Brainstorming/ Note Collecting

ELA Scope

|A. ELA Systems and Culture |

|1. Reading systems and culture |

|2. Writing systems and culture |

|3. Academic Language |

|B. Reading Comprehension and Analysis |

|1. Basic reading strategies |

|2. Questions, connections, and evidence |

|3. Text features and graphic organizers |

|4. Figurative language |

|5. Setting and context |

|6. Plot and sequence |

|7. Character |

|8. Cause and effect |

|9. Main idea and theme |

|10. Author’s purpose and technique |

|C. Reading Genres |

|1. Major genres by grade |

|2. Example of grade-appropriate texts |

|D. Writing Process |

|1. Brainstorming, note-taking, and outlining |

|2. Development |

|3. Revision |

|4. Editing, proofreading, and publishing |

|5. Self-critique and peer feedback |

|E. Writing Genres |

|1. Paragraphs and Short Answers |

|2. Narratives, letters, and diary entries |

|3. Essays and DBQs |

|4. Informational writing, journalism, and research |

|6. Poetry and drama |

|F. Grammar |

| |

|G. Vocabulary and Spelling |

|1. Phonics and syllabification |

|2. Words and phrases in context |

|3. Prefixes, suffixes, and roots |

|4. Multiple-meaning words |

|5. Homonyms |

|6. Frequently misspelled words |

|H. Speaking and Listening |

|1. Presentations |

|2. Discussions |

|3. Feedback |

|4. Group presentations |

|5. Recitations |

|I. Test prep |

|1. Goals and orientation |

|2. Note-taking during tests |

|3. Time-management |

|4. SAT-10 |

|5. T.R.A.I.L. [Baumann] |

|6. Getting ready to read |

|7. Reading the passage |

|8. Finding the important information |

|9. Choosing an answer |

|10. Checking your work |

|J. Technology |

|??? |

Writing Goals

Writing Goals

| |Grade 5 |Grade 6 (spiral gr5) |Grade 7 (spiral gr5-6) |Grade 8 (spiral gr5-7) |

|Independent writing/day|write daily for a sustained, rigorous |write daily for a sustained, rigorous |write daily for a sustained, rigorous | |

| |30-minute period |30-minute period |30-minute period | |

|Major goals |love writing |write with clarity for extended responses|write sophisticated, world class | |

| |write clear, concise short answers across|brainstorm, outline, draft and revise |commentary while still maintaining | |

| |content areas by January |independently for on-demand and at home |clarity | |

| |to confer with a teacher at least twice a|assignments |value unique, controversial and “risky” | |

| |week |master gr6 compare and contrast writing |approaches to writing | |

| |internalize the writing process by doing |genre by January |master gr6 editing standards by January | |

| |it independently in on-demand and process|practice 6 genres of writing: memoir, |master 3 genres of writing: personal | |

| |writing |book review, how to, prompt, research and|essay, report and literary essay | |

| |master gr5 editing standards by January |literary essay | | |

| |(see grammar standards) | | | |

| |practice 65 genres of writing: | | | |

| |narrative, persuasive, poetry, letter, | | | |

| |prompt, research report | | | |

|Genres |Narrative |Literary Essay (introduce) |literary essay | |

| |Short answer prompt |Poetry |personal essay | |

| |Letter (friendly) |Book Review |report | |

| |Poetry |Prompt |short answer prompt | |

| |Persuasive essay |Memoir/Narrative |letter writing (historical) | |

| |Report |Letter (business) |debate | |

| |newspaper |monologue |children’s book | |

| | | |poetry | |

| | | |DBQ | |

|Quarterly Writing |short answer expository |Research article |Personal Essay: Describe a time where | |

|Assessment |short answer narrative |Memoir |you’ve had to overcome an obstacle. What| |

| |short answer response to literature |Response to literature |did you learn from the experience? | |

| | | |Personal Essay: | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Choice between 4 prompts. | |

| | | |Literary Essay (based on NYS Regents) | |

| | | |Students choose from one of five | |

| | | |inspirational quotes. | |

| | | |Do you agree/disagree with the quote? | |

| | | |Using a book from a list provided, create| |

| | | |a unique thesis statement and composition| |

| | | |answering your question. | |

D. Writing process

1. Brainstorming, / Note Collecting-taking, and Outlining


|Grade 55th |Grade 6 (spiral gr5)6th (spirals 5th) |Grade 7 (spiral gr5-6)7th(spirals 5th and 6th) |Grade 8 (spiral gr5-7) |


• Short response

• Paragraph

|5th |6th |7th | |

|non narrative paragraphs use the accordion|Students evaluate whether or not they have|*** see vertical paragraph alignment | |

|paragraph |enough examples for their topic/thesis |document for more detail | |

| |sentence. | | |

|*** see vertical paragraph alignment | |1. Is the paragraph clear? | |

|document for more detail |Which examples are pertinent? |2. Does it prove your point? | |

| |Do you need to re-gather for more |3. Are your examples pertinent? | |

| |examples? |4. Are your examples weighted? | |

| | |5. Does your audience understand your | |

| |*** see vertical paragraph alignment |examples, or do they need clarification? | |

