World History I

World History I

SOL Review

Ancient Greece


• Ancient Greece is located on a __________________ between the ______________ Sea and the __________________ Sea.

• Greece had easy access to the Fertile Crescent and _________.

• Greece’s location made it ideal for _____________ and _________________.

• Greece’s geography was mainly affected by its ____________________ terrain.

Greece’s mountainous terrain affected its history:

• Resulted in the development of _________-_____________, not a single empire

• Had _____________ __________________ that pushed people to form colonies

• Had to depend on the __________ and ____________


• Greek mythology was a rich collection of stories/myths about Greek _________/____________.

• Greek myths explained mysteries of __________________________.

• Greek gods and goddesses had _____________ qualities and influenced western _______________ and __________.

• Ancient Greeks were ______________________, meaning they worshipped many gods.

• Important gods/goddesses to Ancient Greece were:

• Zeus – ___________________

• __________ – goddess of marriage

• __________ – god of the sun

• __________ – god of the hunt and moon

• Aphrodite – goddess of ____________

• _______________ – goddess of wisdom


• Greek colonies eased overcrowding on the mainland.

• Greek city-states traded wine and olives for grain.

• Greek merchants traded throughout the Mediterranean area, replacing _____________ with a money economy.

• Trade led to the spread of _________________ culture.


A ____________ was a Greek city-state and it demanded intense loyalty.

There were three groups of people in the polis:

• Citizens – free _________ _____________ that had political rights

• Free people with no political rights – _____________ and __________________

• Non-citizens – _____________ with no rights

Civic participation was expected of citizens, and decisions were made in open debate. This was the foundations or beginnings of modern _______________________.

After 750BC, Athens was the primary city-state and had four stages of government:

• _____________ – rule by one person who inherited his/her powers

• _____________ – rule by a small group of nobles (also called oligarchy)

• _____________ – rule by one person that seized power by force

• _____________ – rule by an assembly in which citizens could vote (major Greek contribution – no democracy existed before Greece)

• In Athens the struggles for power by tyrants were often influenced by the condition or plight of _______________________.

• _________________ (a tyrant) developed written laws with severe punishments.

• __________________ improved the legal system and expanded participation in the assembly.

Sparta however was ruled by a small group called an _________________ (or an aristocracy). Sparta’s society had a ____________ social structure and was a ____________ and aggressive society.

Persian Wars

• The Persian Wars united ____________ and _____________ against a common enemy.

• The Greeks won victories at ____________ and ______________, which gave them control of the ____________ Sea.

• The defeat of the Persians resulted in the beginning of the ________________ Age of Greece, also known as the Age of __________________.

Peloponnesian War

The causes of the Peloponnesian War were:

• Athens dominated the _____________________ League

• Sparta dominated the _________________ league

• Sparta and Athens competed for control of the Greek world

The effects of the Peloponnesian War were:

• Hellenic Age ended

• Greece left weak and open to ________________

• Cultural development slowed

Age of Pericles

• Pericles extended democracy in ______________ where most adult male citizens had equal voice in government.

• Pericles rebuilt Athens after the Persian Wars and the _________________ was built.

• Under Pericles, Athens formed the ______________ League, an alliance of Greek city-states, to form a ________________ against external enemies.

The contributions of Ancient Greece during its Golden Age are the following:

• Philosophy: _______________, _____________, ________________

• Drama: Aeschylus, ___________________

• Poetry: Homer, who wrote The ____________, and the _______________

• History: ___________________ and Thucydides

• Sculpture: __________________ (and his statue of ______________)

• Architecture: _________________ and columns (___________, _____________, and _____________________)

• Science: Archimedes, _____________________ (medicine)

• Mathematics: Euclid, _____________________

Alexander the Great

• The Greek city-states were conquered by ____________________ (under King _______________________) after the Peloponnesian Wars had greatly weakened the city-states.

• ______________________________________ (his son) conquered the __________________ Empire and areas as far east as the _____________ River Valley.

• Alexander carried ____________________ culture to the conquered territories and combined it with the cultures of the conquered peoples.

• Greek was spoken by leaders from Macedonia to Egypt.

• The __________________ (G_____________, P____________, E____________, and I________________) Age lasted until the rise of the R___________ Empire.

Identify the following:


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