APA Citation Style

APA (American Psychological Association) Citation Style



Works by one author

The author's name and the year of a document is entered in round brackets. APA Citation Style requires a comma between surname, and year of the document. The page number is given for a literal quote. However, to make it easy to find an interesting fragment, it is assumed that page number also should be added in the case of paraphrasing the text.

The equilibrium price acts to ration the good so that everyone who wants to buy it will find it available (Hyman, 1994, p. 96).

If the author's name or date appears as part of the sentence, in brackets, type only the missing information.

Hyman (1994) points out that costs are divided into two categories – fixed costs, and variable costs.

Works by two authors

Both surnames have to be cited with an ampersand (&).

Methodologies of positive economics and the art of economics are quite different (Landreth & Colander, 2002).

In the narrative text, it has to be the word "and".

As Landreth and Colander (2002) say…

When a work has three, four or five authors

During the first citation all authors should be listed. In the next citations only the first author should be listed with other authors replaced by “et al.”

First citation:

Horngren, Bhimani, Datar and Foster (1999) found…

Next citations:

Those facts are clear in every case (Horngren et al., 1999).

When a work has six or more authors

It should be only the first author’s surname. Other authors should be replaced by “et al.”

When two works by different authors are quoted

They should be listed in alphabetical order, and separated by a semicolon.

Unemployment is defined as…(Diulio, 1998; Gottheil, 1999).

If more than one work is cited of the author

After the author's name, dates are entered chronologically. If both items have been issued in the same year, after the dates, type letters of the alphabet.

Money is the medium of exchange (Rothbard, 2004, 2006).

When authors have the same surname

The first letter of the first name should be placed before the surname.

J. Smith (2000) and W. Smith (2005) argue that the results of research...

If a work is used that was cited in another work

Name the original work in the text. The secondary work should be listed in the reference list and included in parentheses.

Fisher argued that...(as cited in Moore, 2005, p. 172).

Work by an organization or institution

Citing the first time give the full name of this institution or organization, and in subsequent citations, only an abbreviation.

Full name:

(National Institute of Standards and Technology [NIST], 2002)


(NIST, 2002)

Direct quotes under 40 words

The author’s surname, year of publication, and the page number (preceded by "p.") for the reference should be noted.

He says: “At Alexander’s death, there was an attempt to preserve the unity of his empire” (Russell, 2010, p. 214).

Direct quotes more than 40 words

Place direct quotations longer than 40 words in a free-standing block of typewritten lines, and omit quotation marks. Start the quotation on a new line, five spaces from the left.

Faulkner (1960) says:

The settlers in Virginia found the soil too rich and the climate too warm for English wheat. But they soon discovered in tobacco a staple crop with a growing market upon which they could concentrate their energies. Although prices declined in later years, its growth was profitable business, and the crop grew 130,000,000 pounds by 1790 (p. 67).

Unpublished information (phone calls, correspondence, personal communication etc.)

Personal communication is not included in a reference list. Parenthetically the name of the person involved, the fact that it was personal communication, and the date of the communication should be included in the main text only.

Jones states that many things have changed (personal communication, April 7, 2006).

Anonymous authors

Should be listed as such followed by a comma and the year.

We should remember about all those facts and analyses (Anonymous, 2007).



Works cited in the text must appear in the list of references or bibliography. This list contains the information needed to identify each source.

The list of literature cited is created on a separate page at the end of the document, before the annexes. It begins with the title "References". The reference list is created maintaining the alphabetical order of the works cited, determined by the first letter of the author’s surname. Within a single item of literature, the second and each line begins with a free space (5 spaces). In the case of works in which titles are given in English, English format should be used (all words in the title – except for conjunctions – are in capital letters).

Print sources

Articles in journals, magazines, and newspapers

Surname, N. (year). Title of work. Journal title, volume number(issue), pages.

Razzell, P. (1977). The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. The British Journal of Sociology, 28(1), 17-37.


Surname, N. (year). Book’s title. Place: Publishing house.

Hyman, D.N. (1994). Microeconomics. Burr Ridge: Irwin.

