Advances in Memory Management Page 1 of 10

Page 1 of 10 Advances in Memory Management

in a Virtualized Environment

Agenda: Our agenda for today, I'm going to quickly review the motivation, the key

problem, and identify the challenge of optimizing memory utilization in a virtualized environment. Then we will take a look at various existing partial solutions in this area. Next I will tell you about the approach I've been working on for, oh, a couple of years now. Finally, if we have time left, we'll take a look at some performance analysis and hopefully still have a few minutes for Q&A. So first the motivation... Oh, note that our focus today is on open-source virtualization solutions, not on proprietary ones.

Motivation: Many virtualization users have consolidated their data centers, but find that

their CPUs are still spending a lot of time idle. Sometimes this is because the real bottleneck is that there isn't enough RAM in their systems. One solution is to add more memory to all of their systems but that can be very expensive and we'd like to first ensure that the memory we do have is being efficiently utilized, not wasted. But it's often not easy to recognize the symptoms of inefficiently utilized memory in a bare metal OS, and it's even harder in a virtualized system.

Motivation: Memory capacity wall: If that problem weren't challenging enough, we

are starting to see the ratio of memory per core go down over time. This graph shows that, over time, we can expect that every two years, the average core which will be inCREASing in throughput will have 30% less memory attached to it.

Motivation: Energy Savings: and with power consumption becoming more relevant to

all of us, we see the percentage of energy in the data center that's used only for powering memory becoming larger.

Motivation: Hybrid memory: and we are starting to see new kinds of memory, kinda

like RAM, but with some idiosyncrasies. For the purposes of this presentation, we'll call that "pseudo-RAM".

Motivation: Disaggregate: and we are also starting to see new architectures with

memory fitting in to a system differently than it has in the past.

Motivation: Future: But in the context of this rapidly changing future memory

environment, we carry forward with us a very old problem.

OS PMM: and that is that OS's are memory hogs. Why? Most OS's were written many

years ago when memory was a scarce and expensive resource and every bit of memory had to be put to what the OS thinks is a good use. So as a result,

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Dan Magenheimer LPC 2010 Virt Minisummit

Page 2 of 10 Advances in Memory Management

in a Virtualized Environment

OS PMM - More space: if you give an OS more memory

OS PMM - Used up all space: it's going to essentially grow fat and use up whatever

memory you give it. So it's not very easy to tell if an OS needs more memory or not and similarly it's not very easy to tell whether it's using the memory it does have efficiently or not. And in a virtualized environment, this creates a real challenge. In fact, let's see if we can precisely describe this challenge.

Challenge: (read and summarize the challenge). So, as a first step, it sounds like we need

to put those guest OS's on a diet. Which is something I call:

OS Memory Asceticism: memory asceticism. We assume that we'd like an OS not to

use up every bit of memory available, but only what it needs. To do that, we need some kind of mechanism for an OS to donate memory to a bigger cause, and a way for an OS to get back some memory when it needs it. But how much memory does an OS "need"? We'll get back to that question in a few minutes, but first

Agenda: let's get a little background on how this can be done.

Solution Sets List: So I've grouped some of the available solutions that are out there

according to certain characteristics, and we'll talk about each of them. The first set we'll look at is the simplest because it doesn't require any guest OS changes.

Solution Set A: That is, we're going to let each guest consume all the memory given to it.

BUT maybe we'll pull some magic tricks behind the scenes to squeeze more benefit out of the amount of physical memory we do have. Most of you will be familiar with these concepts, but for those that aren't let me quickly describe partitioning, swapping and page sharing.

VMM PMM: First, partitioning. Using Xen as an example, Xen reserves some memory

for itself. And it reserves some memory for domain0. And the rest is set aside for guests to use. When a guest is started, a certain fixed amount of physical memory is specified in its configuration file. Xen statically "partitions" memory to its guests and any memory that's not used, is left lying around in case you want to launch more guests. But unless you are very carefully accounting for every megabyte when you launch your geusts , there's almost always still a lot of memory left lying around. We're going to call that "FALLOW" memory. And that fallow memory is completely unused, completely wasted.

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in a Virtualized Environment

VMM Partioning 2: Now we can't add any more BIG guests but we can squeeze in a

few smaller ones. After we do that, there's still a significant amount of fallow memory. But suppose we DO want to add another big guest. Can we (air quotes) overcommit memory? Can we do that?

Host Swapping: Well, yes, most VMM solutions have a way to secretly move some guest

pages out of physical memory and onto a disk. For KVM, this is just the host doing swapping... Since the Xen hypervisor in Xen doesn't have disk drivers ? or any device drivers ? it has to do this through domain0, and the functionality is in xen-unstable but it hasn't gotten much use. Why? Because disk is not a very good replacement for RAM... accessing a page on disk can be a MILLION times slower than accessing the same page in RAM. So although it works, in theory, if you overcommit much at all, your performance can become horrible.

