The Quilt Story

Penguin Chick

Skim & Scan

Directions: Tell students the page and line number they are to look on to find the answer. Read the question. Give them time to find the answer and write it down. Then discuss the answer. Only do one section per day.

|Page # & Line # |Question |Answer |

|1. 155 |Where is the setting? |Antarctica |

|2. 156, 1 |Write the common noun. |Wind |

|3. 156, 6 |Write the proper noun. |Antarctica |

|4. 156, 9&10 |Write the 8 words that tell how the new penguin father uses his beak. |To scoop the egg onto his webbed feet |

|5. 157, 1&2 |Write 5 words that tell where he tucks the egg. What is this place called? |Under his feather-coved skin, brood patch |

| 6. 157, 7 |Write 2 adjectives that describe the father penguin. |Bigger and fatter |

|7. 157, last |Write 3 words that tell where the mother travels |To the sea |

|8. 158, 1&2 |Write 5 words that tell when the parents sing together. |Before the mother penguin leaves |

|9. 158, 4 |Where does the mother penguin lay her eggs |Rookery |

|10. 158, 7&8 |Write the 2 nouns that tell what the mother penguin uses. |Flippers and feet |

|Page # & Line # |Question |Answer |

|1. 159, 1 |Touch the contraction. Write the two words that make up this contraction. |It is |

|2. 159, 2 |How far is the ice frozen? |Many miles |

|3. 159, 4&5 |Write 3 words to define krill. |Tiny shrimplike |

| | |creatures |

|4. 160, |What is a group of penguins? |Huddle |

|5. 160, 4 |Write 3 words that tell how long. |For two months |

|6. 160, 7 |Write the noun. |food |

|7. 161, 1 |Write the sequencing word. |Finally |

|8. 161, 5 |Write the word that has a long “I” sound as in kite. |Dry |

|9. 161, 8 |Touch the word with an apostrophe. Is this word a contraction or showing possession? |contraction |

|10. 161,11&12 |Write two words that tells how the father talks to the chick. |Trumpet voice |

|Page # & Line # |Question |Answer |

|1. 162, 3 |Write the word that is a contraction. |Can’t |

|2. 163, 1 |Write the word that describes fish. |Many |

|3. 163, 4 |Write the word that has the same long “e” sound as in eat. |Weeks |

|4. 164, 2&3 |Write 3 words that tell why the chicks stay together. |To keep warm |

|5. 164, 4 |What is a crèche? |A nursery |

|6. 165, |Write the adjective that describe the chicks’ bellies. |Fluffy |

|7. 165, last |Write the word that has the “f” sound. |Enough |

|8. 166, 1 |Write the compound word. |Waterproof |

|9. 166, |Write 3 words that tell where the young penguin spends most of its time. |In the water |

|10. 167 |How many years will it be until he finds a mate? |5 years |

A Day’s Work

Skim & Scan

Directions: Tell students the page and line number they are to look on to find the answer. Read the question. Give them time to find the answer and write it down. Then discuss the answer. Only do one section per day.

|Page # & Line # |Question |Answer |

|1. 180, |Who are the main characters? |Francisco grandfather |

|2. 180, 5&6 |Write 2 words that tell how many men the driver needed. |Three men |

|3. 180, 12 |What 1 word lets you know it is cold outside. |Shivered |

|4. 181, 1&2 |What language was Francisco speaking? |Spanish |

|5. 181, 6&7 |What does abuelo mean? |Grandfather |

|6. 181, 12 |Write 2 adjectives. |Cold, rough |

|7. 182, 4 |What kind of work was the driver offering? |gardening |

|8. 182, 11 |Write the word that has the same long “o” sound as in overcoat. |Though |

|9. 182, 20 |Write the plural noun. |Dollars |

|10. 182, 23 |Write the two contractions. Write the words that make up these contractions. |Didn’t did not, there’d there |

| | |would |

|Page # & Line # |Question |Answer |

|1. 183, 1 |Write 2 adjectives. |Big tough |

|2. 183, 5 |Write the word that means someone who works with wood. |Carpenter |

|3. 183, 9&10 |Write the adverb. |Politely |

|4. 184, 2 |Write the compound word. |Backyards |

|5. 184, 10 |Write the 3 words that tell what Ben needed them to do. |Weed the bank |

