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Newton’s Laws of Motion

Equipment Needed

Scale, 0-10N (x2) I3-L [pic]

Table clamp E2-L [pic]

or ring stand P1-L

Clamp, Pendulum G3-L [pic]

Mass Set, Gram with hanger H2-L [pic]

[pic] [pic]

gram mass hanger Newton mass hanger

Mass Set, Newton with hanger H1-L [pic]

120 cm ½ inch diameter rod P4-L

Spring, conical Brass K1-L [pic]


In this lab we will investigate Newton’s second and third laws of motion. In order to do this, we conduct two separate experiments. In the first experiment we will use the observation that a spring is a device that can measure force to determine Newton’s second law,

[pic]. Equation 1

This experiment will occur in two steps; first we will investigate the behavior of a spring when it is stretched. This behavior was first quantitatively observed by the English scientist Robert Hooke, and is called Hooke’s Law.

Figure 1: Basic Setup for Hooke’s Law.


The observation is:

As you stretch or compress a spring a distance x from its equilibrium length – the length of the spring when no extra forces are acting on it – the spring will exert a force in a direction to try and restore the spring to its equilibrium length. This force is cleverly enough called a restoring force and is given by

[pic]. Equation 2

The constant k is called the spring constant, and the minus sign indicates that the force is opposite the stretch or compression of the spring. You will verify this law, producing an instrument to measure force, and then you will use this instrument to measure the force of gravity on a series of masses. A graph of the force versus mass will yield a straight line, and the slope will be the acceleration due to gravity, g.

In the second experiment you will verify Newton’s Third Law which says if one object exerts a force on a second, then the second object exerts a force on the first equal in magnitude but opposite in direction. In equation form, this law reads


where the 1 and 2 refer to the first and second objects respectively. Again you will use a spring to measure force; only this time you will use a commercial spring balance. The idea is that you will hang one balance upside down on the other. Then you will hang various weights from the lower balance. The reading on the upper scale will be the force on it exerted by the lower balance. The reading on the upper scale will be the force on it exerted by the lower scale, and the reading on the lower scale will be the force on it due to the upper scale. A graph of these two readings for various weights will give Newton’s Third Law.

Part 1: Procedure for Determination of Hooke’s Law

In this part of the experiment you will investigate Hooke’s Law, which quantitatively describes the behavior of a spring as a force is applied to either stretch or compress the spring.

1. To do this, use the provided clamp to suspend the spring from the ring stand on your table. Hang the mass hanger from the bottom of the spring, and then clamp the ring stand holding the meter stick into place so that it is aligned vertically next to the spring. You want to arrange your experiment such that the position of the bottom of the mass hanger with respect to the meter stick can be easily determined. Your setup should appear as in Figure 1.

2. We will now apply a force to stretch the spring by hanging a known weight from the spring. Note the position of the bottom of the mass hanger, then place a 0.5 N weight on the mass hanger.

3. Record the change in length of the spring in a table similar to that shown in Figure 2.

4. Repeat your measurements by adding weights to increase the force on the spring to 1.0 N and then 1.5 N, 2.0 N, and 2.5 N respectively. For each weight, record the stretch of the spring in your data table. Before we continue this experiment, we need to analyze our data from this portion of the experiment.

Figure 2: Data table for Hooke’s Law

|Force (N) |Spring Stretch (cm) |

|0.5 N | |

|1.0 N | |

|1.5 N | |

|2.0 N | |

|2.5 N | |

Data Analysis for Hooke’s Law

1. Using the Graphical Analysis or Microsoft Excel©, graph the weight hung on the spring (vertical axis) v. the stretch of the spring produced by that weight (horizontal axis).

2. Make sure that your graph has appropriately labeled axes, and has a descriptive title.

3. In addition to the five data points you have taken, you know one more data point. By definition, if there is no weight on the mass hanger, you are at equilibrium and thus the stretch from equilibrium of the spring is 0 cm. Thus the point (0 cm, 0 N) is a point on your graph.

4. Your data points should lie close to a straight line.

5. Select the data points, and then use the linear regression button on Graph Analysis to determine the best-fit line. In Excel use add trendline (add the equation).

6. As discussed previously, the equation of a straight line is in general


In this case, the y-variable is the force, F, and the x-variable is the spring stretch, x.

7. The slope m of this line is denoted by the letter k, and is called the spring constant. (Remember Equation 2) This quantity measures the stiffness of the spring. The larger k is, the greater the force required to produce a given stretch of the spring.

8. Record the equation of the best-fit line with your k value; you will need it for the next part of the lab. Ideally, the y-intercept should be zero, but due to noise in the data or possibly a procedural error it may not be zero.

