are awake during the night. Unless the write them down at once they often forget them.


Modifier: The words or phrases the give extra information about a noun being placed before or after the noun are called modifiers. (†hme word ev phrase noun Gi c~‡e© A_ev c‡i e‡m D³ noun ‡K modify K‡i A_©vr D³ noun m¤ú‡K© AwZwi³ Z_¨ cÖ`vb K‡i, Zv‡`i‡K modifier e‡j|) †hgb-

i) He has bought a television which is too expensive.

n modifier

ii) The dancing girl has been praised by all.

modifier n

iii) A good boy is always loved by all.

m n

e¨vL¨vt Dc‡ii cÖ_g sentence G relative clause 'which is too expensive' noun 'television' ‡K modify K‡i‡Q A_©vr noun 'television' Gi ci e‡m 'television' m¤ú‡K© AwZwi³ Z_¨ cÖ`vb K‡i‡Q| ZvB GLv‡b relative clause 'which is too expensive" GKwU modifier.

wØZxq ev‡K¨ 'girl' noun wU‡K adjective 'dancing' modify K‡i‡Q A_©vr 'girl' m¤ú‡K© AwZwi³ Z_¨ cÖ`vb K‡i‡Q| myZivs GLv‡b 'dancing' modifier.

Z…Zxq ev‡K¨ 'boy' noun wU‡K 'good' adjective wU modify K‡i‡Q A_©vr 'boy' m¤ú‡K© AwZwi³ Z_¨ cÖ`vb K‡i‡Q| ZvB GLv‡b 'good' modifier.

Dc‡ii D`vniY¸‡jv †_‡K eySvq hvq †h, †ewkifvM †¶‡Î adjective modifier wn‡m‡e e‡m| ZvQvov phrase, clause ev Ab¨ †Kvb noun I modify wn‡m‡e em‡Z cv‡i|

modifier ‡h noun wU‡K modify K‡i Zvi c~‡e© ev c‡i e‡m|

Modifier Gi cÖKvi‡f`t

modifier `yB cÖKvi| h_v- 1) Pre-modifier 2) Post-modifier

1. Pre Modifier

Modifiers placed after determiners but before head of a noun or noun phrase are called pre modifier. (A_©vr †h word determiner Gi ci Ges noun ev phrase Gi cy‡e© e‡m Zv‡K modify K‡i, Zv‡K premodifier e‡j| †hgbt

We have spent a nice summer there.

m n

GLv‡b 'nice' adjective wU 'summer' noun Gi c~‡e© e‡m 'summer' ‡K modify K‡i‡Q| ZvB GwU premodifier.

wewfbœ ai‡bi premodifier t

i) Prmodifier wn‡m‡e adjective: G‡¶‡Î Adjective noun ev noun phrase Gi c~‡e© e‡m premodifier Gi KvR K‡i| †hgbt He is a gentle man.

e¨vL¨vt Dc‡ii sentence G ''gentle" adjective wU "man" noun Gi c~‡e© premodifier Gi KvR K‡i‡Q|

ii) Premodifier wn‡m‡e Participle: Participle memgq adjective Gi KvR K‡i| ZvB participle adjective wn‡m‡e noun Gi c~‡e© e‡m D³ noun ‡K modify K‡i| †hgbt

The running thief has been arrested.

Modifier n

e¨vL¨vt Dc‡ii sentence G 'running' present participle wU 'thief' noun Gi c~‡e© e‡m premodifier Gi KvR K‡i‡Q|

iii) Premodifier wn‡m‡e noun: gv‡S gv‡S noun I noun ‡K modify K‡i| hLb `yÕwU noun cvkvcvwk e‡m ZLb cÖ_g noun wU wØZxq noun wU‡K modify K‡i| †hgbt

He has wanted to buy an air ticket


e¨vL¨vt Dc‡ii sentence wU‡Z air Ges ticket `ywUB noun Ges G¸‡jv cvkvcvwk e‡m‡Q| cÖ_g noun 'air' wØZxq noun 'ticket' Gi c~‡e© e‡m premodifier Gi KvR K‡i|

iv) Premodifier wn‡m‡e compounds: gv‡S gv‡S compounds ev compound words, noun Gi c~‡e© e‡m premodifier Gi KvR K‡i| Compound GKvwaK k‡ãi mgš^‡q MwVZ n‡q GKwU single adjective ev noun Gi KvR K‡i| †hgbt

A hardworking man can succeed in his life.

compound (m) n

2. Pose Modifier

Post k‡ãi A_© c‡i| ZvB †hme modifier noun, noun phrase, clause Gi c‡i e‡m Zv‡`i‡K modify K‡i, Zv‡`i‡K post modifier e‡j| †hgbt

She is searching for a boy with red dress and blue eyes.

GLv‡b, 'with red dress and blue eyes' phrase wU 'boy' noun Gi c‡i e‡m GwU‡K modify K‡i‡Q| myZivs GLv‡b phrase wU GKwU post modifier.

wewfbœ ai‡bi pose modifier:

i) Pose modifier wn‡m‡e relative clause: Relative clause noun Gi c‡i e‡m noun ‡K cÖvqB modify K‡i| †hgbt

The girl who came here yesterday is beautiful.

e¨vL¨vt Dc‡ii setence wU‡Z "who came here yesterday" G relative clause wU 'girl' noun wUi c‡i e‡m Zv‡K modify K‡i‡Q| ZvB 'Who came here yesterday" GB relative clause wU girl noun wUi post modifier.

ii) Post modifier wn‡m‡e prepositional phrase: Prepositional phrase noun Gi c‡i e‡m Zv‡K modifier Ki‡Z cv‡i| †hgbt

The boy with beautiful eyes is very gentle.

n post modifier

e¨vL¨vt GLv‡b post modifier = with beautiful eyes 'boy' noun wUi c‡i e‡m Zv‡K modify K‡i‡Q|

iii) Post modifier wn‡m‡e Infinitive phrase: To + verb Gi present form Gi c‡i AwZwi³ kã ewm‡q infinitive phrase MwVZ nq| Noun Gi c‡i infinitive phrase e‡m noun ‡K modify K‡i| †hgbt

He needs to take steps to come out of this situation.

infinitive phrases

e¨vL¨vt GLv‡b 'step' noun Gi c‡i 'to come out of this situation' GB infinitive phrase wU e‡m, steps ‡K modify K‡i‡Q|

iv) Post modifier wn‡m‡e present participle phrase: ''verb + ing + other words" ‡K present participle phrase e‡j| ev‡K¨ noun Gi c‡i present participle phrase e‡m noun ‡K modify K‡i| †hgbt

The girl standing at the corner is my sister.

n post modifier

e¨vL¨vt GLv‡b post modifier 'standing at the corner' 'girl' noun Gi c‡i e‡m noun wU‡K modify K‡i‡Q|

v) Post modifier wn‡m‡e Past participle phrase: Verb Gi Past participle + other words ‡K Past participle phrase e‡j| ev‡K¨ noun Gi c‡i Past participle phrase noun ‡K modify K‡i| †hgbt

The watch made in Japan is very costly.

n pp phrase

e¨vL¨vt 'Made in Japan 'Past participle phrase wU 'watch' noun wU‡K post modifier wn‡m‡e modify K‡i‡Q|

vi) Post modifier wn‡m‡e Adjective: Adjective, noun Gi c‡i e‡mI noun ‡K post modifier wn‡m‡e modify K‡i| †hgbt

Is there anything wrong here? [pm= Post Modifier ]

n pm

e¨vL¨v t GLv‡b 'wrong' adjective wU 'anything' noun wUi c‡i e‡m post modifier wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i‡Q|

vii) Post modifier wn‡m‡e 'Adverb' : ‡hgbt

The answers above are not correct.

n adv.

e¨vL¨v t GLv‡b 'above' adverb wU 'answer' noun wU‡K post modifier wn‡m‡e modify K‡i‡Q|

Dangling Modifiers

A dangling modifier is a word or phrase that modifies a word not clearly stated in the sentence. (Dangling modifier Ggb GKwU word ev phrase hv GKwU wrong word ‡K modify K‡i A_ev Ggb GKwU kã‡K modify K‡i hv D³ sentence G cwi®‹vifv‡e ewY©Z bq|)

Sentence Gi ïi“‡Z Aew¯’Z participle mvaviYZ Zvi c‡ii clause Gi cÖ_g noun ev pronoun ‡K modify K‡i| wKš‘ dangling modifier hv‡K modify K‡i Zvi D‡j­L D³ sentence G _v‡K bv|

AwaKvsk dangliers nj verbal phrase Z‡e wKQz dangliers prepositional, infinitive I elliptical phrase n‡q _v‡K|

wewfbœ ai‡bi dangling modifier:

i) Dangling participle: Having finished the poem, a story was written.


e¨vL¨vt Dc‡ii sentence G 'having finished' GB perfect participle wU subject 'a story' ‡K modify K‡iwb| KviY 'having finished' Gi KvRwU 'story' subject wU K‡i bv| †h‡nZz "having finished" ‡h subject ‡K modify K‡i GLv‡b Zv ¯úó D‡j­L †bB| ZvB "having finished" GKwU dangling modifier.

Correct sentence: Having finished the poem, the writer wrote a story.

participle subject

GLv‡b perfect participle 'having finished' premodifier wn‡m‡e subject 'the writer' ‡K modify K‡i‡Q|

ii) Dangling gerund : After killing one snake, another snake was discovered.


e¨vL¨vt Dc‡ii sentence G 'after killing one snake' phrase wU c‡ii clause Gi subject 'another snake' ‡K modify K‡iwb| G phrase wU hv‡K modify K‡i‡Q Zvi ¯úó †Kvb D‡j­L GLv‡b †bB| ZvB 'after killing one snake' GKwU dangling modifier.

Correct sentence: After killing one snake, he discovered another snake.

iii) Dangling infinitive: to get a good job, knowledge of English is necessary.

modifier subject

e¨vL¨vt GLv‡b 'to get a good job' GB to infinitive phrase wU 'knowledge of English subject ‡K modify K‡iwb| GB to infinitive phrase wU hv‡K modify K‡i‡Q Zvi D‡j­L GLv‡b †bB| ZvB "to get a good job" GKwU dangling modifier.

Correct sentence: To get a good job, you need knowledge of English.

iv) Dangling prepositional phrase: In childhood mother read fairy tales to me.

dp phrase Sub

[dp = Dangling prepositional]

GLv‡b "In childhood" prepositional phrase wU 'mother' subject ‡K modify K‡i bv, ZvB GwU GKwU Dangling modifier Ges hv‡K modify K‡i Zvi D‡j­L GLv‡b †bB|

Correct sentence: In my childhood, I heard fairy tales from my mother.

Strategies for revising dangling modifier (dangling modifier ‡K ms‡kvab Kivi †KŠkj)t

(a) Main clause G mwVK ev hyw³ m½Z doer (KZ©v) ewm‡q Dangling modifier ms‡kvab Kiv hvq|


i) Dangling modifier: Having arrived late for practice, a written excuse was needed. (‡K †`ix‡Z †cŠu‡Q‡Q Zv D‡j­L †bB)

m¤¢ve¨ Correct form: Having arrived late for practice, the captain of the team needed a written excuse.

ii) Dangling modifier: Without knowing his name, it was difficult to introduce him. (‡K bvg RvbZ bv Zv D‡j­L †bB|)

m¤¢ve¨ Correct form: Because Maria did not know his name, it was difficult to introduce him.

(b) Dangling phrase Ges Main clause ‡K mgwš^Z K‡i Dangling modifier ms‡kvab Kiv hvq|


i) Dangling modifier: To improve his results, the experiment was done again. (‡K result dj) Dbœqb Ki‡Z †P‡qwQj Zvi (doer) D‡j­L †bB|)

m¤¢ve¨ Correct form: He improved his results by doing the experiment again.

Determiners (wb‡`©kK)

Determiner : A word or group of words used before a noun to indicate it specifically of particularly is called a determiner. (‡h kã ev kã mgwó Noun Gi c~‡e© e‡m †mB Noun ‡K we‡klfv‡e ev wbw`©ófv‡e wb‡`©k K‡i, Zv‡K Determiner e‡j| †hgb:

The development of a country is not possible without education.

Few people came to our birthday party.

Every room was empty.

There is a lot of pollution in this city.

Kinds of Determiners : Determiners `yÕcÖKvi| †hgb-

1. Specific Determiners.

2. General Determiners.

1. Specific Determiners : The determiners used to refer to someone or something specifically are called specific determiners. (KvD‡K ev †Kvb wKQz‡K wbw`©ófv‡e eySv‡Z ‡h Determiner e¨eüZ nq, Zv‡K Specific Determiner e‡j|) †hgb:

I want this pen.

That pen is mine.

I don't know his name.

Ic‡ii Sentence ¸‡jv‡Z this, that, his, my nj Specific Determiner.

wewfbœ cÖKvi Specific Determiners :

Definite article : the

Demonstratives : this, these, that, those

Possessives : my, your, his, her, its, our, their, Karim's

2. General Determiner : The determiners used to refer to someone or something in a general way are called General Determiners. (KvD‡K ev †Kvb wKQz‡K mvavibfv‡e ev Awbw`©ófv‡e eySv‡Z †h Determiner e¨eüZ nq, Zv‡K General Determiner e‡j|) †hgb:

A boy is going to school.

Each candidate was asked to answer the question.

Have you got any pen?

All men must die.

No student is responsible for this.

Ic‡ii Sentence ¸‡jv‡Z a, each, any, all, no k㸇jv General Determiner.

wewfbœ cÖKvi General Determiners :

Indefinite Articles : a, an

Quantifiers : some, any, no, every, either, neither, each, enough, full, half, much, several, both, few, many, little, more, most, such, less, least, certain, same, a great number, a great deal of, plenty of, a good many, a large number.

Cardinals : one, two, three, four.................

Ordinal numeral : first, second, third, fourth.................

General ordinals : next, last, other, another, the other, further.

Wh' determiners : what, which, whose, what ever, which ever, whole.

Use of Some Important Determiners

← Few, A few, The few, Very few, Fewer, Fewest, Many, Many of, Several of, A number of ¸‡jv ïay Countable noun-Gi c~‡e© msL¨v ev cwigvY eySv‡Z e‡m| G‡ÿ‡Î ev‡K¨i Noun I Verb DfqwU Plural nq|

Example : There are few students in our class. (cor)

Little, A little, The little, Very little, Less, Least, Much, Much of, Amount of G¸‡jv ïay Uncountable noun-Gi c~‡e© cwigvY eySv‡Z e‡m| G‡ÿ‡Î ev‡K¨i noun I Verb DfqwU Singular nq|

Example : There is little furniture in my room. (cor)

← Some, Some of, More, Most, Most of, Rest of, A lot of, Lost of, The mejority, A great deal of, etc. GB k㸇jv Countable & uncountable Dfq Noun-Gi c~‡e© em‡Z cv‡i| Z‡e Countable-Gi c~‡e© em‡j Noun I Verb DfqwU Plural nq|

Example :

There is some water in the glass.

There are some students in the class.

Board Test questions Analysis

1. Dhaka Board-16> Dhaka Ressidential Model college-15 #Bogra cantonment public school & college-15

Rabindranath Tagore was a (a) ____ (pre-modify the noun) poet of Bangali literature. He was born in a (b) ____ ( pre-modify the noun) family at Jarasanko, Kolkata. He went to school (c) ____ ( post-modify the verb). He wrote his (d) ____ ( pre-modify the noun) verse at the age of eight. A the age of seventeen, he went to London (e) ____ (post modify the verb with an infinitive) school there. He was put up in a lodging house under the care of a (f) ____ (pre-modify the noun) coach, Mr. Scott. He was lucky (g) ____ (post-modify the adjective with an infinitive) an English family of Mr. Scott. He also visited the house of parliament (h) ____ (post—modify the verb with an infinitive) Gladstone and John Bright’s debates on Irish rule. He wrote letters to Kolkata (i) ____ (post-modify the verb with a present participle) English society. At this, his family thought they might lose their son (j) ____ (post-modify the verb). So, he was called back to Kolkata.

2. Rajshahi Board-16

It was a hot (a) ____ (use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) day. A (b) ____ (pre-modify the noun) crow flew all over the fields looking for water. For a long time, she could not find any water jug below her. She flew (d) ____ (post-modify the verb) to see if there was any water inside. Yes, she could see some water inside the jug. The crow tried (e) ____ (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb). Sadly, she found that the neck of the jug was too narrow. Then she tried to push the jug down for the water to flow out. But she found (f) ____ (use a demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) jug too heavy. The crow thought (g) ____ (use a phrase to post-modify the verb) had a good idea. She started picking up the pebbles one by one, dropping each into the jug. As more and more pebbles filled the jug, the water level kept rising. Soon it was high (j) ____ (post-modify the adjective) for the crow to drink. The crow quenched its thirst and flew away.

3. Dinajpur Board -16

Water is a (a) ____ (pre-modify the noun) substance. It has no colour of (b) ____ (possessive to pre-modify) own. The ____ (c) (determiner to pre-modify the noun) name of water is life. By drinking water, we can quench (d) ____ (Possessive to pre-modify the noun) thirst. Thus we can survive one earth. But (e) ____ (pre-modify the noun) water is life killing. Dinking contaminated water, we suffer from cliseases like diarrhea, typhoid etc. We may (f) ____ (pre-modify the verb) face (g) ____ (pre-modify the noun) death by drinking such type of water. We are responsible for (h) ____ (noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) pollution. Waste materials from mills and factories are thrown here and there. Farmers use fertilizers and insecticides n their land. During the rainy season, they are mixed with ponds and rivers. Besides, latrines (i) ____ (participle to post modify the noun) on ponds and rivers cause water pollution. (j) ____ (pre-modify the noun) awareness should be raised to stop water pollution.

4. Jessore Board -16 >Juranpur Adarsha University college, comilla-15# Brahmanbaria Govt. college-15

Most of the people in (a) ____ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) country do not know the importance of English. In fact, it is an (b) ____ (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) language and we are living in a (c) ____ (pre-modify the noun) village. So, if you know English (d) ____ (post modify the verb with an adverb), you can communicate with (e) ____ (use an article to pre-modify the noun phrase) rest of the world. It is surely an important element of your (f) ____ (use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) skill. Without the knowledge of English with proper understanding, you cannot complete (g) ____ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) higher studies because most of the books are written in English in the process of higher education. Poor knowledge of English will also hamper your (h) ____ (use a noun-adjective) development. In short, if you do not have a good command of English, you will suffer (i) ____ (pre modify the verb with prepositional phrase/Adverbial) of your life. So don’t waste your time and try to learn English (j) ____ (post-modify the verb with an adverb) from today.

5. Comilla Board-16

I had a peculiar experience (a) ____ (post-modify the verb) while travelling to st. martin’s Island. I visited the island along with my family. Zahid, (b) ____ (post-modify the noun with an appositive), was our guide. On our way to the island, we watched (c) ____ (demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) sea gulls. The (d) ____ (pre- modify the noun) birds were flying (e) ____ (post-modify the verb) with the ship. They became (f) ____ (use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) dear and friendly to us. We entertained them with chips and biscuits. (g) ____ them (use a present participle to pre-modify the verb), we became (h) ____ (use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) excited. We decided (i) ____ (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb) in the idyllic island for a couple of days. we can never forget (j) ____ (use a demonstrative to pre-modify the adjective phrase) lovely sea birds.

6. Chittagong Board-16

Once there lived a (a) ____ (pre-modify noun) fox in a jungle. One day, while he was walking (b) ____ (post-modify the verb) through the jungle he fell into a trap and lost his tail. He felt (c) ____ (pre-modify the adjective) unhappy and sad. But the fox was very cunning. He hit upon a plan. He invited all the foxes (d) ____ (post modify the verb with an infinitive) to a meeting. When all the foxes arrived, the fox without a tail said “My dear friends, listen to me, please, I have discovered a (e) ____ (pre-modify the noun) thing. It is that our tails are (f) ____ (pre-modify the adjective) useless. They look ugly and dirty. So, we all should cut off our tails, shouldn’t we?” All foxes listened to the cunning fox (g) ____ (post-modify the verb). Most of them agreed (h) ____ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) their tails. But an old and (i) ____ (pre-modify the noun) fox said to him, “My friend, your plan is nice but evil. Actually, you want to cut of our tails because you have (j) ____ (pre-modify the noun with a determiner) tail of your own.”

7. Sylhet Board-16 > Begum Badrunnessa Govt. Girls’ College, Dhaka-15

Othello, (a) ____ (use an appositive to post-modify the noun) had risen to become a general. He had shown his bravery in many (b) ____ (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) battles against the Turks. Everyone praised him (c) ____ (use an adverb to adjective to pre-modify the verb) and the senate trusted and honoured him. Brabantio, a rich senator of vince had a daughter named Desdemona (d) ____ (use a relative clause to post-modify the noun). Brabantio (e) ____ (use an adverb to pre-modify the verb) invited Othello to his house where he and his daughter listened in wonder to Othello as he spoke about his adventures. He told them of deserts, of caves and of mountains high (f) ____ (use an post-modify the verb phrase and she never became tired of listening to it. She pitied Othello (h) ____ (use an adverb to post-modify the verb) for the misfortunes and hardships of his life. Her pity (i) ____ (use an infinitive to post-modify the verb) because she loved Othello, a noble Muslim Moor from North Africa.

8. Barisal Board -16

A village doctor is a (a) ____ (use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) familiar person in the rural areas of Bangladesh. He is (b) ____ (pre-modify the verb) known as a quack. Village doctor is not a (c) ____ (pre-modify the noun) doctor. He (d) ____ (pre-modify the verb) sits in a small dispensary in the morning and evening. He treats the patients (e) ____ (use a participle to post-modify the verb) small fees. A village doctor is not a (f) ____ (pre-modify the noun) man. His chamber is (f) ____ (pre-modify the verb) furnished. He cannot supply costly medicines to the (h) ____ (pre-modify the noun) patients. In our country, The number of qualified doctors is (i) ____ use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) few. So, a village doctor is a great friend to the (j) ____ (pre-modify the noun) people.

9. Mymensingh Girls’ Cadet College -15

a newspaper plays a very (a) ____ (pre-modify the noun with an adjective) role in modern civilization. It publishes news and views of home and abroad. Only (b) ____ (pre-modify the noun with an adjective) knowledge is not enough in the competitive world. The newspaper helps a man (c) ____ (post-modify the verb with infinitive his general knowledge. Apart from academic books, books, one should read newspapers (d) ____ (post-modify the verb with an adverb) . Newspaper helps one (e) ____ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) the facts of the world. (f) ____ (pre-modify the noun with a present participle phrase) regularly, one can be aware of everything. There are (g) ____ (pre-modify the noun with an adjective ) kinds of newspapers. One should select the newspaper (h) ____ (post-modify the verb with an adverb). One should choose the (i) ____ (pre-modify the noun with an adjective) paper because many newspapers present news partially. Whatever the paper is, it (j) ____ (pre-modify the verb with an adverb) helps a man.

10. Mirzapur Cadet College , Tangail -15# Nilphamari Govt. College-15

Mother is an (a) ____ (use an adjective phrase to pre-modify the noun) blessing in the world. Mother’s day is a (b) ____ (use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) significant day observed as a (c) ____ (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) occasion in honour of mothers. The day was for the first time, announced as a formal holiday in the united states of America. Mothers’ day is now observed (d) ____ (use an adverbial phrase to post-modify the verb) as elsewhere around the world. The sons and daughters (e) ____ (use an adverb to pre-modify the verb) wait for this day. They buy some special presents for their (f) ____ (use a superlative degree to pre-modify the noun) mother. When they offer the presents, the mother and (h) ____ (use a possessive to pre-modify the noun) children. The bond of relationship between mother and children becomes everlasting. The mother (i) ____ (use an adverb to pre-modify the verb) draws her children with her motherly affection. In this way, we pay a (j) ____ (use a participle to pre-modify the noun) tribute to our dear mothers.

11. Rajshahi Cadet College-15

Once upon a time there lived (a) ____ (use article to pre-modify the noun phrase) generous and kind-hearted king. But the people were not happy with (b) ____ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) king, because the king was too lazy and would not do (c) ____ (use determiner to pre-modify the noun) work other than eating and sleeping. He spent days and weeks and months in (d) ____ (use possessive to pre-modify the phrase) bed either eating something or sleeping. He became (e) ____ (use an adverb to pre-modify the adjective) inactive. The king became (f) ____ (use article to pre-modify the noun) potato couch and the people stated warring about the king. (g) ____ (use quantifier to pre-modify the noun) day he realized that he could not even move his body. He became fat and his enemies made fun of him calling ‘fatty king’ or bulky king’ etc. he invited (h) ____ (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) doctors from (i) ____ (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the noun) parts of his country and offered them generous rewards (j) ____ (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb) him fit unfortunately, none could help the king regain his health and fitness.

12. Pabna cadet college-15

Once there lived a (a) ____ (pre-modify the noun) barber in a village. He was more than a mere barber but a (b) ____ (pre-modify the noun) doctor. The barber pretended (c) ____ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) about disease and their cures. People (d) ____ (post-modify the noun with a present participle) in the area came to him for treatment. As people were illiterate, they could not understand (e) ____ (pre-modify the noun with a determiner) trick. So when they became (f) pre-modify the adjective with an intensifier) ill, they called in him. The barber gave the (g) ____ (pre-modify the noun) medicine. But he was he was an expert in treating boils. As he was a barber, it was easy for him (h) ____ (pre-modify the adjective with an infinitive). He would cut with his razor. Some patients would cry (i) ____ (post-modify the verb) in pain. Some of the patients were cured. The (j) ____ (pre-modify the noun with a adjective folk thought him to be a good doctor.

13. Joypurhat Girls’ cadet college-15

We went to sonargaon, (a) ____ (post-modify the noun with an appositive), to attend a picnic there (b) ____ (post-modify the verb with an adverbial of time). only the students of section A of X of our school attended (c) ____ (use determiner to pre-modify the noun) picnic. Mr. Latiful kabir, (d) ____ (post-modify the noun with an appositive), was also with us. We hired a bus and started our journey from Mirpur-2 at about 8 (e) ____ (post-modify the verb with prepositional phrase). It was a (f) ____ (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) journey. We reached sonargaon at about 10 am. (g) ____ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) teacher told us about the historical background of sonargaon. Then we visited the museum there. We stayed there for about (h) ____ (use quantifier to pre-modify the noun) hours. The cooking was going on. (i) ____ (use quantifier to pre-modify the noun) students sang, danced, played and made lots of fun. The event was (j) ____ (use an adverb to pre-modify the adjective) wonderful.

14. Rangpur cadet college-15 #cantonment public school & college, saidpur, Nilphamari-15 Jessore Govt. Mohila college-15 #Barisal Model school & college-15 #Ullapara science college, sirajganj-15 #Rajshahi college-15 #Rajshahi Model School & college-15 #Govt. Begum Rokeya college, Rangpur-15

Nelson mendela (a) ____ (post-modify the noun with appositive), is one of the greatest leaders of the world, no doubt. During (b) ____ (use articale to pre modify the noun) time of Mandela, the Europeans were separated from the non-Europeans. It was (c) ____ (use noun-adjective to pre-modify the noun) policy of racial segregation. The blacks were subjected to (d) ____(use quantifier o pre-modify the noun) sorts of indignities. They were denied all basic (e) ____ (use adjective to pre-modify the noun) rights. They were in fact aliens in (f) ____ (use possessive) own country. Te blacks were also treated (g) ____ (use adverb to post-modify the verb). Even dogs received a much better treatment than the blacks. The (h) ____ (use an adjective pre-modify the noun) leader vowed to put an end to the inhuman practice. Unfortunately (i) ____ (use demonstrative to pre modify the noun) great man was thrown behind the prison bars. But the oppressive rulers could not break his spirit. All his life he struggled against apartheid. Eventually, the great leader fulfilled the goal of liberating (j) ____ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) people.

15. Jhenidah cadet college-15

One night Hazi Mohammad Mohhin was in (a) ____ (a pre-modify the noun) sleep. Suddenly he heard a sound and woke up (b) ____ (an infinitive as a post-modify of the verb) what happened. He discovered a thief (c) ____ (a present participle as a post-modify of the noun) valuable articles from his room. He advanced (d) ____ (an adverb as a post-modifier of the verb) and caught the thief (e) ____ (a post-modifier of the verb). Mohsin was a (f) ____ (a pre-modifier of the noun) man. He wanted (g) ____ (an infinitive as a post-modifier of the verb) why he was stealing. The thief replied that he had been starving (h) ____ (a prepositional phrase post-modifier of the verb). (i) ____ (a present participle pre-modifying the subject), Mohsin became sympathetic. He set the thief (j) ____ (an adjective post-modifying the noun)

16. Comilla cadet college-15

Michael was a poor shepherd (a) ____ (post-modify the noun with a present participle) in a village of London. He was an (b) ____ (pre-modify the noun) man. His wife was also hard-working. They worked (c) ____ (post-modify the verb) to maintain the family. Michel took his sheep to the field (d) ____ (post-modify the noun with an infinitive). His wife wove loom (e) ____ (post-modify the verb). They had a son named Luke. They tried (f) ____ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) their son perfectly. They taught Luke (g) ____ (pre-modify the noun) things. He was (h) ____ (pre-modify the adjective with an intensifier) dear to his parents. When he grew up, his parents planned (i) ____ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) him to London. They sent Luke to London (j) ____ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive)

17. Fani Girls’ cadet college-15

Modern life depends (a) ____ (post-modify the verb) on transport. We can understand well how important is when it is hampered by (b) ____ (pre-modify the noun) disasters and political crisis. Transport helps us (c) ____ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) our destination. It had quickened trade and commerce (d) ____ ( post-modify the verb). It also helps us (e) ____ ( post-modify the verb with an infinitive) with our relatives and friends, the development of transport has made he world small. We can travel to any country (f) ____ (post- modify the verb). We us transport (g) ____ (use an infinitive to post-modify the verb) our goods and products to different places. The use of transport saves our time (h) ____ (post-modify the verb). It also helps us (i) ____ (post modify the verb with an infinitive) knowledge and ideas. (j) ____ (pre-modify the verb with a present participle phrase) we can promote understanding among nations.

18. Sylhet cadet college -15

A (a) ____ (pre-modify the noun with a noun adjective) morning is misty and cold. There is dense fog (b) ____ (post-modify the verb). The sun rises (c) ____ (post-modify the verb) in the morning. People wear (d) ____ (pre-modify the noun) clothes. They get comforts (e) ____ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) in the sun. Those who don’t have clothes suffer from (f) ____ (pre-modify the noun) cold. Sometimes, the fog is so dense, even things at a distance can (g) ____ ( pre-modify the the verb) be seen. People like (h) ____ ( post-modify the verb with infinitive) indoors. The fog disperses when the sun rises up. Dew drops (i) ____ (post-modify the noun with a prepositional phrase) look like pearls. Rural people gather around the fire (j) ____ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive phrase).

19. Barisal cadet college-15 #Govt. Ashek Mahmud college, Nirobpur-15

A young girl was crying (a) ____ (post-modify the verb). So I went to her (b) ____ (use infinitive to post-modify the verb) what happened to her. (c) ____ (use present participle to pre-modify the verb) near her, I came to know that she lost (d) ____ (use a noun phrase to post-modify the verb). She told me that she had come to the market with her parents. But as the place was (e) ____ (pre-modify the adjective with an intensifier) crowded she could not follow them. I felt (f) ____ (pre-modify the adjective an intensifier) sorry for the girl and took her with me. (g) ____ (pre-modify the verb with a present participle phrase), I gave her food. The girl became happy (h) ____ ( use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the adjective) and slept soon. Next morning I went to the (i) ____ (pre-modify the noun) police station and informed the duty officer about the girl (j) ____ (post-modify the noun with a relative pronoun) I got in the market place.

20. Rajuk Uttara Model College, Dhaka-15

The world is producing millions of tons of domestic rubbish and toxic industrial waste (a) ____ (post-modify the verb) and it is becoming (b) ____ (pre-modify the adjective) difficult to find suitable locations to get rid of all the refuse, the disposal of (c) ____ (pre-modify the noun) kinds of waste is (d) ____ (post-modify the verb) polluting the environment. We know that air is an (e) ____ (post-modify the noun) element of our environment. Man makes fire (f) ____ (post-modify the verb by an infinitive) food, make bricks, melt tar for road construction and to do (g) ____ (pre-modify the noun) things which pollute the air. Railway engines and (h) ____ (pre-modify the noun by a noun adjective) houses create smoke (i) ____ (post-modify the verb by adverb phrase). Mills and factories also belch (j) ____ ( pre-modify the noun by adjective phrase) smoke.

21. Ideal school &college, motijheel, Dhaka-15

Load-shedding. (a) ____ (post-modify the noun with an appositive), means intentional stopping of the supply of electricity in a (b) ____ (use determiner to pre-modify the noun) area for a certain period of time. It occurs when (c) ____ (use article to pre-modify the noun) generation of power is less than the demand. Load-shedding causes a lot of problems for us. It hampers our (d) ____ (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) household activities. The production of mills and factories is stopped. Students cannot prepare (e) ____ ( use possessive to pre-modify the noun) lessons and idle away their time. Patients suffer (f) ____ (post-modify the verb with an adverb) because of load-shedding. Infect, load-shedding hampers the smooth (g) ____ (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) development of a country. In order to solve the problem of load-shedding, we should try (h) ____ (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb) more electricity through government and (i) ____ (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) initiatives. We should also try to stop the misuse of electricity. An all-out effort can solve (j) ____ (use a demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) problem.

22. Shamsul Hoque Khan & College,Dhaka-15 # Govt. syed Hatem Ali college, Barisal-15 # Dr.Mahbubur Rahman Mollah college, Dhaka-15

One day Rober Bruce, (a) ____ (post-modify the noun with an appositive), was lying in the cave. He was thinking of (b) ____ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) misfortune. He thought that he would not be able (c) ____ (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb). Suddenly he saw a spider (d) ____ (post-modify the verb with a prepositional phrase/an adverbial of place). The spider was trying to reach (e) ____ (use article to pre-modify the noun) ceiling of the cave. It almost got to the point (f) ____ (use quantifier to pre-modify the noun) times, but fell down at the last moment. It did not lose hope. It was trying (g) ____ (post-modify the verb with an adverb). On the seventh attempt it reached the ceiling. Robert Bruce became very much amazed (h) ____ (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb) the success of the spider. He felt encouraged and came out of the cave and began to gather soldiers again. He remembered the small spider and prepared (i) ____ (post-modify the verb with an adverb) for the battle. He fought hard with the English and (j) ____ (use a demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) time, he came out successful. Strong will and the perseverance made Robert Bruce the king of Scotland again.

23. Notre Dame College, Dhaka-15

I experienced a very interesting incident (a) ____ (post-modify the verb) on my way to dinajpur. My friend Tamalika, (b) ____ (post-modify the noun with an appositive) was driving. A cow was crossing the road but suddenly in the middle of the road it stopped and remained standing. In a minute Tamalika had to change her course but she didn’t have (c) ____ (pre-modify the noun) time and space to do that. Tamalika tried to turn in the left when the cow too walked (d) ____ (post-modify the verb) back a few steps. To save (e) ____ (use a demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) cow, Tanalika had to move in the right. She lost her control and bumped the car, with a (f) ____ (use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) tree. (g) ____ (use a participle to pre-modify the verb) Tamalika was shocked but she was (h) ____ (use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) happy (i) ____ (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb). She patted the (j) ____ (use modify the noun) cow and burst into laughter.

24. Dhaka College-15

The newspaper, (a) ____ (post-modify the noun with an appositive), is a printed record of current event. It gives us (b) ____ (use quantifier to pre-modify the noun phrase) the important news of home and abroad. In a word, the newspaper is like (c) ____ (use determiner to pre-modify the noun) “mirror” of the world. The newspaper was first introduced in china. The “Indian Gazette” was the (d) ____ (use determiner to pre-modify the noun phrase) newspaper of the subcontinent. “The samachar Darpon” was the first (e) ____ (use a noun-adjective to pre-modify the noun) newspaper. A newspaper is (f) ____ (use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) useful to us. We cannot think of (g) ____ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) morning without it. (h) ____ (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) people have different tastes. So, a newspaper supplies us with (i) ____ (use determiner to pre-modify the noun phrase) sorts of news, for example, business, games and sports, entertainment, literature etc. it keeps us well-informed and makes us intelligent. So we all should read newspapers (j) ____ (post-modify the verb with adverb).