Transparent Page Sharing: How about this thing called page sharing? This feature

was added to the Linux kernel and KVM about a year ago and you may know it as "KSM" or kernel samepage merging. Xen also has it in 4.0, though again, it hasn't gotten much testing so isn't in any Xen distros yet as far as I know. The basic idea is that if you have a whole bunch of physical pages that have identical contents, why not transform that into one single copy with a bunch of pointers to it? Well, that seems like a very cool idea, but it's not free. You have to scan through all those pages to find matches and then if any of those pages get written to, you have to split it off again, which can lead to some interesting challenges. I personally have talked to some real customers of a certain proprietary virtualization company and those customers say they just turn this off because it only works on certain (air quotes) cloned workloads such as you might see in a classroom setting, and on many other workloads performance can get suddenly and unpredictably very very bad.

Solution Set A Summary: So to summarize this first set, you have NO

overcommitment, SLOW overcommitment, and "FAUX" overcommitment, none of which meet our objectives of maximizing RAM utilization without a performance hit. So let's move on to the next set.

Solution Set B: For this set of solutions, you sort of enlist the guest's help to dynamically

take away or give back the guest's memory, but as we'll see, the guest isn't really helping, more like suffering with the side effects of it.

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in a Virtualized Environment

Solution Set B LIST: The usual technique is commonly known as a balloon driver, and

a variation of that that uses an OS's hotplug memory interface if it has one.

Ballooning: I like to think of ballooning as a trojan horse that sits inside the guest OS,

steals memory from it and turns it over to the hypervisor. In Xen, it is a dynamically loadable kernel driver that pretends it's like any other driver that needs to use some memory to do its job. It uses the standard kmalloc driver interface to ask the kernel for memory, but this ballooning driver has a VORACIOUS appetite for memory. And, obviously, it's not using the memory it allocates from the kernel for a DMA pool or something that an ordinary driver would do. No, it secretly turns that memory over to the underlying hypervisor which can use it for its own purposes, including giving it to another guest. Then, later, the hypervisor tells the balloon driver that it should pretend it is now done with some of that memory and the driver (air quotes) returns it to the kernel.

Ballooning (BUT): But, the problem is that the balloon driver just does what it's told and

if it sucks up too much memory, bad things can happen.

Virtual hot plug memory: Virtual hot plug memory essentially pretends it's a system

operator manually plugging and unplugging a bunch of DIMMs (wave hands pretending to do this). But since it's not, it's really abusing the interface which was designed for adding REAL DIMM's, like 1GB at a time and with a frequency more like once in a blue moon. And hot plug delete creates all sorts of challenges on an active system, so it's rarely used in most OS's and sometimes not even implemented.

Solution Set B Summary: So there IS a way to dynamically adjust memory size in a

running guest OS, but there's some issues and I haven't really gotten into detail yet on the impact of those issues. But the BIGgest issue really is that these are, not really solutions.

Solution Set B Summary (with RED): They are MECHanisms that provide a way to

adjust memory. BUT who is behind the magic curtain deciding how much memory and when to take it or give it back and, if you've got lots of guests, how much to give or take from each one.

Solution Set C: Which brings us to solution set C... we need some kind of POLICY to

make those decisions, and we need some way to implement that policy.

Solution Set C LIST: So there's a few policies implemented out there in the real world

and I'll classify them this way, but it's probably better to look at an example of each.

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in a Virtualized Environment

DMC: First, Citrix's DMC drives its policy based on the number of guests, without any

clue as to any memory pressure that any guest might be experiencing. So as the picture implies, if you want to cram more guests onto a host, each of the existing guests shares the pain, ballooning down approximately equally to free up enough space so more guests can be added. If one of those guests was already under high pressure, maybe is already swapping... tough.

MOM: Next there's MOM, which Adam Litke from IBM presented at the KVM Forum a

couple of months ago, and which implements a policy that goes a couple of steps further. It runs on KVM which, since guests are essentially fancy processes, has some information about the memory pressure each guest is experiencing, and it sends that information to a central controller in the host, which analyzes the information and decrees how much memory each guest gets by basically dividing it up "fairly" and maybe leaving a little bit of fallow memory around just in case. But as I said earlier, it's often difficult to tell how efficiently any OS is using its memory, and the policy is only as good...

Under-aggressive ballooning: as the information fed to it. Worse, the policy is based

on past memory pressure, which sometimes is a good estimate of the future and sometimes isn't. So, for example, if one guest has been sitting idle all month and suddenly needs to run end-of-month financial reports and generate YOUR paycheck, the policy engine may take awhile to figure that out. Sorry your paycheck didn't get printed due to swapping.

Migration: One of the coolest features of virtualization is migration, and we don't have

enough time to discuss this in detail, but suffice it to say that under-aggressive ballooning means there isn't a lot of fallow memory around, and that can make live migration difficult or impossible.

Self ballooning: So how can we make each guest more responsible for how much

memory its using? Well, something I've been working on in Xen land is self-ballooning. Self-ballooning is a feedback-directed ballooning technique which uses information from within a guest OS to cause the guest to dynamically resize its own balloon. This is done aggressively so that a guest OS uses as little memory as it can, for example when it is idle; frequently so that it can respond to sudden increases in workload and memory demand; independently of other guest OS's, and lots of parameters can be configured to adjust how self-ballooning works. On Linux, there's a value called "Committed-A-S" that is a reasonable guesstimate of how much memory is needed and we use that to provide the feedback, and the balloon driver itself ensures that not TOO much memory is ballooned away. This can all be done with a userland daemon and the source for this has been in the

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Dan Magenheimer LPC 2010 Virt Minisummit


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