Citations Rubric: 9 points total

Citations Rubric

20 points

Format for Citations is as follows:

1. Title of page is Works Cited. Only those works cited within your paper are included in the Works Cited list.

2. Citations are in alphabetical order by the first letter of the entry.

3. The entries have a “hanging indent” (where the first line of a citation is at the usual spot on the left margin, but all the following lines in that paragraph are moved in to the next tab stop). Hanging Indent (use ctrl + T to create Hanging Indent.)

Sample of citation with hanging indent:

Freedman, Russell and James Lincoln Collier. Abraham Lincoln: My Life after the

War. Boston: Houghton, 2007.

4.Font and size are consistent throughout the page; blue ink from links is removed (right click over the link and select “remove hyperlink.”

|Criteria |4 |3 |2 |1 or 0 |

|Format of Works Cited Page |All parts of format (above) are |One part of format is missing. |More than one element is consistently incorrect|Works Cited page is missing or not done according to |

| |followed consistently | | |any of the correct format. |

|Elements of citation according to |All parts of the citation (author,|One part of a citation is |One part of a citation is consistently missing |Little to no attempt to use EasyBib correctly |

|lessons on print and web site |title, publisher etc.) are |missing in one place. |for several entries | |

|citation and with use of EasyBib. |included correctly. | | | |

|Mechanics |All are correct. |There are no more than 3 |Consistent errors throughout. |Many spelling and capitalization errors. |

| | |mistakes. | | |

|Parenthetical Citations |Format is correct There is a good |One or two mistakes in format |Consistently makes mistakes in the formatting |No attempt to use parenthetical citations. |

| |balance of citations –not too many|and/or either too many or too |of parenthetical citations. No distinction | |

| |and not too few. |few citations. |between what should be cited and what doesn’t | |

| | | |need to be cited. | |

|Quality of Resources, especially |Forms for each cited web site |Some question about credibility|Form for website evaluation is missing for more|Student includes wikipedia or in works |

|web sites. Only sites appropriate |included, when necessary, showing|of websites. |than one site and/or some questions about |cited list and/or |

|for a research paper are used |that the sites are credible. | |credibility of sites.. |Student shows poor judgment (based on website |

| | | | |evaluations) in choice of websites. |


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