Número 4 | Outubro/Dezembro 2018 | Volume 55 - SBMDN

N?mero 4 | Outubro/Dezembro 2018 | Volume 55



ISSN 0004-2803 ISSN 1678-4219 - on-line


v. 55 N? 4 Out/Dez 2018


Chronic hepatitis C is still a problem for the public health care system in Brazil A hepatite C cr?nica ainda ? um problema para o sistema p?blico de sa?de no Brasil

Edna STRAUSS________________________________________________________________________________ 321



Congenital hepatic fibrosis and obliterative portal venopathy without portal hypertension ? a review of literature based on an asymptomatic case Fibrose hep?tica cong?nita e venopatia portal obliterativa sem hipertens?o portal ? revis?o da literatura com base em um caso assintom?tico

Juliana Arrais GUERRA, K?tia Cristina KAMPA, Maur?cio ZAPPAROLI, Ven?ncio A F ALVES, Cl?udia Alexandra Pontes IVANTES____________________________________________________________________ 324


Hepatitis C in the Brazilian public health care system: burden of disease Hepatite C no sistema p?blico de sa?de brasileiro: impacto da doen?a

Adauto CASTELO, Carlos Eduardo BRAND?O MELLO, Rosangela TEIXEIRA, Jose Valdez Ramalho MADRUGA, Tania REUTER, Leila Maria Moreira Beltr?o PEREIRA, Giovanni Faria SILVA, Mario Reis ?LVARES-DA-SILVA, Heverton ZAMBRINI, Paulo Roberto Abr?o FERREIRA_______________________________________________________ 329


Evaluation of the behavior of levels of HMGB1 and IL6 as predictors of infection, acute kidney injury and mortality in cirrhotic patients with variceal bleeding Avalia??o do comportamento dos n?veis s?ricos de HMGB1 e IL-6 como preditores de infec??o, inj?ria renal aguda e mortalidade em pacientes cirr?ticos com varizes sangrantes

Eduardo Garcia VILELA, Camilla dos Santos PINHEIRO, Saulo Fernandes SATURNINO, C?lio Geraldo de Oliveira GOMES, Vanuza Chagas do NASCIMENTO, Marcos Vinicius Melo de ANDRADE___________________________________________ 338

AG-2018-59 Waiting DAAs list mortality impact in HCV cirrhotic patients Impacto da lista de espera para AADs em pacientes cirr?ticos por VHC Giovanni Faria SILVA, Vanessa Gutierrez de ANDRADE, Alecsandro MOREIRA_______________________________________ 343


Immune mediated diseases in patients with celiac disease and their relatives: a comparative study of age and sex Doen?as imunomediadas em pacientes com doen?a cel?aca e em seus familiares: um estudo comparativo entre idade e sexo

Lorete Maria da Silva KOTZE, Luiz Roberto KOTZE, Isabela MORENO, Renato NISIHARA_______________________________ 346

AG-2018-69 Food intake, nutritional status and gastrointestinal symptoms in children with cerebral palsy Ingest?o alimentar, estado nutricional e sintomas gastrintestinais em crian?as com paralisia cerebral Deise Cristina Oliva CARAMICO-FAVERO, Zelita Caldeira Ferreira GUEDES, Mauro Batista de MORAIS______________________ 352


Best polypectomy technique for small and diminutive colorectal polyps: a systematic review and meta-analysis Revis?o sistem?tica e meta-an?lise sobre t?cnicas de polipectomia de p?lipos colorretais pequenos e diminutos

Caio Vinicius TRANQUILLINI, Wanderley Marques BERNARDO, Vitor Ottoboni BRUNALDI, Eduardo Turiani de MOURA, Sergio Barbosa MARQUES, Eduardo Guimar?es Hourneaux de MOURA________________________ 358


Digestive diseases in elderly and factors associated with length of stay in the Hepatology and Gastroenterology Unit of the Campus Teaching Hospital of Lome (Togo) Doen?as digestivas em idosos e fatores associados ? dura??o da perman?ncia na unidade Hepatologia e Gastroenterologia do Hospital Universit?rio de Ensino de Lom? (Togo)

