Trump’s Illegal & Unconstitutional War Against Venezuela ...

[Pages:8]Trump's Illegal & Unconstitutional War Against Venezuela Isn't What You Think It Is


The American People Are Once Again Being Lied To About Foreign Policy. This Time, Venezuela.

Written by: Jeffrey L. Klump 04/02/19

The United States has not officially declared war on the South American country of Venezuela, but, wars like anything else, do not necessarily have to be "declared" before the action takes place. Case in point, Venezuela. The Trump administration has ratcheted up the war propaganda once again and will not let it go. There are U.S. military troops deployed in the neighboring country of Columbia and also on the island, and U.S Protectorate, Puerto Rico, waiting for a signal to begin operations. U.S. spy planes are flying in and around Venezuelan airspace as well. The rumors of U.S. special forces training in the city of Los Angeles, about two months ago was actually a mock invasion of the capital city of Caracas.


So far, there has been little action and mostly talk. That is about change for the better or worse. Venezuela is a country located in the Northern tip of South America. Venezuela borders Columbia to the West and Guyana to the East. Venezuela has no Navy or Air Force except what they allowed in by their friends and trading partners, the Russians. They are not involved in any military conflicts outside of their own border. So, this writer is asking himself, what is the big deal about Venezuela? Why are the world's three superpowers, Russia, China, and The United States, involved in that small nation? Venezuela certainly isn't a military threat to the United States. So, is it really about oil and the massive oil reserves that Venezuela has off of its coast? The country is ultra rich in other natural resources, not just oil. Venezuela also has diamonds, gold, coal, iron ore, and bauxite.

On January 30th, 2019, Trump's National Security Advisor, John Bolton went on T.V. and publicly admitted that Venezuela is about oil and their massive oil reserves. Many were shocked that Bolton was so bold and came right out and


said why the U.S. is interested in regime change in Venezuela.

I applauded Bolton for finally telling the truth, even though I believe then as now that he is a war criminal(WMD's in Iraq), liar, and sociopath. Bolton satisfied my ego as I told many, the only reason for U.S. intervention in Venezuela, was for control of their massive oil reserves.

Since then, I didn't think any more of the U.S. motives and accepted Bolton at his word.

Several days ago, I was listening in to a late night call-in program on Youtube, called Marfoogle TV/News. There was another Youtuber calling in and said that he was friends with former CIA black operator, Cody Snodgres.

Snodgres told this Youtuber that Venezuela was not about oil, but, something else. Snodgres went on to say a word that I have never heard of before. The word was Coltan. After the Youtuber hung up, my intellectual curiosity picked up and I had to learn more about Coltan.

I have never heard of Coltan and I suspect most Americans haven't either.

Coltan is short for columbite-tantalite and is usually referred to as Tantalum. Coltan(Tantalum) capacitors are used in everything from cell/smartphones, computers, electronic equipment of every sort, semiconductor circuits, alloys for jet engines, military weaponry including smart bombs, and spy satellites.

One of the main keys to the importance of Coltan is that it can resist corrosion and can withstand extreme temperatures, and without it, weapons systems can overheat.

In 2015, writer Carrie Giunta wrote an article entitled,"Follow the Minerals: Why the US is threatened by Venezuela's "Blue Gold". In this article, she wrote that in 2009, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez announced the discovery of an estimated $100 billion worth of "Blue Gold" which is the term used in Venezuela for Coltan. I am not sure if that was such a good idea to make that announcement, but, it was too late, and the cat was already out of the bag.

Giunta also reports in her article that in 2015, President Barack Obama labeled Venezuela "an unusual and extraordinary threat" to the United States. What the hell does that mean? All because of the massive oil reserves that they have?

Giunta's report in 2015 most likely fell under the radar because of the


problems the U.S. backed militants in Syria, were having. President Vladimir Putin and his Russian troops were decapitating these militants and President Obama sure as hell didn't want to get involved in another foreign entanglement, this time in our own hemisphere.

Both Hugo Chavez and his successor, current President Maduro, had clamped down on border smuggling of Coltan especially through U.S. ally Columbia. The smuggling of Coltan was a major network for the United States to receive this most valuable mineral, most likely on the cheap, and without having to be friendly the Venezuelan government.

