?Overview: On May 11, 2016, Microsoft hosted the Delve Analytics YamJam to discuss feedback and answer questions about Delve Analytics. Microsoft team members, MVPs, admins and experts, joined in during the live hour. Read the notes below for a summary of what was discussed. ResourcesDelve Analytics infographic Delve Analytics website Delve Analytics plan detail page Take Back Your Time with Delve Analytics, blog post Meet Delve Analytics video Microsoft Mechanics videoDelve Analytics for Office 365 adminsLearn more about the way you work with Delve Analytics Delve Analytics Outlook add-in Delve Analytics Dashboard and Outlook add-inTopicsGeneral Content TypesRoadmapYammerOneDrive & SharePointDocumentation & TrainingLicensing GeneralQ: For those of you using Delve Analytics - Share how you're using it!- Has it caused you to change your behavior?- What is the most useful part of the product?A: Take a look at the responses in this thread. Q: What Delve analytics are people using and why? A: Our customers are getting insights on how they spend their time and who they spend it with to make changes in how they work to be more effective. Examples include two of our PMs not going to all the same meetings anymore, tuning emails for higher read rate, changing meeting habits to have more focus time.. etc.Q: When will we see those Team Analytics as shown by Julia White at last year's Ignite? A: We are working thru the details on how team analytics will work. Actively looking for feedback on what components as shown were most valuable for what types users.Q: So, is there a list of out-of-the-box analytics or a "Quick Insights" option (like Power BI)?A: I'd suggest taking a look at this blog. It calls out the main buckets at a glance. Q: I would love to see greater exposure to the people relationships. Who I interact with (who I should interact with based upon collaboration topics) and how I interact with them (what tools and with what frequency). Do regularly meet with one employee using Skype but interact with a similar employee using email. Also, breaking down the timing of the interactions (under 1 minute, 2-5 minutes, 30 minutes, etc.).A: Love these suggestions. We definitely agree that developing the people relationships will have high value. By the way - did you find the Outlook Add-in feature on people relationships valuable? It shows how fast you respond to a person against your average and how fast they respond to you.Q2: Yes. The plugin is really good for the email aspect of relationships. (I would somehow find a way to expose meeting info in that too). I would like to see that plugin exposed in other areas of O365. Such as Yammer, Groups, shared documents, tasks.A2: I agree; people analytics should be available across Office 365. Meeting analytics is on our upcoming roadmap. Q2: I could see this as very useful, in the same way you identify interaction with my manager, having a section that I can define people who I need to tract interactions at a greater detail on a regular basis. Even if I don't interact with them, that is important to know. I have different teams I should be working with and seeing those specific people would help make better communication decisions.A2: What information do you think would be most useful to know about key contacts or groups of contacts that you want to track? Would alerts or reminders to meet with certain people/groups at a regular cadence be useful?Q: Any plans for connectors to MS Azure ML or PowerBI? I want to avoid data extraction then data ingestion into ML. Then it is a playground of exploratory analysis with #rstats.A: Curious what you had in mind with Azure ML? We have a few ideas for making it easier for customers to compliantly and with privacy protection use the tools in Azure ML to analyze aggregated communications patterns in their organizations, but are at the early stages of our explorations of this. Love to hear your ideas on what would be valuable. Can you give me a couple examples of the type of analysis you want to do? We can make it easier to move data to ML by aggregating and focusing it first on the type of questions you want to answer. We could also build a model of regularly pumping the data you care about so it is always fresh, but we haven't advanced that very far.Q: Just curious - have any organizational management/ organizational leadership people in academia approached or notified you all that they were doing their Master's or Doctorate and using this tool to help support their position? It seems like it would be a great study for those who intend to think about that field for a living.A: We have a team within Delve Analytics dedicated to academic research and engagement. Stay tuned for forthcoming findings! We also publish our research in Harvard Business Review. Here and here are two articles.Q: I like the Delve App for Android but my work mobile is a Windows phone (I like to keep them separate so I can switch work off). I can't find the app in the Windows store. Is there one for Windows mobiles?A: We are working on a Windows Delve app, and it's looking good in our internal beta. We'll make noise for sure via the Office 365 Roadmap. Timing and more to come in the future, and nothing more to provide date wise today.Q: Is Delve Analytics accessible with PowerShell?A: Yes! There are a set of cmdlets to figure the Outlook Add-in as well as the privacy settings. Take a look at our documentation on TechNet. Content TypesQ: When demonstrating Delve and the Office Graph, I'm often asked the question by customers... "How does it determine what exactly I see by default?" How can I gear myself up to be able to answer these but also to be able to demonstrate changes in what people see, based on changes in behavior.A: Delve only shows documents that you have permissions to, whether because someone shared it to you, or because you have access to the group/ site.. Good starting point here: "Connect and collaborate in Office Delve". There's a ton of other support material linked to from this page to go further. Q: Does the logic differentiate between Appointments and Meetings in the Calendar? Does it analyze meetings (or appointments) marked as "Private" differently? Just me looking at the analytics results I would say no to all of this.This would be a good way to really understand the difference in time spent in "meetings" versus "focus time".A: Yes we do differentiate between appointments and meetings. Focus time includes appointments and meetings with only yourself as an attendee. For meetings, all day meetings and meetings marked as private are not included. You can see more about which meetings are excluded by going to the Meeting Hours tile on the Dashboard and clicking on View Details.Q: When will Delve "parse" Video content? We've been using Video for over a month and not one has shown up in Delve.A: Office 365 Videos do get fed into the Office Graph during upload, and once they are encoded. And there is a unique Delve card for Office 365 Video videos. Which section of Delve are you looking for videos to show up? There was a bug a few weeks back that Delve team fixed where videos weren't showing up on the "Home" tab. But I believe this got fixed, I can go back to that discussion and double check with the Delve team and see if this fix got deployed and when. (I just checked in our internal dogfood environment, videos are trending on the Delve Home page for me). Do those videos have views recently? They only start trending in Delve if people are viewing them.Q: Will Delve pull in files, docs, pictures that were uploaded to our company Yammer?A: There is a lot of work between the Delve, Yammer and SharePoint teams, to enable integration points available today (Yammer on by default, "post to Yammer" in Delve and Office 365 Video, Yammer coming soon to Office 365 Groups, improved auth experience). If files are linked to from OneDrive for Business or SharePoint Online Team Sites Document Libraries, then for sure the content is uploaded and fed into the Office Graph as people begin to engage on the content (sharing, modifying); signals. Yammer sends signals to the Office Graph for websites mentioned in a thread. And there is a lot of design to come to have more and more signals that the Office Graph will consume. More here about signals from various work loads across Office 365: "Which types of content can I expect to see in Delve?", and know that 3rd parties can push signals in from additional sources using the Office Graph API.RoadmapQ: What does the team see as the next major milestones for Delve Analytics? A: Thanks for the question. We're actively working on a meeting habits solution and forward looking insights for the dashboard. Our Outlook add-in will evolve to provide more in the flow solutions and richer email and meeting analytics. Another focus for us is adding more signals to the product from Office 365.Q: Hi Delve Analytics Gurus! I'm curious about data export possibilities; for example the possibility to export a list of people and how much time they've spent with specific others. If not, are there any possibilities of exporting data specifying the relation of people?A: We plan to make data export a feature of the organizational analytics tool which is currently under construction. Stay tuned for information about additional functionality in the coming months. Thanks for the question!Q: (Very) Long term roadmap question/request: Will the Office Graph be able to detect signals and actions from other Graph-like systems from other vendors some day? For instance, from an ERP, a Learning Management System, or help desk system? I suspect things like Microsoft's Dynamics CRM and maybe even Parature are being eyed, but is there thinking going on around "how can we bring the experiences and connections of other systems in the digital workplace into Delve and O365 Graph?A: Yes, directionally we want to get to a place where customers can decide what data is relevant and add it to the system. The principles are make all O365 data available as part of this, and then make it so customers can add their own relevant data.. as you mention, this might fall into that long term bucket. Q: I'm a keen user of Delve Analytics. I'd like to see more Groups integration and the ability to see trending data over the current seven day limit maybe as a report in the Admin Center. Thoughts?A: We are definitely exploring what kind of integration we can do with Groups. Would love to hear more scenarios or ideas that would be useful. To your second question - could you clarify what you mean? I totally understand wanting to have trends over more time but I'm not sure what kind of report you are looking for in the Admin Center.Q2: To clarify I'd like to be able to see how I'm improving (or not) over time. A week really doesn't provide enough trending data and switching between weekly views is awkward. If I can see week on week data for say Focus Hours that would be super useful in tracking personal and suitably anonymous group productivity.A2: Awesome thanks for the deeper explanation! In the dashboard today we show you metrics trending over a 4 week period. Are you looking for longer time periods than that?Q3: I think a consolidated 4 week period view, say by month, would be useful especially once team productivity is a focus. People like to see how they met goals over time.A3: Love it! We've got it on the radar - thanks for the comments!Q: Could Delve Analytics be used to give a sort of "Collaboration Report Card" that would help identify teams that aren't taking advantage of some of the collaboration features of Office 365? This would pave the way for targeted adoption/usage campaigns to specific parts of businesses that may not be adapting to new tools as fast as others, instead of the