Lat? Mawuli LAWSON-ANANISSOH, Oumboma BOUGLOUGA, Aklesso BAGNY, Rafiou EL-HADJI YAKOUBOU, Laconi KAAGA, Datouda REDAH_____________________________________________________________________ 369


The old one technique in a new style: developing procedural skills in paracentesis in a low cost simulator model A antiga t?cnica em um novo estilo: desenvolvendo habilidades procedimentais em paracentese em simulador de baixo custo

Daniel Araujo Kramer de MESQUITA, Erika Feitosa QUEIROZ, Maria Allyce de OLIVEIRA, Carlos Magno Queiroz da CUNHA, Fernanda Martins MAIA, Rafaela Vieira CORREA___________________________________ 375


Gastric fundic gland polyps: can histology be useful to predict proton pump inhibitors use? P?lipos de gl?ndulas f?ndicas: a histologia pode ser utilizada para prever uso de inibidores de bomba de pr?ton?

Hugo Leite de Farias BRITO, Cynthia BARROS, Marcelle Vieira FREIRE, Miraldo Nascimento da SILVA FILHO, Tereza Virg?nia NASCIMENTO_______________________________________________________________________ 380


Serum cytokine of IL-2, IL-10 and IL-12 levels in patients with stomach adenocarcinoma N?veis s?ricos de citocinas IL-2, IL-10 e IL-12 em pacientes com adenocarcinoma do est?mago

Mohammad SHOKRZADEH, Abbas MOHAMMADPOUR, Vahid HOSEINI, Saied ABEDIANKENARI, Nasrin GHASSEMI-BARGHI, Yahya Saleh TABARI_________________________________________________________ 385


Characterization of enteroaggregative Escherichia coli among diarrheal children in Western Brazilian Amazon Caracteriza??o de Escherichia coli enteroagregativa entre crian?as com diarreia na Amaz?nia ocidental brasileira

Roger Lafontaine Mesquita TABORDA, Luiz Ant?nio da SILVA, Patricia Puccinelli ORLANDI, Fl?via Serrano BATISTA, Renata Santos RODRIGUES, Najla Benevides MATOS_______________________________________________________ 390


Malnutrition and clinical outcomes in surgical patients with colorectal disease Desnutri??o e complica??es cl?nicas em pacientes cir?rgicos com doen?a colorretal

Victor Keniti Gomes NISHIYAMA, Silvia Maria ALBERTINI, Carla Maria Zordan Geraldo de MORAES, Moacir Fernandes de GODOY, Jo?o Gomes NETINHO_______________________________________________________ 397

AG-2018-95 Profile of patients with chronic hepatitis C in a public health program in Southern Brazil Perfil dos pacientes com hepatite C cr?nica em um programa de sa?de p?blica do sul do Brasil Roseline MINME, Iandra HOLZMANN, Cristiane Valle TOVO, Paulo Roberto Lerias de ALMEIDA___________________________ 403


Potential preventive effect of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus plantarum in patients with polyps or colorectal cancer Potencial efeito preventivo do Lactobacillus acidophilus e Lactobacillus plantarum em pacientes com p?lipos ou c?ncer colorretal

Nazi ZINATIZADEH, Farzad KHALILI, Parviz FALLAH, Malihe FARID, Maryam GERAVAND, Somayeh YASLIANIFARD____________ 407

AG-2018-128 Surgical management of cystic lesions of the pancreas: a single-centre experience Tratamento cir?rgico de les?es c?sticas do p?ncreas: uma experi?ncia unic?ntrica Gabriela Beatriz SIA, Pedro Fran?a da Costa SOARES, Martinho Antonio GESTIC, Elinton Adami CHAIM, Francisco CALLEJAS-NETO, Everton CAZZO____________________________________________________________ 412



