Things to know for exam on Thursday - JMU

Things to know for exam on Thursday

Note that it is not possible to take a make-up exam

|Bindings |What are the four types of bindings generally associated with a variable? |

|types | |

|times |For each of the following bindings commonly associated with a variable, tell when |

| |they most commonly occur (be as specific as possible): |

| |location |

| |value |

| |type |

| |name |

| c. times |What type of binding generally occurs at |

| |language design time |

| |language implementation time |

| |compile time |

| |load time |

| |run time |

|times |Pick a language from among the languages C, Java, Ada, and Pascal, and give as |

|Louden, p. 80 #5.1 2nd edition |precise binding times as you can for the following attributes, and give reasons for |

| |your answers: |

| |the maximum number of significant digits in a real number |

| |the meaning of char |

| |the size of an array variable |

| |the size of an array parameter |

| |the location of a local variable |

| |the value of a constant |

| |the location of a function |

| | |

|Variable | procedure scope2 is |

|scope |a, b: integer; |

|dynamic |function p return integer is |

|static |a : integer; |

| |begin –- point 1 |

|Louden, p. 181, #5.9, 2nd edition |a := 0; |

| |b := 1; |

| |return 2; |

| |end p; |

| | |

| |procedure print is |

| |begin -- point2 |

| |put(a); |

| |new_line; |

| |put(b); |

| |new_line; |

| |put(p); |

| |new_line; |

| |end print; |

| | |

| |procedure q is |

| |b, p : integer; |

| |begin – point 3 |

| |a:= 3; |

| |b := 4; |

| |p := 5; |

| |print; |

| |end q; |

| | |

| |begin |

| |a := p; |

| |q; |

| |end scope2; |

| |with ada.text_io; |

| |with ada.integer_text_io; |

| |use ada.text_io; |

| |use ada.integer_text_io; |

| |procedure scope1 is |

| |a, b: integer; |

| |function p return integer is |

| |a,p : integer; |

| |begin -- point 1 |

| |a := 0; |

| |b := 1; |

| |p := 2; |

| |return p; |

| |end p; |

| | |

| |procedure print is |

| |begin -- point2 |

| |put(a); |

| |new_line; |

| |put(b); |

| |new_line; |

| |end print; |

| | |

| |procedure q is |

| |b : integer; |

| |begin -- point 3 |

| |a:= 3; |

| |b := 4; |

| |print; |

| |end q; |

| | |

| |begin |

| |a := p; |

| |q; |

| |end scope1; |

| | |

|lifetime | |

| |The basic form of an is shown below in EBNF|

|Selection statements in FORTRAN, Java, Pascal, Ada |where is either a single statement or a group |

|types |of statements enclosed in curly braces. |

|behavior | → if () [else |

|syntax |] |

|short circuit evaluation |By the above run, the following is a legal |

| |in which e1 and e2 are expressions and S1 and S2 are |

| |statements or statement groups. |

| |if (e1) if (e2) S1 else S2 |

| |Either explain in words why this if-statement is ambiguous|

| |or draw two different parse trees for |

|The advantage of short-circuit evaluation of Boolean or logical expressions is |Given the following legal FORTRAN statements, show how |

|that it can prevent certain runtime errors from occurring. |they would be written in Java or Pascal. |

| |if (x) 10, 20, 30 |

|Describe how short-circuit evaluation behaves with the and operator. |10 write (6,22) x * x |

| |go to 40 |

|Given the following pseudo-code examples, which is the one that can prevent an |20 write (6, 22) x + 4.5 |

|error from occurring and what error might occur with the other one? |go to 40 |

| |30 write (6, 22) x - 5.3 |

|if (i = x) then |40 x = x + 2.2 |

|.... | |

| | |

|if (a(i) >= x) and (i |

| |y := 0; |

| |z := 2; |

| |when 2..5 => |

| |y := 3; |

| |z := 1; |

| |when 7 | 9 => |

| |z := 10; |

| |when other => |

| |null; |

| |end case; |

|How would the following FORTRAN statement be written in Pascal? | |

| | |

|goto (53, 42, 1, 13, 20) X | |

|Iteration statements in FORTRAN, Java, Pascal, Ada |In C and Java the index value of a for loop may be defined|

