Unit Plan: Health/Life Skills

Unit Plan: Health/Life Skills

Predominately 9th grade (a few 10,11, 12th graders)

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|CA Standards: Health #6: Communicable and Chronic Diseases |

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|Learning Objectives: 1. Identify five different agents that can cause infectious diseases. |

|List 4 ways that infectious diseases spread |

|Describe two different treatments for infectious diseases. |

|Describe how the body fights infectious diseases |

|Summarize 5 things a person can do to stay well |

|Describe how immunity to a disease develops. |

|State 3 things you can do when you are sick. |

|Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 |

|Warm-up: |Warm-Up: |Warm-Up: |

|Students will name all the diseases that come to |(10 min.) Notes review- 5 questions on |Look over your notes from day before and fill in any |

|their mind and I will write all the diseases on |overhead to be turned in re: notes- in |empty spaces by speaking to your neighbor. |

|the board and onto another paper for later |pairs. *Check for misunderstandings. |Teacher: |

|review. |Activity: |Collect Homework |

|Activity: |Check that the students name at least 1 |Cornell-Notes: Finish notes if necessary. |

|Health IQ Quiz. Pg. 314 #1-8 Health Book |disease on their homework paper. |Activity: |

| |Cornell- Notes: |Show sample of a brochure, poster and PowerPoint. |

|Unit Question: |Continue Infectious disease notes (if |1. Put students into groups of 4. |

|What are the different types of diseases? |necessary). |2. Assign the group a disease: only those covered in |

| |Question: |the book. |

|Cornell-Notes: |How can you protect yourself from |3. Give students the criteria for their “project”. |

|Topic=Infectious Diseases |infectious diseases? |Skit, brochure, poster, rap, song, poem, PowerPoint |

|-Causes |Cornell-Notes: |etc. |

|-Spread |-Fight disease |Must include: symptom, transmission, prevention and |

|-Treated |-How to stay well |treatment of the disease. They may use the laptops to |

|Homework: |-What to do when you are sick |assist in their project if needed. |

|Students will go home and ask their family what |-Prevent spread of disease |4.Students will present their disease to the class, no|

|kinds of diseases either run in their family or |Homework: |more than 3 min., On day 4-6 (if necessary). |

|family and friends have suffered or are currently|Name a time that you were sick. |5.Students will take notes on the other disease on |

|suffering from. If none they can name a disease |What did you have? |their Cornell notes about diseases for collection and |

|they want to know more about. |How did you get it? |later a test. |

| |What did you do when you were sick? |HWK: |

| |How can the information you know now |Fill in the worksheet= Disease table with symptom, |

| |helped you before? |transmission, prev., treat. for disease using notes |

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Unit Plan: Health/Life Skills

Predominately 9th grade (a few 10,11, 12th graders)

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|CA Standards: Health #6: Communicable and Chronic Diseases |

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|Learning Objectives: 1. Identify five different agents that can cause infectious diseases. |

|List 4 ways that infectious diseases spread |

|Describe two different treatments for infectious diseases. |

|Describe how the body fights infectious diseases |

|Summarize 5 things a person can do to stay well |

|Describe how immunity to a disease develops. |

|State 3 things you can do when you are sick. |

|Day 4 |Day 5 |Day 6 |

|Warm-up: |Warm-up: |Warm-up: |

|(5 min.) What are the ways you get |(10 min.) Last minute finishing touches on |(10-min.) Compare notes with your neighbor |

|diseases? Collect! |projects. |and group members on the diseases that were|

| |Presentations: |presented in class. |

|Activity: |Remaining groups will present their |Test: |

|Group work to finish up presentation |projects. |Open note test on infectious diseases. |

| |The class will take notes while watching | |

|Presentations: |the presentations and create 1 ? for each | |

|Extra 10pts. To groups who present a |disease or group that presents. | |

|completed project. |Review: | |

|The class will take notes while watching |Infectious disease notes by reading test | |

|the presentations and create 1 ? for each |questions to class. Discuss expectations | |

|disease or group that presents. |for test. Multiple choice/True-False | |

Unit Plan: Health/Life Skills

Predominately 9th grade (a few 10,11, 12th graders)

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|CA Standards: Health #6: Communicable and Chronic Diseases |

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|Learning Objectives: 1. Describe how lifestyle can lead to diseases |

|2. List four controllable and four uncontrollable risk factors for lifestyle |

|diseases. |

|3. Describe 4 types of cardiovascular disease |

|4. Identify 2 ways to detect and 2 ways to treat cardiovascular disease |

|Day 7 |Day 8 |Day 9 |

|Warm-up: |Warm-up: |Warm-up: |

|What is a lifestyle? |(5 min.) Name the two types of risk factors|(10 min.) Review your notes with your neighbor and fill|

|Cornell notes: |involved in lifestyle diseases. |in any empty spaces. |

|Lifestyle diseases: |Teacher: Check Homework |Cornell notes: |

|-Cause |Cornell Notes: |Finish notes from prior day. |

|-Risk factors |Definition: cardio- vascular – show them | |

|Homework: |the roots in the word | |

|Ask your friends or family if they know what a |-What are cardio diseases | |

|lifestyle disease is and which one they suffer |-Types of cardio diseases | |

|from. |-Detecting and treating | |

| |-Preventing | |

* Show students what a learning web is and show them how the infectious diseases fit into the web.* when???


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