|6. 184, 22 |Write the 2 proper nouns. |English, Abuelo |

|7. 184, 25 |Write the word that has the long “e” sound as in English. |spiky |

|8. 186, 1 |Write the past tense verb. |Smiled |

|9. 186, 7 |Write the plural noun. |Backyards |

|10.186, 14 |Touch the plural word. Write the word in singular form. |tomato |

|Page # & Line # |Question |Answer |

|1. 187, 1&2 |What does “bonito” mean? |Beautiful |

|2. 187, 5 |Write the possessive pronoun. |His |

|3. 188, 3 |Write 2 verbs. |Quivered, thought |

|4. 188, 4 |Write 3 words that tell what Ben though grandfather was. |A fine gardener |

|5. 188, 12 |Write 2 words that tell how grandfather was speaking. |Fast and angry |

|6. 189, 3 | Write the word with a suffix. |Sadness |

|7. 189, last |Write the word that is more than one. |Tears |

|8. 190, last p |What was Ben going to give grandfather? |Half the money |

|9. 191, 1&2 |Write 3 words that tell when grandfather will take the pay. |tomorrow |

|10. 191, 9 |Write the possessive noun. |Day’s |

Prudy’s Problem

Skim & Scan

Directions: Tell students the page and line number they are to look on to find the answer. Read the question. Give them time to find the answer and write it down. Then discuss the answer. Only do one section per day.

|Page # & Line # |Question |Answer |

|1. 204, 1 |Write the proper noun. |Prudy |

|2. 204, 2 |Write the adjective that tells how many. |Two |

|3. 204, 7 |Touch the word butterflies. Write the word in singular form. |Butterfly |

|4. 205, 1 |Write the pronoun. |She |

|5. 205, 2 |Write the verb. |Kept |

|6. 205, |How many paragraphs are on this page? |One |

|7. 206, 1 |Write the one word that tells what did Prudy had. |Collections |

|8. 206, 8 |Write the word that has the long I sound as in ice cream. |Inside |

|9. 206, 9 |Write a synonym that means type. |breeds |

|10. 206, last |Write a contraction that can be created with two words on this line. |Couldn’t |

|Page # & Line # |Question |Answer |

|1. 207, 1 |Touch the word it. What is “it” taking the place of? |Prudy couldn’t throw anything |

| | |away |

|2. 207, 2-3 |What did Prudy’s father not like? |Clutter |

|3. 207, 3 |Write the word that has a prefix. |Unpleasant |

|4. 207, |How many paragraphs are on this page? |Five |

|5. 208, 1 |Who had too much of Prudy’s clutter? |Prudy’s mom |

|6. 208, 2 |What word means to find the way? |Navigate |

|7. 208, |What is Prudy’s problem? |She has too much stuff |

|8. 209, 1-2 |Write 3 words that tell who started putting together collections of her own? |Prudy’s little sister |

|9. 209, |Who wanted Prudy to send all her stuff to Neptune? |Egbert |

|10. 209 |Write the exclamation. |“There is no problem!” |

|Page # & Line # |Question |Answer |

|1. 210, 3-5 |Write three words that tell what caught Prudy’s eye? |Silver gum wrapper |

|2. 210, 11 |Write the word that has a short I sound as in igloo. |Hinges |

|3. 212, |Write the word that means huge. |Enormous |

|4. 214, |Why does Prudy realize she has a problem? |When her room exploded. |

|5. 214, |What three collections did Prudy visit? |Art, fish, rock |

|6. 214, 5 |Write the word that shows possession. |Her |

|7. 215, 1 |Write the two verbs. |Whirring, pounding |

|8. 216, 1-2 |Write two words that describe “The Prudy Museum of Indescribable Wonderment.” |Amazing sight |

|9. 216, 6-7 |Write the whole sentence that is a demand. |“Look at that, Egbert,” said |

| | |Belinda. |

|10. 217 |Write the two sets time order words. |At last, now |

Tops and Bottoms

Skim & Scan

Directions: Tell students the page and line number they are to look on to find the answer. Read the question. Give them time to find the answer and write it down. Then discuss the answer. Only do one section per day.

