Effect of Supplementation of Rice Straw with Biogas ...

Journal of Scientific & Industri al Research Vo1. 59, May 2000, pp 407-4 12

Effect of Supplementation of Rice Straw with Biogas Residual Slurry Manure on the Yield, Protein and

Mineral Contents of Volvariella volvacea Mushroom

S Banik and R Nandi

Nati o na l In stitute o f Research on Jute & A llied Fibre Techno logy, 12 Regent Park , Calc utt a 700 040 , Indi a

Rece ived: II Aug ust 1999; accepted: 3 1 January 2000

Vo /varicl/a va/vacca co mmonl y know n as paddy straw mushroo m grows well in hum id and trop ical enviro nment. This is regard ed as a deli cious mu shroom for it s Il avo ur and tas te. Howeve r. the biological cffi ciency 01' thi s is ve ry low in co mparison to oystcr mushroom. Low producti vi ty is a big hurdle fo r its commcrcial exploi tation . Although the mushroom is cll1ed paddy straw mu shroom, it has great affin ity towards hiomanurc . Supple mentatio n of ri ce straw - th e traditi onal substratc for thi s mushroom culti vation, with biogas residual slurry man urc not onl y increases its producti on to a great ex tent by prod ucing fruit bodies bigger in size and hi gher in number but also incrcases the protein content sign ifi cantl y. In addition cssenti al mi neral nutri ent s viz., P, Ca, K, Fc, Cu, Zn and Mn arc also increased. So, suppl emcntation of thi s biomanu re fo r culti vati on of tropical mushroo m Va /varicl/a va /vacca may bc a step towards its successful commcrcial exploi tati on.


Spent slurry left in biogas pl ant after bi ogas generation is found to be ric h in mine ra l nutri e nts I . SO, thi s bi omanure has been used in agriculture on diffe rent crops for increasing yie ld2 .Thi s biomanure has been used success fully fo r culti vati on o f Pleurofus (flld Volva riella n mu s hroo m ?:l-) Bl oc k6 u se d muni c ip a l g arba ge fo r composting and used it fo r producti o n of button mu shroom . The maj or diffe re nce in these two processes o f co mpostin g is that one is anaerobi c whil e the othe r is aerobic . It is re ported7 th at prevailin g hi g h an ae robi os is in the bi ogas di ges ter reduces co mmon plant path ogen to a g reat ex te nt in the res idu al organic mass whic h he lp the mus hroo m to g row in lesse r compete ti o n and produ ce mo re hygenic mu shroo m fruit bodi es. M o reover, th e anae robes degrade th e li g noce llul os ic co nstitu e nts considerably making them easil y ass imil able to the mu shroom. Volva riella spp. sho w great affinit y toward s co mpost alth oug h it can grow we ll o n padd y straw o nl y. So, the stud y was undertake n to eva luate and co mpare th e y ie ld potential and nutriti onal value o f the mu shroo m g rown on rice straw and a co mbinati o nati o n o f straw and the said bio manure.

Materials and Methods

Biogas spe nt slurry manures usin g raw mate ri a ls cattl e dun g, po ultry Jitte r and munic ipa l so lid was te (MSW) as substrates we re co ll ecte d from Lo k S ikha Pari shad , Narendrapur Ramkri shn a Mi ss ion, C hil d In Need Institute Agri cultural Farm , Samali and fro m biogas pil ot pl ant of Burn Standard C o. Ltd ., Howrah respecti vely. Bi ogas spent slurry using jute caddi s as raw material was obtain ed from the bi ogas pl ant of the In stitute.

C hemi ca l compos iti o n of the fibre materi als and bi o manures we re de termined from a ir dry sa mp les and ex pressed on oven dry we ig ht (at 10:,)0 C ) basis fo ll owing me th ods desc ribed in Tappi Sta nd a rd R? Simil arl y tota l nitrogen and ph osph oru s were de te rmin ed fo ll ow in g method s desc ribed in Jac kson') and oth er e le me nts viz.. Na, K, C a, Fe, Z n, C u and Mn were dete rmined in a

:no Parkin - Elme r mode l Ato mic A bsorpti on Spectro-

photo meter from ash samp les obtain ed by heatin g in a Muffl e furn ace fo r 6 ho urs at 5500 C us in g sta nda rd me th ods lO

A ir dry straw and biomanures we re used for mus hroo m bed pre parati o n a ft e r prop e r di sin fec tion . T he



BiO-lllan ure samp le

Cowdu ng

Ash Per cent

5 1.86

Table I - Nutri ents in the biogas res idua l slurry bio-manure

Elc mcnt s Presc nl (ovcn dry basis)

per cent





0.2 1


0. 14









Poultry litter 56.77


1.1 7

0 .1 5


3 .54

7 1.3

876 .2

Jut e caddis 38.65






47 1.4





0 .25


7 .06

101.6 6 16.0

*MSW = Muni cipal Solid Was le. - NOI delermined

C:N ratio




1142 . 1 17.63



1098. 1 2 1.63

Table 2 - Effec t ofhi ogas residual slurry manure *suppl ement al ion on yie ld of Vo /va riel/a lIo /m cl!a

Treatment s**

Slraw 100 per ccn!


