

Yingshang 2nd Ship Lock Project

(As part of the Anhui Shaying River Channel Improvement Project)

Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Anhui Provincial Port and Shipping Construction Investment Co., Ltd.

Zhongzi-Huayu Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.

September 2014

Table of Content

1. General 1

1.1 Background and Scope of the Project 1

1.2 Environmental Protection 2

1.3 Purpose of the EIA Report 3

1.4 Basis for Preparation 3

1.5 Grades and Scope of Assessment 5

1.6 Assessment Standards 6

1.7 Focus of Assessment 12

1.8 Assessment Period 12

1.9 Environmental Protection Targets 12

1.10 Assessment Procedure 21

2. Related Engineering Overview 25

2.1 Anhui Shaying River Channel Improvement Project 25

2.2 Yingshang Lock Junction 25

3. Engineering Overview and Analysis 29

3.1 Conditions of Existing Ship Lock 29

3.2 Basic information of expansion project 32

3.3 Alternative analysis 38

3.4 The 2nd ship lock 44

3.5 Approach channel 46

3.6 Houses 49

3.7 Bridge 50

3.8 Temporary Works 50

3.9 Dismantling, relocation and land acquisition 53

3.10 Balance of Earthworks 55

3.11 Construction Organization and Construction Proposal 59

3.12 Engineering Analysis 69

4. Investigation and Evaluation on the Status of Environmental Quality 83

4.1Natural Environment 83

4.2Social Environment 86

4.3 Investigation and evaluation on The Status of Ecological Environment 87

4.4Investigation of Environmental Air Status 88

4.5Status Evaluation on Quality of Surface Water Environment 89

4.7Monitoring and Evaluation of Acoustical Environment Status 93

4.8Sediment Environmental Quality Evaluation 101

5 Environmental Impact Assessment and Prevention and Control Measures 103

5.1 Social environment impact 103

5.2 Ecological and Environmental Impact 105

5.3Evaluation of impact on environmental air 112

5.4Water Environmental Impact Evaluation 114

5.5 Acoustic Environmental Impact Evaluation 121

5.6 Analysis and control measures on solid waste pollution 141

5.7Analysis on impact of engineering construction to flood prevention 142

5.8Analysis on impact of ship navigation safety 142

5.9 Summary of Environmental Protection Countermeasures During Construction Period 143

5.10 Conclusion on Environmental Protection Countermeasures during Operation Period 146

6 Risk Analysis 149

6.1 Pollution Source of Dangerous Chemicals 149

6.2 Accident Rate 149

6.3 Precautions Against Risks 151

7 Water and Soil Conservation Program 154

7.1 Forecasted Results of Water Losses and Soil Erosion 154

7.2 Measures for the Zones to Control Water and Soil Losses 155

7.3 Monitoring of water and soil conservation 157

7.4 Investment estimation and benefit analysis 158

8 Public participation 160

8.1 Public Participation in the Implementation Process 160

8.2 Public Participation & Survey Result and Analysis of the First Stage 173

8.3 Public Participation & Survey Result of the Second Stage 176

8.4 Public Participation and Conclusion 179

9 Environment Governance and Environment Monitoring 180

9.1 Environment Governance and Monitoring Plan 180

9.2 Summary of Environment Supervision for Shaying River Channel Improvement Project 181

9.3 Investment of Environment Protection 182

10 Conclusion of Assessment 185

10.1 Project Profile 185

10.2 Status Quo of Environment Quality 186

10.3Prediction and Assessment of Environmental Impact 187

10.4 Conclusion of Assessment 192

Annexes 194

Content of Tables

|S/N |Title |Page |

|Tab. 1-1 |Grades of the Environmental Impact Assessment for the Shaying River Yingshang 2nd Waterway Ship |P5 |

| |Lock Project | |

|Tab. 1-2 |Scope of the Environmental Impact Assessment for the Shaying River Yingshang 2nd Waterway Ship |P6 |

| |Lock Project | |

|Tab. 1-3 (A) |Concentration Limits of Pollutants in the Ambient Atmosphere (based on GB3095-1996 and its |P7 |

| |revision edition) | |

|Tab. 1-3 (B) | Concentration Limits of Pollutants in the Ambient Atmosphere (based on GB3095-2012) |P7 |

