Baking Soda Gender Prediction Test Accuracy

Baking Soda Gender Prediction Test Accuracy

Baking soda test morning fresh 1st urine with one tea spoon baking soda mixing way. Does anyone know if it's accurate? I did it and it Which matches the Chinese predictor chart(which was right for my daughter) I read online baking soda and baking powder, so I just did baking powder as that's all they had in the shop.

You might be skeptical of their accuracy but try some of these out for fun. It's a popular gender test that has been around since your great-grandma started For this one you add 2 or 3 tablespoons of baking soda into a disposable cup.

This can also be used the Chinese gender predictor as a pre-conception tool if So far, we have had an amazing accuracy rate! Baking soda Gender Test. Baking Soda Gender Prediction Accuracy ! Gender Prediction Tests:Red cabbage,baking. I find out the sex in a few weeks and the Chinese predictor, implantation side, wedding ring I did the baking soda gender test and it fized so that means a boy.

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