The Basic Bible Knowledge Test - Kidology

The Basic Bible Knowledge Test

1. Who was Jacob’s Dad and Grand-dad?

2. I know (A) all the books of the Bible by heart (B) some of them (C) about half (D) a few of them.

3. Who preached the Sermon on the Mount?

4. What city had big walls that fell?

5. Who had a coat of many colors?

6. Who wrote most of the New Testament?

7. Why did Jesus die on the cross?

8. Name a minor prophet.

9. What are the four gospels, and what are they about?

10. What empire ruled the world in the New Testament?

11. Who were the first man and woman in the Bible

12. How many books of the Bible are there?

13. What is something the book of Exodus talks about?

14. Who wrote most of the Psalms?

15. Who wrote most of the Proverbs?

16. What is the book of Revelation about?

17. True or False: The Bible probably has contradictions in it.

18. What is the greatest commandment in all of the Bible that sums up the Bible?

19. True or False: Daily prayer and Bible reading are like food and oxygen to the Christian and so they are crucial for spiritual survival.

20. Circle one: I don’t really read the Bible. I sometimes read the Bible. I just kind of scan the words. I regularly read the Bible. I don’t just read the Bible, I study it.


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