1. Pathomorphology, its role in the medical system education and development of medical science.

2. Charkov and Kiev schools of pathologists.

3. Cell injury and degeneration, causes of development, morphogenesis, classification.

4. Albuminous degeneration (clouding swelling), causes, morphology, electronic microscopy, outcomes. Modern view on the granular degeneration. Heritable storage diseases associated with disturbance of the amino acids metabolism.

5. Hydropic degeneration pathogenesis, causes, localization.

6. Keratoid and hyalin drop degeneration, etiology, structure, localization, outcomes.

7.Mucoid and fibrinoid swelling. Etiology, pathogenesis, morphology and histochemestry of these degenerations.

8.Hyalinosis, variants, causes, localization.

9.Amyloid, its structure and mechanisms of forming. Laboratory tests (reactions) for amyloid.

10. Types of amyloidosis, their causes and morphology.

11.Parenchymal fat degeneration. Etiology, mechanisms of fat accumulation in cells. Morphology of the heart and liver fat degeneration. Significance for organism, outcomes. Heritable lipidoses: the essence of matter and morphology.

12. Obesity. Its causes and significance for organism. The heart changes, which emerge in obesity and its complication.

13. Hemosiderosis, its types and morphology. Brown induration of the lungs, its morphology and mechanism of development.

14. Mechanism of bilirubin formation, types of jaundices pathogenesis of them development, causes, morphological manifestations.

15. Nucleoproteins metabolism disturbances. Gout, uric acid infarction: morphology.

16. Calcinosis, its types, causes of genesis and morphological peculiarities.

17. Stones formation. Types of stones and causes their genesis. Significance and outcomes of stones formation for organism.

18. Proteinogenic pigments. Synthesis of melanin, pathology of its metabolism.


19.Necrosis, its causes and types. Morphological features and outcomes of necrosis. Clinical and morphological types of necrosis.

20. Gangrene, its types and morphology.

21. Death: types, stages. Post-mortem changes mechanism of their formation, morphology.

22. Atrophy (general and local), causes and morphology. Types of local atrophy, mechanisms its development, distinction from hypoplasia.


23. Arterial and venous hyperemia (general and local). Causes and morphological manifestation. Morphogenesis of «nutmeg» liver.

24. Ischemia, its causes, types. Morphological features of ischemia. Significance for organism.

25. Hemorrhage, types, causes. Extravasation, types and morphology.

26. Thrombosis, morphogenesis of thrombus formation, types of thrombi, their morphology. Outcomes of thromboses and their significance for organism.

27. DIC (disseminated intravascular coagulation ) - syndrome, causes and mechanism of development, stages, morphology.

28.Embolism, classification in depending on origin emboli and ways of their movement.

29.Infarction, its causes, types and morphology. Stages and outcomes.

30. Disturbances tissue fluid metabolism. Mechanism of development edema and hydropsy of cavities different genesis.


31. Inflammation, causes, morphological and clinical signs. Mechanism of leucodiapedesis.

32. Exudative inflammation, its types and morphology. Distinction of exudation from transudate.

33. Fibrinous inflammation. Etiology, types, morphology and outcomes.

34. Catarrhal inflammation, its causes, types, morphology.

35. Proliferative inflammation, its types morphology and outcomes.

36. Suppuration, peculiarities of the exudation contents, types, morphology outcomes.

37.Tissue reactions under tuberculosis, their dependence from reactivity of organism. Types of tubercular granuloms.

38. Organs of immunogenesis (central and peripheral), lymphocytes population. Hypersensitivity reactions immediate and delayed types. Mechanism of their development, morphological peculiarities.

39. Changes of thymus under disturbances of immunogenesis.

40. Autoimmune diseases, causes and mechanism of their genesis.

41. AIDS. Etilogy, pathogenesis, stages of disease, their clinical and morphological characteristics.

compensatory AND adaptive processES

42. Regeneration. Types of the regeneration: physiological, reparative, pathological; complete and incomplete. Levels of the regeneration, influence of the age on the organism capability to regeneration.

43. Regeneration of vessels and the connective tissue. Types of organization.

44. Regeneration of the osseous tissue.

45. Regeneration of the epithelium and nervous tissue.

46.Hypertrophy and hyperplasia, their types, morphology, significance for organism.

