University of Pittsburgh




• Using WinZip or a similar program, Pack (compress) all of the assignment files into an archive called

Make sure you take a snapshot of your output run on the command prompt window (use Alt+PrintScreen for PCs) and (Apple+Shift-3 for MACs) and save into a document called YourNameOutputRun.doc.

Include the document in your Hw4 folder before you compress it.

• Submit the zipped/compressed package by using the computer science department submission server, as follows:

a) Open My Computer and type the following URL in the Address box

b) To complete the submission, click and drag your compressed folder then release the mouse in the submission window.

• Submission must be before the due date (by 11:59pm), otherwise, it will be considered late.

• Code must be your own (internet code is not allowed).

Do the following two programming problems

Create a simple trivia game for two players. The program will work like this:

1. Starting with Player 1, each player gets a turn answering 5 trivia questions (there are 10-questions, 5 for each player). When a question is displayed, four possible answers are also displayed. Only one of the answers is correct, and if the player selects the correct answer, he or she earns a point.

2. After answers have been selected for all of the questions, the program displays the number of points earned by each player and declares the player with the highest number of points the winner.

You are to design a class called Question to hold the data for a trivia question.

The Question class should have String fields for the following data:

A trivia question

Possible answer-1

Possible answer-2

Possible answer-3

Possible answer-4

The number of the correct answers (1, 2, 3, or 4)

The Question class should have appropriate constructor(s), accessor (getter), and mutator (setter) methods.

The program should create an array of 10 Question objects, one for each trivia question (If you prefer, you can use an ArrayLIst instead of the array). Make up your own trivia questions on the subject or subjects of your own choice for the objects, or use the given text along with this hw (trvia.txt).

Suggested psuedocode for the program:

1) File:

//Question class

public class Question


// Constant for the number of questions

public final int NUM_QUESTIONS = 10;

// The trivia question

private String questionText;

// An array to hold possible answers.

private String possibleAnswers[] = new String[NUM_QUESTIONS];

// The number (1, 2, 3, or 4) of the correct answer.

private int correctAnswer;


public Question()


// Initialize all fields to "" or 0;

questionText = "";

correctAnswer = 0;

for (int i = 1; i ................

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