Arlington Classics Academy board of directors

Regular Meeting of the Board of DIRECTORS

2800 WEst Arkansas Lane, arlington, texas 76016

Thursday, january 17, 2013

6:30 PM

I. CALL TO ORDER: ACA Arkansas Cafeteria: 6:37 p.m. by Greg Hale

Board Members in attendance: Greg Hale, Debbie Sterba, Greg Snetsinger, Amy Smith, Mia Russo, Denise Marvin, Suzanne Rieter, Terri Thibodeau, Steve Coffee

Administration in attendance: Betty Duncan Coon, Melanie Schroeder

*** Due to speaker’s traffic delay, Greg Hale opened the session with Action item E –

See Section VII

*** Break from 6:47 to 7:00 p.m.

II. Board TRAINING: Dan Roseveare (This will be a two hour Board Training.)

Training ended at 8:30

Returned to Open session at 8:35


This time on the agenda allows each board member to inform other board members, the administrative staff and the public of activities which are of interest.

Debbie Sterba shared the photograph from the Star-Telegram showing ACA’s basketball team. Submitting the different club photos is a terrific way to show the public how much ACA has to offer.

Debbie Sterba also shared a Star-Telegram article that referenced ACA in a positive light regarding the suit brought by school districts against the State of Texas funding. In it, an ACA student expressed his desire to attend ACA with his siblings (and how he wanted to participate in all their fun and challenging academic projects), but could not due to class size limitations. The gist was that, with a cap on Charters in the state of Texas, fewer students like him are unable to attend ACA or other competitive Charter schools.

Terri Thibodeau – again requested that the Board get materials within the mandated 72 hours prior to a meeting rule.

Committees –

Agenda – Steve Coffee rotating off

Marketing – Lisa Callaghan’s space is vacant

Policy – Laurie Hines’ space is vacant

Financial Reporting – Mia replaced Joe Flenniken

Marketing – Suzanne Rietes volunteered


This forum allows anyone in attendance to address the Board on any matter except personnel and individual student issues. Any personnel concerns should be brought to the attention of the Executive Director of Schools or the Board President prior to the meeting. Speakers will be limited to three (3) minutes and must complete a Comment Card marked “Non-agenda” to be recognized by the President. Non-agenda items will be taken for no more than 30 minutes.

Amy Bickle – Thank You for lunch program commencement at ACA.


A. Recommendation regarding Custodians’ organizational structure and addition of one position.

Betty Duncan Coon recommendation that the custodial staff be revamped to add a position, due to increased facility requirements beyond the original custodial tasks.

B. Charter amendment/resubmission – July 31, 2013 is the expiration of our current charter. Betty Duncan Coon is expecting a letter from TEA regarding the instructions on how to reapply. Catherine Jones of TEA indicated that the application will be online and the deadline is 4/5/13.

C. Updates:

1. School Safety – Betty Duncan Coon shared the summary of recent activities that ACA has performed in recent weeks to ensure the continued safety of all students. The Charter School Center of Region XI will be helping Betty Duncan Coon regarding school safety to ensure ACA is as prepared as possible. Dalworthington Gardens has indicated interest in helping with any safety plans. (see attachment)

2. District Improvement Planning – Betty Duncan Coon presented a plan on how to move forward with completing this task. She set Monday's as the meeting day to work on the plan. (see attachment)

3. Policy Work – Betty Duncan Coon shared progress on the TCSA legal policies that staff have reviewed and edited. There is a schedule in place to continue reviewing and presenting to the full BOD. (see attachment)

4. Construction Project – Meeting weekly with RamTech, refining plans, are there enough electrical outlets, etc.

Attendance at Arlington Planning & Zoning meeting – Betty, Melanie and 3 BOD members attended in hopes of voicing opposition. Specifically addressing the Traffic report.

Betty and Mel had a chance to speak with city employees – that approved project will conceivably negatively impact ACA's expansion plans. This cannot be allowed to happen, because without our expansion – there will have to be a lottery for the affected students.

Q – Can we contact the City Council member representing the area? A – Yes, we should contact this. Sheri Capehart.

Next meeting is 2/6/13 at 5:30 pm.

Terri Thibodeau volunteered to contact Neighborhood Watch in the area to oppose as well.