47. Pathological regeneration: types, morphology, significance for organism.

48. Metaplasia and dysplasia, their types and significance.


49. Definition of the "tumour" concept, theories of the origin. Types of the tumours growth.

50. Tumourous atypism, its significance in diagnostics of neoplasms. Types of malignant neoplasms metastases.

51. Precancer, obligatory and optional.

52. Teratomas and teratoblastomas. Types of teratomas and their distinction from tumours.

53. Benign and malignant tumours of the epithelium without specific localization.

54. Cancer of the stomach, its microscopical types.

55. Epithelial tumours of the breast: benign and malignant.

56. Tumours of the uterus mesenchymal and epithelial origin.

57. Cancer of the lungs, its macroscopical types and histological variants.

58. Benign and malignant tumours of the connective tissue morphological characteristic.

59. Tumours of blood and lymph vessels and the muscular tissue (benign and malignant).

60. Tumours of the neurodermal origin. Principles of their classification and distinction from tumours of an other origin. Morphological characteristics of this group most common tumours (medulloblastoma, glioblastoma, astrocytoma).

61. Nevi and tumours of the melanin-producing tissue.


62. Anemias, their classification and morphology. Vitamin B12 and folic-acid deficiency anemia, its etiology, pathogenesis and pathomorphology.

63. Leukemias (leucoses), definition, their classification, clinico-morphological syndromes. Morphology of the acute leukemia. Principles of the differential diagnostics acute leukemias.

64. Chronic leucoses: classification, morphological features.

65. Paraproteinemic leucosis.

66. Hemoblastoses. Their classification. Lymphomas, their variants. Lymphogranulomatosis (Hodgkin's disease or Hodgkin's lymphoma), its clinicomorphological variants and morphology.

cardiovascular system DISEASES

67. Systemic lupus erythematosis. Etiology, pathogenesis, pathomorphology, complications.

68. Rheumatism. Etiology and pathogenesis, clinico-anatomical variants.

69. Types of rheumatic valvular endocarditis. Acquired cardiac defects.

70. Rheumatic myocarditis. Its types, morphology and complications, morphological peculiarities of rheumatic myocarditis in children.

71. Ischemic heart disease (acute and chronic), its causes and morphological signs.

72. Atherosclerosis: etiology, morphogenesis, pathomorphology, complications.

73. Myocardial infarction: etiology, stages of development, their morphology. Complications of myocardial infarction.

74. Aneurisms of vessels, causes, types, complications.

75. Essential hypertension: etiology, pathogenesis, stages of development, morphological changes in vessels and organs, which appear in this disease.

76. Secondary hypertensions. The major complications of hypertension, which lead to death.


77. Acute bronchitis. Bronchiolitis. Etiology, pathogenesis, morphology, complications.

78. Pneumonia. Classification, etiology, pathogenesis, morphology. Lobar (crupous) pneumonia. Etiology, pathogenesis, morphology, complications.

79. Bronchopneumonia: etiology and channels of the infection spreading on the pulmonary tissue. Morphological peculiarities of pneumonia depending on the agent type and pathogenesis.

80. Lung emphysema. Its morphological types: panacinar, centracinar, focal emphysema. Etiology and mechanism of development of the emphysema obstructive and nonobstructive forms. Macro- and microscopical changes in the lungs under emphysema.

81. Chronic bronchitis and pneumosclerosis, their etiology and pathomorphology. Mechanism of development of the "cor pulmonale". Morphology of decompensation of the right-side type heart functioning.

82. Bronchial asthma: etiology, pathogenesis, pathomorphology.


83. Tonsillitis. Its etiology, types, pathomorphology and complications.

84. Gastritis (acute and chronic): etiology, classification and pathomorphology.

85. Peptic and duodenal ulcer. Etiology, pathomorphology and complications.

86. Appendicitis: etiology, pathogenesis, morphological variants and complications.

87. Peritonitis: causes, variants, sequelae.


88. Hepatites (acute and chronic). Their etiology, classification, pathomorphology and complications.

89. Toxic degeneration of the liver: etiology, pathomorphology and complications.

90. Cirrhoses of the liver: classification, pathomorphology and complications.


91. Acute glomerulonephritis. Its etiology, pathogenesis, classification, pathomorphology and complications.

92. Subacute glomerulonephritis. etiology, pathogenesis, pathomorphology, complications.

93. Сhronic glomerulonephritis. etiology, pathogenesis, classification, pathomorphology, complications.