25. Dhaka city college-15

I went to visit Lalbag Fort (a) ____ (post-modify the noun with an adverb). Dipu, (b) ____ (post-modify the noun with an appositive) , was with me. It was a hot day in summer. The sun was shining (c) ____ (post-modify the verb with an adverb). We hired an auto rickshaw so that we could reach on time. when we reached there, we saw (d) ____ (use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) many people standing in a queue for entry tickets. (e) ____ (use a prepositional phrase to pre-modify the verb), we entered the fort. There we saw some (f) ____ (use a determiner to buildings, a museum, a pond and some beautiful gardens. A water channel connects (g) ____ (use a determiner to pre-modify the noun) buildings from east to west and north to south. We became (h) ____ (use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) amazed to see the fountains. The visitors cannot stay (i) ____ (use a prepositional phrase) after 6 pm. So, at O’clock the guards requested the visitors (j) ____ (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb).

26. Adamjee cantonment college, Dhaka-15

My elder sister is (a) ____ (pre-modify the adjective with an intensifier) affectionate to me. She is a very (b) ____ (pre-modify the noun) lady. She advises me (c) ____ (post-modify the verb with infinitive) my knowledge and skill. She tells me to go the college (d) ____ (post-modify the verb). She encourage me to follow the (e) ____ (pre-modify the noun) path. She also advises me (f) ____ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) towards other fellow students. She is really a (g) ____ (pre-modify the noun) women. She teaches me how (h) ____ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) between right and wrong. She advises me to be a (i) ____ (pre-modify the noun) human being. (j) ____ (pre-modify with a present participle phrase), I want to become a trustworthy man.

27. Dhaka commerce college-15

Bangladesh, (a) ____ (post-modify the noun with an appositive). Has a huge population. Most people here live below the (b) ____ (use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) line and cannot, therefore, afford to educate (c) ____ (use a possessive to pre-modify the noun) children. Many poor children either drop out of school after just a (d) ____ (use quantifier to pre-modify the noun) years or simply do not go to school at all. Despite this situation, was have far too many students (e) ____ (use infinitive to post-modify the verb) compared to the number of institutions available. Bangladesh needs (f) ____ (use a determiner to pre-modify the noun) schools, college and universities to provide for the (g) ____ (pre-modify the noun with a present participle) number of students. But the government cannot fund the (h) ____ (pre-modify the noun) number of educational institutions. At present every educational institution is over. Crowded and class size is (i) ____ (pre-modify the adjective) large. Students do get a (j) ____ (pre-modify the noun) education for lack of facilities.

28. Holy Cross College, Dhaka-15

One hot (a) ____ (use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) day an ant was searching for some water. After walking for some time she come to a (b) ____ (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) spring. To reach the spring she had to climb up a blade of grass. While climbing the blade of (c) ____ (use a demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) grass, she slipped and fell into water. A dove from a mango tree saw this incident. (d) ____ (use a participle phrase to pre-modify the verb), the dove quickly plucked of a leaf and dropped it into the water near the (e) ____ (use a present participle to pre-modify the noun) ant. The ant moved towards the leaf and climbed up there. Soon it carried her (f) ____ (use an adverb to post-modify the verb) to the dry ground. Just at that time the ant saw a hunter standing (g) ____ (use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) close to him. He was aiming an arrow to the dove. (h) ____ (use a relative clause to post-modify the noun). So the ant took a firm determination to save the dove’s life she (i) ____ (use an adverb to pre-modify the verb) went to the hunter and gave him a severe bite. The hunter cried out in pain and missed the target. The dove saw this and flew away (j) ____ (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb).

29. Milestone College, Dhaka-15

One the occasion of the (a) ____ (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun phrase) prize giving ceremony, our college was decorated with colourful flags, balloons etc. the college stage situated beside the garden got (b) ____ (use article to pre-modify the noun phrase) new look with colourful cloths and a gorgeous sitting arrangement. After the arrival of the (c) ____ (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun phrase) guest, the function started at 3 pm with the recitation from the holy Quran. Our principal, (d) ____ (post-modify the noun with an appositive), presided over the function. After (e) ____ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) presentation of annual report an (f) ____ (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun phrase) cultural function was held. Then (g) ____ (use article to pre-modify the noun) chief guest made a short but valuable speech. After his speech the prizes were given to the brilliant students and those who gained top (h) ____ (use quantifier to pre-modify the noun) positions in different (i) ____ (use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) events and cultural competitions. At the end of the function, the principal gave his final speech in which he thanked all to make the prize give ceremony (j) ____ (use determiner to pre-modify the noun) success.

30. B.A.F. Shaheen college, Dhaka-15

Jack was lying in their (a) ____ (use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) house wondering about what he could do tomorrow. He thought he could go to the park (b) ____ (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb). He just hoped that it was a (c) ____ (pre-modify the noun) day so that he could play with his friends. (d) ____ (use a participle phrase to pre-modify the verb), he asked his mum and dad if he could go to the park. His parents were very angry to hear (e) ____ (use a demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) question. They said that it was going to be a (f) ____ (pre-modify the noun) day and for everyone it is safe to stay (g) ____ (post-modify the verb). He felt (h) ____ (use an intensifier) disappointed. Soon it started raining (i) ____ (post-modify the verb). Finding no other way Jack opened a (j) ____ (use a noun-adjective to pre-modify the noun) book.

31. National Ideal College, Dhaka-15 #Govt. M.M.City college, Khulna-15 #Dr.Abdul Razzak Municipal college, Jessore-15 #Gazipur cantonment college-15 #B.A.F Shahheen College, Chittagong-15

Socrates, (a) ____ (post-modify the noun with an appositive), believed that an angry man was more of a beast than a (b) ____ (use adjective to pre-modify the noun) being. His wife used to lose (c) ____ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) temper on the slightest excuse. She tried her utmost (d) ____ (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb) Socrates. (e) ____ (use quantifier to pre-modify the noun) day the woman became more furious than ever. She began to insult (f) ____ (use article to pre-modify the noun) great scholar of Greece. Socrates went (g) ____ (post-modify the verb with an adverb of place). He sat on the (h) ____ (use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) step of his residence looking out one the path street. The wife found that (i) ____ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) husband was not paying the least heed to her word. she went up to him with a bucket full of water and suddenly she poured water over him. He (j) ____ (use an adverb to pre-modify the verb) remarked, “I am expecting this. After thunder, comes rain.”

32. Shaheed Bir uttam Lt.Anwar Girls’ College, Dhaka-15

Bangladesh is a small country with a (a) ____ (use adjective to pre-modify the noun) population. Most of the people depend on agriculture and most of them are below the (b) ____ (use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) line, but they are peace-loving. They live in harmony with others irrespective of religion, caste and creed. They (c) ____ (use an adverb to pre-modify the verb) bear a smile in (d) ____ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) face. Bangladesh is (e) ____ (use an adverb to pre-modify the verb) criss-crossed with hundreds of rivers. Wherever we look at, we are sure to find a touch of green. We have a number of (f) ____ (use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) places in Bangladesh. Cox’s Bazar, (g) ____ (post-modify the noun with an appositive), is a place of scenic have a glimpse of (i) ____ (use demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) heritage, we must visit ruins of Buddhist Bihara at Paharpur, Mahansthangarh, Mainamati etc. we can (j) ____ (use an adverb to pre-modify the verb) visit sundarbans, the biggest mangrove forest in the world.

33. Seddeswari Girls’ College, Dhaka-15

Robi is a boy (a) ____ (post-modify the noun with present participle) through abject poverty. He is (b) ____ (pre-modify the noun with intensifier) a poor boy that he does not have a shelter. He is actually a boy (c) ____ (post-modify the noun with present participle) on the street beside Dhaka medical college. He begs money from the students of Dhaka medical college (d) ____ (post-modify the verb with infinitive) foods. He lives on a slice of bread (e) ____ (post-modify the noun) with begged money, some left-over rice from the hospital attendants. One day zayed, a student of Dhaka Medical college, asked Robi what (f) ____ (pre-modify the noun with possessive) dream was. He replied that his dream was not lofty a plate (g) ____ (post-modify the noun) of rice, big pieces of chickens and sweets. Being pitied, zayed took him to a (h) ____ (pre-modify the noun) restaurant and entertained him with (i) ____ (pre-modify the noun) foods. (j) ____ (pre-modify the verb with present participle phrase), Robi became very much satisfied.

34. Lalmatia Mohila College, Dhaka-15

The people of Bangladesh are (a) ____ (pre-modify the adjective with an intensifier) hospitable. They like (b) ____ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) people. It is their (c) ____ (pre-modify the noun) part of culture. So, hospitality is a (d) ____ (pre-modify the noun) norm of Bangladesh people. Although many other things are changing (e) ____ (post-modify the verb), people are still (f) ____ (pre-modify the adjective) polite towards foreigners. They like (g) ____ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) to foreigners even if they have not been introduced. It is quite common for Bangladeshis (h) ____ (post-modify the adjective with an infinitive) personal questions about family, jobs and income which visitors from overseas might find awkward. However , it should be understood that (i) ____ (per-modify the noun with a determiner) harm is meant by such questions. On the other hand, they express (j) ____ (pre-modify the noun) interest is the foreigners’ state of affairs.

35. Tejgaon College, Dhaka-15

In every country (a) ____ (use post-modify noun), mothers and grandmothers tell (b) ____ (use pre-modify noun) children stories. Bangladesh is no exception. I remember (c) ____ (use pre-modify noun) evening we children would surround our grandmother, and she would tell us tales, (d) ____ (use pre-modify verb) she would tell tiger or bear stories; at other times, she would tell stories about a jackal, (e) ____ ( use post-modify noun). There stories are told in every home in Bangladesh. So sit back (f) ____ (use post-modify verb) and enjoy the story of the (g) ____ (use pre-modify noun) tiger. (h) ____ (use pre-modify verb), in a country not far away, a famous maharaja lived. He was (i) ____ (use post-modify subject) because of his (j) ____ (use pre-modify noun) hobbies; he gathered and raised unusual breeds of animals.

36. Govt. Bangla College, Dhaka-15

Tea is the most (a) ____ (pre-modify the noun) drink in the world. It is (b) ____ (use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) refreshing. Tea plants grow (c) ____ (post-modify the verb) on the slope of hills. In the tea garden tea plants are (d) ____ (pre-modify the verb) planted in rows. (e) ____ (use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) leaves are plucked four times a year. (f) ____ (use participle to pre-modify the verb) they are rolled by a machine and dried in a cauldron over a furnace, after (g) ____ (use a demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) process, tea is ready for consumption. As a drink tea is prepared in a (h) ____ (pre-modify the noun) way. It is now (i) ____ (pre-modify the verb) used for the entertainment of guests in our country. But it is harmful to our health (j) ____ (use an infinitive to post-modify the verb) too much of tea.

37. Trust college,Dhaka-15

The bell rang. I got up (a) ____ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) who it was. I looked through the (b) ____ (pre-modify the noun) hole. I was surprised to see Asif (c) ____ (post-modify the noun with a participle) outside. I opened the door (d) ____ (post-modify the verb) and let him in.(e) ____ (pre-modify the verb with a present participle) the room, he hugged me. It was long since I had seen him (f) ____ (post-modify the verb). I became (g) ____ (use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) glad to receive him in my house. He was my (h) ____ (pre-modify the noun) friend and we studied at the (i) ____ (pre-modify the noun) school. He was honest and truthful. He behaved (j) ____ (post-modify the verb) with every everybody

38. Savar cantonment public school & college, Dhaka-15

A plane journey is an exciting journey. If the weather is fine the passengers can get (a) ____ (pre-modify the noun) view of the picture below. The (b) ____ (pre-modify the noun) passengers may be served with (c) ____ (pre-modify the noun phrase) snacks and drinks within around 20 minutes of the take off. A movie will be started (d) ____ (post-modify the verb) after that. The captain of the fight may give a (e) ____ (pre-modify the noun) speech before all these. Quality aeroplanes have the facility of an (f) ____ (pre-modify the noun) mask in case of oxygen shortage. The passengers just have to pull the mask and place it (g) ____ (post-modify the verb) on their noses. They also have to secure the band behind them and breathe (h) ____ (post-modify the verb). If any passenger has a child with anyone who needs (i) ____ (pre-modify the noun) assistance he has to put his mask (j) ____ (post-modify the noun) before going to help the child.

39. Narayanganj Govt. Mohila College-15

St. Martin’s Island. (a) ____ (post-modify the noun with a an appositive) is about 9 km south of the tip of the cox’s Bazar-Teknaf peninsula. It is the (b) ____ (use adjective to pre-modify the noun phrase) coral island in Bangladesh. It is about 8 km west of in (c) ____ (use article to pre-modify the noun) northwest coast of Myanmar at the south of the Naf River-The (d) ____ (use adjective to pre-modify the noun phrase) name of the island is Narikel Jinjira meaning “Coconut Island” in Begali. St. Martin’s Island has become a popular (e) ____ (use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) spot. Three shipping liners run (f) ____ (use adverb to post-modify the verb). (g) ____ (use adjective to pre-modify the noun) liners are kutubdia. Sea-Truck and Keary-trip either from Chittagong or from cox’s Bazar. (h) ____ (use article to pre-modify the noun) island is home to a (i) ____ (use quantifier to pre-modify the noun) endangered species of turtles, as well as the corals, some of which are found only on (j) ____ (use a demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) island.

40. Rajendrapur cantonment public school & college, Gazipur-15

There is a proverb that time and tide wait for none. Time passes on very (a) ____ (use adverb to post-modify the verb). No one can stop (b) ____ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) on word march for a moment. So, we must understand (c) ____ (use articles to pre-modify the noun) value of it Lost money can be regained by (d) ____ (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) work. Lost health can be recovered by medicine an improved diet. But lost time can (e) ____ (pre-modify the verb with an adverb) be called back. So time is very much important (f) ____ (post-modify the verb with preposition phrase). Success in life depends on the proper use of time. so, we should make a (g) ____ (use an adjective phrase to post-modify the noun) division of our time and try (h) ____ (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb) our work accordingly (i) ____ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) life is very short. We must utilize (j) ____ (use determiner to pre-modify the noun phrase) second of our life to make it successful and meaningful.

41. Major General Mahmudul Hasan Adarsha College, Tangail-15

Overpopulation is a (a) ____ (pre-modify the noun) problem of our country. It is a hindrance to our development. The government should take necessary steps (b) ____ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) the growth. Illiterate people do not know about the (c) ____ (pre-modify the noun) impact of overpopulation. Here literacy can help those people (d) ____ (post-modify the verb with a bare infinitive) their family. So the government should work (e) ____ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) illiteracy. Due to poverty, many people cannot send their children to school. (f) ____ (pre-modify the verb with a present participle) obstacles, we can remove illiteracy. (g) ____ (pre-modify the noun) marriage should be stopped. It has a (h) ____ (pre-modify the noun) contribution to overpopulation. (i) ____ (pre-modify the verb with a present participle) among people, we can help them. (j) ____ (pre-modify the noun) control is essential for this.

42. Govt. Haraganga College, Munshiganj-15

Most of (a) ____ (use a possessive to pre-modify the noun) students cannot write out their examination papers fairly. As they cannot understand the questions (b) ____ (post-modify the verb), they often beat about the bush and cram their answers with irrelevant and unnecessary details. Sometimes they also fail to arrange their answer neatly, cleanly and systematically. Although the teacher suggests that their answer should be brief and precise, they (c) ____ (pre-modify the verb) lengthen them unnecessarily. Therefore, their (d) ____ (pre-modify the noun) answers generally become disgusting and unnecessary. Such answers always earn (e) ____ (pre-modify the noun) marks, in order to get `expected marks, all you should do, it to understand the questions (f) ____ (post-modify the verb) marks. In order to get just to the point. Don’t worry, if (g) ____ (use a possessive to pre-modify the noun) answers are fairly short. Yon should make your presentation neat and clean (h) ____ (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb). To answer the short comprehensive question, you should not copy anything (i) ____ (post-modify the verb) from the passage make your sentences (j) ____ (use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) short and simple.

43. Govt. Debendra College, Manikganj-15

We should not eat just (a) ____ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive phrase). We should eat to preserve (b) ____ (post-modify the noun with a possessive) health. We need to eat (c) ____ (pre-modify the noun) food. Sometimes, it so happens that people (d) ____ (post-modify the noun with present participle) in the midst of plenty do not eat (e) ____ (pre-modify the noun with a determiner) food they need for good health. That is why they suffer from (f) ____ (pre-modify the noun) diseases. If they know how (g) ____ (post-modify the verb with infinitive) balanced diet, they can remain fit. For this, they should have (h) ____ (pre-modify the noun) knowledge about health and nutrition. If they were educated, they could live a (i) ____ (pre-modify the noun) life. Only a healthy man is a (j) ____ (pre-modify the noun) man.

44. Abdul kadir mullah city college , Narsingdi-15

Bangladesh is crisscrossed with hundreds of river. (a) ____ (use demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) rivers are the gift of Almighty creator. They play a very important role in our (b) ____ (pre-modify the noun) economy. There hundreds of big and small rivers in (c) ____ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) country. The big rivers flow (d) ____ (use adverbial phrase to post-modify the verb) but small ones flow only during the rainy season. Our rivers are of great use and importance to us. They are (e) ____ (pre-modify the verb) related to our economy and prosperity of our country. These rivers are sources of communications, wealth and property, energy and fish. All the rivers play a (f) ____ (pre-modify the noun) role in our (g) ____ (use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) system. We use use boats launches, steamers to carry our goods from one place to another. (h) ____ (use infinitive to pre-modify the noun) goods through river way is cheaper and easier than by land in our country. Moreover, people (i) ____ (use present participle to post-modify the noun) by the river side can earn their livelihood by catching fish. The silt (j) ____ (use past participle to post-modify the noun) by the river water increases the fertility of our agricultural land.

45. Ananda Mohan College, Mymensingh-15

Mother Teresa was a (a) ____ (pre-modify the noun) woman. She was born in the then Yugoslavia. When she was a young girl she swore (b) ____ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive phrase) for the service of mankind. She decided to be a nun (c) ____ (pre-modify the noun) people. When she was eighteen, she decided to be a nun (d) ____ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) her purpose. (e) ____ (pre-modify the verb with a present participle) she came to Calcutta. There she jouined sa school (f) ____ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) the poor children. She also served the lepers (g) ____ (post-modify the verb). She sacrificed her life (h) ____ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) mankind. The whole world knows her as (i) ____ (pre-modify the noun with a noun-adjective) Teresa.she was awarded (j) ____ (use a noun) adjective to modify the noun) prize for peace.

46. Sherpur Govt. College-15

One day the lion, (a) ____ (post-modify the noun with an appositive), was sleeping in his cave. A (b) ____ (use determiner to pre-modify the noun) mouse was playing nearby. While playing it ran over the (c) ____ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) body by chance. At this the lion woke up an became (d) ____ (pre-modify the adjective with an adverb) angry. He caught the mouse with hi paw and was ready to kill it. The little mouse began (e) ____ (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb) with fear. It begged for mercy and promised to repay the kindness if it was set free. (f) ____ (use participle phrase to pre-modify the verb) the lion burst into laughter. He took pity on the mouse and let it go. The mouse looked at the lion with gratefulness and left the place (g) ____ (post-modify the verb with an adverb) after about a month the lion fell into a (h) ____ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) trap. He tried his best (i) ____ (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb) but he could not as the net was very strong. He began to roar. The (j) ____ (use a determiner to pre-modify the noun) mouse heard the sound, came to the spot at once and began to cut the rope of the net with its sharp teeth and set the lion free.

47. Rajbari Govt. College-15

Any device, the helps people perform (a) ____ (pre-modify the noun) calculation may be called a “computer”. In (b) ____ (use a demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) sense, the abacus is also a (c) ____ (pre-modify the noun) computer, today, however, the term “computer” refers to a special kind of electronic machine that can perform mathematical calculations and process large masses of information (d) ____ (use prepositional phrase to post-modify the noun). In a few minutes a computer can perform calculations that (e) ____ (use past participle to pre-modify the noun) mathematician would need years to complete. The fastest computers can handle millions of problems in a (f) ____ (pre-modify the noun) seconds, it can not only solve complex mathematical problems (g) ____ (post-modify the verb) and accurately, but also perform (h) ____ (pre-modify the noun) operations at once and the same time without any confusion. The computer promises to free men from many monotonous and routine tasks. Nowadays, the computer has become (i) ____ (use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) sophisticated and can perform many (j) ____ (use past participle to pre-modify the noun) tasks.

48. New Govt. Degree College, Rajshahi-15

Diarrhoea is (a) ____ (use determiner to pre-modify the noun) condition of having three or more loose or (b) ____ (pre-modify the noun phrase) bowel movements per day. The most common cause is gastroenteritis (c) ____ (pre-modify the noun phrase) Rehydration solutions (ORS) with (d) ____ (pre-modify the noun) amounts of salts and zinc tablets are the treatment of choice and have been estimated (e) ____ (use infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb) 50 million children in the past 25 years. In case where ors is not available, (f) ____ (use compound to pre-modify the noun) solutions are (g) ____ (pre- modify the verb) used. Diarrhea is a (h) ____ (pre-modify the noun) cause of death in (i) ____ (pre-modify the noun) countries and the second most common cause of (j) ____ (pre-modify the noun) deaths worldwide. The loss of fluids thought diarrhea can cause dehydration and electrolyte disturbances such as potassium deficiency or other salt imbalances.

49. Rajshahi Govt. city college-15

Sheikh sa’adi, (a) ____ (post-modify the noun with an appositive), was simple in his ways of life.(b) ____ (use quantifier to pre-modify the noun) day, at the invitation of the emperor, he set out for the eperor’s palace in an (c) ____ (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) dress. He took shelter in a courtier’s house (d) ____ (post-modify the verb with adverbial phrase). The courtier and his men did not show (e) ____ (use determiner to pre-modify the noun) honour and hospitality to him. On his way back home, sa’adi again took shelter in the (f) ____ (use adjective to pre-modify the noun) courtier’s house. (g) ____ (use a demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) time he put on a gorgeous dress. The courtier received him (h) ____ (post-modify the verb with adverb) and entertained him with rich foods. New sa’adi began to put his food in the pockets of his dress. The courtier’s men were surprised (i) ____ (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb). They asked him why he was putting the foods (j) ____ (post-modify the verb with adverbial phrase).\

50. Chapai Nawabganj Govt. Women’s College-15

I went to my village home (a) ____ (pre-modify the verb) to see my mother (b) ____ (pre-modify the noun with a relative clause). My (c) ____ (pre-modify the noun with an adjective) brother accompanied me. We reached home in time. (d) ____ (pre-modify the verb using a present participle), we entered the house. My mother burst into tears (e) ____ (use and infinitive phrase to post-modify the noun). We also could not help shedding tears profusely to see our (f) ____ (pre-modify the noun with an adjective) mother. She was (g) ____ (pre-modify the adjective with an intensifier) ill to work. We decided to take her to Dhaka for (h) ____ (pre-modify the noun with an adjective) treatment. I told my cousin to hire a (i) ____ (pre-modify the noun with an adjective) . (j) ____ (pre-modify the verb with a perfect participle) we carried our mother to Dhaka.


1. (a) famous/celebrated/great; (b) rich/prosperous/well off/well to-do; (c) early/at

tender age; (d) first; (e) to attend/to join; (f) friendly/helpful/ good/ generous; (g) to find/to get/to have; (h) to listen to/to enjoy; (i) praising/ appreciating/extolling; (j) for ever/really/ actually/ ultimately/ for good.

2. (a) summer; (b) thirsty; (c) very; (d) there; (e) to drink the water inside the jar; (f)

that; (g) deeply/with deep attention; (h) Noticing here and there/ Flying here and there; (i)

also; (j) enough.

3. (a) liquid/natural; (b) its; (c) other; (d) our; (e) unsafe/ polluted/contaminated/unclean; (f)

even; (g) untimely/ premature; (h) water; (i) situated/standing; (j) public

4. (a) our; (b) international; (c) global; (d) well; (e) the; (f) communication; (g) your; (h)

career; (i) in the long run; (j) well/ properly.

5. (a) last week; (b) a local boy; (c) some; (d) migratory/sea; (e) along; (f) very/quite; (g) Seeing; (h) very; (i) to stay/to remain; (j) these/those.

6. (a) clever/cunning; (b) alone; (c) very/quite; (d) to attend; (e) new; (f) quite/completely; (g) attentively/seriously/curiously; (h) to cut; (i)wise; (j) no

7. (a) an ordinary soldier; (b) dreadful/risky/hazardous/ter rible/horrible; (c) highly/greatly/profusely; (d) who had secret love with Othello / who loved Othello very much; (e) once/very often;(f) enough; (g) hearing it;(h) largely/intensely/whole-heartedly;(i) gradually/ultimately; (j) to marry / woo/Othello.

8. (a) very/ quite; (b) also; (c) qualified; (d) usually/normally; (e) charging/taking; (f) rich; (g) not well; (h) poor; (i) very; (j) village/ rural

9. (a) significant/important/vital; (b) bookish; (c) to enrich/ to enlarge/to increase; (d) regularly/daily; (e) to know/to get; (f) Reading a newspaper; (g) different/various; (h) properly; (i) impartial; (j) certainly/really.

10. (a) exquisite/incomparably great and divine; (b) very; (c) special/sacred; (d) in our family/in Bangladesh; (e) earnestly/eagerly; (f) dearest/greatest; (g) heavenly/true/ great; (h) her; (i) really/usually/commonly; (j) great/ heart-warming.

11. (a) a (b) their; (c) any; (d) his; (e) very/fully/completely; (f) a; (g) One; (h) famous/renowned; (i) all/many/some; (j) to make.

12. (a) clever/shrewd/cunning/naughty; (b) quack/false/fake; (c) to be skilled/to know; (d) living/residing; (e) this/that/ such a; (1) seriously/very; (g) some/prescribed; (h) to do operation/to cut; (i) loudly; (j) village/rural/local.

13. (a) a historical place/a place of historical importance; (b) last week! Lest. month; (c) the/that; (d) our history teacher; (e) in the morning; (f) joyous/hilarious/pleasant; (g) Our; (h) two/three/four; (i) many/some; (j) really/very/greatly.

14. (a) a great leader/a renowned leader; (b) the; (c) government; (d) all/different; (e) human; (f) their; (g) cruelly; (h) noble/great/kind; (i) this; (j) his.

15. (a) a sound/a deep; (b), to know/to see; (c) stealing; (d) silently/stealthily; (e) red handed/instantly; (f) kind/generous; (g) to know; (h) for few days; (i) Hearing this; .(j) free.

16. (a) residing/living; (b) old/industrious; (c) hard; (d) to graze; (e) regularly/at home; (f) to teach/to bring up; (g) many/religious; (h) very/great; (i) to send; (j) to change/to improve/to develop.

17. (a) greatly/largely/much; (b) natural; (c) to reach; (d) all over the world/immensely; (e) to communicate; (f) in a short time/easily/quickly; (g) to carry; (h) greatly; (i) to gain/to acquire/to gather; (j) Taking help of this.

18. (a) winter; (b) everywhere; (c) late; (d) warm; (e) to bask; (f) bitter/severe; (g) hardly; (h) to remain; (i) on the soft grass; (j) to warm themselves.

19. (a) loudly/continuously/pathetically; (b) to see/to know; (c) Going/Approaching; (d) her parents; (e) very/ unusually; (f) very/extremely; (g) Reaching home/Being sympathetic; (h) to get relaxed/to eat; (i) nearby/local; (j) whom.

20. (a) everyday/each year/gradually; (b) very/more/ extremely/increasingly; (c) various/different; (d) severely/ seriously/constantly/rapidly; (e) important/ essential; (f) to cook; (g) these/many other; (h) power; (i) by burning coil, and oil; (j) a lot of/harmful.

21. (a)a regular phenomenon/a great curse; (b) certain/particular; (c) the; (d) daily/actual; (e) their; (f) bitterly/greatly; (g) proper/progressive; (h) to Produce/to generate; (i) Pragmative/private/proper; (j) this

22. (a) the king of Scotland; (b) his; (c) to regain his kingdom; (d) in the cave; (e) the; (f) many/several; (g) again and again; (h) to see; (i) well/fully/wholeheartedly;

23. (a) last month/week; (b) a student of Dhaka University/a famous athlete; (c) much/enough; (d) again/slowly; (e) the (f) mango/jackfruit; (g) Perceiving the fact; (h) very/greatly; (i) to save themselves; (j) stupid/naughty.

24. (a) a store-house of knowledge; (b) all; (c) a; (d) first; (e) Bengali/Bangla; (f) very/greatly; (g) our; (h) Different/Various; (i) all; (j) daily/everyday/carefully.

25. (a) yesterday; (b) my cousin; (c) brightly; (d) so; (e) After a while;(f) beautiful/nice/tall; (g) the; (h) very/greatly/quite; (i) for a second; (j) to leave.

26. (a) very; (b) good/gentle/wise; (c) to increase; (d) regularly/ daily/everyday; (e) right/good/correct; (f) useful/to behave well; (g) wise/great; (h) to differentiate/to distinguish; (i) good/useful; (j) Following her advice.

27. (a) an independent country/a small country; (b) poverty; (c) their; (d) few; (e) to educate;(f) more; (g) enhancing/rising/increasing; (h) large/requisite; (i) very/unusually; (j) proper/standard/good.

28. (a) summer; (b) big/large; (c) that/such; (d) Seeing the incident; (e) struggling/floating; (f) safely/near /close; (g) very; (h) which was sitting on tree/that had saved her life; (i) swiftly/quickly; (j) to save itself

29. (a) annual; (b) a; (c) chief; (d) the president of the function/an honorable person; (e) his; (f) enjoyable; (g) the; (h) three; (i) sports; (j) a.

30. (a) farm/summer/brick-built; (b) to play with his friends/to play games; (c) fine/nice/bright/sunny; (d) Entering his parents' room/thinking that; (e) this/that; (1) worse/rainy; (g) at home/indoors; (h) very/quite; (i) cats and dogs/heavily/in torrents; (j) story.

31. (a) one of the greatest philosophers of the world/a great philosopher; (b) human; (c) her; (d) to irritate; (e) One; (f)the; (g) outside;(h) door;(i) her; (j) quickly/then/smilingly.

32. (a) vast/huge/large; (b) poverty; (c) always; (d) their; (e) entirely/fully/also; (f) tourist; (g) the longest sea beach in the world; (h) a; (i) this; (j) also.

33. (a) living/residing; (b) such; (c) living/residing; (d) to buy; (e) bought; (f) his; (g) full; (h) big; (i) various/many; (j) Being entertained/well.

34. (a) Very; (b) to entertain; (c) integral/traditional/ indispensable; (d) significant/common/traditional(e) rapidly/now; (f) very/quite; (g) to speak/to talk; (h) to ask; (i) no; (j) genuine/ their/ true.

35. (a) of the world/elder sisters (b) their/ little; (c) every/ each; (d) always/ often; (e) beautifully/ a clever animal; (f) silently/ there; (g) ferocious/ fierce; (h) there/once; (i) famous/ reputed; (j) favourite/ peculiar.

36. (a) common/popular; (b) very / quite/ highly ; (c) beautifully/plentifully/abundantly/well; (d) usually/always; (e) Tea; (f) Being plucked; (g) a lot of/ this; (h) sophisticated/ excellent/ excellent/ systematic; (i) widely/profusely; (j) to drink/ take

37. (a) to know; (b) hidden/secret; (c) standing/waiting/ staying; (d) quickly/instantly/sharply/without delay; (e), Entering/Coming into/Being into; (f) last/last time; (g), very/greatly/highly; (h) bosom/intimate/close/cordial/boyhood; (i) same/high/village; (j) well.

38. (a) nice/fine/clear; (b) travelling/honorable; (c) some/ suitable; (d) just/right; (e) short/welcome/brief/refreshing; (f) oxygen/ automatic; (g) just/properly/fixed right; (h) easily/normally/usually; (i) extra/some/any/ necessary; (j) quickly/over his nose first.

39. (a) a small island in the north east part of the Bay of Bengal; (b) only; (c) the; (d) local/regional; (e) tourist; (f) regular/daily; (g) Three; (h) The; (i) lot of/number of; (j) this/that.

40. (a) quickly/fast; (b) its; (c) the; (d) hard; (0) never; (1) in our life/in our daily life/for our success in life; (g) proper/right/correct; (h) to do/to complete; (i) our; (j) every.

41. (a) big/great/major; (b) to reduce/to control/to decrease; (c) bad/negative/adverse; (d) shorten/plan/limit; (e) to remove/to reduce; (f) Overcoming; (g)Early/Child/Untimely; (h) noticeable/great/big. (i) Creating awareness/Raising awareness; (j) Birth/Population

42. (a) our; (b) properly/clearly; (c) often/very often; (d) elaborate/long; (e) insufficient/poor/low; (f) well/properly; (g) your; (h) to understand/to get good marks; (i) directly/intact; (j) fairly/very

43. (a) to satisfy hunger/to fill the belly/to fill the stomach,(b) our; (c) healthy/nutritious/balanced; (d) living; (e) the; (f) different/various; (g) to select; (h) proper/adequate/enough/clear; (i) healthy; (j) happy

44. (a) These; (b) national; (c) our; (d) all the year round/ during all seasons/all times; (e)closely/inextricably/ deeply/directly; (f) vital/significant/great/ remarkable; (g) communication/trade/business/ transport; (h) To carry/To transport; (i) living/ being/residing; (j) left/deposited.

45. (a) noble/great/generous; (b) to dedicate her life/to work; (c) helpless/poor; (d) to fulfill/to serve; (e) Joining the missionary/After receiving training; (f) to teach/to rear; (g) selflessly; (h) to serve/for the welfare of.; (i) Mother; (j) the prestigious Nobel.

46. (a) the king of beast; (b) little/tiny; (c) lion’s; (d) very; (e) to cry/to shout; (f) Hearing it; (g) quickly/instantly; (h) strong; (i) to come out/to free himself; (j) little/tiny.

47. (a) complicated/mathematical; (b) this; (c) simple; (d) in a second/at a great speed; (e) a trained/a skilled; (f) few; (g) properly/speedily/instantly; (h) complicated/difficult; (i) very/very much; (j) complicated/difficult.

48. (a) the; (b) shaky/frequent; (c) Oral; (d) proper/modest; (e) to be/to have saved; (f) irrational/home-made; (g) often/usually; (h) root/common; (i) our/developing; (j) premature/infant.

49. (a) a great poet in Persia; (b) One; (c) old/outworn/ ordinary; (d) on the way; (e) much/due; (f) same; (g) That; (h) cordially/warmly; (i) to see this/to Sa’adi amazing behavour; (j) in his pocket.

50. (a) yesterday/last Friday; (b) who lives there; (c) younger; (d) Reaching there; (e) to see us/to notice us; (f) dear/beloved/loving; (g) too; (h) better/proper; (i) new/good; (j) Having got the ambulance/Having hired an ambulance.

Linking Words

‘Link’ k‡ãi mgv_©K kã n‡”Q, connect, join, unite BZ¨vw`| G¸‡jvi A_© n‡”Q mshy³ Kiv ev nIqv| mvaviYZ

ej‡Z H mKj kã ev k㸔Q‡K eySvq, †h¸‡jv †Kvb wKQz m¤ú‡K© †jLvi mgq Gi Idea ev aviYv‡K avivevwnKfv‡e mshy³ K‡i fvlv‡K mymsnZK‡i| cÖK…Zc‡ÿ, Linking Words wU clause Gi mv‡_ mshy³ K‡i, A_ev GKwU sentence ‡K c~e©eZ©x sentence Gi Idea i mv‡_ mshy³ K‡i GKwU Paragraph Aby‡”Q`‡K †hŠw³K (Logical) fv‡e ev mymvgÄm¨fv‡e cÖKvk K‡i|

Linking Words ‡K cÖavibZ wZb fv‡M fvM Kiv hvq| †hgb:

A. Co-ordinating Conjunctions

B. Sentence Connectors

C. Subordinators

A. Co-ordinating Conjunctions

‡h mKj Linking Words ev‡K¨i gvSLv‡b e‡m `ywU Independent clause ‡K hy³ K‡i, Zv‡`i‡K Co-ordinating Conjunctions e‡j|

Co-ordinating Conjunctions mvZwU †hgb:

i) and - He went to market and bought some books.

ii) but – He is poor but he is honest.

iii) So - He is busy so he cannot go there.

iv) or - Do or die.

v) for _ He could not go to school for he was ill.

vi) nor - Not a building nor a tree is visible.

vii) yet - He has lost everything yet he is happy.