|types |outside of the for loop or inside it. Where is the index |

|behavior |values of an Ada for loop declared? |

|syntax | |

|What are three differences between the for loop in Ada and Pascal? |The following code would be flagged as illegal by the Ada |

| |compiler |

|What are three differences between the for loop in Ada and Java? |for i in 1..10 loop |

| |i := 5; |

| |ada.integer_text_io.put (i); |

| |end loop; |

| |Why? |

|The following code is legal in Ada. |How many times would i be output if the following Ada loop|

| |was executed? |

|for i in -1 .. 1 loop |num := 5; |

|ada.integer_text_io.put (i); |for i in 1..num loop |

|for i in 3..3 loop |ada.integer_text_io.put (i); |

|ada.integer_text_io.put (i); |num := 3; |

|for i in reverse 6..7 loop |end loop; |

|ada.integer_text_io.put(i); | |

|end loop; |How many times would i be output if the corresponding Java|

|ada.text_io.new_line; |loop was executed? |

|end loop; | |

|end loop; | |

| |How many times would i be output if the corresponding |

|What would the output be if it were run? |Pascal loop was executed? |

| | |

|Assuming i is declared previous to this code, what would the output be in the | |

|corresponding Java loop? | |

| | |

|Assuming i is declared previous to this code, what would the output be in the | |

|corresponding Pascal loop? | |

|Ada, Java, FORTRAN, and Pascal all have iteration control structures. Choose | |

|two (2) forms of iteration control structures in any one (1) of these languages,| |

|show their syntax in pseudo code and describe clearly the major difference | |

|between them. | |

|Subprograms in FORTRAN, Java, Pascal, Ada |What are two distinct types of subprograms present in all |

|types |of these languages? |

|parameter modes | |

|syntax |What is the major difference between them? |

|results | |

|How do each of the following languages pass their parameters? |What are Ada’s parameter modes |


|Java | |

|Pascal | |

|In FORTRAN IV, a function returns its value by assignment to the function |Te following subproram is written in FORTRAN. If this |

|name. What type of function is available in Java, Pascal and Ada that this |program is called with actual parameters M and N holding|

|type of return mechanism prevents? |4 and 5 respectively, then after return from the |

| |subprogram, M and N will hold 5 and 4 respectively. What|

| |parameter mechanism does FORTRAN use that causes this? |

| | |


| |ITEMP = K |

| |K = L |

| |L = ITEMP |


| |END |

| | |

| |If this subprogram were written in Java and called with M |

| |and N holding 4 and 5 respectively, what would M and N |

| |hold after return from the subprogram? What parameter |

| |mechanism does Java use that causes this? |

| | |

| |If this subprogram were written in Pascal, the programmer |

| |could choose what M and N would hold after return from the|

| |subprogram. Describe how this is accomplished. |

|The following code fragment uses arrays in Java. The first line declares and |Briefly explain the following parameter passing mechanisms|

|allocates an array of two integers. the next two lines initialize it. |and the difference between them. For each, tell a |

|int[ ] A = new int [2]’ |language that uses it. |

|A [ 0] = 0; | |

|A[1] = 2; |parameter passing by value |

|f ( A[0], A[A[0]]); |parameter passing by reference |

| |parameter passing by result |

|Function f is defined as |parameter passing by value-result |

|void f (int x, int y) | |

|{ | |

|x = 1; |page 101, exercise 15, Roosta |

|y = 3; | |

|} | |

| | |

|For each of the following parameter-passing methods, say what the final values | |

|in the array A would be after the call to f. | |

|by value (i.e. copy) | |

|by reference (i.e. address) | |

|by result (i.e. copy out) | |

|by value-result (i.e. copy in, copy out) | |

|by name - not yet | |

| | |

|page 385 Webber, Modern Programming Languages, ex 6 | |

|What is the output of the following program written in Pascal syntax using the | |