Straw + 0.1 per cent ( H4)2 HP04 T I

Yield of Illu shroom (g I kg straw)


11 8

Slraw +Biomanure ( I : I )



Straw +Biomanure(2: I )



Straw +B ioma nllre ( I: 2)



* Jute Cadd is was used as substrates in lhe hiogas planl

** The experim ent was of 30 days duration

CD at 5 per cent =70.0 I and CD at I per cen t=98. 16 Trcatmen! T2 signilicant at I per cent and TI signili cant at 5 per cent level, other treatmen ts NS

Biologica l cfliciency (Pcr cent)

9.2 II .S




Increase over co ntrol



63.0 15.2 6.5

moisture content in airdry st raw was 3.9 per cent and in biomanures from cattledu ng, poultry litter, MSW and jute caddis were 2.8, 5.04, 12.2 and 2.7 per cent respectively. Mu shroom Vo/vorie flo vO /l'oceo was grown in ga lva ni sed iron trays ( Im X Im) at 30 -37() C using either rice straw alone or ri ce straw in comb ination with 0. 1 per cent (NH4)2 HPO4 ' benga l gram (Cicer orietill ul1I ) powder and residual slurry manures obtained from biogas plant in alternate layers fo llow ing stand ard methOdS 11 . Four replications were kept for ex periments presented in Table 2 and three replications were kept fo r ex periments presented in Table 3 and 4. Average va lues of mushroom yield and biological effici ency of mu shroom yield has been expressed in gram per kg of straw. Fmit bodies were harvested at just maturity i.e. , before opening the vo lva and fres h we ight and res pective moisture per centage of mushroom were determined. Two harvests was taken for 30 d ex periment and max imum fo ur harves ts could be achi eved for ex periment of 60 d

duration. First , seco nd , third and fourth harves ts were obtained within 13- 15, 22-26, 35-40 and 50-55 dafter spawn run . The fruit bod ies were dri ed at 50? C in a hot air oven. Analyses were done using air dry and powdered samp les for protein 12 , carbo hydrate IJ, lipid 14 and mineral nutrients viz., N, P, K, Na, Ca, Fe, Mn , Cu and Zn using methods as mentioned earli er. All results presented are average of replicated sets and are expressed on oven dry weight bas is.

Results and DisclIssions Results of th e ex peri ments are presented in Tables

1-6. Tab le I depicts the mineral nutri ent values in biogas res idual slurry manures. The manures co ntain as hi gh as 56.77 per cent ash and are rich in mi neral nutri ents li ke

, P, K, Na, Ca, Cu, Mn , and Zn . lain 2 reported that these biomanures are more effective th an farmyard manure. Moreover, prolonged an aerobios is in the biogas di gester causes eliminati on of th e pathogeni c mi croor-



Table 3 - Effect ofbi ogas residual slurry manure as suppl ement ation on yield of Voll'a riella volvacea*

Treatment s** Only Straw

Yie ld of llIu shroom ( g/kg straw)

Biologica l eflic iency (pCI' cent)




Increase over Control (per celll)

Straw + Besan (Bengal gram dal powdcr) T I

14 1

14. 1


Straw + Cowd un g Biom;lI1urc





Straw + Poultry Litter Biomanure





Stra w + Jute Caddis Biomanure





Straw + MSW Bi omanurc



14 .9


*The experiment was of 30 d duration **Straw: Bio man ure was I: I CDat5percent=123 .77, COat I percent=1 76.03 Treatment s T2 and T4 signilieant at I per cent and 5 per cen t leve l respecti vely, other treatment s NS.

Table 4 - Effect of biogas res idua l slurry manure supplementati on on yield of Volvariella I'olvacea *

Treatments **

Only Straw


Straw + Cowdung Biomanure


Straw + Poultry Litter Biomanure T2 Straw + Jute Caddis Biomanure T3

Yield of mushroom (g/kg straw)

123 4S2 157 143

Biological eflici ency (Per cent )

12. 3


15 .7


Inerease over control

(Per cent )

390.S 27.0 15 .9

*The ex perimen t was 01'60 d duration, ** Straw: Biomanure was I: I CD at 5 per cent=59 1.33 and CD at I per cent=g96.72. Treatment TI signifi cant at I per cent leve l, other treatments NS.

gani sms almost comp letely and at th e sa me lime partial degradatio n of the li gnocellul osic materi als take place7 So, these biomanures ca n serve as a good starter and stimulant for improvement of mushroom qua lity and its yield.

In labora tory culture vigour in growt h of Volvo riel/a volvacea on potato malt ex tract broth was found better than in potato dex trose and malt extract broths. Earl ier report!" however, showed that oat aga r medium produced max imum mycelial growth for this mushroom. This fi nding will be he lpful for production of spaw n of Vo/vari el/o mushroom on co mmercial basis.

From res ults prese nted in Table 2 it is ev ident lhat treatment bi omanure from jute caddis in I: I rat io with rice straw was signifi cant at I per cent level in co mpari -

so n to control i.e., ri ce straw alone. Ri ce straw supp lemented with 0.1 per cent (N H) 2HPO.j in term s of mushroom productivity was signi ficant at 5 per cent level over contro l. Supplementati on of ri ce straw with biomanure in the rati o of 2: I or I:2 ratio was less effecti ve in terms of mushroom producti vity and were not signifi cant in co mpari son to co ntrol. This res ult conoborates th e previous observat ionsl-5. PaP " found that nitrogen is ve ry essenti al for cu lti vati on of Volvariella volvacea but also noticed th at add iti on of 0.1 per cent urea created problem of mold contami nation. Purkayastha el al.!6repo rted un co ntroll ab le problem of Coprinus contamin at ion durin g culti vat ion of Vo /varieiia mu shroom in tropical conditi ons . In the present meth od occurrence of Coprinus co nta mi m ti on was greatl y contro lled.

4 10


Tabl e 5 - Effect on majo r constitu cnts in Vo /vari el/a vo/vacea due to supplementation by biomanure *


Per cent

Protei n

Ca rbohydrate




Straw 100 per cent





14 .9

Straw +0.1 per cent (N H4)2 HP04


Straw + Biom ................

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