
WebAccess SE Technical Share Document

|Date |2019 / 12 / 02 |Related Product |WISE-PaaS/Dashboard |

|Category |■ FAQ □ SOP | | |

| |□ Driver Tech Note | | |

|Abstract |How to export excel report from WISE-PaaS Dashboard |

|Keyword |WISE-PaaS/Dashboard, Datatable, Excel Report, Export CSV |

|Related OS | |

|Revision History |

|Date |Version |Author |Reviewer |Description |

|2019/12/02 |V1.0 |William.Lin | |WISE-PaaS Dashboard version v1.3.5 (or |

| | | | |above) |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

■ Problem Description:

This FAQ describes how to export excel report file in WISE-PaaS/Dashboard.

■ Brief Solution - Step by Step:

1. Open your Advanced Datatable panel. If you don’t have, create a new one.


2. Select your data source, make sure the data source must format as Table.


3. Back to your dashboard.


4. Select More => Export CSV to export your excel report.


5. Click “Excel CSV Dialect”, and click Export to get the same segmentation from your original table. If you do not click this option, all the columns in your table will be combined to one column.


6. Result verification. (With clicking Excel CSV Dialect.)


Result verification. (Without clicking Excel CSV Dialect.)



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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