AP Biology Worksheet Chapter 8 Enzymes/ATP

AP Biology Worksheet Chapter 8 Enzymes/ATP

1 What is metabolism?

2. Catabolic vs. Anabolic Pathways: Define each and give an example.

3. Energy is defined as:

4. State the first and second law of entropy and how do they apply to living things?

5. When temperature is uniform in a living system it has energy available called ________ energy which is able to perform work.

6. An _____________ reaction is a reaction which gives off energy (releases energy). Give an example in a living organism.

7. The opposite is an ______________ reaction which absorbs free energy. An example would be ______________________________________________________________

8. Cells manage the amount of energy used by coupling reactions. Explain how ATP is the primary molecule used for these reactions. How does ATP release energy to provide work energy for a cell? Talk about the high energy phosphate bond, where does the energy actually come from? What does it mean if a molecule becomes phosphorylated?

9. Explain how enzymes act as catalysts to speed up reactions. Use the terms activation energy, substrate, active site, enzyme-substrate complex and products. Draw an example of an enzyme and substrate reacting below.

10. List the 6 factors that inhibit an enzymes ability to perform correctly and give an example of this inhibition.







11. How are bacteria able to live in hot springs when we know that heat denatures enzymes?

12. What is an allosteric site on an enzyme and how does it work?

13. Explain how an allosteric site can affect a feedback loop in an organism’s metabolism. Give an example.

14. Explain how enzymes may act as cooperative agents within a cell. How does this allow an organism to be more efficient?


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