The importance of Hooke’s Law is that the stretch of a spring is proportional to the force on it. Thus, you can use a spring to measure force. This is the principle underlying countless types of scales. By determining the spring constant k, we now can use our spring as an instrument to measure force. We have just gone through a process called calibration in which we have developed a quantitative relationship between the stretch of the spring and the force on it. The graph you have just produced is called a calibration curve. We will now use the instrument you have produced to determine Newton’s Second Law in a static situation.

Part 2: Procedure for Determination of Newton’s Second Law

Once you have an instrument to measure force, it is very easy to determine Newton’s Second Law. The procedure we will use will be almost identical to the procedure for the determination of Hooke’s Law. In the determination of Hooke’s Law we suspended known weights from the spring, and measured the stretch of the spring. In this case, we will suspend known masses from the spring and measure the force due to gravity on these masses with the spring that we’ve calibrated.

1. Using the mass set stamped in grams, suspend four different masses from the hanger starting with 50 grams and increasing in 50 gram increments.

2. For each mass that you suspend from the hanger, measure the stretch of the spring.

3. Since you’ve calibrated your spring, you can convert the stretch of the spring to a measurement of the force on the spring by your relationship [pic].

4. Record your data in a table with a heading similar to Figure 3. Convert the mass to kg before recording.

Figure 3 Table Heading for Newton’s Second Law Data

|Mass (kg) |Spring Stretch (cm) |Force (N) |

| | |[pic] |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

Procedure for Determination of Newton’s Third Law

Finally, we can use the idea that a spring can be used to measure a force to determine Newton’s Third Law. First we will adjust the zero of both of the two provided commercial spring scales.

1. Hang one of the spring scales from the support hook. The scale has a bent tab at the top. Slide it up or down, as needed, to zero the scale.

2. Repeat this procedure for the second scale.

3. Now hang one of the spring scales from the pendulum clamp.

4. From the hook on the scale, hang the second scale upside down by its hook. See Figure 4.

5. Adjust the tab on the 2nd scale so that it reads the same as the other scale. Make sure that you take all of your readings from the side calibrated in Newtons and not grams.

6. With this arrangement of scales, the reading on the top scale will be the force on it due to the bottom scale, and the reading on the bottom scale will be the force on it due to the top scale. Note that these two forces will be in the opposite direction.

7. Suspend the mass hanger from the bottom scale’s eye.

8. Suspend four different masses from the hanger, reading the force on both scales for each different mass, and include these data in your table.

9. Read the force on both scales, and record your results in a table with a heading similar to Figure 5.

Figure 5: Heading for data table for Newton’s Third Law Experiment

|Force on top scale |Force on bottom scale |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

Data Analysis

Now, from the two new sets of data you have taken, you can determine Newton’s Second and Third Laws of motion.

1. Using Graphical Analysis or Excel graph your data for the force on the spring versus the mass you suspended from the spring.

2. As always, your graphs should include well labeled axes and a descriptive title. Note: If you hang no mass from the spring then there is no force on the spring, meaning that the point (0 kg, 0 N) is a point on your graph. Your data points should lie to a good degree along a straight line.

3. The equation of this line is [pic] where we have denoted the slope of the line by the letter g.

4. Ideally, the y-intercept should be zero, but it may not due to noise or procedural error.

5. Find the best-fit line for your data. The units of the slope are the same as those of acceleration.

6. How does slope compare to the acceleration due to gravity of the earth, [pic]?

7. To compare the two, calculate the percent difference given by the formula:


8. We have determined a very special case of Newton’s Second Law, namely that the weight of an object near the surface of the earth is [pic]. In general, Newton’s Second Law is given by [pic], where m is the mass of the object and a is the acceleration.

9. To determine Newton’s Third Law, graph the data you have taken from the experiment with two springs. Graph the force on the top scale on the vertical axis and the force on the bottom scale on the horizontal axis, with appropriate labeling.

10. Your data actually is only the magnitude of the two forces; their directions are opposite.

11. Your data should lie on a straight line. Draw the best line through the data, and determine the slope of the line. What is the slope of the line, and are the units?

12. Write the mathematical relationship given by your graph. Once you’ve taken account of the directions, this relationship is Newton’s Third Law.

Report Format

Your lab report should include the following:

1. Include a one-paragraph statement of the objective of the lab.

2. Include a one to two paragraph description in words of your data.

3. You should include all of your tables of data, and all the graphs you’ve drawn. Make sure that your graphs are properly labeled, and include a descriptive title.

4. Your report should next contain a one-paragraph description of your results, including a description of the scientific laws you have observed.

5. Be sure to explicitly show your calculations.

6. Make a reasonable attempt to account for any discrepancies between what you’ve observed and your expected results.

7. Finally, include a one-paragraph summary explaining very plainly what the principal results of the lab were.

Your report should be written with correct English spelling and grammar and should be well organized, neat, and legible.


Figure 4:



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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