CHM4E FSE - The Most Awesome Thing in History!!!

Name: __________________________________________ Due date: ____________________________________

This is Part I of your Final Summative Evaluation. You will be given at least 3 class periods to compete it. This project will comprise 15% of your overall mark (your final exam will make up the other 15% of your FSE.) Please devote the necessary time and care into making this project a success!

|Step 1 Choose a Topic |Step 2 Conduct Research |

|Choose ONE important man-made site, structure, or object that was |Do independent research on the site, structure, or object you |

|created sometime in the past 40 000 years from the lists below. NOTE: |selected. Prepare a one-page summary, with a photo, that answers the |

|If you choose to select your own site, structure, or object, get my |following questions: |

|approval before proceeding. |• Why was the site, structure, or object created? |

|Sites |• Who created it? When? |

|• Acropolis, Athens, Greece |• How was it created? |

|• Forbidden City, Beijing, China |• What materials were used? |

|• Machu Picchu, Urubamba, Peru |• What is its historical significance? |

|• Your choice |• What does this site, structure, or object tell us about the culture |

|Structures |and beliefs of the society that created it? |

|• Palace of Versailles, Paris, France |• How does this site, structure, or object tell us what was important |

|• Eiffel Tower, Paris, France |to that society? |

|• Tower of London, England |• What are the most interesting facts about this site, structure, or |

|• Taj Mahal, Agra, India |object? |

|• A medieval castle in Europe (e.g., Prague Castle, Prague, Czech |Remember to document your sources and use your own words. Plagiarism |

|Republic; Castle Neuschwanstein, Bavaria, Germany) |(copying others’ work) will disqualify your work. Use the Documenting|

|• A temple in Asia or South America (e.g., Sun Temple, Konark, India; |Sources handout to keep track of your research, and prepare a formal |

|Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico; Angkor Wat, Angkor, Cambodia) |Bibliography page to be handed in with your final assignment. |

|• Your choice |Step 3 Present Your Findings |

|Objects |Once you have completed your research, present you're research in the |

|• Swords (e.g., medieval, Samurai, military) |format of your choosing. (i.e. PowerPoint, Prezi, Movie Maker, |

|• Medieval catapults |iMovie, brochure, or any other program to help you describe your |

|• Ancient Greek or Roman coins |work.) |

|• A work of Renaissance art | |

|• A Viking or Greek ship | |

|• Your choice | |

Review the Assessment Criteria

Review this information before completing your research project and presenting your results to the class.

|Criteria |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |

|Knowledge/ |Limited understanding of |Some understanding of the |Effective understanding of|Remarkable understanding of|

|Understanding |the origins of the site, |origins of the site, |the origins of the site, |the origins of the site, |

|Describes the origins of the |structure, or object and |structure, or object and |structure, or object and |structure, or object and |

|structure, site, or object |how it was created |how it was created |how it was created |how it was created |

|and how it was created | | | | |

|Thinking |Some understanding of |Satisfactory understanding|Considerable understanding|Insightful understanding of|

|Uses research to determine |historical significance |of historical significance|of historical significance|historical significance |

|historical significance of |demonstrated through |demonstrated through |demonstrated through |demonstrated through |

|the site, structure, or |research on the site, |research on the site, |research on the site, |research on the site, |

|object |structure, or object |structure, or object |structure, or object |structure, or object |

|Communication |Passable clarity in oral |Acceptable clarity in oral|Skilled clarity in oral |Outstanding clarity in oral|

|Communicates orally research |communication about |communication about |communication about |communication about |

|information about the |historical site, |historical site, |historical site, |historical site, structure,|

|historical site, structure, |structure, or object. |structure, or object |structure, or object |or object |

|or object (projection, body | | | | |

|language, pacing, eye |Sources may not be |Sources may or may not be |Sources are documented |Careful and precise source |

|contact) |documented. |documented | |documentation |

|Application |Some demonstration of what|Satisfactory demonstration|Clear demonstration of |Refined demonstration of |

|Demonstrates what the site, |the site structure, or |of what the site, |what the site, structure, |what the site, structure, |

|structure, or object tells us|object tells us about the |structure, or objects |or object tells us about |or object tells us about |

|about the society that |society that created it |tells us about the society|the society that created |the society that created it|

|created it and why it is |and why it is interesting |that created it and why it|it and why it is |and why it is interesting |

|interesting today |today |is interesting today |interesting today |today |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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