Irritable bowel syndrome, food intolerance and non-celiac gluten sensitivity. A new clinical challenge S?ndrome do intestino irrit?vel, intoler?ncia alimentar e intoler?ncia n?o cel?aca ao gl?ten. Um novo desafio cl?nico

Rosa Leon?ra Salerno SOARES______________________________________________________________________ 417

Brazilian Institute for Studies and Research in Gastroenterology and Other Specialities (IBEPEGE) Alcides Felix Terrivel (Representative)

Brazilian College of Digestive Surgery (CBCD) Nicolau Gregori Czeczko (President)

Brazilian Federation of Gastroenterology (FBG) Flavio Ant?nio Quilici (President)

Brazilian Society of Digestive Endoscopy (SOBED) Flavio Hayato Ejima (President) Brazilian Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (SBNPE) Diogo Oliveira Toledo (President)

Brazilian Digestive Motility & Neurogastroenterology Society (SBMDN) Joaquim Prado P. de Moraes Filho (President)

Brazilian Society of Hepatology (SBH) Paulo Lisboa Bittencourt (President)

Editor Fundador / Founding Editor Jos? Fernandes Pontes (IBEPEGE, S?o Paulo, SP)

Editor Cient?fico / Scientific Editor Mounib Tacla (IBEPEGE, S?o Paulo, SP)

Editor Executivo / Editor-in-Chief Ricardo Guilherme Viebig (IBEPEGE, S?o Paulo, SP)

Editores Associados / Associate Editors Ad?rson Omar Mour?o Cintra Dami?o (USP, S?o Paulo, SP) Adriana Safatle Ribeiro (FMUSP, S?o Paulo, SP) Alberto Queiroz Farias (FMUSP, S?o Paulo, SP) Alfredo Jos? Afonso Barbosa (UFMG, Belo Horizonte, MG) Alo?sio Souza Felipe Silva (HU, S?o Paulo, SP) Ana Claudia de Oliveira (UFSCar, Piracicaba, SP) Andrea Bottoni (Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes, SP) Angelo Alves de Mattos (UFCSPA, Porto Alegre, RS) Angelo Paulo Ferrari Junior (UNIFESP, S?o Paulo, SP) ?ngelo Zambam de Mattos (UFCSPA, Porto Alegre, RS) Ary Nasi (USP, S?o Paulo, SP) Avelino Luiz Rodrigues (FMUSP, S?o Paulo, SP) Ben-Hur Ferraz Neto (PUC, Sorocaba, SP) Bruno Zilberstein (USP, S?o Paulo, SP) Camila Col?s Sabino de Freitas (Hospital IGESP, S?o Paulo, SP) Carlos Alberto Cappellanes (Hospital S?rio Liban?s, S?o Paulo, SP) Carlos Eduardo Jacob (FMUSP, S?o Paulo, SP) Carlos Walter Sobrado (USP, S?o Paulo, SP) Claudemiro Quireze J?nior (UFGO, Goi?nia, GO) Claudia P. Marques Souza de Oliveira (USP, S?o Paulo, SP) Claudio Saddy Rodriguez Coy (UNICAMP, Campinas, SP) Cristiane Valle Tovo (UFCSPA, Porto Alegre, RS) Dan Linetzky Waitzberg (USP, S?o Paulo, SP) Denis Pajecki (FMUSP, S?o Paulo, SP) Dulce Reis Guarita (USP, S?o Paulo, SP) Edmundo Pessoa Lopes Neto (UFPE, Recife, PE) Edna Frasson de Souza Montero (UNIFESP, S?o Paulo, SP) Edna Strauss (Hospital do Cora??o, S?o Paulo, SP) Edison Roberto Parise (UNIFESP, S?o Paulo, SP) Edson Ide (FMUSP, S?o Paulo, SP) Eduardo Guimar?es Hourneaux de Moura (USP, S?o Paulo, SP) Eponina Maria de Oliveira Lemme (UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ) Everson Luiz de Almeida Artifon (FMUSP, S?o Paulo, SP) Fabio Guilherme Campos (USP, S?o Paulo, SP) Fabio Pinatel Lopasso (USP, S?o Paulo, SP) Fauze Maluf Filho (USP, S?o Paulo, SP) Flair Jos? Carrilho (USP, S?o Paulo, SP) Fl?vio Antonio Quilici (PUC, Campinas, SP) Fl?vio Cesar Viani (Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul, S?o Paulo, SP) Flavio Steinwurz (Hosp. Israelita Albert Einstein, S?o Paulo, SP) Gabriela Perdomo Coral (UFCSPA, Porto Alegre, RS) Gerson Ricardo de Souza Domingues (UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ) Heitor Rosa (UFGO, Goi?nia, GO) Horus Antony Brasil (Hospital S?rio Liban?s, S?o Paulo, SP) Ismael Maguilnik (Moinhos de Vento, Porto Alegre, RS) Ivan Cecconello (FMUSP, S?o Paulo, SP) Jaques Waisberg (FMABC, Santo Andr?, SP)

