BIOL 101 Kowalko mkcullen Transcription and Translation

Transcription and Translation

1. Describe the general layout of the Central Dogma, draw a "flow chart" to help you see the order

of the steps, and include which transition of steps are transcription and translation.

DNA?RNA?polypeptide. DNA to RNA is transcription and RNA to polypeptide is translation


(RNA/DNA) is used to make an order of amino acids in a protein

3. What is a codon? What does it code for? Draw what it looks like.

A triplet of nucleotides (A, T, G, C) codes for amino acid.

4. What does "the reading frame" refer to?

A bunch or triplet of 3 nucleotides is how you would read them (3 at a time)

5. You have a strand of DNA that is the following: TACGATAGG. Find the amino acids that would be coded from this example. BE CAREFUL! Remember the steps of the Central Dogma


6. In Eukaryotes, what do the steps of Transcription look like? (you can draw another flow chart if it helps you)

DNA?mRNA?RNA?protein (polypeptide)

7. Describe generally what happens in initiation, elongation, and termination. Initiation: Start at the promoter (start point: TATA box) RNA polymerase unwinds strand of DNA Elongation: RNA polymerase adds the mRNA to the template strand of DNA Termination: DNA winds back together, and RNA polymerase will reach a stopping point (codon to terminate or stop transcription)


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