So, the government of Venezuela shuts down smuggling and the black market of Coltan, and the war propaganda of the United States starts reaching a fever pitch. Coincidence? I don't believe in coincidences. I believe everything happens for a reason because it is planned in advance.

I don't think it is a leap to assume that all of the politicians in Washington both Republicans and Democrats are crooks and liars. I am sure that the majority of the American people would agree.

Given that, how in the world could I have been so foolish to believe what John Bolton said in his public comments about Venezuela in January of this year? One thing I know now is, if John Bolton says that regime change in Venezuela is about oil, you can bet your ass, it isn't about oil.

The world is awash in oil. The United States is sitting on more oil than Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Iran, combined, underneath Gull Island, off the coast of Alaska. The United States is the number one oil producer in the world, and running a close second is Russia. With that in mind, one could still make the argument that Venezuela is still about oil.


Let's take a look at Coltan a little closer. Except for Venezuela, which the world now knows is sitting on massive reserves of Coltan, are there any other countries that have this critically important mineral?


Australia, Columbia, and Afghanistan, have trace amounts. The only other country that has vast reserves of Coltan is the Republic of Congo in central Africa. The Congo has been involved in an on again, off again civil war with itself, to some extent, for decades.

The civil war is now on again and raging. Despite that, they are able to mine and sell Coltan and name their own price. The number buyer is...China.

Big surprise there.

On August 1st, 2018, the DRC(Democratic Republic of Congo) announced it confirmed four cases of the deadly Ebola virus. Since then, many other cases, they say, have also been confirmed. My conspiratorial mind is working in overdrive. What if the Ebola story is just a cover? What if there aren't any Ebola cases?

This would be the perfect rouse to keep foreign invaders out. No way in hell would any soldier put themselves in harm's way with that deadly virus at any price. The United States is carefully watching what is going on in the Congo, and not because they care about the people or the spreading of the virus, they want to know who else is receiving the mined Coltan and how much they are getting.

The United States wants to replace the elected President of Venezuela, Maduro, for their new puppet, a man named Juan Gaido. Gaido does not have the support of the people the way western media wants you to believe. Even if the western puppet should somehow replace Maduro, that does nothing for the people of Venezuela. After all, isn't that what President Trump says he is concerned about? What a humanitarian!

I don't think the American people realize how dangerous the situation with Venezuela really is. The stakes are enormous. The United States needs another illegal and unconstitutional war like we need another hole in our heads.

If Maduro hangs on, he will continue to do business with his friends and trading partners, the Russians and Chinese. What does this mean in terms of power, control, and money?

If you are on Maduro's side, you are Kings of The Hill! The country already owes both Russia and China billions, but, the huge benefits for both countries are this. They have direct access to the number one most important mineral in the world that is very rare, Coltan.

Russia and China can both sell Coltan to the rest of the world, including the


United States, if they wish, set their own price, and best of all, force other countries to buy in either Russian Rubles or the Chinese Yuan, or even the hyper inflated Venezuelan Bolivar. That cuts out the U.S. dollar in trade, once again. Russia and China can literally set up their own "petrodollar" system with Venezuela, similar to what the United States did in the 1970s with Saudi Arabia, to solve our massive debt and inflation problem with the U.S. Dollar. Trump cannot go to the American people and sell yet another war, this time, for a bunch of rocks in the ground. They will have to "false flag" it. They will have to do something horrendous and blame it on the Maduro government. President Trump likes to talk highly about himself and has a massive ego. Trump plays checkers. Vladimir Putin, the Master Tactician, plays chess. Within the past week, President Putin deployed over 100 Russian special forces and technicians to Venezuela, at the request of President Maduro. That was a ballsy move. Putin did a big FU to Trump. Along with these technicians, they also arrived with the advanced S-300 surface to air missile system currently in use to protect Syria. The S-300 can be easily upgraded. The bottom line here is that Putin "trumped" Trump, to coin a phrase. Vladimir Putin has Trump in "check". Trump has only two options. Retreat or full-scale military operations. The clock is ticking on Venezuela. It's your move, Mr. Trump.


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