B. Sentence connectors

Sentence connectors GKwU sentence Gi idea ‡K cieZ©x Sentence Gi idea Gi mv‡_ link ev ms‡hvM ¯’vc‡bi gva¨‡g Paragraph ev Aby‡”Q`‡K Coherent ev mvgÄm¨c~Y© K‡i Zzj‡Z e¨eüZ nq| †hgb:

a) Firstly, you need to buya a pen, secondly you have to buy books, finally, you can go to school.

b) He is not a poet, Indeed he is a novelist.

‘Sentence connectors’ sentence Gi cÖ_‡g e‡m| G¸‡jv bZzb wKQz †hvM Ki‡Z (introduce), ‡Kvb wKQzi g‡a¨ ˆecwiZ¨ †`Lv‡Z (contrast) ev †Kvb avivYv (Idea) ZË¡ (Theory), Z_¨/ DcvË (Data) BZ¨vw` µgvbymv‡i mvRv‡Z e¨enZ nq| G‡`i we¯ÍvwiZ Av‡jvPbv Kiv nj|

1) Listing (ZvwjKveÜKiY): cÖ‡Z¨KwU NUbv GK GK K‡i D‡jøL Kiv ev ZvwjKvi gZ cÖKvk Ki‡Z wb‡Pi Linkers ¸‡jv ch©vqµwgK e¨envi Kiv nq|

First ……………. furthermore ………… finally.

One…………… a second ………….. a third etc.

Firstly ……… secondly……….. thirdly etc.

To begin with ………. in the second place ………… moreover ……….. to conclude.

First and foremost, First and most importantly ………. above all, last but not least.


First, he has bought a pen.

Furthermore, he has bought a book.

Finally, he has decided to buy a bookshelf.

2) Reinforcement c~‡e© hv wb‡`©k Kiv n‡q‡Q Zvi mv‡_ AwZwi³ wKQz †hvM Ki‡Z wb‡Pi Linkers ¸‡jv ch©vqµwgK e¨envi Kiv nq| AwaK †Rvi ev ¸iæZ¡ w`‡Z GMhy‡jv e¨eüZ n‡q _v‡K|

|Above all |(AwaKš‘) |Furthermore | |

|Actually |(cÖK…Zc‡ÿ) | | |

|Additionally |(AwZwi³fv‡e) | | |

|Again |(AwaKš‘) | | |

|Also |(Qvov, AviI) | | |

|As well as |(Ges) | | |

|Besides |(Qvov, e¨ZxZ) | | |

|Especially |(we‡kl) | | |

|Further | | | |

|Then | | | |

Use of some important linking words

1. As :

a) KviY wn‡m‡eI as-because Gi b¨vq e¨eüZ n‡Z cv‡i| †hgb:

As the weather was so bad, we didn’t go outside.

b) ‡Kvb KvR GB mg‡q N‡U Giæc †ÿ‡Î as e¨envi Kiv nq| †hgb:

As the door opened, the people came out one by one.

c) wKQz mvaviY expression G as e¨envi nq| †hgb:

as hard as, as soon as, as long as, as well as, as far as, as good as-

He is as good as his brother.

d) hw`I A‡_© as e¨eüZ nq| †hgb:

Poor as he is, he is honest.

e) Zzjbv Ki‡Z as e¨eüZ nq| As Gi ci clause e‡m †hgb:

He is so weak that he cannot work.

2. That

a) D‡Ïk¨ cÖKvk Ki‡Z e¨eüZ nq| †hgb:

We word hard that we may succeed.

b) ÕdjÕ cÖKvk Ki‡Z e¨eüZ nq| †hgb:

He is so weak that he cannot work.

3. Since: Linking work wn‡m‡e since Gi e¨envi `yB ai‡bi n‡Z cv‡i| †hgb:

a) Present Indefinite/Present perfect+since+Past indefinite. †hgb:

b) Past Indefinite + since + Past perfect. †hgb:

Two years passed since his mother had died.

4. So: c~e©eZ©x Sentence Gi result cÖKvk Ki‡Z so e¨envi Kiv hvq| †hgb:

a) It was raining. So we decided not to go to school.

b) ev‡K¨ †Rvi †`qvi Rb¨ so e¨eüZ nq| Z‡e so Gi ci Aek¨B Adjective ev adverb e‡m| Gi ci explation clause _v‡K †hgb:

It was so hot that we decided not to go to the beach.

5. Such: ev‡K¨ †Rvi †`qvi Rb¨ Such e¨eüZ nq| Such Gi ci noun A_ev adjective+nount e‡m| †hgb:

It was such a hot day that we decided not to go to school.

6. Because: KviY cÖKvk Ki‡Z Because e¨envi Kiv nq| †hgb:

We could not to go to school because it was raining.

7. Enough: Adjective Ges adverb Gi ci Enough nq| †hgb:

He is smart enough to do this work.

Noun Gi c~‡e© Enough nq| †hgb:

He did not have enough money to buy this car.

8. Too: cÖ‡qvR‡bi †P‡q †ewk wKQz eySv‡bvi ‡ÿ‡Î Too e‡m| Adjective Ges adverb Gi c~‡e© Too e¨eüZ nq| †hgb:

The milk is too hot to drink.

9. But: But GKwU sentence Gi gv‡S e‡m clause ‡K contrast (‰emv`„k¨) K‡i| †hgb:

I like going to the park but I never go at noon.

10. However: But Gi gZ contrast (‰emv`„k¨) K‡i| Z‡e Zv `ywU Sentence Gi g‡a¨ e‡m clause Gi gv‡S bq| †hgb:

I always like to go to the park. However, I never go there at midday.

11. Although: Although Aek¨B `ywU clause ‡K join Ki‡e| wKš‘ GwU sentence Gi cÖ_‡gI em‡Z cv‡i| Avevi gv‡SI em‡Z cv‡i| †hgb:

Although he did not come, we enjoyed the party.

12. Inspite of/ despite: Inspite of I despite Gi ci noun, pronoun (this, that, what BZ¨vw`|) A_ev verb+ing em‡e †hgb:

He came to school inspite of his illness.

Despite his illness, he came to school.

14. Still: ‡Kvb KvR Pj‡Q ev GLbI N‡Uwb Giæc eySv‡Z Still e¨envi Kiv nq| still, negative, positive Ges question form Gi †ÿ‡Î e¨envi nq| †hgb:

Are yhou still living in Dhaka?

It’s 10 Oclock and he is still in bed.

15. Yet: ‡Kvb wKQz N‡U‡Q wKbv ev †Kvb wKQz N‡Uwb Giæc eySv‡Z Yet e¨envi Kiv nq| ‡hgb:

He has not finished his writing yet.

Or, Is breakfast ready yet?

16. Already: ‡Kvb wKQz cÖZ¨vkv Kivi c~‡e©B N‡U‡Q Giæc eySv‡Z Already e¨eüZ nq| Already mvaviYZ subject I verb Gi gvSLv‡b e‡m| Z‡e †k‡lI em‡Z cv‡i| Negative sentence Gi †ÿ‡Î Already e¨eüZ nq bv| †hgb:

Have you finished already?

He has already done this work.

17. During & while: KLb ev †Kvb mg‡q †Kvb wKQz N‡UwQj eySv‡Z during & while e¨envi Kiv nq| During Gi ci noun phrase nq| while Gi ci verb +ing ev clause (subject+verb+object) nq †hgb:

I went there during winter.

I went there while I was on holiday.

18. Lest: GwU Negative A_© cÖKvk K‡i| Gi Øviv †h clause ïiæ nq Zv‡Z no/not _v‡K bv| Lest Gi cieZ©x verb Gi base rorm Gi c~‡e© should e‡m| †hgb: He ran fast lest he should miss the train.

19. That/so that/in order that: D‡Ïk¨ eySv‡Z That/so that/in order that e¨eüZ nq| Gÿ‡Î G¸‡jvi cieZx clause Gi c~‡e© may/might ev can/could m¤¢vebv eySv‡Z may/might Ges mvg_©¨ eySv‡Z can/could e‡m| †hgb:

a) He ran fast so that he could win the race.

b) Read attentively in order that you may pass.

20. As if/as though:

G¸‡jvi A_© Ô‡hbÕ As if/as though Øviv MwVZ sentence `yB ai‡bi n‡Z cv‡i|

a) Present Indefinite +as if/as though + Past Indefinite. †hgb:

He talks as if he were a mad.

b) Past Indefinite + as if/ as though + Past Perfect †hgb:

She proceeded as though I had not spoken.

21. As well as /along with /with/ together with: G¸‡jvi Øviv `y‡Uv subject hy³ n‡j cÖ_g subject Abyhvqx cieZ©x verb nq| A_©vr cÖ_g subject singular n‡j verb singular Ges cÖ_g subject plural n‡j verb plural nq| †hgb:

a) Karim as well as his brothers was present.

b) All the members with their Chairman have supported him.

22. BY the time: wKQz mg‡qi c~‡e© NwUZ NUbvi †ÿ‡Î BY the time e¨eüZ nq| BY the time Gi ci clause e‡m Ges G‡ÿ‡Î mvaviYZ Perfect Tense e¨envi Kiv nq| †hgb:

By the time, they will have finished everything.

23. Until: Until Gi A_© †h ch©Ší bv †es Zv KvR ev cwiw¯’wZwi †kl cÖvšÍ‡K wb‡`©k K‡i| Until Øviv †h clause ïiæ nq Zv‡Z no/not e¨eüZ nq bv| †hgb:

a) They stayed here until last Monday.

b) Wait until he comes.

24. Unless: Gi A_© If not ev hw` bv| Gi Øviv †h clause ïiæ nq, Zv‡Z no/not e¨eüZ nq bv| †hgb:

Unless you follow the rules of health, you will fall ill.

25. Before/after: mgq wb‡`©k Ki‡Z Before/after Gi e¨envi¸‡jv wbiæc:

a) Future Indefinite+before+Present Indefinite. †hgb: I shall leave the place before he comes.

b) Past perfect + before + Past Indefinite. †hgb: The patient had died before the doctor came.

c) Past Indefinite + after + Past perfect. †hgb: The patient died after the doctor had come.

26. As……as/So………. as: mgvb mgv‡bi g‡a¨ Zzjbv eySv‡Z As……as ev So………. as e¨eüZ nq| Affirmative sentence G As……as/ Ges Negative sentence G As……as ev So………. as e¨eüZ nq| As……as ev So………. as Gi gv‡S me©`v adjective/adverb Gi positive form e‡m| †hgb:

a) The paper is as white as milk.

b) Karim is not as (so) brilliant as Rahim.

c) He runs as fast as a horse.

27. Either …… or/Neither ….. nor: Either …… or/Neither ….. nor Øviv MwVZ ev‡K¨ or ev nor Gi cieZ©x subject Abymv‡i verb singular ev plural nq| Either …… or Øviv `y‡Uvi †h-‡Kvb GKwU Ges Neither ….. nor Øviv `y‡Uvi †h-‡Kvb GKwU Ges Neither ….. nor Øviv ¸‡Uvi ‡KvbwUB eySvq bv| †hgb:

a) Either he or his brother has done it.

b) Neither Raka nor her sister has done it.

28. Both…………. and: Both ………… and Øviv `ywU mgRvZxq noun, adjective ev verb hy³ nq Ges G‡`i c‡i plural verb e¨eüZ nq| And Ges as well as mgv_©K n‡jI both G ici KLbI as well as e¨eüZ nq bv| †hgb:

Both Karim and Rahim were present.

29. Not only …….. but also: `ywU mgRvZxq word ‡K hy³ Kivi Rb¨ Not only …….. but also e¨eüZ nq| †hgb:

He gave me not only food but also shelter.

30. Not ……. any more/ any longer/ no longer: Not …….. any more/ any longer/ no longer expression ¸‡jv GKwU Ae¯’vi cwieZ©b‡K wb‡`©k K‡i|

Not ………. any more/ any longer mvaviYZ ev‡K¨i †k‡l e‡m Ges no longer ev‡K¨i gv‡S e‡m| †hgb:

a) He does not stay here any longer.

b) She no longer stays here.

Question No. 10: Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage/text.

1. Dhaka Board-16

A lion was drinking water from a brook. (a) — a lamb was also drinking water from the down stream of the same brook. The Ion saw the lamb and decided to devour it. (b) — he was thinking about how to accomplish his evil deign. (c) — he hit upon a plan (d) — the lion complained that the lamb was disturbing him by muddying water. But the lamb said that he was drinking water from down stream. (e) — the questions of muddying water on his part did not arise here. (f) — the lamb argued that it was the lion that was muddying the water for him as he drinking water upstream. (g) the lion retorted that the lamb spoke ill of him a year ago. (h) — the lamb said that he was not born a year ago. The lion grew into a rage. (i) — he said that perhaps his father spoke ill of him last year. (j) —the lion had the right to take revenge and kill the lamb.

2. Rajshahi Board-16

— I was walking along the road the other day, I happened to notice a small brown leather purse lying on the pavement. 1 picked it up and opened it to see (b) —I could find out the owner's name. There was nothing inside. It (c).— some small change and a rather old photograph —a picture of a woman and a young girl about twelve , years old who looked like the woman's daughter. I put the photograph back (d) — took the purse to the Police station. (e) — I handed it to the sergeant in charge. Before I left, the sergeant made a note of my name and address in case the owner of the purse wanted to write and thank me. That evening I went to have dinner with an uncle and aunt of mine. They had also invited another person, a young woman, (f) — there would be four people at table. The young woman's face was familiar (g) — I could not remember where I had seen it. I was quite sure (h) — we had not met before. (i) — conversation, however, the young woman happened to mark that she had loSt her purse that afternoon. I at once remembered where I had seen her face. She was the young woman in the photograph (j— she was now much older.

3. Dinajpur Board-16

Honesty is a noble virtue. The man (a) — possesses this rare quality is the happiest man on the earth. To be honest, a man should have trustworthiness (b) — nobody trusts a liar. A liar may prosper for the time being. (c) — ultimately he goes to the dogs. (d) — we should be honest. It is said that honesty is the best policy (e) — dishonesty is the sign of downfall. God helps those who are honest. (f) — dishonest people are cursed. Childhood is the best time (g)— children should be taught honestly. It is seen that children follow their parents (h)— parents should honest. (i)—children should be allowed to mix with those friends who are honest. (j) —they can mould their characters.

4. Jessore Board-16 # Rajshahi Model School & College-15 #Baogra Cantonment Public School & College-15 # Dinajpur Govt. College-15 #Blue Bird School & College, Sylhet-15

Time and tide wait for none. (a) — no one can stop the onward march of time. (b) —, we should not waste a single moment in vain. (c) —, we should make proper use of every single moment of our life. (d) —, the students should understand the value of time. It is a matter of great regret that some of the students pass away their valuable time in Facebook. (e) — they kill their time. (f) —, they cannot prepare their lessons well. (g) —, they always have a Poor preparation for the examination. (h) — they cannot do well in the examination. (i) —, they do not stop wasting time. (j)—, they continue to waste their time using Cell phone ard Facebook till it is too late for them.

5. Comilla Board-16

Mobile phone has become an essential gadget for everybody (a) — it has become very popular. (b) — it has created a number of problems. It has (c) — advantages (d) — disadvantages. (e) -- it helps to connect people. (f) —it helps to exchange information. (g) — it can be used for various purposes. (h) — it has a few disadvantages (i) —can causes a lot of troubles. (j) — its advantages are more than its disadvantages.

6. Chittagong Board-16

Bangladesh is mainly an agricultural country. (a) —, her economy and prosperity depend on agriculture. (b)—, our agriculture depends on the mercy of nature. (c) —, if there is sufficient rain, people can plough their lands and sow the in time. (d)—, they can reap a good harvest. (e) — if it does not rain in time, the farmers cannot grow the crops easily and they do not have good harvest. (0 —, without water our agriculture is lifeless. The rain is not always beneficial to our agriculture. (g) —, sometimes it rains so much that it causes floods. (h) —, our crops go under water and most often, they are totally destroyed. (i) —, the farmers who constitute the most part of our Professional people lose everything. (j)— we can safely conclude that our economy depends on rain.

7. Sylhet Board-16

The gifts of o science are uncountable. (a) —we cast our eyes, we see the wonders of sciences. Satellite TV channels are the means through (b) we can see and hear the events (c) are happening all over the world. (d) --, today we have specialized satellite channels on almost every interest. (e) — people now have more choices and more freedom about television programmes. Satellite channels help us a lot by reporting on climatic conditions of different parts of the world. (f) — , we can be aware of storms, cyclones and tidal bores. (g) –satellite channels are helping us to a great extent to enrich our own culture and tradition. (h) – satellite channels are playing a favourable role, it is (i) —doing harm to our young and new generation. (j) still we cannot deny the immense benefits we are getting from satellite channels.

8. Barisal Board-16 #Tejgaon College, Dhaka-15 #Govt. Syed Hatem Ali College, Barisal-15

Time is a special resource that you cannot store or save for future use. (a) —it is managed properly to gain success. The skills of managing time properly are called time management skills (b)— these skills are necessary for job hunting and career success (c) — it is essential to improve these skills. (d) — there are several useful strategies that can be used to improve your time management skills. (e) have clear goal in mind. (f) — set up your priorities.(g) — block out time for your high priority activities first and protect that time from interruptions. (h).__ set a deadline to do them and try your best to stick to it. (i) — your skills will help you avoid stress in completing any work successfully (j) — reward yourself when the job is done.

9. Mymensingh Girls’ Cadet College -15

Teaching is a noble profession. (a) — teachers are the nation builders. (b) — teachers play a central role in the process of classroom activities. (c) — they deliver knowledgeable speeches. (d) — they organize the system of education. (e) — they also implement national curriculum syllabus and set up objectives of learning. (f) — they motivate the learners effectively. (g) —, the physical facilities of most of the educational institutions of our country do not support the teachers in their noble endeavours. (h) — the teachers are not evaluated properly and so they are to lead a miserable life with low income. (i)— they are to live under poverty. (j) —, we cannot expect to give a standard education to the students of our country right now.

10. Mirzapur Cadet College, Tangail--15

Soil is necessary for life (a) — most of our foods come from soil. It is true (b)-- some of us eat meat. (c) — meat comes from animals that live on plants (d) — again grow on soil. (e) — we do not give food to soil, plants will become weak. (f) — natural and inorganic manure are necessary for cultivation. (g) — compost manure is widely used in cultivation. (h) — agriculture scientists discourage the farmers to use pesticides, (i) — they opt for a method of catching pests in traditional way. (j) — it is not so popular.

11. Rajshahi Cadet College-15

Trees are a vital part of our environment (a) —, they bear a great impact on the climate. (b) — we are not careful about them. (c) —, we destroy trees at random. (d) —, one day the country will bear the consequence of greenhouse effect. (e) — ours is an agricultural country, our economy depends upon it. (f) —, our agriculture is dependent on rain, (g) — trees play a vital role on our climate. (h) —, trees keep the soil strong. (i) —, trees save us from flood (j) — many other natural calamities.

12. Pabna Cadet College-15

A leader is someone (a) — leads. (b) —, by the word 'leader' we understand a 'political' leader. (c) — that a great leader is born, not made. A great leader must have certain qualities (d) — make him great. (e) — a good leader must have the ability to take the correct decision at the perfect moment. (f) a leader has to be determined. (g) — leader must have full command over his followers. (h) —, an ideal leader has the speaking ability. A good leader also possesses some other qualities (i) —, courage, honesty, truthfulness, courtesy, patriotism, and (j) —sacrificing attitude. To be a good leader, a leader has to try to acquire all these qualities

13. Rangpur Cadet College-15

Sports are a popular form of entertainment. (a) — many international sporting events are organized from time to time. (b) —these events are sponsored by multinational manufacturing companies and business firms. (c)— they pay for the sports events in exchange for the right to advertise their products during those event. (d) — the sponsors products receive maximum media coverage thus giving companies international recognition. This is only the commercial aspect of the international sport. (e) — there are other aspects too. (f) — the sports venue becomes a meeting place of the people from different countries. (g) people of different nations get together on the occasion of an international sporting event, they come closer to each other. (h) — they can share views, opinions and friendship. This opportunity creates a sense of brotherhood. (i) — getting acquainted with different cultures helps to break down prejudice and broaden outlook. (j) — globalization has anything to do with the development of international relationship, sporting events can certainly in y contribute in a big way.

14. Joypurhat Girls' Cadet College-15 # Cantt. Public School & College, BUSMS, Parbatipur, Dinajpur-15

We have some memorable days in our life. We do not forget them. (a)—, we remember every moment of them quite, vividly. My first day at school is a memorable day in my life. My mother took me to my school. (b) I was very (i) —, nervous when I found so many new faces there. I got myself introduced to some of them. (c)—, I shared my Interests with them. (d) —, I got rid of my nervousness gradually. There were no classes on that day. (e)—, the teachers Cane. one by one and introduced themselves us. All of them seemed very cordial. (f) —I developed a liking for Headmistress who was an old but smart lady. (g) —_ I took her as a model from the very first day. (h) --, she was second to my mother. My first day at school took me to a new world. (i) —, it was the beginning of a new life. (j) —, it is an eternal source of joy for me.

15. Jhenidah Cadet College-15 #Govt. M.M. City College, Khulna-15

Happiness lies in the mind of a man (a) — beauty lies in the eyes of a beholder (b)— we can say (c)— happiness comprises a state of mind. A poor man can be happy with one lakh taka .(d) — it has no importance for a millionaire. (e) —, the source of happiness lies in us. (f) — we do good work (g) —gives happiness to others, our own happiness also increases by leaps and bounds. One way of doing this is to find out and go out to those (h) —may be in need of our help. The highest form of happiness is derived when we help others (i) — make them happy. (j)— in every religion great importance is put on the service of mankind.

16. Comilla Cadet College-15

Knowledge, (a) —, is an understanding of the cause and effect of various relationships (b) — govern our lives, the nature and the role of each entity in relation to all. It allows us to describe, affect (c) — predict the natural world. Without knowledge, values and dreams are not irnportant, (d) the best intentions can go very far astray. (e) —we acquire knowledge in fragments (f)— are unique to each individual. (g) — we can be smarter (h)— anyone of us by acquiring knowledge. (i) — we have to bear in mind (j) — the most serious barrier to gather knowledge is the failure to recognize our own ignorance.

17. Fent' Girls' Cadet College-15

— students have to sit for exams frequently to prove their knowledge of different subjects. (b) — they do not feel comfortable with their exams. The students, wishing to do well in the examination should. give importance to several things. (c) they cannot reap a good harvest. (d) — they must listen to their teachers (e) — act on their advice and suggestion. (f) — they must be more attentive to their study. They should bear in mind (g) — they should be highly educated. (h) — they remain indifferent to their studies, their future will be insecure. (i) --- they should never have a bad company and waste a single moment. (j)—they should make the best use of their time.

18. Sylhet Cadet College-15

It is difficult to believe (a) — any man can be. so spiritually dead (b) — to have no love for his native country. But (c)— such an unpatriotic person does exist. Take careful note of his career. (d)— you will find that he will never inspire poets to sing in his honour. He may possess many things (e) —, high rank, fabulous riches etc. (f) — these advantages will not save him from oblivion. (g) — all, he will win no fame during his life time, and (h) — he dies, he will die in a double sense. His body will return to the dust whence he came. (i)— his name will be forgotten. (j) —, none will weep for him and none will honour him.

19. Barisal Cadet College-15

The world we live in is full of things (a) — natural and man-made. Both natural and man-made things constitute our environment. Any abnormal change in chemical, physical (b) — biological characteristics of the environment are called pollution. It causes a lot of harm to mankind. (c) —, it creates health hazards to a greater extent. So, some effective and positive measures should be taken (d)— prevent environment from pollution. We (e) — the Government should take a hand to create a better environment for living on the Earth. (f)— it will carry benefit for all of us. (g) —we think that (h) — the Government is responsible (i)— we have nothing to do, (0—this is shocking, no doubt.

20. Rajuk Uttara Model College-15

Bangladesh is a poor country. She faces floods every year. (a) — she is improving day by day. (b) — she is blessed with many natural resources, they are not properly utilized. (c.)— many measures are being taken to use them. (d) —they nip in the bud due to corruption, mismanagement etc. Allah has given us vast wealth here and there such as on the ground and under the ground. (e) — our country is enriched with many attractive places which may be used as tourist spots. (f) — tourism may be a good source of earning, government should pay heed to this sector. Tourism (g) — private investors should come forward to improve this sector. (h) — we all can realize the importance of tourism as early as possible, it will bring a good result for the country; (i) — we stretch out our hands for the improvement of tourism, foreigners will not come to visit our country. If we are not able to keep our tourism out of political violence, we will lag behind (j) —

21. Viqarunnisa Noon Sellool & College, Pkaka –15

(a)._____ man has made tremendous technological progress, he has not been able to conquer nature completely. (b) — he is hit by natural calamities. (c) —, a devastating flood very often occurs in Bangladesh leaving people homeless while various other calamities damage and destroy life and property. (d) — they face the scarcity of food, drinking water, shelter. (e) — famine breaks out to add to the misery and sufferings of the flood affected people. (f) —various types of diseases like cholera, diarrhoea and typhoid break out. Cyclone is another natural calamity which causes immense harm to the people. (g) —cyclones in Bangladesh originate from the Bay of Bengal and blow towards the land. (h)-- the losses of cyclone can be reduced to some extent by taking preventive measures. (i) —, many part of northern Bangladesh are affected by drought. (j) — we are totally helpless to nature.

22. Ideal School School & College, Motiijheel, Dhaka-15 #Dhaka City College-15 # Shaheed Bir Uttaim Lt. Anwar Girls’ College, Dhaka-15

Man is a social being. (a) —, man cannot live alone. (b) --, man has been living together from time immemorial. Living in society is not an easy task. If we want to live in a society, we have to follow certain rules and regulations of that society. (c) — we have to be cooperative. (d) —, we must help others when they need it. (e) —, we have to be careful not to hurt others by our words or activities. (f)--, we must control our emotions and behave well With others. (g) we should not think and live only for us. (h) —, we should .always work for the betterment of the society. (i) —, we should sacrifice our lives for others. (j)--, sacrificing our lives for others can make us immortal.

23. Smhamsul Hoque Khan School & College, Dhaka-15

An old farmer was very happy with his animals. He loved them so much that he himself took. care of them properly. (a) — , his animals were always strong and healthy. Once, the farmer had been sick for several months. (b) —, he could not look after his animals himself. (c) —, he engaged a servant to do the job. The farmer's young son, Ali would often help the servant. Once, Ali annoyed their bull. (d) —, the bull did not like him at all. It used to bellow and tear up the soil with horns whenever it saw Ali. i:e) —, it was always kept in chains. (f) —, it could not do harm to Ali. One day, the bull was tied to a stake as usual in a nearby field. All on a sudden, it began to rain with thunder and lightning. (g) —, the bull got frightened and tried to get loose. He looked pitiful and began to tremble with fear. Ali told the servant to go and release it. (h) —, he did not go as he was afraid too. (i) —, Ali himself went there and set the bull free. (j) —, the bull behaved well towards Ali as a token of gratefulness.

24. Dhaka Residential Model College-15

Once a crow became thirsty (a) — it was a very hot summer day. (b) —, it flew from one place to another in search of water, (c) — it did not find any water to drink. (d) — being dejected it decided to fly away to another place. (e) it noticed a jar in a garden. (f) — it flew to the jar. There was some water in the jar. (g) —, it was at the bottom and out of its reach. (h) —, it did not lose hope. It noticed a heap of pebbles nearby. (i) — it dropped the pebbles into the jar one by one. (j) —, the water came to the mouth of the jar and the crow drank to its fill.

25. Notre Dame College, Dkaka-15

In the pre-industrial feudal society both husband and wives worked in the fields outside the home. (a) —, in the industrial period, women were segregated from out of home productive work. The hearth became the place for them. (b) — cooking, cleaning, washing, giving birth and rearing children became their jobs. (c) —, men became the wage-earners and all other outdoor activities became their responsibility. In the post-war period, the scenario has dramatically changed. (d) — authority in the family rested on the husband who was the decision-maker in all matters. (e) — women, with their economic power, started influencing decisions about important family matters. (f) — household work is shared by both husbands and wives in developed countries. (g) —, shopping and taking children to school, to doctors or for recreation are done equally by both husbands and wives. (h)— large extended families have given place to small families. In the west, marriages now often break up. (i) —, the number of single mother or single-father families is ever 'on the increase. (j) —, the psychological problems of children in such families are also increasing in modern times.

26. Dhaka College-15 #Cantonment public school & college, Mymensingh -15 # Armed police Battalion public school & college, Bogra-15 #Comilla Govt. College-15 # Amrita Lal Dey college, Brisal-15

Happiness is a relative term. (a) —, it depends upon some factors. (b) —, contentment is the key to happiness' Contentment varies from person to person. (c) --, a beggar may be contented with only ten taka. (d) —, a wealthy person may be unsatisfied even after getting one million taka. (e) it is said that contentment brings happiness' (f) —, we must learn to be contented with what we have. (g) —, this learning is the simplest way to remain happy. (h) —, we must remember that our life is short and in this short life, we cannot get everything what we want. If we want everything, we will not get happiness.(i) —, we will get frustrated and we will plunge into the world of sadness. (j)—, it is always better to be contented with what we have than to live in eternal sadness.

27. My hometown and my school area have several things in common. (a)---, both are small rural communities. (b) ---, My hometown, meherpur, has a population of only about 10,000 people. (c) —, my school area, Modhumoti consists of about 11,000 local residents. This population swells to 15,000 people (d) — the students are attending classes. A (e)— way in which these two towns are similar is that they are both located in rural areas. Meherpur is surrounded by many acres of farmland (f)— is devoted mainly to growing corn and soybeans.(g) —Modhumoti lies in the center of farmland which is used to raise hogs and cattle. (h) —, both of these 'towns are similar in that both contain college campuses. Meherpur, (i) — , is home to Krishi College, which is famous for its Agriculture Economics program as well as for its annual corn festival. (j) —,, the town of Modhumoti boasts the beautiful campus of Dhanshiri College, which is well known for its Agriculture Engineering Department and also for its yearly Farming contest.

28. Dhaka commerce College-15 #B.A.F. Shaheen College, Dhaka-15

Health is one of the most important phenomena in human life. (a) —, a healthy man can earn money and Accumulate wealth, (b) —, health is compared. To wealth. (c) —, it is health that can give us bliss and make us happy. (d) — health alone. can enable us to enjoy our life to the full. (e) —, it is not easy to have a sound health. For his, we have to maintain some certain rules and habit.(f) —, we have to take a balanced diet. (g)—, we must take, physical exercise regularly. (h) —, we have to be early riser. (i)—, we have to lead a decent life, (j) — we can attain good health and consequently, wealth also.

29. Dr. Mahbubur Rahman Mollah College, Dhaka-15

There have been significant changes in the types of entertainment over time. Many of these no longer exist. (a) - they do, people keep looking for newer forms of entertainment. (b) — snake charming, puppet shows, jatr jarigan, sharigan and kabigan which were common forms of entertainment in the past, have almost lost Of their appeal. (c) —, radio were used to be a good source of entertainment. (d) — it is giving place to television, and to satellite channels in particular. (e) —, the entertainment business, like other spheres of life, is getting westernizes (f)—, folk music or Palligeeti is now sung with western instruments. (g)—' modem music is now fusing melodic from folk and traditional songs. (h) —, band and pop music is becoming more and more popular, particularly among the young generation. (i) — sport has become a great source of entertainment today. (j)— football, which used to be the most popular spectator sport in Bangladesh, is gradually being replaced by cricket.

30. Holy Cross College, Dhaka-ls # Saidpur Govt. Technical College, Nilphamari- 15

Dowry is a social curse. This system prevails in our society. (a) —, there is no written statement about this system. (b)— it is available in our society. (c)—, it is a tradition that exposes our narrow mentality. (d)—, it is an inhuma torture for both the brides and their guardians. (e) —, the bridal guardians have to suffer a lot to meet up the demand of the bridegroom. (f)—, the brides are to undergo mental and even, physical torture in their laws house for being unable to pay the dowry. (g) —, this social curse must be removed. (h) —, laws against dowry should la enforced strictly. (I) —, female education should be ensured and more employment opportunities have to be created. (j)— public awareness should be increased.

31. Milestone College, Dhaka-15

We earned our independence in nine months. There were many reasons that made our victory easier. (a) — we all were united at one point. (b) — it was a question of our survival and dignity. (c) —, our freedom fighters were committed. They fought valiantly in the war fields. (d) — we had huge international support. (e) —, the Pakistan soldiers didn't have any noble cause before them. They were killers. They were no natives of the country. (f) — they didn't have sufficient ideas about the communication systems, weather or the sentiment of the people of this country. (g) — they had two superpowers behind them. (h) — these superpowers could do very little directly for them. (i) —, only in nine months the Pakistani soldiers had to accept the worst defeat the world had ever experienced. (j) — it can be said, the War of Independence proved that no power can suppress the desire of the common people.

32. National Ideal College, Dhaka -15

The importance of English is not a hyperbole in the age of globalization. (a) — it is an international language but also it opens windows to the entire world. (b) — it is widely spoken in the world. (c) — you are fluent in a foreign language, it is certainly a plus point in today's globalized world. (d) — we can learn the current goings-on in every corner of the world through reading English newspaper and journals. (e) — world literature, culture, sports, politics, geographical locations and the latest updates are made available in English language. (f)— it is the store house of knowledge of all books. (g) — all books of higher education are written in English and these books help us to acquire knowledge in any branch. (h) —, if we know English, we will be able to keep pace with the present world. (i) this, we can say that we need to learn English for the progress of our individual as well as our national life , (j)---the importance of English is undeniable for its benefits, the world population is gaining.

33. Seddeswari Girls’ college, Dhaka-15

Women in the long past were chained within four walls. (a) they had no freedom of speech against exploitation or any kind of injustice. (b) — in the 20th century, many countries of the world aimed at securing women's right. The status of women will not be improved (c)— they become conscious about their rights. (d) a more active role in the society can accelerate the empowerment of women. (e) they must show their intellect to play an role. (f) ---, women must have education. (g) — the social prejudices that exist regarding the girls must be changed. (h) they can contribute to the society. (i) — the intellect of the women should be nourished under proper care. (j) — they can participate in economic activities and play an effective role in the forward march of the country.

34. Lalmatia Mohila College, Dhaka-15 #Govt. Shaheed Bulbul College, Pabna-15

we want success (a) —prosperity in life. (b) —we do not do what are needed for achieving these. (c) —we want to make out life glorious, we must follow some rules. (d) —we have to be industrious. (e) —without hard work success in life is impossible. (f) —we should be sincere in our activities. We be sincere to whatever we do. Some people think that good luck is at the root of all achievements in life. (g) —nothing is farther from truth than it. (h) — every success in life depends totally on our activities. (i) — we spend time in idleness, we must suffer (j) — we should be honest in life because this virtue helps us greatly to gain our goal.

35. Govt. science College, Dhaka-15

Leisure is the moment (a) — a man is totally free from his work. In leisure, a man is (b) — free from work but also from worries and tension. (c) —, it is a time (d) — a man is his own master and the mind is relaxed (e) — the body is at rest. (f) — our life is full of duties. By performing our duties one after another it seems (g) — our life is an exhausting business. This is the tragedy of our life that we cannot avoid our work and worries (h) —leisure helps us to break this chain and enables us to refresh ourselves and to revive our sprit. Leisure breaks the monotony of existence with a touch of variety. (i) — leisure is always a source of joy whenever it comes. (j) — everybody should try to find leisure and enjoy it to make the life happy and peaceful.

36. Bir shreshtha Noor Mohammad Public College, Dhaka-15

In Bangladesh women constitute half of its total population, (a) — they are considered subservient to man. They have been confined within the four walls of home. (b) — , they are deprived of the light of education. (c) — they remain illiterate and uneducated. But (d) — educated, a man or woman can perform his/her duties perfectly and proficiently. If a mother is educated, she can bring up her child in a constructive way. (e)—, an uneducated mother cannot render her service (f) — to the family (g) — to the society and the country. An educated mother knows better (h) — educate her children (i)— to make them worthier. (j) — she can discharge her social responsibilities and contribute to the overall development of the country.