| |document for more detail |6. Are your examples explicit or | |

| | |implicitly explained? | |

| | |7. Which details take away from the | |

| | |coherence of the paragraph? | |

| | |8. How can you vary your paragraph with | |

| | |narrative strategies (anecdotes, sensory | |

| | |details, etc)? | |

| | |9. Do you need to re-gather for more | |

| | |examples? | |

| | |10. Have you gone back to your resources | |

| | |to cite? Do your citations need more | |

| | |explanation? | |

• 2. Basic Organizational DevelopmentDevelopmentClarity

|Grade 5 |Grade 6 (spiral gr5) |Grade 7 (spiral gr5-6) |Grade 8 (spiral gr5-7) |

• Transitions

|5th |6th |7th |

|1. | | |

| |6th | |

|5th |6th |7th |

| | | |

Development of Ideas

3. Revision

|Grade 5 |Grade 6 (spiral gr5) |Grade 7 (spiral gr5-6) |Grade 8 (spiral gr5-7) |

|Clarity |Clarity |Clarity | |

|Read aloud for clarity |Read out loud for complete thoughts |Discovering a thesis | |

|Sequential |Every sentence makes sense to the reader |Subtopics | |

|to give instructions |Includes details so that the reader is fully |Rethinking subtopics after gathering | |

|revise writing to locate and strengthen the |informed |information | |

|hearts of our stories (use checklist for | |Smooth-reading paragraphs (paragraph unity) | |

|guidance) |Transitions |Paragraph coherence (transitions) | |

|revise language/word choice to incorporate |to make a point |Smooth-reading sentences | |

|vocabulary |to show how things are alike |Adequate length paragraphs | |

|revise for clarity, fiction and nonfiction |to show how things are different |Revising to clarify | |

|aspects, thesis quality, format, word choice, |to indicate time |Editing purposefully | |

|vocabulary words we know, etc. |to show a place or location |Providing adequate examples and details | |

|revise persuasiveness, voice, audience, |to conclude |When writing complex sentences, follows up | |

|vocabulary words we know, etc. | |with a clarifying sentence | |

|revise for informational content, details, voice,|Word Choice/ Craft |All citations fully supported | |

|vocabulary words we know, etc |Repeating a word |All ideas/reasons/details link up to subtopic | |

|revise for voice, sensory details, character |Using pictures of symbols in text |or thesis | |

|development, and vocabulary words we know, etc. |Sound words | | |

|edit for clarity – quotation marks, conjugated |Alliteration |Transitions | |

|verbs, contractions, paragraph form, spelling |Writing a word in a special way |to explain a problem | |

|words we know etc. |Listing |to explain a cause or an effect | |

|revise for facts and fiction, character |Parallel phrases | | |

|development, details, background knowledge, |Alternate sentence length | | |

|vocabulary words we know, etc. |“every word counts” |Compare and Contrast | |

|revising for strong verbs | |What are the similarities? Differences? | |

|revise for voice, quality, word choice, | |Should you emphasize similarities or | |

|vocabulary, interest | |differences? | |

|voice – creates mental images for our readers | |What examples will work best? | |

|descriptive words. Use senses to access sensory | |What other modes (spiraling back) are | |

|words, rich descriptions | |appropriate? | |

|tell stories from other points of view, matching| |What is your point? Your purpose? | |

|correct pronouns throughout the piece | |What type of organization will fit your | |

| | |purpose best? | |

|Word Choice/ Craft | |What persona do you want to create? | |

|Use and 3 places where “cracking open a sentence”| |Narration | |

|was used to revise their work. | |Anecdotes | |

|Use and identify 3 places where dialogue was | |What senses can you appeal to? | |

|used. | |Show/Don’t Tell | |

|Use and identify 3 places where twin sentences | |What concrete details can you use? | |

|with action/dialogue were used. | |How can you vary your narrative? | |

|Use one of the strategies below to add “visual” | |What can your audience identify with? Similes?| |

|words to their text: | |Metaphors? Allusions? | |

|Similes | |Engaging voice | |

|Setting cues | |Original Word Choice | |

|Adjectives that describe people and things | | | |

| | |Explanation and Argument Examples from other | |

| | |sources | |

| | |Listing examples | |

| | |Are examples pertinent? | |

| | |Are examples of equal weight? Are any | |

| | |unimportant? | |

| | |Do you need to re-gather for more examples? | |

| | |How have you gone back to your resources to | |

| | |cite? Does your example make sense? Do you | |

| | |need explanation? | |

| | |How familiar is your audience with each | |

| | |example? | |

| | |Do all examples support the point that you are| |

| | |trying to teach? | |

| | |Critical Thinking | |

| | |What unique ideas are you providing? | |

| | |Incorporating dense questions prior to writing| |

| | |thesis (see reading 7th grade standards) | |

| | |Making careful generalizations about the world| |

| | |or rhetorical criticism | |

| | |Figurative Language | |

| | |Evidence of figurative language (see 7th grade| |

| | |reading) | |

4. Editing, Proofreading, and Publishing

|Grade 5 |Grade 6 (spiral gr5) |Grade 7 (spiral gr5-6) |Grade 8 (spiral gr5-7) |

|Word Choice/ Craft |Proofreading |Proofreading | |

|Use and 3 places where “cracking open a sentence” was |using thesauri and dictionaries |Using partners to gain multiple | |

|used to revise their work. |reading out loud for clarity |perspectives in order to better | |

|Use and identify 3 places where dialogue was used. |3. using a partner purposefully |commentary | |

