PDF Argumentative Writing Prompts


Argumentative Writing Prompts

5 Debat15e TDeexbtsatweithTeWxrtitsingwPitrhomWprtisti&ngRubric Prompts and a Rubric

Argumentative Writing Prompts

15 Debate Texts with Writing Prompts & Rubric

Name: ______________

Date: __________

College or Not?


Everyone should go to college. In today's world, there are not many job opportuni@es for those who do not get a college diploma.

Since businesses have to offer insurance to full--@me employees, many businesses choose to only hire part--@me posi@ons for entry level jobs. However, for those who hold college degrees, the opportuni@es for full--@me employment are endless.

In addi@on, each year, the career opportuni@es for educated professionals are growing. As technology advances, so do career opportuni@es. Many of these careers are not open to those without college degrees.

If you want a steady job, then you must get a college educa@on.


While it is true that the job opportuni@es for full-- @me work in America is becoming hard to find, that doesn't mean you must have a college degree to be successful and finciallay stable.

As a maKer of fact, entrepreneurs typically make more money than college graduates. While some entrepreneurs do have a college degree, many of us are just hard working people who had a goal to own our own business.

If you want to be a successful business owner, you do not have to go to college. Instead of racking up college loans, start working right away as an entrepreneur.

If you want a steady job, then you should not go to college. Instead, start your own business.

Prompt: Should everyone go to college? Write an argumenta@ve essay. Use the text to support your claim.

Name: ______________

Date: __________

Prompt #1

College or Not

P_r_o_m__p_t_: _Sh__o_u_ld_ _ e_v_e_ry_o_n_e_ _ g_o_ _to__ c_o_l_le__g_e_?_ _W__ri_t_e_ a__n_ a_r_g_u__m_e__n_t_a_@_v_e_ _ e_s_s_a_y_._ U__s_e_ t_h_e__ t_e_x_t_ t_o_ _ s_u_p_p_o__rt_ _ y_o_u_r_ _c_la_i_m__. _

















Name: ______________

Date: __________

Reading in Gym Class


The new academic standards make it mandatory that teachers of content area subjects teach literacy standards. This means that gym teachers, music teachers and art teachers must teach reading standards.

So, how would a gym teacher teach reading? It's preKy easy actually. He could use the texts that are available to him; game direc@ons and nutri@onal informa@on.

Gym teachers should teach reading because students do not have enough opportuni@es to prac@ce reading strategies. It's no longer only the reading teacher's responsibility to teach reading.

The en@re school must work to make sure that students leave high school able to read.


Students must sit for the majority of the day. They spend at least 90 minutes in reading class, 60 minutes in wri@ng class and then about 90 minutes in math class. When they go to gym class, they should not have to worry about reading.

Gym class is a @me for exercising and geVng pent up energy out of their systems. Students go to gym to learn how to become strong, play sports and stay healthy, not to read.

In addi@on, gym teachers did not take college coursework to teach reading. They are being asked to teach reading and they have never been trained to do so.

It's not fair to ask gym teachers to teach something when they have never been taught to do it. It's also not fair to take away the only enjoyable class that students have and turn it in to another reading class.

Prompt: Should gym teachers teach reading? Write an argumenta@ve essay. Use the text to support your claim.

Name: ______________

Date: __________

Prompt #2

Reading in Gym Class

Prompt: Should gym teachers teach reading? Write an argumenta@ve essay. Use the text to support your claim.

















Name: ______________

Date: __________

Social Media Bullying



If you are a student and have been bullying

another student on social media, the school should have the

Sure, bullying on social media is wrong. However, this is happening out of school hours, so it is the

right to discipline you.

responsibility of the student's parents to discipline

Many students are being called names and teased on social media and it affects how they learn in school. It's hard for these students to come to school and learn when another student is harassing them on social media.

Therefore, the students who are doing the harassing, must be punished by the school. The school should have the authority to discipline the student even if the bullying was done outside of the school hours.

The only way to make sure bullied students are being protected is to give the school the authority to punish students for bad behavior on social media.

for this behavior.

The school should only have the authority to punish students for behaviors that took place on school grounds and during school hours. What's next? Is the principal going to come into my home and punish me for bad manners at the dinner table? We have to draw the line somewhere.

In addi@on, students also have the freedom of speech like everyone else. What they say on social media should fall into those rights.

It is not the school's responsibility to monitor the behavior of students while they are at home, so schools should not be allowed to discipline students for bullying on social media.

Prompt: Should schools be able to punish students for bullying on social media? Write an

argumenta@ve essay. Use the text to support your claim.

Name: ______________

Date: __________

Prompt #3

Social Media Bullying

Prompt: Should schools be able to punish students for bullying on social media? Write an argumenta@ve essay. Use the text to support

_y_o_u_r_ c_la_im__. _


















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