94. Interstitial nephritis: variants, morphology, complications.

95. Acute renal failure. Etiology, pathogenesis, pathomorphology.

96. Chronic renal failure (uraemia): clinical and morphological manifestations, mechanism of morphological changes.


97. Ectopic pregnancy: causes, morphology, complications.

98. Endometritis: causes, morphology and complications.

99. Hydatidiform mole and placental polyp, outcomes.

100. Eclampsy: theories of development, clinical and morphological features.

101. Dishormonal hyperplastic prostatopathy: types, morphology, manifestations, complications.

102. Dishormonal diseases in women: types, morphology, outcomes.


103. Pathologic processes of the thyroid gland. Their types, morphological peculiarities and clinical manifestations.

104. Diabetes mellitus. Etiology, pathogenesis, pathomorphology, complications, causes of death.

105. Addison's disease. Etiology, pathogenesis, morphology, complications.


106. Poliomyelitis. Etiology, pathogenesis, pathomorphology, complications.

107. Influenza (complicated and uncomplicated), its etiology, pathogenesis, pathomorphology, sequelae. Morphological peculiarities of the influenza virus pneumonia.

108. Measles. Etiology, pathomorphology, complications.

109. Viral hepatitis. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinico-morphological types, their peculiarities, consequences.

110. Spotted fever: etiology, morphology, complications.

111. Enteric fever: etiology, pathogenesis, pathomorphology. Distinction of typhoid ulcers from tuberculous ones. Complications of the enteric fever.

112. Bacillary dysentery. Etiology, pathogenesis, pathomorphology, complications. Distinction from the amebic dysentery.

113. Diphtheria: etiology, pathogenesis, classification, pathomorphology, complications.

114. Diphtheria of the pharynx and larynx. Classification, pathomorphology, complications.

115. Scarlatina. Etiology, pathogenesis, pathomorphology, complications of the first and second periods of scarlatina.

116. Meningococcosis: etiology, pathogenesis, classification, pathomorphology, complications. Distinction meningococcal meningitis from the tuberculous one.

117. Cholera: etiology, pathogenesis, stages and their morphology.

118. Sepsis: etiology: pathogenesis, classification, pathomorphology, complications.

119. Septic endocarditis: etiology, pathogenesis, morphology, complications.

120. Primary tuberculosis: morphological manifestations under different channels of infection and consequences.

121. Channels of the primary tuberculosis progressing and their morphological manifestations.

122. Hematogenic tuberculosis: the concept definition, classification and morphological manifestations.

123. Secondary tuberculosis: definition, classification, morphology of the secondary tuberculosis different types.

124. Complications and causes of death in secondary tuberculosis.

125. Syphilis: etiology, stages, clinical and morphological manifestations.

126. Congenital syphilis (early and late), its morphology.

127. Scleroma: etiology, stages, morphological peculiarities.

128. Lepra: etiology, types of lepra and their morphology.

129. Pneumoconioses, their classification. Anthracosis and silicosis, their pathogenesis, morphology and complications.

130. Radiation sickness (acute and chronic): morphology, causes of death.

131. Drug-induced lesions of the lungs, liver, kidneys. Anaphylactic shock.


132. Heart congenital malformations (simple and combined).

133. Fetal mucoviscidosis (cystic fibrosis): etiology, pathogenesis, morphology, complications.

134. Diabetic fetopathy and endocardial fibroelastosis: etiology, pathogenesis and morphology.

135. Asphyxia: classification, etiology, pathogenesis and pathomorphology.

136. Birth trauma: causes, types and morphology.

137. Hemorrhagic disease of newborn: etiology, pathogenesis, morphology.

138. Hemolytic disease of newborn: etiology, pathogenesis, morphology.

139. Umbilical sepsis, its causes and pathomorphology.

140. Peculiarities of tumours evolution in childhood.

Museum Specimens

|Slides (microspecimens) |Gross specimens (macrospecimens) |

| | |

|1. Venous hyperemia of the liver (“nutmeg” liver) H&E. |1. Tuberculous spondylitis. |

|2. Hemorrhage into the brain H&E. |2. Thrombus in the left ventricular aneurysm. |