|following parameter passing mechanisms: | |

|pass by value | |

|pass by reference | |

|pass by result | |

|pass by value-result | |

| | |

|program test (output); | |

|var i : integer; | |

|a : array [1..2] of integer; | |

| | |

|procedure P( x,y : integer); | |

|begin | |

|x := x + 1; | |

|i := i + 1; | |

|y := y + 1; | |

|end; | |

| | |

|begin | |

|a[1] := 1; | |

|a[2] := 1; | |

|i := 1; | |

|P( a[i], a[i]); (* here’s the problem line *) | |

|writeln (a[1]); | |

|writeln (a[2]); | |

|end. | |

| | |

|page 101, exercise 16, Roosta (have some doubts about this one) | |

|Grammars |What were three (3) of the things that the BNF for Mini-Language |

|components |Core was not able to specify? |

|purposes | |

|BNF vs EBNF | |

|pre-conditions | |

|Dr. Grove’s material | |

|limitations | |

|What are the component parts of a grammar? |What are the two main purposes of a grammar? (i.e. what can we do |

| |with one?) |

|Given the following context-free grammar: |Given the following grammar |

| |G = ( {S,A}, {0,1}, P, S) represented by the following production |

|S → 0S | 1A |rules where ℇ is the empty string which has length 0. |

|A → 0S | 1B |S → 0A1 |

|B → 0S | 1C | 1 |A → 0A1 |

|C → 1C | 0C | 1 | 0 |A → ℇ |

| | |

|Generate 3 valid sentences in this language |Generate 3 valid sentences in this language. |

| | |

| |Tell in words what the sentences in this language look like. |

|page 117, example 4.7 Roosta | |

| |page 118, example 4.9 Roosta |

|Assume the following grammar: |Using the following syntactic specifications, demonstrate the |

|< assign > ::= < id > := < expr > |ambiguity of the grammar by displaying two derivation tress fo the |

|< id > ::= A | B | C |expression a+b+c |

|< expr > ::= < id > + < expr > | |

|< expr > ::= < id > * < expr> | ::= | |

|< expr > ::= (< expr>) | ::= | |

|< expr> ::= < id > | ::= + | - |

| | ::= a|b|c |

|Show a parse tree and a left-most derivation of the following | |

|statement: |page 137 , problem 15, Roosta |

|A := A * ( B + ( C * A )) | |

| | |

|page 136, problem 8, Roosta | |

|Consider the following productions: |Prove that the following grammar is ambiguous but first, tell what|

| |it means for a grammar to be ambiguous. |

| ::= [ , ] | |

| ::= | ::= |

| ::= | ::= + |

| ::= () | ::= |

| ::= x | ::= a|b|c |

| ::= y | |

| ::= z |page 136, problem 9, Roosta |

| | |

|for each of the following strings, show every step in the derivation | |

|tree that proves that the string belongs in the grammar | |

| | |

|z | |

|(x) | |

|[y] | |

|[(x),y] | |

|[ (x), [y,x]] | |

| | |

|page 137, #13, Roosta | |

|Assume that we have the following production rules |Copnsider the following grammar specifications: |

| ::= | ::= * |

| ::= + | ::= & |

| ::= - | ::= c |

| ::= * | |

| ::= 40 | 3 | 9 |Give a derivation and parse tree for the string c*c&c&c*c |

| | |

|Is the expression 40-3-9 ambiguous? |Prove that the grammar is ambiguous |

|Prove that it is or it isn’t | |

| |modification of p 138, problem 20, Roosta |

|page 136, problem 10 Roosta | |

|Given the following grammar | |

|G = ( {S,T}, {a,b}, P, S) represented by the following production | |

|rules where ℇ is the empty string which has length 0. | |

| | |

|S → aaTb | |

|T → aaTb | |

|T → ℇ | |

| | |

|Generate 3 valid sentences in this language. | |

| | |

|Tell in words what the sentences in this language look like. | |

| | |

|variation of page 138, problem 19 , Roosta | |

|Exception handling in FORTRAN, Java, Pascal, Ada |Describe the exception handling mechanisms we have seen in|

| |two (2) of the following four (4) languages: FORTRAN, |

| |Java, Pascal, Ada |

|What is the difference in approach to exception handling between Java and |Describe what happens when an exception occurs in Java |

|Ada? | |

| | |

|All of Chapter 1 in our text |What are three (3) desireable characteristics of a |

|why study languages |programming language? |

|how to evaluate languages | |

|influences on language design | |

|language categories | |

|language design trade-offs | |

|implementation methods | |

|What do we gain from studying a variety of programming languages? |It has been said that “languages shape the way we |