37. Dhaka imperial College-15

A long time ago the town of Hamelin was faced with a great problem. It became full of rats. (a) — the Rats were so big and so fience that they fought the dogs, killed the cats and bit.the babies in the cradles. (b)— that, they ate up the corn in the grannaries. (c) — the Mayor of the town was informed about the problem by the people. (d)—the Mayor failed to find a definite solution to remove the violent rats. (e)—, there came a Pied Piper who offered the Mayor to remove the rats in lieu of thousand guilders. (f) — the Mayor and his councilors accepted this proposal, The Pied Piper through his magical blow of pipe took all the rats to nearby river. (g) — the Piper played the pipe, all the rats of the town followed him into river and drowned. (h) — completing his task, the Piper demanded his money. (i) — the Mayor refused to pay all the money except only a little amount. The Pied Piper became very angry and started playing different tune. (j) — the children followed him laughing and dancing. The children reached at a certain hill and entered into a deep cave. Thus the pied Piper took revenge on the people of Hamelin

38. Govt. Bangla College, Dhaka-15

(a) — Bangladesh is a developing country. She is beset with various problems. Arsenic pollution is one of them. Many tube wells have been affected by arsenic poisoning. (b) — there is an acute crisis of drinking water in Bangladesh. Arsenic is a chemical element (c) — is very harmful for health. (d) — most of our people are illiterate, they are not aware of the bad effects of this pollution. (e) — no concrete steps have not been adopted by the government. We can reduce the rate of this pollution (f) — we are aware of its dire effects. In fact, (g) the government and the people of our country should be equally conscious of its negative aspect. (h) — the People living in the country have the first and foremost responsibility to get rid of it. It is a general belief (i) – (j) — the general people can protect themselves, the problem is easy enough to be solved.

39. Begum Badrunnessa Govt. Girls' College, Dhaka-15

A student should prepare himself to face the problem (a) — lie before him. He is (b) an individual (c) a member of the community too. He should try. to equip himself fully (d)— in future he can be able to discharge his duties as an individual (e) — as a member of the community to (f) — he belongs. (g) he wastes his time in (h) activities (i)— agitated politics, his future will be doomed. The students should not—forget that their main duty is to study. (j)— it is their first and foremost duty also.

40. Saver Cantonment public School & college, Dhaka-15

Honesty is one of the greatest virtues of man's life. (a) — it plays an important role in gaining real success life. (b) — this noble virtue leads a man to the highest peak of success in life. (c) — it is a matter of regret that this noble quality is rarely found among us. An honest man is trusted anywhere. If any responsibility is given to him, he does it honestly. He possesses a very strong moral courage for any responsibility is given to him, he does it honestly. He possesses a very strong moral courage for which he does not fear anybody in the world except almighty Allah. (d)— he is rewarded here and hereafter for his honesty. (e) — a dishonest person may apparently prosper in life. (f) — ultimately he is punished and penalized. Nobody honors him. (g) — he is not trusted by anybody. (h) --- he is excommunicated. Allah does not like him too. (i) — everyone of us should be honest. (j) — honesty is the best policy.


1. (a) In the same time / At that same time; (b) So/That is why; (c) Then/Suddenly; (d) Accordingly/Firstly; (e) Hence/So; (f) Again/Moreover; (g) Then/Afterwards; (h) But/In reply; (i) Then/And; (j) After all/So.

2. (a) When/While; (b) if; (c) had (d) and (e) Soon/Then; (f) so/beside; (g) But; (h) that; (i) Though/At the time of; (j) but.

3. (a) who; (b) because/as; (c) But; (d) So/However; (e) whereas/but; (f) On the other hand/on the contrary; (g) when; (h) so/as a result; (i) Beside/Moreover; (j) thus/In this way.

4. (a) In fact/So this is why; (b) So/Therefore; (c) Thus/Hence/Rather; (d) Especially/ Particularly; (e) Thus/ However; (f) As a result/Besides; (h) As a result/Despite; (i) Inspite of this/Yet; (j) However/Besides.

5. (a) as/because; (b) But; (c) not only/both; 9d) but also/and; 9e) Firstly/first of all; (f) Secondly/Again; (g) Thirdly/Then again; (h) However; (i) That/Which; (j) However/ Neverthless.

6. (a) In fact/So; (b) But/Again; (c) So/Hence; (d) As a result/That is why; (e) on the contrary/On the other hand; (f) Therefore/In fact; (g) For instance/For example; (h) That is why/As a result; (i) Consequently/Thus; (j) Finally/At last.

7. (a) When/As; (b) which; (c) that; (d) However; (e) That is why; 9f) As a result; (g) Besides/Moreover; (h) Though; (i) also; (j) But.

8. (a) Rather; (b) and; 9c) so/therefore/nowadays; (d) However; (e) Firstly; (f) Secondly; (g) Thirdly; (h) Fourthly; (i) Then; (j) Finally.

9. (a) And/Accordingly; (b) So/Thus; (c) Usually/Generally; (d) Besides/In addition; (e) Moreover/Besides; (f) Therefore/Finally; (g) But/On the contrary; (h) That's why/for this season; (i) Still/As a result; (j) For this reason/This is why.

10. (a) as/since; (b) that; (c) Though/Although; (d) which/that; 9e) if; (f) That's why/For this reason; (g) Besides/Moreover; (h) But/On the contrary; (i) instead; (j) But/On the other hand.

11. (a) because/as; (b) but/On the other hand; (c) Moreover/Besides; (d) So/As a result; (e) Since/As; (f) Mainly/Generally; (g) So/Therefore; (h) Again/In addition; (i) Besides/ Moreover; (j) and/ as well as.

12. (a) who; (b) Usually/In fact; (c) For/Besides; (d) which/that; (e) So /Thus; (f) At the same time/On the other hand; (g) In addition; (h) Besides/ Apart from this; (i) like/such as; (j) above all.

13. As a result/As a consequence; (b) Most of/And; (c) Usually/Generally; (d) For this/ For this reason; 9e) Besides/Moreover; (f) At the same time/ Similarly; (g) When/While; (h) So/thus; (i) Moreover/Besides; (j) If/When.

14. (a) On the contrary/On the other hand; (b) At first/ Firstly; (c) In addition/Moreover; 9d) As a result/ Consequently; (e) Yet/And; (f) Particularly/Specially; 9g) To be more precise; (h) In fact/Actually; (i) Most importantly; (j) Therefore/So.

15. (a) and/while; 9b) Therefore/So; (c) that; (d) but; (e) so/thus; (f) For this/For this reason; (g) which/that; (h) who; (i) to/in order to; (j) Moreover/Besides.

16. (a) for example/for instance; (b) which/that; (c) and; (d) otherwise; (e) As a result/ Consequently; (f) which/that; (g) In the same way/Similarly; (h) than; (i) So/Thus; (j) that.

17. Usually/Generally; (b) But/On the other hand; (c) Otherwise, (d) Moreover/Besides, (e) and, (f) Besides/Moreover, (g) that, (h) if, (i) At the same time/Similarly, (j) Finally/In fine.

18. (a) that, (b) and, (c) truly/in fact, (d) Surely/And, (e) such as/like, (f) But/On the other hand, (g) above, (h) when/while, (i) Thus/So, (j) And/Accordingly.

19. (a) both, (b) and/as well as, (c) Besides/Moreover, (d) in order to/to, (e) along with/together with, (f) So/Thus, (g) If, (h) only, (i) and, (j) therefore/then.

20. But/On the other hand/Yet, (b) Though/Although, (c) As a result/Consequently, (d) But, (e) Besides/Moreover, (f) As/Since, (g) Moreover/Besides, (h) If/When, (i) unless/until, (j) Accordingly/Then.

Synonyms and Antonyms Distinguished

|Words |Synonyms |Antonyms |

|Abandon (‡Q‡o hvIqv) v. |leave, desert, forsake, vacate |stay, retain, hold, reclaim (D×vi Kiv) |

|Abate (nªvm Kiv) v. |leassen, decrease, mitigate |increase, expand (ewa©Z Kiv) |

|Abet (mg_©b Kiv) v. |assist, aid |oppose, blame (†`vlv‡ivc Kiv) |

|Ability (mvg_¨©) v. |capability, capacity, fitness |inability, inefficiency, incapability (A¶gZv) |

|Abnormal (A¯^vfvweK) adj. |unusual, strange, irregular |normal, natural, usual (¯^vfvweK) |

|Abolish (†jvc Kiv) v. |cancel, wipe out, expunge |build up, construct, produce (Drcbœ Kiv) |

|Abridge (ms‡¶c Kiv) v. |shorten, lessen |detail, enlarge (ewa©Z Kiv) |

|Abstain (weiZ _vKv) v. |refrain, forbear |exceed, indulge (cwiZ…ß Kiv) |

|Absurd (D™¢U, nvm¨Ki) adj. |foolish, ridiculous |sensible, rational (†hŠw³K) |

|Abundant (cÖPzi) adj. |plentiful, copious, sufficient |scanty, insufficient (Ach©vß) |

|Abuse (Ace¨envi/KvUzevK¨) v. |invective, reproach, contumely, aspersion |praise, eulogy, tribute (ï×v) |

|Abuse (Ace¨envi Kiv/KzUevK¨ e¨envi Kiv) v. |slander, reproach, revile, defame |praise, eulogize, applaud (cÖksmv Kiv) |

|Accept (MÖnY Kiv) v. |admit, agree, receive |refuse, reject (eR©b Kiv) |

|Accurate (h_v_©, mwVK) adj. |correct, exact |inaccurate, incorrect (fzj) |

|Accuse (Awfhy³ Kiv) v. |impeach, charge, censure |exonerate, exculpate, acquit, absolve (wegy³ |

| | |Kiv) |

|Achieve (jvf Kiv) v. |gain, attain |miss, fail (AK…ZKvh© nIqv |

|Active (Kg©V, mwµq) adj. |energetic, busy |inactive, passive (wbw¯Œq) |

|Acute (Zx²) adj. |sharp, penetrating, intelligent |dull, blunt, stupid (wb‡e©va) |

|Adequate (ch©vß) adj. |equal, sufficient, effectual, ineffectual, |inadequate, insufficient, unequal, ineffectual|

| |enough |(wbõj) |

|Adjacent (mwbœwnZ) adj. |close, near, contiguous |remote, distant (`~ieZ©x) |

|Adversity (`y`©kv) n. |misfortune, distress |prosperity, affluence, plenty (A‡Xj) |

|Affliction (hš¿Yv) n. |trouble, distress, trial, cross, adversity, |comfort, ease, solace (mvš—¦bv) |

| |sorrow, grief | |

|Afraid (fxZ) adj. |terrified, fearful |courageous, bold (mvnmx) |

|Alien (we‡`kx/wfb‡`kx) n. |foreigner, stranger, outsider |native, citizen (bMievmx) |

|Allow (AbygwZ †`Iqv) n. |permit, admit |disallow, reject (cÖZ¨vL¨vb Kiv) |

|Alone (GKvKx) adj. adv. |isolated, solitary |together, collectively (†hŠ_fv‡e) |

|Ample (ch©vß/cÖk¯—/cÖPzi) adj. |abundant, full, liberal, wide, spacious, |contracted, narrow, scanty (AcÖZzj), limited |

| |large, unlimited | |

|Words |Synonyms |Antonyms |

|Annoy (wei³ Kiv) v. |irritate, disturb |please, charm (gy» Kiv) |

|Arrive (†cŠuQv‡bv) v. |reach, come |leave, depart (D×vi Kiv) |

|Ascend (Ic‡i IVv) v. |rise, climb |descend, decrease (Kgv‡bv) |

|Authentic (LuvwU/AK…wÎg/h_v_©) adj. |genuine, true, veritable, authoritative, real.|spurious, fictitious, false, unauthentic |

| | |(K…wÎg) |

|Avenge (cÖwZ‡kva †bIqv) v. |take revenge, pay back |forgive, pardon(¶gv Kiv) |

|Barbarous (Amf¨/ee©i) adj. |savage, uncivilized |civilized, humance (gvbweK) |

|Beautiful (my›`i) adj. |handsome, fair, pretty |ugly, hideous (K`vKvi) |

|Believe (wek¦vm Kiv) v. |trust, rely |disbelieve, doubt (m‡›`n Kiv) |

|Benefit (jvf) v. |advantage, profit |loss, depletion (wi³Zv) |

|Benevolent (`qvjy) adj. |charitable, philanthropic, humane, altruistic |malevolent, malicious (we‡ØlcivqY) |

|Blame (‡`vl, †`vl †`Iqv) n.;v. |guilt, faul, censure |commendation, applause, plaudit, acclamation |

| | |(Drmvn mg_©b) |

|Blunt (‡fuvZv) adj. |dull, obtuse |sharp, keen, acute (Zx²) |

|Bold (mvnmx) adj. |brave, valiant |timid, coward (fxi“) |

|Bother (wei³ Kiv) v. |annoy, vex, worry |comfort, relieve (¯^w¯— †`Iqv) |

|Brief (msw¶ß) n. |short, concise |broad, detail (Abycy•L) |

|Bright (D¾¡j) adj. |brilliant, gleaming, luminous |dim, dull (Aby¾¡j) |

|Brutal (wbôzi) adj. |savage, cruel, rough |human, kind, gentle (f`ª) |

|Busy (e¨¯—) adj. |active, diligent |lazy, idle (Ajm) |

|Calm (kvš—) adj. |quiet, still, tranquil, serene |noisy, disturbing, blaring (wPrKvi) |

|Capacious (cÖk¯—/mycwimi) adj. |spacious, ample |circumscribed, limited confined (mxgve×) |

|Cautious (mZK©) adj. |careful, circumspect, watchful, vigilant, |careless, thoughtless (AmZ©K), reckless |

| |alert, wary, chary | |

|Cease (‡kl nIqv) v. |end, stop |start, begin (Avi¤¢ Kiv) |

|Certain (wbw`©ó) adj. |definite, sure |uncertain, indefinite (Awbw`©ó) |

|Change (cwieZ©b Kiv) v. |alter, replace |retain, preserve keep (i¶v Kiv) |

|Charity (J`vh©) n. |kindness, generosity |cruelty, unkindness (wbôziZv) |

|Cheap (m¯—v, myjf) adj. |inexpensive, common |costly, expensive (e¨qeûj) rare |

|Cheerful (nvwmLywk) adj. |glad, joyful, happy |gloomy, sad (AmyLx) |

|Chief (cÖavb) n.; adj. |main, head, major |minor subordinate (‡MŠY) |

|Choose (cQ›` Kiv) v. |pick, select, elect, prefer |reject, eschew, spurn (AeÁv Kiv) |

|Words |Synonyms |Antonyms |

|Clean (cwi®‹vi, cwi®‹vi Kiv) adj. |pure, fresh |unclean, dirty (Acwi®‹vi) |

|Clever (PvjvK) adj. |sharp, intelligent, smart |dull, stupid (wb‡e©va) |

|Climax (Pig cwiYwZ) n. |apex, summit |anti-climax (AvKw¯§K cZb) |

|Coarse (Am~²/ev‡R) adj. |vulgar, gross, obscene, ribald |fine, refined (weï×) |

|Collect (msMÖn Kiv) v. |gather, assemble, amass, hoard |disperse, distribute (e›Ub Kiv) |

|Colossal (cÖKvÛ) adj. |gigantic, huge, enormous, vast |diminutive, small, puny (¶z`ª), short |

|Comfort (Avivg) n. |ease, relief |discomfort, trouble (Amyweav) |

|Common (mvaviY) n.; adj. |ordinary, general |uncommon, particular (we‡kl) |

|Companion (m½x) n. |mate, friend |foe, enemy (kΓ) |

|Competent (Dchy³, m¶g, `¶) adj. |capable (m¶g), qualified, able |incompetent (A`¶), disqualified |

|Complete (m¤ú~Y© Kiv) v. |finish, fulfil, conclude |begin, start (Avi¤¢ Kiv) |

|Compulsory (eva¨Zvg~jK) adj. |obligatory, must, mandatory |optional, voluntary (†¯^”QvcÖ‡Yw`Z) |

|Confide (wek¦vm Kiv) v. |trust, rely, believe |doubt, suspect (m‡›`n Kiv) |

|Connect (hy³ Kiv) v. |join, bind, link, apart |disconnect, separate (c„_K Kiv) depart |

|Constant (me©`v) adj. |eternal, continuous |erratic, unarguable (cwieZ©bkxj) flexible |

|Correct (mwVK) adj. |accurate, true |wrong, mistake (f‚j) |

|Curious ( †KŠZznjx) adj. |eager, inquisitive, peculiar |indifferent, cool, uninterested (D`vmxb), |

| | |incurious |

|Cynical ( ˆbivk¨ev`xi AvPiYm¤úbœ) adj. |pessimistic, misanthropic |hopeful, optimistic (Avkvev`x) |

|Damage (¶wZ, ¶wZ Kiv) n.; adj. |loss, spoil, harm |compensate, repair (†givgZ Kiv) ready |

|Dear (wcÖq) adj. |lovable, scarce |hateful, cheap (m¯—v) |

|Decided (wm×vš— †bIqv) v. |determine, settle |vacillate, hesitate, falter (wØavc~Y©fv‡e Pjv)|

|Defeat (civwRZ Kiv) v. |beat, overcome |victory, achieve (AR©b Kiv) |

|(civRq, nvi, e¨_©Zv) n. | | |

|Delay (wej¤^ Kiv) v. |lag, dally, dilly-dally |hasten, hurry (Zvov †`Iqv) |

|Delete (gy‡Q †djv/`~i Kiv) v. |cancel, efface, expunge, erase |insert, embed (`„pfv‡e †Mu‡_ hvIqv) |

|Delight (Avb›`) n. |joy, pleasure |sorrow, grief (`ytL) |

|Dense (Nb) adj. |thick, deep |thin, sparse, scattered (Qov‡bv-wQUv‡bv) |

|Dishonest (Amr) adj. |unfair, deceitful |honest, fair (b¨vh¨) |

|Dislike (AcQ›` Kiv) v. |hate, detest |like, love, favour (AbyMÖn Kiv) |

|Doubt (m‡›`n, m‡›`n Kiv) v. |suspect, disbelieve |trust, believe (wek¦vm Kiv) |

|Dwarf (evgb) n. |pygmy, midget, manikin, runt |glant, monster, ogre (gvbyl‡L‡Kv) |

|Words |Synonyms |Antonyms |

|Eager (AvMÖnx) adj. |enthusiastic, keen |passive, indifferent (Abxnv) |

|Early (kxNª) adj.; adv. |quickly, soon |slow, late (wej¤^) |

|Earn (AR©b Kiv) v. |gain, win, achieve |lose, miss (wedj nIqv) fail |

|Educated (wkw¶Z) adj. |trained, learned, literate |uneducated, illiterate, ignorant (Awkw¶Z) |

|Effective (Kvh©Ki) adj. |powerful, forceful, effectual |ineffective, futile, ineffectual (AKvh©Ki) |

|Encourage (DrmvwnZ Kiv) v. |cheer, stimulate, influence |discouraged, depress (`gv‡bv) |

|End ( †kl Kiv) v. |finish, final |start, commence (ïi“ Kiv) begin |

|Enemy (kΓ)n. |foe, antagonist |friend, well-wisher (ïfvKv•¶x) |

|Enough (h‡_ó) adj. |adequate, plenty, sufficient |inadequate, insufficient (Ach©vß) |

|Entire (m¤ú~Y©) adj. |full, whole, total |incomplete, partial (AvswkK) little |

|Error (fzj) n. |blunder, mistake |accuracy, correctness (wbf‚©j) |

|Escape (cvwj‡q hvIqv) v. |flee, avoid |confront, surrender (AvZ¥mgc©Y Kiv) |

|Essential (miKvwi/cÖ‡qvRbxq) adj. |vital, cardinal, fundamental |non-essential, needless, unnecessary |

| | |(AcÖ‡qvRbxq) |

|Estabilish (cÖwZôv Kiv) v. |build, set up |destroy, ruin (aŸsm Kiv), uproot |

|Exact (mwVK) adj. |correct, accurate |inaccurate, incorrect (fzj) false |

|Expand (cÖmvwiZ Kiv) v. |spread, widen, extend |reduce, shorten (Lv‡Uv Kiv) |

|Extreme (Pig) n. |severe, excessive |moderte, balanced (mylg) |

|Fact (cÖK…Z NUbv, Z_¨) n. |truth, reality |fiction, conjecture (Abygvb) |

|Failure (e¨_©Zv) n. |defeat, foil |success, victory (weRq) |

|Fair (my›`i) adj. |beautiful, pretty, nice |ugly, unpleasing (K`vKvi) |

|Faith (wek¦vm) n. |belief, trust |doubt, disbelief (Awek¦vm) distrust |

|Familiar (Nwbô) adj. |intimate, close |all of, unfamiliar, strange (AvMš‘K) |

|Famous (weL¨vZ) adj. |renowned, reputed |petty, trivial, notorious (KzL¨vZ) |

|Fatigue (K¬vš—, K¬vš— Kiv) n.; v. |exhaust, weary, tired |refresh, enliven (cÖvYeš— Kiv) |

|Fertile (De©i) adj. |fruitful, fecund |infertile, sterile, sterile, barren (Eli) |

|Final (Pzovš—) adj. |termind, last |preliminary, opening (ïi“) |

|Flexible (bgbxq) adj. |elastic, resilient, supple |inflexible, rigid, stiff (KwVb), settle |

|Foolish (†evKv, g~L©) adj. |senseless, stupid |wise, sensible (my‡eva) |

|Forget (fz‡j hvIqv) v. |miss, neglect |remember, recall (g‡b Kiv) remind |

|Words |Synonyms |Antonyms |

|Formal (AvbyôvwbK) adj. |conventional, ceremonious |informal, cosy, unofficial (†e`vßwiK) |

|fortunate (fvM¨evb) adj. |lucky, favoured |disastrous, poor (Mwie) unfortunate |

|Fragile (f½i/bvRyK) adj. |brittle, weak, slender |tough, strong (kw³kvjx) |

|Frank ( †Ljv‡gjv) adj. |open, free |reserved, introvert (Aš—gy©Lx e¨w³) |

|Freedom (¯^vaxbZv) n. |liberty, independence |slavery, bondage (e›`x`kv) |

|Fresh (UvUKv) adj. |new, pure |stale (evwm) withered, rotten |

|Full (c~Y©) adj. |replace, complete |empty, bare (Abve„Z) |

|Fury ( †µva) n. |rage, anger, madness |peace, clam (kvš—) |

|Gain (AR©b/jvf Kiv) v. |profit, benefit, achieve |loss, fail (e¨_© nIqv) |

|Gather (Rgv‡qZ nIqv/R‡ov Kiv) adj. |assemble, accumulate |scatter, disperse (mew`‡K Qwo‡q †`Iqv) |

|Gay (Avbw›`Z) adj. |cheerful, jolly, jocund |gloomy, sad (`ytL) |

|Gloomy (AÜKvi) adj. |dark, dim, dusky, obscure |Brilliant, bright (D¾¡j) delighted |

|Gorgeous (RgKv‡jv) adj. |magnificent, splendid |dingy, shabby (RxY©) narrow |

|Great (gnvb) adj. |noble, splendid |humble, petty (mvaviY) |

|Guess (Abygvb Kiv) v. |conjecture, imagine, think |prove, establish (¯’vcb Kiv) |

|Hard (k³/KwVb/K‡Vvi) adj. |difficult (`yiƒn), tough (KwVb) |soft (big/‡Kvgj), easy (mnR) |

|Harmony (mgš^q) n. |concord, likeness, accord |conflict, discord (gZv‰bK¨) |

|Harsh (KK©k) adj. |rough, gruff, uneven |smooth, gentle, pleasant (myLven) |

|Haste (w¶cÖZv) n. |hurry, rapidity |delay, slowness (gš’i) |

|Hate (N„Yv Kiv) v. |dislike, strongly, scorn, detest |love, like (cQ›` Kiv) |

|Haughty (An¼vix) adj. |proud, arrogant, insolent, overbearing |lowly, humble, week, modest, overbearing |

| | |(†¯^”QvPvix) |

|Honour (m¤§vb, m¤§vb Kiv) n.; v. |regard, respect |dishonour, disgrace (L¨vwZbvk) |

|Humble (webxZ) adj. |meek, modest |proud, arrogant (An¼vix) |

|Idle (Ajm) adj. |lazy, sluggish, inactive |active, energetic (D`¨gx) |

|Ignorant (AÁ) adj. |unwise, unaware, illiterate |wise, aware (m‡PZb), literate |

|Imaginary (KvíwbK) adj. |fanciful, fictitious |real, true (mZ¨) |

|Indifferent (D`vmxb) adj. |passive, apathetic |active, alert, agile (w¶cÖ) |

|Injure (¶wZ Kiv) v. |hurt, harm |help, recover (wd‡i cvIqv) |

|Intimate (Nwbô) adj. |close, friendly, dear |hostile, distant (`~ieZ©x) |

|Irritate (wei³ Kiv) v. |excite, disturb |please, reconcile (wgUgvU Kiv) |

|Jealousy (Cl©v) v. |envy, invidiousness |indifference, tolerance (mnbkxjZv) |

|Joy (Avb›`) n. |pleasure, ecstasy |grief, sadness (welv`) |

|Justice (b¨vqciZv, mZZv) n. |equity, right, fairness |injustice, partiality (c¶cvZ) |

|Juvenile Zi“Ymyjf) adj. |youthful, boyish |adult, mature (cwic°) |

|Words |Synonyms |Antonyms |

|Keen (my²) adj. |sharp, acute |dull, blunt (†fuvZv) |

|Kind (`qvjy) adj. |charitable, generous |cruel, ruthless (wbg©g) |

|Kindle (Av¸b aiv‡bv) v. |light, ignite, excite |extinguish, calm (kvš—) |

|Knowledge (Ávb) n. |learning, wisdom |ignorance, innocence (wb®úvc) |

|Labour (cwikÖg) n. |struggle, strive |rest, idleness (Ajm) |

|Laggard (kw³nxb) n. |slow, leisurely |prompt, quick (`ª“Z) |

|Lament ( †kvK Kiv) v. |grieve, mourn |rejoice, make merry (Dj­vm Kiv) |

|Leave (Z¨vM Kiv) v. |quit, depart |retain, stick, stay (emevm Kiv) live |

|Let (AbygwZ †`Iqv) v. |allow, permit |disallow, forbid (wb‡la Kiv) |

|Little (Aí †QvU) adj. |tiny, brief, short, small |great, large, big (e„nr) |

|Lonely (GKvKx) adj. |alone, solitary |crowded, collectively (GK‡Î) |

|Love (fv‡jvevmv) n.; v. |adore, affection |hatred, dislike (AcQ›` Kiv) |

|Lucrative (jvfRbK) adj. |profitable, remunerative, paying |unprofitable, losing (civRq) |

|Lustre (`xwß) n. |brilliance, shine, brightness, glory |dimness, plainness (mijZv) |

|Luxury (wejvwmZv) n. |daintiness, pleasure, gratification |discomfort, asceticism (mbϬvm) |

|Mad (cvMj) n. |insane, lunatic |sensible, normal (¯^vfvweK) |

|Majestic (ivRKxqv) adj. |stately, august, noble, imposing, magnificent |mean, abject, sordid, ignoble (bxP) |

|Mammoth (cÖKvÛ/wekvj) n.; adj. |colossal, gigantic, enormous |small, insignificant (A_©nxb) |

|Meagre (AcÖPzi/AZ¨š— Kg) adj. |scanty, apare, sparse |ample, copious (cÖvPzh©c~Y©) |

|Mercy (`qv) n. |pity, kindness |brutality, cruelty (wbôziZv) |

|Misery (`y`©kv) n. |distress, affliction |happiness, joy (Avb›`) |

|Modern (AvaywbK) adj. |new, recent |ancient, backdated (†m‡K‡j) |

|Monotonous (GK‡N‡q) adj. |boring, dull |melodious, cheerful, varied (wewea) |

|Mysterious (inm¨gq) adj. |obscure, dark, occult |open, clear, intelligible (†evaMg¨) |

|Narrow (msKxY©) adj. |limited, slender |broad, vast (wekvj) |

|Native (Rb¥MZ, †`kRv) n. |inborn, indigenous |alien, foreign (we‡`kx) |

|Neat (Awewgk, LuvwU) adj. |unmixed, tidy |filthy, impure (`~wlZ) |

|Necessary (cÖ‡qvRbxq) adj. |essential, requisite |unnecessary, needless (AcÖ‡qvRbxq) |

|Negligence (Zvw”Qj¨) n |disregard, carelessness |care, attention (g‡bv‡hvM) |

|Nervous (`ye©j) adj. |timid, fragile |brave, bold (mvnmx) |

|Noble (gnr) adj. |dignified, grand |ignoble, mean (bxP), narrow |

|Normal (¯^vfvweK) adj. |general, usual |abnormal unusual (A¯^vfvweK) |

|Words |Synonyms |Antonyms |

|Obscure (AÜKvigq/A¯úó) adj. |dark, murky, humble, lowly |bright, clear, lucid, exalted (gh©v`vm¤úbœ) |

|Obsolete (cÖPwjZ) adj. |out of use, archaic |prevailing, recent (mv¤úªwZK) |

|Obvious (cwi®‹vi) adj. |manifest, evident, patent, plain |obtuse, abstruse (wbM~p) |

|Occasional (mvgwqK) adj. |casual, incidental |regular, habitual (wbqwgZ) |

|Odd ( †iLv®úv) adj. |strange, eccentric |normal, regular (¯^vfvweK, wbqwgZ) |

|Offensive (A‡kvfb) adj. |attacking, aggressive, repulsive |defensive, pleasing, polite (gvwR©Z) |

|Often (cÖvqB) adj. |frequently, repeatedly |seldom, hardly (gv‡S g‡a¨), scarcely, rarely |

|Opaque (Av‡jvwb‡ivaK) adj. |gloomy |transparent (¯^”Q), clear |

|Opposite (wecixZ) adj. |reverse, contrary |same, like (g‡Zv), equal |

|Optimistic (Avkvev`x) adj. |hopeful, expectant, cheerful |pessimistic, hopeless, despairing (nZvk) |

|Optimism (Avkvev`) n. |hope, expectancy, cheerfulness |pessimism, hopelessness, despair (nZvkv) |

|Ordinary (mvaviY) adj. |usual, common |unique, rare (weij) |

|Oriental (cÖvP¨mÜxq) adj. |eastern, asiatle |occidental (cvðvZ¨) |

|Pacify (cÖkwgZ Kiv) v. |appease, placate, modify, propitiate |anger, enrage (ivMv‡bv) |

|Pain (hš¿Yv) n. |ache, anguish |ease, relief (cwiÎvY) |

|Pathetic (Ki“Y) adj. |painful, distressing, pitiful (mKi“Y, `qv`©ª) |funny, joyous (Avb›`gq) |

|Perfect (wbLyuZ) adj. |excellent, complete |faulty, defective (LyuZ), wrong, imperfect |

|Permanent (¯’vqx) adj. |lasting, perpetual |temporary, transitory (¶Y¯’vqx) |

|Persuade (cÖ‡ivwPZ Kiv) v. |encourage, cheer |dissuade, discourage, (wbi“rmvwnZ Kiv) dismiss|

|Pleasant (g‡bvig) adj. |delightful, charming |unpleasant, gloomy (AÜKvi) |

|Precious (g~j¨evb) adj. |costly, valuable |cheap, low-priced (m¯—v) |

|Pride (AnsKvi) n. |conceit, envy, vanity |humility, modesty (webq), shame |

|Private (e¨w³MZ) adj. |personal, confidential, secluded |public, civil (miKvwi) |

|Progress (AMÖMwZ Kiv) v. |advance |retrogress, regress (cðv`Mgb Kiv) |

|Prohibit (wb‡la Kiv) v |forbid, prevent, cheek |permit, allow (AbygwZ †`Iqv) |

|Promote (c‡`vbœwZ `vb Kiv) v. |advance, assist, aid, hasten |impede, hinder, demote (c`gh©v`v jvNe Kiv) |

|Pursue (Pvwj‡q hvIqv) v. |follow, chase, hunt |flee, escape (cvwj‡q hvIqv) |

|Words |Synonyms |Antonyms |

|Qualified (‡hvM¨) adj. |fit, capable, able |unfit, unaccomplished (A`¶) |

|Queer (wewPÎ) adj. |odd, strange |common, usual (mPivPi) |

|Quiet (kvš—) adj. |meek, calm, mild |naughty, restless (weiwZnxb) |

|Quite (m¤ú~Y©iƒ‡c) adj. |entirely, fully |partly, partially (c¶cvZ) |

|Radiant (D™¢wmZ) adj. |bright, brilliant |dim, faint (¶xY) |

|Rare (weij) adj. |exceptional, scarce |common, frequent (cÖvwqK) |

|Reasonable (hyw³civqY) adj. |sensible, moderate, arguable |unreasonable, stupid (wb‡e©va) |

|Reduce (Kgv‡bv) v. |decrease, lower, lessen |increase, raise (evov‡bv), improve |

|Refuse (cÖZ¨vL¨vb Kiv) v. |deny, reject |admit, allow (AbygwZ †`Iqv) |

|Rejoice (Avbw›`Z Kiv) v. |delight, gratify, exult |grieve, bewail (wejvc Kiv) |

|Resist (we‡ivwaZv Kiv) v. |oppose, foil, withstand |submit, abide (†g‡b †bIqv) |

|Respect (m¤§vb, m¤§vb Kiv) n.; v. |honour, esteem |dishonour, hate (N„Yv Kiv) |

|Right (mwVK) adj. |correct, just |wrong, incorrect (Ah_v_©) |

|Rough (Agm„Y) n.; adj. |rugged, coarse, rude, gruff |smooth, gentle (f`ª) |

|Rude (Af`ª/AgvwR©Z) adj. |impolite, ill-mannered, raw |civil, urbane (wkó/gvwR©Z) |

|Rural (MÖvg¨) adj. |pastoral, clownish, pastoral |urban, civic (†cŠi) |

|Sacred (cweÎ) adj. |holy, divine |vicious, unholy (AcweÎ) |

|Sarcastic (e¨v½c~Y©/cwiev`c~Y©) adj. |ironical, satirical |comical, funny, humorous (imvZ¥K) |

|Secular (cvw_©e) adj. |lay, temporal, worldly |religious, divine (¯^M©xq) |

|Serious (¸i“Zi) adj. |important, grave |trivial, silly (†evKv‡U) |

|Severe (Kov/Zxeª) adj. |stern, austere, ascetic |tolerant, tender (big) |

|Significant (¸i“Z¡c~Y©) adj. |indicative, weighty, important |insignificant, pointless, unimportant |

| | |(¸i“Z¡nxb) |

|Small (†Qv‡Uv) adj. |little, tiny |big, large (cÖk¯—) |

|Smart (`¶/‡KZv`yi¯—) adj. |sharp, piercing, quick, active |blunt, slow, dull (Aby¾¡j) |

|Soft (big) adj. |delicate, tender |hard, harsh (KK©k) |

|Solemn (AvbyôvwbK/fveM¤¢xi) adj. |formal, ceremonial, sacred |informal, homel (N‡ivqv) |

|Solitary (wbR©b) adj. |lonely, isolated |ppulated, crowded (RbvKxY©) |

|Special (we‡kl) adj. |exceptional, unique |ordinary, general (mvaviY) |

|Sterile (eܨv/wbõj¨) adj. |barren, unfruitful, unproductive |fruitful, productive (Drcv`bkxj), fertile |

|Strong (kw³kvjx) adj. |firm, hardy |weak, soft (big) |

|Success (mvdj¨) n. |victory, triumph |failure, defeat (civRq) |

|Sumptuous (gnvg~j¨) adj. |valuable, expensive, costly, splendid |cheap, plain, inexpensive (g~j¨nxb) |

|Superfluous (Ach©vß/Abvek¨K) adj. |unnecessary, extra |inadequate, little (Aí) |

|Swift (`ª“Z) adj. |rapid, speedy |slow, lazy (Ajm) |

|System (c×wZ/e¨e¯’v) n. |body, method, plan, orderliness |disorder, part (LÛ) |

|Words |Synonyms |Antonyms |

|Tepid (Cl`y®§/nvjKv Mig) adj. |lukewarm (Aí Mig), mild (g„`y) |boiling (dzUš—), burning (R¡jš—), glaring |

|Thick (†gvUv) adj. |fat, solid |thin, slender (Pv½v) |

|Touchy (Awfgvbx) adj. |cross, peevish, trascible |affable, calm, good-tempered (kvš— cÖK…wZi) |

|Tragic (we‡qvMvš—) adj. |calamitous, fatal, sorrowful |comic, cheerful (Avb›``vqK), joyous |

|Trouble (Kó, A¯^w¯—‡Z †djv) n.; v. |disturbance, inconvenience |comfort, relieve (¯^w¯— †`Iqv) |

|True (mZ¨) adj. |genuine, correct |false (wg_¨v), untrue (AmZ¨), hollow |

|Ugly (K`h©) adj. |filthy, coarse, vulgar, nasty, bad |beautiful, nice (my›`i) |

|Union (ms‡hvM) n. |harmony, concord |separation, isolation (Aš—iY) |

|Unique (PgrKvi) adj. |unusual, rare |ugly, common (mvaviY) |

|Vacant (k~b¨) adj. |empty, void |full, filled (c~Y©~) |

|Vague (A¯úó) adj. |obscure, indefinite, uncertain |clear, distinct, certain, definite (my¯úó) |

|Variety (ˆewPÎ) n. |diversity, multiplicity |uniformity, likeness (mv`„k¨) |

|Vigour (kw³, †ZR) n |energy, force, strength |weakness, lethargy (Avjm¨) |

|Vindictive (cÖwZwnsmvcivqY) adj. |revengeful, punitive |friendly, amicable (eÜzZ¡c~Y©) |

|Violent (cÖPÛ/wns¯ª) adj. |intense, furious, horible |calm, quiet (kvš—) |

|Virtue (c~Y¨, ¸Y) n |morality, divinity |vice, sin (cvc) |

|Vivid (cÖvYeš—) adj. |bright, brilliant (Øxwßgq), lovely |dull, hazy (Kzqvkv”Qbœ) |

|Voluntary (†¯^”QvcÖm~Z) adj. |spontaneous, free, willing |involuntary, unintended (Awb”QvK…Z) |

|Vulgar (AgvwR©Z) adj. |coarse, rude, ugly |refined, genteel (†KZv-`yi¯—), smart, active |

|Wane (nv¯ª cvIqv) n. |decline, decrease |increase, grow (Rb¥v‡bv) |

|Want (Afve, PvIqv) n. ; v. |desire, dearth, crave, demand |unwant, suffice (ch©vß) |

|Weak (`ye©j) adj. |feeble, frail, sick |strong, vigorous (†ZR) |

|Wealth (m¤ú`) n. |property, riches |poverty, destitution (`yM©wZ) |

|Whole (m¤ú~Y©) adj. |all, entire |partial, incomplete (Am¤ú~Y©) |

|Wild (eb¨) adj. |untamed, savage, rough, violent, cruel |tame, domesticated, civilized (mf¨) |

|Wise (Ávbx) adj. |prudent, discreet |unwise, foolish (†evKv) |

|Wreck (aŸsm) n.; v. |ruin, destroy |construction, repair (†givgZ-Kg©) |

|Yield (AvZ¥mgc©Y Kiv) v. |surrender, submit |rebel, protest (cÖwZev` Kiv) |

|Zeal (cÖej AvMÖn) n. |eagerness, passion |indifferent, negligence (Ag‡bv‡hvM) |

|Zest (i“wP, Drmvn) n. |relish, enthusiasm |disrelish, repugnance (we¯^v`) |

Ques. No. 11:

9. Mymensingh Girls’ Cadet College-15

Sir Issac Newton was a (a) great scientist. He had a little dog (b) named Diamond. One day he went out of his room (c) leaving his little dog (d) asleep before the fire. For twenty years he was (e) hard at work, (f) studying a most difficult subject. On the table (g) lay a (h)-heap of papers on which he had put down the findings of his research of twenty years. When he (i) left the room, little Diamond woke up, jumped on the table and overturned the lighted candle. The papers at once caught fire. Just when the papers had been completely burnt, Newton opened the door of the room. He saw that the (j) fruits of his twenty years labour had been turned into a heap of ashes.

