Autobiographical Project

Autobiographical Project

|Song/Poem Analysis |The Year You Were Born… |Autobiographical Narrative |

| | | |

| |2. Research and find: |3. Write a two page narrative about |

|1. Choose a song or a poem that is |A. Five major events that occurred that |something interesting that has happened to|

|important to you. Include a copy of the |year (new president elected, a war |you. |

|lyrics and explain what about them is |started/ended, etc) |500 word minimum. |

|special to you. Include how the words |B. Five box-office hits from that year | |

|apply to your life in particular. 150 |C. Topic: Your choice! A 5-item list, or |[pic] |

|words minimum. |brief paragraph on something you found out| |

|[pic] |about your birth year. | |

|Simile Paragraph |“I wish…” |Biographical Poem |

| | | |

|4. Write a paragraph in which you compare |5. Compose a piece about something you |6. Following the provided format, compose |

|yourself to something else. Identify your |wish you had (or had not!) done. 100 word |a poem about yourself. Your final draft |

|simile and then support your statement |minimum. |should be illustrated in a way that |

|using specific details. 100 word minimum. | |represents you! |

|[pic] |[pic] | |

|Coat of Arms |Autobiographical Poster |Cover Collage |

| | | |

|7. Create a coat of arms (using the |8. See back of this paper. |9. Create a collage to use for your cover.|

|provided template) | |Decorate it with pictures or items that |

|to represent yourself. | |represent you. Your name must be clearly |

| | |visible somewhere on the cover. |


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