| |think”. With regard to the domain of programming |

| |languages, do you agree or disagree with that statement?|

| |Explain why you agree or disagree and give examples to |

| |illustrate your choice. |

|In order for high level programming languages to be run on computers they must |The two common methods of translation from high level |

|be translated into the machine language of the computer they are running on. |programming language to machine language are compilation|

|What are the two methods of translation we have talked about? Describe the |and interpretation. |

|major difference between them. |Tell what methods are used by each of the following |

| |languages: |


| |Java |

| |Pascal |

|Data types in FORTRAN, Java, Pascal, Ada |Describe two (2) ways in which FORTRAN differs from Ada |

|scalar |with regard to data type |

|structured | |

|type compatibility | |

|type checking | |

|What are the scalar types we studied in FORTRAN? |Pascal has a structured data type called a record. |

| |FORTRAN IV’s only structured data type is an array. |

|What are the scalar types we studied in Pascal? |Given the following Pascal declaration for an array of |

| |records, write the necessary FORTRAN declarations to |

| |manipulate the same data. |

| | |

| |InfoRecord = Record |

| |number : integer; |

| |earnings, tax : real; |

| |end; |

| |EmployeeRecords = Array [1..100] of InfoRecord |

|Assuming that X has been declared to be a floating point number and | |

|assigned the value 98.7 and that N has been declared to be an integer and | |

|assigned the value 25, | |

| | |

|What is the result of adding X and N and storing the result in N in | |

|FORTRAN? Describe what happened and why? | |

| | |

|What is the result of adding x and n and storing the result in X in Ada? | |

|Describe what happened and why. | |

| | |

| Dr. Bernstein’s material | |

| | |

|Chapter 2 in our text on FORTRAN, Java, Pascal | |

|and Ada | |

| Basic statements |What are the five basic types of statements that we |

|types |generally expect to find in a programming language. |

| | |

| |For one (1) of these types of statements, pick two (2) of |

| |the languages we have written programs in this semester |

| |(FORTRAN, Java, Pascal and Ada) and describe two (2) |

| |differences between them. |

| Miscellaneous |What is a potential problem that occurs when using DOS |

|DOS compilation commands |redirection to send a program’s output to a file? |

|use of files | |

|redirection | |

|When using files in Pascal, what are the necessary actions that must |When using files in Pascal, if you neglect to close the files |

|occur? ( you may either give a series of code statements or describe in |when you are done with them, what problem may occur? |

|words) | |

|Given the following FORTRAN code and a line of input consisting of the | |

|digits shown below with no spaces between them , what would be stored in | |

|the variables and what would the output be? |Given the following FORTRAN code and a line of input consisting |

|1234567898765432123456789 |of the digits shown below with no spaces between them , what |

| |would be stored in the variables and what would the output be? |

|READ (5, 13) X, Y, I, Z |1234567898765432123456789 |

|FORMAT (F3.2, 1X, F7.3, I4, F2.1) | |

|WRITE (6, 14) X,Y,I,Z |READ (5, 13) X, Y, I, Z |

|FORMAT (1X, F5.2, 2X, F8.3, 1X, I5, 1X, F3.1) |13 FORMAT (F3.2, 1X, F7.3, I4, F2.1) |

| |WRITE (6, 14) X,Y,I,Z |

|1234567898765432123456789 |14 FORMAT (1X, F5.2, 2X, F7.2, 1X, I5, 1X, F3.1) |

|1.23 5678.987 6543 2.1 |STOP |

| |END |

| | |

| | |

| |1234567898765432123456789 |

| |1.23 5678.99 6543 2.1 |

|Given the following FORTRAN code and a line of input consisting of the | |

|digits shown below with no spaces between them , what would be stored in | |

|the variables and what would the output be? | |

|1234567898765432123456789 | |

| | |

| | |

|READ (5, 13) X, Y, I, Z | |

|13 FORMAT (F3.2, 1X, F7.3, I4, F2.1) | |

|WRITE (6, 14) X,Y,I,Z | |

|14 FORMAT (1X, F5.2, 2X, F7.3, 1X, I5, 1X, F3.1) | |

|STOP | |

|END | |

| | |

| | |

|12345678987654321234567898 | |

|1.23 ******* 6543 2.1 | |

|Chapter 5 | |

|textbook | |

|slides | |


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