|Use and identify 3 places where twin sentences with | | | |

|action/dialogue were used. |Publishing | | |

|Use one of the strategies below to add “visual” words |1. use computers | | |

|to their text: |2. Writer’s share with members of the | | |

|Similes |communityWord Choice/ Craft | | |

|Setting cues |Repeating a word | | |

|Adjectives that describe people and things |Using pictures of symbols in text | | |

| |Sound words | | |

|Proofreading |Alliteration | | |

|proofread work for small mistakes and typos |Writing a word in a special way | | |

|create a final draft based on editing and revision |Listing | | |

|changes |Parallel phrases | | |

| |Alternate sentence length | | |

|Publishing |“every word counts” | | |

|publish pieces to get them ready to share with an | | | |

|audience | | | |

|share / provide feedback to talk about our own writing | | | |

|and the writing presented by other writers in our | | | |

|community | | | |

5. Self-critique and peer feedback


|Grade 5 |Grade 6 (spiral gr5) |Grade 7 (spiral gr5-6) |Grade 8 (spiral gr5-7) |

|learn to provide constructive peer feedback to |1)       Reading work out loud to catch errors! |Giving different perspectives to thesis | |

|make our writing stronger |2)       Share/reflections at the end of class |statement in order to provide alternate | |

|learn to talk about our own writing |re: challenges faced during independent writing |commentary | |

|while listening to peers, take notes on reactions|and strategies/solutions |Using checklist as a form of self-reflection | |

|in order to provide meaningful feedback based on |3)       Reading a teammate’s work and sharing |and critique | |

|facts and opinions |specific ways to improve |Identifying strengths and weaknesses of yearly| |

|norms for sharing writing, e.g. accountable talk |4)       Reading own work out loud to entire |objectives, and incorporating weakness into | |

|set goals for next writing assignment (what did I|class – thinking aloud about ways that you could |writing in order to master objectives | |

|do well? what do I want to improve?) |improve | | |

|are active members of a writing community |5)       Going public through publishing parties,| | |

|give and receive feedback |bulletin board work, and discussing areas of | | |

| |growth in particular units | | |

E. Writing Genres

1. Paragraphs and Short Answers

|Grade 5 |Grade 6 (spiral gr5) |Grade 7 (spiral gr5-6) |Grade 8 (spiral gr5-7) |

|Paragraphs |Paragraphs | |By the end of 8th grade, students can capably |

|Accordion paragraphs |Students evaluate whether or not they have enough| |write at least two types of paragraphs: a |

|title |examples for their topic/thesis sentence. | |“hamburger” paragraph containing a topic |

|topic sentence |Which examples are pertinent? | |sentence, three examples, and a conclusion; |

|supporting details |Do you need to re-gather for more examples? | |and an “inductive” paragraph in which the |

|conclusion | | |organization is more flexible but the author’s|

|spelling | | |logic is still clear. |

|grammar | | | |

|handwriting | | | |

|transition words | | | |

|flow | | | |

| | | | |

|Short Answers | | | |

|echo the question | | | |

|mature vocabulary | | | |

|COPS | | | |

|voice | | | |

• establish and support a central idea with a discernable topic sentence

• include supporting sentences with simple facts, details and explanations

• include a concluding statement that summarizes the points

• are indented properly or otherwise show a paragraph break

| |5th |6th |7th |

| | | | |

|Organization/clarity/unity |● digest prompt |● paragraphing |● using description |

| |● brainstorm |● introductions |● using persuasion |

| |● outline |● thesis statement |● compare and contrast |

| |● flip it, answer it, support it, answer it, support it, | |● narration |

| |zip it | |● explanation and argument examples from other sources |

| |● later in year: thesis, prove it, support it, prove it | | |

| |support, zip it | | |

|Voice | |● Identifying craft in mentor texts | |

| | |● Including writing craft in own work | |

2. Narratives, Letters, and Diary Entries

|Grade 5 |Grade 6 (spiral gr5) |Grade 7 (spiral gr5-6) |Grade 8 (spiral gr5-7) |

|write a personal narrative ((biography vs. | | | |

|autobiography | | | |

|write a fictional narrative ((realistic fiction,| | | |

|historical fiction, comics) | | | |

|write a fable, a fairy tale, a folk tale, or a | | | |

|myth | | | |

|detailed descriptions using all five senses | | | |

|character dialogue | | | |

|character feelings | | | |

|character change (“Push the characters in our | | | |

|stories to change over the course of the story”) | | | |

|h. Incorporate facts into fiction ((Collect | | | |

|factual details on a time period and use | | | |

|historical information as a platform on which to | | | |

|base our own pieces of historical fiction. ( | | | |

|Develop a character based on the collected | | | |

|details and based on other characters about whom | | | |

|you have read from that time period)) Use | | | |

|background knowledge of the time period to | | | |

|connect factual information with our own, | | | |

|invented characters)) | | | |

|plot | | | |

|setting | | | |

| | | | |

|Letters and diary entries | | | |

|Identify and use the rules of writing formal | | | |

|letters | | | |

|Structure a formal, persuasive letter | | | |

|Understand audience / letter’s recipient | | | |

3. Essays and DBQs

|Grade 5 |Grade 6 (spiral gr5) |Grade 7 (spiral gr5-6) |Grade 8 (spiral gr5-7) |

|Responses to Literature |Responses to Literature | | |

|Response using listening and note-taking skills | | | |

|Response using info from multiple texts or | | | |

|multiple chapters in the same text (usually two | | | |

|literary and informational, also between multiple|Persuasive | | |

|chapters or themes in the same text). |state a clear position on a proposal. | | |

