Persuasive Letter

Persuasive Letter

“The Client

Dear Mrs.Pharo,

What to do when an 11 year old boy is told about the location of a dead senators body and he is the only one to solve the case? Mark Sway, a key person in the help of an on-going murder case in which a senator is killed. When the murders’ lawyer himself tells him the location of the body, before the lawyer commits suicide. “The Client”, one of the best books I have read, gives insight into a world of murder and lies.

I feel the book is well worth reading, because it gives insight into the mind and thoughts of a troubled boy. Mark Sway has been told a deep dark secret. After, his brother is hospitalized by witnessing the scene as an innocent bystander; he is hospitalized for shock and trauma. Mark, who has to make a decision to tell his brothers doctor, or keep the doctor in a daze, impairing the doctor to help to his full ability.

The book is all a good read due to the psychological nature of the book. “The Client” gives the reader the feel that he or she is experiencing this actual pain. Ricky, Marks younger brother, is in complete shock after witnessing this, and the author puts the reader in a position of pity and sorrow. Then the suicide of the lawyer himself shows how a man can sometimes not take as much drama as he though he could.

This book is worth reading because of the two reasons listed above. The book is controversial, yet important. It shows many things beside the two listed above, such as family love, caring, and passion. Mark shows that he cares about his brother in many ways and that he is very mature for his age, something not a lot of people can show today.

In conclusion, I feel that overall the book was amazing. It shows insight, love, family, and many more. I would recommend this book to a lot of people. It’s great that an 11-year-old boy could be this mature and this wise. If asked to, I would read the book again.




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