Subscription Options - Law360

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A Law360 Section subscription gives you access to one or more sections of your choice so that you have the news and analysis you need to stay up to speed and remain competitive within your areas of expertise.


A Law360 Enterprise subscription gives you access to all U.S. news and analysis across more than 50 practice area, industry, and state sections. This includes daily newsletters and our full archive of more than 440K articles dating back to 2003. This subscription allows you to stay informed on trending issues and important topics across the legal spectrum.


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Email newsletters Business of Law articles Expert Analysis Rankings & Series All news content across 50+ U.S. Sections Mobile app for iOS and Android Archive of 440,000+ articles Database of over 2.6 million cases Full-text search of patent complaints Customized email alerts PTAB and TTAB cases and documents, including full-text search and alerts Access to Law360 Briefcase, a research organization and sharing tool



Law360 offers up-to-the-minute coverage on litigation, legislation, regulation & enforcement, and deals that top attorneys and business leaders need to know about to remain experts and stay ahead of the curve.

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