| |support the position with organized and relevant | | |

|Persuasive |evidence/details | | |

|learn about real-life situations in which writers|anticipate readers’ concerns and counterarguments| | |

|write to persuade | | | |

|brainstorm to identify things about which we feel|Reviews | | |

|strongly enough to persuade others | | | |

| | | | |

|DBQs | | | |

4. Informational writing, journalism, and research

|Grade 5 |Grade 6 (spiral gr5) |Grade 7 (spiral gr5-6) |Grade 8 (spiral gr5-7) |

|a. Learn about real-life situations in which | | | |

|writers write to inform | | | |

|b. Brainstorm to identify things about which we | | | |

|feel strongly enough to inform others | | | |

|Resumes | | | |

|Functional and informational writing | | | |

|a. Identify components of a newspaper | | | |

|b. Identify and Evaluate important aspects of | | | |

|newspaper reporting | | | |

|c. Evaluate and Create Editorials | | | |

|d. Identify important facts and details in a news| | | |

|story (5 W's) | | | |

|e. Create inverted pyramids based on news stories| | | |

|f. Create a class newspaper | | | |

| | | | |

|Research writing and report / oral presentations | | | |

|uses three or more sources of information | | | |

|choosing a topic | | | |

|locating information on a topic | | | |

|note taking | | | |

|documenting sources | | | |

|using details and examples to support larger | | | |

|ideas | | | |

|outlining | | | |

|presenting information orally | | | |

5. Poetry and Drama

|Grade 5 |Grade 6 (spiral gr5) |Grade 7 (spiral gr5-6) |Grade 8 (spiral gr5-7) |

|Poetry |Poetry | | |

|poetic devices (metaphor, simile, and |change the ordinary into the poetic using | | |

|personification) |personification, alliteration, similes, | | |

|sound (alliteration, assonance, consonance, |metaphors, etc | | |

|onomatopoeia, repetition, parallel structure) |haiku | | |

|words on the page (text placement, line breaks) |limericks | | |

|students will produce poetry using different |clerihew | | |

|styles (3-5 pieces) |epistle | | |

| | | | |

|Drama |Drama | | |

F. Grammar

Sentence Fluency

|5th |6th |7th | |

Word Choice/ Craft

|5th |6th |7th | |


|Grade 5 |Grade 6 (spiral gr5) |Grade 7 (spiral gr5-6) |

• Quarterly Writing Assessment

|5th |6th |7th |


|5th |6th |7th |

|Narrative | |literary essay |

|Short answer prompt | |personal essay |

|Letter | |report |

|Poetry | |short answer prompt |

|Persuasive essay | |letter writing (historical) |

|Report | |debate |

|newspaper | |children’s book |

Scope and Sequence (see standards for more description)

|5th |6th |7th |

|Unit 1 : students publish multiple short answers both narrative |Unit 1 Studying Mentor Texts for Writing Craft |Unit 1 : Students will brainstorm for a literary essay |

|and non-narrative |Parallel phrases |Good writers gather ideas by making lists. |

|Grammar: |Repeating a word |Good writers grow ideas by listing. (narrowing a large subject) |

|Eliminate unnecessary capitals: |Using pictures or symbols in text |Good writers grow ideas by looping. |

|Write all letters correctly in lower and upper case. |Sound words |Good writers gather ideas by mapping. |

|Correct words that have unnecessary capitals aNd, SisteR |Alliteration |Good writers grow ideas by cubing. |

|Master tricky letters such as b vs. d, D, : bed-letters look |Writing words in a special way |Good writers evaluate whether or not a topic needs to be |

|like a bed |Lists |narrowed, then grow that narrowed topic. |

|J vs. j P vs. p r vs. R, others you see in their writing |Metaphors | |

|Write “similar” upper/lower cases correctly by keeping lower |Similes | |

|case letters on the line, upper case taller. |“long distance” parallel phrases | |