|Tab.1-4 |Surface Water Quality Standard Values |P8 |

|Tab. 1-5 |Ambient Noise Level Standard |P9 |

|Tab. 1-6 |Soil Environment Quality Standard |P9 |

|Tab. 1-7 |Atmospheric Pollutant Emissions Control Standard |P10 |

|Tab. 1-8 |Sediment Odor Emissions Control Limits |P10 |

|Tab. 1-9 |General Wastewater Discharge Control Standard |P10 |

|Tab. 1-10 |Noise Limits for Construction Sites |P11 |

|Tab. 1-11 |Standard Values of Industrial Facility Noise Emissions Control |P11 |

|Tab. 1-12 |Vessel Water Pollutant Discharge Standard |P11 |

|Tab. 1-13 |Agriculture-intended Mud Pollutant Control Standard (GB4284-84) |P12 |

|Tab. 1-14 |Aquatic Environment Protection Targets |P13 |

|Tab. 1-15(A) |Major Protection Targets for Noise Pollution and Atmospheric Pollution Control (Construction |P13 |

| |Period) | |

|Tab. 1-15 (B) |Major Protection Targets for Noise Pollution and Atmospheric Pollution Control (Operation Period) |P17 |

|Tab. 3-1 |Scope of Works for the Expansion Project |P33 |

|Tab. 3-2 |Comparison between Proposal I and Proposal II |P38 |

| |in work quantities and construction condition | |

|Tab. 3-3 |Comparison between Proposal I and Proposal II in environment impact |P40 |

|Tab. 3-4 |Facilities in Management Area |P48 |

|Tab. 3-5 |Basic Information of Disposal Area |P50 |

|Tab. 3-6 |Land coverage for Yingshang 2nd waterway ship lock project |P52 |

|Tab. 3-7 |Balance and distribution of earthworks |P55 |

|Tab. 3-8 |Construction Schedule for Yingshang 2nd Waterway Ship Lock Project |P64 |

|Tab. 3-9 |Features of Yingshang River Channel Yingshang 2nd Waterway Ship Lock Project |P65 |

|Tab. 3-10 | Domestic wastewater produced during construction |P69 |

|Tab. 3-11 |Pollutant discharge volume of motor vehicle |P71 |

|Tab. 3-12 |Characteristics of transport route and transport truck |P72 |

|Tab. 3-13 |Calculation of wastewater produced by |P76 |

| |working staff in the ship lock in operation period | |

|Tab. 3-14 |Summary of pollutants change in 2nd waterway ship lock during operation |P80 |

|Tab. 4-1 |Sections of Surface Water Status Monitoring |P88 |

|Tab. 4-6 |Acoustical Environment Status Monitoring Points Location |P95 |

|Tab. 5-1 |Comprehensive Argument on Rationality Regarding Site Selection of Spoil Area |P109 |

|Tab. 5-2 |Construction Machinery Noise Impact Source Intensity |P121 |

|Tab. 5-3 |Predicted Noise Contribution Values of Different Distances from Acoustic Sources |P121 |

|Tab. 5-4 |Predicted Noise Contribution Values of Different Distances from Superimposed Acoustic Sources |P122 |

|Tab. 5-5 |Impact of Construction Machinery to Sensitive Spot Acoustic Environmental in Construction Period |P126 |

|Tab. 5-6 | Traffic Noise Prediction Table at Different Distances of Transportation Routes In Construction |P128 |

| |Period (away from center line of road) | |

|Tab. 5-7 |Noise Prediction Results of Sensitive Spots near the Transportation Routes in Construction Period |P128 |

|Tab. 5-8 |Lockage Vessel Noise Source Intensity Table |P132 |

|Tab. 5-9 | Noise Values of Lockage Ship to Noise Sensitive Spots in Operation Period |P135 |

|Tab. 5-10 |Noise Values of Lockage Ship to Noise Sensitive Spots in Operation Period |P137 |

|Tab. 5-11 |Environmental Protection Countermeasures During Construction Period |P142 |

|Tab. 5-12 |Environmental Protection Countermeasures During Construction Period |P145 |

|Tab. 6-1 |Emergency devices recommended by the Yingshang Ship Lock Administration Office |P151 |

|Tab.7-1 |Summary of the forecast about possible water and soil losses | P153 |

|Tab. 8-1 |Public Participation Process Table |P160 |

|Tab. 8-2(A) |Public participation & survey form for Shaying River Yingshang 2nd waterway ship lock project |P164 |

|Tab.8-2(B) |Public participation & survey form for Shaying River Yingshang 2nd waterway ship lock project |P166 |

|Tab.8-2(C) |Survey Form for Governmental Mechanism and Social Community |P168 |

|Tab.8-3 |Public participation & survey form for Shaying River Yingshang 2nd waterway ship lock project (the|P170 |

| |second stage) | |

|Tab.8-4 |Statistic Form for the Interviewees of the Survey |P172 |

|Tab.8-5 |Statistics for Public participation & Survey Form |P173 |

|Tab.8-6 |Statics of Basic Information of Interviewees (2nd Stage) |P176 |

|Tab.8-7 |Public Participation and Survey Advices Statistics (2nd Stage) |P176 |

|Tab.9-1 |“Three simultaneity” on Pollution Governance, Effect and Cost Estimation |P181 |

