Chapter 12-1 through 12-3 Test 2016-2017

4280535709930001. Find the circumference AND area of each circle. Identify each in your answer box. ?LABEL your answers A. Give your answer in terms of π B. Decimal form rounded to the nearest tenth.?Use 3.14 for π.2.?A soccer ball has a circumference of about 28 inches, while the goal is 24 feet wide. How many soccer balls would be needed to cover the distance between the goalposts? ?Draw and label a picture to help get this started.?3.?Chariot races reached their peak in popularity in ancient Rome around the 1st and 2nd centuries a.d. A chariot wheel had a radius of about one foot. One lap around the track in the Circus Maximus was approximately 2300 feet. How many chariot-wheel revolutions did it take to complete one lap? Draw and label a picture to help get this started. ?Find the area of each figure. Round to the nearest tenth if necessary.12700155575004.? ??Find the area that is shaded. Round to the nearest tenth, if necessary. (Hint: Find the total area and subtract the nonshaded portion.)5.?Find the area of the grey region. ?Use 3.14 for π. ?Round your answer to the nearest hundredth. (4 points)1270015176500?6.?The back of a shelving unit is shown below. ?How much plywood is needed to construct this piece of the unit? Round to the nearest whole number. (3 points)?If plywood costs $0.05 per square inch, how much would it cost to build the shelving unit? (1 point) ................

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