|NEATNESS!!!! | | |

|Edit notebooks | | |

|Proper capitalization rules | | |

| | | |

|Identify and correctly punctuate four kinds of sentences: | | |

|Question | | |

|Statement | | |

|Command | | |

|Exclamation | | |

|Use four types of end punctuation (.) (!) (?) (…) at | | |

|appropriate times (see “Punctuation Power” sheet). | | |

|Edit notebooks | | |

| | | |

|Write complete sentences with a subject. The subject is WHO does| | |

|the action or WHAT the sentence is about. | | |

|Identify subject as a person (ex. I, you, The Diaz family) | | |

|Identify subject as a place or thing (ex. dancing, pets) | | |

|Identify subject as “it” (It is beautiful!) | | |

|Command sentences have no subject, subject (you) is implied. | | |

|Identify sentences with and without a subject (fragments with no| | |

|subject) | | |

|Correct sentences without a subject. | | |

|Independently write sentences with a subject. | | |

| | | |

|Write complete sentences with a verb. The verb is the | | |

|action/doing word in the sentence. | | |

|Identify the verb in a sentence. | | |

|Correct sentences without a verb (fragments with no verb) | | |

| | | |

|Write complete sentences with a subject, a verb and a complete | | |

|thought. (Eliminating fragments) | | |

|Identify sentences with and without a complete thought. | | |

|Correct sentences that do not have a complete thought or other | | |

|crucial words. | | |

|Independently write sentences with a subject, verb, and a | | |

|complete thought (short-mid length sentences) without error. | | |

|Edit notebooks. | | |

| | | |

|Eliminate run-on sentences: | | |

|Master: “Double subject” run-on sentences (She is so nice she is| | |

|so pretty.) | | |

|“Double it” run on sentences (It is a nice day it is hot.) | | |

|“So then” sentences (So then she helped him so then he was glad | | |

|so then..) | | |

| | | |

|Write compound sentences correctly by joining two complete | | |

|sentences with “and” “but” “or” “so” or other conjunctions, and | | |

|a comma. | | |

|Identify conjunctions in a sentence. | | |

|Add a comma before the conjunction in a compound sentence. | | |

|Independently write compound sentences. | | |

|Identify sentences using “and” that DO NOT need a comma. | | |

|Edit notebooks for missing commas in conjunctions. | | |

| | | |

|Commas in a compound sentence: use a comma before and, but, or, | | |

|nor and so | | |

|Commas to separate words in a series | | |

|Commas in dates | | |

|Commas to separate parts of a place | | |

|Commas after an introduction- Yes, I would like more bread. | | |

|Commas to set apart many clauses, phrases and expressions | | |

|If a subordinate or dependent clause comes before the main | | |

|cause, use a comma after the clause | | |

|NOT using a comma before a prepositional phrase at the end of a | | |

|sentence | | |

|Use commas to set off most phrases in the middle of a sentence | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Using, not abusing “and” | | |

|Eliminate writing sentences starting with “and” | | |

|Never use more than one “,and” in a sentence (very rarely two) | | |

|Edit notebooks for “and” abuse | | |

| | | |

|Writers regularly read their written work out loud-3 times | | |

|weekly in WW and 2 times at home to check for clarity. “It has | | |

|to look right AND SOUND RIGHT” as a general rule of thumb. | | |

|Unit 2: Memoir |Unit 2: Writing with Clarity |Unit 2: Students will publish 3 literary essays |

|Beginning writers writing process goals: |Using correct capitalization | |

| |Using end punctuation |Good writers sort their brainstorms into topics. |

|Write stories with beginning, middle, end |Avoiding run-on sentences (orally and in written work) |Good writers use an appropriate number of instances and examples|

|Write stories that matter-that have significant meaning to the |Avoiding sentence fragments (orally and in written work) |when writing paragraphs. There are a variety of ways to |

|author |Paragraphing |organize instances and examples when outlining a composition. |

|Go through the steps of writing process-gather, pick, draft, |Transition words |Good writers, using their outlines, draft paragraphs. |

|revise, edit. |Use exact nouns and verbs |Good paragraphs always link back to both aspects of the thesis |

|Publish stories that are at least one page long |Complex sentences |and conclude with how the subtopic is a good example of the |

|Write “small moment” stories | |thesis |

|Vary between “story” and “summary”, relying more on actual | |Good writers lift qualities of an exemplar in their own writing.|

|storytelling than on summary. At least 50% story | |Good writers identify patterns of errors within each rubric |

|Use and 3 places where “cracking open a sentence” was used to | |category. They change their composition accordingly. |

|revise their work. | | |

|Use and identify 3 places where dialogue was used. | | |

|Use and identify 3 places where twin sentences with | | |

|action/dialogue were used. | | |

|Writers use an action or dialogue lead | | |

| | | |

|Developing writers writing process goals: | | |

| | | |

|All the above plus- | | |

|Use and identify at least 2 places where “show don’t tell” was | | |

|used to revise their work. | | |

|Publish 1-1.5 pages in length minimum | | |

| | | |

|Advanced writers writing goals: | | |

|All the above plus- | | |

|Use twin sentences 5 times to revise their work | | |

|Show characters’ inner thought 2-3 times | | |

|Use one of the strategies below to add “visual” words to their | | |

|text: | | |

|Similes | | |

|Setting cues | | |

|Adjectives that describe people and things | | |

|Publish 1.5+ pages in length | | |

| | | |

|Quotation Marks and Apostrophes | | |

|If a person speaking comes before the words being spoken or | | |

|written, put a comma before the quotation mark. | | |

|If the words spoken or written come before the speaker “What | | |

|time is it?” asked Mary. “I don’t know,” replied Bill. | | |

|“I don’t know what time it is,” Bill replied, “because I lost my| | |

|watch. | | |

|Apostrophe: possession | | |

|Apostrophe: contractions | | |

|Pronouns | | |

|agreement of pronouns in number and gender | | |

|pronoun as an object (me, us, you, him, her, it, them) | | |

|possessive pronouns: (mine, yours, his, hers, ours, yours, | | |

|theirs) | | |

| | | |

|Verbs | | |

|The tense of a verb (past, present, future) | | |

|To make the present tense of a verb third person, add s if the | | |

|subject is singular. Sam rides the bus to school. | | |

|Common irregular past tense verbs: began, broke, came, gave, | | |

|lay, rose, sang, took, threw | | |

|Present perfect tense: He has taken his medicine. She has eaten| | |

|her dinner. She has gone to sleep. They have eaten their | | |

|dinner. | | |

|Verbs must be consistent. | | |

|Troublesome verb pairs: leave/let, learn/teach, raise/rise, | | |

|sit/set, lie/lay | | |

|Active/Passive Verbs: He cut the grass/ The grass was cut. He | | |

|ate the cake/ The cake was eaten. | | |

| | | |

|Sentence Fluency | | |

|Using precise words | | |

|The woman breathed. | | |

|The mountain climber breathed. | | |

|The mountain climber gasped for air. | | |

| | | |

|Expanding with modifiers | | |

|The exhausted climber gasped for air | | |

|The exhausted climber noisily gasped the thin, cold air. | | |

|Unit 3: Test Prep (see grammar) |Unit 3: Powerful Paragraphs |Unit 3: Students will publish 3 personal essays |

