Honors (& AP) Psychology with Mr. G-G

Honors Psychology Syllabus: Hillside High School * Class Website: mrggpsychology. N. Graber-Grace ~ Nicholas.GraberGrace@ ~ 919-560-3925 (xt. 25272)Student Teacher: Ms. Frances Starn: Frances.Starn@Tutoring: Tuesday 7:45-8:45am; Thursday 4:00-5:00pm; @ lunch by appointment-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Honors Psychology Course DescriptionPsychology is a fascinating, wide ranging and complex study of the myriad factors influencing human behavior and mental processes. We will evaluate different approaches to psychology and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different research methods. We will learn about personality development, the relationship between biological factors and our environment in influencing who we are, our work habits, mental health, and the way we think and act. We will study socially constructed attitudes about race, gender and sexuality. We will explore how memories are formed, consider the relationship between thinking and language, debate the nature of “intelligence.” Students will learn about major developments in the history of psychology, consider contemporary debates within the field, and discuss the ethical norms and research methods psychologists use in their science and practice. We will seek to understand the practical applications of psychology in a clinical setting by learning about various psychological disorders and approaches to treating them. Your dedication to the learning process is essential. I will expect you to read, to think critically, and to apply what you learn in writing. You will be required to learn, remember, and apply a great many vocabulary terms. Many concepts are related to each other, and you should learn how to trace, analyze, and understand those relationships. It is my goal that the grade you earn be a reflection of how much you learn and grow. Course Structure & RigorI organize the course into nine units, each with its own readings, activities, projects, and assessments.Self-direction: Each unit you will research assigned topics and create projects to share with classmates. I want your creativity to shine through. I expect you to develop a deep understanding of each topic, but I will rely on you to help me understand and guide you on how you can best learn in your own way. VOCABULARY MATTERS. To excel, You will need to work hard to master your psych vocab so that you can apply it in the context of core concepts. This means lots of practice! QUIZLET is your friend!TAKE HOME TESTS – For most units I supplement the in-class unit test with a take home test. These will be open note and open book; expect them to challenge you to think hard and apply what you learn.UnitDescription / topics% of (AP) ExamScientific Foundations of PsychologyPsychological Perspectives & Methods of research10-14%Developmental PsychGrowth & development7-9%%Biological Bases of BehaviorBrain Chemistry, Nervous System, Drugs & Dreams8-10%Sensation & PerceptionBrain interpretation of vision other senses6-8%Social PsychologyAttitudes & behaviors8-10%Cognitive PsychologyMemory, Thinking, Language, & Intelligence13-17%Motivation, Emotion, & PersonalityWhy we do what we do; what makes us who we are11-15%%LearningHow Organisms Learn7-9%Clinical PsychologyMental illness & diagnosis; drug treatment; therapy12-16%Attendance, Late work & Missed Test Policy: Three (3) unexcused absences and/or three (3) unexcused tardies will trigger a call home. Five (5) tardies will trigger an after school detention; ten (10) will lead to Saturday detention. If you miss class:Attend lunch or after school tutoring that week to catch up on what you missed; If an absence is excused, you have three days to complete any work or exams after you returnThis is an HONORS LEVEL CLASS, yet I understand that life can be complicated. Each student will start with FOUR student responsibility cards that grant an extension for regular assignments.Extensions for major projects will not be granted except under extraordinary circumstances.Assignments from a particular unit will not be accepted after that unit’s test has been completed.Bathroom Policy: 6 hall passes per student per semester. I must approve each pass. 30/30 rule applies. Grading & Assessment PolicyI prefer to focus on your learning rather than numerical grades. I expect you to check your numerical grade on power school. Questions towards me should focus on psychological concepts and academic skills, NOT how to get an extra point.The AP Psychology Exam is scheduled for noon on Tuesday, May 12th, 2020. Students that do well in Honors Psychology will be encouraged to continue pursuing your studies in Psychology to take the AP Exam in May. Process – 50%. Process grades reflect work done and tasks completed during the learning process.Product – 50%. Product grades reflect what you know and are able to do, and are evaluated based on precision and accuracy.Examples include:35% - Class work: warm ups, cornell notes, activities, in class research & project based work, etc. 15% - Homework: Reading logs, unit packets, at home quizlet vocabulary practice, etc.Examples include:20% - Major Projects: essays, research projects, presentations, etc.10% - Quizzes: Vocab, Practice FRQs, etc.20% - Tests (Take Home & in Class)Your final exam will be in JANUARY: and will count as 20% of your final grade.)Any student that is caught plagiarizing, copying work, cheating, or helping another student cheat, will receive an automatic zero, which will be converted to a maximum of 60% credit once the assignment is resubmitted as original work.The 1st Quarter ends 10/28, with progress report(s) on (or before) 9/16 & 10/7; Report Cards on/around 3/29. The 2nd Quarter ends 1/17 with progress report(s) on (or before) 11/20 & 12/16; report cards ASAP after 1/17.Materials RequiredKnow how to log into your computer, access your gmail, how to use google drive and google classroom, and how to access Powerschool. Google Classroom, Drive, Docs, etc. will be used daily.Your notebook: a 3 ring binder with loose leaf & 10 dividers, or two 5 subject notebooks; pens, pencils, etc.Class Expectations & Rules: Respectful & Caring interactions: No insults, name calling, or vulgar language; follow the golden rule. Treat each person with respect and dignity.Follow classroom procedures & school rules, and respect teacher instructions that guide your learning.Demonstrate mature use of electronics. Laptops are a privilege and are to be used for academic purposes.Cell phones/tablets and music players too often distract both you and me from our learning. Unless I’ve asked you to use it for class, keep devices off and concealed from bell to bell. If I see it, you should expect me to ask you to let me hold it until the end of class to minimize distraction.Academic Integrity: You are here to learn and grow together. Any student that copies another students work, allows their own to be copied, or plagiarizes from outside sources will earn a zero on the relevant assignment. I do offer second chances to earn back a maximum of 2/3 credit.Students that disrupt activities or assessments will experience consequences. Disrupting a testing environment will result in earning a zero pending a teacher scheduled retest.SWARM EVERY DAY! STRIVE FOR EXCELLENCEDo your best work; be your best self and maintain a positive attitude and responsive body language.Try your hardest, be open to new ideas, respect your classmates and teacher, & be honest.WORK COLLABORATIVELYCreate a classroom community based on mutual respect and kindness. We are all in this together.Contribute to small group and whole class activities and discussions. Assist classmates and teacher.ARRIVE ON TIMEBe seated before the bell rings & start the warm up without me having to remind you. Don’t pack up early!READY TO LEARNWhen you’re here, BE HERE IN MIND, BODY, and SPIRIT. Eat & handle personal business BEFORE class.MAXIMIZE OPPORTUNITIESListen actively to fellow students and to your teacher; ask and answer questions; come to tutoring!Consequences for violating Class Expectations and Rules:I hope to speak with all parents/guardians. Ideally, these are positive calls home about how great you are.First violation: redirection; potential conversation / warningSecond violation: classroom consequence; incident is recorded with possible parent contactThird violation: Lunch or after school detention; parent contact. Loss of eligibility for curved test privilege.Fourth violation: conference with guidance &/or intervention team; parent contactFifth violation: Referral to administration for ISS /assignment to work detail/clean-up crew; parent contactNotwithstanding the above, any egregious conduct will merit an immediate referral to the office ................

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