(a) great (synonym); (b) named (synonym); (c) leaving (synonym); (d) asleep (antonym); (e) hard (antonym); (f) studying (synonym); (g) lay (synonym); (h) heap (synonym); (i) left (antonym); (j) fruits (antonym)

10. Mirzapur Cadet College, Tangaii-15

Time and (a) tide ,(b) wait for none. No one can (c) call it (d) back. A man gets back his (e) lost money and health but cannot get back his lost time. Time once lost is lost forever. So we should make the best (f) use of time. We should do our (g) duties properly. If we put off our work for tomorrow, we may not get an (h) opportunity to do it at all. There are some people who idle away time for nothing. They cannot prosper in life. They have to (i) suffer for it. So we should take an (j) oath that we must do our duty properly and in time.

(a) tide (antonym); (b) wait (synonym); (c) call (synonym); (d) back (synonym); (e) lose (synonym); (f) use (synonym); (g) duty (synonym); (h) opportunity (synonym); (i) suffer (antonym); (j) oath (synonym).

11. Rajshahi Cadet College-15

Many years ago there lived a king named Solomon. He was very (a) wise and helped people in many ways. The Queen of Sheba heard about the name and (b) fame of King Solomon. She could not (c) believe that he was so wise and (d) wealthy. She decided to visit his country and meet him personally. So, the queen came to Solomon's palace. The queen brought with her hundred (e) servants who carried many fine. (f) gifts. She also brought with her some (g) artificial flowers. Among them there were some real flowers also. The flowers were very (h) beautiful. The queen asked the courtiers to find out real ones. All of them tried, but they (i) failed. King Solomon watched some bees flying over some flowers. At once he realized those flowers to be (j) real.

(a) wise (antonym); (b) fame (synonym); (c) believe (antonym); (d) wealthy (synonym); (e) servant (antonym); (1) gift (synonym), (g) artificial (antonym), (h) beautiful (antonym), (1) fail (antonym); (j) real (synonym)

12. Joypurhat Girls’ Cadet college-15

It was a cold (a) silent night..The weather was freezing. A group of monkeys were on a tree. They were (b) clinging co its branches. (c) Suddenly they noticed a flock of fireflies. One of the (d) young monkey's thought it was fire. He caught a firefly. He put it under a (e) dry leaf and started blowing at it. Some other monkeys also joined in his (f) endeavour. A sparrow A sparrow came to its nest flying. The monkeys were sitting on the same tree. She (g) noticed what they were doing. The sparrow laughed. She said, "Hey (h) silly. monkeys that is a firefly, not real fire" The monkeys did not listen to the sparrow. They (i) continued to blow at our poor firefly. After some time the monkeys became very tired. Now they realized what the sparrow had said was correct. They set free the firefly and moved to a nearby (j) cave.

(a) silent (antonym); (b) cling (synonym); (c) suddenly (antonym); (d) young (antonym); (e) dry (antonym); (f) endeavour (synonym); (g) notice (antonym); (h) silly (synonym); (i) continue (synonym); (j) cave (synonym)

13. Rangpur Cadet college-15

A (a) group of employees was working in a software company. It was a team of 30 employees. This was a young, energetic and (b) dynamic team with keen (c) enthusiasm and desire to learn and (d) grow. The management decided to teach the employees about finding (e) real solution to the problems. The team was called to play a game in (f) banquet hall. The group was quite surprised as they were called for playing game. All reached the venue holding various thoughts. As they (g) entered the hall, they found the hall (h) decorated beautifully With colorful decorative paper and balloons all over the place. It was more like a kid's play area, than a corporate meeting hail. Everyone was surprised and (i) gazed at cach other. Also, there was huge box balloons placed at the (I) centre of the hall.

(a) group (antonym); (b) dynamic (antonym); (c) enthusiasm (synonym); (d) grow (antonym); (e) real (antonym)(f) banquet (synonym); (g) entered (antonym); (h) decorated (synonym); (i) gazed (synonym); (j) centre (synonym),

14. Comilla Cadet College-15

Morning walk is not only (a) pleasant but also (b) beneficial to health. In fact, walking (c) regularly in the morning is a very good habit. It is the most (d) advisable physical exercise for the aging and the old. In the morning, nature (e) appears at her best. At that time everything remains (f) quiet and seems impressive. The environment with birds and beasts becomes calm and (g) serene. The people who go out for a walk in the morning can not but be (h) impressed by it. It helps to keep their mind jolly and (i) jovial. It also sets their (j) temper for the rest of the day.

(a) pleasant (antonym); (b) beneficial (antonym); (c) regularly (antonym); (d) advisable (synonym); (e) appear (synonym); (f) quiet (antonym); (g) serene (synonym); (h) impressed (synonym); (i) jovial (antonym); (j) temper (synonym).

15. Feni Girls’ Cadet College-15

The technology that (a) links people to, the internet will (b) need to advance. We will move beyond (c) conventional computer operating (d) methods using key-boards and touch screen panel would be no (e) longer needed. They are likely to be replaced by technologies that (f) allow us to (g) interact with the cyberspace in a more (h) natural manner. Wearable services are one small step on the path to a hyper (i) connected world. In fact the (j) concept of wearable computers has existed for more than 30 years.

(a) link (synonym); (b) need (synonym); (c) conversational (synonym); (d) methods (synonym); (e) longer (antonym); (f) allow (antonym); (g) interactive (synonym); (h) natural (antonym); (i) connected (antonym); (j), concept (synonym).

16. Barisal cadet college-15

It is (a) fortunate that many (b) buyers have been experiencing (c) difficulties with their developer companies while buying apartments. I would like to highlight some (d) important points which every buyer shall (e) ensure before entering into any purchase (f) agreement with the developer, which may substantially create the (g) impossibility of future disputes. As we know in the (h) ordinary course of business, the developer initially gives an allotment of the apartment to the purchasers through an allotment letter upon (i) receiving booking money. Thereafter, the developer enters into an agreement with the (j) purchaser whereby the purchaser undertakes to make further payment as per payment schedule of the said agreement. Once the payment is done and the flat is handed over then the flat is registered in the name of the purchaser.

(a) fortunate (antonym); (b) buyer (synonym); (c).difficulties (synonym); (d) important (synonym); (e) ensure (antonym); (f) agreement (synonym); (g) impossibility (antonym); (h) ordinary (antonym); (i) receive (synonym); (j) purchaser (antonym).

17. Rajuk Uttara Model college, Dhaka-15

There are over 190 sovereign countries in the (a) world today. In 1950 there were only 82. Over the last half century national self determination has been a driving (b) force for many states with a history of colonialism and (c) oppression. As more borders have been (d) added to the world map, the number of (e) international border disputes has (f) increased. In many cases where the impetus towards (g) independence has been religious or ethnic, disputes with minority groups have also caused violent (h) internal conflict. Clash and (i) conflict with (j) minority groups should be stopped at any cost.

(a) world (synonym); (b) force (synonym); (c) oppression (synonym); (d) add (antonym); (e international (antonym); (f) increase (antonym); (g) independence (synonym); (h) internal (antonym); (i) conflict(synonym); minority (antonym).

18. Shamsul Hoque khan school & college, Dhaka-15

The aim of education is to make a full and happy man. To achieve this (a) purpose, (b) cultivation and development of the (c) latent faculties of man are necessary. But man has a body and mind. So education should aim at the development of both of them. Human brain has (d) enormous capacities and education should airs at (e) creating atmosphere and atmosphere and (f) opportunities for developing those faculties. The brain can not work (g) properly in a diseased body. So the aim of education should be to create a healthy mind in a healthy body. And this can alone make a (h) complete and happy man. So a complete system of education should (i) include (j) liberal, technical and physical education. The liberal studies like, literature, history, philosophy and the physical sciences broaden his mind.

(a) purpose (synonym); (b) cultivation (synonym); (c) latent (antonym); (d) enormous (antonym); (e) create (synonym); (f) opportunity (synonym); (g) properly (antonym); (h) complete (antonym); (i) include (synonym); (j) liberal (antonym)

19. Dhaka Residential Model College-15

In the (a) primitive age, communications-took place between (b) humans through signs and gestures. As humans(c) began to se their vocal chords, these silent gestures were no longer (d) used as the primary means of communication. But they did not (e) completely (f) disappear. They evolved as a form of art, used to (g) entertain thousands, and came to be 'known as 'mime'. Mime (h) touched a little boy's heart while he was watching a performance in his village. He was so (i) fascinated by the show that he was determined to master this art. He is no other than Partha Pratim Mojurrider, who won the worlds, highest (j) award in mime-Moliere Award.

(a) primitive (synonym); (b) human (antonym); (c) began (synonym); (d) used (antonym); (e) completely (synonym) (f) disappear (antonym); (g) entertain (synonym); (h) touched (antonym); (i) fascinated (synonym); (j) award (synonym).

20. Notre Dame College, Dhaka-15

Gender (a) discrimination in Bangladesh begins at birth. Most parents want to have children so that they can, when they are older, (b) supplement their family income and/ or help with the (c) domestic work. In the (d) existing socio- economic set-up male children are best suited to this (e) purpose. So girls are born to an unwelcome world. However, they are (f) assigned, rather (g) confined to, domestic chores. Some of these girls may be at school. But all their work-domestic or academic-stops as soon as they are married off, which is the prime concern of the parents about their daughters. This discriminatory (h) Tratment has some long-term negative effects on the body and mind of the girls children and women in a family., They are given to understand that they should keep the best food available for the male members in the family, that they should eat less than the male members, that they should not raise their voice when they speak, that they should not go out of their house without (i) permission from, and without being (j) escorted by the male members. All these shape the girls' thinking about life and the world, and go to establish their relationships with the male members in the family.

(a). discrimination (antonym); (b) supplement (antonym); (c) domestic (synonym); (d) existing (antonym); (e) purpose (synonym); (f) assign (synonym); (g) confined (antonym); (h) treatment (synonym); (i) permission (antonym); (j) escort (synonym).

21. Dhaka College-15

Once there was a -king. He was fond of knowing (a) future form the astrologer. A (b) wise astrologer visited the capital of the king. The king desired (c) earnestly to know his future from the astrologer. So the king called him to the palace. The astrologer told him something (d) unpleasant. At this the king got (e) furious and condemned him to (f) death. The astrologer was taken to the place of execution. The king than asked, "How long would you (g) live? He thought that the king would (h) prove him a liar and put him to death. He then thought for a while for some way of escape, With ready wit he said, "1 shall wait to (i) receive your majesty where you have been sending At this the king turned pale. "Drive this (j) wretch away and let him not enter again," shouted the king.

(a) future (synonym); (b) wise (antonym); (r) earnestly (synonym); (d) unpleasant (antonym); (e) furious (antonym); (1) death (synonym); (g) live (antonym); (h) prove (synonym); (i) receive (synonym); (j) wretch (synonym).

22. Dhaka city college-15

Money cannot buy happiness. Money is a must for our life. But it is not the thing that (a) necessarily brings happiness. Our Happiness is absolutely a psychological thing. It is the name of a feeling. It means the (b) contentment of mind. He who is satisfied with what he gets and remains content with his life, is (c) really happy . Happiness Cannot be (d) purchased with money. No (e) doubt money has got something to do with happiness but it cannot give us happiness. So, we sec that the richest men of our society- are not the happiest men. They lead life (f) burdened with cares and (g) anxieties and' ass sleepless nights. On the other hand, there is a large number of poor men who are happy and they enjoy a sound sleep. The man who is honest and virtuous though not rich, does not suffer from the anguish of the soul. His (h) conscience does. not (i) torment him. Hence, money cannot ensure happiness. It is only moral and (j) spiritual development that gives us happiness.

(a) necessarily (synonym); (b) contentment (synonym)' (c) really (antonym); (d) purchase (antonym); (e) doubt(antonym); (f) burdened (synonym); ( (g) anxieties(antonym); (h) conscience(synonym); (i) torment (synonym); (j) spiritual (antonym);

23. Adamjee Cantonment college, Dhaka-15

The first stage of improving your time management is to list absolutely everything that you have to do. This sound obvious, but speaking from (a) experience, most students tend to leave important task unit the last minute, can (b) impact on the quality of their work and their overall grade. Whether it's a timetable or a calendar on your phone, find an organizing toil that works well for you and add your list of (c) priorities to it. Also, think about when you are most (d) alert, so that you can plan your study periods around these times. Typically, allow around 8. 10 hours a day for working, studying, (e) socializing and anything else practical you need to do. (f) Believe it or not, exercise works in the same way sleep does. It can (g) focus your state of mind, helping you to clear your head in between study sessions. if you're new to exercise aim to fit in a 10-minute run here and there, steadily (h) increasing, the amount you do as you go on. As a full-time student, you're expected to (i) dedicate 35 hours a week to college studies, including the time you spend in lectures. If you only spend 15 hours a week attending tutor-led learning, you should use the extra 20 hours for (j) independent study.

(a) experience (synonym); (b) impact (synonym); (c) priority (antonym); (d) alert (antonym); (e) socialize (synonym); (f) believes (synonym); (g) focus (antonym); (h) increasing (antonym); (i) dedicate (synonym); (j) independent (antonym).

24. Dhaka Commerce College-15

Communicative (a) competence refers to the (b). ability to use language (C) appropriately in different circumstances. There are two ways of developing communicative competence in a language. The first is acquisition which is (d) similar to the way people develop ability in their mother tongue. It is a (e) natural, (f) subconscious process in . which users are not usually aware of acquiring a language. They are (g) aware only of the fact that they are using the language to (h) communicate. In non-technical terms, (i) acquisition is 'picking up a language (j) spontaneously. It may also be called implicit' earning.

a) competence (synonym); (b) ability (antonym); (c) appropriately (antonym); (d) similar (antonym); (e) natural (synonym); (f) subconscious (antonym); (g) aware (synonym); (h) communicate (synonym); (i) acquisition (antonym); (j) spontaneously (synonym).

25. Dr. Mahbubur Rahman Mollah college, Dhaka-15

Facebook is very (a) popular social networking site with over eight hundred million users. But it has both positive and negative (b) effects on its users. We can keep (c) touch with our friends and relatives who live far away from us. It is the best (d) means to stay (e) connected with people whom we know. Facebook helps us make friendship even with (f) unknown people within seconds. On the contrary, it is very (g) easy for cyber bullies to thrive. They can (h) harass anyone anytime. The most alarming of consequences is that (i) teenagers are (j) spending too much time on it.

(a) popular (synonym); (b) effects (synonym); (c) touch (synonym); (d) means (synonym); (e) connected (antonym); (0‘ unknown (antonym); (g) easy (antonym); (h) harass (synonym); (i) teenager (antonym); (j) spend(synonym)

26. Holy cross college, Dhaka-15

Long long ago there was a huge apple tree offering (a) tasty apples to the people. A little boy became (b) close The friend to that apple tree. The boy used to play with the tree, (c) climb its branches, sleep under it and (d) pluck apples. Every day he visited the tree and ate apples. The apple tree was so kind to the boy and (e) enjoyed spending spending time with him. The boy (f) joined school and could not (g) spend any time with the apple tree. After several months the boy came back to the tree. The tree was so (h) happy to see the little boy and asked him to play with it. The boy said that he was not a little one to play with the trees. But he had another (i) request to the tree. The tree asked what he wanted. The boy said that he needed, toys to play, but his parents did not have (j) sufficient money to buy toys for him.

(a) tasty (synonym); (b) close (antonym); (c) climb (antonym); (d) pluck (synonym); (e) enjoy (synonym); (f) joined (synonym); (g) spend (synonym); (h) happy (synonym); (i) request (synonym); (j) sufficient (synonym)

27. Milestone college, Dhaka-15

There are many (a) people who have a (b) conservative outlook. Quite (c) early in life they learn to (d) believe that everything in n this (e) world was predetermined and (f) all that happens to them was ordained by God. From this belief the belief the poor generally accept their (g) poverty and all their sorrows and (h) sufferings without trying much to (i) overcome them. They also have the (j) same sort of attitude towards illness and disease.

(a) people (synonym); (b) conservative (antonym); (c) early (antonym); (d) believe (synonym); (e) world neo (f) all (g) poverty (antonym); (h) sufferings (synonym); (i) overcome (synonym); (j) same (antonym)

28. B.A.F. Shaheen College, Dhaka-15

Sincerity is the root of (a) success of all work. One can go a long way if he does a (b) job with with sincerity. The (c) great men are sincere (d) because they (e) know that sincerity is the key to success. Those who do not (f) follow the (g) rules of sincerity can (h) never go a long way. Sincerity is the secret-of (i) victory. If any work is not done with sincerity, one will never receive (j) desirable output from it. So we should be sincere in every walk of life.

(a) success (antonym); (b) job (synonym); (c) great (antonym); (d) because (synonym); (e) know (synonym); (f) follow (antonym); (g) rule (synonym); (h) never (antonym); (i) victory (synonym); (j) desirable (antonym)

29. Once upon a time, there lived a generous and kindhearted king. But the people weren't happy with their king because, the king was too (a) lazy and would not do anything other than eating and (b) sleeping. He spent days and weeks and months in his bed either eating something or sleeping. He almost became inactive. The (c) king became a potato couch and the people started to (d) worry about the king. One day he realized that he couldn't even move his body, (e) unable to move his foot. He became very (f) fat and his enemies made fun of him saying 'fatty king', 'bulky king' etc. He invited (g) specialized doctors from various parts of his country and offered them generous rewards to make him fit. Unfortunately, none could help the king (h) gain his health and fitness. Since the king was very (i) cordial to his fellow people, many suggested renowned doctors to help him. He spent enormously but everything went in (j) vain.

(a) lazy (antonym); (b) sleep (antonym); (c) king (synonym); (d) worry (synonym); (e) unable (antonym); (0 fat (synonym); (g) specialized (antonym); (h) gain (synonym); (i) cordial (synonym); (j) vain (synonym).

30. Tejgaon College, Dhaka-15

All this was (a) perplexing and (b) upsetting. For at that time I had already made up my mind that (c) imperialism was an (d) evil thing and the (e) sooner I (f) chucked up my job and got out of it the (g) better. (h) Theoretically and (i) secretly, of course I was all for the Burmese and all against their (j) oppressors, the British.

(a) Perplexing (antonym); (b) upsetting (antonym); (c) imperialism (synonym); (d) evil (antonym); (e) sooner (antonym); (f) chuck (synonym); (g) better (antonym); (h) theoretically (synonym); (i) secretly (synonym); (j) oppressor (synonym).

31. Savar cantonment Public School & College, Dhaka-15

To (a) forgive an injury is often (b) considered to be the sign of weakness. It is really a sign of strength. It is easy to allow one to he carried away by (c) resentment and hatred into the act of (d) vengeance but it takes strong (e) character to (f) restrain these natural (g) passions. The man who forgives an injury proves himself to be, a (h) superior to the man who wronged him and the wrongdoer to shame. Forgiveness may even turn a (i) foe into a friend. So, mercy is a noblest form of (j) revenge.

(a) forgive (synonym); (b) considered (antonym); (c) resentment (synonym); (d) vengeance (synonym); (e) character (synonym); (1) restrain (synonym); (g) passions (antonym); (h) superior (antonym); (i) foe (antonym); (j) revenge (synonym).

32. Narayanganj Govt. Mokila College-15

Robert Bruce was a (a) famous king. Enemies (b) invaded his kingdom. The king fought (c) bravely but lost the battle. He had to (d) flee from his kingdom to his life. And he took shelter in a (e) remote cave. The king was always in a (f) gloomy stale for his unhappy condition. Once he was lying in the cave. Then he saw a spider trying hard to reach the (g) ceiling, of the cave. The spider failed again and again to succeed. But it did not give up hope. Bruce saw the spider climbing to the ceiling after some unsuccessful attempts. This (h) dauntless spider inspired Bruce to shake off the darkness of the despair. He gathered an army of strong men and attacked his enemies. The enemies courted (i) defeat and Robert Bruce (j) Regained his kingdom.

(a) famous (antonym); (b) invade (synonym); (c) bravely (antonym); (d) flee (synonym); (e) remote (antonym) (f) gloomy (synonym); (g) ceiling (antonym); (h) dauntless (synonym); (i) defeat (antonym); (j) regained (synonym).

33. Rajendrapur cantonment public school & college, Gazipur -15

Apple' is one of the (a) popular and extensively cultivated fruits in the world. Nowadays, apple is (b) synonymously termed as a hi-tech brand! Apple ICN, the most popular technology (c) brand in the world is famous for the iPad and Ipados, Apple has its (d) origin from the (e) evolution of human being. It is cared the (f) forbidden fruit in the Eden garden, where the eve requested Adam to get an apple from the tree. An apple tree lives for more than 100 years. The (g) healthy tree bears healthy fruits! Apples have been cultivated for more than 6000 years. When (h) matured after 5 years, apple trees bear fruits! Apples are the only fruit that grows in the Mediterranean regions of African continued. At has many (I) fancy names. It is described as (j) Melt in the mouth or winter bananas.

(a) popular (b) synonymously(antonym); (C) brand (synonym); (d) origin (synonym); (e) evolution (synonym): (f) forbidden (antonym); (g) healthy (antonym); (h) matured (antonym); (i) fancy (synonym); U) melt (synonym).

34. Major General Mahmul Hasan Adarrsha College, Tangail-15

The Maldives is well (a) known for (b) lowest country in the world. (c) Unfortunately, this small country with idyllic (d) natural beauty is under threat from (e) rising sea levels due to global (f) warming. Most of the zones are just 1.5 metres above sea level a (g) highest point of 2.3 metres! (h) Many predictions have been made with (i) respect to maldives being swept away by the rising water level in Indian Ocean. It even seen during .the tsunami of 2004, that many of the island's dry parts .were flooded, by waters shrinking the island. The Government of the Maldives has begun to (j) purchase lands from nearby countries in case the islands go under water!

(a) known (antonym); (b) lowest (antonym);(c) unfortunately (antonym); (d) natural (antonym); (e) rising (antonym); (f) warm (synonym); (g) highest (antonym); (h) many (antonym); (i) respect (synonym); (j) purchase (synonym

35. Ghatail cantonment public school & college, Gazipur -15

A good writer may be a (a) good reader. A good reader may be a good (b) speaker or make good (c) Nothing of this is (d) impossible for a man if he is not (e) indolent. The main thing is (f) sincerity. (g) Seriousness should also be taken (h) under consideration. If a man is serious, he can make impossible to possible. If we become serious in our (i) intention we can (j) shine in life.

a) good (synonym); (b) ,speaker (antonym); (c) impossible (antonym); (d) indolent (antonym); (e) sincerity (synonym); (f) seriousness (synonym), (g) recitation (synonym); (h) under (antonym); (i) intention (synonym); (j) shine (antonym).

36. Goct Haraganga college,, Munshiganj-15

Those who are (a) industrious can (b) prosper in life. It means that industry. is the key to success. ne (c) idle are always (d) unsuccessful. it is sheer (e) foolishness to think. That Success (f) automatically as it is given by the almighty. Passing time in idleness brings about (g) adversity in life. But the industrious can remove the the (h) hindrances by dint of continuous hard work and (i) perseverance. A. farmer is a (j) real hard worker.

(a) industrious (antonym); (b) prosper ( synonym); (c) idle (antonym); (d) unsuccessful (antonym); (e) foolishness (antonym); (f) automatically (synonym); (g) adversity (antonym); (h) hindrance (synonym); (i) perseverance (synonym); (j) real (synonym).

37. 39 president professor Dr. lajuddin Ahmed Residential Model school & college, Munshiganj, -15

Moral (a) degradation, a (b) crucial problem of mankind, is seriously affecting the peaceful arid (c) meaning living of human beings. In the society (d)morality is the main sources of heavenly qualities kike love, affection, respect and (e) appreciation for others. It is moral (f) values and (g) institutions which ensure the establishment of social peace, order and justice. It cannot be denied that morality is the best virtue of mankind at any individual, social and global level. Without having morality a (h) fruitful, honest and (1) durable (j) democratic, socio,, economic, administrative and judicial system can never be dreamt of. Social ills and vices in most cases, to human Activities devoid of moral sense. So, it is necessary to develop moral awareness and conscience among the people irrespective of colour, religion and nationality. By arranging seminars, symposia etc, in the society, we can motivate and encourage the people of all strata to to accelerate moral upliftment from their respective families to social levels.

(a) degradation (antonym); (b) crucial (antonym); (c) meaningful (antonym); (d) morality (synonym); (e) value (synonym); (f) appreciation (synonym); (g) institution (synonym); (h) fruitful (antonym); (i) durable' (synonym); (j) democratic (antonym)

38. Abdul Kadir Mollah City college, Narsingdi-15

Facebook is the most (a) popular social network site of all time. The popularity of facebook has increased (b) drastically, Within 6 years of its (c) launch, Facebook reached one billion users milestone. -Nowadays. it has become (d) very important part of our life. Actually, it is a (e) social networking website that was (f) originally designed or college student. but it is now (g) open to. anyone with 13 years of age or older. Facebook users can (h) create and (i) customize their own profiles with photos, videos and other information about- themselves. Facebook is an (J) effective way of finding old friends and connecting to new ones.

(a) popular (antonym) (b) drastically (antonym); (c) launch (synonym); (d) very (synonym); (e) social (synonym); (I) originally (synonym); (g) open (antonym); (h) create (antonym); (i) customize (synonym); (j) effective (antonym)

39. Shaheed Syed Nazrul Islam College, Mymensingh-15

A lion was drinking water from a (a) brook. At the same time, a (b) lamb was also taking water from (c) downstream of the same brook. The lion saw the lamb. He wanted to devour it. As a (d) result, he was thinking about how to (e) accomplish his evil design. At last he .hit upon a plan. The lion accused that the lamb was disturbing him by muddying water. But the Iamb tried to (f) refute the accusation. He said the he was taking water from downstream. So, the. (g) question of muddying water on his part did not arise. On the (h) contrary, the lamb replied that it was the lion that was muddying water for him as he was drinking water from upstream. Then the lion (i) retorted that (j) perhaps its father was muddying water for him in the last year. Saying this, the lion attacker-the lamb. He killed the Iamb and ate it.

a) brook (synonym); (b) lamb (synonym); (c) downstream (antonym); (d) result(antonym); (e) accomplish(synonym); (f) refute(antonym); (g) question(antonym); (h) contrary(antonym); (i) retorted(synonym); (j) perhaps(synonym);

40. Agricultural University College, Mymensingh-15

Aman had a very (a) happy journey last year. At the (b) invitation of my (c) college, he went to Sylhet by an inter city train. On his arrival of the station Alif received him (d) cordially. Then she took him to her (e) residence. Since she made a (f) nice (g) arrangement for his (h) comfortable stay. She spent an (i) enjoyable time there and visited some places of scenic (j) beauty.

(a) happy (antonym) b) invitation (synonym); (c) college (synonym); (d) cordially (antonym); (e) residence (synonym); (f) nice (antonym); (g) arrangement (synonym); (h) comfortable (antonym); (i) enjoyable (antonym); (j) beauty (synonym).

Use of Punctuation

Introductory words

Punctuation English Language-Gi Ab¨Zg component| Latin kã Punctuation n‡Z kãwU D™¢~Z hvi A_© we›`y ev wPý| gvbyl hLb wjwLZ AvKv‡i g‡bi fve cÖKvk K‡i ZLb ¯^fveZB wKš‘ ¯’v‡b weiwZ †bq| KL‡bv †m Aí weiwZ ‡bq, KL‡bv m¤ú~Y© †_‡g hvq| Avevi KL‡bv ev cÖkœ wRÁvmv K‡i| †Kbbv ev‡K¨i A_©‡K Zvrch©c~Y©, my¯úó wKsev mvejxjfv‡e cÖKvk Kivi Rb¨ gv‡S gv‡S weiwZi cÖ‡qvRb| e³‡e¨i gv‡S weiwZi Rb¨ wKQz wPý e¨envi Kiv nq †h¸‡jv Punctuation wn‡m‡e cwiwPZ| †Kv‡bv writing piece-‡K †evaMvg¨, cwi®‹vi A_©en Ges wbf©~j Ki‡Z Punctuation-Gi f~wgKv Acwimxg|

myZivs ev‡K¨ e¨eüZ wewfbœ mvs‡KwZK wPý‡K Punctuation e‡j|

wb‡Pi Conversation-wU jÿ¨ Ki:

Jenny : How fine the bird is! Don’t’ you like it?

Siam : Of course, Really excellent it is.

Dch©y³ Conversation-G e¨eüZ –Sentence ¸‡jv‡Z wewfbœ ai‡bi we›`y ev wPý e¨envi Kiv n‡q‡Q| cÖ_g Sentence-G we¯§q cÖKvk Kivi Rb¨ Note of exclamation (!) e¨envi Kiv n‡q‡Q| wKš‘ c‡ii ev‡K¨ cÖkœ wRÁvmvi Rb¨ Question marks (?) e¨envi Kiv n‡q‡Q Ges D³ ev‡K¨ Do not-‡K omitting comma e¨envi K‡I ms‡ÿwcZ (do not) Kiv n‡q‡Q| Aciw`‡K c‡ii Sentence-G m¤ú~Y© _vgviRb¨ Sentence wUi †k‡l Full stop (.) e¨envi Kiv n‡q‡Q| wewfbœ D‡Ï‡k¨ ev‡K¨ e¨eüZ G RvZxq Point ev we›`¸‡jvB Punctuation wn‡m‡e we‡ewPZ|

Elaborate Discussion

* Full Stop (.)

1. mvaviYZ Assertive, Imperative, Optative Sentence-Gi †k‡l †Kv‡bv e³‡e¨I c~Y© weiwZi †ÿ‡Î Full Stop e¨eüZ nq|

(i) Ramel is a famous singer. (Assertive), (ii) Do it at once. (Imperative),

(iii) May you prosper in life. (Optative)

2. NÈv †_‡K wgwbU Avjv`v Kivi R‡b¨ Full Stop e¨envi Ki‡Z nq|

(i) The train arrived at 9.30 in the morning.

(ii) It 9.30 pm Bangladesh time, I am going to London.

3. ‡Kv‡bv e¨w³i bvg, wWMÖx I Dcvwai mswÿß iæc wjL‡Z Full Stop e¨enZ nq|

(i) Dr. S.P. Chowdhury, M.B.B.S. (ii) Zillur Rahman siddiqui, M.A

* Comma (,)

1. mvaviYZ mgRvZxq `y‡qi AwaK Word ev Phrase hw` cvkvcvwk e‡m Ges †kl `ywU and Øviv hy³ nq, †m‡ÿ‡Î c~‡e©i Word ev Phrase mg~n‡K c„_K Ki‡Z Comma e‡m|

(i) You are honest, brave and strong.

(ii) I can speak English fluently, correctly and fearlessly.

2. and Øviv hy³ mKj hyMj kã‡K c„_K Ki‡Z Comma e¨eüZ nq|

(i) All men rich and poor, young and old, must die.

(ii) Schools and colleges mills and factories are closed today.

3. GKB kã cyb:cyb e¨nvi n‡j †m‡ÿ‡Î Zv‡`I gv‡S Comma e‡m|

(i) I’ll never, never do it again. (ii) Twinkle, twinkle little again.

4. Introductory Yes ev No-‡K g~j Sentence ‡_‡K Avjv` Ki‡Z Zv‡`I c‡I Comma e‡m|

(i) Yes, he will come tomorrow. (ii) No, the man did not come yesterday.

5. Vocative case-Gi †ÿ‡Î noun ev Pronoun ‡K c„_K Ki‡Z Zv‡`i c‡i Comma e‡m|

(i) Swapon, please come here. (ii) Mother, give me a glass of water.

(iii) May I come in, sir. (iv) Tell me dear, what can I do now?

(v) How are you, friend.

6. wWMÖx I c`we †_‡K †Kv‡bv e¨w³i bvg Avjv` Ki‡Z Comma e‡m|

(i) He is Mr Khan, M.A meet Mr Azad, the principal of Dhaka Zilla School.

(ii) My father’s name is Abdul Jalil, a businessman.

7. If hy³ Clause hw` Sentence Gi cÖ_‡g e‡m †m‡ÿ‡Î If clause-Gi c‡i Comma e‡m|

(i) If you come, I shall go. (ii) If it rains, I will not go to college.