|5. Fatty embolism of the lung. Sudan III. |3. Larynx scleroma. |

|8. Mucous ( Signet ring cell) cancer. H&E. |4. Papillary carcinoma of the stomach. |

|12.Liver amyloidosis. H&E. |5. Hydatidiform mole. |

|23.Infarct of the spleen. H&E. |6. Bowel gangrene. |

|24. Organized thrombus in the vessel. H&E. |7. Fibrinous pericarditis. |

|25.Solid cancer of the breast. H&E. |8. Fungous carcinoma of the stomach. |

|27.Necrosis of the kidney epithelium convoluted tubules H&E. |9. Medulloblastoma. |

|29. Lobar pneumonia (stage of grey hepatization). H&E. |10. Hydrocephaly. |

|31. Diphtheritic colitis in dysentery. |11. Epicardium hemorrhage. |

|32. Phlegmonous appendicitis H&E. |12. Peyer's plaques in enteric fever. |

|33. Portal liver cirrhosis. H&E. |13. Lymph nodes packet of the mesentery in lymphatic leukemia. |

|37. Miliary tuberculosis in the lung. H&E. |14. Hemorrhagic influenza virus pneumonia. |

|38. Chronic bronchitis with bronchiectases. H&E. |15. Croupous inflammation of the larynx and the trachea in diphtheria.|

|41. Larynx scleroma H&E. |16. Prostatic hypertrophy. |

|42. Lymphogranulomatosis H&E. |17. Tuberculous ulcer of the small intestine. |

|44. Venous hyperemia of the oesophagus. H&E. |18. Splenomegaly in chronic myeloleukemia. |

|45. Endometrial hyperplasia H&E. |19. Atherosclerosis of the aorta with ulceration. |

|46. Tubal pregnancy H&E. |20. Rupture of the right heart ventricle caused by obesity. |

|51. Leiomyoma uteri. van Gieson's stain. |21. Purulent leptomeningitis. |

|54. Skin papilloma H&E. |22. Lobar pneumonia (stage of grey hepatization). |

|55. Fibroadenoma of the breast. H&E. |23. Sarcoma of the thigh. |

|57. Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin. H&E. |24. Relapsing warty endocarditis. |

|60. Splenic amyloidosis (sago). H&E. |25. Progressive tuberculous complex in the lung. |

|65. Cardiosclerosis H&E. |26. Lung emphysema. |

|66. Fibrinous pericarditis H&E. |27. Uterus fibromioma. |

|67. Atherosclerosis of the aorta. H&E. |28. Portal liver cirrhosis. |

|70. Myocardial infarction. H&E. |29. Acute ulcers of the stomach. |

|76. Chronic peptic ulcer. H&E. |30. Hemorrhagic infarction of the lung. |

|78. Fatty degeneration of the liver. H&E. |31. Fatty degeneration of the liver (goose liver). |

|93. Hydatid mole. H&E. |32. Cerebral hemorrhage. |

|95. Prostatic hypertrophy. H&E. |33. Porphyry spleen in lymphogranulomatosis. |

|96. Peyer's plaques in enteric fever (medullar swelling). H&E. |34. Miliary tuberculosis in the lung. |

|101. Larynx diphtheria. H&E. |35. Arteriolosclerotic (primary contracted, shrunken) kidney. |

|103. Chronic glomerulonephritis. H&E. |36. Cancer metastases in the liver. |

|125. Renal cell carcinoma, hypernephroma. H&E. |37. Renal cell carcinoma, hypernephroma. |

|139. Skin melanoblastoma. H&E. |38. Diphtheritic colitis under dysentery. |

|151. Large intestine adenocarcinoma. H&E. |39. Foot in pellagra (hyperkeratosis and melanosis of the skin). |

|155. Zenker’s necrosis of the abdominal muscles. H&E. |40. Fibrocavernous pulmonary tuberculosis. |

|159. Cavernous angioma of the liver. H&E. |41. Coalminer's lungs. |

|160. Uteri chorioepithelioma H&E. |42. Calculous hydronephrosis. |

|161. Colloid goiter H&E. |43. Syphilitic mesaortitis with the aneurysm. |

|172. Chronic cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis. H&E. |44. Pylephlebitic abscesses of the liver. |

|176. Fibrofocal pulmonary tuberculosis. H&E. |45 Carcinoma of the uterus. |


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