| |Introduction hooks the reader and sets a purpose for writing |Good writers identify elements of a great personal essay |

| |Details support the thesis statement |Good writers utilize the best pre-writing strategy for the topic|

| |Detals are made clear with evidence, examples and explanation |at hand |

| |Varied sentence structure |Good writers gather to best support their thesis and the |

| |High level vocabulary |questions within the prompt |

| |Conclusion makes an inference, connection, or action plan |Good writers outline so their writing is clear |

| |Spelling, grammar, and punctuation are nearly perfect |As good writers draft, they write complex sentences with |

| | |conjunctions |

| | |As good writers draft, they use adjectives to decorate their |

| | |writing |

| | |The comma, the period, the dash and the semi-colon. Good |

| | |writers choose their punctuation. |

| | |Good writers use transition words thoughtfully, and not |

| | |generically. |

|Unit 4: Narrative and Non-Narrative Paragraphs inspired by Black|Unit 4: Oral Language |Unit 4: Students will publish a research paper and project for |

|History |Speak with conviction |nonfiction exhibition |

|Narrative Paragraphs: |Avoid like and um |Discovering a thesis |

| |Cite factual information |Prewriting/ Organization/ subtopics |

|Immersion in narrative genre: |Listen and respond |Define what the key words or subject means |

| |Use complete sentences |Examples from your own experience |

|Writers identify these reasons why/when paragraphs are used: |Use strong vocabulary |Examples from other sources |

| |Think before you speak |Listing examples |

|Change in/describe an action |Use appropriate volume |Are examples pertinent? |

|Change in speaker (dialogue) |Make sense (know what you’re talking about) |Are examples of equal weight? Are any unimportant? |

|Change in/describe setting (time, weather, day, month, year | |Do you need to re-gather for more examples? |

|etc.) | |How have you gone back to your resources to cite? Does your |

|Describe/introduce a new character into the scene/story | |example make sense? Do you need explanation? |

|Explanations | |How familiar is your audience with each example? |

|Background information | |Does the audience understand the sequence at which the evidence |

|What kids infer | |was taken? |

| | |Any evidence that you have in the paper, it has to be something |

|Writing Narrative Paragraphs: | |that can be taken apart two ways. (Multi-faceted quotes) |

| | |Do all examples support the point that you are trying to teach? |

|Write a minimum of 6-8 sentences in each paragraph: | |Good research paper writers start brainstorming to choose a |

|Describe a setting | |topic by evaluating their own personal interests and the |

|Dialogue-multi-paragraph 1.5 pages | |audience familiarity. |

|Describe an action | |Good research paper writers collect as many facts, details and |

|One sentence paragraph < 6-8 sentences of course | |other relevant information that they can by note taking and |

|Publish a story prompt that includes all the above in | |citing their sources. In order to do so they need to brainstorm|

|alternation 1.5 pages min. | |as many resources as possible in order to make their research |

| | |cycle successful. |

|Writing Non-Narrative Paragraphs: | |Good research paper writers ask the right question. In order to|

| | |do so they ask questions about their questions. |

|1. The writing process: | |Good researchers stay updated with their bibliographies. |

|Pick a topic and/or write to a prompt | |Good research writers create categories for their inquiry |

|Brainstorm a web of ideas | |question. They then start compiling the research they have |

|Outline ideas using topic sentence, prove it/explain, closing | |within each category. |

|sentence | |Good research writers emulate language they love. |

|Transitions | | |

|Distinguishing between fun facts and important information | | |

|Revise/edit using checklist and teacher feedback | | |

|Publish in portfolio | | |

| | | |

|Topic sentence development/paragraph leads | | |

|quotes | | |

|imagine a world | | |

|posing idea as a question | | |

|stating idea plain and simple | | |

| | | |

|Clarity: | | |

|paragraphs are smooth | | |

|paragraphs are organized sequentially, causally, main idea and | | |

|details | | |

|using partners to assess for clarity | | |

|checking for sentence coherence | | |

| | | |

|Sentence Fluency: | | |

|Combining with conjunctions | | |

|Nicholas usually dresses smartly, but today his socks did not | | |

|match. | | |

|You should hurry, or you will be late. | | |

|Although they argue quite a bit, Sheela and Shawna are best | | |

|friends. | | |

|Dan’s lunch will be nothing special because he lost his wallet. | | |

|2.Writers paint pictures in their writing by adding “visual” | | |

|words | | |

|Similes | | |

|Twin sentences using action and dialogue | | |

|Setting cues | | |

| | | |

|Unit 5: Persuasion |Unit 5: Writing for a test |Unit 5 :Critically Thinking |

|Accountable talk: |Read the question first |to develop a critical question about the text: A Tree Grows in |

|Partners help us brainstorm more for our ideas by stating why |Underline support in text |Brooklyn |