This is a serious concern, and Betty Duncan Coon will be sending out a School Reach asking for parent support of ACA.

D. Financial Update – Melanie Schroeder discussed the lack of the December financial reports. Region XI indicated it is a system error, and the numbers do not balance. However, based on her local information we are on target financially.

At this point, we are at a breakeven trajectory – not including several local revenue sources.

Full compliance on physical insurance audit.

E. Middle School Principal’s Report – Curtis Flood shared his report from the Middle School –

38 8th graders,

77 7th graders

102 6th graders. There was a change in enrollment at the semester, as expected. Net loss of 2 from first semester.

1176 total enrollment, budgeted at 1200.

Semester finals were given before break, and was a cumulative exam.

Some money has helped supplement the WA trip – approx. $300 per student has been raised.

Debbie Sterba asked about training for Flipping Instruction. Could a teacher attend an upcoming training (she gave flyer to Betty) and then come back to “teach the teachers”. Administration is agreeable to this.


Unless removed from the consent agenda, items identified within the consent agenda will be acted on at one time.

A. Accept Minutes: December 13, 2012 Board Meeting – Open Minutes

B. Accept Minutes: December 20, 2012 Board Meeting – Open Minutes

C. Accept Minutes: December 20, 2012 Board Meeting – Closed Minutes

Motion: Greg Hale moved to accept the consent agenda items as presented

Second: Debbie Sterba

Vote: Passed (7 – 0 – 2 Abstain:Suzanne Rieters, Steve Coffee)


A. Discussion and vote regarding Custodians’ organizational structure and addition of one position.

Betty Duncan Coon shared that Ken Burns is the recommended staff member to assume this supervisory role.

There are unused funds in the supply budget line-item that can be moved to cover this additional role.

This role will be critical to the managing of the expansion of the Bowen campus.

Melanie Schroeder shared that the insurance audit required so much time, that it would have been impossible to have been completed without Ken's help.

Terri Thibodeau is concerned with cost, not need. Enrollment is lower than projected and therefore a financial "breakeven" year could jeopardize the continuation of this position.

Q - Could this be outsourced? A – a review will occur at the end of the year, to determine continued need and this has been shared with the custodial staff.

Adding another custodian at this point in the year will be approximately $12,000.00

Greg Hale stressed the minimum amount necessary to meet projections is $140,000 and preferred amount of $300,000.00.

Public Comments: Amy Bickle – supports this additional position, a clean school is important.

Terri Thibodeau cautioned about “small” increases adding up.

Motion: Debbie Sterba moved to accept the recommendation of including the Custodian Supervisory role and the addition of another Custodian staff member.

Second: Greg Snetsinger

Vote: Passed (9 – 0 – 0)

B. Discussion of ACA Board of Directors Bylaws Item – Selection Process for PTO Member/Director -

Terri Thibodeau suggested that option 3, presented to the Board – not use the PTO general meeting as the election point, but a separate meeting for the purpose of electing a member to the Board.

Denise Marvin does not see why the Board should be allowed to decide if the candidate can take the seat.

Greg Hale – Do they decide how they do it, or do we decide how they do it?

Mia Russo – has it been at large in the past? A – Yes, in the past there was an at

large position. However,

Terri Thibodeau indicated the need for a professionally balanced board……

Steve Coffee – what is reasoning for this change?

Debbie Sterba – An individual with an agenda can and will, pursue the PTO position and will then push their agenda as the PTO BOD member. With the PTO president selecting, or assigning this person – it is far more power than any other individual at the school has.

Terri Thibodeau – not talking about definition but representation of the population of the PTO.

Steve Coffee – the expectations of the PTO rep position is to represent the PTO membership's wishes.

Q – are there restrictions on this position – if they are not really representing the wishes of the PTO?

The way the item is worded means the only thing to consider is how the selection process is currently handled and do we want to suggest a change to the selection process.

Public Comments: Amy Bickle feels this is a personal attack. Does not see need to change bylaws.

Tim M wanted to make sure the proper representation of the population was here. Pointed out the language of the proposed change could allow the BOD to remove the PTO position until someone to their liking was selected. Wondered about BOD members not having true interest of the school at heart, feels this is a "slap in the face". Asked that a change in rep be brought to the PTO to handle, not by changing the bylaws.