|Page # & Line # |Question |Answer |

|1. 228 |Write one word that tells who the main characters are in this story. |Animals |

|2. 230, 1 |Write the verb. |Lived |

|3. 230, 3-5 |Write two words that tell who was a smart business bear. |His father |

|4. 231, 2-3 |What word describes Hare? |Clever |

|5. 231, 4-5 |Write four words that tell how Hare lost his land. |Lost a risky bet |

|6. 232, 1-2 |Who is speaking? |Mrs. Hare |

|7. 232, 3-4 |Write 4 words that tell who cooked up a plan. |Hare and Mrs. Hare |

|8. 232, 7 |Write the word that has the same vowel sound as in “age.” |Neighbor |

|9. 233, 4 |Write the word that shows possession. |Your |

|10. 233, 10-11 |Write three words that tell what bear had to decide. |Tops or bottoms |

|Page # & Line # |Question |Answer |

|1. 234, 1 |Touch the contraction. Write the two words that make up this contraction. |Let us |

|2. 234, last |Write the two verbs. |Watered, weeded |

|3. 235, 1 |What did bear do while the crops grow? |Slept |

|4. 235 |Who gets the bottoms? |Hare |

|5. 236, 1 |Write the verb. |Dug |

|6. 236, 2-3 |Write the 5 words that tell what Hare did after he plucked off all the tops. |Tossed them into a pile |

|7. 237, 1 |Touch the two commas; write the word between the two commas. |Hare |

|8. 237, 4 |Write the word that has the same end sound as duck. |Tricked |

|9. 238 |Write the four words that tell what Hare and his family did. |Planted, watered, and weeded |

|10. 239 |What part of the crops does bear get this time? |Bottoms |

|Page # & Line # |Question |Answer |

|1. 240, 1-2 |Are the crops fruits or vegetables? |Vegetables |

|2. 240, 5 |Write the word that has the same vowel sound as in cow. |Scowled. |

|3. 241, 1st paragraph |What does Hare owe bear? |Tops and bottoms |

|4. 241 |How many paragraphs are on this page? |Five |

|5. 241, 12 |Write the common noun. |Harvest |

|6. 242, 4-5 |What is the top part of the corn called? |tassels |

|7. 242, 6 |Write the adverb. |Carefully |

|8. 243, 1 |Touch the word rubbed. Write the present tense of rubbed. |rub |

|9. 244 |Find and write a synonym for earnings. |profit |

|10. 245, 1 |Write the word that could be a homonym. |Hare |

William’s House

Skim & Scan

Directions: Tell students the page and line number they are to look on to find the answer. Read the question. Give them time to find the answer and write it down. Then discuss the answer. Only do one section per day.

|Page # & Line # |Question |Answer |

|1. 255 |Is William’s singular or plural? |Singular |

|2. 256, 3 |Write the proper noun. |England |

|3. 256, 5-6 |What was used for the fence? |Saplings |

|4. 256, 7-8 |Write two words that tell what he used split the planks for? |For clapboards |

|5. 257 |What is the name of William’s wife? |Elizabeth |

|6. 257 |Write the word that means see-through. |Translucent |

|7. 257, 2nd paragraph|Write three words that tell what William used to build a small fireplace. |Clay and stones |

|8. 258 |How many paragraphs are on this page? |Four |

|9. 258, 3-4 |Write the word that means mug or cup. |Noggin |

|10. 258, 10-12 |Write three words that tell whose house is just like William’s house. |His father’s house |

|Page # & Line # |Question |Answer |

|1. 259, 1-2 |Write three words that tell what happened to the root vegetables. |Began to sprout. |

|2. 259, last |Write the adjective. |New |

|3. 260 |When did the winds start to blow? |In August |

|4. 260, 5-6 |Write three words that tell what will happen if something isn’t done. |We’ll be crushed! |

|5. 261, 1-2 |Write the word that has the same ending as swimming. |clearing |

|6. 261, 5 |Touch the word drier. Write the base word. |Dry |

|7. 261, 11-12 |Write the subject of the sentence. |William |

|8. 262, 4 |Write the three words that tell how the snow piled. |Higher and higher |

|9. 262, last |Write the two verbs that tells what William did to the shingles. |Removed, replaced |

|paragraph | | |

|10. 262 |How many paragraphs are on this page? |Five |

|Page # & Line # |Question |Answer |

|1. 263, 2 |Write the word that describes the weather. |Colder |

|2. 263, 4-5 |Write three words that tell what the boys could not do. |Move their toes |

|3. 263, 9-10 |Write the word that has the same beginning sound as circle. |Center |

|4. 264 |Write the time order words. |One day |

|5. 264, 2-3 |What had arrived? |Spring |

|6. 264 |What place was the ship from? |England |

|7. 265 |What did Cousin Samuel ask? |What kind of house is this? |

|8. 265, 5-6 |Write two words that describe the shape of the roof. |Very steep |

|9. 265, 9 |Write the verb. |Looked |

|10. 265 |Write the exclamation. |Welcome! |


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