shotgun all company approach that many organizations conduct today.A: This gets a bit into the admin reporting functionality, but we do see an interesting scenario around silo identification that we are considering as a part of future org analytics. As far as your scenario on targeted adoption I think this is a core piece of the admin reporting capability.Q: Delve Analytics feature request: Configure my top 10 relationships. Track who is important to me.A: Great recommendation, Garret Wong! We're definitely adding these kinds of recommendations into the roadmap and this is a scenario that we're prioritizing (popular request :) ). We would love to hear how'd you use this so we can build the feature to meet your needs.Q: Delve Analytics looks very promising to improve communication and meeting quality (not only efficiency through quantity). Are there plans to include poll/review features, so participants could give a rating about the meeting relevancy (similar as event rating done by Meetup for example)? Or is it possible as DYI by combining Delve API with SharePoint webparts?A: Hi Michael, this is a common request and something we are looking into. One thing we get squirrely about is the negative aspect of rating someone else's meetings and sharing it either to the organizer or everybody-- any ideas? Thanks!YammerQ: I'm very interested to see Yammer and Skype for Business signals added for a 365 view. Yammer is used for most of our internal broadcast communications, and we are starting to move to Skype phone systems globally.A: Thanks for the feedback! Super helpful to know what's a priority for our users.Q: What are the thoughts on exposing analytics around collaboration (communication)? The ability to break out time as it is spent in Skype (either 1:1, or group communication) and yammer. I find the Yammer piece interesting as for some of our users, they spend as much time in Yammer as they do in email. Being able to derive info from this behavior can help shape what is and what is not providing productive value to the business.A: We're actively reviewing recommendations regarding the best signals to incorporate over time. Your suggestions are fantastic! Bringing in communication data is on the roadmap! Stay tuned for specifics over the coming months. Thanks!We are very interested in this scenario of helping customers understand how the communications patterns and modalities are shifting broadly within their organization eg impact of Yammer adoption on mail usage. Have you checked out the brand new reports in the admin portal; I think you can get quite a few answers there? Also, we are launching soon a PowerBi experience for admins that will give you more flexibility to slice and dice this aggregated data. Give these things a try and hit us with your feedback. The Office 365 usage and adoption Power BI content pack that we are planning to deliver will enable you to do this type of analysis. Stay tuned for more information on general availability of the content pack on the Office blogs.OneDrive & SharePointQ: When can we expect more of the Group/Team functionality in Delve Analytics that was recently featured in a Microsoft Mechanics video with Ryan Fuller?A: Thanks for the question, we are actively working on this functionality today. We don't timelines we can share yet, but would to have your thoughts on most important scenarios we should prioritize.Q2: Much of what Ryan discussed in that video would be a great starting point. Would love automated ways to select specific meetings and have Delve Analytics spit out the data for what all it thinks goes into not only the meeting itself, but the prep for the meeting at lower levels. Make that data actionable by letting us drill in on some type of report or dashboard. For example, for a recurring larger meeting most teams spend X amount of time prepping for it, but one team looks like they are spending 6X. Where is that discrepancy originating from, what are some suggestions to bring that back in line, and what do the predictive numbers look like if change is implemented?A2: We love this idea of analyzing the time it takes organizations to prep for certain meetings, and have been delivering something similar to a small set of customers as part of a consulting services program we've been running.* Over time we are very interested to make it more automated. Don't hesitate to contact me directly if you are interesting in the consulting engagement.* We are referring to the Prime Program. It's a bespoke engagement delivering the legacy VoloMetrix value proposition to the market. If you would like, happy to find a time to discuss in more detail.Q: Is Delve Analytics currently tracking OneDrive/SharePoint invitation shares since an email is sent to the recipients?A: Yes, we are tracking these emails. We do not track meeting items but the OneDrive/SharePoint invitation shares are good. Have you seen a different experience?Q: Is there a possibility of bringing Delve Analytics into SPO? Is that in the plans? In legacy terms almost a My Site concept?A: Can you tell us more about what types of features/scenarios would be valuable to you in SPO?Q: From my point of view, the Discover section within OneDrive is sort of like a basic version of Delve. (without the boards, yammer link, user profiles). Delve seems a lot faster though. If this a correct take on things?A: The Delve team and the OneDrive team are working closely to enable a very Files centric Office Graph experience. In terms of speed and perf, the teams are always optimizing and sharing best practices; ultimately the same Office Graph API is being called with results truncated per specific experience we are promoting within each app or web experience.The Office Graph is being used in so many places these days, within:- Exchange Online for Clutter- OD app for Discover files tab- the coming SharePoint app for frequent sites, activities and people- Office 365 Video for recommended videos- the new SharePoint home to show frequent sites and site activities, plus suggested sites.