|they agree or disagree with our idea. | |to develop an argument (like in “The Great Debaters”) that |

|Writers use conversational prompts to say more about their ideas|Short response |answers the question |

|or really, just explore their thinking about something. |Answers the question |to utilize the best pre-writing strategy for the argument |

| |Uses at least 2 RIA details (see nonfiction studies) |(spiraled) |

|Brainstorming |Makes complete sense |to write an organized, efficient and high quality outline |

|List people in your life. List ideas about them as individuals |Sounds smart (inferences and vocabulary) |in outline, develop commentary that is rhetorically critical |

|or about your relationship to them. | |develop controversial or unique commentary |

|“ “ Free-write min of one page |Paired Passage Essay |to stick to the point/argument/thesis in your composition |

|“” |Uses 4-5 details from each passage |(spiraled) |

|Brainstorm a web of “issues”. Free-write about or grow/list of |Paraphrases details |to use quotes and examples from the text to support your |

|ideas that come out of those issues. |Explains details and shows how they answer the question |argument/thesis |

|An idea has two parts: a subject and what you want to say about |Makes connections between passages |to comment on the examples/quotes from the text |

|the subject. |Addresses every part of the question and all bullet points |to publish a critical essay about A Tree Grows in Brooklyn |

|Subject: My sister What I want to say: a role model to |Uses compare and contrast transition words |to present the argument/critical essay orally to a group |

|me | | |

|“Lift a line” from a free write that calls “say more, say more.”| | |

|Write a page about that one idea. | | |

|Timed free writes: write non-stop about one idea for 8 min | | |

|without letting the pencil leave the page. | | |

| | | |

|Creating a seed idea (thesis statement): | | |

| | | |

|Writers create claims that are opinions or ideas, not facts i.e.| | |

| | | |

|Wrong= My father picks me up after school. | | |

|Right = My father may be very busy, but he tries his best to | | |

|show me he cares. | | |

| | | |

|2. A seed can go two ways: An idea supported by three reasons| | |

|OR an idea with three parts. | | |

| | | |

|Outlining: | | |

|Writers will use an outlining booklet to create topic sentences,| | |

|add supporting details and write close it sentences for each | | |

|paragraph. | | |

|Writers use mini-stories with a B/M/E to support topic | | |

|sentences. | | |

|Writers collect relevant “proof” in the form of facts, | | |

|statistics or other details and add them to the outline. | | |

| | | |

|Drafting: | | |

|Write in paragraphs | | |

|Skip lines (optional) for revision | | |

|Add transition words from topic sentences to mini-stories and | | |

|from mini-stories to supporting details | | |

| | | |

|Introduction paragraphs | | |

|leads: | | |

|use a quote | | |

|“Imagine…” | | |

|seed idea alone | | |

|i. State the subject and state what will be explained. | | |

|ii List method All college students need money, friends, | | |

|encouragement and support. | | |

| | | |

|( Conclusion paragraphs | | |

|“Some people say... (counter-argument)” | | |

|“______ is important to me because..” | | |

|“I’ve realized that…” | | |

| | | |

|Grammar: | | |

|Usage: proper transitions, review conjunctions and commas, verb | | |

|tense and adjectives Adding sentence openers | | |

|On the stage, Emil felt extremely nervous. | | |

|Shaking and perspiring, he searched the room for an exit. | | |

|In the end, Emil was much happier in the audience. | | |

|Although her opponent was tall and strong, Felicia was not | | |

|afraid. | | |

|After four years of training, she was ready to earn her black | | |

|belt. | | |

| | | |

|Adding to the middle | | |

|Liz, forgetting her manners, hollered across the table. | | |

|The principal, offended, frowned at her. | | |

|Liz blushed, completely embarrassed, and quietly apologized. | | |

|Adding sentence closers | | |

|Stan went the beach every day last summer. | | |

|He swam a lot, becoming stronger and faster. | | |

|He plans to be a lifeguard | | |

|Unit 6: Poetry |Unit 6: Report |Unit 6: Critical Thinking |

| |Lead grabs readers attention (question, imagine, right to the |Brainstorming about the question, collecting quotes that have to|

|Good writers immerse themselves in the language and joy of |point) |do with the question OR two questions… |

|poetry before attempting to emulate favorite writers. |Introduction sets purpose for writing |Looping on concepts/perspec- |

|Good writers identify the rhyme, rhythm and repetition in poems |Subtopic selection supports development of topic |tives/etc. from bird’s eye view. Keeping mind open about |

|Good poets know that the most powerful poems come from the |Paragraphs include topic sentence, paraphrased and logically |multiple answers to each question |

|heart. |ordered details, and transitions |Outline… |

| |Explanations, examples, and inferences add depth and meaning |possible answer/thesis |

|Good poets rely on their five senses and vivid memories to get |Every sentence has clarity and correct grammar, spelling and |connect to concept and how concept is introduced in the book |

|their poems going. |punctuation |author’s perspective on concept (projected) |

| |Writing includes complex sentences, high level vocabulary, and |more proof with commentary |

|Poets can use shape, font and creative word spacing to express |writing craft |more proof with commentary |

|the meaning and feelings behind the words they write. | |conclusion |

|Poets can “climb inside an object” by writing an “inside this” | |are all parts of the question answered? |

|poem. | |Evaluating outline. Are all parts of the question answered? Do |

|Writers will use line breaks to revise their poems, knowing that| |you have enough proof to make this argument fly? Is all proof |