Tammy – finds it interesting that "you want to take the PTO representation away." Feels Steve Coffee has voted on the way the majority of the PTO board has recommended. Turnover on PTO board has been due to members with agendas.

Break 10:06 – 10:11 p.m.

C. Discussion and Vote on BOD President and BOD Member Evaluation Format –

Terri Thibodeau likes commitment to goals language.

Steve Coffee - Use different format to rate the entire board? Do we want to rate the BOD collectively? Does not think the BOD Members should rate each other. Feels that personal choices and votes could be counter to PTO wishes and the PTO rep would be removed.

Terri Thibodeau – this would be true if there were consequences. Does not feel that there are true consequences to behavior, currently.

Greg Hale - Maybe rate committee chairs? Rather than each member.

Terri Thibodeau - Maybe use a tool to rate each other if the scale was more defined – what is a 5 really? Then, keep the ratings private and only share the reflection area with the rest of the board.

Steve Coffee feels the reflection portion is the true measure of what growth each member should concentrate on.

Terri Thibodeau – based on the 12 expectations, suggested not keeping 7, 9, 10.

How would you recommend we change this exercise?

Evaluation of the Board President was brought up by Greg Hale to see how he

could be better. Would appreciate feedback.

Amy Smith suggested using the reflection section (of Highbar document) with some


Greg Hale – suggested areas to evaluation: judging fairness of President, communication satisfactory?

Steve Coffee suggested the Board President create some proposed questions for

the evaluation. Greg Hale will send out by weekend.

Motion: Greg Hale moved to use the HighBar self-evaluation for board members with members sharing their reflection page by the first February meeting, with an addition of a section for suggested changes to the evaluation.

Second: Steve Coffee

Vote: Passed (8 – 0 – 1 - No: Debbie Sterba)

D. Discussion and Vote on Executive Director of Schools Evaluation Format –

Betty Duncan Coon had sent the Board TASB sample evaluations regarding the Executive Director of Schools position.

She prefers the more goal oriented evaluation.

Greg Hale in looking at the Texas Charter School Association evaluation, and is not sure this tool would be a good reflection, because of EDS Objective and Goals given to Betty Duncan Coon when she was hired.

Terri Thibodeau feels the TCSA tool better matches her job description though.

Steve Coffee feels a reasonably comprehensive tool should suffice.

Motion: Terri Thibodeau moved to use the ISD Superintendent instrument from TASB related to assessment of ongoing responsibilities and Part two of the EDS evaluation would be the goals provided to Betty Duncan Coon at her hiring.

Second: Greg Hale

Vote: Passed (9 – 0 – 0)

E. Discussion of Policy Governance and its implementation and vote(s) on next steps for implementation

Chapter 8 – Board Officers and Committees – Make sure Board does not stray into staff jobs. What is a Chair vs. CFO? Be sure of responsibility.

Fear of "rubber stamping" approval from Committee recommendations.

Steve Coffee questioned the need for minutes that seem too biased because of "interpretation" and there could be too much commentary.

Debbie Sterba pointed out that the inclusion of which Board member said what, has turned out to be invaluable because, historically individual recall has been greatly flawed. No one has seemed to mind, and in fact, a majority favor the inclusion of Board and attendee remarks.

The edit process of minutes is fairly straightforward, in that minutes are sent out for edits and changes can be affected then.

Q – what to do if Secretary does not make suggested edit? Greg Hale stated there does not seem to be a process for handling this situation – other than taking the suggested edits to a meeting as an agenda item.

Use of a "CGO" Chief Governance Officer – not the "boss" of the Board, is the guardian of what the Board is doing, Secretary is guardian of what the Board has done.


Second: NO VOTE


VII. ADJOURNMENT at 10:45 p.m.

Motion: Denise Marvin moved to adjourn the meeting

Second: Steve Coffee

Vote: Passed (9 – 0 – 0)

Respectfully submitted,


Debbie Sterba, Secretary

Board of Directors

Certified by:


Gregory R. Hale, President

Board of Directors

Date: ______________________

NOTICE: Texas Government Code Section 551.146 – An individual, corporation or partnership that without lawful authority knowingly discloses to a member of the public the certified agenda or tape recording of a meeting that was lawfully closed to the public under this chapter: (1) commits an offense; and (2) is liable to a person injured or damaged by the disclosure.


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