- 3rd party offerings programming off of the Office Graph API, as we are.- and more...With all this, the learnings are great and perf is always something that benefits with implementation best practices and API tuning over time. Documentation and TrainingQ: Is there documentation available that tells how the visualizations are computed- like what calculation is performed. A couple seem 'off' to me, and wanted to look at what was producing that data.A: No problem. The details are here. Is there a particular metric that you'd like me to go in detail? We are happy to explain further.Q: Are there plans to offer deep-dives, through MVA or maybe something like a virtual Customer Immersion Experience?A: We are working on building out our part of the CIE and are open to MVAs as well.Licensing Q: Looks like I don't have an E5 account!A: If you're interested in getting Delve Analytics as an add-on you can get it from here. It will work with any E SKU.Q: Is there a roadmap or some other guidance regarding Delve Analytics being part of non E5 SKUs without additional cost?A: Delve Analytics is currently offered as an add-on for E1/E3 SKUs priced at $4/user/month. We do not have plans to offer Delve Analytics as a free addition to other SKUs at this time.Q: Is the Delve Analytics add-on license coming to non-profits soon? The non-profit E5 license recently became available, so DA is working for users who have that license, however we won't be able to give everyone an E5 license but would still love for as many employees as possible to have this tool.A: The add-on is coming to non-profits as well.Q: Is Delve Analytics data being collected for all customers (even if they aren't E5)? The E5 customers can obviously have the entire experience, but if, for example, if an Org was E3 for a couple of years and then upgraded to E5, would they be able to see any data or information from prior to their E5 days? In other words, does moving to E5 simply unlock the display or does it actually start enabling data collection (in which case it could be a while before good trends emerge). A: Thanks for the question. The short answer is not at this time. Once you acquire E5 and assign licenses then we start generating the analytics for those users.Q: Hey everyone, I'm interested in testing out Delve Analytics. Is there a way we can upgrade a few members of our team to an E5 license to see Delve Analytics in action?A: Hi Jonathan - yes you can get Delve Analytics as an add-on from here. It will work with any E SKU.Q2: Does the add on give data for all users or just your own personal analytics data? So if a few admins had licenses could they output high level usage reports for the whole organization?A2: Thanks for the question. High level usage reports would be part of our organization analytics which we're actively working on but would not currently be part of the product. Users who are licensed will see analytics as it relates to their data only with one or two highly aggregated data points i.e. Organization Average.Q3: So we would see if others are reading our emails, even if they are not assigned a license?A3: A licensed user would see read %'s on their emails only if there is at least 5 or more Office 365 users from their organization on the mail in an effort to prevent user identification. Those users do not need to have Delve Analytics licenses. Also an Admin can use our PowerShell cmdlets to remove users from these aggregates.Q4: So we were able to add a few licenses to our tenant and assigned them. How long does it generally take for the Analytics piece to pop up in Delve?A4: Make sure your admin follows the steps here to enable. It currently takes 6 weeks to generate the analytics but we're working on a solution to speed this up significantly.Q1: Can Delve (and Delve Analytics) be rolled out to select individuals in an organization through selective First Release? If yes, is this possible in all tenants, even if they are hosted through third party cloud providers?A: To control access to Delve Analytics within a single organization select the users in the O365 Admin console (singly or in bulk edit mode) and check/uncheck the licensing box for Delve Analytics. For example, if you have a set of users with the E5 premium Offer that are not yet ready for Delve Analytics just go to "Licensing" on left side of user-settings and expand the "E5" Offer revealing "Delve Analytics" - unchecking "Delve Analytics" will keep existing E5 functionality e.g. PSTN calling but disable Delve Analytics.Q: Can individual seats be "upgraded" by users (costs on their behalf) or would this always have to go through the tenant admins?A: Currently only Office 365 tenant admins have access to which licenses are assigned to individual user accounts. Can you speak more to the scenario you're describing? Are you asking about end-users self-selecting into a pilot program?Q2: I will pass this on to our local Roadmap committee and hope we can arrange an Early Adopter try-out of Delve / Analytics. We had already proposed this here before, but were pushed back (because of technical / incompatibility issues with our provider, or so we heard). A self-selecting pilot for the enthusiasts would have been nice, but I had expected that this would not be possible.A2: An easy way to bake in "self selection" to a pilot program is to just license the users with a default privacy setting that makes sense for your org e.g. "opted in by default" and they let end-users know they are in control of their Delve Analytics data by using the Settings to "opt in" or "opt out". Default opt-in/out/exclusion is configured via the DA Exchange Online PowerShell cmdlets per user. ................

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