Consultores - Brasil Ad?vio de Oliveira e Silva (USP, S?o Paulo, SP), Angelita Habr-Gama (USP, S?o Paulo, SP), Arthur B. Garrido Jr. (USP, S?o Paulo, SP), Cervantes Caporossi (UFMT, Cuiab?, MT), Desid?rio Roberto Kiss (USP, S?o Paulo, SP), Gaspar de Jesus Lopes Filho (UNIFESP, S?o Paulo, SP), Helio Moreira (UFGO, Goi?nia, GO), Jo?o Batista Marchesini (UFPR, Curitiba, PR), Joaquim Gama Rodrigues (USP, S?o Paulo, SP), Lorete Maria da Silva Kotze (PUC, Curitiba, PR), Luiz Rohde (UFRS, Porto Alegre, RS), Marcel Cerqueira C?sar Machado (USP, S?o Paulo, SP), Maria Aparecida C. A. Henry (UNESP, Botucatu, SP), Paulo Roberto (FFFCMPA, Porto Alegre, RS), Renato Bonardi (UFPR, Curitiba, PR),

Editores Assistentes / Assistant Fernando Pardini (IBEPEGE) Osvaldo Malafaia (CBCD) Eduardo Antonio Andr? (FBG) Marcelo Averbach (SOBED) Maria Cristina Gonzalez (SBNPE) Gerson Ricardo de Souza Domingues (SBMDN) M?rio Guimar?es Pess?a (SBH)