Content of Figures

|S/N |Title |Page |

|Fig. 1-1 | Location of the Yingshang 2nd Waterway Ship Lock Project |P3 |

|Fig. 1-2 |Present Situation of the Protection Targets |P21 |

|Fig. 1-3 |Location of The Environmentally Sensitive Areas within the scope of the construction |P22 |

| |period | |

|Fig. 1-4 |Location of The Environmentally Sensitive Areas Along Transport Route within the scope of |P23 |

| |the construction period | |

|Fig. 1-5 |Location of The Environmentally Sensitive Areas within the scope of the Operation period |P24 |

|Fig. 3-1 | Mooring piers in approach channel at lower stream |P29 |

|Fig. 3-2 | Architectural Illustration of 2nd Waterway Ship Lock |P33 |

|Fig. 3-3 |Details of Plan Arrangement for Spoil Area |P51 |

|Fig. 3-4 |Eearthwork Balance & Flow |P57 |

|Fig. 3-5 | Illustration of Construction Process and Pollution Chain |P68 |

|Fig. 3-6 | Dismantling sequence for road bridge over lock chamber |P73 |

|Fig. 3-7 | Reconstruction process of road bridge over lock chamber |P74 |

|Fig. 3-8 | Balance between water supply and discharge at |P81 |

| |ship lock management station during operation | |

|Fig. 4-1 |Raw Topographic Map of The Project Area |P84 |

|Fig. 4-2 | Deployment of Monitoring Sections of Surface Water |P89 |

|Fig. 4-3 |Section Drawing for Traffic Noise Attenuation of Ships of Approach Channel in Lowe Reaches|P93 |

|Fig. 4-4 |Section of Noise Attenuation of Ships of Approach Channel |P98 |

|Fig. 4-5 | Noise Changes in 24 Hours |P99 |

|Fig. 4-6 | Changes of Vehicles Volume in 24 Hours |P99 |

|Fig. 5-1 | Underwater Earthwork Drying and Residual Water Treatment Process Flow Diagram |P118 |

|Fig. 8-1 | Screenshot of the first publicity on website |P162 |

|Fig.8-2 |Sticking poster |P162 |

|Fig.8-3 |Symposium on-site |P163 |

|Fig.8-4 |Picture of full-text publicity |P169 |

|Fig.8-5 |Media Publicity for the Second Stage |P169 |

|Fig.8-6 |Symposium of Second Stage |P170 |

Attachment 1: Domestic Approval of EIA

Attachment 2: Public Participation Questionnaire

Figure 1: Project Location in Anhui Province

Figure 2:Project Location and Monitoring Spots

Figure 3:Prevention and Control of Soil and Water Conservation Measures


1.1 Background and Scope of the Project

The Shaying River has a very long history of water transport. Since antiquity, its water transport has been in a constant process of suspension, improvement and resumption. From 2012 onwards, a three-year-long improvement effort began for the length of the Shaying River in Anhui. As the last ship lock in the downstream navigation channel, the Yingshang Ship Lock passed the EIA acceptance test of the Anhui Provincial Environmental Protection Department in July 2012. With the completion and commissioning of the Fuyang Ship Lock, navigation for the whole stretch of the Shaying River has resumed. As the existing Yingshang Ship Lock is inadequate to meet the navigation requirements, a new bottleneck problem stands in the way of greater transport capacities. In order to cope with the pressing demand for inland navigation, Anhui Provincial Port & Shipping Construction Investment Group (hereinafter referred to as “APPSCI”) has proposed to expand the capacity of the existing Yingshang Ship Lock. The proposed Yingshang 2nd Waterway Ship Lock Project (hereinafter referred to as “the Project”, “the Proposed Project” or “the Work”) is an extension of the existing Ship Lock as well as a subproject of the Shaying river channel improvement project financed by a World Bank loan. Anhui Provincial Department of Transport has included the Project in its 12th Five-Year Water Transport Development Programme and the Anhui Provincial Development & Reform Commission has officially approved the proposal submitted by APPSCI.