Frank, R.H., Bernanke, B. (2007). Principles of Macroeconomics (3rd ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Essays or chapters in edited books

Surname, N. (year). Chapter’s title. In N. Surname (Ed.), Boook’s title (pages). Place: Publishing house.

James, S. (2000). Influencing Government Policy Making. In D. Stone (Ed.), Banking on Knowledge (pp. 162-179). New York: Routledge.

Chapter or excerpt of the volume

Surname, N. (year). Chapter’s title. In N. Surname (Ed.), Series’ title: volume number. Volume title (pages). Place: Publishing house.

Skarbek, W. (2004). Tutorial on Face Recognition by Linear Discriminant Analysis. In K. Saeed (Ed.), Computer Information Systems and Applications: vol. 1 (pp. 13-36). Białystok: Wyższa Szkoła Finansów i Zarządzania w Białymstoku.

Conference paper

Surname, N. (year, month). Paper’s title. Paper presented at Name of the Conference, Place.

Kołodko, G. (2002, June). Globalization and Transformation. Illusions and Reality. Paper presented at The International Symposium on Comparison Institutional Arrangements in Transitional Economies, Haikou, China.

Research reports

Surname, N. (year). Title (Report No xxx). Place: Publishing house.

Note: If there is an electronic version of a report, instead of place of issue, and publishing house, put the URL address.

Deluga, T. (2009). Report on the Aviation Market in Poland (PMR Research Report for Polish

Information and Foreign Investment Agency). Retrieved from



Surname, N. (year). Title [abstract]. Journal’s title, volume number(issue), pages.


Surname, N. (year). Title. Journal’s title, volume number(issue), pages. Abstract retrieved from .

Gale, F. (2008). Tasmania's Tamar Valley Pulp Mill: A Comparison of Planning Processes Using a Good Environmental Governance Framework [abstract].  Australian Journal of Public Administration, 67(3), 261-282.

Dissertation, accessed online

- from scientific database

Surname, N. (year). Title (kind of dissertation). Retrieved from Name of Database. (UMI No.).

- from website

Surname, N. (year). Title (kind of dissertation). Retrieved from .

Conner, J. (2010). Forward Genetic Analysis of the Toll-like Receptor Response in Wild-derived Mice (doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Database. (UMI No. 3372514).

Electronic works


Surname, N. (year). Title. Retrieved from .

Surname, N. (year). Title. doi: xxx.

Note: "Doi" is an identifier for an electronic document, which does not depend on the physical location of the document, but is assigned to it permanently.

Amelink-Verburg, M., Herschderfer, K., Offerhaus, P., & Buitendijk, S.. (2010). The Development of Evidence Based Midwifery in the Netherlands: The Journey from Midwifery Knowledge to Midwifery Research to Midwifery Standards of Practice. Retrieved from ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Source (document ID: 1932881111).

Electronic article

Surname, N. (year). Title. Journal’s title, volume number(issue), pages. doi: xxx.

Surname, N. (year). Title. Journal’s title, volume number(issue), pages. Retrieved from .

De Rossi, G. (2010). Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Cox-Ingersoll-Ross Model Using Particle Filters. Computational Economics, 36(1), 1-16. doi: 10.1007/s10614-010-9208-0.

Jaremko, Y. (2009). Self Force on a Point-like Source Coupled with Massive Scalar Field. Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics, 6(20), 211-228. Retrieved from .

Blog entries and internet discussions

Surname, N. (year, month and day). Title of message [type of media]. Message posted to .

Tucker, J. (2010, May 18). Calzada Predicted This [blog]. Message posted to .

Whole website citation

In this case it is not required to include information in the reference list, there should be only a link within the text itself.

Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), consists of the members of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and five Reserve Bank presidents. This institution makes monetary policy ().

Movie (VCR/DVD)

Surname N. (Producer/Screenwriter/Director) (year). Title [media]. Country: Publishing house.

Ho K. (Producer), Pressman E. (Producer), Flynn M. (Producer), Stone O. (Screenwriter/Director), Weiser S. (Screenwriter) (1987). Wall Street [DVD]. USA: 20th Century Fox.

Audio recording

Surname, N. (year). Title [media]. Place: Publishing house.

Houston, W. (1998). Get It Back. On My Love Is Your Love [CD]. New York: Arista.



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