A Critique of the Genderlect Theory - Kingfrench's Blog

A Critique of the Genderlect Theory

by Chrissy Coughlin


Deborah Tannen, a lingustic professor at Georgetown University, has researched conversational styles of men and women. She developed Genderlect Theory, which views communication between men and women through a humanistic and scientific approach. Genderlect mainly states that the differences between the communication styles that women and men use are cross-cultural. Tannen says that in order to avoid conflict from our different methods of communication, men and women need to come to an understanding of the other's ways. For instance, women need to remember that men are looking for status and autonomy. Men need to remember that women want a sense of community through their communication efforts.

There are five standards that can be applied to the Genderlect theory when aproaching the critique through a humanistic approach:

• New Understanding of People: The Genderlect theory meets this standard through explaining the differences of communication between men and women. Pointing out these facts makes it easier to understand cross cultural communication.

• Clarification of Values: Tannen approaches this standard by explaining men and women's opposing values that they expect from cross cultural communication. Tannen expresses her own ideas on this subject.

• Aesthetic Appeal: The Genderlect theory has an aesthetic appeal because it looks at conflict between men and women in a new way. Her original approach brings up many issues of cross cultural communication that can be applied to a relationship that is taking place in the present, not just in the past.

• A Community of Agreement: Many scholars approach the Genderlect theory in a number of different ways. For example, Tannen is in accordance with researchers Leslie Baxter and Barbara Montgomery on the topic of intimacy versus independence. On the other hand, Tannen has recieved apposing views from German linguist Senta Troemel-Ploetz. Troemel-Ploetz's opinion is discussed in detail later on.

• Reform of Society: The purpose of Tannen's Genderlect theory is to promote positive change within cross cultural relationships by coming to terms of understanding. Through understanding the different ways men and women communicate, relationships should improve.

Tannen's theory can be looked at in a number of ways. For starters, people who believe this theory tend to apply certain experiences that fit and exclude the rest. This theory seems to trick people into believing that this was the reason why there was conflict with a member of the opposite sex. Her theory fails to remind the reader that this doesn't always apply to every person who has dealt with conflict while communicating. Tannen developed her theory in a way that views communication between men and women negatively. Tannen needs to remember that differences between our communication styles are good at times because it makes life exciting. It lets us interpret communication from the opposite sex on our own terms, not according to research. Also, according to a feminist scholar and German linguist, Senta Troemel-Ploetz, Tannen tends to forget that there are many issues of male dominance over women. Troemel-Ploetz feels that if you forget this there will never be any terms of understanding.


On the other hand, Genderlect Theory is an easy explanation that is understandable for an average person. It is easy to apply to any relationship between members of the opposite sex. The Genderlect Theory is a good method, but people need to remember that there are other factors that can explain conflict and lead to a greater relationship.

For more information on the Genderlect theory click here.

Jenny's title page


Griffin,Em. A First Look at Communication Theory.

New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1997.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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