Jo?o Gomes Netinho (FM S?o Jos? do Rio Preto, SP) Joaquim Prado P. de Moraes Filho (USP, S?o Paulo, SP) Joel Faintuch (USP, S?o Paulo, SP) Joffre Rezende Filho (UFG, Goi?nia, GO) Jose Alejandro Piscoya Rivera (UPC, Lima, Peru) Jos? Celso Ardengh (USP, Ribeir?o Preto, SP) Jos? Eduardo Monteiro da Cunha (USP, S?o Paulo, SP) Jos? Marcio Neves Jorge (USP, S?o Paulo, SP) Juan Sebastian Lasa (CEMIC, Buenos Aires, Argentina) Julio Cesar Bai (Hosp. Dr. Carlos Bonorino Udaondo, B. Aires, Argentina) Julio Cezar Uili Coelho (UFPR, Curitiba, PR) Julio Yarmuch (Hosp. Clinico Universidad de Chile, Chile) Luis Soifer (Instituto Universitario CEMIC, B. Aires, Argentina) Luiz Augusto Carneiro D'Albuquerque (USP, S?o Paulo, SP) Luiz Fernando Corr?a Zantut (USP, S?o Paulo, SP) Marcel Autran Cesar Machado (USP, S?o Paulo, SP) Marcelo Averbach (Hospital S?rio Liban?s, S?o Paulo, SP) Marcelo Eidi Nita (USP, S?o Paulo, SP) Marcelo Gil Cliquet (PUC, Sorocaba, SP) Marco Aurelio Santo (USP, S?o Paulo, SP) Maria do Carmo Friche Passos (UFMG, Belo Horizonte, MG) M?rio Guimar?es Pess?a (FMUSP, S?o Paulo, SP) Mario Periba?ez Gonzalez (Inst. de Infectologia Emilio Ribas, S?o Paulo, SP) Mauro Batista de Morais (UNIFESP, S?o Paulo, SP) Milton Melciades Barbosa Costa (UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ) Nora Manoukian Forones (UNIFESP, S?o Paulo, SP) Osvaldo Malafaia (UFPR, Curitiba, PR) Paula Bechara Poletti (Hospital do Cora??o, S?o Paulo, SP) Paulo Gustavo Kotze (PUC, Curitiba, PR) Paulo Herman (FMUSP, S?o Paulo, SP) Paulo Lisboa Bittencourt (Hospital Portugu?s, Salvador, BA) Paulo Sakai (USP, S?o Paulo, SP) Renata Furlan Viebig (Universidade Mackenzie, S?o Paulo, SP) Roberto Carlos Burini (UNESP, Botucatu, SP) Roberto Oliveira Dantas (USP, Ribeir?o Preto, SP) Rodrigo Oliva Perez (USP, S?o Paulo, SP) Ronaldo Mafia Cuenca (UnB, Bras?lia, DF) Rosa Leon?ra Salerno Soares (UFF, Niter?i, RJ) Sender Jankiel Miszputen (UNIFESP, S?o Paulo, SP) Sergio Carlos Nahas (USP, S?o Paulo, SP) Sonia Penteado (USP, S?o Paulo, SP) Suzane Kioko Ono (USP, S?o Paulo, SP) Ulysses Fagundes Neto (UNIFESP, S?o Paulo, SP) Ulysses Ribeiro J?nior (USP, S?o Paulo, SP) Ven?ncio Avancini Ferreira Alves (USP, S?o Paulo, SP) Wallace Acioli (Hospital da Crian?a de Bras?lia, Bras?lia, DF) Wilson Roberto Catapani (FMABC, Santo Andr?, SP) Yu Kar Ling Koda (Instituto da Crian?a, USP, S?o Paulo, SP)

Samir Rasslam (USP, S?o Paulo, SP), S?rgio Brenner (UFPR, Curitiba, PR), William Abr?o Saad (USP, S?o Paulo, SP).

Consultant - International Peter Malfertheiner, MD (Otto-von-Guericke-Universit?t, Magdeburg, Germany); Francis Megraud, MD (INSERM - U853, University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France); Daniel Sifrim, MD, PhD (Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, London, UK); Steven Wexner MD, PhD (Cleveland Clinic Florida, Weston, FL, USA); Mark Scott, MD, PhD (Royal London Hospital, London, UK); Etsuro Yazaki , MD, PhD, (Wingate Institute of Neurogastroenterology, London, UK); Eamonn Martin Quigley, MD (Houston Methodist Gastroenterology Associates).

Publica??o Trimestral / Quarterly Publication. A revista ARQUIVOS DE GASTROENTEROLOGIA ? indexada nas seguintes Bases de Dados / The journal ARCHIVES OF GASTROENTEROLOGY is abstracted and/or indexed in: EMBASE / Excerpta Medica, Hygiene and Communicable Diseases (CAB Abstracts), LILACS, PUBMED / MEDLINE, Peri?dica: ?ndice de Revistas Latinoamericana en Ciencias, Tropical Diseases Bulletin (CAB Abstracts). On-line texto completo / Full texts:

Expediente / Editorial Office Secret?ria Executiva / Executive Secretary Mariana Rodovalho

Reda??o e Administra??o / Correspondence Rua Dr. Seng, 320 ? Bela Vista ? 01331-020 S?o Paulo, SP ? Brasil - Tel.: (11) 3147-6227 e-mail: secretariaarqgastr@.br


Scope and policy The Archives of Gastroenterology publishes originals and unseen

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