CPUSH (Unit 9, #3)

PUSH (Unit 3, #3) Name ________________________________

Date ___________________ stu#_________

The United States in World War I: The Battle Front & Home Front

I. Combatants in World War I quickly began to use ______________________ tactics

A. Governments committed all their nation’s _______________________ & took over industry to ______________________________

B. Soldiers were ____________________, the media was censored; ______________________________ was created to support the war

C. The enemy became the other ___________________, not just its soldiers

D. New weapons were introduced, such as _______________________, tanks, ________________, flame throwers, poison gas, blimps, heavy artillery, & ________________________

E. To ________________ soldiers from enemy fire, both the Allies & Central Powers built ___________________; But, trench warfare made it difficult for either side to gain an advantage

II. American Entry into World War I: Mobilizing an army & fighting in Europe

A. When the U.S. declared war in 1917, World War I had been going on for 3 years

1. The British, French, & Germans had fought to a bloody _____________________ on the Western Front

2. German __________________ patrolled the Atlantic Ocean

3. ___________________ was so devastated that soldiers were sent to fight on the Eastern Front without _____________________ while civilians ______________ at home; In Nov 1917, _________________________________ & the Bolsheviks successfully overthrew the Russian gov’t & established the Soviet Union, the 1st _________________________ nation

B. After America’s declaration of war in 1917, America had to ____________________ before it could fight in Europe

1. The army had only 200,000 soldiers & needed _____________________

2. Wilson & Congress created 5,000 new _______________________________________ to manage & win the war

Help President Wilson mobilize for war by addressing each of the following problems

|Problem |Possible Solution |

|The army has only 200,000 soldiers | |

|How do we keep morale high in support of this conflict? | |

|How do we feed soldiers & civilians? | |

|How do we get enough fuel for military, factories, civilians? | |

|How do we make enough weapons? | |

3. To mobilize the military, President Wilson & Congress created:

a. The ______________________________________________ led by John Pershing; The AEF was an “American” military __________________________ of the Allied armies fighting in Europe

b. The Selective Service Act to _______________________ between the ages of 18 & 45 into the army; __________________ were drafted to fight; Black soldiers were placed into ______________________ units

c. ______________________________________________________ oversaw the production of military supplies; Encouraged __________________________________ & set production quotas

d. Food Administration created food rations & encouraged Americans to grow “____________________________________”

e. Fuel Administration rationed ___________, __________ & encouraged “_______________________________”

f. ____________________________________________________ to create propaganda in support of the American war effort; The CPI created ____________________, movies, speeches & censored the press; The CPI helped encourage ___________ drives to raise money for the war

C. With the military & economy mobilized for war, the 1st U.S. troops began fighting in 1918

1. To combat German _________________, the USA used a __________________ system to deliver soldiers & supplies to Europe

2. U.S. soldiers saw their 1st action in May 1918 outside Paris, helped resist a _________________________________________, & participated in a __________________________ into Germany

D. The arrival of fresh American _____________________ & war ___________________ helped the Allies at a crucial time:

1. By October 1918, the German gov’t knew the war was ____________

2. The Ottomans, Austria-Hungary, & Bulgaria had __________________________

3. Nov 11, 1918 Germany signed an ______________________ with the Allies & World War I came to an end

E. The Impact of WWI on the USA: After 3 years of neutrality, the USA _____________________________ entered WWI & played only a _________________________ role in the fighting

1. The American effort was ________________________ than that of other Allied nations

2. America fought for only _____________________ (not 4 years), had ______ % casualties (not 52% like most Allied Powers)

3. But, the American commitment to “__________________________” had a huge impact on the U.S. home front

III. The Home Front During World War I Name__________________________ Hr. _______ Stu #______

|Women |Summary: |

| |Doc A | |

| |Doc B | |

| |Doc C | |

|African-Americans |Summary: |

| |Doc A | |

| |Doc B | |

| |Doc C | |

|Socialism & |Summary: |

|The Red Scare | |

| |Doc A | |

| |Doc B | |

| |Doc C | |

|Civil Liberties |Summary: |

| |Doc A | |

| |Doc B | |

| |Doc C | |

|The American Economy|Summary: |

| |Doc A | |

| |Doc B | |

| |Doc C | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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