8. `ywU Co-ordinate clause-Gi verb -GKB n‡j †m‡ÿ‡Î cieZx© clause-Gi verb Dn¨ _v‡K Ges Zvi Av‡M Comma e‡m|

(i) Kabir was given a book and shanta, a pen, (i.e. Shanta was given a pen.)

(ii) The pen is mine and that, yours. (i.e. that is yours.)

(iii) To err is human; to forgive, divine. (i.e. forgive is divine.)

(iv) Rana got the first prize, Runa, the second. (Runa got the second prize.)

9. Direct speech-G Reporting verb-Gi ci Comma e‡m|

(i) He said, “I have done the work.”

(ii) You said, “What a happy news it is!”

10. wKQz word ev phrase-Gi ci ¯^fveZB Comma (,) e‡m| For example: For instance, moreover, therefore, as a result, consequently, on the other hand, in the same way, however, nevertheless, namely, in fact, that is, of course, in short, at best, in the long run BZ¨vw`|

(i) My parents, however, did not agree. (ii) He is, no doubt, a wicked person.

(iiii) Moreover, they knew who had done it. (iv) The tree is, of course, large.

11. Please hw` ev‡K¨i †k‡l e¨eüZ nq †m‡ÿ‡Î Please-Gi c~‡e© Comma e‡m|

(i) Would you like to take a cup of tea, please? (ii) Give me a pen, please.

12. Tag question-Gi c~‡e© Comma e¨eüZ nq|

(i) She is tall, isn’t she? (ii) We are meeting tonight, aren’t we?

13. Parenthetical expression hw` ev‡K¨I gvSLv‡b e¨eüZ nq Zvn‡j G¸‡jvi c~‡e© I c‡i Comma e‡m|

(i) This problem, as you know, is complicated.

(ii) His statement, in my opinion, is beside the point.

(iiii) Rupam, you see, is fair and innocent.

14. Frankly, unfortunately, luckily, evidently, probably BZ¨vw` Adverb-Gi hLb Sentence-Gi cÖ_‡g e¨eüZ n‡q cy‡iv GKwU Sentence-‡K Modify K‡i, †m‡ÿ‡Î Zv‡`i ci Comma e‡m|

(i) Luckily, I found him in a shop. (ii) Unfortunately, I failed in the examination.

(iii) Evidently, you didn’t know the context. (iv) Probably, it will rain tonight.

15. Elliptical ev verbless clause-Gi ci Comma e‡m|

(i) Tough suffering in fever, he attended the meeting. (ii) When in trouble, please remember me.

16. c‡Îi Solution Ges mgvwßm~PK m¤¢vl‡Yi ci Comma e‡m|

(i) Sir, Dear sir, Yours sincerely, Yours faithfully, Sincerely yours.

(ii) My dear father, Dear sister.

17. Participle phrase -Gi c‡i Comma e‡m|

(i) Walking in the field, is good for health. (ii) Having finished the work, she went home.

* Semi-Colon (;)

1. Comma-I †P‡q ‡ewk Ges Full stop-Gi †P‡q Kg mgq _vgvi cÖ‡qvRb n‡j Semi-Colon e‡m|

2. Compound sentence-Gi Co-ordinating clause-¸‡jv hw` †Kv‡bv Conjunction Øviv hy³ bv nq, †m‡ÿ‡Î Semi-colon e¨enZ nq|

(i) To err is human; to forgive is divine. (ii) Life is short; but art is long.

3. And, but, still, so, otherwise, nevertheless, yet BZ¨vw` Conjunction Øviv hy³ Co-ordinating clause-¸‡jvi gv‡S Semi-colon e¨enZ nq|

(i) The function came to an end; and the singer was greeted heartily.

(ii) You should do your duties accordingly; otherwise, you suffer in the long run.

* Colon (:)

1. mvaviYZ as follow, the following, for example, thus, such as BZ¨vw` Øviv †Kv‡bv D`vniY ev ZvwjKv D‡jøL Kiv n‡j †m‡ÿ‡Î H ZvwjKvi c~‡e© Colon e‡m|

(i) His virtues are as follows: sincerity, punctuality and truthfulness.

(ii) He has two sons: Hasib and Habib.

2. cvkvcvwk e¨eüZ `ywU sentence-Gi g‡a¨ hw` wØZxqwU cÖ_gwUi e¨vL¨v K‡i, †m‡ÿ‡Î sentence `ywU‡K c„_K c„_K Ki‡Z Zvi gv‡S Colon e‡m|

(i) I know Dr. Jahirul Islam very well: we lived together for a long time.

(ii) Can you remember Mr. Hanif: we went together in the book fair?

3. ‡Kv‡bv e³e¨ eve ³vi D×…wZ‡K c„_K Kivi †ÿ‡Î Colon e‡m|

(i) Jolly: How is everything? (ii) Mily: Everything is ok.

4. ‡Kv‡bv ZvwjKvi †ÿ‡Î Colon-Gi mv‡_ Dash (-):- e‡m|

(i) The rules of helath are as follows:-

a. Eat a balanced diet every day. b. Drink pure water

c. Clean your body with hair every day. d. Cut your nails every week.

* Note of Interrogation or Question Mark (?)

1. ‡h evK¨ Øviv mivmvwi wKQz Rvb‡Z PvIqv nq ev cÖkœ Kiv nq †mme sentence-Gi †k‡l Note of Interrogation e‡m|

(i) Have you learnt pronoun referencing? (ii) What do you know about modifier?

2. Elliptical questions-Gi ci question mark e‡m|

So what? Why not? What for?

3. Tag question-Gi †ÿ‡Î ev‡K¨i †k‡l question mark e‡m|

(i) He is a meritorious student, isn’t he? (ii) He discussed the preposition, didn’t they?

* ‡hme Sentence Øviv nvwm/ Kvbœv/ myL/ `ytL/ Avb›`/‡e`bv BZ¨vw` g‡bi AvKwmg&K Av‡eM cÖKvk Kiv nq Zv‡`i †k‡l Note of exclamation (!) e¨eüZ nq|

(i) What a pathetic sight it is! (ii) How beautiful the Taj Mahal is!

(iii) How sweetly he sings! (iv) Alas! I am undone.

2. Vocative-Gi Dci †ewk ‡Rvi †`Iqv eySv‡j Gi c‡I Exclamation mark e‡m|

(i) Oh my mind! Stand beside me in the danger. (ii) Borhan! You will be rewarded.

3. ‡Kv‡bv e¯‘I ev NUbv‡K we‡klfv‡e †evSv‡bvi Rb¨ Exclamation mark e¨eüZ n‡q _v‡K|

(i) Tom is the name of my dog! (ii) Jemmy is the name of the girl!

* Apostrophe Comma (‘)

1. Kv‡iv AwaKvi wKQz Av‡Q †evSv‡Z cÖvwYevPK Proper noun-Gi †k‡l Apostrophe I s e‡m|

(i) Siam’s pen is nice. (ii) This is Mahbub’s house.

(iii) Every mother is blind to the son’s fault.

2. wKš‘ s ev es hy³ Plural noun-Gi †ÿ‡Î ïay Apostrophe e‡m|

(i) Tuli reads in a girls’ college. (ii) I read in Shibchar Boys’ High School.

3. ‡h me Plural noun-Gi c‡i s ev es _v‡K bv, †m‡ÿ‡Î Possessive MVb Ki‡Z s e‡m|

(i) This is a children’s park. (ii) Men’s nature differ from person to person.

4. ‡Kv‡bv word-Gi Letter ev` w`‡Z ev Dn¨ ivL‡Z Apostrophe comma e‡m|

(i) I’m = (I am) (ii) You’re = (You are)

(iii) He’s = (He is) (iv) Can’t = (Cannot)

5. eY© ev msL¨vi Plural Kivi †ÿ‡Î Apostrophe I s e‡m|

(i) Five 2’ s make ten. (ii) The plural form of’ A’ is A’s.

6. ‡Kv‡bv mv‡ji mswÿß iæ‡ci †ÿ‡Î Apostrophe e‡m|

(i) ’95 instead of 1995 or 1895 or 1795.

* Dash (__)

1. Sentence-Gi g‡a¨ AvKw¯§K †Kv‡bv cwieZ©b †evSv‡Z Dash e¨eüZ nq|

(i) If my son were alive__ but why should I lament for the past?

(ii) If only he could help me with money __ but how can he when he is hand up.

2. A‡bK¸‡jv Object GK‡m½ e¨eüZ n‡j ‡m‡ÿ‡Î Dash e¨eüZ nq|

(i) I’ve lost all __ wealth, health and reputation.

(ii) He bought educational instruments___ book, paper, pen etc.

3. ‡Kv‡bv GKwU Sentence Gi cybive„wË K‡Z Dash e¨eüZ nq|

(i) Ours is an ideal college___ perhaps the best.

(ii) There are two things I can never remember __ names, faces etc.

4. KLbI KLbI †Kv‡bv Sentence- Gi g‡a¨ GKwU AmsjMœ Ask Ry‡o †`evi Rb¨ Sentence- Gi Av‡M I c‡i Dash e¨eüZ nq|

(i) He told me __ and he wept as he did so__ how he lost all his belongings.

(ii) I must come ___ providing I am well ___ to help you.

* Hyphen (-)

1. mvaviYZ `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK word Gi mgš^‡q †Kv‡bv Compound word MVb Kivi †ÿ‡Î Hyphen e¨eüZ nq|

(i) Brother-in-low, Mother-in-low, passers-by.

2. hw` †Kv‡bv jvB‡bi †k‡l †Kv‡bv word m¤ú~Y© bv nq, Z‡e cieZ©x jvB‡bi As‡ki m‡½ ms‡hvM ‡evSv‡Z Hyphen e¨eüZ nq|

(i) Our English teacher told us to memori-

See the composition.

(ii) Yesterday while I was going to market I saw bli-

* Inverted comma or Quotation marks (“ ”)

Sentence-e¨eüZ Quotation mark-¸‡jv `yÕai‡bi n‡q _v‡K|

(i) Single quotation (‘…………..’) (ii) Double quotation (“………….”)

1. ‡Kv‡bv D×…Z As‡ki g‡a¨ Aci †Kv‡bv D×…Z Ask _vK‡j †k‡li D×…Zvs‡k Single quotation mark e¨eüZ nq|

(i) He said, “I have been waiting here in this’ hell’ for ‘ages’ just to see her once.”

(ii) Nipa said to me, “My mother says, ‘you should not play with Rabbi’.”

2. Direct speech-G e³e¨ K_v AweKj D×…Ë Ki‡Z Inverted Comma e¨eüZ nq|

(i) Mother said, “Always speak the truth.”

(ii) The girl said to her mother, “Kindly allow me to attend the function.”

3. ‡Kv‡bv KweZv Mí ev iPbvi little single quotation mark Øviv †eób Kiv nq|

(i) ‘As you like it’ is written by shakespear.

(ii) Wordsworth’s poem ‘Tintern Abbey’ is my favorite.

4. ‡Kv‡bv cÖev` evK¨‡K †eó Ki‡Z quotation mark e¨envi Kiv nq|

(i) You should know the proverb, “look before you leap.”

(ii) there is a proverb, “A little learning is a dangerous thing.”

* Brackets ( )

1. ‡Kv‡bv wKQz evK¨v K‡i †evSv‡Z e¨vL¨vg~jK Ask‡K eÜbx ev Brackets-Gi g‡a¨ wjwce× Kiv †evSvq|

(i) I have lost all (a mobile set, a watch and taka two thousands) I had in my bag.

(ii) Adjective can be used before and after nouns (names and things).

2. Sentence ‡_‡K †Kv‡bv word ev expression ‡K Avjv`v K‡i †`L‡Z Bracket e¨eüZ nq|

(i) 26 march (Independence Day) occupies a strong position in our national history.

(ii) I know Mr. Sheikh Helal Uddin (the Mp of his area).

|Name & Mark |Position |Function |Example |

|Full stop (.) |ev‡K¨i †k‡l |e³e¨ mgvß Kiv |Nothing is impossible. |

|Comma (,) |ev‡K¨i gv‡S |Aí weiwZ |There are two primary school, two high |

| | | |schools and a Madrasha. |

|Semi colon (;) |ev‡K¨i gv‡S |`y‡Uv clause ‡K c„_K Ki‡Z Conjunction-Gi ¯’v‡b |We watched the door; no one came in. |

| | |Contrast inform cÖKvk Ki‡Z | |

|Colon (( |ev‡K¨i gv‡S |welqvw` ZvwjKv ïiæ Ki‡Z, |There are two types of games: indoor and |

| | | |outdoor. |

|Note of Interrogation (?)|cÖkœ‡evaK e‡K¨i | †Kv‡bv wKQz Rvb‡Z PvIqv A‡_© |How are you, friend? |

| |†k‡l | | |

|Note of Exclamation (!) |wel¥qm~PK e‡K¨i |myL, `ytL, Avb›`, †e`bv, we¯§q BZ¨vw` †evSv‡Z |Hurrah! We have won the match. |

| |†k‡l | | |

|Apostrophe (‘) |ev‡K¨i gv‡S k‡ãi |AwaKvi ev gvwjKvbv †evSv‡Z, eY© we‡jvc Ki‡Z, |This is Siam’s pen. |

| |m‡½ |mv‡ji mswÿß iæ‡ci mv‡_ | |

|Hyphen (-) |k‡ãi gv‡S |Compound word ‰Zwi Kivi †ÿ‡Î, msL¨v I fMœvs‡ki |Up-to-date, Thirty-two, One-third. |

| | |†ÿ‡Î | |

|Dash (__) |ev‡K¨i gv‡S |¯^M‡Zvw³ cÖKvk K‡i, we¯§qKi fv‡e †kl Ki‡Z, |All men-rich and poor must die. |

| | |e³‡e¨i mvivsk‡K Uvb‡Z | |

|Quotation mark |ev‡K¨i ïiæ‡Z ev | †Kv‡bv wKQz D×…Z Ki‡Z e¨eüZ nq| |‘I’ is a pronoun. |

|(‘ ’) (“ ”) |†k‡l | | |

|Brackets ( ) |ev‡K¨i gv‡S, †k‡l |AwZwi³ Z_¨ cÖ`vb Ki‡Z, †Kv‡bv wKQz e¨vL¨v Ki‡Z |The man has lost all he had in the pocket |

| | | |(ten thousand taka.) |

|Dots (………..) |ev‡K¨i cÖ_‡g ev | †Kv‡bv D×…wZ †_‡K kã ev` hvIqv †evSvq |I like the man. I always wish her good |

| |†k‡l | |luck. She is a …. |

|Slash (/) |ke&` ev phrase Gi |Word or phrase c„_K Ki‡Z |Drink a cup of tea/ coffee. |

| |c‡I | | |

|Asterish (*) |k‡ãi c~‡e© |we‡kl g‡bv‡hvM AvKl©Y Ki‡Z |* Punctuation is a part of English Grammar.|

| | | | |

| | | |This line has been taken from |

| | | |* Macbeth. |

Board Test questions Analysis

1. Dhaka Board -16

A : whats solar energy?

B : Its one of the renewable energy sources.

A : Why is it called green energy

B : Well its green energy because it helps us keep the earth green I mean it doesn’t emit

any pollutant in the atmosphere when we produce and use it.

A : I see then it must be a clean source of energy.

B : Exactly. And that’s why its also called clean energy.

2. Rajshahi Board-16

Husband : cant you cook food properly

Wife : I cook food properly the problem is with you.

Husband : Really these foods are crap they taste pathetic.

Wife : I spend time in the kitchen from morning till afternoon. I work hard. I take care of two children at home. What do you do?

Husband : I work hard and earn money that you spend lavishly.

Wife : How dare you say that

Husband : well that is the truth

3. Jessore Board -16 >Victoria Govt. College, comilla-15

Nazmul : Excuse me where is the nearest hospital

Arafat : Its about 2 kilometers from here. You will have to hire a taxi. You can also go by bus.

Nazmul : I see is there a bus station near here

Arafat : yes there is a bus stop at the corner

Nazmul : Thank you.

Arafat : Don’t mention it

4. Comilla Board -16

Arif : Hello How are you zakia?

Zakia : Fine, What about you

Arif : Well I was a bit sick

Zakia : Really what happened

Arif : Stomach upset. I had outside food. It trouble my stomach.

Zakia : that’s why I always try to avoid outside food they are unhygienic.

Arif : I’m not going to have it anymore.

Zakia : Anyway you take care bye.

Arif : Bye.

Sylhet Board-16

Tourist : How old the edifice guide

Guide : Madame it’s a 15th century edifice

Tourist : What a wonderful edifice it is

Guide : it was built by Akbar the emperor of India.

Tourist : oh I see

Guide : Madame we should move now. The sun is about to set, it would be dark.

Tourist : isn’t the place safe?

Guide : it is. But the security does not allow any body after the sunset.

5. Barisal Board-16

Student : may I come in sir?

Principal : yes come in

Student : Good morning sir

Principal : Good morning how can I help you

Student : sir we would like to arrange a study tour

Principal : It’s a great idea Ill appreciate it submit an application to me so that I can take step in

favor of you.

Student : Ok sir, we will write an application on behalf of the students

Principal : ok, see you

Student : Thank you very much, sir

Principal : you are most welcome.

6. Joupurhat Girls’ cadet college-15

Father : You are really strong my son. Could you break this bundle of sticks.

Son : well, it is a very simple job I’ll do it within a second.

Father : Have a try

Son : sure oh, I’m quite wrong. Its stronger than I expected.

Father : Okay now try this single stick. See what you can do.

Son : pass it to me and just hear the sound!

Father : I know it’ll be easy for you. Have you learnt anything from these sticks?

Son : Learning from sticks

Father : yes, the bundle of sticks is stronger than the single stick. It teaches us the wise

Saying, united we stand, divided we fall

7. Rangpur cadet college-15

Kamal : Ive lost my watch. Have you seen it anywhere..

Nirob : No, but if I find it Ill tell you.

Kamal : It’s a gift from my father. It’s been so important for me!

Nirob : When did you lose it?

Kamal : most probably during the off period.

Nirob : Does it have a leather strap?

Kamal : Oh, yes have you seen it?

Nirob : I haven’t seen it, but I heard karim saying something about a watch with leather strap.

Kamal : what is his room number?

Nirob : Most probably Go to the first floor of the main hostel. It’s on the right side of the stairs.

Nirob : thank you so much, dear

Kamal : Your welcome.

Nirob : Best of luck.

8. Barisal cadet college-15

Kamal : Hello Jamal have you ever been to cox’s Bazar

Jamal : No I have not But I wish to go there during my next vacation

Kamal : When will your vactation start

Jamal : any time in next December either during the 1st week or 2nd week

Kamal : You see I have also not been there. Will you allow me to accompany you

Jamal : Why not I would rather love to.

9. Adamiee cantonment college, Dhaka -15 #Thakurgaon Govt. college-15

Student : my I come in sir?

Principal : Yes come in. What can I do for you?

Student : sir I was a student of Chittagong city college. Now I am seeking admission into your


Principal : Okay, What’s your name and why do you want to get admitted here?

Student : My name is Mamunur Rashid. My father is a government employee. Recently he has

been transferred here from Chittagong.

Principal : What’s you father?

Student : He is a police office.

Principal : Have you brought the Transfer Certificate of your previous College?

Student : Yes sir, here it is.

Principal : Well, Meet the head clerk and collect the form fill it carefully and come tomorrow

Along with your father, the head clerk will inform you all in detail.

Student : Thank you sir.

Principal : You are welcome.

10. Dhaka commerce College-15

Rahat : Hi Fahad. What are you doing this evening.

Fahad : Im not sure. What?

Rahat : Lets go to the cinema.

Fahad : sorry I went to see Bihongo yesterday. Id like to do something else.

Rahat : Lets go to see a different film this evening.

Fahad : Well I usually go only about once in two or there months.

Rahat : Oh you are getting old and boring man.

11. Dr. Mahbubur Rahman Mollah College, Dhaka-15

Rodela : Hello, Rahela what are you doing

Rahela : I am reading a newspaper.

Rodela : Do you read newspaper daily

Rahela : No, I don’t whats the importance of reading newspaper

Rodela : Newspaper is an indispensable part of our life. It helps us in many ways.

Rahela : Would you please tell me how it help us?

Rodela : It has removed the global distance. It gives us news about politics, economics,

Cultures, literatures, games and sports of the whole world.

Rahela : You’re right. I’m just away from so many things. So, from now on, Ill read

newspaper daily thanks for your suggestion.

Rodela : Youre welcome.

12. Milestone college, Dhaka-15

Student : May I come in sir

Teacher : Yes come in. But what are you so late?

Student : Im really sorry sir. I could not get up from bed in time.

Teacher : You are always late

Student : You are right sir. I cannot get up early. What can I do?

Teacher : You must make a habit of early rising. Don’t you know, Early to bed and early to rise

Makes a man healthy wealthy and wise.

13. B.A.F. Shaheen College, Dhaka-15

Interviewer : What are you interested in this job?

Rohan : Obviously there are two reasons creativity and relationship with my subject.

Interviewer : Have you any working experience?

Rohan : Yes I’ve two year working experience as an English teacher of a boys school.

Interviewer : what did you leave the job? What’s your idea about an ultra ambitious person.

Rohan : As its salary was irregular and insufficient I had to leave the job the person whose

ambition is very high is unhappy.

Interviewer : Do you think that your ambition is so high? Can you handle pressure?

Rohan : No, I don’t think so I work very systematically with a plan. So I never feel any


14. National Ideal College, Dhaka-15

Father : What are you doing my child?

Son : Home work father. I shall have to submit it tomorrow otherwise my teacher will

punish me.

Father : What subject is it of?

Son : English an essay on my first day at college.

Father : I can help you lf you want.

Son : No father. I have already completed it is will take half an hour more.

Father : sorry to disturb you finish your work attentively.

Son : Don’t worry father I will.

15. Shaheed Bir Uttam Lt. Anwar Girls’ College, Dhaka-15

Mitu : Let’s go to Coxs Bazar. We won’t inform our parents. It’ll be a fun!

tanu : Are you crazy? That’s impossible

Mitu : why

tanu : They’ll be very angry. Don’t you know them

Mitu : Yes, but they love us also. Theyre sure to forgive us!

tanu : No, I won’t take any risk.

Mitu : Ok, then, lets seek their permission.

tanu : Im afraid they won’t agree.

Mitu : At least we should try.

tanu : Remember it’s your idea. Not mine.

Mitu : Certainly.

16. Seddeswari Girls College, Dhaka-15

Mina : Do you want to take part in essay competition

Ripa : Yes of course. What’s the topic.

Mina : Gender Discrimination in Bangladesh. You have to write it within 200 words.

Ripa : 200 words!

Mina : Ive started drafting it already.

Ripa : I think you should note down its main sections.

Mina : Yes. What about you.

Ripa : well Ill certainly try it. When would the deadline before that?

Mina : Last working day of this month.

Ripa : Okay, Ill submit it as early as possible.

17. Lalmatia Mohila College, Dhaka-15

Assistant : Can I help you?

Customer-1 : Im looking for a maroon skirt.

Assistant : Yes thosere there. What size?

Customer-1 : Its size is twelve.

Assistant : size 12s is over there on the rack. Wait a bit please I’ll show you.

Assistant : can I help you ?

Customer-2 : No im just loking thank you.

Customer-3 : Excuse me can I try this jacket on please?

Assistant : Certainly the trial room is over there by the cash desk, try please.

Customer-3: Thank you.

18. Govt. Bangla College, Dhaka-15 #Hamidpur Al-Hera Degree College, Jessore-15

Sara : We first met in 1960 at the cinema didn’t we

Brian : Yes when we arrived the film had already begun.

Sara : I had seen before anyway.

Brian : Really you didn’t tell me that.

Sara : No I wanted you to take me to the cinema the following week.

Brian : So, you had already decided like me

Sara : and then you took me to your favorite restaurant but it had closed a week before.

Brian : Oh dear what did we do next.

19. Begum Badrunnessa Govt. Girls’ college, Dhaka-15

Father : Son what are you doing now

Son : Im studying father

Father : Your grandfather is in the hospital. So you have to carry this food to the hospital.

Son : Okay father Ill do that.

Father : You have to look after him for the time being.

Son : No problem father. I am going there

Father : Thank you my son

20. Narayanganj Govt. Mohila college-15

Lamb : Are you going to eat me

Wolf : Yes at any cost

Lamb : But can you please wait for some more time

Wolf : why

Lamb : Ive just eaten a lot of grass and my stomach is filled with grass.

Wolf : so what

Lamb : If you eat me now, you will feel like eating grass.

Wolf : Oh, now I understand, No problem, I’ll wait.

Lamb : Wait and see my dance. It’ll digest the grass.

Wolf : You’re here before me and I can wait for some time!

Lamb : Oh that’s great!

21. Abdul Kadir Mollah city college, Narsingdi-15

Checker : Welcome please can I see your tickets.

Mr. Imran : Yes, Here they are.

Checker : Do you both have your passports with you?

Mr. Imran : Yes, here they are.

Checker : Now Ill be going to ask some questions.Just answer with a simple yes or a no.]

Mr. Imran : Ok no problem.

Checker : Do you have any weapon of flammable material in your possession?

Mr. Imran : No

Checker : That’s good. I’m placing you two in 21A and 21B. The gate number is A you can

start boarding the plane in 30 minutes and the plane will take off at 415 O’clock.

22. Shaheed syed Nazrul Islam College, Mymensingh-15

Nipa : I emailed you my term paper last week. Have you had a chance to look at it

Tandra : Of course, and I think its good. I’d say your first two sections are alright. I wouldn’t

suggest that you change anything there, but you need to work on section three.

Nipa : Yeah I was thinking that section looked a bit short.

Tandra : Oh yes, Earlier I mentioned a couple of writers, didn’t?

Nipa : Yes, yes did, but I couldn’t manage those books. The bookshop said they are out of

print and the library doesn’t have a copy of them.

Tandra : I’m afraid I’ve a copy of them.

Nipa : No problem. I’ll manage them from her.

Tandra : That’s what I’d do if I were you.

23. Agricultural University College, Mymensingh-15

Student : May I come in sir

Teacher : Come in. Why are you late today

Student : Suddenly my father got sick in the morning. We admitted him into a hospital.

Teacher : Whats his problem

Student : He has been suffering from cold and fever. he is attacked with dengue fever

Teacher : Go to your seat

Student : Thank you sir

24. Sherpur Govt. college-15 #Rajendrapur cantonment public school & college, Gazipur-15 #Chandpur Govt. college-15 #Comilla Govt. college-15 #Dinajpur Govt. College-15 #Govt. Ashek Mahmud college, Jamalpur-15

Writer : would you like to have some coffee.

Lady Guest : Yes, just an ice-cream and you?

Writer : I will have coffee.

Lady Guest : You know there is one thing I thoroughly believed in . I think, one should always get

up from a meal feeling one could eat a little more.

Writer : Are you still hungry?

Lady Guest : Oh no, Im not hungry you see. I don’t eat luncheon. I have a cup of coffee in the

morning and then dinner, but I never eat more than one thing for luncheon. I was

speaking for you.

Writer : Oh, I see

25. Rajshahi Govt. City college-15

Nipu : what’s the matter with you? You Look so happy?

Tipu : Oh, don’t ask. I’ve never expected it!

Nipu : what’s the matter? You don’t look yourself?

Tipu : Yes, I’m not Tipu! It’s because I’m so delighted!

Nipu : Surely, you’ve gone mad!

Tipu : You can’t imagine! My story in a printed paper.

Nipu : Oh, really. Now I understand.

Tipu : I’ve been eagerly waiting for this day.

Nipu : Congratulations!

Tipu : Thanks a lot. Can I read aloud?

Nipu : Oh you’re welcome!

26. Rajshahi University school & college-15 #Gaibandha Govt. College-15

Jerry : I have to go to supper now. I now. I can come again tomorrow evening.

Writer : Ill pay you now for what you’ve done. Ten cents an hour

Jerry : Anything is all right.

Writer : But you’ve done as much as a man. This is a splendid pile. You may come tomorrow

and thank you very mach.

Jerry : Ill split kindling tomorrow. Youll need kindling and medium woods and logs and


Writer : The axe handle was broken! Ill pay for it.

Jerry : But why

Writer : I broke it. I brought the axe handle down careless

Jerry : But no one hits accurately every time. The fault was in the wood of the handle. Ill see

the man from whom I bought it.

27. Rajshahi college-15 #Rajshahi Model school & college-15 # Govt. M.M. city college, Khulua-15 #Juranpur Adarsha university college, comilla-15

Della : May I come in.

Sophronie : yes please.

Della : Do you buy hair.

Sophronie : Yes I buy my hair?

Della : Will you buy my hair?

Sophronie : Take your hat off and lets have a sight at the looks of it.

Della : How much will you pay?

Sophronie : Twenty dollars.

Della : only twenty dollars!

Sophronie : Yes, that is the best I can offer.

Della : Ok give it to me Quick.

Sophronie : Here it is.

28. Armed police Battalion public school & college, Bogra-15

Myself : Good morning Rana. How are you

Rana : I am so so and you?

Myself : I am well. But Whay aren’t you completely well.

Rana : In every examination. Im cutting a sorry figure.

Myself : Whats the reason? Don’t you utilize your time properly.

Rana : I spend most of the time in watching TV.

Myself : Recreation is necessary. But spending too much time on this has no good side.

Rana : I don’t feel bored in watching TV.

Myself : But as a student, you should study more and more.

Rana : Thank you for your good advice.

Myself : welcome!

29. Qadirabad cantonment sapper College, Natore-15

Student : Sir may I come in

Principal : Please do.

Student : Sir, my elder sister is getting married next week. So I need a five day leave.

Principal : Oh congratulations.

Student : Thank you sir. You are also invited to my sisters wedding.Please do come.

Principal : I accept your invitation. Ill try my best. Now write an application for the leave in


Student : I’ve already written one sir. Here it is.


1. Dhaka Board -16

A : what’s solar energy’?

B : Its one of the renewable energy sources.

A : Why is it called ‘green energy’?

B : Well, its ‘green energy’ because it helps us keep the earth green. I mean, it doesn’t emit any pollutant in the atmosphere when we produce and use it.

A : I see, then it must be a clean source of energy.

B : Exactly. And that’s why, it’s also called clean energy.

2. Rajshahi Board-16

Husband : Can’t you cook food properly?

Wife : I cook food properly. The problem is with you.

Husband : Really. These foods are crap, they taste pathetic.

Wife : I spend time in the kitchen from morning till afternoon. I work hard. I take care of

two children at home. What do you do?

Husband : I work hard and earn money that you spend lavishly.

Wife : How dare you say that!

Husband : Well, that is the truth

3. Jessore Board -16 >Victoria Govt. College, comilla-15

Nazmul : Excuse me, where is the nearest hospital?

Arafat : It’s about 2 kilometers from here. You will have to hire a taxi. You can also go by


Nazmul : I see! is there a bus station near here?

Arafat : Yes, there is a bus stop at the corner.

Nazmul : Thank you.

Arafat : Don’t mention it.

4. Comilla Board -16

Arif : Hello! How are you, zakia?

Zakia : Fine. What about you?

Arif : Well, I was a bit sick.

Zakia : Really! what happened ?

Arif : Stomach upset. I had outside food. It troubles my stomach.

Zakia : that’s why, I always try to avoid outside food. they are unhygienic.

Arif : I’m not going to have it anymore.

Zakia : Anyway, you take care. Bye.

Arif : Bye.

5. Sylhet Board-16

Tourist : How old the edifice guide

Guide : Madame it’s a 15th century edifice

Tourist : What a wonderful edifice it is

Guide : it was built by Akbar the emperor of India.

Tourist : oh I see

Guide : Madame we should move now. The sun is about to set, it would be dark.

Tourist : isn’t the place safe?

Guide : it is. But the security does not allow any body after the sunset.

6. Barisal Board-16

Student : may I come in sir?

Principal : yes come in

Student : Good morning sir

Principal : Good morning how can I help you

Student : sir we would like to arrange a study tour

Principal : It’s a great idea Ill appreciate it submit an application to me so that I can take step in

favor of you.

Student : Ok sir, we will write an application on behalf of the students

Principal : ok, see you

Student : Thank you very much, sir

Principal : you are most welcome.

7. Joupurhat Girls’ cadet college-15

Father : You are really strong my son. Could you break this bundle of sticks.

Son : well, it is a very simple job I’ll do it within a second.

Father : Have a try

Son : sure oh, I’m quite wrong. Its stronger than I expected.

Father : Okay now try this single stick. See what you can do.

Son : pass it to me and just hear the sound!

Father : I know it’ll be easy for you. Have you learnt anything from these sticks?

Son : Learning from sticks

Father : yes, the bundle of sticks is stronger than the single stick. It teaches us the wise

Saying, united we stand, divided we fall

8. Rangpur cadet college-15

Kamal : Ive lost my watch. Have you seen it anywhere..

Nirob : No, but if I find it Ill tell you.

Kamal : It’s a gift from my father. It’s been so important for me!

Nirob : When did you lose it?

Kamal : most probably during the off period.

Nirob : Does it have a leather strap?

Kamal : Oh, yes have you seen it?

Nirob : I haven’t seen it, but I heard karim saying something about a watch with leather strap.

Kamal : what is his room number?

Nirob : Most probably Go to the first floor of the main hostel. It’s on the right side of the


Nirob : thank you so much, dear

Kamal : Your welcome.

Nirob : Best of luck.

9. Barisal cadet college-15

Kamal : Hello Jamal have you ever been to cox’s Bazar

Jamal : No I have not But I wish to go there during my next vacation

Kamal : When will your vactation start

Jamal : any time in next December either during the 1st week or 2nd week

Kamal : You see I have also not been there. Will you allow me to accompany you

Jamal : Why not I would rather love to.

10. Adamiee cantonment college, Dhaka -15 #Thakurgaon Govt. college-15

Student : my I come in sir?

Principal : Yes come in. What can I do for you?

Student : sir I was a student of Chittagong city college. Now I am seeking admission into your


Principal : Okay, What’s your name and why do you want to get admitted here?

Student : My name is Mamunur Rashid. My father is a government employee. Recently he has

been transferred here from Chittagong.

Principal : What’s you father?

Student : He is a police office.

Principal : Have you brought the Transfer Certificate of your previous College?

Student : Yes sir, here it is.

Principal : Well, Meet the head clerk and collect the form fill it carefully and come tomorrow

Along with your father, the head clerk will inform you all in detail.

Student : Thank you sir.

Principal : You are welcome.

11. Dhaka commerce College-15

Rahat : Hi Fahad. What are you doing this evening.

Fahad : Im not sure. What?

Rahat : Lets go to the cinema.

Fahad : sorry I went to see Bihongo yesterday. Id like to do something else.

Rahat : Lets go to see a different film this evening.

Fahad : Well I usually go only about once in two or there months.

Rahat : Oh you are getting old and boring man.

12. Dr. Mahbubur Rahman Mollah College, Dhaka-15

Rodela : Hello, Rahela what are you doing

Rahela : I am reading a newspaper.

Rodela : Do you read newspaper daily

Rahela : No, I don’t whats the importance of reading newspaper

Rodela : Newspaper is an indispensable part of our life. It helps us in many ways.

Rahela : Would you please tell me how it help us?

Rodela : It has removed the global distance. It gives us news about politics, economics,

Cultures, literatures, games and sports of the whole world.

Rahela : You’re right. I’m just away from so many things. So, from now on, Ill read

newspaper daily thanks for your suggestion.

Rodela : Youre welcome.

13. Milestone college, Dhaka-15

Student : May I come in sir

Teacher : Yes come in. But what are you so late?

Student : Im really sorry sir. I could not get up from bed in time.

Teacher : You are always late

Student : You are right sir. I cannot get up early. What can I do?

Teacher : You must make a habit of early rising. Don’t you know, Early to bed and early to rise

Makes a man healthy wealthy and wise.

14. B.A.F. Shaheen College, Dhaka-15

Interviewer : What are you interested in this job?

Rohan : Obviously there are two reasons creativity and relationship with my subject.

Interviewer : Have you any working experience?

Rohan : Yes I’ve two year working experience as an English teacher of a boys school.

Interviewer : what did you leave the job? What’s your idea about an ultra ambitious person.

