State University of New York Press

State University of New York Press


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353 Broadway

Albany, NY 12246-0001


Marketing Questionnaire

To assist us in marketing your book, please complete the following information. Please type or print clearly. Important: Please include all diacritical marks, even if you must write them in by hand.

For more information on marketing, please visit the SUNY Press Guide to Marketing and Publicity.

Date completed:     

1. Title: Subtitle of book:      

2. Personal Information (if more than one author/editor, please include a separate sheet for each):

a. Name as it will appear on the book:


Middle (if you wish to list your middle name/initial on the book):     


b. Date and place of birth (for Library of Congress registration):     

Check here if you do not wish to have your year of birth printed on the copyright page

(SUNY Press recommends inclusion)

c. Citizenship:     

d. Personal pronoun:     

e. Home address:     

Check here if preferred mailing address

f. Office address:     

Check here if preferred mailing address

g. Telephone number (with area code): 



h. Fax number (with area code): 



i. Professional title and affiliation (e.g., John Doe is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of…):     

j. Email address:     

k. E-marketing plays a critical role in successfully selling your book, so it is essential that you choose the categories (at least one) to which your book’s e-announcement will be sent.

These e-announcements will be sent to you and other subscribers in these categories.

Select from the following categories:

|General Interest |Fiction |Philosophy |

|African American Studies |Film Studies |Political Science |

|Anthropology |History |Postcolonial Studies |

|Archaeology |Holocaust Studies |Psychology |

|Art |Indigenous Studies |Public Policy |

|Asian Studies |Israel Studies |Queer Studies |

|Buddhist Studies |Italian American Studies |Religious Studies |

|Communications |Jewish Studies |Sociology |

|Criminology |Latin American Studies |Sports Studies |

|Cultural Studies |Literature |Women’s & Gender Studies |

|Education |Middle Eastern Studies | |

|Environmental Studies |New York/Regional | |

l. Previous books published, including the year and publisher, and any awards won:     

Please be sure to inform us of any changes to your address, phone number, professional title, or affiliation, and to those of your contributors.

Help us to help you! Carefully completing the following information assists us in promoting your book.

3. Promotional Copy

a. Provide 100–175 words of promotional copy about your book. It is important that you take time to write clearly and succinctly (avoiding specialized vocabulary or jargon), covering all major selling points, so that the specialist, and also the nonspecialist (sales representative, bookstore buyer, and lay reader) will be able to understand what your book is about. This is your primary opportunity as the author to provide input into this process and to interest potential buyers in reading your book. All or a portion of this may be incorporated on the back cover of the book and in the SUNY Press catalog.

Here are some guidelines to help you describe what is distinctive about your text.

• Approach—the way in which topics are developed, a certain methodology you use, or themes you integrate throughout the text.

• Content—what your book will offer in terms of new or unique coverage, how difficult subjects are explained, or new theories on standard material.

• Pedagogy—the features that will make your book a better teaching or learning tool (e.g., better examples, questions, art).

• Trends—How does your book address new ideas taking place in the subject area?

• Challenges—What difficulties do students face in learning this subject and how will your text help them?

b. Provide a succinct, one-sentence description of your book.     

c. Please list 3 or 4 key selling points.      

4. Review Copies

a. Review copies will be sent to: 1. Baker and Taylor

2. CHOICE Magazine

3. H-Net

4. Midwest Library Service

5. YBP Library Services

6. New Books Network

b. In addition, please provide a list of approximately 10–15 journals (include website addresses) that you believe would be most likely to publish reviews of your book.

We will evaluate the list and send an email notification to the appropriate journals announcing the publication of the book and offering to send a review copy on request.



5. Marketing

a. Instructors in which fields would be interested in buying your book?     

b. Which specific courses might use the book for collateral reading?     

c. List any conferences where it might be appropriate to exhibit your book. Please indicate those you regularly attend with an asterisk. Each request will be considered individually and on recommendations from both editorial and marketing staff.     

d. List up to two awards or prizes for which your book might be eligible. The Press will consider making up to two submissions for each title, and will send the required number of copies of books for up to two (including any submissions you make yourself). Please note the name of the prize and the award-granting organization. In those cases where membership is required by the award-granting organization, please confirm that you are a current member. Requests are considered individually in light of award requirements, fees, other eligible titles, and recommendations from both editorial and marketing staff.     

6. Social Media

We utilize social media to promote our books in a variety of ways, including sharing news of author events and reviews. Please provide your preferred social media handles so that we may work in conjunction with your own promotional efforts on social media.

Twitter username:      

Facebook username:      

Instagram username:      

Personal website or blog address (URL):      

7. Permission Copies

Provide the names and addresses of those publishers, museums, or individuals requiring a complimentary copy in return for having granted you permission to reprint material or artwork.     

8. Edited Volumes

Provide a complete list of the names*, mailing addresses, and email addresses of contributors to your book so that they will receive their complimentary copies. Also include a separate list of their names and professional affiliations. *Important: Please provide the name as it will appear in the book and include all diacritical marks, even if you must write them in by hand.     

Thank you for your prompt cooperation.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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