The Proposed Project is to be sited on the right of the existing Yingshang Suice Gate of the Shaying River channel, or more precisely, on the diversion dam between the Yingshang Sluice Gate and the existing Yingshang Ship Lock. It is located 80km from the upstream Fuyang Ship Lock and 45km from the downstream Mohekou Town. The geographical location of the Project is shown in Att. 1 and Fig. 1-1.

The Project is to be built against Grade IV navigation channel standards, with a design tonnage of 500t (up to 1,000t) and a maximum annual unidirectional navigation tonnage of 12 million tons. The lock chamber has a dimension of 200×23×4.0m (Length*Width*Water Depth at Lock Sill). The upstream and downstream approach channels have a length of respectively 540m and 760m. The upstream approach channel, measuring 80m across at the bottom, is shared with the Single Waterway Ship Lock. The downstream approach channel is built independently and measures 40m across. A new ship lock management facility will be built. 300.34m of bridge renovation work will also be involved. The total area of the Project is 50.26hm2, including an additional 49.45 hm2 for the Work. The additional area includes 9.90hm2 for permanent uses (intended primarily for hydraulic engineering purposes; it comprises 0.81hm2 for the Single Waterway Ship Lock and an additional 9.09 hm2) and 40.36hm2 for temporary uses (dominated by tidal flats, arable land and construction-purpose land for the Single Waterway Ship Lock).

The Project involves 2.1169 million cubic meters of cut work (including 118,300m3 of overburden soil stripping and 2,400m3 of rubble generated by the demolition of the existing management facility and the renovation of a bridge), a total backfill work of 644,400m3 and a total spoil work of 1.4725 million cubic meters. 13,500m3 of overburden soil will be dumped in two temporary spoil areas, 3,300m3 of overburden soil will be dumped in a corner of the Site of the Project (hereinafter referred to as “the Site”), 101,500m3 of overburden soil will be dumped in a corner of the spoil areas, 2,400 m3 of rubble will be used for subgrade fill and the remaining 1.3518 million cubic meters of spoil will be transported to the spoil areas. The actual total spoil work is 1.3518 million cubic meters, which will be transported to the spoil areas. The planned construction period is 30 months and the total investment is RMB274.3706 million.

1.2 Environmental Protection

As stipulated by construction project environmental management procedures and applicable national environmental protection laws and regulations, APPSCI employed Beijing Zhongzi-Huayu Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “ZHET”) to prepare the Environmental Impact Assessment Report on the Shaying River Yingshang 2nd Waterway Ship Lock Project (domestic edition; hereinafter referred to as “the EIA Report” or “Report”) in March, 2013 at the feasibility study stage of the Project. The EIA Report was approved by Environmental Protection Department of Anhui Province. In order to further control the quality of the Report and fulfill the World Bank’s requirements, ZHET made further changes, supplements and revisions to the Environmental Impact Assessment Report on the Yingshang 2nd Ship Lock Project as a Subproject of the Shaying River Channel Improvement Project in compliance with the requirements of the World Bank’s procedures. World Bank’s experts reviewed the Report in January 2014, making comments on the basis of which ZHET made further revisions.


Fig. 1-1 – Location of the Yingshang 2nd Waterway Ship Lock Project

1.3 Purpose of the EIA Report

The EIA Report is prepared in order to implement the sustainable development strategy, prevent adverse environmental impacts brought by the Project (if any) and contribute to the coordination among economy, society and the environment.

1.4 Basis for Preparation

1.4.1 Legal Basis

Applicable World Bank Policies

1. Environmental Assessment

(1) Environmental Assessment (OP/BP4.01, 1999.1) applies to the Project.

(2) Refer to Sec. 1.5.1 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Report on the Anhui Shaying River Channel Improvement Project (World Bank edition).

1.4.2 Technical Basis

1. The Confirmation Letter on the Applicable Environmental Impact Assessment Standards for the Shaying River Yingshang 2nd Waterway Ship Lock Project (Fu Huan Xing Shen Han [2013]27); issued by the Fuyang Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau on 2 May 2013).

2. For other references, see Sec. 1.5.2 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Report on the Anhui Shaying River Channel Improvement Project (World Bank’s edition).