Rohan : As its salary was irregular and insufficient I had to leave the job the person whose

ambition is very high is unhappy.

Interviewer : Do you think that your ambition is so high? Can you handle pressure?

Rohan : No, I don’t think so I work very systematically with a plan. So I never feel any


15. National Ideal College, Dhaka-15

Father : What are you doing my child?

Son : Home work father. I shall have to submit it tomorrow otherwise my teacher will

punish me.

Father : What subject is it of?

Son : English an essay on my first day at college.

Father : I can help you lf you want.

Son : No father. I have already completed it is will take half an hour more.

Father : sorry to disturb you finish your work attentively.

Son : Don’t worry father I will.

16. Shaheed Bir Uttam Lt. Anwar Girls’ College, Dhaka-15

Mitu : Let’s go to Coxs Bazar. We won’t inform our parents. It’ll be a fun!

tanu : Are you crazy? That’s impossible

Mitu : why

tanu : They’ll be very angry. Don’t you know them

Mitu : Yes, but they love us also. Theyre sure to forgive us!

tanu : No, I won’t take any risk.

Mitu : Ok, then, lets seek their permission.

tanu : Im afraid they won’t agree.

Mitu : At least we should try.

tanu : Remember it’s your idea. Not mine.

Mitu : Certainly.

17. Seddeswari Girls College, Dhaka-15

Mina : Do you want to take part in essay competition

Ripa : Yes of course. What’s the topic.

Mina : Gender Discrimination in Bangladesh. You have to write it within 200 words.

Ripa : 200 words!

Mina : Ive started drafting it already.

Ripa : I think you should note down its main sections.

Mina : Yes. What about you.

Ripa : well Ill certainly try it. When would the deadline before that?

Mina : Last working day of this month.

Ripa : Okay, Ill submit it as early as possible.

18. Lalmatia Mohila College, Dhaka-15

Assistant : Can I help you?

Customer-1 : Im looking for a maroon skirt.

Assistant : Yes thosere there. What size?

Customer-1 : Its size is twelve.

Assistant : size 12s is over there on the rack. Wait a bit please I’ll show you.

Assistant : can I help you ?

Customer-2 : No im just loking thank you.

Customer-3 : Excuse me can I try this jacket on please?

Assistant : Certainly the trial room is over there by the cash desk, try please.

Customer-3 : Thank you.

19. Govt. Bangla College, Dhaka-15 #Hamidpur Al-Hera Degree College, Jessore-15

Sara : We first met in 1960 at the cinema didn’t we?

Brian : Yes, when we arrived, the film had already begun.

Sara : I had seen before, anyway.

Brian : Really? you didn’t tell me that.

Sara : No, I wanted you to take me to the cinema the following week.

Brian : So, you had already decided like me

Sara : And then you took me to your favorite restaurant but it had closed a week before.

Brian : Oh, dear! what did we do next?

20. Begum Badrunnessa Govt. Girls’ college, Dhaka-15

Father : Son, what are you doing now?

Son : I’m studying, father?

Father : Your grandfather is in the hospital. So, you have to carry this food to the hospital.

Son : Okay, father I’ll do that.

Father : You have to look after him for the time being.

Son : No problem, father. I am going there

Father : Thank you, my son.

21. Narayanganj Govt. Mohila college-15

Lamb : Are you going to eat me?

Wolf : Yes, at any cost!

Lamb : But, can you please wait for some more time?

Wolf : why?

Lamb : I’ve just eaten a lot of grass and my stomach is filled with grass.

Wolf : so what?

Lamb : If you eat me now, you will feel like eating grass.

Wolf : Oh, now I understand, No problem, I’ll wait.

Lamb : Wait and see my dance. It’ll digest the grass.

Wolf : You’re here before me and I can wait for some time!

Lamb : Oh, that’s great!

22. Abdul Kadir Mollah city college, Narsingdi-15

Checker : Welcome. Please, can I see your tickets?

Mr. Imran : Yes. Here they are.

Checker : Do you both have your passports with you?

Mr. Imran : Yes. Here they are.

Checker : Now I’ll be going to ask some questions. Just answer with a simple ‘yes’ or a ‘no.’]

Mr. Imran : Ok. no problem.

Checker : Do you’ve any weapon of flammable material in your possession?

Mr. Imran : No

Checker : That’s good. I’m placing you two in 21A and 21B. The gate number is A You can

Start boarding the plane in 30 minutes and the plane will take off at 415 O’clock.

23. Shaheed syed Nazrul Islam College, Mymensingh-15

Nipa : I emailed you my term paper last week. Have you had a chance to look at it?

Tandra : Of course, and I think it’s good. I’d say your first two sections are alright. I wouldn’t

suggest that you change anything there, but you need to work on section three.

Nipa : Yeah, I was thinking that section looked a bit short.

Tandra : Oh, yes, earlier I mentioned a couple of writers, didn’t I?

Nipa : Yes, yes did, but I couldn’t manage those books. “The bookshop said they are out of

print and the library doesn’t have a copy of them.”

Tandra : I’m afraid. I’ve lent my copies Natasha.

Nipa : No problem. I’ll manage them from her.

Tandra : That’s what I’d do if I were you.

24. Agricultural University College, Mymensingh-15

Student : May I come in, sir ?

Teacher : Come in. Why are you late today?

Student : Suddenly, my father got sick in the morning. We admitted him into a hospital.

Teacher : What’s his problem?

Student : He has been suffering from cold and fever. He is attacked with dengue fever

Teacher : Go to your seat

Student : Thank you, sir

25. Sherpur Govt. college-15 #Rajendrapur cantonment public school & college, Gazipur-15 #Chandpur Govt. college-15 #Comilla Govt. college-15 #Dinajpur Govt. College-15 #Govt. Ashek Mahmud college, Jamalpur-15

Writer : Would you like to have some coffee?

Lady Guest : Yes, just an ice-cream and coffee, you?

Writer : I’ll have coffee.

Lady Guest : You know, there’s one thing I thoroughly believed in . I think, one should always get

up from a meal feeling one could eat a little more.

Writer : Are you still hungry?

Lady Guest : Oh! no, I’m not hungry, you see, I don’t eat luncheon. I have a cup of coffee in the

morning and then dinner, but I never eat more than one thing for luncheon. I was

speaking for you.

Writer : Oh! I see

26. Rajshahi Govt. City college-15

Nipu : What’s the matter with you? You look so happy!

Tipu : Oh! don’t ask. I’ve never expected it.

Nipu : what’s the matter? You don’t look yourself?

Tipu : Yes, I’m not Tipu. It’s because I’m so delighted.

Nipu : Surely, you’ve gone mad.

Tipu : You can’t imagine. my story is in a printed paper.

Nipu : Oh, really! Now I understand.

Tipu : I’ve been eagerly waiting for this day.

Nipu : Congratulations!

Tipu : Thanks a lot. Can I read aloud?

Nipu : Oh, you’re welcome!

27. Rajshahi University school & college-15 #Gaibandha Govt. College-15

Jerry : I have to go to supper now. I can come again tomorrow evening.

Writer : I’ll pay you now for what you’ve done. Ten cents an hour

Jerry : Anything is all right.

Writer : But you’ve done as much as a man. This is a splendid pile. You may come tomorrow

and thank you very mach.

Jerry : I’ll split kindling tomorrow. You’ll need kindling and medium woods and logs and backlogs.

Writer : The axe handle was broken! I’ll pay for it.

Jerry : But why?

Writer : I broke it. I brought the axe handle down careless

Jerry : But no one hits accurately every time. The fault was in the wood of the handle. I’ll

see the man from whom I bought it.

28. Rajshahi college-15 #Rajshahi Model school & college-15 # Govt. M.M. city college, Khulua-15 #Juranpur Adarsha university college, comilla-15

Della : May I come in?

Sophronie : Yes, please.

Della : Do you buy hair?

Sophronie : Yes, I buy my hair?

Della : Will you buy my hair?

Sophronie : Take your hat off and let’s have a sight at the looks of it.

Della : How much will you pay?

Sophronie : Twenty dollars.

Della : Only twenty dollars!

Sophronie : Yes, that’s the best I can offer.

Della : Ok, give it to me Quick!

Sophronie : Here it is.

29. Armed police Battalion public school & college, Bogra-15

Myself : Good morning, Rana. How are you?

Rana : I am so so. And you?

Myself : I am well. But why aren’t you completely well?

Rana : In every examination. I’m cutting a sorry figure.

Myself : What’s the reason? Don’t you utilize your time properly?

Rana : I spend most of the time in watching TV.

Myself : Recreation is necessary. But spending too much time on this has no good side.

Rana : I don’t feel bored in watching TV.

Myself : But as a student, you should study more and more.

Rana : Thank you for your good advice.

Myself : welcome!

30. Qadirabad cantonment sapper College, Natore-15

Student : Sir, may I come in?

Principal : Please do.

Student : Sir, my elder sister is getting married next week. So, I need a five days’ leave.

Principal : Oh! congratulations.

Student : Thank you sir. You are also invited to my sister’s wedding. Please do come.

Principal : I accept your invitation. I’ll try my best. Now write an application for the leave in


Student : I’ve already written one, sir. Here it is.


1. Write an application to the Principal of your college requesting him/her to set up an ‘English Debating Club’ at your college.

2. Write an application to your Principal requesting him to supply an English newspaper for your common room.

3. Write an application to the Principal of your college seeking permission to stage a drama in the college auditorium.

4. Write an application to the principal of your college requesting him/her not to allow any student or teacher to use cell phone in the classroom or in the examination hall.

5. Write an application to the Principal of your college requesting him to improve the facilities in the college library.

6. Imagine, your name is Shakil. You are studying in ‘Y’ Model College, Sylhet. Your father, who is a government officer, has recently been transferred to Comilla. Your family will move there soon. But you want to continue your studies in this college till the HSC exam is over. Now, write an application to the Principal of your college for a seat in the college hostel.

7. Suppose you are Ratul. You are a student of of class XI of K G College. You have a common room without inodern facilities. Now, write an application to your Principal for increasing facilities in the college common room.

Or, Write an application to the principal of your college for the improvement of your college common room.

8. Suppose you are the students of Daulatpur Govt College. You want to arrange a study tour. Now write an application to your Principal for his permission.

9. Write an application to the Principal of your college for a transfer certificate.

10. Suppose, you are a student of Dinajpur Government College. The overall result of your college is excellent. You have a good science laboratory. But your college has not yet held any inter-college science fair. Now write an application nto your Principal, on behalf of all the students of the college, seeking permission to hold a day’s science fair on the college ground.

11. Suppose, you want to get yourselves well prepared for your HSC Examination. Now write an application to your Principal praying for holding coaching classes.

12. Suppose, you are Moin/Meena and you have passed B.A. (Hon's). M.A. (English). You have seen a vacancy advertisement for the position of an English Teacher in X High School. Dhaka. Now, write a CV with a cover letter for the post.

1. Write an application to the Principal of your college requesting him/her to set up an ‘English Debating Club’ at your college.

13 May 2016

The Principal

Motijheel Model College


Subject: Application for setting up an English debating club.

Dear Sir,

This is to inform you that we, the students of your college, are keenly interested to set up an English debating club in our college. It can give us an opportunity to expose our latent talent. Moreover, a debating club can prepare us to take part in different debating contests like National TV Debating Competition. That is why, we need to organize an English debating club in our college. Our English teacher, Mr Arif Ahmed, has kindly consented to guide us.

We, therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly take immediate steps to organize an English debating club in our college and oblige thereby.

Sincerely yours,

Ferdous Khan

Roll-3, Class-XII

On behalf of the students of

Motijheel Model College.

2. Write an application to your Principal requesting him to supply an English newspaper for your common room.


February 5, 2016

The Principal

Mymensingh Zilla School and College


Subject: Application for supplying an English newspaper for the common room.


We, the students of your college, lay the fact before you that there is no English newspaper in our common room. It is sure that reading English newspaper helps learners to be skilled in English. That is why, we need an English newspaper in our common room.

We, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to allot at English newspaper for our common room and oblige us thereby.

We reamin


Yours sincerely,

The students of Mymensingh Zilla School and College

3. Write an application to the Principal of your college seeking permission to stage a drama in the college auditorium.


May 30, 2016

The Principal

Dhaka City Coolege


Subject: Application for permission to stage a drama.


We, the students of your college, like to inform you that we are interested to stage a drama in our college auditorium on July 05 at 5.00 pm. The drama is Hoimonti which will be performed by the students of class XII. It will certainly help us improve our creativity. We have already talked about it with our cultural teacher. Now, we need your permission.

We, therefore, hope that you would be kind enough to permit us to stage the drama in the college auditorium and oblige us thereby.

Yours sincerely,

Sakib Hasan

On behalf of the students of Dhaka City college.

4. Write an application to the principal of your college requesting him/her not to allow any student or teacher to use cell phone in the classroom or in the examination hall.

11 April, 2016

The principal

Holy Cross College

Farmgate, Dhaka

Subject: Application for the prohibition of cell phone in the classroom and in the examination hall.

Dear sir

With due respect, I would like to inform you that the students as well as the teachers very often use their cell phone in the classroom and even in the examination hall. It literally disturbs the smooth learning environment to a great extent. The use of cell phone in the classroom and in the examination hall must be stopped.

Yours sincerely,

Tanzila Tarita Anika

Roll no 3, Class XII

5. Write an application to the Principal of your college requesting him to improve the facilities in the college library.

27 January 2016

The Principal

Pioneer College


Subject: Application for enhancing library facilities.

Dear Sir

I, on behalf of the students of our college would like to draw your attention to the fact that the library facilities in our college is not sufficient. The number of books in the library, accommodation, library hours, etc cannot serve the students well. For the greatest benefit of the students more books are required in the library. Again accommodation inside the library and library hours need to be increased because we are going to sit for HSC Examination soon for which we are to study more at present. Your kind consideration and cooperation in this respect will help us make good results in our HSC Exam.

I remain


Yours sincerely,


Class-XII, Roll-02

6. Imagine, your name is Shakil. You are studying in ‘Y’ Model College, Sylhet. Your father, who is a government officer, has recently been transferred to Comilla. Your family will move there soon. But you want to continue your studies in this college till the HSC exam is over. Now, write an application to the Principal of your college for a seat in the college hostel.

15 March 2016

The Principal

‘Y’ Model College, Sylhet.

Subject: Application for a seat in the college hostel.


With due respect I would like to inform you that I am a student of Class XII, in your college.


My father is a government officer and he has recently been transferred to Comilla. Our family is going to be shifted there soon. But I want to continue my study in your college till my HSC Examination. Now, my problem is that I have no place to live in Sylhet. So, I am badly in need of a seat in the college hostel. If I do not get a seat, I have to leave your college, which would greatly hamper my studies.

Therefore, I hope and pray that you would kindly allot me a seat in the college hostel and oblige thereby.

Yours sincerely pupil,

Shakil Ahmed

Roll no 3, Class XII

‘Y’ Model College, Sylhet

7. Suppose you are Ratul. You are a student of of class XI of K G College. You have a common room without inodern facilities. Now, write an application to your Principal for increasing facilities in the college common room.

Or, Write an application to the principal of your college for the improvement of your college common room.

01 January 2016

The Principal

B.A.F Shaheen College, Dhaka

Subject: Application for the improvement of common room


We, the students of your college, would like to draw your kind attention to the fact that we have a common room but this is furnished at all. This room cannot provide us enough facilities for recreation. The room is so small that only a few students can sit there at a time. Benches and chairs are not sufficient. There is no English daily here. Game articles are not sufficient. Many students loiter here and there without having proper facilities in the common room. So, the improvement of the common room is badly needed.

We, therefore, request you to take necessary steps for the improvement of our college common room.

Yours obediently

The students of

B.A.F. Shahen College

8. Suppose you are the students of Daulatpur Govt College. You want to arrange a study tour. Now write an application to your Principal for his permission.

01 January 2016

The Principal

Daulatpur Govt College


Subject: Application for permission for a study tour.

Dear Sir

We, the students of class XII, have undertaken a programme to visit Rangamati as a study tour during the next winter vacation. This type of visit is very important in many ways. We would be able to know many things about the life and culture of the tribal people. Well would also be able to know about the Kaptai Hydro-electric Project. Moreover, we would enjoy the scenic beauty of the Hill Tracts. This would enrich our knowledge as well as refresh our mind. The tour would be conducted by our English teacher and there would be around 20sudents of our class. We need your permission in this respect. The total cost would be 20 thousand taka. We have managed 10 thousand taka from our subscription. We need 10 thousand taka more.

Yours sincerely,

Kawsar Rashid

Roll no 4

On behalf of the students of class XII

9. Write an application to the Principal of your college for a transfer certificate.

21 April 2016

The Principal

QCS College


Subject: Application for a transfer certificate.

Dear Sir

I would like to inform you that I am a student of Class XII of your college. My father who is a government officer has been transferred to Dhaka from Natore. My family has already been shifted to Dhaka. My father also wishes to take me with him. So I need a transfer certificate to get myself admitted into a college in Dhaka.

Therefore, I would request you to kindly issue me a transfer certificate before long and oblige thereby.

Sincerely yours,

Ariful Islam

Class-XII, Group-Science, Roll No-10

10. Suppose, you are a student of Dinajpur Government College. The overall result of your college is excellent. You have a good science laboratory. But your college has not yet held any inter-college science fair. Now write an application nto your Principal, on behalf of all the students of the college, seeking permission to hold a day’s science fair on the college ground.

03 March 2016

The Principal

Dinajpur Government College


Subject: Seeking permission to hold a day’s science fair.


I have the honour to submit the following request in the hope that you will be so good as to consider it favourably.

This is the age of science. No progress is possible without the progress of science. There are many students of science in our college. Our college has a good science laboratory. But it is a matter of great regret that our college has not yet held any inter college science fair. So, a science fair can meet the curisoty of the students. No, we seek your permission to hold a day’s fair on our college ground.

I, therefore, hope that you would be kind enough to permit us to hold a day’s inter college science fair on the college ground.

Yours sincerely,

Arjun Bala

On behalf of the students of

Dinajpur Government College, Dinajpur

11. Suppose, you want to get yourselves well prepared for your HSC Examination. Now write an application to your Principal praying for holding coaching classes.

20 January 2016

The Principal

Narail Govt College


Subject: Application for holding coaching classes for the upcoming HSC Examination.


We, the students of class XII of your college, beg to state that our HSC examination is only three months away. Our preparation for all the subjects is not yet fulfilled. Our college has the best record of producing good results in all the years in our district. This year also we want to be at the top. For this we need good preparation. Extra coaching classes, if conducted, in our college will be of great help for the HSC examinees.

Therefore, we pray and hope that you would be kind enough to arrange coaching classes for all the subjects. If so, we can keep up the honour of our college.

Yours faithfully

Arif Jawad

On behalf of the students of Class XII

12. Suppose, you are Moin/Meena and you have passed B.A. (Hon's). M.A. (English). You have seen a vacancy advertisement for the position of an English Teacher in X High School. Dhaka. Now, write a CV with a cover letter for the post.

Cover Letter

Moin Ahmed

7/A, Bonani


October 22, 2014

The Headmaster

Ideal Preparatory School


Subject: Application for the post of an Assistant Teacher in English.

Dear Sir,

In response to your advertisement published in The Daily Ittefaq on 15th October 2014, I would like to apply for the post of Assistant Teacher in English in your reputed School. Actually I am looking for this type of job and I believe that your will find me a suitable candidate for this post. My CV is enclosed with the letter.

I look forward to hearing from you and hope that you would be kind enough to call me for an interview.

Yours sincerely

Moin Ahmed

Encs. CV

Curriculum Vitae

Moin Ahmed

7/A, Bonani, Dhaka

Mobile: 01234567890

E-mail moin.ahmed@

Personal Details:

Father's Name : Md. Aziz Ahmed

Mother's Name : Rokeya Begum

Date of birth : 02 May 1987

Permanent Address : College para, Brahmanbaria Sadar, Brahmanbaria.

Marital Status : Unmarried

Nationality : Bangladeshi

Religion : Islam

Blood Group : O- Positive

Career Objective:

To work hard in an organization with full determination and dedication to achieve organizational as well as personal goals.


2010 M.A. English

University of Dhaka

GPA- 3.00 out of 4.00

2009 B.A. (Hon's) in English

University of Dhaka

GPA- 3.00 out of 4.00

2005 HSC

Dhaka City College

Group- Humanities


2003 SSC

Dhanmondi Govt. Boys High School

Group- Humanities

GPA- 5.00

Experience: Have been working as an English teacher in Cambrian School & College since February 10, 2011.

Computer Skill: Completed computer course on MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint and Mail/Internet.

Language Skill: Fluent in Bangla, English and Hindi. Excellent at written and spoken English.

Interest: Reading books and newspapers, watching movie, travelling, playing cricket.


|( Abdul Karim |( Md. Salauddin Mia |

|Professor |Associate Professor |

|Department of English |Department of English |

|University of Dhaka |University of Dhaka |

|Phone: 01234567890 |Phone: 0123457890 |

Report Writing:

1. Suppose you are a reporter of a famous T.V channel. You have experienced an unexpected fire on a garment factory. Write a report on it.

2. Suppose, you are a reporter of a reputed daily. You have interviewed a number of common people recently about the price hike of day-by-day commodities. Now, write a report on your interview.

3. Suppose, you are a reporter of ‘The Daily People’. Recently the college teachers and students of your town formed a human chain to protest against Eve-teasing. Now, write report based on your observation.

4. You are Sumon, You are the reporter of “The Daily Observer’. You had the experience of a terrible road accident yesterday that took a toll of five lives. Now, write a short report on that road accident.

5. You are a reporter of a reputed daily. Suppose, your city was rocked by an earth quake. Now, write a report on it.

6. Write a report on the problem of traffic jam in your locality bringing out the causes, effects and possible solutions.

7. Write a report on the devastating consequences of drug addiction in the context of Bangladesh.

8. Suppose, you are a reporter of ‘The Daily Star’. Prepare a report on the lamentable.

9. Suppose, you are a reporter of a daily newspaper. Write a report on “A village fair” you have recently visited.

10. You are a reporter of ‘The Daily Observer’. You were assigned to cover the month long Bangla Academy Ekushey Book Fair. Yesterday the fair ended. Now, write a report on the fair.

Report Writing:

1. Suppose you are a reporter of a famous T.V channel. You have experienced an unexpected fire on a garment factory. Write a report on it.

Garment Factory on Fire:

Staff reporter, Dhaka, 15 July, 2015: A devastating fire gutted Apex Garments, a large readymade garments factory at Savar at about 5 a.m. on last Monday. The fire was supposed to be caused from the sudden outbreak of fire from electric short circuit. Lack of sufficient fire extinguishers and presence of burnables like fabric and chemicals worsened the fire. According to factory to factory sources, readymade garments of about 2 crore taka, 570 sewing machines and almost all the burnables inside the factory burnt to ashes. As the fire broke out early in the morning, factory workers and other officials were not present there. However, 13 security personnels received serious burning injury and two among them succumbed to their injuries.

Fire Brigade appeared at the spot at about 7 a.m. But it was too late. Fire engulfed the seven storied factory completely and took too terrible a turn to save the valuables. Yet the fire fighters tried their best and managed to extinguish the fire by 10 a.m. A case has been field with Saver Police Station in this connection and a three member committee has been formed for thorough investigation. The committee is supposed to submit its investigation report within 48 hours.

2. Suppose, you are a reporter of a reputed daily. You have interviewed a number of common people recently about the price hike of day-by-day commodities. Now, write a report on your interview.

Price hike: Indescribable Sufferings of People:

Homna, Comilla, 6 June 2015: The people of Homna are suffering seriously due to unusual increase in prices of daily necessaries. The prices of essential commodities have gone beyond the capacity of the poor and fixed income people.

It is found in the local markets that rice sells 38-46 taka. per kg, flour 35, soyabean oil 100 and onion tk 40 per kg. Price of all other daily necessaries have been found to increase in the same way. It is learnt from the customers and retailers that market syndicate is mostly responsible for this price hike. Besides, some dishonest people store essential commodities with a view to making huge profit. This causes a sharp decrease in the supply in the market which contributes to increase in price.

UNO, Homna, Sayma Younus said this correspondent that price hike at Homna is nothing new. The whole country is suffering from high prices of commodities due to increase of prices in the international market and money inflation at national level. “Yet we are alert to check any tampering in the market”— she added.

Most of the common people do not agree with the UNO. “These are lame excuses. We just want to have the prices within our reach. We just want to survive,” said Humayun Kabir, a retired primary school teacher of the locality

3. Suppose, you are a reporter of ‘The Daily People’. Recently the college teachers and students of your town formed a human chain to protest against Eve-teasing. Now, write report based on your observation.

Another Victim of Eve-teasing: Human Chain in Protest

Sumon, staff correspondent, Comilla, 11 Jun 2016: Eave-teasing victimized a college girl Sham Sohani Mou (16) here at Mughaltoli in the town yesterday at about 11:30 am. With this, death toll around the country due to Eve-teasing reached to 19. The victim, a 1st year student of Rajshahi College, had been irritated by her 24 year old neighbor Zakir for several months, according to her family sources.

Yesterday while she was on her way to college, Himel along with some of his friends blocked her way and made suggestive remarks. As she protested they pulled her scarf off and slapped her on the face. No one around dared to come and help her from fear of teasers. Mou could not tolerate such insult and so returning home she committed suicide with her scarf tied to the ceiling fan in her room. When the news of her suicide came out, all the students and teachers of the colleges of the town came out on the roads. They formed a long human chain from Shashan Gacha to Mughaltoli in protest of Eve-teasing. When asked, a protester Kibria said, this correspondent, “We earnestly hope, this human chain will create public awareness against Eve-teasing.

Later, the students and teachers gathered in the town hall field. The gathering was addressed by Principal, Victoria Govt. College, Principal. Ajit Guha College and some other student leaders. They all demanded exemplary punishment of Zakir and his friends. Police Super, Rajshahi Abdul Quaiyum Said, “The miscreants will be brought to trial at any cost.” A case has been reported to be field with Sadar Thana in this regard.

4. You are Sumon, You are the reporter of “The Daily Observer’. You had the experience of a terrible road accident yesterday that took a toll of five lives. Now, write a short report on that road accident.

Road Accident Took Five Lives on Rjshahi-Dhaka Highway

Sumon, Staff reporter Rajshahi, 9 Jun 2016:A terrible road accident near Jamuna Bridge on the Rajshahi-Dhaka Highway took five lives yesterday at about 4:30 pm. All the victims were the passengers of a taxi.

Desha, a Rajshahi bound luxury coach (A-34734) was running swiftly. A taxi (G-9083) was coming from the opposite direction at a high speed. The driver was driving recklessly. Suddenly it moved to the wrong side and collided with the bus. The bus somehow escaped almost unhurt because it was heavy and strong. But the taxi turned into a pile of broken steal in the twinkling of an eye. There were a young man, two women and two children on board of the taxi. All the passengers of the taxi died on the spot. But the driver of the taxi was saved miraculously. At the very moment of the collision, he jumped out of the taxi and could manage to escape almost unhurt.

A case was filed with Bashudev Thana in this regard. The dead bodies were sent to Rajshahi Medical College Hospital for autopsy.

5. You are a reporter of a reputed daily. Suppose, your city was rocked by an earth quake. Now, write a report on it.

Dhaka Rocked by Quake

Staff reporter, Dhaka, 18 march, 2016: A medium scale earthquake rocked Dhaka city and some other parts of the country last night at 11:35 pm. It lasted for 7 seconds. According to the National Seismological Institute, the intensity of the quake was 5.6 in the rickhter scale. The centre of the quake was detected to be in Myanmar some 240 kilometers from Dhaka.

The quack created a serious panic among the city dwellers and the people of the affected places in other parts of the country. Many people jumped off the building and hurt themselves. A number of buildings in old Dhaka have been reported to experience cracks. Police and Fire Bridge have evacuated those buildings.

About 50 people around the country have been reported to receive injury. However, no report of death has yet been received. It was the third quake the country experienced this month. Some director of the NSI, Dr, Hasan said this reporter, “The concern should not be amplified, because although there are a number of fault liner in the geographical area comprising Bangladesh none of them is active enough to pose a major threat.”

6. Write a report on the problem of traffic jam in your locality bringing out the causes, effects and possible solutions.

Serious Traffic Jam in Old Dhaka

Staff correspondent, 12 April 2016:Serious traffic jam has crippled life in Old Dhaka during the recent times. Especially in the pick hours, traffic jam becomes intolerable.

With the growth of population in the mega city, all kinds of transports including mechanized and non-mechanized vehicles have increased tremendously. This is the main cause of traffic jam here. The other causes of traffic jam include narrow roads and violation of traffic rules. During traffic jam people have to suffer seriously. Getting stuck into a traffic jam people especially the students and the service holders feel much helpless and frustrated. They cannot attend their respective fields in time. The patients carried in the ambulances to the hospitals and clinics are the worst sufferers of this. Above all, traffic jam causes serious harm to trade and commerce and industrial production. Experts suggest some steps to minimize traffic jam. These include widening roads, controlling the growth of non-mechanized vehicles, construction of fly-over and creating awareness among the people so that they are inspired to follow the traffic rules. Old Dhaka is the heart of the country considering its large volume of trade and commerce. To save this Dhaka, the conscious people want the concerted efforts of the concerned authority.

7. Write a report on the devastating consequences of drug addiction in the context of Bangladesh.

Consequences of Drug Addiction: Bangladesh Context

Staff correspondent, Dhaka, 22 February, 2016: Drug addiction especially among the youngsters of our country is rising alarmingly which, experts fear, will bring about devastating consequences for Bangladesh.

Youths are taking drugs being frustrated or simply out of fashion. But once they start taking drugs, they become addicted and cannot come out of the circle easily. But this addiction is creating a lot of problems. Drugs are usually costly. So, to manage drugs, youngsters are getting involved in different crimes including hijacking. As a result, peace and prosperity in the society is getting barred. On the other hand, drugs destroy the physical and mental soundness of the users. So, gradually the drug addicts become burden for their family and for the country in course of time. So, we should not let the bright future of our near and dears to be ruined into darkness. The govt. as well as the entire conscious people should take a concerted effort to save our youngsters forms the cruel claws of drug addiction.

8. Suppose, you are a reporter of ‘The Daily Star’. Prepare a report on the lamentable.

The Deplorable Condition of a Slum

Rustom Ali, Staff Reporter Dhaka, 29 May 2016: Many slums can be found in different parts of Dhaka city. Kamalapur slum is one of them. It is beside the Kamlapur railway station. It is a large slum. Most of the houses are tin-shed. Even some houses are without any roof. They are leading miserable lives. The living conditions of the dwellers of this slum are very unhygienic. Their dwelling place is so dirty that they always suffer from various kinds of diseases. They do not get any nutritious and hygienic food and pure drinking water is not available to them. As a result, they are being affected with various kinds of fatal diseases like diarrhea, dysentery, cholera, tuberculosis, jaundice and typhoid. The children suffer from malnutrition. Most of them die premature death Rubbish and human waste around the slum is a common scene. While crossing the slum, a passer-by has to use his handkerchief on his nose as stink comes out from it. There may be a question how they live in such an inhuman condition. Different kinds of crimes are also committed here. Sometimes culprits hide themselves here. Few slum dwellers also take drug. It is seen that they are not aware of their condition. It seems that they are responsible for their misery. They are also responsible for polluting the environment by doing unwise things. They leave stool and urinate here and there. They never think of sending their children to the school. So consciousness about cleanliness and their miserable condition should be created among them.

9. Suppose, you are a reporter of a daily newspaper. Write a report on “A village fair” you have recently visited.

A Village Fair Held at Sreemoddi Kalibari

Anis, Staff reporter Homna, Rajshahi, 3 January 2016: A grand village fair was held last Friday at Srremoddi Kalibari premises under a large banyan tree on the bank of the mighty river Jamuna. It was held on the occasion of the Pahela Baishakh, the Bengali New Year’s Day. This fair is held every year on the Pahela Baishakh. Therefore it is also called a Baishakhi Mela. It is a very great fait in Homna Upazilla. The fair held on last Friday broke the past records. Hundreds and thousands of villagers from far and wide attended the fair that continued from morning till evening. The main attractions of the fair included Nagor Dola, Magic Show, Jarigan, Kabigan, Baulgan and sale of local handicrafts. People of different professions were found to bring their own handmade articles for sale. The shopkeepers sitting in rows, displayed their articles in an attractive atmosphere. Clothes, toys, cheap ornaments, cosmetics, fancy goods, utensils, bamboo-made articles and many other attractive things were placed there. UNO, Homna with other govt. officials visited the fair and talked to the visitors. She also stressed the need for such a fair that focuses on our Bengali culture and heritage.

Sufficient police personnel were engaged in ensuring security and maintaining law and order. So, no unexpected incident occurred on the occasion.

10. You are a reporter of ‘The Daily Observer’. You were assigned to cover the month long Bangla Academy Ekushey Book Fair. Yesterday the fair ended. Now, write a report on the fair.

Ekushey Book Fair Ended:

Staff reporter, Dhaka 29 February, 2016: The month long Bangla Academy Ekushey Book Fair ended yesterday with a huge gathering of the book lovers. According to the Book Fair Information centre, this year the setting of books worth more than 20 million taka is a record of the year.

The Ekushey Book Fair is the greatest of all fairs in our country. The book lovers remain waiting for this great fair. The Bangla Academy arranged the fair every year at its premises. This year the authority of the academy has taken a member of precautionary steps to make the fair successful. Traditionally, the Prime Minister inaugurated the fair on the first day of February. At her inauguration speech she urged people present in the fair to buy and read books more and to build up a society based on knowledge and justice. A total of 246 book-stalls of different publishers joined the fair. Besides, there were some stalls that sold snacks and soft drinks. The stall in which the books published by the Academy itself are sold in reasonable price. Various types of reference books especially dictionaries on various languages and research books are a year-long attraction to the book lovers. There is a separate shelf for the children among the books displayed and sold in the stalls there were novels, essays, critiques, comics, juvenile literature and so on. A total of 593 new books were published on the occasion of the fair.

Throughout the month there was a crowd of book lovers in the fair compound. This year, a lot of young children and teenager visited the fair. Prominent writers of the country also paid their visit to the fair frequently. Whenever such a personality appeared at the fair, the autograph hunters gathered around to collect autograph. There was also an arrangement of a month long cultural function and discussion at one side of the fair ground where prominent artists performed. Police and RAB personnel maintained the law and order situation and hence no hazards were reported.


1. My Favourite English Teacher

2. Load-shedding

3. Visiting a Book Fair

4. Global Warming

5. Environment Pollution

6. The Village Life and the Country Life

7. Globalisation

8. Internet

9. E-mail

10. Drug Addiction

11. Our College Library

12. Natural Calamities in Bangladesh

My Favourite English Teacher

Teacher are conscience of a nation. A teacher is an asset to the country. He is indispensable for any educational institution. English is my favourite subject. So I feel a great attraction for English classes. In my student life, I have come across many teachers. Of them all, M. Raju is my favourite teacher. He is a lecturer in English. He is B.A (Hon's), M.A in English. He is a man of letters with profound knowledge in English literature and language. His teaching style is so much attractive and effective that when he takes class all students listen to him with rapt attention. He makes the lesson very attractive and interesting. He maintains amiable relation with all students. I enjoy the class because of his personality also. He is a man of principle with an elevated character. He is very sincere punctual and honest. He is very patient and always wears a smiling face. He motivates students to learn English. He always tries to develop our creativity. He inspires us to develop our vocabulary so that we can speak English fluently and write English off-hand. He helps the backward students very much. He takes some extra-classes for them. He is also interested in co-curricular activities. He always encourages us to learn new things. So, I find him different from others. He is an ideal teacher. Because of all his extraordinary qualities, he is my favourite teacher. If I ever miss his class, I consider it as a great loss. I wish to be a teacher like him as it is a noble profession.


