5-E Lesson Plan Template

5-E Lesson Plan Template

|Your Name: Tiesha Stone |Your E-mail Address: tstone120460@troy.edu |

|Grade Level: 3-5th grade |Subject Area: Language Arts - Descriptive writing. |

|Lesson Title: Using Adjectives and Details to Paint a Picture |Lesson Length: 1 hour, 30 minutes |

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|Lesson Overview |

|In this lesson students will participate in an activity using adjectives to describe a pebble verbally and using their writing skills. |

|Students will write about their pebble, partake in an activity with group members, and create a Glogster using their knowledge on |

|adjectives. |

|Unit Objectives: |

|The student will use and understand the function of the following parts of speech in the context of reading, writing, and speaking: |

|(iii) adjectives (e.g., descriptive: wooden, rectangular; limiting: this, that; articles: a, an, the) |

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|Standards addressed (AL COS) |

|3.L.37 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. |

|T.2 Identify the adjective that describes the noun |

|T.3 Identify adjectives |

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|List of Materials: |

|Pebble collected from outside |

|Writing journals |

|Pencil |

|Smart board |

|iPad |

|Glogster – online resource |

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|Phase One: Engage the Learner |

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|Activity: Ask students if they have ever played the game “I Spy”. Point out that people who are good at “I Spy” describe objects with |

|words really well. Question students regarding how objects are often described—by size, shape, color, texture, similarity to other |

|objects, etc. The students will look at graphics on the smart board and describe them aloud. Tell students that they are going to do a |

|writing activity called “pebbles” that is like “I Spy”. |

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|What’s the teacher doing? |What are the students doing? |

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|The teacher will begin to familiarize students with the |The students are brainstorming and thinking of descriptive words. They|

|descriptive words by questioning them how specific objects are |will then view images on the smart board and share how they would |

|described. She teacher will display various images on the smart. |describe those images. Students may take turns coming to the board to |

|The teacher introduces the activity they will be doing that is |write a descriptive word that they thought of. |

|similar to the game “I Spy’. | |

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|Phase Two: Explore the Concept |

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|Activity: Ask each student to find a pebble in the outdoor classroom that can be held in the palm of the hand. Find a comfortable place |

|and observe the pebble carefully. Memorize its size, shape, color, texture, smell, etc. Each student should try to form a mental picture |

|of his or her pebble. At this time, students need to take a picture of their pebble with an iPad for a later activity |

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|What’s the teacher doing? |What are the student’s doing? |

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|Once students find their pebbles, the teacher will encourage |Students will be outside looking for a pebble. Students will then |

|students to memorize what their pebble looks like by thinking of |analyze their pebble and memorize the size, shape, color, texture, |

|its descriptive features (shape, color, texture, etc.) The teacher|smell, etc. Their pebbles will be dispersed randomly outside. Students|

|will then disperse the pebbles randomly for each child to find |will find their pebble based off the descriptions they remember about |

|their own specific pebble. The teacher will ask students how they |their pebble. If/when the student finds his or her pebble, he or she |

|found their pebbles to encourage them to think about the |must explain what helped them identify their pebble. Students must use|

|descriptions of their pebbles. |descriptive terms and mental pictures of the details. |

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|Phase Three: Explain the Concept and Define the Terms |

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|Activity: Point out any adjectives that students used to describe their pebbles. Explain that adjectives are words that describe people,|

|places, and things (nouns). Good authors use words to paint pictures in the reader’s mind. One way authors do this is by using their |

|senses and adjectives to describe the details of objects and events. A good writer does not need lots of big words to paint a picture, |

|but good writers do observe objects and events very closely, looking for details. Good authors pay close attention to the world around |

|them and use adjectives wisely. |

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|What’s the teacher doing? |What are the students doing? |

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|The teacher now defines the word “adjective” and explains that an |The students are learning the concept that words used to describe |

|adjective is a words that describes a person, place, or thing. |people, places, and things (nouns) are called adjectives. Students |

| |then are to think about how they used adjectives so far when |

| |describing their pebbles. |

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|Phase Four: Elaborate on the Concept |

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|Activity: Ask each student to describe his or her pebble in writing in their journals. Find a comfortable place to write and describe |

|the pebble with enough details so that someone else could select that pebble in a pile. Bring students back together and collect their |

|pebbles in a cup or bag. Shake up the pebbles and then spread them out on a sidewalk, table, or other flat surface. Ask for four |

|volunteers to be “it” and one volunteer to read his or her pebble description. The four students who are “it” must confer and come to a |

|consensus on the pebble they think the reader is describing. The reader may read his or her description multiple times. Continue this |

|process until each student has had a chance to be “it” or to read his or her description. Rather than emphasizing matching all of the |

|correct pebbles to their descriptions, emphasize that this activity is to help refine students’ abilities to describe objects in writing.|

|Emphasize the students’ correct use of adjectives to describe their pebbles. This exercise will make describing other objects and events |

|seem like a breeze! |

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|What’s the teacher doing? |What are the students doing? |

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|The teacher is getting students to take adjectives to the next |The students are not only writing their adjectives - they are also |

|level by having them writing complete sentences using adjectives|listening for descriptive terms to assist them in identifying the pebble |

|to describe their pebbles. The teacher will act as the |being described during the activity. |

|facilitator during the activity. | |

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|Phase Five: Evaluate students' Understanding of the Concept |

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|Activity: To evaluate the students on their understanding of adjectives, the students will create an advertisement about their pebble on |

|Glogster using iPads. The students’ ads must include a headline using adjectives that grab their reader’s attention. The ad can be used |

|to sell the pebble, report it lost or stolen (missing ad), or as a help wanted ad to get someone to care for the pebble while the student|

|is out of town. The students must include 5-8 sentences using adjectives. They must also include the picture they took of their pebble |

|with their iPad. |

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|What’s the teacher doing? |What are the students doing? |

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|The teacher is looking for specific adjectives that accurately |The students are using an online source called Glogster to create an |

|describe the pebble. The teacher will evaluate on creativity and|advertisement for their pebble. Students will demonstrate their |

|their ability to associate adjectives with the pebble in |creativity and understanding of adjectives for this project. |

|complete sentence form. The teacher will pull up the students’ | |

|Glogsters to show the class and allow the students to share | |

|their advertisements. | |


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