Taxonomy Practice:

1. Three Domains:

All organisms belong to one of three domains, depending on their characteristics. A domain is the most inclusive taxonomic category. A single domain can contain one or more kingdoms. Fill in the table below.

|Domain |Domain Characteristics |Kingdoms Included in Domain |

| | | |

|Bacteria | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Archaea | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Eukarya | | |

| | | |

Practice with Domains and Kingdoms:

|DOMAIN |Bacteria |Archaea |Eukarya |

|KINGDOM |Eubacteria |Archaebacteria |Protista |Fungi |Plantae |Animalia |

|CELL TYPE |Prokaryote |Prokaryote |Eukaryote |Eukaryote |Eukaryote |Eukaryote |

|CELL STRUCTURES |Cell walls with |Cell walls without |Cell walls of cellulose |Cell walls of |Cell walls of |No cell walls or |

| |peptidoglycan |peptidoglycan |in some; some have |chitin; no |cellulose; |chloroplasts |

| | | |chloroplasts |chloroplast |chloroplasts | |

|NUMBER OF CELLS |Unicellular |Unicellular |Most unicellular; some |Most |Multicellular |Multicellular |

| | | |colonial; some |multicellular; | | |

| | | |multicellular |some unicellular | | |

|MODE OF NUTRITION |Autotroph or |Autotroph or heterotroph|Autotroph or heterotroph|Heterotroph |Autotroph |Heterotroph |

| |heterotroph | | | | | |

|EXAMPLES |Streptococcus, |Methanogens, halophiles |Amoeba, Paramecium, |Mushrooms, yeasts|Mosses, ferns, |Sponges, worms, |

| |Escherichia coli | |slime molds, giant kelp | |flowering plants |insects, fishes, |

| | | | | | |mammals |

Figure 18-3

2. According to the figures, what is the main difference between the domain Bacteria and the domain Archaea?

3. If you know an organism has a cell wall and is a multicellular autotroph, could you use Figure 18-3 to determine the kingdom to which it belongs? _____________________Why or why not?

4. If you were told only that an organism is unicellular and has chloroplasts and a nucleus, could you use Figure 18-3 to determine the kingdom to which it belongs? ________________Why or why not?

Taxonomy Practice:

1. Define a species:

2. List 4 ways that new species can develop:

________________________________ ___________________________________

________________________________ ___________________________________

3. Define taxonomy:

4. Who is known as the "Father of Taxonomy"? ____________________________________

5. Describe binomial nomenclature?

6. What two parts constitutes a "scientific name"? ____________________ and the __________________

7. If your name were a scientific name, which part would be the genus? __________________

8. Which part would be the species identifier? _______________________________________

9. Number the major classification groups (taxa) in order from the most specific (1) to the least specific (7).

___class ___family ___genus ___kingdom

___order ___phylum ___species

Circle the scientific name that is LEAST like the other 2.

10. Canis familiaris Canis lupis Felis domesticus

11. Felis domesticus Mus domesticus Felis concolor

Use the table to answer the questions that follow:

|Kingdom |Animalia |Animalia |Animalia |Animalia |

|Phylum |Chordata |Chordata |Chordata |Chordata |

|Class |Mammalia |Mammalia |Mammalia |Mammalia |

|Order |Cetacea |Carnivora |Carnivora |Carnivora |

|Family |Mysticeti |Mustelidae |Felidae |Felidae |

|Genus |Balaenoptora |Mustela |Felis |Felis |

|Species |B. physalus |M. furo |F. domesticus |F. rufus |

|Common Name |Blue Whale |Ferret |Domestic cat |Bobcat |

12.  How does the table indicate that a cat is more closely related to a bobcat than a ferret?

13.  Which two animals are most closely related?  ______________________ and ___________________How do you know?

14.  What kind of animal is Balaenoptora borealis? _______________________ How do you know?


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