Electricity is the driving force of modern civilization. Load-shedding means the suspension of the supply of electricity for a certain period. It has become a regular affair in our country. It frequently occurs in the pick hours of the day, especially during evening. Load-shedding is caused for various reasons. The insufficient production of electricity in our country is the main cause of load-shedding. Misuse of electricity is the another cause of load-shedding. Illegal connection of electricity is also responsible for load-shedding. On the other hand, government is not sincere to produce electricity in proportion to our demand. Lack of electricity means lack production. So due to load-shedding, production in mills and factories is decreasing to a great extent. Fresh food taken in the refrigerator gets rotten. It plunges the city or part of it into darkness. Load-shedding at nigh encourages the miscreants to increase their violent works. It also disturbs the study of the students. In fact, students, patients and the industrial sector are the worst sufferers of load-shedding. After all, load-shedding affects the economy of our country. So our government should establish more power houses to solve this problem. Illegal connection and system loss should also be stopped. Besides, we have to be conscious about the misuse of electricity.

Visiting a Book Fair

Last Friday, I had an opportunity to pay a visit to the book fair arranged at the Bangla Academy premises in premises in remembrance of the valiant sons of the soil who sacrificed their lives for the rights of speaking in their mother language. I am fond of collecting books. With a view to collecting some books, I went there. There were many book stalls displaying and selling books on various subjects. A large number of books like fiction, plays, poetry, children’s books and adventure books were displayed there. I observed many of them and bought a few. Besides, many literary figures of the country flocked there and added to the glamour of the fair. In the afternoon, a discussion meeting was held in which the sacrifice of the language heroes was focused. This meeting was followed by a musical show in which some famous artists charmed the audiences with melodious folk songs. The songs left a soothing effect on the audience for a time. For a while, I also got nostalgic forgetting the hard realities of life.

Global Warming

Global warming, the rise temperature around the world, has some causes and effects. The main reason of this global warming is the huge amount of carbon resulting from environmental pollution. Again the destruction of forests adds to this problem. The growth of industries, increasing number of vehicles and the use of CFCs in manufacturing and packaging industries are also the causes of the rice of temperature in the atmosphere. This increase in the world’s temperature has some fatal consequences on humans, animals and plants. The increased amount of heat will melt the huge ice of the polar ice-caps and thereby, the sea level will rise. Then the salty water of the sea will mix with the river water and will come into the farmlands. Then the fertility of the lands will be lost and man’s ability to grow crops will be reduced. Furthermore the lower regions of the world including the coastal areas of Bangladesh will go under water. Again, if the temperature rise continues, many of the species of animals will become extinct for ever, So, effective measures must be taken to prevent global warming. Planting more trees and expansion of forestation programmers can go a long way to tackle the situation. Using environment-friendly machines and avoiding the use of CFCs can also reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Taking all these steps, we could prevent global warming so that we can make our life danger-free.

Environment Pollution

The elements of our surroundings such as air, water, soil, weather, climate, etc. all make up our environment . If the natural relation among these elements is disturbed, the ecological balance is hampered and this is termed environmental pollution. Our environment is polluted in many ways. Man makes fire for various purposes. This fire produces smoke and smoke pollutes air. Again railway engines, mills, factories, buses, cars and trucks also emit smoke and cause air pollution. Water, another vital element of environment, is also polluted for various reasons. Chemical fertilizers and insecticides, filth and waste products of mills and factories are responsible for water pollution. Again, steamers, launches and even boats throw waste into in the rivers and pollute water. Further, the hornes of vehicles and sound of the machines of mills and factories cause sound pollution. All these types of pollution have harmful effects on humans, animals and plant. Air pollution causes different respiratory diseases and water pollution causes water-borne diseases. Sound pollution affects the capacity of our hearing. Again pollution causes ecological imbalance that brings about different types of disasters. So, we should keep the environment pollution-free so that we can ensure a safe abode for ourselves and the generation to come.

The Village Life and the Country Life

From the beginning of human civilization, human beings began to form societies and started residing in villages. With the passage of time, man formed cities. The city life and country life are different in advantages and disadvantages. Village life is natural and people in the village lead a very simple life. The villagers wake up from sleep in the morning hearing the melodious songs of birds. The sun shines brightly on the streams and fields and the flowers adorn nature. But city life is very artificial. It is full of din and bustle. There, people lead a very artificial life. They wake up from sleep hearing the sound of machines and vehicles. Yet, the city has some advantages that are absent in the villages. Good schools and colleges, specialized doctors and modern hospitals and the scope of earning are some of the advantages that are available in the cities. On the other hand, disease, hunger and poverty are very common in the villages. Furthermore, and made recreational facilities are available in the cities but in the villages, people can get pleasure walking in the midst of nature. Thus city life and village life are different in many respects.


Globalisation basically refers to expansion of trade and commerce between all countries but now it has encompassed many other spheres of life. People can now travel anywhere facing fewer immigration barriers and can communicate with anyone staying anywhere within seconds. People of the world have come so close to each other that they live like families of a global village. They are like next-door neighbours. Globalisation has helped capitalist countries by providing a global market while people of the developing countries are getting jobs in these countries. Latest information technology and improved transport have made the process of globalization faster. Globalization has many advantages. People can easily reach out for help and co-operation from people all over the world. They can learn about latest scientific, medical and technological progress in any part of the world and avail of these facilities. They can work together for a better world. On the other hand, many people believe that globalization is a threat to national cultural identity, because different cultures are interacting and creating a global culture although it is not and unmixed blessing. If globalization is compared to a ship, the developed countries are on the upper deck while the underdeveloped ones are on the lower deck with extremely inadequate food, clothing, shelter, healthcare, education, recreation or any other necessity. What’s more, cultural aggression in the name of globalization will sap into the vitality of our own culture and tradition, values and customs and so forth.


Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard internet protocol suite to serve several billion users worldwide. In other words, it may be called a network of communication via computers all over the world. Anyone with a computer may log on the internet. However, one must have a particular software. Internet has countless advantages. One may get any information one needs on the net. This is of great advantage to students in their studies, especially when they are preparing reports. People engaged in research benefit greatly because they can learn about research all over the world and apply it. Thus it is anticipated that science and technology will advance at unprecedented speed. The common man may have many queries. The will get all the answers on the net. One may learn about famous people television programmes, sports and other things of interest. One can read the newspaper on the net. One can apply for a job, and one can get applications, one can shop and one can advertise. One can keep in track of one’s bank account. In this way internet has paved the way to enormous advantages.


Electronic mail, popularly known as e-mail is the latest means of speedy communication. Nowadays people prefer sending e-mail to sending letters or using the telephone. E-mail has become popular within a very short time because it has brought many advantages. It is cheaper, easier and less time-consuming than the telephone. Besides, communication between two parties is possible even when they are not present simultaneously. One top of that e-mail reduces the use of paper because messages can be sent electronically. It may improve office efficiency because files in computers can be located instantly and copied or sent electronically. The problem of red-tapism can be avoided. However, everyone in a poor country like ours cannot afford to send e-mail because operation of an e-mail system requires a personal computer, a modem and a telephone connection. An option is to avail of commercially operated e-mail facilities at cyber cafes which have sprung up in many towns and cities. An e-mail system is a very advantageous one; it will surely become the most widely-used means of communication in the near future.

Drug Addiction

Drug addiction is fatal to health. Yet drug addicts cannot free themselves from the clutches of drugs without professional help and family support. Drug addiction means regular intake of drugs by smoking, inhaling or by injections. At first people take drugs out of frustration or to prove themselves smart. However, in their innocence, they actually jump into a terrible abyss. Drug addicts suffer intense pain and damage of the brain and other internal organs. Eventually they die, if they remain untreated. Drug addiction can be controlled and even stopped by using the media to raise awareness about the terrible effects of drug addiction. Guardians should keep a watch over the life-style of their children. Drug peddlers should be arrested and given exemplary punishment. Drug addicts should be identified and given proper treatment. More rehabilitation centres should be set up to help them. It should be remembered that addicts under the influence of drugs can do terrible things. They are responsible for anti-social activities. Thus it is seen that drugs which are taken out of frustration lead to complete hopelessness and even death. So steps must be taken to wipe out drug addiction from society for a better tomorrow.

Our College Library

A good college is one which provides an ideal environment for studies. Such an environment is not provided by costly benches and tables. It is provided by dedicated teachers and a good library. I am glad to say that I have been lucky enough to study in such an institution. Our colleges library is made up of three hall-rooms; one of which is a reading-room. The other rooms are made up of books which are neatly arranged on the shelves. A librarian sits at a counter and issues books to us. He is helped by two assistants. They are vigilant so that books are kept in good condition. The college authorities issue library cards to us so that we can borrow books. However we have to return books within a week. In this way, everyone gets a chance to borrow the books of this choice. During college hours, we may study in the reading room. As silence reigns supreme, we feel like sitting there. Our college library is of great help to our teachers too, because they can consult reference books and thereby present their subjects in a more enlightened way. They may select books from a rich collection of five thousand books. There are old and rare books as well as latest editions. Books are added to this collection every year so that students and teachers may keep pace with the latest theories and thoughts. I think that the college library has provided the students and teachers an ideal place for widening their knowledge-and although our college doesn’t look special, the library has made it a special place of learning for us.

Natural Calamities in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a poor country. Yet, it is an irony of fate that she has fallen victim to natural calamities like floods, cyclones and tornadoes. For instance, a cyclone hit the coastal areas of Bangladesh in April 1991 and affected about one million people in sixteen districts. It is estimated that nearly 1,40,000 people lost their lives while about 1,38,849 people were injured. The sufferings of the survivors knew no bounds. They suffered because of lack of food, pure drinking water and medicines. Calamities like the cyclone of 1991 occur frequently. For example, the floods of 1988 caused untold miseries. Then the cyclone called Sidr in November 2007 was devastating. Bangladesh is located in the active earthquake zone and is troubled by mild earthquakes. Some scientists predict that there is every possibility of a major earthquake. Besides, she is plagued by soil erosion which has made thousands of people homeless. It is impossible to prevent natural calamities but it is possible to reduce losses by raising public awareness and by taking necessary precautionary measures.


1. Students and Social Service

2. Population Problem in Bangladesh

3. My Future Plan of Life

4. My First Day at College/A Memorable Day.

5. Wonders/Blessings of Science/Science in Everyday Life.

6. “The Natural Beauties of Bangladesh”.

7. Deforestation and its effect on the environment.

8. Benefits of Reading Newspapers.

9. “Unemployment Problem In Bangladesh”.

10. A journey by train you have recently enjoyed.

Students and Social Service

Students are those who study in any educational institution. The students are the greatest force of a nation. They are the future leaders of a country. They can build or destroy a nation. Hence, they play a vital role in a society as well as in a country.

The primary duty of students is to acquire knowledge. So, they never should neglect their studies. They should also try heart and soul to make themselves worthy citizens of the state. For this, they need to acquire different skills. Only proper education can give it. So, they should use most of their time in education. Then they should pay attention to the welfare of the society.

The most important duty of students lies in removing illiteracy among the people. Students can do this duty during their holidays. They can go to villages and make people aware of the importance of education. They can set up night schools for this purpose.

Students can help the common people in different ways. They can help the farmers by telling them of the need for scientific methods of cultivation. They can also help the people by telling them of the importance of birth-control. Besides, they can encourage them to be self-sufficient through different income generating activities.

Students can do a lot for national health. In this case, female student's role is very important. They can teach illiterate women folk how to bring up their children and take care of their health. Besides, all students in general can teach ordinary people how to keep the environment free and clean.

Students can help the suffering people during calamities. In such situations, they can collect funds for homeless and penniless people and take part in relief operations. Through the Red Cross Society, they can work for all the distressed of the world.

The students have much to do for the society. Through social service, they can enrich their minds and serve the people. The students can uphold the image of the nation through their social service.

Population Problem in Bangladesh

The population of a country is a blessing to her. But it becomes a curse when it grows very quickly and the people would not be productive. Bangladesh is a small country. Her population is increasing rapidly. The problem has reached to such an acute level that it is now considered number one problem of the country.

The total population size of Bangladesh stood at 129.25 million in 2001. Now, it is considered to be more than 140 million, Bangladesh regarded to be one of the most densely populated countries in the world. The growth rate of population now is about 1.6%. It is assumed that the population will be 185.2 million 2021 and 24.9 million in 2051. Though that is the fact, such a scenario is too horrible to imagine.

The causes of high rate of population growth in Bangladesh are as follows-

(i) Most of the people of our country are ignorant. They do not know about the problem of over population. So they do not take the measures to control the birth are through family planning.

(ii) Some rural and religious superstitions obstruct our people in family planning or birth control. For this reason, they do not become eager to family planning.

(iii) Most of the boys and girls of our country get married before they become matured. This early marriage is a special cause of high rate of population growth.

(iv) Women constitute almost half of the population of our country. But most of them are not educated. For this, the country cannot make them productive. Rather, they are contributing to population boom due to lack of consciousness and thus they are becoming the problem of the country.

If our population grows at such a high rate, our country will have to face a great problem. This will affect the economic development and progress of the country. The country would not be able to give proper food, clothes, residence, educational facilities, medical facilities and other basic necessaries of life to this increasing people. Unemployment problem is a great problem of our country. Deterioration of the present population scenario will add to it. Being unemployed, our youths become frustrated. So they commit many social crimes. Again, this population problem causes serious traffic jam everyday. This traffic jam destroys much of our time, So, the over population is a great threat for our country.

To check the rapid growth of population, the following measures should be taken as early as possible.

Firstly, the high birth rate of population is to be checked through family planning. It is the main effective solution of the problem. We have to make campaign to educate mass people. It will help them to understand the value of family planning and the problem of over population. Thirdly, early marriage is to be stopped by government law. People are to be made aware about the danger of population boom. Lastly, various encouraging programmes should be taken to make the people eager to stop the high growth rate of population.

Population problem in Bangladesh has gone so high that it needs to be addressed properly and an adequate planning process needs to be initiated soon. In fact, conventional solutions to this problem have not been working well. If we fail to check, the problem will increase and even go beyond control.

My Future Plan of Life

Every man has an aim in life. A man without an aim is like a ship without a rudder. A fixed aim helps a man to succeed in life. Great men in the world had their fixed aims in life.

Different men have different aims in life. Some want to be high officials or scholars or poets etc. Some one wants to be engineer or teacher etc. I am a student of class X, and I have a definite aim. The aim of my life is to become a doctor and provide free treatment to those who are very poor. My father who is a doctor always inspires me to be a doctor like him.

This reason of my so choice is that most of the people of our village are poor and illiterate. Good doctors do not stay in the village. The poor villagers have no ability to go to town and get better treatment. I saw many poor villagers die untimely for want of treatment. My heart is filled with profound grief for these people. so, I have decided to be a doctor and serve the poor people in their healthcare to the best of my ability.

I know that a brilliant result is necessary for studying medicine after H.S.C. I am confident that I shall get A+ in S.S.C. After that I shall get myself admitted into Adhyapak Abdul Majid College. I shall study Biology in higher secondary level. I am confident that I will have a distinctive result and will be able to qualify myself to enroll in a Govt. Medical College. After securing M.B.B.S degree I shall come back to my village and open a dispensary. I shall give free treatment to the poor patients.

Success in life depends largely upon the right choice and knack to the profession. I am highly interested in biology and knowing about human body and medicine. I will start my profession. I also feel a real love for the poor people who die of diseases without proper treatment. So, I think becoming a doctor is a right choice for me. May God help me to reach my goal.

My First Day at College/A Memorable Day.

Man’s long life may be called a journey to an unknown land. His journey may be thrilling or boring-but it is never a direct non-stop journey. Man, in his journey, stops at many places and gathers information. He also cherishes memories-some of which are quickly forgotten and some are indelible.

A student passes minor hurdles when he passes from one class to the next higher classes. He also passes a major hurdle when he leaves one institution for another. The major hurdles that he overcomes fill his heart with memories-sweet and sour.

I overcame a major hurdle when I passed the S.S.C examination and got admitted into college. My first day at college is still fresh in my mind because on that day, I felt like an explorer conquering a new region: I compared myself to Neil Armstrong when he stepped on the moon. According to Armstrong, his first step was One small step for man, a giant leap for mankind’.

When I passed the college gate that day, I too made a giant leap into an unknown strange place. I hoped to find a beautiful green field surrounded by tall trees. Instead I found a muddy field; and there was no sign of grass.

However when I saw the happy faces of the students, who were talking in the field, I felt much better. The college was made up of two buildings-one was old but stately and the other was new. The old building was three-storeyed and the new building was four-storeyed. There was a large field between the two buildings.

When the first bell rang all rang all the students ran towards the classrooms. The verandahs and playground became empty within the blink of an eye except for some lost students like me. Finally, a senior student helped us to find our classrooms. Our first class was Benglali/English in room. I was charmed at the sight of our teacher. She was a very friendly teacher and she spoke very sweetly. She told us about herself and the college.

She also reminded us that our two years at college were very important. She gently warned us not to get too rowdy. She also informed us that our H.S.C results would determine our future to a great extent. Classes continued. Each class was different from the one before. Some teachers were very strict while others were very friendly. However they all had one thing in common. They were all eager to pass on their knowledge to us. During classes and especially during recess,

I noted the manners and moods of my classmates. They were of all types-quiet, rowdy, nervous, confident or smart. I hoped to pick good friends among them and adjust with the others. I love reading books. So I looked for the college library. I found that the library was made up of two hall rooms: In one room, the books were neatly arranged on the shelves. The other room was a reading room. I saw that silence reigned supreme there.

The college common room was, in sharp contrast, a very noisy place: The place was crowded. Some boys played table-tennis-while others played carom or chess. Some boys read newspapers and magazines. Many boys just sat and watched the players in action. Everyone was happy and I felt at home instantly.

Classes ended at 3 p.m. It had been a long and exciting journey into an unknown land; and I was ready to relax and reflect on my experiences. Life means changes and challenges. That small step into college that day was really a giant leap ahead for me. That strange unknown college has now become a friendly refuge filled with many memories-both sweet and bitter.

I shall soon be leaving college but I shall always remember that time and my first day at college with great joy. It was indeed a memorable day in my life.

Wonders/Blessings of Science/Science in Everyday Life (Composition by Listing)

It is a truth universally acknowledged that science has become an inseparable aspect of man’s daily existence. The wonders/blessings of science have changed man’s mode of life and given him new hopes and aspirations. These wonders have not only changed the basic structure of his home and his office but also changed his social habits. The rhythm and pace of his life have been changed beyond recognition.

People nowadays are also in the habit of going to the movies or dining at a restaurant at night. Indeed many of the most colourful functions are arranged at night. Electricity has brought wonderful machines/gadgets in its trail. The fan, the refrigerator, the water-pump, hair-dryer, washing machine and the vacuum cleaner have made man’s life comfortable.

The radio and television are wonders of science which have brought the world into our drawing-room. People all over the world now live like close neighbours. People spend much of their leisure time in watching or listening to songs, dramas, movies, debates and news on radio or on television. The dish antenna is another wonder which now allows people to watch programmes which are being telecast in other countries.

The computer is one of the latest wonders of science. At first they were used only for calculations at a high speed. Now computers are used for nearly everything. Computers can now draw pictures, compose poems and play games like chess. They have become part and parcel of good offices and factories. Students in developed countries learn with the help of computers. In our country, computers are being used by the Boards of Education to ensure maximum secrecy and for tabulation of marks.

The telephone, telegraph and teleprinter are wonders of science which have enabled men to communicate with people who live far away without moving a step. These inventions have allowed men to save time and conserve their energy for mental upliftment. There was a time when people had to walk or ride, but now people travel by boat, bus, car, train or plane: Men may travel from one end of the earth to the other within a day by plane. They do not have to waste time and energy.

The wonders of medical science are perhaps most breathtaking. Diseases, which were death-certificates, are now curable. Many diseases can be prevented too. Children all over the world are now being protected against tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough, measles, polio and hepatitis-B. Once upon a time, plague wiped out cities. When plague broke out in India, the fear of people know no bounds. However, science showed its prowess. The epidemic was soon brought under control with least loss of lives.

Food production has increased-and desert lands can now be cultivated because of scientific progress. Farmers use tractors, power-tillers drills, power pumps, manufactured manure and pesticides. They also use modern methods of irrigation. The radar is a blessing for man not only during times of war but also during times of peace.

During a war, the radar is used to warn people of an air-attack. During times of peace, it is used to alert people about the approach of storms and cyclones. The rocket has ushered in a new space age. As a result, men have stepped on the moon. They have also gathered valuable information about newly discovered planets.

The wonders of science have bestowed upon us many comforts and amenities undreamt by the people in the past. Modern man is no longer in chains because of the cruel onslaughts of nature. He may build castles in the air-and see the castles in reality. He may live a many-splendoured life fulfilling many of his hopes and dreams.

Students and Social Service-3

“May the dreams of all the world’s men and women

Be fulfilled in our visions!

Visions of us-student!”

To fulfill the dreams of the people of the world, students have to be equipped with all types of talent through study. But only study is not enough for them. They have to render some services to the society especially in a developing country like ours. They can make the general people conscious of education, rules of health and sanitation and population control. They can also teach the farmers about scientific methods of cultivation and stand by the affected people during natural calamities.

The first and foremost duty of a student is to study. But along with studies if necessary, students should render services to educate the huge number of uneducated people. They can set up night schools to teach the uneducated working children and the illiterate adults. During vacation, they can go to villages to teach the village folk.

Bangladesh is an agricultural country and the progress of the country depends on the advancement of agriculture. But our farmers do not know the scientific methods of cultivation. So, the students should teach them about the modern method of cultivation. They can also inspire them to cultivate fish or to raise poultry so that they can be financially solvent.

Most of the people of our country are uneducated and they do not have the knowledge of health and sanitation. Students can teach them the rules of health, sanitation, nutrition and population control. Female students can teach the uneducated women how they can keep their houses near and clean.

During natural calamities, students’ service is the most valuable. During flood, cyclone or famine, they should stand by the affected people. They can raise funds from the rich and provide the affected people with foods and clothes. The medical student should provide them with free medical treatment.

To advance the country forward, students’, service to the society and to the country is very much necessary. Their sincere endeavour can go a long way to remove illiteracy, poverty and health hazards and turn our country into prosperous country. However, they should always be conscious that their main duty is to study.

Unemployment Problem in Bangladesh (Descriptive composition)-4

Unemployment has become a serious problem throughout the world. But in Bangladesh, the problem is very acute. Millions of people remain unemployed year after year and in place of contributing to the development of the country, hinder the national and economic progress.

The causes of unemployment are many. Rapid growth of population and the fewer number of posts in the government offices in comparison with the number of the candidates are some reasons of unemployment problem. Besides, illiteracy, unwillingness of the people to do any kind of job, backwardness of the industries and not having ample scope of technical studies have also increased the problem.

Unemployment has some long term negative impacts on the national advancement of the country. The youths are the main force of the country get frustrated out of unemployment. Out of frustration, they engage themselves in many anti-social activities like robbery, terrorism and violence. Many of them also become drug-addicted. As a result, the youths who are to take the country forward, become a burden for the country and bar the overall development. This situation should not go uncontrolled.

Some effective measures must be taken immediately to mitigate this problem. Industrialization is a possible solution to this problem. Setting up new mills and factories can employ many of our unemployed youths. Importance should be given on technical and vocational studies which will create employment opportunity both in home and abroad.

The youths should also prepare their mentality to do any kind of job. Self-employment can be an effective solution to this problem. People can be employed in a number of income generating activities like agriculture farming, poultry raising, dairy, handicrafts and cottage industries.

It is true that unemployment is s serious problem. To reduce this problem flourishment of private sectors, providing credit by micro-credit institutions and setting up youth training centres by government throughout the country have created some employment opportunities for many youths.

Now integrated efforts from the private sectors and the government must be taken to mitigate unemployment problem so that our young generation can lead in honourable life and accelerate the development of the country through their participation in economic activities.

Uses and Abuses of Satellite Channels-5

(Composition by comparison and contrast)

Telecasting the TV programmes of the different countries of the world, satellite channels have added a new dimension to television. Satellite telecasting gives us the opportunity of knowing the culture, politics, trade and commerce, present happening and past past incidents of the world. But at the same time, satellite channels telecast, vulgar and violent programmes that have negative impact on the soft mind of young generation. Thus satellite channels have both positive and negative sides.

Satellite channels broadcast the programmes related to the culture of the different countries. We can enrich our culture combining our own culture with the positive traits of another culture. Again the political condition of other countries, their initiative to develop the country, their move towards the improvement of the condition of the people and political approach come to us through satellite channels.

Thus we are inspired to lead our country towards betterment. Satellite channels have a positive impact on our trade and commerce. Throuch satellite channels we can know the condition of the business around the world. So, it becomes possible for us to have an effective presence in the business world. Again, satellite channels give us ample opportunity of enriching our knowledge.

Various programmes of such as, scientific programmes, the debates and informative programmes broaden the domain of our knowledge. In providing entertainment the role of dish antenna knows no bound. After the day’s routine work, various programmes like musical shows, dramas, comics and other programmes help us to get rid of fret and fatigue of the monotonous life.

Despite these positive aspects, satellite channels have also some negative aspects. Firstly, it kills our valuable time. Many children pass more time in watching TV than in reading. Not only the children, the adults also sometimes cannot avoid the charm of the satellite programmes disregarding the wasting of time.

Sometimes, satellite channels also telecast vulgar and violent programmes. The incident, dress of the actors and actresses, their immoral activities mislead the young generation. Again, the violent movies may take them to the path of violence.

Nothing can be out and out good. Satellite channels are not an exception. However, should not watch the bad programmes of satellite channels and should watch only those programmes which are supported by morality and are helpful for enriching our knowledge.

1. Write a composition in about 200 words about “The Natural Beauties of Bangladesh”.

The Natural Beauties of Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a darling child of nature. The hill tracks of Chittagong. Waterfall and forests have made our land wonderful. Again the Padma, the Meghna, the Bramaputra, the Shitalakha, the Tiesta, Karnaphully, the Jamuna and many other rivers have made our plain land marvelous. Our land is so outstanding that many poets have composed poems about its beauties and charms.

FAvourable climate works behind the beauty of Bangladesh. The south-west seasonal sind created from the Bay of Bengal in June blows over Bangladesh and being hindered in the east-north hilly region it causes rainfall. Then the nature of Bangladesh assumes a new beauty getting the touch of the rainy season. The canals and the rivers are filled to the brim. The arrangement for growing crops from field to field goes on. Swans in groups swim in merriment. Flowers like lotus, shapla bloom and make our land beautiful. The scorching heat of the summer is felt less to some extent when the rains set in.

After the rainy season autumn sets in. The plants and creepers of forest in the moonlit night of autumn, home and hearth, flowing current of rivers attract us newly. Flowers of various kinds bloom. At the end of autumn, the touch of winter is felt, to some extent. Then late autumn sets in. Fields are filled in golden paddy. People harvest their crops and carry them to their cottages. Then winter sets in. There is severe scarcity of rainfall in winter. Severe cold is felt and green nature becomes dull. After that, spring sets in. New leaves sprout up in plants and creepers. Flowers of various colours bloom. It appears nature gets back her youth in new beauty.

Bangladesh is a land of villages. It seems every village is a wonderful stage of nature. Open green fields, plants and creepers bearing in flowers and fruits, forests adorned with creepers, fields enriched with green crops, everything makes our land naturally very wonderful.

In fine we can say that Bangladesh is a land of the variety of seasons. The games of six seasons are played here. She assumes new beauty in every season. In fact, no country like Bangladesh enriched with natural beauty is found in the world.

2. Write a short composition that expresses your opinion about deforestation and its effect on the environment.

Deforestation and its Effect on the Environment

Deforestation is one of the greatest threats to our environment. It has many far-reaching effects on the environment. Many cut down trees indiscriminately but they hardly think about the serious effects it causes.

In fact, deforestation means the act of cutting down or burning the trees in an area by which trees can be decreased rapidly and largely.

There is no denying the fact that trees are very useful to us in many ways. They are the storehouse of oxygen, our life bearing gas. They also provide us with food, wood and other products. They also give us shade and help us to prevent drought and floods. But to draw quick profit from trees people of our country cut them down in a large scale and invite various types of natural disasters.

Deforestation badly disturbs our ecological balance and leads to soil erosion. Deforestation deprives us of fruits and timber and causes a great economic loss. If there are no trees, there will hardly be found a little rainfall. Then there will be a great change in the atmosphere. As a result, our land will turn into desert. Trees take carbon dioxide and supply us with oxygen which is the first thing to kip ourselves alive. So if there is no tree, there will be no oxygen that means the world will be lifeless. Trees are the main source of green beauty. Deforestation reduces this beauty and makes the world a barren land. In a word, deforestation destroys the ecosystem of the environment and makes the world inhabitable for all living beings.

Deforestation, no doubt, has not a single advantage but numerous disadvantages to our environment. So we all should try our best to stop it. Thus we can keep our environment habitable and danger free.

3. Write a composition on Benefits of Reading Newspapers.

Benefits / Importance of Reading Newspaper

We cannot think of modern life without newspaper. Even before the advent of dawn, we think of our newspaper. Indeed, newspaper reading has become a passion for us.

Dailies mainly give us news. Weeklies, bt-weeklies and monthlies contain stories, articles, dramas and poems. They supply good literature and review the best books of the day.

A newspaper is the supplier of all sorts of news and views. Merchants read the paper to know market conditions. Sportsmen amuse themselves with sports-news. A professor or a teacher gathers news and views on literary topics. Statesmen keep themselves informed of the diplomacy of the world. Newspapers have also corners for children and women. Students read newspaper to supplement the education that they receive at schools and colleges. It is our good companion in our solitary hours or in a railway compartment. It brings sleep on the wakeful eyes of the sick.

A newspaper is the powerful instrument of publicity. Railway timings, government notifications, laws and bills and projects and given publicity through newspaper. A newspaper serves the nation. It helps the growth of public opinion and voices public grievances.

A newspaper helps the government in various ways. But newspaper is not an unmixed blessing. A newspaper, guided by passions and prejudices, does a lot of mischiefs.

However, newspaper has made the world smaller and helps one nation to understand the other. Thus it champions the cause of equality, liberty and fraternity.

4. Writing a composition on “Unemployment Problem In Bangladesh”.

Unemployment Problem in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a small country with large population. She is struggling hard to survive with its hundreds of burning problems. Unemployment problem is one of them. It has become an acute problem nowadays.

There are many causes of unemployment problem. Generally there are three causes of unemployment namely, unemployment, inequitable distribution of national wealth and over population.

The present growth rate of population in Bangladesh is 1.48%, which is very high. Abnormal growth of this population is dangerous. Our country is industrially very backward. There are few mills, factories and firms in our country. The mills and factories that we have can give employment to a limited number of people.

Our system of education fails to give a student an independent start of life. It has little provision for vocational training. Being an underdeveloped country, about 51% of people are illiterate, which is very tragic.

Our students and youth have a false sense of dignity and prestige of being officers. They think that service is more honourable than independent business. People aren’t very much conscious of manual labour. In our country national wealth is not distributed equally. It creates unemployment problem directly or indirectly. The supply of land is so limited that it cannot employ a large number of people.

Unemployment is a curse to men. Every man wants to live in peace. The unemployment problem obstructs this expectation of man. An unemployed man has to lead a vagabond life. Life becomes burden to him. The evil effect of unemployment is not confined to the economic field only. It destroys the sense of moral values and leads to undesirable activities from feeling of despair and anger. A society burdened with unemployed fellows can never prosper in the world. This is why, government along with the common people should work co-operatively for the removal of unemployment as one of the primary duties.

5. Write a short composition on a journey by train you have recently enjoyed.

A Journey by Train / A Train Journey I’ve Recently Made

A few days ago I made a journey by train from Dhaka to Chittagong. My destination was the residence of my uncle who lives in Chittagong now. On the occasion of my cousin’s wedding ceremony I was invited with my parents to attend the wedding party. In this way an opportunity of train journey came to me.

On the fixed day we reached the Kamalapur Railway Station. Purchasing three tickets for Chittagong we got into the train. The bell rang and the guard blew his whistle and the guard blew his whistle and waved his green flag. With little jerk the train started to move on. At first the train moved on slowly. The speed of the train gradually increased. The station remained behind left. I looked outside through the window. We enjoyed beautiful green fields, orchard and trees on the both sides. We saw the farmers working in the field and cattle grazing here and there. In the meantime we entered Chittagong District and started enjoying the hills there. On the right the vast sheet of the water of the Bay-of-Bengal raised a sudden tremor in all the body of mine. I became thrilled. Gradually the sun was going to the western sky.

It was evening when we reached the Chittagong Station. My uncle was eagerly waiting for us at the station. We safely reached my uncles’s residence.

It is the only train journey in my life till today. So that, the first as well as the recent train journey has overwhelmed me much. I have learnt many things from it. Because this journey was a new experience to me. I cannot help recalling this journey often as the sweet memory of this journey has filed me with eternal joy.


Noun Pronoun Agreement

Use Some Important Pronouns

possessive case

Whose (Kvi/Kv‡`i)

objective case

Whom (Kv‡K/Kv‡`i)

Subjective case

Who (‡K/Kviv)


Kzwgjøv †ev‡W©i K‡j‡Ri wbe©vPbx cixÿvi cÖkœ

h‡kvi †ev‡W©i K‡j‡Ri wbe©vPbx cixÿvi cÖkœ

w`bvRcyi †ev‡W©i K‡j‡Ri wbe©vPbx cixÿvi cÖkœ

XvKv †ev‡W©i K‡j‡Ri wbe©vPbx cixÿvi cÖkœ

ivRkvnx †ev‡W©i K‡j‡Ri wbe©vPbx cixÿvi cÖkœ

Kzwgjøv †ev‡W©i K‡j‡Ri wbe©vPbx cixÿvi cÖkœ

h‡kvi †ev‡W©i K‡j‡Ri wbe©vPbx cixÿvi cÖkœ

w`bvRcyi †ev‡W©i K‡j‡Ri wbe©vPbx cixÿvi cÖkœ

XvKv †ev‡W©i K‡j‡Ri wbe©vPbx cixÿvi cÖkœ

ivRkvnx †ev‡W©i K‡j‡Ri wbe©vPbx cixÿvi cÖkœ

w`bvRcyi †ev‡W©i K‡j‡Ri wbe©vPbx cixÿvi cÖkœ

h‡kvi †ev‡W©i K‡j‡Ri wbe©vPbx cixÿvi cÖkœ

w`bvRcyi †ev‡W©i K‡j‡Ri wbe©vPbx cixÿvi cÖkœ

XvKv †ev‡W©i K‡j‡Ri wbe©vPbx cixÿvi cÖkœ

ivRkvnx †ev‡W©i K‡j‡Ri wbe©vPbx cixÿvi cÖkœ

Past perfect+ before+ past Indefinite

Past Indefinite + after+ past perfect.



Kzwgjøv †ev‡W©i K‡j‡Ri wbe©vPbx cixÿvi cÖkœ

h‡kvi †ev‡W©i K‡j‡Ri wbe©vPbx cixÿvi cÖkœ

w`bvRcyi †ev‡W©i K‡j‡Ri wbe©vPbx cixÿvi cÖkœ

XvKv †ev‡W©i K‡j‡Ri wbe©vPbx cixÿvi cÖkœ

ivRkvnx †ev‡W©i K‡j‡Ri wbe©vPbx cixÿvi cÖkœ

Kzwgjøv †ev‡W©i K‡j‡Ri wbe©vPbx cixÿvi cÖkœ

h‡kvi †ev‡W©i K‡j‡Ri wbe©vPbx cixÿvi cÖkœ

w`bvRcyi †ev‡W©i K‡j‡Ri wbe©vPbx cixÿvi cÖkœ

XvKv †ev‡W©i K‡j‡Ri wbe©vPbx cixÿvi cÖkœ

ivRkvnx †ev‡W©i K‡j‡Ri wbe©vPbx cixÿvi cÖkœ

K¨v‡WU K‡j‡Ri wbe©vPbx cixÿvi cÖkœ


4. Phrase preposition

2. Double preposition

1. Somple preposition

5. Participle preposition

3. Compound preposition

6. Disguised preposition

‡hme †ÿ‡Î the e¨eüZ nq bv

The Gi e¨envi

‡hme †ÿ‡Î A/An e¨eü nq bv

A & An Gi e¨envi


Present Indefinite Tense/ Simple present tense



Present continuous tense/ Progressive Tense

Present perfect Tense

Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Past Indefinite Tense/simple past

Past progressive/ Past continuous Tense

Past perfect tense

Past perfect+ before+ past Indefinite

Past Indefinite + after+ past perfect.

Past perfect continuous Tense.

Future Indefinite Tense.

Future continuous tense.

Future perfect tense.

Future perfect continuous tense


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