1.4.3 Technical Documentation

1. The Feasibility Study Report on the Shaying River Yingshang 2nd Waterway Ship Lock Project (issued by the Anhui Survey and Design Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydropower and the Anhui Provincial Communications Survey & Design Institute in May 2013).

2. The Soil & Water Conservation Report on the Shaying River Yingshang 2nd Waterway Ship Lock Project (issued by Anhui Jinyuan Irrigation & Hydropower Consulting Services Co., Ltd. in Nov. 2013; submitted for approval).

3. The Flood Control Report on the Shaying River Yingshang 2nd Waterway Ship Lock Project (issued by the Anhui Survey and Design Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydropower in Oct. 2013).

.4. The Demonstration Report on Impacts on the Navigational Safety of the Shaying River Yingshang 2nd Waterway Ship Lock Project (issued by Anhui Haida Maritime Consulting and Service Co., Ltd. ).

1.4.4. Relevant Programmes

.1. Anhui Provincial Inland Shipping Development Plan 2005-2020;

2. The Approval of the Inclusion of the Shaying River Yingshang 2nd Waterway Ship Lock Project in Anhui’s 12th Five-Year Water Transport Development Programme (No.: WJGHH[2012]850H; issued by the Anhui Provincial Department of Transport on 27 Nov. 2012).

.3. The Directive on the Siting of the Shaying River Yingshang 2nd Waterway Ship Block Project (No.: FGB[2013]137H; issued by the Fuyang Municipal Urban and Rural Planning Bureau on 30 Oct. 2013).

.4. The Yingshang Overall Urban Planning (2008-2030) (issued by the Yingshang County People’s government).

1.5 Grades and Scope of Assessment

1.5.1 Assessment Factors

The following primary assessment factors are selected on the basis of the identification and analysis of environmental impact factors of the Project while considering the practical engineering circumstances and the situation of the ambient environment:

(1) Eco-system: Aquatic Ecosystem: phytoplankton, zooplankton and benthos.

(2) Surface Water: COD, SS, petroleum and ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N).

(3) Ambient Noise Level: Equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure level (LAeq).

(4) Ambient Atmosphere: SO2, NO2 and TSP.

1.5.2 Grades of Assessment

See Tab. 1-1 for details of the grades of assessment for the Project.

Tab. 1-1 – Grades of the Environmental Impact Assessment for the Shaying River Yingshang 2nd Waterway Ship Lock Project

|Environmental Factor |Basis |Grade of Assessment |

|Ecology |HJ19-2011: Normal environmental impact. The Project covers 0.5026 km2 (smaller than |Grade 3 |

| |2km2). | |

|Ambient area |HJ2.2-2008: TSP and NO2 are tested as the main pollutants based on the environmental |Grade 3 |

| |impact analysis of the Project. Since clean energy forms the major concentrated | |

| |sources of emissions along the route, there is only a very slight impact on the | |

| |ambient atmospheric environment. | |

|Surface water |HJ/T2.3-93 |Grade 3 |

|Groundwater |HJ610-2011 |Grade 3 |

|Ambient noise level |Extension Project. The primarily environmentally sensitive areas are residential areas|Grade 2 |

| |with an ambient noise level classifiable as Grade 2 (HJ2.4-2009). | |

1.5.3 Scope of Assessment

The scope of assessment is identified on the basis of technical guidance policy on environmental impact assessment, environmental impact assessment specifications on inland navigation projects and the importance of environmental impact factors to environmental elements. See Tab. 1-2.

Tab. 1-2 – Scope of the Environmental Impact Assessment for the Shaying River Yingshang 2nd Waterway Ship Lock Project

|Environmental Element|Scope of Assessment |

|Ecosystem |Areas between 1,000m upstream of the terminal of the upstream approach channel and 1,000 downstream of the |

| |terminal of the downstream approach channel; areas within 200m of the outer periphery of both approach |

| |channels; and spoil areas, temporary construction roads and the Site. |

|Ambient atmosphere |Primarily such environmentally sensitive areas as the Site, spoil areas and residential areas within 500m |

| |of the outer periphery of the ship lock. |

|Surface water |Areas between 1,000m upstream of the terminal of the upstream approach channel and 3,000m downstream of the|

| |terminal of the downstream approach channel. |

|Groundwater | The main works of the ship lock and a 20km2 outer periphery area |

|Ambient noise level |The principal part of the Site, residential areas within 500m of the outer periphery of the ship lock and |

| |other environmentally sensitive areas. |

|Social environment |Areas exposed to direct environmental impacts (primarily social environment changes, i.e. land |

| |acquisition). |

1.6 Assessment Standards

As confirmed by the Confirmation Letter on the Applicable Environmental Impact Assessment Standards for the Shaying River Yingshang 2nd Waterway Ship Lock Project (Fu Huan Xing Shen Han [2013]27) issued by the Fuyang Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, the following standards apply to this environmental impact assessment:

1.6.1 Environmental Quality Standards

(1) Ambient Atmosphere: The Project area shall meet the Grade 2 requirements of the Ambient Atmosphere Quality Standard (GB3095-1996; including the 2000 revision edition). Besides, it is recommended that the Project should meet the Grade 2 requirements of the Ambient Atmosphere Quality Standard (GB3095-2012) during its operation period. See Tab. 1-3 for details.

Tab. 1-3 (A) – Concentration Limits of Pollutants in the Ambient Atmosphere (based on GB3095-1996 and its revision edition)

|Atmosphere Quality Standard |Pollutant Type |Sampling Frequency |Concentration Limits |

| | | |(mg/Nm³) |

|Grade 2 requirements of the Ambient Atmosphere |SO2 |1h average |0.50 |

|Quality Standard (GB3095-1996; including the 2000| |Daily average |0.15 |

|revision edition) | |Annual average |0.06 |

| |TSP |Daily average |0.30 |

| | |Annual average |0.20 |

| |PM10 |Daily average |0.15 |

| | |Annual average |0.10 |

| |NO2 |1h average |0.24 |

| | |Daily average |0.12 |

| | |Annual average |0.08 |

Tab. 1-3 (B) - Concentration Limits of Pollutants in the Ambient Atmosphere (based on GB3095-2012)

|Atmosphere Quality Standard |Pollutant Type |Sampling Frequency |Concentration Limits |Unit |

|Ambient Atmosphere Quality Standard |SO2 |1h average |500 |µg/m³ |

|(GB3095-2012) | |24h average |150 | |

| | |Annual average |60 | |

| |NO2 |1h average |200 |µg/m³ |

| | |24h average |80 | |

| | |Annual average |40 | |

| |CO |24h average |4 |mg/m³ |

| | |1h average |10 | |

| |Particulates (grain size: ≤10µm)|24h average |150 |µg/m³ |

| | |Annual average |70 | |

| |Particulates (grain size: ≤2.5µm |24h average |75 |µg/m³ |

| |) |Annual average |35 | |

Surface Water: The surface water in the vicinity of the Shaying River shall meet the Grade IV requirements of the Surface Water Quality Standard (GB3838-2002). See Tab. 1-4 for specific values.

Tab.1-4 Surface Water Quality Standard Values

|Pollutant Type |Standard Value |Source of the Value |

| |(mg/L; exclusive of | |

| |pH) | |

|pH |6-9 |For SS, the standard limits specified by the Field Irrigation Water Quality Standard|

| | |(GB5084-2005) for moderate drought-tolerant crops shall apply. For the remaining |

| | |indicators, the Grade IV requirements in the Surface Water Quality Standard |

| | |(GB3838-2002) shall apply. |

|DO |≥3 | |

|Permanganate index |≤10 | |

|BOD5 |≤6 | |

|COD |≤30 | |

|NH3-N |≤1.5 | |

|As |≤0.1 | |

|Volatile phenols |≤0.01 | |

|Petroleum |≤0.5 | |

|Fecal coliform group |≤20,000 | |

|(groups/L) | | |

|SS |≤100 | |

(3) Ambient Noise Level: For areas within 30m of the building lines on both sides of the navigation channel, the Grade 4a requirements in the Ambient Noise Level Standard (GB3096-2008) shall apply. For the remaining areas, the Grade 2 requirements of the same standard shall apply. See Tab. 1-5 for specific values.

Tab. 1-5 – Ambient Noise Level Standard (unit: dB(A))

|Grade Requirements in the Applicable Standard|Standard Value (dB(A)) |

| |Day |Night |

|Grade 2 |60 |50 |

|Grade 4a |70 |55 |

(4) Sediment: Sediment shall meet the Grade 2 requirements specified in the Soil Environment Quality Standard (GB15618-1995). See Tab. 1-6 for specific values.

Tab. 1-6 – Soil Environment Quality Standard (unit: mg/kg)

|Assessment Standard |pH |Cu |Pb |Zn |Hg |As |Cr |Ni |

|Grade 2 | ................

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