|line breaks indicate a pause in the poem. | |coming with world |

|Poets read poems out loud to hear where the natural pauses are. | |class commentary? |

| | | |

|Poets added missing parts that are important. | |Paragraph drafting: focus on great commentary for all proof and |

| | |sticking to the subtopic of each paragraph. |

|Poets add punctuation to their poems. | |Continue breaking down into subtopics/argu-ments/ |

| | |Quote collecting |

|Writers will show LOVE and SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE by giving | |“How is this true?” |

|compliments and feedback to their peers during the Writers’ | |Revision: balancing sophisticated commentary and clarity |

|Circle. | |Editing: evaluating sentence complexity, sophisticated grammar |

| | |and clarity of commentary. |

|Writers will show BRAVERY by reading their work out loud with | | |

|confidence and zest. | | |

|Unit 7: Letter Writing |Unit 7: Book Reviews |Unit 7 : Open Cycle |

|Distinguish between business and friendly letters |Introduction |Students will publish 2 compositions of their choice, showing |

|Identify features of business and friendly letters and use those|States title and author |mastery of every strategy learned over the course of the year. |

|conventions in their letter writing |Mentions author’s awards or other books | |

|Create business and friendly letters paying particular attention|Introduces main character | |

|to voice |Introduces conflict | |

|Convey similar meanings with business and friendly letters, but |Gives mini-opinion | |

|change the tone and format. | | |

|Letters are for a particular audience and good letter writers | | |

|understand their audience in order to convey their message. |Summary | |

| |Describes main and secondary characters | |

| |Gives plot summary (without giving away the ending) | |

| |Explains conflict | |

| | | |

| |Opinion | |

| |Compares to other books | |

| |Suggests reading audience | |

| |Describes character development | |

| |Asks questions | |

| |Examines author’s writing techniques | |

| |Mentions feelings evoked | |

| |Cites evidence from the text | |

| |Unit 9: Literary Essays |Unit 8: Open Cycle |

| |1 – immersion in qualities of lit essay | |

| |2 – organizational chart (review from reading class) | |

| |3 – adding set-up to quotes to give context | |

| |4 – adding explanations and opinions after text evidence | |

| |5 – selecting detailed evidence | |

| |6 – proving thesis statements – rethinking the wording | |

| |7 – revising subtopics to prove thesis (Mike and I found they | |

| |need this) | |

| |8 – writing introductory paragraphs – inverted pyramid | |

| |9 – writing concluding paragraphs | |

** Nonfiction studies heavily teaches writing. In this classroom, the teacher spirals the writing strategies previously taught by the writing teacher. However, the teacher immerses students in different genres of writing.

|5th |6th |7th |

Benchmark Student Work





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Must Do: write for 30 minutes daily

• Can Do: write on a computer, storyboard with pictures, do invented spelling, speak into dictation program


Philosophy for Writing Goals:

• We believe that all students should be writing independently and rigorously for 30 minutes by the end of summer school. We reset this goal yearly as the students transition with a new teacher. By 7th grade, students should also be able to use thesauri, editing pens, and other writing tools independently as part of this thirty minute or more time.

• We believe that teachers should give immediate feedback in the form of conferences at least twice a week. Teachers should keep a log of these conferences. The types of logs can vary according to what works best with teachers.

• We believe that students should be introduced to different writing genres throughout the year. These genres can be introduced in any class, not necessarily in writing. While there are genre specific strategies, we believe that most strategies are pertinent to all types of writing. Therefore, the piece of writing is assessed according to how the strategies are used. Students must show mastery of all different types of genres by the end of 8th grade independently and distinguish between the different genres.

▪ We believe that all students should perform at a certain benchmark in on demand writing scenarios. They should therefore be able to go through the writing process independently in these on demand scenarios. The scenarios assess different types of genres fluidly. The assessment is called the Quarterly Writing Assessment (QWA).

Philosophy for Pre-Writing Goals:

• We believe that all students should note take, brainstorm and outline before they start writing. This should happen with all genres. The way students note take, brainstorm and outline horizontally and vertically. Teachers can assess these skills in isolation and part of the entire writing process.

Table of Contents:

I. 5th Grade On Demand nonfiction paragraph

II. 5th Grade On Demand answer to the prompt: What don’t we know about you?

III. 6th Grade Memoir, April

IV. 7th Grade U.S. History Document Based Essay, March

V. 7th Grade Literary Essay, April


Must Do : go from note taking, to brainstorm, to outline, to draft to publish independently by QWA4 in fourth quarter.

Can Do : use scaffolded graphic organizers for each stage, get pre-planning help during conferences, use check-lists as a self-reflected guide, give rubrics for each stage, brainstorm using pictures and write using all the scaffolds in “Writing Goals Differentiation.”

Philosophy of Basic Organizational Development:

• We believe good writers revise.

• We believe that writing should be clear. In order to make the writing clear, students are given strategies scaffolded by grade.

• We believe that writing should pertain to the audience for which it is written.

• We believe development of ideas isn’t genre specific. Eg, good writers write with figurative language, imagery, description and persuasion no matter the genre. Even narrative features can and should show up in non-narrative genres.

• Repeated, frequent publishing across classes develops independent writers faster. Students publish once every two weeks in both writing and nonfiction. The same writing development techniques are assessed across subjects.

• Spiraling of development ideas should happen frequently.

• PW


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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